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initcall_debug Linux version 2.6.29 (vchtchetkine@vc-irv.irv.corp.google.com) (gcc version 4.2.1) #29 PREEMPT Thu Nov 17 06:50:36 PST 2011 %s version %s (vchtchetkine@vc-irv.irv.corp.google.com) (gcc version 4.2.1) %s 2 k ) k 3 k = k ( k ?  ?  # + 3 ; C S c s c c ! 1 A a 0 @ ` k k k k 8 k ?  ?  # + 3 ; C S c s c c ! 1 A a 0 @ ` X w " ! q x'& '& M & O & 5 ! s & & & & 9 ! & & ,# z" O& && ! O' MC' ",# -# Z ! ! ! N& " + ' z" z" & F! z" g ' W " J & & & 7 & y& (+" z" !2% q,# ?.# ! .# e.# # @' z" & & z" @" z" rS x7" & ~1& & ; ! *" p:" % " K$" @,# ,# ' ! A;" e6" <" Q7" ! q ! e-# k/# P & N& K& tg& % -" i & Q 6% & & Q & ,# >" @=" z" & 8 & mD F ! 1 ! z ! O& gN& M& "S D & z" ! % I ! Q ' ]& P '" :" I ! <% i#" z" W# rY# z" 5 ) #*" Q & ' /0' =x! z" ~+# `+# && & & ( D% (& %& 6B" ' ! % % % % D! O! D! O! 5! )! *! MZ! " ^D% +# .# w z" C & z" +# .# 8" $ ! " ! !" " " 8(& (& .-# ' o ! u ! h# && z" z" 5 M<" Q & & O& N& M& & ! ! ! ! 0" o/" 5" 9" & n2" 7" u3" 7" & 1" ;0" R4" 4" }V' % $ & h & z" z" & ! 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T& |ns |n w k \ |ns T& ns Tzap i ns s \ y i ns W _ f_ y o t t a bo t a bo tks qs r( c r( ? t t t T _ ly (] l s > b Th IRQ_" t Th b q o_IRQ \o a qip faul h l _ q g \ q e ( k + a ( s c + a q _ a q ,u q T q etu q T a q e ( T& q T q g, t q l p u qs p b q T t r t T q' t faul d a rqip faul t faul hu{ n t faul rt t faul a (h l Th p c _ q e qip e qi h l|! e qi h l +y!m _ q +y!m _ q e (t`e e q e (m e qi d Th i q Th ve q Th f o q Th edg q t ( h t q :e T & q T m q b (o b ( b ( sk T [_h l T[_ q q rq p T[_h l cu u g rc s co rc s co Trcu a h d Trcu a h bh cu Trcu Trcu_ eds rcu cu r ba h cu s lb ks cu s lb ks \ rcu h \ rcu Trcu k lb ks t m T f ull t f_ pe faul# lb k t f_ pe faul# lb k f_ faul# lb k t Z f_ faul# lb k T y ub fs su d t m t p l t su t y ip f :e t y :e t pl t :e t oy l t &% ray t o f t y Z f t $ t f ault t ub f t t y s f T y T y w ub f T fl h t y f_ y t T $ T y t t s T l^,u s y f_ n y ub f r faul# lb k t u u u c _u o_u t y c _ y c T y c _ y c k _ _ y c &ep)s rt _ y c &ep) _ y c k _ cks _ y c k rt _ y c k pa ply ply d l n t ll }k ply T sks _ g s _ md t sks _ md c# gr s Tx c k c d gr s Tb c k _ r e t f c t rk m r d rk s T rk pr d t rk t g r p b t rk| y Z% be t Z rk d su t rk f t T rk| d p b r T rk| du fy t rk| d p b T rk b [ r d T rk b [ t rk b c~ g T rk b [ T rk b cb t epo d b T epo |r T epo p T epo t epo t epo T epo | xt T epo rt cu d b t epo t t g r p b t epo Z% be T epo p b [_ d^ T epo d p b r T epo du fy t epo d p b T epo p b d l t epo d be T epo p b [ T epo p b [ T epo p b [_ d^ + : f m he nt + _? m he nt + : c m y + _ r c m c ied + _ c he n m y l n_ x k _ l Tfss>k y o ize od ha s T n b t c c h |he e bh ) Tb] c ) T& |he t _ b= s p s T r | T?_ |he bdfl h l v b=lr Z s _ T vm? T s v ze T sk } d ) ) t ho tv p t xt ) t r n p T s m _ v _ } rt {o_ $ $ t $ ) } p f s t r fs t r + t _ oy o _? o d c d c ce + t o _ t o lls k g g l i g $ g :e _ ll _ s _ o d _ o t _ o ok i ns :% _kill b i ns pa s sb i y d s T ls k T v am t _ ll he t fs uct s n ^ t :e h m m $ t s du a i k o {o_ _ co g _tgi _ co g _ _ co g i lim s t nr_ s i w e m T Ze v md*e c l s y t t x tg i n d _ b d _tgi b d _ d fd fd fd _ ok fd _ ok fd _ ok fd t fd v ^ d *k v ^ _ s s n ^ i s n ^ i n s n ^ i n ok _ b ok _tgi b ok _ _ ok t _$ t _$ t _$ t _$ c l ed _ s t l = sk T m +u m i auxv t $ lf *k d s n ^ lf l _*k i f l _*k *k d m i t n y Tm f _ s _oom co t l i t s n ^ w *k _ o *k t m nv o j o j o j p m _ *k i i _ dum l dum l _ v ^ i ok d _ s ok _ sk d _ ls k _ t n y _ h l p _! T&% _ y ^ _ t d \ p _ y _ mkd kd _ kd ym*k d _ d _ oku _ _ _ fy l _*k _ ok T Z% _ y } t nd a t c g n ca h t nd t {o_ sk t _tg t _ d t t t $ _ r _ t xt t p t rt _ [_ _ y _ md*% _$ md*% _$ t rt t _ xt t p t _$ t q rt ( xt q p r _$ o avg _$ o avg t m _$ t m $ t t m tv _$ tv tgra~he _ a k o h l c t t v ^ ok d m t p _ s t _tgi d _ Ze _ f s ^ $_ t eq : t : t _tgi ok _tgi t e($_ t p _kco t ze Tkcl d t kco tkmsg l tkmsg tkmsg :e tkms $ tkp)fl s tkp)co twh d k ze r p :e u" t T ct T d T t% T nd k ! + ! Tb ! T[ k t t% cu b T c s Tam a Tm s bsd s $bsd s sd s &ebsd i x86 s ix s m ix Tmsdos Tosf gi lba t lba gp v Tk f h = Ze f o fs t fs :e fs l f $_ f fs fs edu c lb k fs edu c lb w k fs Z fs Z f g f f fs f f di nt f fy fs r t l f g fs f *k i f i oku st fs d fs Z e f ve f *k i f f di nt f e f e f m rt f w i nt T :e f di nt f f h t Z d fs Ze ubd d fs d fs ^ ubd fs u ve fs u v two f v two f n y fs Z d fs !m d f Z d f di nt f ok f i t fs u *k f f l _*k fs Z *k f do *k fs * n n fs *k fs ut f t f sb f ll t :e p } fs Z b _ fs b _ t t t Z s fs Z g n g f d g fs g t p sb t p _ ll T p y t p t t p _ s t p _kill b T p _ w x T p _kill x T p t w T p t kill oo sb Tramf sb Tramf o amf ll amfs ym*k amf mk d amfs ^ amf mkd u bf beg u bf u bf sb u bf c o u bfs p d ty u bfs p) t c hu p)s u bf t o u bf d o u bf o u bf mk d u bfs ^ u bf mkd ce u bfs ym*k Thu ~ , Thu b u o u bfs u u bf ? o u bf oy o u bfs t u bf m u bfs u bf ll u bfs s Thu b o ce a# h m a# h d Tfa cl Tfa b Tfa# h oy Tfa# h v o t i16_ x8 a y a sh y a p s l g a d a d _i a d a Z i a z oed l a i _ lld Tfa ?_ w Tfa do{o y Tfa c Tfa _l g Tfa d _e ty Tfa ubd s Tfa Z i Tfa i 16_ xt 32_ xt a# c bhs Tfa#o & cl s Tfa 16_ t a m r hs Tfa & cl s 32_ t 32_ t 16_ t 32_ p 16_ p 12_ p 12_ t 12_ b]nr a b]nr a b Tfa c Tfa 12_ xt Tfa ? l s 12_ t 12_ b Tfa t Tfa t a :e Tfa c^ Tfa n _i ce t b o Tfa fl h o Tfa Tfa a# o a a t o a ? o a o Tfa c o a# c ize a b] fa b a p)s a p)s a p) a p) Tfa i t Tfa il o a a t a s a _ s a beg a a di c IO a oy o a cod fh a f= n y a pa nt Tfa ll Tfa m f 2 ix Tfa m ix2f Tfa c hs Tfa f r Tfa#l fl h Tfa a _ d tvfa ip i n tvfa h h tvfa sb tvfa ll tvfa# tvfa v ^ h a tvfa v tvfa v ^ tvfa f d tvfa *k tvfa f f m tvfa y tvfa rmd tvfa h hi tvfa# i tvfa ok tvfa# ^ tvfa mkd tvfa ! }sdo sb }sdo ll }sdo f ! }sdo y }sdo f d }sdo *k }sdo rmd }sdo h h }sdos }sdos ! }sdo mkd }sdo ok }sdos ^ T of ok sofs t sof h h sof h hi sof h h sof h hi sof h =ms sof h h ms sof i t5, sof sb sof n y sof n y m ms sof n y sof n y i sof n y m ms sof n y i sof ? o ce t oy o c he T of i t of b sofs p) T of b]s sof b] T of b sofs u sofs s sof oy o sof i t5_ st sof ll T of !m sl^ T n_ ! sofs d T o ^ h k p etu r k k ov fl k ue s r g od n s r g o T r g ! r ym*k p) sof p i t sof f= a nt sof f= n y sof p cod fh sof p pa nt T j ie ! 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T& msg sg T msg t s}sg xp g l +o sgrcv msgrcv +o sgsnd e@ }sg c y vip msg Tms ns T co ut msgmni Tmsg ns msg t msgsnd t w@ msgc e  ks ooku do t a m p t d  o _ y g y, v oug= m k n bprm c ds bprm k bprm g ds bprm d ds bprm cu y ~? y b e y b d y ~k n_ t y b _ s y b s y ~ t y b k b y ~u t y ~u # y ~u b y y b os t y b os d t y b o oot y b os vo oot y b mn y b l mn y b s y od ? y od &e y od e killpr y od killpr y od p m ? &e i m ct ] fcn f n nd sk ce e n $ sk ^ y &e y pa ds y c ds k k l sk,u s x,u sk,g sk g s g s s sk,g s sk e sk r s r sk lim sk edul s edul s Ze m y s kill s sk rc s o ipc m ip msg s ? msg sg e ms < ? ms < &e ms < s i^ ms < msgc ms < msgsnd ms < msgrcv y h ? y h &e y h s i^ y hm hmc y hm h t y ? y &e y s i^ y m mc y m p y k nd k cv y cc y cc _ c y :e cc ix t am ct ix_ y nd y # ^ y pos# ^ y b d y # ct y l n y cept y pos cept y msg y cvmsg y k! y e ! y k t y k t y hu{ n y rcv kb y e s t am y e s gram y ? y &e y k l e y k l f fl y q l f fl y graft y e# n t y e#sk l e y e# n_ hed ? &e y m y s n ^ y od l y y o y y od y y od Z y od l y od y od%os y o ,x y od y od t y o t y od% m y od f l _*k y od *k y od ! y od mk d y od rmd y od mkd y o ym*k y od *k y od *k y od c ^ y od s y v oug= m T[ c y y apa v oug= m y y apa aud y apa a ct ap c a o> a o _ a bprm k c y a bprm g ds a bprm d ds ap ~? c y ap b e c y ap b d ap ~k n_ t ap b _ s ap b s ap ~ t ap b k b ap ~u t ap ~u # ap ~u b y ap b os t ap b os d t ap b o oot ap b os vo oot ap b l mn ap b s a od ? c y a od &e c y a od s y a od c ^ a od *k a od *k a o ym*k a od mkd a od rmd a od mk d a od ! a od *k a od f l _*k a od% m a o t a od t a od a od%os a od a od l a od y a o y a od l y a od a p m a ? c y a &e c y a i a ct a ] a fcn a f n a nd sk a ce e a n $ a sk ^ ap &e ap d pa ap d a k a k l a sk,u a sk,g a sk g a s g a s a s a sk,g s a s r a sk lim a s edul a s Ze m y a s a s kill a s o a ipc m a ip a msg s ? c y a msg sg e c y a ms < ? c y a ms < &e c y a ms < s i^ a ms < msgc a ms < msgsnd a ms < msgrcv ap h ? c y ap h &e c y ap h s i^ ap hm hmc ap hm h t ap ? c y ap &e c y ap s i^ ap m mc ap m p a ix t am ct a ix_ y nd ap # ^ ap pos# ^ ap b d ap # ct ap l n ap cept ap pos cept ap msg ap cvmsg ap k! ap e ! ap k t ap k t ap hu{ n ap rcv kb ap e s t am ap e s gram ap ? c y ap &e c y ap k l e c y ap ap graft a e# n t a e#sk l e a e# n_ hed ap q l f fl a s n ^ a ap ap cc ap cc _ c ap :e cc a ? a &e a y m a y xu s a m ap b mn r` s \r` hoo g \r` m r` ?_ m \r` b _ fy \r` l v _kill \r` l v _? \r` d ut \r` o m r` l v _ oy \r` t r` l v _ r` ok \r` ok \r` l v _ ok \r` ok \r` ha g \r` ?_ m \r` ? e \r` ph| s et y iph r` d iph| cr` d iph| cr` d \r` ph| s et y \r` di s s \r` di s s {i s c, y {i s c \r` di s c t d^2 {i st {i s c i st t d^ {i s d^ {i s c t t y {i s t y r` s r` co s \r` co s \r` co s r` Z f \r` _t`e \r` _ ! \r` _u32 \r`  _ > oo > |m )a > f o br > f e > osc > r _osc _ osc osc , osc p t > p > e Tf~ la Tf~ [ li t Tfb li t Tfb c _ p Tfb Tfb Tfb |o t b q rt b ( xt b q p Tfb p y b :e ~$ Tfb s p Tf~ k ~$ b q Tfb s T [ ra Tfb v Tf~ w_ l t Tfb _ go Tfb pa _ go ~i ~m T[ ra b ~ y di i ] di i b] di i lim b] di i m ] di i m ] b v k b h b h&q ~ m v&q ~ m h&q Tf~v Tf~ rm _ed Tf~ o db ~ m dclk Tfb d m s t st m t x_ed h ed d  he d  ksum Tfb s ed b db Tf~edi sp s Tf~ faul# Tfb v # s Tfb Tfb y Tfb c Tf~ ? Tf~? Tfb _ k so so s s Tfb u e bs t > v^ Tfb e T a :e T a |? _ _ _ _ pp pp _ _ _v tu _v tu i _ k _! bs } a i ~ Tf~v _ vi o Tf~vi o d v Tf~ d i e Tfb b Tfb b d p y Tf~ o l t Tf~ vi o Tf~vi o d l t Tfb Tfb a Tf~ = Tf~ t vi o Tfb d cvt {u yc rt {u yc u y {u yc Tvg _ x f ce tvg c llb tvg _ il tvg v gi tvg u y tvg ave c tvg ' c tvg tvga pa t tvg pa t tvg o ze tvg ze tvg c s ize tvg s tvg o tvg t tvg t tvg tvg w tvg _ k tvg c ll tvg c ll l tvg _ tvg rt kl h _ x r ht ss kl h r ht ss kl h kl h _ tu r ht ss kl h u Tb kl h [ t _ :e Tb kl h [ ~ lb k kl h kl h r ht ss kl h p t n n ns y t n ns y t n Ze \ gi _lim ns y t n be \f~ ll ct l d l d l d v l d v \fb ya a \f~i tg df h b v tg df h b Ze tg df h b p y tg df h b r t tg df h b p tg df h b g tg df h b be %r m y > q os t o % t os ] o t ] os n o m  k'o c c fl t  m gi  k gi os ^ ho o v f e os : obj t o t c he os g c he os c he os n ho o ho o ho > o ut f d o " > o ut h f d _ o u o ho lu u o u o % g a os g a > o d % i 2 o d % o m y o m y os ll os ep os Z r h l o s ll r h l o ov ri os f e ov ri o vpr os r o m ^ o i ize1 o i _] o v d s os : ] os m y p k) " u g " u fe nce boot > d el ! s ds x_ eld ds b eld ds eld d el obj ds | eld d o d d o d > d o d v ue ds _obj d o d gs d o d v ue d o d _ t l d _ _ d eg _ d " el s d " gi _ s d " _obj s d " _ gi _ s > d | eld d " _ | el s d i iz gi > d ut gum d gi _ gum d p k gum d | gum d b el gum d | el gum d eg _ d p d v ue d _ ds c e ck ds c e ck ds c e ck h > ds o mu x d m c _ od ds' r# _ od d beg _ o u ds l _ od d o r d obj f > d il n _obj t ds d il n k obj d il n _ |obj ds' v s ds _ s ds _i l t n ds d " u !m% h ds s d do_i l t n d 'ul ed d t ul if_ ed d c lb ks d 2_ d 2 eg _ d 1_ d 1 eg _ d c n w k ds =w k ds o w k d obj ck d obj ck h d t w k d am w k d obj ck o ds'ul p h ds'ul p ds w k d i iz obj > d obj t "_ xe " ct " s l xr h l s " s ll gp " i iz " "_ ut ods " s ll p h l "_ gi " i iz gi s " s ll gi _h l s "_ d s p d pa h "_ ut od > " g "_ gi > " s l h l " Ze h l "_gp xr h l > " xr h l " s ll h l " gp e a r m gp d a gp gp e Z gp b] s l gp b] gpe t " t _gpe _" t d a " t a " t d a gpe a gpe gp t`e d a a "_i f obj t "_ m ^ > "_g b _ h l " : g b _] " g b _ h l > "_ f d pa h "_< fy t "_ i _g b _] "_ p gi , " b gi , " s gi , "_ faul gi , " i iz gi > "_ h o br " g gi , " m y gi , : g b _] i _g b _] Z gp h l s l gp h l Z f h l s l f h l Z xe " h l s l xe " h l Z d s p h l s l d s p h l "_ d gp a sks > "_ _ a gpe "_ a gpe > "_ _ ut gp od " gp " " a gpe "_gp d pa h "_gp ct " gp t`e "_v i gp " t " i iz gp b] > "_ h rw_ gpe "_ t gp h l s "_w gp l t " gp b] "_gp i ize > " av o "_ t gp b] _ > _ _ _ _ d _ eld d eld > _? ! > _! gm t ! > o_ h _ cod 6A_0 1R ' v mul p ' v v ue _ _ | > v i v v v g v r t`e > _ov fl _ c s gi > _ el d u _ f eld _ w = d ru s eld _ cod 1A_0 1R _ cod 1A_1 1R _ cod 1A_1 0R _ cod 1A_0 0R _ cod 0A_0 1R p _ el obj t el v ue >  obj t`e ' v s m " t m n _" t do p do ll mu x ho " t od p 'o ce p s i gi mu x " t o_ _ o_ g _num _ o_ g _ obj fe nce ca l^ o c^n^ _ cod 2A_0 1R _ cod 2A_1 1R _ cod 2A_2 1R _ cod 2A_0 0R s p h l b p h l _ p h l g p h l p h l m y p h l _obj > o_ obj t _ c f 32b _ g g| _e a_i : g b _] _ i _g b _] _ p * h p _ p i p _ * mu x : mu x : mu x_obj t : mu x _ i u x_obj t _ i u x _ cod 3A_0 0R _ cod 3A_1 1R ' v d v ue _obj obj t ' v obj t hw hw hw_ a u gp hw_ a r m gp hw a gp > hw_ a u gp b] hw_ a r m gp b] hw _gp b] hw a gp b] hw _gpe hw_ gp a g hw gpe t hw_l a gpe hw hw _ hw b [ hw _ t rm _ k _v t rm _ k _v t 64 ave ep ep t% p ave ep t% p ep 4b s ep s e t` d [_ d [ [ t n ok n o i ize n ns _ e c e ns _ d w ! sp e > n c lb k " u obj t n s l n t ild n n t ! sp e ubt e n t n t ! sp b n ns n " u^ n p h!m ng n il n h n h h! n n h! n v i o p x n n _!m ng n il n _! n h ns v h n pa n n x v i n $s c e n n t`e n m ^ n n iz ! n n iz ! n ns r d% h! ns p o r ns p r ! h obj n i iz > n e > n f ods n i iz obj > n obj t n s d obj t n e d n n _obj t n n e obj t n _obj t n x n w ! sp e x obj t t`e pa nt n co t% ns s ns f f e ! ns k a t > ns obj t`e > ns k k e m ns k f e ! s > x p k ng x p k x ! s x g x ! p h x g co ize s co s s aml x p s t i > s t s s g app g t% s t e cod cod ! gum #o t pa n c e h d c e s c e s c e sc e s h c e i  x s ! & ?_ s ^ c e > d p a _l t ut od rs d s r d s rs aml'o c rs p u rs o c l t rs v o ce aml rs v am 'o c rs v o c aml rs v am 'o ce w k'o c v 'o ce > r =v 'o ce > r v p a s c n o c c n o c ( u 'o c d s64 > rs b s > rs t a _ ng r p u ng r l ng r am ng r cod b sk r cod b sk r Z d rs sr o d r o d r cr o d r pr o d rs o ce o ce r o ce o ce rs o c ng rs o c he Z h l s l h l by x s ? o ? o he a fl _i a d n| : n| _? n| _ t ! sp b n _ t _ m ^ z o l t _ _v if _ _ a d  ksum _v ify ksum r he s l i iz f s t s f t > c _ m f sdp f o po u v u t c h u# c h u i iz u dum 2 u dum > u# > u sl c u " u obj t u u xds u ut STA u ut UID u ut CID u ut HID u " u num _obj t os v ^ u os i m u ubs m hu{ n u v cep u i am u dw by p u g|w u v i  u v i ! u pa _! u pr w n r cep u w k k t e u# d^ t h u ul64 u : n| u ? n| u r g c he obj m ^ i iz obj a ubs m > u# y i obj t u# bj bj t > u# ie m ie m t u# eobj bj t > u# i i u# bj eobj t > u# ie m m t > u t n _obj > u d f t u d obj fe nce u Z fe nce u t n _obj l t u d fe nce u h _ i u gi _! u " ! u t` ! u cript _! u fe nc ! u v i obj t`e u g b s u d ! f cep u obj t` ! u d i u h d i u v i n _obj t > u obj ze u obj ze > u e m ng u t obj c u ? obj c bg u# n _obj dbg u# ^ _obj t u# p k obj t u# |obj t u p = n u po n u t n u# n u# c u# pkg u# d^ u# u# pkg t h u : mu x u mu x_ m ^ u mu x i ize u i u x u o c t`e u o c ng u v o ce u o c he | ng u cript _ ng u w aml'o c u o c g a u % p a u e d a u e > p t v > e t w > p beg > _ fy boot > d a gp > ep pa > |o pa _ m pa > p beg _ d > m pa > f h > |o e e p > p e ep > u $ s h _ a > u e > u e q b r d _h l e p |n h k T [_ T[_ n p _" t4 n p _" t s t > b  e pr d e > fy b _ b |m )a p b p b ce " t > glu d _h l > l f fy ph _ e > l f fy Ze ph e ild {o_ f dild T [_ t`e T[_ t`e > e p > u > e hu{ n > r obj t d _h l > :e ejd = s > h > d obj t d i > d i > % h > h > b c > [ > Ze > % be > u" t > b Ze im > ho Z e [_ b _ d b rt > ej r s c s > 'u tgp s s e c k > _ s T _ s > _ T _ > T > s d a T s d a > s a > p h l T s a c s l h l s t k _ h l c s e > _$ s > > _ ods > _ d > _gp y Z h l > Ze > p > rt > p > _gp h l t p ty > s > Z fs > _ fy > _ d > _$ s > q > 'u > Ze b y t b s fs Z b y > b y m x p k) > b s > b d^ > b y'u > b y > b y m > b y > b y > b y Z fs > b $ s > b d > b y _$ s > b y t $ s > b m > b y Ze > b p p ty > b m > b m > b fy > b y r > b y r > b y r m > Z fs > l nd > Z f h l s > _ fy > _ f xed > t $ s > q > q > _$ s > 'u > Ze > _ d > f 'u > f p c > f Ze c x > f _ d { g s l p n e { ] d k o lug { k t d k { " t ej t t d k > d f d b b y t`e u l s d d p n e d d p n e { d bay d k d T [ T[ d e T[_ho lug e T [_ho lug e > d l > br c > o rt t o br g b nr lb k _ [_ p o r g h > o Ze iz a_ q > *k k nt > *k k os > * c nt > *k, rq u 'u > * d * ? q * & q > *k Ze W [_g > q d r y > ( ok q a ( d rt ( l rt ( a > d _h l b ot > b d p b d e > s _$ s > s q > s _ d > s _ fy > s Ze > s _ t _$ s > s t > s _ t q s _ t > s _ t _ > s pl f lim > s t > s t s t > s _ t s t s _ t h  d > s t t > s t t > m  k s p s 'u t h s | e x s > s |$ s > s q > t m c t > s p > s , > af h t > 1 s s h  d > i > m > m &( s lim > s _lim $ s > s _lim q > s _appl lim > s _ lim _h &q &q x > s _ x &q c s c > m &( c e m &( m &q s m _lim s x s c > s p s _ [ f m ce s f m ce s _ fy s p s pc s p h  d s [ f m ce t m cr t m sv t m _tzp t m _n rt t m _ t > m Z fs > m u > m ve > m _ ve > m  k > m > m _ ip d^ > m co _ t m i t m i t`e t m t m t m > m _ cb > m _ b d _ e > m d _ e > m _ d > m l _$ s > m q > m l q > m _ ip q > m _ q > m q > m _ % l > m _ co _ > m t $ s > m _ m $ s > m _ i $ s > m _$ s > m _ fy > m Ze > m 'u > s f d e e > c xt > | a u % > |o _ e | d a u % > |$ s > q > | d > Ze > 'u o gp co t o xe " #o t a p a_v t t gp _ ray t s t o , o > q > m " t T [_ T[_ la > m s " t > m " t > $_" t n " t b d b d n e n e n & o ce n & o c np : e n ?_ np Z e np t n [ t n ? d Ze d p d'u np : c d np : c e d be np # e np Z c e np s np ! n ? d n [ n d d np Z c d n d e np d Z rst n b 'u n b p n [_ np _ n n Ze n \o a n t = e n h n % be n n s h l np'o c t`e n o ce np os c g n w'o ce n il np d np q np m np k t n & s np _ m'o ce np o ce np 'o ce np _ q'o ce n q'o ce n d 'o ce n 'o ce n m'o ce np 'o c np n d a np r n gn'o c n au n v n o c n ri ! n e a_i np'o c t` ! n i ve +bg np 'o c +bg np _ np n s np r np c n o c np n o c np _ s n xu e t awe32_ d t 1815_ u'o c t k m 'o c t k b16aud 'o c t awe32'o c t k mi8330'o c t ( _ p n np 'u np p np d a o c np o c np o c rq l s np t` o c { l s t cod q l s np s ?^ o ce np s ?^ m o ce np s ?^ q o ce np ?^d'o ce np s ?^d'o ce np ild'o c l^ np cod o c np o c t v r m np be } $ } m t null t null ip null t full ul ls k tkms } z o t z o pl null t k m t k m p t } m } k m t m t m ls k t m $ t t t % t t m wo dsMD4Tr sf m }ix o y t }ix o y s st d i ize >co t d b s d m|r om ss T d r om ss T r om ss x f x y T r o by s t y ( n T n r o uu o_uu f c d y o x t om o f c t %o o u _i T r o t Tr omiz r Tr i iz d k o i tuu ^gy u _ipv6 ephem om l u _ pv6 c numb u _ p c numb u _ipv4 ephem om Tr i iz q T r r om ss u y u u y l u i u y a i T h T y u T y a s T num T faul f s T pgrp T c n y h y t T y oia k t f c ty l T & m s T y hu{ n T?_ y uct T [_ T |k f ut u T k f ut y _ y _ y t : y T [_ e t uc t * ! T y _ e T y _ i iz y uct T ] T T y m s {o_ h g T vh g T vh g lf +o_SAK T h g T ld c l h o_SAK {o_SAK_w k T do ze + s i c y T _ y T ss) T ] b ak t T y k T ! T y : ty :e T& y uct T y t $ ty T i t : y y r y T di c T?_ _ y om u < ] d ho y {o_ou u o o aw o c ho ou ut d _ y _ u  ve Tv i Tvc fs tv ize tvc $ tvc ls k Tv Ze fs tv tvc \ c el os e lut c e c n ap gg n ap n a _num n o t tk p t i t ] T t ds tkb bh tk so d tkb d c ct \o u hif n_null u _k!k 2c p pa 2c numbe b t d s xf 2c b pl m plied pl [ pl m plied pl a i plied ply w k ply d ply w k pl a i plied ply ply s ply p ty tks rd pl u" t ply Z s ply s ply Z g s ply g s pl d ds tg df h y Ze tg df h y be tg df h y r t tg df = p p ty tg df h p p ty t t t t m _ x t m _ c t m :e t m _ c t ip o t ip o t`e t m _ ip o t m _ t`e `e t : i t i T m _z [ T m _z [ T m _z b d _ e T m _ [ T m _z b d _ e T m _ [ r _nr r num ct s }d su f d c b sum c ~1 sum m h ull t d rai d ks } t o } dia d }d v ^ }ds p l r c t p hi p t x c } c c p d c c% l t gra d } h n t d ize t c r h k ize ai d ks ayou t vel af y ize r s e h k ize ai d ks ayou r s t hap%o p hi p t c r x m Tm w_" t c c% l md _ Tm u }d afe d out t c s t r ray e Tm au c } ye d k b } fail t }d ut }d q p }d :e }d r Tm r t r xp r t b r ray tk r ray xp ray }d _ ye }d ($ t hap%o t Z d pa af y t r } i e r _ ray t vel t d^ ize } &e }d d } ? }d be d ! ray Tm Tm [_ Tmd _ Tmd | c t d k b |90_ i Tmd | } d^ b Tm l _ d w k {o d p {o r u s r ra ize |1 iz |90 iz | n > c d } c t x c Tm f r rray t d |90 c |1_ |1 c m x t w_ }d q rt }d ( xt T[ d s y T [ d s y } fy boot } | n ri |90_v ^ |1_v ^ rray > Tm d e c Tm rt Tm do c } $ }d q Tmd k cov y ize _ _ } } } i b sk Tb r b s t ) t b ) &%) p) co m b s Tb d t b s Tb c Tb c Tb c t &e Tb oy k k t %) Tb daem _w k Tb d^ b Tb fl h Tb r c Tb l n b Tb plug Tb rt Tb Tb ^ + + $ t + o y _ fl h p t x_ _ n + mdp +m mdp + t + ! + x u" q + " nr + d k + kobj t +m p d +m o y t _ + kobj u" t { < fl h l _ o l b { b _ uct o t c _ b l t fs _ b d +m m +m ^ + +m'u +m ut + fl h p { k { y s d { plu l { m g bv pl b { w(w k { i + " t + u" d v # lb k +m p {m t { $ + f kobj t + md + f _ { t o + t + t + ze + r t + f r t + nu r + + p r + % p r + %os p r + um r + b ri|ok + md +m lim s + s + " t + " # lb k t ?_ gv +m pl gs s +m u e p _ + e + oy + vc? + co l _ r + r t + c ^ + y s d + plu l o_ r o_ r o_ r_ + [_ r t + r +m _ r t + r ^ +m u r t`e t r t`e + r t`e e _ e + *e _ e _i e t e e ip +m ip ipe t ip d ip c t g|" t ip c h t ul v +m !m uu uu ell !m cell h h ell e _ t t t t o y t r ss) cell v s v v e d t i"e t t t t ps t c t t _ t p h ! t ! _h h Ze t Ze { h h Z l t Z l { h = + f t ^ {m _i p) x p) v p) v _ x p) tv x p) tk p) tk x p) tv p) { b _ uct t c t { pa = nd + + li oy + li ze + li # ^ { p )s li &%)s h jobs {o_w k tkc yd u p)s ) job _ _job t { pa =job o t t job egm #o + kc yd y + kc y + kc yd li # ^ + kc yd li oy +m f +m f { _uu { _! { t gi } r os p } r t } r 'u } r p hoos m r ai m r } r _avai t u m r d t< b { pa h s t ye k fn } r _ c xt } r t u l cov s t g|" t } r t lb k {o_ {o r t cov y t c lb k } r _ o gi ize o 'u o l h o s c t { k t o t w_he ai e { fl h t o g xt { d o d t t`e g xt { k o + d t t` [ + d t t` [ u t`e + d t oy d t t`e + d t g ^ o gi { k'u o _ rk gi o gi c o _ o c o w k + rh gi _ ct + rh _ gi + rh gi xt + rh gi _ y + rh gi ize + rh t g = ok + rh cov y l ht + rh l h + rh r cov y o t w k + rh p cov y h d +m gi _h h ^ +m gi _h = oy + rh cov y pa + rh s + r= d^ s + r= c + rh cov y rt + rh cov + r= r s c + r= y + rh c tz o tz o_ d _h l , d _a m _ s r \ &q ut c p d c p d c q c _ x q c q _ x q q p _a d p c _avai gov n s c _ c _gov n gov n \ &( [_gov n \ &q _gov n &( g a r^lim &( a r^lim l^d p \ &( [_ \ &q _ \ &q _ t \ &q p y &( | vg \ &( t T ] rw T ] rw m T] rw T] rw m \ &( g r tk \ &( [_ &(gov n &q p y c _gov n c _ x q c q &( | r t \ &( | r t &q Z &q fs :e dj jif &q'u &q p \ &( f &(ou of c \ &( d p y d^ &( t \ &( t q &( \ &q _ &(gov n f m ce t sp c &( &q, p d &(gov n _ sp e _u h d a l ^ t m sav bia sav bi sav bi _ _n _u h d a l ^ a l m a l x sav bia r t {o b m &(gov n bs _ _n \ &q c _avai &qs \ &q c \ &q c \ &q c r t \ &q c c \ &q c v ify \ s l h l \ um ] [_ e \ d a e \ a e \ [_ e \ s l h l \ pa ] \ [_ e c l \ [_ \ [_ \ w _gov n \ [_gov n \ [_gov n \ Ze fs \ d fs fs :e fs :e \ Ze fs t c t ! t t ) t% | ) t l^ncy n gov n \ Z cl s fs \ d l s fs n gov n _avai gov n s n \ d fs d| a e d c } u_ a e } u f ct } u ct T c d _ out T n ize }m vd rb num T vd g r sk T c m }mc |o mc : b }mc | }mc l h edu w k }mc edu ye w k T c T c r host T T c c v T c : host mc i host T f q T c d e }m d e T f md T T c ip ct T c c] T c T c w T c'um host T c'um b T c p host T c'c T c host }m h }mc be }mc Ze }mc p }mc 'u }m t`e }m u" t T ? d }mc : c d T [_ T c _ T [ T c T d d T c Z c d T c Z host T host }m hos#l s :e T [_hos#l s T c _hos#l s T c host T ?_host }mc Ze }mc i }m oem }m ! }m m d }m hw v }mc w v }mc ^ }mc sd }mc T mc }m ct T c nd t }mc nd x ! ve c c# d T c# ds T c c# d }mc nd x d T c n #sd T c nd T c nd sd T c n d T l nd T c v T c r T c crc T c w T go_ }mc d Ze }mc i }m oem }m ! }m m d }m hw v }mc w v }mc ^ }mc cr }mc sd }mc T d }mc ct T c n if d }m app md T f _app md T app w T c n ap d T c nd v T app nd cr T c d w d _ a wi d #o }mc d Ze }mc d _ ct T d T c n _ d T w i ct T w_ n d d _ = e d _ h d Z f c d _ f c t d i t e tv l s d Ze d be d _ u" t d _? c d : f c d _ [_ d _ d _ [ d m d d co d f c l ce d d f c d v 1 d 0_ b d 0 b d _ b d ~ t d b d b] ize d a f c d _ w_ help d _ sb d sb d _ mcp d _ l d _ w d _ mcp f m d l d w d _ a f c d : host d i host d _ n ize d : q d i q d _ ( T c Z c gfs T c Z hos gfs }m #sd :e }m #sd }mc bg d tu f $ }m $ }m s T d gfs T hos gfs }m #s $ }mc bg d tu t }m k k ze }m k'u }m k ut }m k :e }m $ }m k Ze }m k p }m k be }m t o }m su rq T < g T < u }mc p t }mc t T < bo c%ost T < bo c% T  m m v i ed > m l i ok c n 32 32t i = i = i Ze i p t s ' ved i ) a i = e i u" t i h i eld Thi [_ i :e _h _ Thi o e Thi ou u p t Thi e Th ct i % be " t Th p raw_" t Thi p t Th eld Th s p t Thi ? 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Ze . Ze t 2k Z e Ze g3 Z e nx2 Z e ky2 Ze v Ze 8139 Z e 8169 Z e 5k Ze n Ze cc d fs Z rsrc 42_ [ 42 Ze 1 Ze T edu out e x rt edu \ d' ed of rq Tyield e edu e e _ out e r e _ out r e t f T f _kil T f r out T f r T f _ out T f T d' ed e edu q T edu \ s c di edu edu out edu ou r edu ou r edu ou kil _ ] Tou of_* ] _ Tou of_* Tmu x_] Tmu x_ ] Tmu x_ y] Tmu x_ kil u x_ ] l p h u x_ r l p h Tmu x_ r u x_] l p h u x_ kil l p h edu hr ou r edu hr out {o_n os ep Thr m|n os ep' rt + n + n_ _ n_ out n n r n_kil Tr mu x_ ] Tr mu x_ y] Tr mu x_ r Tr mu x_] mu x l ] mu x l ] w d n ai d Trw d n_ fai d Trw d n fai d \ rw d n fai d \ rw d n_ fai d \ rw \ rw d ngr e x _ x rt : k ] T k l T k l i _k ] _ x _kp be x rt fault r T g t x sn t g ck ct Tnmi mi ck ct mi c x m g ck k m p x ck t3 T n c {o_ ap +o_nmi +o_ n c +o_ avai +o t3 +o_ g ie To To beg +i nmi T x po IF_ di e# n kp be T pa _k be tk b a h d Tk b a e T _ a kp be pa s p et s p Tkp b faul h l T Z kp be T kp be T _ kp be T pa _kp be Tkp b cep fy Tl gjm b a h l t a h l etj _h l Tjp b t n Tjp b t n_ +o fault t la _a m _ la Ta m _ la T kp be ggr aul h l ggr a h l tk b ] d w_kp be tkp be q rt tkp be ( xt tkp be q p t gf kp b tkp be $ _ [_kp b p t p p be Tk b ] T cyc r st tkp b _ [_kp b bot m T [_jp b T [_jp be T [_kp b T [_kp be T [_k b T [_k be T[_kp be T[_k be T[_k b T[_jp b T[_jp be T[_kp b c e t c g b) T sn t T& sn t Tkp be nm d t tkp be du c lb k _kp b Tkp b fl = sk ggr _h l ggr os h l Tk b h = ] _h l|k be Tk b h =] _kp be x c e xt beg T xt h kCPUt`e s486 s386 h x87 etu t p t l d r l il g _ co ly c ault ly fault l fault l g t 386 r k l T v ebda gi e t k l t ie k l t d t Ws , s _ W h og vel t kn n oo p s e ly am {o_e ly am tk l r k l t ly t oot t oo d , ! s, o ramd k oo , oo y, T g fl py T b ot T ot pa _! sp e amd k r t ramd k r t ll f l =w d uf &e fl co uf ild fl dy!m fl xed Tr i Tr d k t rd T r {o_*uxrc a , }d, Tm r , t {o rt t l =w d t rd am uf &e fl co uf ild h {o_u {o ym*k t yb *k {o_! rd {o ct {o kip {o y fl xed {o_he fl dy!m t p o s ul o s {o t pj, tg df h _ tg df h T a T m Thpe m s, od by s, tks>k, t faul d !p {m l _ m y r etu 8259A s fs T! v IRQ W IRQ ISA_ qs om ksum om gn u b ms y bf 820_ ped 820 Z r 820 _gap ov ppe e ly Tf e820_a a Tf e820_a a ize 820 v gi 820_ho ize s pt 820_ fn 820_ of_l am fn 820_ of am fn 820,u gap 820 r 820_ d gi s m t _app e820_ 820' v o ce l^ 820 _ v gi s 820_ d r g 820_ d r i z e820_ T faul m h e p if _ m y, Wm h e p if _ m y, W m y, etu m Tf =e820 s T d e820 ly' v e820 ly oot m { r T& e ly ' v e ly { ov p a a _ok T v e ly T v e l ov ok s e820_ t 820' v o c u_? o u, u 8237A s fs t p ogy r _k gf t t etu pl e T ! v s uc s p c]so ce et m T _ u t c, {m r s T c, T c &( c o_ y am T _ y {m _ 0xed t d r s d , 86 i _nr, et sr h ize, etu d a c n f boo# ly 86 xsr, 86 p, etu n lfl h t _h t t _387 T gs m r { a m r_ im, Tamd p i _ faul m r } r f i ize ub r t _ i m y Tm r_ i c he m y Tm r } r_if } r_ g Tm r t w n T m r Tam m r \yrix m r \ m r l boo s k pe s o ce etu s% boo {m _ q0_ m|ov ri > s f t > bf > s hpet s mcfg {m d a c ht boo s { a q { a g _ > ep, ' v boot m t h s t t boo t t boo e b s boot }sr i tvia_ gs v ia_ gs _ gs _ gs { l ks t x_h` sp # g Tvsm T kp b ly i etu e ly r tk { a hpet pe t Thpe a pe l l i k8_nb dd pkr T! v%) ,u d e s h h m T v boot n Tf l fn T t % tk l h _ p etu boot ? T T! v%) , rt l g, l t _e ly x h e l ak _e l l m l l l a g, a mt` l s vm? T v d s s ve p ,u _hook T a hook _ m hook r i t _i b c t T m hook hook hook e tvdso, , e s e o dum l , he Tf _ do so p d a so , { a boo# so s g _ g vel, o f_ n, W _e l q pawn_ksof rqd of rq t ve, m ' v gi _w h pl T v gi _w h pl o o ce c t cap d a m s Tu s f tu h et r f l n s n T help w k< h h Trcu _ am f po x_ m s po x _ m s etu hr m|h Thr m sp xy h tks f qos \ etu c s c t k p e T k p t c j, Tnt ]so c d boo g c]so ce fs oo ov r c]so ce oo ov r c] jif ]so ce m|l p fs T c etu c hz u x _ du tk lsym t ] nd i ! sp e kp b l q rqp l, rq x , e q be e (n be cu t y tu ! c t y c tu d a t sks T sks e ly oot g, oot by s Tboot boot )s e ' ve t r boot T v boot T& boot t r boot m T v boot m T& boot m l oot m __? oot n _? oot n _? oot d n boot m boot m boot __? oot m _? oot l __? oot _? oot l _ _? oot _? oot m boot m T& boot m T& boot Tw w = v gi s p s m y w = v gi s = d bo d i m d v gi e d ' ve ? Tabs p) md*% s co md*% s Za co md*% s k lco m fn _ Tf m fn_w = v gi s T v r T& boot w = v gi s T& a a T& a a p|z %) m T Z v r T Z v r s T& a a T?_l h h b dfl h t ahe p, tks p t fs etu vms t di l e g vel }m f T v ify )fl yout { a r s Tm T _v _vm? Tvm? t x p s k s p u ~ faul t Thu ~ hs W? oot hug%) u ~hs t ? )s u ~nrp)s, u b sh et lu~ m et lu~ g et lu~m _obj et lu~ x_ d et lu~m _ d b b f Tk m h T T r p fs c e dh = i Tvfs he Tvfs he e ly e ih = i od od e ly T f _ s m mn s Tmn T b Tb h { fy o fy, o f , v l n od , _] t m c fmt scrip b fmt elf fmt { o o c he _ o _ y md* _ e r _ avg _ m _ m _v _ _ n _kco _kmsg c gp fn f od f p s ramf fs o s hu bf fs Tfa# h fa fs vfa fs msdo fs o9660 s Tz of nls p437 nl i nl o8859_1 nl u 8 t gf ya fs pc pc p f e Tmsg e h pc c m< fs T y t y hoos lsm y du a r` ga \r` p ha _ du q _ du r` mgr T s}gr m _ du }d5_ ha1_ n _ ha256_ n _ r` ~ du r` b du t n _ e rc4 r` au du tkrn v , T t k, g t i t k of rq t nh r t l s _ nh sg t o t * fq c he tkobj u" r _t Tr ix_t om32 om32' d b l b rst bf , t e a r t 86c 1_i su hi m hos r t i gik t am 8131 mrbc t i a f % t v v ho lug gn_ g d'o c > b tvi o, t x t c ll kl h#l t n tg df h b > s ap s nce % % s i % s m t kl d {m a os *ux {m d a os v o i ize > o ! , > gi > ' v o c > k gpe , > i ize, e os *ux dm os *ux > md* os *ux > f c o c , o , o o po > _au sd t i iz s s o i ize ubs m > u d p d d p d _ 'u e > ep e ly > fy > c > boo _ a _ d p be > > b y > > f { > o > ( b ce, > q ce, > q t d^ > q > ( a rq u s fs > * q ty > s > m > > > " n g, n np, ' v m np, ' v np, ' v d np, ' v q spnp np > n f e > n h np h l np , np 'o ce np s o c np hr_ eq n ty l ty \ s ty } c Tvc Tkb \ s Tvty tv s cl r( a d, rq vra t rn hw t t t tg df = y gp, g T amd64 g l t m 915 n T e Tb e \l l f \ _ T rm t rm l amd k ize amd k ize2 r oo t x_ , tg df =aud tqemu ip . du . du t 2k du g3 nx2 ky2 du hy Tmd _ b l t2 t d o b n 8139 du 8169 du h5k p , so sc  good, m ]so ce s%m}r i Thi aw i Th g d g ogg t ou u b gn'o c b ? b 'o c b ? o c b s'o ce vey cb cf e cf y k di c p be di c c f' ved cf l s o c cf am fam10h cfg cf l cf e ly ' ved mbo d'o ce h mcfg'o ce cf e7520 cfg 945 ubs tvia_ u be tvls u be v w k u be i u be yrix_ u be p _ u be t u be l u be m u be o_ u be t x_ |}360_ q u g t x k _h b q9 u be b q b +mi k p be +mi k ki a_ n md os o t kb t n c c _ t _ T t oo t t t t T c t +s t h Trt l h t l t ~ru lc ! if t t k t nl T t l T t l _ g T t l _< f f g f n k nd t f n ft f n c f n k i t d m ns r tg t r tg f tg r tg t pms tg n m t r m t m e rh = i p c c r c _ ut m r do e pe s p e = i T T p4 T v4 t p t p s _ fault Traw _ aw t Traw Tud Tud Tudp4 Tudpl 4 T r T m c T e t e t pv4 ib t e gm mc b t ~ c _ipv4 pv4 c t f ipv4 T b T ~h h m c p t T b4 u mr s cooki sp4 l4 m4_ sp m4_ d t l c ! c oo c s s _i tv l i n , au g, fs s g, T o nfs s au g r p cv c oo cv f n l3p ipv4 p n Tnf n ipv4 a f_! f_! f_ f_! ft f_! c f_! p l p l _ p m g p m g f_! ru Tnf_! ru f_! nd o tg t s tg t j tg tu tg ub p ipso_v4 Tx m4 Tx m4 t Tx Tx m t Tx Tx m c f_ ix et6_ et6 f6 T c f pv6_ _ be r l p6 l _ pv6_ _ bel p6_ ut T b6 Tnd c Tudpv6 Tudpl 6 Tudpl v6 Trawv6 Traw6 T v6 c v6 g 6 pv6 r T pv6 pv6_ Tx m6 Tx m6 t pv6_ t l pv6 c m6_ sp m6_ d t l m6 ps f y f twi s n v Trc- st l T _ t T omhsh T gm nl T _ be fc f T _ be nl T _ bel T ipsov4_ nl c \ ibr y T s r ize c e c u e Tmx r e u _ s xs Txsav 4 h ok t c _ av 4 he f he f l he T c n p ogy Tv pa p t sc d i fe u T c ht \ _ ct t c ap T gs r # t faul t c _v n fy _w hou# n fy n fy c d y + p y he \ Tvm fe u s h` v l iz c he p _w =ra g ly l l md iz c he ly amd amd o yrix_ {o yrix_ cyrix nsc yrix_i n fy ly cyrix iz c he ly c c ly s s a d a bootu sk Tf lb k t m _ fy r m _ fy cu p c cu _ fy ^lim h l > s rt s T[ md _ fy t rs v gi x _n t x v gi x _n _e ly fn_ n ly fn_ n T pfn g f _n dj z r g f _z Za tz e p d ) _ _abs p) tz abs p) _ c n e t z e T m z e %) boot m T v ify *ks e xt 4 > * 4 @ L W mc Zm Aw S y H { q ,  # 0 G= H AT _ Th t a v " p | 0 > " - 7 !B M V ` bk t  G ~ C : ) k3 = F `P g_ yn mm la to_ cs ble end _read _co des _m ble_ eee80211 Tin eee ite fr Te ys_ tshow _sto ad_ t_s res map iv tx tion _r fo Tdr ig na ev t_c open e_p fre _res q_ age lin Td _set 80211 te1000 802 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 leas 11 queu h_ tac alloc que A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y mov register Tc lock ate _ yp a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z td er_ tm b_ _ch c_ pi ci_ and tn tb 80 _con tf T_ ing _b _init ag wa le_ ata init si tt ate_ _get_ pu lo l_ tin no devic wr ci _show ch 1000 ir _d ff bu roc gister gis mp Ti _set_ ex Tacpi_ se _sta ur 100 ke ys es ol it_ th io id _f ee Tp Tac qu bl dr how op y_ pi_ mo ar tl up as loc ec fi ter ro me _in at get_ ic ne tp to ma us 00 m_ un dev ow k_ ad or an al tc is Ts p_ en i_ s_ _se tr d_ ts on it le ac _re oc ti _p te ge _c de ta er e_ in _s re t_ ! % ) , 1 : > B F I L P V [ _ c g k n q v y | ! # % ' + 4 7 < @ B E G I K M O Q S U W Y [ ] _ a c e g i k m o q s u w y | " % ( . 1 8 ; @ C G J M P S W Z ] ` c f i m p s v z } " % ( + . 1 4 7 : = TEXT DATA BSS INIT_PG_TABLE BIOS reserved calling %pF @ %i initcall %pF returned %d after %Ld usecs error code %d preemption imbalance disabled interrupts initcall %pF returned with %s init/main.c <4>Parameter %s is obsolete, ignored <3>Unknown boot option `%s': ignoring Too many boot env vars at `%s' Too many boot init vars at `%s' early options earlycon <4>Malformed early option '%s' /dev/console <4>Warning: unable to open an initial console. <4>Failed to execute %s <4>Failed to execute %s. Attempting defaults... /sbin/init /etc/init /bin/init /bin/sh No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel. <5> <5>Kernel command line: %s Booting kernel <4>start_kernel(): bug: interrupts were enabled *very* early, fixing it <2>start_kernel(): bug: interrupts were enabled early <2>initrd overwritten (0x%08lx < 0x%08lx) - disabling it. HOME=/ TERM=linux /dev/root <5>VFS: Insert %s and press ENTER readonly VFS: Mounted root (%s filesystem)%s on device %u:%u. VFS: Cannot open root device "%s" or %s Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on %s List of all partitions: No filesystem could mount root, tried: /dev/ nfs <6>Waiting %dsec before mounting root device... mtd ubi <6>Waiting for root device %s... <3>%s RAMDISK: ran out of compressed data <3>RAMDISK: incomplete write (%d != %d) %ld incomplete literal tree incomplete distance tree /dev/ram <5>RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: romfs filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: cramfs filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: squashfs filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: Minix filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: ext2 filesystem found at block %d <5>RAMDISK: Couldn't find valid RAM disk image starting at %d. <3>RAMDISK: Couldn't allocate gzip buffer <3>RAMDISK: Couldn't allocate gzip window bad gzip magic numbers internal error, invalid method Input is encrypted Multi part input Input has invalid flags invalid compressed format (err=1) invalid compressed format (err=2) out of input data invalid compressed format (other) crc error RAMDISK: image too big! (%dKiB/%ldKiB) /initrd.image <3>RAMDISK: could not determine device size <3>RAMDISK: could not allocate buffer <5>RAMDISK: Loading %dKiB [%ld disk%s] into ram disk... done disk #%d. Error closing the disk. disk #%d Error opening disk. Loading disk #%d... %c root floppy disk to be loaded into RAM disk /dev/root.old /old /linuxrc <5>Trying to move old root to /initrd ... /root/initrd okay /initrd does not exist. Ignored. <5>Unmounting old root <5>Trying to free ramdisk memory ... noautodetect partitionable part <4>md: Too few arguments supplied to md=. <4>md: md=%s%d, Specified more than once. Replacing previous definition. <4>md: md=%s%d - too many md initialisations linear raid0 super-block <6>md: Will configure md%d (%s) from %s, below. /dev/md0 <6>md: Skipping autodetection of RAID arrays. (raid=autodetect will force) <6>md: Waiting for all devices to be available before autodetect <6>md: If you don't use raid, use raid=noautodetect _d /dev/md%s%d /dev/%s <4>md: Unknown device name: %s <6>md: Loading md%s%d: %s <3>md: open failed - cannot start array %s <4>md: Ignoring md=%d, already autodetected. (Use raid=noautodetect) <4>md: starting md%d failed junk in compressed archive can't allocate link hash entry TRAILER!!! can't allocate dir_entry buffer 070707 incorrect cpio method used: use -H newc option 070701 no cpio magic can't allocate buffers junk in gzipped archive <6>checking if image is initramfs... it is it isn't (%s); looks like an initrd broken padding <6>Calibrating delay loop (skipped) preset value.. <6>Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. <4>calibrate_delay_direct() failed to get a good estimate for loops_per_jiffy. Probably due to long platform interrupts. Consider using "lpj=" boot option. <6>Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. <6>Calibrating delay loop... %lu.%02lu BogoMIPS (lpj=%lu) goldfish_pdev_bus goldfish_pdev_remove could not find device at %x goldfish_new_pdev %s at %x irq %d goldfish_pdev_worker failed to register device, %s goldfish_pdev_worker registered %s arch/x86/kernel/process_32.c Pid: %d, comm: %s %s (%s %.*s) %s EIP: %04x:[<%08lx>] EFLAGS: %08lx CPU: %d EIP is at %s EAX: %08lx EBX: %08lx ECX: %08lx EDX: %08lx ESI: %08lx EDI: %08lx EBP: %08lx ESP: %08lx DS: %04x ES: %04x FS: %04x GS: %04x SS: %04x CR0: %08lx CR2: %08lx CR3: %08lx CR4: %08lx DR0: %08lx DR1: %08lx DR2: %08lx DR3: %08lx DR6: %08lx DR7: %08lx <6> <0> %s%s[%d] bad frame in %s frame:%p ip:%lx sp:%lx orax:%lx in rt_sigreturn iret exception <0>math-emulation not enabled and no coprocessor found. <0>killing %s. nmi_ipi <0>Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason %02x on CPU %d. <0>Do you have a strange power saving mode enabled? NMI: Not continuing <0>Dazed and confused, but trying to continue <0>You have some hardware problem, likely on the PCI bus. <0>NMI: IOCK error (debug interrupt?) divide error bounds invalid opcode coprocessor segment overrun invalid TSS segment not present stack segment alignment check <6>%s[%d] general protection ip:%lx sp:%lx error:%lx general protection fault cache flush denied int3 <6>Enabling fast FPU save and restore... <6>Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... <3>unexpected IRQ trap at vector %02x NMI: %10u Non-maskable interrupts ERR: %10u CPU%-8d %3d: -%-8s %s , %s <0>%s: cannot handle IRQ %d vector %#x cpu %d arch/x86/kernel/irq_32.c %s %08lx <0>Process %.*s (pid: %d, ti=%p task=%p task.ti=%p) <0>Stack: <0>Code: Bad EIP value. <%02x> &mm->context.lock %s <%s> [<%p>] %s%pS <0>%s: %04lx [#%d] PREEMPT <0>EIP: [<%08lx>] SS:ESP %04x:%08lx Fatal exception in interrupt Fatal exception <0>%s on CPU%d, ip %08lx, registers: Non maskable interrupt %sCall Trace: Pid: %d, comm: %.20s %s %s %.*s <5>%s detected: BIOS may corrupt low RAM, working around it. <6>extended physical RAM map: reserve setup_data setup data %x <6>fixed physical RAM map: bad_ppro <3>initrd too large to handle, disabling initrd <6>RAMDISK: %08llx - %08llx Cannot find place for new RAMDISK of size %lld NEW RAMDISK <6>Allocated new RAMDISK: %08llx - %08llx <6>Move RAMDISK from %016llx - %016llx to %08llx - %08llx Kernel code Kernel data Kernel bss AMI BIOS Phoenix BIOS Video RAM area pic1 timer0 timer1 dma page reg pic2 fpu XT <7>spurious 8259A interrupt: IRQ%d. XT-PIC i8259 Adapter ROM Video ROM System ROM Extension ROM <4>Simple Boot Flag value 0x%x read from CMOS RAM was invalid <6>Simple Boot Flag at 0x%x set to 0x%x nopentium <6>last_pfn = %#lx max_arch_pfn = %#lx <6>Allocating PCI resources starting at %lx (gap: %lx:%lx) <6> %s: %016Lx - %016Lx (usable) (reserved) (ACPI data) (ACPI NVS) (unusable) <3>Ooops! Too many entries in the memory map! exactmap arch/x86/kernel/e820.c BIOS-e820 BIOS-88 BIOS-e801 <6>BIOS-provided physical RAM map: Invalid user supplied memory map <6>user-defined physical RAM map: <6>modified physical RAM map: <6>update e820 for early_reserve_e820 <6>(%d early reservations) ==> bootmem [%010llx - %010llx] <6> #%d [%010llx - %010llx] %16s ==> [%010llx - %010llx] free_early on not reserved area: %llx-%llx! Too many early reservations Overlapping early reservations %llx-%llx %s to %llx-%llx %s extended Unusable memory System RAM ACPI Tables ACPI Non-volatile Storage noforce biomerge nopanic nomerge forcesac allowdac nodac usedac <6>PCI: VIA PCI bridge detected. Disabling DAC. <6>%s %s: PCI: Disallowing DAC for device <6>%s %s: Force SAC with mask %Lx fallback device <6>HPET not enabled in BIOS. You might try hpet=force boot option <7>%s %s: HPET at 0x%lx <7>%s %s: Force enabled HPET at 0x%lx <7>%s %s: Failed to force enable HPET arch/x86/kernel/quirks.c <7>Force enabled HPET at resume <7>%s %s: RCBA disabled; cannot force enable HPET <7>%s %s: ioremap failed; cannot force enable HPET <7>%s %s: SB4X0 revision 0x%x i8237 <7>%s: alt table %p -> %p arch/x86/kernel/alternative.c SMP alternatives pit arch/x86/kernel/pci-nommu.c map_sg map_single <5>%s detected: marking TSC unstable. <4>notsc: Kernel compiled with CONFIG_X86_TSC, cannot disable TSC completely. Marking TSC unstable due to %s <6>TSC: Frequency read from the hypervisor Fast TSC calibration failed Fast TSC calibration using PIT HPET PMTIMER <6>TSC: PIT calibration matches %s. %d loops <4>TSC: Unable to calibrate against PIT TSC: No reference (HPET/PMTIMER) available <4>TSC: HPET/PMTIMER calibration failed. <6>TSC: using %s reference calibration <6>TSC: Using PIT calibration value <4>TSC: HPET/PMTIMER calibration failed. Using PIT calibration <4>TSC: PIT calibration deviates from %s: %lu %lu. could not calculate TSC khz Detected %lu.%03lu MHz processor. TSCs unsynchronized cpufreq changes IBM Thinkpad 380XD 0x80 0xed udelay none <5>%s: using 0xed I/O delay port Compaq Presario V6000 HP Pavilion dv9000z HP Pavilion dv6000 HP Pavilion tx1000 Presario F700 <6>%s %s: registered platform RTC device (no PNP device found) arch/x86/kernel/rtc.c <6>Extended CMOS year: %d <4>set_rtc_mmss: can't update from %d to %d rtc_cmos PNP0b00 PNP0b01 PNP0b02 using polling idle threads. halt nomwait <6>using mwait in idle threads. <6>using C1E aware idle routine task_xstate arch/x86/kernel/process.c TSC halt in AMD C1E <6>System has AMD C1E enabled <6>Switch to broadcast mode on CPU%d <3>FP/SSE not shown under xsave features 0x%llx arch/x86/kernel/xsave.c <6>xsave/xrstor: enabled xstate_bv 0x%llx, cntxt size 0x%x i386 Data Instruction Unified Unknown %luK Feature not enabled <3>Attempting AMD northbridge operation on a system with no northbridge %sEntry: %d Allowed %sReads: %s New Entries: %s %sSubCache: %x Index: %x index%1lu <6>CPU: Trace cache: %dK uops <6>CPU: L1 I cache: %dK , L1 D cache: %dK <6>CPU: L2 cache: %dK <6>CPU: L3 cache: %dK coherency_line_size physical_line_partition ways_of_associativity number_of_sets shared_cpu_map shared_cpu_list cache_disable PAT not supported by CPU. PAT WC disabled due to known CPU erratum. PAT disabled. Not yet verified on this CPU type. processor : %u vendor_id : %s cpu family : %d model : %u model name : %s stepping : %d stepping : unknown cpu MHz : %u.%03u cache size : %d KB fdiv_bug : %s hlt_bug : %s f00f_bug : %s coma_bug : %s fpu : %s fpu_exception : %s cpuid level : %d wp : %s flags : bogomips : %lu.%02lu clflush size : %u power management: [%d] vme pae mce cx8 sep pge mca cmov pse36 pn clflush dts fxsr sse2 ia64 pbe syscall mmxext fxsr_opt pdpe1gb rdtscp 3dnowext 3dnow longrun lrti cxmmx k6_mtrr cyrix_arr centaur_mcr constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl amdc1e xtopology tsc_reliable nonstop_tsc pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx tm2 ssse3 cid fma cx16 xtpr pdcm dca sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic aes xsave avx hypervisor rng_en ace_en ace2 ace2_en phe_en pmm pmm_en lahf_lm cmp_legacy svm extapic cr8_legacy abm sse4a misalignsse 3dnowprefetch osvw ibs sse5 skinit wdt ida tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority vpid vid ttp stc 100mhzsteps hwpstate %d86 stepping %02x <6> MSR%08x: %016llx 486 <3>CPU: vendor_id '%s' unknown, using generic init. <3>CPU: Your system may be unstable. <5>CPU serial number disabled. %02x/%02x arch/x86/kernel/cpu/common.c KERNEL supported cpus: <6>CPU: L1 I Cache: %dK (%d bytes/line), D cache %dK (%d bytes/line) <6>CPU: L2 Cache: %dK (%d bytes/line) <4>CPU#%d already initialized! <6>Initializing CPU#%d Unknown VMwareVMware arch/x86/kernel/cpu/vmware.c CPU: Kernel requires i486+ for 'invlpg' and other features <0>No coprocessor found and no math emulation present. <0>Giving up. Hmm, FPU with FDIV bug. <6>Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK. <6>Pentium Pro with Errata#50 detected. Taking evasive action. <6>CPU: C0 stepping P4 Xeon detected. <6>CPU: Disabling hardware prefetching (Errata 037) Celeron (Covington) Celeron (Mendocino) Celeron-A Celeron (Coppermine) Mobile Pentium II (Dixon) GenuineIntel 486 DX-25/33 486 DX-50 486 SX 486 DX/2 486 SL 486 SX/2 486 DX/2-WB 486 DX/4 486 DX/4-WB Pentium 60/66 A-step Pentium 60/66 OverDrive PODP5V83 Mobile Pentium 75 - 200 Mobile Pentium MMX Pentium Pro A-step Pentium Pro Pentium II (Klamath) Pentium II (Deschutes) Mobile Pentium II Pentium III (Katmai) Pentium III (Coppermine) Pentium III (Cascades) Pentium III (Tualatin) Pentium 4 (Unknown) Pentium 4 (Willamette) Pentium 4 (Northwood) Pentium 4 (Foster) <6>AMD K6 stepping B detected - system stability may be impaired when more than 32 MB are used. probably OK (after B9730xxxx). <6>Please see http://membres.lycos.fr/poulot/k6bug.html <6>Enabling old style K6 write allocation for %d Mb <6>Enabling new style K6 write allocation for %d Mb <6>Enabling disabled K7/SSE Support. CPU: CLK_CTL MSR was %x. Reprogramming to %x Hammer AuthenticAMD Am5x86-WT Am5x86-WB <6>Recalibrating delay loop with SLOP bit reset <6>Working around Cyrix MediaGX virtual DMA bugs. cyrix 5510/5520 detected <6>Enable Memory-Write-back mode on Cyrix/NSC processor. <6>Enable Memory access reorder on Cyrix/NSC processor. CyrixInstead <6>Enabling CPUID on Cyrix processor. Geode by NSC Cyrix <5>Disabling bugged TSC. C6 <6>Centaur FCR was 0x%X now 0x%X <6>Centaur FCR is 0x%X WinChip %s <6>CPU: Enabled ACE h/w crypto <6>CPU: Enabled h/w RNG Centaur CentaurHauls <6>CPU: Processor revision %u.%u.%u.%u, %u MHz <6>CPU: Processor revision %08X, %u MHz <6>CPU: Code Morphing Software revision %u.%u.%u-%u-%u <6>CPU: %s Transmeta GenuineTMx86 TransmetaCPU UMC UMC UMC U5D U5S <3>run of slot in ranges <4>mtrr: size and base must be multiples of 4 kiB <7>mtrr: size: 0x%lx base: 0x%lx <7>mtrr: no MTRR for %lx000,%lx000 found <4>mtrr: register: %d too big <4>mtrr: MTRR %d not used <4>mtrr: reg: %d has count=0 <4>mtrr: type: %u invalid <6>mtrr: Serverworks LE rev < 6 detected. Write-combining disabled. <6>mtrr: Intel 450NX MMC detected. Write-combining disabled. <4>mtrr: your processor doesn't support write-combining <4>mtrr: zero sized request <4>mtrr: base or size exceeds the MTRR width <4>mtrr: 0x%lx000,0x%lx000 overlaps existing 0x%lx000,0x%lx000 <6>mtrr: no more MTRRs available <4>mtrr: type mismatch for %lx000,%lx000 old: %s new: %s <6>CPU MTRRs all blank - virtualized system. <7>After WB checking <7>MTRR MAP PFN: %016lx - %016lx <7>After UC checking <7>After sorting <4>WARNING: BIOS bug: CPU MTRRs don't cover all of memory, losing %lluMB of RAM. arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mtrr/main.c <6>update e820 for mtrr disable= base= type= reg%02i: base=0x%06lx000 (%5luMB), size=%5lu%cB, count=%d: %s uncachable write-combining write-through write-protect write-back <4>mtrr: base(0x%lx000) is not 4 MiB aligned <4>mtrr: writable mtrr between 0x70000000 and 0x7003FFFF may hang the CPU. <4>mtrr: base(0x%lx000) is not aligned on a size(0x%lx000) boundary <3>MTRR: CPU %u: Writing MSR %x to %x:%x failed <4>mtrr: your CPUs had inconsistent fixed MTRR settings <4>mtrr: your CPUs had inconsistent variable MTRR settings <4>mtrr: your CPUs had inconsistent MTRRdefType settings <6>mtrr: probably your BIOS does not setup all CPUs. <6>mtrr: corrected configuration. <6>MTRR %05X-%05X %s <6>MTRR default type: %s dis <6>MTRR fixed ranges %sabled: <6>MTRR variable ranges %sabled: <6>MTRR %u base %0*X%05X000 mask %0*X%05X000 %s <6>MTRR %u disabled <6>TOM2: %016llx aka %lldM <6>mtrr: your BIOS has set up an incorrect mask, fixing it up. arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mtrr/generic.c and uncacheable are is <4>mtrr: only write-combining%s supported edge noacpi BOOT FACP <3>ati_ixp4x0 quirk not complete. arch/x86/kernel/acpi/boot.c <5>%s detected: Ignoring BIOS IRQ0 pin2 override <6>ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: %#x <4>ACPI: Unable to map SBF <4>ACPI: Unable to map HPET <4>ACPI: HPET timers must be located in memory. <4>ACPI: HPET id: %#x base: %#lx is invalid <6>ACPI: HPET id: %#x base: %#lx HPET %u <3>ACPI: MMCONFIG has no entries <4>ACPI: No memory for MCFG config tables SGI <3>ACPI: MMCONFIG not in low 4GB of memory <5>%s detected: acpi off <5>Warning: DMI blacklist says broken, but acpi forced <5>%s detected: force use of acpi=ht <5>Warning: acpi=force overrules DMI blacklist: acpi=ht <4>ACPI: acpi=force override <4>ACPI: Disabling ACPI support rsdt <5>%s detected: force use of acpi=noirq <5>%s detected: force use of pci=noacpi ACPI: setting ELCR to %04x (from %04x) HP nx6115 laptop HP NX6125 laptop HP NX6325 laptop HP 6715b laptop IBM Thinkpad FSC Primergy T850 HP VISUALIZE NT Workstation Compaq Workstation W8000 ASUS P4B266 ASUS P2B-DS ASUS CUR-DLS ABIT i440BX-W83977 IBM Bladecenter IBM eServer xSeries 360 IBM eserver xSeries 330 IBM eserver xSeries 440 ASUS A7V IBM Thinkpad 600 Series 2645 IBM Thinkpad 600 Series 2646 ASUS PR-DLS Acer TravelMate 36x Laptop s3_bios s3_mode s3_beep old_ordering , <3>Could not allocate memory during boot, S3 disabled <3>wakeup header does not match <3>ACPI: Wakeup code way too big, S3 disabled. <3>ACPI: Cannot allocate lowmem, S3 disabled. <7>Monitor-Mwait will be used to enter C-%d state ACPI FFH INTEL MWAIT 0x%x <3>Memory allocation error machine restart <6>%s series board detected. Selecting BIOS-method for reboots. Dell E520 Dell PowerEdge 1300 Dell PowerEdge 300 Dell OptiPlex 745 Dell OptiPlex 330 Dell PowerEdge 2400 Dell Precision T5400 HP Compaq Laptop Dell XPS710 cpu/msr <3>msr: unable to get major %d for msr msr%d cpu/cpuid <3>cpuid: unable to get major %d for cpuid cpu%d <6>Detected use of extended apic ids on hypertransport bus <6>Enabling hypertransport extended apic interrupt broadcast <6>Note this is a bios bug, please contact your hw vendor arch/x86/kernel/vsmp_64.c arch/x86/kernel/kprobes.c <3>current sp %p does not match saved sp %p <3>Saved registers for jprobe %p <3>Current registers kretprobe BUG!: Processing kretprobe %p @ %p include/linux/kprobes.h __switch_to .text .altinstructions .smp_locks .parainstructions <3>module %s: ADD RELOCATION unsupported <3>module %s: Unknown relocation: %u <0>PANIC: double fault, gdt at %08lx [%d bytes] <0>double fault, tss at %08lx <0>eip = %08lx, esp = %08lx <0>eax = %08lx, ebx = %08lx, ecx = %08lx, edx = %08lx <0>esi = %08lx, edi = %08lx no vm86_info: BAD vm86: could not access userspace vm86_info vm86irq ttyS keep vga <4>hpet1: lost %d rtc interrupts arch/x86/kernel/hpet.c <4>HPET config register value = 0xFFFFFFFF. Disabling HPET <4>HPET counter not counting. HPET disabled <7>hpet clockevent registered hpet nothing to flush? pcspkr <4>only %luMB highmem pages available, ignoring highmem size of %uMB. <4>Warning only %ldMB will be used. <4>Use a HIGHMEM64G enabled kernel. <4>Use a HIGHMEM enabled kernel. <3>ignoring highmem size on non-highmem kernel! <6>Freeing %s: %luk freed initrd memory unused kernel memory arch/x86/mm/init_32.c <6>Memory: %luk/%luk available (%dk kernel code, %dk reserved, %dk data, %dk init, %ldk highmem) <6>virtual kernel memory layout: fixmap : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld kB) vmalloc : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld MB) lowmem : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld MB) .init : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld kB) .data : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld kB) .text : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld kB) <6>Checking if this processor honours the WP bit even in supervisor mode... No. This kernel doesn't support CPU's with broken WP. Recompile it for a 386! Ok. alloc_low_page: ran out of memory Cannot find bootmem map of size %ld BOOTMAP <6> mapped low ram: 0 - %08lx <6> low ram: %08lx - %08lx <6> bootmap %08lx - %08lx <5>%ldMB LOWMEM available. Cannot find space for the kernel page tables <7>kernel direct mapping tables up to %lx @ %lx-%lx PGTABLE arch/x86/mm/fault.c %s%s[%d]: segfault at %lx ip %p sp %p error %lx <1>BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference paging request <1>IP: *pde = %08lx *pte = %0*Lx Oops arch/x86/mm/ioremap.c <4>Debug warning: early ioremap leak of %d areas detected. <4>please boot with early_ioremap_debug and report the dmesg. <6>early_ioremap(%08lx, %08lx) [%d] => %08lx + %08lx <6>early_iomap(%08lx, %08lx) not found slot <6>early_iounmap(%p, %08lx) [%d] size not consistent %08lx <6>early_iounmap(%p, %08lx) [%d] <6>early_iounmap(%p, %08lx) not found slot <3>iounmap: bad address %p <6>Info: mapping multiple BARs. Your kernel is fine. <6>early_ioremap_init() <4>pmd %p != %p <4>fix_to_virt(FIX_BTMAP_BEGIN): %08lx <4>fix_to_virt(FIX_BTMAP_END): %08lx <4>FIX_BTMAP_END: %d <4>FIX_BTMAP_BEGIN: %d <4>CPA: called for zero pte. vaddr = %lx cpa->vaddr = %lx arch/x86/mm/pageattr.c DirectMap4k: %8lu kB DirectMap4M: %8lu kB pat_memtype_list PAT memtype list: <6>%s:%d freeing invalid memtype %Lx-%Lx <6>free_memtype request 0x%Lx-0x%Lx broken uncached uncached-minus <6>%s:%d conflicting memory types %Lx-%Lx %s<->%s <6>%s PAT support disabled. arch/x86/mm/pat.c <6>Overlap at 0x%Lx-0x%Lx <6>reserve_memtype failed 0x%Lx-0x%Lx, track %s, req %s <6>reserve_memtype added 0x%Lx-0x%Lx, track %s, req %s, ret %s <3>%s:%d map pfn expected mapping type %s for %Lx-%Lx, got %s <3>%s:%d reserve_pfn_range ioremap_change_attr failed %s for %Lx-%Lx <3>PAT enabled, but not supported by secondary CPU <6>x86 PAT enabled: cpu %d, old 0x%Lx, new 0x%Lx <6>Program %s tried to access /dev/mem between %Lx->%Lx. <6>%s:%d /dev/mem ioremap_change_attr failed %s for %Lx-%Lx %s @ 0x%Lx-0x%Lx <6>%s:%d /dev/mem expected mapping type %s for %Lx-%Lx, got %s arch/x86/mm/pgtable.c arch/x86/mm/pgtable_32.c <6>Reserving virtual address space above 0x%08x <4>set_pmd_pfn: vaddr misaligned <4>set_pmd_pfn: pfn misaligned arch/x86/mm/hugetlbpage.c No-Shortcut <6>Using IPI %s mode No IPI Broadcast <6>Using %s mode cascade [vdso] ELF arch/x86/vdso/vdso32-setup.c <6>VDSO: unexpected DT_tag %x <6>VDSO: unexpected st_shndx %x kernel/sched_rt.c kernel/sched.c kernel/sched_fair.c <6>%-13.13s %c running %5lu %5d %6d <3>BUG: scheduling while atomic: %s/%d/0x%08x <3>bad: scheduling from the idle thread! <6> task PC stack pid father sighand_cache signal_cache files_cache fs_cache mm_struct &mm->mmap_sem kernel/fork.c task_struct include/linux/cred.h <6>fork(): process `%s' used deprecated clone flags 0x%lx execdomains personality-%ld %d-%d %-16s [%s] <4>---[ end trace %016llx ]--- <4>------------[ cut here ]------------ <4>WARNING: at %s:%d %s() <4>Hardware name: %s <0>Kernel panic - not syncing: %s <0>Rebooting in %d seconds.. Tainted: Not tainted kernel/printk.c [%5lu.%06lu] <6>turn off boot console %s%d Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug) <6>debug: ignoring loglevel setting. <6>console handover: boot [%s%d] -> real [%s%d] <6>console [%s%d] enabled <4>log_buf_len: allocation failed <5>log_buf_len: %d kernel/exit.c include/linux/ptrace.h Aiee, killing interrupt handler! Attempted to kill the idle task! <1>Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed! <6>note: %s[%d] exited with preempt_count %d Attempted to kill init! ksoftirqd/%d ksoftirqd for %i failed kernel/softirq.c <3>huh, entered softirq %td %pwith preempt_count %08x, exited with %08x? Attempt to kill tasklet from interrupt  %*s%0*llx-%0*llx : %s <4>Trying to free nonexistent resource <%016llx-%016llx> kernel/resource.c check-region Expanded resource %s due to conflict with %s <4>resource map sanity check conflict: 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx %s ioports iomem PCI IO PCI mem %s%lu <6>warning: process `%s' used the deprecated sysctl system call with kernel/sysctl.c sched_rt_period_us sched_rt_runtime_us sched_compat_yield core_uses_pid core_pattern real-root-dev print-fatal-signals ctrl-alt-del modprobe sg-big-buff sysrq cad_pid threads-max overflowuid overflowgid pid_max panic_on_oops printk printk_ratelimit printk_ratelimit_burst ngroups_max panic_on_unrecovered_nmi bootloader_type kstack_depth_to_print io_delay_type randomize_va_space acpi_video_flags max_lock_depth poweroff_cmd scan_unevictable_pages overcommit_memory panic_on_oom oom_kill_allocating_task oom_dump_tasks overcommit_ratio page-cluster dirty_background_ratio dirty_background_bytes dirty_ratio dirty_bytes dirty_writeback_centisecs dirty_expire_centisecs nr_pdflush_threads swappiness nr_hugepages hugetlb_shm_group hugepages_treat_as_movable nr_overcommit_hugepages lowmem_reserve_ratio drop_caches min_free_kbytes min_free_order_shift percpu_pagelist_fraction max_map_count laptop_mode block_dump vfs_cache_pressure legacy_va_layout mmap_min_addr vdso_enabled inode-nr inode-state file-nr file-max nr_open dentry-state leases-enable dir-notify-enable lease-break-time aio-nr aio-max-nr inotify epoll suid_dumpable binfmt_misc exception-trace <2>capable() called with invalid cap=%u kernel/capability.c <6>warning: `%s' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use) <6>warning: `%s' uses deprecated v2 capabilities in a way that may be insecure. kernel/ptrace.c kernel/timer.c <3>huh, entered %p with preempt_count %08x, exited with %08x? <3>schedule_timeout: wrong timeout value %lx uids uid_cache cpu_share sigqueue kernel/signal.c %s/%d: potentially unexpected fatal signal %d. code at %08lx: kernel/sys.c <0>Power down. <4>%s failed to allocate memory for "%s" <4>Failed to start orderly shutdown: forcing the issue <0>System halted. <0>Restarting system. <0>Restarting system with command '%s'. PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin khelper kernel/kmod.c -q <3>request_module: runaway loop modprobe %s PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin kernel/workqueue.c %s: recursion depth exceeded: %d <3>BUG: workqueue leaked lock or atomic: %s/0x%08x/%d <3> last function: %s/%d include/linux/timer.h PID hash table entries: %d (order: %d, %Zd bytes) Could not alloc pidhash! kernel/rcupdate.c kernel/params.c parameters <4>%s (%d): error creating kset <3>Module '%s' failed add to sysfs, error number %d <3>The system will be unstable now. <3>%s: missing param set value <3>%s: string doesn't fit in %u chars. <3>%s: string parameter expected <3>%s: string parameter too long <3>%s: expects arguments <3>%s: can only take %i arguments <3>%s: needs at least %i arguments %li %hu %hi <4>parse_args(): option '%s' enabled irq's! <3>%s: Unknown parameter `%s' <3>%s: `%s' too large for parameter `%s' <3>%s: `%s' invalid for parameter `%s' POSIX clock register failed for clock_id %d posix_timers_cache kthreadd kernel/kfifo.c kernel/posix-cpu-timers.c <6>RT Watchdog Timeout: %s[%d] kernel/hrtimer.c <4>hrtimer: interrupt too slow, forcing clock min delta to %lu ns <6>hres_timers_resume() called with IRQs enabled! <4>Could not switch to high resolution mode on CPU %d <7>Switched to high resolution mode on CPU %d nsproxy kernel/srcu.c &sp->mutex &nh->mutex kernel/notifier.c notes uevent_seqnum uevent_helper <3>pm_qos_param: cpu_dma_latency setup failed <3>pm_qos_param: network_latency setup failed <3>pm_qos_param: network_throughput setup failed process_%d cpu_dma_latency network_latency network_throughput kernel/sched_clock.c cred_jar kernel/cred.c CRED: put_cred_rcu() sees %p with usage %d &p->cred_exec_mutex async_waiting @ %i async_continuing @ %i after %lli usec calling %lli_%pF @ %i initcall %lli_%pF returned 0 after %lld usecs async/%i async/mgr <3>sysctl table check failed: Parent without procname Parent without ctl_name No procname Directory with data? Directory with maxlen? Writable sysctl directory Directory with proc_handler Directory with strategy Directory with extra1 Directory with extra2 <3>%s: failed: ref: Inconsistent directory names No data No maxlen No min No max Missing strategy No proc_handler Sysctl already exists Unknown sysctl binary path procname does not match binary path procname ctl_name does not match binary path ctl_name bogus .mode abi arlan s390dbf sunrpc frv ostype osrelease hostname domainname reboot-cmd powersave-nap l2cr shmmax msgmax msgmnb shmall stop-a shmmni ieee_emulation_warnings userprocess_debug soft-power unaligned-trap scons-poweroff hz_timer unknown_nmi_panic spin_retry ignore-unaligned-usertrap compat-log nmi_watchdog zone_reclaim_mode min_unmapped_ratio min_slab_ratio unix ipx appletalk netrom ax25 rose token-ring decnet sctp llc netfilter dccp irda nf_conntrack_max quota xfs ocfs2 cdrom parport raid mac_hid ipmi isa arlan0 arlan1 arlan2 arlan3 debug_stoppable debug_active rpc_debug nfs_debug nfsd_debug nlm_debug udp_slot_table_entries tcp_slot_table_entries min_resvport max_resvport cmode cache-mode pin-cxnr poolsize entropy_avail read_wakeup_threshold write_wakeup_threshold boot_id wmem_default rmem_default netdev_max_backlog message_cost message_burst optmem_max dev_weight somaxconn netdev_budget xfrm_aevent_etime xfrm_aevent_rseqth max_dgram_qlen ip_forward ip_dynaddr neigh tcp_timestamps tcp_window_scaling tcp_sack tcp_retrans_collapse ip_default_ttl ip_no_pmtu_disc tcp_syn_retries ipfrag_high_thresh ipfrag_low_thresh ipfrag_time tcp_keepalive_time tcp_keepalive_probes tcp_retries1 tcp_retries2 tcp_fin_timeout tcp_syncookies tcp_stdurg tcp_rfc1337 tcp_max_syn_backlog ip_local_port_range icmp_echo_ignore_all icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses igmp_max_memberships tcp_tw_recycle tcp_keepalive_intvl inet_peer_threshold inet_peer_minttl inet_peer_maxttl inet_peer_gc_mintime inet_peer_gc_maxtime tcp_orphan_retries tcp_abort_on_overflow tcp_synack_retries tcp_max_orphans tcp_max_tw_buckets tcp_fack tcp_reordering tcp_ecn tcp_dsack tcp_mem tcp_wmem tcp_rmem tcp_app_win tcp_adv_win_scale ip_nonlocal_bind icmp_ratelimit icmp_ratemask tcp_tw_reuse tcp_frto tcp_low_latency ipfrag_secret_interval igmp_max_msf tcp_no_metrics_save tcp_moderate_rcvbuf tcp_tso_win_divisor icmp_errors_use_inbound_ifaddr tcp_congestion_control tcp_abc ipfrag_max_dist tcp_mtu_probing tcp_base_mss tcp_workaround_signed_windows tcp_dma_copybreak tcp_slow_start_after_idle cipso_cache_enable cipso_cache_bucket_size cipso_rbm_optfmt cipso_rbm_strictvalid tcp_available_congestion_control tcp_allowed_congestion_control tcp_max_ssthresh tcp_frto_response ip_queue_maxlen ipx_pprop_broadcasting aarp-expiry-time aarp-tick-time aarp-retransmit-limit aarp-resolve-time default_path_quality obsolescence_count_initialiser network_ttl_initialiser transport_timeout transport_maximum_tries transport_acknowledge_delay transport_busy_delay transport_requested_window_size transport_no_activity_timeout routing_control link_fails_count bridge-nf-call-arptables bridge-nf-call-iptables bridge-nf-call-ip6tables bridge-nf-filter-vlan-tagged bridge-nf-filter-pppoe-tagged restart_request_timeout call_request_timeout reset_request_timeout clear_request_timeout acknowledge_hold_back_timeout link_fail_timeout maximum_virtual_circuits icmp bindv6only ip6frag_high_thresh ip6frag_low_thresh ip6frag_time ip6frag_secret_interval mld_max_msf ip6_queue_maxlen acknowledgement_hold_back_timeout x25_forward rif_timeout node_address node_name default_device dn_count di_count dr_count dst_gc_interval no_fc_max_cwnd decnet_mem decnet_rmem decnet_wmem rto_initial rto_min rto_max rto_alpha_exp_divisor rto_beta_exp_divisor valid_cookie_life association_max_retrans path_max_retrans max_init_retransmits hb_interval cookie_preserve_enable max_burst addip_enable prsctp_enable sndbuf_policy sack_timeout rcvbuf_policy llc2 nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_syn_sent nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_syn_recv nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_established nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_fin_wait nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_close_wait nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_last_ack nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_time_wait nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_close nf_conntrack_udp_timeout nf_conntrack_udp_timeout_stream nf_conntrack_icmp_timeout nf_conntrack_generic_timeout nf_conntrack_buckets nf_conntrack_log_invalid nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_max_retrans nf_conntrack_tcp_loose nf_conntrack_tcp_be_liberal nf_conntrack_tcp_max_retrans nf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_closed nf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_cookie_wait nf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_cookie_echoed nf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_established nf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_shutdown_sent nf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_shutdown_recd nf_conntrack_sctp_timeout_shutdown_ack_sent nf_conntrack_count nf_conntrack_icmpv6_timeout nf_conntrack_frag6_timeout nf_conntrack_frag6_low_thresh nf_conntrack_frag6_high_thresh nf_conntrack_checksum discovery devname fast_poll_increase discovery_slots discovery_timeout slot_timeout max_baud_rate min_tx_turn_time max_tx_data_size max_tx_window max_noreply_time warn_noreply_time lap_keepalive_time lookups writes cache_hits allocated_dquots free_dquots syncs irix_sgid_inherit irix_symlink_mode panic_mask error_level xfssyncd_centisecs inherit_sync inherit_nodump inherit_noatime xfsbufd_centisecs age_buffer_centisecs inherit_nosymlinks rotorstep inherit_nodefrag filestream_centisecs stats_clear max_user_instances max_user_watches max_queued_events nm autoclose autoeject check_media speed_limit_min speed_limit_max mouse_button_emulation mouse_button2_keycode mouse_button3_keycode logging_level poweroff_powercycle membase portbase portshift spreadingCode channelNumber scramblingDisable txAttenuation systemId maxDatagramSize maxFrameSize maxRetries receiveMode rootOrRepeater SID registrationMode registrationFill localTalkAddress codeFormat numChannels channel1 channel2 channel3 channel4 txClear txRetries txRouting txScrambled rxParameter txTimeoutMs waitCardTimeout channelSet waitTime lParameter _15 headerSize tx_delay_ms waitReTransmitPacketMaxSize fastReTransCount driverRetransmissions txAckTimeoutMs registrationInterrupts hardwareType radioType writeEEPROM writeRadioType entry_exit_debug in_speed out_speed in_speed10 out_speed10 in_speed_max out_speed_max measure_rate pre_Command_Wait rx_tweak1 rx_tweak2 tx_queue_len arlan0-txRing arlan0-rxRing arlan0-18 arlan0-ring arlan0-shm-cpy config0 reset0 arlan1-txRing arlan1-rxRing arlan1-18 arlan1-ring arlan1-shm-cpy config1 reset1 arlan2-txRing arlan2-rxRing arlan2-18 arlan2-ring arlan2-shm-cpy config2 reset2 arlan3-txRing arlan3-rxRing arlan3-18 arlan3-ring arlan3-shm-cpy config3 reset3 min_delay max_delay gc_thresh max_size gc_min_interval gc_timeout redirect_load redirect_number redirect_silence error_cost error_burst gc_elasticity mtu_expires min_pmtu min_adv_mss gc_min_interval_ms ip_conntrack_max ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_syn_sent ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_syn_recv ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_established ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_fin_wait ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_close_wait ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_last_ack ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_time_wait ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_close ip_conntrack_udp_timeout ip_conntrack_udp_timeout_stream ip_conntrack_icmp_timeout ip_conntrack_generic_timeout ip_conntrack_buckets ip_conntrack_log_invalid ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_max_retrans ip_conntrack_tcp_loose ip_conntrack_tcp_be_liberal ip_conntrack_tcp_max_retrans ip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_closed ip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_cookie_wait ip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_cookie_echoed ip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_established ip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_shutdown_sent ip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_shutdown_recd ip_conntrack_sctp_timeout_shutdown_ack_sent ip_conntrack_count ip_conntrack_checksum ip_default_mode ax25_default_mode backoff_type connect_mode standard_window_size extended_window_size t1_timeout t2_timeout t3_timeout idle_timeout maximum_retry_count maximum_packet_length protocol dama_slave_timeout hb_ctl_path timeslice spintime base-addr autoprobe0 autoprobe1 autoprobe2 autoprobe3 mc_forwarding proxy_arp accept_redirects secure_redirects send_redirects shared_media accept_source_route bootp_relay log_martians arp_filter medium_id disable_xfrm disable_policy force_igmp_version arp_announce arp_ignore promote_secondaries arp_accept mcast_solicit ucast_solicit app_solicit retrans_time base_reachable_time delay_first_probe_time gc_stale_time unres_qlen proxy_qlen anycast_delay proxy_delay locktime gc_thresh1 gc_thresh2 gc_thresh3 retrans_time_ms base_reachable_time_ms hop_limit accept_ra autoconf dad_transmits router_solicitations router_solicitation_interval router_solicitation_delay use_tempaddr temp_valid_lft temp_prefered_lft regen_max_retry max_desync_factor max_addresses force_mld_version accept_ra_defrtr accept_ra_pinfo accept_ra_rtr_pref router_probe_interval accept_ra_rt_info_max_plen proxy_ndp rej kernel/time/timekeeping.c timekeeping <5>Clock: inserting leap second 23:59:60 UTC <5>Clock: deleting leap second 23:59:59 UTC pmtmr Warning: clock=pmtmr is deprecated. Use clocksource=acpi_pm. acpi_pm Warning! clock= boot option is deprecated. Use clocksource=xyz <4>Clocksource %s unstable (delta = %Ld ns) current_clocksource available_clocksource <%p> Timer List Version: v0.4 HRTIMER_MAX_CLOCK_BASES: %d now at %Ld nsecs cpu: %d clock %d: .base: %p .index: %d .resolution: %Lu nsecs .get_time: .offset: %Lu nsecs active timers: #%d: , S:%02lx # expires at %Lu-%Lu nsecs [in %Ld to %Ld nsecs] expires_next .%-15s: %Lu nsecs hres_active .%-15s: %Lu nr_events nohz_mode idle_tick tick_stopped idle_jiffies idle_calls idle_sleeps idle_entrytime idle_waketime idle_exittime idle_sleeptime last_jiffies next_jiffies idle_expires jiffies: %Lu Tick Device: mode: %d Per CPU device: %d Clock Event Device:  max_delta_ns: %lu min_delta_ns: %lu mult: %lu shift: %d mode: %d next_event: %Ld nsecs set_next_event: set_mode: event_handler: timer_list kernel/time/clockevents.c <6>Clockevents: could not switch to one-shot mode: no tick device %s is not functional. %s does not support one-shot mode. <4>CE: %s increasing min_delta_ns to %lu nsec <6>Switched to NOHz mode on CPU #%d <3>NOHZ: local_softirq_pending %02x kernel/futex.c <3>futex_lock_pi: ret = %d pi-mutex: %p pi-state %p kernel/rtmutex_common.h kernel/rtmutex.c <4>Maximum lock depth %d reached task: %s (%d) %2d: %s <4>Trying to free DMA%d <4>Trying to free free DMA%d kernel/up.c %s %u %s, [permanent], Unloading Loading Live modules atd <4>Symbol %s is being used by a non-GPL module, which will not be allowed in the future <4>Please see the file Documentation/feature-removal-schedule.txt in the kernel source tree for more details. going live coming <3>%s: module sysfs not initialized <3>%s: module is already loaded holders kernel/module.c Modules linked in: %s%s [last unloaded: %s] .gnu.linkonce.this_module <4>No module found in object <4>%s: module has no symbols (stripped?) __versions .modinfo vermagic <3>%s: version magic '%s' should be '%s' staging <4>%s: module is from the staging directory, the quality is unknown, you have been warned. .init license unspecified GPL v2 GPL and additional rights Dual BSD/GPL Dual MIT/GPL Dual MPL/GPL <4>%s: module license '%s' taints kernel. ndiswrapper driverloader %s: please compile with -fno-common %s: gave up waiting for init of module %s. %s: out of memory loading <4>%s: Unknown symbol %s __param __ksymtab __kcrctab __ksymtab_gpl __kcrctab_gpl __ksymtab_gpl_future __kcrctab_gpl_future __markers __tracepoints <3>%s: exports duplicate symbol %s (owned by %s) .debug __verbose __mcount_loc __obsparm <4>%s: Ignoring obsolete parameters sections <3>Module len %lu truncated __ex_table <4>%s: '%s'->init suspiciously returned %d, it should follow 0/-E convention <4>%s: loading module anyway... srcversion initstate refcnt kernel/kallsyms.c %0*lx %c %s [%s] %0*lx %c %s kallsyms +%#lx/%#lx [%s] +%#lx/%#lx <3>PM: Some devices failed to suspend kernel/power/main.c <3>PM: Some devices failed to power down <6>PM: Syncing filesystems ... <3>PM: No enough memory wake_lock wake_unlock Restarting tasks ... user space tasks <3>Freezing of %s aborted <3>Freezing of tasks failed after %d.%02d seconds (%d tasks refusing to freeze): <3> %s (elapsed %d.%02d seconds) Freezing user space processes ... Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... done. kernel/power/process.c kernel/power/wakelock.c <6>wake lock %s, expired <6>active wake lock %s, time left %ld <6>active wake lock %s <6>wake_lock_destroy name=%s <6>wake_lock_init name=%s wakelocks <6>expired wake lock %s <6>wakeup wake lock: %s <6>wake_lock: %s, type %d, timeout %ld.%03lu <6>wake_lock: %s, type %d <6>wake_lock: %s, start expire timer, %ld <6>wake_lock: %s, stop expire timer deleted_wake_locks unknown_wakeups <3>wakelocks_init: platform_device_register failed <3>wakelocks_init: platform_driver_register failed <6>power_suspend_late return %d <6>suspend: abort suspend <6>suspend: enter suspend <6>suspend: exit suspend, ret = %d (%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%09lu UTC) <6>suspend: pm_suspend returned with no event "%s" %d %d %d %lld %lld %lld %lld %lld <6>wake_unlock: %s <6>wake_unlock: %s, start expire timer, %ld <6>wake_unlock: %s, stop expire timer name count expire_count wake_count active_since total_time sleep_time max_time last_change too many wakelocks!!! <6>expire_wake_locks: start <6>expire_wake_locks: done, has_lock %ld <6>lookup_wake_lock_name: compare %.*s %s %d <6>lookup_wake_lock_name: %.*s not found <3>lookup_wake_lock_name: failed to allocate memory for %.*s <6>lookup_wake_lock_name: new wake lock %s <6>lookup_wake_lock_name: wake lock, %.*s, bad arg, %s <6>wake_unlock_store: %s <6>wake_lock_store: %s, timeout %ld wakeup <6>request_suspend_state: %s (%d->%d) at %lld (%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%09lu UTC) <6>early_suspend: abort, state %d <6>early_suspend: call handlers <6>early_suspend: sync <6>late_resume: abort, state %d <6>late_resume: call handlers <6>late_resume: done <3>android_power_init: sysfs_create_group failed awake sleeping <4>stop_drawing_early_suspend: timeout waiting for userspace to stop drawing wait_for_fb_sleep wait_for_fb_wake powerOff Power Off <6>Process accounting paused <6>Process accounting resumed kernel/utsname.c pid_namespace kernel/pid_namespace.c pid_%d kprobes <6>Kprobes globally enabled <6>Kprobes globally disabled [GONE] %p %s %s+0x%x %s %s %p %s %p %s kretprobe: lookup failed: %s Check failed: %s is running preempt_schedule irq %d, desc: %p, depth: %d, count: %d, unhandled: %d ->handle_irq(): %p, ->chip(): %p, ->action(): %p ->action->handler(): %p, IRQ_INPROGRESS %14s set IRQ_DISABLED IRQ_PENDING IRQ_REPLAY IRQ_AUTODETECT IRQ_WAITING IRQ_LEVEL IRQ_MASKED IRQ_NOPROBE IRQ_NOREQUEST IRQ_NOAUTOEN <3>setting trigger mode %d for irq %u failed (%pF) <4>Unbalanced enable for IRQ %d kernel/irq/manage.c <4>IRQ %d uses trigger mode %d; requested %d <4>IRQ %d/%s: IRQF_DISABLED is not guaranteed on shared IRQs Unbalanced IRQ %d wake disable <3>Trying to free already-free IRQ %d <4>Misrouted IRQ fixup and polling support enabled <4>This may significantly impact system performance <4>Misrouted IRQ fixup support enabled. <4>This may impact system performance. <6>IRQ lockup detection disabled <3>irq event %d: bogus return value %x <3>irq %d: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option) <3>handlers: <3>[<%p>] <0>Disabling IRQ #%d <3>Trying to install type control for IRQ%d chained <4>Trying to install %sinterrupt handler for IRQ%d <3>Trying to install chip for IRQ%d kernel/irq/chip.c <3>Trying to mark IRQ%d probeable <3>Trying to initialize invalid IRQ%d <3>Trying to cleanup invalid IRQ%d <3>Destroying IRQ%d without calling free_irq <3>Trying to set irq type for IRQ%d <3>Trying to install controller data for IRQ%d <3>Trying to install msi data for IRQ%d <3>Trying to install chip data for IRQ%d <3>BUG: bad set_irq_chip_data(IRQ#%d) <3>Trying to mark IRQ%d non-probeable kernel/irq/devres.c spurious count %u unhandled %u last_unhandled %u ms kernel/seccomp.c <4>relay: one or more items not logged [item size (%Zd) > sub-buffer size (%Zd)] <3>relay_late_setup_files: CPU %u has no buffer, it must have! kernel/relay.c task_delay_info registered taskstats version %d taskstats &(per_cpu(listener_array, i).sem) <7>Single probe : %p %p <7>Multi probe %d : %p %p kernel/marker.c <5>Format mismatch for probe %s (%s), marker (%s) <5>Marker %s busy <7>Probe %d : %p kernel/tracepoint.c <5>tracepoint %s busy <6>bootmem::%s nid=%td start=%lx end=%lx mm/bootmem.c <6>bootmem::%s nid=%td start=%lx end=%lx flags=%x <6>bootmem::%s silent double reserve of PFN %lx <6>bootmem::%s nid=%td start=%lx end=%lx reserve=%d flags=%x <6>bootmem::%s nid=%td size=%lx [%lu pages] align=%lx goal=%lx limit=%lx <6>bootmem::%s nid=%td start=%lx map=%lx end=%lx mapsize=%lx <1>bootmem alloc of %lu bytes failed! Out of memory <6>bootmem::%s nid=%td start=%lx end=%lx aligned=%d <6>bootmem::%s nid=%td released=%lx mm/filemap.c mm/mempool.c mm/oom_kill.c <4>tried to kill init! <4>tried to kill an mm-less task! <3>Killed process %d (%s) <4>%s invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x%x, order=%d, oomkilladj=%d <6>[ pid ] uid tgid total_vm rss cpu oom_adj name <6>[%5d] %5d %5d %8lu %8lu %3d %3d %s <3>%s: kill process %d (%s) score %li or a child Out of memory (oom_kill_allocating_task) Out of memory and no killable processes... out of memory from page fault. panic_on_oom is selected. out of memory. Compulsory panic_on_oom is selected. out of memory. panic_on_oom is selected mm/page_alloc.c <4>Could not find start_pfn for node %d <7> mminit::memory_register Entering add_active_range(%d, %#lx, %#lx) %d entries of %d used <2>More than %d memory regions, truncating mminit::memmap_init Initialising map node %d zone %lu pfns %lu -> %lu <7>On node %d totalpages: %lu <7>free_area_init_node: node %d, pgdat %08lx, node_mem_map %08lx DMA <7> %s zone: %lu pages used for memmap <4> %s zone: %lu pages exceeds realsize %lu <7> %s zone: %lu pages reserved <7> %s zone: %lu pages, LIFO batch:%lu Built %i zonelists in %s order, mobility grouping %s. Total pages: %ld <1>BUG: Bad page state: %lu messages suppressed <1>BUG: Bad page state in process %s pfn:%05lx <1>page:%p flags:%p count:%d mapcount:%d mapping:%p index:%lx include/linux/gfp.h <4>%s: page allocation failure. order:%d, mode:0x%x <7>remove_active_range (%d, %lu, %lu) Zone PFN ranges: %-8s %0#10lx -> %0#10lx Movable zone start PFN for each node Node %d: %lu early_node_map[%d] active PFN ranges %3d: %0#10lx -> %0#10lx Failed to allocate %s hash table <6>%s hash table entries: %d (order: %d, %lu bytes) %s per-cpu: CPU %4d: hi:%5d, btch:%4d usd:%4d Active_anon:%lu active_file:%lu inactive_anon:%lu inactive_file:%lu unevictable:%lu dirty:%lu writeback:%lu unstable:%lu free:%lu slab:%lu mapped:%lu pagetables:%lu bounce:%lu %s free:%lukB min:%lukB low:%lukB high:%lukB active_anon:%lukB inactive_anon:%lukB active_file:%lukB inactive_file:%lukB unevictable:%lukB present:%lukB pages_scanned:%lu all_unreclaimable? %s lowmem_reserve[]: %lu*%lukB %ld total pagecache pages Normal Movable mm/page-writeback.c pdflush pdflush: bogus wakeup mm/pdflush.c mm/readahead.c mm/truncate.c mm/vmscan.c kswapd%d Failed to start kswapd on node %d %s: orphaned page <3>%s: nr=%ld ,size=%luk ,nr_inodes=%lu ,mode=%03o ,uid=%u ,gid=%u mm/shmem.c <3>tmpfs: No value for mount option '%s' nr_blocks nr_inodes mpol <3>tmpfs: Bad mount option %s <3>tmpfs: Bad value '%s' for mount option '%s' include/linux/dcache.h dev/zero shmem_inode_cache <3>Could not register tmpfs <3>Could not kern_mount tmpfs tmpfs security. mm/prio_tree.c %s %lu Page block order: %d Pages per block: %lu Free pages count per migrate type at order %-43s %6d Number of blocks type %-23s Node %4d, zone %8s, type %12s %6lu Node %d, zone %8s %12lu Node %d, zone %8s pages free %lu min %lu low %lu high %lu scanned %lu (aa: %lu ia: %lu af: %lu if: %lu) spanned %lu present %lu %-12s %lu protection: (%lu , %lu ) pagesets cpu: %i count: %i high: %i batch: %i all_unreclaimable: %u prev_priority: %i start_pfn: %lu inactive_ratio: %u buddyinfo pagetypeinfo vmstat zoneinfo nr_free_pages nr_inactive_anon nr_active_anon nr_inactive_file nr_active_file nr_unevictable nr_mlock nr_anon_pages nr_mapped nr_file_pages nr_dirty nr_writeback nr_slab_reclaimable nr_slab_unreclaimable nr_page_table_pages nr_unstable nr_bounce nr_vmscan_write nr_writeback_temp pgpgin pgpgout pswpin pswpout pgalloc_dma pgalloc_normal pgalloc_movable pgfree pgactivate pgdeactivate pgfault pgmajfault pgrefill_dma pgrefill_normal pgrefill_movable pgsteal_dma pgsteal_normal pgsteal_movable pgscan_kswapd_dma pgscan_kswapd_normal pgscan_kswapd_movable pgscan_direct_dma pgscan_direct_normal pgscan_direct_movable pginodesteal slabs_scanned kswapd_steal kswapd_inodesteal pageoutrun allocstall pgrotated htlb_buddy_alloc_success htlb_buddy_alloc_fail unevictable_pgs_culled unevictable_pgs_scanned unevictable_pgs_rescued unevictable_pgs_mlocked unevictable_pgs_munlocked unevictable_pgs_cleared unevictable_pgs_stranded unevictable_pgs_mlockfreed Unmovable Reclaimable Reserve Isolate bdi BdiWriteback: %8lu kB BdiReclaimable: %8lu kB BdiDirtyThresh: %8lu kB DirtyThresh: %8lu kB BackgroundThresh: %8lu kB read_ahead_kb min_ratio max_ratio mm/page_isolation.c mm/mm_init.c mminit::pageflags_layout_widths Section %d Node %d Zone %d Flags %d mminit::pageflags_layout_shifts Section %d Node %d Zone %d mminit::pageflags_layout_offsets Section %lu Node %lu Zone %lu mminit::pageflags_layout_zoneid Zone ID: %lu -> %lu mminit::pageflags_layout_usage location: %d -> %d unused %d -> %d flags %d -> %d general <7>mminit::zonelist %s %d:%s = 0:%s mm/fremap.c include/linux/swapops.h mm/memory.c %s:%d: bad pgd %08lx. <1>BUG: Bad page map: %lu messages suppressed <1>BUG: Bad page map in process %s pte:%08llx pmd:%08llx <1>addr:%p vm_flags:%08lx anon_vma:%p mapping:%p index:%lx <1>vma->vm_ops->fault: %s <1>vma->vm_file->f_op->mmap: %s /usr/local/google/home/android/kernel-qemu/arch/x86/include/asm/pgalloc.h %s%s[%lx+%lx] mm/mlock.c vm_area_struct mm/mmap.c mm/mprotect.c mm/rmap.c anon_vma 0x%p-0x%p %7ld pages=%d phys=%lx ioremap vmalloc vmap user vpages vmallocinfo mm/vmalloc.c <4>vmap allocation for size %lu failed: use vmalloc= to increase size. <3>Trying to vfree() bad address (%p) <3>Trying to vfree() nonexistent vm area (%p) mm/bounce.c isa bounce pool size: %d pages <1>Read-error on swap-device (%u:%u:%Lu) <1>Write-error on swap-device (%u:%u:%Lu) %lu pages in swap cache Swap cache stats: add %lu, delete %lu, find %lu/%lu Free swap = %ldkB Total swap = %lukB Filename Type Size Used Priority \ file %*s%s %u %u %d swaps mm/swapfile.c <3>swap_free: %s%08lx <4>swapoff: cleared swap entry overflow <4>swap_dup: swap entry overflow <3>swap_dup: %s%08lx SWAPSPACE2 <3>Unable to find swap-space signature <4>Unable to handle swap header version %d <4>Swap area shorter than signature indicates <3>swapon: swapfile has holes <4>Empty swap-file <6>Adding %uk swap on %s. Priority:%d extents:%d across:%lluk %s%s <3>%s %s: dma_pool_destroy %s, %p busy <3>dma_pool_destroy %s, %p busy /usr/local/google/home/android/kernel-qemu/arch/x86/include/asm/dma-mapping.h mm/dmapool.c poolinfo - 0.1 %-16s %4u %4Zu %4Zu %2u <3>%s %s: dma_pool_free %s, %p/%lx (bad dma) <3>dma_pool_free %s, %p/%lx (bad dma) pools mm/hugetlb.c Node %d HugePages_Total: %5u Node %d HugePages_Free: %5u Node %d HugePages_Surp: %5u <4>PID %d killed due to inadequate hugepage pool HugePages_Total: %5lu HugePages_Free: %5lu HugePages_Rsvd: %5lu HugePages_Surp: %5lu Hugepagesize: %8lu kB <4>hugepagesz= specified twice, ignoring hugepages-%lukB <4>hugepages= specified twice without interleaving hugepagesz=, ignoring %lu GB %lu MB %lu KB <6>HugeTLB registered %s page size, pre-allocated %ld pages <3>Hugetlb: Unable to add hstate %s free_hugepages resv_hugepages surplus_hugepages ashmem_area_cache <3>ashmem: failed to create slab cache ashmem_range_cache <3>ashmem: failed to register misc device! <6>ashmem: initialized dev/ashmem/ dev/ashmem <3>ashmem: failed to unregister misc device! <6>ashmem: unloaded system.posix_acl_access system.posix_acl_default <3>slub_debug option '%c' unknown. skipped <3>INFO: Slab 0x%p objects=%u used=%u fp=0x%p flags=0x%04lx <3>INFO: %s in %pS age=%lu cpu=%u pid=%d Allocated Freed <3>%8s 0x%p: <3>FIX %s: %s Restoring 0x%p-0x%p=0x%x <3>============================================================================= <3>BUG %s: %s <3>----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <6>TRACE %s %s 0x%p inuse=%d fp=0x%p Padding overwritten. 0x%p-0x%p Padding slab padding Not a valid slab page objects %u > max %u inuse %u > max %u <3>INFO: Object 0x%p @offset=%tu fp=0x%p Bytes b4 Redzone %s overwritten <3>INFO: 0x%p-0x%p. First byte 0x%x instead of 0x%x Freechain corrupt Freepointer corrupt Freelist cleared Wrong number of objects. Found %d but should be %d Number of objects adjusted. Wrong object count. Counter is %d but counted were %d Object count adjusted. Alignment padding Poison Object padding <3>SLUB %s: SlubDebug not set on slab 0x%p <3>SLUB %s: SlubDebug set on slab 0x%p Object already free Attempt to free object(0x%p) outside of slab <3>SLUB : no slab for object 0x%p. page slab pointer corrupt. Object at 0x%p not freed Invalid object pointer 0x%p slabinfo - version: 2.1 # name      : tunables    : slabdata    slabinfo mm/slub.c Object already allocated Marking all objects used Freelist Pointer check fails Cannot create slab %s size=%lu realsize=%u order=%u offset=%u flags=%lx %-17s %6lu %6lu %6u %4u %4d : tunables %4u %4u %4u : slabdata %6lu %6lu %6lu %7ld  age=%ld/%ld/%ld age=%ld pid=%ld-%ld pid=%ld No data <3>INFO: Object 0x%p @offset=%tu Objects remaining on kmem_cache_close() <3>SLUB %s: %s called for cache that still has objects. kmalloc_dma-%d %07d <3>Cannot register slab subsystem. <3>SLUB: Unable to add boot slab %s to sysfs <3>SLUB: Unable to add boot slab alias %s to sysfs Creation of kmalloc slab %s size=%d failed. kmalloc-96 kmalloc-192 kmalloc kmalloc-%d <6>SLUB: Genslabs=%d, HWalign=%d, Order=%d-%d, MinObjects=%d, CPUs=%d, Nodes=%d <3>SLUB %s: %ld partial slabs counted but counter=%ld <3>SLUB: %s %ld slabs counted but counter=%ld Cannot create slabcache %s slab_size object_size objs_per_slab objects_partial total_objects cpu_slabs sanity_checks hwcache_align reclaim_account destroy_by_rcu red_zone poison store_user shrink alloc_calls free_calls cache_dma fs/open.c <3>VFS: Close: file count is 0 include/linux/quotaops.h <4>%s called with NULL vfsmount filp fs/file_table.c <6>VFS: file-max limit %d reached fs/super.c &s->s_umount &s->s_lock &s->s_vfs_rename_mutex &s->s_dquot.dqio_mutex &s->s_dquot.dqonoff_mutex &s->s_dquot.dqptr_sem VFS: Busy inodes after unmount of %s. Self-destruct in 5 seconds. Have a nice day... Emergency Remount complete char-major-%d-%d char-major-%d <4>VFS: Warning: %s using old stat() call. Recompile your binary. binfmt-%04x fs/exec.c <4>%s failed to allocate memory <5>Recursive core dump detected, aborting <6>Core dump to %s pipe failed pipe: pipe:[%lu] pipefs fs/namei.c fasync_cache fs/fcntl.c <3>kill_fasync: bad magic number in fasync_struct! names_cache dentry Dentry cache fs/dcache.c (deleted) <3>BUG: Dentry %p{i=%lx,n=%s} still in use (%d) [unmount of %s %s] <4>VFS: moving negative dcache entry //deleted <7>init_special_inode: bogus i_mode (%o) Inode-cache &inode->inotify_mutex &inode->i_mutex &inode->i_alloc_sem fs/attr.c <4>alloc_fd: slot %d not NULL! filesystems %.*s %s %s fs/filesystems.c device no device mounted on with fstype &namespace_sem mnt_cache Failed to allocate mount hash table Mount-cache hash table entries: %lu <4>%s: sysfs_init error: %d <4>%s: kobj create error Can't create rootfs Can't allocate initial namespace fs/namespace.c ro rw 0 0 %i %i %u:%u shared:%i master:%i propagate_from:%i unbindable <7>leak detected on mount(%p) writers count: %d ,nosuid ,nodev ,noexec ,noatime ,nodiratime ,relatime ,sync ,dirsync ,mand &p->lock system. trusted. user. &attr->mutex include/linux/highmem.h <4>%s: %s passed in a files arraywith an index of 1! fs/fs-writeback.c bdev <7>%s(%d): dirtied inode %lu (%s) on %s fs/pnode.c fs/splice.c Emergency Sync complete buffer_head fs/buffer.c <6>warning: process `%s' used the obsolete bdflush system call <6>Fix your initscripts? <3>VFS: brelse: Trying to free free buffer <3>Buffer I/O error on device %s, logical block %Lu __find_get_block_slow() failed. block=%llu, b_blocknr=%llu b_state=0x%08lx, b_size=%zu device blocksize: %d <3>getblk(): invalid block size %d requested <3>hardsect size: %d <3>VFS:Filesystem thaw failed <3>VFS:Filesystem freeze failed <4>lost page write due to I/O error on %s fs/bio.c <3>bio: unable to find slab! bio-%d bio: create slab <%s> at %d bio: can't allocate bios bio: can't create split pool biovec-1 biovec-4 biovec-16 biovec-64 biovec-128 biovec-256 <4>VFS: busy inodes on changed media or resized disk %s <6>%s: detected capacity change from %lld to %lld fs/block_dev.c bdev: &bdev->bd_mutex &bdev->bd_fsfreeze_mutex bdev_cache Cannot register bdev pseudo-fs Cannot create bdev pseudo-fs fs/direct-io.c fs/mpage.c dnotify_cache &ih->mutex inotify: register_filesystem returned %d! inotify: kern_mount ret %ld! inotify_watch_cache inotify_event_cache &dev->ev_mutex &dev->up_mutex inotifyfs eventpoll_epi eventpoll_pwq &ep->mtx [eventpoll] anon_inode: <3>anon_inode_init() failed (%d) anon_inodefs [signalfd] [timerfd] [eventfd] kiocb kioctx aio fs/aio.c aio_run_iocb: iocb->ki_retry = NULL <7>exit_aio:ioctx still alive: %d %d %d %d:%s *NOINODE* MANDATORY ADVISORY ACCESS POSIX %6s %s FLOCK MSNFS FLOCK ADVISORY LEASE BREAKING ACTIVE BREAKER UNKNOWN UNKNOWN RW READ WRITE NONE UNLCK %d %02x:%02x:%ld %d :0 %Ld EOF %Ld %Ld 0 EOF -> file_lock_cache fs/locks.c <3>locks_delete_lock: fasync == %p %s interpreter %s flags: extension .