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      1 page.title=Installing the SDK
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     49 <div id="qv">
     51   <h2>In this document</h2>
     52   <ol>
     53     <li><a href="#Preparing">1. Preparing Your Development Computer</a></li>
     54     <li><a href="#Installing">2. Downloading the SDK Starter Package</a></li>
     55     <li><a href="#InstallingADT">3. Installing the ADT Plugin for Eclipse</a></li>
     56     <li><a href="#AddingComponents">4. Adding Platforms and Other Packages</a>
     57       <ol>
     58         <li><a href="#components">Available Packages</a></li>
     59         <li><a href="#which">Recommended Packages</a></li>
     60       </ol></li>
     61     <li><a href="#sdkContents">5. Exploring the SDK (Optional)</a></li>
     62     <li><a href="#NextSteps">Next Steps</a></li>
     63     <li><a href="#troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</a></li>
     64   </ol>
     66 <h2>See also</h2>
     67   <ol>
     68     <li><a href="{@docRoot}tools/sdk/eclipse-adt.html">ADT Plugin for Eclipse</a></li>
     69     <li><a href="{@docRoot}sdk/exploring.html">Exploring the SDK</a></li>
     70   </ol>
     72 </div>
     73 </div>
     75 <p>This page describes how to install the Android SDK
     76 and set up your development environment for the first time.</p>
     78 <p>If you encounter any problems during installation, see the
     79 <a href="#troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</a> section at the bottom of
     80 this page.</p>
     82 <h4>Updating?</h4>
     84 <p>If you already have an Android SDK, use the Android SDK Manager tool to install
     85 updated tools and new Android platforms into your existing environment. For information about how to
     86 do that, see <a href="{@docRoot}sdk/exploring.html">Exploring the SDK</a>.</p>
     89 <h2 id="Preparing">Step 1. Preparing Your Development Computer</h2>
     91 <p>Before getting started with the Android SDK, take a moment to confirm that
     92 your development computer meets the <a href="requirements.html">System
     93 Requirements</a>. In particular, you might need to install the <a
     94 href="http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp">JDK</a>, if you don't have it already. </p>
     96 <p>If you will be developing in Eclipse with the Android Development
     97 Tools (ADT) Plugin&mdash;the recommended path if you are new to
     98 Android&mdash;make sure that you have a suitable version of Eclipse
     99 installed on your computer as described in the
    100 <a href="requirements.html">System Requirements</a> document.
    101 If you need to install Eclipse, you can download it from this location: </p>
    103 <p style="margin-left:2em;"><a href=
    104 "http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/">http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/</a></p>
    106 <p>The "Eclipse Classic" version is recommended. Otherwise, a Java or
    107 RCP version of Eclipse is recommended.</p>
    110 <h2 id="Installing">Step 2. Downloading the SDK Starter Package</h2>
    112 <p>The SDK starter package is not a full
    113 development environment&mdash;it includes only the core SDK Tools, which you can
    114 use to download the rest of the SDK packages (such as the latest Android platform).</p>
    116 <p>If you haven't already, get the latest version of the SDK starter package from the <a
    117 href="{@docRoot}sdk/index.html">SDK download page</a>.</p>
    119 <p>If you downloaded a {@code .zip} or {@code .tgz} package (instead of the SDK installer), unpack
    120 it to a safe location on your machine. By default, the SDK files are unpacked
    121 into a directory named <code>android-sdk-&lt;machine-platform&gt;</code>.</p>
    123 <p>If you downloaded the Windows installer ({@code .exe} file), run it now and it will check
    124 whether the proper Java SE Development Kit (JDK) is installed (installing it, if necessary), then
    125 install the SDK Tools into a default location (which you can modify).</p>
    127 <p>Make a note of the name and location of the SDK directory on your system&mdash;you will need to
    128 refer to the SDK directory later, when setting up the ADT plugin and when using
    129 the SDK tools from the command line.</p>
    132 <h2 id="InstallingADT">Step 3. Installing the ADT Plugin for Eclipse</h2>
    134 <p>Android offers a custom plugin for the Eclipse IDE, called Android
    135 Development Tools (ADT), that is designed to give you a powerful, integrated
    136 environment in which to build Android applications. It extends the capabilites
    137 of Eclipse to let you quickly set up new Android projects, create an application
    138 UI, debug your applications
    139 using the Android SDK tools, and even export signed (or unsigned) APKs in order
    140 to distribute your application. In general, developing in Eclipse with ADT is a
    141 highly recommended approach and is the fastest way to get started with Android.
