1 # QtWebKit - qmake build info 2 CONFIG += building-libs 3 CONFIG += depend_includepath 4 5 TARGET = QtWebKit 6 TEMPLATE = lib 7 8 DEFINES += BUILDING_WEBKIT 9 10 RESOURCES += \ 11 $$PWD/../../WebCore/WebCore.qrc 12 13 CONFIG(debug, debug|release) : CONFIG_DIR = debug 14 else: CONFIG_DIR = release 15 16 SOURCE_DIR = $$replace(PWD, /WebKit/qt, "") 17 18 CONFIG(standalone_package) { 19 isEmpty(WEBKIT2_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR):JSC_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR = $$PWD/../../JavaScriptCore/generated 20 isEmpty(WC_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR):WC_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR = $$PWD/../../WebCore/generated 21 isEmpty(WC_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR):WEBKIT2_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR = $$PWD/../../WebKit2/generated 22 } else { 23 isEmpty(WEBKIT2_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR):JSC_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR = ../../JavaScriptCore/generated 24 isEmpty(WC_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR):WC_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR = ../../WebCore/generated 25 isEmpty(WC_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR):WEBKIT2_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR = ../../WebKit2/generated 26 } 27 28 include($$PWD/Api/headers.pri) 29 include($$SOURCE_DIR/WebKit.pri) 30 include($$SOURCE_DIR/JavaScriptCore/JavaScriptCore.pri) 31 webkit2 { 32 include($$SOURCE_DIR/WebKit2/WebKit2.pri) 33 include($$SOURCE_DIR/WebKit2/WebKit2API.pri) 34 INCLUDEPATH += $$OUTPUT_DIR/WebKit2/generated 35 } 36 include($$SOURCE_DIR/WebCore/WebCore.pri) 37 38 !v8:prependJavaScriptCoreLib(../../JavaScriptCore) 39 prependWebCoreLib(../../WebCore) 40 webkit2:prependWebKit2Lib(../../WebKit2) 41 42 isEmpty(OUTPUT_DIR): OUTPUT_DIR = ../.. 43 44 contains(QT_CONFIG, embedded):CONFIG += embedded 45 46 win32*:!win32-msvc* { 47 # Make sure OpenGL libs are after the webcore lib so MinGW can resolve symbols 48 contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_WEBGL=1)|contains(CONFIG, texmap): LIBS += $$QMAKE_LIBS_OPENGL 49 } 50 51 moduleFile=$$PWD/qt_webkit_version.pri 52 isEmpty(QT_BUILD_TREE):include($$moduleFile) 53 VERSION = $${QT_WEBKIT_MAJOR_VERSION}.$${QT_WEBKIT_MINOR_VERSION}.$${QT_WEBKIT_PATCH_VERSION} 54 55 include_webinspector: RESOURCES += $$SOURCE_DIR/WebCore/inspector/front-end/WebKit.qrc $$WC_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR/InspectorBackendStub.qrc 56 57 # Extract sources to build from the generator definitions 58 defineTest(addExtraCompiler) { 59 isEqual($${1}.wkAddOutputToSources, false): return(true) 60 61 outputRule = $$eval($${1}.output) 62 input = $$eval($${1}.input) 63 input = $$eval($$input) 64 65 for(file,input) { 66 base = $$basename(file) 67 base ~= s/\\..+// 68 newfile=$$replace(outputRule,\\$\\{QMAKE_FILE_BASE\\},$$base) 69 SOURCES += $$newfile 70 } 71 SOURCES += $$eval($${1}.wkExtraSources) 72 export(SOURCES) 73 74 return(true) 75 } 76 77 include($$SOURCE_DIR/WebCore/CodeGenerators.pri) 78 79 CONFIG(release):!CONFIG(standalone_package) { 80 contains(QT_CONFIG, reduce_exports):CONFIG += hide_symbols 81 unix:contains(QT_CONFIG, reduce_relocations):CONFIG += bsymbolic_functions 82 } 83 84 CONFIG(QTDIR_build) { 85 include($$QT_SOURCE_TREE/src/qbase.pri) 86 } else { 87 DESTDIR = $$OUTPUT_DIR/lib 88 symbian: TARGET =$$TARGET$${QT_LIBINFIX} 89 } 90 91 92 symbian { 93 TARGET.EPOCALLOWDLLDATA=1 94 # DRM and Allfiles capabilites need to be audited to be signed on Symbian 95 # For regular users that is not possible, so use the CONFIG(production) flag is added 96 # To use all capabilies add