%s offset %i magic mask register CORE fs/binfmt_elf.c LINUX RSDTZW dquot_6.5.2 <5>VFS: Disk quotas %s dquot Cannot create dquot hash table Dquot-cache hash table entries: %ld (order %ld, %ld bytes) <3>VFS: Failed to create quota netlink interface. <3>VFS: Not enough memory to send quota warning. <3>VFS: Cannot store netlink header in quota warning. <3>VFS: Failed to send notification message: %d <3>VFS: Not enough space to compose quota message! VFS: dqput: trying to free free dquot VFS: device %s, dquot of %s %d fs/dquot.c <3>VFS: cannot write quota structure on device %s (error %d). Quota may get out of sync! &dquot->dq_lock <4>VFS: Adding dquot with dq_count %d to dispose list. quota_v1 quota_v2 undefined fs/quota.c %*c VmPeak: %8lu kB VmSize: %8lu kB VmLck: %8lu kB VmHWM: %8lu kB VmRSS: %8lu kB VmData: %8lu kB VmStk: %8lu kB VmExe: %8lu kB VmLib: %8lu kB VmPTE: %8lu kB %08lx-%08lx %c%c%c%c %08llx %02x:%02x %lu %n [heap] [stack] Size: %8lu kB Rss: %8lu kB Pss: %8lu kB Shared_Clean: %8lu kB Shared_Dirty: %8lu kB Private_Clean: %8lu kB Private_Dirty: %8lu kB Referenced: %8lu kB Swap: %8lu kB KernelPageSize: %8lu kB MMUPageSize: %8lu kB proc_inode_cache de_put: entry %s already free! proc_read_super: get root inode failed self/mounts sysvipc fs/nfsd /proc rchar: %llu wchar: %llu syscr: %llu syscw: %llu read_bytes: %llu write_bytes: %llu cancelled_write_bytes: %llu Units Hard Limit Soft Limit %-25s %-20s %-20s %-10s unlimited %-25s %-20s %-25s %-20lu %ld 0x%lx 0x%lx %ld 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx pos: %lli flags: 0%o self fdinfo environ auxv personality limits statm cwd exe mountinfo mountstats clear_refs smaps pagemap attr wchan oom_score oom_adj coredump_filter prev fscreate keycreate sockcreate Max cpu time Max file size Max data size Max stack size Max core file size Max resident set Max processes Max open files Max locked memory Max address space Max file locks Max pending signals Max msgqueue size Max nice priority Max realtime priority Max realtime timeout <4>proc_dir_entry '%s/%s' already registered fs/proc/generic.c <3>proc_file_read: Apparent buffer overflow! <4>proc_file_read: Read count exceeded <4>%s: removing non-empty directory '%s/%s', leaking at least '%s' %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d (%s) %c %d %d %d %d %d %u %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %ld %ld %ld %ld %d 0 %llu %lu %ld %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %d %d %u %u %llu %lu %ld Name: State: %s Tgid: %d Pid: %d PPid: %d TracerPid: %d Uid: %d %d %d %d Gid: %d %d %d %d FDSize: %d Groups: Threads: %d SigQ: %lu/%lu SigPnd: ShdPnd: SigBlk: SigIgn: SigCgt: CapInh: CapPrm: CapEff: CapBnd: voluntary_ctxt_switches: %lu nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches: %lu R (running) S (sleeping) D (disk sleep) T (stopped) T (tracing stop) Z (zombie) X (dead) %3d %d-%d %3d %7d :/dev/tty :console :vtmaster pty:master pty:slave type:%d.%d %-20s /dev/%-8s system:/dev/tty system:console /dev/ptmx system /dev/vc/0 system:vtmaster tty/ldisc tty/driver tty/ldiscs tty/drivers cpuinfo Character devices: Block devices: interrupts %d.%02d %d.%02d %d.%02d %ld/%d %d loadavg meminfo MemTotal: %8lu kB MemFree: %8lu kB Buffers: %8lu kB Cached: %8lu kB SwapCached: %8lu kB Active: %8lu kB Inactive: %8lu kB Active(anon): %8lu kB Inactive(anon): %8lu kB Active(file): %8lu kB Inactive(file): %8lu kB Unevictable: %8lu kB Mlocked: %8lu kB SwapTotal: %8lu kB SwapFree: %8lu kB Dirty: %8lu kB Writeback: %8lu kB AnonPages: %8lu kB Mapped: %8lu kB Slab: %8lu kB SReclaimable: %8lu kB SUnreclaim: %8lu kB PageTables: %8lu kB NFS_Unstable: %8lu kB Bounce: %8lu kB WritebackTmp: %8lu kB CommitLimit: %8lu kB Committed_AS: %8lu kB VmallocTotal: %8lu kB VmallocUsed: %8lu kB VmallocChunk: %8lu kB cpu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu cpu%d %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu intr %llu ctxt %llu btime %lu processes %lu procs_running %lu procs_blocked %lu uptime %lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu sys fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c self/net kcore vmlinux kmsg kpagecount kpageflags PARTN=%u %sp%d unknown-block(%u,%u) %8lu %8lu %8llu %8u %8lu %8lu %8llu %8u %8u %8u %8u slaves <6> %s: unknown partition table unable to read partition table <4>%s: p%d ignored, start %llu is behind the end of the disk <4>%s: p%d size %llu limited to end of disk <3> %s: p%d could not be added: %ld whole_disk Dev %s: unable to read RDB block %d Warning: Trashed word at 0xd0 in block %d ignored in checksum calculation Dev %s: RDB in block %d has bad checksum RDSK (%d) Dev %s: unable to read partition block %d %s%d (%c%c%c^%c) (%c%c%c%c) (res %d spb %d) [mac] Linux_RAID %s%d: <%s: bad subpartition - ignored (ignored %d more) > openbsd netbsd %s%d:  [s%d] %s%d:  [DM] [EZD] <4>Dev %s SGI disklabel: csum bad, label corrupted Dev %s Sun disklabel: Csum bad, label corrupted <4>GPT:Primary header LBA != Alt. header alternate_lba <4>GPT:%lld != %lld <4>GPT:Primary header alternate_lba != Alt. header my_lba <4>GPT:first_usable_lbas don't match. <4>GPT:last_usable_lbas don't match. <4>GPT:disk_guids don't match. <4>GPT:num_partition_entries don't match: 0x%x != 0x%x <4>GPT:sizeof_partition_entry values don't match: 0x%x != 0x%x <4>GPT:partition_entry_array_crc32 values don't match: 0x%x != 0x%x <4>GPT:Primary header thinks Alt. header is not at the end of the disk. <4>GPT:Alternate GPT header not at the end of the disk. <4>GPT: Use GNU Parted to correct GPT errors. <4>Alternate GPT is invalid, using primary GPT. <4>Primary GPT is invalid, using alternate GPT. fs/sysfs/inode.c <3>missing sysfs attribute operations for kobject: %s fs/sysfs/file.c &buffer->mutex fill_read_buffer: %s returned bad count fs/sysfs/sysfs.h <0>last sysfs file: %s fs/sysfs/dir.c <4>sysfs: duplicate filename '%s' can not be created ../ fs/sysfs/symlink.c sysfs_dir_cache <3>sysfs: could not mount! <7>sysfs: could not get root inode <7>%s: could not get root dentry! sysfs &bb->mutex fs/sysfs/bin.c <4>sysfs group %p not found for kobject '%s' fs/sysfs/group.c <3>devpts: get root dentry failed fs/devpts/inode.c <3>devpts: called with bogus options devpts ramfs fs/hugetlbfs/inode.c hugetlbfs_inode_cache <3>hugetlbfs: Unsupported page size %lu MB <3>hugetlbfs: Bad mount option: "%s" <3>hugetlbfs: Bad value '%s' for mount option '%s' hugetlbfs nr_inodes=%s pagesize=%s fs/fat/cache.c %s: detected the cluster chain loop (i_pos %lld) %s: invalid cluster chain (i_pos %lld) %s: request beyond EOF (i_pos %lld) fat_cache <4>FAT: filename was truncated while converting. <3>FAT: Directory bread(block %llu) failed . .. <4>FAT: Couldn't remove the long name slots <3>FAT: Corrupted directory (i_pos %lld) fs/fat/dir.c Odd directory size invalid access to FAT (entry 0x%08x) %s: deleting FAT entry beyond EOF fs/fat/fatent.c <3>FAT: FAT read failed (blocknr %llu) &sbi->fat_lock fat_inode_cache <3>FAT: unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos %lld) corrupted file size (i_pos %lld, %lld) fs/fat/inode.c EXECOMBAT ,fmask=%04o ,dmask=%04o ,allow_utime=%04o ,codepage=%s ,iocharset=%s ,shortname=win95 ,shortname=winnt ,shortname=mixed ,shortname=unknown ,check=%c ,usefree ,quiet ,showexec ,sys_immutable ,dotsOK=yes ,nocase ,utf8 ,uni_xlate ,nonumtail ,rodir ,flush ,tz=UTC ,errors=continue ,errors=panic ,errors=remount-ro <6>FAT: "%s" option is obsolete, not supported now <3>FAT: Unrecognized mount option "%s" or missing value <3>FAT: utf8 is not a recommended IO charset for FAT filesystems, filesystem will be case sensitive! <3>FAT: unable to read boot sector <3>FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors <3>FAT: bogus number of FAT structure <3>FAT: invalid media value (0x%02x) <3>FAT: bogus logical sector size %u <3>FAT: bogus sectors per cluster %u <3>FAT: logical sector size too small for device (logical sector size = %u) <3>FAT: unable to set blocksize %u <3>FAT: unable to read boot sector (logical sector size = %lu) <3>FAT: bread failed, FSINFO block (sector = %lu) <4>FAT: Invalid FSINFO signature: 0x%08x, 0x%08x (sector = %lu) <3>FAT: bogus directroy-entries per block (%u) <3>FAT: count of clusters too big (%u) cp%d <3>FAT: codepage %s not found <3>FAT: IO charset %s not found <3>FAT: get root inode failed <6>VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev %s. check=relaxed check=strict check=normal check=r check=s check=n umask=%o dmask=%o fmask=%o allow_utime=%o codepage=%u conv=binary conv=text conv=auto conv=b conv=t conv=a fat=%u blocksize=%u cvf_format=%20s cvf_options=%100s posix shortname=lower utf8=0 utf8=no utf8=false utf8=1 utf8=yes utf8=true uni_xlate=0 uni_xlate=no uni_xlate=false uni_xlate=1 uni_xlate=yes uni_xlate=true nonumtail=0 nonumtail=no nonumtail=false nonumtail=1 nonumtail=yes nonumtail=true nodots dotsOK=no <3>FAT: Filesystem error (dev %s) <3> FAT fs panic from previous error <3> File system has been set read-only <3>FAT: bread failed in fat_clusters_flush <3>FAT: Invalid FSINFO signature: 0x%08x, 0x%08x (sector = %lu) clusters badly computed (%d != %llu) fs/fat/namei_vfat.c %s: Filesystem corrupted (i_pos %lld) vfat msdos <5>iso9660: Corrupted directory entry in block %lu of inode %lu isofs_inode_cache <6>%s: out of memory <6>ISOFS: unable to read i-node block %lu <6>%s: More than 100 file sections ?!?, aborting... isofs_read_level3_size: inode=%lu <7>ISOFS: Interleaved files not (yet) supported. <7>ISOFS: File unit size != 0 for ISO file (%ld). <4>ISOFS: unable to read i-node block <7>%s: block number too large <7>%s: block >= EOF (%ld, %ld) <7>%s: More than 100 file sections ?!? aborting... <7>%s: block=%ld firstext=%u sect_size=%u nextblk=%lu nextoff=%lu <7>%s: Kernel tries to allocate a block <7>ISOFS: Session %d start %d type %d <3>ISOFS: Invalid session number or type of track <3>ISOFS: Invalid session number CD001 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level %d CDROM <7>ISOFS: changing to secondary root <4>isofs_fill_super: root inode is not a directory. Corrupted media? <4>%s: get root inode failed <4>%s: bread failed, dev=%s, iso_blknum=%d, block=%d <4>ISOFS: Bad logical zone size %ld <4>ISOFS: Logical zone size(%d) < hardware blocksize(%u) <4>ISOFS: Unable to identify CD-ROM format. iso9660 norock nojoliet unhide showassoc cruft map=acorn map=a map=normal map=n map=off map=o session=%u sbsector=%u dmode=%u block=%u conv=mtext conv=m nocompress ARCHIMEDES %3.3x <5>rock: directory entry would overflow storage <5>rock: sig=0x%02x, size=%d, remaining=%d <5>rock: corrupted directory entry. extent=%d, offset=%d, size=%d Unable to read rock-ridge attributes <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: Symlink component flag not implemented <4>Attempt to read inode for relocated directory <4>isofs: Can't handle ZF block size of 2^%d <4>isofs: Unknown ZF compression algorithm: %c%c Unsupported NM flag settings (%d) Symlink component flag not implemented (%d) unable to read i-node block symlink spans iso9660 blocks <3>isofs: isofs_export_get_parent(): child is not a directory! <3>isofs: isofs_export_get_parent(): child directory not normalized! <3>isofs: Unable to find the ".." directory for NFS. <7>zisofs: Null buffer on reading block table, inode = %lu, block = %lu <7>zisofs: Failed to read block table, inode = %lu, block = %lu <7>zisofs: Hit null buffer, fpage = %d, xpage = %d, csize = %ld <7>zisofs: zisofs_inflateInit returned %d <4>zisofs: ZF read beyond end of input <7>zisofs: zisofs_inflate returned %d, inode = %lu, index = %lu, fpage = %d, xpage = %d, avail_in = %d, avail_out = %d, ai = %d, ao = %d nls_%s cp437 ascii iso8859-1 debugfs 0x%02llx 0x%04llx $Id$ yaffs_MarkSuperBlockDirty() sb = %p yaffs Nov 17 2011 06:50:23 Installing. yaffs yaffs locking %p yaffs locked %p yaffs unlocking %p yaffs_put_super yaffs_do_sync_fs yaffs_sync_fs yaffs_write_super yaffs_statfs yaffs_setattr of object %d yaffs_rename target is non-empty dir calling yaffs_RenameObject yaffs_sync_object yaffs_link yaffs_link link count %d i_count %d yaffs_readdir: starting at %d yaffs_readdir: entry . ino %d yaffs_readdir: entry .. ino %d yaffs_readdir: %s inode %d clean yaffs_file_flush object %d (%s) object exists null object yaffs_delete_inode: ino %d, count %d %s yaffs_clear_inode: ino %d, count %d %s YAFFS built:Nov 17 2011 06:50:23 %s %s Device %d "%s" startBlock......... %d endBlock........... %d totalBytesPerChunk. %d nDataBytesPerChunk. %d chunkGroupBits..... %d chunkGroupSize..... %d nErasedBlocks...... %d nReservedBlocks.... %d blocksInCheckpoint. %d nTnodesCreated..... %d nFreeTnodes........ %d nObjectsCreated.... %d nFreeObjects....... %d nFreeChunks........ %d nPageWrites........ %d nPageReads......... %d nBlockErasures..... %d nGCCopies.......... %d garbageCollections. %d passiveGCs......... %d nRetriedWrites..... %d nShortOpCaches..... %d nRetireBlocks...... %d eccFixed........... %d eccUnfixed......... %d tagsEccFixed....... %d tagsEccUnfixed..... %d cacheHits.......... %d nDeletedFiles...... %d nUnlinkedFiles..... %d nBackgroudDeletions %d useNANDECC......... %d isYaffs2........... %d inbandTags......... %d <7>new trace = 0x%08X <7>%c%s yaffs Nov 17 2011 06:50:23 removing. yaffs_write_end addr %x pos %x nBytes %d yaffs_file_write about to write writing %zu bytesto object %d at %d yaffs_file_write writing %zu bytes, %d written at %d yaffs_file_write size updated to %d bytes, %d blocks yaffs_write_end not same size ret %d copied %d yaffs_get_inode for NULL super_block!! yaffs_get_inode for NULL object!! yaffs_get_inode for object %d yaffs_iget for %lu yaffs_FillInode mode %x uid %d gid %d size %d count %d yaffs_FileInode invalid parameters <6>yaffs: sb->s_dev is NULL <6>yaffs: devname is NULL <6>yaffs: dev is %d name is "%s" <6>yaffs: passed flags "%s" inband-tags no-cache no-checkpoint-read no-checkpoint-write no-checkpoint <6>yaffs: Bad mount option "%s" yaffs_read_super: Using yaffs%d yaffs_read_super: block size %d yaffs: Attempting MTD mount on %u.%u, "%s" yaffs: MTD device #%u doesn't appear to exist yaffs: MTD device is not NAND it's type %d erase %p read %p write %p readoob %p writeoob %p block_isbad %p block_markbad %p writesize erasesize %d yaffs: auto selecting yaffs2 yaffs: auto selecting yaffs1 yaffs: MTD device does not support required functions yaffs: MTD device does not have the right page sizes yaffs: MTD device does not support have the right page sizes yaffs_read_super: Failed trying to allocate yaffs_Device. FAILED yaffs_read_super: guts initialised %s yaffs_read_super: got root inode yaffs_read_super: d_alloc_root done yaffs_read_super: isCheckpointed %d yaffs_read_super: done yaffs_mknod: parent object %d type %d yaffs_mknod: could not get parent object yaffs_mknod: making oject for %s, mode %x dev %x yaffs_mknod: making special yaffs_mknod: making file yaffs_mknod: making directory yaffs_mknod: making symlink yaffs_mknod created object %d count = %d yaffs_mknod failed making object yaffs_create yaffs_mkdir yaffs_lookup for %d:%s yaffs_lookup found %d yaffs_loookup dentry yaffs_lookup not found yaffs_readpage at %08x, size %08x fs/yaffs2/yaffs_fs.c yaffs_readpage done start yaffs_write_begin end yaffs_write_begin - ok end yaffs_write_begin fail returning %d yaffs_symlink symlink created OK symlink not created yaffs_unlink %d:%s yaffs_writepage at %08x, inode size = %08x!!! -> don't care!! yaffs_writepage at %08x, size %08x writepag0: obj = %05x, ino = %05x writepag1: obj = %05x, ino = %05x allocate always bad_blocks checkpt deletion erase gc_detail gc nandaccess scan_debug tracing verify verify_nand verify_full verify_all yaffs2 <4>**>> yaffs: getBlockInfo block %d is not valid <4>==>> yaffs bug: fs/yaffs2/yaffs_getblockinfo.h %d <4>Freechunks verification failure %d %d %d <4>FreeObject %p inode %p <4>==>> yaffs bug: fs/yaffs2/yaffs_guts.c %d <4>soft delete chunk %d <4>yaffs: Block struck out <4>Verifying object header tags %x obj %x oh %x <4>Obj %d header type is illegal value 0x%x <4>Obj %d header mismatch objectId %d <4>Obj %d header mismatch parentId %d obj->parent is NULL <4>Obj %d header mismatch parentId %d parentObjectId %d <4>Obj %d header name is NULL <4>Obj %d header name is 0xFF <4>Block %d has undefined state %d <4>Block %d has bad run-state %s <4>Block %d has illegal values pagesInUsed %d softDeletions %d <4>**>> yaffs: BlockBits block %d is not valid <4>Block %d has inconsistent values pagesInUse %d counted chunk bits %d <4>Block %d has suspect sequence number of %d <4> <4>Block summary <4>%d blocks have illegal states <4>Too many allocating blocks <4>%s %d blocks <4>Checkpoint block count wrong dev %d count %d <4>Erased block count wrong dev %d count %d <4>Too many collecting blocks %d (max is 1) <4>yaffs: unmaged buffer detected. <4>Releasing unmanaged temp buffer in line %d <4>yaffs: Could not allocate Tnodes <4>yaffs: Could not add tnodes to management list <4>yaffs: Tnodes added <4>yaffs: no more tnodes <4>Out of temp buffers at line %d, other held by lines: <4> %d <4> <4>**>> yaffs: Chunk Id (%d:%d) invalid <4>Chunk %d not found zero instead <4>Chunk %d not erased ,marked as deleted ,out of range <4>Obj %d has chunkId %d %s %s <4>Obj %d has parent pointer %p which does not look like an object <4>Obj %d's parent is not a directory (type %d) <4>Obj %d had tnode tallness %d, needs to be %d <4>Object %d chunkId %d NAND mismatch chunk %d tags (%d:%d) <4>Obj %d has illegaltype %d <4>No object to verify <4>Object does not have parent <4>Parent is not directory <4>Object in directory %d times <4>Directory has wrong type: %d <4>Object in directory list has wrong parent %p <4>tragedy: Trying to add an object to a null pointer directory <4>tragedy: Trying to add an object to a non-directory <4>yaffs: Could not allocate more objects needs retiring <4>yaffs_BlockBecameDirty block %d state %d %s <4>**>> Erasure failed %d <4>>>Block %d erasure supposedly OK, but chunk %d not erased <4>Erased block %d <4>yaffs: Failed to mark bad and erase block %d <4>yaffs: Failed to write bad block marker to block %d <4>**>> Block %d retired <4>Deleting invalid chunk %d <4>line %d delete of chunk %d <4>yaffs tragedy:attempt to put data chunk into a non-file <4>yaffs tragedy: existing chunk < 0 in scan <4>yaffs tragedy: no more erased blocks <4>Allocated block %d, seq %d, %d left <4>yaffs tragedy: no more erased blocks, but there should have been %d <4>Allocating reserve <4>!!!!!!!!! Allocator out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <4>**>> yaffs chunk %d was not erased <4>**>> Block %d needs retiring <4>**>> yaffs write required %d attempts lost+found obj <4>tragedy: yaffs_FindObjectByName: null pointer directory <4>tragedy: yaffs_FindObjectByName: non-directory <4>tragedy: yaffs_ChangeObjectName: newDir is not a directory <4>**>> Block %d is not valid <4>GC Selected block %d with %d free, prioritised:%d <4>yaffs: GC erasedBlocks %d aggressive %d <4>Collecting block %d, in use %d, shrink %d, wholeBlock %d <4>Collecting block %d that has no chunks in use <4>Collecting chunk in block %d, %d %d %d <4>gc: page in gc mismatch: %d %d %d %d <4>page %d in gc has no object: %d %d %d <4>yaffs: About to finally delete object %d <4>Block %d is in state %d after gc, should be erased <4>gc did not increase free chunks before %d after %d <4>yaffs: GC !!!no reclaim!!! erasedBlocks %d after try %d block %d silly old name <4>Writing %d bytes to chunk!!!!!!!!! <4>yaffs tragedy: no space during cache write <4>Found daft chunkId %d for %d <4>yaffs: Deleting empty file %d unlinked <4>yaffs: immediate deletion of file %d <4>yaffs_Scan starts intstartblk %d intendblk %d... <4>Block scanning block %d state %d seq %d <4>block %d is bad <4>Block empty <4> Allocating from %d %d <4>yaffs tragedy: attempting to use non-directory as a directory in scan. Put in lost+found. <4>yaffs_Scan ends <4>restore entry: isCheckpointed %d <4>skipping checkpoint read <4>read checkpoint validity <4>read checkpoint device <4>read checkpoint objects <4>struct size %d instead of %d ok %d <4>Checkpoint read object %d parent %d type %d chunk %d <4>Checkpoint read object %d type %d chunk %d does not match existing object type %d <4>Checkpoint read object %d parent %d type %d chunk %d Parent type, %d, not directory <4>Checkpoint read tnodes %d records, last %d. ok %d <4>read checkpoint checksum %d <4>restore exit: isCheckpointed %d <4>save entry: isCheckpointed %d <4>skipping checkpoint write <4>write checkpoint validity <4>write checkpoint device <4>write checkpoint objects <4>Checkpoint write object %d parent %d type %d chunk %d obj addr %x <4>save exit: isCheckpointed %d <4>AddrToChunk of offset %d gives chunk %d start %d <4>yaffs: yaffs_GutsInitialise() <4>yaffs: Need a device <4>yaffs: NAND geometry problems: chunk size %d, type is yaffs%s, inbandTags %d <4>yaffs: InitialiseNAND failed <4>yaffs: device function(s) missing or wrong <4>yaffs: device already mounted <4>yaffs: chunk group too large <4>yaffs: restored from checkpoint <4>yaffs_ScanBackwards is only for YAFFS2! <4>yaffs_ScanBackwards starts intstartblk %d intendblk %d... <4>yaffs_Scan() could not allocate block index! <4>Block scanning block %d has bad sequence number %d <4>%d blocks to be sorted... <4>...done <4>%d blocks to be scanned <4>Partially written block %d detected <4> Unfixed ECC in chunk(%d:%d), chunk ignored <4>yaffs tragedy: Bad object type, %d != %d, for object %d at chunk %d during scan <4>yaffs_ScanBackwards ends <4>yaffs: yaffs_GutsInitialise() aborted. <4>yaffs: yaffs_GutsInitialise() done. <4>yaffs tragedy: Could not make object for object %d at chunk %d during scan Needs scanning Scanning Allocating Dirty Checkpoint Collecting <4>find next checkpt block: start: blocks %d next %d <4>find next checkpt block: search: block %d oid %d seq %d eccr %d <4>found checkpt block %d <4>found no more checkpt blocks <4>checking blocks %d to %d <4>erasing checkpt block %d <4>checkpoint invalidate of %d blocks <4>allocating checkpt block: erased %d reserved %d avail %d next %d <4>allocating checkpt block %d <4>out of checkpt blocks <4>checkpoint wite buffer nand %d(%d:%d) objid %d chId %d <4>checkpoint byte count %d <4>checkpt blocks available = %d <4>ext.tags eccres %d blkbad %d chused %d obj %d chunk%d byte %d del %d ser %d seq %d <4>packed tags obj %d chunk %d byte %d seq %d <4>Writing uninitialised tags <4>==>> yaffs bug: fs/yaffs2/yaffs_nand.c %d <4>Writing chunk %d tags %d %d <4>Writing with no tags <4>**>>Block %d marked for retirement <4>**>>yaffs ecc error fix performed on chunk %d:0 <4>**>>yaffs ecc error unfixed on chunk %d:0 <4>**>>yaffs ecc error fix performed on chunk %d:1 <4>**>>yaffs ecc error unfixed on chunk %d:1 <4>**>>mtd ecc error fix performed on chunk %d:0 <4>**>>mtd ecc error unfixed on chunk %d:0 <4>**>>mtd ecc error fix performed on chunk %d:1 <4>**>>mtd ecc error unfixed on chunk %d:1 <4>**>> yaffs chunk %d is not valid <4>yaffs: marking block %d bad <4>yaffs: read_oob failed, chunk %d, mtd error %d <4>yaffs: mtd device has only %d bytes for tags, need %d <4>yaffs: block %d is marked bad <4>yaffs: write_oob failed, chunk %d, mtd error %d <4>nandmtd2_MarkNANDBlockBad %d <4>nandmtd2_ReadChunkWithTagsFromNAND chunk %d data %p tags %p <4>nandmtd2_QueryNANDBlock %d <4>block is bad <4>block is bad seq %d state %d <4>nandmtd2_WriteChunkWithTagsToNAND chunk %d data %p tags %p fs/yaffs2/yaffs_mtdif2.c &ids->rw_mutex %10d %10d %4o %10lu %10lu %5u %5u %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu %10lu <6>msgmni has been set to %d key msqid perms cbytes qnum lspid lrpid uid gid cuid cgid stime rtime ctime sysvipc/msg %10d %10d %4o %10lu %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu key semid perms nsems uid gid cuid cgid otime ctime sysvipc/sem ipc/shm.c %10d %10d %4o %10lu %5u %5u %5lu %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu %10lu key shmid perms size cpid lpid nattch uid gid cuid cgid atime dtime ctime sysvipc/shm SYSV%08x auto_msgmni mqueue_inode_cache QSIZE:%-10lu NOTIFY:%-5d SIGNO:%-5d NOTIFY_PID:%-6d mqueue queues_max msg_max msgsize_max ipc/namespace.c &candidate->cons_lock &key->sem key_jar dead security/keys/keyring.c [anon] : %u/%u : empty keyring %s;%d;%d;%08x;%s _tid _ses security/keys/process_keys.c _uid.%u _uid_ses.%u security/keys/request_key.c _req.%u /sbin/request-key key: pid:%d ci:%zu .request_key_auth : %u %5u: %5d %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d perm expd %lus %lum %luh %lud %luw %08x %c%c%c%c%c%c %5d %4s %08x %5d %5d %-9.9s Cannot create /proc/keys key-users Cannot create /proc/key-users root_maxkeys root_maxbytes security.capability <5>%s: get_vfs_caps_from_disk returned %d for %s <5>%s: cap_from_disk returned %d for %s security/security.c <6>Security Framework initialized <7>%s could not verify security_operations structure. crypto/api.c cryptomgr %s-all crypto/digest.c crypto/algapi.c <3>alg: Unexpected test result for %s: %d %s(%s) crypto/scatterwalk.c crypto name : %s driver : %s module : %s priority : %d refcnt : %d passed selftest : %s type : larval flags : 0x%x type : cipher blocksize : %u min keysize : %u max keysize : %u type : digest digestsize : %u type : compression type : unknown type : nivaead async : %s ivsize : %u maxauthsize : %u geniv : %s type : aead  eseqiv chainiv type : givcipher type : ablkcipher  type : blkcipher crypto/blkcipher.c crypto/chainiv.c include/linux/scatterlist.h type : hash type : ahash type : shash descsize : %u cryptomgr_probe cryptomgr_test crypto/algboss.c encryption decryption <3>alg: cipher: setkey failed on test %d for %s: flags=%x <3>alg: cipher: Test %d failed on %s for %s <3>alg: hash: Failed to load transform for %s: %ld <3>alg: hash: Failed to allocate request for %s <3>alg: hash: setkey failed on test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: hash: digest failed on test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: hash: Test %d failed for %s <3>alg: hash: setkey failed on chunking test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: hash: digest failed on chunking test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: hash: Chunking test %d failed for %s <3>alg: skcipher: Failed to allocate request for %s <3>alg: skcipher: setkey failed on test %d for %s: flags=%x <3>alg: skcipher: %s failed on test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: skcipher: Test %d failed on %s for %s <3>alg: skcipher: setkey failed on chunk test %d for %s: flags=%x crypto/testmgr.c <3>alg: skcipher: %s failed on chunk test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: skcipher: Chunk test %d failed on %s at page %u for %s <3>alg: skcipher: Result buffer corruption in chunk test %d on %s at page %u for %s: %u bytes: <3>alg: aead: Failed to allocate request for %s <3>alg: aead: setkey failed on test %d for %s: flags=%x <3>alg: aead: Failed to set authsize to %u on test %d for %s <3>alg: aead: %s failed on test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: aead: Test %d failed on %s for %s <3>alg: aead: setkey failed on chunk test %d for %s: flags=%x <3>alg: aead: Failed to set authsize to %u on chunk test %d for %s <3>alg: aead: %s failed on chunk test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: aead: Chunk test %d failed on %s at page %u for %s <3>alg: aead: Result buffer corruption in chunk test %d on %s at page %u for %s: %u bytes: ecb(%s) <3>alg: cipher: Failed to load transform for %s: %ld <6>alg: No test for %s (%s) <3>alg: crc32c: Failed to load transform for %s: %ld <3>alg: crc32c: Operation failed for %s: %d <3>alg: crc32c: Test failed for %s: %d <3>alg: aead: Failed to load transform for %s: %ld <3>alg: skcipher: Failed to load transform for %s: %ld <3>alg: comp: Failed to load transform for %s: %ld <3>alg: comp: compression failed on test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: comp: Compression test %d failed for %s: output len = %d <3>alg: comp: Compression test %d failed for %s <3>alg: comp: decompression failed on test %d for %s: ret=%d <3>alg: comp: Decompression test %d failed for %s: output len = %d <3>alg: comp: Decompression test %d failed for %s cbc(anubis) cbc(blowfish) cbc(camellia) cbc(des) cbc(des3_ede) cbc(twofish) ccm(aes) crc32c cts(cbc(aes)) deflate ecb(aes) ecb(anubis) ecb(arc4) ecb(blowfish) ecb(camellia) ecb(cast5) ecb(cast6) ecb(des) ecb(des3_ede) ecb(khazad) ecb(seed) ecb(serpent) ecb(tea) ecb(tnepres) ecb(twofish) ecb(xeta) ecb(xtea) gcm(aes) hmac(md5) hmac(rmd128) hmac(rmd160) hmac(sha1) hmac(sha224) hmac(sha256) hmac(sha384) hmac(sha512) lrw(aes) lzo md4 md5 michael_mic pcbc(fcrypt) rfc3686(ctr(aes)) rmd128 rmd160 rmd256 rmd320 salsa20 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 tgr128 tgr160 tgr192 wp256 wp384 wp512 xcbc(aes) xts(aes) = B 0 " , A Single block msg Sw y ' - w im | a > % Z V. m =( iZ.oX : 0( u `-%< f s dR + y b R,k{ k .@ =~ s * - W o E Q0 F \ R $E O +A{ l7 O C c=qx : q } 8v?i ZW $ z  = y Y OV `= q +s }w 5, ;a - L w _{ N ~ g w{ p,}9 3i 0 c # a l j m &}bo R nn o ^ fO x 7 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555 , o ! 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Y<^ { < ] 6 Q" Gj C L} 2 r , >J : m & 3 2 [. p \ k , 4Z I : A@ + h Ivw] &l(xC test me. w]*j eC fD9%Q: n longer_test_vect z - % ! Mv2 ?u,] 6 rc/ Tea is good for you!!! really!!! M]< 6G I D - * s E I Z4 , k T Uh 6x f f ( \ p .[ 2 3 & A k1Y1E mo 8K7!( 4G E n d 7 I Nv x = F* TN& P "H 7R{ #4 | " la E > 5 a5 q, D >* j jI > "`V wM $ ]oK1: o p M P s Y] X ~0a6 W EZ ` ( q x nG , :g W 12% Y & S 4 .L0= 1 r < h S/ $I % j W c{9 U B !wt$Kr! !/, 5 ~#) .! Tf } jZ 9j =X G?Y M\* ' d , Z + 12% Y & S 4 .L0= 1 r < h S/ $I % j W c{9 B !wt$Kr! !/, 5 ~#) .! Tf } jZ 9j =X [ O 2! Z G 3 s K W$5 es mj g0 es S E6 c s @=M`kn N k &[ es mj g0 es mj g0 R- V} 7 * B}d: u %U HY = V 8 c z b 4q P"p l R- V} 7 * B}d: u %U HY = V 8 c z bv n N h S -U Hi There rz68 Jefe what do ya want for nothing? u x>j n1 ] 8 V 4R L 3 i~ :: :u GF y Test With Truncation Test Using Larger Than Block-Size Key - Hash Key First k K b a Test Using Larger Than Block-Size Key and Larger Than One Block-Size Data oc g b : > K r N 4 _ b 4 ' _  m/T= c b KZ M" K% _ U : s)( J Y s P \k y> 7c_0 $ K } ]. s- 97 Vh !:HZ $ t d 3 <@i 6 Y R /M! L zCe v i9x S P Q 9 df ^ ) R>Z v i `y qal _ #uL ]Z 1 U rd 7 F j / t % |y ]sB {Oc u L bP P l-r5 L BKU  { 2J Z J Rr pV7 ;U @! E#}xmk \x o h2 | ?G OShK" -o '? This is a test using a larger than block-size key and a larger than block-size data. The key needs to be hashed before being used by the HMAC algorithm. : Af ] ?T gp + e ]L :M 9u z j jf u ! O W2 K 11 < a B I q$Vi}0 abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopqabcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq G ~@ 4 s Z s G E 3 `~ K + < z; : 0 b I l  C \0 !"#$% c< tLf tUn U AF iS ^ o e8 } 9 25/ cU " H \ [ * d 9D H bk % F  L| n J R E vH@1ax k ~ d G . sc"D^ "@ ^i 29 I N D > : O *+X < : . @0 $ c IR f 5 /%N ,`$ F x 1 m8` FR> | a O $ l #y N xz E | 3 'N N a p.il : hT Kz{ ;V d". ' % T X u Z Jm Oe MJkKcn 8 7 Bc { F J 7 RkV 7 _% !]j R Os ? Z ]xe {jw] } n^? q r ] - D ,  Z L 0123456789ABCDEF s e _ ]H TcN YpG WG y T yD H ZS k) * 4 jVP0 i 7 G d v2! Yb i ^ j % < (t 5MJeT a { J) p /U { (" A / R . o 'j =e `H 4 v F l# w ] { ! ! E4 & v p+ v = p d ` ZI 0 nx -^ `d z / [ g_=i S - p] " l k n P8 qI W k ) *b m _8 k u | B1 | n2i ?O/fi T eL | o 5 ' Z_ P fD 3 p TZ t -du T t QS >o N,@ .> f v sD V r ! L : F > : g ` p X , . Qq vJt !, ,N : .A j3} ? #1t n " " - x 9jmj O F l A< B`q u @e Cq MD M }1 e u > ; U ~ @ bse Fc%=+ d \ $ d K } - hw 2+ t wa q \}9 $ 9 E + *\ m o U f/ 2 ] : s E . ) ! ug 7 1 j 1 F$^ $ H z ! R_ z r message digest dT H K 0 c A- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 ? A 5 ' S 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ;M 8 >{ O 6 u 1 iw&a P < O ?}( r ki}| RZ/1 a t w a , A W + U I .! z \ 0 CG! @c ? Mi ~]) Mic Mich ^ Michael + N F 4Vx xtw < >1nb W :BX*( rR/ * h ]O y-au & T;Y H Q r y A . F W 0 A ( 6s< }m KU8O Y Ny5 ( n P Vr z Z N V c q X^ ZC u b P > a F z 3 /W 3 J f ck i Lw 2{=nR0b -} * qI" q N Y bL` ?E G2 iy_ - " I : abcdefghbcdefghicdefghijdefghijkefghijklfghijklmghijklmnhijklmnoijklmnopjklmnopqklmnopqrlmnopqrsmnopqrstnopqrstu wk [ %F abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijk 4} F Ta( ~ H % 1 -%k> 4{ ZF ] z J Z ] I r # _ !Y_6 ' i, V [ (e p n1 d : q0y Q u.EW=K9 2< c2k S8J l' b + o? kP<8O I \, E d T 3y {X}6w } LN_ w R M0 z- t ] c h R- 3>E W x< : 4i)% n" - } h B uE e qu zQM\ L9, k DeUJ T d 04u wk x Q } Q3 W@ D$ c @ ~ w z@ H h jbu S gx 8C U s * 4 n / 6 ? " ]VaSl u {A s% W }pZ :2 x 8 &X uy m fzW V, cT/ G ] L O 0 s 0 Z [ q>t / B L h- : (P. ]B/h O 3 ?* % kN r} j| G k ,(4 ? A Qf @ #@ Dc TI@ mg P 2 {>Wp ; 8 # < Ux _m * iE ~ SA $ _ ] -B 4 " M i ` Y L & [ tp i r - + h A h Z N @ I X?Ryp l DF W x # h {# g 4 F& D?! vCo o S J s.0 O !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789: 9P G ( 5 r #)HV^ ~ }]8{-q ; # J < ; R PY @ S [ )k^ [ / A? / ; FET u D \ zC@ SC^K PR? (= in` tV b `P a x $4 X ,Y w [J ,/ g E u q )9 E/ Z k p K / .@Hu !E f YZ >6G j >%qxP l >D ; n J Q) Fp # }"4 " B w U * l u8 Q'v ] ] P E\ RR%% $ ja 8 & >`9 < Yd !g 3 97 [ G 9| b E k EZ No_ [ E+ 3 3 G = / GS ;; / U~- f t`9 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz = s 5 ~,(b ) Ix M : o *{ 8 5 az AsI A1 N ~ KU ! *'O 6 <# EMD#d< * O L J / { W n h ( ' 1 5 ; ; Wx 1 T c 8 4E 0 3 ! ='W g|RW ] X1 n g x m +(p B #(P $ c 2 nv _ X *Rz A Tiger ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+- * G , ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+0123456789 F} c H ae] Tiger - A Fast New Hash Function, by Ross Anderson and Eli Biham, proceedings of Fast Software Encryption 3, Cambridge, 1996. = cW wM m[$ $ c 2 nv _ s - X *Rz A _{ * G , DP F} c H ae] W ee = cW wM m[$ h $ c 2 nv _ s -IXNz X *Rz A _{ )Q * G , DP4 F} c H ae] W ee _ = cW wM m[$ h P9t a U" f D . & 0#!0 I & y* o r S ^is P {B N$H V,s >:s r ~mL Tf&6 , !*HJ 8c B8 D. ; T Fn M% d 7+ T J ` ) * ~ pa dOH zZR eb b \i a U" f D . & 0#!0 I > i ( :s r ~mLq ~'} 4 q Tf&6 , !*HJ 8c B8 D. ; T * Q j z Fn M% d 7+ T J ` )M[ *lD 8 {& * ~ pa dOH zZR eb b \i { v9 V a U" f D . & 0#!0 I > i ( :s r ~mLq ~'} 4 q %) v Tf&6 , !*HJ 8c B8 D. ; T * Q j z g>r ]] ; Fn M% d 7+ T J ` )M[ *lD 8 {& ,`H ,* : ; * ~ pa dOH zZR eb b \i { v9 V t[{ ; u % R Es ) [7e / ! ruo F 4 h 9O c G Ed b \c ^ O h sK (? w H | h C e/ . """""""""""""""" DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD T ^j n93@8 o t ( """""""""""""""" 3kYz . I L ~ !S! "z ' ( (E E#S`(tq5&1AY&SX # bd3 ' hmac ecb cbc authenc(%s,%s) type : rng seedsize : %u stdrng anticipatory block/elevator.c <3>%s: forced dispatching is broken (nr_sorted=%u), please report this &eq->sysfs_lock <3>%s: bad return=%d <3>%s: bad insertion point %d as-iosched %s-iosched <3>elevator: type %s not found elv switch: %s <3>elevator: switch to %s failed <3>I/O scheduler %s not found <3>Default I/O scheduler not found. Using noop. noop cfq (default) <6>io scheduler %s registered%s kblockd Failed to create kblockd blkdev_requests blkdev_queue <6>%s: dev %s: type=%x, flags=%x <6> sector %llu, nr/cnr %lu/%u <6> bio %p, biotail %p, buffer %p, data %p, len %u <6> cdb: <3>%s: over max size limit. <3>%s: over max segments limit. <3>%s: want %u bytes done, %u left <3>end_request: I/O error, dev %s, sector %llu __end_that <3>%s: bio idx %d >= vcnt %d block/blk-core.c <6>attempt to access beyond end of device <6>%s: rw=%ld, want=%Lu, limit=%Lu <3>generic_make_request: Trying to access nonexistent block-device %s (%Lu) <3>bio too big device %s (%u > %u) &q->sysfs_lock READ <7>%s(%d): %s block %Lu on %s (%u sectors) <3>%s: request %p for device [%s] already tagged %d block/blk-tag.c <3>%s: tag %d is missing <3>%s: attempt to clear non-busy tag (%d) <3>%s: adjusted depth to %d block/blk-sysfs.c nr_requests max_hw_sectors_kb max_sectors_kb scheduler hw_sector_size rotational nomerges rq_affinity iostats block/blk-barrier.c <3>%s: prepare_flush_fn required <3>blk_queue_ordered: bad value %d block/blk-settings.c <6>%s: set to minimum %lx <6>%s: set to minimum %d blkdev_ioc block/blk-ioc.c block/blk-exec.c <3>blk: request botched block/blk-softirq.c block/blk-timeout.c <3>block: bad eh return: %d block-major-%d-%d block-major-%d major minor #blocks name block/genhd.c register_blkdev: failed to get major for %s register_blkdev: cannot get major %d for %s blkext NPARTS=%u %4d %7d %10llu %s %4d %7d %s %lu %lu %llu %u %lu %lu %llu %u %u %u %u %-9s %03x:%05x %s%s %10llu %s driver: %s (driver?) diskstats partitions ext_range removable <4>program %s is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO bsg_cmd <3>bsg: failed creating slab cache bsg <6>Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major %d) block/bsg.c <3>bsg: too many bsg devices block/noop-iosched.c %lu %% exit probability %lu %% probability of exiting without a cooperating process submitting IO %lu ms new thinktime %llu sectors new seek distance block/as-iosched.c rq->state %d est_time read_expire write_expire antic_expire read_batch_expire write_batch_expire block/deadline-iosched.c writes_starved front_merges fifo_batch cfq%d activate rq, drv=%d block/cfq-iosched.c cfq%d deactivate rq, drv=%d cfq%d slice expired t=%d cfq%d resid=%ld cfq%d put_queue cfq schedule dispatch <3>cfq: bad prio %x cfq%d alloced cfq%d del_from_rr cfq%d dispatch_insert cfq%d add_to_rr cfq%d insert_request cfq%d idle=%d cfq%d preempt cfq_queue cfq_io_context cfq forced_dispatch=%d cfq%d fifo=%p cfq%d set_active cfq dispatched=%d cfq idle timer fired cfq%d complete cfq%d set_slice=%lu cfq arm_idle: %lu <3>cfq: cic link failed! cfq set_request fail quantum fifo_expire_sync fifo_expire_async back_seek_max back_seek_penalty slice_sync slice_async slice_async_rq slice_idle block_rq_abort block/blktrace.c block_rq_insert block_rq_issue block_rq_requeue block_rq_complete block_bio_bounce block_bio_complete block_bio_backmerge block_bio_frontmerge block_bio_queue block_getrq block_sleeprq block_plug block_unplug_timer block_unplug_io block_split block_remap <0>------------[ cut here ]------------ <3>Badness at %s:%u <3>Badness at %p [verbose debug info unavailable] <2>kernel BUG at %s:%u! <2>Kernel BUG at %p [verbose debug info unavailable] __bug_table lib/idr.c idr_layer_cache <4>idr_remove called for id=%d which is not allocated. <4>ida_remove called for id=%d which is not allocated. lib/ioremap.c must have a ktype to be initialized properly! <3>kobject (%p): tried to init an initialized object, something is seriously wrong. invalid kobject pointer! <3>kobject (%p): %s <4>kobject: '%s' (%p): is not initialized, yet kobject_put() is being called. lib/kobject.c kobject: (%p): attempted to be registered with empty name! <3>%s failed for %s with -EEXIST, don't try to register things with the same name in the same directory. <3>%s failed for %s (%d) <3>kobject: can not set name properly! DEVPATH_OLD=%s <3>kobject '%s' (%p): tried to add an uninitialized object, something is seriously wrong. <4>%s: kobject_add error: %d <3>kobject_uevent: unable to create netlink socket! <3>add_uevent_var: too many keys lib/kobject_uevent.c <3>add_uevent_var: buffer size too small ACTION=%s DEVPATH=%s SUBSYSTEM=%s SEQNUM=%llu %s@%s remove lib/kref.c lib/prio_tree.c &pd->mutex radix_tree_node lib/radix-tree.c <4>%s: %d callbacks suppressed <6>Mem-Info: <6>%lu pages RAM <6>%lu pages reserved <6>%lu pages shared <6>%lu pages non-shared lib/string.c  lib/vsprintf.c (null) %16.16llx %8.8x %4.4x %s%s%*p: %s %s%s%.8x: %s lib/bitmap.c %s%0*lx lib/scatterlist.c .%03lld %lld%s %s KiB MiB GiB TiB PiB EiB ZiB YiB TB PB EB ZB YB <3>Bad IO access at port %#lx (%s) lib/iomap.c outsl(port, src,count) outsw(port, src, count) outsb(port, src, count) insl(port,dst,count) insw(port,dst,count) insb(port,dst,count) outb(val,port) return inb(port) return pio_read16be(port) pio_write16be(val,port) return pio_read32be(port) pio_write32be(val,port) outw(val,port) return inw(port) outl(val,port) return inl(port) lib/devres.c lib/kernel_lock.c lib/plist.c invalid distance too far back invalid distance code invalid literal/length code incorrect header check unknown compression method invalid window size invalid block type invalid stored block lengths too many length or distance symbols invalid code lengths set invalid bit length repeat invalid literal/lengths set invalid distances set incorrect data check /usr/local/google/home/android/kernel-qemu/arch/x86/include/asm/syscall.h &vpd->lock drivers/pci/access.c <3>%s %s: Error adding device, continuing drivers/pci/bus.c <3>%s %s: Error adding bus, continuing pci%04x:%02x <3>%s %s: can't handle 64-bit BAR <7>%s %s: reg %x 64bit mmio: %pR io port 32bit mmio <7>%s %s: reg %x %s: %pR <4>pci %04x:%02x:%02x.%d: not responding <3>%s %s: unknown header type %02x, ignoring device <3>%s %s: ignoring class %02x (doesn't match header type %02x) <6>%s %s: bus %04x:%02x already known PCI CardBus %04x:%02x PCI Bus %04x:%02x <6>%s %s: transparent bridge <7>%s %s: bridge io port: %pR <7>%s %s: bridge 32bit mmio: %pR <3>%s %s: can't handle 64-bit address space for bridge <7>%s %s: bridge %sbit mmio pref: %pR cpuaffinity cpulistaffinity pci_bus nomsi noaer nodomains cbiosize= cbmemsize= <3>PCI: Unknown option `%s' <3>%s %s: BAR: invalid resource #%d <3>%s %s: buffer not found in %s <6>%s %s: Busy after 100ms while trying to reset; sleeping for 1 second <6>%s %s: Still busy after 1s; proceeding with reset anyway <7>%s %s: cache line size of %d is not supported <6>%s %s: PME# %s <7>%s %s: restoring config space at offset %#x (was %#x, writing %#x) I/O <4>%s %s: BAR %d: can't reserve %s region %pR <3>%s %s: invalid power transition (from state %d to %d) drivers/pci/pci.c <6>%s %s: unrecognized suspend event %d <3>%s %s: unable to preallocate PCI Express save buffer <3>%s %s: unable to preallocate PCI-X save buffer <3>%s %s: unsupported PM cap regs version (%u) D2 D1 <7>%s %s: supports%s%s D3cold D3hot D0 <6>%s %s: PME# supported from%s%s%s%s%s <6>%s %s: Enabling SiS 96x SMBus <6>%s %s: quirk: region %04x-%04x claimed by %s vt82c586 ACPI <6>%s %s: %s PIO at %04x (mask %04x) <6>%s %s: %s PIO at %04x-%04x ICH6 ACPI/GPIO/TCO ICH6 GPIO ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 1 ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 2 ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 3 ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 4 <6>%s %s: %s MMIO at %04x-%04x drivers/pci/quirks.c <6>%s %s: Enabled ICH6/i801 SMBus device <6>%s %s: Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds <6>%s %s: Disabling direct PCI/PCI transfers <6>%s %s: Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers <6>%s %s: ATI Northbridge, reserving I/O ports 0x3b0 to 0x3bb RadeonIGP <6>%s %s: AMD8131 rev %x detected; disabling PCI-X MMRBC <4>%s %s: PXH quirk detected; SHPC device MSI disabled <6>%s %s: Netmos %04x (%u parallel, %u serial); changing class SERIAL to OTHER (use parport_serial) <6>%s %s: Disabling L0s <6>%s %s: NCR 53c810 rev 1 detected; setting PCI class <6>%s %s: Chipset erratum: Disabling direct PCI/AGP transfers <6>%s %s: PIIX3: Enabling Passive Release <6>%s %s: Applying VIA southbridge workaround <6>%s %s: VIA VLink IRQ fixup, from %d to %d <6>%s %s: Fixup for MediaGX/Geode Slave Disconnect Boundary (0x41=0x%02x) <6>%s %s: set SATA to AHCI mode <6>%s %s: IDE mode mismatch; forcing legacy mode <6>%s %s: Onboard AC97/MC97 devices continue to play 'hide and seek'! 0x%x <6>%s %s: Enabled onboard AC97/MC97 devices <6>%s %s: Linking AER extended capability <6>%s %s: Disabling VIA CX700 PCI parking <6>%s %s: Disabling VIA CX700 PCI caching ali7101 ACPI ali7101 SMB vt8235 PM vt8235 SMB <4>%s %s: Can't map e100 registers <4>%s %s: Firmware left e100 interrupts enabled; disabling <6>%s %s: Enable I/O Space to 1KB granularity <6>%s %s: Fixing P64H2 IOBL_ADR from 0x%x to 0x%x for 1KB granularity PIIX4 ACPI PIIX4 SMB PIIX4 devres B PIIX4 devres C PIIX4 devres E PIIX4 devres F PIIX4 devres G PIIX4 devres H PIIX4 devres I PIIX4 devres J ICH4 ACPI/GPIO/TCO ICH4 GPIO vt82c686 HW-mon vt82c686 SMB <4>%s %s: BIOS failed to enable PCI standards compliance; fixing this error <6>%s %s: C0 revision 450NX. Disabling PCI restreaming <6>%s %s: i801 SMBus device continues to play 'hide and seek'! 0x%x <6>%s %s: Enabled i801 SMBus device <3>PCI: Slot initialization failure drivers/pci/slot.c %s-%d %04x:%02x:%02x drivers/pci/pci-driver.c PCI PM: Device state not saved by %pF PCI PM: State of device not saved by %pF %x %x %x %x %x %x %lx new_id drivers/pci/search.c not <4>%s %s: forced subordinate bus to%s support MSI, bad things could happen pci:v%08Xd%08Xsv%08Xsd%08Xbc%02Xsc%02Xi%02x 0x%016llx 0x%016llx 0x%016llx 0x%06x resource%d_wc resource%d vpd process "%s" tried to map 0x%08lx-0x%08lx on %s BAR %d (size 0x%08lx) drivers/pci/pci-sysfs.c subsystem_vendor subsystem_device local_cpus local_cpulist modalias broken_parity_status msi_bus config <3>%s %s: Invalid ROM contents <3>%s %s: BAR %d: error updating (%#08x != %#08x) <3>%s %s: BAR %d: error updating (high %#08x != %#08x) no parent found for address space collision on <3>%s %s: BAR %d: %s of %s %pR <6>%s %s: BAR %d: can't allocate resource (bogus alignment) %pR flags %#lx <6>%s %s: BAR %d: can't allocate %s resource %pR <4>%s %s: BAR %d: bogus alignment %pR flags %#lx pdev_sort_resources(): kmalloc() failed! <3>%s %s: device not available because of BAR %d %pR collisions <6>%s %s: enabling device (%04x -> %04x) <3>%s %s: Potentially misrouted IRQ (Bridge %s %04x:%04x) <3>%s %s: %s <3>%s %s: Please report to linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org drivers/pci/irq.c MSIX routing failure MSI routing failure Potential ACPI misrouting please reboot with acpi=noirq unknown cause (not MSI or ACPI) %02x.%x bus/pci %02x%02x %04x%04x %x %16llx <7>%s %s: unloading service driver %s %s:pcie%02x <7>%s %s: service driver %s loaded <4>PCIE: bus_register error: %d pcieportdrv <4>%s %s: device [%04x:%04x] has invalid IRQ; check vendor BIOS pci_express <4> <3> %s+------ PCI-Express Device Error ------+ %sError Severity : %s %sPCIE Bus Error type : (Unaccessible) Multiple %sUnaccessible Received : %s %sUnregistered Agent ID : %04x %sPCIE Bus Error type : %s Unknown Error Bit %2d %s%s : %s %s%s : %04x %sVendorID=%04xh, DeviceID=%04xh, Bus=%02xh, Device=%02xh, Function=%02xh %sTLP Header: %s%02x%02x%02x%02x %02x%02x%02x%02x %02x%02x%02x%02x %02x%02x%02x%02x Uncorrected (Non-Fatal) Uncorrected (Fatal) Corrected Physical Layer Data Link Layer Transaction Layer Receiver ID Requester ID Completer ID Transmitter ID Receiver Error Bad TLP Bad DLLP RELAY_NUM Rollover Replay Timer Timeout Advisory Non-Fatal Data Link Protocol Poisoned TLP Flow Control Protocol Completion Timeout Completer Abort Unexpected Completion Receiver Overflow Malformed TLP ECRC Unsupported Request <7>%s %s: broadcast %s message <7>%s->can't find device of ID%04x error_detected <7>%s %s: no link-reset support <7>%s %s: link reset at upstream device %s failed mmio_enabled slot_reset <7>%s %s: AER driver successfully recovered <7>%s %s: AER driver didn't recover no AER-aware driver no driver <7>%s %s: device has %s &rpc->rpc_mutex aerdrv <7>%s %s: alloc rpc failed <7>%s %s: request IRQ failed <7>%s %s: Root Port link has been reset no _OSC support _OSC failed <7>%s %s: AER service couldn't init device: %s PCI_CLASS=%04X PCI_ID=%04X:%04X PCI_SUBSYS_ID=%04X:%04X PCI_SLOT_NAME=%s MODALIAS=pci:v%08Xd%08Xsv%08Xsd%08Xbc%02Xsc%02Xi%02x pci_hotplug <6>%s: PCI Hot Plug PCI Core version: 0.5 <7>%s: %s: test = %d <7>%s: %s: Why are you trying to register a hotplug slot without a proper release function? <7>%s: %s: Added slot %s to the list <7>%s: %s: Removed slot %s from the list <7>%s: %s: power = %d <3>%s: Illegal value specified for power <7>%s: %s: - attention = %d attention latch max_bus_speed cur_bus_speed Unknown bus speed 33 MHz PCI 66 MHz PCI 66 MHz PCIX 100 MHz PCIX 133 MHz PCIX 66 MHz PCIX 266 100 MHz PCIX 266 133 MHz PCIX 266 66 MHz PCIX 533 100 MHz PCIX 533 133 MHz PCIX 533 25 GBps PCI-E _EJ0 _RMV PNP0A03 _HPX <4>%s: Type 0 Revision %d record not supported <4>%s: Type 1 Revision %d record not supported <4>%s: Type 2 Revision %d record not supported <3>%s: Type %d record not supported _HPP <3>%s:%s alloc for _HPP fail <3>%s:%s _HPP obj not a package <3>%s:%s _HPP obj type incorrect acpi_pcihp <3>%s: Invalid flags %u specified! <7>%s: %s: Trying to get hotplug control for %s <7>%s: %s: Could not find %s in acpi namespace, trying parent <7>%s: %s: Trying to get hotplug control for %s OSHP <3>%s:%s OSHP fails=0x%x <7>%s: %s: %s:%s OSHP not found <7>%s: %s: Cannot get control of hotplug hardware for pci %s <7>%s: %s: Gained control for hotplug HW for pci %s (%s) io: mem: <7>%s %s: resource %d %s %pR <6>%s %s: CardBus bridge, secondary bus %04x:%02x <6>%s %s: IO window: %#08lx-%#08lx <6>%s %s: PREFETCH window: %#08lx-%#08lx <6>%s %s: MEM window: %#08lx-%#08lx <4>%s %s: BAR %d bad alignment %llx: %pR <6>%s %s: PCI bridge, secondary bus %04x:%02x <6>%s %s: IO window: %#04lx-%#04lx <6>%s %s: IO window: disabled <6>%s %s: MEM window: disabled <6>%s %s: PREFETCH window: %#016llx-%#016llx <6>%s %s: PREFETCH window: disabled <6>%s %s: not setting up bridge for bus %04x:%02x <6>ACPI FADT declares the system doesn't support MSI, so disable it <6>ACPI FADT declares the system doesn't support PCIe ASPM, so disable it _OSC <7>Evaluate _OSC returns wrong type <7>_OSC request fails <7>_OSC invalid UUID <7>_OSC invalid revision <7>_OSC FW not grant req. control <3>acpi osc data array is full <6>%s %s: power state changed by ACPI to D%d <6>%s %s: wake-up capability %s by ACPI fb%d unable to get major %d for fb devs graphics <4>Unable to create fb class; errno = %ld ofonly fb: offb <3>%s: enable CONFIG_FB_BIG_ENDIAN to support this framebuffer &fb_info->lock <4>Unable to create device for framebuffer %d; errno = %ld fbmon: trying a header reconstruct fbmon: trying to fix input type fbmon: trying to fix monitor timings fbmon: The EDID Block of Manufacturer: %s Model: 0x%x is known to be broken, Display is GTF capable %c:%dx%d%c-%d bits_per_pixel cursor pan virtual_size stride rotate <6>fbcvt: Invalid input parameters <6>fbcvt: Refresh rate not CVT standard <6>fbcvt: 60Hz refresh rate advised for reduced blanking <6>fbcvt: Aspect ratio not CVT standard fbcvt: %dx%d@%d: CVT Name - Not a CVT standard - %d.%03d Mega Pixel Image .%03dM -R dummy device EGA+ *MDA VGA+ *CGA cga vga+ mda &new_bd->update_lock &new_bd->ops_lock backlight <4>Unable to create backlight class; errno = %ld bl_power actual_brightness max_brightness Generic Backlight Driver Unloaded generic-bl Generic Backlight Driver Initialized. pixel_to_pat(): unsupported pixelformat <3>cfb_fillrect(): unknown rop, defaulting to ROP_COPY goldfish_fb_pan_display: timeout wating for base update allocating frame buffer %d * %d, got %p goldfish_fb <5>ACPI: Shall use APIC/MADT table %d <6>ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x%02x] lapic_id[0x%02x] %s) <6>ACPI: IOAPIC (id[0x%02x] address[0x%08x] gsi_base[%d]) <6>ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus %d bus_irq %d global_irq %d %s %s) <6>ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR unexpected reserved flags: 0x%x <6>ACPI: NMI_SRC (%s %s global_irq %d) <6>ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x%02x] %s %s lint[0x%x]) <6>ACPI: LAPIC_ADDR_OVR (address[%p]) <6>ACPI: IOSAPIC (id[0x%x] address[%p] gsi_base[%d]) <6>ACPI: LSAPIC (acpi_id[0x%02x] lsapic_id[0x%02x] lsapic_eid[0x%02x] %s) <6>ACPI: PLAT_INT_SRC (%s %s type[0x%x] id[0x%04x] eid[0x%x] iosapic_vector[0x%x] global_irq[0x%x] <4>ACPI: Found unsupported MADT entry (type = 0x%x) <4>ACPI: BIOS bug: multiple APIC/MADT found, using %d <4>ACPI: If "acpi_apic_instance=%d" works better, notify linux-acpi@vger.kernel.org <4>ACPI: %4.4s not present <4>ACPI: [%4.4s:0x%02x] ignored %i entries of %i found dfl <3>ACPI: Vendor "%6.6s" System "%8.8s" Revision 0x%x has a known ACPI BIOS problem. non-recoverable <3>ACPI: Reason: %s. This is a %s error <5>ACPI: DMI detected: %s !Windows 2006 DSDT Multiple problems ACPI driver problem Does not use _REG to protect EC OpRegions Incorrect _ADR Fujitsu Siemens Lenovo ThinkPad R61 Lenovo ThinkPad T61 Lenovo ThinkPad X61 drivers/acpi/osl.c ACPI PM1a_EVT_BLK ACPI PM1b_EVT_BLK ACPI PM1a_CNT_BLK ACPI PM1b_CNT_BLK ACPI PM_TMR ACPI PM2_CNT_BLK ACPI GPE0_BLK ACPI GPE1_BLK <6>ACPI: wake GPEs not disabled <6>ACPI: serialize enabled Add Delet <5>ACPI: %sed _OSI(Linux) <3>ACPI: Fatal opcode executed <3>ACPI: acpi_os_get_timer() TBD lax %sACPI: %s resource %s [0x%llx-0x%llx] conflicts with ACPI region %s [0x%llx-0x%llx] <6>ACPI: Device needs an ACPI driver via cmdline via DMI honored <5>ACPI: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query %s%s <6>ACPI: _OSI method disabled !Linux <6>ACPI: Deleted _OSI(%s) <6>ACPI: Added _OSI(%s) <3>ACPI: Invalid (NULL) context <3>ACPI: Call to queue_work() failed. <3>ACPI: SCI (ACPI GSI %d) not registered <3>ACPI: SCI (IRQ%d) allocation failed _OS_ <6>ACPI: Overriding _OS definition to '%s' kacpid kacpi_notify <4>ACPI: Invalid package argument <4>ACPI: Invalid format argument <4>ACPI: Invalid buffer argument <4>ACPI: Format specifies more objects [%d] than exist in package [%d]. <4>ACPI: Invalid package element [%d]: got number, expecing [%c] <4>ACPI: Invalid package element [%d] got string/buffer, expecing [%c] <3>ACPI: No return object (len %X ptr %p) <3>ACPI: Expecting a [Package], found type %X <3>ACPI: [Package] has zero elements (%p) <3>ACPI: Expecting a [Reference] package element, found type %X <4>ACPI: Invalid reference in package %s <7>Resetting with ACPI PCI RESET_REG. <7>ACPI MEMORY or I/O RESET_REG. Bit offset within field too large (> 0xFFFFFFFF) Field [%4.4s] bit offset too large (> 0xFFFFFFFF) Invalid opcode in field list: %X __A0 __L0 Local index %d is invalid (max %d) Arg index %d is invalid (max %d) Type %d is invalid Null object descriptor pointer Uninitialized Arg[%d] at node %p Uninitialized Local[%d] at node %p Not a Arg/Local opcode: %X Executed AML Breakpoint opcode Unknown control opcode=%X Op=%p Target of Create Field is not a Buffer object - %s (%s) destination not a NS Node [%s] Attempt to CreateField of length zero Unknown field creation opcode %02x Field [%4.4s] at %d exceeds Buffer [%4.4s] size %d (bits) (%s) bad operand(s) (%X) During address validation of OpRegion [%4.4s] No pointer back to NS node in package %p No pointer back to NS node in buffer obj %p Could not get result from predicate evaluation No predicate ObjDesc=%p State=%p Bad predicate (not an integer) ObjDesc=%p State=%p Type=%X Unknown opcode %X While resolving operands for [%s] Undefined opcode type Op=%p Unimplemented opcode, class=%X type=%X Opcode=%X Op=%p Null scope parameter Invalid object type: 0x%X Invalid zero thread count in method Method reached maximum reentrancy limit (255) Cannot acquire Mutex for method [%4.4s], current SyncLevel is too large (%d) Unknown constant opcode %X Unknown Integer type %X Unimplemented reference type for AML opcode: %4.4X Unimplemented data type: %X Package List length (%X) larger than NumElements count (%X), truncated Expecting bytelist, got AML opcode %X in op %p Missing or null operand While creating Arg %d Null Op Unknown parent opcode Op=%p Type override - [%4.4s] had invalid type (%s) for Scope operator, changed to (Scope) Invalid type (%s) for target of Scope operator [%4.4s] Invalid type (%s) for target of Scope operator [%4.4s] (Cannot override) Object stack underflow! Count=%X State=%p #Ops=%X Object stack overflow! Obj=%p State=%p #Ops=%X %p is not a valid walk state %p walk still has a scope list Result stack is full Result stack overflow: State=%p Num=%X Failed to extend the result stack No free elements in result stack No result stack frame during push Null Object! Obj=%p State=%p Num=%X No results on result stack No result state for result stack Result stack is empty! State=%p No result objects on result stack, State=%p Insufficient result stack size During WalkNamespace During Region initialization %p [%4.4s] No installed handler for fixed event [%08X] Unable to install System Control Interrupt handler Unable to initialize Global Lock handler Unable to initialize fixed events Unable to initialize general purpose events No handler for Region [%4.4s] (%p) [%s] No init routine for region(%p) [%s] During region initialization: [%s] Returned by Handler for [%s] from region _REG, [%s] from region handler - deactivate, [%s] Could not disable %s events Could not enable %s event Could not exit ACPI mode to legacy mode Could not transition to ACPI mode Could not disable fixed event %d Could not remove SCI handler Could not remove Global Lock handler AcpiDisable failed Could not signal Global Lock semaphore Cannot release the ACPI Global Lock, it has not been acquired No response from Global Lock hardware, disabling lock _REG PNP0A08 Could not install PciConfig handler for Root Bridge %4.4s Installing notify handler failed Removing notify handler Could not write to fixed event enable register %X Could not enable fixed event %X while evaluating GPE method [%4.4s] Unable to clear GPE[%2X] Unable to disable GPE[%2X] Unable to queue handler for GPE[%2X] - event disabled No handler or method for GPE[%2X], disabling event Could not enable GPEs in GpeBlock %p Could not allocate the GpeRegisterInfo table Could not allocate the GpeEventInfo table Could not install GPE interrupt handler at level 0x%X Could not create GPE Block 0 GPE0 block (GPE 0 to %d) overlaps the GPE1 block (GPE %d to %d) - Ignoring GPE1 Could not create GPE Block 1 Maximum GPE number from FADT is too large: 0x%X Dynamic OEM Table Load - [%.4s] OemId [%.6s] OemTableId [%.8s] SMBus write requires Buffer, found type %s SMBus write requires Buffer of length %X, found length %X Could not allocate size %d Invalid leading digit: %c Bad character %02x in name, at %p Malformed Name at %p Match operator out of range Index (%X%8.8X) beyond package end (%X) Unknown AML opcode %X Not a NS node %p [%s] Unknown Reference Class %2.2X Internal - null pointer Attempt to dereference an Index to NULL package element Idx=%p Unknown TargetType %X in Index/Reference object %p Unknown Reference type %X in %p Bad destination type during conversion: %X Unknown Target type ID 0x%X AmlOpcode %X DestType %s Needed Region, found type %X (%s) Field [%4.4s] access width (%d bytes) too large for region [%4.4s] (length %X) Field [%4.4s] Base+Offset+Width %X+%X+%X is beyond end of region [%4.4s] (length %X) Region %s(%X) not implemented Region %s(%X) has no handler Wrong object type in field I/O %X Field size %X (bits) is too large for buffer (%X) Unknown UpdateRule value: %X Operand must be Buffer/Integer/String/Package - found type %s Unknown Index TargetType %X in reference object %p Unknown class in reference(%p) - %2.2X BCD digit too large (not decimal): 0x%X Integer too large to convert to BCD: %8.8X%8.8X %s is obsolete and not implemented Unknown field access type %X Null RegionNode Null Index Object during field prep Needed type [%s], found [%s] %p Null stack entry at %p Bad operand object type [%X] Unknown Reference Class %2.2X in %p Invalid descriptor %p [%s] Needed [Integer/String/Buffer], found [%s] %p Needed [Buffer/String/Package/Reference], found [%s] %p Needed [Buffer/String/Package], found [%s] %p Needed [Region/Buffer], found [%s] %p Needed Integer/Buffer/String/Package/Ref/Ddb], found [%s] %p Internal - Unknown ARGI (required operand) type %X Time parameter is too large (%d) Invalid AddressSpace type %X Invalid descriptor type %X Invalid object type: %X Index (%X%8.8X) is beyond end of object Unexpected notify object type [%s] Invalid SystemMemory width %d Could not map memory at %8.8X%8.8X, size %X Thermal Zone Null parameter Target is not a Reference or Constant object - %s [%p] Source must be Integer/Buffer/String type, not %s Target is not a Package or BufferField Could not release Global Lock Could not acquire Global Lock Could not release AML Interpreter mutex Could not acquire AML Interpreter mutex Cannot release Mutex [%4.4s], not acquired Thread %lX cannot release Mutex [%4.4s] acquired by thread %lX Cannot release Mutex [%4.4s], SyncLevel mismatch: mutex %d current %d Cannot acquire Mutex [%4.4s], null thread info Cannot acquire Mutex [%4.4s], current SyncLevel is too large (%d) No object attached to node %p Object not a Package, type %s Object not a Buffer, type %s Object not a String, type %s Object not a Integer, type %s Untyped entry %p, no attached object! Unsupported Reference type %X Node %p - Unknown object type %X Store into type %s not implemented Cannot assign type %s to %s (must be type Int/Str/Buf) Store into an unresolved Alias object No SMI_CMD in FADT, mode transition failed No ACPI mode transition supported in this system (enable/disable both zero) Could not write ACPI mode change Hardware did not change modes Unknown Register ID: %X Invalid BitRegister ID: %X \_SI._SST During Method _SST \_WAK During Method _WAK \_PTS While executing method _SST \_BFS During Method _BFS Sleep values out of range: A=%X B=%X \_GTS No Sleep State object returned from [%s] Sleep State return object is not a Package Sleep State return package does not have at least two elements Sleep State return package elements are not both Integers (%s, %s) While evaluating SleepState [%s], bad Sleep object %p type %s Bad ACPI HW RegisterId: %X Unsupported address space: %X %p is not a namespace node [%s] ACPI path has too many parent prefixes (^) - reached beyond root node NsLookup: Type mismatch on %4.4s (%s), searching for (%s) _OSI Could not create predefined name %s Could not override predefined %s _GL_ Unsupported initial type value %X \_GPE Null parameter: Node %p Name %X ReturnNode %p Found bad character(s) in name, repaired: [%4.4s] Found a grandchild! P=%p C=%p Control method has no attached sub-object [%4.4s] Evaluation of object type [%s] is not supported Invalid Namespace Node (%p) while traversing namespace Could not construct external pathname; index=%X, size=%X, Path=%s Allocation failure Invalid Object Type %X Null Node parameter Invalid internal name [NULL NAME] [%s] (Node %p) ACPI Error (%s-%04d): [Could not get node by pathname] [0x%4.4X] (NON-ASCII) [COULD NOT EXTERNALIZE NAME] Namespace lookup failure, %s During device initialization _INI Could not execute arguments for [%4.4s] (%s) Null Node ptr Null NamedObj handle Null object, but type not ACPI_TYPE_ANY Invalid handle %p [%s] %s: Insufficient arguments - needs %d, found %d %s: Excess arguments - needs %d, found %d %s: Parameter count mismatch - caller passed %d, ACPI requires %d %s: Parameter count mismatch - ASL declared %d, ACPI requires %d %s: Invalid return type - Found a Namespace node [%4.4s] type %s %s: Return type mismatch - unexpected reference object type [%s] %2.2X %s: Return type mismatch - found %s, expected %s %s: Return Package type mismatch at index %u - found %s, expected %s %s: Missing expected return value %s: Return Package has no elements (empty) %s: Return Package is larger than needed - found %u, expected %u %s: Invalid internal return type in table entry: %X %s: Return Package is too small - found %u, expected %u /Integer /String /Buffer /Package /Reference Invalid ArgType %X Control Method %p has no attached object Invalid ArgType: %X Method parse/execution failed Marking method %4.4s as Serialized because of AE_ALREADY_EXISTS error Invoked method did not return a value GetPredicate Failed Found unknown opcode %X at AML address %p offset %X, ignoring During name lookup/catalog Invalid AML Opcode: 0x%2.2X OpcodeName unavailable (PRT[%X]) Need sub-package, found %s (PRT[%X]) Need package of length 4, found length %d (PRT[%X].Address) Need Integer, found %s (PRT[%X].Pin) Need Integer, found %s <4>ACPI: Handling Garbled _PRT entry (PRT[%X].source_index) Need Integer, found %s (PRT[%X].Source) SourceName and SourceIndex are reversed, fixed (PRT[%X].Source) Need name, found Reference Class %X (PRT[%X].Source) Need Ref/String/Integer, found %s (PRT[%X].SourceIndex) Need Integer, found %s Invalid descriptor type (%X) in resource list Could not convert resource (type %X) to AML Misaligned resource pointer %p Could not convert AML resource (Type %X) Invalid conversion sub-opcode Invalid conversion opcode Misaligned resource pointer (get): %p Type %2.2X Len %X _PRT <5>ACPI: SSDT auto-load disabled Table DSDT replaced by host OS <4>ACPI: DSDT override uses original SSDTs unless "acpi_no_auto_ssdt" SSDT PSDT <4>ACPI: SSDT ignored due to "acpi_no_auto_ssdt" While loading namespace from ACPI tables Resize of Root Table Array is not allowed Could not allocate new root table array FACS Incorrect checksum in table [%4.4s] - %2.2X, should be %2.2X %4.4s %08lX, %04X RSD PTR RSDP %08lX, %04X (r%d %6.6s) %4.4s %08lX, %04X (r%d %6.6s %8.8s %8X %4.4s %8X) Null physical address for ACPI table [%s] Invalid signature 0x%X for ACPI table [%s] Invalid length 0x%X in RSDT/XSDT Truncating %u table entries! 64-bit Physical Address in XSDT is too large (%8.8X%8.8X), truncating BIOS XSDT has NULL entry, using RSDT FADT (revision %u) is longer than ACPI 2.0 version, truncating length 0x%X to 0x%zX 32/64 FACS address mismatch in FADT - two FACS tables! 32/64 DSDT address mismatch in FADT - two DSDT tables! 32/64X FACS address mismatch in FADT - two FACS tables! %8.8X/%8.8X%8.8X 32/64X DSDT address mismatch in FADT - two DSDT tables! %8.8X/%8.8X%8.8X 32/64X length mismatch in %s: %d/%d Required field %s has zero address and/or length: %8.8X%8.8X/%X Optional field %s has zero address or length: %8.8X%8.8X/%X 32/64X address mismatch in %s: %8.8X/%8.8X%8.8X, using 64X Invalid length for %s: %d, using default %d <4>FADT: X_PM1a_EVT_BLK.bit_width (%u) does not match PM1_EVT_LEN (%u) <4>FADT: X_PM1b_EVT_BLK.bit_width (%u) does not match PM1_EVT_LEN (%u) Pm1aEventBlock Pm1bEventBlock Pm1aControlBlock Pm1bControlBlock Pm2ControlBlock PmTimerBlock Gpe0Block Gpe1Block Could not map memory at %8.8X for length %X A valid RSDP was not found Acpi-Namespace Acpi-State Acpi-Parse Acpi-ParseExt Acpi-Operand Null Buffer Pointer in DumpBuffer! %6.4X: %04X %08X Method execution failed No object was returned from Return object type is incorrect Type returned from %s was incorrect: %s, expected Btypes: %X _UID _CID _HID Windows 2000 Windows 2001 Windows 2001 SP1 Windows 2001 SP2 Windows 2001.1 Windows 2001.1 SP1 Extended Address Space Descriptor ACPI Subsystem is already terminated <"NULL STRING PTR"> \a \b \f \n \r \t \v \%c \x%2.2X ACPI: ACPI Warning (%s-%04d): [%X] ACPI Exception (%s-%04d): %s, Invalid OwnerId: %2.2X Release of non-allocated OwnerId: %2.2X Owner ID [%2.2X] already exists Could not allocate new OwnerId (255 max), AE_OWNER_ID_LIMIT AcpiEnable failed Could not map the FACS table During OSL initialization During initialization of globals During Global Mutex creation During Namespace initialization Package allocation failure Unsupported object type, cannot convert to internal object: %s Unsupported object type, cannot convert to external object: %s Unknown action (%X) Large Reference Count (%X) in object %p Could not update object reference count UserDefinedRegion InvalidSpaceId InvalidEventID NULL OBJECT NULL Object Not an Operand object Not a Reference object Unknown Reference class #### "\" Unknown exception code: 0x%8.8X UNKNOWN_STATUS_CODE [NULL Object Descriptor] AE_OK AE_ERROR AE_NO_ACPI_TABLES AE_NO_NAMESPACE AE_NO_MEMORY AE_NOT_FOUND AE_NOT_EXIST AE_ALREADY_EXISTS AE_TYPE AE_NULL_OBJECT AE_NULL_ENTRY AE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW AE_STACK_OVERFLOW AE_STACK_UNDERFLOW AE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED AE_SUPPORT AE_LIMIT AE_TIME AE_ACQUIRE_DEADLOCK AE_RELEASE_DEADLOCK AE_NOT_ACQUIRED AE_ALREADY_ACQUIRED AE_NO_HARDWARE_RESPONSE AE_NO_GLOBAL_LOCK AE_ABORT_METHOD AE_SAME_HANDLER AE_WAKE_ONLY_GPE AE_BAD_PARAMETER AE_BAD_CHARACTER AE_BAD_PATHNAME AE_BAD_DATA AE_BAD_HEX_CONSTANT AE_BAD_OCTAL_CONSTANT AE_BAD_DECIMAL_CONSTANT AE_MISSING_ARGUMENTS AE_BAD_SIGNATURE AE_BAD_HEADER AE_BAD_CHECKSUM AE_BAD_VALUE AE_INVALID_TABLE_LENGTH AE_AML_BAD_OPCODE AE_AML_NO_OPERAND AE_AML_OPERAND_TYPE AE_AML_OPERAND_VALUE AE_AML_UNINITIALIZED_LOCAL AE_AML_UNINITIALIZED_ARG AE_AML_UNINITIALIZED_ELEMENT AE_AML_NUMERIC_OVERFLOW AE_AML_REGION_LIMIT AE_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT AE_AML_PACKAGE_LIMIT AE_AML_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO AE_AML_BAD_NAME AE_AML_NAME_NOT_FOUND AE_AML_INTERNAL AE_AML_INVALID_SPACE_ID AE_AML_STRING_LIMIT AE_AML_NO_RETURN_VALUE AE_AML_METHOD_LIMIT AE_AML_NOT_OWNER AE_AML_MUTEX_ORDER AE_AML_MUTEX_NOT_ACQUIRED AE_AML_INVALID_RESOURCE_TYPE AE_AML_INVALID_INDEX AE_AML_REGISTER_LIMIT AE_AML_NO_WHILE AE_AML_ALIGNMENT AE_AML_NO_RESOURCE_END_TAG AE_AML_BAD_RESOURCE_VALUE AE_AML_CIRCULAR_REFERENCE AE_AML_BAD_RESOURCE_LENGTH AE_AML_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS AE_AML_INFINITE_LOOP AE_CTRL_RETURN_VALUE AE_CTRL_PENDING AE_CTRL_TERMINATE AE_CTRL_TRUE AE_CTRL_FALSE AE_CTRL_DEPTH AE_CTRL_END AE_CTRL_TRANSFER AE_CTRL_BREAK AE_CTRL_CONTINUE AE_CTRL_SKIP AE_CTRL_PARSE_CONTINUE AE_CTRL_PARSE_PENDING \_S0_ \_S1_ \_S2_ \_S3_ \_S4_ \_S5_ _S1D _S2D _S3D _S4D _PR_ _SB_ _SI_ _TZ_ _REV Microsoft Windows NT SystemMemory SystemIO PCI_Config EmbeddedControl SMBus SystemCMOS PCIBARTarget DataTable Local Argument RefOf DdbHandle Named Object Debug Invalid Cached State-Generic State-Update State-Package State-Control State-RootParseScope State-ParseScope State-WalkScope State-Result State-Notify State-Thread Walk Parser Untyped FieldUnit Event Method Mutex Processor Thermal DebugObject RegionField BankField IndexField MethodAlias AddrHandler ResourceDesc ResourceFld Extra PM_Timer GlobalLock PowerButton SleepButton RealTimeClock Divide by zero Cannot convert to external object - unsupported Reference Class [%s] %X in object %p Cannot convert to external object - unsupported type [%s] %X in object %p %p is not an ACPI Operand object [%s] Could not allocate an object descriptor Could not allocate size %X Invalid zero ID from AcpiOsGetThreadId Mutex [%X] is not acquired, cannot release Thread %lX could not acquire Mutex [%X] <6>ACPI: (supports S0 S%d \_TTS <5>Failure in evaluating _TTS object <3>ACPI does not support this state: %d <6>ACPI: Preparing to enter system sleep state S%d <6>ACPI: Waking up from system sleep state S%d <7>%s called <7>ACPI handle has no context! <7>Back to C! <4>ACPI: Wrong value from %s _SxD Abit KN9 (nForce4 variant) HP xw4600 Workstation Apple MacBook 1,1 Apple MacMini 1,1 Asus Pundit P1-AH2 (M2N8L motherboard) Toshiba Satellite L300 <4>ACPI: '%s' and '%s' have the same GPE, can't disable/enable one seperately Device S-state Status Sysfs node %s S%d %c%-8s no-bus %s:%s <5>ACPI: %s detected - disable power check in power transistion _PSC <4>ACPI: Device does not support D%d <4>ACPI: Cannot set device to a higher-powered state than parent <4>ACPI: Transitioning device [%s] to D%d <6>ACPI: Core revision %08x <3>ACPI: Unable to reallocate ACPI tables <3>ACPI: Unable to initialize the ACPI Interpreter <3>ACPI: Unable to load the System Description Tables <3>ACPI: Unable to enable ACPI <6>ACPI: Interpreter disabled. <4>%s: kset create error <3>ACPI: Unable to start the ACPI Interpreter <3>ACPI: Unable to initialize ACPI objects <6>ACPI: Interpreter enabled IOAPIC IOSAPIC <4>ACPI: Unknown interrupt routing model platform specific model <6>ACPI: Using %s for interrupt routing \_PIC Evaluating _PIC <3>ACPI: Unable to register for device notifications <6>ACPI: APM is already active, exiting HP Pavilion 05 <3>ACPI: Can't use platform_notify <4>%s %s: Drivers changed 'acpi_handle' firmware_node physical_node <3>%s %s: Oops, 'acpi_handle' corrupt <6>ACPI: ACPI bus type %s unregistered <6>ACPI: bus type %s registered _EJD <3>ACPI: Memory allocation error PWRF SLPF _LCK _PS0 _PR0 LNXSLPBN <3>ACPI: %s: Error reading device info _GTF _GTM _STM _SDD _DCK LNXDOCK LNXPOWER ACPI_CPU LNXSYSTM LNXTHERM LNXPWRBN System Bus system_bus LNXSYBUS <3>ACPI: Error attaching device data _IRC Evaluating _PRW Extracting _PRW package %s:%02x <3>%s %s: Error adding device <3>ACPI: Error creating sysfs interface for device %s LNXIOBAY acpi: <3>ACPI: %s cid[%i] exceeds event buffer size <3>ACPI: Could not register bus type MODALIAS= <3>ACPI: Removing device failed _PS3 <4>ACPI: Power-off device failed acpi_hot_remove_device embedded_controller <6>ACPI: EC: missing confirmations, switch off interrupt mode. <6>ACPI: EC: GPE storm detected, transactions will use polling mode <3>ACPI: EC: input buffer is not empty, aborting transaction <3>Fail in evaluating the _REG object of EC device. Broken bios is suspected. &ec->lock _GLK gpe: 0x%02x ports: 0x%02x, 0x%02x use global lock: %s _Q%x Micro-Star Notebook <6>ACPI: EC: Enabling special treatment for EC from MSI. ECDT <6>ACPI: EC: EC description table is found, configuring boot EC ASUS <7>ACPI: EC: Look up EC in DSDT <6>ACPI: EC: ASUSTek keeps feeding us with broken ECDT tables, which are very hard to workaround. Trying to use DSDT EC info instead. Please send output of acpidump to linux-acpi@vger.kernel.org Embedded Controller <6>ACPI: EC: GPE = 0x%lx, I/O: command/status = 0x%lx, data = 0x%lx <6>ACPI: EC: driver started in %s mode <3>ACPI: EC: failed to remove space handler <3>ACPI: EC: failed to remove gpe handler <6>ACPI: EC: non-query interrupt received, switching to interrupt mode _PSR Error reading AC Adapter state AC Adapter ac_adapter on-line off-line <6>ACPI: %s [%s] (%s) ERROR: Unable to read AC Adapter state state: off-line on-line mA mW _BTP Evaluating _BST Evaluating _STA Evaluating _BIF Battery &battery->lock Installing notify handler absent <6>ACPI: %s Slot [%s] (battery %s) NiCd NiMH LION LI-ION LiP present: %s design capacity: unknown design capacity: %d %sh last full capacity: unknown last full capacity: %d %sh non- battery technology: %srechargeable design voltage: unknown design voltage: %d mV design capacity warning: %d %sh design capacity low: %d %sh capacity granularity 1: %d %sh capacity granularity 2: %d %sh model number: %s serial number: %s battery type: %s OEM info: %s ERROR: Unable to read battery info critical capacity state: %s charging state: charging/discharging charging state: discharging charging state: charging charging state: charged present rate: unknown present rate: %d %s remaining capacity: unknown remaining capacity: %d %sh present voltage: unknown present voltage: %d mV ERROR: Unable to read battery state present: no alarm: %u %sh ERROR: Unable to read battery alarm button _LID state: %s type: %s PNP0C0C Power Button (CM) %s/%s Power Button (FF) PNP0C0E Sleep Button (CM) Sleep Button (FF) PNP0C0D Lid Switch <3>ACPI: Unsupported hid [%s] <6>ACPI: %s [%s] %s/button/input0 fan <3>ACPI: Error reading fan power state thermal_cooling Fan <3>ACPI: Reading power state <6>%s %s: registered as cooling_device%d <3>%s %s: Failed to create sysfs link 'thermal_cooling' <3>%s %s: Failed to create sysfs link 'device' <6>ACPI: No dock devices found. ACPI Dock Station Driver <6>ACPI: %s: %d docks/bays found <4>ACPI: Locking device failed <4>ACPI: Unlocking device failed undocking <6>ACPI: %s - %s %s - failed to execute _DCK EVENT=undock EVENT=dock <3>ACPI: Unable to undock! <3>ACPI: Unable to dock! <3>ACPI: Unknown dock event %d PNP0C0A dock_station ata_bay battery_bay &dock_station->hp_lock <3>Error %d adding sysfs file docked drivers/acpi/pci_root.c PCI Root Bridge pci_bridge Evaluating _SEG Evaluating _BBN <3>ACPI: Wrong _BBN value, reboot and use option 'pci=noacpi' <6>ACPI: PCI _CRS %d overrides _BBN 0 <6>ACPI: %s [%s] (%04x:%02x) <3>ACPI: Bus %04x:%02x not present in PCI namespace <4>ACPI: Blank _CRS EXT IRQ resource <3>ACPI: _CRS resource type 0x%x isn't an IRQ <4>ACPI: Invalid _PRS IRQ %d <4>ACPI: Blank _PRS EXT IRQ resource <3>ACPI: _PRS resource type 0x%x isn't an IRQ <3>ACPI: Unable to read status Evaluating _CRS <3>ACPI: _CRS returned 0 <3>ACPI: Invalid Resource_type %d Evaluating _SRS <4>ACPI: %s [%s] disabled and referenced, BIOS bug <4>ACPI: %s [%s] BIOS reported IRQ %d, using IRQ %d PCI Interrupt Link pci_irq_routing Evaluating _PRS <6>ACPI: %s [%s] (IRQs *%d , disabled. _DIS <3>ACPI: Invalid link device <3>ACPI: Invalid link context <3>ACPI: Invalid index %d <4>ACPI: _CRS %d not found in _PRS <3>ACPI: Unable to set IRQ for %s [%s]. Try pci=noacpi or acpi=off <4>ACPI: %s [%s] enabled at IRQ %d <3>ACPI: Link active IRQ is 0! <3>ACPI: Link isn't initialized irqrouter <4>%s %s: can't derive routing for PCI INT %c <6>%s %s: PCI INT %c disabled <7>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [%s._PRT] Evaluating _PRT [%s] <4>ACPI: firmware reports %04x:%02x:%02x PCI INT %c connected to %s; changing to %s <7>ACPI: Delete PCI Interrupt Routing Table for %04x:%02x <4>%s %s: PCI INT %c: no GSI - using IRQ %d <4>%s %s: PCI INT %c: failed to register GSI -> Link[%s] <6>%s %s: PCI INT %c%s -> GSI %u (%s, %s) -> IRQ %d \_SB_.PCI0.ISA_.LNKA \_SB_.PCI0.ISA_.LNKB \_SB_.LNKB \_SB_.LNKA \_SB_.PCI0.LNK1 \_SB_.PCI0.LNK3 Medion MD9580-F laptop Dell Optiplex GX1 HP t5710 Unable to attach ACPI-PCI context to device %s Unable to detach data from device %s <3>ACPI: Invalid ACPI Bus context for device %s Invalid ACPI-PCI context for device %s Invalid ACPI-PCI context for parent device %s <3>ACPI: Device %04x:%02x:%02x.%d has invalid 'bus' field processor <5>ACPI: %s detected - disabling mwait for CPU C-states processor id: %d acpi id: %d bus mastering control: %s power management: %s throttling control: %s limit interface: %s ACPI0007 <3>ACPI: Evaluating processor _UID [%#x] <3>ACPI: Evaluating processor object <3>ACPI: Invalid PBLK length [%d] ACPI CPU throttle _SUN drivers/acpi/processor_core.c <4>BIOS reported wrong ACPI id for the processor throttling _PDC <3>ACPI: Create sysfs link <6>ACPI: %s [%s] (supports %d throttling states sysdev IFL91 board Extensa 5220  Could not determine current throttling state. state count: %d active state: T%d state available: T%d to T%d states: %cT%d: %02d%% <4>Exceed the limit of T-state <4>Unsupported Throttling notifier event Evaluating _TPC <3>ACPI: HARDWARE addr space,NOT supported yet <3>ACPI: Unknown addr space %d Evaluating _PTC <3>ACPI: Invalid _PTC data <3>ACPI: Invalid _PTC data (control_register) <3>ACPI: Invalid _PTC data (status_register) <3>ACPI: Invalid _PTC control register <3>ACPI: Invalid _PTC status register Evaluating _TSS <3>ACPI: Invalid _TSS data Invalid _TSS data <3>ACPI: Invalid _TSS data: freq is zero <4>ACPI: duty_cycle spans bit 4 Evaluating _TSD <3>ACPI: Invalid _TSD data <3>ACPI: Unknown _TSD:num_entries <3>ACPI: Unknown _TSD:revision <5>ACPI: %s detected - limiting to C%ld max_cstate. Override with "processor.max_cstate=%d" active state: C%zd max_cstate: C%d bus master activity: %08x maximum allowed latency: %d usec %cC%d: type[C1] type[C2] type[C3] type[--] promotion[C%zd] promotion[--] demotion[C%zd] demotion[--] latency[%03d] usage[%08d] duration[%020llu] _CST <3>ACPI: not enough elements in _CST <3>ACPI: count given by _CST is not valid ACPI HLT ACPI IOPORT 0x%x <4>Limiting number of power states to max (%d) <4>Please increase ACPI_PROCESSOR_MAX_POWER if needed. C%d <5>ACPI: processor limited to max C-state %d Notifying BIOS of _CST ability failed <6>ACPI: CPU%d (power states: C%d[C%d] TSC halts in idle IBM ThinkPad R40e Medion 41700 Clevo 5600D active limit: P%d:T%d user limit: P%d:T%d thermal limit: P%d:T%d <3>ACPI: Unable to set limit <3>ACPI: Invalid data format <3>ACPI: Invalid tx <3>ACPI: Unable to set thermal limit drivers/acpi/processor_perflib.c Evaluating _PCT <3>ACPI: Invalid _PCT data <3>ACPI: Invalid _PCT data (control_register) <3>ACPI: Invalid _PCT data (status_register) NNNNNN Evaluating _PSS <3>ACPI: Invalid _PSS data Invalid _PSS data <3>ACPI: Invalid _PSS data: freq is zero <4>[Firmware Bug]: BIOS needs update for CPU frequency support Failed to write pstate_control [0x%x] to smi_command [0x%x] <7>Warning: Processor Platform Limit not supported. Evaluating _PPC CPU %d: _PPC is %d - frequency %s limited cpufreq-core _PSD <3>ACPI: Invalid _PSD data <3>ACPI: Unknown _PSD:num_entries <3>ACPI: Unknown _PSD:revision <5>ACPI: %s detected: disabling all passive thermal trip points <5>ACPI: %s detected: enabling thermal zone polling <5>ACPI: %s detected: disabling all critical thermal trip point actions. <5>ACPI: %s detected: disabling all active thermal trip points <5>ACPI: thermal control disabled thermal_zone polling_frequency cooling_mode trip_points temperature _TMP <4>ACPI: Unable to turn cooling device [%p] 'on' <4>ACPI: Unable to turn cooling device [%p] 'off' <4>ACPI: Critical trip point <0>Critical temperature reached (%ld C), shutting down. <4>ACPI: Hot trip point _CRT No or invalid critical threshold <4>ACPI: Critical threshold %d C _HOT _PSV _TC1 _TC2 _TSP _PSL <4>ACPI: Invalid passive threshold ACPI thermal trip point %s changed Please send acpidump to linux-acpi@vger.kernel.org <4>ACPI: Invalid active%d threshold _TZD _SCP critical hot passive active%d Thermal Zone &tz->lock _TZP acpitz <6>%s %s: registered as thermal_zone%d <6>ACPI: %s [%s] (%ld C)  0 - Active; 1 - Passive  polling frequency: %lu seconds  critical (S5): %ld C%s hot (S4): %ld C%s passive: %ld C: tc1=%lu tc2=%lu tsp=%lu devices= %4.4s active[%d]: %ld C: devices= temperature: %ld C critical hot passive active[%d] AOpen i915GMm-HFS Gigabyte GA-7ZX power_resource _DSW <3>ACPI: _DSW execution failed _PSW <3>ACPI: _PSW execution failed <4>ACPI: Getting context [%p] _ON <3>ACPI: Transition power state _OFF system level: S%d order: %d reference count: %d &resource->resource_lock Power Resource Invalid GPE 0x%x <4>ACPI: Can not change Invalid GPE/Fixed Event status %8d invalid enabled wake_enabled disabled gpe%02X ff_pmtimer ff_gbl_lock ff_pwr_btn ff_slp_btn ff_rt_clk gpe_all sci bug%02X <4>ACPI: Failed to create genetlink family for ACPI event %s %s %08x %08x <3>ACPI: Cannot create %s <7>%s %s: %s device, IDs%s (%s) pnp%d <3>pnp: Out of Memory <3>%s %s: could not register (err=%d) %02x:%02x.%02x card_id ANYDEVS pnp <7>%s %s: device %s using irq %d <7>%s %s: legacy IDE device %s using irq %d <3>%s %s: can't add resource for IRQ %d <7>%s %s: add irq %d flags %#x <3>%s %s: can't add resource for DMA %d <7>%s %s: add dma %d flags %#x <3>%s %s: can't add resource for IO %#llx-%#llx <7>%s %s: add io %#llx-%#llx flags %#x <3>%s %s: can't add resource for MEM %#llx-%#llx <7>%s %s: add mem %#llx-%#llx flags %#x <7>%s %s: disabling not supported <3>%s %s: disable failed <6>%s %s: disabled <7>%s %s: activation not supported pnp_start_dev <3>%s %s: activation failed <6>%s %s: activated <7>%s %s: pnp_assign_resources, try dependent set %d <7>%s %s: io %d already set to %#llx-%#llx flags %#lx <7>%s %s: io %d disabled <7>%s %s: couldn't assign io %d (min %#llx max %#llx) <7>%s %s: mem %d already set to %#llx-%#llx flags %#lx <7>%s %s: mem %d disabled <7>%s %s: couldn't assign mem %d (min %#llx max %#llx) <7>%s %s: irq %d already set to %d flags %#lx <7>%s %s: irq %d disabled <7>%s %s: irq %d disabled (optional) <7>%s %s: couldn't assign irq %d <7>%s %s: dma %d already set to %d flags %#lx <7>%s %s: disable dma %d <7>%s %s: pnp_assign_resources failed (%d) pnp_assign_resources succeeded <7>%s %s: configuration not supported <3>%s %s: unable to assign resources functional preferred acceptable <7>%s %s: %s: no current resources <7>%s %s: %s: current resources: %-3s <7>%s %s: %sdisabled %#llx-%#llx flags %#lx %lld flags %#lx <7>%s %s: %s dependent set %d (%s) independent io min %#llx max %#llx align %lld size %lld flags %#x mem min %#llx max %#llx align %lld size %lld flags %#x  (optional) (bitmask %#x) flags %#x <6>%s %s: in use; can't configure fill state = %s Dependent: %02i - Priority %s %sport %#llx-%#llx, align %#llx, size %#llx, %i-bit address decoding %sMemory %#llx-%#llx, align %#llx, size %#llx , writeable , cacheable , range-length , shadowable , expansion ROM 8-bit&16-bit %sirq 2/9 High-Edge Low-Edge High-Level Low-Level %sdma master byte-count word-count type-F compatible type-A type-B <7>%s %s: %s: calling %pF <3>%s %s: couldn't add ioport region to option set %d <6>%s %s: added ioport region %#llx-%#llx to set %d <6>%s %s: made independent IRQ optional <4>%s %s: %s resource (0x%llx-0x%llx) overlaps %s BAR %d (0x%llx-0x%llx), disabling <6>%s %s: increased option port range from %#llx-%#llx to %#llx-%#llx <6>%s %s: set possible IRQs in option set %d to 5, 7, 10 <6>%s %s: changing possible DMA channel mask in option set %d from %#02x to 0x0A (1, 3) <3>%s %s: no dependent option sets <3>%s %s: couldn't clone dependent set %d <6>%s %s: added dependent option set %d (same as set %d except IRQ optional) <6>pnp: PnP ACPI: disabled <6>pnp: PnP ACPI init <6>pnp: PnP ACPI: found %d devices <7>%s %s: set resources <7>%s %s: get resources Plug and Play ACPI <3>%s %s: invalid DMA type %d <3>%s %s: invalid DMA transfer type %d <3>%s %s: can't encode invalid IRQ mode %#x <4>%s %s: multiple interrupts in _CRS descriptor; configuration can't be changed <3>%s %s: wrong vendor descriptor size; expected %d, found %d bytes <4>%s %s: failed to convert resource type %d <4>%s %s: unknown resource type %d in _CRS <7>%s %s: parse allocated resources <3>%s %s: can't evaluate _CRS: %d <4>%s %s: invalid dependent option priority %d clipped to %d <4>%s %s: can't convert resource type %d <3>%s %s: ignoring IRQ %d option (too large for %d entry bitmap) <4>%s %s: unknown resource type %d in _PRS <7>%s %s: parse resource options <3>%s %s: can't evaluate _PRS: %d <3>%s %s: can't evaluate _CRS: %d <7>%s %s: encode %d resources missing <7>%s %s: encode irq (%s) exclusive <7>%s %s: encode irq %d %s %s %s (%d-byte descriptor) <7>%s %s: encode dma (%s) <7>%s %s: encode dma %d type %#x transfer %#x master %d <7>%s %s: encode io %#x-%#x decode %#x <7>%s %s: encode fixed_io %#x-%#x <7>%s %s: encode mem24 %#x-%#x write_protect %#x <7>%s %s: encode mem32 %#x-%#x write_protect %#x <7>%s %s: encode fixed_mem32 %#x-%#x write_protect %#x <7>%s %s: encode extended irq (%s) <7>%s %s: encode irq %d %s %s %s <4>%s %s: can't encode unknown resource type %d pnp %s has been could not be ioport <6>%s %s: %s range 0x%llx-0x%llx %s reserved unable to get major %d for memory devs kmem urandom drivers/char/random.c %02x%02x%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x nonblocking Couldn't register /dev/tty driver Couldn't register /dev/console driver <4>Warning: dev (%s) tty->count(%d) != #fd's(%d) in %s <4>null TTY for (%d:%d) in %s <4>bad magic number for tty struct (%d:%d) in %s tty_fasync tty_poll <7>tty not NULL!! drivers/char/tty_io.c <3>Attempt to register invalid tty line number (%d). %s%c%x &tty->termios_mutex &tty->atomic_read_lock &tty->atomic_write_lock &tty->output_lock &tty->echo_lock do_tty_hangup <5>SAK: killed process %d (%s): task_session_nr(p)==tty->session <5>SAK: killed process %d (%s): fd#%d opened to the tty tty_write <3>tty driver %s lacks a write_room method. <4>tty_check_change: tty->pgrp == NULL! NULL tty tty_release_dev <7>tty_release_dev: bad idx when trying to free (%s) <7>tty_release_dev: driver.table[%d] not tty for (%s) <7>tty_release_dev: driver.termios[%d] not termios for (%s) <7>tty_release_dev: other->table[%d] not o_tty for (%s) <7>tty_release_dev: other->termios[%d] not o_termios for (%s) <7>tty_release_dev: bad pty pointers <4>tty_release_dev: %s: read/write wait queue active! <4>tty_release_dev: bad pty slave count (%d) for %s <4>tty_release_dev: bad tty->count (%d) for %s <6>tty_init_dev: ldisc open failed, clearing slot %d tty_open tty_read tty_ioctl drivers/char/n_tty.c <4>%s: %d input overrun(s) <3>%s: unknown flag %d <3>n_tty_read: no tty->pgrp! n_tty <4>Use of setserial/setrocket to set SPD_* flags is deprecated <4>Warning?!? termios_locked is NULL. tty-ldisc-%d drivers/char/tty_ldisc.c ??? %-10s %2d n_tty: init_tty <3>tty_ldisc_deref: no references. n_tty: get Couldn't open N_TTY ldisc for %s --- error %d. drivers/char/tty_buffer.c &port->mutex <4>tty_port_close_start: tty->count = 1 port count = %d. <4>tty_port_close_start: count = %d Couldn't allocate Unix98 ptm driver Couldn't allocate Unix98 pts driver pty_master ptm pty_slave Couldn't register Unix98 ptm driver Couldn't register Unix98 pts driver Couldn't register /dev/ptmx driver drivers/char/pty.c %3i %s unable to get major %d for misc devices vcs unable to get major %d for vcs device vc vcsa vcs%u vcsa%u <4>selection: kmalloc() failed <3>keyboard.c: k_lowercase was called - impossible keyboard mode must be unicode for braille patterns <4>keyboard.c: can't emulate rawmode for keycode %d drivers/char/vt.c vtcon%i <4>Unable to create device for %s; errno = %ld (S) Couldn't register /dev/tty0 driver tty0 Couldn't allocate console driver Couldn't register console driver [M%c%c%c unblank_screen: tty %d not allocated ?? <3>vt: argh, driver_data is NULL ! con_write: tty %d not allocated [?6c [0n [%d;%dR Console: switching consoles %d-%d colour mono to %s %s %dx%d Console: %s %s %dx%d vtconsole <4>Unable to create vt console class; errno = %ld Loglevel set to %d <6>debug: sysrq always enabled. sysrq-trigger <6>SysRq : HELP : This sysrq operation is disabled. loglevel(0-9) Changing Loglevel reBoot Resetting terminate-all-tasks(E) Terminate All Tasks memory-full-oom-kill(F) Manual OOM execution kill-all-tasks(I) Kill All Tasks saK SAK show-memory-usage(M) Show Memory nice-all-RT-tasks(N) Nice All RT Tasks show-registers(P) Show Regs show-all-timers(Q) Show clockevent devices & pending hrtimers (no others) unRaw Keyboard mode set to system default Emergency Sync show-task-states(T) Show State Unmount Emergency Remount R/O show-blocked-tasks(W) Show Blocked State <3>nvram: can't misc_register on minor=%d driver/nvram <3>nvram: can't create /proc/driver/nvram <6>Non-volatile memory driver v1.3 not Checksum status: %svalid # floppies : %d Floppy 0 type : %d (unknown) Floppy 1 type : HD 0 type : none HD 1 type : HD type 48 data: %d/%d/%d C/H/S, precomp %d, lz %d HD type 49 data: %d/%d/%d C/H/S, precomp %d, lz %d DOS base memory: %d kB Extended memory: %d kB (configured), %d kB (tested) Gfx adapter : %s FPU : %sinstalled 5.25'' 360k 5.25'' 1.2M 3.5'' 720k 3.5'' 1.44M 3.5'' 2.88M EGA, VGA, ... (with BIOS) CGA (40 cols) CGA (80 cols) monochrome hw_random rng_available rng_current <6>Intel 82802 RNG detected <3>intel_rng: RNG registering failed (%d) <4>intel_rng: unusual: RNG already disabled <3>intel_rng: cannot enable RNG, aborting <5>intel_rng: FWH not detected <6>AMD768 RNG detected <3>amd_rng: RNG registering failed (%d) <6>AMD Geode RNG detected <3>geode_rng: RNG registering failed (%d) geode <6>VIA RNG detected <3>via_rng: RNG registering failed (%d) <3>via_rng: cannot enable VIA C3 RNG, aborting via goldfish goldfish_tty try_unsupported <6>Linux agpgart interface v%d.%d <7>agpgart: Erk, registering with no pci_dev! <6>%s %s: can't lock chipset driver <3>%s %s: can't get memory for scratch page <3>%s %s: can't determine aperture size <3>%s %s: can't get memory for graphics translation table <3>%s %s: can't allocate memory for key lists <3>%s %s: error configuring host chipset <6>%s %s: agp_backend_initialize() failed <6>%s %s: agp_frontend_initialize() failed <6>%s %s: AGP aperture is %dM @ 0x%lx &(agp_fe.agp_mutex) <3>agpgart: unable to get minor: %d agpgart <6>%s %s: putting AGP V%d device into %dx mode <6>agpgart: Couldn't find an AGP VGA controller. <6>agpgart: reserved bits set (%x) in mode 0x%x. Fixed. <6>agpgart: %s tried to set rate=x0. Setting to AGP3 x4 mode. <6>agpgart: %s tried to set rate=x%d. Setting to AGP3 x8 mode. <6>agpgart: %s passes broken AGP3 flags (%x). Fixed. <6>agpgart: %s passes broken AGP2 flags (%x) in AGP3 mode. Fixed. <6>agpgart: %s requested AGPx8 but bridge not capable. <6>agpgart: %s requested AGPx8 but graphic card not capable. <6>agpgart: No AGP mode specified. Setting to highest mode supported by bridge & card (x8). <6>agpgart: Fell back to AGPx4 mode because <6>agpgart: bridge couldn't do x8. bridge_agpstat:%x (orig=%x) <6>agpgart: graphics card couldn't do x8. vga_agpstat:%x (orig=%x) <6>agpgart: BIOS bug. AGP bridge claims to only support x4 rateFixing up support for x2 & x1 <6>agpgart: BIOS bug. AGP bridge claims to only support x2 rateFixing up support for x1 <6>agpgart: %s tried to set rate=x0. Setting to x1 mode. <6>agpgart: memory %p was not bound! <6>%s %s: AGP %d.