1 # Tests the case when gdb sends a character to gdbserver while 2 # the gdbserver was forced invoked just before. 3 # gdbserver must send a signal to itself that is wait-ed for by vgdb. 4 # But if this signal is masked, then vgdb does not recuperate the control 5 # and Valgrind dies. See function give_control_back_to_vgdb in m_gdbserver.c 6 prog: sleepers 7 args: 1 10000000 0 -S-S-S-S 8 vgopts: --tool=none --vgdb=yes --vgdb-error=0 --vgdb-prefix=./vgdb-prefix-nlsigvgdb 9 stderr_filter: filter_stderr 10 prereq: test -e gdb -a -f vgdb.ptraceinvoker 11 progB: gdb 12 argsB: --quiet -l 60 --nx ./sleepers 13 stdinB: nlsigvgdb.stdinB.gdb 14 stdoutB_filter: filter_gdb 15 stderrB_filter: filter_gdb 16