    142 </p>
    144 <p>If you'd like to use ADT for developing Android applications, install it now.
    145 Read <a href="{@docRoot}tools/sdk/eclipse-adt.html#installing">Installing the ADT Plugin</a> for
    146 step-by-step installation instructions, then return here to continue the
    147 last step in setting up your Android SDK.</p>
    149 <p>If you prefer to work in a different IDE, you do not need to
    150 install Eclipse or ADT. Instead, you can directly use the SDK tools to build and
    151 debug your application. The <a href="{@docRoot}tools/workflow/index.html">Introduction</a>
    152 to Android application development outlines the major steps that you need to complete when
    153 developing in Eclipse or other IDEs.</p>
    157 <h2 id="AddingComponents">Step 4. Adding Platforms and Other Packages</h2>
    159 <p>The last step in setting up your SDK is using the Android SDK Manager (a
    160 tool included in the SDK starter package) to download essential SDK packages into your development
    161 environment.</p>
    163 <p>The SDK uses a modular structure that separates the major parts of the SDK&mdash;Android platform
    164 versions, add-ons, tools, samples, and documentation&mdash;into a set of separately installable
    165 packages. The SDK starter package, which you've already downloaded, includes only a single
    166 package: the latest version of the SDK Tools. To develop an Android application, you also need to
    167 download at least one Android platform and the associated platform tools. You can add other
    168 packages and platforms as well, which is highly recommended.</p>
    170 <p>If you used the Windows installer, when you complete the installation wizard, it will launch the
    171 Android SDK Manager with a default set of platforms and other packages selected
    172 for you to install. Simply click <strong>Install</strong> to accept the recommended set of
    173 packages and install them. You can then skip to <a href="#sdkContents">Step 5</a>, but we
    174 recommend you first read the section about the <a href="#components">Available Packages</a> to
    175 better understand the packages available from the Android SDK Manager.</p>
    177 <p>You can launch the Android SDK Manager in one of the following ways:</p>
    178 <ul>
    179   <li>From within Eclipse, select <strong>Window &gt; Android SDK Manager</strong>.</li>
    180   <li>On Windows, double-click the <code>SDK Manager.exe</code> file at the root of the Android
    181 SDK directory.</li>
    182   <li>On Mac or Linux, open a terminal and navigate to the <code>tools/</code> directory in the
    183 Android SDK, then execute: <pre>android</pre> </li>
    184 </ul>
    186 <p>To download packages, use the graphical UI of the Android SDK
    187 Manager to browse the SDK repository and select new or updated
    188 packages (see figure 1). The Android SDK Manager installs the selected packages in
    189 your SDK environment. For information about which packages you should download, see <a
    190 href="#which">Recommended Packages</a>.</p>
    192 <img src="/images/sdk_manager_packages.png" />
    193 <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 1.</strong> The Android SDK Manager's
    194 <strong>Available Packages</strong> panel, which shows the SDK packages that are
    195 available for you to download into your environment.</p>
    198 <h3 id="components">Available Packages</h3>
    200 <p>By default, there are two repositories of packages for your SDK: <em>Android
    201 Repository</em> and <em>Third party Add-ons</em>.</p>
    203 <p>The <em>Android Repository</em> offers these types of packages:</p>
    205 <ul>
    206 <li><strong>SDK Tools</strong> &mdash; Contains tools for debugging and testing your application
    207 and other utility tools. These tools are installed with the Android SDK starter package and receive
    208 periodic updates. You can access these tools in the <code>&lt;sdk&gt;/tools/</code> directory of
    209 your SDK. To learn more about
    210 them, see <a href="{@docRoot}tools/index.html#tools-sdk">SDK Tools</a> in the
    211 developer guide.</li>
    213 <li><strong>SDK Platform-tools</strong> &mdash; Contains platform-dependent tools for developing
    214 and debugging your application. These tools support the latest features of the Android platform and