%d bridge <6>%s %s: bridge is in legacy mode, falling back to 2.x <6>agpgart: memory %p is already bound! <6>%s %s: wacky, found unclassified AGP device %s [%04x/%04x] <3>%s %s: woah! Non-AGP device %s on secondary bus of AGP 3.5 bridge! <3>%s %s: woah! AGP 2.0 device %s on secondary bus of AGP 3.5 bridge operating with AGP 3.0 electricals! <3>%s %s: woah! AGP 3.x device %s not operating in AGP 3.x mode on secondary bus of AGP 3.5 bridge operating with AGP 3.0 electricals! <3>%s %s: isochronous bandwidth required by AGP 3.0 devices exceeds that which is supported by the AGP 3.0 bridge! <3>%s %s: number of isochronous transactions per period required by AGP 3.0 devices exceeds that which is supported by the AGP 3.0 bridge! <3>%s %s: number of request queue slots required by the isochronous bandwidth requested by AGP 3.0 devices exceeds the number provided by the AGP 3.0 bridge! <6>%s %s: something bad happened setting up isochronous xfers; falling back to non-isochronous xfer mode <6>%s %s: setting up Nforce3 AGP <6>%s %s: can't find Nforce3 secondary device <6>%s %s: no NForce3 size found for %d <6>%s %s: aperture base > 4G <6>Aperture beyond 4GB. Ignoring. <6>Aperture pointing to e820 RAM. Ignoring. <6>Aperture too small (%d MB) than (%d MB) aperture <3>agpgart: Aperture conflicts with PCI mapping. B3 B1 B2 <6>%s %s: AMD 8151 AGP Bridge rev %s <6>%s %s: correcting AGP revision (reports 3.5, is really 3.0) <6>%s %s: AGP bridge [%04x/%04x] <6>%s %s: aperture size %u MB is not right, using settings from NB <6>%s %s: aperture from AGP @ %Lx size %u MB <6>%s %s: setting up ULi AGP <6>%s %s: can't find ULi secondary device <6>%s %s: no ULi size found for %d <3>%s %s: no usable aperture found amd64_agp <6>agpgart: No supported AGP bridge found. <6>agpgart: You can boot with agp=try_unsupported drivers/char/agp/amd64-agp.c agpgart-amd64 intel_agp <3>%s %s: can't remap memory <6>%s %s: detected 4MB dedicated video ram <6>%s %s: unknown page table size, assuming 512KB <6>%s %s: unknown page table size 0x%x, assuming 512KB local stolen <6>%s %s: detected %dK %s memory <6>%s %s: no pre-allocated video memory detected Intel Flush Page <6>%s %s: can't ioremap flush page - no chipset flushing <4>%s %s: unsupported Intel chipset [%04x/%04x] <4>%s %s: can't find bridge device (chip_id: %04x) <6>%s %s: Intel %s Chipset <3>%s %s: can't assign resource 0 <3>%s %s: can't enable PCI device <6>%s %s: trying to disable local/stolen memory <7>%s %s: pg_start == 0x%.8lx, intel_private.gtt_entries == 0x%.8x <6>%s %s: trying to insert into local/stolen memory <4>%s %s: i810 is disabled <0>%s %s: gatt bus addr too high agpgart-intel 440LX 440BX 440GX i810 i815 i820 830M i840 845G i850 855PM 855GM i860 865 i875 E7221 (i915) 915G 915GM 945G 945GM 945GME 946GZ G35 965Q 965G 965GM 965GME/GLE E7505 E7205 G33 Q35 Q33 Mobile Intel GM45 Express Intel Integrated Graphics Device Q45/Q43 G45/G43 G41 <7>[drm:%s] %u <7>[drm:%s] %d <7>[drm:%s] count: %d <7>[drm:%s] order: %d <7>[drm:%s] size: %d <7>[drm:%s] agp_offset: %lx <7>[drm:%s] alignment: %d <7>[drm:%s] page_order: %d <7>[drm:%s] total: %d <7>[drm:%s] zone invalid <7>[drm:%s] buffer %d @ %p <7>[drm:%s] byte_count: %d <7>[drm:%s] dma->buf_count : %d <7>[drm:%s] entry->buf_count : %d <7>[drm:%s] count=%d, size=%d (%d), order=%d, queue_count=%d <7>[drm:%s] pagelist: %d entries <7>[drm:%s] page %d @ 0x%08lx <7>[drm:%s] mtrr_del=%d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* tried to rmmap GEM object <7>[drm:%s] offset = 0x%08lx, size = 0x%08lx, type = %d <7>[drm:%s] Matching maps of type %d with mismatched sizes, (%ld vs %ld) <7>[drm:%s] %lu %d %p <7>[drm:%s] AGP offset = 0x%08lx, size = 0x%08lx <7>[drm:%s] agp_offset: %lu <7>[drm:%s] %d, %d, %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Index %d (of %d max) <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Process %d freeing buffer not owned <7>[drm:%s] count = %d <7>[drm:%s] %d %d %d %d %d <7>[drm:%s] %d buffers, retcode = %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Lock isn't held after context switch <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Reentering -- FIXME <7>[drm:%s] Context switch from %d to %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Out of memory expanding drawable idr <7>[drm:%s] Not enough free contexts. <7>[drm:%s] Running out of ctxs or memory. <7>[drm:%s] out of memory <7>[drm:%s] order %d: buf_count = %d, seg_count = %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* No such drawable %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Failed to allocate cliprect memory <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Failed to copy cliprects from userspace <7>[drm:%s] Updated %d cliprects for drawable %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Invalid update type %d drm <3>DRM: Error creating drm class. dri <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Cannot create /proc/dri 20060810 <6>[drm] Initialized %s %d.%d.%d %s <7>[drm:%s] <7>[drm:%s] driver lastclose completed <7>[drm:%s] lastclose completed <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Cannot unload module <6>[drm] Module unloaded <7>[drm:%s] pid=%d, cmd=0x%02x, nr=0x%02x, dev 0x%lx, auth=%d <7>[drm:%s] no function <7>[drm:%s] ret = %x <7>[drm:%s] fd = %d, device = 0x%lx <7>[drm:%s] pid = %d, minor = %d drivers/gpu/drm/drm_fops.c <7>[drm:%s] open_count = %d <7>[drm:%s] pid = %d, device = 0x%lx, open_count = %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* reclaim_buffers_locked() deadlock. Please rework this driver to use reclaim_buffers_idlelocked() instead. I will go on reclaiming the buffers anyway. <7>[drm:%s] File %p released, freeing lock for context %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Device busy: %d drivers/gpu/drm/drm_gem.c drm mm object <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* out of memory pci:%04x:%02x:%02x.%d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* buffer overflow PCI:%d:%d:%d <7>[drm:%s] enabling vblank on crtc %d, ret: %d <7>[drm:%s] last_vblank[%d]=0x%x, cur_vblank=0x%x => diff=0x%x <7>[drm:%s] enabling vblank interrupts on crtc %d, missed %d <7>[drm:%s] disabling vblank on crtc %d drivers/gpu/drm/drm_irq.c <7>[drm:%s] irq=%d <7>[drm:%s] %d:%d:%d => IRQ %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Unsupported type value 0x%x, supported mask 0x%x <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* failed to acquire vblank counter, %d <7>[drm:%s] waiting on vblank count %d, crtc %d <7>[drm:%s] returning %d to client <7>[drm:%s] vblank wait interrupted by signal <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* %d freed heavyweight lock held by %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* %d holds heavyweight lock <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Process %d using kernel context %d <7>[drm:%s] %d (pid %d) requests lock (0x%08x), flags = 0x%08x interrupted has lock <7>[drm:%s] %d %s <7>[drm:%s] %d waiting for DMA quiescent %d objects %d object bytes %d pinned %d pin bytes %d gtt bytes %d gtt total vma use count: %d, high_memory = %p, 0x%08lx %5d 0x%08lx-0x%08lx %c%c%c%c%c%c 0x%08lx000 %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c a dev pid uid magic ioctls %c %3d %5d %5d %10u %10lu o size count free segs pages kB %2d %8d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5ld ctx/flags use fin blk/rw/rwf wait flushed queued locks %5d/0x%03x %5d %5d %5d/%c%c/%c%c%c %5Zd slot offset size type flags address mtrr %4d 0x%08lx 0x%08lx %4.4s 0x%02x 0x%08lx name size handles refcount <6>[drm] name %d size %zd %6d %8zd %7d %8d CRTC %d enable: %d CRTC %d counter: %d CRTC %d last wait: %d CRTC %d in modeset: %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Cannot create /proc/dri/%s <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Cannot create /proc/dri/%s/%s <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* DRM: Driver failed to initialize /proc/dri. clients queues bufs vblank gem_names gem_objects FB SHM AGP SG <7>[drm:%s] release secondary minor %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* DRM: Failed to initialize /proc/dri. <3>DRM: Error sysfs_device_add. <7>[drm:%s] new minor assigned %d &dev->struct_mutex &dev->ctxlist_mutex <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Cannot initialize the agpgart module. <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Cannot allocate memory for context bitmap. <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Cannot initialize graphics execution manager (GEM) <3>DRM: Fill_in_dev failed. <6>[drm] Initialized %s %d.%d.%d %s on minor %d <7>[drm:%s] release primary %s <7>[drm:%s] dma_fault 0x%lx (page %lu) <7>[drm:%s] baddr = 0x%lx page = 0x%p, offset = 0x%lx, count=%d <7>[drm:%s] shm_fault 0x%lx <7>[drm:%s] 0x%08lx,0x%08lx <7>[drm:%s] start = 0x%lx, end = 0x%lx, page offset = 0x%lx <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Could not find map <7>[drm:%s] Type = %d; start = 0x%lx, end = 0x%lx, offset = 0x%lx <7>[drm:%s] mtrr_del = %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Failed to allocate memory for %ld pages <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Failed to bind AGP memory: %d <7>[drm:%s] base = 0x%lx entry->bound = 0x%lx <7>[drm:%s] virtual = %p <7>[drm:%s] size=%ld pages=%ld <7>[drm:%s] handle = %08lx <7>[drm:%s] virtual = %p <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* no scatter/gather memory! <7>[drm:%s] PCI: no table in VRAM: using normal RAM <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* cannot allocate PCI GART page! <7>[drm:%s] PCI: Gart Table: VRAM %08LX mapped at %08lX <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* unable to map PCIGART pages! <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Setting pci dma mask failed controlD%d renderD%d card%d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* device add failed: %d HOTPLUG=1 <7>[drm:%s] generating hotplug event <7>[drm:%s] removing "%s" from sysfs drivers/gpu/drm/drm_sysfs.c <7>[drm:%s] adding "%s" to sysfs card%d-%s <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* failed to register connector device: %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Wrong connector type for this property <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Unable to find select subconnector property <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Unable to find subconnector property dri_library_name dpms edid select_subconnector <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Available key bit space exhausted <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Out of memory for hash table <7>[drm:%s] Key is 0x%08lx, Hashed key is 0x%08x <7>[drm:%s] count %d, key: 0x%08lx drivers/gpu/drm/drm_sman.c <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Memory manager not clean. Delaying takedown (unknown) disconnected <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* mode new framebuffer width not within limits <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* mode new framebuffer height not within limits <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* could not create framebuffer <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Ran out memory getting a mode number dithering scaling mode select subconnector left margin right margin top margin bottom margin <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* invalid framebuffer id <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* no operation set <7>[drm:%s] Unknown CRTC ID %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* crtc does not support cursor <7>[drm:%s] CRTC ID is %d <7>[drm:%s] ENCODER ID is %d <7>[drm:%s] CONNECTOR ID is %d <7>[drm:%s] Counted %d %d %d <7>[drm:%s] connector id %d: <7>[drm:%s] Using current fb for setmode <7>[drm:%s] Unknown FB ID%d <7>[drm:%s] Count connectors is 0 but mode set <7>[drm:%s] Count connectors is %d but no mode or fb set <7>[drm:%s] Connector id %d unknown &dev->mode_config.mutex &dev->mode_config.idr_mutex EDID DPMS <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* mode invalid framebuffer id <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* tried to remove a fb that we didn't own On Standby Non-GPU Fullscreen No scale Aspect Automatic Composite SVIDEO Component DVI-D DVI-A VGA DVI-I LVDS 9-pin DIN DisplayPort HDMI Type A HDMI Type B None DAC TMDS TV <7>[drm:%s] connector %d enabled? %s <7>[drm:%s] looking for preferred mode on connector %d <7>[drm:%s] found mode %s <7>[drm:%s] picking CRTCs for %dx%d config <7>[drm:%s] desired mode %s set on crtc %d <6>[drm] %s: set mode %s %x <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* failed to set mode on crtc %p <7>[drm:%s] %s <7>[drm:%s] %s is disconnected <7>[drm:%s] Probed modes for %s <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* connectors have no modes, using standard modes <7>[drm:%s] Adding mode %s to %s <7>[drm:%s] Added std modes on %s <7>[drm:%s] crtc: %p %d fb: %p connectors: %p num_connectors: %d (x, y) (%i, %i) <7>[drm:%s] crtc has no fb, full mode set <7>[drm:%s] modes are different, full mode set <7>[drm:%s] encoder changed, full mode switch <7>[drm:%s] crtc changed, full mode switch <7>[drm:%s] setting connector %d crtc to %p <7>[drm:%s] attempting to set mode from userspace <7>[drm:%s] Modeline %d:"%s" %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d 0x%x 0x%x <7>[drm:%s] Not using %s mode %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* EDID has major version %d, instead of 1 <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* EDID has minor version %d, which is not between 0-3 <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* EDID checksum is invalid, remainder is %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Raw EDID: <4>%s %s: %s: EDID invalid. <4>stereo mode not supported <4>integrated sync not supported <4>%s %s: unable to allocate memory for EDID block. <6>%s %s: unable to read EDID block. <6>%s %s: %s: no EDID data ACR MAX EPI FCM LPL PHL SAM <3>dev: %p, dev_priv: %p <3>DRM not initialized, aborting suspend. <3>%s %s: GEM idle failed, resume may fail i915 Intel Graphics 20080730 <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* called with no initialization <7>[drm:%s] unknown parameter %d <7>[drm:%s] Unknown parameter %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* DRM_COPY_TO_USER failed <7>[drm:%s] sarea not found assuming DRI2 userspace <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Client tried to initialize ringbuffer in GEM mode <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* can not ioremap virtual address for ring buffer <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Can not find hardware status page <7>[drm:%s] hw status page @ %p <7>[drm:%s] Enabled hardware status page <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* %s called without lock held, held %d owner %p %p <7>[drm:%s] %s: page=%d pfCurrentPage=%d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Bad box %d,%d..%d,%d <7>[drm:%s] i915 cmdbuffer, buf %p sz %d cliprects %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Fault accessing cliprects <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* alignment <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* i915_dispatch_cmdbuffer failed <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Batchbuffer ioctl disabled <7>[drm:%s] i915 batchbuffer, start %x used %d cliprects %d tried to set status page when mode setting active drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_dma.c <7>set status page addr 0x%08x <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* can not ioremap virtual address for G33 hw status page <7>[drm:%s] load hws HWS_PGA with gfx mem 0x%x <7>[drm:%s] load hws at %p <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* failed to map registers <6>[drm] MTRR allocation failed. Graphics performance may suffer. <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Can not allocate hardware status page <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* bridge device not found <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* video memory is disabled <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* unexpected GMCH_GMS value: 0x%02x <6>[drm] failed to find VBIOS tables <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* failed to init modeset drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_irq.c <7>[drm:%s] irq_nr=%d breadcrumb=%d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* EBUSY -- rec: %d emitted: %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* copy_to_user <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* trying to get vblank count for disabled pipe %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* get_heap failed <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* heap not initialized? <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* heap already initialized? drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_gem.c <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Faled to allocate page list <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* read_mapping_page failed: %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* failed to init phys object %d size: %zu <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* failed to get page list <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* %s returns %d (awaiting %d at %d) <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Bad handle in i915_gem_busy_ioctl(): %d allocating a fence for non-tiled object? object 0x%08x is X tiled but has non-512B pitch object 0x%08x is Y tiled but has non-128B pitch %s: object 0x%08x not 1M or size (0x%zx) aligned %s: object 0x%08x not 1M or size aligned <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Attempting to unbind pinned buffer <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* set_domain failed: %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* hardware wedged <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Pinned object in unbind list <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Error unbinding object in LeaveVT: %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* failed to idle hardware: %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* inactive empty %d request empty %d flushing empty %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Invalid object alignment requested %u <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* GTT full, but LRU list empty <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Failed to evict a buffer %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Failure to bind: %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Failure to install fence: %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Failed to allocate status page <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Failed to map status page. <7>[drm:%s] hws offset: 0x%08x <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Failed to allocate ringbuffer <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Failed to map ringbuffer. <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Ring head not reset to zero ctl %08x head %08x tail %08x start %08x <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Ring head forced to zero ctl %08x head %08x tail %08x start %08x <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Ring initialization failed ctl %08x head %08x tail %08x start %08x <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Reenabling wedged hardware, good luck <7>[drm:%s] obj_addr %p, %lld include/linux/io-mapping.h <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* failed to allocate offset for bo %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* failed to add to map hash <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* execbuf with %d buffers <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Failed to allocate exec or object list for %d buffers <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* copy %d exec entries failed %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Execbuf while wedged <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Execbuf while VT-switched. <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Invalid object handle %d at index %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Object %p appears more than once in object list <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* No GTT space found for object %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Relocation beyond object bounds: obj %p target %d offset %d size %d. <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Relocation not 4-byte aligned: obj %p target %d offset %d. <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* reloc with read/write CPU domains: obj %p target %d offset %d read %08x write %08x <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Write domain conflict: obj %p target %d offset %d new %08x old %08x <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Failed to pin buffers %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* alignment <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* dispatch failed %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* failed to copy %d exec entries back to user (%d) <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Bad handle in i915_gem_pin_ioctl(): %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Already pinned in i915_gem_pin_ioctl(): %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Bad handle in i915_gem_unpin_ioctl(): %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Not pinned by caller in i915_gem_pin_ioctl(): %d 0x%08x: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x Request: %d @ %d Current sequence: %d Current sequence: hws uninitialized Waiter sequence: %d IRQ sequence: %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Cannot create /proc/dri/.../%s Active: %p(%d): %08x %08x %d %p: %08x %08x %d Flushing: Inactive: Interrupt enable: %08x Interrupt identity: %08x Interrupt mask: %08x Pipe A stat: %08x Pipe B stat: %08x Interrupts received: %d Current sequence: %d Current sequence: hws uninitialized Waiter sequence: %d IRQ sequence: %d i915_gem_active i915_gem_flushing i915_gem_inactive i915_gem_request i915_gem_seqno i915_gem_interrupt i915_gem_hws <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* unknown tiling mode <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Couldn't read from MCHBAR. Disabling tiling. failed to unbind object for tiling switch drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_gem_tiling.c <7>[drm:%s] No FB bound <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Can't update pipe %d in SAREA <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Y tiled not allowed for scan out buffers drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_display.c <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Unknown color depth <7>[drm:%s] Writing base %08lX %08lX %d %d <7>[drm:%s] %d display pipe%s available. <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* framebuffer init failed %d <7>[drm:%s] Unknown DPLL mode %08x in programmed mode <7>[drm:%s] using SSC reference clock of %d MHz <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Couldn't find PLL settings for mode! <7>[drm:%s] Mode for pipe %c: <7>[drm:%s] cursor off <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* we currently only support 64x64 cursors <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* buffer is to small <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* failed to pin cursor bo <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* failed to attach phys object CRTDDC_A <3>%s %s: DDC bus registration failed. Macmini1,1 Macmini2,1 <7>[drm:%s] Skipping LVDS initialization for Apple Mac Mini LVDSDDC_C <7>[drm:%s] No LVDS modes found, disabling. <3>Can't support LVDS on pipe A <3>Can't enable LVDS and another encoder on the same pipe $VBT <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* VBT signature missing <7>[drm:%s] Found panel mode in BIOS VBT tables: HDMIB HDMIC <7>[drm:%s] i2c transfer returned %d <7>[drm:%s] SDVO response %d %d <7>[drm:%s] Couldn't get SDVO clock rate multiplier <7>[drm:%s] Current clock rate multiplier: %d <7>[drm:%s] First %s output reported failure to sync <7>[drm:%s] %s: Choosing default TV format of NTSC-M SDVOCTRL_E for SDVOB SDVOCTRL_E for SDVOC <7>[drm:%s] No SDVO device found on SDVO%c <7>[drm:%s] %s: Unknown SDVO output type (0x%02x%02x) <7>[drm:%s] %s device VID/DID: %02X:%02X.%02X, clock range %dMHz - %dMHz, input 1: %c, input 2: %c, output 1: %c, output 2: %c intel drm %s <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Requested width/height is greater than current fb object %dx%d > %dx%d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* Need resizing code. <7>[drm:%s] %d %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* PIXEL CLCOK SET <3>failed to allocate framebuffer <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* failed to pin fb: %d <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* failed to allocate fb. inteldrmfb allocated %dx%d fb: 0x%08x, bo %p drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_fb.c <6>fb%d: %s frame buffer device <6>registered panic notifier <7>[drm:%s] no CRTCs available? <7>[drm:%s] creating new fb (console size %dx%d, buffer size %dx%d) <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* fb not large enough for console <3>[drm:%s] *ERROR* panic occurred, switching back to text console force fb force restore of fb console <7>[drm:%s] Detected Composite TV connection <7>[drm:%s] Detected S-Video TV connection <7>[drm:%s] Detected Component TV connection <7>[drm:%s] No TV connection detected NTSC-M NTSC-443 NTSC-J PAL-M PAL-N PAL 480p@59.94Hz 480p@60Hz 576p 720p@60Hz 720p@59.94Hz 720p@50Hz 1080i@50Hz 1080i@60Hz 1080i@59.94Hz 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 848x480 1280x720 1920x1080 DVODDC_D DVOI2C_B DVOI2C_E sil164 ch7xxx ivch tfp410 ch7017 <7>[drm:%s] %02X: <7>[drm:%s] %02X <7>[drm:%s] Unable to write register 0x%02x to %s:%d. <7>[drm:%s] Unable to read register 0x%02x from %s:%02x. <7>[drm:%s] ch7xxx not detected; got 0x%02x from %s slave %d. <7>[drm:%s] Detected %s chipset, vendor/device ID 0x%02x/0x%02x CH7011 CH7009A CH7009B CH7301 <7>[drm:%s] CH7017_HORIZONTAL_ACTIVE_PIXEL_INPUT: %02x <7>[drm:%s] CH7017_HORIZONTAL_ACTIVE_PIXEL_OUTPUT: %02x <7>[drm:%s] CH7017_VERTICAL_ACTIVE_LINE_OUTPUT: %02x <7>[drm:%s] CH7017_ACTIVE_INPUT_LINE_OUTPUT: %02x <7>[drm:%s] CH7017_LVDS_PLL_VCO_CONTROL: %02x <7>[drm:%s] CH7017_LVDS_PLL_FEEDBACK_DIV: %02x <7>[drm:%s] CH7017_LVDS_CONTROL_2: %02x <7>[drm:%s] CH7017_OUTPUTS_ENABLE: %02x <7>[drm:%s] CH7017_LVDS_POWER_DOWN: %02x <7>[drm:%s] Registers before mode setting <7>[drm:%s] Registers after mode setting <7>[drm:%s] ch701x not detected, got %d: from %s Slave %d. <7>[drm:%s] VR00: 0x%04x <7>[drm:%s] VR01: 0x%04x <7>[drm:%s] VR30: 0x%04x <7>[drm:%s] VR40: 0x%04x <7>[drm:%s] VR80: 0x%04x <7>[drm:%s] VR81: 0x%04x <7>[drm:%s] VR82: 0x%04x <7>[drm:%s] VR83: 0x%04x <7>[drm:%s] VR84: 0x%04x <7>[drm:%s] VR85: 0x%04x <7>[drm:%s] VR86: 0x%04x <7>[drm:%s] VR87: 0x%04x <7>[drm:%s] VR88: 0x%04x <7>[drm:%s] VR8E: 0x%04x <7>[drm:%s] VR8F: 0x%04x <7>[drm:%s] ivch detect failed due to address mismatch (%d vs %d) <7>[drm:%s] TFP410_REV: 0x%02X <7>[drm:%s] TFP410_CTL1: 0x%02X <7>[drm:%s] TFP410_CTL2: 0x%02X <7>[drm:%s] TFP410_CTL3: 0x%02X <7>[drm:%s] TFP410_USERCFG: 0x%02X <7>[drm:%s] TFP410_DE_DLY: 0x%02X <7>[drm:%s] TFP410_DE_CTL: 0x%02X <7>[drm:%s] TFP410_DE_TOP: 0x%02X <7>[drm:%s] TFP410_DE_CNT: 0x%02X%02X <7>[drm:%s] TFP410_DE_LIN: 0x%02X%02X <7>[drm:%s] TFP410_H_RES: 0x%02X%02X <7>[drm:%s] TFP410_V_RES: 0x%02X%02X <7>[drm:%s] tfp410 not detected got VID %X: from %s Slave %d. <7>[drm:%s] tfp410 not detected got DID %X: from %s Slave %d. <7>[drm:%s] SIL164_FREQ_LO: 0x%02x <7>[drm:%s] SIL164_FREQ_HI: 0x%02x <7>[drm:%s] SIL164_REG8: 0x%02x <7>[drm:%s] SIL164_REG9: 0x%02x <7>[drm:%s] SIL164_REGC: 0x%02x <7>[drm:%s] sil164 not detected got %d: from %s Slave %d. <7>[drm:%s] init sil164 dvo controller successfully! <7>[drm:%s] graphic opregion physical addr: 0x%x <7>[drm:%s] ACPI OpRegion not supported! IntelGraphicsMem <7>[drm:%s] opregion signature mismatch <7>[drm:%s] Public ACPI methods supported <7>[drm:%s] Public ACPI methods not supported <7>[drm:%s] SWSCI supported <7>[drm:%s] ASLE supported <7>[drm:%s] non asle set request?? <6>Waiting for %s to become free: refcnt=%d. <3>Failed to create new callback queue. cqueue Name ID %-15s %u:%u cn_proc <4>cn_proc failed to register virtual subsystem char MAJOR=%u MINOR=%u DEVTYPE=%s DRIVER=%s dev_attr_show: %s returned bad count <3>Device '%s' does not have a release() function, it is broken and must be fixed. drivers/base/core.c <3>%s %s: uevent: unsupported action-string; this will be ignored in a future kernel version uevent <4>sysdev: invalid class passed to sysdev_driver_register! drivers/base/sys.c <4>sysdev: class %s: driver (%p) has already been registered to a class, something is wrong, but will forge on! <3>%s: invalid device class <3>Class suspend failed for %s <3>Class driver suspend failed for %s drivers/base/bus.c &(&priv->bus_notifier)->rwsem <3>%s: uevent attr (%s) failed <3>%s: add_bind_files(%s) failed <3>%s: driver_add_attrs(%s) failed drivers_autoprobe drivers_probe unbind <4>%s: device %s already bound drivers/base/dd.c <3>%s: driver_sysfs_add(%s) failed <4>%s: probe of %s failed with error %d <4>Driver '%s' needs updating - please use bus_type methods <3>Error: Driver '%s' is already registered, aborting... %s called for class '%s' before it was initialized drivers/base/class.c struct class mutex platform:%s MODALIAS=platform:%s %s.%d <3>%s: failed to claim resource %d platform cpu possible kernel_max drivers/base/devres.c drivers/base/attribute_container.c <3>%s %s: failed to allocate class container drivers/base/transport_class.c <3>%s(): %pF returns %d <0>**** DPM device timeout: %s (%s) drivers/base/power/main.c recover (unknown PM event) freeze quiesce hibernate thaw restore <3>PM: Device %s failed to %s%s: error %d early late <3>PM: Failed to prepare device %s for power transition: error %d <4>%s %s: parent %s should not be sleeping Device: %s Parentless device registered during a PM transaction drivers/base/dma-mapping.c <3>%s: class_register failed <3>%s: class_create_file failed <3>%s %s: %s: kmalloc(struct firmware) failed <6>%s %s: firmware: using built-in firmware %s <6>%s %s: firmware: requesting %s <3>%s %s: %s: kmalloc failed <3>%s %s: %s: device_register failed <3>%s %s: %s: sysfs_create_bin_file failed <3>%s %s: %s: device_create_file failed drivers/base/firmware_class.c FIRMWARE=%s TIMEOUT=%i <3>%s %s: %s: unexpected value (%d) <3>%s: unable to alloc buffer firmware/%s drivers/block/brd.c ram%d ramdisk <6>brd: module loaded <3>loop: Write error at byte offset %llu, length %i. <3>loop: transfer error block %ld drivers/block/loop.c loop%d &lo->lo_ctl_mutex loop <6>loop: module loaded <6>loop: out of memory <3>loop: Failed to allocate temporary page for write. <3>loop: Transfer error at byte offset %llu, length %i. platform_driver_register returned %d copy_from_user failed! goldfish_audio_probe misc_register returned %d in goldfish_audio_init goldfish_audio <3>QEMU PIPE Device: already mapped at %p <3>QEMU PIPE Device: can't allocate i/o page <3>QEMU PIPE Device: failure to allocate IRQ goldfish_pipe &pipe->lock qemu_pipe <3>e1000: %s: %s: Unsupported Speed/Duplex configuration <6>%s - version %s e1000 <6>e1000: copybreak disabled <6>e1000: copybreak enabled for packets <= %u bytes <3>e1000: %s: %s: Unable to allocate interrupt Error: %d <3>e1000: %s: %s: Error in setting MWI drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c include/linux/netdevice.h e1000: can't bring device back up after reset <3>e1000: %s: %s: Unable to allocate memory for the receive descriptor ring <3>e1000: %s: %s: rxdr align check failed: %u bytes at %p <3>e1000: %s: %s: Unable to allocate aligned memory for the receive descriptor ring <3>e1000: %s: %s: Allocation for Rx Queue %u failed <3>e1000: %s: %s: Unable to allocate memory for the transmit descriptor ring <3>e1000: %s: %s: txdr align check failed: %u bytes at %p <3>e1000: %s: %s: Unable to allocate aligned memory for the transmit descriptor ring <3>e1000: %s: %s: Allocation for Tx Queue %u failed <3>e1000: %s: %s: Hardware Error <3>e1000: Cannot re-enable PCI device after reset. <3>e1000: %s: %s: Invalid MTU setting <3>e1000: %s: %s: Jumbo Frames not supported. <3>e1000: %s: %s: MTU > 9216 not supported. <3>e1000: Cannot enable PCI device from suspend <3>e1000: No usable DMA configuration, aborting <3>e1000: %s: %s: Unknown MAC Type <3>e1000: %s: %s: Unable to allocate memory for queues <6>e1000: %s: %s: PHY reset is blocked due to SOL/IDER session. <3>e1000: EEPROM initialization failed <3>e1000: %s: %s: The EEPROM Checksum Is Not Valid <3>Unable to allocate memory to dump EEPROM data <3>/*********************/ <3>Current EEPROM Checksum : 0x%04x <3>Calculated : 0x%04x <3>Offset Values <3>======== ====== <3>Include this output when contacting your support provider. <3>This is not a software error! Something bad happened to your hardware or <3>EEPROM image. Ignoring this problem could result in further problems, <3>possibly loss of data, corruption or system hangs! <3>The MAC Address will be reset to 00:00:00:00:00:00, which is invalid <3>and requires you to set the proper MAC address manually before continuing <3>to enable this network device. <3>Please inspect the EEPROM dump and report the issue to your hardware vendor <3>or Intel Customer Support. <3>e1000: %s: %s: EEPROM Read Error <3>e1000: %s: %s: Invalid MAC Address Width x4 Width x1 2.5Gb/s 133MHz 120MHz 100MHz 66MHz -X <6>e1000: %s: %s: (PCI%s:%s:%s) <4>e1000: %s: %s: This device (id %04x:%04x) will no longer be supported by this driver in the future. <4>e1000: %s: %s: please use the "e1000e" driver instead. eth%d <6>e1000: %s: %s: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection <6>e1000: %s: %s: Gigabit has been disabled, downgrading speed RX/TX Full Duplex Half Duplex <6>e1000: %s NIC Link is Up %d Mbps %s, Flow Control: %s <6>e1000: %s: %s: 10/100 speed: disabling TSO <6>e1000: %s NIC Link is Down <3>e1000: %s: %s: __pskb_pull_tail failed. <4>e1000: %s: %s: checksum_partial proto=%x! include/linux/if_vlan.h <3>e1000: %s: %s: skb align check failed: %u bytes at %p <3>e1000: %s: %s: dma align check failed: %u bytes at %p <3>e1000: %s: %s: Detected Tx Unit Hang Tx Queue <%lu> TDH <%x> TDT <%x> next_to_use <%x> next_to_clean <%x> buffer_info[next_to_clean] time_stamp <%lx> next_to_watch <%x> jiffies <%lx> next_to_watch.status <%x> <3>e1000: %s: %s: set/check reg %04X test failed: got 0x%08X expected 0x%08X <3>e1000: %s: %s: pattern test reg %04X failed: got 0x%08X expected 0x%08X <3>e1000: %s: %s: Cannot do PHY loopback test when SoL/IDER is active. <6>e1000: %s: %s: TSO is %s <3>e1000: %s: %s: Interface does not support directed (unicast) frame wake-up packets <3>e1000: %s: %s: Cannot change link characteristics when SoL/IDER is active. <6>e1000: %s: %s: offline testing starting <3>e1000: %s: %s: failed STATUS register test got: 0x%08X expected: 0x%08X unshared <6>e1000: %s: %s: testing %s interrupt <6>e1000: %s: %s: online testing starting %d.%d-%d N/A <6>e1000: %s: %s: %s Enabled <6>e1000: %s: %s: %s Disabled <6>e1000: %s: %s: %s set to %i <6>e1000: %s: %s: %s drivers/net/e1000/e1000_param.c <6>e1000: %s: %s: Invalid %s value specified (%i) %s <5>e1000: %s: %s: Warning: no configuration for board #%i <5>e1000: %s: %s: Using defaults for all values using default of 256 Transmit Descriptors Receive Descriptors defaulting to Enabled Checksum Offload reading default settings from EEPROM Flow Control <6>e1000: %s: %s: %s turned off <6>e1000: %s: %s: %s set to dynamic mode <6>e1000: %s: %s: %s set to dynamic conservative mode defaulting to Disabled PHY Smart Power Down Kumeran Lock Loss Workaround <6>e1000: %s: %s: Speed not valid for fiber adapters, parameter ignored <6>e1000: %s: %s: Duplex not valid for fiber adapters, parameter ignored <6>e1000: %s: %s: AutoNeg other than 1000/Full is not valid for fiber adapters, parameter ignored <6>e1000: %s: %s: Link active due to SoL/IDER Session. Speed/Duplex/AutoNeg parameter ignored. <6>e1000: %s: %s: AutoNeg specified along with Speed or Duplex, parameter ignored <6>e1000: %s: %s: Speed and duplex autonegotiation enabled <6>e1000: %s: %s: Half Duplex specified without Speed <6>e1000: %s: %s: Using Autonegotiation at Half Duplex only <6>e1000: %s: %s: Full Duplex specified without Speed <6>e1000: %s: %s: Using Autonegotiation at Full Duplex only <6>e1000: %s: %s: 10 Mbps Speed specified without Duplex <6>e1000: %s: %s: Using Autonegotiation at 10 Mbps only <6>e1000: %s: %s: Forcing to 10 Mbps Half Duplex <6>e1000: %s: %s: Forcing to 10 Mbps Full Duplex <6>e1000: %s: %s: 100 Mbps Speed specified without Duplex <6>e1000: %s: %s: Using Autonegotiation at 100 Mbps only <6>e1000: %s: %s: Forcing to 100 Mbps Half Duplex <6>e1000: %s: %s: Forcing to 100 Mbps Full Duplex <6>e1000: %s: %s: 1000 Mbps Speed specified without Duplex <6>e1000: %s: %s: Half Duplex is not supported at 1000 Mbps <6>e1000: %s: %s: Using Autonegotiation at 1000 Mbps Full Duplex only <6>e1000: %s: %s: Speed, AutoNeg and MDI-X specifications are incompatible. Setting MDI-X to a compatible value. Interrupt Throttling Rate (ints/sec) using default of 3 Receive Absolute Interrupt Delay using default of 8 Receive Interrupt Delay using default of 0 Transmit Absolute Interrupt Delay using default of 32 Transmit Interrupt Delay Flow Control Disabled Flow Control Receive Only Flow Control Transmit Only Flow Control Enabled Flow Control Hardware Default AutoNeg parameter ignored AutoNeg advertising 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 10/FD AutoNeg advertising 10/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 100/HD AutoNeg advertising 100/HD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 100/HD, 10/FD AutoNeg advertising 100/HD, 10/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 100/FD AutoNeg advertising 100/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 100/FD, 10/FD AutoNeg advertising 100/FD, 10/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 100/FD, 100/HD AutoNeg advertising 100/FD, 100/HD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 100/FD, 100/HD, 10/FD AutoNeg advertising 100/FD, 100/HD, 10/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 10/FD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 10/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/HD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/HD, 10/FD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/HD, 10/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/FD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/FD, 10/FD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/FD, 10/FD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/FD, 100/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/FD, 100/HD, 10/HD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/FD, 100/HD, 10/FD AutoNeg advertising 1000/FD, 100/FD, 100/HD, 10/FD, 10/HD <3>e1000e mutex contention. Owned by process %s (pid %d), required by process %s (pid %d) drivers/net/e1000e/ich8lan.c <6>%s: %s: %s Enabled <6>%s: %s: %s Disabled <6>%s: %s: %s set to %i <6>%s: %s: %s drivers/net/e1000e/param.c <6>%s: %s: Invalid %s value specified (%i) %s <5>%s: %s: Warning: no configuration for board #%i <5>%s: %s: Using defaults for all values <6>%s: %s: %s turned off <6>%s: %s: %s set to dynamic mode <6>%s: %s: %s set to dynamic conservative mode Write-protect NVM CRC Stripping defaulting to enabled Interrupt Mode defaulting to 2 (MSI-X) <3>%s: %s: set/check reg %04X test failed: got 0x%08X expected 0x%08X <3>%s: %s: pattern test reg %04X failed: got 0x%08X expected 0x%08X <3>%s: %s: Cannot do PHY loopback test when SoL/IDER is active. <3>%s: %s: Interface does not support directed (unicast) frame wake-up packets <6>%s: %s: TSO is %s <3>%s: %s: Cannot change link characteristics when SoL/IDER is active. <3>%s: %s: Unsupported Speed/Duplex configuration <6>%s: %s: offline testing starting <3>%s: %s: failed STATUS register test got: 0x%08X expected: 0x%08X <6>%s: %s: testing %s interrupt <6>%s: %s: online testing starting <6>%s: %s: Gigabit has been disabled, downgrading speed <6>%s: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - %s <6>%s: Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Intel Corporation. e1000e <4>%s %s: Disabling L1 ASPM <3>%s: %s: Detected Tx Unit Hang: TDH <%x> TDT <%x> next_to_use <%x> next_to_clean <%x> buffer_info[next_to_clean]: time_stamp <%lx> next_to_watch <%x> jiffies <%lx> next_to_watch.status <%x> <3>%s: %s: Failed to initialize MSI-X interrupts. Falling back to MSI interrupts. <3>%s: %s: Failed to initialize MSI interrupts. Falling back to legacy interrupts. %s-rx-0 %s-tx-0 <3>%s: %s: Unable to allocate interrupt, Error: %d <3>%s: %s: Hardware Error drivers/net/e1000e/netdev.c <3>%s: %s: Unable to allocate memory for the transmit descriptor ring <3>%s: %s: pskb_may_pull failed. <3>%s %s: Cannot re-enable PCI device after reset. <3>%s %s: can't bring device back up after reset <3>%s: %s: Invalid MTU setting <3>%s: %s: Jumbo Frames not supported. <3>%s: %s: MTU > 9216 not supported. <6>%s: %s: changing MTU from %d to %d <3>%s %s: Cannot enable PCI device from suspend <4>%s: %s: Error reading PHY register <6>e1000e: %s NIC Link is Up %d Mbps %s, Flow Control: %s <6>%s: %s: Autonegotiated half duplex but link partner cannot autoneg. Try forcing full duplex if link gets many collisions. <6>%s: %s: 10/100 speed: disabling TSO <6>e1000e: %s NIC Link is Down <3>%s: %s: __pskb_pull_tail failed. <4>%s: %s: checksum_partial proto=%x! <3>%s %s: TX DMA map failed <3>%s %s: TX DMA page map failed <3>%s: %s: Interrupt allocation failed <3>%s %s: RX DMA map failed <3>%s %s: RX DMA page map failed <3>%s %s: No usable DMA configuration, aborting <3>%s: %s: Unable to allocate memory for queues <6>%s: %s: PHY reset is blocked due to SOL/IDER session. <3>%s: %s: The NVM Checksum Is Not Valid <4>%s %s: Warning: detected DSPD enabled in EEPROM <4>%s %s: Warning: detected ASPM enabled in EEPROM <3>%s: %s: NVM Read Error while reading MAC address <6>%s: %s: (PCI Express:2.5GB/s:%s) %pM 10/100 <6>%s: %s: Intel(R) PRO/%s Network Connection <6>%s: %s: MAC: %d, PHY: %d, PBA No: %06x-%03x <3>%s: %s: Invalid MAC Address: %pM ne2k_pci %s: Resetting the 8390 t=%ld... %s: ne2k_pci_reset_8390() did not complete. ne2k-pci 1.03 drivers/net/ne2k-pci.c <3>%s %s: no I/O resource at PCI BAR #0 <3>%s %s: I/O resource 0x%x @ 0x%lx busy <3>%s %s: cannot allocate ethernet device <3>%s %s: Card failure (no reset ack). %s: %s found at %#lx, IRQ %d, %pM. %s: DMAing conflict in ne2k_pci_get_8390_hdr [DMAstat:%d][irqlock:%d]. %s: DMAing conflict in ne2k_pci_block_input [DMAstat:%d][irqlock:%d]. %s: DMAing conflict in ne2k_pci_block_output.[DMAstat:%d][irqlock:%d] <4>%s: timeout waiting for Tx RDC. RealTek RTL-8029 Winbond 89C940 Compex RL2000 KTI ET32P2 NetVin NV5000SC Via 86C926 SureCom NE34 Winbond W89C940F Holtek HT80232 Holtek HT80229 Winbond W89C940(misprogrammed) <4>%s: trigger_send() called with the transmitter busy. <6>%s: invalid multicast address length given. <3>%s: mismatched read page pointers %2x vs %2x. <7>%s: bogus packet size: %d, status=%#2x nxpg=%#2x. <7>%s: bogus packet: status=%#2x nxpg=%#2x size=%d %s: next frame inconsistency, %#2x <3>%s: bogus last_tx_buffer %d, tx1=%d. %s: bogus last_tx_buffer %d, tx2=%d. %s: Interrupted while interrupts are masked! isr=%#2x imr=%#2x. <4>%s: interrupt from stopped card <4>%s: Too much work at interrupt, status %#2.2x <4>%s: unknown interrupt %#2x excess collisions. lost interrupt? cable problem? <7>%s: Tx timed out, %s TSR=%#2x, ISR=%#2x, t=%d. <7>%s: idle transmitter tx2=%d, lasttx=%d, txing=%d. <7>%s: idle transmitter, tx1=%d, lasttx=%d, txing=%d. <7>%s: No Tx buffers free! tx1=%d tx2=%d last=%d 3.5.23-k6-NAPI Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Driver <6>e100: %s, %s Copyright(c) 1999-2006 Intel Corporation <6>e100: %s e100 e100.mdio_ctrl(%s) won't go Ready <7>e100: %s: %s: %s:addr=%d, reg=%d, data_in=0x%04X, data_out=0x%04X <7>e100: %s: %s: phy_addr = %d <7>e100: %s: %s: phy ID = 0x%08X <3>e100: %s: %s: EEPROM corrupted <3>e100: %s: %s: Self-test failed: result=0x%08X <3>e100: %s: %s: Self-test failed: timed out <7>e100: %s: %s: exec cuc_nop failed <7>e100: %s: %s: No space for CB <7>e100: %s: %s: Out of Tx resources, returning skb <7>e100: %s: %s: mc_count=%d, flags=0x%04X <3>e100: %s: %s: e100_hw_init e100/d101m_ucode.bin e100/d101s_ucode.bin e100/d102e_ucode.bin <3>e100: %s: %s: Failed to load firmware "%s": %d <3>e100: %s: %s: Firmware "%s" has wrong size %zu <3>e100: %s: %s: "%s" has bogus offset values (0x%x,0x%x,0x%x) <3>e100: %s: %s: ucode cmd failed with error %d <3>e100: %s: %s: ucode load failed <7>e100: %s: %s: cb[%d]->status = 0x%04X <3>e100: %s: %s: Cannot open interface, aborting. <7>e100: %s: %s: stat_ack = 0x%02X <7>e100: %s: %s: status=0x%04X <7>e100: %s: %s: scb.status=0x%02X <3>e100: Etherdev alloc failed, abort. <3>e100: %s: %s: Cannot enable PCI device, aborting. <3>e100: %s: %s: Cannot find proper PCI device base address, aborting. <3>e100: %s: %s: Cannot obtain PCI resources, aborting. <3>e100: %s: %s: No usable DMA configuration, aborting. <6>e100: %s: %s: using i/o access mode <3>e100: %s: %s: Cannot map device registers, aborting. <3>e100: %s: %s: Cannot alloc driver memory, aborting. <3>e100: %s: %s: Invalid MAC address from EEPROM, aborting. <3>e100: %s: %s: Invalid MAC address from EEPROM, you MUST configure one. <3>e100: %s: %s: Cannot register net device, aborting. <6>e100: %s: %s: addr 0x%llx, irq %d, MAC addr %pM <3>e100: Cannot re-enable PCI device after reset. <7>e100: %s: %s: [00-07]=%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X <7>e100: %s: %s: [08-15]=%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X <7>e100: %s: %s: [16-23]=%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X <6>e100: %s: %s: Ring Param settings: rx: %d, tx %d <7>e100: %s: %s: right now = %ld Half <6>e100: %s NIC Link is Up %s Mbps %s Duplex <6>e100: %s NIC Link is Down <7>e100: %s: %s: exec cuc_dump_reset failed tg3 drivers/net/tg3.c <4>tg3: %s: The system may be re-ordering memory-mapped I/O cycles to the network device, attempting to recover. Please report the problem to the driver maintainer and include system chipset information. <3>tg3: tg3_reset_cpu timed out for %s, and %s CPU <3>tg3: tg3_load_firmware_cpu: Trying to load TX cpu firmware on %s which is 5705. <3>tg3: tg3_stop_block timed out, ofs=%lx enable_bit=%x <3>tg3: tg3_abort_hw timed out for %s, TX_MODE_ENABLE will not clear MAC_TX_MODE=%08x <6>tg3: %s: Link is down. half <6>tg3: %s: Link is up at %d Mbps, %s duplex. <6>tg3: %s: Flow control is %s for TX and %s for RX. <3>tg3: %s: Invalid power state (D%d) requested <6>tg3: %s: No firmware running. <4>tg3: %s: Using a smaller RX standard ring, only %d out of %d buffers were allocated successfully. <4>tg3: %s: Using a smaller RX jumbo ring, only %d out of %d buffers were allocated successfully. <3>tg3: tg3_reset_hw cannot enable BUFMGR for %s. <3>tg3: tg3_load_firmware fails for %s to set RX CPU PC, is %08x should be %08x <3>tg3: tg3_load_tso_firmware fails for %s to set CPU PC, is %08x should be %08x <3>tg3: %s: Failed to re-initialize device, aborting. <3>tg3: %s: BUG! Tx Ring full when queue awake! BCM95906 tg3 mdio bus <4>%s: mdiobus_reg failed (0x%x) <4>%s: No PHY devices <3>%s: Could not attach to PHY v%d.%02d <3>tg3: Cannot find PCI-X capability, aborting. <3>tg3: (%s) transition to D0 failed <4>tg3: %s: Cannot get nvarm lock, tg3_nvram_init failed. <3>tg3: (%s) phy probe failed, err %d <3>tg3: %s: transmit timed out, resetting <3>tg3: DEBUG: MAC_TX_STATUS[%08x] MAC_RX_STATUS[%08x] <3>tg3: DEBUG: RDMAC_STATUS[%08x] WDMAC_STATUS[%08x] 3.97 <6>%s <3>tg3: Cannot enable PCI device, aborting. <3>tg3: Cannot obtain PCI resources, aborting. <3>tg3: Cannot find PowerManagement capability, aborting. <3>tg3: Etherdev alloc failed, aborting. <3>tg3: Cannot map device registers, aborting. <3>tg3: Problem fetching invariants of chip, aborting. <3>tg3: Unable to obtain 64 bit DMA for consistent allocations <3>tg3: No usable DMA configuration, aborting. tigon/tg3.bin tigon/tg3_tso5.bin tigon/tg3_tso.bin <3>tg3: Could not obtain valid ethernet address, aborting. <3>tg3: Cannot map APE registers, aborting. <3>tg3_test_dma() Write the buffer failed %d <3>tg3_test_dma() Read the buffer failed %d <3>tg3_test_dma() buffer corrupted on read back! (%d != %d) <3>tg3: DMA engine test failed, aborting. <3>tg3: Cannot register net device, aborting. PCI Express PCIX: 50MHz PCI: :32-bit :64-bit <6>%s: Tigon3 [partno(%s) rev %04x] (%s) MAC address %pM <6>%s: attached PHY driver [%s] (mii_bus:phy_addr=%s) 10/100Base-TX 10/100/1000Base-T 5401 5411 5701 5703 5704 5705 5750 5752 5714 5780 5755 5787 5784 5722/5756 5761 8002/serdes <6>%s: attached PHY is %s (%s Ethernet) (WireSpeed[%d]) <6>%s: RXcsums[%d] LinkChgREG[%d] MIirq[%d] ASF[%d] TSOcap[%d] <6>%s: dma_rwctrl[%08x] dma_mask[%d-bit] <3>%s: Failed to load firmware "%s" <3>%s: bogus length %d in "%s" <4>%s: TSO capability disabled. <5>%s: TSO capability restored. <4>tg3: %s: MSI without TAGGED? Not using MSI. <4>tg3: %s: No interrupt was generated using MSI, switching to INTx mode. Please report this failure to the PCI maintainer and include system chipset information. <3>tg3: Register test failed at offset %x bnx2 <3>bnx2: fw sync timeout, reset code = %x <1>bnx2: Unknown flash/EEPROM type. SerDes Remote Copper <6>bnx2: %s NIC %s Link is Up, %d Mbps full duplex half duplex , receive & transmit , transmit flow control ON <3>bnx2: %s NIC %s Link is Down <3>bnx2: Chip reset did not complete <3>bnx2: Chip not in correct endian mode <3>bnx2: Failed to allocate memory in bnx2_alloc_bad_rbuf <4>bnx2: %s: No interrupt was generated using MSI, switching to INTx mode. Please report this failure to the PCI maintainer and include system chipset information. <6>bnx2: %s: using MSI <6>bnx2: %s: using MSIX 1.9.3 <3>%s %s: Cannot enable PCI device, aborting. <3>%s %s: Cannot find PCI device base address, aborting. <3>%s %s: Cannot obtain PCI resources, aborting. <3>%s %s: Cannot find power management capability, aborting. <3>%s %s: Cannot map register space, aborting. <3>%s %s: Cannot find PCIE capability, aborting. <3>%s %s: Cannot find PCIX capability, aborting. <3>%s %s: pci_set_consistent_dma_mask failed, aborting. <3>%s %s: System does not support DMA, aborting. <3>%s %s: 5706 A1 can only be used in a PCIX bus, aborting. <3>%s %s: Firmware not running, aborting. <3>%s %s: Cannot register net device 32-bit 64-bit %dMHz <6>%s: %s (%c%d) %s found at mem %lx, IRQ %d, node addr %pM <3>bnx2: %s: BUG! Tx ring full when queue awake! 5709 Buffered flash (256kB) EEPROM - slow Entry 0001 Non-buffered flash (128kB) Non-buffered flash (256kB) Entry 0100 Entry 0101: ST M45PE10 (128kB non-bufferred) Entry 0110: ST M45PE20 (256kB non-bufferred) Non-buffered flash (64kB) EEPROM - fast Entry 1001 Entry 1010 Buffered flash (128kB) Entry 1100 Entry 1101 Entry 1110 (Atmel) Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5706 1000Base-T HP NC370T Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapter HP NC370i Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapter Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5706 1000Base-SX HP NC370F Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapter Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5708 1000Base-T Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5708 1000Base-SX Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5709 1000Base-T Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5709 1000Base-SX Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5716 1000Base-T Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5716 1000Base-SX <6>sky2 %s: addr %pM <3>sky2 %s: descriptor error q=%#x get=%u [%llx] put=%u <6>sky2 %s: mac interrupt status 0x%x <4>sky2 %s: receiver stop failed <6>sky2 driver version 1.22 sky2 <3>%s %s: sky2 VPD cycle timed out <4>%s %s: %s: phy read timeout <3>%s %s: %s: phy I/O error <4>%s %s: %s: phy write timeout <6>%s %s: ignoring stuck error report bit drivers/net/sky2.c <6>sky2 %s: enabling interface <7>%s: tx done %u <6>sky2 %s: disabling interface <3>%s %s: etherdev alloc failed <6>sky2 %s: hw error interrupt status 0x%x <3>sky2 %s: ram data read parity error <3>sky2 %s: ram data write parity error <3>sky2 %s: MAC parity error <3>sky2 %s: RX parity error <3>sky2 %s: TCP segmentation error <6>sky2 %s: Link is up at %d Mbps, %s duplex, flow control %s <6>sky2 %s: phy interrupt status 0x%x 0x%x <3>sky2 %s: remote fault <3>sky2 %s: speed/duplex mismatch <6>sky2 %s: Link is down. 1.22 <3>sky2 %s: could not up: %d <3>%s %s: resume failed (%d) <3>sky2 %s: tx timeout <7>sky2 %s: transmit ring %u .. %u report=%u done=%u <4>%s %s: error interrupt status=%#x <3>%s %s: PCI hardware error (0x%x) <3>%s %s: PCI Express error (0x%x) <7>sky2 %s: rx slot %u status 0x%x len %d <6>sky2 %s: rx length error: status %#x length %d <6>sky2 %s: rx error, status 0x%x length %d <5>%s: unexpected checksum status <5>sky2 %s: hardware receive checksum problem (status = %#x) <4>sky2 unknown status opcode 0x%x <7>%s: tx queued, slot %u, len %d <3>%s %s: cannot enable PCI device <3>%s %s: cannot obtain PCI resources <3>%s %s: no usable DMA configuration <3>%s %s: cannot allocate hardware struct <3>%s %s: cannot map device registers <3>%s %s: unsupported revision Yukon-EC rev A1 <3>%s %s: unsupported chip type 0x%x (chip %#x) <6>%s %s: Yukon-2 %s chip revision %d <6>%s %s: %.*s <7> %s: %.*s <3>%s %s: cannot register net device <3>%s %s: cannot assign irq %d <4>%s %s: allocation for second device failed <4>%s %s: register of second port failed (%d) <6>sky2 %s: could not restart %d <7>sky2 %s: hung mac %d:%d fifo %d (%d:%d) <6>sky2 %s: receiver hang detected XL EC Ultra Extreme FE FE+ Supreme UL 2 Part Number Engineering Level both <6>%s: link down <6>%s: link up, %sMbps, %s-duplex, lpa 0x%04X phy_interrupt <4>%s: Can't get IRQ %d (PHY) <6>PHY: %s - Link is %s - %d/%s FULL HALF <6>Trying %d/%s <3>%s: Error %d in registering driver &dev->lock MATCH ANY PHY <3>%s not found <3>%s: %s already attached Generic PHY drivers/net/phy/mdio_bus.c <3>phy %d failed to register <3>mii_bus %s failed to register &bus->mdio_lock <6>%s: probed mdio_bus loopback: Failed to register netdevice: %d forcedeth <6>nv_stop_tx: TransmitterStatus remained busy <6>nv_stop_rx: ReceiverStatus remained busy <6>%s: link up. <6>%s: link down. <6>open: SetupReg5, Bit 31 remained off <6>%s: no link during initialization. <7>%s: received irq with unknown events 0x%x. Please report <7>%s: too many iterations (%d) in nv_nic_irq_other. <7>%s: too many iterations (%d) in nv_nic_irq_tx. <7>%s: too many iterations (%d) in nv_nic_irq_rx. <7>%s: too many iterations (%d) in nv_nic_irq. <6>forcedeth: MAC in recoverable error state 0.62 <3>dev_alloc_skb() failed during loopback test of %s <6>%s: phy reset failed <6>%s: can not set pause settings when forced link is in half duplex. <6>%s: hardware does not support tx pause frames. <6>%s: Reverse Engineered nForce ethernet driver. Version %s. <6>%s %s: Couldn't find register window <6>%s %s: 64-bit DMA failed, using 32-bit addressing <6>%s %s: 64-bit DMA (consistent) failed, using 32-bit ring buffers <7>nv_probe: set workaround bit for reversed mac addr <6>%s %s: open: Could not find a valid PHY. <6>%s: phy write to errata reg failed. <6>%s: phy init failed. <6>%s: phy write to advertise failed. <6>%s: phy init failed <6>%s %s: unable to register netdev: %d <6>%s %s: ifname %s, PHY OUI 0x%x @ %d, addr %2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x msi-x msi lnktim gbit timirq mgmt pwrctl vlan csum highdma <6>%s %s: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%sdesc-v%u <3>%s %s: Invalid Mac address detected: %pM <3>%s %s: Please complain to your hardware vendor. Switching to a random MAC. <6>%s: Got tx_timeout. irq: %08x <6>%s: Ring at %lx <6>%s: Dumping tx registers <6>%3x: %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x <6>%s: Dumping tx ring <6>%03x: %08x %08x // %08x %08x // %08x %08x // %08x %08x <7>%s: tx_timeout: dead entries! <6>%03x: %08x %08x %08x // %08x %08x %08x // %08x %08x %08x // %08x %08x %08x 8139too drivers/net/8139too.c <3>Assertion failed! %s,%s,%s,line=%d ioaddr != NULL <3>%s: PCI Bus error %4.4x. <7>%s: Transmit error, Tx status %8.8x. <3>%s: Out-of-sync dirty pointer, %ld vs. %ld. tp->pci_dev != NULL pdev != NULL ent != NULL <6>8139too Fast Ethernet driver 0.9.28 <6>%s %s: This (id %04x:%04x rev %02x) is an enhanced 8139C+ chip, use 8139cp <6>8139too: OQO Model 2 detected. Forcing PIO <3>%s %s: Unable to alloc new net device <3>%s %s: region #0 not a PIO resource, aborting <3>%s %s: Invalid PCI I/O region size(s), aborting <3>%s %s: region #1 not an MMIO resource, aborting <3>%s %s: Invalid PCI mem region size(s), aborting <3>%s %s: cannot map PIO, aborting <3>%s %s: cannot remap MMIO, trying PIO <3>%s %s: Chip not responding, ignoring board <7>%s %s: unknown chip version, assuming RTL-8139 <7>%s %s: TxConfig = 0x%lx <6>%s: %s at 0x%lx, %pM, IRQ %d <7>%s: Identified 8139 chip type '%s' <6>%s: Media type forced to Full Duplex. <6> Forcing %dMbps %s-duplex operation. 0.9.28 <7>%s: Transmit timeout, status %2.2x %4.4x %4.4x media %2.2x. <7>%s: Tx queue start entry %ld dirty entry %ld. (queue head) <7>%s: Tx descriptor %d is %8.8lx.%s <6>%s: Setting %s-duplex based on MII #%d link partner ability of %4.4x. <6>%s: media is unconnected, link down, or incompatible connection <7>%s: Queued Tx packet size %u to slot %d. <7>%s: rtl8139_rx() status %4.4x, size %4.4x, cur %4.4x. <7>%s: fifo copy in progress. <7>%s: Ethernet frame had errors, status %8.8x. <4>%s: Memory squeeze, dropping packet. <7>%s: Shutting down ethercard, status was 0x%4.4x. <7>%s: rtl8139_open() ioaddr %#llx IRQ %d GP Pins %2.2x %s-duplex. RTL-8139 RTL-8139 rev K RTL-8139A RTL-8139A rev G RTL-8139B RTL-8130 RTL-8139C RTL-8100 RTL-8100B/8139D RTL-8101 RealTek RTL8139 RealTek RTL8129 1.6 Universal TUN/TAP device driver <6>tun: %s, %s (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky  <6>tun: %s <3>tun: Can't register pernet ops <3>tun: Can't register misc device %d include/net/netns/generic.h drivers/net/tun.c <3>RTNL: assertion failed at %s (%d) tun%d tap%d tun tap r8169 drivers/net/r8169.c <6>%s: Rx ERROR. status = %08x <6>%s: no Rx buffer allocated <0>%s: Rx buffers exhausted <6>r8169: %s: link up <6>r8169: %s: link down <3>%s: PCI error (cmd = 0x%04x, status = 0x%04x). <6>%s: disabling PCI DAC. <6>%s: interrupt %04x in poll <5>%s: Promiscuous mode enabled. 2.3LK-NAPI <4>%s: incorrect speed setting refused in TBI mode <6>%s: PHY does not support 1000Mbps. <6>%s Gigabit Ethernet driver %s loaded <3>%s %s: unable to alloc new ethernet <3>%s %s: enable failure <3>%s %s: region #%d not an MMIO resource, aborting <3>%s %s: Invalid PCI region size(s), aborting <3>%s %s: could not request regions. <3>%s %s: DMA configuration failed. <3>%s %s: cannot remap MMIO, aborting <6>%s %s: no PCI Express capability <6>%s %s: unknown MAC (%08x) <7>%s %s: unknown chip version, assuming %s <6>%s %s: no MSI. Back to INTx. <6>%s: %s at 0x%lx, %2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x, XID %08x IRQ %d <3>%s: PHY reset failed. <6>r8169: %s: TBI auto-negotiating <3>r8169: %s: unknown chipset (mac_version = %d). <3>r8169: %s: reinit failure (status = %d). Rescheduling. <3>%s: BUG! Tx Ring full when queue awake! <4>%s: PHY reset until link up <0>r8169: %s: Rx buffers shortage RTL8169 RTL8169s RTL8110s RTL8169sb/8110sb RTL8169sc/8110sc RTL8102e RTL8101e RTL8168b/8111b RTL8100e RTL8168cp/8111cp RTL8168c/8111c RTL8168d/8111d <3>ath5k %s: unsupported channel mode: %d <3>ath5k %s: zero rate drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/desc.c <3>ath5k %s: zero retries %s: ISR: 0x%08x IMR: 0x%08x drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/qcu.c <3>ath5k %s: XR data queues only supported in 5212! %s: invalid values at offset %u <3>ath5k %s: invalid tx power: %u <3>ath5k %s: noise floor calibration timeout (%uMHz) <3>ath5k %s: noise floor calibration failed (%uMHz) <3>ath5k %s: channel frequency (%u MHz) out of supported band range <3>ath5k %s: calibration timeout (%uMHz) <3>ath5k %s: out of memory <3>ath5k %s: invalid bank <3>ath5k %s: invalid channel mode: %i <3>ath5k %s: failed to wakeup the MAC Chip <3>ath5k %s: invalid radio modulation mode <3>ath5k %s: invalid radio frequency mode <3>ath5k %s: failed to reset the MAC Chip <3>ath5k %s: failed to resume the MAC Chip <3>ath5k %s: failed to warm reset the MAC Chip <3>ath5k %s: invalid phy radio: %u <3>ath5k %s: XR mode not available on 5211 <3>ath5k %s: invalid channel: %d <3>ath5k %s: gain calibration timeout (%uMHz) <3>ath5k %s: failed to reset TX queue #%d <3>ath5k %s: Couldn't identify radio revision. <3>ath5k %s: Device not yet supported. <3>ath5k %s: POST Failed !!! <3>ath5k %s: unable to init EEPROM <3>ath5k %s: unable to get device capabilities: 0x%04x xxxxx ath5k <3>ath5k_pci: can't register pci driver <3>ath5k %s: can't alloc skbuff of size %u <3>ath5k %s: %s: DMA mapping failed <4>ath5k %s: bf=%p bf_skb=%p <4>ath5k %s: beacon queue %u didn't stop? drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/base.c <3>ath5k %s: %s: unable to update parameters for beacon hardware queue! <3>ath5k %s: can't reset hardware (%d) <3>ath5k %s: can't start recv logic <3>ath5k %s: can't set the key <4>ath5k %s: bad mode, not copying channels <4>ath5k %s: could not register LED %s <3>ath5k %s: error %d while processing queue %u <3>ath5k %s: beacon DMA mapping failed include/net/mac80211.h <3>ath5k %s: request_irq failed <3>ath5k %s: calibration of channel %u failed <3>%s %s: can't enable device <3>%s %s: 32-bit DMA not available <3>%s %s: cannot reserve PCI memory region <3>%s %s: cannot remap PCI memory region <3>%s %s: cannot allocate ieee80211_hw <6>%s %s: registered as '%s' &sc->lock <3>ath5k %s: can't allocate descriptors <3>ath5k %s: can't allocate bufptr <3>ath5k %s: can't setup a beacon xmit queue <3>ath5k %s: hw qnum %u out of range, max %tu! <3>ath5k %s: can't setup xmit queue <3>ath5k %s: unable to read address from EEPROM: 0x%04x <3>ath5k %s: can't register ieee80211 hw ath5k-%s::rx ath5k-%s::tx <6>ath5k %s: Atheros AR%s chip found (MAC: 0x%x, PHY: 0x%x) <6>ath5k %s: RF%s 2GHz radio found (0x%x) <6>ath5k %s: RF%s 5GHz radio found (0x%x) <6>ath5k %s: RF%s multiband radio found (0x%x) <4>ath5k %s: empty rx buf pool <3>ath5k %s: error in processing rx descriptor <4>ath5k %s: unsupported jumbo <4>ath5k %s: too many interrupts, giving up for now <3>ath5k %s: tx hdrlen not %%4: %d not enough headroom to pad %d <3>ath5k %s: no further txbuf available, dropping packet 5210 5311 5311A 5311B 5212 5213 5213A 2413 2414 5424 5413 5414 2415 5416 5418 2425 2417 5110 5111 5111A 2111 5112 5112A 5112B 2112 2112A 2112B 2316 2317 5133 <3>netconsole: failed to allocate memory netconsole eth0 <6>netconsole: network logging started <3>netconsole: cleaning up Well-known LUN No Device Unknown <5>SCSI subsystem initialized <3>SCSI subsystem failed to initialize, error = %d <4>%s %s: scsi_adjust_queue_depth, bad queue type, disabled drivers/scsi/scsi.c scsi_cmd_cache(DMA) scsi_sense_cache(DMA) scsi_cmd_cache scsi_sense_cache Direct-Access Sequential-Access Printer Processor WORM CD-ROM Scanner Optical Device Medium Changer Communications ASC IT8 RAID Enclosure Direct-Access-RBC Optical card Bridge controller Object storage Automation/Drive <3>ERROR: Scsi host '%s' attempted to flush scsi-work, when no workqueue created. <3>ERROR: Scsi host '%s' attempted to queue scsi-work, when no workqueue created. &shost->scan_mutex scsi_eh_%d <4>scsi_register() called on new-style template for driver %s <6>scsi%d : %s <3>%s: can_queue = 0 no longer supported scsi_wq_%d drivers/scsi/hosts.c <6>ioctl_internal_command: ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x%x ascq=0x%x <6>%s %s: ioctl_internal_command return code = %x Result: hostbyte=%s driverbyte=%s,%s Sense Key : %s Sense Key : 0x%x [deferred] [current] [descriptor] Task Aborted Unknown status Good Check Condition Busy Intermediate Intermediate-Condition Met Reservation Conflict Command Terminated Task set Full ACA Active short variable length command, len=%d ext_len=%d , in_cdb_len=%d, ext_len=%d cdb[0]=0x%x, sa=0x%x cdb[0]=0x%x (reserved) cdb[0]=0x%x (vendor) Unrecognized sense data (in hex): <6> Info fld=0x%x FMK EOM ILI Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex): Add. Sense: Add. Sense: %s <> ASC=0x%x ASCQ=0x%x ASC=0x%x <> ASCQ=0x%x <6>%s: <6>%s %s: [%s] CDB: <6>%s %s: CDB: <6>%s %s: [%s] %s: <6>%s %s: %s: <6>%s %s: [%s] <6>%s %s: SUGGEST_OK SUGGEST_RETRY SUGGEST_ABORT SUGGEST_REMAP SUGGEST_DIE SUGGEST_5 SUGGEST_6 SUGGEST_7 SUGGEST_SENSE DRIVER_OK DRIVER_BUSY DRIVER_SOFT DRIVER_MEDIA DRIVER_ERROR DRIVER_INVALID DRIVER_TIMEOUT DRIVER_HARD DRIVER_SENSE DID_OK DID_NO_CONNECT DID_BUS_BUSY DID_TIME_OUT DID_BAD_TARGET DID_ABORT DID_PARITY DID_ERROR DID_RESET DID_BAD_INTR DID_PASSTHROUGH DID_SOFT_ERROR DID_IMM_RETRY DID_REQUEUE DID_TRANSPORT_DISRUPTED DID_TRANSPORT_FAILFAST No additional sense information Filemark detected End-of-partition/medium detected Setmark detected Beginning-of-partition/medium detected End-of-data detected I/O process terminated Audio play operation in progress Audio play operation paused Audio play operation successfully completed Audio play operation stopped due to error No current audio status to return Operation in progress Cleaning requested Erase operation in progress Locate operation in progress Rewind operation in progress Set capacity operation in progress Verify operation in progress ATA pass through information available No index/sector signal No seek complete Peripheral device write fault No write current Excessive write errors Logical unit not ready, cause not reportable Logical unit is in process of becoming ready Logical unit not ready, initializing command required Logical unit not ready, manual intervention required Logical unit not ready, format in progress Logical unit not ready, rebuild in progress Logical unit not ready, recalculation in progress Logical unit not ready, operation in progress Logical unit not ready, long write in progress Logical unit not ready, self-test in progress Logical unit not accessible, asymmetric access state transition Logical unit not accessible, target port in standby state Logical unit not accessible, target port in unavailable state Logical unit not ready, auxiliary memory not accessible Logical unit not ready, notify (enable spinup) required Logical unit not ready, offline Logical unit does not respond to selection No reference position found Multiple peripheral devices selected Logical unit communication failure Logical unit communication time-out Logical unit communication parity error Logical unit communication CRC error (Ultra-DMA/32) Unreachable copy target Track following error Tracking servo failure Focus servo failure Spindle servo failure Head select fault Error log overflow Warning - specified temperature exceeded Warning - enclosure degraded Warning - background self-test failed Warning - background pre-scan detected medium error Warning - background medium scan detected medium error Write error Write error - recovered with auto reallocation Write error - auto reallocation failed Write error - recommend reassignment Compression check miscompare error Data expansion occurred during compression Block not compressible Write error - recovery needed Write error - recovery failed Write error - loss of streaming Write error - padding blocks added Auxiliary memory write error Write error - unexpected unsolicited data Write error - not enough unsolicited data Defects in error window Error detected by third party temporary initiator Third party device failure Copy target device not reachable Incorrect copy target device type Copy target device data underrun Copy target device data overrun Invalid information unit Information unit too short Information unit too long Invalid field in command information unit Id CRC or ECC error Logical block guard check failed Logical block application tag check failed Logical block reference tag check failed Unrecovered read error Read retries exhausted Error too long to correct Multiple read errors Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed L-EC uncorrectable error CIRC unrecovered error Data re-synchronization error Incomplete block read No gap found Miscorrected error Unrecovered read error - recommend reassignment Unrecovered read error - recommend rewrite the data De-compression CRC error Cannot decompress using declared algorithm Error reading UPC/EAN number Error reading ISRC number Read error - loss of streaming Auxiliary memory read error Read error - failed retransmission request Read error - lba marked bad by application client Address mark not found for id field Address mark not found for data field Recorded entity not found Record not found Filemark or setmark not found End-of-data not found Block sequence error Record not found - recommend reassignment Record not found - data auto-reallocated Locate operation failure Random positioning error Mechanical positioning error Positioning error detected by read of medium Data synchronization mark error Data sync error - data rewritten Data sync error - recommend rewrite Data sync error - data auto-reallocated Data sync error - recommend reassignment Recovered data with no error correction applied Recovered data with retries Recovered data with positive head offset Recovered data with negative head offset Recovered data with retries and/or circ applied Recovered data using previous sector id Recovered data without ECC - data auto-reallocated Recovered data without ECC - recommend reassignment Recovered data without ECC - recommend rewrite Recovered data without ECC - data rewritten Recovered data with error correction applied Recovered data with error corr. & retries applied Recovered data - data auto-reallocated Recovered data with CIRC Recovered data with L-EC Recovered data - recommend reassignment Recovered data - recommend rewrite Recovered data with ECC - data rewritten Recovered data with linking Defect list error Defect list not available Defect list error in primary list Defect list error in grown list Parameter list length error Synchronous data transfer error Defect list not found Primary defect list not found Grown defect list not found Miscompare during verify operation Recovered id with ECC correction Partial defect list transfer Invalid command operation code Access denied - initiator pending-enrolled Access denied - no access rights Access denied - invalid mgmt id key Illegal command while in write capable state Obsolete Illegal command while in explicit address mode Illegal command while in implicit address mode Access denied - enrollment conflict Access denied - invalid LU identifier Access denied - invalid proxy token Access denied - ACL LUN conflict Logical block address out of range Invalid element address Invalid address for write Invalid write crossing layer jump Illegal function (use 20 00, 24 00, or 26 00) Invalid field in cdb CDB decryption error Security audit value frozen Security working key frozen Nonce not unique Nonce timestamp out of range Logical unit not supported Invalid field in parameter list Parameter not supported Parameter value invalid Threshold parameters not supported Invalid release of persistent reservation Data decryption error Too many target descriptors Unsupported target descriptor type code Too many segment descriptors Unsupported segment descriptor type code Unexpected inexact segment Inline data length exceeded Invalid operation for copy source or destination Copy segment granularity violation Invalid parameter while port is enabled Invalid data-out buffer integrity check value Data decryption key fail limit reached Incomplete key-associated data set Vendor specific key reference not found Write protected Hardware write protected Logical unit software write protected Associated write protect Persistent write protect Permanent write protect Conditional write protect Not ready to ready change, medium may have changed Import or export element accessed Format-layer may have changed Power on, reset, or bus device reset occurred Power on occurred Scsi bus reset occurred Bus device reset function occurred Device internal reset Transceiver mode changed to single-ended Transceiver mode changed to lvd I_T nexus loss occurred Parameters changed Mode parameters changed Log parameters changed Reservations preempted Reservations released Registrations preempted Asymmetric access state changed Implicit asymmetric access state transition failed Priority changed Capacity data has changed Timestamp changed Data encryption parameters changed by another i_t nexus Data encryption parameters changed by vendor specific event Data encryption key instance counter has changed Copy cannot execute since host cannot disconnect Command sequence error Too many windows specified Invalid combination of windows specified Current program area is not empty Current program area is empty Illegal power condition request Persistent prevent conflict Previous busy status Previous task set full status Previous reservation conflict status Partition or collection contains user objects Not reserved Overwrite error on update in place Insufficient time for operation Commands cleared by another initiator Commands cleared by power loss notification Commands cleared by device server Incompatible medium installed Cannot read medium - unknown format Cannot read medium - incompatible format Cleaning cartridge installed Cannot write medium - unknown format Cannot write medium - incompatible format Cannot format medium - incompatible medium Cleaning failure Cannot write - application code mismatch Current session not fixated for append Cleaning request rejected WORM medium - overwrite attempted WORM medium - integrity check Medium not formatted Medium format corrupted Format command failed Zoned formatting failed due to spare linking No defect spare location available Defect list update failure Tape length error Enclosure failure Enclosure services failure Unsupported enclosure function Enclosure services unavailable Enclosure services transfer failure Enclosure services transfer refused Enclosure services checksum error Ribbon, ink, or toner failure Rounded parameter Event status notification Esn - power management class event Esn - media class event Esn - device busy class event Saving parameters not supported Medium not present Medium not present - tray closed Medium not present - tray open Medium not present - loadable Medium not present - medium auxiliary memory accessible Sequential positioning error Tape position error at beginning-of-medium Tape position error at end-of-medium Tape or electronic vertical forms unit not ready Slew failure Paper jam Failed to sense top-of-form Failed to sense bottom-of-form Reposition error Read past end of medium Read past beginning of medium Position past end of medium Position past beginning of medium Medium destination element full Medium source element empty End of medium reached Medium magazine not accessible Medium magazine removed Medium magazine inserted Medium magazine locked Medium magazine unlocked Mechanical positioning or changer error Read past end of user object Invalid bits in identify message Logical unit has not self-configured yet Logical unit failure Timeout on logical unit Logical unit failed self-test Logical unit unable to update self-test log Target operating conditions have changed Microcode has been changed Changed operating definition Inquiry data has changed Component device attached Device identifier changed Redundancy group created or modified Redundancy group deleted Spare created or modified Spare deleted Volume set created or modified Volume set deleted Volume set deassigned Volume set reassigned Reported luns data has changed Echo buffer overwritten Medium loadable Medium auxiliary memory accessible iSCSI IP address added iSCSI IP address removed iSCSI IP address changed Message error Internal target failure ATA device failed set features Select or reselect failure Unsuccessful soft reset Scsi parity error Data phase CRC error detected Scsi parity error detected during st data phase Information unit iuCRC error detected Asynchronous information protection error detected Protocol service CRC error Phy test function in progress Some commands cleared by iSCSI Protocol event Initiator detected error message received Invalid message error Command phase error Data phase error Invalid target port transfer tag received Too much write data Ack/nak timeout Nak received Data offset error Initiator response timeout Logical unit failed self-configuration Overlapped commands attempted Write append error Write append position error Position error related to timing Erase failure Erase failure - incomplete erase operation detected Cartridge fault Media load or eject failed Unload tape failure Medium removal prevented Medium removal prevented by data transfer element Medium thread or unthread failure Scsi to host system interface failure System resource failure System buffer full Insufficient reservation resources Insufficient resources Insufficient registration resources Insufficient access control resources Auxiliary memory out of space Quota error Maximum number of supplemental decryption keys exceeded Unable to recover table-of-contents Generation does not exist Updated block read Operator request or state change input Operator medium removal request Operator selected write protect Operator selected write permit Log exception Threshold condition met Log counter at maximum Log list codes exhausted Rpl status change Spindles synchronized Spindles not synchronized Failure prediction threshold exceeded Media failure prediction threshold exceeded Logical unit failure prediction threshold exceeded Spare area exhaustion prediction threshold exceeded Hardware impending failure general hard drive failure Hardware impending failure drive error rate too high Hardware impending failure data error rate too high Hardware impending failure seek error rate too high Hardware impending failure too many block reassigns Hardware impending failure access times too high Hardware impending failure start unit times too high Hardware impending failure channel parametrics Hardware impending failure controller detected Hardware impending failure throughput performance Hardware impending failure seek time performance Hardware impending failure spin-up retry count Hardware impending failure drive calibration retry count Controller impending failure general hard drive failure Controller impending failure drive error rate too high Controller impending failure data error rate too high Controller impending failure seek error rate too high Controller impending failure too many block reassigns Controller impending failure access times too high Controller impending failure start unit times too high Controller impending failure channel parametrics Controller impending failure controller detected Controller impending failure throughput performance Controller impending failure seek time performance Controller impending failure spin-up retry count Controller impending failure drive calibration retry count Data channel impending failure general hard drive failure Data channel impending failure drive error rate too high Data channel impending failure data error rate too high Data channel impending failure seek error rate too high Data channel impending failure too many block reassigns Data channel impending failure access times too high Data channel impending failure start unit times too high Data channel impending failure channel parametrics Data channel impending failure controller detected Data channel impending failure throughput performance Data channel impending failure seek time performance Data channel impending failure spin-up retry count Data channel impending failure drive calibration retry count Servo impending failure general hard drive failure Servo impending failure drive error rate too high Servo impending failure data error rate too high Servo impending failure seek error rate too high Servo impending failure too many block reassigns Servo impending failure access times too high Servo impending failure start unit times too high Servo impending failure channel parametrics Servo impending failure controller detected Servo impending failure throughput performance Servo impending failure seek time performance Servo impending failure spin-up retry count Servo impending failure drive calibration retry count Spindle impending failure general hard drive failure Spindle impending failure drive error rate too high Spindle impending failure data error rate too high Spindle impending failure seek error rate too high Spindle impending failure too many block reassigns Spindle impending failure access times too high Spindle impending failure start unit times too high Spindle impending failure channel parametrics Spindle impending failure controller detected Spindle impending failure throughput performance Spindle impending failure seek time performance Spindle impending failure spin-up retry count Spindle impending failure drive calibration retry count Firmware impending failure general hard drive failure Firmware impending failure drive error rate too high Firmware impending failure data error rate too high Firmware impending failure seek error rate too high Firmware impending failure too many block reassigns Firmware impending failure access times too high Firmware impending failure start unit times too high Firmware impending failure channel parametrics Firmware impending failure controller detected Firmware impending failure throughput performance Firmware impending failure seek time performance Firmware impending failure spin-up retry count Firmware impending failure drive calibration retry count Failure prediction threshold exceeded (false) Low power condition on Idle condition activated by timer Standby condition activated by timer Idle condition activated by command Standby condition activated by command Power state change to active Power state change to idle Power state change to standby Power state change to sleep Power state change to device control Lamp failure Video acquisition error Unable to acquire video Out of focus Scan head positioning error End of user area encountered on this track Packet does not fit in available space Illegal mode for this track Invalid packet size Voltage fault Automatic document feeder cover up Automatic document feeder lift up Document jam in automatic document feeder Document miss feed automatic in document feeder Configuration failure Configuration of incapable logical units failed Add logical unit failed Modification of logical unit failed Exchange of logical unit failed Remove of logical unit failed Attachment of logical unit failed Creation of logical unit failed Assign failure occurred Multiply assigned logical unit Set target port groups command failed ATA device feature not enabled Logical unit not configured Data loss on logical unit Multiple logical unit failures Parity/data mismatch Informational, refer to log State change has occurred Redundancy level got better Redundancy level got worse Rebuild failure occurred Recalculate failure occurred Command to logical unit failed Copy protection key exchange failure - authentication failure Copy protection key exchange failure - key not present Copy protection key exchange failure - key not established Read of scrambled sector without authentication Media region code is mismatched to logical unit region Drive region must be permanent/region reset count error Insufficient block count for binding nonce recording Conflict in binding nonce recording Decompression exception long algorithm id Session fixation error Session fixation error writing lead-in Session fixation error writing lead-out Session fixation error - incomplete track in session Empty or partially written reserved track No more track reservations allowed RMZ extension is not allowed No more test zone extensions are allowed Cd control error Power calibration area almost full Power calibration area is full Power calibration area error Program memory area update failure Program memory area is full RMA/PMA is almost full Current power calibration area almost full Current power calibration area is full RDZ is full Security error Unable to decrypt data Unencrypted data encountered while decrypting Incorrect data encryption key Cryptographic integrity validation failed Error decrypting data Logical unit access not authorized Ram failure (%x) Diagnostic failure on component (%x) Data path failure (%x) Power-on or self-test failure (%x) Tagged overlapped commands (queue tag %x) Decompression exception short algorithm id of %x No Sense Recovered Error Not Ready Medium Error Hardware Error Illegal Request Unit Attention Data Protect Blank Check Vendor Specific(9) Copy Aborted Aborted Command Volume Overflow Miscompare Report device identifier Report target port groups Report aliases Report supported operation codes Report supported task management functions Report priority Report timestamp Set device identifier Set target port groups Change aliases Set priority Set timestamp Read media serial number dummy entry Read capacity(16) Read long(16) Write long(16) Notify data transfer device(16) Test Unit Ready Rezero Unit/Rewind Request Sense Format Unit/Medium Read Block Limits Reasssign Blocks Read(6) Write(6) Seek(6) Read Reverse Write Filemarks Space Inquiry Verify(6) Recover Buffered Data Mode Select(6) Reserve(6) Release(6) Copy Mode Sense(6) Start/Stop Unit Receive Diagnostic Send Diagnostic Prevent/Allow Medium Removal Read Format Capacities Set Window Read Capacity(10) Read(10) Read Generation Write(10) Seek(10) Erase(10) Read updated block Write Verify(10) Search High Search Equal Search Low Set Limits Prefetch/Read Position Synchronize Cache(10) Lock/Unlock Cache(10) Read Defect Data(10) Medium Scan Compare Copy Verify Write Buffer Read Buffer Update Block Read Long(10) Write Long(10) Change Definition Write Same(10) Read sub-channel Read TOC/PMA/ATIP Read density support Play audio(10) Get configuration Play audio msf Play audio track/index Play track relative(10) Get event status notification Pause/resume Log Select Log Sense Stop play/scan Xdwrite Xpwrite, Read disk info Xdread, Read track info Reserve track Send OPC info Mode Select(10) Reserve(10) Release(10) Repair track Read master cue Mode Sense(10) Close track/session Read buffer capacity Send cue sheet Persistent reserve in Persistent reserve out Variable length Xdwrite(16) Rebuild(16) Regenerate(16) Extended copy Receive copy results ATA command pass through(16) Access control in Access control out Read(16) Memory Export Out(16) Write(16) Read attributes Write attributes Write and verify(16) Verify(16) Pre-fetch(16) Synchronize cache(16) Lock/unlock cache(16) Write same(16) Service action in(16) Service action out(16) Report luns ATA command pass through(12)/Blank Security protocol in Maintenance in Maintenance out Move medium/play audio(12) Exchange medium Move medium attached Read(12) Play track relative(12) Write(12) Erase(12), Get Performance Read DVD structure Write and verify(12) Verify(12) Search data high(12) Search data equal(12) Search data low(12) Set limits(12) Read element status attached Security protocol out Send volume tag, set streaming Read defect data(12) Read element status Read CD msf Redundancy group (in), Scan Redundancy group (out), Set cd-rom speed Spare (in), Play cd Spare (out), Mechanism status Volume set (in), Read cd Volume set (out), Send DVD structure <6>%s %s: reservation conflict drivers/scsi/scsi_error.c <6>%s %s: Device offlined - not ready after error recovery drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c <3>%s: Bytes in sg: %zu, requested offset %zu, elements %d <3>%s %s: rejecting I/O to offline device <3>%s %s: rejecting I/O to dead device <3>%s %s: event %d eaten due to OOM scsi_io_context <3>SCSI: can't init scsi io context cache scsi_data_buffer <3>SCSI: can't init scsi sdb cache <3>SCSI: can't init sg slab %s <3>SCSI: can't init sg mempool %s SDEV_MEDIA_CHANGE=1 Unhandled error code Unhandled sense code Media Changed Host Data Integrity Failure Target Data Integrity Failure Device not ready <6>%s %s: [%s] %s <6>%s %s: %s <3>%s %s: timing out command, waited %lus scsi: killing requests for dead queue <2>impossible request in %s. please mail a stack trace to linux-scsi@vger.kernel.org foo sgpool-8 sgpool-16 sgpool-32 sgpool-64 sgpool-128 drivers/scsi/scsi_scan.c <3>%s: allocation failure target%d:%d:%d <3>%s %s: target allocation failed, error %d <3>%s: Allocation failure during SCSI scanning, some SCSI devices might not be configured <6>scsi scan: %d byte inquiry failed. Consider BLIST_INQUIRY_36 for this device <6>scsi scan: INQUIRY result too short (%d), using 36 <6>scsi: unknown device type %d CCS <5>%s %s: %s %.8s %.16s %.4s PQ: %d ANSI: %d%s <3>%s %s: in wrong state %s to complete scan <3>%s %s: failed to configure device <5>scsi: unlocking floptical drive host %d channel %d id %d <4>scsi: On %s only %d (max_scsi_report_luns) of %d luns reported, try increasing max_scsi_report_luns. <4>scsi: %s lun 0x has a LUN larger than currently supported. <4>scsi: %s lun%d has a LUN larger than allowed by the host adapter <3>%s %s: Unexpected response from lun %d while scanning, scan aborted <6>scsi: waiting for bus probes to complete ... %s called twice for host %d scsi_target nullnullnullnull scsi:t-0x%02x simple %.4s %.16s %.8s %hd Initiator %10s %10s %10s %c MODALIAS=scsi:t-0x%02x <3>%s %s: target device_add failed, error %d <6>error 1 <6>error 2 <6>%s %s: Failed to register bsg queue, errno=%d scsi_device created running cancel created-blocked cancel/recovery deleted/recovery queue_depth queue_type unique_id host_busy cmd_per_lun can_queue sg_tablesize unchecked_isa_dma proc_name supported_mode active_mode prot_capabilities prot_guard_type device_blocked scsi_level rescan delete iocounterbits iorequest_cnt iodone_cnt ioerr_cnt evt_media_change '%.8s' '%.16s' 0x%x <4>%s: %s string '%s' is too long <3>%s: no memory ," <3>%s: bad dev info string '%s' '%s' '%s' scsi/device_info Aashima IMAGERY 2400SP CHINON CD-ROM CDS-431 H42 CD-ROM CDS-535 Q14 DENON DRD-25X HITACHI DK312C CM81 DK314C CR21 IBM 2104-DU3 2104-TU3 IMS CDD521/10 2.06 MAXTOR XT-3280 PR02 XT-4380S B3C MXT-1240S I1.2 XT-4170S B5A XT-8760S B7B MEDIAVIS RENO CD-ROMX2A 2.03 MICROTEK ScanMakerIII NEC CD-ROM DRIVE:841 1.0 PHILIPS PCA80SC V4-2 RODIME RO3000S 2.33 SENA SANYO CRD-250S 1.20 SEAGATE ST157N |j ST296 921 ST1581 6538 SONY CD-ROM CDU-541 4.3d CD-ROM CDU-55S 1.0i CD-ROM CDU-561 1.7x CD-ROM CDU-8012 SDT-5000 3.17 TANDBERG TDC 3600 U07 TEAC CD-R55S 1.0H CD-ROM 1.06 MT-2ST/45S2-27 RV M C1750A 3226 C1790A C2500A CDR-H93MV 1.31 ScanMaker II 5.61 MITSUMI CD-R CR-2201CS 6119 D3856 0009 QUANTUM LPS525S 3110 PD1225S FIREBALL ST4.3S 0F0C RELISYS Scorpio SANKYO CP525 6.64 TEXEL transtec T5008 YAMAHA CDR100 1.00 CDR102 CRW8424S CRW6416S 1.0c Scanner 1.80 3PARdata VV ADAPTEC AACRAID Adaptec 5400S AFT PRO -IX CF 0.0> BELKIN USB 2 HS-CF 1.95 BROWNIE 1200U3P 1600U3P CANON IPUBJD CBOX3 USB Storage-SMC 300A CMD CRA-7280 CNSI G7324 CNSi G8324 COMPAQ ARRAY CONTROLLER LOGICAL VOLUME CR3500 MSA1000 MSA1000 VOLUME HSV110 DDN SAN DataDirector DEC HSG80 DELL PV660F PV660F PSEUDO PSEUDO DEVICE . PV530F PERCRAID DGC EMC Invista SYMMETRIX EMULEX MD21/S2 ESDI easyRAID 16P X6P FSC CentricStor USB SD Reader 0180 0207 DF400 DF500 DF600 DISK-SUBSYSTEM OPEN-E OP-C- 3380- 3390- 6586- 6588- A6189A OPEN- NetRAID-4M HSV100 C1557A C3323-300 4269 C5713A AuSaV1S2 ProFibre 4000R 2105 iomega jaz 1GB J.86 IOMEGA Io20S *F INSITE Floptical F*8I I325VM iRiver iFP Mass Driver LASOUND CDX7405 3.10 MATSHITA PD-1 DMC-LC5 DMC-LC40 Medion Flash XL MMC/SD 2.6D MegaRAID LD MICROP 4110 MYLEX DACARMRB nCipher Fastness Crypto NAKAMICH MJ-4.8S MJ-5.16S PD-1 ODX654P iStorage NRC MBR-7 MBR-7.4 PIONEER CD-ROM DRM-600 CD-ROM DRM-602X CD-ROM DRM-604X CD-ROM DRM-624X Promise XP34301 1071 REGAL CDC-4X SanDisk ImageMate CF-SD1 ST34555N 0930 ST3390N 9546 RAID3 RAID5 TP9100 Universal Xport SMSC CD-ROM CDU-8001 TSL ST650211 T300 T4 Tornado- TOSHIBA USB2.0 SMARTMEDIA/XD WangDAT Model 2600 01.7 Model 3200 02.2 Model 1300 02.4 WDC WD25 00JB-00FUA0 XYRATEX Zzyzx RocketStor 500S RocketStor 2000 scsi/scsi Attached devices: Host: scsi%d Channel: %02d Id: %02d Lun: %02d Vendor: Model: Rev: Type: %s ANSI SCSI revision: %02x CCS scsi add-single-device scsi remove-single-device <3>%s: Failed to register host %d in%s <3>%s: proc_mkdir failed for %s &spi_dv_mutex(starget) %s = %d period = %s ns offset = %d width = %d Extended Message, reserved code (0x%02x) target routine Identify disconnect %sallowed %s %d reserved (%02x) QAS Request %s %02x reserved two byte (%02x %02x) reserved <3>%s %s: Domain Validation Disabing Information Units <3>%s %s: Domain Validation Disabing Quick Arbitration and Selection <3>%s %s: Domain Validation Failure, dropping back to Asynchronous <3>%s %s: Domain Validation detected failure, dropping back <6>%s %s: Beginning Domain Validation <3>%s %s: Domain Validation Initial Inquiry Failed <3>%s %s: Wide Transfers Fail <6>%s %s: Domain Validation skipping write tests <4>%s %s: Echo buffer size %d is too big, trimming to %d <6>%s %s: Ending Domain Validation <3>%s %s: Write Buffer failure %x FAST-20 FAST-? FAST-320 FAST-160 FAST-80 FAST-40 FAST-10 FAST-5 HMCS PCOMP WRFLOW RTI RDSTRM QAS IU WIDE <6>%s %s: %s %sSCSI %d.