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      1 //
      2 // Copyright (c) 2002-2010 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
      3 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      4 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 //
      7 #ifndef _TYPES_INCLUDED
      8 #define _TYPES_INCLUDED
     10 #include "compiler/BaseTypes.h"
     11 #include "compiler/Common.h"
     12 #include "compiler/debug.h"
     14 //
     15 // Need to have association of line numbers to types in a list for building structs.
     16 //
     17 class TType;
     18 struct TTypeLine {
     19     TType* type;
     20     int line;
     21 };
     22 typedef TVector<TTypeLine> TTypeList;
     24 inline TTypeList* NewPoolTTypeList()
     25 {
     26     void* memory = GlobalPoolAllocator.allocate(sizeof(TTypeList));
     27     return new(memory) TTypeList;
     28 }
     30 //
     31 // This is a workaround for a problem with the yacc stack,  It can't have
     32 // types that it thinks have non-trivial constructors.  It should
     33 // just be used while recognizing the grammar, not anything else.  Pointers
     34 // could be used, but also trying to avoid lots of memory management overhead.
     35 //
     36 // Not as bad as it looks, there is no actual assumption that the fields
     37 // match up or are name the same or anything like that.
     38 //
     39 class TPublicType {
     40 public:
     41     TBasicType type;
     42     TQualifier qualifier;
     43     TPrecision precision;
     44     int size;          // size of vector or matrix, not size of array
     45     bool matrix;
     46     bool array;
     47     int arraySize;
     48     TType* userDef;
     49     int line;
     51     void setBasic(TBasicType bt, TQualifier q, int ln = 0)
     52     {
     53         type = bt;
     54         qualifier = q;
     55         precision = EbpUndefined;
     56         size = 1;
     57         matrix = false;
     58         array = false;
     59         arraySize = 0;
     60         userDef = 0;
     61         line = ln;
     62     }
     64     void setAggregate(int s, bool m = false)
     65     {
     66         size = s;
     67         matrix = m;
     68     }
     70     void setArray(bool a, int s = 0)
     71     {
     72         array = a;
     73         arraySize = s;
     74     }
     75 };
     77 typedef TMap<TTypeList*, TTypeList*> TStructureMap;
     78 typedef TMap<TTypeList*, TTypeList*>::iterator TStructureMapIterator;
     79 //
     80 // Base class for things that have a type.
     81 //
     82 class TType {
     83 public:
     84     POOL_ALLOCATOR_NEW_DELETE(GlobalPoolAllocator)
     85     TType() {}
     86     TType(TBasicType t, TPrecision p, TQualifier q = EvqTemporary, int s = 1, bool m = false, bool a = false) :
     87             type(t), precision(p), qualifier(q), size(s), matrix(m), array(a), arraySize(0),
     88             maxArraySize(0), arrayInformationType(0), structure(0), structureSize(0), fieldName(0), mangled(0), typeName(0)
     89     {
     90     }
     91     explicit TType(const TPublicType &p) :
     92             type(p.type), precision(p.precision), qualifier(p.qualifier), size(p.size), matrix(p.matrix), array(p.array), arraySize(p.arraySize),
     93             maxArraySize(0), arrayInformationType(0), structure(0), structureSize(0), fieldName(0), mangled(0), typeName(0)
     94     {
     95         if (p.userDef) {
     96             structure = p.userDef->getStruct();
     97             typeName = NewPoolTString(p.userDef->getTypeName().c_str());
     98         }
     99     }
    100     TType(TTypeList* userDef, const TString& n, TPrecision p = EbpUndefined) :
    101             type(EbtStruct), precision(p), qualifier(EvqTemporary), size(1), matrix(false), array(false), arraySize(0),
    102             maxArraySize(0), arrayInformationType(0), structure(userDef), structureSize(0), fieldName(0), mangled(0)
    103     {
    104         typeName = NewPoolTString(n.c_str());
    105     }
    107     void copyType(const TType& copyOf, TStructureMap& remapper)
    108     {
    109         type = copyOf.type;
    110         precision = copyOf.precision;
    111         qualifier = copyOf.qualifier;
    112         size = copyOf.size;
    113         matrix = copyOf.matrix;
    114         array = copyOf.array;
    115         arraySize = copyOf.arraySize;
    117         TStructureMapIterator iter;
    118         if (copyOf.structure) {
    119             if ((iter = remapper.find(structure)) == remapper.end()) {
    120                 // create the new structure here
    121                 structure = NewPoolTTypeList();
    122                 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < copyOf.structure->size(); ++i) {
    123                     TTypeLine typeLine;
    124                     typeLine.line = (*copyOf.structure)[i].line;
    125                     typeLine.type = (*copyOf.structure)[i].type->clone(remapper);
    126                     structure->push_back(typeLine);
    127                 }
    128             } else {
    129                 structure = iter->second;
    130             }
    131         } else
    132             structure = 0;
    134         fieldName = 0;
    135         if (copyOf.fieldName)
    136             fieldName = NewPoolTString(copyOf.fieldName->c_str());
    137         typeName = 0;
    138         if (copyOf.typeName)
    139             typeName = NewPoolTString(copyOf.typeName->c_str());
    141         mangled = 0;
    142         if (copyOf.mangled)
    143             mangled = NewPoolTString(copyOf.mangled->c_str());
    145         structureSize = copyOf.structureSize;
    146         maxArraySize = copyOf.maxArraySize;