CONFIG+=production 97 # If building from QT source tree, also add CONFIG-=QTDIR_build as qbase.pri defaults capabilities to All -Tcb. 98 CONFIG(production) { 99 TARGET.CAPABILITY = All -Tcb 100 } else { 101 TARGET.CAPABILITY = All -Tcb -DRM -AllFiles 102 } 103 isEmpty(QT_LIBINFIX) { 104 TARGET.UID3 = 0x200267C2 105 } else { 106 TARGET.UID3 = 0xE00267C2 107 } 108 109 sisheader = "; SIS header: name, uid, version" \ 110 "$${LITERAL_HASH}{\"$$TARGET\"},($$TARGET.UID3),$$QT_WEBKIT_MAJOR_VERSION,$$QT_WEBKIT_MINOR_VERSION,$$QT_WEBKIT_PATCH_VERSION,TYPE=SA,RU" 111 webkitsisheader.pkg_prerules = sisheader 112 113 webkitlibs.sources = QtWebKit$${QT_LIBINFIX}.dll 114 v8:webkitlibs.sources += v8.dll 115 116 CONFIG(QTDIR_build): webkitlibs.sources = $$QMAKE_LIBDIR_QT/$$webkitlibs.sources 117 webkitlibs.path = /sys/bin 118 vendorinfo = \ 119 "; Localised Vendor name" \ 120 "%{\"Nokia\"}" \ 121 " " \ 122 "; Unique Vendor name" \ 123 ":\"Nokia, Qt\"" \ 124 " " 125 webkitlibs.pkg_prerules = vendorinfo 126 127 webkitbackup.sources = symbian/backup_registration.xml 128 webkitbackup.path = /private/10202D56/import/packages/$$replace(TARGET.UID3, 0x,) 129 130 contains(QT_CONFIG, declarative) { 131 declarativeImport.sources = $$QT_BUILD_TREE/imports/QtWebKit/qmlwebkitplugin$${QT_LIBINFIX}.dll 132 declarativeImport.sources += declarative/qmldir 133 declarativeImport.path = c:$$QT_IMPORTS_BASE_DIR/QtWebKit 134 DEPLOYMENT += declarativeImport 135 } 136 137 DEPLOYMENT += webkitsisheader webkitlibs webkitbackup 138 !CONFIG(production):CONFIG-=def_files 139 140 # Need to build these sources here because of exported symbols 141 SOURCES += \ 142 $$SOURCE_DIR/WebCore/plugins/symbian/PluginViewSymbian.cpp \ 143 $$SOURCE_DIR/WebCore/plugins/symbian/PluginContainerSymbian.cpp 144 145 HEADERS += \ 146 $$SOURCE_DIR/WebCore/plugins/symbian/PluginContainerSymbian.h \ 147 $$SOURCE_DIR/WebCore/plugins/symbian/npinterface.h 148 } 149 150 !static: DEFINES += QT_MAKEDLL 151 152 SOURCES += \ 153 $$PWD/Api/qwebframe.cpp \ 154 $$PWD/Api/qgraphicswebview.cpp \ 155 $$PWD/Api/qwebpage.cpp \ 156 $$PWD/Api/qwebview.cpp \ 157 $$PWD/Api/qwebelement.cpp \ 158 $$PWD/Api/qwebhistory.cpp \ 159 $$PWD/Api/qwebsettings.cpp \ 160 $$PWD/Api/qwebhistoryinterface.cpp \ 161 $$PWD/Api/qwebplugindatabase.cpp \ 162 $$PWD/Api/qwebpluginfactory.cpp \ 163 $$PWD/Api/qwebsecurityorigin.cpp \ 164 $$PWD/Api/qwebscriptworld.cpp \ 165 $$PWD/Api/qwebdatabase.cpp \ 166 $$PWD/Api/qwebinspector.cpp \ 167 $$PWD/Api/qwebkitversion.cpp \ 168 \ 169 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/QtFallbackWebPopup.cpp \ 170 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/ChromeClientQt.cpp \ 171 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/ContextMenuClientQt.cpp \ 172 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/DragClientQt.cpp \ 173 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/DumpRenderTreeSupportQt.cpp \ 174 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/EditorClientQt.cpp \ 175 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/EditCommandQt.cpp \ 176 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/FrameLoaderClientQt.cpp \ 177 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/FrameNetworkingContextQt.cpp \ 178 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/GeolocationPermissionClientQt.cpp \ 179 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/InspectorClientQt.cpp \ 180 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/InspectorServerQt.cpp \ 181 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/NotificationPresenterClientQt.cpp \ 182 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/PageClientQt.cpp \ 183 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/PopupMenuQt.cpp \ 184 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/QtPlatformPlugin.cpp \ 185 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/SearchPopupMenuQt.cpp \ 186 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/WebPlatformStrategies.cpp 187 188 HEADERS += \ 189 $$WEBKIT_API_HEADERS \ 190 $$PWD/Api/qwebplugindatabase_p.h \ 191 \ 192 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/InspectorServerQt.h \ 193 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/QtFallbackWebPopup.h \ 194 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/FrameLoaderClientQt.h \ 195 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/FrameNetworkingContextQt.h \ 196 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/GeolocationPermissionClientQt.h \ 197 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/NotificationPresenterClientQt.h \ 198 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/PageClientQt.h \ 199 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/QtPlatformPlugin.h \ 200 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/PopupMenuQt.h \ 201 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/SearchPopupMenuQt.h \ 202 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/WebPlatformStrategies.h 203 204 webkit2 { 205 HEADERS += $$WEBKIT2_API_HEADERS 206 SOURCES += $$WEBKIT2_API_SOURCES 207 } 208 209 contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_NETSCAPE_PLUGIN_API=1) { 210 unix:!symbian { 211 maemo5 { 212 HEADERS += $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/QtMaemoWebPopup.h 213 SOURCES += $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/QtMaemoWebPopup.cpp 214 } 215 } 216 } 217 218 contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_VIDEO=1) { 219 !contains(DEFINES, USE_GSTREAMER=1):contains(MOBILITY_CONFIG, multimedia) { 220 HEADERS += $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/FullScreenVideoWidget.h 221 SOURCES += $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/FullScreenVideoWidget.cpp 222 } 223 224 contains(DEFINES, USE_GSTREAMER=1) | contains(MOBILITY_CONFIG, multimedia) { 225 HEADERS += $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/FullScreenVideoQt.h 226 SOURCES += $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/FullScreenVideoQt.cpp 227 } 228 } 229 230 contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_ICONDATABASE=1) { 231 HEADERS += \ 232 $$SOURCE_DIR/WebCore/loader/icon/IconDatabaseClient.h \ 233 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/IconDatabaseClientQt.h 234 235 SOURCES += \ 236 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/IconDatabaseClientQt.cpp 237 } 238 239 contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_DEVICE_ORIENTATION=1) { 240 HEADERS += \ 241 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/DeviceMotionClientQt.h \ 242 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/DeviceMotionProviderQt.h \ 243 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/DeviceOrientationClientQt.h \ 244 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/DeviceOrientationClientMockQt.h \ 245 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/DeviceOrientationProviderQt.h 246 247 SOURCES += \ 248 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/DeviceMotionClientQt.cpp \ 249 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/DeviceMotionProviderQt.cpp \ 250 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/DeviceOrientationClientQt.cpp \ 251 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/DeviceOrientationClientMockQt.cpp \ 252 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/DeviceOrientationProviderQt.cpp 253 } 254 255 contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_GEOLOCATION=1) { 