%d MB/s %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s (%s ns, offset %d) wide <6>%s %s: %sasynchronous include/linux/transport_class.h spi_transport spi_host signalling LVD HVD min_period max_offset max_width iu qas wr_flow rd_strm pcomp_en hold_mcs revalidate Modify Data Pointer Synchronous Data Transfer Request SCSI-I Extended Identify Wide Data Transfer Request Parallel Protocol Request Modify Bidirectional Data Pointer Task Complete Save Pointers Restore Pointers Disconnect Initiator Error Abort Task Set Message Reject Nop Message Parity Error Linked Command Complete Linked Command Complete w/flag Target Reset Abort Task Clear Task Set Initiate Recovery Release Recovery Terminate Process Continue Task Target Transfer Disable Clear ACA LUN Reset Simple Queue Tag Head of Queue Tag Ordered Queue Tag Ignore Wide Residue 2.0-870 <6>Loading iSCSI transport class v%s. iscsi_eh <3>iscsi: can not unicast skb (%d) <3>iscsi: can not broadcast skb (%d) <3>%s %s: Cannot notify userspace of session event %u <3>%s %s: Invalid event %u. <3>%s %s: Cannot notify userspace of session event %u. Check iscsi daemon <3>%s %s: gracefully ignored conn error (%d) <6>%s %s: detected conn error (%d) <3>%s %s: Could not delete all connections for session. Error %d. <3>%s %s: Too many iscsi targets. Max number of targets is %d. session%u <3>%s %s: could not register session's dev <3>iscsi: invalid session %d. <3>%s %s: couldn't create a new connection. <3>%s %s: can not deliver stats: OOM <3>target discovery could not find host no %u <3>set_host_param could not find host no %u <3>Could not allocate skb to send reply. <3>%s %s: can not deliver control PDU: OOM &ihost->mutex iscsi_scan_%d <6>%s %s: session recovery timed out after %d secs drivers/scsi/scsi_transport_iscsi.c <3>Too many connections. Max supported %u ep-%llu connection%d:%u <3>%s %s: could not register connection's dev <5>iscsi: registered transport (%s) iscsi_transport iscsi_endpoint iscsi_host iscsi_connection iscsi_session netdev ipaddress hwaddress initiatorname max_recv_dlength max_xmit_dlength header_digest data_digest ifmarker ofmarker exp_statsn persistent_address persistent_port ping_tmo recv_tmo initial_r2t max_outstanding_r2t immediate_data first_burst_len max_burst_len data_pdu_in_order data_seq_in_order erl targetname tpgt password password_in username username_in fast_abort abort_tmo lu_reset_tmo ifacename recovery_tmo LOGGED_IN FREE caps <3>%s %s: [%s] formatted with DIF Type 2 protection which is currently unsupported. Disabling disk! <3>%s %s: formatted with DIF Type 2 protection which is currently unsupported. Disabling disk! <3>%s %s: [%s] formatted with unknown protection type %d. Disabling disk! <3>%s %s: formatted with unknown protection type %d. Disabling disk! <4>%s %s: [%s] getting Control mode page failed, assume no ATO <4>%s %s: getting Control mode page failed, assume no ATO <3>%s %s: [%s] ATO Got wrong page <3>%s %s: ATO Got wrong page <4>%s %s: [%s] START_STOP FAILED <4>%s %s: START_STOP FAILED <5>%s %s: [%s] Synchronizing SCSI cache <5>%s %s: Synchronizing SCSI cache <5>%s %s: [%s] Stopping disk <5>%s %s: Stopping disk <5>%s %s: [%s] READ CAPACITY failed <5>%s %s: READ CAPACITY failed <5>%s %s: [%s] Sense not available. <5>%s %s: Sense not available. <5>%s %s: [%s] READ CAPACITY(16) failed <5>%s %s: READ CAPACITY(16) failed <5>%s %s: [%s] Use 0xffffffff as device size <5>%s %s: Use 0xffffffff as device size <3>%s %s: [%s] Too big for this kernel. Use a kernel compiled with support for large block devices. <3>%s %s: Too big for this kernel. Use a kernel compiled with support for large block devices. <5>%s %s: [%s] Sector size 0 reported, assuming 512. <5>%s %s: Sector size 0 reported, assuming 512. <5>%s %s: [%s] Unsupported sector size %d. <5>%s %s: Unsupported sector size %d. <5>%s %s: [%s] %llu %d-byte hardware sectors: (%s/%s) <5>%s %s: %llu %d-byte hardware sectors: (%s/%s) <4>%s %s: [%s] sd_revalidate_disk: Memory allocation failure. <4>%s %s: sd_revalidate_disk: Memory allocation failure. <5>%s %s: [%s] Unit Not Ready <5>%s %s: Unit Not Ready <5>%s %s: [%s] Spinning up disk... <5>%s %s: Spinning up disk... <5>%s %s: [%s] Assuming Write Enabled <5>%s %s: Assuming Write Enabled <4>%s %s: [%s] Test WP failed, assume Write Enabled <4>%s %s: Test WP failed, assume Write Enabled <5>%s %s: [%s] Write Protect is %s <5>%s %s: Write Protect is %s <7>%s %s: [%s] Mode Sense: %02x %02x %02x %02x <7>%s %s: Mode Sense: %02x %02x %02x %02x <3>%s %s: [%s] Missing header in MODE_SENSE response <3>%s %s: Missing header in MODE_SENSE response <3>%s %s: [%s] Malformed MODE SENSE response <3>%s %s: Malformed MODE SENSE response <3>%s %s: [%s] Got wrong page <3>%s %s: Got wrong page <5>%s %s: [%s] Uses READ/WRITE(6), disabling FUA <5>%s %s: Uses READ/WRITE(6), disabling FUA supports DPO and FUA doesn't support DPO or FUA <5>%s %s: [%s] Write cache: %s, read cache: %s, %s <5>%s %s: Write cache: %s, read cache: %s, %s <5>%s %s: [%s] Cache data unavailable <5>%s %s: Cache data unavailable <3>%s %s: [%s] Asking for cache data failed <3>%s %s: Asking for cache data failed <3>%s %s: [%s] Assuming drive cache: write through <3>%s %s: Assuming drive cache: write through not responding... <5>%s %s: [%s] Starting disk <5>%s %s: Starting disk <3>%s %s: [%s] Bad block number requested <3>%s %s: Bad block number requested <3>%s %s: [%s] Unknown command %x <3>%s %s: Unknown command %x <3>%s %s: [%s] FUA write on READ/WRITE(6) drive <3>%s %s: FUA write on READ/WRITE(6) drive drivers/scsi/sd.c removable <5>%s %s: [%s] Attached SCSI %sdisk <5>%s %s: Attached SCSI %sdisk scsi_disk write through write back write back, no read (daft) cache_type allow_restart manage_start_stop protection_type app_tag_own sr: can't switch blocksize: in interrupt <3>%s %s: [%s] bad sector size %d <3>%s %s: bad sector size %d Unknown sr command <3>%s %s: [%s] mismatch count %d, bytes %d <3>%s %s: mismatch count %d, bytes %d <5>%s %s: [%s] unaligned transfer <5>%s %s: unaligned transfer <3>sr: out of memory. cdda xa/form2 cd/rw dvd-ram writer %s: scsi3-mmc drive: %dx/%dx %s%s%s%s%s%s <7>%s %s: Attached scsi CD-ROM %s %s: scsi-1 drive %s: unsupported sector size %d. caddy tray pop-up cartridge changer <6>%s: disc change detected. <6>%s: CDROM not ready yet. <6>%s: CDROM not ready. Make sure there is a disc in the drive. <3>%s: CDROM (ioctl) error, command: CDROM does'nt support READ CD (0xbe) command <6>%s: Hmm, seems the drive doesn't support multisession CD's <6>%s: Hmm, seems the cdrom doesn't support multisession CD's <4>%s: No finished session <4>%s: unknown vendor code (%i), not initialized ? CD-ROM DRIVE:25 CD-ROM DRIVE:36 CD-ROM DRIVE:83 CD-ROM DRIVE:84 max_active_device=%d(origin 1) def_reserved_size=%d device %d detached ?? >>> device=%s detached pending close scsi%d chan=%d id=%d lun=%d em=%d sg_tablesize=%d excl=%d FD(%d): timeout=%dms bufflen=%d (res)sgat=%d low_dma=%d cmd_q=%d f_packid=%d k_orphan=%d closed=%d mmap>> dio>> rb>> act: rcv: fin: id=%d blen=%d dur=%d t_o/elap=%d/%d ms sgat=%d op=0x%02x No requests active %8.8s %16.16s %4.4s  %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 host chan id lun type opens qdepth busy online 3.5.34 %d %s [%s] scsi_generic <3>sg_cmd_done: NULL request <6>sg_cmd_done: device detached sg_cmd_done <4>alloc_disk failed <4>cdev_alloc failed <4>kmalloc Sg_device failure <4>idr expansion Sg_device failure <4>idr allocation Sg_device failure: %d sg%d <4>%s %s: Unable to attach sg device type=%d, minor number exceeds %d <4>sg_alloc failed <3>sg_add: device_create failed <3>sg_add: unable to make symlink 'generic' back to sg%d <4>sg_add: sg_sys Invalid <5>%s %s: Attached scsi generic sg%d type %d <4>sg_write: data in/out %d/%d bytes for SCSI command 0x%x--guessing data in; <4> program %s not setting count and/or reply_len properly allow_dio def_reserved_size device_hdr device_strs 20061027  <6>ata: SEMB device ignored %sata%u: FORCE: cable set to %s <4>ata: failed to extend force table, libata.force ignored unknown value ambigious value invalid device invalid port/link <4>ata: failed to parse force parameter "%s" (%s) ata_aux <7>libata version 3.00 loaded. drivers/ata/libata-core.c <3>%s %s: failed to enable device after resume (%d) %sata%u: %s: EXIT <3>%s %s: failed to start port %d (errno=%d) %sata%u.%02u: FORCE: PHY spd limit set to %s %sata%u: FORCE: PHY spd limit set to %s %sata%u.%02u: FORCE: link flag 0x%x forced -> 0x%x %sata%u: FORCE: link flag 0x%x forced -> 0x%x <3>%s %s: BUG: trying to register unstarted host %sata%u: %cATA max %s %s %sata%u: DUMMY irq %d %sata%u.%02u: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=%d) %sata%u: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=%d) %sata%u.%02u: COMRESET failed (errno=%d) %sata%u: COMRESET failed (errno=%d)  %sata%u.%02u: limiting SATA link speed to %s %sata%u: limiting SATA link speed to %s %sata%u.%02u: SATA link up %s (SStatus %X SControl %X) %sata%u: SATA link up %s (SStatus %X SControl %X) %sata%u.%02u: SATA link down (SStatus %X SControl %X) %sata%u: SATA link down (SStatus %X SControl %X) waking up from sleep %sata%u: illegal qc_active transition (%08x->%08x) %sata%u.%02u: limiting speed to %s %sata%u.%02u: qc timeout (cmd 0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: %s: ENTER %sata%u.%02u: NODEV after polling detection %sata%u.%02u: both IDENTIFYs aborted, assuming NODEV device reports invalid type SPINUP failed INIT_DEV_PARAMS failed unsupported class I/O error %sata%u.%02u: failed to IDENTIFY (%s, err_mask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: class mismatch %d != %d %sata%u.%02u: model number mismatch '%s' != '%s' %sata%u.%02u: serial number mismatch '%s' != '%s' %sata%u.%02u: %s: ENTER/EXIT -- nodev %sata%u.%02u: FORCE: horkage modified (%s) %sata%u.%02u: unsupported device, disabling not supported with this driver %sata%u.%02u: WARNING: ATAPI is %s, device ignored. 1.5 Gbps %sata%u.%02u: applying link speed limit horkage to %s %sata%u.%02u: failed to read native max address (err_mask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: HPA support seems broken, skipping HPA handling %sata%u.%02u: HPA detected: current %llu, native %llu %sata%u.%02u: native sectors (%llu) is smaller than sectors (%llu) %sata%u.%02u: failed to set max address (err_mask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: device aborted resize (%llu -> %llu), skipping HPA handling %sata%u.%02u: failed to re-read IDENTIFY data after HPA resizing %sata%u.%02u: HPA unlocked: %llu -> %llu, native %llu %sata%u.%02u: %s: cfg 49:%04x 82:%04x 83:%04x 84:%04x 85:%04x 86:%04x 87:%04x 88:%04x %sata%u.%02u: supports DRM functions and may not be fully accessable. CFA ATA-%d LBA48 LBA NCQ (not used) NCQ (depth %d) NCQ (depth %d/%d) %sata%u.%02u: %s: %s, %s, max %s %sata%u.%02u: %Lu sectors, multi %u: %s %s %sata%u.%02u: %Lu sectors, multi %u, CHS %u/%u/%u %sata%u.%02u: unsupported CDB len %sata%u.%02u: failed to enable ATAPI AN (err_mask=0x%x) , ATAPI AN , CDB intr , DMADIR %sata%u.%02u: ATAPI: %s, %s, max %s%s%s%s %sata%u.%02u: applying bridge limits %sata%u.%02u: Drive reports diagnostics failure. This may indicate a drive %sata%u.%02u: fault or invalid emulation. Contact drive vendor for information. %sata%u.%02u: WARNING: device requires firmware update to be fully functional. %sata%u.%02u: contact the vendor or visit http://ata.wiki.kernel.org. %sata%u.%02u: %s: EXIT, err %sata%u.%02u: class mismatch %u != %u %sata%u.%02u: n_sectors mismatch %llu != %llu %sata%u.%02u: revalidation failed (errno=%d) %sata%u.%02u: failed to resume link for reset (errno=%d) %sata%u: failed to resume link for reset (errno=%d) %sata%u.%02u: device is on DMA blacklist, disabling DMA %sata%u.%02u: simplex DMA is claimed by other device, disabling DMA %sata%u.%02u: limited to UDMA/33 due to 40-wire cable %sata%u.%02u: FORCE: xfer_mask set to %s %sata%u.%02u: no PIO support (device error ignored) %sata%u.%02u: configured for %s%s %sata%u.%02u: failed to set xfermode (err_mask=0x%x) 80c short40c sata 1.5Gbps 3.0Gbps noncq pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio4 pio5 pio6 mwdma0 mwdma1 mwdma2 mwdma3 mwdma4 udma0 udma16 udma/16 udma1 udma25 udma/25 udma2 udma33 udma/33 udma3 udma44 udma/44 udma4 udma66 udma/66 udma5 udma100 udma/100 udma6 udma133 udma/133 udma7 nohrst nosrst norst 3.0 Gbps 6.0 Gbps WDC AC11000H WDC AC22100H WDC AC32500H WDC AC33100H WDC AC31600H WDC AC32100H 24.09P07 WDC AC23200L 21.10N21 Compaq CRD-8241B CRD-8400B CRD-8480B CRD-8482B CRD-84 SanDisk SDP3B SanDisk SDP3B-64 SANYO CD-ROM CRD HITACHI CDR-8 HITACHI CDR-8335 HITACHI CDR-8435 Toshiba CD-ROM XM-6202B TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-1702BC CD-532E-A E-IDE CD-ROM CR-840 CD-ROM Drive/F5A WPI CDD-820 SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-148C SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC ATAPI CD-ROM DRIVE 40X MAXIMUM _NEC DV5800A SAMSUNG CD-ROM SN-124 N001 Seagate STT20000A Config Disk TORiSAN DVD-ROM DRD-N216 QUANTUM DAT DAT72-000 WDC WD740ADFD-00 WDC WD740ADFD-00NLR1 FUJITSU MHT2060BH Maxtor * BANC* Maxtor 7V300F0 VA111630 ST380817AS 3.42 ST3160023AS OCZ CORE_SSD 02.10104 ST31500341AS SD15 SD16 SD17 SD18 SD19 ST31000333AS ST3640623AS ST3640323AS ST3320813AS ST3320613AS HTS541060G9SA00 MB3OC60D HTS541080G9SA00 MB4OC60D HTS541010G9SA00 MBZOC60D HDS724040KLSA80 KFAOA20N WDC WD3200JD-00KLB0 WD-WCAMR1130137 WDC WD2500JD-00HBB0 WD-WMAL71490727 MAXTOR 6L080L4 A93.0500 ST340823A ST320413A ST310211A QUANTUM FIREBALLlct10 05 A03.0900 TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S202H SB00 SB01 TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S202J TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S202N MTRON MSP-SATA* WD My Book PIO0 PIO1 PIO2 PIO3 PIO4 PIO5 PIO6 MWDMA0 MWDMA1 MWDMA2 MWDMA3 MWDMA4 UDMA/16 UDMA/25 UDMA/33 UDMA/44 UDMA/66 UDMA/100 UDMA/133 UDMA7 <4>ata%u: no sense translation for error 0x%02x <4>ata%u: no sense translation for status: 0x%02x <3>ata%u: translated ATA stat/err 0x%02x/%02x to SCSI SK/ASC/ASCQ 0x%x/%02x/%02x %sata%u.%02u: DISK MIGHT NOT BE SPUN DOWN PROPERLY. UPDATE SHUTDOWN UTILITY %sata%u.%02u: For more info, visit http://linux-ata.org/shutdown.html %sata%u.%02u: WARNING: zero len r/w req <4>ata%u: status=0x%02x { DriveReady DeviceFault SeekComplete DataRequest CorrectedError Index <4>ata%u: error=0x%02x { DriveStatusError BadCRC Sector UncorrectableError SectorIdNotFound TrackZeroNotFound AddrMarkNotFound %sata%u.%02u: drain buffer allocation failed drivers/ata/libata-scsi.c %sata%u.%02u: detaching (SCSI %s) %sata%u: WARNING: synchronous SCSI scan failed without making any progress, switching to async ATA n/a Maxtor BANC1G10 linux libata 3.00 %sata%u.%02u: invalid multi_count %u ignored link_power_management_policy unload_heads em_message em_message_type sw_activity max_performance min_power medium_power drivers/ata/libata-eh.c %sata%u.%02u: head unload failed! %sata%u.%02u: invalid checksum 0x%x on log page 10h %sata%u.%02u: failed to read log page 10h (errno=%d) %sata%u: failed to read log page 10h (errno=%d) %sata%u.%02u: log page 10h reported inactive tag %d %sata%u: log page 10h reported inactive tag %d %sata%u.%02u: NCQ disabled due to excessive errors %sata%u.%02u: port disabled. ignoring. %sata%u: port disabled. ignoring. %sata%u.%02u: prereset failed (errno=%d) %sata%u: prereset failed (errno=%d) hard %sata%u.%02u: %s resetting link %sata%u: %s resetting link %sata%u.%02u: hard resetting link %sata%u: hard resetting link %sata%u.%02u: follow-up softreset required but no softreset avaliable %sata%u: follow-up softreset required but no softreset avaliable %sata%u.%02u: no reset method available, skipping reset %sata%u: no reset method available, skipping reset %sata%u.%02u: link online but device misclassified, retrying %sata%u: link online but device misclassified, retrying %sata%u.%02u: link online but device misclassified, device detection might fail %sata%u: link online but device misclassified, device detection might fail %sata%u.%02u: reset failed (errno=%d), retrying in %u secs %sata%u: reset failed (errno=%d), retrying in %u secs t%d %sata%u.%02u: exception Emask 0x%x SAct 0x%x SErr 0x%x action 0x%x%s%s %sata%u.%02u: %s %sata%u: exception Emask 0x%x SAct 0x%x SErr 0x%x action 0x%x%s%s %sata%u: %s DevExch UnrecFIS TrStaTrns LinkSeq Handshk Dispar 10B8B CommWake PHYInt PHYRdyChg HostInt Proto Persist UnrecovData RecovComm RecovData %sata%u.%02u: SError: { %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s} %sata%u: SError: { %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s} %s %u %s cdb %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x  host bus error ATA bus error HSM violation internal error media error invalid argument device error unknown error %sata%u.%02u: cmd %02x/%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x/%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x/%02x tag %d%s %sres %02x/%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x/%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x/%02x Emask 0x%x (%s)%s %sata%u.%02u: status: { Busy } ERR DRQ DF DRDY %sata%u.%02u: status: { %s%s%s%s} ABRT IDNF UNC ICRC %sata%u.%02u: error: { %s%s%s%s} %sata%u.%02u: disabled %sata%u.%02u: reset failed, giving up %sata%u: reset failed, giving up %sata%u.%02u: TEST_UNIT_READY failed (err_mask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: failed to clear UNIT ATTENTION (err_mask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: UNIT ATTENTION persists after %d tries %s %s%llu@0x%llx %s 0x%llx %sata%u: EH pending after %d tries, giving up %sata%u: EH complete bidi <4>%s %s: failed to request/iomap BARs for port %d (errno=%d) cmd 0x%llx ctl 0x%llx <3>%s %s: no available native port <3>%s %s: failed to request/iomap BAR4 bmdma 0x%llx <3>%s %s: failed to allocate ATA host <3>%s %s: no valid port_info specified drivers/ata/libata-sff.c %sata%u: ata_dev_select: ENTER, device %u, wait %u ST_FIRST: !(DRQ|ERR|DF) ST_FIRST: DRQ=1 with device error, dev_stat 0x%X ST-ATAPI: DRQ=1 with device error, dev_stat 0x%X unexpected or too much trailing data buf=%u cur=%u bytes=%u ATAPI check failed (ireason=0x%x bytes=%u) ST-ATA: DRQ=0 without device error, dev_stat 0x%X ST-ATA: BUSY|DRQ persists on ERR|DF, dev_stat 0x%X BMDMA stat 0x%x %sata%u: disabling port %sata%u.%02u: SRST failed (errno=%d) %sata%u: SRST failed (errno=%d) %sata%u.%02u: device not ready (errno=%d), forcing hardreset %sata%u: device not ready (errno=%d), forcing hardreset %sata%u: port is slow to respond, please be patient (Status 0x%x) %sata%u: port failed to respond (%lu secs, Status 0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: failed to recover link after %d tries, disabling %sata%u: failed to recover link after %d tries, disabling failed to write GSCR_ERROR_EN %sata%u.%02u: Port Multiplier %s, 0x%04x:0x%04x r%d, %d ports, feat 0x%x/0x%x %sata%u.%02u: Asynchronous notification not supported, hotplug won't work on fan-out ports. Use warm-plug instead. invalid nr_ports %sata%u.%02u: failed to configure Port Multiplier (%s, Emask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: failed to write SCR %d (Emask=0x%x) %sata%u: failed to write SCR %d (Emask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: failed to read PMP GSCR[%d] (Emask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: Port Multiplier detaching drivers/ata/libata-pmp.c %sata%u.%02u: failed to reset PMP, giving up %sata%u: failed to reset PMP, giving up %sata%u.%02u: Port Multiplier vendor mismatch '0x%x' != '0x%x' %sata%u.%02u: Port Multiplier device ID mismatch '0x%x' != '0x%x' %sata%u.%02u: Port Multiplier nr_ports mismatch '0x%x' != '0x%x' %sata%u.%02u: PMP revalidation failed (errno=%d) %sata%u.%02u: failed to read PMP product ID (Emask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: PMP product ID mismatch %sata%u.%02u: failed to recover PMP after %d tries, giving up %sata%u.%02u: failed to disable NOTIFY (err_mask=0x%x) %sata%u: failed to disable NOTIFY (err_mask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: failed to clear SError.N (errno=%d) %sata%u: failed to clear SError.N (errno=%d) %sata%u.%02u: failed to write PMP_FEAT_EN (Emask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: failed to read PMP_GSCR_ERROR (Emask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: PHY status changed but maxed out on retries, giving up %sata%u: PHY status changed but maxed out on retries, giving up %sata%u.%02u: Manully issue scan to resume this link %sata%u: Manully issue scan to resume this link %sata%u: PMP SError.N set for some ports, repeating recovery %sata%u: failed to recover PMP after %d tries, giving up %sata%u.%02u: host does not support Port Multiplier %sata%u.%02u: Port Multiplier must be the first device %sata%u.%02u: failed to initialize PMP links %sata%u.%02u: Port Multipliers cannot be nested %sata%u.%02u: failed to read SCR %d (Emask=0x%x) %sata%u: failed to read SCR %d (Emask=0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: %s: ENTER: port#: %d %sata%u.%02u: _GTF evaluation failed (AE 0x%x) %sata%u.%02u: %s: Run _GTF: length or ptr is NULL (0x%llx, 0x%p) %sata%u.%02u: _GTF unexpected object type 0x%x %sata%u.%02u: unexpected _GTF length (%d) %sata%u.%02u: %s: returning gtf=%p, gtf_count=%d %sata%u: ACPI set timing mode failed (status=0x%x) %sata%u: ACPI get timing mode failed (AE 0x%x) %sata%u: _GTM returned unexpected object type 0x%x %sata%u: _GTM returned invalid length %d %sata%u.%02u: %s: ix = %d, port#: %d %sata%u.%02u: ACPI _SDD failed (AE 0x%x) filtered out rejected by device (Stat=0x%02x Err=0x%02x) failed (Emask=0x%x Stat=0x%02x Err=0x%02x) %sata%u.%02u: ACPI cmd %02x/%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x %s %sata%u.%02u: failed to IDENTIFY after ACPI commands %sata%u.%02u: ACPI: failed the second time, disabled BAY_EVENT=%d ACPI event drivers/ata/libata-acpi.c ahci failed to stop engine failed stop FIS RX %sata%u: %s (%d) %sata%u.%02u: SB600 AHCI: limiting to 255 sectors per cmd <4>%s %s: %s (%d) drivers/ata/ahci.c <3>%s %s: controller reset failed (0x%x) <6>%s %s: skipping global host reset %sata%u.%02u: failed to reset engine (errno=%d) %sata%u: failed to reset engine (errno=%d) device not ready 1st FIS failed %sata%u.%02u: softreset failed (%s) %sata%u: softreset failed (%s) <7>%s %s: version 3.0 <6>%s %s: controller is in combined mode, can't enable AHCI mode <6>%s %s: controller can't do 64bit DMA, forcing 32bit <6>%s %s: controller can't do NCQ, turning off CAP_NCQ <6>%s %s: controller can do NCQ, turning on CAP_NCQ <6>%s %s: controller can't do PMP, turning off CAP_PMP <6>%s %s: JMB361 has only one port, port_map 0x%x -> 0x%x <3>%s %s: MV_AHCI HACK: port_map %x -> %x <3>%s %s: Disabling your PATA port. Use the boot option 'ahci.marvell_enable=0' to avoid this. <4>%s %s: implemented port map (0x%x) contains more ports than nr_ports (%u), using nr_ports <4>%s %s: forcing PORTS_IMPL to 0x%x <6>%s %s: quirky BIOS, skipping spindown on poweroff <6>ahci: SSS flag set, parallel bus scan disabled abar <6>%s %s: enabling ASUS P5W DH Deluxe on-board SIMG4726 workaround <3>%s %s: 64-bit DMA enable failed <3>%s %s: 32-bit DMA enable failed <3>%s %s: 32-bit consistent DMA enable failed 1.5 <6>%s %s: AHCI %02x%02x.%02x%02x %u slots %u ports %s Gbps 0x%x impl %s mode ems part slum pio pmp only nz clo pm stag ilck sntf ncq 64bit <6>%s %s: flags: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s irq_stat 0x%08x unknown FIS %08x %08x %08x %08x incorrect PMP interface fatal error connection status changed PHY RDY changed <4>%s %s: interrupt on disabled port %u %sata%u.%02u: failed due to HW bug, retry pmp=0 %sata%u: failed due to HW bug, retry pmp=0 HP Compaq nx6310 P5W DH Deluxe ata_piix <7>%s %s: version 2.12 <6>%s %s: quirky BIOS, skipping spindown on poweroff and hibernation <6>%s %s: MAP [ XX -- drivers/ata/ata_piix.c IDE IDE P%d ] <3>%s %s: invalid MAP value %u <4>%s %s: Samsung DB-P70 detected, disabling SIDPR <6>%s %s: SCR access via SIDPR is available but doesn't work <6>%s %s: applying IOCFG bit18 quirk <4>%s %s: 450NX errata present, disabling IDE DMA. <4>%s %s: A BIOS update may resolve this. Tecra M3, Portable PC Version A0 TECRA M3 TECRA M4 TECRA M5 TECRA M6 TECRA M7 TECRA A8 Satellite R20 Satellite R25 Satellite U200 Satellite Pro U200 Satellite U205 SATELLITE U205 Portege M500 HP Compaq 2510p M570U pata_amd (%u:%u:0x%x) %sata%u: nv_mode_filter: 0x%lx&0x%lx->0x%lx, BIOS=0x%lx (0x%x) ACPI=0x%lx%s <3>%s %s: unknown mode %d. <7>%s %s: version 0.4.1 pata_mpiix <7>%s %s: version 0.7.7 cmd 0x%x ctl 0x%x pata_oldpiix <7>%s %s: version 0.5.5 pata_sch <7>%s %s: version 0.2 ata_generic %sata%u.%02u: configured for %s %sata%u.%02u: configured for PIO <6>init_ohci1394_dma: initializing OHCI-1394 at %02x:%02x.%x <6>init_ohci1394_dma: finished initializing OHCI DMA %s %d <6>cdrom: invalid option%d CD-ROM information, Id: cdrom.c 3.20 2003/12/17 drive name: drive speed: drive # of slots: Can close tray: Can open tray: Can lock tray: Can change speed: Can select disk: Can read multisession: Can read MCN: Reports media changed: Can play audio: Can write CD-R: Can write CD-RW: Can read DVD: Can write DVD-R: Can write DVD-RAM: Can read MRW: Can write MRW: Can write RAM: <6>cdrom: info buffer too small <6>cdrom: entering CDROMPAUSE/CDROMRESUME <6>cdrom: entering CDROMSTART/CDROMSTOP <6>cdrom: entering cdrom_count_tracks <6>cdrom: track %d: format=%d, ctrl=%d <6>cdrom: disc has %d tracks: %d=audio %d=data %d=Cd-I %d=XA <6>cdrom: entering check_for_audio_disc <6>cdrom: drive_status=%d <6>cdrom: the tray is open... <6>cdrom: trying to close the tray. <6>cdrom: bummer. tried to close tray but failed. <6>cdrom: bummer. this driver can't close the tray. <6>cdrom: bummer. the tray is still not closed. <6>cdrom: bummer. disc isn't ready. <6>cdrom: the tray is now closed. <6>cdrom: entering unregister_cdrom <6>cdrom: drive "/dev/%s" unregistered <6>cdrom: entering register_cdrom <6>Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20 <6>cdrom: drive "/dev/%s" registered <6>Uniform CD-ROM driver unloaded <6>cdrom: entering cdrom_load_unload() <6>cdrom: entering cdrom_release <6>cdrom: Use count for "/dev/%s" now zero <6>cdrom: %s: No DVD+RW <6>cdrom: %s: DVD+RW media clean <6>cdrom: %s: dirty DVD+RW media, "finalizing" <6>cdrom: Unlocking door! <6>cdrom: issuing MRW back ground format suspend <6>cdrom: entering CDROMPLAYBLK <6>cdrom: entering CDROMPLAYMSF <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_LAST_WRITTEN <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_NEXT_WRITABLE <6>cdrom: entering DVD_AUTH <6>cdrom: entering DVD_LU_SEND_AGID <6>cdrom: entering DVD_LU_SEND_KEY1 <6>cdrom: entering DVD_LU_SEND_CHALLENGE <6>cdrom: entering DVD_LU_SEND_TITLE_KEY <6>cdrom: entering DVD_LU_SEND_ASF <6>cdrom: entering DVD_HOST_SEND_CHALLENGE <6>cdrom: entering DVD_HOST_SEND_KEY2 <6>cdrom: entering DVD_INVALIDATE_AGID <6>cdrom: entering DVD_LU_SEND_RPC_STATE <6>cdrom: entering DVD_HOST_SEND_RPC_STATE <6>cdrom: Invalid DVD key ioctl (%d) <6>cdrom: entering CDROMVOLUME <6>cdrom: entering DVD_READ_STRUCT <6>cdrom: Received invalid BCA length (%d) <6>cdrom: Received invalid manufacture info length (%d) <6>cdrom: : Invalid DVD structure read requested (%d) cdrom: dropping to single frame dma cdrom: dropping to old style cdda (sense=%x) <6>cdrom: entering cdrom_open <6>cdrom: entering open_for_data <6>cdrom: bummer. tried to close the tray but failed. <6>cdrom: bummer. this drive can't close the tray. <6>cdrom: tray might not contain a medium. <6>cdrom: bummer. no disc. <6>cdrom: bummer. wrong media type. <6>cdrom: pid %d must open device O_NONBLOCK! <6>cdrom: wrong media type, but CDO_CHECK_TYPE not set. <6>cdrom: all seems well, opening the device. <6>cdrom: opening the device gave me %d. <6>cdrom: open device failed. <6>cdrom: door locked. <6>cdrom: device opened successfully. <6>cdrom: open failed. <6>cdrom: door unlocked. <6>cdrom: %s: mrw address space %s selected <3>cdrom: failed setting lba address space <6>cdrom open: mrw_status '%s' Re <6>cdrom: %sstarting format <6>cdrom: bgformat failed <6>cdrom: can open for random write <6>cdrom: Use count for "/dev/%s" now %d <6>cdrom: entering cdrom_number_of_slots() <6>cdrom: entering CDROMMULTISESSION <6>cdrom: CDROMMULTISESSION successful <6>cdrom: entering CDROMEJECT <6>cdrom: entering CDROMCLOSETRAY <6>cdrom: entering CDROMEJECT_SW <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_MEDIA_CHANGED <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_SET_OPTIONS <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_CLEAR_OPTIONS <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_SELECT_SPEED <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_SELECT_DISC <6>cdrom: Using generic cdrom_select_disc() <6>cdrom: entering cdrom_select_disc() <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_RESET Unl <6>cdrom: %socking door. En Dis <6>cdrom: %sabling debug. <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_GET_CAPABILITY <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_GET_MCN <6>cdrom: CDROM_GET_MCN successful <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_DRIVE_STATUS <6>cdrom: entering cdrom_slot_status() <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_DISC_STATUS <6>cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize! <6>cdrom: entering CDROM_CHANGER_NSLOTS <6>cdrom: entering CDROMPLAYTRKIND <6>cdrom: entering CDROMVOLCTRL <6>cdrom: entering CDROMVOLREAD <6>cdrom: doing audio ioctl (start/stop/pause/resume) not mrw bgformat inactive bgformat active mrw complete dev: size erasesize name mtd%d: %8.8llx %8.8x "%s" drivers/mtd/mtdcore.c <5>Removing MTD device #%d (%s) with use count %d <4>%s: unlock failed, writes may not work <6>mtd: Giving out device %d to %s <6>MTDSB: Device #%u doesn't appear to exist <5>MTD: MTD device with name "%s" not found. <5>MTD: Attempt to mount non-MTD device "%s" <5>%s partition parsing not available <5>%d %s partitions found on MTD device %s <5>Creating %d MTD partitions on "%s": <3>memory allocation error while creating partitions for "%s" <5>Moving partition %d: 0x%012llx -> 0x%012llx <5>0x%012llx-0x%012llx : "%s" <3>mtd: partition "%s" is out of reach -- disabled <4>mtd: partition "%s" extends beyond the end of device "%s" -- size truncated to %#llx drivers/mtd/mtdpart.c <4>mtd: partition "%s" doesn't start on an erase block boundary -- force read-only <4>mtd: partition "%s" doesn't end on an erase block -- force read-only drivers/mtd/mtd_blkdevs.c &new->lock %s%c %s%c%c <4>Unable to register %s block device on major %d: %d %sd <5>Unknown request %u <4>mtdblock: erase of region [0x%lx, 0x%x] on "%s" failed &mtdblk->cache_mutex mtdblock Unknown status for block %ld in EUN %d: %x <4>Infinite loop in Virtual Unit Chain 0x%lx DiskOnChip <3>NFTL no longer supports the old DiskOnChip drivers loaded via docprobe. Please use the new diskonchip driver under the NAND subsystem. <4>NFTL: out of memory for data structures <4>NFTL: could not mount device <4>NFTL: cannot calculate a geometry to match size of 0x%lx. <4>NFTL: using C:%d H:%d S:%d (== 0x%lx sects) nftl Error while formatting block %d Formatting chain at block %d Formatting block %d incorrect ReplUnitTable[] : %d <4>Block read at 0x%x of mtd%d failed: %d <4>Further failures for this block will not be printed ANAND <4>ANAND header found at 0x%x in mtd%d, but OOB data read failed (err %d) <5>NFTL Media Headers at 0x%x and 0x%x disagree. <5>NFTL Media Header sanity check failed: <5>nb_boot_blocks (%d) + 2 > nb_blocks (%d) <5>numvunits (%d) > nb_blocks (%d) - nb_boot_blocks(%d) - 2 <5>NFTL: allocation of EUNtable failed <5>NFTL: allocation of ReplUnitTable failed Could not find valid boot record Block %d: free but referenced in chain %d Block %d: incorrect logical block: %d expected: %d Block %d: incorrectly marked as first block in chain Block %d: folding in progress - ignoring first block flag Block %d: referencing invalid block %d Block %d: referencing block %d already in another chain Could read foldmark at block %d Incorrect free sector %d in block %d: marking it as ignored nftl: length too long %d ! Two chains at blocks %d (len=%d) and %d (len=%d) Unreferenced block %d, formatting it goldfish_nand_block_markbad: invalid arg, ofs %llx, dev_size %llx, write_size %x goldfish_nand_block_isbad: invalid arg, ofs %llx, dev_size %llx, write_size %x goldfish_nand_write: invalid write, start %llx, len %x, dev_size %llx, write_size %x goldfish_nand_read: invalid read, start %llx, len %x, dev_size %llx, write_size %x goldfish_nand_write_oob: invalid write, start %llx, len %x, ooblen %x, dev_size %llx, write_size %x goldfish_nand_read_oob: invalid read, start %llx, len %x, ooblen %x, dev_size %llx, write_size %x goldfish_nand_erase: erase failed, start %llx, len %x, dev_size %llx, erase_size %x goldfish_nand_erase: invalid erase, start %llx, len %x, dev_size %llx, erase_size %x goldfish_nand_init: version mismatch, got %d, expected %d goldfish nand dev%d: size %llx, page %d, extra %d, erase %d goldfish_nand_init_device failed to get dev name %d != %d goldfish_nand drivers/mtd/nand/nand_base.c nand-disk <4>No oob scheme defined for oobsize %d <4>No ECC functions supplied, Hardware ECC not possible <4>%d byte HW ECC not possible on %d byte page size, fallback to SW ECC <4>NAND_ECC_NONE selected by board driver. This is not recommended !! <4>Invalid NAND_ECC_MODE %d <4>Invalid ecc parameters <6>nand_write_oob: Attempt to write past end of page <6>nand_read_oob: Attempt to start write outside oob <6>nand_read_oob: Attempt write beyond end of device <5>nand_write: Attempt to write not page aligned data <3>nand_resume() called for a chip which is not in suspended state <6>nand_read_oob: Attempt read beyond end of device <6>%s: second ID read did not match %02x,%02x against %02x,%02x <6>NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0x%02x, Chip ID: 0x%02x (%s %s) <4>NAND bus width %d instead %d bit <4>No NAND device found!!! <6>%d NAND chips detected <2>nand_scan() called with NULL mtd->owner! <6>nand_read_oob: Attempt to start read outside oob <6>nand_erase: Unaligned address <6>nand_erase: Length not block aligned <6>nand_erase: Erase past end of device <6>nand_erase: Device is write protected!!! <4>nand_erase: attempt to erase a bad block at page 0x%08x <6>nand_erase: Failed erase, page 0x%08x <6>nand_erase_nand: nand_update_bbt (%d:0x%0llx 0x%0x) <4>Bad block table not found for chip %d <7>Bad block table found at page %d, version 0x%02X <6>Scanning device for bad blocks <4>create_bbt(): chipnr (%d) > available chips (%d) <4>Bad eraseblock %d at 0x%012llx <6>nand_bbt: Error reading bad block table <4>nand_bbt: ECC error while reading bad block table <7>nand_read_bbt: Reserved block at 0x%012llx <7>nand_read_bbt: Bad block at 0x%012llx <3>No space left to write bad block table <6>nand_bbt: Error reading block for writing the bad block table <4>nand_bbt: ECC error while reading block for writing bad block table <7>Bad block table written to 0x%012llx, version 0x%02X <4>nand_bbt: Error while writing bad block table %d <3>nand_update_bbt: Out of memory <3>nand_scan_bbt: Out of memory <3>nand_bbt: Can't scan flash and build the RAM-based BBT <3>nand_bbt: Out of memory <7>Bad block table at page %d, version 0x%02X <3>uncorrectable error : NAND 16MiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 16MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 16MiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 16MiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 32MiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 32MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 32MiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 32MiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 64MiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 64MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 64MiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 64MiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 128MiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 128MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 128MiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 128MiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 256MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 256MiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 256MiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 256MiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 512MiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 512MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 512MiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 512MiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 1GiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 1GiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 1GiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 1GiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 2GiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 2GiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 2GiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 2GiB 3,3V 16-bit Toshiba Samsung Fujitsu National Renesas ST Micro Hynix <3>%s %s: failed to allocate device structure. <3>%s %s: ioremap failed gen_nand SOCKET_NO=%u <3>%s %s: cs: time out after reset. <3>%s %s: cs: voltage interrogation timed out. <3>%s %s: cs: cardbus cards are not supported. <3>%s %s: cs: unsupported voltage key. <3>%s %s: cs: unable to apply power. <3>%s %s: *** DANGER *** unable to remove socket power <5>%s %s: pccard: card ejected from slot %d drivers/pcmcia/cs_internal.h CardBus PCMCIA <5>%s %s: pccard: %s card inserted into slot %d <4>%s %s: PCMCIA: unable to register socket <4>%s %s: err %d adding socket attributes pcmcia_socket%u &socket->skt_mutex pccardd <4>%s %s: PCMCIA: warning: socket thread did not start pcmcia_socket <5>%s %s: cs: unable to map card memory! <4>%s %s: no memory to read tuple <4>%s %s: no memory for verifying CIS <4>%s %s: replacement CIS too big <4>%s %s: no memory to replace CIS <4>%s %s: no memory to validate CIS %d.%dV X.XV 32-bit 16-bit cis card_type card_voltage card_vpp card_vcc card_insert card_pm_state card_eject card_irq_mask available_resources_setup_done Unknown service number <6>pcmcia: bus_rescan_devices failed after allowing func_id matches pcmcia:m%04Xc%04Xf%02Xfn%02Xpfn%02Xpa%08Xpb%08Xpc%08Xpd%08X <4>pcmcia: bus_register error: %d <4>pcmcia: class_interface_register error: %d <3>%s %s: pcmcia: device %s (driver %s) did not want to go to sleep (%d) DEVICE_NO=%02X MODALIAS=pcmcia:m%04Xc%04Xf%02Xfn%02Xpfn%02Xpa%08Xpb%08Xpc%08Xpd%08X <4>%s %s: pcmcia: CIS filename is too long [%s] <3>%s %s: pcmcia: CIS override is too big <3>%s %s: pcmcia: CIS override failed pcmcia%s <5>%s %s: pcmcia: registering new device %s <7>pcmcia: %s lacks a requisite callback function <7>pcmcia: %s: invalid hash for product string "%s": is 0x%x, should be 0x%x <7>pcmcia: see Documentation/pcmcia/devicetable.txt for details <6>%s %s: pcmcia: could not parse base and rmask0 of CIS <6>%s %s: pcmcia: driver %s did not release config properly <6>%s %s: pcmcia: driver %s did not release window properly <3>%s %s: PCMCIA obtaining reference to socket failed, event 0x%x lost! <3>%s %s: PCMCIA obtaining reference to socket failed <3>%s %s: PCMCIA registration failed %hx %hx %hx %hhx %hhx %hhx %x %x %x %x <6>pcmcia: bus_rescan_devices failed pcmcia Operation succeeded Input/Output error No card present Bad parameter Configuration locked Resource in use No more items Out of resource AccessConfigurationRegister AddSocketServices AdjustResourceInfo CheckEraseQueue CloseMemory DeregisterClient DeregisterEraseQueue GetCardServicesInfo GetClientInfo GetConfigurationInfo GetEventMask GetFirstClient GetFirstRegion GetFirstTuple GetNextClient GetNextRegion GetNextTuple GetStatus GetTupleData MapMemPage ModifyConfiguration ModifyWindow OpenMemory ParseTuple ReadMemory RegisterClient RegisterEraseQueue RegisterMTD ReleaseConfiguration ReleaseIO ReleaseIRQ ReleaseWindow RequestConfiguration RequestIO RequestIRQ RequestSocketMask RequestWindow ResetCard SetEventMask ValidateCIS WriteMemory BindDevice BindMTD ReportError SuspendCard ResumeCard EjectCard InsertCard ReplaceCIS func_id manf_id prod_id1 prod_id2 prod_id3 prod_id4 allow_func_id_match <4>%s %s: Unable to set VPP <4>%s %s: Unable to set socket state <4>pcmcia: Driver needs updating to support IRQ sharing. <4>%s %s: pcmcia: request for exclusive IRQ could not be fulfilled. <4>%s %s: pcmcia: the driver needs updating to supported shared IRQ lines. bus/pccard <5>unable to find a free device # for Driver Services (error=%d) %-24.24s 1 %d <4>2.6. kernels use pcmciamtd instead of memory_cs.c and do not require special <4>MTD handling any more. <6>pcmcia: Detected deprecated PCMCIA ioctl usage from process: %s. <6>pcmcia: This interface will soon be removed from the kernel; please expect breakage unless you upgrade to new tools. <6>pcmcia: see http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/pcmcia/pcmcia.html for details. <4>out of memory to update resources <6>%s %s: pcmcia: parent PCI bridge I/O window: 0x%llx - 0x%llx <6>%s %s: pcmcia: parent PCI bridge Memory window: 0x%llx - 0x%llx cs memory probe <6>%s %s: cs: memory probe 0x%06lx-0x%06lx: excluding %#05lx-%#05lx clean. 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx + 0x%lx - 0x%lx - 0x%lx - 0x%lx available_resources_io available_resources_mem yenta_socket <6>%s %s: O2: res at 0x94/0xD4: %02x/%02x <6>%s %s: Yenta O2: old bridge, disabling read prefetch/write burst <6>%s %s: O2: enabling read prefetch/write burst yenta <4>%s %s: request_irq() in yenta_probe_cb_irq() failed! <6>%s %s: Disabling CLKRUN feature <6>%s %s: Enabling burst memory read transactions CSCINT INTVAL <6>%s %s: Using %s to route CSC interrupts to PCI ISA <6>%s %s: Routing CardBus interrupts to %s <6>%s %s: TI: mfunc 0x%08x, devctl 0x%02x <6>%s %s: TI: probing PCI interrupt failed, trying to fix <6>%s %s: TI: all-serial interrupts ok <6>%s %s: TI: falling back to parallel PCI interrupts <6>%s %s: TI: parallel PCI interrupts ok <6>%s %s: Yenta TI: no PCI interrupts. Fish. Please report. <6>%s %s: TI: all-serial interrupts, tied ok <6>%s %s: TI: parallel PCI interrupts, tied ok <6>%s %s: TI: no PCI interrupts. Fish. Please report. <6>%s %s: adjusting diagnostic: %02x -> %02x <6>%s %s: Preassigned resource %d busy or not available, reconfiguring... <6>%s %s: no resource of type %x available, trying to continue... <3>%s %s: no bus associated! (try 'pci=assign-busses') <3>%s %s: No cardbus resource! <6>%s %s: CardBus bridge found [%04x:%04x] <6>%s %s: no PCI IRQ, CardBus support disabled for this socket. <6>%s %s: check your BIOS CardBus, BIOS IRQ or ACPI settings. <6>%s %s: ISA IRQ mask 0x%04x, PCI irq %d <6>%s %s: Socket status: %08x <4>%s %s: Upper limit for fixing this bridge's parent bridge: #%02x <6>%s %s: Raising subordinate bus# of parent bus (#%02x) from #%02x to #%02x CB registers: %02x: ExCA registers: - <6>%s %s: EnE: chaning testregister 0xC9, %02x -> %02x yenta_cardbus yenta_registers <3>%s: bogus descriptor, type %d length %d <6>%s: USB support disabled ksuspend_usbd usbcore BUSNUM=%03d DEVNUM=%03d <7>%s %s: check for vendor %04x, product %04x ... <7>%s %s: matched this device! &dev->pm_mutex usb_device <4>%s %s: root hub lost power or was reset <6>%s %s: %s: %s amber green <7>%s %s: port %d indicator %s status %d <7>%s %s: enabling power on all ports <7>%s %s: trying to enable port power on non-switchable hub <3>%s %s: %s failed (err = %d) <3>%s %s: cannot reset port %d (err = %d) <7>%s %s: port %d not reset yet, waiting %dms <7>%s %s: port_wait_reset: err = %d <7>%s %s: port %d not enabled, trying reset again... <3>%s %s: Cannot enable port %i. Maybe the USB cable is bad? <3>%s %s: cannot disable port %d (err = %d) <7>%s %s: logical disconnect on port %d <7>%s %s: port %d: status %04x change %04x <3>%s %s: activate --> %d <7>%s %s: device reset changed speed! variable Wireless new <6>%s %s: %s %s speed %sUSB device using %s and address %d <3>%s %s: device descriptor read/64, error %d <3>%s %s: device not accepting address %d, error %d <3>%s %s: device descriptor read/8, error %d <3>%s %s: ep0 maxpacket = %d <7>%s %s: ep0 maxpacket = %d <3>%s %s: device descriptor read/all, error %d <7>%s %s: device reset not allowed in state %d <7>%s %s: %s for root hub! <3>%s %s: no mem to re-read configs after reset <7>%s %s: config index %d, error %d <7>%s %s: config index %d changed (#%d) <7>%s %s: serial string error %d <7>%s %s: serial string changed <6>%s %s: device firmware changed <3>%s %s: can't restore configuration #%d (error=%d) <3>%s %s: failed to restore interface %d altsetting %d (error=%d) n/a (unauthorized) <3>%s %s: can't read configurations, error %d <6>%s %s: New USB device found, idVendor=%04x, idProduct=%04x <6>%s %s: New USB device strings: Mfr=%d, Product=%d, SerialNumber=%d <3>%s %s: can't device_add, error %d <7>%s nodev <6>%s %s: USB disconnect, address %d <7>%s %s: unregistering device <7>%s %s: transfer --> %d <3>%s %s: resubmit --> %d <3>%s %s: Unsupported bus topology: hub nested too deep <3>%s %s: bad descriptor, ignoring hub <6>%s %s: USB hub found <7>%s %s: couldn't kmalloc hub struct can't kmalloc hub status buffer &hub->status_mutex can't kmalloc hub descriptor can't read hub descriptor hub has too many ports! <6>%s %s: %d port%s detected <7>%s %s: compound device; port removable status: %s <7>%s %s: standalone hub <7>%s %s: ganged power switching <7>%s %s: individual port power switching <7>%s %s: no power switching (usb 1.0) <7>%s %s: global over-current protection <7>%s %s: individual port over-current protection <7>%s %s: no over-current protection <7>%s %s: Single TT <7>%s %s: TT per port <3>%s %s: Using single TT (err %d) <7>%s %s: Unrecognized hub protocol %d <7>%s %s: TT requires at most %d FS bit times (%d ns) <7>%s %s: Port indicators are supported <7>%s %s: power on to power good time: %dms can't get hub status <7>%s %s: hub controller current requirement: %dmA <4>%s %s: insufficient power available to use all downstream ports <7>%s %s: %umA bus power budget for each child lost (inactive) <7>%s %s: local power source is %s no <7>%s %s: %sover-current condition exists include/linux/usb.h couldn't allocate interrupt urb can't allocate hub irq buffer <3>%s %s: config failed, %s (err %d) <3>%s %s: can't re-read device descriptor for authorization: %d <3>%s %s: can't set config #%d, error %d <6>%s %s: authorized to connect <7>%s %s: reset-resume <7>%s %s: port %d status %04x.%04x after resume, %d <7>%s %s: can't resume, status %d <7>%s %s: port %d nyet suspended <7>%s %s: state %d ports %d chg %04x evt %04x <7>%s %s: resetting for error %d <7>%s %s: error resetting hub: %d <7>%s %s: port %d enable change, status %08x <3>%s %s: port %i disabled by hub (EMI?), re-enabling... <7>%s %s: resume on port %d, status %d <3>%s %s: over-current change on port %d <7>%s %s: reset change on port %d 480 Mb/s 1.5 Mb/s 12 Mb/s <7>%s %s: port %d, status %04x, change %04x, %s <7>%s %s: debounce: port %d: total %dms stable %dms status 0x%x <3>%s %s: connect-debounce failed, port %d disabled <3>%s %s: couldn't allocate port %d usb_device drivers/usb/core/hub.c <7>%s %s: get status %d ? <3>%s %s: can't connect bus-powered hub to this port <6>%s %s: not running at top speed; connect to a high speed hub <4>%s %s: %dmA is over %umA budget for port %d! <4>%s %s: %dmA over power budget! <7>%s %s: %dmA power budget left <3>%s %s: unable to enumerate USB device on port %d <3>%s %s: get_hub_status failed <7>%s %s: power change <7>%s %s: overcurrent change <7>%s: khubd exiting <3>%s %s: clear tt %d (%04x) error %d <3>%s %s: can't save CLEAR_TT_BUFFER state <3>%s: can't register hub driver khubd <3>%s: can't start khubd hub <3>USB: monitor was not registered <7>%s: bogus device speed! <4>%s %s: Unlink after no-IRQ? Controller is probably using the wrong IRQ. <6>%s %s: USB bus %d deregistered <3>%s %s: HC died; cleaning up usb_host auto- <7>%s %s: bus %s%s <7>%s %s: bus %s fail, err %d <7>%s %s: usb %s%s <7>%s %s: hcd alloc failed USB Host Controller <7>%s %s: pool alloc failed <3>%s: too many buses usb_host%d <6>%s %s: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number %d <3>%s %s: unable to allocate root hub <3>%s %s: can't setup <7>%s %s: supports USB remote wakeup %s:usb%d <3>%s %s: request interrupt %d failed io mem io base <6>%s %s: irq %d, %s 0x%08llx <6>%s %s: %s 0x%08llx <3>%s %s: startup error %d <7>%s %s: can't read %s device descriptor %d <3>%s %s: can't register root hub for %s, %d <3>Cannot register USB bus sysfs attributes: %d <6>%s %s: remove, state %x <7>%s %s: roothub graceful disconnect <7>%s %s: not queuing rh status urb %s %s %s <7>%s %s: root hub device address %d <7>%s %s: no endpoint features yet <7>%s %s: CTRL: TypeReq=0x%x val=0x%x idx=0x%x len=%d ==> %d <7>%s %s: hcd_unlink_urb %p fail %d -intr -iso -bulk <7>%s %s: shutdown urb %p ep%d%s%s authorized_default <3>alloc_urb: kmalloc failed <7>%s %s: bogus endpoint ep%d%s in %s (bad maxpacket %d) <3>%s %s: BOGUS urb flags, %x --> %x INTERFACE=%d/%d/%d MODALIAS=usb:v%04Xp%04Xd%04Xdc%02Xdsc%02Xdp%02Xic%02Xisc%02Xip%02X non-ep0 <7>%s %s: %s nuking %s URBs <7>%s %s: unregistering interface %s <4>%s %s: %s, unlink --> %d <7>%s %s: %s timed out on ep%d%s len=%d/%d <3>%s %s: string descriptor 0 read error: %d <3>%s %s: string descriptor 0 too short <7>%s %s: default language 0x%04x <7>%s %s: wrong descriptor type %02x for string %d ("%s") <4>%s %s: config 0 descriptor?? <3>%s %s: Out of memory <4>%s %s: new config #%d exceeds power limit by %dmA <3>%s %s: Interface #%d referenced by multiple IADs %d-%s:%d.%d <7>%s %s: adding %s (config #%d, interface %d) <3>%s %s: device_add(%s) --> %d <7>%s %s: selecting invalid interface %d <4>%s %s: selecting invalid altsetting %d <7>%s %s: manual set_interface for iface %d, alt %d <3>%s %s: dev %s ep%d%s scatterlist error %d/%d <3>%s %s: %s, unlink --> %d <7>%s %s: %s, submit --> %d usb_interface reset_resume <3>%s %s: %s error %d <4>%s %s: no %s for driver %s? <6>%s: deregistering device driver %s <6>%s: deregistering interface driver %s <6>%s: registered new device driver %s <3>%s: error %d registering device driver %s <6>%s: registered new interface driver %s <3>%s: error %d registering interface driver %s <7>%s %s: forced unbind <4>%s %s: rebind failed: %d <7>usb %s: uevent <7>usb %s: already deleted? <7>usb %s: bus removed? DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/%03d/%03d PRODUCT=%x/%x/%x TYPE=%d/%d/%d <3>%s %s: Device is not authorized for usage <7>%s %s: %s - got id <4>%s %s: too many configurations: %d, using maximum allowed: %d <3>%s %s: no configurations <3>%s %s: unable to read config index %d descriptor/%s: %d <3>%s %s: chopping to %d config(s) <3>%s %s: config index %d descriptor too short (expected %i, got %i) <3>%s %s: unable to read config index %d descriptor/%s <4>%s %s: config index %d descriptor too short (expected %i, got %i) <3>%s %s: invalid descriptor for config index %d: type = 0x%X, length = %d <4>%s %s: config %d has too many interfaces: %d, using maximum allowed: %d <4>%s %s: config %d descriptor has %d excess byte%s, ignoring <4>%s %s: config %d has an invalid descriptor of length %d, skipping remainder of the config <4>%s %s: config %d has an invalid interface descriptor of length %d, skipping <4>%s %s: config %d has an invalid interface number: %d but max is %d <4>%s %s: found more Interface Association Descriptors than allocated for in configuration %d <4>%s %s: config %d contains an unexpected descriptor of type 0x%X, skipping <4>%s %s: config %d has %d interface%s, different from the descriptor's value: %d <4>%s %s: config %d has no interfaces? <4>%s %s: config %d has no interface number %d <4>%s %s: too many alternate settings for config %d interface %d: %d, using maximum allowed: %d <7>%s %s: skipped %d descriptor%s after %s <4>%s %s: Duplicate descriptor for config %d interface %d altsetting %d, skipping <4>%s %s: too many endpoints for config %d interface %d altsetting %d: %d, using maximum allowed: %d <4>%s %s: config %d interface %d altsetting %d has an invalid endpoint descriptor of length %d, skipping <4>%s %s: config %d interface %d altsetting %d has an invalid endpoint with address 0x%X, skipping <4>%s %s: config %d interface %d altsetting %d endpoint 0x%X has an invalid bInterval %d, changing to %d <4>%s %s: config %d interface %d altsetting %d endpoint 0x%X is Bulk; changing to Interrupt <4>%s %s: config %d interface %d altsetting %d bulk endpoint 0x%X has invalid maxpacket %d <4>%s %s: config %d interface %d altsetting %d has %d endpoint descriptor%s, different from the interface descriptor's value: %d <4>%s %s: config %d interface %d has no altsetting %d <3>%s %s: out of memory drivers/usb/core/file.c <7>%s: removing %d minor <7>%s: looking for a minor, starting at %d <3>class_create failed for usb devices <3>Unable to get major %d for usb devices buffer-%d usb:v%04Xp%04Xd%04Xdc%02Xdsc%02Xdp%02Xic%02Xisc%02Xip%02X %2x manufacturer product persist bNumInterfaces bConfigurationValue bmAttributes bMaxPower urbnum idVendor idProduct bcdDevice bDeviceClass bDeviceSubClass bDeviceProtocol bNumConfigurations bMaxPacketSize0 busnum devnum maxchild quirks bInterfaceNumber bAlternateSetting bNumEndpoints bInterfaceClass bInterfaceSubClass bInterfaceProtocol supports_autosuspend iad_bFirstInterface iad_bInterfaceCount iad_bFunctionClass iad_bFunctionSubClass iad_bFunctionProtocol Isoc ep_%02x usb_endpoint <3>Unable to get a dynamic major for usb endpoints. <3>%s %s: can not allocate minor number for %s usbdev%d.%d_ep%02x bLength bEndpointAddress bInterval wMaxPacketSize direction <6>%s %s: direction=%s <6>%s %s: userurb=%p <6>%s %s: transfer_buffer_length=%d <6>%s %s: actual_length=%d <6>%s %s: data: <4>%s %s: usbfs: process %d (%s) did not claim interface %u before use <6>%s %s: control urb: bRequest=%02x bRrequestType=%02x wValue=%04x wIndex=%04x wLength=%04x <6>%s %s: bulk urb <6>%s %s: iso urb <6>%s %s: interrupt urb <7>%s %s: usbfs: usb_submit_urb returned %d <7>%s %s: disconnect by usbfs <3>Unable to register minors for usb_device <3>Unable to get usb_device major %d <6>%s %s: urb complete <4>%s %s: interface number %u out of range <6>%s %s: opened by process %d: %s <6>%s %s: %s: CONTROL <6>%s %s: control read: bRequest=%02x bRrequestType=%02x wValue=%04x wIndex=%04x wLength=%04x <6>%s %s: control read: data <6>%s %s: control write: bRequest=%02x bRrequestType=%02x wValue=%04x wIndex=%04x wLength=%04x <6>%s %s: control write: data: <7>%s %s: usbfs: USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed cmd %s rqt %u rq %u len %u ret %d <6>%s %s: %s: BULK <6>%s %s: bulk read: len=0x%02x timeout=%04d <6>%s %s: bulk read: data <6>%s %s: bulk write: len=0x%02x timeout=%04d <6>%s %s: bulk write: data: <6>%s %s: %s: RESETEP <6>%s %s: %s: RESET <6>%s %s: %s: CLEAR_HALT <6>%s %s: %s: GETDRIVER <6>%s %s: %s: CONNECTINFO <6>%s %s: %s: SETINTERFACE <6>%s %s: %s: SETCONFIGURATION <4>%s %s: usbfs: interface %d claimed by %s while '%s' sets config #%d <6>%s %s: %s: SUBMITURB <6>%s %s: %s: DISCARDURB <6>%s %s: %s: REAPURB <6>%s %s: %s: REAPURBDELAY <6>%s %s: %s: DISCSIGNAL <6>%s %s: %s: CLAIMINTERFACE <6>%s %s: %s: RELEASEINTERFACE <6>%s %s: %s: IOCTL usbfs <6>%s %s: rejected %d configuration%s due to insufficient available bus power <6>%s %s: configuration #%d chosen from %d choice%s <4>%s %s: no configuration chosen from %d choice%s <7>%s %s: USB quirks for this device: %x <4>%s %s: Root hub is not suspended <7>%s %s: wakeup: %d <7>%s %s: --> no state change <7>%s %s: --> PCI D0 legacy <7>%s %s: --> PCI D3 <7>%s %s: PCI D3 suspend fail, %d <7>%s %s: can't resume, not suspended! <3>%s %s: can't re-enable after resume, %d! <3>%s %s: PCI post-resume error %d! <3>%s %s: Found HC with no IRQ. Check BIOS/PCI %s setup! <7>%s %s: controller already in use <7>%s %s: error mapping memory <7>%s %s: no i/o regions available <3>%s %s: init %s fail, %d bus/usb ,devuid=%u ,devgid=%u ,devmode=%o ,busuid=%u ,busgid=%u ,busmode=%o ,listuid=%u ,listgid=%u ,listmode=%o <3>usbfs: unrecognised mount option "%s" or missing value <4>usbfs: mount parameter error. <4>usbfs: Unknown node %s mode %x found on remount! drivers/usb/core/inode.c <7>%s: %s: could not get inode! <7>%s: %s: could not get root dentry! <7>%s: creating file '%s' <7>%s: Ah! can not find a parent! <3>Error creating usbfs device entry <3>Unable to get usbfs mount <3>Unable to create devices usbfs file <3>Error creating usbfs bus entry ?? 12 (null Cfg. desc.) (none) Int. (truncated) T: Bus=%2.2d Lev=%2.2d Prnt=%2.2d Port=%2.2d Cnt=%2.2d Dev#=%3d Spd=%3s MxCh=%2d B: Alloc=%3d/%3d us (%2d%%), #Int=%3d, #Iso=%3d D: Ver=%2x.%02x Cls=%02x(%-5s) Sub=%02x Prot=%02x MxPS=%2d #Cfgs=%3d P: Vendor=%04x ProdID=%04x Rev=%2x.%02x >ifc comm. PID stor. app. vend. still c-sec unk. S: Manufacturer=%.100s S: Product=%.100s S: SerialNumber=%.100s C:%c #Ifs=%2d Cfg#=%2d Atr=%02x MxPwr=%3dmA A: FirstIf#=%2d IfCount=%2d Cls=%02x(%-5s) Sub=%02x Prot=%02x I:%c If#=%2d Alt=%2d #EPs=%2d Cls=%02x(%-5s) Sub=%02x Prot=%02x Driver=%s E: Ad=%02x(%c) Atr=%02x(%-4s) MxPS=%4d Ivl=%d%cs <5>usbmon: unable to register with the core <3>usbmon: Outstanding opens (%d) on usb%d, leaking... nreaders %d events %u text_lost %u usbmon <5>usbmon: debugfs is not available <5>usbmon: unable to create usbmon directory = s %02x %02x %04x %04x %04x %c __ __ ____ ____ ____ %dt %du %ds <3>usbmon: consistency error on close &rp->printf_lock mon_text_%p %lx %u %c %c%c:%03u:%02u %lx %u %c %c%c:%d:%03u:%u %d:%d:%d %d:%d:%d:%d %d:%u:%u %d:%d <3>usbmon: consistency error on open &rp->fetch_lock usbmon%d <4>%s %s: HCRESET not completed yet! <7>%s %s: %s: legsup = 0x%04x <7>%s %s: %s: cmd = 0x%04x <7>%s %s: %s: intr = 0x%04x <7>%s %s: Performing full reset <4>%s %s: OHCI: BIOS handoff failed (BIOS bug?) %08x <7>%s %s: EHCI: BIOS handoff <4>%s %s: EHCI: BIOS handoff failed (BIOS bug?) %08x <4>%s %s: EHCI: unrecognized capability %02x <7>%s %s: EHCI: capability loop? drivers/usb/host/ehci-q.c <7>%s %s: periodic frame %d bogus type %d <7>%s %s: ignoring FSTN cost ... <3>%s %s: uframe %d sched overrun: %d usecs <3>%s %s: force halt; handhake %p %08x %08x -> %d drivers/usb/host/ehci-hcd.c <7>%s %s: reused qh %p schedule <7>%s %s: link qh%d-%04x/%p start %d [%d/%d us] drivers/usb/host/ehci-mem.c <7>%s %s: unused qh not empty! <7>%s %s: unlink qh%d-%04x/%p start %d [%d/%d us] drivers/usb/host/ehci.h <7>%s %s: devpath %s ep%d%s 3strikes <7>%s %s: clear tt buffer port %d, a%d ep%d t%08x <7>%s %s: iso request %p too long <7>%s %s: request %p would overflow (%d+%d>%d) <7>%s %s: iso %ssched full %p (now %d max %d) <6>%s %s: ep%d%s-iso rescheduled %lu times in %lu seconds drivers/usb/host/ehci-sched.c <7>%s: ignoring completions from FSTNs <7>%s: corrupt type %d frame %d shadow %p se0 CONNECT CSC PE PEC OC OCC RESUME SUSPEND RESET OWNER POWER %s%sport %d status %06x%s%s sig=%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s <3>%s %s: port %d resume error %d <3>%s %s: port %d reset error %d <7>%s %s: port %d full speed --> companion <7>%s %s: port %d high speed <7>%s %s: port %d --> companion <7>%s %s: port %d low speed --> companion <7>%s %s: ...power%s ports... RUN HALT Periodic Async IAAD LReset (park) %s%scommand %06x %s=%d ithresh=%d%s%s%s%s period=%s%s %s INT ERR PCD FLR FATAL IAA Halt Recl %s%sstatus %04x%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s <7>%s %s: no dummy td <7>%s %s: bogus qh maxpacket %d <7>%s: intr period %d uframes, NYET! <7>%s: bogus dev %p speed %d <7>%s %s: dev %s ep%d%s, not iso?? IN USE <6>%s %s: debug port %d%s <7>%s %s: MWI active &buf->mutex data1 data0 qh/%p dev%d %cs ep%d %08x %08x (%08x%c %s nak%d) setup %p%c%s len=%d %08x urb %p <7>%s %s: can't get iso stream <7>%s %s: can't change iso interval %d --> %d <7>%s %s: can't init itds <7>%s %s: can't init sitds , overcurrent ignored <6>%s %s: USB %x.%x started, EHCI %x.%02x%s periodic reclaim = size = %d %4d: qh%d-%04x/%p ... (%c%d ep%d%s [%d/%d] q%d p%d) fstn-%8x/%p itd/%p sitd%d-%04x/%p after power loss <7>%s %s: resume root hub%s <7>%s %s: failed handover port %d: %x <7>%s %s: stop <7>%s %s: irq normal %ld err %ld reclaim %ld (lost %ld) <7>%s %s: complete %ld unlink %ld ehci_stop completed <7>%s %s: device removed <7>%s %s: IAA with IAAD still set? <7>%s %s: IAA with nothing to reclaim? <7>%s %s: port %d remote wakeup <3>%s %s: fatal error fatal <7>%s %s: bogus qh %p state %d <3>%s %s: can't reschedule qh %p, err %d <3>%s %s: qh %p (#%02x) state %d%s <6>%s: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver <4>Warning! ehci_hcd should always be loaded before uhci_hcd and ohci_hcd, not after <7>%s: block sizes: qh %Zd qtd %Zd itd %Zd sitd %Zd ehci ehci_hcd <7>%s %s: suspend root hub <7>%s %s: lost power, restarting bus %s, device %s %s SUSPENDED (no register access) bus %s, device %s %s EHCI %x.%02x, hcd state %d firmware linux ownership %08x%s%s SMI sts/enable 0x%08x structural params 0x%08x capability params 0x%08x %s%sintrenable %02x%s%s%s%s%s%s uframe %04x debug control %08x reclaim qh %p <4>%s %s: unsupported big endian Toshiba quirk !ppc ordered ind <7>%s %s: %s hcs_params 0x%x dbg=%d%s cc=%d pcc=%d%s%s ports=%d <7>%s %s: %s portroute %s 64 bit addr park 256/512/1024 <7>%s %s: %s hcc_params %04x caching frame %s%s%s <7>%s %s: %s hcc_params %04x thresh %d uframes %s%s%s <4>%s %s: can't enable NVidia workaround for >2GB RAM ehci_qtd ehci_qh ehci_itd ehci_sitd <7>%s %s: couldn't init memory <7>%s %s: park %d <6>%s %s: ignoring AMD8111 (errata) <6>%s %s: applying AMD SB600/SB700 USB freeze workaround <7>%s %s: bogus port configuration: cc=%d x pcc=%d < ports=%d <4>%s %s: Enabling legacy PCI PM companion EHCI Host Controller s ed/%p %cs dev%d ep%d%s max %d %08x%s%s %s (?) td %p %s %d cc=%x urb %p (%08x) PSM NPS DT OCPM NOCP <7>%s %s: roothub.a %08x POTPGT=%d%s%s%s%s%s NDP=%d(%d) <7>%s %s: roothub.b %08x PPCM=%04x DR=%04x LPS OCI DRWE LPSC OCIC CRWE <7>%s %s: roothub.status %08x%s%s%s%s%s%s PES PSS POCI PRS PPS LSDA PESC PSSC PRSC <7>%s %s: roothub.portstatus [%d] 0x%08x%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s <7>%s %s: %s %08x SO WDH SF RD UE FNO RHSC MIE <7>%s %s: %s 0x%08x%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s with <7>%s %s: OHCI %d.%d, %s legacy support registers PLE IE CLE BLE operational IR RWC RWE <7>%s %s: control 0x%03x%s%s%s HCFS=%s%s%s%s%s CBSR=%d HCR CLF BLF OCR <7>%s %s: cmdstatus 0x%05x SOC=%d%s%s%s%s intrstatus intrenable ed_periodcurrent ed_controlhead ed_controlcurrent ed_bulkhead ed_bulkcurrent donehead <7>%s %s: OHCI controller state <7>%s %s: hcca frame #%04x <7>%s %s: no hash for td %p <3>%s %s: bad entry %8x <7>%s %s: urb %p path %s ep%d%s %08x cc %d --> status %d drivers/usb/host/ohci-q.c <7>%s %s: ERR %d, interval %d msecs, load %d <7>%s %s: resume/suspend? <7>%s %s: needs reinit! <7>%s %s: already suspended auto-stop <7>%s %s: %s root hub <7>%s %s: stopping schedules ... <7>%s %s: fminterval delta %d <3>%s %s: USB HC reset timed out! <7>%s %s: enabling initreset quirk <3>%s %s: init err (%08x %04x) <7>%s %s: abort schedule... <7>%s %s: bogus ed %p state %d <3>%s %s: can't restart, %d <7>%s %s: restart complete <7>%s %s: USB HC TakeOver from BIOS/SMM <3>%s %s: USB HC takeover failed! (BIOS/SMM bug) ohci_td ohci_ed <7>%s %s: created debug files <7>%s %s: BIOS/SMM active, control %03x <7>%s %s: duplicate resume auto-start <7>%s %s: %swakeup root hub <7>%s %s: snapshot resume? reinit <7>%s %s: lost power <3>%s %s: controller won't resume <7>%s %s: restarting schedules ... %08x <7>%s %s: WARNING: OPTi workarounds unavailable <7>%s %s: Using NSC SuperIO setup <7>%s %s: enabled Compaq ZFMicro chipset quirks <3>%s %s: unsupported big endian Toshiba quirk ohci_init <3>%s %s: Restarting NEC controller failed in %s, %d ohci_restart <7>%s %s: enabled NEC chipset lost interrupt quirk <7>%s %s: enabled AMD ISO transfers quirk <3>%s %s: can't start <7>%s %s: %s roothub.portstatus [%d] = 0x%08x%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s <7>%s %s: port[%d] reset timeout, stat %08x <4>%s %s: bogus NDP, rereads as NDP=%d %2d [%3d]: ed%d/%p (%cs dev%d ep%d%s-%s qlen %u max %d %08x%s%s) bus %s, device %s %s %s hcca frame 0x%04x FIT fmintvl 0x%08x %sFSMPS=0x%04x FI=0x%04x FRT fmremaining 0x%08x %sFR=0x%04x periodicstart 0x%04x lsthresh 0x%04x hub poll timer %s <4>%s %s: ED unlink timeout <4>%s %s: Attempting ZF TD recovery (has tds) <3>%s %s: leak ed %p (#%02x) state %d%s <7>%s %s: device removed! <3>%s %s: OHCI Unrecoverable Error, scheduling NEC chip restart <3>%s %s: OHCI Unrecoverable Error, disabled <4>%s %s: Reclaiming orphan TD %p <6>%s: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver <7>%s: block sizes: ed %Zd td %Zd ohci ohci_hcd <7>%s %s: powerup ports <7>%s %s: AMD756 erratum 4 workaround OHCI Host Controller ISO reserve <7>%s %s: %s dev %d ep%02x-%s, period %d, phase %d, %d us <7>%s %s: bandwidth allocation failed: period %d, phase %d, %d + %d us (auto-start) <7>%s %s: %s%s <4>%s %s: FGR not stopped yet! drivers/usb/host/uhci-q.c Device: %s td %p still in list! Device: %s td %p still in fl_list! Device: %s qh %p list not empty! Connected ConnectChange EnableChange ResumeDetect LowSpeed OverCurrent OverCurrentChange Suspend stat%d = %04x %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s %*s[%p] link (%08x) BitStuff CRC/Timeo NAK Babble DataBufErr Stalled Active IOC LS SPD e%d %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%sLength=%x SETUP MaxLen=%x DT%d EndPt=%x Dev=%x, PID=%x(%s) (buf=%08x) CTL Skel %*s[%p] %s QH link (%08x) element (%08x) %*s period %d phase %d load %d us, frame %x desc [%p] %*s period %d phase %d load %d us %*s Element points to QH (bug?) %*s Depth traverse %*s Bit 3 set (bug?) %*s Element is NULL (bug?) %*s queue is empty %*s Element != First TD urb_priv [%p] urb [%p] qh [%p] Dev=%d EP=%x(%s) FSBR Actlen=%d Unlinked=%d %*s%d: %*s[skipped %d inactive and %d active TDs] %*s Skipped %d URBs %*s Dummy TD running, no devs suspended auto-stopped resuming suspending Root-hub state: %s FSBR: %d HC status RS HCRESET GRESET EGSM FGR SWDBG CF Maxp64 Maxp32 usbcmd = %04x %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s USBINT USBError ResumeDetect HostSystemError HostControllerProcessError HCHalted usbstat = %04x %s%s%s%s%s%s usbint = %04x usbfrnum = (%d)%03x flbaseadd = %08x sof = %02x Most recent frame: %x (%d) Last ISO frame: %x (%d) Periodic load table Total: %d, #INT: %d, #ISO: %d Frame List - Frame %d -> (%08x) link does not match list entry! link does not match QH (%08x)! Skipped %d bad links Skeleton QHs - skel_%s_qh skel_term_qh element is not set to term_td! Skipped %d QHs last QH not linked to next skeleton! <7>%s Device: %s urb %p still on QH's list! <7>%s %s: %s: failed with status %x (auto-stop) <4>%s %s: Controller not stopped yet! <6>%s %s: detected %d ports <6>%s %s: port count misdetected? forcing to 2 ports <3>%s %s: couldn't create uhci debugfs entry <3>%s %s: unable to allocate consistent memory for frame list <3>%s %s: unable to allocate memory for frame pointers uhci_td <3>%s %s: unable to create td dma_pool uhci_qh <3>%s %s: unable to create qh dma_pool <3>%s %s: unable to allocate terminating TD <3>%s %s: unable to allocate QH <3>%s %s: host system error, PCI problems? <3>%s %s: host controller process error, something bad happened! <3>%s %s: host controller halted, very bad! <7>%s %s: port %d portsc %04x,%02x <4>%s %s: Root hub isn't suspended! <6>uhci_hcd: USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver%s uhci uhci_urb_priv uhci_hcd unlink int128 int64 int32 int16 int8 int4 int2 term UHCI Host Controller <3>usblp: can't set desired altsetting %d on interface %d <6>usblp%d: removed <3>usblp%d: error %d reading from printer <3>usblp%d: error %d reading printer status <6>usblp%d: %s usblp <3>%s %s: usblp%d: error = %d setting HP channel <3>usblp%d:failed reading printer status (%d) <3>%s %s: bogus disconnect drivers/usb/class/usblp.c <4>usblp%d: nonzero read bulk status received: %d <4>usblp%d: nonzero write bulk status received: %d &usblp->wmut &usblp->mut <6>usblp%d: Disabling reads from problematic bidirectional printer <3>usblp: Not able to get a minor (base %u, slice default): %d Bi Uni <6>usblp%d: USB %sdirectional printer dev %d if %d alt %d proto %d vid 0x%4.4X pid 0x%4.4X lp%d ieee1284_id out of paper on fire SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices Host scsi%d: usb-storage Vendor: %s Product: %s Serial Number: %s Protocol: %s Transport: %s Quirks: SINGLE_LUN NEED_OVERRIDE SCM_MULT_TARG FIX_INQUIRY FIX_CAPACITY IGNORE_RESIDUE BULK32 NOT_LOCKABLE GO_SLOW NO_WP_DETECT MAX_SECTORS_64 IGNORE_DEVICE CAPACITY_HEURISTICS MAX_SECTORS_MIN BULK_IGNORE_TAG SANE_SENSE CAPACITY_OK <3>usb-storage: Error in %s: us->srb = %p usb-storage max_sectors <6>Initializing USB Mass Storage driver... usb_storage <6>USB Mass Storage support registered. <7>usb-storage: device found at %d <7>usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning <7>usb-storage: device scan complete <4>usb-storage: Unable to allocate the scsi host &(us->dev_mutex) <6>%s %s: Quirks match for vid %04x pid %04x: %x <6>usb-storage: device ignored <5>usb-storage: This device (%04x,%04x,%04x S %02x P %02x) has %s in unusual_devs.h (kernel %s) Please send a copy of this message to  and  Control/Bulk Control/Bulk/Interrupt Reduced Block Commands (RBC) 8020i QIC-157 8070i Transparent SCSI Uniform Floppy Interface (UFI) <4>usb-storage: Unable to start control thread <4>usb-storage: Unable to add the scsi host usb-stor-scan <4>usb-storage: Unable to start the device-scanning thread an unneeded SubClass entry an unneeded Protocol entry unneeded SubClass and Protocol entries ATMEL SND1 Storage Mitsumi USB FDD VIA Technologies Inc. Mitsumi multi cardreader CD-Writer+ Personal Media Drive PhotoSmart R707 NEC USB UF000x USB 2.0 Card Reader Buffalo DUB-P40G HDD Samsung Info. Systems America, Inc. TrekStor i.Beat 115 2.0 i.Beat Joy 2.0 GENERIC Nokia Nokia 6288 Nokia 3250 E70 E60 N91 N80 E61 6131 Nokia 6233 6234 FDC GOLD-2.30 Microtech CameraMate Neuros Audio USB 2.0 HD 2.5 USBest Technology USB Mass Storage Device USB 2.0 Mitac GPS AMI Virtual Floppy Kyocera Finecam S3x Finecam S4 Finecam S5 CONTAX SL300R T* Hitachi DVD-CAM DZ-MV100A Camcorder Tekom Technologies, Inc 300_CAMERA NIKON NIKON DSC E2000 IBM RSA2 Epson 875DC Storage 785EPX Storage Fujifilm FinePix 1400Zoom ScanLogic SL11R-IDE Panasonic LS-120 Camera Sharp CE-CW05 CD-R/RW Drive DMC-LCx Camera LEICA D-LUX Camera Matshita LS-120 Shuttle eUSCSI Bridge SCM Microsystems eUSB CompactFlash Adapter SCM Microsystems Inc. eUSB MMC Adapter Sony Hifd eUSB ATA/ATAPI Adapter CD-RW Device YP-U3 Kobian Mercury Binocam DCB-132 Belkin USB SCSI Adaptor Iomega USB Clik! 40 File-backed Storage Gadget 400_CAMERA DSC-S30/S70/S75/505V/F505/F707/F717/P8 DSC-T1/T5/H5 Memorystick NW-MS7 USB Floppy Drive Memorystick MSAC-US1 Handycam Handycam HC-85 Memorystick MSC-U01N PEG N760c Memorystick Memorystick MSC-U03 PEG Mass Storage SAMSUNG SFD-321U [FW 0C] Y-E Data Flashbuster-U Silicon Media R/W JetFlash TS1GJF2A/120 Digital Camera EX-20 DSC ZIP 100 LaCie DVD+-RW In-System PyroGate External CD-ROM Enclosure (FCD-523) Apple iPod Option N.V. Lexar USB CF Reader Genesys Logic USB to IDE Optical USB to IDE Disk USB to SATA Vivitar Vivicam 35Xx SigmaTel USBMSC Audio Player Prolific Technology Inc. ATAPI-6 Bridge Controller Minolta Dimage F300 DIMAGE E223 Hagiwara Flashgate Thomson Multimedia Inc. RCA RD1080 MP3 Player RockChip MTP ROCK MP3 Sandisk ImageMate SDDR-05a SanDisk Corporation ImageMate CompactFlash USB ImageMate SDDR-12 Freecom Technologies FHD-Classic USB-SCSI-DB25 USB-SCSI-HD50 KECF-USB Simple Tech/Datafab CF+SM Reader Casio QV DigitalCamera Digimax 410 Argosy Grandtech DC2MEGA PanDigital Photo Frame CITIZEN X1DE-USB AIPTEK Aiptek USB Keychain MP3 Player Trumpion t33520 USB Flash Card Controller Trumpion Microelectronics, Inc. 33520 USB Digital Voice Recorder MP3 player Feiya 5-in-1 Card Reader Pentax Optio 2/3/400 ZyXEL G-220F USB-WLAN Install SiteCom WL-117 USB-WLAN Install Option GI 0401 SD-Card GI 0431 SD-Card Seagate FreeAgent Pro MD 7425 Jenoptik JD 5200 z3 Macpower Technology Co.LTD. USB 2.0 3.5" DEVICE Netac USB-CF-Card USB Flash Disk WINWARD Music Disk PNP_MP3 PNP_MP3 PLAYER Cowon Systems iAUDIO M5 Solid state disk Ours Technology Typhoon My DJ 1820 Oracom Co., Ltd ORC-200M C-MEX A-VOX Sony Ericsson V800-Vodafone 802 MD400 P990i M600i P1i Desknote UCR-61S2B Western Digital External HDD Actions Semiconductor Mtp device Sierra Wireless USB MMC Storage Digitech HMG DigiTech Mass Storage HUAWEI MOBILE Dimage Z10 SWISSBIT Black Silver Super Top IDE DEVICE JMicron USB to ATA/ATAPI Bridge Teac HD-35PUK-B Motorola RAZR V3x MSnc. MPIO HS200 INTOVA Pixtreme Mio DigiWalker USB Sync MP3 T10 Micro Mini 1GB DataStor USB4500 FW1.04 Forced Mass Storage REV=%02d SKU=%04X VER=%04X truinst libusual <5>libusual: modprobe for %s succeeded, but module is not present libusual_%ld <4>libusual: Unable to start the thread for %s: %d manual serio:ty%02Xpr%02Xid%02Xex%02X <4>serio: device_attach() failed for %s (%s), error: %d reconnect <4>serio: device_bind_driver() failed for %s (%s) and %s, error: %d <3>serio: Not enough memory to queue event %d <4>serio: Can't get module reference, dropping event %d SERIO_TYPE=%02x SERIO_PROTO=%02x SERIO_ID=%02x SERIO_EXTRA=%02x MODALIAS=serio:ty%02Xpr%02Xid%02Xex%02X <3>serio: driver_register() failed for %s, error: %d &serio->drv_mutex serio%ld <3>serio: failed to register serio bus, error: %d kseriod <3>serio: Failed to start kseriod, error: %d <3>serio: device_add() failed for %s (%s), error: %d <3>serio: sysfs_create_group() failed for %s (%s), error: %d <4>serio: driver_attach() failed for %s with error %d <7>serio: kseriod exiting serio description drvctl bind_mode proto extra <7>drivers/input/serio/i8042.c: %02x -> i8042 (command) [%d] <7>drivers/input/serio/i8042.c: %02x -> i8042 (parameter) [%d] <7>drivers/input/serio/i8042.c: -- i8042 (timeout) [%d] <7>drivers/input/serio/i8042.c: -- i8042 (auxerr) [%d] <7>drivers/input/serio/i8042.c: %02x <- i8042 (return) [%d] <4>Failed to enable DRITEK extension: %d <3>i8042.c: i8042 controller self test timeout. <3>i8042.c: i8042 controller selftest failed. (%#x != %#x) <3>i8042.c: Failed to enable AUX port. <3>i8042.c: Failed to enable KBD port. <7>drivers/input/serio/i8042.c: %02x <- i8042 (flush, %s) [%d] <3>i8042.c: No controller found. <4>i8042.c: Can't restore CTR. <7>drivers/input/serio/i8042.c: Interrupt %d, without any data [%d] <7>drivers/input/serio/i8042.c: MUX error, status is %02x, data is %02x [%d] , timeout , bad parity <7>drivers/input/serio/i8042.c: %02x <- i8042 (interrupt, %d, %d%s%s) [%d] <4>i8042: Can't write CTR to resume, retrying... <3>i8042: CTR write retry failed <4>i8042: failed to resume active multiplexor, mouse won't work. i8042 AUX port isa0060/serio1 i8042 AUX%d port isa0060/serio%d <3>i8042.c: Can't read CTR while initializing i8042. <4>i8042.c: Warning: Keylock active. <3>i8042.c: Can't write CTR while initializing i8042. <4>Failed to disable AUX port, but continuing anyway... Is this a SiS? <4>If AUX port is really absent please use the 'i8042.noaux' option. i8042 <6>i8042.c: Detected active multiplexing controller, rev %d.%d. <3>i8042.c: Failed to disable AUX port, can't use MUX. i8042 KBD port isa0060/serio0 <6>serio: %s at %#lx,%#lx irq %d <7>drivers/input/serio/i8042.c: %02x -> i8042 (panic blink) [%d] <7>drivers/input/serio/i8042.c: %02x -> i8042 (kbd-data) [%d] <6>i8042: PNP detection disabled <6>PNP: No PS/2 controller found. Probing ports directly. <6>PNP: PS/2 Controller [%s%s%s] at %#x,%#x irq %s%s%s <4>PNP: PS/2 controller has invalid data port %#x; using default %#x <4>PNP: PS/2 controller has invalid command port %#x; using default %#x <4>PNP: PS/2 controller doesn't have KBD irq; using default %d <4>PNP: PS/2 appears to have AUX port disabled, if this is incorrect please boot with i8042.nopnp <4>PNP: PS/2 controller doesn't have AUX irq; using default %d Arima-Rioworks HDAMB ASUS P65UP5 Compaq Proliant 8500 Compaq Proliant DL760 OQO Model 01 ULI EV4873 Microsoft Virtual Machine Medion MAM 2070 Blue FB5601 Gigabyte M912 Fujitsu Lifebook P7010/P7010D Fujitsu Lifebook P7010 Fujitsu Lifebook P5020D Fujitsu Lifebook S2000 Fujitsu Lifebook S6230 Fujitsu T70H Fujitsu-Siemens Lifebook T3010 Fujitsu-Siemens Lifebook E4010 Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo Pro 2010 Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo Pro 2030 Panasonic CF-29 HP Pavilion DV4017EA HP Pavilion ZT1000 HP Pavilion DV4270ca Toshiba P10 Toshiba Equium A110 Alienware Sentia Sharp Actius MM20 Sony Vaio FS-115b Amoi M636/A737 Lenovo 3000 n100 Acer Aspire 1360 Gericom Bellagio IBM 2656 Dell XPS M1530 Compal HEL80I Dell Vostro 1510 Acer Aspire 5630 Acer Aspire 5650 Acer Aspire 5680 Acer Aspire 5720 Acer Aspire 9110 Acer TravelMate 660 Acer TravelMate 2490 Acer TravelMate 4280 Intel MBO Desktop D845PESV i8042 kbd i8042 aux <3>serport.c: Error registering line discipline. Serial port %s/serio0 <6>serio: Serial port %s &ps2dev->cmd_mutex drivers/input/serio/libps2.c <3>input: failed to attach handler %s to device %s, error: %d handlers bus/input N: Number=%ld Name=%s Minor=%d B: %s= %lx%s <3>input: unable to register input_dev class <3>input: unable to register char major %d %X, input:b%04Xv%04Xp%04Xe%04X- <3>input_set_capability: unknown type %u (code %u) PRODUCT=%x/%x/%x/%x NAME="%s" PHYS="%s" UNIQ="%s" EV= KEY= REL= ABS= MSC= LED= SND= FF= SW= I: Bus=%04x Vendor=%04x Product=%04x Version=%04x N: Name="%s" P: Phys=%s S: Sysfs=%s U: Uniq=%s H: Handlers= KEY REL ABS SND &dev->mutex drivers/input/input.c input%ld Unspecified device <6>input: %s as %s phys uniq bustype msc snd sw <3>ff-core: cannot allocate device without any effects &ff->mutex <3>ff-memless: invalid type in get_compatible_type() <3>ff-memless: invalid type in ml_combine_effects() ipolldevd <3>input-polldev: failed to create ipolldevd workqueue &mousedev->mutex mice mouse%d <6>mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice <3>mousedev: no more free mousedev devices mousedev <4>evdev.c(EVIOCGBIT): Suspicious buffer size %u, limiting output to %zu bytes. See http://userweb.kernel.org/~dtor/eviocgbit-bug.html <3>evdev: no more free evdev devices &evdev->mutex event%d evdev AT Set 2 Extra keyboard Translated AT %s Set %d keyboard %s/input0 <3>atkbd.c: Failed to enable keyboard on %s <4>atkbd.c: keyboard reset failed on %s <3>atkbd.c: NCD terminal keyboards are only supported on non-translating <3>atkbd.c: controllers. Use i8042.direct=1 to disable translation. <7>atkbd: reconnect request, but serio is disconnected, ignoring... atkbd &atkbd->event_mutex NAK <4>atkbd.c: Spurious %s on %s. Some program might be trying access hardware directly. translated <4>atkbd.c: Unknown key %s (%s set %d, code %#x on %s). <4>atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes %s%02x ' to make it known. Dell Laptop HP 2133 HP Pavilion ZV6100 Inventec Symphony Samsung NC10 AT and PS/2 keyboard driver scroll softrepeat softraw err_count *** events probe *** events_probe() addr=0x%p irq=%d events_probe() keymap=%s goldfish-events-keypad goldfish_events drivers/rtc/class.c <3>%s: couldn't create class &rtc->ops_lock rtc%d <6>%s %s: rtc core: registered %s as %s <3>%s %s: rtc core: unable to register %s, err = %d <4>%s %s: alarm rollover not handled drivers/rtc/rtc-dev.c <3>%s: failed to allocate char dev region <4>%s: failed to add char device %d:%d driver/rtc rtc_time : %02d:%02d:%02d rtc_date : %04d-%02d-%02d alrm_time : %02d: **: alrm_date : %04d- ****- %02d- alarm_IRQ : %s alrm_pending : %s 24hr : yes %02d:%02d:%02d <3>%s %s: failed to create alarm attribute, %d since_epoch max_user_freq wakealarm <6>%s %s: RTC can wake from S4 <4>hpet_register_irq_handler failed in rtc_init(). , hpet irqs , y3k year month day <6>%s: alarms up to one %s%s, %zd bytes nvram%s okay periodic_IRQ : %s update_IRQ : %s HPET_emulated : %s DST_enable : %s periodic_freq : %d batt_status : %s i2c: MODALIAS=%s%s <3>%s %s: Invalid block write size %d <3>%s %s: Unsupported transaction %d <4>%s %s: Invalid probe address 0x%02x <4>%s %s: Client creation failed at 0x%x (%d) %d-%04x <3>%s %s: Failed to attach i2c client %s at 0x%02x (%d) <3>%s %s: can't unregister devices with legacy drivers drivers/i2c/i2c-core.c <4>%s %s: client_unregister [%s] failed <4>i2c-core: driver [%s] is confused <3>%s %s: %s detection function provided no name for 0x%x <3>%s %s: Failed creating %s at 0x%02x <4>%s %s: SMBus Quick command not supported, can't probe for chips i2c-%d <3>i2c-core: can't create i2c%d-%04x &adap->bus_lock &adap->clist_lock <3>%s %s: detach_adapter failed (%d) for driver [%s] <3>%s %s: detach_adapter failed for driver [%s] <3>%s %s: detach_client failed for client [%s] at 0x%02x <3>%s %s: client_unregister [%s] failed, client not detached <3>%s %s: Probing not supported <4>%s %s: Invalid 7-bit address 0x%02x <3>%s %s: detach_client failed for client [%s] at address 0x%02x i2c i2c-adapter i2c_i801 <3>%s %s: Transaction timeout <3>%s %s: Failed terminating the transaction <3>%s %s: Transaction failed <4>%s %s: Failed clearing status flags at end of transaction (%02x) <3>%s %s: SMBus is busy, can't use it! <3>%s %s: Failed clearing status flags (%02x) <3>%s %s: Failed to enable SMBus PCI device (%d) <3>%s %s: SMBus base address uninitialized, upgrade BIOS <3>%s %s: Failed to request SMBus region 0x%lx-0x%Lx <6>%s %s: Enabling SMBus device SMBus I801 adapter at %04lx <3>%s %s: Failed to add SMBus adapter <3>%s %s: I2C block read is unsupported! <3>%s %s: Illegal SMBus block read size %d i801_smbus <3>%s %s: readbytes: ack/nak timeout <6>%s: Testing SDA only, SCL is not readable <4>%s: bus seems to be busy <4>%s: SDA stuck high! <4>%s: SCL unexpected low while pulling SDA low! <4>%s: SDA stuck low! <4>%s: SCL unexpected low while pulling SDA high! <4>%s: SCL stuck high! <4>%s: SDA unexpected low while pulling SCL low! <4>%s: SCL stuck low! <4>%s: SDA unexpected low while pulling SCL high! <6>%s: Test OK <3>%s %s: died at extended address code <3>%s %s: died at 2nd address code <3>%s %s: died at repeated address code <3>%s %s: readbytes: invalid block length (%d) <3>%s %s: sendbytes: NAK bailout. <3>%s %s: sendbytes: error %d power_supply <3>%s %s: driver failed to report `%s' property POWER_SUPPLY_NAME=%s POWER_SUPPLY_%s=%s health technology voltage_max voltage_min voltage_max_design voltage_min_design voltage_now voltage_avg current_now current_avg charge_full_design charge_empty_design charge_full charge_empty charge_now charge_avg charge_counter energy_full_design energy_empty_design energy_full energy_empty energy_now energy_avg temp_ambient time_to_empty_now time_to_empty_avg time_to_full_now time_to_full_avg model_name serial_number UPS Mains Li-ion Li-poly LiFe LiMn Overheat Over voltage Unspecified failure Cold Charging Discharging Not charging %s-charging-or-full %s-charging %s-full %s-online <3>%s: platform_get_resource failed <3>%s: platform_get_irq failed goldfish-battery trip_point_%d_temp trip_point_%d_type thermal_zone%d cdev%d cdev%d_trip_point cooling_device%d thermal trip_point_0_type trip_point_0_temp trip_point_1_type trip_point_1_temp trip_point_2_type trip_point_2_temp trip_point_3_type trip_point_3_temp trip_point_4_type trip_point_4_temp trip_point_5_type trip_point_5_temp trip_point_6_type trip_point_6_temp trip_point_7_type trip_point_7_temp trip_point_8_type trip_point_8_temp trip_point_9_type trip_point_9_temp trip_point_10_type trip_point_10_temp trip_point_11_type trip_point_11_temp max_state cur_state DISK max external:%s %d (%d) %d.%03d mdX <6>md: %s switched to read-write mode. <2>md: md_autodetect_dev: kzalloc failed, skipping dev(%d,%d) drivers/md/md.c md: ********************************** md: *  * <%s> <6>md: rdev %s, SZ:%08llu F:%d S:%d DN:%u <6>md: rdev superblock (MJ:%d): <6>md: SB: (V:%d.%d.%d) ID:<%08x.%08x.%08x.%08x> CT:%08x <6>md: L%d S%08d ND:%d RD:%d md%d LO:%d CS:%d <6>md: UT:%08x ST:%d AD:%d WD:%d FD:%d SD:%d CSUM:%08x E:%08lx D %2d: <6>md: THIS: <6>md: SB: (V:%u) (F:0x%08x) Array-ID:<%02x%02x%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x> <6>md: Name: "%s" CT:%llu <6>md: L%u SZ%llu RD:%u LO:%u CS:%u DO:%llu DS:%llu SO:%llu RO:%llu <6>md: Dev:%08x UUID: %02x%02x%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x <6>md: (F:0x%08x) UT:%llu Events:%llu ResyncOffset:%llu CSUM:0x%08x <6>md: (MaxDev:%u) <6>md: no rdev superblock! md: bug in file %s, line %d <6>md: export_rdev(%s) <6>md: unbind<%s> mdp mdstat <4>md: cannot register %s for %s <3>md: could not open %s. <3>md: could not bd_claim %s. <3>md: could not alloc mem for new device! <1>md: out of memory. <4>md: %s has zero or unknown size, marking faulty! <4>md: %s does not have a valid v%d.%d superblock, not importing! <4>md: could not read %s's sb, not importing! <4>md: %s: array is limited to %d devices <6>md: bind<%s> dev-%s <4>md: failed to register dev-%s for %s &new->reconfig_mutex md_d%d md%d <4>md: cannot register %s/md - name in use array_state md_ <4>md: disabled device %s, could not read superblock. <3>md: invalid raid superblock magic on %s <4>Bad version number %d.%d on %s <4>md: invalid superblock checksum on %s <4>md: bitmaps not supported for this level. <6>md.c sb_equal(): failed to allocate memory! <4>md: %s has same UUID but different superblock to %s <4>md: %s has different UUID to %s <4>md: md_import_device returned %ld <4>%s: personality does not support diskops! <4>%s: ADD_NEW_DISK not supported <4>md: error, md_import_device() returned %ld <6>md: nonpersistent superblock ... md: %s still in use. <6>md: %s stopped. <6>md: %s switched to read-only mode. <3>md: fatal superblock inconsistency in %s -- removing from array <4>md: %s: %s: only %d devices permitted <4>md: kicking non-fresh %s from array! <3>md: %s: raid array is not clean -- starting background reconstruction <3>too big chunk_size: %d > %d <3>chunk_size of %d not valid <4>md: Dev %s smaller than chunk_size: %lluk < %dk md-level-%d md-%s md: %s: data overlaps metadata md: %s: metadata overlaps data <4>md: personality for level %d is not loaded! <4>md: personality for level %s is not loaded! <4>%s: WARNING: %s appears to be on the same physical disk as %s. <4>True protection against single-disk failure might be compromised. <3>md: pers->run() failed ... <3>%s: failed to create bitmap (%d) <4>md: cannot register extra attributes for %s sync_action %s_resync <3>%s: could not start resync thread... <6>md: Autodetecting RAID arrays. <6>md: Scanned %d and added %d devices. <6>md: autorun ... <6>md: considering %s ... <6>md: adding %s ... <6>md: unit number in %s is bad: %d <3>md: cannot allocate memory for md drive. <4>md: %s locked, cannot run <4>md: %s already running, cannot run %s <6>md: created %s <6>md: running: <4>md: do_md_run() returned %d <6>md: ... autorun DONE. md: super_written gets error=%d, uptodate=%d %sfaulty %sin_sync %swrite_mostly %sblocked %sspare reshape repair %lu / %lu external: md: data_size too small on %s <4>md: %s has strangely different superblock to %s <6>md: %s personality registered for level %d <6>md: %s personality unregistered <6>md: stopping all md devices. -writemostly data-check requested-resync <6>md: delaying %s of %s until %s has finished (they share one or more physical units) <6>md: %s of RAID array %s <6>md: minimum _guaranteed_ speed: %d KB/sec/disk. <6>md: using maximum available idle IO bandwidth (but not more than %d KB/sec) for %s. <6>md: using %dk window, over a total of %llu blocks. <6>md: resuming %s of %s from checkpoint. sync_completed <6>md: %s: %s done. <6>md: checkpointing %s of %s. <6>md: md_do_sync() got signal ... exiting Personalities : unused devices: %s : %sactive (read-only) (auto-read-only) %s[%d] %llu blocks super %d.%d super external:%s super non-persistent %s =%3u.%u%% (%llu/%llu) finish=%lu.%lumin speed=%ldK/sec resync=DELAYED resync=PENDING bitmap: %lu/%lu pages [%luKB], %lu%s chunk , file: <6>md: %s in immediate safe mode <6>md: ioctl lock interrupted, reason %d, cmd %d <4>md: couldn't update array info. %d <4>md: array %s already has disks! <4>md: array %s already initialised! <6>md: superblock version %d not known <4>md: couldn't set array info. %d <4>md: cannot remove active disk %s from %s ... <4>%s: HOT_ADD may only be used with version-0 superblocks. <4>md: can not hot-add faulty %s disk to %s! <3>%s: error: failed to get bitmap file <3>%s: error: bitmap file is already in use 0.90.0 md-1 read-auto write-pending active-idle mismatch_cnt sync_speed_min sync_speed_max sync_speed sync_force_parallel sync_min sync_max suspend_lo suspend_hi bitmap_set_bits raid_disks component_size resync_start metadata_version new_dev safe_mode_delay reshape_position slot drivers/md/bitmap.c <7>%s: bitmap file superblock: <7> magic: %08x <7> version: %d <7> uuid: %08x.%08x.%08x.