    215 are typically updated only when a new platform becomes available. You can access these tools in the
    216 <code>&lt;sdk&gt;/platform-tools/</code> directory. To learn more about them, see <a
    217 href="{@docRoot}tools/index.html#tools-platform">Platform Tools</a> in the
    218 developer guide.</li>
    220 <li><strong>Android platforms</strong> &mdash; An SDK platform is
    221 available for every production Android platform deployable to Android-powered devices. Each
    222 SDK platform package includes a fully compliant Android library, system image, sample code,
    223 and emulator skins. To learn more about a specific platform, see the list of platforms that appears
    224 under the section "Downloadable SDK Packages" on the left part of this page.</li>
    226 <li><strong>USB Driver for Windows</strong> (Windows only) &mdash; Contains driver files
    227 that you can install on your Windows computer, so that you can run and debug
    228 your applications on an actual device. You <em>do not</em> need the USB driver unless
    229 you plan to debug your application on an actual Android-powered device. If you
    230 develop on Mac OS X or Linux, you do not need a special driver to debug
    231 your application on an Android-powered device. See <a
    232 href="{@docRoot}tools/device.html">Using Hardware Devices</a> for more information
    233 about developing on a real device.</li>
    235 <li><strong>Samples</strong> &mdash; Contains the sample code and apps available
    236 for each Android development platform. If you are just getting started with
    237 Android development, make sure to download the samples to your SDK. <!--The download
    238 includes not only a set of very useful sample apps, but also the source for <a
    239 href="{@docRoot}training/basics/firstapp/index.html">Building Your First App</a> and other
    240 tutorials. --></li>
    242 <li><strong>Documentation</strong> &mdash; Contains a local copy of the latest
    243 multiversion documentation for the Android framework API. </li>
    244 </ul>
    246 <p>The <em>Third party Add-ons</em> provide packages that allow you to create a development
    247 environment using a specific Android external library (such as the Google Maps library) or a
    248 customized (but fully compliant) Android system image. You can add additional Add-on repositories by
    249 clicking <strong>Add Add-on Site</strong>.</p>
    252 <h3 id="which">Recommended Packages</h3>
    254 <p>The SDK repository contains a range of packages that you can download.
    255 Use the table below to determine which packages you need, based on whether you
    256 want to set up a basic, recommended, or full development environment:
    257 </p>
    259 <table style="width:95%">
    261 <tr>
    262 <th>Environment</th>
    263 <th>SDK&nbsp;Package</th>
    264 <th>Comments</th>
    265 </tr>
    267 <tr>
    268 <td rowspan="3" style="font-size:.9em;background-color:#FFE;">Basic</td>
    269 <td style="font-size:.9em;background-color:#FFE;">SDK Tools</td>
    270 <td style="font-size:.9em;background-color:#FFE;">If you've just installed
    271 the SDK starter package, then you already have the latest version of this package. The
    272 SDK Tools package is required to develop an Android application. Make sure you keep this up to
    273 date.</td>
    274 </tr>
    276 <tr>
    277 <td style="font-size:.9em;background-color:#FFE;">SDK Platform-tools</td>
    278 <td style="font-size:.9em;background-color:#FFE;">This includes more tools that are required
    279 for application development. These tools are platform-dependent and typically update only when
    280 a new SDK platform is made available, in order to support new features in the platform. These
    281 tools are always backward compatible with older platforms, but you must be sure that you have
    282 the latest version of these tools when you install a new SDK platform.</td>
    283 </tr>
    285 <tr>
    286 <td style="font-size:.9em;background-color:#FFE;">SDK platform</td>
    287 <td style="font-size:.9em;background-color:#FFE;">You need to download <strong
    288 style="color:red">at least one platform</strong> into your environment, so that
    289 you will be able to compile your application and set up an Android Virtual
