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      1 ; RUN: llc < %s -regalloc=fast -optimize-regalloc=0 -verify-machineinstrs -mtriple=x86_64-apple-darwin10
      2 ; <rdar://problem/7755473>
      3 ; PR12821
      5 %0 = type { i32, i8*, i8*, %1*, i8*, i64, i64, i32, i32, i32, i32, [1024 x i8] }
      6 %1 = type { i8*, i32, i32, i16, i16, %2, i32, i8*, i32 (i8*)*, i32 (i8*, i8*, i32)*, i64 (i8*, i64, i32)*, i32 (i8*, i8*, i32)*, %2, %3*, i32, [3 x i8], [1 x i8], %2, i32, i64 }
      7 %2 = type { i8*, i32 }
      8 %3 = type opaque
     10 declare fastcc i32 @func(%0*, i32, i32) nounwind ssp
     12 define fastcc void @func2(%0* %arg, i32 %arg1) nounwind ssp {
     13 bb:
     14   br label %.exit3
     16 .exit3:                                           ; preds = %.exit3, %bb
     17   switch i32 undef, label %.exit3 [
     18     i32 -1, label %.loopexit
     19     i32 37, label %bb2
     20   ]
     22 bb2:                                              ; preds = %bb5, %bb3, %.exit3
     23   br i1 undef, label %bb3, label %bb5
     25 bb3:                                              ; preds = %bb2
     26   switch i32 undef, label %infloop [
     27     i32 125, label %.loopexit
     28     i32 -1, label %bb4
     29     i32 37, label %bb2
     30   ]
     32 bb4:                                              ; preds = %bb3
     33   %tmp = add nsw i32 undef, 1                     ; <i32> [#uses=1]
     34   br label %.loopexit
     36 bb5:                                              ; preds = %bb2
     37   switch i32 undef, label %infloop1 [
     38     i32 -1, label %.loopexit
     39     i32 37, label %bb2
     40   ]
     42 .loopexit:                                        ; preds = %bb5, %bb4, %bb3, %.exit3
     43   %.04 = phi i32 [ %tmp, %bb4 ], [ undef, %bb3 ], [ undef, %.exit3 ], [ undef, %bb5 ] ; <i32> [#uses=2]
     44   br i1 undef, label %bb8, label %bb6
     46 bb6:                                              ; preds = %.loopexit
     47   %tmp7 = tail call fastcc i32 @func(%0* %arg, i32 %.04, i32 undef) nounwind ssp ; <i32> [#uses=0]
     48   ret void
     50 bb8:                                              ; preds = %.loopexit
     51   %tmp9 = sext i32 %.04 to i64                    ; <i64> [#uses=1]
     52   %tmp10 = getelementptr inbounds %0* %arg, i64 0, i32 11, i64 %tmp9 ; <i8*> [#uses=1]
     53   store i8 0, i8* %tmp10, align 1
     54   ret void
     56 infloop:                                          ; preds = %infloop, %bb3
     57   br label %infloop
     59 infloop1:                                         ; preds = %infloop1, %bb5
     60   br label %infloop1
     61 }
     64 ; RAFast would forget to add a super-register <imp-def> when rewriting:
     65 ;  %vreg10:sub_32bit<def,read-undef> = COPY %R9D<kill>
     66 ; This trips up the machine code verifier.
     67 define void @autogen_SD24657(i8*, i32*, i64*, i32, i64, i8) {
     68 BB:
     69   %A4 = alloca <16 x i16>
     70   %A3 = alloca double
     71   %A2 = alloca <2 x i8>
     72   %A1 = alloca i1
     73   %A = alloca i32
     74   %L = load i8* %0
     75   store i8 -37, i8* %0
     76   %E = extractelement <4 x i64> zeroinitializer, i32 2
     77   %Shuff = shufflevector <4 x i64> zeroinitializer, <4 x i64> zeroinitializer, <4 x i32> <i32 5, i32 7, i32 1, i32 3>
     78   %I = insertelement <2 x i8> <i8 -1, i8 -1>, i8 %5, i32 1
     79   %B = fadd float 0x45CDF5B1C0000000, 0x45CDF5B1C0000000
     80   %FC = uitofp i32 275048 to double
     81   %Sl = select i1 true, <2 x i8> %I, <2 x i8> <i8 -1, i8 -1>
     82   %Cmp = icmp slt i64 0, %E
     83   br label %CF
     85 CF:                                               ; preds = %BB
     86   store i8 %5, i8* %0
     87   store <2 x i8> %I, <2 x i8>* %A2
     88   store i8 %5, i8* %0
     89   store i8 %5, i8* %0
     90   store i8 %5, i8* %0
     91   ret void
     92 }