%08x <7> events: %llu <7>events cleared: %llu <7> state: %08x <7> chunksize: %d B <7> daemon sleep: %ds <7> sync size: %llu KB <7>max write behind: %d <1>md: bitmap read error: (%dB @ %Lu): %ld <1>%s: invalid bitmap page request: %lu (> %lu) %s: bitmap_alloc_page FAILED <1>%s: kicking failed bitmap file %s from array! <1>%s: disabling internal bitmap due to errors bad magic unrecognized superblock version bitmap chunksize too small bitmap chunksize not a power of 2 daemon sleep period out of range write-behind limit out of range (0 - 16383) <6>%s: invalid bitmap file superblock: %s <6>%s: bitmap superblock UUID mismatch <6>%s: bitmap file is out of date (%llu < %llu) -- forcing full recovery <6>%s: bitmap file is out of date, doing full recovery <6>%s: bitmap file too short %lu < %lu <6>%s: bitmap initialized from disk: read %lu/%lu pages, set %lu bits <6>%s: bitmap initialisation failed: %d <6>created bitmap (%lu pages) for device %s <4>device-mapper: core: Start sector is beyond the geometry limits. <6>device-mapper: core: cleaned up drivers/md/dm.c <4>device-mapper: core: unimplemented target map return value: %d <4>device-mapper: core: unimplemented target endio return value: %d <4>device-mapper: core: unable to allocate device, out of memory. &md->io_lock &md->suspend_lock dm-%d kdmflush <3>device-mapper: core: dm_wq_work: unrecognised work type %d dm_io dm_target_io dm_rq_target_io dm_rq_clone_bio_info <4>device-mapper: core: bdget failed in dm_suspend <4>device-mapper: table: %s: Cannot set limits for nonexistent device %s drivers/md/dm-table.c <4>device-mapper: table: device %s too small for target <4>device-mapper: table: devices still present during destroy: dm_table_remove_device calls missing <3>device-mapper: table: %s: zero-length target <3>device-mapper: table: %s: %s: unknown target type Unknown error Gap in table couldn't split parameters (insufficient memory) <3>device-mapper: table: %s: %s: %s <4>device-mapper: table: %s: any_congested: nonexistent device %s <4>device-mapper: table: %s: Cannot unplug nonexistent device %s I belong to device-mapper <2>device-mapper: target: Unregistering unrecognised target: %s drivers/md/dm-target.c <2>device-mapper: target: Attempt to unregister target still in use: %s dm-%s Invalid argument count dm-linear: Cannot allocate linear context dm-linear: Invalid device sector dm-linear: Device lookup failed <3>device-mapper: linear: register failed %d 1 %s %d %llu %s %llu Not enough arguments Invalid stripe count Invalid chunk_size Invalid chunk size Target length not divisible by chunk size Target length not divisible by number of stripes Not enough destinations specified Memory allocation for striped context failed Couldn't parse stripe destination <4>device-mapper: striped: target registration failed kstriped <3>device-mapper: striped: failed to create workqueue kstriped <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Invalid geometry supplied. %lu %lu %lu %lu <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Unable to interpret geometry settings. <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Geometry exceeds range limits. <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Invalid target message parameters. <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Failed to split target message parameters <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Target message sector outside device. <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Target type does not support messages <4>device-mapper: ioctl: device doesn't appear to be in the dev hash table. <4>device-mapper: ioctl: populate_table: no targets specified <4>device-mapper: ioctl: unable to find target <4>device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table <4>device-mapper: ioctl: device has been removed from the dev hash table. <4>device-mapper: ioctl: invalid device name <4>device-mapper: ioctl: Invalid new logical volume name supplied. <4>device-mapper: ioctl: asked to rename to an already existing name %s -> %s <4>device-mapper: ioctl: asked to rename a non existent device %s -> %s <4>device-mapper: ioctl: unable to remove open device %s <4>device-mapper: ioctl: remove_all left %d open device(s) <3>device-mapper: ioctl: misc_deregister failed for control device <4>device-mapper: ioctl: ioctl interface mismatch: kernel(%u.%u.%u), user(%u.%u.%u), cmd(%d) <4>device-mapper: ioctl: dm_ctl_ioctl: unknown command 0x%x <4>device-mapper: ioctl: name not supplied when creating device <4>device-mapper: ioctl: only supply one of name or uuid, cmd(%u) <3>device-mapper: ioctl: misc_register failed for control device dm-devel@redhat.com -ioctl (2008-04-23) <6>device-mapper: ioctl: %d.%d.%d%s initialised: %s drivers/md/dm-io.c drivers/md/dm-kcopyd.c &job->lock kcopyd_job kcopyd dm <3>device-mapper: raid1: Failed to register mirror target <4>device-mapper: raid1: log postsuspend failed %llu/%llu 1 %s 1 handle_errors <4>device-mapper: raid1: log resume failed <4>device-mapper: raid1: log presuspend failed <3>device-mapper: raid1: Primary mirror (%s) failed while out-of-sync: Reads may fail. <4>device-mapper: raid1: All sides of mirror have failed. Insufficient mirror log arguments Invalid mirror log argument count Error creating mirror dirty log Invalid number of mirrors Too few mirror arguments Cannot allocate mirror context Error creating mirror read_record_pool Error creating dm_io client Error creating dirty region hash Invalid offset Device lookup failure kmirrord <3>device-mapper: raid1: couldn't start kmirrord Invalid number of features Not enough arguments to support feature count Unrecognised feature requested Too many mirror arguments <4>device-mapper: raid1: Read failure on mirror device %s. Trying alternative device. <3>device-mapper: raid1: Read failure on mirror device %s. Failing I/O. drivers/md/dm-raid1.c <3>device-mapper: raid1: Unable to read primary mirror during recovery <3>device-mapper: raid1: Write error during recovery (error = 0x%lx) <3>device-mapper: raid1: All replicated volumes dead, failing I/O <3>device-mapper: raid1: Mirror read failed. <3>device-mapper: raid1: Mirror read failed from %s. Trying alternative device. mirror 3 %s %s %c %s %u %s %u %ssync %s %u %u <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: wrong number of arguments to dirty region log nosync <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: unrecognised sync argument to dirty region log: %s <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: invalid region size %s <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: couldn't allocate core log <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: couldn't allocate clean bitset <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: log device %s too small: need %llu bytes <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: couldn't allocate disk io client <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: couldn't allocate disk log buffer <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: couldn't allocate sync bitset <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: wrong number of arguments to disk dirty region log <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: couldn't register core log <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: couldn't register disk type drivers/md/dm-log.c <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: No memory left to attempt log module load for "%s" dm-log-%s <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: Module for logging type "%s" not found. <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: incompatible disk log version <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: %s: Failed to read header on dirty region log device <4>device-mapper: dirty region log: %s: Failed to write header on dirty region log device <3>device-mapper: region hash: unable to allocate region hash memory <3>device-mapper: region hash: unable to allocate region hash bucket memory drivers/md/dm-region-hash.c No arguments required <3>device-mapper: zero: register failed %d &per_cpu(cpu_policy_rwsem, cpu)  performance powersave powersave drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq.c <7>%s: unregistering driver %s <4>%s governor failed, too long transition latency of HW, fallback to %s governor __cpufreq_governor for CPU %u, event %u setting new policy for CPU %u: %u - %u kHz new min and max freqs are %u - %u kHz setting range governor switch starting governor %s failed governor: change or update limits %15s cpufreq_%s target for CPU %u: %u kHz, relation %u unregistering CPU %u waiting for dropping of refcount wait complete last reference is dropped saving %lu as reference value for loops_per_jiffy; freq is %u kHz scaling loops_per_jiffy to %lu for frequency %u kHz resuming cpu %u <3>cpufreq: resume failed in ->resume step on CPU %u <3>cpufreq: resume failed to assert current frequency is what timing core thinks it is. Warning: CPU frequency is %u, cpufreq assumed %u kHz. suspending cpu %u <3>cpufreq: suspend failed in ->suspend step on CPU %u <3>cpufreq: suspend failed to assert current frequency is what timing core thinks it is. notification %u of frequency transition to %u kHz Warning: CPU frequency out of sync: cpufreq and timing core thinks of %u, is %u kHz. updating policy for CPU %u Driver did not initialize current freq handle_update for cpu %u called adding CPU %u cpufreq setting policy failed initialization complete trying to register driver %s no CPU initialized for driver %s driver %s up and running cpuinfo_cur_freq scaling_cur_freq cpuinfo_min_freq cpuinfo_max_freq scaling_min_freq scaling_max_freq affected_cpus related_cpus scaling_governor scaling_driver scaling_available_governors scaling_setspeed setting to %u kHz because of event %u saving cpu_cur_freq of cpu %u to be %u kHz userspace cpufreq_set for cpu %u, freq %u kHz drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq_userspace.c managing cpu %u started (%u - %u kHz, currently %u kHz) managing cpu %u stopped limit event for cpu %u: %u - %u kHz, currently %u kHz, last set to %u kHz kondemand <3>Creation of kondemand failed sampling_rate_max sampling_rate_min sampling_rate ignore_nice_load powersave_bias clearing show_table for cpu %u freq-table setting show_table for cpu %u to %p request for target %u kHz (relation: %u) for cpu %u target is %u (%u kHz, %u) table entry %u is invalid, skipping table entry %u: %u kHz, %u index request for verification of policy (%u - %u kHz) for cpu %u verification lead to (%u - %u kHz) for cpu %u scaling_available_frequencies C0 CPUIDLE CORE POLL IDLE <6>cpuidle: using governor %s cpuidle  state%d current_driver current_governor desc usage current_governor_ro mmc_delayed_work kmmcd drivers/mmc/core/core.c <4>%s: host doesn't support card's voltages %s: Starting deferred resume %s: Deferred resume completed MMC SD SDIO MMC MMC_NAME=%s MODALIAS=mmc:block SDIO MMC_TYPE=%s %s:%04x SDHC high speed <6>%s: new %s%s card on SPI <6>%s: new %s%s card at address %04x <6>%s: SPI card removed <6>%s: card %04x removed drivers/mmc/core/host.c mmc%d mmc_host drivers/mmc/core/mmc.c %02d/%04d %08x%08x%08x%08x <4>%s: card claims to support voltages below the defined range. These will be ignored. <3>%s: unrecognised CSD structure version %d <3>%s: card has unknown MMCA version %d <3>%s: could not allocate a buffer to receive the ext_csd. <3>%s: unable to read EXT_CSD on a possible high capacity card. Card will be ignored. <4>%s: unable to read EXT_CSD, performance might suffer. <3>%s: unrecognised EXT_CSD structure version %d <4>%s: card is mmc v4 but doesn't support any high-speed modes. <3>%s: error %d whilst initialising MMC card fwrev hwrev manfid oemid drivers/mmc/core/mmc_ops.c drivers/mmc/core/sd.c <4>%s: SD card claims to support the incompletely defined 'low voltage range'. This will be ignored. <3>%s: unrecognised SCR structure version %d <4>%s: card lacks mandatory switch function, performance might suffer. <3>%s: could not allocate a buffer for switch capabilities. <4>%s: problem reading switch capabilities, performance might suffer. <4>%s: Problem switching card into high-speed mode! <4>%s: host does not support reading read-only switch. assuming write-enable. <3>%s: error %d whilst initialising SD card scr drivers/mmc/core/sd_ops.c %s(): %s: Error resetting SDIO communications (%d) drivers/mmc/core/sdio.c <4>%s: SDIO card claims to support the incompletely defined 'low voltage range'. This will be ignored. <3>%s: unrecognised CCCR structure version %d <3>%s: error %d whilst initialising SDIO card drivers/mmc/core/sdio_ops.c %s:%d sdio:c%02Xv%04Xd%04X <4>WARNING: driver %s did not remove its interrupt handler! SDIO_CLASS=%02X SDIO_ID=%04X:%04X MODALIAS=sdio:c%02Xv%04Xd%04X sdio <3>%s: bad CISTPL_FUNCE size %u type %u drivers/mmc/core/sdio_cis.c <7>%s: queuing CIS tuple 0x%02x length %u <3>%s: bad CIS tuple 0x%02x (length = %u, expected >= %u) <4>SDIO: ignoring broken CISTPL_VERS_1 drivers/mmc/core/sdio_io.c drivers/mmc/core/sdio_irq.c ksdioirqd/%s <7>%s: error %d reading SDIO_CCCR_INTx <4>%s: pending IRQ for non-existant function <4>%s: pending IRQ with no handler clock: %u Hz vdd: %u (1.65 - 1.95 V) (%s ~ %s V) (invalid) push-pull open drain bus mode: %u (%s) active low don't care active high chip select: %u (%s) power mode: %u (%s) bus width: %u (%u bits) sd high-speed mmc high-speed timing spec: %u (%s) ext_csd <3>%s %s: failed to initialize debugfs drivers/mmc/core/debugfs.c 2.1 2.3 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 <3>%s: unable to set block size to %d: %d mmcblk%d (ro) <6>%s: %s %s %s %s <4>%s: retrying using single block read <3>%s: error %d sending status comand <3>%s: error %d sending read/write command, response %#x, card status %#x <3>%s: error %d transferring data, sector %u, nr %u, card status %#x <3>%s: error %d sending stop command, response %#x, card status %#x <3>%s: error %d requesting status mmcblk drivers/mmc/card/queue.c MMC bad request <3>MMC: killing requests for dead queue <4>%s: unable to allocate bounce buffer mmcqd drivers/mmc/host/goldfish.c <3>%s %s: Invalid response type: %04x <6>%s: Card detect now %d <6>%s %s: spurious irq 0x%04x goldfish_mmc <4>%s %s: Unable to create sysfs attributes cover_switch leds &led_cdev->trigger_lock <6>Registered led device: %s <4>LED trigger %s failed to register (%d) <4>LED trigger %s failed to register (no memory) [none] none <3>dmi check: not initialized yet. drivers/firmware/dmi_scan.c _DMI_ <6>DMI %d.%d present. <6>DMI present. <6>DMI not present or invalid. <3>dmi_save_one_device: out of memory. <3>dmi_string: cannot allocate %Zu bytes. %02X%02X%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X <3>dmi_save_oem_strings_devices: out of memory. <3>dmi_save_ipmi_device: out of memory. IPMI controller dmi :%s%s bvn bvr svn pvr rvn rvr cvn cvr bios_vendor bios_version bios_date sys_vendor product_name product_version product_serial product_uuid board_vendor board_name board_version board_serial board_asset_tag chassis_vendor chassis_type chassis_version chassis_serial chassis_asset_tag iBFT <3>iBFT error: We expected the field header.id to have %d but found %d instead! <3>iBFT error: We expected the field header.length to have %d but found %d instead! %pI6 %u.%u.%u.%u %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x ibft <6>iBFT detected at 0x%lx. <3>iBFT module supports only revision 1, while this is %d. <3>iBFT has incorrect checksum (0x%x)! <3>iBFT error: Control header is invalid! ethernet <3>iBFT has unknown structure type (%d). Report this bug to %.6s! <6>No iBFT detected. ethernet%d target%d ip-addr subnet-mask origin gateway primary-dns secondary-dns dhcp vlan chap-type nic-assoc target-name chap-secret rev-chap-name rev-chap-name-secret isns-server slp-server pri-radius-server sec-radius-server initiator-name memmap drivers/firmware/memmap.c <4>* The chipset may have PM-Timer Bug. Due to workarounds for a bug, * this clock source is slow. If you are sure your timer does not have * this bug, please use "acpi_pm_good" to disable the workaround <6>PM-Timer had inconsistent results: 0x%#llx, 0x%#llx - aborting. <6>PM-Timer failed consistency check (0x%#llx) - aborting. <6>PM-Timer running at invalid rate: %lu%% of normal - aborting. <6>PMTMR IOPort override: 0x%04x -> 0x%04lx <4>* Found PM-Timer Bug on the chipset. Due to workarounds for a bug, * this clock source is slow. Consider trying other clock sources drivers/hid/hid-core.c <7>%s: undefined report_id %u received <7>%s: reserved item type, tag 0x%x <7>%s: usage index exceeded <3>HID: can't register hid bus hid_compat hid-dummy HID_ID=%04X:%08X:%08X HID_NAME=%s HID_PHYS=%s HID_UNIQ=%s MODALIAS=hid:b%04Xv%08Xp%08X generic- <7>%s: hid_register_report failed <7>%s: logical range invalid %d %d <7>%s: too many fields in report <4>HID: implement() called with n (%d) > 32! (%s) <4>HID: implement() called with too large value %d! (%s) %04X:%04X:%04X.%04X <3>%s %s: claimed by neither input, hiddev nor hidraw %shiddev%d %shidraw%d BLUETOOTH  <6>%s %s: %s: %s HID v%x.%02x %s [%s] on %s <7>%s: %s's event failed with %d <7>%s: report %d is too short, (%d < %d) <4>HID: extract() called with n (%d) > 32! (%s) <7>%s: empty report <7>%s: report (size %u) (%snumbered) <7>%s: report %d (size %u) = <7>%s: offset (%d) exceeds report_count (%d) <7>%s: value %d is out of range <7>%s: unexpected long global item <7>%s: item %u %u %u %u parsing failed <7>%s: unbalanced collection at end of report description <7>%s: unbalanced delimiter at end of report description <7>%s: item fetching failed at offset %d <7>%s: collection stack overflow <7>%s: failed to reallocate collection array <7>%s: collection stack underflow <7>%s: unknown main item tag 0x%x <7>%s: item data expected for local item <7>%s: nested delimiters <7>%s: bogus close delimiter <7>%s: alternative usage ignored <7>%s: hid_add_usage failed <7>%s: unknown local item tag 0x%x <7>%s: global enviroment stack overflow <7>%s: global enviroment stack underflow <7>%s: invalid report_size %d <7>%s: invalid report_count %d <7>%s: report_id 0 is invalid <7>%s: unknown global tag 0x%x Joystick Gamepad Keyboard Keypad Multi-Axis Controller drivers/hid/hid-input.c <3>%s: Out of memory during hid input probe <7>%s: Mapping: ---> [non-LED output field] IGNORED <7>%s: <7>Assigned keycode %d to HID usage code %x <7>%s: Maximum Effects - %d <7>%s: PID Pool Report %s.%s <7>%*s <7>hid-debug: input Physical( Logical( Usage(%d) Logical Minimum(%d) Logical Maximum(%d) Physical Minimum(%d) Physical Maximum(%d) Unit Exponent(%d) Unit(Invalid) Unit(%s : ^%d Report Size(%u) Report Count(%u) Report Offset(%u) Flags( Constant Variable Array Relative Absolute Wrap NonLinear NoPreferredState NullState Volatile BufferedByte Field(%d) Relative Absolute Misc Sound Repeat ForceFeedback ForceFeedbackStatus INPUT OUTPUT FEATURE Centimeter Gram Seconds Kelvin Ampere Candela Radians Inch Slug Fahrenheit Degrees SI Linear SI Rotation English Linear English Rotation Undefined GenericDesktop GamePad MultiAxis Rx Ry Rz Slider Dial HatSwitch CountedBuffer ByteCount MotionWakeup Vy Vz Vbrx Vbry Vbrz Vno SystemControl SystemPowerDown SystemSleep SystemWakeUp SystemContextMenu SystemMainMenu SystemAppMenu SystemMenuHelp SystemMenuExit SystemMenuSelect SystemMenuRight SystemMenuLeft SystemMenuUp SystemMenuDown D-PadUp D-PadDown D-PadRight D-PadLeft Simulation Aileron AileronTrim Anti-Torque Autopilot Chaff Collective DiveBrake ElectronicCountermeasures Elevator ElevatorTrim Rudder Throttle FlightCommunications FlareRelease LandingGear ToeBrake NumLock CapsLock ScrollLock Compose Kana GenericIndicator Ordinal Consumer HorizontalWheel Digitizers Digitizer LightPen TouchScreen TouchPad Stylus Puck TipPressure BarrelPressure InRange UnTouch TabletFunctionKey ProgramChangeKey Invert SecondaryTipSwitch BarrelSwitch Eraser TabletPick PhysicalInterfaceDevice Physical_Interface_Device Set_Effect_Report Effect_Block_Index Parameter_Block_Offset ROM_Flag Effect_Type ET_Constant_Force ET_Ramp ET_Custom_Force_Data ET_Square ET_Sine ET_Triangle ET_Sawtooth_Up ET_Sawtooth_Down ET_Spring ET_Damper ET_Inertia ET_Friction Duration Sample_Period Trigger_Button Trigger_Repeat_Interval Axes_Enable Direction_Enable Direction Type_Specific_Block_Offset Block_Type Set_Envelope_Report Attack_Level Attack_Time Fade_Level Fade_Time Set_Condition_Report CP_Offset Positive_Coefficient Negative_Coefficient Positive_Saturation Negative_Saturation Dead_Band Download_Force_Sample Isoch_Custom_Force_Enable Custom_Force_Data_Report Custom_Force_Vendor_Defined_Data Set_Custom_Force_Report Custom_Force_Data_Offset Sample_Count Set_Periodic_Report Magnitude Phase Set_Constant_Force_Report Set_Ramp_Force_Report Ramp_Start Ramp_End Effect_Operation_Report Effect_Operation Op_Effect_Start Op_Effect_Start_Solo Op_Effect_Stop Loop_Count Device_Gain_Report Device_Gain PID_Pool_Report RAM_Pool_Size ROM_Pool_Size ROM_Effect_Block_Count Simultaneous_Effects_Max Pool_Alignment PID_Pool_Move_Report Move_Source Move_Destination Move_Length PID_Block_Load_Report Block_Load_Status Block_Load_Success Block_Load_Full Block_Load_Error PID_Block_Free_Report Type_Specific_Block_Handle PID_State_Report Effect_Playing PID_Device_Control_Report PID_Device_Control DC_Enable_Actuators DC_Disable_Actuators DC_Stop_All_Effects DC_Device_Reset DC_Device_Pause DC_Device_Continue Device_Paused Actuators_Enabled Safety_Switch Actuator_Override_Switch Actuator_Power Start_Delay Parameter_Block_Size Device_Managed_Pool Shared_Parameter_Blocks Create_New_Effect_Report RAM_Pool_Available Power Device PresentStatus ChangeStatus PowerSupply BatterySystem BatterySystemID BatteryID Charger ChargerID PowerConverter PowerConverterID OutletSystem OutletSystemID Input InputID Output OutputID Flow FlowID Outlet OutletID Gang PowerSummary PowerSummaryID Frequency PercentLoad ConfigVoltage ConfigCurrent ConfigApparentPower LowVoltageTransfer HighVoltageTransfer DelayBeforeStartup DelayBeforeShutdown Test AudibleAlarmControl InternalFailure Overload OverCharged OverTemperature ShutdownRequested ShutdownImminent SwitchOn/Off Switchable Used CommunicationLost iManufacturer iProduct iSerialNumber Battery System SMBBatteryMode SMBBatteryStatus SMBAlarmWarning SMBChargerMode SMBChargerStatus SMBChargerSpecInfo SMBSelectorState SMBSelectorPresets SMBSelectorInfo CapacityMode BelowRemainingCapacityLimit NeedReplacement RemainingCapacity RunTimeToEmpty AverageTimeToFull DesignCapacity ManufacturerDate iDeviceChemistry Rechargable iOEMInformation CapacityGranularity1 ACPresent Vendor-specific-FF Reserved Esc Backspace Tab LeftBrace RightBrace LeftControl Semicolon Apostrophe Grave LeftShift BackSlash RightShift KPAsterisk LeftAlt KP7 KP8 KP9 KPMinus KP4 KP5 KP6 KPPlus KP1 KP2 KP3 KP0 KPDot Zenkaku/Hankaku 102nd Katakana HIRAGANA Henkan Katakana/Hiragana Muhenkan KPJpComma KPEnter RightCtrl KPSlash SysRq RightAlt LineFeed Home PageUp PageDown Insert Delete Macro Mute VolumeDown VolumeUp KPEqual KPPlusMinus KPComma Hangeul Hanja Yen LeftMeta RightMeta Again Props Front Open Paste Find Cut Calc Setup SendFile DeleteFile X-fer Prog1 Prog2 WWW MSDOS Coffee CycleWindows Bookmarks Computer Back EjectCD EjectCloseCD NextSong PlayPause PreviousSong StopCD Record Phone ISOKey HomePage Refresh Move Edit ScrollUp ScrollDown KPLeftParenthesis KPRightParenthesis New Redo F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 F19 F20 F21 F22 F23 F24 PlayCD PauseCD Prog3 Prog4 Play FastForward BassBoost Print Question Email Chat Search Connect Finance Sport Shop AlternateErase Cancel BrightnessDown BrightnessUp Media SwitchVideoMode KbdIlluminationToggle KbdIlluminationDown KbdIlluminationUp Send Reply ForwardMail Save Documents Btn0 Btn1 Btn7 Btn8 Btn9 LeftBtn RightBtn MiddleBtn SideBtn ExtraBtn ForwardBtn BackBtn TaskBtn Trigger ThumbBtn ThumbBtn2 TopBtn TopBtn2 PinkieBtn BaseBtn BaseBtn2 BaseBtn3 BaseBtn4 BaseBtn5 BaseBtn6 BtnDead BtnA BtnB BtnC BtnX BtnY BtnZ BtnTL BtnTR BtnTL2 BtnTR2 BtnSelect BtnStart BtnMode BtnThumbL BtnThumbR ToolPen ToolRubber ToolBrush ToolPencil ToolAirbrush ToolFinger ToolMouse ToolLens Stylus2 ToolDoubleTap ToolTripleTap WheelBtn Gear up Ok Goto Power2 Archive Program Channel Favorites EPG PVR MHP Language Title Subtitle Angle TV2 VCR VCR2 Sat Sat2 Tape Radio Tuner Text DVD Aux Video Directory List Memo Calendar Red Green Yellow Blue ChannelUp ChannelDown Last AB Next Restart Slow Shuffle Break Previous Digits TEEN TWEN SpellCheck Logoff DeleteEOL DeleteEOS InsertLine DeleteLine Fn Fn+ESC Fn+F1 Fn+F2 Fn+F3 Fn+F4 Fn+F5 Fn+F6 Fn+F7 Fn+F8 Fn+F9 Fn+F10 Fn+F11 Fn+F12 Fn+1 Fn+2 Fn+D Fn+E Fn+F Fn+S Fn+B HWheel Gas Hat0X Hat0Y Hat1X Hat1Y Hat2X Hat2Y Hat3X Hat 3Y Distance XTilt YTilt Tool Width Volume Serial Pulseled Gesture RawData Click Bell Tone hidraw <4>hidraw: can't get major number <0>hidraw device with minor %d doesn't exist <4>hidraw: pid %d passed too large report <4>hidraw: pid %d passed too short report &list->read_mutex hid_a4tech <3>%s %s: can't alloc device descriptor <3>%s %s: parse failed <3>%s %s: hw start failed hid_apple <3>can't register apple driver <3>%s %s: can't alloc apple descriptor <6>%s %s: fixing up MacBook JIS keyboard report descriptor hid_belkin <6>%s %s: fixing up Cherry Cymotion report descriptor hid_cherry hid_chicony hid_cypress hid_ezkey hid_gyration hid_logitech <6>%s %s: fixing up Logitech keyboard report descriptor drivers/hid/hid-lgff.c <3>%s: No output report found <3>%s: NULL output report <3>%s: NULL field <6>Force feedback for Logitech force feedback devices by Johann Deneux  <7>%s: (x, y)=(%04x, %04x) <7>%s: (left, right)=(%04x, %04x) hid_microsoft <6>%s %s: fixing up Microsoft Wireless Receiver Model 1028 report descriptor <6>%s %s: fixing up button/consumer in HID report descriptor hid_monterey hid_ntrig hid_pl <3>%s %s: no output reports found <3>%s %s: required output report is missing <3>%s %s: no fields in the report <3>%s %s: not enough values in the field <6>%s %s: Force feedback for PantherLord/GreenAsia devices by Anssi Hannula  pantherlord hid_petalynx <6>%s %s: fixing up Petalynx Maxter Remote report descriptor hid_samsung <6>%s %s: fixing up Samsung IrDA report descriptor hid_sony <6>%s %s: Fixing up Sony Vaio VGX report descriptor <3>%s %s: can't set operational mode <6>%s %s: fixing up Sunplus Wireless Desktop report descriptor hid_sunplus hid_tmff <4>%s %s: ignoring FF field with report_count < 2 <4>%s %s: ignoring FF field with logical_maximum == logical_minimum <4>%s %s: ignoring FF field in other report <4>%s %s: ignoring duplicate FF field <4>%s %s: ignoring unknown output usage %08x <3>%s %s: can't find FF field in output reports <6>%s %s: force feedback for ThrustMaster devices by Zinx Verituse  drivers/hid/hid-tmff.c <7>%s: (left,right)=(%08x, %08x) thrustmaster hid_topseed drivers/hid/hid-zpff.c <7>%s: called with 0x%04x 0x%04x <7>%s: running with 0x%02x 0x%02x hid_zpff <3>%s %s: no output report found <3>%s %s: not enough fields in report <6>%s %s: force feedback for Zeroplus based devices by Anssi Hannula  zeroplus drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c Set_Report Get_Report <7>%s: submitting ctrl urb: %s wValue=0x%04x wIndex=0x%04x wLength=%u <3>%s: usb_submit_urb(ctrl) failed <7>%s: submitting out urb <3>%s: usb_submit_urb(out) failed <7>%s: class descriptor not present <7>%s: weird size of report descriptor (%u) <7>%s: couldn't allocate rdesc memory <7>%s: reading report descriptor failed <7>%s: report descriptor (size %u, read %d) = <7>%s: parsing report descriptor failed usbhid <6>usbhid: v2.6:USB HID core driver <7>%s: timeout waiting for ctrl or out queue to clear <4>%s %s: output queue full <4>%s %s: output queueing failed <4>%s %s: control queue full <4>%s %s: control queueing failed <4>%s %s: timeout initializing reports <4>%s %s: event field not found <7>%s: HID probe called for ifnum %d <3>%s %s: couldn't find an input interrupt endpoint HID %04x:%04x usb-%s-%s <3>%s %s: can't add hid device: %d <3>%s: can't reset device, %s-%s/input%d, status %d <4>%s %s: output irq status %d received <4>%s %s: ctrl urb status %d received <4>%s %s: input irq status %d received <3>%s: can't resubmit intr, %s-%s/input%d, status %d <6>%s: Fixing fullspeed to highspeed interval: %d -> %d generic-usb drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-quirks.c <7>%s: Found dynamic quirk 0x%x for USB HID vendor 0x%hx prod 0x%hx <7>%s: Found squirk 0x%x for USB HID vendor 0x%hx prod 0x%hx 0x%hx:0x%hx:0x%x <7>%s: Cannot add a quirk with idVendor = 0 <7>%s: Could not allocate quirks_list_struct <4>Could not parse HID quirk module param %s &hiddev->existancelock drivers/hid/usbhid/hiddev.c <3>%s: Not able to get a minor for this device. &list->thread_lock hiddev <3>hid-pidff: logical_minimum is not 1 as it should be <3>hid-pidff: pid_block_load failed 60 times <3>hid-pidff: unknown set_effect report layout <3>hid-pidff: unknown pid_block_load report layout <3>hid-pidff: unknown effect_operation report layout <3>hid-pidff: unknown pid_block_free report layout <3>hid-pidff: effect lists not found <3>hid-pidff: direction field not found <3>hid-pidff: device control field not found <3>hid-pidff: block load status field not found <3>hid-pidff: effect operation field not found <3>hid-pidff: no effect types found <3>hidpidff: block load status identifiers not found <3>hidpidff: effect operation identifiers not found <3>hid-pidff: effect type number %d is invalid <4>hid-pidff: has constant effect but no envelope <4>hid-pidff: has ramp effect but no envelope <4>hid-pidff: has periodic effect but no envelope <4>hid-pidff: unknown constant effect layout <4>hid-pidff: unknown ramp effect layout <4>hid-pidff: unknown condition effect layout <4>hid-pidff: unknown periodic effect layout <4>hid-pidff: device reports %d simultaneous effects <3>hid-pidff: upload request failed <5>hid-pidff: device has unknown autocenter control method <5>hid-pidff: device does not support device managed pool <6>Force feedback for USB HID PID devices by Anssi Hannula  <3>hid-pidff: invalid waveform <3>hid-pidff: invalid type reply call %d: %s from %d:%d to %d:%d node %d handle %d size %d:%d %s%s: %d %s%s: active %d total %d %s %d: %p from %d:%d to %d:%d code %x flags %x pri %ld r%d buffer free node %d size %zd:%zd data %p %stransaction complete %snode work %d: u%p c%p %shas dead binder %shas cleared dead binder %shas cleared death notification %sunknown work: type %d node %d: u%p c%p hs %d hw %d ls %d lw %d is %d iw %d proc pending async transaction proc %d thread %d: l %02x outgoing transaction incoming transaction bad transaction pending transaction dead ref %d: desc %d %snode %d s %d w %d d %p delivered buffer %s %d: %p size %zd:%zd %s has delivered dead binder binder proc state: binder transactions: <6>binder: %d close vm area %lx-%lx (%ld K) vma %lx pagep %lx <3>binder: invalid inc strong node for %d <3>binder: invalid inc weak node for %d drivers/staging/android/binder.c <6>binder: send failed reply for transaction %d to %d:%d <3>binder: reply failed, target thread, %d:%d, has error code %d already <6>binder: send failed reply for transaction %d, target dead <6>binder: reply failed, no target thread at root <6>binder: reply failed, no target thread -- retry %d <6>binder: release %d:%d transaction %d %s, still active <6>binder: refless node %d deleted <6>binder: dead node %d deleted <6>binder: %d delete ref %d desc %d for node %d <6>binder: %d delete ref %d desc %d has death notification <6>binder: %d invalid dec strong, ref %d desc %d s %d w %d <6>binder: %d invalid dec weak, ref %d desc %d s %d w %d <6>binder: %d: %s pages %p-%p <3>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf failed to map pages in userspace, no vma <3>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf failed for page at %p <3>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf failed to map page at %p in kernel <3>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf failed to map page at %lx in userspace <6>binder: %d: merge free, buffer %p share page with %p start end <6>binder: %d: merge free, buffer %p do not share page%s%s with with %p or %p <6>binder: %d: add free buffer, size %zd, at %p <6>binder: %d: binder_free_buf %p size %zd buffer_size %zd <6>binder: %d: binder_free_buf size %zd async free %zd <6>binder: %d new ref %d desc %d for node %d <6>binder: %d new ref %d desc %d for dead node <6>binder: %d:%d node %d u%p c%p created <6>binder: %d open vm area %lx-%lx (%ld K) vma %lx pagep %lx <6>binder: %d: nice value %ld not allowed use %ld instead <6>binder: %d RLIMIT_NICE not set <6>binder: %d buffer release %d, size %zd-%zd, failed at %p <3>binder: transaction release %d badoffset %zd, size %zd <3>binder: transaction release %d bad node %p <6> node %d u%p <3>binder: transaction release %d bad handle %ld <6> ref %d desc %d (node %d) <6> fd %ld <3>binder: transaction release %d bad object type %lx <4>get_unused_fd: slot %d not NULL! <6>binder: %d:%d got reply transaction with no transaction stack <6>binder: %d:%d got reply transaction with bad transaction stack, transaction %d has target %d:%d <6>binder: %d:%d got reply transaction with bad target transaction stack %d, expected %d <6>binder: %d:%d got transaction to invalid handle <6>binder: %d:%d got new transaction with bad transaction stack, transaction %d has target %d:%d <6>binder: %d:%d BC_REPLY %d -> %d:%d, data %p-%p size %zd-%zd <6>binder: %d:%d BC_TRANSACTION %d -> %d - node %d, data %p-%p size %zd-%zd <3>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf, no vma <6>binder: %d: got transaction with invalid size %zd-%zd <3>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf size %zd failed, no async space left <3>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf size %zd failed, no address space <6>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf size %zd got buffer %p size %zd <6>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf size %zd got %p <6>binder: %d: binder_alloc_buf size %zd async free %zd <6>binder: %d:%d got transaction with invalid data ptr <6>binder: %d:%d got transaction with invalid offsets ptr <6>binder: %d:%d got transaction with invalid offsets size, %zd <6>binder: %d:%d got transaction with invalid offset, %zd <6>binder: %d:%d sending u%p node %d, cookie mismatch %p != %p <6> node %d u%p -> ref %d desc %d <6>binder: %d:%d got transaction with invalid handle, %ld <6> ref %d desc %d -> node %d u%p <6> ref %d desc %d -> ref %d desc %d (node %d) <6>binder: %d:%d got reply with fd, %ld, but target does not allow fds <6>binder: %d:%d got transaction with fd, %ld, but target does not allow fds <6>binder: %d:%d got transaction with invalid fd, %ld <6> fd %ld -> %d <6>binder: %d:%d got transaction with invalid object type, %lx <6>binder: %d:%d transaction failed %d, size%zd-%zd <6>binder: %d:%d tried to acquire reference to desc 0, got %d instead <6>binder: %d:%d refcount change on invalid ref %d IncRefs Acquire DecRefs <6>binder: %d:%d %s ref %d desc %d s %d w %d for node %d BC_INCREFS_DONE BC_ACQUIRE_DONE <6>binder: %d:%d %s u%p no match <6>binder: %d:%d %s u%p node %d cookie mismatch %p != %p <6>binder: %d:%d BC_ACQUIRE_DONE node %d has no pending acquire request <6>binder: %d:%d BC_INCREFS_DONE node %d has no pending increfs request <6>binder: %d:%d %s node %d ls %d lw %d <3>binder: BC_ATTEMPT_ACQUIRE not supported <3>binder: BC_ACQUIRE_RESULT not supported <6>binder: %d:%d BC_FREE_BUFFER u%p no match <6>binder: %d:%d BC_FREE_BUFFER u%p matched unreturned buffer finished <6>binder: %d:%d BC_FREE_BUFFER u%p found buffer %d for %s transaction <6>binder: %d:%d BC_REGISTER_LOOPER <6>binder: %d:%d ERROR: BC_REGISTER_LOOPER called after BC_ENTER_LOOPER <6>binder: %d:%d ERROR: BC_REGISTER_LOOPER called without request <6>binder: %d:%d BC_ENTER_LOOPER <6>binder: %d:%d ERROR: BC_ENTER_LOOPER called after BC_REGISTER_LOOPER <6>binder: %d:%d BC_EXIT_LOOPER BC_REQUEST_DEATH_NOTIFICATION BC_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION <6>binder: %d:%d %s invalid ref %d <6>binder: %d:%d %s %p ref %d desc %d s %d w %d for node %d <6>binder: %d:%d BC_REQUEST_DEATH_NOTIFICATION death notification already set <6>binder: %d:%d BC_REQUEST_DEATH_NOTIFICATION failed <6>binder: %d:%d BC_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION death notification not active <6>binder: %d:%d BC_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION death notification cookie mismatch %p != %p <6>binder: %d:%d BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE %p found %p <6>binder: %d:%d BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE %p not found <3>binder: %d:%d unknown command %d binder state: dead nodes: binder stats: threads: %d requested threads: %d+%d/%d ready threads %d free async space %zd nodes: %d refs: %d s %d w %d buffers: %d pending transactions: %d <6>binder_flush: %d woke %d threads <6>binder_release: %d context_mgr_node gone <6>binder: node %d now dead, refs %d, death %d <3>binder: release proc %d, transaction %d, not freed <6>binder_release: %d: page %d at %p not freed <6>binder_release: %d threads %d, nodes %d (ref %d), refs %d, active transactions %d, buffers %d, pages %d <6>binder: %d:%d write %ld at %08lx, read %ld at %08lx <6>binder: %d:%d ERROR: Thread waiting for process work before calling BC_REGISTER_LOOPER or BC_ENTER_LOOPER (state %x) <6>binder: %d:%d BR_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE BR_INCREFS BR_ACQUIRE BR_RELEASE BR_DECREFS <6>binder: %d:%d %s %d u%p c%p <6>binder: %d:%d node %d u%p c%p deleted <6>binder: %d:%d node %d u%p c%p state unchanged BR_DEAD_BINDER BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE <6>binder: %d:%d %s %p BR_TRANSACTION BR_REPLY <6>binder: %d:%d %s %d %d:%d, cmd %dsize %zd-%zd ptr %p-%p <6>binder: %d:%d BR_SPAWN_LOOPER <6>binder: %d:%d wrote %ld of %ld, read return %ld of %ld <3>binder: BINDER_SET_CONTEXT_MGR already set <3>binder: BINDER_SET_CONTEXT_MGR bad uid %d != %d <6>binder: %d:%d exit <6>binder: %d:%d ioctl %x %lx returned %d <6>binder_mmap: %d %lx-%lx (%ld K) vma %lx pagep %lx bad vm_flags already mapped get_vm_area alloc page array alloc small buf <3>binder_mmap: %d %lx-%lx %s failed %d <6>binder_open: %d:%d binder transactions failed_transaction_log BC_TRANSACTION BC_REPLY BC_ACQUIRE_RESULT BC_FREE_BUFFER BC_INCREFS BC_ACQUIRE BC_RELEASE BC_DECREFS BC_ATTEMPT_ACQUIRE BC_REGISTER_LOOPER BC_ENTER_LOOPER BC_EXIT_LOOPER BC_DEAD_BINDER_DONE BR_ERROR BR_OK BR_ACQUIRE_RESULT BR_DEAD_REPLY BR_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE BR_ATTEMPT_ACQUIRE BR_NOOP BR_SPAWN_LOOPER BR_FINISHED BR_FAILED_REPLY thread death transaction_complete <3>logger: failed to register misc device for log '%s'! <6>logger: created %luK log '%s' log_main log_events log_radio timed_output <3>timed_output: Failed to register driver %s e100/d101m_ucode.bin e100/d101s_ucode.bin e100/d102e_ucode.bin tigon/tg3.bin tigon/tg3_tso.bin tigon/tg3_tso5.bin <6>%s %s: BAR %d: can't allocate resource <7>%s %s: setting latency timer to %d <3>PCI: Fatal: No config space access function found PCI: unsupported BIOS32 revision %d at 0x%p PCI: BIOS32 entry (0x%p) in high memory, cannot use. <4>bios32_service(0x%lx): not present <4>bios32_service(0x%lx): returned 0x%x -- BIOS bug! <3>PCI: BIOS BUG #%x[%08x] found <6>PCI: PCI BIOS revision %x.%02x entry at 0x%lx, last bus=%d <3>PCI: Error %02x when fetching IRQ routing table. <6>PCI: Using BIOS Interrupt Routing Table <6>PCI: Using MMCONFIG for extended config space PCI conf1 PCI conf2 <6>PCI: Using configuration type %d for base access <6>PCI: Using configuration type 1 for extended access E820 ACPI motherboard resources <5>PCI: MCFG area at %Lx reserved in %s <5>PCI: updated MCFG configuration %d: base %lx segment %hu buses %u - %u <3>PCI: Unable to allocate MMCONFIG resources PCI MMCONFIG %u AMD Family 10h NB without <6>PCI: Found %s %s MMCONFIG support. MCFG <5>PCI: MCFG configuration %d: base %lx segment %hu buses %u - %u <3>PCI: BIOS Bug: MCFG area at %Lx is not reserved in ACPI motherboard resources <6>PCI: Not using MMCONFIG. PNP0C01 PNP0C02 Intel Corporation E7520 Memory Controller Hub Intel Corporation 945G/GZ/P/PL Express Memory Controller Hub <4>%s %s: Fixing base address flags <4>%s %s: Fixing NCR 53C810 class code <4>%s %s: Searching for i450NX host bridges <6>%s %s: i440KX/GX host bridge; secondary bus %02x <4>%s %s: Disabling VIA memory write queue (PCI ID %04x, rev %02x): [%02x] %02x & %02x -> %02x <6>%s %s: Detected MSI K8T Neo2-FIR; can't enable onboard soundcard! <6>%s %s: Detected MSI K8T Neo2-FIR; enabled onboard soundcard <4>%s %s: nForce2 C1 Halt Disconnect fixup <7>%s %s: Boot video device MSI-K8T-Neo2Fir Toshiba PS5 based laptop Toshiba PSM4 based laptop Toshiba A40 based laptop <6>PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing <6>PCI: Routing PCI interrupts for all devices because "pci=routeirq" specified <4>PCI: Multiple domains not supported (dom %d, bus %d) <3>PCI: OOM, not probing PCI bus %02x <7>%s %s: on NUMA node %d <3>PCI: Failed to allocate 0x%lx-0x%lx from %s for %s PCI: Probing PCI hardware <6>PCI: Discovered peer bus %02x VIA VLSI 82C534 ServerWorks SIS NatSemi OPTI ALI AMD756 AMD766 AMD768 PicoPower PT86C523 PicoPower PT86C523 rev. BB+ <6>%s detected - fixing broken IRQ routing <7>PCI: setting IRQ %u as level-triggered arch/x86/pci/irq.c PIIX/ICH <4>%s %s: IRQ %d doesn't match PIRQ mask %#x; try pci=usepirqmask hardcoded guessed <6>%s %s: %s PCI INT %c -> IRQ %d <6>%s %s: IRQ routing conflict: have IRQ %d, want IRQ %d <6>%s %s: sharing IRQ %d with %s ; please try using pci=biosirq <4>%s %s: can't find IRQ for PCI INT %c%s <4>PCI: PIRQ table NOT found at pirqaddr <6>PCI: Discovered primary peer bus %02x [IRQ] <6>PCI: Using BIOS for IRQ routing <6>%s %s: %s IRQ router [%04x:%04x] <6>%s %s: VLSI router PIRQ escape (%d) <6>%s %s: AMD756: dev [%04x:%04x], router PIRQ %d get IRQ %d <6>%s %s: AMD756: dev [%04x:%04x], router PIRQ %d set IRQ %d HP Pavilion N5400 Series Laptop <6>%s detected: enabling PCI bus# renumbering (pci=assign-busses) <6>PCI: %s detected, enabling pci=bfsort. <6>PCI: %s detected, can skip ISA alignment <3>PCI: OOM, skipping PCI bus %02x nobfsort nobios pirqaddr= nommconf check_enable_amd_mmconf noearly usepirqmask irqmask= lastbus= norom assign-busses use_crs earlydump routeirq skip_isa_align noioapicquirk noioapicreroute <4>PCI: System does not support PCI <7>PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus %02x) Samsung X20 Laptop Dell PowerEdge 1950 Dell PowerEdge 1955 Dell PowerEdge 2900 Dell PowerEdge 2950 Dell PowerEdge R900 HP ProLiant BL20p G3 HP ProLiant BL20p G4 HP ProLiant BL30p G1 HP ProLiant BL25p G1 HP ProLiant BL35p G1 HP ProLiant BL45p G1 HP ProLiant BL45p G2 HP ProLiant BL460c G1 HP ProLiant BL465c G1 HP ProLiant BL480c G1 HP ProLiant BL685c G1 HP ProLiant DL360 HP ProLiant DL380 Compaq EVO N800c HP ProLiant DL385 G2 HP ProLiant DL585 G2 IBM System x3800 IBM System x3850 IBM System x3950 <6>PCI: %02x:%02x:%02x %04x: socket: sock_inode_cache sockets: used %d socket:[%lu] <3>sock_release: fasync list not empty! <6>%s uses obsolete (PF_INET,SOCK_PACKET) <4>socket: no more sockets net-pf-%d <7>sock_close: NULL inode 8021q dlci net/socket.c <6>NET: Unregistered protocol family %d <2>protocol %d >= NPROTO(%d) <6>NET: Registered protocol family %d sockfs protocols cl co di ac io in de sh ss gs se re sp bi br ha uh gp em maxhdr sockets %-9s %-4s %-8s %-6s %-5s %-7s %-4s %-10s %s %-9s %4u %6d %6d %-3s %6u %-3s %-10s %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c %2c <7>%s: optmem leakage (%d bytes) detected. <4>process `%s' is using obsolete %s SO_BSDCOMPAT <6>sock_set_timeout: `%s' (pid %d) tries to set negative timeout getsockopt <2>%s: Can't create sock SLAB cache! <2>%s: Can't create request sock SLAB cache! <3>PROTO_INUSE_NR exhausted setsockopt net/core/request_sock.c <4>%s: received packets cannot be forwarded while LRO is enabled <0>skb_under_panic: text:%p len:%d put:%d head:%p data:%p tail:%#lx end:%#lx dev:%s net/core/skbuff.c <0>skb_over_panic: text:%p len:%d put:%d head:%p data:%p tail:%#lx end:%#lx dev:%s <4>bad partial csum: csum=%u/%u len=%u include/linux/skbuff.h skbuff_head_cache skbuff_fclone_cache net/core/datagram.c net/core/stream.c net/core/gen_estimator.c <6>net_namespace: %zd bytes Could not allocate generic netns Could not setup the initial network namespace net/core/net_namespace.c net/core/sysctl_net_core.c <5>%s: Dropping NETIF_F_SG since no checksum feature. <5>%s: Dropping NETIF_F_TSO since no SG feature. <3>%s: Dropping NETIF_F_UFO since no NETIF_F_HW_CSUM feature. <3>%s: Dropping NETIF_F_UFO since no NETIF_F_SG feature. __dev_addr_discard: address leakage! da_users=%d net/core/dev.c ptype softnet_stat %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x Inter-| Receive | Transmit face |bytes packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed %6s:%8lu %7lu %4lu %4lu %4lu %5lu %10lu %9lu %8lu %7lu %4lu %4lu %4lu %5lu %7lu %10lu <4>%s: promiscuity touches roof, set promiscuity failed, promiscuity feature of device might be broken. entered left <6>device %s %s promiscuous mode <4>%s: allmulti touches roof, set allmulti failed, allmulti feature of device might be broken. <4>dev_remove_pack: %p not found. <3>%s: hw csum failure. %s: caps=(0x%lx, 0x%lx) len=%d data_len=%d ip_summed=%d <2>protocol %04x is buggy, dev %s <3>network todo '%s' but state %d <0>unregister_netdevice: waiting for %s to become free. Usage count = %d <7>unregister_netdevice: device %s/%p never was registered <0>%s: failed to move %s to init_net: %d <6>%s (%s): not using net_device_ops yet <5>%s: mixed HW and IP checksum settings. <5>%s: mixed no checksumming and other settings. <3>%s: name change rollback failed: %d. <3>alloc_netdev: Unable to allocate device. <3>alloc_netdev: Unable to allocate tx qdiscs. Type Device Function ALL %-8s %pF <2>Virtual device %s asks to queue packet! <2>Dead loop on virtual device %s, fix it urgently! net/core/ethtool.c dev_mcast %-4d %-15s %-5d %-5d net/core/dst.c net/core/neighbour.c entries allocs destroys hash_grows lookups hits res_failed rcv_probes_mcast rcv_probes_ucast periodic_gc_runs forced_gc_runs unresolved_discards %08x %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx NEIGH: BUG, double timer add, state is %x cannot create neighbour cache statistics cannot create neighbour proc dir entry cannot allocate neighbour cache hashes <4>Destroying alive neighbour %p <4>Impossible event. neigh_parms_release: not found neigh_resolve_output: dst=%p neigh=%p <3>NEIGH: Registering multiple tables for family %d <2>neighbour leakage <4>neigh: timer & !nud_in_timer net/core/rtnetlink.c Unable to register rtnetlink message handler, protocol = %d, message type = %d rtnetlink_init: cannot allocate rta_buf rtnetlink_init: cannot initialize rtnetlink <4>A link change request failed with some changes comitted already. Interface %s may have been left with an inconsistent configuration, please check. rtnl-link-%s %s%%d net/core/filter.c flow_cache NET: failed to allocate flow cache order %lu net/core/net-sysfs.c INTERFACE=%s IFINDEX=%d notpresent lowerlayerdown testing dormant wireless addr_len dev_id ifalias iflink ifindex broadcast carrier operstate rx_packets tx_packets rx_bytes tx_bytes rx_errors tx_errors rx_dropped tx_dropped multicast collisions rx_length_errors rx_over_errors rx_crc_errors rx_frame_errors rx_fifo_errors rx_missed_errors tx_aborted_errors tx_carrier_errors tx_fifo_errors tx_heartbeat_errors tx_window_errors rx_compressed tx_compressed noise nwid crypt fragment beacon <6>%s: local port %d <6>%s: local IP %d.%d.%d.%d <6>%s: interface %s <6>%s: remote port %d <6>%s: remote IP %d.%d.%d.%d <6>%s: remote ethernet address %pM <6>%s: couldn't parse config at %s! <3>%s: %s doesn't exist, aborting. <3>%s: %s doesn't support polling, aborting. <6>%s: device %s not up yet, forcing it <3>%s: failed to open %s <5>%s: timeout waiting for carrier <5>%s: carrier detect appears untrustworthy, waiting 4 seconds <3>%s: no IP address for %s, aborting net/core/fib_rules.c net/llc/llc_core.c <4>device type not supported: %d <7>%s: unable to resolve type %X addresses. tr_rif tr%d tr_rebuild_header: Don't know how to resolve type %04X addresses ? <7>tr.c: Couldn't malloc rif cache entry ! if TR address TTL rcf routing segments %s %pM %7li local %03X -%01X-%03X fddi%d %s: Don't know how to resolve type %04X addresses. net/sched/sch_generic.c <6>%s: activation failed <4>Dead loop on netdevice %s, fix it urgently! <4>BUG %s code %d qlen %d <6>NETDEV WATCHDOG: %s (%s): transmit timed out net/netlink/af_netlink.c netlink sk Eth Pid Groups Rmem Wmem Dump Locks %p %-3d %-6d %08x %-8d %-8d %p %d nlk->cb_mutex netlink_init: Cannot allocate nl_table <3>Freeing alive netlink socket %p net-pf-%d-proto-%d include/net/sock.h net/netlink/attr.c <4>netlink: %d bytes leftover after parsing attributes. net/netlink/genetlink.c GENL: Cannot initialize generic netlink GENL: Cannot register controller: %d cannot create netfilter proc entry cannot initialize nf_queue cannot initialize nf_log net/netfilter/core.c %2lld NONE %2lld %s Netfilter messages via NETLINK v%s. <3>cannot initialize nfnetlink! Removing netfilter NETLINK layer. nfnetlink-subsys-%d %5d %6d %5d %1d %5d %6d %2d <3>log: failed to create netlink socket nfnetlink_log nfnetlink_log: can't alloc whole buffer (%u bytes) nfnetlink_log: can't even alloc %u bytes <4>nfnetlink_log: no tailroom! net/netfilter/nfnetlink_log.c <3>nfnetlink_log: error creating log nlmsg <4>nf_conntrack: falling back to vmalloc. 0.5.0 nf_conntrack version %s (%u buckets, %d max) nf_conntrack <3>Unable to create nf_conn slab cache <3>Unable to create nf_conntrack_hash <4>nf_conntrack: table full, dropping packet. net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_core.c entries searched found new invalid ignore delete delete_list insert insert_failed drop early_drop icmp_error expect_new expect_create expect_delete %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x nf_conntrack: can't register to sysctl. %-8s %u %-8s %u %ld [UNREPLIED] [ASSURED] secmark=%u use=%u nf_conntrack_expect_max nf_conntrack_expect l3proto = %u proto=%u PERMANENT %sINACTIVE <4>nf_conntrack: expectation table full net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_helper.c net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto.c nf_conntrack-%d net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_tcp.c sport=%hu dport=%hu nf_ct_tcp: short packet nf_ct_tcp: truncated/malformed packet nf_ct_tcp: bad TCP checksum nf_ct_tcp: invalid TCP flag combination nf_ct_tcp: killing out of sync session nf_ct_tcp: invalid packet ignored nf_ct_tcp: invalid state SEQ is over the upper bound (over the window of the receiver) SEQ is under the lower bound (already ACKed data retransmitted) ACK is over the upper bound (ACKed data not seen yet) BUG ACK is under the lower bound (possible overly delayed ACK) nf_ct_tcp: %s tcp NONE SYN_SENT SYN_RECV ESTABLISHED FIN_WAIT CLOSE_WAIT LAST_ACK TIME_WAIT CLOSE LISTEN nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_unacknowledged nf_ct_udp: short packet nf_ct_udp: truncated/malformed packet nf_ct_udp: bad UDP checksum udp net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_extend.c packets=%llu bytes=%llu <3>nf_conntrack_acct: Unable to register extension <3>nf_conntrack_acct: can't register to sysctl. nf_conntrack_acct ctnetlink: unregistering from nfnetlink. ctnetlink v%s: registering with nfnetlink. ctnetlink_init: cannot register with nfnetlink. ctnetlink_init: cannot register exp with nfnetlink. nf-nat-ipv4 nfct-helper-%s ftp ftp-%d nf_ct_ftp: failed to register helper for pf: %d port: %d net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_ftp.c EPRT 227 229 nf_ct_irc: max_dcc_channels must not be zero irc irc-%u nf_ct_irc: failed to register helper for pf: %u port: %u net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_irc.c DCC <4>Forged DCC command from %pI4: %pI4:%u MOVE TSEND SCHAT SIP/2.0 200 SIP/2.0 net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_sip.c sip sip-%u nf_ct_sip: failed to register helper for pf: %u port: %u expires= sip: INVITE UPDATE PRACK BYE REGISTER audio video v= o= IN IP4 c= IN IP6 m= CSeq From To Contact Via Expires Content-Length _tables_names _tables_targets _tables_matches %s_tables: %s target: invalid size %Zu != %u %s_tables: %s target: only valid in %s table, not %s %s_tables: %s target: bad hook_mask %#x/%#x %s_tables: %s target: only valid for protocol %u %s_tables: %s match: invalid size %Zu != %u %s_tables: %s match: only valid in %s table, not %s %s_tables: %s match: bad hook_mask %#x/%#x %s_tables: %s match: only valid for protocol %u %st_%s &xt[i].mutex eb ip6 net/netfilter/xt_CONNSECMARK.c mangle security <6>CONNSECMARK: target only valid in the 'mangle' or 'security' tables, not '%s'. <6>CONNSECMARK: invalid mode: %hu <4>can't load conntrack support for proto=%u <4>MARK: unknown mode %u <6>SECMARK: target only valid in the 'mangle' or 'security' tables, not '%s'. <6>SECMARK: mode already set to %hu cannot mix with rules for mode %hu <6>SECMARK: unable to map SELinux context '%s' <6>SECMARK: invalid mode: %hu net/netfilter/xt_SECMARK.c xt_TCPMSS: path-MTU clamping only supported in FORWARD, OUTPUT and POSTROUTING hooks xt_TCPMSS: Only works on TCP SYN packets <3>xt_TCPMSS: bad length (%u bytes) <3>xt_TCPMSS: unknown or invalid path-MTU (%u) <4>martian source %pI4 from %pI4, on dev %s <4>ll header: <4>dst cache overflow ip_dst_cache IP route cache <3>Unable to setup rt_secret_timer <3>Unable to create route proc files net/ipv4/route.c rt_acct entries in_hit in_slow_tot in_slow_mc in_no_route in_brd in_martian_dst in_martian_src out_hit out_slow_tot out_slow_mc gc_total gc_ignored gc_goal_miss gc_dst_overflow in_hlist_search out_hlist_search %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x <4>%s: %d rebuilds is over limit, route caching disabled <4>Route hash chain too long! <4>Adjust your secret_interval! <4>Neighbour table overflow. <2>Bug in ip_route_input_slow(). Please, report <4>martian destination %pI4 from %pI4, dev %s <7>rt_bind_peer(0) @%p Iface Destination Gateway Flags RefCnt Use Metric Source MTU Window IRTT TOS HHRef HHUptod SpecDst %-127s %s %08lX %08lX %8X %d %u %d %08lX %d %u %u %02X %d %1d %08X%n %*s <7>ip_rt_bug: %pI4 -> %pI4, %s <6>Redirect from %pI4 on %s about %pI4 ignored. Advised path = %pI4 -> %pI4 <4>host %pI4/if%d ignores redirects for %pI4 to %pI4. net/ipv4/inetpeer.c inet_peer_cache <6>source route option %pI4 -> %pI4 <3>ip_frag_create: no memory left ! net/ipv4/ip_fragment.c <3>IP: queue_glue: no memory for gluing queue %p <6>Oversized IP packet from %pI4. <2>ip_forward(): Argh! Destination lost! net/ipv4/ip_output.c <6>IP: frag: no memory for new fragment! <7>ip_finish_output2: No header cache and no neighbour! net/ipv4/inet_hashtables.c include/net/timewait_sock.h net/ipv4/inet_timewait_sock.c net/ipv4/inet_connection_sock.c include/net/request_sock.h net/ipv4/tcp.c tcp_bind_bucket TCP established TCP bind <6>TCP: Hash tables configured (established %d bind %d) <6>recvmsg bug: copied %X seq %X <7>TCP(%s:%d): Application bug, race in MSG_PEEK. <6>TCP: too many of orphaned sockets net/ipv4/tcp_input.c <3>%s: Impossible, sk->sk_state=%d <7>prune_queue: c=%x <7>ofo packet was already received <7>ofo requeuing : rcv_next %X seq %X - %X <7>partial packet: rcv_next %X seq %X - %X <7>out of order segment: rcv_next %X seq %X - %X <7>Leak l=%u %d <7>Leak s=%u %d <7>Leak r=%u %d <7>Ack %u out of %u:%u <6>tcp_parse_options: Illegal window scaling value %d >14 received. net/ipv4/tcp_output.c <7>retrans_out leaked. <7>tcp_send_synack: wrong queue state <6>Out of socket memory net/ipv4/tcp_timer.c <7>TCP: Peer %pI4:%u/%u unexpectedly shrunk window %u:%u (repaired) <7>TCP: Peer %pI6:%u/%u unexpectedly shrunk window %u:%u (repaired) Failed to create the TCP control socket. sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode %-*s %4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %lu %d %p %lu %lu %u %u %d%n %4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %u %d %p%n %4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %d %d %p%n <6>possible SYN flooding on port %d. Sending cookies. <7>TCP: drop open request from %pI4/%u net/ipv4/tcp_ipv4.c include/net/tcp.h <6>TCP: time wait bucket table overflow tcp_%s cubic <3>TCP %s does not implement required ops <5>TCP %s already registered <6>TCP %s registered net/ipv4/tcp_cong.c sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops %4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %lu %d %p %d <6>%s forgot to set AF_INET in raw sendmsg. Fix it! include/net/udp.h sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops %4d: %08X:%04X %08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %lu %d %p %d%n <4>UDPLITE: partial coverage %d while full coverage %d requested <4>UDPLITE: coverage %d too small, need min %d <7>UDPLITE: zeroed checksum field <7>UDPLITE: bad csum coverage %d/%d -Lite <7>UDP%s: short packet: From %pI4:%u %d/%d to %pI4:%u <7>UDP%s: bad checksum. From %pI4:%u to %pI4:%u ulen %d <7>udp cork app bug 2 <7>udp cork app bug 3 <3>%s: Cannot register /proc! <2>%s: Cannot add UDP-Lite protocol. udplite IP address HW type Flags HW address Mask Device 00:00:00:00:00:00 %-16s 0x%-10x0x%-10x%s * %s <7>trying to ucast probe in NUD_INVALID <7>arp_find is called with dst==NULL <7>ARP: arp called for own IP address arp_cache net/ipv4/icmp.c <6>Wrong address mask %pI4 from %s/%pI4 <6>ICMP: %pI4: fragmentation needed and DF set. <6>ICMP: %pI4: Source Route Failed. <4>%pI4 sent an invalid ICMP type %u, code %u error to a broadcast: %pI4 on %s net/ipv4/devinet.c Freeing alive in_device %p <7>inetdev_event: bug net/ipv4/af_inet.c <3>Attempt to override permanent protocol %d. <3>Ignoring attempt to register invalid socket type %d. <2>inet_init: Cannot add ICMP protocol <2>inet_init: Cannot add UDP protocol <2>inet_init: Cannot add TCP protocol <2>inet_init: Cannot add IGMP protocol Failed to create the ICMP control socket. <2>inet_init: Cannot init ipv4 mroute <2>inet_init: Cannot init ipv4 mibs <3>Attempt to unregister permanent protocol %d. <6>%s(): shifting inet->saddr from %pI4 to %pI4 net-pf-%d-proto-%d-type-%d Attempt to release TCP socket in state %d %p Attempt to release alive inet socket %p mcfilter igmp net/ipv4/igmp.c EXC INC SRC MCA Idx %3s %6s %10s %10s %6s %6s %3d %6.6s 0x%08x 0x%08x %6lu %6lu Idx Device : Count Querier Group Users Timer Reporter V3 V1 %d %-10s: %5d %7s %08X %5d %d:%08lX %d <4>fib_add_ifaddr: bug: prim == NULL <4>fib_del_ifaddr: bug: prim == NULL <4>Freeing alive fib_info %p net/ipv4/fib_semantics.c <4>fib_semantic_match bad type %#x net/ipv4/inet_fragment.c udp_mem udp_rmem_min udp_wmem_min rt_cache_rebuild_count tcp_wmem_min tcp_wmem_def tcp_wmem_max tcp_rmem_min tcp_rmem_def tcp_rmem_max Iface Destination Gateway Flags RefCnt Use Metric Mask MTU Window IRTT %s %08X %08X %04X %d %u %d %08X %d %u %u%n * %08X %08X %04X %d %u %d %08X %d %u %u%n net/ipv4/fib_hash.c ip_fib_hash ip_fib_alias <2>route.c: bad divisor %d! snmp netstat sockstat IcmpMsg: Out In %sType%u TcpExt: IpExt: Ip: Forwarding DefaultTTL Ip: %d %d Icmp: InMsgs InErrors In%s OutMsgs OutErrors Out%s Icmp: %lu %lu Tcp: %ld Udp: UdpLite: TCP: inuse %d orphan %d tw %d alloc %d mem %d UDP: inuse %d mem %d UDPLITE: inuse %d RAW: inuse %d FRAG: inuse %d memory %d RtoAlgorithm RtoMin RtoMax MaxConn ActiveOpens PassiveOpens AttemptFails EstabResets CurrEstab InSegs OutSegs RetransSegs InErrs OutRsts RcvbufErrors SndbufErrors DestUnreachs TimeExcds ParmProbs SrcQuenchs Redirects Echos EchoReps Timestamps TimestampReps AddrMasks AddrMaskReps SyncookiesSent SyncookiesRecv SyncookiesFailed EmbryonicRsts PruneCalled RcvPruned OfoPruned OutOfWindowIcmps LockDroppedIcmps ArpFilter TW TWRecycled TWKilled PAWSPassive PAWSActive PAWSEstab DelayedACKs DelayedACKLocked DelayedACKLost ListenOverflows ListenDrops TCPPrequeued TCPDirectCopyFromBacklog TCPDirectCopyFromPrequeue TCPPrequeueDropped TCPHPHits TCPHPHitsToUser TCPPureAcks TCPHPAcks TCPRenoRecovery TCPSackRecovery TCPSACKReneging TCPFACKReorder TCPSACKReorder TCPRenoReorder TCPTSReorder TCPFullUndo TCPPartialUndo TCPDSACKUndo TCPLossUndo TCPLoss TCPLostRetransmit TCPRenoFailures TCPSackFailures TCPLossFailures TCPFastRetrans TCPForwardRetrans TCPSlowStartRetrans TCPTimeouts TCPRenoRecoveryFail TCPSackRecoveryFail TCPSchedulerFailed TCPRcvCollapsed TCPDSACKOldSent TCPDSACKOfoSent TCPDSACKRecv TCPDSACKOfoRecv TCPAbortOnSyn TCPAbortOnData TCPAbortOnClose TCPAbortOnMemory TCPAbortOnTimeout TCPAbortOnLinger TCPAbortFailed TCPMemoryPressures TCPSACKDiscard TCPDSACKIgnoredOld TCPDSACKIgnoredNoUndo TCPSpuriousRTOs TCPMD5NotFound TCPMD5Unexpected TCPSackShifted TCPSackMerged TCPSackShiftFallback InBcastPkts OutBcastPkts Interface BytesIn PktsIn BytesOut PktsOut Flags Local Remote %2Zd %-10s %8ld %7ld %8ld %7ld %05X %08X %08X Group Origin Iif Pkts Bytes Wrong Oifs %08lX %08lX %-3hd %8lu %8lu %8lu %2d:%-3d ip_mrt_cache ip_mr_vif ip_mr_cache <4>mroute: pending queue full, dropping entries. pimreg tunl0 dvmrp%d net/ipv4/ipmr.c <6>ip esp init: can't add xfrm type <6>ip esp init: can't add protocol net/ipv4/esp4.c digest_null <6>ESP: %s digestsize %u != %hu <6>ip esp close: can't remove protocol <6>ip esp close: can't remove xfrm type <7>pmtu discovery on SA ESP/%08x/%08x ESP4 <3>tunnel64 close: can't remove protocol <3>tunnel4 close: can't remove protocol <3>tunnel4 init: can't add protocol <3>tunnel64 init: can't add protocol net/ipv4/xfrm4_mode_transport.c net/ipv4/xfrm4_mode_tunnel.c RARP DHCP BOOTP #PROTO: %s #MANUAL domain %s nameserver %pI4 bootserver %pI4 any bootp rarp <4>DHCP: vendorclass too long, truncated to "%s" <3>IP-Config: Failed to open %s <4>DHCP/BOOTP: Ignoring device %s, MTU %d too small <3>IP-Config: Device `%s' not found. <3>IP-Config: No network devices available. <3>IP-Config: Incomplete network configuration information. <3>DHCP/BOOTP: No suitable device found. <3>RARP: No suitable device found. and <5>Sending %s%s%s requests . Unknown ARP type 0x%04x for device %s <6>DHCP: sending class identifier "%s" IP-Config: Got %s answer from %pI4, my address is %pI4 <3>IP-Config: Reopening network devices... <3>IP-Config: Auto-configuration of network failed. <3>IP-Config: Unable to guess netmask for address %pI4 IP-Config: Guessing netmask %pI4 <3>IP-Config: Unable to set interface address (%d). <3>IP-Config: Unable to set interface netmask (%d). <3>IP-Config: Unable to set interface broadcast address (%d). <3>IP-Config: Gateway not on directly connected network. <3>IP-Config: Cannot add default route (%d). IP-Config: Complete: device=%s , addr=%pI4 , mask=%pI4 , gw=%pI4 , host=%s, domain=%s, nis-domain=%s , bootserver=%pI4 , rootserver=%pI4 , rootpath=%s <3>DHCP/BOOTP: Ignoring fragmented reply. <3>DHCP/BOOTP: Reply not for us, op[%x] xid[%x] <3>Unable to register netfilter socket option nf_conntrack_ipv4: can't register tcp. nf_conntrack_ipv4: can't register udp. nf_conntrack_ipv4: can't register icmp. nf_conntrack_ipv4: can't register ipv4 nf_conntrack_ipv4: can't register hooks. src=%pI4 dst=%pI4 TCP type=%u code=%u id=%u nf_ct_icmp: short packet nf_ct_icmp: bad HW ICMP checksum nf_ct_icmp: invalid ICMP type ip_conntrack ip_conntrack_expect net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_core.c <3>nf_nat_core: Unable to register extension net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_helper.c <6>nf_nat_ftp: kernel >= 2.6.10 only uses 'ports' for conntrack modules net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_ftp.c |||%u| |1|%u.%u.%u.%u|%u| %u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u <6>nf_nat_irc: kernel >= 2.6.10 only uses 'ports' for conntrack modules net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_irc.c %u %u net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_sip.c %pI4:%u SIP/2.0 maddr= received= rport= <6>ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team iptables: loop hook %u pos %u %08X. ipt_%s ip_tables: error: `%s' iptable_%s iptables forward must be 0 or 1 DNAT: multiple ranges no longer supported SNAT: multiple ranges no longer supported nat net/ipv4/netfilter/nf_nat_standalone.c nf_nat_init: can't setup rules. nf_nat_init: can't register hooks. TRUNCATED SRC=%pI4 DST=%pI4 LEN=%u TOS=0x%02X PREC=0x%02X TTL=%u ID=%u MF FRAG:%u OPT ( PROTO=TCP INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] SPT=%u DPT=%u SEQ=%u ACK=%u WINDOW=%u RES=0x%02x CWR ECE URG ACK PSH RST SYN FIN URGP=%u PROTO=UDP PROTO=UDPLITE SPT=%u DPT=%u LEN=%u PROTO=ICMP TYPE=%u CODE=%u ID=%u SEQ=%u PARAMETER=%u GATEWAY=%pI4 MTU=%u PROTO=AH SPI=0x%x PROTO=ESP PROTO=%u UID=%u GID=%u MARK=0x%x <%d>%sIN=%s OUT=%s MAC= %02x%c ipt_LOG MASQUERADE: %s ate my IP address ipt_REJECT: ECHOREPLY no longer supported. ipt_REJECT: TCP_RESET invalid for non-tcp ipt_ULOG: can't alloc whole buffer %ub! ipt_ULOG: can't even allocate %ub net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_ULOG.c ipt_ULOG: error during NLMSG_PUT ipt_ULOG: Error building netlink message Netlink buffer has to be <= 128kB ipt_ULOG Failed to initialize the CIPSO/IPv4 cache (%d) net/ipv4/xfrm4_policy.c net/xfrm/xfrm_policy.c xfrm_dst_cache xfrm-mode-%d-%d xfrm-type-%d-%d net/xfrm/xfrm_state.c secpath_cache net/xfrm/xfrm_algo.c ecb(cipher_null) cipher_null des3_ede cbc(cast128) cast128 blowfish cbc(serpent) serpent twofish lzs lzjh rfc4106(gcm(aes)) rfc4309(ccm(aes)) xfrm_larval_drop xfrm_acq_expires <2>%s: Cannot create unix_sock SLAB cache! net/unix/af_unix.c &u->readlock Num RefCount Protocol Flags Type St Inode Path %p: %08X %08X %08X %04X %02X %5lu <6>Attempt to release alive unix socket: %p net/unix/garbage.c net/ipv6/af_inet6.c <6>IPv6: Loaded, but administratively disabled, reboot required to enable anycast6 %-4d %-15s %pi6 %5d net/ipv6/ip6_output.c <6>IPv6: frag: no memory for new fragment! <7>IPv6: sending pkt_too_big to self net/ipv6/addrconf.c if_inet6 %pi6 %02x %02x %02x %02x %8s Freeing alive inet6 device %p Timer is still running, when freeing ifa=%p Freeing alive inet6 address %p <6>%s: duplicate address detected! <6>%s: Disabled Multicast RS <2>IPv6 Addrconf: cannot initialize default policy table: %d. <7>bug: IPv6 address leakage detected: ifa=%p <6>ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): %s: link becomes ready <7>init sit: add_dev failed <7>init ip6-ip6: add_dev failed <7>init ip6-ip6: add_linklocal failed <7>init loopback: add_dev failed <6>ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): %s: link is not ready <7>ADDRCONF: unspecified / multicast address assigned as unicast address on %s <7>%s: no IPv6 routers present <4>addrconf: prefix option has invalid lifetime <7>addrconf: device %s not configured <7>IPv6 addrconf: prefix with wrong length %d disable_ipv6 accept_dad net/ipv6/addrlabel.c ipv6_route rt6_stats %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %pi6 %02x 00000000000000000000000000000000 00 %pi6 00000000000000000000000000000000 %08x %08x %08x %08x %8s net/ipv6/route.c ip6_dst_cache <7>rt6_redirect: source isn't a valid nexthop for redirect target fib6_nodes net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c <7>fib6_clean_node: del failed: rt=%p@%p err=%d <3>ICMPv6 NDISC: Failed to initialize the control socket (err %d). <4>process `%s' is using deprecated sysctl (%s) net.ipv6.neigh.%s.%s; Use net.ipv6.neigh.%s.%s_ms instead. procfs <3>ICMPv6 ND: %s() failed to allocate an skb. <4>ICMPv6 NA: someone advertises our address on %s! ICMP6 RS: can't find in6 device <3>ICMPv6 RA: can't find inet6 device for %s. <3>ICMPv6 RA: %s() failed to add default route. <3>ICMPv6 RA: %s() got default router without neighbour. <7>%s(): trying to ucast probe in NUD_INVALID: %pI6 <3>ICMPv6 Redirect: %s() failed to allocate an skb. ndisc_cache sl local_address remote_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode ref pointer drops %4d: %08X%08X%08X%08X:%04X %08X%08X%08X%08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %lu %d %p %d <4>UDPLITE6: partial coverage %d while full coverage %d requested <4>UDPLITE6: coverage %d too small, need min %d <6>IPv6: udp checksum is 0 <7>UDP%sv6: short packet: %d/%u udp6 udplite6 raw6 net/ipv6/raw.c <3>Failed to register ICMP6 protocol <7>icmpv6_send: addr_any/mcast source <7>icmpv6_send: no reply to icmp error <7>icmpv6_send: acast source <7>ICMPv6 checksum failed [%pI6 > %pI6] <7>icmpv6: msg of unknown type <3>Failed to initialize the ICMP6 control socket (err %d). mcfilter6 igmp6 Source Address Multicast Address %3s %6s %32s %32s %6s %6s %3d %6.6s %pi6 %pi6 %6lu %6lu %-4d %-15s %pi6 %5d %08X %ld <3>Failed to initialize the IGMP6 control socket (err %d). net/ipv6/reassembly.c <7>ip6_frag_reasm: payload len = %d <7>ip6_frag_reasm: no memory for reassembly sl local_address remote_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode %4d: %08X%08X%08X%08X:%04X %08X%08X%08X%08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %lu %d %p %lu %lu %u %u %d %4d: %08X%08X%08X%08X:%04X %08X%08X%08X%08X:%04X %02X %08X:%08X %02X:%08lX %08X %5d %8d %d %d %p <6>TCPv6: Possible SYN flooding on port %d. Sending cookies. <6>TCPv6: Possible SYN flooding on port %d. Dropping request. <7>connect: ipv4 mapped net/ipv6/tcp_ipv6.c tcp6 <7>ipv6_hop_ra: wrong RA length %d <7>ipv6_hop_jumbo: wrong jumbo opt length/alignment %d <7>invalid cmsg type: %d ip6_flowlabel Opt Users Owner Label %-5s %-1s %-6s %-6s %-6s %-8s %-32s %s %05X %-1d %-6d %-6d %-6ld %-8ld %pi6 %-4d net/ipv6/inet6_connection_sock.c net/ipv6/xfrm6_policy.c <7>ip6_route_me_harder: No more route. sockstat6 dev_snmp6 Icmp6%s%s %-32s %lu Icmp6%sType%u TCP6: inuse %d UDP6: inuse %d UDPLITE6: inuse %d RAW6: inuse %d FRAG6: inuse %d memory %d ifIndex %-32s %u Ip6InReceives Ip6InHdrErrors Ip6InTooBigErrors Ip6InNoRoutes Ip6InAddrErrors Ip6InUnknownProtos Ip6InTruncatedPkts Ip6InDiscards Ip6InDelivers Ip6OutForwDatagrams Ip6OutRequests Ip6OutDiscards Ip6OutNoRoutes Ip6ReasmTimeout Ip6ReasmReqds Ip6ReasmOKs Ip6ReasmFails Ip6FragOKs Ip6FragFails Ip6FragCreates Ip6InMcastPkts Ip6OutMcastPkts Icmp6InMsgs Icmp6InErrors Icmp6OutMsgs Udp6InDatagrams Udp6NoPorts Udp6InErrors Udp6OutDatagrams UdpLite6InDatagrams UdpLite6NoPorts UdpLite6InErrors UdpLite6OutDatagrams PktTooBigs ParmProblems EchoReplies GroupMembQueries GroupMembResponses GroupMembReductions RouterSolicits RouterAdvertisements NeighborSolicits NeighborAdvertisements MLDv2Reports net/ipv6/xfrm6_mode_transport.c net/ipv6/xfrm6_mode_tunnel.c net/ipv6/xfrm6_mode_beet.c <6>IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver <6>sit init: Can't add protocol sit0 sit%%d <7>sit: nexthop == NULL net/ipv6/inet6_hashtables.c packet sk RefCnt Type Proto Iface R Rmem User Inode %p %-6d %-4d %04x %-5d %1d %-6u %-6u %-6lu <7>packet_mmap: vma is busy: %d &po->pg_vec_lock net/packet/af_packet.c Attempt to release alive packet socket: %p pfkey net/key/af_key.c sk RefCnt Rmem Wmem User Inode %p %-6d %-6u %-6u %-6u %-6lu pfkey: Unknown policy event %d Attempt to release alive pfkey socket: %p pfkey: Unknown SA event %d pfkeyv2 <3>%s (WE) : Invalid/Unknown Wireless Event (0x%04X) <3>%s (WE) : Wireless Event too big (%d) <3>%s (WE) : Wireless Event too small (%d) net/wireless/wext.c Inter-| sta-| Quality | Discarded packets | Missed | WE face | tus | link level noise | nwid crypt frag retry misc | beacon | %d %6s: %04x %3d%c %3d%c %3d%c %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d ieee80211 net/wireless/core.h net/wireless/core.c phy80211 <3>wireless: failed to add phy80211 symlink to netdev! phy%d &drv->mtx &drv->devlist_mtx phy%d%n phy <3>cfg80211: failed to rename debugfs dir to %s! macaddress net/wireless/util.c <6> (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp) <6> (%d KHz - %d KHz @ %d KHz), (%d mBi, %d mBm) <6> (%d KHz - %d KHz @ %d KHz), (N/A, %d mBm) <6>cfg80211: Regulatory domain: %c%c net/wireless/reg.c <3>cfg80211: Invalid regulatory domain detected: <6>cfg80211: Current regulatory domain updated by AP to: %c%c <6>cfg80211: Current regulatory domain intersected: <6>cfg80211: Current regulatory intersected: <6>cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated: <6>cfg80211: Regulatory domain changed to driver built-in settings (unknown country) <6>cfg80211: Regulatory domain changed to country: %c%c <6>cfg80211: Calling CRDA for country: %c%c <6>cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain regulatory <6>cfg80211: Using static regulatory domain info IEEE 802.11 net/wireless/nl80211.c net/mac80211/main.c <3>ieee80211_tx_status: headroom too small <4>%s: skb_queue not empty mac80211: Packet is of unknown type %d wmaster%d <7>%s: Failed to initialize rate control algorithm <7>%s: Failed to initialize wep: %d wlan%d <4>%s: Failed to add default virtual iface <7>%s: set_encrypt - invalid idx=%d include/net/wireless.h net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h net/mac80211/sta_info.c net/mac80211/wep.c net/mac80211/wpa.c <7>%s: failed to allocate buffer for nullfunc frame net/mac80211/scan.c tsf=%016llx Last beacon: %dms ago <3>%s: failed to allocate buffer for delba frame net/mac80211/ht.c <7>HW problem - can not stop rx aggregation for tid %d <3>%s: failed to allocate buffer for bar frame <3>%s: failed to allocate buffer for addba request frame <7>%s: failed to allocate buffer for addba resp frame <7>%s: failed to set TX queue parameters for queue %d <7>%s: Failed to config new BSSID to the low-level driver <7>%s: failed to allocate buffer for probe response <7>%s: Selected IBSS BSSID %pM based on configured SSID <7>%s: Trigger new scan to find an IBSS to join <7>%s: Creating new IBSS network, BSSID %pM <7>%s: IBSS not allowed on %d MHz <7>%s: failed to allocate buffer for deauth/disassoc frame <7>%s: disassociating by local choice (reason=%d) <7>%s: deauthenticating by local choice (reason=%d) <7>%s: failed to allocate buffer for auth frame <7>%s: authentication with AP %pM timed out <7>%s: authenticate with AP %pM <7>%s: failed to allocate buffer for probe request <7>%s: No STA entry for own AP %pM <7>%s: No ProbeResp from current AP %pM - assume out of range <7>%s: association with AP %pM timed out <7>%s: associate with AP %pM <7>%s: mismatch in privacy configuration and mixed-cell disabled - abort association <7>%s: failed to allocate buffer for assoc frame <7>%s: authenticated <7>%s: No room for a new IBSS STA entry %pM net/mac80211/mlme.c Rea <7>%s: RX %sssocResp from %pM (capab=0x%x status=%d aid=%d) <7>%s: AP denied association (code=%d) <7>%s: invalid aid value %d; bits 15:14 not set <7>%s: no SuppRates element in AssocResp <7>%s: associated <7>%s: failed to alloc STA entry for the AP <7>%s: failed to insert STA entry for the AP (error %d) ASSOCINFO( ReqIEs= RespIEs= ASSOCRESPIE= <7>%s direct probe responded <7>%s: deauthenticated (Reason: %u) <7>%s: disassociated (Reason: %u) <7>%s: direct probe to AP %pM timed out <7>%s: direct probe to AP %pM try %d <7>%s: No active IBSS STAs - trying to scan for other IBSS networks with same SSID (merge) <7>%s: privacy configuration mismatch and mixed-cell disabled - disassociate net/mac80211/iface.c net/mac80211/rate.c rc80211_%s minstrel <4>%s: Failed to select rate control algorithm <7>%s: Selected rate control algorithm '%s' net/mac80211/cfg.c net/mac80211/rx.c <7>%s: failed to clone multicast frame <7>%s: failed to copy multicast frame for %s <3>%s: failed to allocate buffer for measurement report frame net/mac80211/tx.c <7>%s: failed to reallocate TX buffer net/mac80211/key.c <3>mac80211-%s: failed to remove key (%d, %pM) from hardware (%d) <3>mac80211-%s: failed to set key (%d, %pM) to hardware (%d) net/mac80211/util.c include/net/sch_generic.h net/mac80211/wme.c broad uni MLME-MICHAELMICFAILURE.indication(keyid=%d %scast addr=%pM) %srx %stx %sassoc %sradio net/mac80211/rc80211_minstrel.c <6>NetLabel: Initializing <6>NetLabel: domain hash size = %u <6>NetLabel: protocols = UNLABELED CIPSOv4 <6>NetLabel: unlabeled traffic allowed by default NetLabel: failed to initialize properly (%d) net/netlabel/netlabel_domainhash.c net/sysctl_net.c lib/klist.c core_marker_format name %s format %s core_marker_format name %s format %s sched_wait_task sched_wakeup sched_wakeup_new sched_switch sched_migrate_task sched_process_fork sched_process_free sched_process_exit sched_process_wait sched_signal_send sched_kthread_stop sched_kthread_stop_ret block_bio_bounce block_split block_rq_abort block_rq_insert block_rq_issue block_plug block_unplug_io block_unplug_timer block_getrq block_sleeprq block_rq_requeue block_bio_backmerge block_bio_frontmerge block_bio_queue block_rq_complete block_remap block_bio_complete 
k Unknown interrupt or fault at EIP %p %p %p BUG: Int %d: CR2 %p EDI %p ESI %p EBP %p ESP %p EBX %p EDX %p ECX %p EAX %p err %p EIP %p CS %p flg %p Stack: %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p e j f p 8 e 8 e @ e @ e `k x x x e e e e d T e T e e e e e e e e e e e e e Mf Mf Mf Mf Mf Mf 8 e 8 e @ e @ e H e H e 8Pf 8Pf \ e \ e swapper k ` xhf hf Nf e e 0 e 0 e P k h ` e e e e 8 e 8 e e e e e e e e e ] ] - ] Linux (none) 2.6.29 #29 PREEMPT Thu Nov 17 06:50:36 PST 2011 i386 (none) ` ] ] @ e :fR sS ] e e e e ( e ( e 4 e 4 e e @ %] %] %] %] E a ! %] @ C %] P S %] ` ` c b d d c b %] %] Z a &] -&] N N O O 4&] yN M N f :&] " :&] " :&] " :&] " :&] " :&] "  F&] " P&] " [&] " *] f ,,] l^ s^ T f |,] b a |,] n ` U Nc c b k 7] , rc 0] \ f p q p l f l f t f " " x f f f f f f f , f @ f T f ` $ ] $ 3] $ 3] $ 3] $ v 4] $ a ] $ J 4] $ ; 4] $ * /4] I @ @ @ 0f 0f u N } N R $ U k @ e v 4 S] @1f earlyser K P earlyvga uU] 2 / i uU] f " " 2f 2f ! 2f 2f C ` # b] 3f 3f aes aes-asm 8!- $! $! @B ~ -1 = @KL 4f 4f 4f 4f 4f 4f ^ zx! 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T h^ h^ Yc h^ h^ ( Yc h^ h^ ( Yc h^ i^ ( Yc i^ Di^ ( Yc Ii^ ri^ ( Yc vj^ wi^ ( |i^ h^ i^ ( i^ h^ i^ ( i^ i^ i^ ( i^ Ii^ i^ ( i^ vj^ i^ ( Yc i^ i^ j^ j^ j^ j^ j^ T j^ j^ k^ j^ 6k^ fk^ / / j^ k^ k^ 0 0 j^ k^ 9l^ @ @ j^ j^ j^ j^ T j^ j^ k^ j^ j^ fk^ 6k^ / / j^ k^ k^ 0 0 j^ 9l^ k^ @ @ F & Join us now and share the software Join us now and share the software S(-V /WH KQ( H,JU( HU( O+) q + z This document describes a compression method based on the DEFLATEcompression algorithm. This document defines the application of the DEFLATE algorithm to the IP Payload Compression Protocol. ] 1 0 / ?p / $ g G Ih Q vg ' ! ] - -i B # l q 3 / b L R7 RkY N zv OV \W y z ] 1 0 / ?p / $ g G Ih Q vg ' ! ] - -i B # l q 3 / b L R7 RkY N zv OV \W y This document describes a compression method based on the DEFLATEcompression algorithm. This document defines the application of the DEFLATE algorithm to the IP Payload Compression Protocol. & F S(-V /WH KQ( H,JU( HU( O+) q + Join us now and share the software Join us now and share the software . T T zl^ T T l^ T T l^ . T zl^ T T l^ T T l^ T d^ d^ l^ l^ l^ l^ l^ l^ m^ m^ "m^ 3m^ e^ 5e^ Dm^ ( d^ l^ d^ l^ l^ l^ l^ m^ l^ m^ 3m^ "m^ e^ Dm^ 5e^ ( e^ e^ Um^ e^ T ^m^ T T gm^ pm^ U um^ e^ m^ m^ pm^ U m^ & U e^ m^ e^ Um^ e^ e^ ^m^ T T gm^ T pm^ um^ U e^ m^ m^ pm^ m^ U & U m^ e^ T T m^ m^ e^ m^ oe^ p^ m^ m^ p^ n^ 7 U p^ n^ M U p^ n^ 8 T m^ T m^ m^ e^ oe^ m^ p^ m^ n^ p^ 7 U n^ p^ M U n^ p^ 8 (n^ (n^ 9n^ U (n^ Jn^ U (n^ [n^ (n^ 9n^ (n^ U Jn^ (n^ U [n^ (n^ ln^ e^ }n^ n^ e^ n^ n^ e^ n^ ln^ }n^ e^ n^ n^ e^ n^ n^ e^ n^ DWs n^ n^ DWs n^ n^ DWs o^ n^ n^ DWs n^ n^ DWs n^ o^ DWs e^ 'o^ 0o^ e^ o^ o^ 9o^ Bo^ o^ e^ Ko^ do^ }o^ 'o^ 0o^ e^ o^ o^ e^ o^ o^ e^ Ko^ do^ e^ o^ o^ e^ 'o^ 0o^ e^ 0o^ 'o^ 9o^ o^ Bo^ e^ o^ o^ e^ o^ o^ p^ %p^ .p^ 7p^ Pp^ Yp^ bp^ T {p^ p^ .p^ %p^ 7p^ Yp^ Pp^ bp^ {p^ T U T p^ p^ p^ p^ p^ p^ p^ p^ p^ p^ p^ p^ p^ U p^ T p^ p^ p^ p^ p^ p^ p^ p^ p^ p^ p^ p^ DWs . T p^ . T DWs p^ q^ q^ 'q^ 8q^ Iq^ Zq^ DWs p^ . T . T p^ DWs q^ 'q^ q^ 8q^ Zq^ Iq^ . T kq^ . T . T |q^ T . T q^ U DWs q^ kq^ . T . T |q^ . T T q^ . T U q^ DWs DWs DWs q^ q^ q^ q^ q^ q^ q^ r^ r^ @r^ DWs q^ DWs q^ q^ q^ q^ q^ q^ r^ @r^ r^ U U ar^ U U rr^ U U r^ - U N U r^ r^ . T . T r^ . T T r^ . T U r^ DWs DWs DWs f^ U DWs r^ U DWs r^ DWs f^ DWs U r^ DWs U r^ DWs DWs DWs s^ q^ q^ s^ q^ q^ s^ r^ r^ .s^ DWs s^ DWs q^ s^ q^ q^ s^ q^ r^ .s^ r^ DWs DWs Os^ q^ q^ Xs^ q^ q^ as^ r^ r^ rs^ DWs Os^ DWs q^ Xs^ q^ q^ as^ q^ r^ rs^ r^ DWs s^ DWs DWs s^ ou^ s^ s^ t^ @ P ou^ s^ dt^ t^ t^ < L DWs u^ DWs DWs _ U u^ s^ s^ U @ P u^ s^ dt^ t^ U < L DWs -u^ DWs >u^ DWs _u^ s^ u^ s^ P @ _u^ s^ u^ t^ dt^ 0 L < ou^ s^ t^ s^ P @ ou^ s^ t^ t^ dt^ L < DWs _ U DWs u^ s^ U s^ P @ u^ s^ U t^ dt^ L < {^ v^ 'v^ 8v^ =v^ Zv^ y^ kv^ v^ 2 v^ v^ v^ 2 |^ w^ U y^ "w^ Yw^ 6 P y^ jw^ w^ I P {^ v^ w^ 8v^ =v^ w^ y^ kv^ w^ 2 v^ v^ w^ 2 |^ w^ x^ y^ "w^ x^ 6 P y^ jw^ +x^ I P {^ v^  ^ 3 ^ P U S ^ D ^ w ] U ^ a ^ f ^ ^ U ^ w ^ > ^ ^ P T DWs ^ ^ D ` ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T T T U U T ^ ^ oe^ p^ U 7 U 0 0 p^ oe^ U ^ 0 0 p^ oe^ U ^ 0 0 T T U T U T ^ ^ oe^ p^ 7 U U 0 0 p^ oe^ ^ U 0 0 p^ oe^ ^ U 0 0 h U T yc^ & ^ } U 7 ^ T @ ^ U a ^ yc^ j ^ U { ^ T U U ^ yc^ ^ $ U ^ T 7 U $ X U T } U U $ $ h U T & ^ yc^ } U 7 ^ @ ^ T U a ^ j ^ yc^ U { ^ U T U ^ ^ yc^ $ U ^ 7 U T $ ^ S ^ ^ w ] ^ a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > ^ ^ P p{^ ^ 8 / ^ ^ p ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ w ] ^ a ^ " ^ ^ 7 ^ ^ L ^ > ^ a ^ P p{^ v ^ 8 / ^ ^ p ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ w ] ^ a ^ ^ ^ 9 ^ ^ Z ^ > ^ { ^ P p{^ ^ 8 ^ S ^ ^ w ] ^ a ^ 8 ^ ^ a ^ ^ ^ > ^ ^ P p{^ ^ 8 . 