    290 Device (AVD) to run it on (in the emulator). To start with, just download the
    291 latest version of the platform. Later, if you plan to publish your application,
    292 you will want to download other platforms as well, so that you can test your
    293 application on the full range of Android platform versions that your application supports.</td>
    294 </tr>
    295 <tr>
    296 <td colspan="2"
    297 style="border:none;text-align:center;font-size:1.5em;font-weight:bold;">+</td><td
    298 style="border:none"></td>
    299 </tr>
    300 <tr>
    301 <td rowspan="3">Recommended<br/>(plus Basic)</td>
    302 <td>Documentation</td>
    303 <td>The Documentation package is useful because it lets you work offline and
    304 also look up API reference information from inside Eclipse.</td>
    305 </tr>
    307 <tr>
    308 <td>Samples</td>
    309 <td>The Samples packages give you source code that you can use to learn about
    310 Android, load as a project and run, or reuse in your own app. Note that multiple
    311 samples packages are available &mdash; one for each Android platform version. When
    312 you are choosing a samples package to download, select the one whose API Level
    313 matches the API Level of the Android platform that you plan to use.</td>
    314 </tr>
    315 <tr>
    316 <td>Usb Driver</td>
    317 <td>The Usb Driver package is needed only if you are developing on Windows and
    318 have an Android-powered device on which you want to install your application for
    319 debugging and testing. For Mac OS X and Linux platforms, no
    320 special driver is needed.</td>
    321 </tr>
    322 <tr>
    323 <td colspan="2"
    324 style="border:none;text-align:center;font-size:1.5em;font-weight:bold;">+</td><td
    325 style="border:none"></td>
    326 </tr>
    327 <tr>
    328 <td rowspan="3">Full<br/>(plus Recommended)</td>
    329 <td>Google APIs</td>
    330 <td>The Google APIs add-on gives your application access to the Maps external
    331 library, which makes it easy to display and manipulate Maps data in your
    332 application. </td>
    333 </tr>
    334 <tr>
    335 <td>Additional SDK Platforms</td>
    336 <td>If you plan to publish your application, you will want to download
    337 additional platforms corresponding to the Android platform versions on which you
    338 want the application to run. The recommended approach is to compile your
    339 application against the lowest version you want to support, but test it against
    340 higher versions that you intend the application to run on. You can test your
    341 applications on different platforms by running in an Android Virtual Device
    342 (AVD) on the Android emulator.</td>
    343 </tr>
    345 </table>
    347 <p>Once you've installed at least the basic configuration of SDK packages, you're ready to start
    348 developing Android apps. The next section describes the contents of the Android SDK to familiarize
    349 you with the packages you've just installed.</p>
    351 <p>For more information about using the Android SDK Manager, see the <a
    352 href="{@docRoot}sdk/exploring.html">Exploring the SDK</a> document. </p>
    355 <h2 id="sdkContents">Step 5. Exploring the SDK (Optional)</h2>
    357 <p>Once you've installed the SDK and downloaded the platforms, documentation,
    358 and add-ons that you need, we suggest that you open the SDK directory and take a look at what's
    359 inside.</p>
    361 <p>The table below describes the full SDK directory contents, with packages
    362 installed. </p>
    364 <table>
    365 <tr>
    366 <th colspan="3">Name</th><th>Description</th>
    367 </tr>
    368 <tr>
    369 <td colspan="3"><code>add-ons/</code></td>
    370 <td>Contains add-ons to the Android SDK development
    371 environment, which let you develop against external libraries that are available on some
    372 devices. </td>
    373 </tr>
    374 <tr>
    375 <td colspan="3"><code>docs/</code></td>
    376 <td>A full set of documentation in HTML format, including the Developer's Guide,
    377 API Reference, and other information. To read the documentation, load the
    378 file <code>index.html</code> in a web browser.</td>
    379 </tr>
    380 <tr>
    381 <td colspan="3"><code>platform-tools/</code></td>
    382 <td>Contains platform-dependent development tools that may be updated with each platform release.