    147         assert(copyOf.arrayInformationType == 0);
    148         arrayInformationType = 0; // arrayInformationType should not be set for builtIn symbol table level
    149     }
    151     TType* clone(TStructureMap& remapper)
    152     {
    153         TType *newType = new TType();
    154         newType->copyType(*this, remapper);
    156         return newType;
    157     }
    159     TBasicType getBasicType() const { return type; }
    160     void setBasicType(TBasicType t) { type = t; }
    162     TPrecision getPrecision() const { return precision; }
    163     void setPrecision(TPrecision p) { precision = p; }
    165     TQualifier getQualifier() const { return qualifier; }
    166     void setQualifier(TQualifier q) { qualifier = q; }
    168     // One-dimensional size of single instance type
    169     int getNominalSize() const { return size; }
    170     void setNominalSize(int s) { size = s; }
    171     // Full size of single instance of type
    172     int getObjectSize() const
    173     {
    174         int totalSize;
    176         if (getBasicType() == EbtStruct)
    177             totalSize = getStructSize();
    178         else if (matrix)
    179             totalSize = size * size;
    180         else
    181             totalSize = size;
    183         if (isArray())
    184             totalSize *= std::max(getArraySize(), getMaxArraySize());
    186         return totalSize;
    187     }
    189     bool isMatrix() const { return matrix ? true : false; }
    190     void setMatrix(bool m) { matrix = m; }
    192     bool isArray() const  { return array ? true : false; }
    193     int getArraySize() const { return arraySize; }
    194     void setArraySize(int s) { array = true; arraySize = s; }
    195     int getMaxArraySize () const { return maxArraySize; }
    196     void setMaxArraySize (int s) { maxArraySize = s; }
    197     void clearArrayness() { array = false; arraySize = 0; maxArraySize = 0; }
    198     void setArrayInformationType(TType* t) { arrayInformationType = t; }
    199     TType* getArrayInformationType() const { return arrayInformationType; }
    201     bool isVector() const { return size > 1 && !matrix; }
    202     bool isScalar() const { return size == 1 && !matrix && !structure; }
    204     TTypeList* getStruct() const { return structure; }
    205     void setStruct(TTypeList* s) { structure = s; }
    207     const TString& getTypeName() const
    208     {
    209         assert(typeName);
    210         return *typeName;
    211     }
    212     void setTypeName(const TString& n)
    213     {
    214         typeName = NewPoolTString(n.c_str());
    215     }
    217     bool isField() const { return fieldName != 0; }
    218     const TString& getFieldName() const
    219     {
    220         assert(fieldName);
    221         return *fieldName;
    222     }
    223     void setFieldName(const TString& n)
    224     {
    225         fieldName = NewPoolTString(n.c_str());
    226     }
    228     TString& getMangledName() {
    229         if (!mangled) {
    230             mangled = NewPoolTString("");
    231             buildMangledName(*mangled);
    232             *mangled += ';' ;
    233         }
    235         return *mangled;
    236     }
    238     bool sameElementType(const TType& right) const {
    239         return      type == right.type   &&
    240                     size == right.size   &&
    241                   matrix == right.matrix &&
    242                structure == right.structure;
    243     }
    244     bool operator==(const TType& right) const {
    245         return      type == right.type   &&
    246                     size == right.size   &&
    247                   matrix == right.matrix &&
    248                    array == right.array  && (!array || arraySize == right.arraySize) &&
    249                structure == right.structure;
    250         // don't check the qualifier, it's not ever what's being sought after
    251     }
    252     bool operator!=(const TType& right) const {
    253         return !operator==(right);
    254     }
    255     bool operator<(const TType& right) const {
    256         if (type != right.type) return type < right.type;
    257         if (size != right.size) return size < right.size;
    258         if (matrix != right.matrix) return matrix < right.matrix;
    259         if (array != right.array) return array < right.array;
    260         if (arraySize != right.arraySize) return arraySize < right.arraySize;
    261         if (structure != right.structure) return structure < right.structure;
    263         return false;
    264     }
    266     const char* getBasicString() const { return ::getBasicString(type); }
    267     const char* getPrecisionString() const { return ::getPrecisionString(precision); }
    268     const char* getQualifierString() const { return ::getQualifierString(qualifier); }
    269     TString getCompleteString() const;
    271 protected:
    272     void buildMangledName(TString&);
    273     int getStructSize() const;
    275     TBasicType type      : 6;
    276     TPrecision precision;
    277     TQualifier qualifier : 7;
    278     int size             : 8; // size of vector or matrix, not size of array
    279     unsigned int matrix  : 1;
    280     unsigned int array   : 1;
    281     int arraySize;
    282     int maxArraySize;
    283     TType* arrayInformationType;
    285     TTypeList* structure;      // 0 unless this is a struct
    286     mutable int structureSize;
    288     TString *fieldName;         // for structure field names
    289     TString *mangled;
    290     TString *typeName;          // for structure field type name
    291 };
    293 #endif // _TYPES_INCLUDED_