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__kstrtab___get_user_4 __ksymtab___get_user_2 __kstrtab___get_user_2 __ksymtab___get_user_1 __kstrtab___get_user_1 __ksymtab_csum_partial_copy_generic __kstrtab_csum_partial_copy_generic bootflag.c parity sbf_init __initcall_sbf_init6 e820.c find_overlapped_early early_res parse_memopt userdef e820_end_pfn parse_memmap_opt __append_e820_map e820_res e820_update_range_map change_point_list.19559 change_point.19560 overlap_list.19561 new_bios.19562 drop_range __reserve_early drop_overlaps_that_are_ok __setup_parse_memmap_opt __setup_str_parse_memmap_opt __setup_parse_memopt __setup_str_parse_memopt __ksymtab_e820_any_mapped __kstrtab_e820_any_mapped __ksymtab_pci_mem_start __kstrtab_pci_mem_start pci-dma.c iommu_setup iommu_sac_force forbid_dac pci_iommu_init via_no_dac __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_VIAPCI_ANY_IDvia_no_dac __initcall_pci_iommu_init5 __ksymtab_dma_supported __kstrtab_dma_supported __setup_iommu_setup __setup_str_iommu_setup __ksymtab_dma_set_mask __kstrtab_dma_set_mask __ksymtab_x86_dma_fallback_dev __kstrtab_x86_dma_fallback_dev __ksymtab_bad_dma_address __kstrtab_bad_dma_address __ksymtab_dma_ops __kstrtab_dma_ops quirks.c hpet_print_force_info old_ich_force_enable_hpet cached_dev force_hpet_resume_type old_ich_force_enable_hpet_user rcba_base nvidia_force_enable_hpet ich_force_enable_hpet vt8237_force_enable_hpet ati_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_NVIDIA0x0367nvidia_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_NVIDIA0x0366nvidia_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_NVIDIA0x0365nvidia_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_NVIDIA0x0364nvidia_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_NVIDIA0x0363nvidia_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_NVIDIA0x0362nvidia_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_NVIDIA0x0361nvidia_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_NVIDIA0x0360nvidia_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_NVIDIA0x0260nvidia_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_NVIDIA0x0051nvidia_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_NVIDIA0x0050nvidia_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_ATIPCI_DEVICE_ID_ATI_IXP400_SMBUSati_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_VIAPCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_8237vt8237_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_VIAPCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_8235vt8237_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801EB_12old_ich_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801EB_0old_ich_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801DB_12old_ich_force_enable_hpet_user __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801DB_0old_ich_force_enable_hpet_user __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801CA_12old_ich_force_enable_hpet_user __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801CA_0old_ich_force_enable_hpet_user __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB_1old_ich_force_enable_hpet_user __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH9_7ich_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH8_4ich_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH8_1ich_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_31ich_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_1ich_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_0ich_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH6_1ich_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH6_0ich_force_enable_hpet __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ESB2_0ich_force_enable_hpet i8237.c i8237A_suspend i8237A_init_sysfs i8237_sysdev_class device_i8237A i8237A_resume __initcall_i8237A_init_sysfs6 topology.c topology_init per_cpu__cpu_devices __initcall_topology_init4 kdebugfs.c arch_kdebugfs_init __initcall_arch_kdebugfs_init3 __ksymtab_arch_debugfs_dir __kstrtab_arch_debugfs_dir alternative.c intelnops k8nops k7nops p6nops debug_alt debug_alternative setup_noreplace_smp noreplace_smp k8_nops k7_nops p6_nops intel_nops __func__.17059 __ksymtab_add_nops __kstrtab_add_nops __setup_setup_noreplace_smp __setup_str_setup_noreplace_smp __setup_debug_alt __setup_str_debug_alt i8253.c init_pit_clocksource pit_clockevent clocksource_pit pit_disable_clocksource pit_read old_count.15129 old_jifs.15130 init_pit_timer pit_next_event __initcall_init_pit_clocksource3 __ksymtab_i8253_lock __kstrtab_i8253_lock pci-nommu.c check_addr nommu_map_sg nommu_map_single nommu_free_coherent tsc.c tsc_unstable read_tsc clocksource_tsc tsc_setup tsc_clocksource_reliable set_cyc2ns_scale dmi_mark_tsc_unstable tsc_disabled tsc_read_refs bad_tsc_dmi_table cpufreq_tsc time_cpufreq_notifier_block time_cpufreq_notifier ref_freq loops_per_jiffy_ref tsc_khz_ref __ksymtab_mark_tsc_unstable __kstrtab_mark_tsc_unstable __initcall_cpufreq_tsc1 __ksymtab_recalibrate_cpu_khz __kstrtab_recalibrate_cpu_khz __setup_tsc_setup __setup_str_tsc_setup __setup_notsc_setup __setup_str_notsc_setup __ksymtab_check_tsc_unstable __kstrtab_check_tsc_unstable __ksymtab_tsc_khz __kstrtab_tsc_khz __ksymtab_cpu_khz __kstrtab_cpu_khz io_delay.c io_delay_param io_delay_override io_delay_0xed_port_dmi_table dmi_io_delay_0xed_port __setup_io_delay_param __setup_str_io_delay_param __ksymtab_native_io_delay __kstrtab_native_io_delay rtc.c add_rtc_cmos ids.23077 rtc_device __warned.22913 __initcall_add_rtc_cmos6 __ksymtab_native_read_tsc __kstrtab_native_read_tsc __ksymtab_rtc_cmos_write __kstrtab_rtc_cmos_write __ksymtab_rtc_cmos_read __kstrtab_rtc_cmos_read __ksymtab_rtc_lock __kstrtab_rtc_lock __ksymtab_cmos_lock __kstrtab_cmos_lock rtc_resources process.c hlt_counter do_nothing idle_setup poll_idle force_mwait mwait_idle c1e_idle c1e_mask c1e_detected __setup_idle_setup __setup_str_idle_setup __ksymtab_cpu_idle_wait __kstrtab_cpu_idle_wait __ksymtab_enable_hlt __kstrtab_enable_hlt __ksymtab_disable_hlt __kstrtab_disable_hlt __ksymtab_pm_idle __kstrtab_pm_idle __ksymtab_boot_option_idle_override __kstrtab_boot_option_idle_override __ksymtab_idle_nomwait __kstrtab_idle_nomwait __ksymtab_idle_halt __kstrtab_idle_halt i387.c convert_from_fxsr convert_to_fxsr restore_i387_fxsave mxcsr_feature_mask save_i387_fxsave fx_scratch __ksymtab_dump_fpu __kstrtab_dump_fpu xsave.c ptrace.c pt_regs_access ioperm_active user_x86_32_view putreg genregs_set getreg genregs_get ioperm_get x86_32_regsets tls.c fill_user_desc set_tls_desc step.c write_debugctlmsr enable_step intel_cacheinfo.c cpuid4_cache_lookup types levels assocs show per_cpu__cpuid4_info store get_cpu_leaves get_k8_northbridge k8_nb_id show_type show_size show_number_of_sets show_ways_of_associativity show_physical_line_partition show_coherency_line_size show_level show_cache_disable show_shared_cpu_map_func show_shared_cpu_list show_shared_cpu_map cpuid4_cache_sysfs_exit per_cpu__cache_kobject per_cpu__index_kobject cache_sysfs_init ktype_percpu_entry ktype_cache cache_dev_map is_initialized.19634 cache_table store_cache_disable __initcall_cache_sysfs_init6 sysfs_ops default_attrs type level coherency_line_size physical_line_partition ways_of_associativity number_of_sets size shared_cpu_map shared_cpu_list cache_disable addon_cpuid_features.c cpuid_bits.9483 proc.c c_start c_next c_stop show_cpuinfo capflags.c powerflags.c common.c x86_serial_nr_setup disable_x86_serial_nr get_cpu_cap setup_show_msr show_msr cachesize_setup cachesize_override setup_disablecpuid this_cpu msr_range_array default_init get_cpu_vendor cpu_devs printed.25094 default_cpu identify_cpu_without_cpuid identify_cpu x86_fxsr_setup x86_sep_setup setup_noclflush __setup_setup_disablecpuid __setup_str_setup_disablecpuid __setup_setup_noclflush __setup_str_setup_noclflush __setup_setup_show_msr __setup_str_setup_show_msr __setup_x86_serial_nr_setup __setup_str_x86_serial_nr_setup __setup_x86_sep_setup __setup_str_x86_sep_setup __setup_x86_fxsr_setup __setup_str_x86_fxsr_setup __setup_cachesize_setup __setup_str_cachesize_setup __ksymtab_per_cpu__gdt_page __kstrtab_per_cpu__gdt_page vmware.c hypervisor.c bugs.c no_halt no_387 x y __setup_no_387 __setup_str_no_387 __setup_no_halt __setup_str_no_halt cmpxchg.c __ksymtab_cmpxchg_486_u64 __kstrtab_cmpxchg_486_u64 intel.c intel_size_cache early_init_intel init_intel __cpu_dev_intel_cpu_dev intel_cpu_dev amd.c vide amd_size_cache early_init_amd init_amd __cpu_dev_amd_cpu_dev amd_cpu_dev cyrix.c __do_cyrix_devid do_cyrix_devid init_cyrix Cx86_dir0_msb Cx486_name Cx486D_name Cx486S_name cyrix_model_mult1 Cx86_cb cyrix_model_mult2 Cx86_model init_nsc cyrix_identify early_init_cyrix __cpu_dev_nsc_cpu_dev nsc_cpu_dev __cpu_dev_cyrix_cpu_dev cyrix_cpu_dev centaur.c centaur_size_cache early_init_centaur init_centaur __cpu_dev_centaur_cpu_dev centaur_cpu_dev transmeta.c early_init_transmeta init_transmeta __cpu_dev_transmeta_cpu_dev transmeta_cpu_dev umc.c __cpu_dev_umc_cpu_dev umc_cpu_dev main.c mtrr_ops ipi_handler mtrr_save mtrr_state cmp_range disable_mtrr_trim_setup disable_mtrr_trim mtrr_init_finialize changed_by_mtrr_cleanup mtrr_sysdev_driver set_mtrr mtrr_restore subtract_range real_trim_memory mtrr_check mtrr_mutex range_state range nr_range debug_print __initcall_mtrr_init_finialize4 __setup_disable_mtrr_trim_setup __setup_str_disable_mtrr_trim_setup __ksymtab_mtrr_del __kstrtab_mtrr_del __ksymtab_mtrr_add __kstrtab_mtrr_add if.c mtrr_strings mtrr_close mtrr_open mtrr_seq_show mtrr_file_del mtrr_file_add mtrr_ioctl mtrr_write mtrr_if_init mtrr_fops proc_root_mtrr __initcall_mtrr_if_init3 generic.c mtrr_debug mtrr_show mtrr_state_set get_fixed_ranges generic_have_wrcomb post_set deftype_hi deftype_lo cr4 prepare_set smp_changes_mask print_fixed generic_set_mtrr generic_set_all fixed_range_blocks generic_get_mtrr __warned.17013 __setup_mtrr_debug __setup_str_mtrr_debug __ksymtab_mtrr_state __kstrtab_mtrr_state state.c amd_set_mtrr amd_validate_add_page amd_mtrr_ops amd_get_mtrr cyrix_get_arr cyrix_get_free_region ccr3 cyrix_set_arr cyrix_mtrr_ops cyrix_set_all ccr_state arr_state centaur_get_free_region centaur_mcr_reserved centaur_mcr centaur_get_mcr centaur_mcr_type centaur_set_mcr centaur_mtrr_ops centaur_validate_add_page boot.c hpet_insert_resource hpet_res setup_acpi_sci parse_pci acpi_dmi_table_late acpi_parse_sbf acpi_parse_fadt acpi_parse_hpet dmi_ignore_irq0_timer_override acpi_mcfg_64bit_base_addr dmi_disable_acpi acpi_force force_acpi_ht acpi_dmi_table parse_acpi disable_acpi_irq disable_acpi_pci __setup_setup_acpi_sci __setup_str_setup_acpi_sci __setup_parse_pci __setup_str_parse_pci __setup_parse_acpi __setup_str_parse_acpi __initcall_hpet_insert_resource7 __ksymtab_acpi_unregister_ioapic __kstrtab_acpi_unregister_ioapic __ksymtab_acpi_register_ioapic __kstrtab_acpi_register_ioapic __ksymtab_acpi_pci_disabled __kstrtab_acpi_pci_disabled __ksymtab_acpi_disabled __kstrtab_acpi_disabled sleep.c acpi_sleep_setup acpi_realmode __setup_acpi_sleep_setup __setup_str_acpi_sleep_setup arch/x86/kernel/acpi/wakeup_rm.S arch/x86/kernel/acpi/wakeup_32.S saved_gdt saved_idt saved_ldt bogus_magic save_registers saved_tss ret_point restore_registers cstate.c cpu_cstate_entry acpi_processor_ffh_cstate_probe_cpu ffh_cstate_init ffh_cstate_exit mwait_supported __initcall_ffh_cstate_init3 __ksymtab_acpi_processor_ffh_cstate_enter __kstrtab_acpi_processor_ffh_cstate_enter __ksymtab_acpi_processor_ffh_cstate_probe __kstrtab_acpi_processor_ffh_cstate_probe __ksymtab_acpi_processor_power_init_bm_check __kstrtab_acpi_processor_power_init_bm_check processor.c __ksymtab_arch_acpi_processor_init_pdc __kstrtab_arch_acpi_processor_init_pdc reboot.c vmxoff_nmi __machine_emergency_restart reboot_emergency native_machine_power_off reboot_setup reboot_mode reboot_init reboot_dmi_table native_machine_restart set_bios_reboot native_machine_halt real_mode_switch real_mode_idt real_mode_gdt native_machine_emergency_restart no_idt jump_to_bios __initcall_reboot_init1 __setup_reboot_setup __setup_str_reboot_setup __ksymtab_pm_power_off __kstrtab_pm_power_off real_mode_gdt_entries msr.c msr_seek msr_device_destroy msr_class msr_exit msr_init msr_fops __key.17946 msr_read msr_write msr_open __initcall_msr_init6 cpuid.c cpuid_smp_cpuid cpuid_open cpuid_seek cpuid_device_destroy cpuid_class cpuid_exit cpuid_init cpuid_fops __key.17960 cpuid_read __initcall_cpuid_init6 early-quirks.c via_bugs nvidia_bugs ati_bugs ati_bugs_contd early_qrk fix_hypertransport_config reboot_fixups_32.c fixups_table cs5536_warm_reset cs5530a_warm_reset rdc321x_reset vsmp_64.c is_vsmp __warned.7019 kprobes.c is_IF_modifier set_current_kprobe kretprobe_trampoline_holder trampoline_handler prepare_singlestep setup_singlestep twobyte_is_boostable module_32.c doublefault_32.c doublefault_fn doublefault_stack vm86_32.c vm86_irqs irqbits copy_vm86_regs_from_user do_sys_vm86 do_int irq_handler early_printk.c early_serial_putc early_serial_base early_serial_write early_serial_init bases.10316 setup_early_printk early_console_initialized early_serial_console early_console early_vga_console max_xpos max_ypos current_ypos early_vga_write current_xpos __setup_setup_early_printk __setup_str_setup_early_printk hpet.c hpet_virt_address disable_hpet boot_hpet_disable hpet_legacy_int_enabled hpet_start_counter hpet_enable_legacy_int read_hpet hpet_rtc_flags hpet_default_delta hpet_clockevent hpet_pie_limit hpet_pie_delta hpet_t1_cmp hpet_prev_update_sec hpet_alarm_time hpet_setup hpet_pie_count hpet_legacy_set_mode hpet_legacy_next_event __warned.15733 hpet_restart_counter hpet_period clocksource_hpet hpet_late_init __ksymtab_hpet_rtc_interrupt __kstrtab_hpet_rtc_interrupt __ksymtab_hpet_rtc_dropped_irq __kstrtab_hpet_rtc_dropped_irq __ksymtab_hpet_set_periodic_freq __kstrtab_hpet_set_periodic_freq __ksymtab_hpet_set_alarm_time __kstrtab_hpet_set_alarm_time __ksymtab_hpet_set_rtc_irq_bit __kstrtab_hpet_set_rtc_irq_bit __ksymtab_hpet_mask_rtc_irq_bit __kstrtab_hpet_mask_rtc_irq_bit __ksymtab_hpet_rtc_timer_init __kstrtab_hpet_rtc_timer_init __ksymtab_hpet_unregister_irq_handler __kstrtab_hpet_unregister_irq_handler __ksymtab_hpet_register_irq_handler __kstrtab_hpet_register_irq_handler __initcall_hpet_late_init5 __ksymtab_is_hpet_enabled __kstrtab_is_hpet_enabled __setup_disable_hpet __setup_str_disable_hpet __setup_hpet_setup __setup_str_hpet_setup k8.c next_k8_northbridge flush_words __ksymtab_k8_flush_garts __kstrtab_k8_flush_garts __ksymtab_cache_k8_northbridges __kstrtab_cache_k8_northbridges __ksymtab_k8_northbridges __kstrtab_k8_northbridges __ksymtab_k8_nb_ids __kstrtab_k8_nb_ids __ksymtab_num_k8_northbridges __kstrtab_num_k8_northbridges pcspeaker.c add_pcspkr __initcall_add_pcspkr6 head32.c head.c init_task.c init_signals init_sighand __ksymtab_init_task __kstrtab_init_task set_reset_devices debug_kernel quiet_kernel init_setup execute_command argv_init rdinit_setup ramdisk_execute_command loglevel run_init_process unknown_bootoption panic_later panic_param done.33951 tmp_cmdline.33952 do_early_param init_post kernel_init rest_init static_command_line __param_initcall_debug __param_str_initcall_debug __setup_rdinit_setup __setup_str_rdinit_setup __setup_init_setup __setup_str_init_setup __setup_loglevel __setup_str_loglevel __setup_quiet_kernel __setup_str_quiet_kernel __setup_debug_kernel __setup_str_debug_kernel __ksymtab_loops_per_jiffy __kstrtab_loops_per_jiffy __setup_set_reset_devices __setup_str_set_reset_devices __ksymtab_reset_devices __kstrtab_reset_devices __ksymtab_system_state __kstrtab_system_state version.c __ksymtab_init_uts_ns __kstrtab_init_uts_ns do_mounts.c readonly readwrite rootwait_setup root_wait root_data_setup root_mount_data fs_names_setup root_fs_names load_ramdisk root_dev_setup saved_root_name root_delay_setup root_delay root_device_name __setup_root_delay_setup __setup_str_root_delay_setup __setup_fs_names_setup __setup_str_fs_names_setup __setup_root_data_setup __setup_str_root_data_setup __setup_rootwait_setup __setup_str_rootwait_setup __setup_root_dev_setup __setup_str_root_dev_setup __setup_readwrite __setup_str_readwrite __setup_readonly __setup_str_readonly __setup_load_ramdisk __setup_str_load_ramdisk do_mounts_rd.c ramdisk_start_setup prompt_ramdisk error exit_code unzip_error fill_inbuf inbuf crd_infd insize inptr flush_window crc outcnt window crd_outfd bytes_out crc_32_tab huft_free inflate_codes bk bb mask_bits huft_build hufts inflate_dynamic border cplext cplens cpdext cpdist inflate_fixed p.15620 __setup_ramdisk_start_setup __setup_str_ramdisk_start_setup __setup_prompt_ramdisk __setup_str_prompt_ramdisk do_mounts_initrd.c no_initrd mount_initrd root_fd old_fd do_linuxrc argv.17027 __setup_no_initrd __setup_str_no_initrd do_mounts_md.c raid_setup raid_noautodetect raid_autopart md_setup md_setup_ents md_setup_args __setup_md_setup __setup_str_md_setup __setup_raid_setup __setup_str_raid_setup initramfs.c read_into count victim state collected this_header collect remains next_state do_start header_buf write_buffer actions message retain_initrd_param do_retain_initrd clean_path do_utime do_symlink name_len body_len gid uid mtime maybe_link nlink major mode ino minor head do_name dry_run wfd vcollected dir_list rdev free_initrd do_collect do_skip next_header do_copy do_header symlink_buf name_buf unpack_to_rootfs p.15214 populate_rootfs do_reset __initcall_populate_rootfsrootfs __setup_retain_initrd_param __setup_str_retain_initrd_param calibrate.c lpj_setup __setup_lpj_setup __setup_str_lpj_setup usr/initramfs_data.S pdev_bus.c goldfish_pdev_bus_init goldfish_pdev_bus_driver goldfish_pdev_bus_probe pdev_bus_base goldfish_pdev_bus_interrupt pdev_bus_irq goldfish_init pdev_bus_new_devices pdev_bus_registered_devices pdev_bus_removed_devices pdev_bus_worker goldfish_pdev_bus_remove goldfish_pdev_bus_exit goldfish_pdev_worker goldfish_pdev_bus_resources __initcall_goldfish_init6 __initcall_goldfish_pdev_bus_init6 init_32.c parse_highmem highmem_pages do_test_wp_bit kcore_mem kcore_vmalloc one_page_table_init after_init_bootmem table_end table_top kernel_physical_mapping_init table_start __setup_parse_highmem __setup_str_parse_highmem __ksymtab___supported_pte_mask __kstrtab___supported_pte_mask fault.c spurious_fault_check is_prefetch force_sig_info_fault ioremap.c early_ioremap_debug_setup early_ioremap_debug after_paging_init __early_set_fixmap bm_pte check_early_ioremap_leak prev_map __early_ioremap prev_size __ioremap_caller __warned.21813 __warned.21819 __initcall_check_early_ioremap_leak7 __setup_early_ioremap_debug_setup __setup_str_early_ioremap_debug_setup __ksymtab_iounmap __kstrtab_iounmap __ksymtab_ioremap_prot __kstrtab_ioremap_prot __ksymtab_ioremap_cache __kstrtab_ioremap_cache __ksymtab_ioremap_wc __kstrtab_ioremap_wc __ksymtab_ioremap_nocache __kstrtab_ioremap_nocache __ksymtab___virt_addr_valid __kstrtab___virt_addr_valid extable.c pageattr.c __cpa_flush_range __set_pmd_pte __cpa_process_fault __change_page_attr_set_clr direct_pages_count change_page_attr_set_clr __warned.22633 __warned.22639 __ksymtab_set_pages_nx __kstrtab_set_pages_nx __ksymtab_set_pages_x __kstrtab_set_pages_x __ksymtab_set_pages_wb __kstrtab_set_pages_wb __ksymtab_set_pages_uc __kstrtab_set_pages_uc __ksymtab_set_memory_rw __kstrtab_set_memory_rw __ksymtab_set_memory_ro __kstrtab_set_memory_ro __ksymtab_set_memory_nx __kstrtab_set_memory_nx __ksymtab_set_memory_x __kstrtab_set_memory_x __ksymtab_set_memory_array_wb __kstrtab_set_memory_array_wb __ksymtab_set_memory_wb __kstrtab_set_memory_wb __ksymtab_set_memory_wc __kstrtab_set_memory_wc __ksymtab_set_memory_array_uc __kstrtab_set_memory_array_uc __ksymtab_set_memory_uc __kstrtab_set_memory_uc __ksymtab_lookup_address __kstrtab_lookup_address mmap.c mmap_rnd pat.c pat_debug_setup debug_enable memtype_seq_stop pat_memtype_list_init memtype_fops memtype_seq_open memtype_seq_ops memtype_get_idx memtype_list memtype_seq_next memtype_seq_start pat_pagerange_is_ram cached_entry cached_start free_pfn_range chk_conflict nopat reserve_pfn_range boot_pat_state __warned.21073 memtype_seq_show __initcall_pat_memtype_list_init7 __ksymtab_pgprot_writecombine __kstrtab_pgprot_writecombine __setup_pat_debug_setup __setup_str_pat_debug_setup __setup_nopat __setup_str_nopat pgtable.c free_pmds gup.c gup_huge_pud gup_pte_range gup_huge_pmd pgtable_32.c parse_vmalloc parse_reservetop __setup_parse_reservetop __setup_str_parse_reservetop __setup_parse_vmalloc __setup_str_parse_vmalloc __ksymtab___FIXADDR_TOP __kstrtab___FIXADDR_TOP iomap_32.c __ksymtab_iounmap_atomic __kstrtab_iounmap_atomic __ksymtab_iomap_atomic_prot_pfn __kstrtab_iomap_atomic_prot_pfn __ksymtab_is_io_mapping_possible __kstrtab_is_io_mapping_possible hugetlbpage.c hugetlb_get_unmapped_area_bottomup print_ipi_mode no_ipi_broadcast irq0 irq2 __initcall_print_ipi_mode7 __setup_no_ipi_broadcast __setup_str_no_ipi_broadcast aes-i586-asm.S arch/x86/crypto/aes-i586-asm_32.S aes_glue.c aes_init aes_alg aes_decrypt aes_encrypt aes_fini __initcall_aes_init6 arch/x86/vdso/vdso32.S vdso32-setup.c gate_vma vdso_setup vdso32_pages vdso_mapped.16222 __ksymtab_vdso_enabled __kstrtab_vdso_enabled __setup_vdso32_setup __setup_str_vdso32_setup __setup_vdso_setup __setup_str_vdso_setup sched.c pick_next_task_idle put_prev_task_idle task_tick_idle set_curr_task_idle update_min_vruntime __clear_buddies clear_buddies requeue_task_rt per_cpu__runqueues yield_task_rt set_curr_task_rt __sched_fork idle_sched_class init_cfs_rq init_tg_cfs_entry effective_prio dequeue_task deactivate_task enqueue_task activate_task set_load_weight prio_to_weight prio_to_wmult pick_next_task_rt calc_delta_mine wakeup_preempt_entity sched_slice place_entity resched_task prio_changed_rt switched_to_rt check_preempt_curr_rt check_preempt_curr_idle __dequeue_entity set_next_entity set_curr_task_fair __enqueue_entity do_task_delta_exec free_sched_group free_sched_group_rcu dequeue_rt_stack __setscheduler fair_sched_class rt_sched_class hrtick_start_fair pick_next_task_fair hrtick_update stat_nam find_process_by_pid __schedule_bug finish_task_switch __cond_resched mutex.38590 def_rt_bandwidth ktime_zero.8133 check_same_owner sleep_on_common wait_for_common update_curr_rt task_tick_rt put_prev_task_rt sched_rt_period_timer update_curr moved_group_fair dequeue_entity enqueue_entity enqueue_task_fair __task_rq_unlock __sched_setscheduler do_sched_setscheduler task_rq_lock try_to_wake_up __enqueue_rt_entity dequeue_task_rt enqueue_task_rt switched_to_idle prio_changed_idle prio_changed_fair switched_to_fair task_groups per_cpu__init_sched_entity per_cpu__init_cfs_rq hrtick scheduler_running task_new_fair dequeue_task_fair put_prev_task_fair task_tick_fair check_preempt_wakeup dequeue_task_idle shares_mutex yield_task_fair __tpstrtab_sched_wait_task __tpstrtab_sched_wakeup __tpstrtab_sched_wakeup_new __tpstrtab_sched_switch __tpstrtab_sched_migrate_task __ksymtab_io_schedule __kstrtab_io_schedule __ksymtab_yield __kstrtab_yield __ksymtab_cond_resched_softirq __kstrtab_cond_resched_softirq __ksymtab_cond_resched_lock __kstrtab_cond_resched_lock __ksymtab__cond_resched __kstrtab__cond_resched __ksymtab_sched_setscheduler __kstrtab_sched_setscheduler __ksymtab_task_nice __kstrtab_task_nice __ksymtab_set_user_nice __kstrtab_set_user_nice __ksymtab_sleep_on_timeout __kstrtab_sleep_on_timeout __ksymtab_sleep_on __kstrtab_sleep_on __ksymtab_interruptible_sleep_on_timeout __kstrtab_interruptible_sleep_on_timeout __ksymtab_interruptible_sleep_on __kstrtab_interruptible_sleep_on __ksymtab_completion_done __kstrtab_completion_done __ksymtab_try_wait_for_completion __kstrtab_try_wait_for_completion __ksymtab_wait_for_completion_killable __kstrtab_wait_for_completion_killable __ksymtab_wait_for_completion_interruptible_timeout __kstrtab_wait_for_completion_interruptible_timeout __ksymtab_wait_for_completion_interruptible __kstrtab_wait_for_completion_interruptible __ksymtab_wait_for_completion_timeout __kstrtab_wait_for_completion_timeout __ksymtab_wait_for_completion __kstrtab_wait_for_completion __ksymtab_complete_all __kstrtab_complete_all __ksymtab_complete __kstrtab_complete __ksymtab___wake_up_sync __kstrtab___wake_up_sync __ksymtab___wake_up __kstrtab___wake_up __ksymtab_default_wake_function __kstrtab_default_wake_function __ksymtab_preempt_schedule __kstrtab_preempt_schedule __ksymtab_schedule __kstrtab_schedule __ksymtab_per_cpu__kstat __kstrtab_per_cpu__kstat __ksymtab_wake_up_process __kstrtab_wake_up_process fork.c coredump_filter_setup default_dump_filter unshare_fd __copy_fs_struct sighand_ctor signal_cachep mm_cachep mm_init __key.36377 task_struct_cachep copy_process C.216.13347 count.36912 __tpstrtab_sched_process_fork __ksymtab_copy_fs_struct __kstrtab_copy_fs_struct __ksymtab_get_task_mm __kstrtab_get_task_mm __ksymtab_mmput __kstrtab_mmput __ksymtab___mmdrop __kstrtab___mmdrop __setup_coredump_filter_setup __setup_str_coredump_filter_setup __ksymtab_free_task __kstrtab_free_task exec_domain.c execdomains_proc_open execdomains_proc_show proc_execdomains_init execdomains_proc_fops exec_domains default_handler ident_map __ksymtab___set_personality __kstrtab___set_personality __ksymtab_unregister_exec_domain __kstrtab_unregister_exec_domain __ksymtab_register_exec_domain __kstrtab_register_exec_domain __initcall_proc_execdomains_init6 panic.c no_blink tainted_mask pause_on_oops_flag init_oops_id oops_id print_oops_end_marker spin_msec do_oops_enter_exit pause_on_oops spin_counter.14720 buf.14622 buf.14657 tnts __param_pause_on_oops __param_str_pause_on_oops __param_panic __param_str_panic __ksymtab_warn_slowpath __kstrtab_warn_slowpath __initcall_init_oops_id7 __ksymtab_add_taint __kstrtab_add_taint __ksymtab_test_taint __kstrtab_test_taint __ksymtab_panic __kstrtab_panic __ksymtab_panic_blink __kstrtab_panic_blink __ksymtab_panic_notifier_list __kstrtab_panic_notifier_list printk.c logged_chars __call_console_drivers log_buf_len log_buf _call_console_drivers ignore_loglevel emit_log_char log_end log_start con_start console_suspend_disable console_locked per_cpu__printk_pending console_cmdline __add_preferred_console selected_console console_setup console_may_schedule console_suspended console_sem msg_level.25502 printk_cpu recursion_bug oops_timestamp.25561 recursion_bug_msg printk_buf new_text_line printk_time disable_boot_consoles ignore_loglevel_setup preferred_console log_buf_len_setup __log_buf __ksymtab_printk_timed_ratelimit __kstrtab_printk_timed_ratelimit __ksymtab_printk_ratelimit __kstrtab_printk_ratelimit __initcall_disable_boot_consoles7 __ksymtab_unregister_console __kstrtab_unregister_console __ksymtab_register_console __kstrtab_register_console __ksymtab_console_start __kstrtab_console_start __ksymtab_console_stop __kstrtab_console_stop __ksymtab_console_print __kstrtab_console_print __ksymtab_console_conditional_schedule __kstrtab_console_conditional_schedule __ksymtab_release_console_sem __kstrtab_release_console_sem __ksymtab_try_acquire_console_sem __kstrtab_try_acquire_console_sem __ksymtab_acquire_console_sem __kstrtab_acquire_console_sem __setup_console_suspend_disable __setup_str_console_suspend_disable __ksymtab_console_suspend_enabled __kstrtab_console_suspend_enabled __setup_console_setup __setup_str_console_setup __ksymtab_vprintk __kstrtab_vprintk __ksymtab_printk __kstrtab_printk __param_time __param_str_time __setup_ignore_loglevel_setup __setup_str_ignore_loglevel_setup __setup_log_buf_len_setup __setup_str_log_buf_len_setup __ksymtab_console_set_on_cmdline __kstrtab_console_set_on_cmdline __ksymtab_console_drivers __kstrtab_console_drivers __ksymtab_oops_in_progress __kstrtab_oops_in_progress cpu.c cpu_online_bits cpu_active_bits cpu_present_bits cpu_possible_bits __ksymtab_cpu_active_mask __kstrtab_cpu_active_mask __ksymtab_cpu_present_mask __kstrtab_cpu_present_mask __ksymtab_cpu_online_mask __kstrtab_cpu_online_mask __ksymtab_cpu_possible_mask __kstrtab_cpu_possible_mask __ksymtab_cpu_all_bits __kstrtab_cpu_all_bits __ksymtab_cpu_bit_bitmap __kstrtab_cpu_bit_bitmap exit.c will_become_orphaned_pgrp wait_noreap_copyout delayed_put_task_struct exit_mm kill_orphaned_pgrp wait_consider_task do_wait __tpstrtab_sched_process_free __tpstrtab_sched_process_exit __tpstrtab_sched_process_wait __ksymtab_complete_and_exit __kstrtab_complete_and_exit __ksymtab_do_exit __kstrtab_do_exit __ksymtab_exit_fs __kstrtab_exit_fs __ksymtab_daemonize __kstrtab_daemonize __ksymtab_disallow_signal __kstrtab_disallow_signal __ksymtab_allow_signal __kstrtab_allow_signal itimer.c itimer_get_remtime time.c firsttime.20660 __ksymtab_jiffies __kstrtab_jiffies __ksymtab_get_jiffies_64 __kstrtab_get_jiffies_64 __ksymtab_jiffies_64_to_clock_t __kstrtab_jiffies_64_to_clock_t __ksymtab_clock_t_to_jiffies __kstrtab_clock_t_to_jiffies __ksymtab_jiffies_to_clock_t __kstrtab_jiffies_to_clock_t __ksymtab_jiffies_to_timeval __kstrtab_jiffies_to_timeval __ksymtab_timeval_to_jiffies __kstrtab_timeval_to_jiffies __ksymtab_jiffies_to_timespec __kstrtab_jiffies_to_timespec __ksymtab_timespec_to_jiffies __kstrtab_timespec_to_jiffies __ksymtab_usecs_to_jiffies __kstrtab_usecs_to_jiffies __ksymtab_msecs_to_jiffies __kstrtab_msecs_to_jiffies __ksymtab_ns_to_timeval __kstrtab_ns_to_timeval __ksymtab_ns_to_timespec __kstrtab_ns_to_timespec __ksymtab_set_normalized_timespec __kstrtab_set_normalized_timespec __ksymtab_mktime __kstrtab_mktime __ksymtab_timespec_trunc __kstrtab_timespec_trunc __ksymtab_jiffies_to_usecs __kstrtab_jiffies_to_usecs __ksymtab_jiffies_to_msecs __kstrtab_jiffies_to_msecs __ksymtab_current_fs_time __kstrtab_current_fs_time __ksymtab_sys_tz __kstrtab_sys_tz softirq.c softirq_vec cpu_callback ksoftirqd per_cpu__ksoftirqd spawn_ksoftirqd cpu_nfb __warned.17803 __warned.17808 __warned.17847 tasklet_action per_cpu__tasklet_vec tasklet_hi_action per_cpu__tasklet_hi_vec __initcall_spawn_ksoftirqdearly __ksymtab_send_remote_softirq __kstrtab_send_remote_softirq __ksymtab___send_remote_softirq __kstrtab___send_remote_softirq __ksymtab_per_cpu__softirq_work_list __kstrtab_per_cpu__softirq_work_list __ksymtab_tasklet_kill __kstrtab_tasklet_kill __ksymtab_tasklet_init __kstrtab_tasklet_init __ksymtab___tasklet_hi_schedule __kstrtab___tasklet_hi_schedule __ksymtab___tasklet_schedule __kstrtab___tasklet_schedule __ksymtab_local_bh_enable_ip __kstrtab_local_bh_enable_ip __ksymtab_local_bh_enable __kstrtab_local_bh_enable __ksymtab__local_bh_enable __kstrtab__local_bh_enable __ksymtab_local_bh_disable __kstrtab_local_bh_disable resource.c r_next __request_resource __insert_resource devm_region_match iomem_open resource_op ioports_open r_show reserve_setup reserved.14910 reserve.14911 strict_iomem strict_iomem_checks devm_region_release __reserve_region_with_split r_start r_stop ioresources_init proc_ioports_operations proc_iomem_operations __setup_strict_iomem __setup_str_strict_iomem __setup_reserve_setup __setup_str_reserve_setup __ksymtab___devm_release_region __kstrtab___devm_release_region __ksymtab___devm_request_region __kstrtab___devm_request_region __ksymtab___release_region __kstrtab___release_region __ksymtab___check_region __kstrtab___check_region __ksymtab___request_region __kstrtab___request_region __ksymtab_adjust_resource __kstrtab_adjust_resource __ksymtab_allocate_resource __kstrtab_allocate_resource __ksymtab_release_resource __kstrtab_release_resource __ksymtab_request_resource __kstrtab_request_resource __initcall_ioresources_init6 __ksymtab_iomem_resource __kstrtab_iomem_resource __ksymtab_ioport_resource __kstrtab_ioport_resource sysctl.c lookup_header_set lookup_header_list sysctl_set_parent sysctl_table_root do_proc_dointvec_conv do_proc_dointvec_minmax_conv do_proc_dointvec_jiffies_conv sysctl_init root_table do_proc_doulongvec_minmax __do_proc_dointvec proc_do_cad_pid do_proc_dointvec do_proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies_conv do_proc_dointvec_userhz_jiffies_conv proc_taint use_table root_table_header null_path.32892 unuse_table msg_count.33795 __ksymtab_unregister_sysctl_table __kstrtab_unregister_sysctl_table __ksymtab_sysctl_data __kstrtab_sysctl_data __ksymtab_sysctl_string __kstrtab_sysctl_string __ksymtab_sysctl_ms_jiffies __kstrtab_sysctl_ms_jiffies __ksymtab_sysctl_jiffies __kstrtab_sysctl_jiffies __ksymtab_sysctl_intvec __kstrtab_sysctl_intvec __ksymtab_register_sysctl_paths __kstrtab_register_sysctl_paths __ksymtab_register_sysctl_table __kstrtab_register_sysctl_table __ksymtab_proc_doulongvec_ms_jiffies_minmax __kstrtab_proc_doulongvec_ms_jiffies_minmax __ksymtab_proc_doulongvec_minmax __kstrtab_proc_doulongvec_minmax __ksymtab_proc_dostring __kstrtab_proc_dostring __ksymtab_proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies __kstrtab_proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies __ksymtab_proc_dointvec_userhz_jiffies __kstrtab_proc_dointvec_userhz_jiffies __ksymtab_proc_dointvec_minmax __kstrtab_proc_dointvec_minmax __ksymtab_proc_dointvec_jiffies __kstrtab_proc_dointvec_jiffies __ksymtab_proc_dointvec __kstrtab_proc_dointvec __initcall_sysctl_init1 kern_table vm_table fs_table debug_table dev_table minolduid maxolduid ngroups_max zero one_hundred one_ul min_percpu_pagelist_fract two binfmt_misc_table capability.c file_caps_disable cap_validate_magic warned.22713 warned.22721 __ksymtab_capable __kstrtab_capable __setup_file_caps_disable __setup_str_file_caps_disable __ksymtab___cap_init_eff_set __kstrtab___cap_init_eff_set __ksymtab___cap_full_set __kstrtab___cap_full_set __ksymtab___cap_empty_set __kstrtab___cap_empty_set ptrace_resume timer.c round_jiffies_common internal_add_timer per_cpu__tvec_bases cascade timer_cpu_notify tvec_base_done.21167 boot_done.21168 timers_nb run_timer_softirq lock_timer_base process_timeout count.20934 __ksymtab_msleep_interruptible __kstrtab_msleep_interruptible __ksymtab_msleep __kstrtab_msleep __ksymtab_schedule_timeout_uninterruptible __kstrtab_schedule_timeout_uninterruptible __ksymtab_schedule_timeout_killable __kstrtab_schedule_timeout_killable __ksymtab_schedule_timeout_interruptible __kstrtab_schedule_timeout_interruptible __ksymtab_schedule_timeout __kstrtab_schedule_timeout __ksymtab_avenrun __kstrtab_avenrun __ksymtab_del_timer __kstrtab_del_timer __ksymtab_mod_timer __kstrtab_mod_timer __ksymtab___mod_timer __kstrtab___mod_timer __ksymtab_init_timer_deferrable __kstrtab_init_timer_deferrable __ksymtab_init_timer __kstrtab_init_timer __ksymtab_round_jiffies_up_relative __kstrtab_round_jiffies_up_relative __ksymtab_round_jiffies_up __kstrtab_round_jiffies_up __ksymtab___round_jiffies_up_relative __kstrtab___round_jiffies_up_relative __ksymtab___round_jiffies_up __kstrtab___round_jiffies_up __ksymtab_round_jiffies_relative __kstrtab_round_jiffies_relative __ksymtab_round_jiffies __kstrtab_round_jiffies __ksymtab___round_jiffies_relative __kstrtab___round_jiffies_relative __ksymtab___round_jiffies __kstrtab___round_jiffies __ksymtab_boot_tvec_bases __kstrtab_boot_tvec_bases __ksymtab_jiffies_64 __kstrtab_jiffies_64 user.c uid_hash_insert uid_hash_find uids_release uids_user_create uids_kset uids_ktype cpu_shares_store cpu_shares_show sched_destroy_user uidhash_lock cleanup_user_struct uid_cache_init uid_cachep uids_mutex __initcall_uid_cache_init6 __ksymtab_init_user_ns __kstrtab_init_user_ns uids_attributes cpu_share_attr sig_handler_ignored setup_print_fatal_signals sigqueue_cachep recalc_sigpending_tsk __sigqueue_free rm_from_queue rm_from_queue_full __dequeue_signal __flush_itimer_signals check_kill_permission prepare_signal __sigqueue_alloc complete_signal send_signal specific_send_sig_info do_tkill do_notify_parent_cldstop do_signal_stop ptrace_stop __tpstrtab_sched_signal_send __ksymtab_unblock_all_signals __kstrtab_unblock_all_signals __ksymtab_block_all_signals __kstrtab_block_all_signals __ksymtab_sigprocmask __kstrtab_sigprocmask __ksymtab_send_sig_info __kstrtab_send_sig_info __ksymtab_send_sig __kstrtab_send_sig __ksymtab_force_sig __kstrtab_force_sig __ksymtab_flush_signals __kstrtab_flush_signals __ksymtab_dequeue_signal __kstrtab_dequeue_signal __ksymtab_recalc_sigpending __kstrtab_recalc_sigpending __ksymtab_kill_pid __kstrtab_kill_pid __ksymtab_kill_pgrp __kstrtab_kill_pgrp __ksymtab_kill_pid_info_as_uid __kstrtab_kill_pid_info_as_uid __ksymtab___fatal_signal_pending __kstrtab___fatal_signal_pending __setup_setup_print_fatal_signals __setup_str_setup_print_fatal_signals sys.c accumulate_thread_rusage argv_cleanup set_user cad_work.27498 kernel_shutdown_prepare __func__.28544 envp.28541 deferred_cad set_one_prio __ksymtab_orderly_poweroff __kstrtab_orderly_poweroff __ksymtab_in_egroup_p __kstrtab_in_egroup_p __ksymtab_in_group_p __kstrtab_in_group_p __ksymtab_set_current_groups __kstrtab_set_current_groups __ksymtab_set_groups __kstrtab_set_groups __ksymtab_groups_free __kstrtab_groups_free __ksymtab_groups_alloc __kstrtab_groups_alloc __ksymtab_kernel_power_off __kstrtab_kernel_power_off __ksymtab_kernel_halt __kstrtab_kernel_halt __ksymtab_kernel_restart __kstrtab_kernel_restart __ksymtab_emergency_restart __kstrtab_emergency_restart __ksymtab_cad_pid __kstrtab_cad_pid __ksymtab_fs_overflowgid __kstrtab_fs_overflowgid __ksymtab_fs_overflowuid __kstrtab_fs_overflowuid __ksymtab_overflowgid __kstrtab_overflowgid __ksymtab_overflowuid __kstrtab_overflowuid kmod.c usermodehelper_disabled khelper_wq __call_usermodehelper wait_for_helper ____call_usermodehelper running_helpers running_helpers_waitq kmod_concurrent.24832 kmod_loop_msg.24833 envp.24831 __ksymtab_call_usermodehelper_pipe __kstrtab_call_usermodehelper_pipe __ksymtab_call_usermodehelper_exec __kstrtab_call_usermodehelper_exec __ksymtab_call_usermodehelper_stdinpipe __kstrtab_call_usermodehelper_stdinpipe __ksymtab_call_usermodehelper_setcleanup __kstrtab_call_usermodehelper_setcleanup __ksymtab_call_usermodehelper_setkeys __kstrtab_call_usermodehelper_setkeys __ksymtab_call_usermodehelper_setup __kstrtab_call_usermodehelper_setup __ksymtab_call_usermodehelper_freeinfo __kstrtab_call_usermodehelper_freeinfo __ksymtab_request_module __kstrtab_request_module workqueue.c keventd_wq run_workqueue __func__.21174 init_cpu_workqueue insert_work insert_wq_barrier wq_barrier_func flush_cpu_workqueue __queue_work delayed_work_timer_fn create_workqueue_thread worker_thread start_workqueue_thread singlethread_cpu workqueues cpu_populated_map cpu_singlethread_map __cancel_work_timer __ksymtab_destroy_workqueue __kstrtab_destroy_workqueue __ksymtab___create_workqueue_key __kstrtab___create_workqueue_key __ksymtab_execute_in_process_context __kstrtab_execute_in_process_context __ksymtab_flush_scheduled_work 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__mutex_lock_slowpath __mutex_unlock_slowpath __mutex_lock_killable_slowpath __mutex_lock_interruptible_slowpath __mutex_trylock_slowpath __ksymtab_mutex_trylock __kstrtab_mutex_trylock __ksymtab_mutex_lock_killable __kstrtab_mutex_lock_killable __ksymtab_mutex_lock_interruptible __kstrtab_mutex_lock_interruptible __ksymtab_mutex_unlock __kstrtab_mutex_unlock __ksymtab_mutex_lock __kstrtab_mutex_lock __ksymtab___mutex_init __kstrtab___mutex_init hrtimer.c hrtimer_wakeup hrtimer_cpu_notify setup_hrtimer_hres hrtimer_hres_enabled hrtimers_nb run_hrtimer_softirq update_rmtp hrtimer_force_reprogram __remove_hrtimer enqueue_hrtimer __run_hrtimer retrigger_next_event ktime_zero.8299 __warned.17322 do_nanosleep force_clock_reprogram __warned.17381 __ksymtab_schedule_hrtimeout __kstrtab_schedule_hrtimeout __ksymtab_schedule_hrtimeout_range __kstrtab_schedule_hrtimeout_range __ksymtab_hrtimer_get_res __kstrtab_hrtimer_get_res __ksymtab_hrtimer_init __kstrtab_hrtimer_init 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get_symbol_offset get_symbol_pos reset_iter s_stop s_show update_iter s_start s_next kallsyms_open kallsyms_op kallsyms_init kallsyms_operations is_ksym_addr __ksymtab_sprint_symbol __kstrtab_sprint_symbol __ksymtab___print_symbol __kstrtab___print_symbol __initcall_kallsyms_init6 pm_init attr_group state_store pm_states suspend_ops pm_chain_head state_show __initcall_pm_init1 __ksymtab_pm_suspend __kstrtab_pm_suspend __ksymtab_unregister_pm_notifier __kstrtab_unregister_pm_notifier __ksymtab_register_pm_notifier __kstrtab_register_pm_notifier __ksymtab_pm_flags __kstrtab_pm_flags g state_attr wake_lock_attr wake_unlock_attr console.c disable_vt_switch orig_fgconsole orig_kmsg __ksymtab_pm_set_vt_switch __kstrtab_pm_set_vt_switch thaw_tasks try_to_freeze_tasks wakelock.c print_active_locks active_wake_locks debug_mask deleted_wake_locks inactive_locks wakelocks_exit power_driver power_device unknown_wakeup update_sleep_wait_stats_locked last_sleep_time_update wake_unlock_stat_locked 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wait_for_fb_sleep_show stop_drawing_early_suspend start_drawing_late_resume __initcall_android_power_init6 wait_for_fb_sleep_attr wait_for_fb_wake_attr poweroff.c pm_sysrq_init sysrq_poweroff_op handle_poweroff poweroff_work do_poweroff __initcall_pm_sysrq_init4 acct.c acct_timeout encode_comp_t do_acct_process acct_file_reopen acct_list utsname.c user_namespace.c free_user_ns_work __ksymtab_free_user_ns __kstrtab_free_user_ns pid_namespace.c pid_namespaces_init pid_ns_cachep pid_caches_mutex pid_caches_lh __initcall_pid_namespaces_init6 kprobe_table aggr_fault_handler per_cpu__kprobe_instance aggr_break_handler kretprobe_table_lock add_new_kprobe aggr_post_handler kprobe_seq_start kprobe_seq_next kprobe_seq_stop debugfs_kprobe_init debugfs_kprobes_operations fops_kp write_enabled_file_bool kprobe_mutex kprobe_enabled read_enabled_file_bool kprobes_open kprobes_seq_ops __unregister_kprobe_top aggr_pre_handler report_probe pre_handler_kretprobe kprobe_addr init_kprobes kretprobe_inst_table kprobe_blacklist kprobe_exceptions_nb kprobe_module_nb kprobes_initialized __unregister_kprobe_bottom collect_one_slot kprobe_insn_pages collect_garbage_slots kprobe_insn_mutex kprobe_garbage_slots kprobes_module_callback show_kprobe_addr __ksymtab_unregister_kretprobes __kstrtab_unregister_kretprobes __ksymtab_register_kretprobes __kstrtab_register_kretprobes __ksymtab_unregister_kretprobe __kstrtab_unregister_kretprobe __ksymtab_register_kretprobe __kstrtab_register_kretprobe __ksymtab_jprobe_return __kstrtab_jprobe_return __ksymtab_unregister_jprobes __kstrtab_unregister_jprobes __ksymtab_register_jprobes __kstrtab_register_jprobes __ksymtab_unregister_jprobe __kstrtab_unregister_jprobe __ksymtab_register_jprobe __kstrtab_register_jprobe __ksymtab_unregister_kprobes __kstrtab_unregister_kprobes __ksymtab_register_kprobes __kstrtab_register_kprobes __ksymtab_unregister_kprobe __kstrtab_unregister_kprobe __ksymtab_register_kprobe __kstrtab_register_kprobe __initcall_init_kprobes6 __initcall_debugfs_kprobe_init7 handle.c kstat_irqs_cpu noop noop_ret ack_bad __ksymtab_kstat_irqs_cpu __kstrtab_kstat_irqs_cpu __ksymtab_nr_irqs __kstrtab_nr_irqs manage.c set_irq_wake_real __enable_irq __setup_irq __ksymtab_request_irq __kstrtab_request_irq __ksymtab_free_irq __kstrtab_free_irq __ksymtab_set_irq_wake __kstrtab_set_irq_wake __ksymtab_enable_irq __kstrtab_enable_irq __ksymtab_disable_irq __kstrtab_disable_irq __ksymtab_disable_irq_nosync __kstrtab_disable_irq_nosync spurious.c irqpoll_setup irqfixup irqfixup_setup try_one_irq poll_spurious_irqs poll_spurious_irq_timer __report_bad_irq count.14341 __setup_irqpoll_setup __setup_str_irqpoll_setup __param_irqfixup __param_str_irqfixup __setup_irqfixup_setup __setup_str_irqfixup_setup __param_noirqdebug __param_str_noirqdebug __setup_noirqdebug_setup __setup_str_noirqdebug_setup resend.c chip.c default_disable default_enable default_startup default_shutdown __ksymtab___set_irq_handler 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__kstrtab_rcu_batches_completed_bh __ksymtab_rcu_batches_completed __kstrtab_rcu_batches_completed __ksymtab_call_rcu_bh __kstrtab_call_rcu_bh __ksymtab_call_rcu __kstrtab_call_rcu relay.c relay_file_mmap_close buf_mapped_default_callback buf_unmapped_default_callback create_buf_file_default_callback remove_buf_file_default_callback relay_file_mmap relay_file_mmap_ops relay_file_poll relay_file_read_consume relay_pipe_buf_release relay_page_release relay_init relay_file_splice_read relay_pipe_buf_ops relay_file_release relay_remove_buf relay_destroy_channel relay_free_page_array relay_destroy_buf relay_file_open relay_buf_fault relay_file_read subbuf_read_actor relay_close_buf relay_channels_mutex relay_create_buf_file __relay_reset wakeup_readers default_channel_callbacks subbuf_start_default_callback relay_channels __relay_set_buf_dentry __initcall_relay_initearly __ksymtab_relay_file_operations __kstrtab_relay_file_operations __ksymtab_relay_flush __kstrtab_relay_flush __ksymtab_relay_close __kstrtab_relay_close __ksymtab_relay_subbufs_consumed __kstrtab_relay_subbufs_consumed __ksymtab_relay_switch_subbuf __kstrtab_relay_switch_subbuf __ksymtab_relay_open __kstrtab_relay_open __ksymtab_relay_reset __kstrtab_relay_reset __ksymtab_relay_buf_full __kstrtab_relay_buf_full utsname_sysctl.c utsname_sysctl_init uts_root_table get_uts put_uts sysctl_uts_string proc_do_uts_string __initcall_utsname_sysctl_init6 uts_kern_table delayacct.c delayacct_setup_disable delayacct_end __setup_delayacct_setup_disable __setup_str_delayacct_setup_disable taskstats.c taskstats_init family taskstats_ops cgroupstats_ops family_registered prepare_reply per_cpu__taskstats_seqnum send_reply parse add_del_listener per_cpu__listener_array fill_pid mk_reply __key.25254 cgroupstats_user_cmd taskstats_user_cmd __initcall_taskstats_init7 taskstats_cmd_get_policy cgroupstats_cmd_get_policy tsacct.c marker.c get_marker_from_private_data marker_table init_markers get_marker debug_print_probes marker_debug marker_entry_remove_probe remove_marker free_old_closure marker_set_format __mark_core_marker_format.9700 markers_mutex marker_update_probes marker_probe_cb_noarg __mark_core_marker_format.9629 __initcall_init_markers6 __ksymtab_marker_get_private_data __kstrtab_marker_get_private_data __ksymtab_marker_probe_unregister_private_data __kstrtab_marker_probe_unregister_private_data __ksymtab_marker_probe_unregister __kstrtab_marker_probe_unregister __ksymtab_marker_probe_register __kstrtab_marker_probe_register __ksymtab_marker_probe_cb __kstrtab_marker_probe_cb __ksymtab___mark_empty_function __kstrtab___mark_empty_function __mstrtab_core_marker_format.9628 __mstrtab_core_marker_format.9699 tracepoint.c tracepoint_add_old_probes need_update old_probes init_tracepoints tracepoint_get_iter rcu_free_old_probes get_tracepoint tracepoint_table tracepoint_debug tracepoint_remove_probe tracepoints_mutex tracepoint_update_probes tracepoint_add_probe 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required_movablecore cmdline_parse_kernelcore required_kernelcore calculate_totalreserve_pages setup_per_zone_lowmem_reserve rmqueue_bulk find_min_pfn_for_node alloc_node_mem_map zone_wait_table_init zone_names nr_free_zone_pages current_zonelist_order zonelist_order_name init_per_zone_pages_min bad_page nr_shown.26284 resume.26283 nr_unshown.26285 get_page_from_freelist destroy_compound_page __free_pages_ok free_pages_bulk free_hot_cold_page __initcall_init_per_zone_pages_min6 __ksymtab_contig_page_data __kstrtab_contig_page_data __setup_cmdline_parse_movablecore __setup_str_cmdline_parse_movablecore __setup_cmdline_parse_kernelcore __setup_str_cmdline_parse_kernelcore __ksymtab_si_meminfo __kstrtab_si_meminfo __ksymtab_nr_free_buffer_pages __kstrtab_nr_free_buffer_pages __ksymtab_free_pages_exact __kstrtab_free_pages_exact __ksymtab_alloc_pages_exact __kstrtab_alloc_pages_exact __ksymtab_free_pages __kstrtab_free_pages __ksymtab___free_pages __kstrtab___free_pages 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__kstrtab_default_backing_dev_info __ksymtab_default_unplug_io_fn __kstrtab_default_unplug_io_fn swap.c update_page_reclaim_stat put_compound_page per_cpu__lru_add_pvecs pagevec_move_tail per_cpu__lru_rotate_pvecs lru_add_drain_per_cpu __ksymtab_pagevec_lookup_tag __kstrtab_pagevec_lookup_tag __ksymtab_pagevec_lookup __kstrtab_pagevec_lookup __ksymtab_____pagevec_lru_add __kstrtab_____pagevec_lru_add __ksymtab___pagevec_release __kstrtab___pagevec_release __ksymtab_mark_page_accessed __kstrtab_mark_page_accessed __ksymtab_put_pages_list __kstrtab_put_pages_list __ksymtab_put_page __kstrtab_put_page truncate.c truncate_complete_page __ksymtab_invalidate_inode_pages2 __kstrtab_invalidate_inode_pages2 __ksymtab_invalidate_inode_pages2_range __kstrtab_invalidate_inode_pages2_range __ksymtab_invalidate_mapping_pages __kstrtab_invalidate_mapping_pages __ksymtab_truncate_inode_pages __kstrtab_truncate_inode_pages __ksymtab_truncate_inode_pages_range __kstrtab_truncate_inode_pages_range __ksymtab_cancel_dirty_page __kstrtab_cancel_dirty_page vmscan.c inactive_anon_is_low attr_scan_unevictable_pages check_move_unevictable_page scan_zone_unevictable_pages write_scan_unevictable_node clear_active_flags isolate_pages_global read_scan_unevictable_node kswapd kswapd_init __remove_mapping shrink_active_list shrink_page_list __func__.30182 shrink_list shrink_zone shrinker_rwsem shrinker_list __func__.30095 __initcall_kswapd_init6 __ksymtab_unregister_shrinker __kstrtab_unregister_shrinker __ksymtab_register_shrinker __kstrtab_register_shrinker shmem.c shmem_default_max_blocks shmem_default_max_inodes shmem_dir_map shmem_swp_map shmem_swp_set shmem_match shmem_get_sb shmem_fill_super shmem_xattr_security_set shmem_xattr_security_get shmem_xattr_security_list shmem_show_options shmem_swp_entry shmem_free_inode shmem_reserve_inode shmem_free_blocks shmem_recalc_inode shmem_free_swp shmem_truncate_range shmem_truncate shmem_alloc_inode shmem_inode_cachep shmem_fh_to_dentry shmem_parse_options shmem_get_inode shmem_backing_dev_info shmem_special_inode_operations shmem_aops shmem_inode_operations shmem_file_operations shmem_dir_inode_operations shmem_mknod shmem_create shmem_write_end shmem_swp_alloc shmem_getpage shmem_write_begin shmem_readpage shmem_fault shmem_unlink shmem_mmap shmem_vm_ops shmem_file_aio_read shmem_put_super init_once shm_mnt shmem_swaplist_mutex shmem_swaplist shmem_export_ops shmem_ops shmem_xattr_handlers shmem_follow_link shmem_get_parent shmem_mkdir shmem_rmdir shmem_rename shmem_delete_inode shmem_symlink shmem_symlink_inline_operations shmem_symlink_inode_operations shmem_destroy_inode shmem_follow_link_inline shmem_remount_fs shmem_link shmem_put_link init_tmpfs tmpfs_fs_type shmem_notify_change shmem_writepage shmem_statfs shmem_encode_fh __initcall_init_tmpfs6 __ksymtab_shmem_file_setup __kstrtab_shmem_file_setup shmem_xattr_security_handler prio_tree.c util.c __ksymtab_get_user_pages_fast __kstrtab_get_user_pages_fast __ksymtab_strndup_user __kstrtab_strndup_user __ksymtab_kzfree __kstrtab_kzfree __ksymtab_krealloc __kstrtab_krealloc __ksymtab___krealloc __kstrtab___krealloc __ksymtab_kmemdup __kstrtab_kmemdup __ksymtab_kstrndup __kstrtab_kstrndup __ksymtab_kstrdup __kstrtab_kstrdup mmzone.c vmstat.c frag_stop vmstat_next vmstat_open vmstat_op zoneinfo_open zoneinfo_op pagetypeinfo_open pagetypeinfo_op fragmentation_open fragmentation_op walk_zones_in_node zoneinfo_show zoneinfo_show_print frag_show frag_show_print vmstat_show vmstat_text pagetypeinfo_show pagetypeinfo_showfree_print migratetype_names pagetypeinfo_showblockcount_print frag_next frag_start vmstat_stop vmstat_start setup_vmstat fragmentation_file_operations pagetypeinfo_file_ops proc_vmstat_file_operations proc_zoneinfo_file_operations __initcall_setup_vmstat6 __ksymtab_vm_stat __kstrtab_vm_stat __ksymtab_all_vm_events __kstrtab_all_vm_events __ksymtab_per_cpu__vm_event_states __kstrtab_per_cpu__vm_event_states backing-dev.c max_ratio_show bdi_class_init __key.17961 bdi_class bdi_dev_attrs bdi_debug_root congestion_wqh bdi_debug_stats_fops bdi_debug_stats_open bdi_debug_stats_show read_ahead_kb_store read_ahead_kb_show min_ratio_store min_ratio_show max_ratio_store __ksymtab_congestion_wait __kstrtab_congestion_wait __ksymtab_set_bdi_congested __kstrtab_set_bdi_congested __ksymtab_clear_bdi_congested __kstrtab_clear_bdi_congested __ksymtab_bdi_destroy __kstrtab_bdi_destroy __ksymtab_bdi_init __kstrtab_bdi_init __ksymtab_bdi_unregister __kstrtab_bdi_unregister __ksymtab_bdi_register_dev __kstrtab_bdi_register_dev __ksymtab_bdi_register __kstrtab_bdi_register __initcall_bdi_class_init2 page_isolation.c mm_init.c set_mminit_loglevel mm_sysfs_init __initcall_mm_sysfs_init6 __ksymtab_mm_kobj __kstrtab_mm_kobj __setup_set_mminit_loglevel __setup_str_set_mminit_loglevel fremap.c highmem.c madvise.c memory.c disable_randmaps __do_fault print_bad_pte nr_shown.27856 resume.27855 nr_unshown.27857 do_wp_page unmap_mapping_range_vma insert_pfn __ksymtab_vmtruncate __kstrtab_vmtruncate __ksymtab_unmap_mapping_range __kstrtab_unmap_mapping_range __ksymtab_apply_to_page_range __kstrtab_apply_to_page_range __ksymtab_remap_pfn_range __kstrtab_remap_pfn_range __ksymtab_vm_insert_mixed __kstrtab_vm_insert_mixed __ksymtab_vm_insert_pfn __kstrtab_vm_insert_pfn __ksymtab_vm_insert_page __kstrtab_vm_insert_page __ksymtab_get_user_pages __kstrtab_get_user_pages __ksymtab_zap_vma_ptes __kstrtab_zap_vma_ptes __setup_disable_randmaps __setup_str_disable_randmaps __ksymtab_high_memory __kstrtab_high_memory __ksymtab_num_physpages __kstrtab_num_physpages __ksymtab_mem_map __kstrtab_mem_map __ksymtab_max_mapnr __kstrtab_max_mapnr mincore.c mincore_page mlock.c __mlock_vma_pages_range mlock_fixup do_mlockall do_mlock __ksymtab_can_do_mlock __kstrtab_can_do_mlock find_vma_prepare can_vma_merge_before can_vma_merge_after special_mapping_close special_mapping_fault mm_all_locks_mutex __vma_link_file unmap_region remove_vma expand_downwards __remove_shared_vm_struct __vma_link vma_link special_mapping_vmops __ksymtab_do_brk __kstrtab_do_brk __ksymtab_do_munmap __kstrtab_do_munmap __ksymtab_find_vma __kstrtab_find_vma __ksymtab_get_unmapped_area __kstrtab_get_unmapped_area __ksymtab_do_mmap_pgoff __kstrtab_do_mmap_pgoff __ksymtab_vm_get_page_prot __kstrtab_vm_get_page_prot mprotect.c mremap.c msync.c rmap.c anon_vma_ctor __page_set_anon_rmap page_mapped_in_vma page_unlock_anon_vma page_lock_anon_vma page_referenced_one try_to_unmap_one try_to_mlock_page try_to_unmap_anon page_referenced_file try_to_unmap_file anon_vma_cachep __ksymtab_page_mkclean __kstrtab_page_mkclean vmalloc.c addr_to_vb_idx f vmalloc_open vmalloc_op rcu_free_vb rcu_free_va find_vmap_area vmap_area_root find_vm_area proc_vmalloc_init proc_vmalloc_operations vunmap_page_range __free_vmap_area __purge_vmap_area_lazy vmap_area_list vmap_lazy_nr free_unmap_vmap_area_noflush free_unmap_vmap_area __insert_vmap_area alloc_vmap_area __get_vm_area_node va.22740 __vunmap vmap_page_range __vmalloc_area_node __vmalloc_node vmap_block_tree per_cpu__vmap_block_queue vmap_initialized __initcall_proc_vmalloc_init6 __ksymtab_free_vm_area __kstrtab_free_vm_area __ksymtab_alloc_vm_area __kstrtab_alloc_vm_area __ksymtab_remap_vmalloc_range __kstrtab_remap_vmalloc_range __ksymtab_vmalloc_32_user __kstrtab_vmalloc_32_user __ksymtab_vmalloc_32 __kstrtab_vmalloc_32 __ksymtab_vmalloc_node __kstrtab_vmalloc_node __ksymtab_vmalloc_user __kstrtab_vmalloc_user __ksymtab_vmalloc __kstrtab_vmalloc __ksymtab___vmalloc __kstrtab___vmalloc __ksymtab_vmap __kstrtab_vmap __ksymtab_vunmap __kstrtab_vunmap __ksymtab_vfree __kstrtab_vfree __ksymtab___get_vm_area __kstrtab___get_vm_area __ksymtab_map_vm_area __kstrtab_map_vm_area __ksymtab_vm_map_ram __kstrtab_vm_map_ram __ksymtab_vm_unmap_ram __kstrtab_vm_unmap_ram __ksymtab_vm_unmap_aliases __kstrtab_vm_unmap_aliases __ksymtab_vmalloc_to_pfn __kstrtab_vmalloc_to_pfn __ksymtab_vmalloc_to_page __kstrtab_vmalloc_to_page pagewalk.c bounce.c page_pool isa_page_pool bounce_end_io_write bounce_end_io_read bounce_end_io_write_isa bounce_end_io_read_isa bounce_end_io __bounce_end_io_read mempool_alloc_pages_isa __tpstrtab_block_bio_bounce __ksymtab_blk_queue_bounce __kstrtab_blk_queue_bounce page_io.c get_swap_bio end_swap_bio_write swap_state.c swap_cache_info swap_aops swap_backing_dev_info swapfile.c swap_entry_free swap_list swap_info swap_next nr_swapfiles max_swapfiles_check swaps_open swaps_op swap_show swap_stop swapon_mutex swap_start procswaps_init proc_swaps_operations swap_info_get Unused_offset Bad_offset Unused_file Bad_file add_swap_extent discard_swap_cluster destroy_swap_extents unuse_mm wait_for_discard swap_unplug_sem least_priority swap_overflow __initcall_max_swapfiles_check7 __initcall_procswaps_init6 thrash.c global_faults dmapool.c dmam_pool_match pools_lock dev_attr_pools dmam_pool_release show_pools __ksymtab_dmam_pool_destroy __kstrtab_dmam_pool_destroy __ksymtab_dmam_pool_create __kstrtab_dmam_pool_create __ksymtab_dma_pool_free __kstrtab_dma_pool_free __ksymtab_dma_pool_alloc __kstrtab_dma_pool_alloc __ksymtab_dma_pool_destroy __kstrtab_dma_pool_destroy __ksymtab_dma_pool_create __kstrtab_dma_pool_create hugetlb.c vma_hugecache_offset vma_resv_map enqueue_huge_page max_hstate kobj_to_hstate hstate_kobjs hugetlb_vm_op_fault make_huge_pte update_and_free_page alloc_buddy_huge_page htlb_alloc_mask free_huge_page prep_new_huge_page return_unused_surplus_pages nid.23081 hstate_next_node alloc_fresh_huge_page adjust_pool_surplus prev_nid.22855 set_max_huge_pages surplus_hugepages_show resv_hugepages_show free_hugepages_show nr_overcommit_hugepages_show nr_hugepages_show hugetlb_exit hugepages_kobj nr_hugepages_store hugetlb_default_setup default_hstate_size hugetlb_acct_memory region_truncate resv_map_release region_add hugetlb_vm_op_open region_chg vma_needs_reservation alloc_huge_page hugetlb_cow hugetlb_instantiation_mutex.24202 parsed_hstate hugetlb_vm_op_close hugetlb_hstate_alloc_pages hugetlb_nrpages_setup default_hstate_max_huge_pages last_mhp.23605 hugetlb_init hstate_attr_group nr_overcommit_hugepages_store __setup_hugetlb_default_setup __setup_str_hugetlb_default_setup __setup_hugetlb_nrpages_setup __setup_str_hugetlb_nrpages_setup __initcall_hugetlb_init6 hstate_attrs nr_hugepages_attr nr_overcommit_hugepages_attr free_hugepages_attr resv_hugepages_attr surplus_hugepages_attr ashmem.c ashmem_init ashmem_area_cachep ashmem_range_cachep ashmem_misc ashmem_shrinker range_del lru_count ashmem_release ashmem_mutex range_alloc ashmem_lru_list ashmem_open ashmem_mmap ashmem_shrink ashmem_ioctl ashmem_exit __initcall_ashmem_init6 ashmem_fops shmem_acl.c shmem_set_acl_default shmem_set_acl_access shmem_get_acl_default shmem_get_acl_access shmem_list_acl_default shmem_list_acl_access shmem_get_acl shmem_check_acl shmem_set_acl slub.c slab_state get_track set_track check_bytes calculate_alignment calculate_sizes slub_min_objects slub_max_order slub_min_order setup_slub_nomerge slub_nomerge slab_unmergeable count_inuse count_total count_free any_slab_objects sanity_checks_store trace_store reclaim_account_store red_zone_store poison_store store_user_store validate_show shrink_show slab_attr_show slab_attr_store slab_ktype setup_slub_debug slub_debug slub_debug_slabs print_page_info print_track print_tracking print_section setup_slub_min_objects setup_slub_max_order setup_slub_min_order store_user_show poison_show red_zone_show destroy_by_rcu_show cache_dma_show hwcache_align_show reclaim_account_show trace_show sanity_checks_show aliases_show object_size_show align_show slab_size_show ctor_show count_partial add_partial init_object setup_object slab_fix restore_bytes slab_bug trace slab_err slab_pad_check check_slab print_trailer check_bytes_and_report object_err on_freelist check_object validate_slab_slab __free_slab discard_slab rcu_free_slab deactivate_slab flush_all __slab_free free_loc_track alloc_loc_track order_store slabinfo_open slabinfo_op slab_caches slub_lock slab_proc_init proc_slabinfo_operations __slab_alloc kmem_cache_flags kmem_cache_open kmem_size kmem_cache_release process_slab list_locations C.532.24286 free_calls_show alloc_calls_show order_show objs_per_slab_show list_slab_objects __func__.23425 dma_kmalloc_cache kmalloc_caches_dma sysfs_add_work get_slab size_index sysfs_slab_alias slab_kset alias_list sysfs_slab_add slab_attr_group slab_sysfs_init slab_uevent_ops sysfs_add_func create_kmalloc_cache show_slab_objects total_objects_show objects_partial_show objects_show cpu_slabs_show partial_show slabs_show validate_store shrink_store __initcall_slab_proc_init6 __initcall_slab_sysfs_init6 __ksymtab_kmem_cache_create __kstrtab_kmem_cache_create __ksymtab_kmem_cache_shrink __kstrtab_kmem_cache_shrink __ksymtab_kfree __kstrtab_kfree __ksymtab_ksize __kstrtab_ksize __ksymtab___kmalloc __kstrtab___kmalloc __setup_setup_slub_nomerge __setup_str_setup_slub_nomerge __setup_setup_slub_min_objects __setup_str_setup_slub_min_objects __setup_setup_slub_max_order __setup_str_setup_slub_max_order __setup_setup_slub_min_order __setup_str_setup_slub_min_order __ksymtab_kmalloc_caches __kstrtab_kmalloc_caches __ksymtab_kmem_cache_destroy __kstrtab_kmem_cache_destroy __ksymtab_kmem_cache_name __kstrtab_kmem_cache_name __ksymtab_kmem_cache_size __kstrtab_kmem_cache_size __ksymtab_kmem_ptr_validate __kstrtab_kmem_ptr_validate __ksymtab_kmem_cache_free __kstrtab_kmem_cache_free __ksymtab_kmem_cache_alloc __kstrtab_kmem_cache_alloc __setup_setup_slub_debug __setup_str_setup_slub_debug slab_sysfs_ops slab_attrs slab_size_attr object_size_attr objs_per_slab_attr order_attr objects_attr objects_partial_attr total_objects_attr slabs_attr partial_attr cpu_slabs_attr ctor_attr aliases_attr align_attr sanity_checks_attr trace_attr hwcache_align_attr reclaim_account_attr destroy_by_rcu_attr red_zone_attr poison_attr store_user_attr validate_attr shrink_attr alloc_calls_attr free_calls_attr cache_dma_attr open.c __dentry_open chown_common do_sys_ftruncate do_sys_truncate vfs_statfs64 vfs_statfs_native __func__.26141 __ksymtab_nonseekable_open __kstrtab_nonseekable_open __ksymtab_generic_file_open __kstrtab_generic_file_open __ksymtab_sys_close __kstrtab_sys_close __ksymtab_filp_close __kstrtab_filp_close __ksymtab_fd_install __kstrtab_fd_install __ksymtab_put_unused_fd __kstrtab_put_unused_fd __ksymtab_dentry_open __kstrtab_dentry_open __ksymtab_lookup_instantiate_filp __kstrtab_lookup_instantiate_filp __ksymtab_vfs_statfs __kstrtab_vfs_statfs read_write.c wait_on_retry_sync_kiocb do_sendfile do_readv_writev __ksymtab_vfs_writev __kstrtab_vfs_writev __ksymtab_vfs_readv __kstrtab_vfs_readv __ksymtab_iov_shorten __kstrtab_iov_shorten __ksymtab_vfs_write __kstrtab_vfs_write __ksymtab_do_sync_write __kstrtab_do_sync_write __ksymtab_vfs_read __kstrtab_vfs_read __ksymtab_do_sync_read __kstrtab_do_sync_read __ksymtab_vfs_llseek __kstrtab_vfs_llseek __ksymtab_default_llseek __kstrtab_default_llseek __ksymtab_no_llseek __kstrtab_no_llseek __ksymtab_generic_file_llseek __kstrtab_generic_file_llseek __ksymtab_generic_file_llseek_unlocked __kstrtab_generic_file_llseek_unlocked __ksymtab_generic_ro_fops __kstrtab_generic_ro_fops file_table.c filp_cachep nr_files file_free_rcu old_max.18953 __ksymtab_fget __kstrtab_fget __ksymtab_drop_file_write_access __kstrtab_drop_file_write_access __ksymtab_fput __kstrtab_fput __ksymtab_init_file __kstrtab_init_file __ksymtab_alloc_file __kstrtab_alloc_file __ksymtab_get_empty_filp __kstrtab_get_empty_filp __ksymtab_get_max_files __kstrtab_get_max_files super.c set_bdev_super test_bdev_super compare_single do_emergency_remount __put_super put_super __key.28435 __key.28436 __key.28437 __key.28438 __key.28439 __key.28440 default_op.28433 unnamed_dev_ida mutex.28752 __ksymtab_kern_mount_data __kstrtab_kern_mount_data __ksymtab_do_kern_mount __kstrtab_do_kern_mount __ksymtab_vfs_kern_mount __kstrtab_vfs_kern_mount __ksymtab_get_sb_single __kstrtab_get_sb_single __ksymtab_get_sb_nodev __kstrtab_get_sb_nodev __ksymtab_kill_block_super __kstrtab_kill_block_super __ksymtab_get_sb_bdev __kstrtab_get_sb_bdev __ksymtab_kill_litter_super __kstrtab_kill_litter_super __ksymtab_kill_anon_super __kstrtab_kill_anon_super __ksymtab_set_anon_super __kstrtab_set_anon_super __ksymtab_get_super __kstrtab_get_super __ksymtab_drop_super __kstrtab_drop_super __ksymtab_sget __kstrtab_sget __ksymtab_generic_shutdown_super __kstrtab_generic_shutdown_super __ksymtab_unlock_super __kstrtab_unlock_super __ksymtab_lock_super __kstrtab_lock_super __ksymtab_deactivate_super __kstrtab_deactivate_super char_dev.c exact_match cdev_purge cdev_default_release cdev_get exact_lock chrdevs_lock base_probe cdev_map ktype_cdev_default cdev_dynamic_release ktype_cdev_dynamic __unregister_chrdev_region chrdevs __register_chrdev_region chrdev_open __ksymtab_directly_mappable_cdev_bdi __kstrtab_directly_mappable_cdev_bdi __ksymtab_unregister_chrdev __kstrtab_unregister_chrdev __ksymtab_register_chrdev __kstrtab_register_chrdev __ksymtab_cdev_add __kstrtab_cdev_add __ksymtab_cdev_del __kstrtab_cdev_del __ksymtab_cdev_alloc __kstrtab_cdev_alloc __ksymtab_cdev_init __kstrtab_cdev_init __ksymtab_alloc_chrdev_region __kstrtab_alloc_chrdev_region __ksymtab_unregister_chrdev_region __kstrtab_unregister_chrdev_region __ksymtab_register_chrdev_region __kstrtab_register_chrdev_region stat.c cp_new_stat64 cp_new_stat cp_old_stat warncount.23801 __ksymtab_inode_set_bytes __kstrtab_inode_set_bytes __ksymtab_inode_get_bytes __kstrtab_inode_get_bytes __ksymtab_inode_sub_bytes __kstrtab_inode_sub_bytes __ksymtab_inode_add_bytes __kstrtab_inode_add_bytes __ksymtab_vfs_fstat __kstrtab_vfs_fstat __ksymtab_vfs_lstat __kstrtab_vfs_lstat __ksymtab_vfs_stat __kstrtab_vfs_stat __ksymtab_vfs_getattr __kstrtab_vfs_getattr __ksymtab_generic_fillattr __kstrtab_generic_fillattr exec.c zap_process put_arg_page get_arg_page copy_strings formats __func__.27035 __ksymtab_set_binfmt __kstrtab_set_binfmt __ksymtab_search_binary_handler __kstrtab_search_binary_handler __ksymtab_remove_arg_zero __kstrtab_remove_arg_zero __ksymtab_prepare_binprm __kstrtab_prepare_binprm __ksymtab_install_exec_creds __kstrtab_install_exec_creds __ksymtab_flush_old_exec __kstrtab_flush_old_exec __ksymtab_kernel_read __kstrtab_kernel_read __ksymtab_open_exec __kstrtab_open_exec __ksymtab_setup_arg_pages __kstrtab_setup_arg_pages __ksymtab_copy_strings_kernel __kstrtab_copy_strings_kernel __ksymtab_unregister_binfmt __kstrtab_unregister_binfmt __ksymtab_register_binfmt __kstrtab_register_binfmt pipe.c bad_pipe_r bad_pipe_w pipe_poll pipefs_delete_dentry pipefs_get_sb iov_fault_in_pages_read init_pipe_fs pipe_fs_type pipe_mnt pipe_rdwr_open pipe_write_open pipe_read_open pipe_rdwr_fasync pipe_write_fasync pipe_read_fasync pipe_ioctl pipe_iov_copy_from_user exit_pipe_fs pipefs_dname pipe_release pipe_rdwr_release pipe_write_release pipe_read_release pipefs_dentry_operations pipe_write anon_pipe_buf_ops anon_pipe_buf_release pipe_read __initcall_init_pipe_fs5 namei.c __lookup_one_len page_getlink may_delete path_put_conditional follow_mount __follow_mount do_lookup __lookup_hash lookup_hash __link_path_walk path_walk do_path_lookup user_path_parent do_unlinkat do_rmdir __ksymtab_generic_readlink __kstrtab_generic_readlink __ksymtab_dentry_unhash __kstrtab_dentry_unhash __ksymtab_vfs_unlink __kstrtab_vfs_unlink __ksymtab_vfs_symlink __kstrtab_vfs_symlink __ksymtab_vfs_rmdir __kstrtab_vfs_rmdir __ksymtab_vfs_rename __kstrtab_vfs_rename __ksymtab_vfs_readlink __kstrtab_vfs_readlink __ksymtab_generic_permission __kstrtab_generic_permission __ksymtab_vfs_mknod __kstrtab_vfs_mknod __ksymtab_vfs_mkdir __kstrtab_vfs_mkdir __ksymtab_vfs_link __kstrtab_vfs_link __ksymtab_vfs_follow_link __kstrtab_vfs_follow_link __ksymtab_vfs_create __kstrtab_vfs_create __ksymtab_unlock_rename __kstrtab_unlock_rename __ksymtab_file_permission __kstrtab_file_permission __ksymtab_inode_permission __kstrtab_inode_permission __ksymtab_vfs_path_lookup __kstrtab_vfs_path_lookup __ksymtab_kern_path __kstrtab_kern_path __ksymtab_path_lookup __kstrtab_path_lookup __ksymtab_page_symlink_inode_operations __kstrtab_page_symlink_inode_operations __ksymtab_page_symlink __kstrtab_page_symlink __ksymtab___page_symlink __kstrtab___page_symlink __ksymtab_page_readlink __kstrtab_page_readlink __ksymtab_page_put_link __kstrtab_page_put_link __ksymtab_page_follow_link_light __kstrtab_page_follow_link_light __ksymtab_lookup_one_len __kstrtab_lookup_one_len __ksymtab_lock_rename __kstrtab_lock_rename __ksymtab_getname __kstrtab_getname __ksymtab_get_write_access __kstrtab_get_write_access __ksymtab_follow_up __kstrtab_follow_up __ksymtab_follow_down __kstrtab_follow_down __ksymtab_user_path_at __kstrtab_user_path_at __ksymtab_lookup_create 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__kstrtab_poll_freewait __ksymtab_poll_initwait __kstrtab_poll_initwait fifo.c wake_up_partner wait_for_partner fifo_open dcache.c __d_rehash _d_rehash d_hash_shift d_hash_mask dentry_hashtable set_dhash_entries dhash_entries dentry_cache dcache_shrinker dentry_lru_del_init __d_find_alias __d_free d_free d_callback prepend prepend_name switch_names dentry_iput d_kill __shrink_dcache_sb shrink_dcache_memory __d_instantiate shrink_dcache_for_umount_subtree d_move_locked __d_instantiate_unique name.25539 anonstring.25564 __ksymtab_shrink_dcache_sb __kstrtab_shrink_dcache_sb __ksymtab_shrink_dcache_parent __kstrtab_shrink_dcache_parent __ksymtab_names_cachep __kstrtab_names_cachep __ksymtab_have_submounts __kstrtab_have_submounts __ksymtab_find_inode_number __kstrtab_find_inode_number __ksymtab_dput __kstrtab_dput __ksymtab_dget_locked __kstrtab_dget_locked __ksymtab_d_validate __kstrtab_d_validate __ksymtab_d_add_ci __kstrtab_d_add_ci __ksymtab_d_splice_alias __kstrtab_d_splice_alias 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bad_file_readdir bad_file_poll bad_file_ioctl bad_file_unlocked_ioctl bad_file_compat_ioctl bad_file_mmap bad_file_open bad_file_flush bad_file_release bad_file_fsync bad_file_aio_fsync bad_file_fasync bad_file_lock bad_file_sendpage bad_file_get_unmapped_area bad_file_check_flags bad_file_flock bad_file_splice_write bad_file_splice_read bad_inode_create bad_inode_lookup bad_inode_link bad_inode_unlink bad_inode_symlink bad_inode_mkdir bad_inode_rmdir bad_inode_mknod bad_inode_rename bad_inode_readlink bad_inode_permission bad_inode_getattr bad_inode_setattr bad_inode_setxattr bad_inode_getxattr bad_inode_listxattr bad_inode_removexattr bad_inode_ops bad_file_ops __ksymtab_iget_failed __kstrtab_iget_failed __ksymtab_is_bad_inode __kstrtab_is_bad_inode __ksymtab_make_bad_inode __kstrtab_make_bad_inode file.c count_open_files per_cpu__fdtable_defer_list free_fdtable_work alloc_fdtable __ksymtab_get_unused_fd __kstrtab_get_unused_fd filesystems.c filesystems_proc_open 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__ksymtab_vfs_setxattr __kstrtab_vfs_setxattr libfs.c simple_delete_dentry __key.21261 simple_super_operations __func__.21046 cursor_name.20703 simple_dentry_operations.20689 __ksymtab_simple_attr_write __kstrtab_simple_attr_write __ksymtab_simple_attr_read __kstrtab_simple_attr_read __ksymtab_simple_attr_release __kstrtab_simple_attr_release __ksymtab_simple_attr_open __kstrtab_simple_attr_open __ksymtab_simple_transaction_release __kstrtab_simple_transaction_release __ksymtab_simple_transaction_read __kstrtab_simple_transaction_read __ksymtab_simple_transaction_get __kstrtab_simple_transaction_get __ksymtab_memory_read_from_buffer __kstrtab_memory_read_from_buffer __ksymtab_simple_read_from_buffer __kstrtab_simple_read_from_buffer __ksymtab_simple_unlink __kstrtab_simple_unlink __ksymtab_simple_sync_file __kstrtab_simple_sync_file __ksymtab_simple_statfs __kstrtab_simple_statfs __ksymtab_simple_rmdir __kstrtab_simple_rmdir __ksymtab_simple_rename __kstrtab_simple_rename 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blkdev_write_begin blkdev_get_block blkdev_readpage blkdev_writepage bd_get_sb bdev_sops __key.25014 __key.25015 bdev_destroy_inode blkdev_get_blocks blkdev_direct_IO block_fsync blkdev_close block_ioctl bd_type bdev_clear_inode __ksymtab___invalidate_device __kstrtab___invalidate_device __ksymtab_close_bdev_exclusive __kstrtab_close_bdev_exclusive __ksymtab_open_bdev_exclusive __kstrtab_open_bdev_exclusive __ksymtab_lookup_bdev __kstrtab_lookup_bdev __ksymtab_ioctl_by_bdev __kstrtab_ioctl_by_bdev __ksymtab_blkdev_put __kstrtab_blkdev_put __ksymtab_blkdev_get __kstrtab_blkdev_get __ksymtab_bd_set_size __kstrtab_bd_set_size __ksymtab_check_disk_change __kstrtab_check_disk_change __ksymtab_revalidate_disk __kstrtab_revalidate_disk __ksymtab_check_disk_size_change __kstrtab_check_disk_size_change __ksymtab_open_by_devnum __kstrtab_open_by_devnum __ksymtab_bd_release_from_disk __kstrtab_bd_release_from_disk __ksymtab_bd_claim_by_disk __kstrtab_bd_claim_by_disk __ksymtab_bd_release 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__ksymtab_set_task_ioprio __kstrtab_set_task_ioprio dnotify.c redo_inode_mask dnotify_init dn_cache __initcall_dnotify_init6 __ksymtab_dnotify_parent __kstrtab_dnotify_parent __ksymtab___inode_dir_notify __kstrtab___inode_dir_notify inotify.c inode_find_handle inotify_cookie inotify_setup pin_to_kill set_dentry_child_flags inotify_handle_get_wd remove_watch_no_event unpin_and_kill __key.17222 __initcall_inotify_setup6 __ksymtab_inotify_rm_watch __kstrtab_inotify_rm_watch __ksymtab_inotify_rm_wd __kstrtab_inotify_rm_wd __ksymtab_inotify_add_watch __kstrtab_inotify_add_watch __ksymtab_inotify_find_update_watch __kstrtab_inotify_find_update_watch __ksymtab_inotify_find_watch __kstrtab_inotify_find_watch __ksymtab_inotify_destroy __kstrtab_inotify_destroy __ksymtab_inotify_init_watch __kstrtab_inotify_init_watch __ksymtab_inotify_init __kstrtab_inotify_init __ksymtab_inotify_inode_is_dead __kstrtab_inotify_inode_is_dead __ksymtab_inotify_unmount_inodes __kstrtab_inotify_unmount_inodes 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ep_ptable_queue_proc ep_poll_callback __key.20597 ep_eventpoll_poll __initcall_eventpoll_init5 anon_inodes.c anon_inodefs_delete_dentry anon_inodefs_get_sb anon_inode_inode anon_inode_mnt anon_inodefs_dentry_operations anon_inode_init anon_inode_fs_type anon_inode_fops __initcall_anon_inode_init5 __ksymtab_anon_inode_getfd __kstrtab_anon_inode_getfd signalfd.c signalfd_release signalfd_read signalfd_fops signalfd_poll timerfd.c timerfd_get_remaining timerfd_fget timerfd_fops timerfd_release timerfd_tmrproc timerfd_poll timerfd_read eventfd.c eventfd_release eventfd_fops eventfd_poll eventfd_read eventfd_write aio.c aio_fdsync aio_fsync aio_setup_single_vector aio_setup kiocb_cachep kioctx_cachep aio_wq aio_rw_vect_retry aio_read_evt lookup_ioctx aio_cancel_all aio_queue_work __aio_put_req fput_head fput_work timeout_func aio_wake_function aio_free_ring __put_ioctx ctx_rcu_free aio_fput_routine __aio_get_req aio_setup_vectored_rw wait_for_all_aios io_destroy aio_run_iocb __aio_run_iocbs aio_kick_handler __ksymtab_wait_on_sync_kiocb __kstrtab_wait_on_sync_kiocb __ksymtab_aio_put_req __kstrtab_aio_put_req __ksymtab_aio_complete __kstrtab_aio_complete __initcall_aio_setup6 __ksymtab_kick_iocb __kstrtab_kick_iocb locks.c locks_release_private locks_copy_private lease_mylease_callback lease_init lease_manager_ops posix_same_owner __locks_delete_block locks_insert_lock file_lock_list posix_locks_conflict locks_open locks_seq_operations lock_get_status locks_show locks_next locks_stop locks_delete_block locks_start proc_locks_init proc_locks_operations filelock_init filelock_cache locks_wake_up_blocks locks_insert_block blocked_list locks_free_lock locks_delete_lock time_out_leases locks_alloc_lock __posix_lock_file do_lock_file_wait flock64_to_posix_lock flock_to_posix_lock lease_break_callback lease_release_private_callback __initcall_filelock_init1 __ksymtab_lock_may_write __kstrtab_lock_may_write __ksymtab_lock_may_read __kstrtab_lock_may_read __initcall_proc_locks_init6 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init_misc_binfmt bm_fs_type misc_format bm_get_sb bm_fill_super bm_files.22479 s_ops bm_clear_inode parse_command kill_node bm_mnt bm_status_write enabled entries bm_status_read bm_entry_read exit_misc_binfmt bm_entry_write bm_register_write bm_entry_operations load_misc_binary __initcall_init_misc_binfmt1 bm_status_operations bm_register_operations binfmt_script.c init_script_binfmt script_format load_script exit_script_binfmt __initcall_init_script_binfmt1 binfmt_elf.c dump_write alignfile buf.24776 do_thread_regset_writeback init_elf_binfmt elf_format vma_dump_size writenote notesize dump_seek set_brk padzero elf_map exit_elf_binfmt load_elf_library load_elf_binary elf_core_dump __initcall_init_elf_binfmt1 posix_acl.c __ksymtab_posix_acl_permission __kstrtab_posix_acl_permission __ksymtab_posix_acl_chmod_masq __kstrtab_posix_acl_chmod_masq __ksymtab_posix_acl_create_masq __kstrtab_posix_acl_create_masq __ksymtab_posix_acl_from_mode __kstrtab_posix_acl_from_mode 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proc_delete_inode proc_reg_llseek proc_reg_read proc_reg_write proc_reg_poll proc_reg_unlocked_ioctl proc_reg_mmap proc_reg_open proc_reg_release proc_sops root.c proc_test_super proc_root_readdir proc_root_getattr proc_root_lookup proc_kill_sb proc_fs_type proc_set_super proc_get_sb proc_root_inode_operations proc_root_operations __ksymtab_remove_proc_entry __kstrtab_remove_proc_entry __ksymtab_proc_create_data __kstrtab_proc_create_data __ksymtab_create_proc_entry __kstrtab_create_proc_entry __ksymtab_proc_mkdir __kstrtab_proc_mkdir __ksymtab_proc_symlink __kstrtab_proc_symlink base.c pid_entry_count_dirs name_to_int proc_fill_cache get_fs_struct proc_base_instantiate proc_base_dentry_operations mounts_release check_mem_permission proc_single_open proc_single_show task_dumpable proc_pid_make_inode proc_def_inode_operations do_io_accounting proc_tgid_io_accounting proc_tid_io_accounting proc_pid_limits lnames get_nr_threads proc_pid_wchan proc_pid_cmdline proc_pid_syscall proc_pid_personality proc_setattr next_tgid proc_pident_readdir proc_pident_instantiate proc_tid_base_readdir tid_base_stuff proc_tgid_base_readdir tgid_base_stuff proc_attr_dir_readdir attr_dir_stuff proc_readfd_common proc_readfdinfo proc_fdinfo_instantiate proc_readfd proc_fd_instantiate proc_lookupfd_common proc_lookupfdinfo proc_lookupfd tid_fd_revalidate proc_fd_info proc_fdinfo_read proc_fd_link pid_revalidate proc_task_instantiate proc_tid_base_inode_operations proc_tid_base_operations pid_dentry_operations proc_pid_instantiate proc_tgid_base_inode_operations proc_tgid_base_operations proc_pident_lookup proc_tid_base_lookup proc_tgid_base_lookup proc_attr_dir_lookup mounts_open_common mountstats_open mountinfo_open mounts_open proc_fd_access_allowed proc_task_getattr proc_pid_auxv mem_open proc_self_readlink proc_fdinfo_file_operations tid_fd_dentry_operations proc_self_follow_link proc_pid_follow_link proc_pid_readlink proc_fd_permission pid_delete_dentry proc_oom_score mounts_poll pid_getattr proc_pid_link_inode_operations proc_cwd_link proc_root_link proc_info_read mem_read environ_read oom_adjust_read oom_adjust_write oom_adjust_permission proc_exe_link proc_pid_attr_read proc_pid_attr_write proc_coredump_filter_read proc_coredump_filter_write proc_base_revalidate proc_base_stuff proc_task_lookup proc_task_readdir proc_self_inode_operations proc_task_inode_operations proc_task_operations proc_fd_inode_operations proc_fd_operations proc_fdinfo_inode_operations proc_fdinfo_operations proc_environ_operations proc_info_file_operations proc_single_file_operations proc_mem_operations proc_mounts_operations proc_mountinfo_operations proc_mountstats_operations proc_attr_dir_inode_operations proc_attr_dir_operations proc_oom_adjust_inode_operations proc_oom_adjust_operations proc_coredump_filter_operations proc_pid_attr_operations proc_file_lseek proc_delete_dentry proc_match xlate_proc_name proc_inum_ida __proc_create proc_getattr proc_register proc_dir_operations proc_dir_inode_operations proc_link_inode_operations proc_file_operations proc_file_inode_operations proc_dentry_operations proc_file_read proc_file_write proc_notify_change proc_follow_link __func__.14098 __ksymtab_proc_net_mkdir __kstrtab_proc_net_mkdir array.c render_cap_t collect_sigign_sigcatch render_sigset_t do_task_stat task_state_array proc_tty.c tty_drivers_open tty_drivers_op show_tty_range show_tty_driver t_next t_stop t_start proc_tty_driver proc_tty_ldisc proc_tty_drivers_operations cmdline.c cmdline_proc_open cmdline_proc_show proc_cmdline_init cmdline_proc_fops __initcall_proc_cmdline_init6 cpuinfo.c cpuinfo_open proc_cpuinfo_init proc_cpuinfo_operations __initcall_proc_cpuinfo_init6 devices.c devinfo_start devinfo_next devinfo_stop devinfo_open devinfo_ops devinfo_show proc_devices_init proc_devinfo_operations __initcall_proc_devices_init6 interrupts.c int_seq_start int_seq_next int_seq_stop interrupts_open int_seq_ops proc_interrupts_init proc_interrupts_operations __initcall_proc_interrupts_init6 loadavg.c loadavg_proc_open loadavg_proc_show proc_loadavg_init loadavg_proc_fops __initcall_proc_loadavg_init6 meminfo.c meminfo_proc_open meminfo_proc_show proc_meminfo_init meminfo_proc_fops __initcall_proc_meminfo_init6 stat_open show_stat proc_stat_init proc_stat_operations __initcall_proc_stat_init6 uptime.c proc_uptime_init uptime_read_proc __initcall_proc_uptime_init6 version_proc_open version_proc_show proc_version_init version_proc_fops __initcall_proc_version_init6 proc_sysctl.c proc_sys_dir_operations proc_sys_dir_file_operations grab_header find_in_table proc_sys_compare proc_sys_make_inode proc_sys_inode_operations proc_sys_file_operations proc_sys_call_handler proc_sys_write proc_sys_read scan proc_sys_dentry_operations proc_sys_setattr proc_sys_getattr proc_sys_revalidate proc_sys_delete proc_sys_lookup proc_sys_readdir proc_sys_permission proc_net.c get_proc_task_net proc_tgid_net_readdir proc_net_ns_ops proc_net_ns_exit proc_net_ns_init proc_tgid_net_lookup proc_tgid_net_getattr __ksymtab_proc_net_remove __kstrtab_proc_net_remove __ksymtab_proc_net_fops_create __kstrtab_proc_net_fops_create __ksymtab_single_release_net __kstrtab_single_release_net __ksymtab_seq_release_net __kstrtab_seq_release_net __ksymtab_single_open_net __kstrtab_single_open_net __ksymtab_seq_open_net __kstrtab_seq_open_net kcore.c open_kcore storenote proc_kcore_init proc_kcore_operations proc_root_kcore kclist read_kcore __initcall_proc_kcore_init6 kmsg.c kmsg_poll kmsg_read kmsg_release kmsg_open proc_kmsg_init proc_kmsg_operations __initcall_proc_kmsg_init6 page.c kpageflags_read kpagecount_read proc_page_init proc_kpagecount_operations proc_kpageflags_operations __initcall_proc_page_init6 check.c whole_disk_show part_start_show part_partition_show part_release part_uevent dev_attr_whole_disk delete_partition_rcu_cb check_part part_attr_groups __ksymtab_read_dev_sector __kstrtab_read_dev_sector __ksymtab___bdevname __kstrtab___bdevname __ksymtab_bdevname __kstrtab_bdevname part_attr_group part_attrs dev_attr_partition dev_attr_start dev_attr_size dev_attr_stat amiga.c mac.c msdos.c parse_bsd parse_openbsd parse_netbsd parse_freebsd parse_solaris_x86 parse_unixware parse_minix subtypes osf.c sgi.c sun.c efi.c force_gpt_fn force_gpt last_lba read_lba is_gpt_valid C.380.25209 __setup_force_gpt_fn __setup_str_force_gpt_fn karma.c sysfs_aops sysfs_backing_dev_info sysfs_inode_operations sysfs_release sysfs_poll sysfs_open_file last_sysfs_file __key.17657 sysfs_write_file sysfs_read_file sysfs_schedule_callback_work __ksymtab_sysfs_remove_file __kstrtab_sysfs_remove_file __ksymtab_sysfs_create_file __kstrtab_sysfs_create_file __ksymtab_sysfs_schedule_callback __kstrtab_sysfs_schedule_callback __ksymtab_sysfs_remove_file_from_group __kstrtab_sysfs_remove_file_from_group __ksymtab_sysfs_chmod_file __kstrtab_sysfs_chmod_file __ksymtab_sysfs_add_file_to_group 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hugetlbfs_mkdir exit_hugetlbfs_fs hugetlbfs_symlink hugetlbfs_put_super hugetlbfs_alloc_inode hugetlbfs_destroy_inode hugetlbfs_setattr hugetlbfs_file_mmap hugetlbfs_read hugetlbfs_ops hugetlbfs_statfs __initcall_init_hugetlbfs_fs6 cache.c fat_cache_merge fat_cache_add fat_cache_cachep nohit.20488 __func__.20676 __func__.20711 uni16_to_x8 fat__get_entry fat_get_short_entry fat_parse_long __fat_readdir fat_dir_ioctl fat_ioctl_filldir fat_readdir __fat_remove_entries fat_zeroed_cluster __ksymtab_fat_add_entries __kstrtab_fat_add_entries __ksymtab_fat_alloc_new_dir __kstrtab_fat_alloc_new_dir __ksymtab_fat_remove_entries __kstrtab_fat_remove_entries __ksymtab_fat_scan __kstrtab_fat_scan __ksymtab_fat_dir_empty __kstrtab_fat_dir_empty __ksymtab_fat_get_dotdot_entry __kstrtab_fat_get_dotdot_entry __ksymtab_fat_search_long __kstrtab_fat_search_long fatent.c fat16_ent_next fat32_ent_next fat_collect_bhs fat16_ent_put fat_mirror_bhs __func__.25599 fat32_ent_put fat32_ent_get fat16_ent_get fat32_ent_set_ptr fat16_ent_set_ptr fat12_ent_set_ptr fat12_ent_put fat12_ent_blocknr fat_ent_blocknr fat_ent_bread __key.25353 fat32_ops fat16_ops fat12_ops fat12_ent_next fat12_ent_get fat12_ent_bread __ksymtab_fat_free_clusters __kstrtab_fat_free_clusters fat_file_release __func__.27495 __ksymtab_fat_setattr __kstrtab_fat_setattr __ksymtab_fat_getattr __kstrtab_fat_getattr init_fat_fs fat_inode_cachep fat_destroy_inodecache exit_fat_fs writeback_inode fat_clear_inode fat_write_super fat_delete_inode fat_alloc_inode fat_write_inode fat_calc_dir_size fat_get_block _fat_bmap fat_readpages fat_writepages fat_readpage fat_writepage fat_aops fat_put_super fat_default_iocharset fat_remount fat_statfs fat_show_options fat_write_begin fat_write_end fat_direct_IO fat_destroy_inode fat_encode_fh fat_fh_to_dentry fat_get_parent fat_sops fat_export_ops fat_tokens vfat_tokens msdos_tokens __initcall_init_fat_fs6 __ksymtab_fat_flush_inodes __kstrtab_fat_flush_inodes __ksymtab_fat_fill_super __kstrtab_fat_fill_super __ksymtab_fat_sync_inode __kstrtab_fat_sync_inode __ksymtab_fat_build_inode __kstrtab_fat_build_inode __ksymtab_fat_detach __kstrtab_fat_detach __ksymtab_fat_attach __kstrtab_fat_attach misc.c days_in_year __ksymtab_fat_time_unix2fat __kstrtab_fat_time_unix2fat __ksymtab_fat_fs_error __kstrtab_fat_fs_error namei_vfat.c vfat_striptail_len vfat_hash init_vfat_fs vfat_fs_type vfat_get_sb vfat_fill_super vfat_dir_inode_operations vfat_ci_dentry_ops vfat_dentry_ops vfat_cmp vfat_revalidate_shortname vfat_revalidate_ci vfat_revalidate vfat_find vfat_unlink vfat_find_form vfat_add_entry exit_vfat_fs vfat_rmdir vfat_hashi vfat_cmpi vfat_lookup vfat_create vfat_mkdir vfat_rename __func__.22461 __initcall_init_vfat_fs6 namei_msdos.c init_msdos_fs msdos_fs_type msdos_get_sb msdos_fill_super msdos_dir_inode_operations msdos_dentry_operations msdos_format_name bad_chars bad_if_strict msdos_add_entry msdos_find msdos_unlink exit_msdos_fs msdos_rmdir msdos_hash msdos_cmp msdos_rename __func__.21948 msdos_mkdir msdos_lookup msdos_create __initcall_init_msdos_fs6 isofs_remount isofs_hash_common isofs_hashi_common isofs_hash isofs_hashi isofs_hash_ms isofs_hashi_ms isofs_iget5_set isofs_get_sb isofs_fill_super isofs_dentry_cmp_common isofs_dentry_cmp_ms isofs_dentry_cmp isofs_dentry_cmpi_common isofs_dentry_cmpi_ms isofs_dentry_cmpi isofs_alloc_inode isofs_inode_cachep destroy_inodecache init_iso9660_fs iso9660_fs_type exit_iso9660_fs isofs_iget5_test __func__.23692 __func__.23637 isofs_aops _isofs_bmap isofs_get_block isofs_readpage __func__.23521 __func__.23571 isofs_put_super isofs_statfs isofs_destroy_inode isofs_sops isofs_dentry_ops __func__.23376 __initcall_init_iso9660_fs6 isofs_readdir C.300.20385 rock.c check_sp setup_rock_ridge init_rock_state rock_check_overflow rock_continue parse_rock_ridge_inode_internal rock_ridge_symlink_readpage export.c isofs_export_iget isofs_fh_to_parent isofs_fh_to_dentry isofs_export_encode_fh isofs_export_get_parent joliet.c compress.c zisofs_zlib_workspace zisofs_readpage zisofs_zlib_lock zisofs_sink_page nls_base.c utf8_table uni2char page_uni2charset char2uni charset2uni find_nls tables default_table __ksymtab_utf8_wcstombs __kstrtab_utf8_wcstombs __ksymtab_utf8_wctomb __kstrtab_utf8_wctomb __ksymtab_utf8_mbstowcs __kstrtab_utf8_mbstowcs __ksymtab_utf8_mbtowc __kstrtab_utf8_mbtowc __ksymtab_load_nls_default __kstrtab_load_nls_default __ksymtab_load_nls __kstrtab_load_nls __ksymtab_unload_nls __kstrtab_unload_nls __ksymtab_unregister_nls __kstrtab_unregister_nls __ksymtab_register_nls __kstrtab_register_nls charset2lower charset2upper page00 nls_cp437.c init_nls_cp437 table exit_nls_cp437 __initcall_init_nls_cp4376 page01 page03 page20 page22 page23 page25 nls_ascii.c init_nls_ascii exit_nls_ascii __initcall_init_nls_ascii6 nls_iso8859-1.c init_nls_iso8859_1 exit_nls_iso8859_1 __initcall_init_nls_iso8859_16 nls_utf8.c init_nls_utf8 identity exit_nls_utf8 __initcall_init_nls_utf86 debugfs_init debug_kobj debug_fs_type debug_get_sb debug_fill_super debug_files.21116 debugfs_exit debugfs_mount_count debugfs_mount __debugfs_remove debugfs_mknod __initcall_debugfs_init1 __ksymtab_debugfs_rename __kstrtab_debugfs_rename __ksymtab_debugfs_remove_recursive __kstrtab_debugfs_remove_recursive __ksymtab_debugfs_remove __kstrtab_debugfs_remove __ksymtab_debugfs_create_symlink __kstrtab_debugfs_create_symlink __ksymtab_debugfs_create_dir __kstrtab_debugfs_create_dir __ksymtab_debugfs_create_file __kstrtab_debugfs_create_file default_read_file default_write_file default_open debugfs_follow_link debugfs_u8_set debugfs_u8_get debugfs_u16_set debugfs_u16_get debugfs_u32_set debugfs_u32_get debugfs_u64_set debugfs_u64_get debugfs_size_t_set debugfs_size_t_get fops_blob fops_bool fops_size_t fops_x32 fops_x16 fops_x8 fops_u64 fops_u32 fops_u16 fops_u8 read_file_blob read_file_bool write_file_bool fops_size_t_open fops_u8_open fops_u16_open fops_u32_open 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spareFF.18970 yaffs_tagsvalidity.c yaffs_mtdif.c yaffs_mtdif1.c rettags yaffs_mtdif2.c ipc_init sysvipc_find_ipc ipc_schedule_free ipc_immediate_free ipc_do_vfree sysvipc_proc_release sysvipc_proc_show sysvipc_proc_stop sysvipc_proc_start sysvipc_proc_open sysvipc_proc_seqops __key.22163 sysvipc_proc_next sysvipc_proc_fops __initcall_ipc_init6 msgutil.c msg.c testmsg expunge_all ss_wakeup freeque msg_security sysvipc_msg_proc_show newque sem.c sem_more_checks lookup_undo try_atomic_semop free_un update_queue freeary sem_security sysvipc_sem_proc_show newary shm.c shm_fault shm_fsync shm_file_operations shm_more_checks shm_vm_ops shm_destroy shm_open shm_mmap do_shm_rmid shm_get_unmapped_area shm_release shm_security sysvipc_shm_proc_show newseg shm_close ipcns_notifier.c ipcns_chain ipcns_callback ipc_sysctl.c ipc_sysctl_init ipc_root_table sysctl_ipc_data sysctl_ipc_registered_data proc_ipc_callback_dointvec proc_ipc_dointvec proc_ipcauto_dointvec_minmax proc_ipc_doulongvec_minmax 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process_keys.c lookup_user_key_possessed install_session_keyring_to_cred key_user_keyring_mutex key_session_mutex request_key.c key_wait_bit_intr key_wait_bit call_sbin_request_key __ksymtab_request_key_async_with_auxdata __kstrtab_request_key_async_with_auxdata __ksymtab_request_key_async __kstrtab_request_key_async __ksymtab_request_key_with_auxdata __kstrtab_request_key_with_auxdata __ksymtab_request_key __kstrtab_request_key __ksymtab_wait_for_key_construction __kstrtab_wait_for_key_construction __ksymtab_complete_request_key __kstrtab_complete_request_key request_key_auth.c request_key_auth_instantiate key_get_instantiation_authkey_match request_key_auth_read request_key_auth_describe request_key_auth_destroy request_key_auth_revoke user_defined.c user_update_rcu_disposal __ksymtab_user_read __kstrtab_user_read __ksymtab_user_describe __kstrtab_user_describe __ksymtab_user_destroy __kstrtab_user_destroy __ksymtab_user_revoke __kstrtab_user_revoke __ksymtab_user_match 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__kstrtab_security_sb_copy_data __setup_choose_lsm __setup_str_choose_lsm cap_acct cap_sysctl cap_quotactl cap_quota_on cap_bprm_check_security cap_bprm_committing_creds cap_bprm_committed_creds cap_sb_alloc_security cap_sb_free_security cap_sb_copy_data cap_sb_kern_mount cap_sb_show_options cap_sb_statfs cap_sb_mount cap_sb_check_sb cap_sb_umount cap_sb_umount_close cap_sb_umount_busy cap_sb_post_remount cap_sb_post_addmount cap_sb_pivotroot cap_sb_post_pivotroot cap_sb_clone_mnt_opts cap_sb_parse_opts_str cap_inode_alloc_security cap_inode_free_security cap_inode_init_security cap_inode_create cap_inode_link cap_inode_unlink cap_inode_symlink cap_inode_mkdir cap_inode_rmdir cap_inode_mknod cap_inode_rename cap_inode_readlink cap_inode_follow_link cap_inode_permission cap_inode_setattr cap_inode_getattr cap_inode_delete cap_inode_post_setxattr cap_inode_getxattr cap_inode_listxattr cap_inode_getsecurity cap_inode_setsecurity cap_inode_listsecurity cap_inode_getsecid 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cap_unix_may_send cap_socket_create cap_socket_post_create cap_socket_bind cap_socket_connect cap_socket_listen cap_socket_accept cap_socket_post_accept cap_socket_sendmsg cap_socket_recvmsg cap_socket_getsockname cap_socket_getpeername cap_socket_setsockopt cap_socket_getsockopt cap_socket_shutdown cap_socket_sock_rcv_skb cap_socket_getpeersec_stream cap_socket_getpeersec_dgram cap_sk_alloc_security cap_sk_free_security cap_sk_clone_security cap_sk_getsecid cap_sock_graft cap_inet_conn_request cap_inet_csk_clone cap_inet_conn_established cap_req_classify_flow cap_d_instantiate cap_getprocattr cap_setprocattr cap_secid_to_secctx cap_secctx_to_secid cap_release_secctx cap_key_alloc cap_key_free cap_key_permission cap_key_getsecurity cap_sb_set_mnt_opts cap_file_mmap api.c crypto_exit_ops crypto_larval_destroy crypto_larval_wait __crypto_alg_lookup __ksymtab_crypto_has_alg __kstrtab_crypto_has_alg __ksymtab_crypto_destroy_tfm __kstrtab_crypto_destroy_tfm __ksymtab_crypto_alloc_tfm 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digest_async_setkey digest_async_init digest_async_nosetkey digest_async_update digest_async_final digest_async_digest update2 __warned.23319 __warned.23241 crypto_compress crypto_decompress algapi.c crypto_remove_final crypto_algapi_init crypto_algapi_exit crypto_check_alg suffix.26959 __crypto_register_alg __crypto_lookup_template crypto_template_list crypto_destroy_instance crypto_remove_spawn crypto_remove_spawns crypto_remove_alg crypto_wait_for_test __initcall_crypto_algapi_init6 __ksymtab_crypto_xor __kstrtab_crypto_xor __ksymtab_crypto_inc __kstrtab_crypto_inc __ksymtab_crypto_tfm_in_queue __kstrtab_crypto_tfm_in_queue __ksymtab_crypto_dequeue_request __kstrtab_crypto_dequeue_request __ksymtab_crypto_enqueue_request __kstrtab_crypto_enqueue_request __ksymtab_crypto_init_queue __kstrtab_crypto_init_queue __ksymtab_crypto_alloc_instance __kstrtab_crypto_alloc_instance __ksymtab_crypto_attr_u32 __kstrtab_crypto_attr_u32 __ksymtab_crypto_attr_alg __kstrtab_crypto_attr_alg 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queue_attr_store blk_release_queue queue_nonrot_show queue_nomerges_show queue_rq_affinity_show queue_iostats_show queue_attr_show queue_iostats_store queue_max_sectors_store queue_nonrot_store queue_nomerges_store queue_requests_store queue_sysfs_ops queue_requests_entry queue_ra_entry queue_max_hw_sectors_entry queue_max_sectors_entry queue_iosched_entry queue_hw_sector_size_entry queue_nonrot_entry queue_nomerges_entry queue_rq_affinity_entry queue_iostats_entry blk-barrier.c blkdev_discard_end_io queue_flush pre_flush_end_io post_flush_end_io bar_end_io __func__.23899 bio_end_empty_barrier __ksymtab_blkdev_issue_discard __kstrtab_blkdev_issue_discard __ksymtab_blkdev_issue_flush __kstrtab_blkdev_issue_flush __ksymtab_blk_queue_ordered __kstrtab_blk_queue_ordered blk-settings.c blk_settings_init __func__.24437 __func__.24278 __func__.24269 __func__.24260 __func__.24250 __warned.24314 __initcall_blk_settings_init4 __ksymtab_blk_queue_update_dma_alignment __kstrtab_blk_queue_update_dma_alignment __ksymtab_blk_queue_dma_alignment __kstrtab_blk_queue_dma_alignment __ksymtab_blk_queue_segment_boundary __kstrtab_blk_queue_segment_boundary __ksymtab_blk_queue_dma_drain __kstrtab_blk_queue_dma_drain __ksymtab_blk_queue_update_dma_pad __kstrtab_blk_queue_update_dma_pad __ksymtab_blk_queue_dma_pad __kstrtab_blk_queue_dma_pad __ksymtab_blk_queue_stack_limits __kstrtab_blk_queue_stack_limits __ksymtab_blk_queue_hardsect_size __kstrtab_blk_queue_hardsect_size __ksymtab_blk_queue_max_segment_size __kstrtab_blk_queue_max_segment_size __ksymtab_blk_queue_max_hw_segments __kstrtab_blk_queue_max_hw_segments __ksymtab_blk_queue_max_phys_segments __kstrtab_blk_queue_max_phys_segments __ksymtab_blk_queue_max_sectors __kstrtab_blk_queue_max_sectors __ksymtab_blk_queue_bounce_limit __kstrtab_blk_queue_bounce_limit __ksymtab_blk_queue_make_request __kstrtab_blk_queue_make_request __ksymtab_blk_queue_lld_busy __kstrtab_blk_queue_lld_busy __ksymtab_blk_queue_rq_timed_out __kstrtab_blk_queue_rq_timed_out __ksymtab_blk_queue_rq_timeout __kstrtab_blk_queue_rq_timeout __ksymtab_blk_queue_softirq_done __kstrtab_blk_queue_softirq_done __ksymtab_blk_queue_merge_bvec __kstrtab_blk_queue_merge_bvec __ksymtab_blk_queue_set_discard __kstrtab_blk_queue_set_discard __ksymtab_blk_queue_prep_rq __kstrtab_blk_queue_prep_rq __ksymtab_blk_max_low_pfn __kstrtab_blk_max_low_pfn blk-ioc.c blk_ioc_init iocontext_cachep __initcall_blk_ioc_init4 __ksymtab_copy_io_context __kstrtab_copy_io_context __ksymtab_get_io_context __kstrtab_get_io_context __ksymtab_put_io_context __kstrtab_put_io_context blk-map.c __blk_rq_unmap_user __ksymtab_blk_rq_map_kern __kstrtab_blk_rq_map_kern __ksymtab_blk_rq_unmap_user __kstrtab_blk_rq_unmap_user __ksymtab_blk_rq_map_user_iov __kstrtab_blk_rq_map_user_iov __ksymtab_blk_rq_map_user __kstrtab_blk_rq_map_user __ksymtab_blk_rq_append_bio __kstrtab_blk_rq_append_bio blk-exec.c blk_end_sync_rq __ksymtab_blk_execute_rq __kstrtab_blk_execute_rq __ksymtab_blk_execute_rq_nowait __kstrtab_blk_execute_rq_nowait blk-merge.c __blk_recalc_rq_segments attempt_merge __ksymtab_blk_rq_map_sg __kstrtab_blk_rq_map_sg __ksymtab_blk_recount_segments __kstrtab_blk_recount_segments blk-softirq.c blk_done_softirq per_cpu__blk_cpu_done blk_softirq_init __initcall_blk_softirq_init4 __ksymtab_blk_complete_request __kstrtab_blk_complete_request blk-timeout.c blk_rq_timed_out __ksymtab_blk_abort_queue __kstrtab_blk_abort_queue __ksymtab_blk_abort_request __kstrtab_blk_abort_request blk_ioc_discard_endio __ksymtab_blkdev_ioctl __kstrtab_blkdev_ioctl __ksymtab___blkdev_driver_ioctl __kstrtab___blkdev_driver_ioctl genhd.c diskstats_open diskstats_op partitions_open partitions_op disk_seqf_next disk_free_ptbl_rcu_cb disk_seqf_stop disk_capability_show disk_ro_show disk_removable_show disk_ext_range_show disk_range_show disk_replace_part_tbl disk_release disk_seqf_start disk_type show_partition_start p.25469 media_change_notify_thread block_class_lock major_names bdev_map ext_devt_idr genhd_device_init __key.25528 disk_uevent show_partition diskstats_show ext_devt_mutex proc_genhd_init proc_diskstats_operations proc_partitions_operations __ksymtab_invalidate_partition __kstrtab_invalidate_partition __ksymtab_bdev_read_only __kstrtab_bdev_read_only __ksymtab_set_disk_ro __kstrtab_set_disk_ro __ksymtab_set_device_ro __kstrtab_set_device_ro __ksymtab_put_disk __kstrtab_put_disk __ksymtab_get_disk __kstrtab_get_disk __ksymtab_alloc_disk_node __kstrtab_alloc_disk_node __ksymtab_alloc_disk __kstrtab_alloc_disk __ksymtab_blk_lookup_devt __kstrtab_blk_lookup_devt __initcall_proc_genhd_init6 __initcall_genhd_device_init4 __ksymtab_bdget_disk __kstrtab_bdget_disk __ksymtab_del_gendisk __kstrtab_del_gendisk __ksymtab_add_disk __kstrtab_add_disk __ksymtab_blk_unregister_region __kstrtab_blk_unregister_region __ksymtab_blk_register_region __kstrtab_blk_register_region __ksymtab_unregister_blkdev __kstrtab_unregister_blkdev __ksymtab_register_blkdev __kstrtab_register_blkdev __ksymtab_disk_map_sector_rcu __kstrtab_disk_map_sector_rcu __ksymtab_disk_part_iter_exit __kstrtab_disk_part_iter_exit __ksymtab_disk_part_iter_next __kstrtab_disk_part_iter_next __ksymtab_disk_part_iter_init __kstrtab_disk_part_iter_init __ksymtab_disk_get_part __kstrtab_disk_get_part disk_attr_groups disk_attr_group disk_attrs dev_attr_range dev_attr_ext_range dev_attr_removable dev_attr_ro dev_attr_capability scsi_ioctl.c __blk_send_generic sg_io __ksymtab_scsi_cmd_ioctl __kstrtab_scsi_cmd_ioctl __ksymtab_sg_scsi_ioctl __kstrtab_sg_scsi_ioctl __ksymtab_blk_set_cmd_filter_defaults __kstrtab_blk_set_cmd_filter_defaults __ksymtab_scsi_command_size_tbl __kstrtab_scsi_command_size_tbl cmd-filter.c __ksymtab_blk_verify_command __kstrtab_blk_verify_command bsg.c bsg_init bsg_cmd_cachep bsg_device_list __key.26435 bsg_class bsg_fops bsg_major bsg_cdev bsg_get_done_cmd blk_complete_sgv4_hdr_rq bsg_free_command bsg_release bsg_mutex bsg_kref_release_function bsg_map_hdr bsg_write bsg_rq_end_io bsg_minor_idr bsg_read bsg_poll bsg_open bsg_ioctl __initcall_bsg_init6 __ksymtab_bsg_register_queue __kstrtab_bsg_register_queue __ksymtab_bsg_unregister_queue __kstrtab_bsg_unregister_queue noop-iosched.c noop_add_request noop_former_request noop_latter_request noop_init elevator_noop noop_exit_queue noop_init_queue noop_exit noop_merged_requests noop_dispatch noop_queue_empty __initcall_noop_init6 as-iosched.c as_init iosched_as as_var_store as_write_batch_expire_store as_read_batch_expire_store as_antic_expire_store as_write_expire_store as_read_expire_store est_time_show as_var_show as_write_batch_expire_show as_read_batch_expire_show as_antic_expire_show as_write_expire_show as_read_expire_show as_fifo_expired as_choose_req as_update_iohist as_can_break_anticipation free_as_io_context per_cpu__ioc_count ioc_gone as_put_io_context as_antic_stop as_get_io_context exit_as_io_context as_may_queue as_deactivate_request as_activate_request as_antic_waitnext as_find_next_rq as_remove_queued_request as_move_to_dispatch as_add_rq_rb as_merged_request as_merge as_exit as_init_queue as_antic_timeout as_work_handler as_completed_request as_dispatch_request as_queue_empty as_merged_requests as_exit_queue as_add_request as_trim __initcall_as_init6 as_attrs deadline-iosched.c deadline_init iosched_deadline deadline_var_store deadline_fifo_batch_store deadline_front_merges_store deadline_writes_starved_store deadline_var_show deadline_fifo_batch_show deadline_front_merges_show deadline_writes_starved_show deadline_write_expire_store deadline_read_expire_store deadline_write_expire_show deadline_read_expire_show deadline_remove_request deadline_move_request deadline_add_rq_rb deadline_merged_request deadline_add_request deadline_merge deadline_exit deadline_init_queue deadline_merged_requests deadline_dispatch_requests deadline_queue_empty deadline_exit_queue __initcall_deadline_init6 deadline_attrs cfq-iosched.c cfq_queue_empty cfq_choose_req __call_for_each_cic cfq_free_io_context cic_free_func cfq_var_store cfq_slice_async_rq_store cfq_slice_async_store cfq_slice_sync_store cfq_slice_idle_store cfq_back_seek_penalty_store cfq_back_seek_max_store cfq_fifo_expire_async_store cfq_fifo_expire_sync_store cfq_quantum_store cfq_var_show cfq_slice_async_rq_show cfq_slice_async_show cfq_slice_sync_show cfq_slice_idle_show cfq_back_seek_penalty_show cfq_back_seek_max_show cfq_fifo_expire_async_show cfq_fifo_expire_sync_show cfq_quantum_show call_for_each_cic cfq_exit_io_context cfq_exit_single_io_context cfq_cic_free cfq_cic_free_rcu cfq_activate_request cfq_deactivate_request cfq_rb_erase cfq_service_tree_add cfq_resort_rr_list __cfq_slice_expired cfq_put_queue cfq_pool cfq_put_request cfq_exit_cfqq __cfq_exit_single_io_context cfq_rb_first cfq_shutdown_timer_wq cfq_cic_lookup cfq_init_prio_data cfq_get_queue cfq_remove_request cfq_dispatch_insert cfq_add_rq_rb cfq_insert_request cfq_merged_request cfq_merge cfq_slab_kill cfq_ioc_pool cfq_init cfq_slice_async cfq_slice_idle iosched_cfq cfq_exit cfq_init_queue cfq_idle_slice_timer cfq_kick_queue cfq_merged_requests cfq_exit_queue cfq_dispatch_requests cfq_may_queue cfq_allow_merge changed_ioprio cfq_completed_request cfq_set_request __initcall_cfq_init6 cfq_attrs blktrace.c blk_dropped_open blk_msg_open trace_note __blk_add_trace ddir_act blktrace_seq blk_add_trace_plug blk_add_trace_bio blk_add_trace_sleeprq blk_add_trace_getrq blk_add_trace_bio_queue blk_add_trace_bio_frontmerge blk_add_trace_bio_backmerge blk_add_trace_bio_complete blk_add_trace_bio_bounce blk_add_trace_rq blk_add_trace_rq_complete blk_add_trace_rq_requeue blk_add_trace_rq_issue blk_add_trace_rq_insert blk_add_trace_rq_abort blk_create_buf_file_callback blk_remove_buf_file_callback blk_subbuf_start_callback blk_dropped_read blk_tree_root blk_dropped_fops blk_msg_fops blk_relay_callbacks blk_probe_mutex blk_probes_ref blk_add_trace_unplug_timer blk_add_trace_unplug_io blk_add_trace_split blk_add_trace_remap blk_msg_write __ksymtab_blk_add_driver_data __kstrtab_blk_add_driver_data __ksymtab_blk_trace_startstop __kstrtab_blk_trace_startstop __ksymtab_blk_trace_setup __kstrtab_blk_trace_setup __ksymtab_blk_trace_remove __kstrtab_blk_trace_remove __ksymtab___trace_note_message __kstrtab___trace_note_message argv_split.c skip_sep skip_arg __ksymtab_argv_split __kstrtab_argv_split __ksymtab_argv_free __kstrtab_argv_free bug.c module_bug_list __ksymtab_get_options __kstrtab_get_options __ksymtab_get_option __kstrtab_get_option __ksymtab_memparse __kstrtab_memparse ctype.c __ksymtab__ctype __kstrtab__ctype dec_and_lock.c __ksymtab__atomic_dec_and_lock __kstrtab__atomic_dec_and_lock cmp_ex find_next_bit.c __ksymtab_find_first_zero_bit __kstrtab_find_first_zero_bit __ksymtab_find_first_bit __kstrtab_find_first_bit __ksymtab_find_next_zero_bit __kstrtab_find_next_zero_bit __ksymtab_find_next_bit __kstrtab_find_next_bit idr.c idr_mark_full free_bitmap get_from_free_list idr_layer_cache idr_layer_rcu_free idr_get_empty_slot idr_get_new_above_int __ksymtab_ida_init __kstrtab_ida_init __ksymtab_ida_destroy __kstrtab_ida_destroy __ksymtab_ida_remove __kstrtab_ida_remove __ksymtab_ida_get_new __kstrtab_ida_get_new __ksymtab_ida_get_new_above __kstrtab_ida_get_new_above __ksymtab_ida_pre_get __kstrtab_ida_pre_get __ksymtab_idr_init __kstrtab_idr_init __ksymtab_idr_replace __kstrtab_idr_replace __ksymtab_idr_for_each __kstrtab_idr_for_each __ksymtab_idr_find __kstrtab_idr_find __ksymtab_idr_destroy __kstrtab_idr_destroy __ksymtab_idr_remove_all __kstrtab_idr_remove_all __ksymtab_idr_remove __kstrtab_idr_remove __ksymtab_idr_get_new __kstrtab_idr_get_new __ksymtab_idr_get_new_above __kstrtab_idr_get_new_above __ksymtab_idr_pre_get __kstrtab_idr_pre_get int_sqrt.c __ksymtab_int_sqrt __kstrtab_int_sqrt is_single_threaded.c kobject.c kobj_attr_show kobj_attr_store kset_release dynamic_kobj_release kobject_init_internal dynamic_kobj_ktype kobject_release kobj_kset_leave kobject_add_internal __func__.9315 kobject_set_name_vargs kobject_add_varg kset_ktype __func__.9525 __ksymtab_kset_unregister __kstrtab_kset_unregister __ksymtab_kset_register __kstrtab_kset_register __ksymtab_kobject_del __kstrtab_kobject_del __ksymtab_kobject_put __kstrtab_kobject_put __ksymtab_kobject_get __kstrtab_kobject_get __ksymtab_kset_create_and_add __kstrtab_kset_create_and_add __ksymtab_kobject_create_and_add __kstrtab_kobject_create_and_add __ksymtab_kobject_rename __kstrtab_kobject_rename __ksymtab_kobject_init_and_add __kstrtab_kobject_init_and_add __ksymtab_kobject_add __kstrtab_kobject_add __ksymtab_kobject_init __kstrtab_kobject_init __ksymtab_kobject_set_name __kstrtab_kobject_set_name __ksymtab_kobject_get_path __kstrtab_kobject_get_path kobject_uevent.c kobject_uevent_init uevent_sock kobject_actions __initcall_kobject_uevent_init2 __ksymtab_add_uevent_var __kstrtab_add_uevent_var __ksymtab_kobject_uevent __kstrtab_kobject_uevent __ksymtab_kobject_uevent_env __kstrtab_kobject_uevent_env kref.c __ksymtab_kref_put __kstrtab_kref_put __ksymtab_kref_get __kstrtab_kref_get __ksymtab_kref_init __kstrtab_kref_init __ksymtab_kref_set __kstrtab_kref_set get_index index_bits_to_maxindex prio_tree_parent prio_tree_right prio_tree_left proportions.c prop_get_global prop_adjust_shift prop_norm_single prop_norm_percpu prop_put_global __key.8082 radix-tree.c height_to_maxindex __lookup radix_tree_node_ctor radix_tree_node_cachep __lookup_tag radix_tree_node_alloc per_cpu__radix_tree_preloads radix_tree_node_rcu_free __ksymtab_radix_tree_tagged __kstrtab_radix_tree_tagged __ksymtab_radix_tree_delete __kstrtab_radix_tree_delete __ksymtab_radix_tree_gang_lookup_tag_slot __kstrtab_radix_tree_gang_lookup_tag_slot __ksymtab_radix_tree_gang_lookup_tag __kstrtab_radix_tree_gang_lookup_tag __ksymtab_radix_tree_gang_lookup_slot __kstrtab_radix_tree_gang_lookup_slot __ksymtab_radix_tree_gang_lookup __kstrtab_radix_tree_gang_lookup __ksymtab_radix_tree_next_hole __kstrtab_radix_tree_next_hole __ksymtab_radix_tree_tag_clear __kstrtab_radix_tree_tag_clear __ksymtab_radix_tree_tag_set __kstrtab_radix_tree_tag_set __ksymtab_radix_tree_lookup __kstrtab_radix_tree_lookup __ksymtab_radix_tree_lookup_slot __kstrtab_radix_tree_lookup_slot __ksymtab_radix_tree_insert __kstrtab_radix_tree_insert __ksymtab_radix_tree_preload __kstrtab_radix_tree_preload ratelimit.c __func__.9213 __ksymtab___ratelimit __kstrtab___ratelimit rbtree.c __rb_rotate_left __rb_rotate_right __ksymtab_rb_replace_node __kstrtab_rb_replace_node __ksymtab_rb_prev __kstrtab_rb_prev __ksymtab_rb_next __kstrtab_rb_next __ksymtab_rb_last __kstrtab_rb_last __ksymtab_rb_first __kstrtab_rb_first __ksymtab_rb_erase __kstrtab_rb_erase __ksymtab_rb_insert_color __kstrtab_rb_insert_color rwsem_down_failed_common 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__kstrtab_sscanf __ksymtab_vsscanf __kstrtab_vsscanf __ksymtab_sprintf __kstrtab_sprintf __ksymtab_vsprintf __kstrtab_vsprintf __ksymtab_scnprintf __kstrtab_scnprintf __ksymtab_snprintf __kstrtab_snprintf __ksymtab_vscnprintf __kstrtab_vscnprintf __ksymtab_vsnprintf __kstrtab_vsnprintf __ksymtab_strict_strtoll __kstrtab_strict_strtoll __ksymtab_strict_strtoull __kstrtab_strict_strtoull __ksymtab_strict_strtol __kstrtab_strict_strtol __ksymtab_strict_strtoul __kstrtab_strict_strtoul __ksymtab_simple_strtoull __kstrtab_simple_strtoull __ksymtab_simple_strtol __kstrtab_simple_strtol __ksymtab_simple_strtoul __kstrtab_simple_strtoul arch/x86/lib/checksum_32.S delay.c delay_loop delay_tsc delay_fn __ksymtab___ndelay __kstrtab___ndelay __ksymtab___udelay __kstrtab___udelay __ksymtab___const_udelay __kstrtab___const_udelay __ksymtab___delay __kstrtab___delay arch/x86/lib/getuser.S bad_get_user memcpy_32.c __ksymtab_memmove __kstrtab_memmove __ksymtab_memset __kstrtab_memset __ksymtab_memcpy 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__func__.21826 report_mmio_enabled set_device_error_reporting set_downstream_devices_error_reporting __ksymtab_pci_cleanup_aer_uncorrect_error_status __kstrtab_pci_cleanup_aer_uncorrect_error_status __ksymtab_pci_disable_pcie_error_reporting __kstrtab_pci_disable_pcie_error_reporting __ksymtab_pci_enable_pcie_error_reporting __kstrtab_pci_enable_pcie_error_reporting __param_forceload __param_str_forceload aerdrv.c aer_suspend aer_resume pcie_aer_disable aer_error_detected aer_service_init aerdriver aer_remove aer_service_exit aer_probe __key.20263 aer_irq aer_error_resume aer_root_reset __initcall_aer_service_init6 aer_error_handlers aer_id aerdrv_acpi.c hotplug.c pci_hotplug_core.c has_power_file has_attention_file has_latch_file has_adapter_file has_max_bus_speed_file has_cur_bus_speed_file has_test_file pci_hotplug_exit pci_hotplug_init test_write_file debug __func__.26562 cur_bus_speed_read_file unknown_speed pci_bus_speed_strings max_bus_speed_read_file presence_read_file latch_read_file attention_read_file power_read_file __func__.26712 pci_hp_mutex pci_hotplug_slot_list hotplug_slot_attr_power hotplug_slot_attr_attention hotplug_slot_attr_latch hotplug_slot_attr_presence hotplug_slot_attr_max_bus_speed hotplug_slot_attr_cur_bus_speed hotplug_slot_attr_test __func__.26732 power_write_file __func__.26444 attention_write_file __func__.26484 __ksymtab_pci_hp_change_slot_info __kstrtab_pci_hp_change_slot_info __ksymtab_pci_hp_deregister __kstrtab_pci_hp_deregister __ksymtab_pci_hp_register __kstrtab_pci_hp_register __param_debug __param_str_debug __initcall_pci_hotplug_init6 acpi_pcihp.c check_hotplug is_ejectable __func__.25007 __func__.25044 __func__.25078 __func__.25155 __func__.25192 debug_acpi __func__.25290 __func__.25246 __param_debug_acpi __param_str_debug_acpi __ksymtab_acpi_pci_detect_ejectable __kstrtab_acpi_pci_detect_ejectable __ksymtab_acpi_pci_check_ejectable __kstrtab_acpi_pci_check_ejectable __ksymtab_acpi_root_bridge __kstrtab_acpi_root_bridge __ksymtab_acpi_get_hp_hw_control_from_firmware __kstrtab_acpi_get_hp_hw_control_from_firmware __ksymtab_acpi_get_hp_params_from_firmware __kstrtab_acpi_get_hp_params_from_firmware hotplug-pci.c __ksymtab_pci_do_scan_bus __kstrtab_pci_do_scan_bus setup-bus.c find_free_bus_resource pci_bus_dump_resources pbus_size_mem __ksymtab_pci_bus_assign_resources __kstrtab_pci_bus_assign_resources __ksymtab_pci_bus_size_bridges __kstrtab_pci_bus_size_bridges __ksymtab_pci_setup_cardbus __kstrtab_pci_setup_cardbus pci-acpi.c acpi_pci_init acpi_pci_bus acpi_pci_platform_pm acpi_pci_can_wakeup acpi_pci_choose_state acpi_pci_power_manageable acpi_pci_find_root_bridge acpi_pci_find_device acpi_get_osc_data acpi_osc_data_list acpi_run_osc OSC_UUID __acpi_query_osc pci_acpi_lock acpi_pci_set_power_state state_conv.25240 acpi_pci_sleep_wake __initcall_acpi_pci_init3 __ksymtab_pci_osc_control_set __kstrtab_pci_osc_control_set fb_notify.c fb_notifier_list 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__kstrtab_fb_videomode_to_modelist __ksymtab_fb_find_nearest_mode __kstrtab_fb_find_nearest_mode __ksymtab_fb_find_best_mode __kstrtab_fb_find_best_mode __ksymtab_fb_match_mode __kstrtab_fb_match_mode __ksymtab_fb_add_videomode __kstrtab_fb_add_videomode __ksymtab_fb_mode_is_equal __kstrtab_fb_mode_is_equal __ksymtab_fb_var_to_videomode __kstrtab_fb_var_to_videomode __ksymtab_fb_videomode_to_var __kstrtab_fb_videomode_to_var __ksymtab_fb_find_best_display __kstrtab_fb_find_best_display __ksymtab_fb_destroy_modelist __kstrtab_fb_destroy_modelist __ksymtab_vesa_modes __kstrtab_vesa_modes __ksymtab_fb_mode_option __kstrtab_fb_mode_option fbcvt.c fb_cvt_vbi_tab dummycon.c dummycon_startup dummycon_dummy dummycon_init vgacon.c text_mode no_scroll vga_hardscroll_enabled vga_hardscroll_user_enable vgacon_scrollback_init vgacon_scrollback vgacon_scrollback_cnt vgacon_scrollback_tail vgacon_scrollback_cur vgacon_scrollback_rows vgacon_scrollback_size vgacon_build_attr vga_can_do_color vgacon_invert_region vgacon_dummy vgacon_save_screen vga_bootup_console.23023 vga_is_gfx vga_vram_size vgacon_restore_screen vgacon_scrollback_save vgacon_scrollback_restore vgacon_set_origin vga_palette_blanked vga_vram_base vga_video_port_reg vga_rolled_over vga_set_palette vgacon_set_palette vga_video_type vgacon_doresize vgacon_xres vgacon_yres vga_video_port_val vgacon_resize vga_default_font_height vgacon_set_cursor_size cursor_size_lastfrom cursor_size_lastto vgacon_cursor vgacon_do_font_op vga_font_is_default vga_512_chars vgacon_font_get vgacon_font_set vga_video_font_height vgacon_init vga_video_num_columns vga_video_num_lines vga_scan_lines vgacon_uni_pagedir vgacon_scrollback_startup vgacon_switch vgacon_blank vga_vesa_blanked vga_state vgacon_scroll vga_vram_end vgacon_scrolldelta vgacon_deinit vgacon_startup ega_console_resource.22235 mda1_console_resource.22236 mda2_console_resource.22237 ega_console_resource.22239 vga_console_resource.22240 cga_console_resource.22247 vga_init_done __setup_no_scroll __setup_str_no_scroll __setup_text_mode __setup_str_text_mode __ksymtab_vgacon_text_force __kstrtab_vgacon_text_force logo.c nologo __ksymtab_fb_find_logo __kstrtab_fb_find_logo __param_nologo __param_str_nologo logo_linux_clut224.c logo_linux_clut224_clut logo_linux_clut224_data backlight.c backlight_show_max_brightness backlight_show_brightness backlight_show_power backlight_show_actual_brightness backlight_resume backlight_class_exit backlight_class bl_device_release __key.19031 __key.19032 fb_notifier_callback backlight_class_init __key.19062 bl_device_attributes backlight_suspend backlight_store_power backlight_store_brightness __initcall_backlight_class_init2 __ksymtab_backlight_device_unregister __kstrtab_backlight_device_unregister __ksymtab_backlight_device_register __kstrtab_backlight_device_register generic_bl.c genericbl_send_intensity bl_machinfo genericbl_intensity genericbl_get_intensity genericbl_init genericbl_driver genericbl_remove 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acpi_irq acpi_irq_context acpi_irq_handler acpi_os_name_setup acpi_os_name acpi_request_region acpi_reserve_resources acpi_wake_gpes_always_on_setup acpi_serialize_setup set_osi_linux osi_linux acpi_cmdline_osi_linux t.27274 acpi_enforce_resources_setup acpi_enforce_resources resource_list_head osi_additional_string acpi_os_execute_deferred kacpid_wq kacpi_notify_wq acpi_os_execute_hp_deferred __acpi_os_execute acpi_os_derive_pci_id_2 acpi_irq_irq buffer.27179 __ksymtab_acpi_check_mem_region __kstrtab_acpi_check_mem_region __ksymtab_acpi_check_region __kstrtab_acpi_check_region __ksymtab_acpi_check_resource_conflict __kstrtab_acpi_check_resource_conflict __setup_acpi_enforce_resources_setup __setup_str_acpi_enforce_resources_setup __setup_acpi_wake_gpes_always_on_setup __setup_str_acpi_wake_gpes_always_on_setup __setup_acpi_serialize_setup __setup_str_acpi_serialize_setup __setup_acpi_osi_setup __setup_str_acpi_osi_setup __setup_acpi_os_name_setup __setup_str_acpi_os_name_setup 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exconfig.c acpi_ex_add_table exfield.c exnames.c acpi_ex_allocate_name_string acpi_ex_name_segment exoparg6.c acpi_ex_do_match exresolv.c exstorob.c exconvrt.c acpi_ex_convert_to_ascii exfldio.c acpi_ex_register_overflow acpi_ex_field_datum_io exoparg1.c exprep.c exresop.c acpi_ex_check_object_type exsystem.c excreate.c exmisc.c exoparg2.c exregion.c exstore.c acpi_ex_do_debug_object exutils.c exdump.c exmutex.c exoparg3.c exresnte.c exstoren.c hwacpi.c hwgpe.c acpi_hw_enable_wakeup_gpe_block hwregs.c hwsleep.c __ksymtab_acpi_leave_sleep_state __kstrtab_acpi_leave_sleep_state __ksymtab_acpi_enter_sleep_state_s4bios __kstrtab_acpi_enter_sleep_state_s4bios __ksymtab_acpi_enter_sleep_state __kstrtab_acpi_enter_sleep_state __ksymtab_acpi_enter_sleep_state_prep __kstrtab_acpi_enter_sleep_state_prep __ksymtab_acpi_set_firmware_waking_vector64 __kstrtab_acpi_set_firmware_waking_vector64 __ksymtab_acpi_set_firmware_waking_vector __kstrtab_acpi_set_firmware_waking_vector hwxface.c 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nsdump.c nsinit.c acpi_ns_find_ini_methods acpi_ns_init_one_device acpi_ns_init_one_object nsobject.c nswalk.c nsxfobj.c __ksymtab_acpi_get_next_object __kstrtab_acpi_get_next_object __ksymtab_acpi_get_parent __kstrtab_acpi_get_parent __ksymtab_acpi_get_type __kstrtab_acpi_get_type __ksymtab_acpi_get_id __kstrtab_acpi_get_id nsparse.c nspredef.c predefined_names acpi_ns_check_object_type acpi_rtype_names acpi_ns_check_package_elements psargs.c acpi_ps_get_next_package_length psparse.c psloop.c acpi_ps_complete_op acpi_gbl_depth pstree.c pswalk.c psopcode.c acpi_gbl_short_op_index acpi_gbl_long_op_index acpi_gbl_argument_count psscope.c psutils.c psxface.c acpi_ps_update_parameter_list rsaddr.c acpi_rs_convert_general_flags acpi_rs_convert_mem_flags acpi_rs_convert_io_flags rscreate.c rsinfo.c rsio.c rslist.c rsmisc.c rsxface.c acpi_rs_match_vendor_resource acpi_rs_validate_parameters __ksymtab_acpi_walk_resources __kstrtab_acpi_walk_resources __ksymtab_acpi_get_vendor_resource 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__ksymtab_acpi_load_table __kstrtab_acpi_load_table tbinstal.c tbutils.c tbfind.c tbfadt.c fadt_info_table tbxfroot.c acpi_tb_scan_memory_for_rsdp utalloc.c utdebug.c uteval.c acpi_ut_copy_id_string acpi_ut_translate_one_cid acpi_interfaces_supported utinit.c utmisc.c __ksymtab_acpi_info __kstrtab_acpi_info __ksymtab_acpi_warning __kstrtab_acpi_warning __ksymtab_acpi_exception __kstrtab_acpi_exception __ksymtab_acpi_error __kstrtab_acpi_error utxface.c __ksymtab_acpi_purge_cached_objects __kstrtab_acpi_purge_cached_objects __ksymtab_acpi_terminate __kstrtab_acpi_terminate __ksymtab_acpi_initialize_objects __kstrtab_acpi_initialize_objects __ksymtab_acpi_enable_subsystem __kstrtab_acpi_enable_subsystem utcopy.c acpi_ut_copy_simple_object acpi_ut_copy_ielement_to_ielement acpi_ut_copy_isimple_to_esimple acpi_ut_copy_ielement_to_eelement utdelete.c acpi_ut_delete_internal_obj acpi_ut_update_ref_count utglobal.c acpi_gbl_hex_to_ascii acpi_gbl_event_types acpi_gbl_bad_type acpi_gbl_ns_type_names acpi_gbl_desc_type_names acpi_gbl_ref_class_names __ksymtab_acpi_current_gpe_count __kstrtab_acpi_current_gpe_count __ksymtab_acpi_dbg_layer __kstrtab_acpi_dbg_layer __ksymtab_acpi_dbg_level __kstrtab_acpi_dbg_level __ksymtab_acpi_gbl_FADT __kstrtab_acpi_gbl_FADT __ksymtab_acpi_format_exception __kstrtab_acpi_format_exception utmath.c utobject.c acpi_ut_get_simple_object_size acpi_ut_get_element_length utstate.c utmutex.c utresrc.c acpi_gbl_resource_types wakeup.c acpi_wakeup_device_init __initcall_acpi_wakeup_device_init7 old_suspend_ordering acpi_suspend_state_valid acpi_suspend_states init_old_suspend_ordering init_set_sci_en_on_resume set_sci_en_on_resume acpisleep_dmi_table acpi_suspend_ops acpi_suspend_ops_old acpi_power_off_prepare acpi_power_off tts_notifier acpi_sleep_tts_switch acpi_suspend_begin acpi_target_sleep_state acpi_pm_end tts_notify_reboot acpi_pm_disable_gpes acpi_sleep_prepare __acpi_pm_prepare acpi_suspend_begin_old acpi_pm_prepare acpi_pm_finish __func__.25399 acpi_suspend_enter acpi_system_wakeup_device_open_fs acpi_system_wakeup_device_seq_show physical_device_enable_wakeup acpi_sleep_proc_init acpi_system_wakeup_device_fops acpi_system_write_wakeup_device __initcall_acpi_sleep_proc_init7 set_power_nocheck acpi_bus_notify_list acpi_bus_check_device acpi_bus_notify acpi_init __func__.25218 power_nocheck_dmi_table __initcall_acpi_init4 __ksymtab_unregister_acpi_bus_notifier __kstrtab_unregister_acpi_bus_notifier __ksymtab_register_acpi_bus_notifier __kstrtab_register_acpi_bus_notifier __ksymtab_acpi_bus_generate_proc_event __kstrtab_acpi_bus_generate_proc_event __ksymtab_acpi_bus_generate_proc_event4 __kstrtab_acpi_bus_generate_proc_event4 __ksymtab_acpi_bus_can_wakeup __kstrtab_acpi_bus_can_wakeup __ksymtab_acpi_bus_power_manageable __kstrtab_acpi_bus_power_manageable __ksymtab_acpi_bus_set_power __kstrtab_acpi_bus_set_power __ksymtab_acpi_bus_get_power __kstrtab_acpi_bus_get_power __ksymtab_acpi_bus_get_private_data __kstrtab_acpi_bus_get_private_data __ksymtab_acpi_bus_private_data_handler __kstrtab_acpi_bus_private_data_handler __ksymtab_acpi_bus_get_status __kstrtab_acpi_bus_get_status __ksymtab_acpi_bus_get_device __kstrtab_acpi_bus_get_device __ksymtab_acpi_root_dir __kstrtab_acpi_root_dir glue.c acpi_glue_data_handler init_acpi_device_notify acpi_platform_notify acpi_platform_notify_remove bus_type_sem bus_type_list do_acpi_find_child __initcall_init_acpi_device_notify3 __ksymtab_acpi_get_physical_pci_device __kstrtab_acpi_get_physical_pci_device __ksymtab_acpi_get_physical_device __kstrtab_acpi_get_physical_device __ksymtab_acpi_get_child __kstrtab_acpi_get_child scan.c acpi_device_suspend acpi_device_resume acpi_device_shutdown acpi_start_single_object acpi_device_release acpi_bus_match acpi_add_single_object __func__.20704 acpi_bus_id_list acpi_device_list dev_attr_path dev_attr_hid dev_attr_modalias dev_attr_eject create_modalias acpi_device_modalias_show acpi_device_path_show acpi_device_hid_show acpi_bus_scan acpi_device_unregister acpi_scan_init acpi_device_remove acpi_device_probe acpi_device_uevent acpi_bus_remove acpi_bus_hot_remove_device acpi_eject_store __initcall_acpi_scan_init4 __ksymtab_acpi_bus_trim __kstrtab_acpi_bus_trim __ksymtab_acpi_bus_start __kstrtab_acpi_bus_start __ksymtab_acpi_bus_add __kstrtab_acpi_bus_add __ksymtab_acpi_bus_get_ejd __kstrtab_acpi_bus_get_ejd __ksymtab_acpi_bus_unregister_driver __kstrtab_acpi_bus_unregister_driver __ksymtab_acpi_bus_register_driver __kstrtab_acpi_bus_register_driver __ksymtab_acpi_match_device_ids __kstrtab_acpi_match_device_ids ec.c start_transaction ec_parse_io_ports acpi_ec_init acpi_ec_dir acpi_ec_driver acpi_ec_resume gpe_transaction ec_transaction_done ec_check_sci acpi_ec_gpe_query acpi_ec_transaction EC_FLAGS_MSI first_ec acpi_ec_write acpi_ec_read acpi_ec_burst_disable acpi_ec_burst_enable acpi_ec_space_handler ec_install_handlers acpi_ec_gpe_handler boot_ec make_acpi_ec __key.22296 ec_parse_device acpi_ec_info_open_fs acpi_ec_read_info acpi_ec_register_query_methods ec_device_ids acpi_ec_add acpi_ec_info_ops acpi_ec_remove acpi_ec_stop acpi_ec_start acpi_ec_suspend __initcall_acpi_ec_init4 __ksymtab_acpi_ec_remove_query_handler __kstrtab_acpi_ec_remove_query_handler __ksymtab_acpi_ec_add_query_handler __kstrtab_acpi_ec_add_query_handler __ksymtab_ec_transaction __kstrtab_ec_transaction __ksymtab_ec_write __kstrtab_ec_write __ksymtab_ec_read __kstrtab_ec_read __ksymtab_ec_burst_disable __kstrtab_ec_burst_disable __ksymtab_ec_burst_enable __kstrtab_ec_burst_enable ac.c get_ac_property acpi_ac_init acpi_ac_dir acpi_ac_driver acpi_ac_get_state acpi_ac_remove_fs acpi_ac_notify acpi_ac_add acpi_ac_fops ac_props acpi_ac_open_fs acpi_ac_seq_show acpi_ac_exit acpi_ac_resume acpi_ac_remove __initcall_acpi_ac_init6 ac_device_ids battery.c acpi_battery_init acpi_battery_dir acpi_battery_driver sysfs_remove_battery alarm_attr acpi_battery_set_alarm extract_package acpi_battery_get_state cache_time state_offsets acpi_battery_update info_offsets charge_battery_props energy_battery_props acpi_battery_get_property acpi_battery_resume acpi_battery_read acpi_print_funcs acpi_battery_read_alarm acpi_battery_read_state acpi_battery_read_info acpi_battery_remove_fs acpi_battery_file acpi_battery_alarm_open_fs acpi_battery_add __key.21149 acpi_battery_notify acpi_battery_exit acpi_battery_info_open_fs acpi_battery_state_open_fs acpi_battery_alarm_show acpi_battery_remove acpi_battery_alarm_store acpi_battery_write_alarm acpi_battery_print_info acpi_battery_print_state acpi_battery_print_alarm __initcall_acpi_battery_init6 __param_cache_time __param_str_cache_time battery_device_ids button.c acpi_button_init acpi_button_dir acpi_button_driver acpi_button_remove_fs acpi_lid_send_state acpi_button_remove_notify_handlers acpi_button_notify_fixed acpi_button_notify acpi_button_state_open_fs acpi_button_state_seq_show acpi_button_info_seq_show acpi_button_exit acpi_power_dir acpi_sleep_dir acpi_lid_dir acpi_button_info_open_fs acpi_button_resume acpi_button_remove acpi_button_add acpi_button_info_fops acpi_button_state_fops __initcall_acpi_button_init6 button_device_ids fan.c acpi_fan_init acpi_fan_driver acpi_fan_resume acpi_fan_suspend fan_set_cur_state acpi_fan_remove fan_get_cur_state fan_get_max_state acpi_fan_exit acpi_fan_add fan_cooling_ops __initcall_acpi_fan_init6 fan_device_ids dock.c dock_in_progress dock_init find_dock find_bay dock_station_count dock_acpi_notifier alloc_dock_dependent_device dock_lock handle_dock hotplug_dock_devices dock_present is_ata is_dock dock_event handle_eject_request write_undock acpi_dock_deferred_cb dock_notifier_list immediate_undock is_battery show_dock_type show_dock_uid show_flags show_docked find_dock_dependent_device add_dock_dependent_device dock_add __key.20729 dock_device_name dev_attr_docked dev_attr_undock dev_attr_uid dev_attr_flags dev_attr_type find_dock_devices dock_stations dock_exit acpi_dock_notifier_call __initcall_dock_init4 __ksymtab_unregister_hotplug_dock_device __kstrtab_unregister_hotplug_dock_device __ksymtab_register_hotplug_dock_device __kstrtab_register_hotplug_dock_device __ksymtab_unregister_dock_notifier __kstrtab_unregister_dock_notifier __ksymtab_register_dock_notifier __kstrtab_register_dock_notifier __ksymtab_is_dock_device __kstrtab_is_dock_device __param_immediate_undock __param_str_immediate_undock pci_root.c acpi_pci_bridge_scan acpi_pci_root_init acpi_pci_root_driver acpi_pci_root_start acpi_pci_roots get_root_bridge_busnr_callback sub_driver acpi_pci_root_add acpi_pci_root_remove __initcall_acpi_pci_root_init4 __ksymtab_acpi_get_pci_rootbridge_handle __kstrtab_acpi_get_pci_rootbridge_handle __ksymtab_acpi_pci_unregister_driver __kstrtab_acpi_pci_unregister_driver __ksymtab_acpi_pci_register_driver __kstrtab_acpi_pci_register_driver root_device_ids pci_link.c acpi_irq_penalty acpi_irq_nobalance_set acpi_irq_balance acpi_irq_balance_set acpi_irq_penalty_update acpi_irq_pci acpi_irq_isa irqrouter_init_sysfs irqrouter_sysdev_class device_irqrouter acpi_pci_link_check_current acpi_pci_link_check_possible acpi_pci_link_get_current acpi_pci_link_set irqrouter_resume acpi_link acpi_pci_link_init acpi_pci_link_driver acpi_pci_link_add acpi_link_lock acpi_pci_link_remove __initcall_acpi_pci_link_init4 __initcall_irqrouter_init_sysfs6 __setup_acpi_irq_balance_set __setup_str_acpi_irq_balance_set __setup_acpi_irq_nobalance_set __setup_str_acpi_irq_nobalance_set __setup_acpi_irq_pci __setup_str_acpi_irq_pci __setup_acpi_irq_isa __setup_str_acpi_irq_isa link_device_ids pci_irq.c acpi_pci_irq_find_prt_entry acpi_prt_list acpi_pci_irq_lookup prt_quirks medion_md9580 dell_optiplex hp_t5710 pci_bind.c acpi_pci_data_handler acpi_pci_unbind __ksymtab_acpi_get_pci_id __kstrtab_acpi_get_pci_id processor_core.c acpi_processor_init acpi_processor_dir processor_idle_dmi_table acpi_processor_driver set_no_mwait acpi_processor_info_open_fs acpi_processor_info_seq_show acpi_processor_add acpi_processor_exit acpi_processor_notify acpi_processor_start cpu0_initialized.26276 per_cpu__processor_device_array acpi_processor_info_fops acpi_processor_remove __ksymtab_acpi_processor_set_thermal_limit __kstrtab_acpi_processor_set_thermal_limit __initcall_acpi_processor_init6 processor_device_ids processor_throttling.c acpi_processor_throttling_open_fs acpi_processor_throttling_seq_show acpi_processor_get_throttling acpi_processor_get_throttling_fadt acpi_processor_throttling_notifier acpi_processor_get_platform_limit acpi_processor_set_throttling_ptc acpi_processor_get_throttling_ptc acpi_processor_write_throttling acpi_processor_set_throttling_fadt processor_idle.c acpi_timer_check_state acpi_idle_suspend tsc_halts_in_c set_max_cstate max_cstate acpi_processor_power_open_fs acpi_processor_power_seq_show acpi_state_timer_broadcast acpi_processor_get_power_info nocst bm_check_flag.22522 acpi_processor_setup_cpuidle latency_factor acpi_idle_enter_c1 acpi_idle_enter_simple acpi_idle_enter_bm first_run.22888 processor_power_dmi_table acpi_processor_power_fops acpi_safe_halt c3_cpu_count __param_latency_factor __param_str_latency_factor __param_nocst __param_str_nocst __param_max_cstate __param_str_max_cstate processor_thermal.c acpi_thermal_cpufreq_notifier per_cpu__cpufreq_thermal_reduction_pctg acpi_processor_limit_open_fs acpi_processor_limit_seq_show acpi_processor_apply_limit acpi_processor_write_limit cpu_has_cpufreq acpi_thermal_cpufreq_is_init cpufreq_get_max_state acpi_processor_max_state cpufreq_set_cur_state processor_set_cur_state acpi_thermal_cpufreq_decrease acpi_thermal_cpufreq_notifier_block processor_get_max_state processor_get_cur_state processor_perflib.c acpi_processor_ppc_notifier ignore_ppc performance_mutex acpi_processor_ppc_status is_done.20997 acpi_ppc_notifier_block __ksymtab_acpi_processor_unregister_performance __kstrtab_acpi_processor_unregister_performance __ksymtab_acpi_processor_register_performance __kstrtab_acpi_processor_register_performance __ksymtab_acpi_processor_preregister_performance __kstrtab_acpi_processor_preregister_performance __ksymtab_acpi_processor_notify_smm __kstrtab_acpi_processor_notify_smm __param_ignore_ppc __param_str_ignore_ppc thermal.c thermal_get_crit_temp thermal_psv psv thermal_tzp tzp thermal_nocrt nocrt thermal_act act acpi_thermal_init thermal_dmi_table off acpi_thermal_dir acpi_thermal_driver acpi_thermal_remove_fs acpi_thermal_get_temperature acpi_thermal_passive acpi_thermal_active acpi_thermal_check acpi_thermal_run acpi_thermal_trips_update crt acpi_thermal_set_cooling_mode thermal_get_trip_temp thermal_get_trip_type thermal_get_mode disabled thermal_get_temp thermal_set_mode acpi_thermal_cooling_device_cb acpi_thermal_unbind_cooling_device acpi_thermal_bind_cooling_device acpi_thermal_add __key.21619 acpi_thermal_zone_ops acpi_thermal_state_fops acpi_thermal_temp_fops acpi_thermal_trip_fops acpi_thermal_cooling_fops acpi_thermal_polling_fops acpi_thermal_notify acpi_thermal_polling_open_fs acpi_thermal_polling_seq_show acpi_thermal_cooling_seq_show acpi_thermal_trip_seq_show acpi_thermal_temp_seq_show acpi_thermal_state_seq_show acpi_thermal_write_polling acpi_thermal_write_cooling_mode acpi_thermal_exit acpi_thermal_state_open_fs acpi_thermal_temp_open_fs acpi_thermal_trip_open_fs acpi_thermal_cooling_open_fs acpi_thermal_remove acpi_thermal_resume __initcall_acpi_thermal_init6 __param_psv __param_str_psv __param_off __param_str_off __param_nocrt __param_str_nocrt __param_tzp __param_str_tzp __param_crt __param_str_crt __param_act __param_str_act thermal_device_ids power.c acpi_power_init acpi_power_resource_list acpi_power_driver acpi_power_get_state acpi_power_get_context acpi_power_on acpi_power_off_device acpi_power_open_fs acpi_power_seq_show acpi_power_add __key.20493 acpi_power_fops acpi_power_remove acpi_power_resume __initcall_acpi_power_init4 __param_power_nocheck __param_str_power_nocheck power_device_ids system.c all_counters acpi_gpe_count num_gpes param_get_acpica_version delete_gpe_attr_array counter_attrs all_attrs acpi_system_init tables_kobj acpi_table_attr_list acpi_table_show interrupt_stats_exit interrupt_stats_attr_group get_status counter_set num_counters counter_show __initcall_acpi_system_init4 __param_acpica_version __param_str_acpica_version event.c acpi_system_poll_event acpi_event_init acpi_event_genl_family acpi_event_mcgrp acpi_system_event_ops acpi_chain_head acpi_system_close_event acpi_system_read_event chars_remaining.27311 str.27310 ptr.27312 acpi_system_open_event acpi_event_seqnum __initcall_acpi_event_init5 __ksymtab_acpi_bus_generate_netlink_event __kstrtab_acpi_bus_generate_netlink_event __ksymtab_unregister_acpi_notifier __kstrtab_unregister_acpi_notifier __ksymtab_register_acpi_notifier __kstrtab_register_acpi_notifier __ksymtab_acpi_notifier_call_chain __kstrtab_acpi_notifier_call_chain cm_sbs.c cm_sbs_mutex lock_battery_dir_cnt lock_ac_dir_cnt __ksymtab_acpi_unlock_battery_dir __kstrtab_acpi_unlock_battery_dir __ksymtab_acpi_lock_battery_dir __kstrtab_acpi_lock_battery_dir __ksymtab_acpi_unlock_ac_dir __kstrtab_acpi_unlock_ac_dir __ksymtab_acpi_lock_ac_dir __kstrtab_acpi_lock_ac_dir core.c pnp_debug_setup pnp_init pnp_release_device pnp_protocols __setup_pnp_debug_setup __setup_str_pnp_debug_setup __initcall_pnp_init4 __ksymtab_pnp_platform_devices __kstrtab_pnp_platform_devices card.c card_remove card_suspend card_resume pnp_release_card card_remove_first card_probe pnp_show_card_ids pnp_show_card_name dev_attr_name dev_attr_card_id pnp_card_drivers __ksymtab_pnp_unregister_card_driver __kstrtab_pnp_unregister_card_driver __ksymtab_pnp_register_card_driver __kstrtab_pnp_register_card_driver __ksymtab_pnp_release_card_device __kstrtab_pnp_release_card_device __ksymtab_pnp_request_card_device __kstrtab_pnp_request_card_device driver.c pnp_bus_resume pnp_bus_suspend pnp_device_remove match_device pnp_bus_match pnp_device_probe __ksymtab_pnp_device_detach __kstrtab_pnp_device_detach __ksymtab_pnp_device_attach __kstrtab_pnp_device_attach __ksymtab_pnp_unregister_driver __kstrtab_pnp_unregister_driver __ksymtab_pnp_register_driver __kstrtab_pnp_register_driver pnp_test_handler pnp_setup_reserve_mem pnp_reserve_mem pnp_setup_reserve_io pnp_reserve_io pnp_setup_reserve_dma pnp_reserve_dma pnp_setup_reserve_irq pnp_reserve_irq pnp_new_resource __setup_pnp_setup_reserve_mem __setup_str_pnp_setup_reserve_mem __setup_pnp_setup_reserve_io __setup_str_pnp_setup_reserve_io __setup_pnp_setup_reserve_dma __setup_str_pnp_setup_reserve_dma __setup_pnp_setup_reserve_irq __setup_str_pnp_setup_reserve_irq __ksymtab_pnp_possible_config __kstrtab_pnp_possible_config __ksymtab_pnp_get_resource __kstrtab_pnp_get_resource manager.c pnp_clean_resource_table pnp_assign_resources xtab.10723 xtab.10778 __ksymtab_pnp_disable_dev __kstrtab_pnp_disable_dev __ksymtab_pnp_activate_dev __kstrtab_pnp_activate_dev __ksymtab_pnp_stop_dev __kstrtab_pnp_stop_dev __ksymtab_pnp_start_dev __kstrtab_pnp_start_dev support.c __ksymtab_pnp_is_active __kstrtab_pnp_is_active interface.c pnp_show_current_ids pnp_printf pnp_set_current_resources pnp_show_current_resources pnp_show_options pnp_fixups quirk_awe32_add_ports quirk_ad1815_mpu_resources quirk_system_pci_resources quirk_sb16audio_resources quirk_awe32_resources quirk_cmi8330_resources quirk_add_irq_optional_dependent_sets ispnpidacpi pnpacpi_init pnpacpi_protocol acpi_pnp_bus pnpacpi_add_device_handler num acpi_pnp_find_device acpi_pnp_match pnpacpi_resume pnpacpi_suspend pnpacpi_disable_resources pnpacpi_set_resources excluded_id_list pnpacpi_setup pnpacpi_get_resources __setup_pnpacpi_setup __setup_str_pnpacpi_setup __initcall_pnpacpi_init5 rsparser.c irq_flags pnpacpi_type_resources dma_flags decode_irq_flags pnpacpi_parse_allocated_ioresource pnpacpi_parse_allocated_memresource pnpacpi_parse_allocated_irqresource pnpacpi_allocated_resource hp_ccsr_uuid pnpacpi_option_resource pnpacpi_count_resources pnp_system_init system_pnp_driver reserve_range system_pnp_probe __initcall_pnp_system_init5 pnp_dev_table mem.c mmap_mem_open mmap_mem_close read_null write_null pipe_to_null write_full null_lseek chr_dev_init zero_bdi memory_fops __key.23045 mem_class devlist kmsg_write mmap_zero read_zero splice_write_null write_kmem read_kmem open_port mmap_mem mmap_mem_ops mmap_kmem write_mem memory_lseek memory_open mem_fops kmem_fops null_fops port_fops zero_fops full_fops kmsg_fops read_port write_port read_mem __initcall_chr_dev_init5 random.c twothirdsMD4Transform mix_pool_bytes_extract twist_table.22027 mix_pool_bytes init_std_data rand_initialize input_pool blocking_pool nonblocking_pool account random_write_wakeup_thresh random_write_wait fasync credit_entropy_bits random_read_wakeup_thresh random_read_wait add_timer_randomness trickle_thresh per_cpu__trickle_count last_value.22247 input_timer_state extract_buf extract_entropy xfer_secondary_pool rekey_seq_generator ip_cnt ip_keydata rekey_work seqgen_init proc_do_uuid extract_entropy_user urandom_read random_fasync write_pool random_write random_ioctl uuid_strategy random_poll random_read irq_timer_state sysctl_poolsize min_read_thresh max_read_thresh min_write_thresh max_write_thresh sysctl_bootid __ksymtab_secure_ipv4_port_ephemeral __kstrtab_secure_ipv4_port_ephemeral __ksymtab_secure_tcpv6_sequence_number __kstrtab_secure_tcpv6_sequence_number __initcall_seqgen_init7 __ksymtab_generate_random_uuid __kstrtab_generate_random_uuid __initcall_rand_initialize6 __ksymtab_get_random_bytes __kstrtab_get_random_bytes __ksymtab_add_input_randomness __kstrtab_add_input_randomness poolinfo_table input_pool_data blocking_pool_data nonblocking_pool_data tty_io.c hung_up_tty_read hung_up_tty_write hung_up_tty_poll hung_up_tty_ioctl hung_up_tty_compat_ioctl hung_up_tty_fops tty_fops tty_class_init __key.25430 tty_init tty_cdev console_fops console_cdev check_tty_count tty_fasync tty_poll destruct_tty_driver release_one_tty __proc_set_tty session_clear_tty release_tty tty_line_name ptychar __key.25074 __key.25076 do_tty_hangup __key.25077 __key.25078 __key.25079 do_SAK_work redirect tty_write tty_read send_break tty_release tty_open __initcall_tty_init6 __initcall_tty_class_init2 __ksymtab_get_current_tty __kstrtab_get_current_tty __ksymtab_tty_devnum __kstrtab_tty_devnum __ksymtab_tty_unregister_driver __kstrtab_tty_unregister_driver __ksymtab_tty_register_driver __kstrtab_tty_register_driver __ksymtab_put_tty_driver __kstrtab_put_tty_driver __ksymtab_tty_set_operations __kstrtab_tty_set_operations __ksymtab_tty_driver_kref_put __kstrtab_tty_driver_kref_put __ksymtab_alloc_tty_driver __kstrtab_alloc_tty_driver __ksymtab_tty_unregister_device __kstrtab_tty_unregister_device __ksymtab_tty_register_device __kstrtab_tty_register_device __ksymtab_tty_put_char __kstrtab_tty_put_char __ksymtab_do_SAK __kstrtab_do_SAK __ksymtab_tty_get_pgrp __kstrtab_tty_get_pgrp __ksymtab_tty_kref_put __kstrtab_tty_kref_put __ksymtab_tty_shutdown __kstrtab_tty_shutdown __ksymtab_tty_free_termios __kstrtab_tty_free_termios __ksymtab_start_tty __kstrtab_start_tty __ksymtab_stop_tty __kstrtab_stop_tty __ksymtab_tty_hung_up_p __kstrtab_tty_hung_up_p __ksymtab_tty_vhangup __kstrtab_tty_vhangup __ksymtab_tty_hangup __kstrtab_tty_hangup __ksymtab_tty_ldisc_flush __kstrtab_tty_ldisc_flush __ksymtab_tty_wakeup __kstrtab_tty_wakeup __ksymtab_tty_check_change __kstrtab_tty_check_change __ksymtab_tty_name __kstrtab_tty_name __ksymtab_tty_mutex __kstrtab_tty_mutex __ksymtab_tty_std_termios __kstrtab_tty_std_termios n_tty.c n_tty_set_room put_tty_queue_nolock add_echo_byte do_output_char echo_char echo_char_raw echo_set_canon_col process_echoes process_output n_tty_chars_in_buffer put_tty_queue n_tty_set_termios copy_from_read_buf check_unthrottle reset_buffer_flags n_tty_flush_buffer n_tty_write_wakeup n_tty_ioctl n_tty_write n_tty_poll n_tty_receive_buf n_tty_read n_tty_close n_tty_open tty_ioctl.c baud_table baud_bits send_prio_char set_termiox set_termios __ksymtab_n_tty_ioctl_helper __kstrtab_n_tty_ioctl_helper __ksymtab_tty_perform_flush __kstrtab_tty_perform_flush __ksymtab_tty_mode_ioctl __kstrtab_tty_mode_ioctl __ksymtab_tty_termios_hw_change __kstrtab_tty_termios_hw_change __ksymtab_tty_termios_copy_hw __kstrtab_tty_termios_copy_hw __ksymtab_tty_get_baud_rate __kstrtab_tty_get_baud_rate __ksymtab_tty_encode_baud_rate __kstrtab_tty_encode_baud_rate __ksymtab_tty_termios_encode_baud_rate __kstrtab_tty_termios_encode_baud_rate __ksymtab_tty_termios_input_baud_rate __kstrtab_tty_termios_input_baud_rate __ksymtab_tty_termios_baud_rate __kstrtab_tty_termios_baud_rate __ksymtab_tty_wait_until_sent __kstrtab_tty_wait_until_sent __ksymtab_tty_unthrottle __kstrtab_tty_unthrottle __ksymtab_tty_throttle __kstrtab_tty_throttle __ksymtab_tty_driver_flush_buffer __kstrtab_tty_driver_flush_buffer __ksymtab_tty_write_room __kstrtab_tty_write_room __ksymtab_tty_chars_in_buffer __kstrtab_tty_chars_in_buffer tty_ldisc.c tty_ldiscs_seq_start tty_ldiscs_seq_next tty_ldiscs_seq_stop tty_ldisc_assign proc_tty_ldiscs_open tty_ldiscs_seq_ops tty_ldisc_try tty_ldisc_try_get tty_ldiscs tty_ldisc_get tty_ldisc_put tty_ldiscs_seq_show tty_ldisc_wait tty_set_termios_ldisc __ksymtab_tty_ldisc_deref __kstrtab_tty_ldisc_deref __ksymtab_tty_ldisc_ref __kstrtab_tty_ldisc_ref __ksymtab_tty_ldisc_ref_wait __kstrtab_tty_ldisc_ref_wait __ksymtab_tty_unregister_ldisc __kstrtab_tty_unregister_ldisc __ksymtab_tty_register_ldisc __kstrtab_tty_register_ldisc tty_buffer.c flush_to_ldisc tty_buffer_free __tty_buffer_flush __ksymtab_tty_flip_buffer_push __kstrtab_tty_flip_buffer_push __ksymtab_tty_prepare_flip_string_flags __kstrtab_tty_prepare_flip_string_flags __ksymtab_tty_prepare_flip_string __kstrtab_tty_prepare_flip_string __ksymtab_tty_schedule_flip __kstrtab_tty_schedule_flip __ksymtab_tty_insert_flip_string_flags __kstrtab_tty_insert_flip_string_flags __ksymtab_tty_insert_flip_string __kstrtab_tty_insert_flip_string __ksymtab_tty_buffer_request_room __kstrtab_tty_buffer_request_room tty_port.c __key.17678 __ksymtab_tty_port_close_end __kstrtab_tty_port_close_end __ksymtab_tty_port_close_start __kstrtab_tty_port_close_start __ksymtab_tty_port_block_til_ready __kstrtab_tty_port_block_til_ready __ksymtab_tty_port_raise_dtr_rts __kstrtab_tty_port_raise_dtr_rts __ksymtab_tty_port_carrier_raised __kstrtab_tty_port_carrier_raised __ksymtab_tty_port_hangup __kstrtab_tty_port_hangup __ksymtab_tty_port_tty_set __kstrtab_tty_port_tty_set __ksymtab_tty_port_tty_get __kstrtab_tty_port_tty_get __ksymtab_tty_port_free_xmit_buf __kstrtab_tty_port_free_xmit_buf __ksymtab_tty_port_alloc_xmit_buf __kstrtab_tty_port_alloc_xmit_buf __ksymtab_tty_port_init __kstrtab_tty_port_init pty.c pty_write pty_write_room pty_chars_in_buffer pty_set_termios pty_unix98_remove pty_count pty_init ptm_driver pts_driver ptm_unix98_ops pty_unix98_ops pty_root_table ptmx_fops ptmx_cdev ptmx_open pts_unix98_lookup ptm_unix98_lookup pty_unix98_ioctl pty_unix98_shutdown pty_open pty_flush_buffer pty_close pty_unthrottle pty_unix98_install __initcall_pty_init6 pty_kern_table pty_table pty_limit_min pty_limit_max misc_seq_stop misc_mtx misc_seq_open misc_seq_ops misc_seq_show misc_seq_next misc_list misc_seq_start misc_init misc_proc_fops __key.18833 misc_class misc_fops misc_minors misc_open __initcall_misc_init4 __ksymtab_misc_deregister __kstrtab_misc_deregister __ksymtab_misc_register __kstrtab_misc_register vt_ioctl.c complete_change_console vt_activate_queue vc_screen.c vcs_fops __key.22743 vc_class vcs_size vcs_open vcs_lseek vcs_read vcs_write selection.c sel_start sel_end sel_pos use_unicode inwordLut sel_buffer_lth sel_buffer keyboard.c fn_caps_toggle rep kbd fn_caps_on fn_bare_num fn_compose dead_key_next k_ignore k_spec fn_handler k_ascii npadch k_lock ledstate kbd_bh ledioctl ledptrs kbd_handler kd_nosound kbd_disconnect shift_down key_down fn_null puts_queue applkey buf.22944 k_cur cur_chars.23244 put_queue k_meta to_utf8 k_shift fn_send_intr k_fn k_lowercase handle_diacr diacr k_deadunicode k_dead ret_diacr.23221 k_dead2 k_unicode k_brlcommit brl_nbchords chords.23376 committed.23377 k_brl brl_timeout committing.23392 releasestart.23393 pressed.23391 k_cons fn_lastcons fn_inc_console fn_dec_console fn_SAK fn_boot_it fn_scroll_back fn_scroll_forw fn_hold fn_show_state fn_show_mem fn_show_ptregs k_self keyboard_notifier_list kbd_connect kd_mksound_timer fn_spawn_con kbd_start fn_enter fn_num k_pad app_map.23258 pad_chars.23257 k_slock kbd_event sysrq_alt x86_keycodes sysrq_down sysrq_alt_use __param_brl_nbchords __param_str_brl_nbchords __param_brl_timeout __param_str_brl_timeout __ksymtab_kd_mksound __kstrtab_kd_mksound __ksymtab_unregister_keyboard_notifier __kstrtab_unregister_keyboard_notifier __ksymtab_register_keyboard_notifier __kstrtab_register_keyboard_notifier __ksymtab_kbd_table __kstrtab_kbd_table __ksymtab_k_handler __kstrtab_k_handler kbd_ids consolemap.c inv_translate translations con_release_unimap dflt con_insert_unipair set_inverse_trans_unicode set_inverse_transl update_user_maps con_unify_unimap __ksymtab_con_copy_unimap __kstrtab_con_copy_unimap __ksymtab_con_set_default_unimap __kstrtab_con_set_default_unimap __ksymtab_inverse_translate __kstrtab_inverse_translate consolemap_deftbl.c vt.c do_update_region build_attr update_attr insert_char add_softcursor softcursor_original clear_buffer_attributes gotoxy gotoxay csi_J default_attr save_cur vt_console_device con_write_room con_chars_in_buffer con_throttle con_close con_is_graphics con_driver_map hide_cursor set_cursor con_flush_chars scrdown scrup notify_update vt_notifier_list notify_write lf blank_screen_t console_timer blankinterval console_work blank_timer_expired scrollback_delta visual_init master_display_fg reset_terminal restore_cur set_palette set_get_cmap set_origin vc_init default_underline_color default_italic_color set_mode vtconsole_init_device registered_con_driver vtconsole_class blank_state vesa_blank_mode vesa_off_interval vc0_cdev con_ops con_unthrottle respond_string con_shutdown con_open ignore_poke do_con_write error.24993 utf8_length_changes.24996 double_width.24967 con_put_char con_write bind_con_driver con_init printable vt_console_driver vc_do_resize vt_resize store_bind show_bind old_offset.23674 old.23675 oldx.23676 oldy.23677 vtconsole_class_init __key.25972 con_stop vt_console_print console_callback __ksymtab_give_up_console __kstrtab_give_up_console __ksymtab_take_over_console __kstrtab_take_over_console __ksymtab_vc_cons __kstrtab_vc_cons __ksymtab_console_blanked __kstrtab_console_blanked __ksymtab_console_blank_hook __kstrtab_console_blank_hook __ksymtab_fg_console __kstrtab_fg_console __ksymtab_vc_resize __kstrtab_vc_resize __ksymtab_redraw_screen __kstrtab_redraw_screen __ksymtab_update_region __kstrtab_update_region __ksymtab_default_blu __kstrtab_default_blu __ksymtab_default_grn __kstrtab_default_grn __ksymtab_default_red __kstrtab_default_red __ksymtab_color_table __kstrtab_color_table __ksymtab_screen_glyph __kstrtab_screen_glyph __ksymtab_do_unblank_screen __kstrtab_do_unblank_screen __ksymtab_do_blank_screen __kstrtab_do_blank_screen __initcall_vtconsole_class_init2 __ksymtab_unregister_con_driver __kstrtab_unregister_con_driver __ksymtab_register_con_driver __kstrtab_register_con_driver __ksymtab_con_is_bound __kstrtab_con_is_bound __ksymtab_unbind_con_driver __kstrtab_unbind_con_driver __initcall_con_init __param_underline __param_str_underline __param_italic __param_str_italic __param_default_blu __param_str_default_blu __param_arr_default_blu __param_default_grn __param_str_default_grn __param_arr_default_grn __param_default_red __param_str_default_red __param_arr_default_red __ksymtab_unregister_vt_notifier __kstrtab_unregister_vt_notifier __ksymtab_register_vt_notifier __kstrtab_register_vt_notifier __param_default_utf8 __param_str_default_utf8 defkeymap.c sysrq.c sysrq_always_enabled sysrq_handle_unraw sysrq_key_table_key2index sysrq_key_table sysrq_handle_loglevel sysrq_always_enabled_setup sysrq_init proc_sysrq_trigger_operations sysrq_handle_showstate_blocked sysrq_handle_showstate sysrq_handle_mountro sysrq_handle_sync sysrq_handle_show_timers sysrq_handle_showregs sysrq_handle_unrt sysrq_handle_showmem sysrq_handle_moom moom_work sysrq_handle_SAK send_sig_all sysrq_handle_kill sysrq_handle_term moom_callback sysrq_handle_reboot __sysrq_swap_key_ops write_sysrq_trigger __initcall_sysrq_init6 __ksymtab_unregister_sysrq_key __kstrtab_unregister_sysrq_key __ksymtab_register_sysrq_key __kstrtab_register_sysrq_key __ksymtab_handle_sysrq __kstrtab_handle_sysrq __setup_sysrq_always_enabled_setup __setup_str_sysrq_always_enabled_setup sysrq_loglevel_op sysrq_reboot_op sysrq_term_op sysrq_moom_op sysrq_kill_op sysrq_SAK_op sysrq_showmem_op sysrq_unrt_op sysrq_showregs_op sysrq_show_timers_op sysrq_unraw_op sysrq_sync_op sysrq_showstate_op sysrq_mountro_op sysrq_showstate_blocked_op nvram.c nvram_llseek nvram_proc_open nvram_proc_read nvram_init nvram_dev nvram_proc_fops nvram_cleanup_module __nvram_set_checksum floppy_types gfx_types nvram_read nvram_write nvram_ioctl nvram_open nvram_open_cnt nvram_open_mode nvram_release __initcall_nvram_init6 __ksymtab_nvram_check_checksum __kstrtab_nvram_check_checksum __ksymtab___nvram_check_checksum __kstrtab___nvram_check_checksum __ksymtab_nvram_write_byte __kstrtab_nvram_write_byte __ksymtab___nvram_write_byte __kstrtab___nvram_write_byte __ksymtab_nvram_read_byte __kstrtab_nvram_read_byte __ksymtab___nvram_read_byte __kstrtab___nvram_read_byte nvram_fops rng_dev_open rng_dev_read rng_mutex current_rng hwrng_attr_current_show hwrng_attr_available_show rng_list rng_miscdev dev_attr_rng_available dev_attr_rng_current hwrng_attr_current_store __ksymtab_hwrng_unregister __kstrtab_hwrng_unregister __ksymtab_hwrng_register __kstrtab_hwrng_register rng_chrdev_ops intel-rng.c mod_init pci_tbl no_fwh_detect warning.15688 intel_rng intel_rng_hw_init mod_exit intel_rng_data_present intel_rng_data_read intel_rng_cleanup intel_rng_init __initcall_mod_init6 __param_no_fwh_detect __param_str_no_fwh_detect amd-rng.c amd_rng_data_read amd_rng_cleanup amd_pdev amd_rng amd_rng_data_present amd_rng_init geode-rng.c geode_rng_data_present geode_rng geode_rng_data_read via-rng.c via_rng_data_read via_rng via_rng_data_present via_rng_init goldfish_tty.c goldfish_tty_write_room goldfish_tty_chars_in_buffer goldfish_ttys goldfish_tty_console_device goldfish_tty_driver goldfish_tty_console_setup goldfish_tty_init goldfish_tty_platform_driver goldfish_tty_do_write goldfish_tty_console_write goldfish_tty_write goldfish_tty_delete_driver goldfish_tty_probe goldfish_tty_lock goldfish_tty_current_line_count goldfish_tty_ops goldfish_tty_interrupt goldfish_tty_remove goldfish_tty_exit goldfish_tty_open goldfish_tty_close __initcall_goldfish_tty_init6 backend.c agp_exit agp_setup agp_init agp_backend_cleanup maxes_table agp_current_version __initcall_agp_init6 __setup_agp_setup __setup_str_agp_setup __ksymtab_agp_try_unsupported_boot __kstrtab_agp_try_unsupported_boot __ksymtab_agp_off __kstrtab_agp_off __ksymtab_agp_remove_bridge __kstrtab_agp_remove_bridge __ksymtab_agp_add_bridge __kstrtab_agp_add_bridge __ksymtab_agp_put_bridge __kstrtab_agp_put_bridge __ksymtab_agp_alloc_bridge __kstrtab_agp_alloc_bridge __ksymtab_agp_backend_release __kstrtab_agp_backend_release __ksymtab_agp_backend_acquire __kstrtab_agp_backend_acquire __ksymtab_agp_find_bridge __kstrtab_agp_find_bridge __ksymtab_agp_bridges __kstrtab_agp_bridges __ksymtab_agp_bridge __kstrtab_agp_bridge frontend.c agp_find_client_in_controller agp_read agp_write agp_miscdev agp_remove_seg_from_client agp_controller_release_current agp_controller_make_current __key.23645 agp_release agp_mmap agp_open agp_ioctl agp_fops agp_get_key __ksymtab_agp3_generic_sizes __kstrtab_agp3_generic_sizes __ksymtab_agp3_generic_cleanup __kstrtab_agp3_generic_cleanup __ksymtab_agp3_generic_configure __kstrtab_agp3_generic_configure __ksymtab_agp3_generic_tlbflush __kstrtab_agp3_generic_tlbflush __ksymtab_agp3_generic_fetch_size __kstrtab_agp3_generic_fetch_size __ksymtab_agp_generic_type_to_mask_type __kstrtab_agp_generic_type_to_mask_type __ksymtab_agp_generic_mask_memory __kstrtab_agp_generic_mask_memory __ksymtab_global_cache_flush __kstrtab_global_cache_flush __ksymtab_agp_enable __kstrtab_agp_enable __ksymtab_agp_generic_destroy_page __kstrtab_agp_generic_destroy_page __ksymtab_agp_generic_destroy_pages __kstrtab_agp_generic_destroy_pages __ksymtab_agp_generic_alloc_page __kstrtab_agp_generic_alloc_page __ksymtab_agp_generic_alloc_pages __kstrtab_agp_generic_alloc_pages __ksymtab_agp_generic_alloc_user __kstrtab_agp_generic_alloc_user __ksymtab_agp_generic_free_by_type __kstrtab_agp_generic_free_by_type __ksymtab_agp_generic_alloc_by_type __kstrtab_agp_generic_alloc_by_type __ksymtab_agp_generic_remove_memory __kstrtab_agp_generic_remove_memory __ksymtab_agp_generic_insert_memory __kstrtab_agp_generic_insert_memory __ksymtab_agp_generic_free_gatt_table __kstrtab_agp_generic_free_gatt_table __ksymtab_agp_generic_create_gatt_table __kstrtab_agp_generic_create_gatt_table __ksymtab_agp_generic_enable __kstrtab_agp_generic_enable __ksymtab_get_agp_version __kstrtab_get_agp_version __ksymtab_agp_device_command __kstrtab_agp_device_command __ksymtab_agp_collect_device_status __kstrtab_agp_collect_device_status __ksymtab_agp_rebind_memory __kstrtab_agp_rebind_memory __ksymtab_agp_unbind_memory __kstrtab_agp_unbind_memory __ksymtab_agp_bind_memory __kstrtab_agp_bind_memory 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__func__.27586 drm_vm_shm_fault __func__.27640 drm_vm_close __func__.27846 drm_dma_prot __func__.27816 __func__.27921 __func__.27876 drm_vm_dma_ops drm_vm_ops drm_vm_shm_ops drm_vm_sg_ops drm_vm_open drm_vm_shm_close __func__.27663 __ksymtab_drm_mmap __kstrtab_drm_mmap __ksymtab_drm_core_get_reg_ofs __kstrtab_drm_core_get_reg_ofs __ksymtab_drm_core_get_map_ofs __kstrtab_drm_core_get_map_ofs drm_agpsupport.c drm_agp_lookup_entry __func__.27837 __func__.27729 __ksymtab_drm_agp_chipset_flush __kstrtab_drm_agp_chipset_flush __ksymtab_drm_agp_bind_pages __kstrtab_drm_agp_bind_pages __ksymtab_drm_agp_free __kstrtab_drm_agp_free __ksymtab_drm_agp_bind __kstrtab_drm_agp_bind __ksymtab_drm_agp_unbind __kstrtab_drm_agp_unbind __ksymtab_drm_agp_alloc __kstrtab_drm_agp_alloc __ksymtab_drm_agp_enable __kstrtab_drm_agp_enable __ksymtab_drm_agp_release __kstrtab_drm_agp_release __ksymtab_drm_agp_acquire __kstrtab_drm_agp_acquire __ksymtab_drm_agp_info __kstrtab_drm_agp_info drm_scatter.c __func__.27567 __ksymtab_drm_sg_alloc __kstrtab_drm_sg_alloc ati_pcigart.c __func__.27597 __ksymtab_drm_ati_pcigart_init __kstrtab_drm_ati_pcigart_init __ksymtab_drm_ati_pcigart_cleanup __kstrtab_drm_ati_pcigart_cleanup drm_pci.c __func__.27545 __ksymtab_drm_pci_free __kstrtab_drm_pci_free __ksymtab_drm_pci_alloc __kstrtab_drm_pci_alloc drm_sysfs.c drm_sysfs_suspend drm_sysfs_resume drm_sysfs_device_release modes_show enabled_show show_dri __func__.27885 __func__.27874 __func__.27854 connector_attrs edid_attr edid_show dpms_show status_show __func__.27805 connector_attrs_opt1 select_subconnector_show __func__.27782 subconnector_show __func__.27751 class_attr_version version_show __key.27578 __ksymtab_drm_sysfs_connector_remove __kstrtab_drm_sysfs_connector_remove __ksymtab_drm_sysfs_connector_add __kstrtab_drm_sysfs_connector_add drm_hashtab.c drm_ht_find_key __func__.27675 __func__.27566 __func__.27595 __ksymtab_drm_ht_remove_item __kstrtab_drm_ht_remove_item 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i915_gem_object_free_page_list i915_gem_object_get_page_list __func__.30112 i915_gem_object_flush_cpu_write_domain __func__.31435 i915_gem_cleanup_hws i915_gem_object_move_to_inactive i915_gem_flush __func__.29967 i915_gem_object_move_to_active i915_add_request __func__.29764 i915_gem_object_flush_gpu_write_domain i915_wait_request __func__.29936 i915_gem_object_wait_rendering i915_gem_object_set_to_cpu_domain __func__.31012 i915_gem_object_get_fence_reg __func__.30180 __func__.30248 __func__.30021 __func__.31081 __func__.31060 __func__.31311 i915_gem_evict_something __func__.30063 i915_gem_object_bind_to_gtt __func__.30421 __func__.30909 __func__.31153 __func__.31200 __func__.31271 __func__.31477 __func__.29585 __func__.30813 __func__.30651 __func__.30729 __func__.29824 __func__.30971 __func__.30994 i915_gem_debug.c i915_gem_proc.c i915_gem_proc_list i915_hws_info i915_gem_request_info i915_gem_seqno_info __func__.28870 i915_gem_active_info i915_gem_flushing_info i915_gem_inactive_info i915_interrupt_info i915_gem_tiling.c __func__.28750 __func__.28557 intel_display.c intel_clock intel_limit intel_limits intel_crtc_prepare intel_crtc_commit intel_crtc_mode_fixup intel_crtc_gamma_set intel_pipe_set_base __func__.29031 intel_crtc_destroy intel_mode_funcs __func__.30221 intel_crtc_funcs intel_helper_funcs intel_fb_funcs __func__.30196 intel_user_framebuffer_create intel_user_framebuffer_create_handle load_detect_mode __func__.29833 intel_crtc_dpms __func__.29127 intel_crtc_mode_set intel_crtc_cursor_move intel_crtc_cursor_set __func__.29641 intel_user_framebuffer_destroy intel_crt.c intel_crt_dpms intel_crt_mode_valid intel_crt_mode_fixup intel_crt_set_property intel_crt_get_modes intel_crt_enc_destroy intel_crt_destroy intel_crt_detect intel_crt_connector_funcs intel_crt_enc_funcs intel_crt_helper_funcs intel_crt_connector_helper_funcs intel_crt_mode_set intel_lvds.c intel_lvds_set_backlight intel_lvds_get_max_backlight intel_lvds_set_power intel_lvds_dpms intel_lvds_mode_valid intel_lvds_commit intel_lvds_mode_set intel_lvds_detect intel_lvds_set_property intel_lvds_get_modes intel_lvds_enc_destroy intel_lvds_destroy __func__.29193 intel_lvds_connector_funcs intel_lvds_enc_funcs intel_lvds_helper_funcs intel_lvds_connector_helper_funcs intel_lvds_mode_fixup intel_lvds_save intel_lvds_prepare intel_lvds_restore intel_bios.c find_section __func__.28673 __func__.28577 intel_hdmi.c intel_hdmi_mode_valid intel_hdmi_mode_fixup intel_hdmi_enc_destroy intel_hdmi_get_modes intel_hdmi_destroy intel_hdmi_connector_funcs intel_hdmi_connector_helper_funcs intel_hdmi_enc_funcs intel_hdmi_helper_funcs intel_hdmi_save intel_hdmi_mode_set intel_hdmi_dpms intel_hdmi_restore intel_hdmi_detect intel_sdvo.c intel_sdvo_write_sdvox intel_sdvo_get_dtd_from_mode intel_sdvo_mode_valid intel_sdvo_write_byte intel_sdvo_write_cmd intel_sdvo_read_byte __func__.29083 intel_sdvo_read_response intel_sdvo_detect __func__.29991 __func__.29966 intel_sdvo_set_clock_rate_mult intel_sdvo_set_timing intel_sdvo_set_output_timing intel_sdvo_set_input_timing intel_sdvo_get_timing intel_sdvo_get_input_timing intel_sdvo_set_target_output intel_sdvo_set_active_outputs intel_sdvo_get_trained_inputs intel_sdvo_set_target_input intel_sdvo_save __func__.29321 intel_sdvo_restore __func__.29872 intel_sdvo_enc_destroy intel_sdvo_get_modes __func__.30018 intel_sdvo_destroy intel_sdvo_connector_funcs intel_sdvo_connector_helper_funcs __func__.30120 intel_sdvo_enc_funcs intel_sdvo_helper_funcs intel_sdvo_dpms __func__.29789 intel_sdvo_mode_fixup intel_sdvo_mode_set intel_modes.c intel_i2c.c get_data set_data set_clock get_clock intel_fb.c intelfb_off intelfb_blank paniced kernelfb_mode intelfb_check_var __func__.29622 intelfb_pan_display intelfb_set_par __func__.29656 intelfb_create __func__.29929 intelfb_ops __func__.30244 __func__.30131 sysrq_intelfb_restore_op intelfb_sysrq intelfb_panic __func__.29906 intelfb_setcolreg __ksymtab_intelfb_remove __kstrtab_intelfb_remove __ksymtab_intelfb_probe __kstrtab_intelfb_probe __ksymtab_intelfb_resize __kstrtab_intelfb_resize intel_tv.c intel_tv_mode_find tv_modes intel_tv_mode_fixup intel_tv_mode_valid intel_tv_mode_set hdtv_csc_yprpb sdtv_csc_yprpb component_levels intel_tv_enc_destroy intel_tv_destroy intel_tv_set_property intel_tv_detect_type __func__.29660 intel_tv_detect intel_tv_save intel_tv_dpms intel_tv_restore intel_tv_connector_funcs intel_tv_enc_funcs intel_tv_helper_funcs intel_tv_connector_helper_funcs intel_tv_get_modes input_res_table ntsc_m_levels_composite ntsc_m_levels_svideo ntsc_m_csc_composite ntsc_m_csc_svideo filter_table ntsc_j_levels_composite ntsc_j_levels_svideo ntsc_j_csc_composite ntsc_j_csc_svideo pal_m_levels_composite pal_m_levels_svideo pal_m_csc_composite pal_m_csc_svideo pal_n_levels_composite pal_n_levels_svideo pal_n_csc_composite pal_n_csc_svideo pal_levels_composite pal_levels_svideo pal_csc_composite pal_csc_svideo intel_dvo.c intel_dvo_mode_valid intel_dvo_detect intel_dvo_mode_fixup intel_dvo_enc_destroy intel_dvo_get_modes intel_dvo_destroy intel_dvo_devices intel_dvo_connector_funcs intel_dvo_connector_helper_funcs intel_dvo_enc_funcs intel_dvo_helper_funcs intel_dvo_save intel_dvo_dpms intel_dvo_restore intel_dvo_mode_set dvo_ch7xxx.c ch7xxx_mode_valid ch7xxx_dump_regs __func__.27964 ch7xxx_destroy ch7xxx_writeb __func__.27871 ch7xxx_restore ch7xxx_dpms ch7xxx_readb __func__.27848 ch7xxx_save ch7xxx_mode_set ch7xxx_detect ch7xxx_init ch7xxx_ids __func__.27893 dvo_ch7017.c ch7017_detect ch7017_mode_valid ch7017_write ch7017_read ch7017_save ch7017_dump_regs __func__.27936 ch7017_destroy ch7017_dpms ch7017_restore ch7017_mode_set __func__.27899 ch7017_init __func__.27860 dvo_ivch.c ivch_detect ivch_mode_valid ivch_write __func__.27855 ivch_restore ivch_read __func__.27825 ivch_save ivch_dump_regs __func__.27961 ivch_mode_set ivch_destroy ivch_dpms ivch_init __func__.27878 dvo_tfp410.c tfp410_mode_valid tfp410_mode_set tfp410_writeb __func__.27847 tfp410_restore tfp410_readb __func__.27824 tfp410_save tfp410_dump_regs __func__.27931 tfp410_dpms tfp410_detect tfp410_getid tfp410_destroy tfp410_init __func__.27882 dvo_sil164.c sil164_mode_valid sil164_mode_set sil164_writeb sil164_restore sil164_readb sil164_save sil164_dump_regs __func__.27917 sil164_dpms sil164_detect sil164_destroy sil164_init __func__.27868 i915_opregion.c intel_opregion_video_event system_opregion intel_opregion_notifier __func__.30958 __func__.30877 cn_queue.c cn_queue_free_callback connector.c cn_proc_open cn_proc_show cn_callback notify_lock notify_list cn_rx_skb cdev cn_notify cn_fini cn_already_initialized cn_init cn_idx cn_val cn_file_ops __initcall_cn_init4 __ksymtab_cn_del_callback __kstrtab_cn_del_callback __ksymtab_cn_add_callback __kstrtab_cn_add_callback __ksymtab_cn_netlink_send __kstrtab_cn_netlink_send __param_cn_val __param_str_cn_val __param_cn_idx __param_str_cn_idx cn_proc.c cn_proc_init cn_proc_mcast_ctl cn_proc_event_id proc_event_num_listeners per_cpu__proc_event_counts __initcall_cn_proc_init6 dev_attr_store dev_uevent_filter device_ktype dev_uevent_name __match_devt dev_kobj klist_children_put cleanup_glue_dir cleanup_device_parent klist_children_get get_device_parent virtual_dir.14368 device_remove_class_symlinks device_move_class_links device_create_release root_device_release device_uevent_ops dev_uevent dev_attr_show next_device device_remove_sys_dev_entry show_dev device_remove_groups device_add_groups device_remove_attributes device_remove_attrs devt_attr uevent_attr device_release store_uevent show_uevent __ksymtab_device_move __kstrtab_device_move __ksymtab_device_rename __kstrtab_device_rename __ksymtab_device_destroy __kstrtab_device_destroy __ksymtab_device_create __kstrtab_device_create __ksymtab_device_create_vargs __kstrtab_device_create_vargs __ksymtab_root_device_unregister __kstrtab_root_device_unregister __ksymtab___root_device_register __kstrtab___root_device_register __ksymtab_device_remove_file __kstrtab_device_remove_file __ksymtab_device_create_file __kstrtab_device_create_file __ksymtab_put_device __kstrtab_put_device __ksymtab_get_device __kstrtab_get_device __ksymtab_device_unregister __kstrtab_device_unregister __ksymtab_device_del __kstrtab_device_del __ksymtab_device_register __kstrtab_device_register __ksymtab_device_add __kstrtab_device_add __ksymtab_device_initialize __kstrtab_device_initialize __ksymtab_device_find_child __kstrtab_device_find_child __ksymtab_device_for_each_child __kstrtab_device_for_each_child __ksymtab_dev_set_name __kstrtab_dev_set_name __ksymtab_device_schedule_callback_owner __kstrtab_device_schedule_callback_owner __ksymtab_device_remove_bin_file __kstrtab_device_remove_bin_file __ksymtab_device_create_bin_file __kstrtab_device_create_bin_file __ksymtab_dev_driver_string __kstrtab_dev_driver_string dev_sysfs_ops sysdev_show sysdev_store sysdev_class_show sysdev_class_store __sysdev_resume system_kset ktype_sysdev_class sysdev_drivers_lock __func__.10275 ktype_sysdev __ksymtab_sysdev_show_int __kstrtab_sysdev_show_int __ksymtab_sysdev_store_int __kstrtab_sysdev_store_int __ksymtab_sysdev_show_ulong __kstrtab_sysdev_show_ulong __ksymtab_sysdev_store_ulong __kstrtab_sysdev_store_ulong __ksymtab_sysdev_unregister __kstrtab_sysdev_unregister __ksymtab_sysdev_register __kstrtab_sysdev_register __ksymtab_sysdev_resume __kstrtab_sysdev_resume __ksymtab_sysdev_suspend __kstrtab_sysdev_suspend __ksymtab_sysdev_driver_unregister __kstrtab_sysdev_driver_unregister __ksymtab_sysdev_driver_register __kstrtab_sysdev_driver_register __ksymtab_sysdev_class_unregister __kstrtab_sysdev_class_unregister __ksymtab_sysdev_class_register __kstrtab_sysdev_class_register __ksymtab_sysdev_class_remove_file __kstrtab_sysdev_class_remove_file __ksymtab_sysdev_class_create_file __kstrtab_sysdev_class_create_file __ksymtab_sysdev_remove_file __kstrtab_sysdev_remove_file __ksymtab_sysdev_create_file __kstrtab_sysdev_create_file sysfs_class_ops drv_attr_show drv_attr_store bus_attr_show bus_attr_store bus_uevent_filter bus_ktype store_drivers_autoprobe bus_uevent_ops bus_kset driver_release bus_uevent_store driver_uevent_store bus_rescan_devices_helper show_drivers_autoprobe klist_devices_put klist_devices_get bus_put driver_attr_bind driver_attr_unbind driver_attr_uevent bus_get match_name store_drivers_probe driver_bind driver_unbind remove_probe_files bus_attr_drivers_autoprobe bus_attr_drivers_probe bus_attr_uevent __key.10650 driver_ktype __func__.10522 __ksymtab_bus_sort_breadthfirst __kstrtab_bus_sort_breadthfirst __ksymtab_bus_get_device_klist __kstrtab_bus_get_device_klist __ksymtab_bus_get_kset __kstrtab_bus_get_kset __ksymtab_bus_unregister_notifier __kstrtab_bus_unregister_notifier __ksymtab_bus_register_notifier __kstrtab_bus_register_notifier __ksymtab_bus_unregister __kstrtab_bus_unregister __ksymtab_bus_register __kstrtab_bus_register __ksymtab_device_reprobe __kstrtab_device_reprobe __ksymtab_bus_rescan_devices __kstrtab_bus_rescan_devices __ksymtab_bus_for_each_drv __kstrtab_bus_for_each_drv __ksymtab_bus_find_device_by_name __kstrtab_bus_find_device_by_name __ksymtab_bus_find_device __kstrtab_bus_find_device __ksymtab_bus_for_each_dev __kstrtab_bus_for_each_dev __ksymtab_bus_remove_file __kstrtab_bus_remove_file __ksymtab_bus_create_file __kstrtab_bus_create_file bus_sysfs_ops driver_sysfs_ops dd.c probe_count driver_sysfs_remove __device_release_driver __driver_attach driver_sysfs_add driver_bound __func__.14170 __func__.14222 probe_waitqueue __device_attach __ksymtab_device_release_driver __kstrtab_device_release_driver __ksymtab_driver_attach __kstrtab_driver_attach __ksymtab_device_attach __kstrtab_device_attach __ksymtab_device_bind_driver __kstrtab_device_bind_driver __ksymtab_driver_find __kstrtab_driver_find __ksymtab_driver_unregister __kstrtab_driver_unregister __ksymtab_driver_register __kstrtab_driver_register __ksymtab_put_driver __kstrtab_put_driver __ksymtab_get_driver __kstrtab_get_driver __ksymtab_driver_add_kobj __kstrtab_driver_add_kobj __ksymtab_driver_remove_file __kstrtab_driver_remove_file __ksymtab_driver_create_file __kstrtab_driver_create_file __ksymtab_driver_find_device __kstrtab_driver_find_device __ksymtab_driver_for_each_device __kstrtab_driver_for_each_device class.c class_attr_show class_attr_store class_release class_kset class_put class_get klist_class_dev_get __func__.14190 __func__.14164 class_create_release klist_class_dev_put class_ktype __ksymtab_class_interface_unregister __kstrtab_class_interface_unregister __ksymtab_class_interface_register __kstrtab_class_interface_register __ksymtab_class_destroy __kstrtab_class_destroy __ksymtab_class_unregister __kstrtab_class_unregister __ksymtab_class_remove_file __kstrtab_class_remove_file __ksymtab_class_create_file __kstrtab_class_create_file __ksymtab_class_find_device __kstrtab_class_find_device __ksymtab_class_for_each_device __kstrtab_class_for_each_device __ksymtab_class_dev_iter_exit __kstrtab_class_dev_iter_exit __ksymtab_class_dev_iter_next __kstrtab_class_dev_iter_next __ksymtab_class_dev_iter_init __kstrtab_class_dev_iter_init __ksymtab___class_create __kstrtab___class_create __ksymtab___class_register __kstrtab___class_register class_sysfs_ops platform.c platform_drv_probe platform_drv_probe_fail platform_drv_remove platform_drv_shutdown platform_drv_suspend platform_drv_resume platform_pm_prepare platform_pm_complete platform_pm_suspend platform_pm_suspend_noirq platform_pm_resume platform_pm_resume_noirq platform_uevent platform_match platform_device_release platform_dev_attrs platform_dev_pm_ops __ksymtab_dma_get_required_mask __kstrtab_dma_get_required_mask __ksymtab_platform_bus_type __kstrtab_platform_bus_type __ksymtab_platform_driver_probe __kstrtab_platform_driver_probe __ksymtab_platform_driver_unregister __kstrtab_platform_driver_unregister __ksymtab_platform_driver_register __kstrtab_platform_driver_register __ksymtab_platform_device_register_simple __kstrtab_platform_device_register_simple __ksymtab_platform_device_unregister __kstrtab_platform_device_unregister __ksymtab_platform_device_register __kstrtab_platform_device_register __ksymtab_platform_device_del __kstrtab_platform_device_del __ksymtab_platform_device_add __kstrtab_platform_device_add __ksymtab_platform_device_add_data __kstrtab_platform_device_add_data __ksymtab_platform_device_add_resources __kstrtab_platform_device_add_resources __ksymtab_platform_device_alloc __kstrtab_platform_device_alloc __ksymtab_platform_device_put __kstrtab_platform_device_put __ksymtab_platform_add_devices __kstrtab_platform_add_devices __ksymtab_platform_get_irq_byname __kstrtab_platform_get_irq_byname __ksymtab_platform_get_resource_byname __kstrtab_platform_get_resource_byname __ksymtab_platform_get_irq __kstrtab_platform_get_irq __ksymtab_platform_get_resource __kstrtab_platform_get_resource __ksymtab_platform_bus __kstrtab_platform_bus per_cpu__cpu_sys_devices cpu_state_attr print_cpus_kernel_max print_cpus_map print_cpus_present print_cpus_possible print_cpus_online print_cpus_offline __ksymtab_get_cpu_sysdev __kstrtab_get_cpu_sysdev __ksymtab_cpu_sysdev_class __kstrtab_cpu_sysdev_class attr_online_map attr_possible_map attr_present_map attr_kernel_max attr_offline firmware.c __ksymtab_firmware_kobj __kstrtab_firmware_kobj init.c map.c group_open_release group_close_release node_to_group find_dr find_group devm_kzalloc_release devm_kzalloc_match add_dr release_nodes __ksymtab_devm_kfree __kstrtab_devm_kfree __ksymtab_devm_kzalloc __kstrtab_devm_kzalloc __ksymtab_devres_release_group __kstrtab_devres_release_group __ksymtab_devres_remove_group __kstrtab_devres_remove_group __ksymtab_devres_close_group __kstrtab_devres_close_group __ksymtab_devres_open_group __kstrtab_devres_open_group __ksymtab_devres_destroy __kstrtab_devres_destroy __ksymtab_devres_remove __kstrtab_devres_remove __ksymtab_devres_get __kstrtab_devres_get __ksymtab_devres_find __kstrtab_devres_find __ksymtab_devres_add __kstrtab_devres_add __ksymtab_devres_free __kstrtab_devres_free __ksymtab_devres_alloc __kstrtab_devres_alloc attribute_container.c attribute_container_mutex attribute_container_list internal_container_klist_get attribute_container_release internal_container_klist_put __ksymtab_attribute_container_find_class_device __kstrtab_attribute_container_find_class_device __ksymtab_attribute_container_unregister __kstrtab_attribute_container_unregister __ksymtab_attribute_container_register __kstrtab_attribute_container_register __ksymtab_attribute_container_classdev_to_container __kstrtab_attribute_container_classdev_to_container transport_class.c anon_transport_dummy_function transport_setup_classdev transport_configure transport_destroy_classdev transport_remove_classdev transport_add_class_device __key.10093 __ksymtab_transport_destroy_device __kstrtab_transport_destroy_device __ksymtab_transport_remove_device __kstrtab_transport_remove_device __ksymtab_transport_configure_device __kstrtab_transport_configure_device __ksymtab_transport_add_device __kstrtab_transport_add_device __ksymtab_transport_setup_device __kstrtab_transport_setup_device __ksymtab_anon_transport_class_unregister __kstrtab_anon_transport_class_unregister __ksymtab_anon_transport_class_register __kstrtab_anon_transport_class_register __ksymtab_transport_class_unregister __kstrtab_transport_class_unregister __ksymtab_transport_class_register __kstrtab_transport_class_register sysfs.c pm_attr_group wake_show wake_store power_attrs dev_attr_wakeup pm_noirq_op __func__.10160 pm_op __func__.10143 dpm_drv_timeout pm_dev_err dpm_power_up __func__.10356 dpm_list_mtx transition_started __func__.10433 dpm_drv_wd __func__.10393 __ksymtab___suspend_report_result __kstrtab___suspend_report_result __ksymtab_device_suspend __kstrtab_device_suspend __ksymtab_device_power_down __kstrtab_device_power_down __ksymtab_device_resume __kstrtab_device_resume __ksymtab_device_power_up __kstrtab_device_power_up dma-mapping.c dmam_coherent_decl_release dmam_match dmam_noncoherent_release dmam_coherent_release __ksymtab_dmam_release_declared_memory __kstrtab_dmam_release_declared_memory __ksymtab_dmam_declare_coherent_memory __kstrtab_dmam_declare_coherent_memory __ksymtab_dmam_free_noncoherent __kstrtab_dmam_free_noncoherent __ksymtab_dmam_alloc_noncoherent __kstrtab_dmam_alloc_noncoherent __ksymtab_dmam_free_coherent __kstrtab_dmam_free_coherent __ksymtab_dmam_alloc_coherent __kstrtab_dmam_alloc_coherent firmware_class.c firmware_class_exit firmware_class firmware_class_init __key.15498 __func__.15500 class_attr_timeout firmware_timeout_store loading_timeout firmware_timeout_show fw_dev_release fw_load_abort firmware_class_timeout _request_firmware __func__.15383 __func__.15328 firmware_attr_data_tmpl __func__.15358 dev_attr_loading fw_lock request_firmware_work_func firmware_uevent firmware_loading_show firmware_loading_store __func__.15208 firmware_data_read firmware_data_write __func__.15255 __ksymtab_request_firmware_nowait __kstrtab_request_firmware_nowait __ksymtab_request_firmware __kstrtab_request_firmware __ksymtab_release_firmware __kstrtab_release_firmware __initcall_firmware_class_init5 make_driver_name brd.c ramdisk_size ramdisk_size2 brd_free_pages brd_ioctl brd_alloc brd_make_request part_shift brd_fops brd_lookup_page brd_insert_page brd_free brd_init max_part rd_nr brd_devices brd_probe brd_devices_mutex brd_exit __initcall_brd_init6 __setup_ramdisk_size2 __setup_str_ramdisk_size2 __setup_ramdisk_size __setup_str_ramdisk_size __param_max_part __param_str_max_part __param_rd_size __param_str_rd_size __param_rd_nr __param_str_rd_nr loop.c loop_unplug xfer_funcs lo_open loop_release_xfer __do_lo_send_write lo_splice_actor xor_init get_loop_size do_lo_send_direct_write lo_direct_splice_actor loop_make_request loop_switch loop_clr_fd lo_release loop_set_status none_funcs loop_get_status lo_ioctl transfer_none loop_thread loop_alloc __key.27261 lo_fops loop_free loop_init max_loop loop_devices loop_probe loop_devices_mutex max_loop_setup loop_exit do_lo_send_aops do_lo_send_write transfer_xor __setup_max_loop_setup __setup_str_max_loop_setup __initcall_loop_init6 __ksymtab_loop_unregister_transfer __kstrtab_loop_unregister_transfer __ksymtab_loop_register_transfer __kstrtab_loop_register_transfer __param_max_loop __param_str_max_loop xor_funcs goldfish_audio.c goldfish_audio_ioctl goldfish_audio_init goldfish_audio_driver goldfish_audio_remove goldfish_audio_device audio_data goldfish_audio_exit goldfish_audio_interrupt goldfish_audio_open open_count goldfish_audio_release goldfish_audio_read goldfish_audio_write goldfish_audio_probe __initcall_goldfish_audio_init6 goldfish_audio_fops qemu_pipe.c qemu_pipe_dev_init qemu_pipe qemu_pipe_remove qemu_pipe_device pipe_dev qemu_pipe_read_write qemu_pipe_write qemu_pipe_read qemu_pipe_probe qemu_pipe_interrupt qemu_pipe_dev_exit qemu_pipe_release qemu_pipe_poll qemu_pipe_open __key.19463 __initcall_qemu_pipe_dev_init6 qemu_pipe_fops e1000_main.c e1000_irq_disable e1000_release_hw_control e1000_get_hw_control e1000_init_manageability e1000_release_manageability e1000_check_64k_bound e1000_setup_rctl e1000_configure_rx e1000_clean_rx_irq e1000_alloc_rx_buffers __func__.42420 e1000_init_module e1000_driver_string e1000_copyright e1000_driver copybreak e1000_request_irq e1000_intr __func__.38990 e1000_update_itr e1000_maybe_stop_tx e1000_clean_rx_ring e1000_clean_all_rx_rings e1000_free_irq e1000_vlan_rx_kill_vid e1000_vlan_rx_add_vid e1000_update_mng_vlan e1000_vlan_rx_register e1000_power_down_phy e1000_unmap_and_free_tx_resource e1000_clean_tx_ring e1000_update_phy_info e1000_exit_module e1000_enter_82542_rst __func__.42273 e1000_leave_82542_rst e1000_set_rx_mode e1000_configure e1000_io_resume e1000_free_rx_resources e1000_free_tx_resources __func__.39828 __func__.39873 __func__.39693 __func__.39736 __func__.39256 e1000_suspend e1000_shutdown e1000_ioctl e1000_reset_task e1000_remove e1000_close e1000_set_mac e1000_tx_timeout e1000_get_stats e1000_intr_msi e1000_netpoll e1000_io_slot_reset e1000_change_mtu __func__.41159 e1000_resume e1000_io_error_detected e1000_probe e1000_netdev_ops e1000_clean cards_found.39381 __func__.39577 __func__.39400 e1000_82547_tx_fifo_stall e1000_watchdog global_quad_port_a.39382 __func__.40307 e1000_xmit_frame __func__.40950 __func__.40601 __func__.42047 e1000_open __func__.41745 __initcall_e1000_init_module6 __param_copybreak __param_str_copybreak e1000_pci_tbl e1000_err_handler e1000_hw.c e1000_is_onboard_nvm_eeprom e1000_put_hw_eeprom_semaphore e1000_release_software_flag e1000_ich8_flash_cycle e1000_ich8_cycle_init e1000_erase_ich8_4k_segment e1000_write_ich8_byte e1000_verify_write_ich8_byte e1000_read_ich8_data e1000_read_ich8_byte e1000_get_software_flag e1000_get_hw_eeprom_semaphore e1000_swfw_sync_release e1000_mng_enable_host_if e1000_commit_shadow_ram e1000_poll_eerd_eewr_done e1000_swfw_sync_acquire e1000_acquire_eeprom e1000_write_kmrn_reg e1000_lower_mdi_clk e1000_raise_mdi_clk e1000_shift_out_mdi_bits e1000_write_phy_reg_ex e1000_polarity_reversal_workaround e1000_check_polarity e1000_get_cable_length e1000_igp_cable_length_table e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table e1000_config_mac_to_phy e1000_phy_init_script e1000_release_eeprom e1000_standby_eeprom e1000_lower_ee_clk e1000_raise_ee_clk e1000_shift_in_ee_bits e1000_shift_out_ee_bits e1000_spi_eeprom_ready e1000_config_dsp_after_link_change e1000_config_fc_after_link_up e1000_setup_copper_link e1000_ethtool.c e1000_get_tx_csum e1000_get_regs_len e1000_get_eeprom_len e1000_get_sset_count e1000_wol_exclusion e1000_ethtool_ops e1000_get_ethtool_stats e1000_gstrings_stats e1000_phy_disable_receiver e1000_led_blink_callback reg_set_and_check __func__.38979 reg_pattern_test test.38945 __func__.38949 e1000_phy_reset_clk_and_crs e1000_set_phy_loopback e1000_free_desc_rings e1000_loopback_test __func__.39545 e1000_link_test e1000_get_strings e1000_gstrings_test e1000_get_settings e1000_get_pauseparam e1000_get_rx_csum e1000_set_tx_csum e1000_set_tso __func__.38521 e1000_get_msglevel e1000_set_msglevel e1000_get_regs e1000_set_eeprom e1000_get_ringparam e1000_test_intr e1000_get_wol __func__.39668 e1000_set_wol __func__.39704 e1000_phys_id e1000_nway_reset e1000_set_rx_csum e1000_set_settings __func__.38409 e1000_set_pauseparam e1000_diag_test __func__.39600 __func__.39010 __func__.39123 e1000_set_ringparam e1000_get_eeprom e1000_get_drvinfo e1000_param.c e1000_validate_option __func__.38476 __func__.38522 num_TxDescriptors TxDescriptors num_RxDescriptors RxDescriptors num_XsumRX XsumRX C.582.38603 num_FlowControl FlowControl C.585.38610 num_TxIntDelay TxIntDelay C.587.38615 num_TxAbsIntDelay TxAbsIntDelay C.589.38620 num_RxIntDelay RxIntDelay C.591.38625 num_RxAbsIntDelay RxAbsIntDelay C.593.38630 num_InterruptThrottleRate InterruptThrottleRate num_SmartPowerDownEnable SmartPowerDownEnable num_KumeranLockLoss KumeranLockLoss num_Speed __func__.38654 num_Duplex num_AutoNeg AutoNeg C.604.38698 Speed C.608.38706 __func__.38678 Duplex C.613.38722 __param_KumeranLockLoss __param_str_KumeranLockLoss __param_arr_KumeranLockLoss __param_SmartPowerDownEnable __param_str_SmartPowerDownEnable __param_arr_SmartPowerDownEnable __param_InterruptThrottleRate __param_str_InterruptThrottleRate __param_arr_InterruptThrottleRate __param_RxAbsIntDelay __param_str_RxAbsIntDelay __param_arr_RxAbsIntDelay __param_RxIntDelay __param_str_RxIntDelay __param_arr_RxIntDelay __param_TxAbsIntDelay __param_str_TxAbsIntDelay __param_arr_TxAbsIntDelay __param_TxIntDelay __param_str_TxIntDelay __param_arr_TxIntDelay __param_XsumRX __param_str_XsumRX __param_arr_XsumRX __param_FlowControl __param_str_FlowControl __param_arr_FlowControl __param_AutoNeg __param_str_AutoNeg __param_arr_AutoNeg __param_Duplex __param_str_Duplex __param_arr_Duplex __param_Speed __param_str_Speed __param_arr_Speed __param_RxDescriptors __param_str_RxDescriptors __param_arr_RxDescriptors __param_TxDescriptors __param_str_TxDescriptors __param_arr_TxDescriptors an_list.38679 dplx_list.38676 speed_list.38674 82571.c e1000_put_hw_semaphore_82571 e1000_valid_led_default_82571 e1000_write_nvm_82571 e1000_validate_nvm_checksum_82571 e1000_release_nvm_82571 e1000_get_hw_semaphore_82571 e1000_acquire_nvm_82571 e1000_setup_link_82571 e1000_clear_hw_cntrs_82571 e1000_setup_fiber_serdes_link_82571 e1000_set_d0_lplu_state_82571 e1000_check_mng_mode_82574 e1000_get_variants_82571 e1000_setup_copper_link_82571 e1000_led_on_82574 global_quad_port_a.29959 e1000_get_cfg_done_82571 e1000_update_nvm_checksum_82571 e1000_reset_hw_82571 e1000_init_hw_82571 e1000_update_mc_addr_list_82571 e82571_mac_ops e82_phy_ops_igp e82571_nvm_ops e82_phy_ops_m88 e82_phy_ops_bm ich8lan.c e1000_led_off_ich8lan e1000_flash_cycle_ich8lan e1000_flash_cycle_init_ich8lan e1000_erase_flash_bank_ich8lan e1000_write_flash_byte_ich8lan e1000_retry_write_flash_byte_ich8lan e1000_read_flash_data_ich8lan e1000_read_flash_byte_ich8lan e1000_valid_nvm_bank_detect_ich8lan e1000_read_flash_word_ich8lan e1000_release_swflag_ich8lan nvm_owner_name nvm_owner_pid nvm_mutex e1000_get_phy_info_ich8lan e1000_get_cfg_done_ich8lan e1000_acquire_swflag_ich8lan e1000_setup_copper_link_ich8lan e1000_setup_link_ich8lan e1000_get_link_up_info_ich8lan e1000_get_bus_info_ich8lan e1000_clear_hw_cntrs_ich8lan e1000_get_variants_ich8lan e1000_read_nvm_ich8lan e1000_write_nvm_ich8lan e1000_update_nvm_checksum_ich8lan e1000_valid_led_default_ich8lan e1000_phy_force_speed_duplex_ich8lan e1000_validate_nvm_checksum_ich8lan e1000_check_mng_mode_ich8lan e1000_check_reset_block_ich8lan e1000_phy_hw_reset_ich8lan e1000_set_d0_lplu_state_ich8lan e1000_set_d3_lplu_state_ich8lan e1000_reset_hw_ich8lan e1000_init_hw_ich8lan e1000_cleanup_led_ich8lan e1000_led_on_ich8lan ich8_mac_ops ich8_phy_ops ich8_nvm_ops es2lan.c e1000_get_cable_length_80003es2lan e1000_gg82563_cable_length_table e1000_write_nvm_80003es2lan e1000_release_swfw_sync_80003es2lan e1000_release_nvm_80003es2lan e1000_release_mac_csr_80003es2lan e1000_release_phy_80003es2lan e1000_acquire_swfw_sync_80003es2lan e1000_acquire_nvm_80003es2lan e1000_acquire_mac_csr_80003es2lan e1000_write_kmrn_reg_80003es2lan e1000_read_kmrn_reg_80003es2lan e1000_acquire_phy_80003es2lan e1000_cfg_on_link_up_80003es2lan e1000_write_phy_reg_gg82563_80003es2lan e1000_read_phy_reg_gg82563_80003es2lan e1000_get_link_up_info_80003es2lan e1000_clear_hw_cntrs_80003es2lan e1000_setup_copper_link_80003es2lan e1000_get_variants_80003es2lan e1000_phy_force_speed_duplex_80003es2lan e1000_get_cfg_done_80003es2lan e1000_reset_hw_80003es2lan e1000_init_hw_80003es2lan es2_mac_ops es2_phy_ops es2_nvm_ops lib.c e1000_calculate_checksum e1000_standby_nvm e1000_lower_eec_clk e1000_raise_eec_clk e1000_shift_out_eec_bits phy.c e1000_get_phy_addr_for_bm_page e1000_access_phy_wakeup_reg_bm e1000_m88_cable_length_table param.c opt.29990 opt.29991 C.437.30030 opt.29993 opt.29994 C.441.30058 num_IntMode IntMode opt.30002 num_CrcStripping CrcStripping opt.30004 opt.30006 num_WriteProtectNVM WriteProtectNVM opt.30008 __param_CrcStripping __param_str_CrcStripping __param_arr_CrcStripping __param_WriteProtectNVM __param_str_WriteProtectNVM __param_arr_WriteProtectNVM __param_IntMode __param_str_IntMode __param_arr_IntMode ethtool.c e1000e_get_sset_count test.30688 e1000_get_link e1000_get_coalesce e1000_set_coalesce netdev.c e1000_desc_unused e1000_consume_page e1000_configure_msix e1000_irq_enable e1000_update_mc_addr_list e1000e_update_phy_task e1000e_disable_l1aspm e1000_put_txbuf e1000_clean_tx_irq e1000_rx_checksum e1000_intr_msix_rx e1000_intr_msix_tx e1000_msix_other e1000_set_multi e1000_clean_rx_irq_ps e1000_alloc_rx_buffers_ps e1000_clean_jumbo_rx_irq e1000_alloc_jumbo_rx_buffers e1000_receive_skb e1000e_downshift_workaround e1000_alloc_ring_dma e1000_intr_msi_test e1000_watchdog_task e1000_info_tbl e1000e_netdev_ops cards_found.41213 ne2k-pci.c ne2k_pci_init ne2k_driver ne2k_pci_resume ne2k_pci_reset_8390 ne2k_pci_get_drvinfo ne2k_pci_close ne2k_pci_cleanup ne2k_pci_remove_one ne2k_pci_suspend ne2k_pci_init_one pci_clone_list printed_version.29441 version fnd_cnt.29438 ne2k_netdev_ops C.453.29507 full_duplex options ne2k_pci_block_input ne2k_pci_block_output ne2k_pci_get_8390_hdr ne2k_pci_ethtool_ops ne2k_pci_open __initcall_ne2k_pci_init6 __param_full_duplex __param_str_full_duplex __param_arr_full_duplex __param_options __param_str_options __param_arr_options ne2k_pci_tbl 8390.c NS8390_trigger_send do_set_multicast_list __NS8390_init ethdev_setup ei_receive ei_tx_intr __ei_interrupt __ksymtab_NS8390_init __kstrtab_NS8390_init __ksymtab___alloc_ei_netdev __kstrtab___alloc_ei_netdev __ksymtab_ei_netdev_ops __kstrtab_ei_netdev_ops __ksymtab_ei_poll __kstrtab_ei_poll __ksymtab_ei_interrupt __kstrtab_ei_interrupt __ksymtab_ei_tx_timeout __kstrtab_ei_tx_timeout __ksymtab_ei_set_multicast_list __kstrtab_ei_set_multicast_list __ksymtab_ei_get_stats __kstrtab_ei_get_stats __ksymtab_ei_start_xmit __kstrtab_ei_start_xmit __ksymtab_ei_close __kstrtab_ei_close __ksymtab_ei_open __kstrtab_ei_open e100.c e100_dump e100_change_mtu e100_get_sset_count e100_init_module e100_driver e100_rx_alloc_skb e100_xmit_prepare e100_alloc_cbs mdio_ctrl __func__.30330 mdio_write e100_blink_led mdio_read e100_phy_init __func__.30677 e100_exec_cmd e100_eeprom_read e100_eeprom_load __func__.30119 eeprom_bad_csum_allow e100_eeprom_write e100_disable_irq e100_self_test __func__.30007 e100_hw_reset e100_enable_irq e100_exec_cb e100_xmit_frame __func__.31018 e100_set_multicast_list __func__.30796 e100_configure e100_multi e100_hw_init __func__.30736 __func__.30540 e100_setup_ucode __func__.30617 e100_setup_iaaddr e100_tx_clean __func__.31052 e100_free e100_clean_cbs e100_rx_clean_list e100_rx_alloc_list e100_up e100_intr e100_open __func__.31938 e100_io_resume __func__.31339 e100_down e100_close e100_suspend e100_shutdown e100_loopback_test e100_poll __func__.31196 e100_cleanup_module e100_get_strings e100_gstrings_test e100_gstrings_stats e100_netpoll e100_tx_timeout e100_tx_timeout_task __func__.31466 e100_get_settings e100_set_settings e100_get_drvinfo e100_get_regs_len e100_get_regs e100_get_wol e100_set_wol e100_get_msglevel e100_set_msglevel e100_nway_reset e100_get_link e100_get_eeprom_len e100_get_eeprom e100_set_eeprom e100_get_ringparam e100_phys_id e100_get_ethtool_stats e100_do_ioctl e100_probe e100_netdev_ops e100_ethtool_ops __func__.31964 use_io e100_watchdog e100_remove e100_io_error_detected e100_io_slot_reset __func__.30427 e100_set_ringparam __func__.31755 e100_diag_test e100_resume __func__.30937 __func__.30825 e100_set_mac_address __initcall_e100_init_module6 __param_use_io __param_str_use_io __param_eeprom_bad_csum_allow __param_str_eeprom_bad_csum_allow e100_id_table e100_err_handler tg3.c tg3_write32 tg3_read32_mbox_5906 tg3_write32_mbox_5906 tg3_ape_unlock tg3_disable_ints tg3_enable_ints tg3_mdio_reset tg3_mdio_config_5785 tg3_advert_flowctrl_1000T tg3_advert_flowctrl_1000X tg3_5700_link_polarity __tg3_set_mac_addr tg3_recycle_rx tg3_set_txd tg3_enable_nvram_access tg3_disable_nvram_access __tg3_set_coalesce tg3_get_estats tg3_set_multi tg3_get_regs_len tg3_get_sset_count tg3_nvram_phys_addr tg3_init tg3_driver tg3_issue_otp_command tg3_nvram_exec_cmd tg3_nvram_lock tg3_ape_lock tg3_ape_driver_state_change tg3_wait_for_event_ack tg3_irq_quiesce tg3_tx_recover tg3_write_indirect_mbox _tw32_flush tg3_do_test_dma __tg3_set_rx_mode tg3_halt_cpu tg3_nvram_unlock tg3_nvram_read tg3_nvram_read_swab tg3_fw_img_is_valid tg3_get_eeprom_size tg3_nvram_read_le tg3_load_firmware_cpu tg3_write_indirect_reg32 tg3_write_mem tg3_stop_block tg3_abort_hw tg3_setup_flow_control tg3_writephy tg3_init_5401phy_dsp tg3_phy_toggle_apd tg3_phydsp_write tg3_mdio_write tg3_readphy tg3_copper_is_advertising_all tg3_wait_macro_done tg3_phy_set_wirespeed tg3_phy_toggle_automdix tg3_mdio_read tg3_bmcr_reset tg3_switch_clocks tg3_read_mem tg3_set_bdinfo tg3_stop_fw tg3_write_sig_legacy tg3_write_sig_post_reset tg3_write_sig_pre_reset tg3_ump_link_report tg3_link_report tg3_phy_reset test_pat.37918 tg3_setup_fiber_mii_phy tg3_setup_copper_phy tg3_setup_phy tg3_set_power_state tg3_mdio_start tg3_chip_reset tg3_write_flush_reg32 tg3_halt tg3_alloc_rx_skb tg3_free_rings tg3_reset_hw tg3_init_hw tg3_get_stats tg3_restart_hw tg3_phy_start tg3_resume tg3_phy_stop tg3_start_xmit_dma_bug tg3_interrupt tg3_free_consistent tg3_request_irq tg3_msi_1shot tg3_msi tg3_interrupt_tagged tg3_test_interrupt tg3_test_isr tg3_run_loopback tg3_read_partno tg3_mdio_fini tg3_mdio_init tg3_phy_probe tg3_adjust_link subsys_id_to_phy_id tg3_read_fw_ver tg3_get_invariants ich_chipsets.44172 bridge_chipsets.44181 write_reorder_chipsets.44160 tg3_read32 tg3_write32_tx_mbox tg3_read_indirect_reg32 tg3_read_indirect_mbox tg3_cleanup tg3_get_strings ethtool_stats_keys ethtool_test_keys tg3_poll_controller tg3_tx_timeout tg3_get_eeprom_len tg3_get_eeprom tg3_set_eeprom tg3_get_drvinfo tg3_get_wol tg3_set_wol tg3_get_msglevel tg3_set_msglevel tg3_set_tso tg3_get_ringparam tg3_get_pauseparam tg3_get_rx_csum tg3_set_rx_csum tg3_set_tx_csum tg3_get_ethtool_stats tg3_ioctl tg3_get_coalesce tg3_init_one tg3_version_printed.44779 tg3_debug tg3_reset_task tg3_poll tg3_ethtool_ops tg3_netdev_ops tg3_netdev_ops_dma_bug dma_wait_state_chipsets.44641 tg3_remove_one tg3_set_mac_addr tg3_get_settings tg3_nway_reset tg3_phys_id tg3_start_xmit tg3_timer tg3_open tg3_close tg3_set_rx_mode tg3_get_regs tg3_set_settings tg3_set_coalesce tg3_suspend tg3_set_ringparam tg3_set_pauseparam tg3_self_test reg_tbl.42782 mem_tbl_5755.42841 mem_tbl_5906.42842 mem_tbl_5705.42840 mem_tbl_570x.42839 test_pattern.42817 tg3_change_mtu __initcall_tg3_init6 __param_tg3_debug __param_str_tg3_debug tg3_pci_tbl bnx2.c bnx2_disable_int bnx2_enable_int bnx2_disable_int_sync bnx2_phy_get_pause_adv bnx2_set_mac_addr bnx2_phy_event_is_set load_rv2p_fw bnx2_enable_nvram_access bnx2_disable_nvram_access bnx2_setup_msix_tbl bnx2_init_rxbd_rings bnx2_find_max_ring bnx2_set_rx_ring_size bnx2_get_regs_len bnx2_get_sset_count bnx2_init bnx2_pci_driver bnx2_napi_enable bnx2_netif_start bnx2_io_resume bnx2_napi_disable bnx2_reg_wr_ind bnx2_shmem_wr bnx2_reg_rd_ind bnx2_shmem_rd bnx2_init_fw_cap bnx2_fw_sync bnx2_setup_remote_phy bnx2_set_default_remote_link bnx2_set_default_link bnx2_nvram_write_dword bnx2_nvram_read_dword bnx2_enable_nvram_write bnx2_release_nvram_lock bnx2_acquire_nvram_lock bnx2_nvram_read bnx2_init_nvram flash_5709 flash_table bnx2_write_phy bnx2_disable_bmsr1 bnx2_enable_bmsr1 bnx2_read_phy bnx2_test_link bnx2_reset_phy bnx2_5706s_force_link_dn bnx2_disable_forced_2g5 bnx2_enable_forced_2g5 bnx2_test_and_enable_2g5 bnx2_resolve_flow_ctrl bnx2_ctx_wr bnx2_init_rx_context bnx2_set_mac_link bnx2_report_link bnx2_setup_phy bnx2_init_phy bnx2_set_link bnx2_set_power_state bnx2_reset_chip bnx2_shutdown_chip bnx2_reuse_rx_skb_pages bnx2_free_skbs load_cpu_fw bnx2_set_rx_mode bnx2_reset_nic bnx2_xi_rv2p_proc1 bnx2_rv2p_proc1 bnx2_xi_rv2p_proc2 bnx2_rv2p_proc2 bnx2_rxp_fw_09 cpu_reg_rxp bnx2_rxp_fw_06 bnx2_txp_fw_09 cpu_reg_txp bnx2_txp_fw_06 bnx2_tpat_fw_09 cpu_reg_tpat bnx2_tpat_fw_06 bnx2_com_fw_09 cpu_reg_com bnx2_com_fw_06 bnx2_cp_fw_09 cpu_reg_cp bnx2_cp_fw_06 bnx2_send_heart_beat bnx2_remote_phy_event bnx2_init_nic bnx2_netif_stop bnx2_test_intr bnx2_run_loopback bnx2_free_mem bnx2_alloc_mem bnx2_change_ring_size bnx2_interrupt bnx2_msi bnx2_msi_1shot bnx2_free_irq bnx2_setup_int_mode bnx2_request_irq bnx2_poll_work bnx2_cleanup bnx2_get_strings bnx2_stats_str_arr bnx2_tests_str_arr bnx2_poll bnx2_open disable_msi bnx2_tx_timeout bnx2_close bnx2_get_stats bnx2_get_settings bnx2_get_drvinfo bnx2_get_wol bnx2_set_wol bnx2_get_eeprom_len bnx2_get_coalesce bnx2_get_ringparam bnx2_set_ringparam bnx2_get_pauseparam bnx2_get_rx_csum bnx2_set_rx_csum bnx2_set_tso bnx2_get_ethtool_stats bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr bnx2_stats_offset_arr bnx2_set_tx_csum bnx2_change_mtu poll_bnx2 bnx2_init_one version_printed.45131 bnx2_reset_task bnx2_timer bnx2_netdev_ops bnx2_ethtool_ops bnx2_poll_msix board_info bnx2_remove_one bnx2_set_settings bnx2_get_regs C.838.44266 bnx2_nway_reset bnx2_get_eeprom bnx2_set_eeprom bnx2_set_coalesce bnx2_set_pauseparam bnx2_self_test reg_tbl.43270 mem_tbl_5709.43328 mem_tbl_5706.43327 test_pattern.43304 bnx2_phys_id bnx2_ioctl bnx2_change_mac_addr bnx2_suspend bnx2_resume bnx2_io_error_detected bnx2_io_slot_reset bnx2_start_xmit __initcall_bnx2_init6 __param_disable_msi __param_str_disable_msi bnx2_pci_tbl bnx2_err_handler bnx2_RXP_b09FwText bnx2_RXP_b09FwData bnx2_RXP_b09FwRodata bnx2_RXP_b06FwText bnx2_RXP_b06FwData bnx2_RXP_b06FwRodata bnx2_TXP_b09FwText bnx2_TXP_b09FwData bnx2_TXP_b09FwRodata bnx2_TXP_b06FwText bnx2_TXP_b06FwData bnx2_TXP_b06FwRodata bnx2_TPAT_b09FwText bnx2_TPAT_b09FwData bnx2_TPAT_b09FwRodata bnx2_TPAT_b06FwText bnx2_TPAT_b06FwData bnx2_TPAT_b06FwRodata bnx2_COM_b09FwText bnx2_COM_b09FwData bnx2_COM_b09FwRodata bnx2_COM_b06FwText bnx2_COM_b06FwData bnx2_COM_b06FwRodata bnx2_CP_b09FwText bnx2_CP_b09FwData bnx2_CP_b09FwRodata bnx2_CP_b06FwText bnx2_CP_b06FwData bnx2_CP_b06FwRodata sky2.c sky2_power_aux sky2_gmac_reset sky2_set_tx_stfwd sky2_ramset sky2_qset sky2_prefetch_init sky2_rx_add sky2_rx_submit sky2_phy_speed sky2_supported_modes sky2_get_sset_count sky2_get_regs_len no_tx_offload sky2_show_addr sky2_le_error sky2_mac_intr sky2_rx_stop rxqaddr sky2_init_module sky2_driver sky2_vpd_wait sky2_vpd_read __gm_phy_read gm_phy_write sky2_led sky2_phy_power_up phy_power coma_mode sky2_phy_init copper_fc_adv fiber_fc_adv gm_fc_disable sky2_wol_init sky2_shutdown sky2_phy_reinit sky2_reset sky2_rx_unmap_skb sky2_rx_map_skb sky2_rx_clean sky2_rx_alloc sky2_rx_start sky2_set_multicast pause_mc_addr.40093 sky2_up txqaddr portirq_msk sky2_tx_complete sky2_down sky2_init_netdev sky2_ethtool_ops sky2_netdev_ops sky2_set_tso sky2_set_tx_csum sky2_hw_error sky2_link_up fc_name.38954 sky2_phy_intr sky2_cleanup_module sky2_get_strings sky2_stats sky2_netpoll sky2_get_settings sky2_get_drvinfo sky2_get_rx_csum sky2_get_msglevel sky2_set_msglevel sky2_get_ethtool_stats sky2_phys_id sky2_get_pauseparam sky2_get_ringparam