    383 The platform tools include the Android Debug Bridge ({@code adb}) as well as other tools that you
    384 don't typically use directly. These tools are separate from the development tools in the {@code
    385 tools/} directory because these tools may be updated in order to support new
    386 features in the latest Android platform.</td>
    387 </tr>
    388 <tr>
    389 <td colspan="3"><code>platforms/</code></td>
    390 <td>Contains a set of Android platform versions that you can develop
    391 applications against, each in a separate directory.  </td>
    392 </tr>
    393 <tr>
    394 <td style="width:2em;"></td>
    395 <td colspan="2"><code><em>&lt;platform&gt;</em>/</code></td>
    396 <td>Platform version directory, for example "android-11". All platform version directories contain
    397 a similar set of files and subdirectory structure. Each platform directory also includes the
    398 Android library (<code>android.jar</code>) that is used to compile applications against the
    399 platform version.</td>
    400 </tr>
    401 <tr>
    402 <td colspan="3"><code>samples/</code></td>
    403 <td>Sample code and apps that are specific to platform version.</td>
    404 </tr>
    405 <tr>
    406 <td colspan="3"><code>tools/</code></td>
    407 <td>Contains the set of development and profiling tools that are platform-independent, such
    408 as the emulator, the Android SDK Manager, the AVD Manager, <code>ddms</code>,
    409 <code>hierarchyviewer</code>
    410 and more. The tools in this directory may be updated at any time using the Android SDK
    411 Manager and are independent of platform releases.</td>
    412 </tr>
    413 <tr>
    414 <td colspan="3"><code>SDK Readme.txt</code></td>
    415 <td>A file that explains how to perform the initial setup of your SDK,
    416 including how to launch the Android SDK Manager tool on all
    417 platforms.</td>
    418 </tr>
    419 <tr>
    420 <td colspan="3"><code>SDK Manager.exe</code></td>
    421 <td>Windows SDK only. A shortcut that launches the Android SDK
    422 Manager tool, which you use to add packages to your SDK.</td>
    423 </tr>
    424 <!--<tr>
    425 <td colspan="3"><code>documentation.html</code></td>
    426 <td>A file that loads the entry page for the local Android SDK
    427 documentation.</td>
    428 </tr>-->
    430 </table>
    433 <p>Optionally, you might want to add the location of the SDK's <code>tools/</code> and
    434 <code>platform-tools</code> to your <code>PATH</code> environment variable, to provide easy
    435 access to the tools.</p>
    438 <div class="toggleable closed">
    439   <a href="#" onclick="return toggleDiv(this)">
    440         <img src="{@docRoot}assets/images/triangle-closed.png" class="toggle-img" height="9px"
    441 width="9px" />
    442         How to update your PATH</a>
    443   <div class="toggleme">
    445 <p>Adding both <code>tools/</code> and <code>platform-tools/</code> to your PATH lets you run
    446 command line <a href="{@docRoot}tools/index.html">tools</a> without needing to
    447 supply the full path to the tool directories. Depending on your operating system, you can
    448 include these directories in your PATH in the following way:</p>
    450 <ul>
    452   <li>On Windows, right-click on My Computer, and select Properties.
    453   Under the Advanced tab, hit the Environment Variables button, and in the
    454   dialog that comes up, double-click on Path (under System Variables). Add the full path to the
    455   <code>tools/</code> and <code>platform-tools/</code> directories to the path. </li>
    457   <li>On Linux, edit your <code>~/.bash_profile</code> or <code>~/.bashrc</code> file. Look
    458   for a line that sets the PATH environment variable and add the
    459   full path to the <code>tools/</code> and <code>platform-tools/</code> directories to it. If you
    460   don't see a line setting the path, you can add one:
    461   <pre>export PATH=${PATH}:&lt;sdk&gt;/tools:&lt;sdk&gt;/platform-tools</pre>
    462   </li>
    464   <li>On a Mac OS X, look in your home directory for <code>.bash_profile</code> and