256 HEADERS += \ 257 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/GeolocationClientQt.h 258 SOURCES += \ 259 $$PWD/WebCoreSupport/GeolocationClientQt.cpp 260 } 261 262 contains(CONFIG, texmap) { 263 DEFINES += WTF_USE_TEXTURE_MAPPER=1 264 } 265 266 !symbian-abld:!symbian-sbsv2 { 267 modfile.files = $$moduleFile 268 modfile.path = $$[QMAKE_MKSPECS]/modules 269 270 INSTALLS += modfile 271 } else { 272 # INSTALLS is not implemented in qmake's mmp generators, copy headers manually 273 274 inst_modfile.commands = $$QMAKE_COPY ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} 275 inst_modfile.input = moduleFile 276 inst_modfile.output = $$[QMAKE_MKSPECS]/modules 277 inst_modfile.CONFIG = no_clean 278 279 QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += inst_modfile 280 281 install.depends += compiler_inst_modfile_make_all 282 QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += install 283 } 284 285 !CONFIG(QTDIR_build) { 286 exists($$OUTPUT_DIR/include/QtWebKit/classheaders.pri): include($$OUTPUT_DIR/include/QtWebKit/classheaders.pri) 287 WEBKIT_INSTALL_HEADERS = $$WEBKIT_API_HEADERS $$WEBKIT_CLASS_HEADERS 288 289 !symbian-abld:!symbian-sbsv2 { 290 headers.files = $$WEBKIT_INSTALL_HEADERS 291 292 !isEmpty(INSTALL_HEADERS): headers.path = $$INSTALL_HEADERS/QtWebKit 293 else: headers.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS]/QtWebKit 294 295 !isEmpty(INSTALL_LIBS): target.path = $$INSTALL_LIBS 296 else: target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS] 297 298 INSTALLS += target headers 299 } else { 300 # INSTALLS is not implemented in qmake's mmp generators, copy headers manually 301 inst_headers.commands = $$QMAKE_COPY ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} 302 inst_headers.input = WEBKIT_INSTALL_HEADERS 303 inst_headers.CONFIG = no_clean 304 305 !isEmpty(INSTALL_HEADERS): inst_headers.output = $$INSTALL_HEADERS/QtWebKit/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}${QMAKE_FILE_EXT} 306 else: inst_headers.output = $$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS]/QtWebKit/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}${QMAKE_FILE_EXT} 307 308 QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += inst_headers 309 310 install.depends += compiler_inst_headers_make_all 311 } 312 313 unix { 314 CONFIG += create_pc create_prl 315 QMAKE_PKGCONFIG_LIBDIR = $$target.path 316 QMAKE_PKGCONFIG_INCDIR = $$headers.path 317 QMAKE_PKGCONFIG_DESTDIR = pkgconfig 318 lib_replace.match = $$re_escape($$DESTDIR) 319 lib_replace.replace = $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS] 320 QMAKE_PKGCONFIG_INSTALL_REPLACE += lib_replace 321 } 322 323 mac { 324 !static:contains(QT_CONFIG, qt_framework):!CONFIG(webkit_no_framework) { 325 !build_pass { 326 message("Building QtWebKit as a framework, as that's how Qt was built. You can") 327 message("override this by passing CONFIG+=webkit_no_framework to build-webkit.") 328 329 CONFIG += build_all 330 } else { 331 isEmpty(QT_SOURCE_TREE):debug_and_release:TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget($$TARGET) 332 } 333 334 CONFIG += lib_bundle qt_no_framework_direct_includes qt_framework 335 FRAMEWORK_HEADERS.version = Versions 336 FRAMEWORK_HEADERS.files = $${headers.files} 337 FRAMEWORK_HEADERS.path = Headers 338 QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += FRAMEWORK_HEADERS 339 } 340 341 QMAKE_LFLAGS_SONAME = "$${QMAKE_LFLAGS_SONAME}$${DESTDIR}$${QMAKE_DIR_SEP}" 342 } 343 } 344 345 symbian { 346 shared { 347 contains(CONFIG, def_files) { 348 DEF_FILE=symbian 349 # defFilePath is for Qt4.6 compatibility 350 defFilePath=symbian 351 } else { 352 MMP_RULES += EXPORTUNFROZEN 353 } 354 } 355 } 356