    465   proceed as for Linux. You can create the <code>.bash_profile</code> if
    466   you don't already have one. </li>
    467 </ul>
    469 </div><!-- end toggleme -->
    470 </div><!-- end toggleable -->
    473 <h2 id="NextSteps">Next Steps</h2>
    474 <p>Once you have completed installation, you are ready to
    475 begin developing applications. Here are a few ways you can get started: </p>
    477 <p><strong>Set up the Hello World application</strong></p>
    478 <ul>
    479   <li>If you have just installed the SDK for the first time, go to the <a
    480   href="{@docRoot}training/basics/firstapp/index.html">Hello
    481   World tutorial</a>. The tutorial takes you step-by-step through the process
    482   of setting up your first Android project, including setting up an Android
    483   Virtual Device (AVD) on which to run the application.
    484 </li>
    485 </ul>
    487 <p class="note">Following the Hello World tutorial is an essential
    488 first step in getting started with Android development. </p>
    490 <p><strong>Learn about Android</strong></p>
    491 <ul>
    492   <li>Take a look at the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/index.html">Dev
    493   Guide</a> and the types of information it provides.</li>
    494   <li>Read an introduction to Android as a platform in <a
    495   href="{@docRoot}guide/basics/what-is-android.html">What is
    496   Android?</a></li>
    497   <li>Learn about the Android framework and how applications run on it in
    498   <a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/fundamentals.html">Application
    499   Fundamentals</a>.</li>
    500   <li>Take a look at the Android framework API specification in the <a
    501   href="{@docRoot}reference/packages.html">Reference</a> tab.</li>
    502 </ul>
    504 <p><strong>Explore the development tools</strong></p>
    505 <ul>
    506   <li>Get an overview of the <a
    507   href="{@docRoot}tools/index.html">development
    508   tools</a> that are available to you.</li>
    509   <li>Read the <a href="{@docRoot}tools/workflow/index.html">Introduction</a> to Android
    510 application development.
    511   </li>
    512   <li>Read <a href="{@docRoot}tools/device.html">Using Hardware Devices</a> to learn
    513 how to set up an Android-powered device so you can run and test your application.</li>
    514 </ul>
    516 <p><strong>Follow the Notepad tutorial</strong></p>
    518 <ul>
    519   <li>The <a href="{@docRoot}training/notepad/index.html">
    520   Notepad Tutorial</a> shows you how to build a full Android application
    521   and provides  helpful commentary on the Android system and API. The
    522   Notepad tutorial helps you bring together the important design
    523   and architectural concepts in a moderately complex application.
    524   </li>
    525 </ul>
    526 <p class="note">Following the Notepad tutorial is an excellent
    527 second step in getting started with Android development. </p>
    529 <p><strong>Explore some code</strong></p>
    531 <ul>
    532   <li>The Android SDK includes sample code and applications for each platform
    533 version. You can browse the samples in the <a
    534 href="{@docRoot}resources/index.html">Resources</a> tab or download them
    535 into your SDK using the Android SDK Manager. Once you've downloaded the
    536 samples, you'll find them in
    537 <code><em>&lt;sdk&gt;</em>/samples/<em>&lt;platform&gt;/</em></code>. </li>
    538 </ul>
    540 <p><strong>Visit the Android developer groups</strong></p>
    541 <ul>
    542   <li>Take a look at the <a
    543   href="{@docRoot}resources/community-groups.html">Community</a> pages to see a list of
    544   Android developers groups. In particular, you might want to look at the
    545   <a href="http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers">Android
    546   Developers</a> group to get a sense for what the Android developer
    547   community is like.</li>
    548 </ul>
    550 <h2 id="troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</h2>
    552 <h3>Ubuntu Linux Notes</h3>
    554 <ul>
    555   <li>If you need help installing and configuring Java on your
    556     development machine, you might find these resources helpful:
    557     <ul>
    558       <li><a href="https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java">https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java </a></li>
    559       <li><a href="https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java">https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JavaInstallation</a></li>
    560     </ul>
    561   </li>
    562   <li>Here are the steps to install Java and Eclipse, prior to installing
    563   the Android SDK and ADT Plugin.
    564     <ol>
    565       <li>If you are running a 64-bit distribution on your development
    566       machine, you need to install the <code>ia32-libs</code> package using
    567       <code>apt-get:</code>:
    568       <pre>apt-get install ia32-libs</pre>
    569       </li>
    570       <li>Next, install Java: <pre>apt-get install sun-java6-jdk</pre></li>
    571       <li>The Ubuntu package manager does not currently offer an Eclipse 3.3
    572       version for download, so we recommend that you download Eclipse from
    573       eclipse.org (<a
    574       href="http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/">http://www.eclipse.org/
    575       downloads/</a>). A Java or RCP version of Eclipse is recommended.</li>
    576       <li>Follow the steps given in previous sections to install the SDK
    577       and the ADT plugin. </li>
    578     </ol>
    579   </li>
    580 </ul>
    582 <h3>Other Linux Notes</h3>
    584 <ul>
    585   <li>If JDK is already installed on your development computer, please
    586   take a moment to make sure that it meets the version requirements listed
    587   in the <a href="requirements.html">System Requirements</a>.
    588   In particular, note that some Linux distributions may include JDK 1.4 or Gnu
    589   Compiler for Java, both of which are not supported for Android development.</li>
    590 </ul>