sky2_get_regs sky2_get_eeprom_len sky2_get_eeprom sky2_set_eeprom sky2_ioctl sky2_set_settings sky2_nway_reset sky2_set_pauseparam sky2_set_ringparam sky2_resume sky2_tx_timeout sky2_set_wol sky2_set_rx_csum sky2_remove sky2_suspend sky2_poll sky2_test_intr sky2_set_mac_address sky2_set_coalesce sky2_get_coalesce sky2_get_wol sky2_xmit_frame sky2_probe vpd_tags.40636 sky2_intr sky2_watchdog sky2_restart C.634.40679 sky2_change_mtu __initcall_sky2_init_module6 sky2_id_table mii.c __ksymtab_generic_mii_ioctl __kstrtab_generic_mii_ioctl __ksymtab_mii_check_gmii_support __kstrtab_mii_check_gmii_support __ksymtab_mii_check_media __kstrtab_mii_check_media __ksymtab_mii_check_link __kstrtab_mii_check_link __ksymtab_mii_ethtool_sset __kstrtab_mii_ethtool_sset __ksymtab_mii_ethtool_gset __kstrtab_mii_ethtool_gset __ksymtab_mii_nway_restart __kstrtab_mii_nway_restart __ksymtab_mii_link_ok __kstrtab_mii_link_ok settings phy_error phy_interrupt phy_change phy_timer phy_state_machine __ksymtab_phy_start __kstrtab_phy_start __ksymtab_phy_stop __kstrtab_phy_stop __ksymtab_phy_stop_interrupts __kstrtab_phy_stop_interrupts __ksymtab_phy_start_interrupts __kstrtab_phy_start_interrupts __ksymtab_phy_disable_interrupts __kstrtab_phy_disable_interrupts __ksymtab_phy_enable_interrupts __kstrtab_phy_enable_interrupts __ksymtab_phy_start_aneg __kstrtab_phy_start_aneg __ksymtab_phy_mii_ioctl __kstrtab_phy_mii_ioctl __ksymtab_phy_ethtool_gset __kstrtab_phy_ethtool_gset __ksymtab_phy_ethtool_sset __kstrtab_phy_ethtool_sset __ksymtab_phy_sanitize_settings __kstrtab_phy_sanitize_settings __ksymtab_phy_print_status __kstrtab_phy_print_status phy_device.c phy_exit genphy_driver phy_probe phy_remove phy_init __key.28463 phy_device_release phy_fixup_lock phy_fixup_list genphy_config_init __initcall_phy_init4 __ksymtab_phy_driver_unregister __kstrtab_phy_driver_unregister __ksymtab_phy_driver_register __kstrtab_phy_driver_register __ksymtab_genphy_resume __kstrtab_genphy_resume __ksymtab_genphy_suspend __kstrtab_genphy_suspend __ksymtab_genphy_read_status __kstrtab_genphy_read_status __ksymtab_genphy_update_link __kstrtab_genphy_update_link __ksymtab_genphy_config_aneg __kstrtab_genphy_config_aneg __ksymtab_genphy_restart_aneg __kstrtab_genphy_restart_aneg __ksymtab_genphy_config_advert __kstrtab_genphy_config_advert __ksymtab_phy_detach __kstrtab_phy_detach __ksymtab_phy_attach __kstrtab_phy_attach __ksymtab_phy_disconnect __kstrtab_phy_disconnect __ksymtab_phy_connect __kstrtab_phy_connect __ksymtab_get_phy_id __kstrtab_get_phy_id __ksymtab_phy_device_create __kstrtab_phy_device_create __ksymtab_phy_scan_fixups __kstrtab_phy_scan_fixups __ksymtab_phy_register_fixup_for_id __kstrtab_phy_register_fixup_for_id __ksymtab_phy_register_fixup_for_uid __kstrtab_phy_register_fixup_for_uid __ksymtab_phy_register_fixup __kstrtab_phy_register_fixup mdio_bus.c mdio_bus_match mdio_bus_resume mdio_bus_class mdiobus_release __key.28603 __key.28397 mdio_bus_suspend __ksymtab_mdio_bus_type __kstrtab_mdio_bus_type __ksymtab_mdiobus_write __kstrtab_mdiobus_write __ksymtab_mdiobus_read __kstrtab_mdiobus_read __ksymtab_mdiobus_scan __kstrtab_mdiobus_scan __ksymtab_mdiobus_free __kstrtab_mdiobus_free __ksymtab_mdiobus_unregister __kstrtab_mdiobus_unregister __ksymtab_mdiobus_register __kstrtab_mdiobus_register __ksymtab_mdiobus_alloc __kstrtab_mdiobus_alloc Space.c probe_list2 net_olddevs_init m68k_probes eisa_probes mca_probes isa_probes parport_probes __initcall_net_olddevs_init6 loopback.c loopback_get_stats always_on loopback_setup loopback_ethtool_ops loopback_ops loopback_dev_free loopback_net_exit loopback_net_init loopback_xmit loopback_dev_init forcedeth.c setup_hw_rings using_multi_irqs nv_disable_hw_interrupts nv_start_rx nv_start_tx nv_start_rxtx nv_get_hw_stats nv_init_tx set_bufsize nv_copy_mac_to_hw nv_update_pause nv_msi_workaround set_msix_vector_map nv_get_sset_count nv_restore_mac_addr init_nic nv_getlen nv_txrx_reset reg_delay nv_stop_tx nv_stop_rx nv_set_multicast nv_stop_rxtx mii_rw nv_update_linkspeed nv_free_irq nv_drain_tx nv_drain_rxtx nv_close nv_shutdown nv_gear_backoff_reseed main_seedset gear_seedset nv_legacybackoff_reseed nv_linkchange nv_link_irq nv_do_stats_poll nv_alloc_rx_optimized nv_alloc_rx nv_init_ring nv_request_irq nv_nic_irq_test nv_nic_irq nv_nic_irq_optimized nv_open poll_interval optimization_mode nv_tx_done_optimized nv_nic_irq_other max_interrupt_work nv_nic_irq_tx nv_tx_done nv_rx_process_optimized nv_nic_irq_rx phy_reset nv_disable_irq nv_do_nic_poll nv_poll_controller nv_enable_irq free_rings exit_nic nv_get_strings nv_estats_str nv_etests_str nv_get_stats nv_get_drvinfo nv_get_regs_len nv_set_tso nv_get_ringparam nv_get_pauseparam nv_get_rx_csum nv_set_tx_csum nv_set_sg nv_get_ethtool_stats nv_resume nv_remove phy_cross nv_suspend nv_start_xmit nv_start_xmit_optimized nv_get_wol nv_set_wol nv_get_settings nv_get_regs nv_set_rx_csum nv_self_test nv_registers_test nv_vlan_rx_register nv_change_mtu nv_set_mac_address nv_set_settings nv_nway_reset nv_set_pauseparam nv_do_rx_refill nv_probe printed_version.33741 dma_64bit msi msix nv_netdev_ops ops nv_netdev_ops_optimized nv_set_ringparam nv_tx_timeout __initcall_init_nic6 __param_phy_cross __param_str_phy_cross __param_dma_64bit __param_str_dma_64bit __param_msix __param_str_msix __param_msi __param_str_msi __param_poll_interval __param_str_poll_interval __param_optimization_mode __param_str_optimization_mode __param_max_interrupt_work __param_str_max_interrupt_work 8139too.c rtl8139_init_ring rtl8139_get_sset_count rtl8139_get_strings rtl8139_init_module rtl8139_pci_driver read_eeprom mii_2_8139_map rtl8139_chip_reset rtl_check_media rtl8139_isr_ack rtl8139_set_rx_mode multicast_filter_limit rtl8139_hw_start rtl_chip_info rtl8139_resume rtl8139_interrupt __func__.31203 __func__.31011 rtl8139_poll_controller __rtl8139_cleanup_dev __func__.30370 rtl8139_cleanup_module rtl8139_remove_one __func__.30608 rtl8139_init_one __func__.30498 printed_version.30499 board_idx.30497 __func__.30407 rtl8139_poll rtl8139_netdev_ops rtl8139_ethtool_ops rtl8139_thread media rtl8139_tx_timeout next_tick rtl8139_get_drvinfo rtl8139_nway_reset rtl8139_get_link rtl8139_get_msglevel rtl8139_set_msglevel rtl8139_get_regs_len rtl8139_get_ethtool_stats rtl8139_suspend rtl8139_start_xmit rtl8139_get_wol rtl8139_set_wol rtl8139_get_settings rtl8139_set_settings rtl8139_get_regs netdev_ioctl rtl8139_get_stats rtl8139_close rtl8139_open __initcall_rtl8139_init_module6 __param_media __param_str_media __param_arr_media __param_multicast_filter_limit __param_str_multicast_filter_limit rtl8139_pci_tbl tun.c tun_net_mclist tun_net_change_mtu tun_chr_poll tun_get_settings tun_get_msglevel tun_set_msglevel tun_set_rx_csum tun_init tun_net_ops tun_net_id tun_miscdev tun_chr_fasync tun_chr_open tun_chr_close tun_net_open tun_exit_net tun_init_net tun_cleanup tun_chr_aio_read tun_chr_ioctl tun_setup tun_netdev_ops tap_netdev_ops tun_chr_aio_write tun_net_xmit tun_ethtool_ops tun_get_drvinfo tun_get_link tun_get_rx_csum tun_net_close __initcall_tun_init6 tun_fops r8169.c rtl8169_asic_down rtl8169_get_regs_len rtl8169_get_sset_count rtl_tbi_ioctl rtl_disable_msi rtl8169_hw_reset rtl_set_rx_tx_config_registers rtl_set_rx_tx_desc_registers rtl8169_rx_missed rtl8169_init_module rtl8169_pci_driver rtl8169_schedule_work rtl8169_resume rtl8169_reset_task rtl8169_tx_timeout rtl8169_wait_for_quiescence rtl8169_unmap_tx_skb rtl8169_rx_fill rtl8169_rx_interrupt rx_copybreak rtl8169_tx_clear rtl8169_rx_clear rtl8169_init_ring rtl_hw_start rtl8169_check_link_status rtl8169_suspend rtl_shutdown rtl_csi_access_enable rtl_ephy_write rtl_ephy_init rtl8169_xmii_reset_pending rtl_phy_write rtl8168bef_hw_phy_config C.551.36582 rtl8169_write_gmii_reg_bit rtl8169_xmii_reset_enable mdio_patch rtl8168c_3_hw_phy_config C.556.36607 rtl8169_update_counters rtl8169_set_speed rtl_disable_clock_request rtl_tx_performance_tweak rtl_hw_start_8102e_2 __rtl_hw_start_8168cp rtl_hw_start_8168c_2 e_info_8168c_2.37358 rtl_hw_start_8168bb rtl8169_interrupt rtl8169_reinit_task rtl8169_down rtl_set_rx_mode rtl8169_close rtl8169_open rtl8169_poll rtl_xmii_ioctl rtl8169_cleanup_module rtl8169_get_strings rtl8169_gstrings rtl8169_xmii_link_ok rtl8169_tbi_reset_pending rtl8169_tbi_link_ok rtl8169_tbi_reset_enable rtl_mdio_write rtl_mdio_read rtl8169_get_drvinfo rtl8169_set_speed_tbi rtl8169_set_speed_xmii rtl8169_get_rx_csum rtl8169_gset_tbi rtl8169_gset_xmii rtl8169_get_msglevel rtl8169_set_msglevel rtl8169_get_ethtool_stats rtl8169_netpoll rtl_set_mac_address rtl8169_init_one rtl_cfg_infos rtl8169_netdev_ops mac_info.36510 rtl8169_ethtool_ops rtl8169_phy_timer C.549.36561 C.550.36573 C.559.36623 C.552.36587 C.554.36597 C.555.36602 C.553.36592 C.557.36616 C.558.36618 rtl8169_remove_one rtl_hw_start_8168 e_info_8168cp.37321 e_info_8168c_1.37352 rtl8169_ioctl rtl8169_change_mtu rtl8169_get_stats rtl8169_start_xmit rtl8169_get_wol rtl8169_set_wol cfg.36053 rtl8169_set_settings rtl8169_set_rx_csum rtl8169_get_settings rtl8169_get_regs rtl_hw_start_8169 C.575.37169 rtl_hw_start_8101 e_info_8102e_1.37422 __initcall_rtl8169_init_module6 __param_use_dac __param_str_use_dac use_dac __param_rx_copybreak __param_str_rx_copybreak rtl8169_pci_tbl caps.c initvals.c ath5k_hw_ini_mode_registers ath5k_hw_ini_registers ar5212_ini_mode_start ar5212_ini ar5212_rf5111_ini_mode_end rf5111_ini_bbgain ar5212_rf5112_ini_mode_end rf5112_ini_bbgain rf5413_ini_mode_end rf2413_ini_mode_end rf2425_ini_mode_end ar5211_ini_mode ar5211_ini ar5210_ini eeprom.c ath5k_eeprom_bin2freq ath5k_hw_eeprom_read ath5k_eeprom_init_11a_pcal_freq ath5k_eeprom_read_pcal_info_5112 ath5k_eeprom_read_pcal_info_5111 intercepts3.32009 intercepts3_2.32010 ath5k_eeprom_read_pcal_info_2413 pdgains_size.32384 gpio.c desc.c ath5k_hw_setup_no_mrr ath5k_hw_setup_rx_desc ath5k_hw_setup_4word_tx_desc ath5k_hw_setup_mrr_tx_desc ath5k_hw_proc_4word_tx_status ath5k_hw_setup_2word_tx_desc ath5k_hw_proc_2word_tx_status ath5k_hw_proc_5212_rx_status ath5k_hw_proc_5210_rx_status __func__.31773 qcu.c pcu.c rfgain_opt_5111 rfgain_opt_5112 ath5k_hw_rfregs_op __func__.31636 ath5k_hw_register_timeout ath5k_hw_rf5111_rfregs ath5k_hw_rf5112_rfregs ath5k_hw_rf5413_rfregs rfregs_5111 rfregs_2112a rfregs_5112 rfregs_5112a rfregs_5413 rfregs_2413 rfregs_2425 rfgain_2413 rfgain_5413 rfgain_5111 rfgain_5112 rfgain_2425 reset.c ath5k_hw_nic_reset control_rates attach.c C.486.32798 ath5k_chip_name srev_names ath5k_setup_rate_idx ath5k_setcurmode ath5k_get_tx_stats init_ath5k_pci ath5k_pci_driver ath5k_led_off ath5k_led_brightness_set ath5k_txq_cleanup ath5k_rx_stop ath5k_stop_locked ath5k_rx_skb_alloc __func__.33912 ath5k_rxbuf_setup ath5k_beacon_send ath5k_get_tsf ath5k_beacon_update_timers ath5k_beacon_config __func__.34148 ath5k_reset ath5k_reset_wake ath5k_tasklet_reset ath5k_init ath5k_start ath5k_config ath5k_led_enable ath5k_stop_hw ath5k_stop ath5k_reset_tsf ath5k_set_key modparam_nohwcrypt ath5k_bss_info_changed ath5k_remove_interface ath5k_add_interface ath5k_txq_release ath5k_copy_channels ath5k_register_led ath5k_desc_free ath5k_tasklet_tx exit_ath5k_pci ath5k_unregister_led ath5k_config_interface ath5k_get_stats ath5k_pci_remove ath5k_pci_suspend ath5k_configure_filter ath5k_pci_resume ath5k_intr ath5k_calibrate ath5k_pci_probe ath5k_hw_ops __key.33483 ath5k_rates ath5k_tasklet_rx ath5k_tx __initcall_init_ath5k_pci6 __param_nohwcrypt __param_str_nohwcrypt ath5k_pci_id_table netconsole.c dynamic_netconsole_exit option_setup config free_param_target init_netconsole netconsole target_list netconsole_netdev_notifier netconsole_netdev_event write_msg cleanup_netconsole __initcall_init_netconsole6 __setup_option_setup __setup_str_option_setup __param_netconsole __param_str_netconsole __param_string_netconsole scsi.c scsi_device_types init_scsi exit_scsi scsi_done scsi_pool_free_command scsi_put_host_cmd_pool scsi_cmd_dma_pool host_cmd_pool_mutex scsi_cmd_pool scsi_get_host_cmd_pool scsi_pool_alloc_command scsi_host_alloc_command __initcall_init_scsi4 __param_scsi_logging_level __param_str_scsi_logging_level __ksymtab_scsi_device_lookup __kstrtab_scsi_device_lookup __ksymtab___scsi_device_lookup __kstrtab___scsi_device_lookup __ksymtab_scsi_device_lookup_by_target __kstrtab_scsi_device_lookup_by_target __ksymtab___scsi_device_lookup_by_target __kstrtab___scsi_device_lookup_by_target __ksymtab___starget_for_each_device __kstrtab___starget_for_each_device __ksymtab_starget_for_each_device __kstrtab_starget_for_each_device __ksymtab___scsi_iterate_devices __kstrtab___scsi_iterate_devices __ksymtab_scsi_device_put __kstrtab_scsi_device_put __ksymtab_scsi_device_get __kstrtab_scsi_device_get __ksymtab_scsi_track_queue_full __kstrtab_scsi_track_queue_full __ksymtab_scsi_adjust_queue_depth __kstrtab_scsi_adjust_queue_depth __ksymtab_scsi_finish_command __kstrtab_scsi_finish_command __ksymtab_scsi_free_command __kstrtab_scsi_free_command __ksymtab_scsi_allocate_command __kstrtab_scsi_allocate_command __ksymtab_scsi_put_command __kstrtab_scsi_put_command __ksymtab___scsi_put_command __kstrtab___scsi_put_command __ksymtab_scsi_get_command __kstrtab_scsi_get_command __ksymtab___scsi_get_command __kstrtab___scsi_get_command __ksymtab_scsi_device_type __kstrtab_scsi_device_type hosts.c __scsi_host_match scsi_host_type scsi_host_dev_release scsi_host_cls_release shost_class __key.26290 __key.26170 scsi_host_next_hn __ksymtab_scsi_flush_work __kstrtab_scsi_flush_work __ksymtab_scsi_queue_work __kstrtab_scsi_queue_work __ksymtab_scsi_is_host_device __kstrtab_scsi_is_host_device __ksymtab_scsi_host_put __kstrtab_scsi_host_put __ksymtab_scsi_host_get __kstrtab_scsi_host_get __ksymtab_scsi_host_lookup __kstrtab_scsi_host_lookup __ksymtab_scsi_unregister __kstrtab_scsi_unregister __ksymtab_scsi_register __kstrtab_scsi_register __ksymtab_scsi_host_alloc __kstrtab_scsi_host_alloc __ksymtab_scsi_add_host __kstrtab_scsi_add_host __ksymtab_scsi_remove_host __kstrtab_scsi_remove_host __ksymtab_scsi_host_set_state __kstrtab_scsi_host_set_state ioctl_internal_command __ksymtab_scsi_nonblockable_ioctl __kstrtab_scsi_nonblockable_ioctl __ksymtab_scsi_ioctl __kstrtab_scsi_ioctl __ksymtab_scsi_set_medium_removal __kstrtab_scsi_set_medium_removal constants.c get_sa_name snstext additional additional2 driversuggest_table driverbyte_table hostbyte_table print_opcode_name maint_in_arr maint_out_arr serv_in12_arr serv_out12_arr serv_in16_arr serv_out16_arr cdb_byte0_names scsi_decode_sense_buffer scsi_decode_sense_extras __ksymtab_scsi_print_result __kstrtab_scsi_print_result __ksymtab_scsi_show_result __kstrtab_scsi_show_result __ksymtab_scsi_print_sense __kstrtab_scsi_print_sense __ksymtab___scsi_print_sense __kstrtab___scsi_print_sense __ksymtab_scsi_cmd_print_sense_hdr __kstrtab_scsi_cmd_print_sense_hdr __ksymtab_scsi_print_sense_hdr __kstrtab_scsi_print_sense_hdr __ksymtab_scsi_show_sense_hdr __kstrtab_scsi_show_sense_hdr __ksymtab_scsi_show_extd_sense __kstrtab_scsi_show_extd_sense __ksymtab_scsi_extd_sense_format __kstrtab_scsi_extd_sense_format __ksymtab_scsi_sense_key_string __kstrtab_scsi_sense_key_string __ksymtab_scsi_print_status __kstrtab_scsi_print_status __ksymtab_scsi_print_command __kstrtab_scsi_print_command __ksymtab___scsi_print_command __kstrtab___scsi_print_command scsicam.c __ksymtab_scsi_partsize __kstrtab_scsi_partsize __ksymtab_scsicam_bios_param __kstrtab_scsicam_bios_param __ksymtab_scsi_bios_ptable __kstrtab_scsi_bios_ptable scsi_error.c __scsi_report_device_reset scsi_try_bus_device_reset __scsi_try_to_abort_cmd scsi_reset_provider_done_command scsi_check_sense scsi_try_target_reset scsi_try_bus_reset scsi_try_host_reset scsi_eh_done scsi_send_eh_cmnd scsi_eh_try_stu stu_command.26932 scsi_eh_tur tur_command.26885 __ksymtab_scsi_build_sense_buffer __kstrtab_scsi_build_sense_buffer __ksymtab_scsi_get_sense_info_fld __kstrtab_scsi_get_sense_info_fld __ksymtab_scsi_sense_desc_find __kstrtab_scsi_sense_desc_find __ksymtab_scsi_command_normalize_sense __kstrtab_scsi_command_normalize_sense __ksymtab_scsi_normalize_sense __kstrtab_scsi_normalize_sense __ksymtab_scsi_reset_provider __kstrtab_scsi_reset_provider __ksymtab_scsi_report_device_reset __kstrtab_scsi_report_device_reset __ksymtab_scsi_report_bus_reset __kstrtab_scsi_report_bus_reset __ksymtab_scsi_eh_flush_done_q __kstrtab_scsi_eh_flush_done_q __ksymtab_scsi_eh_ready_devs __kstrtab_scsi_eh_ready_devs __ksymtab_scsi_eh_get_sense __kstrtab_scsi_eh_get_sense __ksymtab_scsi_eh_finish_cmd __kstrtab_scsi_eh_finish_cmd __ksymtab_scsi_eh_restore_cmnd __kstrtab_scsi_eh_restore_cmnd __ksymtab_scsi_eh_prep_cmnd __kstrtab_scsi_eh_prep_cmnd __ksymtab_scsi_block_when_processing_errors __kstrtab_scsi_block_when_processing_errors __ksymtab_scsi_schedule_eh __kstrtab_scsi_schedule_eh scsi_lib.c scsi_init_cmd_errh __func__.29026 target_unblock device_unblock target_block device_block device_resume_fn device_quiesce_fn scsi_run_queue scsi_io_context_cache scsi_sg_pools scsi_kill_request scsi_request_fn scsi_softirq_done scsi_lld_busy scsi_unprep_request scsi_requeue_command scsi_get_cmd_from_req scsi_free_sgtable scsi_sg_free scsi_init_sgtable scsi_sg_alloc __scsi_release_buffers __scsi_queue_insert scsi_bi_endio scsi_end_async __func__.28291 __ksymtab_scsi_kunmap_atomic_sg __kstrtab_scsi_kunmap_atomic_sg __ksymtab_scsi_kmap_atomic_sg __kstrtab_scsi_kmap_atomic_sg __ksymtab_scsi_target_unblock __kstrtab_scsi_target_unblock __ksymtab_scsi_target_block __kstrtab_scsi_target_block __ksymtab_scsi_internal_device_unblock __kstrtab_scsi_internal_device_unblock __ksymtab_scsi_internal_device_block __kstrtab_scsi_internal_device_block __ksymtab_scsi_target_resume __kstrtab_scsi_target_resume __ksymtab_scsi_target_quiesce __kstrtab_scsi_target_quiesce __ksymtab_scsi_device_resume __kstrtab_scsi_device_resume __ksymtab_scsi_device_quiesce __kstrtab_scsi_device_quiesce __ksymtab_sdev_evt_send_simple __kstrtab_sdev_evt_send_simple __ksymtab_sdev_evt_alloc __kstrtab_sdev_evt_alloc __ksymtab_sdev_evt_send __kstrtab_sdev_evt_send __ksymtab_scsi_device_set_state __kstrtab_scsi_device_set_state __ksymtab_scsi_test_unit_ready __kstrtab_scsi_test_unit_ready __ksymtab_scsi_mode_sense __kstrtab_scsi_mode_sense __ksymtab_scsi_mode_select __kstrtab_scsi_mode_select __ksymtab_scsi_unblock_requests __kstrtab_scsi_unblock_requests __ksymtab_scsi_block_requests __kstrtab_scsi_block_requests __ksymtab___scsi_alloc_queue __kstrtab___scsi_alloc_queue __ksymtab_scsi_calculate_bounce_limit __kstrtab_scsi_calculate_bounce_limit __ksymtab_scsi_prep_return __kstrtab_scsi_prep_return __ksymtab_scsi_prep_state_check __kstrtab_scsi_prep_state_check __ksymtab_scsi_setup_fs_cmnd __kstrtab_scsi_setup_fs_cmnd __ksymtab_scsi_setup_blk_pc_cmnd __kstrtab_scsi_setup_blk_pc_cmnd __ksymtab_scsi_init_io __kstrtab_scsi_init_io __ksymtab_scsi_release_buffers __kstrtab_scsi_release_buffers __ksymtab_scsi_execute_async __kstrtab_scsi_execute_async __ksymtab_scsi_execute_req __kstrtab_scsi_execute_req __ksymtab_scsi_execute __kstrtab_scsi_execute scsi_lib_dma.c __ksymtab_scsi_dma_unmap __kstrtab_scsi_dma_unmap __ksymtab_scsi_dma_map __kstrtab_scsi_dma_map scsi_scan.c scsi_target_type sanitize_inquiry_string scsi_target_dev_release scsi_target_destroy scsi_alloc_target __func__.26271 scsi_alloc_sdev scsi_null_device_strs __func__.26147 scsi_probe_and_add_lun scsi_inq_timeout scsi_target_reap_usercontext __scsi_scan_target max_scsi_report_luns __func__.26763 max_scsi_luns scsi_scan_channel scanning_hosts do_scsi_scan_host do_scan_async __func__.27061 scsi_scan_type __func__.27004 __ksymtab_scsi_free_host_dev __kstrtab_scsi_free_host_dev __ksymtab_scsi_get_host_dev __kstrtab_scsi_get_host_dev __ksymtab_scsi_scan_host __kstrtab_scsi_scan_host __ksymtab_scsi_scan_target __kstrtab_scsi_scan_target __ksymtab_scsi_rescan_device __kstrtab_scsi_rescan_device __ksymtab_scsi_add_device __kstrtab_scsi_add_device __ksymtab___scsi_add_device __kstrtab___scsi_add_device __ksymtab_int_to_scsilun __kstrtab_int_to_scsilun __ksymtab_scsilun_to_int __kstrtab_scsilun_to_int __ksymtab_scsi_is_target_device __kstrtab_scsi_is_target_device __initcall_scsi_complete_async_scans7 __ksymtab_scsi_complete_async_scans __kstrtab_scsi_complete_async_scans __param_inq_timeout __param_str_inq_timeout __param_max_report_luns __param_str_max_report_luns __param_scan __param_str_scan __param_string_scan __param_max_luns __param_str_max_luns scsi_sysfs.c sdev_states shost_states scsi_bus_match scsi_dev_type sdev_show_evt_media_change sdev_show_modalias show_iostat_ioerr_cnt show_iostat_iodone_cnt show_iostat_iorequest_cnt show_iostat_counterbits show_queue_type_field show_state_field sdev_show_timeout sdev_show_rev sdev_show_model sdev_show_vendor sdev_show_scsi_level sdev_show_type sdev_show_queue_depth sdev_show_device_blocked show_proc_name show_prot_guard_type show_prot_capabilities show_unchecked_isa_dma show_sg_tablesize show_can_queue show_cmd_per_lun show_host_busy show_unique_id show_shost_state show_shost_mode show_shost_active_mode show_shost_supported_mode sdev_store_queue_type_rw sdev_store_queue_depth_rw check_set store_scan scsi_bus_resume sdev_store_evt_media_change sdev_store_timeout store_state_field sdev_store_delete sdev_store_delete_callback store_rescan_field scsi_device_dev_release scsi_device_dev_release_usercontext scsi_device_cls_release scsi_bus_suspend scsi_bus_remove scsi_bus_uevent store_shost_state sdev_class __scsi_remove_target __remove_child sdev_attr_queue_depth_rw dev_attr_queue_depth sdev_attr_queue_type_rw dev_attr_queue_type __key.26452 scsi_sysfs_shost_attrs __ksymtab_scsi_is_sdev_device __kstrtab_scsi_is_sdev_device __ksymtab_scsi_register_interface __kstrtab_scsi_register_interface __ksymtab_scsi_register_driver __kstrtab_scsi_register_driver __ksymtab_scsi_remove_target __kstrtab_scsi_remove_target __ksymtab_scsi_remove_device __kstrtab_scsi_remove_device __ksymtab_scsi_bus_type __kstrtab_scsi_bus_type scsi_sdev_attr_groups dev_attr_unique_id dev_attr_host_busy dev_attr_cmd_per_lun dev_attr_can_queue dev_attr_sg_tablesize dev_attr_unchecked_isa_dma dev_attr_proc_name dev_attr_scan dev_attr_supported_mode dev_attr_active_mode dev_attr_prot_capabilities dev_attr_prot_guard_type scsi_sdev_attr_group scsi_sdev_attrs dev_attr_device_blocked dev_attr_scsi_level dev_attr_vendor dev_attr_model dev_attr_rev dev_attr_rescan dev_attr_delete dev_attr_state dev_attr_timeout dev_attr_iocounterbits dev_attr_iorequest_cnt dev_attr_iodone_cnt dev_attr_ioerr_cnt dev_attr_evt_media_change scsi_devinfo.c devinfo_seq_stop proc_scsi_devinfo_open scsi_devinfo_seq_ops devinfo_seq_show devinfo_seq_next scsi_dev_info_list devinfo_seq_start scsi_strcpy_devinfo spaces __func__.25749 scsi_dev_info_list_add __func__.25764 scsi_dev_info_list_add_str __func__.25782 proc_scsi_devinfo_write scsi_dev_flags scsi_static_device_list scsi_devinfo_proc_fops scsi_default_dev_flags __param_default_dev_flags __param_str_default_dev_flags __param_dev_flags __param_str_dev_flags __param_string_dev_flags scsi_sysctl.c scsi_table_header scsi_root_table scsi_dir_table scsi_table scsi_proc.c proc_scsi_read proc_scsi_open proc_scsi_show proc_print_scsidevice proc_scsi_write_proc proc_scsi_write proc_scsi proc_scsi_operations __func__.26286 global_host_template_mutex __func__.26262 scsi_transport_spi.c spi_device_configure spi_transport_init spi_transport_class spi_device_class spi_host_class sprint_frac period_to_str ppr_to_ps show_spi_transport_period_helper target_attribute_is_visible dev_attr_period dev_attr_min_period dev_attr_offset dev_attr_max_offset dev_attr_width dev_attr_max_width dev_attr_iu dev_attr_dt dev_attr_qas dev_attr_wr_flow dev_attr_rd_strm dev_attr_rti dev_attr_pcomp_en dev_attr_hold_mcs dev_attr_revalidate spi_device_match spi_target_configure target_attribute_group store_spi_revalidate child_iter store_spi_transport_period_helper store_spi_transport_min_period store_spi_transport_max_width store_spi_transport_max_offset show_spi_transport_max_width show_spi_transport_max_offset spi_setup_transport_attrs __key.26261 spi_transport_exit print_ptr print_nego extended_msgs one_byte_msgs two_byte_msgs spi_dv_retrain spi_dv_device_work_wrapper spi_execute spi_dv_device_compare_inquiry spi_read_buffer_descriptor.27206 spi_dv_device_echo_buffer spi_host_setup spi_host_match show_spi_transport_offset store_spi_transport_offset show_spi_transport_width store_spi_transport_width show_spi_transport_iu store_spi_transport_iu show_spi_transport_dt store_spi_transport_dt show_spi_transport_qas store_spi_transport_qas show_spi_transport_wr_flow store_spi_transport_wr_flow show_spi_transport_rd_strm store_spi_transport_rd_strm show_spi_transport_rti store_spi_transport_rti show_spi_transport_pcomp_en store_spi_transport_pcomp_en show_spi_transport_hold_mcs store_spi_transport_hold_mcs show_spi_transport_period store_spi_transport_period show_spi_transport_min_period show_spi_host_signalling signal_types store_spi_host_signalling spi_target_match spi_host_configure dev_attr_signalling host_attribute_group __initcall_spi_transport_init6 __ksymtab_spi_release_transport __kstrtab_spi_release_transport __ksymtab_spi_attach_transport __kstrtab_spi_attach_transport __ksymtab_spi_print_msg __kstrtab_spi_print_msg __ksymtab_spi_populate_ppr_msg __kstrtab_spi_populate_ppr_msg __ksymtab_spi_populate_sync_msg __kstrtab_spi_populate_sync_msg __ksymtab_spi_populate_width_msg __kstrtab_spi_populate_width_msg __ksymtab_spi_display_xfer_agreement __kstrtab_spi_display_xfer_agreement __ksymtab_spi_schedule_dv_device __kstrtab_spi_schedule_dv_device __ksymtab_spi_dv_device __kstrtab_spi_dv_device target_attributes host_attributes scsi_transport_iscsi.c iscsi_match_epid iscsi_if_create_session show_conn_param_ISCSI_PARAM_MAX_RECV_DLENGTH show_conn_param_ISCSI_PARAM_MAX_XMIT_DLENGTH show_conn_param_ISCSI_PARAM_HDRDGST_EN show_conn_param_ISCSI_PARAM_DATADGST_EN show_conn_param_ISCSI_PARAM_IFMARKER_EN show_conn_param_ISCSI_PARAM_OFMARKER_EN show_conn_param_ISCSI_PARAM_PERSISTENT_PORT show_conn_param_ISCSI_PARAM_CONN_PORT show_conn_param_ISCSI_PARAM_EXP_STATSN show_conn_param_ISCSI_PARAM_PERSISTENT_ADDRESS show_conn_param_ISCSI_PARAM_CONN_ADDRESS show_conn_param_ISCSI_PARAM_PING_TMO show_conn_param_ISCSI_PARAM_RECV_TMO show_session_param_ISCSI_PARAM_TARGET_NAME show_session_param_ISCSI_PARAM_INITIAL_R2T_EN show_session_param_ISCSI_PARAM_MAX_R2T show_session_param_ISCSI_PARAM_IMM_DATA_EN show_session_param_ISCSI_PARAM_FIRST_BURST show_session_param_ISCSI_PARAM_MAX_BURST show_session_param_ISCSI_PARAM_PDU_INORDER_EN show_session_param_ISCSI_PARAM_DATASEQ_INORDER_EN show_session_param_ISCSI_PARAM_ERL show_session_param_ISCSI_PARAM_TPGT show_session_param_ISCSI_PARAM_FAST_ABORT show_session_param_ISCSI_PARAM_ABORT_TMO show_session_param_ISCSI_PARAM_LU_RESET_TMO show_session_param_ISCSI_PARAM_IFACE_NAME show_session_param_ISCSI_PARAM_INITIATOR_NAME iscsi_transport_init __key.44381 iscsi_transport_class iscsi_session_nr __key.44383 iscsi_endpoint_class iscsi_host_class iscsi_connection_class iscsi_session_class iscsi_if_rx nls iscsi_eh_timer_workq iscsi_transport_exit iscsi_host_match iscsi_endpoint_release iscsi_transport_release iscsi_if_transport_lookup iscsi_transports iscsi_conn_lookup connlist iscsi_session_lookup sesslist iscsi_unicast_skb iscsi_endpoint_group show_priv_session_recovery_tmo show_priv_session_state iscsi_session_state_names show_ep_handle show_transport_caps show_transport_handle show_session_param_ISCSI_PARAM_PASSWORD_IN show_session_param_ISCSI_PARAM_PASSWORD show_session_param_ISCSI_PARAM_USERNAME_IN show_session_param_ISCSI_PARAM_USERNAME iscsi_conn_release iscsi_user_scan iscsi_user_scan_session iscsi_iter_session_fn iscsi_session_release iscsi_broadcast_skb iscsi_iter_destroy_conn_fn __iscsi_unbind_session iscsi_get_next_target_id session_recovery_timedout __iscsi_unblock_session __iscsi_block_session iscsi_scan_session rx_queue_mutex iscsi_setup_host __key.42044 iscsi_remove_host show_host_param_ISCSI_HOST_PARAM_NETDEV_NAME show_host_param_ISCSI_HOST_PARAM_HWADDRESS show_host_param_ISCSI_HOST_PARAM_IPADDRESS show_host_param_ISCSI_HOST_PARAM_INITIATOR_NAME iscsi_transport_group dev_attr_host_netdev dev_attr_host_ipaddress dev_attr_host_hwaddress dev_attr_host_initiatorname iscsi_conn_match dev_attr_conn_max_recv_dlength dev_attr_conn_max_xmit_dlength dev_attr_conn_header_digest dev_attr_conn_data_digest dev_attr_conn_ifmarker dev_attr_conn_ofmarker dev_attr_conn_address dev_attr_conn_port dev_attr_conn_exp_statsn dev_attr_conn_persistent_address dev_attr_conn_persistent_port dev_attr_conn_ping_tmo dev_attr_conn_recv_tmo iscsi_session_match dev_attr_sess_initial_r2t dev_attr_sess_max_outstanding_r2t dev_attr_sess_immediate_data dev_attr_sess_first_burst_len dev_attr_sess_max_burst_len dev_attr_sess_data_pdu_in_order dev_attr_sess_data_seq_in_order dev_attr_sess_erl dev_attr_sess_targetname dev_attr_sess_tpgt dev_attr_sess_password dev_attr_sess_password_in dev_attr_sess_username dev_attr_sess_username_in dev_attr_sess_fast_abort dev_attr_sess_abort_tmo dev_attr_sess_lu_reset_tmo dev_attr_sess_ifacename dev_attr_sess_initiatorname dev_attr_priv_sess_recovery_tmo dev_attr_priv_sess_state __initcall_iscsi_transport_init6 __ksymtab_iscsi_unregister_transport __kstrtab_iscsi_unregister_transport __ksymtab_iscsi_register_transport __kstrtab_iscsi_register_transport __ksymtab_iscsi_session_event __kstrtab_iscsi_session_event __ksymtab_iscsi_conn_error_event __kstrtab_iscsi_conn_error_event __ksymtab_iscsi_recv_pdu __kstrtab_iscsi_recv_pdu __ksymtab_iscsi_destroy_conn __kstrtab_iscsi_destroy_conn __ksymtab_iscsi_create_conn __kstrtab_iscsi_create_conn __ksymtab_iscsi_destroy_session __kstrtab_iscsi_destroy_session __ksymtab_iscsi_free_session __kstrtab_iscsi_free_session __ksymtab_iscsi_remove_session __kstrtab_iscsi_remove_session __ksymtab_iscsi_create_session __kstrtab_iscsi_create_session __ksymtab_iscsi_add_session __kstrtab_iscsi_add_session __ksymtab_iscsi_alloc_session __kstrtab_iscsi_alloc_session __ksymtab_iscsi_block_session __kstrtab_iscsi_block_session __ksymtab_iscsi_unblock_session __kstrtab_iscsi_unblock_session __ksymtab_iscsi_scan_finished __kstrtab_iscsi_scan_finished __ksymtab_iscsi_host_for_each_session __kstrtab_iscsi_host_for_each_session __ksymtab_iscsi_session_chkready __kstrtab_iscsi_session_chkready __ksymtab_iscsi_lookup_endpoint __kstrtab_iscsi_lookup_endpoint __ksymtab_iscsi_destroy_endpoint __kstrtab_iscsi_destroy_endpoint __ksymtab_iscsi_create_endpoint __kstrtab_iscsi_create_endpoint iscsi_transport_attrs iscsi_endpoint_attrs dev_attr_handle dev_attr_caps dev_attr_ep_handle sd.c sd_prepare_flush media_not_present sd_show_app_tag_own sd_show_protection_type sd_show_allow_restart sd_show_manage_start_stop sd_show_fua sd_show_cache_type sd_cache_types sd_store_allow_restart sd_store_manage_start_stop sd_print_sense_hdr sd_completed_bytes __scsi_disk_get scsi_disk_get_from_dev sd_ref_mutex scsi_disk_put sd_rescan sd_print_result sd_start_stop_device sd_sync_cache sd_shutdown sd_remove sd_read_capacity sd_revalidate_disk scsi_disk_release sd_index_ida sd_suspend sd_resume sd_done sd_open sd_store_cache_type sd_prep_fn sd_release sd_getgeo sd_ioctl sd_probe sd_template sd_probe_async sd_disk_class sd_fops exit_sd init_sd __key.28684 sd_media_changed __initcall_init_sd6 sd_disk_attrs sr.c init_sr sr_template sr_remove sr_ref_mutex sr_kref_release sr_packet sr_release sr_open sr_block_media_changed scsi_cd_put sr_block_open exit_sr sr_index_bits sr_done sr_prep_fn sr_block_release sr_block_ioctl sr_probe sr_bdops sr_dops loadmech.26932 sr_media_change __initcall_init_sr6 sr_ioctl.c xa_test sr_read_tocentry sr_read_tochdr __param_xa_test __param_str_xa_test sr_vendor.c sg.c sg_mmap sg_mmap_vm_ops sg_idr_max_id dev_seq_next sg_vma_fault dev_seq_stop sg_remove_scat __sg_remove_sfp sg_res_in_use sg_get_nth_sfp sg_remove_request sg_finish_rem_req sg_get_rq_mark sg_srp_done sg_fasync sg_remove_sfp sg_index_idr sg_release sg_get_dev sg_build_indirect scatter_elem_sz scatter_elem_sz_prev sg_build_reserve sg_add_request sg_common_write sg_allow_dio sg_rq_end_io sg_new_read sg_allow_access sg_new_write sg_proc_single_open_devhdr sg_proc_seq_show_devhdr sg_proc_single_open_version sg_proc_seq_show_version sg_proc_single_open_dressz sg_proc_seq_show_int sg_proc_single_open_adio sg_proc_seq_show_debug sg_proc_seq_show_devstrs sg_proc_seq_show_dev sg_version_date sg_proc_open_debug debug_seq_ops sg_proc_open_devstrs devstrs_seq_ops sg_proc_open_dev dev_seq_ops dev_seq_start sg_proc_write_dressz sg_proc_write_adio init_sg def_reserved_size __key.28395 sg_sysfs_class sg_interface sg_sysfs_valid sg_proc_sg_dirname sg_proc_sgp sg_proc_leaf_arr exit_sg sg_remove sg_open sg_poll sg_add sg_fops sg_ioctl sg_write cmd.27134 sg_read __initcall_init_sg6 __param_allow_dio __param_str_allow_dio __param_def_reserved_size __param_str_def_reserved_size __param_scatter_elem_sz __param_str_scatter_elem_sz adio_fops debug_fops dressz_fops devhdr_fops dev_fops devstrs_fops version_fops libata-core.c ata_rwcmd_protocol ata_rw_cmds ata_xfer_tbl xfer_mode_str.33907 ata_id_n_sectors __sata_set_spd_needed ata_timing fill_result_tf ata_dummy_qc_issue ata_dummy_error_handler ata_force_tbl_size ata_force_tbl ata_exit ata_wq ata_init ata_force_param_buf force_tbl.37211 ata_finalize_port_ops ata_host_request_pm __warned.36097 __warned.36223 __func__.34330 ata_host_stop ata_host_release async_port_probe spd_str.33917 __warned.36295 __warned.36373 __warned.36378 __warned.36383 strn_pattern_cmp ata_qc_complete_internal ata_probe_timeout ata_dev_set_feature ata_dev_set_dipm __func__.34584 ata_dev_blacklisted ata_device_blacklist __func__.34721 atapi_enabled ata_ignore_hpa atapi_dmadir ratelimit_time libata_dma_mask __ksymtab_ata_cable_sata __kstrtab_ata_cable_sata __ksymtab_ata_cable_ignore __kstrtab_ata_cable_ignore __ksymtab_ata_cable_unknown __kstrtab_ata_cable_unknown __ksymtab_ata_cable_80wire __kstrtab_ata_cable_80wire __ksymtab_ata_cable_40wire __kstrtab_ata_cable_40wire __ksymtab_ata_std_error_handler __kstrtab_ata_std_error_handler __ksymtab_ata_do_eh __kstrtab_ata_do_eh __ksymtab_ata_eh_analyze_ncq_error __kstrtab_ata_eh_analyze_ncq_error __ksymtab_ata_eh_qc_retry __kstrtab_ata_eh_qc_retry __ksymtab_ata_eh_qc_complete __kstrtab_ata_eh_qc_complete __ksymtab_ata_eh_thaw_port __kstrtab_ata_eh_thaw_port __ksymtab_ata_eh_freeze_port __kstrtab_ata_eh_freeze_port __ksymtab_sata_async_notification __kstrtab_sata_async_notification __ksymtab_ata_port_freeze __kstrtab_ata_port_freeze __ksymtab_ata_port_abort __kstrtab_ata_port_abort __ksymtab_ata_link_abort __kstrtab_ata_link_abort __ksymtab_ata_port_schedule_eh __kstrtab_ata_port_schedule_eh __ksymtab_ata_port_pbar_desc __kstrtab_ata_port_pbar_desc __ksymtab_ata_port_desc __kstrtab_ata_port_desc __ksymtab_ata_ehi_clear_desc __kstrtab_ata_ehi_clear_desc __ksymtab_ata_ehi_push_desc __kstrtab_ata_ehi_push_desc __ksymtab___ata_ehi_push_desc __kstrtab___ata_ehi_push_desc __ksymtab_ata_pci_device_resume __kstrtab_ata_pci_device_resume __ksymtab_ata_pci_device_suspend __kstrtab_ata_pci_device_suspend __ksymtab_ata_pci_device_do_resume __kstrtab_ata_pci_device_do_resume __ksymtab_ata_pci_device_do_suspend __kstrtab_ata_pci_device_do_suspend __ksymtab_ata_pci_remove_one __kstrtab_ata_pci_remove_one __ksymtab_pci_test_config_bits __kstrtab_pci_test_config_bits __ksymtab_ata_timing_cycle2mode __kstrtab_ata_timing_cycle2mode __ksymtab_ata_timing_merge __kstrtab_ata_timing_merge __ksymtab_ata_timing_compute __kstrtab_ata_timing_compute __ksymtab_ata_timing_find_mode __kstrtab_ata_timing_find_mode __ksymtab_ata_pio_need_iordy __kstrtab_ata_pio_need_iordy __ksymtab_ata_scsi_simulate __kstrtab_ata_scsi_simulate __ksymtab_ata_do_dev_read_id __kstrtab_ata_do_dev_read_id __ksymtab_ata_id_c_string __kstrtab_ata_id_c_string __ksymtab_ata_id_string __kstrtab_ata_id_string __ksymtab_ata_host_resume __kstrtab_ata_host_resume __ksymtab_ata_host_suspend __kstrtab_ata_host_suspend __ksymtab_ata_link_offline __kstrtab_ata_link_offline __ksymtab_ata_link_online __kstrtab_ata_link_online __ksymtab_sata_scr_write_flush __kstrtab_sata_scr_write_flush __ksymtab_sata_scr_write __kstrtab_sata_scr_write __ksymtab_sata_scr_read __kstrtab_sata_scr_read __ksymtab_sata_scr_valid __kstrtab_sata_scr_valid __ksymtab_ata_scsi_change_queue_depth __kstrtab_ata_scsi_change_queue_depth __ksymtab_ata_scsi_slave_destroy __kstrtab_ata_scsi_slave_destroy __ksymtab_ata_scsi_slave_config __kstrtab_ata_scsi_slave_config __ksymtab_ata_scsi_queuecmd __kstrtab_ata_scsi_queuecmd __ksymtab_ata_wait_register __kstrtab_ata_wait_register __ksymtab_ata_ratelimit __kstrtab_ata_ratelimit __ksymtab_ata_port_disable __kstrtab_ata_port_disable __ksymtab_ata_dev_pair __kstrtab_ata_dev_pair __ksymtab_ata_dev_classify __kstrtab_ata_dev_classify __ksymtab_ata_std_postreset __kstrtab_ata_std_postreset __ksymtab_sata_std_hardreset __kstrtab_sata_std_hardreset __ksymtab_sata_link_hardreset __kstrtab_sata_link_hardreset __ksymtab_ata_std_prereset __kstrtab_ata_std_prereset __ksymtab_sata_link_resume __kstrtab_sata_link_resume __ksymtab_sata_link_debounce __kstrtab_sata_link_debounce __ksymtab_ata_wait_after_reset __kstrtab_ata_wait_after_reset __ksymtab_sata_set_spd __kstrtab_sata_set_spd __ksymtab_ata_dev_disable __kstrtab_ata_dev_disable __ksymtab_ata_port_probe __kstrtab_ata_port_probe __ksymtab_ata_noop_qc_prep __kstrtab_ata_noop_qc_prep __ksymtab_ata_std_qc_defer __kstrtab_ata_std_qc_defer __ksymtab_ata_do_set_mode __kstrtab_ata_do_set_mode __ksymtab_ata_port_start __kstrtab_ata_port_start __ksymtab_ata_id_xfermask __kstrtab_ata_id_xfermask __ksymtab_ata_mode_string __kstrtab_ata_mode_string __ksymtab_ata_xfer_mode2shift __kstrtab_ata_xfer_mode2shift __ksymtab_ata_xfer_mode2mask __kstrtab_ata_xfer_mode2mask __ksymtab_ata_xfer_mask2mode __kstrtab_ata_xfer_mask2mode __ksymtab_ata_unpack_xfermask __kstrtab_ata_unpack_xfermask __ksymtab_ata_pack_xfermask __kstrtab_ata_pack_xfermask __ksymtab_ata_tf_from_fis __kstrtab_ata_tf_from_fis __ksymtab_ata_tf_to_fis __kstrtab_ata_tf_to_fis __ksymtab_atapi_cmd_type __kstrtab_atapi_cmd_type __ksymtab_ata_qc_complete_multiple __kstrtab_ata_qc_complete_multiple __ksymtab_ata_qc_complete __kstrtab_ata_qc_complete __ksymtab_ata_sg_init __kstrtab_ata_sg_init __ksymtab_ata_host_detach __kstrtab_ata_host_detach __ksymtab_ata_host_activate __kstrtab_ata_host_activate __ksymtab_ata_host_register __kstrtab_ata_host_register __ksymtab_ata_host_start __kstrtab_ata_host_start __ksymtab_ata_slave_link_init __kstrtab_ata_slave_link_init __ksymtab_ata_host_alloc_pinfo __kstrtab_ata_host_alloc_pinfo __ksymtab_ata_host_alloc __kstrtab_ata_host_alloc __ksymtab_ata_host_init __kstrtab_ata_host_init __ksymtab_ata_std_bios_param __kstrtab_ata_std_bios_param __ksymtab_ata_dev_next __kstrtab_ata_dev_next __ksymtab_ata_link_next __kstrtab_ata_link_next __ksymtab_ata_dummy_port_info __kstrtab_ata_dummy_port_info __ksymtab_ata_dummy_port_ops __kstrtab_ata_dummy_port_ops __ksymtab_sata_port_ops __kstrtab_sata_port_ops __ksymtab_ata_base_port_ops __kstrtab_ata_base_port_ops __ksymtab_sata_deb_timing_long __kstrtab_sata_deb_timing_long __ksymtab_sata_deb_timing_hotplug __kstrtab_sata_deb_timing_hotplug __ksymtab_sata_deb_timing_normal __kstrtab_sata_deb_timing_normal __initcall_ata_init4 __param_allow_tpm __param_str_allow_tpm __param_noacpi __param_str_noacpi __param_ata_probe_timeout __param_str_ata_probe_timeout __param_dma __param_str_dma __param_ignore_hpa __param_str_ignore_hpa __param_fua __param_str_fua __param_atapi_passthru16 __param_str_atapi_passthru16 __param_atapi_dmadir __param_str_atapi_dmadir __param_atapi_enabled __param_str_atapi_enabled __param_force __param_str_force __param_string_force libata-scsi.c ata_delayed_done_timerfn ata_scsi_flush_xlat scsi_10_lba_len scsi_16_lba_len ata_scsiop_inq_b1 ata_scsiop_noop ata_msense_caching def_cache_mpage ata_msense_ctl_mode def_control_mpage ata_msense_rw_recovery def_rw_recovery_mpage ata_scsiop_read_cap ata_scsiop_report_luns ata_find_dev __ata_scsi_find_dev ata_scsi_find_dev ata_to_sense_error sense_table.33688 stat_table.33689 ata_gen_passthru_sense ata_scsi_set_sense ata_scsi_start_stop_xlat warned.34032 ata_delayed_done ata_scsi_invalid_field timer.34019 ata_scsi_rw_xlat atapi_sense_complete ata_scsi_translate ata_scsi_qc_complete atapi_xlat atapi_qc_complete ata_scsi_rbuf_get ata_scsi_rbuf ata_scsi_rbuf_fill ata_scsiop_inq_std ata_scsiop_inq_00 ata_scsiop_inq_80 ata_scsiop_inq_83 ata_scsiop_inq_89 ata_scsiop_mode_sense ata_scsi_verify_xlat ata_scsi_pass_thru ata_scsi_dev_config atapi_drain_needed ata_scsi_handle_link_detach ata_scsi_transport_template versions.34451 pages.34472 hdr.34480 ata_scsi_lpm_put link_pm_policy ata_scsi_lpm_show ata_scsi_em_message_store ata_scsi_em_message_show ata_scsi_em_message_type_show ata_scsi_activity_show ata_scsi_activity_store ata_scsi_park_show ata_scsi_park_store ata_scsi_user_scan __ksymtab_ata_sas_queuecmd __kstrtab_ata_sas_queuecmd __ksymtab_ata_sas_slave_configure __kstrtab_ata_sas_slave_configure __ksymtab_ata_sas_port_destroy __kstrtab_ata_sas_port_destroy __ksymtab_ata_sas_port_init __kstrtab_ata_sas_port_init __ksymtab_ata_sas_port_stop __kstrtab_ata_sas_port_stop __ksymtab_ata_sas_port_start __kstrtab_ata_sas_port_start __ksymtab_ata_sas_port_alloc __kstrtab_ata_sas_port_alloc __ksymtab_ata_scsi_ioctl __kstrtab_ata_scsi_ioctl __ksymtab_ata_sas_scsi_ioctl __kstrtab_ata_sas_scsi_ioctl __ksymtab_ata_common_sdev_attrs __kstrtab_ata_common_sdev_attrs __ksymtab_dev_attr_sw_activity __kstrtab_dev_attr_sw_activity __ksymtab_dev_attr_em_message_type __kstrtab_dev_attr_em_message_type __ksymtab_dev_attr_em_message __kstrtab_dev_attr_em_message __ksymtab_dev_attr_unload_heads __kstrtab_dev_attr_unload_heads __ksymtab_dev_attr_link_power_management_policy __kstrtab_dev_attr_link_power_management_policy libata-eh.c ata_lookup_timeout_table ata_eh_cmd_timeout_table ata_ering_clear ata_ering_map ata_eh_scsidone ata_eh_categorize_error speed_down_verdict_cb ata_do_reset ata_eh_nr_in_flight __ata_port_freeze ata_eh_clear_action ata_ering_record ata_count_probe_trials_cb ata_eh_park_issue_cmd atapi_eh_request_sense ata_eh_link_autopsy dma_dnxfer_sel.33793 pio_dnxfer_sel.33794 ata_eh_reset_timeouts dma_str.33958 prot_str.33959 ata_eh_schedule_probe __ata_eh_qc_complete ata_eh_set_pending ata_do_link_abort __ata_ehi_pushv_desc __compound_literal.0 ata_eh_identify_timeouts __compound_literal.1 ata_eh_other_timeouts __compound_literal.2 __compound_literal.3 __compound_literal.4 libata-sff.c ata_sff_check_ready ata_sff_sync ata_sff_altstatus ata_sff_irq_status ata_devchk __warned.32209 ata_pio_sector ata_pio_sectors __warned.32409 ata_hsm_qc_complete __warned.32668 __warned.32673 __warned.32441 __warned.32695 ata_bus_softreset __warned.32818 __warned.32827 __warned.32833 __warned.32154 __warned.32784 __ksymtab_ata_pci_sff_init_one __kstrtab_ata_pci_sff_init_one __ksymtab_ata_pci_sff_activate_host __kstrtab_ata_pci_sff_activate_host __ksymtab_ata_pci_sff_prepare_host __kstrtab_ata_pci_sff_prepare_host __ksymtab_ata_pci_sff_init_host __kstrtab_ata_pci_sff_init_host __ksymtab_ata_pci_bmdma_init __kstrtab_ata_pci_bmdma_init __ksymtab_ata_pci_bmdma_clear_simplex __kstrtab_ata_pci_bmdma_clear_simplex __ksymtab_ata_bus_reset __kstrtab_ata_bus_reset __ksymtab_ata_bmdma_status __kstrtab_ata_bmdma_status __ksymtab_ata_bmdma_stop __kstrtab_ata_bmdma_stop __ksymtab_ata_bmdma_start __kstrtab_ata_bmdma_start __ksymtab_ata_bmdma_setup __kstrtab_ata_bmdma_setup __ksymtab_ata_bmdma_mode_filter __kstrtab_ata_bmdma_mode_filter __ksymtab_ata_sff_std_ports __kstrtab_ata_sff_std_ports __ksymtab_ata_sff_port_start __kstrtab_ata_sff_port_start __ksymtab_ata_sff_post_internal_cmd __kstrtab_ata_sff_post_internal_cmd __ksymtab_ata_sff_error_handler __kstrtab_ata_sff_error_handler __ksymtab_ata_sff_postreset __kstrtab_ata_sff_postreset __ksymtab_sata_sff_hardreset __kstrtab_sata_sff_hardreset __ksymtab_ata_sff_softreset __kstrtab_ata_sff_softreset __ksymtab_ata_sff_wait_after_reset __kstrtab_ata_sff_wait_after_reset __ksymtab_ata_sff_dev_classify __kstrtab_ata_sff_dev_classify __ksymtab_ata_sff_prereset __kstrtab_ata_sff_prereset __ksymtab_ata_sff_thaw __kstrtab_ata_sff_thaw __ksymtab_ata_sff_freeze __kstrtab_ata_sff_freeze __ksymtab_ata_sff_interrupt __kstrtab_ata_sff_interrupt __ksymtab_ata_sff_host_intr __kstrtab_ata_sff_host_intr __ksymtab_ata_sff_qc_fill_rtf __kstrtab_ata_sff_qc_fill_rtf __ksymtab_ata_sff_qc_issue __kstrtab_ata_sff_qc_issue __ksymtab_ata_sff_hsm_move __kstrtab_ata_sff_hsm_move __ksymtab_ata_sff_data_xfer_noirq __kstrtab_ata_sff_data_xfer_noirq __ksymtab_ata_sff_data_xfer32 __kstrtab_ata_sff_data_xfer32 __ksymtab_ata_sff_data_xfer __kstrtab_ata_sff_data_xfer __ksymtab_ata_sff_exec_command __kstrtab_ata_sff_exec_command __ksymtab_ata_sff_tf_read __kstrtab_ata_sff_tf_read __ksymtab_ata_sff_tf_load __kstrtab_ata_sff_tf_load __ksymtab_ata_sff_irq_clear __kstrtab_ata_sff_irq_clear __ksymtab_ata_sff_irq_on __kstrtab_ata_sff_irq_on __ksymtab_ata_sff_dev_select __kstrtab_ata_sff_dev_select __ksymtab_ata_sff_wait_ready __kstrtab_ata_sff_wait_ready __ksymtab_ata_sff_busy_sleep __kstrtab_ata_sff_busy_sleep __ksymtab_ata_sff_dma_pause __kstrtab_ata_sff_dma_pause __ksymtab_ata_sff_pause __kstrtab_ata_sff_pause __ksymtab_ata_sff_check_status __kstrtab_ata_sff_check_status __ksymtab_ata_sff_dumb_qc_prep __kstrtab_ata_sff_dumb_qc_prep __ksymtab_ata_sff_qc_prep __kstrtab_ata_sff_qc_prep __ksymtab_ata_bmdma32_port_ops __kstrtab_ata_bmdma32_port_ops __ksymtab_ata_bmdma_port_ops __kstrtab_ata_bmdma_port_ops __ksymtab_ata_sff_port_ops __kstrtab_ata_sff_port_ops libata-pmp.c sata_pmp_handle_link_fail sata_pmp_write sata_pmp_configure sata_pmp_read sata_pmp_read_gscr gscr_to_read.30944 sata_pmp_detach __ksymtab_sata_pmp_error_handler __kstrtab_sata_pmp_error_handler __ksymtab_sata_pmp_qc_defer_cmd_switch __kstrtab_sata_pmp_qc_defer_cmd_switch __ksymtab_sata_pmp_port_ops __kstrtab_sata_pmp_port_ops libata-acpi.c ata_acpi_gtf_to_tf ata_acpi_clear_gtf ata_dev_get_GTF __func__.32590 __func__.32781 ata_acpi_gtf_filter ata_acpi_uevent ata_acpi_dev_uevent ata_acpi_ap_uevent ata_acpi_handle_hotplug ata_acpi_ap_notify_dock ata_acpi_dev_notify_dock ata_acpi_ap_dock_ops ata_acpi_dev_dock_ops __ksymtab_ata_acpi_cbl_80wire __kstrtab_ata_acpi_cbl_80wire __ksymtab_ata_acpi_gtm_xfermask __kstrtab_ata_acpi_gtm_xfermask __ksymtab_ata_acpi_stm __kstrtab_ata_acpi_stm __ksymtab_ata_acpi_gtm __kstrtab_ata_acpi_gtm __param_acpi_gtf_filter __param_str_acpi_gtf_filter ahci.c ahci_scr_offset offset.32057 ahci_scr_read ahci_scr_write ahci_start_engine ahci_fill_cmd_slot ahci_pmp_attach ahci_pmp_detach ahci_init ahci_pci_driver ahci_stop_engine ahci_kick_engine ahci_post_internal_cmd ahci_deinit_port ahci_port_stop ahci_dev_config ahci_init_controller ahci_disable_alpm ahci_enable_ahci ahci_reset_controller ahci_skip_host_reset ahci_pci_device_resume ahci_exec_polled_cmd ahci_dev_classify ahci_do_softreset ahci_p5wdh_hardreset ahci_check_ready ahci_transmit_led_message ahci_activity_store ahci_activity_show ahci_led_store ahci_led_show ahci_start_port ahci_sw_activity_blink ahci_port_suspend ahci_port_resume ahci_port_start ahci_error_handler ahci_qc_fill_rtf ahci_exit ahci_qc_prep ahci_pci_device_suspend ahci_init_one ahci_port_info printed_version.33424 marvell_enable ahci_em_messages broken_systems.33410 ahci_ignore_sss sysids.33391 ahci_p5wdh_ops ahci_interrupt ahci_sht ahci_thaw ahci_vt8251_hardreset ahci_softreset ahci_hardreset ahci_enable_alpm ahci_sb600_check_ready ahci_sb600_softreset ahci_postreset ahci_qc_issue ahci_freeze __initcall_ahci_init6 __param_marvell_enable __param_str_marvell_enable __param_ahci_em_messages __param_str_ahci_em_messages __param_ignore_sss __param_str_ignore_sss __param_skip_host_reset __param_str_skip_host_reset ahci_pci_tbl ahci_ops ahci_vt8251_ops ahci_sb600_ops ahci_shost_attrs ahci_sdev_attrs ata_piix.c ich_pata_cable_detect ich_laptop piix_init piix_pci_driver in_module_init piix_remove_one piix_vmw_bmdma_status do_pata_set_dmamode needed_pio.31898 timings.31886 ich_set_dmamode piix_set_dmamode piix_pata_prereset piix_enable_bits piix_sidpr_sel piix_sidx_map piix_sidpr_scr_write piix_sidpr_scr_read piix_exit piix_init_one printed_version.32378 broken_systems.32364 piix_port_info piix_map_db_table piix_sidpr_sata_ops sysids.32346 piix_sht piix_pci_device_resume piix_pci_device_suspend sysids.32048 piix_set_piomode timings.31809 __initcall_piix_init6 piix_pci_tbl piix_pata_ops ich_pata_ops piix_sata_ops piix_vmw_ops ich5_map_db ich6_map_db ich6m_map_db ich8_map_db ich8_2port_map_db ich8m_apple_map_db tolapai_map_db pata_amd.c amd_init amd_pci_driver amd_clear_fifo amd_reinit_one nv_host_stop nv_pre_reset nv_enable_bits.31936 amd_pre_reset amd_enable_bits.31788 nv_mode_filter udma_mask_map.31903 timing_setup amd_cyc2udma.31652 nv133_set_dmamode nv100_set_dmamode nv133_set_piomode nv100_set_piomode amd133_set_dmamode amd100_set_dmamode amd66_set_dmamode amd33_set_dmamode amd_fifo_setup fifobit.31827 amd133_set_piomode amd100_set_piomode amd66_set_piomode amd33_set_piomode amd_init_one printed_version.32007 info.32005 amd_sht amd_exit amd_cable_detect bitmask.31806 __initcall_amd_init6 amd amd33_port_ops amd66_port_ops amd100_port_ops amd133_port_ops nv100_port_ops nv133_port_ops amd_base_port_ops nv_base_port_ops pata_mpiix.c mpiix_init mpiix_pci_driver mpiix_pre_reset mpiix_enable_bits.31660 mpiix_set_piomode timings.31677 mpiix_qc_issue mpiix_init_one printed_version.31728 mpiix_port_ops mpiix_sht mpiix_exit __initcall_mpiix_init6 mpiix pata_oldpiix.c oldpiix_init oldpiix_pci_driver oldpiix_init_one printed_version.31778 info.31779 oldpiix_sht oldpiix_pre_reset oldpiix_enable_bits.31653 oldpiix_set_dmamode needed_pio.31724 timings.31721 oldpiix_set_piomode timings.31675 oldpiix_qc_issue oldpiix_exit __initcall_oldpiix_init6 oldpiix_pci_tbl oldpiix_pata_ops pata_sch.c sch_init sch_pci_driver sch_init_one printed_version.31722 sch_port_info sch_sht sch_set_dmamode sch_exit sch_set_piomode __initcall_sch_init6 sch_pci_tbl sch_pata_ops ata_generic.c ata_generic_init ata_generic_pci_driver generic_set_mode ata_generic_init_one info.31703 all_generic_ide generic_sht ata_generic_exit __param_all_generic_ide __param_str_all_generic_ide __initcall_ata_generic_init6 ata_generic generic_port_ops init_ohci1394_dma.c setup_ohci1394_dma __setup_setup_ohci1394_dma __setup_str_setup_ohci1394_dma cdrom.c cdrom_dummy_generic_packet media_changed sanitize_format setup_report_key setup_send_key cdrom_read_block cdrom_switch_blocksize cdrom_sysctl_register initialized.27861 cdrom_root_table cdrom_sysctl_header autoclose cdrom_sysctl_settings autoeject lockdoor check_media_type cdrom_init cdrom_sysctl_handler cdrom_mutex cdrom_list cdrom_print_info cdrom_sysctl_info mmc_ioctl_cdrom_pause_resume mmc_ioctl_cdrom_start_stop cdrom_count_tracks check_for_audio_disc banner_printed.25230 cdrom_mrw_exit cdrom_exit cdrom_get_disc_info cdrom_get_track_info cdrom_load_unload cdrom_read_mech_status keeplocked cdrom_get_random_writable mmc_ioctl_cdrom_play_blk mmc_ioctl_cdrom_play_msf mmc_ioctl_cdrom_last_written mmc_ioctl_cdrom_next_writable mmc_ioctl_dvd_auth mmc_ioctl_cdrom_volume mmc_ioctl_cdrom_subchannel mmc_ioctl_dvd_read_struct cdrom_read_cdda_old mmc_ioctl_cdrom_read_audio mrw_format_status mrw_format_restart mmc_ioctl_cdrom_read_data __initcall_cdrom_init6 __ksymtab_cdrom_get_media_event __kstrtab_cdrom_get_media_event __ksymtab_init_cdrom_command __kstrtab_init_cdrom_command __ksymtab_cdrom_mode_sense __kstrtab_cdrom_mode_sense __ksymtab_cdrom_mode_select __kstrtab_cdrom_mode_select __ksymtab_cdrom_number_of_slots __kstrtab_cdrom_number_of_slots __ksymtab_cdrom_media_changed __kstrtab_cdrom_media_changed __ksymtab_cdrom_ioctl __kstrtab_cdrom_ioctl __ksymtab_cdrom_release __kstrtab_cdrom_release __ksymtab_cdrom_open __kstrtab_cdrom_open __ksymtab_unregister_cdrom __kstrtab_unregister_cdrom __ksymtab_register_cdrom __kstrtab_register_cdrom __ksymtab_cdrom_get_last_written __kstrtab_cdrom_get_last_written __param_mrw_format_restart __param_str_mrw_format_restart __param_check_media_type __param_str_check_media_type __param_lockdoor __param_str_lockdoor __param_autoeject __param_str_autoeject __param_autoclose __param_str_autoclose cdrom_cdrom_table cdrom_table mtdcore.c init_mtd proc_mtd mtd_read_proc cleanup_mtd mtd_notifiers __initcall_init_mtd6 __ksymtab_default_mtd_writev __kstrtab_default_mtd_writev __ksymtab_unregister_mtd_user __kstrtab_unregister_mtd_user __ksymtab_register_mtd_user __kstrtab_register_mtd_user __ksymtab_put_mtd_device __kstrtab_put_mtd_device __ksymtab_get_mtd_device_nm __kstrtab_get_mtd_device_nm __ksymtab_get_mtd_device __kstrtab_get_mtd_device __ksymtab_del_mtd_device __kstrtab_del_mtd_device __ksymtab_add_mtd_device __kstrtab_add_mtd_device __ksymtab_mtd_table __kstrtab_mtd_table __ksymtab_mtd_table_mutex __kstrtab_mtd_table_mutex mtdsuper.c get_sb_mtd_compare get_sb_mtd_set get_sb_mtd_aux get_sb_mtd_nr __ksymtab_kill_mtd_super __kstrtab_kill_mtd_super __ksymtab_get_sb_mtd __kstrtab_get_sb_mtd mtdpart.c part_point part_unpoint part_read_user_prot_reg part_get_user_prot_info part_read_fact_prot_reg part_get_fact_prot_info part_write part_panic_write part_write_oob part_write_user_prot_reg part_lock_user_prot_reg part_writev part_erase part_lock part_unlock part_sync part_suspend part_resume part_block_isbad part_block_markbad part_read_oob part_read get_partition_parser part_parsers mtd_partitions __ksymtab_parse_mtd_partitions __kstrtab_parse_mtd_partitions __ksymtab_deregister_mtd_parser __kstrtab_deregister_mtd_parser __ksymtab_register_mtd_parser __kstrtab_register_mtd_parser __ksymtab_add_mtd_partitions __kstrtab_add_mtd_partitions __ksymtab_del_mtd_partitions __kstrtab_del_mtd_partitions __ksymtab_mtd_erase_callback __kstrtab_mtd_erase_callback mtd_blkdevs.c blktrans_discard_request blktrans_getgeo blktrans_ioctl blktrans_notify_add blktrans_majors mtd_blktrans_exit blktrans_notifier mtd_blktrans_request blktrans_release blktrans_notify_remove __key.25359 mtd_blktrans_ops mtd_blktrans_thread blktrans_open __ksymtab_del_mtd_blktrans_dev __kstrtab_del_mtd_blktrans_dev __ksymtab_add_mtd_blktrans_dev __kstrtab_add_mtd_blktrans_dev __ksymtab_deregister_mtd_blktrans __kstrtab_deregister_mtd_blktrans __ksymtab_register_mtd_blktrans __kstrtab_register_mtd_blktrans mtdblock.c init_mtdblock mtdblock_tr mtdblock_remove_dev mtdblock_readsect mtdblks mtdblock_add_mtd erase_write erase_callback write_cached_data mtdblock_flush mtdblock_release mtdblock_writesect cleanup_mtdblock mtdblock_open __key.17135 __initcall_init_mtdblock6 nftlcore.c nftl_getgeo init_nftl nftl_tr nftl_remove_dev nftl_readblock nftl_add_mtd cleanup_nftl __initcall_init_nftl6 nftlmount.c memcmpb get_fold_mark check_free_sectors format_chain warncount.9932 chipreg.c get_mtd_chip_driver chip_drvs_list __ksymtab_map_destroy __kstrtab_map_destroy __ksymtab_do_map_probe __kstrtab_do_map_probe __ksymtab_unregister_mtd_chip_driver __kstrtab_unregister_mtd_chip_driver __ksymtab_register_mtd_chip_driver __kstrtab_register_mtd_chip_driver goldfish_nand.c goldfish_nand_init goldfish_nand_driver goldfish_nand_remove goldfish_nand_cmd goldfish_nand_block_markbad goldfish_nand_block_isbad goldfish_nand_write goldfish_nand_read goldfish_nand_write_oob goldfish_nand_read_oob goldfish_nand_erase goldfish_nand_exit goldfish_nand_probe __initcall_goldfish_nand_init6 nand_base.c nand_select_chip nand_write_buf nand_verify_buf nand_write_buf16 nand_verify_buf16 nand_check_wp nand_read_page_raw nand_read_page_swecc nand_read_subpage nand_read_page_hwecc nand_read_page_syndrome nand_read_oob_std nand_read_oob_syndrome nand_write_oob_std nand_write_oob_syndrome nand_write_page_raw nand_write_page_swecc nand_write_page_hwecc nand_write_page_syndrome single_erase_cmd multi_erase_cmd nand_base_init nand_led_trigger nand_base_exit nand_oob_8 nand_oob_16 nand_oob_64 nand_write_page nand_erase nand_read nand_write nand_read_oob nand_write_oob nand_panic_write nand_sync nand_suspend nand_resume nand_block_isbad nand_block_markbad nand_block_checkbad nand_fill_oob nand_do_write_oob nand_do_write_ops nand_transfer_oob nand_release_device nand_get_device nand_block_bad nand_command nand_wait nand_read_byte16 nand_read_byte nand_read_word nand_default_block_markbad nand_read_buf16 nand_read_buf __func__.17066 nand_command_lp nand_do_read_ops __initcall_nand_base_init6 __ksymtab_nand_release __kstrtab_nand_release __ksymtab_nand_scan_tail __kstrtab_nand_scan_tail __ksymtab_nand_scan_ident __kstrtab_nand_scan_ident __ksymtab_nand_scan __kstrtab_nand_scan __ksymtab_nand_wait_ready __kstrtab_nand_wait_ready nand_bbt.c check_pattern scan_read_raw search_bbt create_bbt read_bbt read_abs_bbt write_bbt mark_bbt_region bbt_main_descr bbt_mirror_descr agand_flashbased largepage_flashbased smallpage_flashbased largepage_memorybased smallpage_memorybased __ksymtab_nand_default_bbt __kstrtab_nand_default_bbt __ksymtab_nand_scan_bbt __kstrtab_nand_scan_bbt bbt_pattern mirror_pattern scan_agand_pattern scan_ff_pattern nand_ecc.c invparity addressbits bitsperbyte __ksymtab_nand_correct_data __kstrtab_nand_correct_data __ksymtab_nand_calculate_ecc __kstrtab_nand_calculate_ecc nand_ids.c __ksymtab_nand_flash_ids __kstrtab_nand_flash_ids __ksymtab_nand_manuf_ids __kstrtab_nand_manuf_ids plat_nand.c plat_nand_init plat_nand_driver plat_nand_remove plat_nand_exit plat_nand_probe __initcall_plat_nand_init6 cs.c init_pcmcia_cs pcmcia_unload __key.21553 pcmcia_release_socket_class pcmcia_release_socket pcmcia_socket_uevent exit_pcmcia_cs socket_reset reset_time unreset_delay unreset_check unreset_limit socket_setup vcc_settle send_event socket_suspend socket_remove_drivers socket_shutdown shutdown_delay socket_remove socket_insert setup_delay socket_resume resume_delay pccardd cis_speed __key.21091 __initcall_init_pcmcia_cs4 __ksymtab_pcmcia_socket_class __kstrtab_pcmcia_socket_class __ksymtab_pcmcia_insert_card __kstrtab_pcmcia_insert_card __ksymtab_pcmcia_eject_card __kstrtab_pcmcia_eject_card __ksymtab_pcmcia_resume_card __kstrtab_pcmcia_resume_card __ksymtab_pcmcia_suspend_card __kstrtab_pcmcia_suspend_card __ksymtab_pcmcia_reset_card __kstrtab_pcmcia_reset_card __ksymtab_pccard_register_pcmcia __kstrtab_pccard_register_pcmcia __ksymtab_pcmcia_parse_events __kstrtab_pcmcia_parse_events __ksymtab_pcmcia_get_socket_by_nr __kstrtab_pcmcia_get_socket_by_nr __ksymtab_pcmcia_unregister_socket __kstrtab_pcmcia_unregister_socket __ksymtab_pcmcia_register_socket __kstrtab_pcmcia_register_socket __ksymtab_pcmcia_put_socket __kstrtab_pcmcia_put_socket __ksymtab_pcmcia_get_socket __kstrtab_pcmcia_get_socket __ksymtab_pcmcia_socket_dev_resume __kstrtab_pcmcia_socket_dev_resume __ksymtab_pcmcia_socket_dev_suspend __kstrtab_pcmcia_socket_dev_suspend __ksymtab_pcmcia_socket_list_rwsem __kstrtab_pcmcia_socket_list_rwsem __ksymtab_pcmcia_socket_list __kstrtab_pcmcia_socket_list __ksymtab_dead_socket __kstrtab_dead_socket __param_cis_speed __param_str_cis_speed __param_unreset_limit __param_str_unreset_limit __param_unreset_check __param_str_unreset_check __param_unreset_delay __param_str_unreset_delay __param_reset_time __param_str_reset_time __param_vcc_settle __param_str_vcc_settle __param_shutdown_delay __param_str_shutdown_delay __param_resume_delay __param_str_resume_delay __param_setup_delay __param_str_setup_delay cistpl.c parse_strings parse_power mantissa exponent parse_irq remove_cis_cache set_cis_map cis_width read_cis_cache __ksymtab_pccard_validate_cis __kstrtab_pccard_validate_cis __ksymtab_pccard_read_tuple __kstrtab_pccard_read_tuple __ksymtab_pcmcia_parse_tuple __kstrtab_pcmcia_parse_tuple __ksymtab_pccard_get_tuple_data __kstrtab_pccard_get_tuple_data __ksymtab_pccard_get_next_tuple __kstrtab_pccard_get_next_tuple __ksymtab_pccard_get_first_tuple __kstrtab_pccard_get_first_tuple __ksymtab_pcmcia_replace_cis __kstrtab_pcmcia_replace_cis __ksymtab_destroy_cis_cache __kstrtab_destroy_cis_cache __ksymtab_pcmcia_write_cis_mem __kstrtab_pcmcia_write_cis_mem __ksymtab_pcmcia_read_cis_mem __kstrtab_pcmcia_read_cis_mem __ksymtab_release_cis_mem __kstrtab_release_cis_mem __param_cis_width __param_str_cis_width rsrc_mgr.c static_init __ksymtab_pccard_static_ops __kstrtab_pccard_static_ops __ksymtab_pcmcia_find_mem_region __kstrtab_pcmcia_find_mem_region __ksymtab_pcmcia_find_io_region __kstrtab_pcmcia_find_io_region __ksymtab_pcmcia_adjust_io_region __kstrtab_pcmcia_adjust_io_region __ksymtab_pcmcia_validate_mem __kstrtab_pcmcia_validate_mem socket_sysfs.c pccard_cis_attr socket_attrs pccard_show_resource pccard_show_irq_mask pccard_show_card_pm_state pccard_show_vcc pccard_show_vpp pccard_show_voltage pccard_show_type pccard_store_irq_mask pccard_store_eject pccard_store_card_pm_state pccard_store_insert pccard_store_cis pccard_show_cis pccard_store_resource pccard_socket_attributes dev_attr_card_type dev_attr_card_voltage dev_attr_card_vpp dev_attr_card_vcc dev_attr_card_insert dev_attr_card_pm_state dev_attr_card_eject dev_attr_card_irq_mask dev_attr_available_resources_setup_done cardbus.c cb_release_cis_mem cardbus_assign_irqs ds.c service_table error_table pcmcia_store_allow_func_id_match pcmcia_show_pm_state prod_id4_show prod_id3_show prod_id2_show prod_id1_show card_id_show manf_id_show func_id_show func_show init_pcmcia_bus pcmcia_bus_interface pcmcia_card_remove pcmcia_bus_remove_socket pcmcia_bus_resume pcmcia_bus_resume_callback pcmcia_bus_suspend pcmcia_bus_suspend_callback pcmcia_release_function pcmcia_device_query pcmcia_requery pcmcia_dev_resume runtime_resume pcmcia_dev_suspend runtime_suspend pcmcia_store_pm_state pcmcia_add_device_later pcmcia_bus_uevent pcmcia_load_firmware exit_pcmcia_bus device_add_lock pcmcia_release_dev pcmcia_delayed_add_device pcmcia_card_add pcmcia_device_probe pcmcia_device_remove ds_event pcmcia_bus_add_socket pcmcia_bus_callback pcmcia_store_new_id pcmcia_bus_rescan pcmcia_bus_match pcmcia_dev_attrs __initcall_init_pcmcia_bus5 __ksymtab_pcmcia_dev_present __kstrtab_pcmcia_dev_present __ksymtab_pcmcia_unregister_driver __kstrtab_pcmcia_unregister_driver __ksymtab_pcmcia_register_driver __kstrtab_pcmcia_register_driver __ksymtab_pcmcia_error_ret __kstrtab_pcmcia_error_ret __ksymtab_pcmcia_error_func __kstrtab_pcmcia_error_func pcmcia_resource.c C.320.21070 release_io_space alloc_io_space C.317.21047 io_speed __ksymtab_pcmcia_loop_config __kstrtab_pcmcia_loop_config __ksymtab_pcmcia_disable_device __kstrtab_pcmcia_disable_device __ksymtab_pcmcia_request_window __kstrtab_pcmcia_request_window __ksymtab_pcmcia_request_irq __kstrtab_pcmcia_request_irq __ksymtab_pcmcia_request_io __kstrtab_pcmcia_request_io __ksymtab_pcmcia_request_configuration __kstrtab_pcmcia_request_configuration __ksymtab_pcmcia_release_window __kstrtab_pcmcia_release_window __ksymtab_pcmcia_modify_configuration __kstrtab_pcmcia_modify_configuration __ksymtab_pcmcia_map_mem_page __kstrtab_pcmcia_map_mem_page __ksymtab_pcmcia_get_mem_page __kstrtab_pcmcia_get_mem_page __ksymtab_pcmcia_get_window __kstrtab_pcmcia_get_window __ksymtab_pcmcia_access_configuration_register __kstrtab_pcmcia_access_configuration_register __param_io_speed __param_str_io_speed pcmcia_ioctl.c queue_event ds_write proc_pccard major_dev ds_release get_pcmcia_device get_device_info ds_fops proc_read_drivers proc_read_drivers_callback ds_ioctl printed.24715 ds_open warning_printed.24575 ds_read ds_poll rsrc_nonstatic.c pcmcia_common_align pcmcia_align nonstatic_sysfs_init pccard_rsrc_interface nonstatic_release_resource_db rsrc_mutex make_resource sub_interval add_interval adjust_io adjust_memory nonstatic_init nonstatic_find_mem_region nonstatic_adjust_io_region claim_region checksum readable free_region checksum_match pcmcia_nonstatic_validate_mem probe_mem pccard_sysfs_remove_rsrc rsrc_attributes nonstatic_sysfs_exit nonstatic_find_io_region show_io_db store_io_db show_mem_db store_mem_db pccard_sysfs_add_rsrc __initcall_nonstatic_sysfs_init6 __ksymtab_pccard_nonstatic_ops __kstrtab_pccard_nonstatic_ops __param_probe_mem __param_str_probe_mem pccard_rsrc_attributes dev_attr_available_resources_io dev_attr_available_resources_mem yenta_socket.c exca_writew yenta_get_status yenta_set_power yenta_set_io_map yenta_set_mem_map yenta_interrogate ti_init ti_override ti_zoom_video ti1250_zoom_video topic97_override topic97_zoom_video yenta_socket_init yenta_cardbus_driver ti12xx_untie_interrupts o2micro_override o2micro_restore_state yenta_set_socket yenta_probe_cb_irq yenta_probe_handler ti12xx_2nd_slot_empty ti12xx_align_irqs ti12xx_tie_interrupts ti12xx_override disable_clkrun ti12xx_power_hook ti1250_override ene_override ene_tune_bridge yenta_search_res yenta_allocate_res override_bios yenta_interrupt yenta_socket_exit yenta_probe yenta_socket_operations cardbus_type yenta_interrupt_wrapper isa_probe dev_attr_yenta_registers yenta_sock_suspend show_yenta_registers topic95_override yenta_sock_init C.364.20673 yenta_close yenta_dev_resume yenta_dev_suspend ti_save_state ti_restore_state ti113x_override pwr_irqs_off ene_tune_tbl ricoh_zoom_video ricoh_restore_state ricoh_override ricoh_save_state __initcall_yenta_socket_init6 __param_override_bios __param_str_override_bios __param_pwr_irqs_off __param_str_pwr_irqs_off __param_isa_probe __param_str_isa_probe __param_disable_clkrun __param_str_disable_clkrun yenta_table usb.c __find_interface usb_dev_prepare nousb usb_dev_restore usb_dev_thaw usb_dev_resume usb_dev_complete usb_dev_poweroff usb_dev_freeze usb_dev_suspend usb_bus_notify ksuspend_usb_cleanup usb_init usb_bus_nb usb_dev_uevent usb_exit __key.23445 usb_release_dev usb_device_pm_ops __initcall_usb_init4 __ksymtab_usb_disabled __kstrtab_usb_disabled __param_nousb __param_str_nousb __ksymtab_usb_buffer_unmap_sg __kstrtab_usb_buffer_unmap_sg __ksymtab_usb_buffer_map_sg __kstrtab_usb_buffer_map_sg __ksymtab_usb_buffer_free __kstrtab_usb_buffer_free __ksymtab_usb_buffer_alloc __kstrtab_usb_buffer_alloc __ksymtab___usb_get_extra_descriptor __kstrtab___usb_get_extra_descriptor __ksymtab_usb_get_current_frame_number __kstrtab_usb_get_current_frame_number __ksymtab_usb_lock_device_for_reset __kstrtab_usb_lock_device_for_reset __ksymtab_usb_put_intf __kstrtab_usb_put_intf __ksymtab_usb_get_intf __kstrtab_usb_get_intf __ksymtab_usb_put_dev __kstrtab_usb_put_dev __ksymtab_usb_get_dev __kstrtab_usb_get_dev __ksymtab_usb_find_interface __kstrtab_usb_find_interface __ksymtab_usb_altnum_to_altsetting __kstrtab_usb_altnum_to_altsetting __ksymtab_usb_ifnum_to_if __kstrtab_usb_ifnum_to_if hub.c recursively_mark_NOTATTACHED show_string set_port_feature set_port_led clear_port_feature clear_hub_feature release_address hub_power_on hub_hub_status __func__.20576 hub_port_status __func__.20288 hub_port_reset hub_port_disable kick_khubd hub_event_list khubd_wait hub_port_logical_disconnect khubd_task hub_driver led_work blinkenlights hub_activate hub_init_func2 hub_init_func3 hub_release hub_port_init usb_address0_mutex.21566 old_scheme_first initial_descriptor_timeout usb_reset_and_verify_device __func__.22130 use_both_schemes usb_configure_device __func__.21158 hub_quiesce hub_disconnect highspeed_hubs hub_ioctl hub_irq hub_probe __key.20764 hub_tt_kevent hub_reset_resume __func__.21500 hub_pre_reset hub_post_reset hub_suspend __func__.21471 hub_resume __func__.21490 hub_thread __ksymtab_usb_queue_reset_device __kstrtab_usb_queue_reset_device __ksymtab_usb_reset_device __kstrtab_usb_reset_device __ksymtab_usb_ep0_reinit __kstrtab_usb_ep0_reinit __ksymtab_usb_root_hub_lost_power __kstrtab_usb_root_hub_lost_power __ksymtab_usb_hub_tt_clear_buffer __kstrtab_usb_hub_tt_clear_buffer __ksymtab_ehci_cf_port_reset_rwsem __kstrtab_ehci_cf_port_reset_rwsem __param_use_both_schemes __param_str_use_both_schemes __param_old_scheme_first __param_str_old_scheme_first __param_initial_descriptor_timeout __param_str_initial_descriptor_timeout __param_blinkenlights __param_str_blinkenlights hub_id_table hcd.c usb_deregister_bus busmap hcd_release hcd_resume_work hcd_free_coherent unmap_urb_for_dma unlink1 hcd_alloc_coherent rh_timer_func usb_host_class __key.24027 usb_bus_attr_group usb_host_authorized_default_show usb_host_authorized_default_store usb2_rh_dev_descriptor usb11_rh_dev_descriptor hs_rh_config_descriptor fs_rh_config_descriptor __ksymtab_usb_mon_deregister __kstrtab_usb_mon_deregister __ksymtab_usb_mon_register __kstrtab_usb_mon_register __ksymtab_usb_hcd_platform_shutdown __kstrtab_usb_hcd_platform_shutdown __ksymtab_usb_remove_hcd __kstrtab_usb_remove_hcd __ksymtab_usb_add_hcd __kstrtab_usb_add_hcd __ksymtab_usb_put_hcd __kstrtab_usb_put_hcd __ksymtab_usb_get_hcd __kstrtab_usb_get_hcd __ksymtab_usb_create_hcd __kstrtab_usb_create_hcd __ksymtab_usb_hc_died __kstrtab_usb_hc_died __ksymtab_usb_hcd_resume_root_hub __kstrtab_usb_hcd_resume_root_hub __ksymtab_usb_hcd_giveback_urb __kstrtab_usb_hcd_giveback_urb __ksymtab_usb_hcd_unlink_urb_from_ep __kstrtab_usb_hcd_unlink_urb_from_ep __ksymtab_usb_hcd_check_unlink_urb __kstrtab_usb_hcd_check_unlink_urb __ksymtab_usb_hcd_link_urb_to_ep __kstrtab_usb_hcd_link_urb_to_ep __ksymtab_usb_calc_bus_time __kstrtab_usb_calc_bus_time __ksymtab_usb_hcd_poll_rh_status __kstrtab_usb_hcd_poll_rh_status __ksymtab_usb_bus_list_lock __kstrtab_usb_bus_list_lock __ksymtab_usb_bus_list __kstrtab_usb_bus_list __ksymtab_usb_hcds_loaded __kstrtab_usb_hcds_loaded usb_bus_attrs dev_attr_authorized_default urb.c urb_destroy __func__.19616 __ksymtab_usb_anchor_empty __kstrtab_usb_anchor_empty __ksymtab_usb_scuttle_anchored_urbs __kstrtab_usb_scuttle_anchored_urbs __ksymtab_usb_get_from_anchor __kstrtab_usb_get_from_anchor __ksymtab_usb_wait_anchor_empty_timeout __kstrtab_usb_wait_anchor_empty_timeout __ksymtab_usb_unlink_anchored_urbs __kstrtab_usb_unlink_anchored_urbs __ksymtab_usb_unpoison_anchored_urbs __kstrtab_usb_unpoison_anchored_urbs __ksymtab_usb_poison_anchored_urbs __kstrtab_usb_poison_anchored_urbs __ksymtab_usb_kill_anchored_urbs __kstrtab_usb_kill_anchored_urbs __ksymtab_usb_unpoison_urb __kstrtab_usb_unpoison_urb __ksymtab_usb_poison_urb __kstrtab_usb_poison_urb __ksymtab_usb_kill_urb __kstrtab_usb_kill_urb __ksymtab_usb_unlink_urb __kstrtab_usb_unlink_urb __ksymtab_usb_submit_urb __kstrtab_usb_submit_urb __ksymtab_usb_unanchor_urb __kstrtab_usb_unanchor_urb __ksymtab_usb_anchor_urb __kstrtab_usb_anchor_urb __ksymtab_usb_get_urb __kstrtab_usb_get_urb __ksymtab_usb_free_urb __kstrtab_usb_free_urb __ksymtab_usb_alloc_urb __kstrtab_usb_alloc_urb __ksymtab_usb_init_urb __kstrtab_usb_init_urb message.c usb_release_interface usb_if_uevent create_intf_ep_devs remove_intf_ep_devs __func__.25128 __func__.24739 usb_api_blocking_completion sg_clean usb_start_wait_urb usb_get_string usb_string_sub set_config_list driver_set_config_work sg_complete __func__.24529 __func__.24675 __ksymtab_usb_driver_set_configuration __kstrtab_usb_driver_set_configuration __ksymtab_usb_reset_configuration __kstrtab_usb_reset_configuration __ksymtab_usb_set_interface __kstrtab_usb_set_interface __ksymtab_usb_clear_halt __kstrtab_usb_clear_halt __ksymtab_usb_get_status __kstrtab_usb_get_status __ksymtab_usb_string __kstrtab_usb_string __ksymtab_usb_get_descriptor __kstrtab_usb_get_descriptor __ksymtab_usb_sg_cancel __kstrtab_usb_sg_cancel __ksymtab_usb_sg_wait __kstrtab_usb_sg_wait __ksymtab_usb_sg_init __kstrtab_usb_sg_init __ksymtab_usb_bulk_msg __kstrtab_usb_bulk_msg __ksymtab_usb_interrupt_msg __kstrtab_usb_interrupt_msg __ksymtab_usb_control_msg __kstrtab_usb_control_msg usb_unbind_device usb_resume_device usb_match_dynamic_id usb_resume_interface usb_probe_device usb_probe_interface usb_unbind_interface usb_cancel_queued_reset do_unbind_rebind usb_uevent __func__.19762 usb_device_match __func__.19808 __ksymtab_usb_deregister __kstrtab_usb_deregister __ksymtab_usb_register_driver __kstrtab_usb_register_driver __ksymtab_usb_deregister_device_driver __kstrtab_usb_deregister_device_driver __ksymtab_usb_register_device_driver __kstrtab_usb_register_device_driver __ksymtab_usb_match_id __kstrtab_usb_match_id __ksymtab_usb_match_one_id __kstrtab_usb_match_one_id __ksymtab_usb_driver_release_interface __kstrtab_usb_driver_release_interface __ksymtab_usb_driver_claim_interface __kstrtab_usb_driver_claim_interface __ksymtab_usb_store_new_id __kstrtab_usb_store_new_id config.c find_next_descriptor minor_rwsem usb_minors usb_class release_usb_class __key.19361 usb_fops usb_open __ksymtab_usb_deregister_dev __kstrtab_usb_deregister_dev __ksymtab_usb_register_dev __kstrtab_usb_register_dev pool_max dev_string_attrs_are_visible dev_attr_manufacturer dev_attr_product dev_attr_serial intf_assoc_attrs_are_visible show_modalias show_interface_string show_bInterfaceProtocol show_bInterfaceSubClass show_bInterfaceClass show_bNumEndpoints show_bAlternateSetting show_bInterfaceNumber show_iad_bFunctionProtocol show_iad_bFunctionSubClass show_iad_bFunctionClass show_iad_bInterfaceCount show_iad_bFirstInterface show_bMaxPacketSize0 show_bNumConfigurations show_bDeviceProtocol show_bDeviceSubClass show_bDeviceClass show_bcdDevice show_idProduct show_idVendor show_persist show_urbnum show_quirks show_maxchild show_version show_devnum show_busnum show_speed show_serial show_manufacturer show_product show_bConfigurationValue show_configuration_string show_bMaxPower show_bmAttributes show_bNumInterfaces show_supports_autosuspend usb_dev_authorized_store usb_dev_authorized_show set_bConfigurationValue dev_attr_interface read_descriptors power_group dev_attr_persist dev_bin_attr_descriptors set_persist dev_attr_grp dev_string_attr_grp intf_attr_grp intf_assoc_attr_grp dev_attrs dev_string_attrs intf_attrs intf_assoc_attrs dev_attr_configuration dev_attr_bNumInterfaces dev_attr_bConfigurationValue dev_attr_bmAttributes dev_attr_bMaxPower dev_attr_urbnum dev_attr_idVendor dev_attr_idProduct dev_attr_bcdDevice dev_attr_bDeviceClass dev_attr_bDeviceSubClass dev_attr_bDeviceProtocol dev_attr_bNumConfigurations dev_attr_bMaxPacketSize0 dev_attr_speed dev_attr_busnum dev_attr_devnum dev_attr_version dev_attr_maxchild dev_attr_quirks dev_attr_authorized dev_attr_bInterfaceNumber dev_attr_bAlternateSetting dev_attr_bNumEndpoints dev_attr_bInterfaceClass dev_attr_bInterfaceSubClass dev_attr_bInterfaceProtocol dev_attr_supports_autosuspend dev_attr_iad_bFirstInterface dev_attr_iad_bInterfaceCount dev_attr_iad_bFunctionClass dev_attr_iad_bFunctionSubClass dev_attr_iad_bFunctionProtocol endpoint.c show_ep_direction show_ep_interval show_ep_type show_ep_wMaxPacketSize show_ep_bInterval show_ep_bmAttributes show_ep_bEndpointAddress show_ep_bLength destroy_endpoint_class ep_class release_endpoint_class usb_endpoint_major endpoint_free_minor endpoint_idr ep_device_release __key.19616 minor_lock.19593 ep_dev_groups ep_dev_attr_grp ep_dev_attrs dev_attr_bLength dev_attr_bEndpointAddress dev_attr_bInterval dev_attr_wMaxPacketSize dev_attr_interval dev_attr_direction devio.c driver_probe driver_suspend driver_resume findintfep match_devt usbdev_poll releaseintf destroy_async destroy_async_on_interface free_async snoop_urb usbfs_snoop usbdev_lseek processcompl claimintf checkintf check_ctrlrecip proc_submiturb async_completed usbdev_notify proc_reapurb proc_ioctl_default usbdev_nb usb_device_cdev driver_disconnect usbdev_open usbdev_read usbdev_ioctl __func__.25865 usbdev_release __param_usbfs_snoop __param_str_usbfs_snoop notify.c usb_notifier_list __ksymtab_usb_unregister_notify __kstrtab_usb_unregister_notify __ksymtab_usb_register_notify __kstrtab_usb_register_notify generic_resume generic_suspend generic_disconnect generic_probe usb_quirk_list hcd-pci.c __func__.24455 __ksymtab_usb_hcd_pci_shutdown __kstrtab_usb_hcd_pci_shutdown __ksymtab_usb_hcd_pci_resume __kstrtab_usb_hcd_pci_resume __ksymtab_usb_hcd_pci_suspend __kstrtab_usb_hcd_pci_suspend __ksymtab_usb_hcd_pci_remove __kstrtab_usb_hcd_pci_remove __ksymtab_usb_hcd_pci_probe __kstrtab_usb_hcd_pci_probe usbfs_nb usb_fs_type usbdir usb_get_sb usbfs_fill_super usbfs_show_options devuid devgid devmode busuid busgid busmode listuid listgid listmode default_file_lseek remount ignore_mount usbfs_mount devices_usbfs_dentry usbfs_get_inode default_file_operations usbfs_ops __func__.23800 usbfs_mknod fs_create_file fs_remove_file usbfs_notify num_buses usbfs_mount_count class_decode clas_info usb_device_open usb_device_release usb_device_lseek usb_device_poll conndiscevcnt deviceconndiscwq usb_device_dump format_topo format_bandwidth format_device1 format_device2 format_string_manufacturer format_string_product format_string_serialnumber format_config format_iad format_iface format_endpt usb_device_read mon_main.c mon_dissolve mon_bus_drop mon_bus_complete mon_complete mon_bus_submit_error mon_submit_error mon_bus_submit mon_submit mon_bus_init mon_buses mon_init mon_ops_0 mon_nb mon_notify mon_exit __initcall_mon_init6 mon_stat.c mon_stat_release mon_stat_open mon_stat_read mon_text.c mon_text_ctor mon_dir mon_text_read_data mon_text_read_statset mon_fops_text_t mon_fops_text_u mon_text_read_wait mon_text_release mon_text_open __key.19870 mon_text_submit mon_text_error mon_text_complete mon_text_event mon_text_read_t mon_text_read_u mon_bin.c mon_buff_area_alloc mon_buff_area_free mon_bin_vma_open mon_bin_vma_close mon_bin_cdev mon_bin_dev0 mon_bin_class mon_free_buff mon_bin_release mon_alloc_buff mon_bin_vma_fault __key.23195 mon_fops_binary mon_bin_flush mon_bin_event xfer_to_pipe mon_bin_complete mon_bin_submit copy_from_buf mon_bin_wait_event mon_bin_poll mon_bin_error mon_bin_read mon_bin_ioctl mon_bin_open __key.22487 mon_bin_mmap mon_bin_vm_ops mon_dma.c pci-quirks.c mmio_resource_enabled __func__.24869 quirk_usb_early_handoff __pci_fixup_PCI_ANY_IDPCI_ANY_IDquirk_usb_early_handoff __ksymtab_uhci_check_and_reset_hc __kstrtab_uhci_check_and_reset_hc __ksymtab_uhci_reset_hc __kstrtab_uhci_reset_hc ehci-hcd.c same_tt qh_refresh qtd_fill set_owner tt_no_collision periodic_usecs check_period check_intr_schedule handshake qh_link_async ehci_halt ehci_silence_controller handshake_on_error_set_halt disable_periodic enable_periodic ehci_quiesce qh_schedule qtd_list_free qh_destroy ehci_urb_done intr_deschedule end_unlink_async qh_completions start_unlink_async unlink_async iso_sched_free iso_stream_schedule iso_stream_put free_cached_itd_list ehci_work dbg_port_buf ehci_hub_control ignore_oc ehci_port_power dbg_command_buf fls_strings ehci_reset dbg_status_buf ehci_qtd_alloc qh_urb_transaction ehci_qh_alloc qh_append_tds iso_sched_alloc iso_stream_find smask_out.27937 ehci_mem_cleanup ehci_pci_reinit alloc_buffer __key.25618 debug_registers_open fill_registers_buffer debug_periodic_open fill_periodic_buffer debug_async_open fill_async_buffer debug_close qh_lines debug_output ehci_hcd_cleanup ehci_pci_driver ehci_debug_root show_companion ehci_relinquish_port ehci_urb_enqueue ehci_port_handed_over ehci_get_frame ehci_run debug_async_fops debug_periodic_fops debug_registers_fops dev_attr_companion ehci_bus_resume ehci_hub_status_data ehci_iaa_watchdog ehci_watchdog ehci_shutdown ehci_stop ehci_irq ehci_urb_dequeue ehci_endpoint_disable ehci_pci_suspend ehci_hcd_init hcd_name ehci_bus_suspend store_companion ehci_pci_resume label.25477 fmt.25476 ehci_pci_setup log2_irq_thresh park __initcall_ehci_hcd_init6 __param_ignore_oc __param_str_ignore_oc __param_park __param_str_park __param_log2_irq_thresh __param_str_log2_irq_thresh pci_ids ehci_pci_hc_driver ohci-hcd.c ed_deschedule start_ed_unlink td_fill td_done cc_to_error ohci_usb_reset check_ed broken_suspend __key.26403 show_list data0 data1 ohci_dump_roothub maybe_print_eds ohci_dump_intr_mask ohci_dump_status ohci_dump ed_free td_free urb_free_priv quirk_amd_pll amd_smbus_dev amd_hb_dev finish_urb takeback_td dl_done_list ed_schedule finish_unlinks ohci_rh_suspend ohci_run unlink_watchdog_func ohci_restart td_alloc ohci_stop amd_ohci_iso_count ohci_init distrust_firmware no_handshake ohci_debug_root ohci_rh_resume ohci_hcd_mod_exit ohci_pci_driver ohci_pci_reset ohci_pci_quirks ohci_quirk_opti ohci_quirk_ns ohci_quirk_zfmicro ohci_quirk_toshiba_scc ohci_quirk_nec_worker ohci_quirk_nec ohci_quirk_amd700 ohci_pci_start ohci_hub_control ohci_shutdown ohci_get_frame ohci_bus_suspend ohci_bus_resume ohci_hub_status_data ohci_urb_enqueue ohci_urb_dequeue ohci_endpoint_disable ohci_irq ohci_pci_suspend ohci_hcd_mod_init ohci_pci_resume ohci_quirk_amd756 __initcall_ohci_hcd_mod_init6 __param_no_handshake __param_str_no_handshake __param_distrust_firmware __param_str_distrust_firmware ohci_pci_hc_driver uhci-hcd.c uhci_frame_skel_link uhci_fixup_toggles uhci_highest_load uhci_map_status finish_reset start_rh uhci_get_current_frame_number uhci_hcd_get_frame_number uhci_debug_release uhci_reserve_bandwidth uhci_check_bandwidth uhci_set_next_interrupt wakeup_rh __func__.27515 uhci_finish_suspend any_ports_active uhci_check_ports uhci_unlink_qh uhci_activate_qh uhci_free_td uhci_free_qh uhci_show_sc uhci_show_td uhci_show_qh uhci_sprint_schedule qh_names.25212 lprintk uhci_free_urb_priv uhci_up_cachep uhci_giveback_urb uhci_make_qh_idle uhci_urbp_wants_fsbr uhci_scan_schedule __func__.26401 errbuf suspend_rh __func__.27444 bad_Asus_board.27417 uhci_alloc_td uhci_submit_common uhci_alloc_qh uhci_hc_died check_and_reset_hc configure_hc uhci_debug_lseek uhci_debug_read uhci_hcd_cleanup uhci_pci_driver uhci_debugfs_root uhci_shutdown uhci_init uhci_start uhci_fsbr_timeout uhci_debug_operations uhci_urb_enqueue uhci_urb_dequeue uhci_hub_status_data uhci_irq uhci_stop uhci_rh_suspend uhci_rh_resume uhci_hcd_endpoint_disable uhci_hub_control root_hub_hub_des uhci_pci_suspend __func__.27911 uhci_hcd_init uhci_pci_resume __func__.27957 uhci_debug_open __initcall_uhci_hcd_init6 uhci_pci_ids uhci_driver usblp.c usblp_submit_read usblp_bulk_read handle_bidir usblp_resume usblp_unlink_urbs usblp_set_protocol usblp_ctrl_msg usblp_cache_device_id_string usblp_cleanup usblp_release usblp_mutex usblp_read usblp_wwait usblp_messages usblp_init usblp_driver usblp_exit usblp_ioctl usblp_show_ieee1284_id usblp_disconnect usblp_class dev_attr_ieee1284_id usblp_suspend usblp_open usblp_bulk_write usblp_poll usblp_write usblp_probe __key.20313 __key.20314 quirk_printers proto_bias __param_proto_bias __param_str_proto_bias __initcall_usblp_init6 usblp_ids usblp_fops scsiglue.c host_info store_max_sectors show_max_sectors proc_info slave_alloc slave_configure queuecommand __func__.27115 device_reset bus_reset command_abort sysfs_device_attr_list dev_attr_max_sectors protocol.c transport.c last_sector_hacks record_not_found.27313 usb_stor_msg_common usb_stor_blocking_completion usb_stor_reset_common interpret_urb_result usb_stor_bulk_transfer_sglist quiesce_and_remove_host release_everything storage_disconnect usb_stor_init usb_storage_driver usb_stor_exit storage_suspend storage_resume storage_reset_resume storage_pre_reset storage_post_reset usb_stor_scan_thread delay_use usb_stor_control_thread storage_probe __key.27660 quirks msgs.27428 us_unusual_dev_list __initcall_usb_stor_init6 __param_quirks __param_str_quirks __param_string_quirks __param_delay_use __param_str_delay_use initializers.c init_string.26534 sierra_ms.c sierra_get_swoc_info sierra_set_ms_mode swi_tru_install dev_attr_truinst show_truinst __param_swi_tru_install __param_str_swi_tru_install option_ms.c option_zero_cd rezero_msg.26528 __param_option_zero_cd __param_str_option_zero_cd libusual.c usu_bias usu_disconnect usb_usual_init usu_probe_mutex usu_driver usu_get_bias bias_names usu_set_bias usb_usual_exit usu_end_notify total_threads usu_probe_thread stat usu_probe __param_bias __param_str_bias __initcall_usb_usual_init6 __ksymtab_usb_usual_check_type __kstrtab_usb_usual_check_type __ksymtab_usb_usual_clear_present __kstrtab_usb_usual_clear_present __ksymtab_usb_usual_set_present __kstrtab_usb_usual_set_present __ksymtab_storage_usb_ids __kstrtab_storage_usb_ids serio.c serio_match_port serio_bus_match serio_driver_set_bind_mode serio_set_bind_mode serio_driver_show_bind_mode serio_driver_show_description serio_show_bind_mode serio_show_id_extra serio_show_id_id serio_show_id_proto serio_show_id_type serio_show_modalias serio_show_description serio_cleanup serio_suspend serio_shutdown serio_disconnect_driver serio_driver_remove serio_connect_driver serio_driver_probe serio_find_driver serio_set_drv serio_release_port serio_free_event serio_remove_pending_events serio_event_list serio_destroy_port serio_id_attr_group serio_disconnect_port serio_mutex serio_reconnect_port serio_reconnect_chain serio_rebind_driver serio_bus serio_queue_event serio_wait serio_resume serio_uevent serio_exit serio_task serio_list __key.15904 serio_no.15902 serio_init serio_thread __initcall_serio_init4 __ksymtab_serio_reconnect __kstrtab_serio_reconnect __ksymtab_serio_rescan __kstrtab_serio_rescan __ksymtab_serio_close __kstrtab_serio_close __ksymtab_serio_open __kstrtab_serio_open __ksymtab_serio_unregister_driver __kstrtab_serio_unregister_driver __ksymtab___serio_register_driver __kstrtab___serio_register_driver __ksymtab_serio_unregister_child_port __kstrtab_serio_unregister_child_port __ksymtab_serio_unregister_port __kstrtab_serio_unregister_port __ksymtab___serio_register_port __kstrtab___serio_register_port __ksymtab_serio_interrupt __kstrtab_serio_interrupt serio_device_attrs serio_driver_attrs serio_device_id_attrs dev_attr_proto dev_attr_id dev_attr_extra i8042.c i8042_start i8042_stop i8042_wait_write i8042_command_reg __i8042_command i8042_noloop i8042_debug i8042_start_time i8042_data_reg i8042_dritek_enable i8042_controller_selftest i8042_reset i8042_toggle_aux i8042_enable_aux_port i8042_ctr i8042_enable_mux_ports i8042_enable_kbd_port i8042_aux_write i8042_flush i8042_controller_check i8042_set_mux_mode i8042_controller_reset i8042_mux_present i8042_initial_ctr i8042_shutdown i8042_suspend i8042_interrupt last_transmit.16703 last_str.16704 i8042_suppress_kbd_ack i8042_ports i8042_resume i8042_direct i8042_dritek i8042_free_irqs i8042_aux_irq_registered i8042_platform_device i8042_aux_irq i8042_kbd_irq_registered i8042_kbd_irq i8042_create_aux_port i8042_free_aux_ports i8042_probe i8042_unlock i8042_noaux i8042_aux_test_irq i8042_aux_irq_delivered i8042_irq_being_tested i8042_nomux i8042_nokbd i8042_kbd_write i8042_dumbkbd i8042_pnp_exit i8042_pnp_kbd_registered i8042_pnp_kbd_driver i8042_pnp_aux_registered i8042_pnp_aux_driver i8042_unregister_ports i8042_remove i8042_exit i8042_driver i8042_panic_blink i8042_blink_frequency last_blink.17066 led.17067 i8042_pnp_kbd_probe i8042_pnp_data_reg i8042_pnp_command_reg i8042_pnp_kbd_irq i8042_pnp_kbd_name i8042_pnp_kbd_devices i8042_pnp_aux_probe i8042_pnp_aux_irq i8042_pnp_aux_name i8042_pnp_aux_devices i8042_init i8042_dmi_nopnp_table i8042_nopnp i8042_dmi_noloop_table i8042_dmi_nomux_table i8042_dmi_dritek_table __initcall_i8042_init6 __ksymtab_i8042_command __kstrtab_i8042_command __param_nopnp __param_str_nopnp __param_dritek __param_str_dritek __param_panicblink __param_str_panicblink __param_noloop __param_str_noloop __param_dumbkbd __param_str_dumbkbd __param_direct __param_str_direct __param_reset __param_str_reset __param_unlock __param_str_unlock __param_nomux __param_str_nomux __param_noaux __param_str_noaux __param_nokbd __param_str_nokbd pnp_kbd_devids pnp_aux_devids serport.c serport_serio_write serport_ldisc_ioctl serport_init serport_ldisc serport_ldisc_close serport_exit serport_ldisc_write_wakeup serport_ldisc_receive serport_ldisc_read serport_serio_open serport_serio_close serport_ldisc_open __initcall_serport_init6 libps2.c __key.18991 keyboard_ids.18879 __ksymtab_ps2_cmd_aborted __kstrtab_ps2_cmd_aborted __ksymtab_ps2_handle_response __kstrtab_ps2_handle_response __ksymtab_ps2_handle_ack __kstrtab_ps2_handle_ack __ksymtab_ps2_init __kstrtab_ps2_init __ksymtab_ps2_command __kstrtab_ps2_command __ksymtab_ps2_is_keyboard_id __kstrtab_ps2_is_keyboard_id __ksymtab_ps2_drain __kstrtab_ps2_drain __ksymtab_ps2_sendbyte __kstrtab_ps2_sendbyte input.c input_fetch_keycode input_default_getkeycode input_match_device input_proc_devices_poll input_devices_state input_devices_poll_wait input_attach_handler input_pass_event input_proc_exit proc_bus_input_dir input_proc_handlers_open input_handlers_seq_ops input_proc_devices_open input_devices_seq_ops input_handlers_seq_show input_seq_print_bitmap input_handlers_seq_next input_handler_list input_devices_seq_next input_dev_list input_handlers_seq_stop input_mutex input_devices_seq_stop input_handlers_seq_start input_devices_seq_start input_init input_abs_bypass input_abs_bypass_init_data __key.20252 input_devices_fileops input_handlers_fileops input_fops input_exit __input_release_device input_handle_event input_print_bitmap input_dev_show_cap_sw input_dev_show_cap_ff input_dev_show_cap_snd input_dev_show_cap_led input_dev_show_cap_msc input_dev_show_cap_abs input_dev_show_cap_rel input_dev_show_cap_key input_dev_show_cap_ev input_print_modalias_bits input_print_modalias input_dev_show_modalias input_dev_show_id_version input_dev_show_id_product input_dev_show_id_vendor input_dev_show_id_bustype input_dev_show_uniq input_dev_show_phys input_dev_show_name input_dev_release input_add_uevent_bm_var input_dev_uevent input_devices_seq_show input_dev_type __key.19985 input_table input_open_file input_repeat_key input_default_setkeycode input_no.20035 __initcall_input_init4 __ksymtab_input_unregister_handle __kstrtab_input_unregister_handle __ksymtab_input_register_handle __kstrtab_input_register_handle __ksymtab_input_unregister_handler __kstrtab_input_unregister_handler __ksymtab_input_register_handler __kstrtab_input_register_handler __ksymtab_input_unregister_device __kstrtab_input_unregister_device __ksymtab_input_register_device __kstrtab_input_register_device __ksymtab_input_set_capability __kstrtab_input_set_capability __ksymtab_input_free_device __kstrtab_input_free_device __ksymtab_input_allocate_device __kstrtab_input_allocate_device __ksymtab_input_class __kstrtab_input_class __ksymtab_input_set_keycode __kstrtab_input_set_keycode __ksymtab_input_get_keycode __kstrtab_input_get_keycode __ksymtab_input_close_device __kstrtab_input_close_device __ksymtab_input_flush_device __kstrtab_input_flush_device __ksymtab_input_open_device __kstrtab_input_open_device __ksymtab_input_release_device __kstrtab_input_release_device __ksymtab_input_grab_device __kstrtab_input_grab_device __ksymtab_input_inject_event __kstrtab_input_inject_event __ksymtab_input_event __kstrtab_input_event input_dev_attr_groups input_dev_attr_group input_dev_id_attr_group input_dev_caps_attr_group input_dev_attrs input_dev_id_attrs input_dev_caps_attrs dev_attr_phys dev_attr_uniq dev_attr_bustype dev_attr_ev dev_attr_key dev_attr_rel dev_attr_abs dev_attr_msc dev_attr_led dev_attr_snd dev_attr_ff dev_attr_sw input-compat.c __ksymtab_input_ff_effect_from_user __kstrtab_input_ff_effect_from_user __ksymtab_input_event_to_user __kstrtab_input_event_to_user __ksymtab_input_event_from_user __kstrtab_input_event_from_user ff-core.c check_effect_access erase_effect flush_effects __key.17940 __ksymtab_input_ff_destroy __kstrtab_input_ff_destroy __ksymtab_input_ff_create __kstrtab_input_ff_create __ksymtab_input_ff_event __kstrtab_input_ff_event __ksymtab_input_ff_erase __kstrtab_input_ff_erase __ksymtab_input_ff_upload __kstrtab_input_ff_upload ff-memless.c ml_ff_destroy apply_envelope ml_schedule_timer empty_envelope.14044 ml_play_effects cos_table ml_ff_set_gain ml_ff_playback ml_ff_upload ml_effect_timer __ksymtab_input_ff_create_memless __kstrtab_input_ff_create_memless input-polldev.c input_polled_device_work input_open_polled_device input_close_polled_device polldev_mutex polldev_users polldev_wq __ksymtab_input_unregister_polled_device __kstrtab_input_unregister_polled_device __ksymtab_input_register_polled_device __kstrtab_input_register_polled_device __ksymtab_input_free_polled_device __kstrtab_input_free_polled_device __ksymtab_input_allocate_polled_device __kstrtab_input_allocate_polled_device mousedev.c mousedev_packet mousedev_poll mousedev_fasync mousedev_free mousedev_detach_client mousedev_close_device mousedev_mix mousedev_mix_list mousedev_release mousedev_open_device mousedev_open mousedev_table_mutex mousedev_table xres yres mousedev_cleanup mousedev_notify_readers mousedev_create __key.18962 mousedev_destroy mousedev_init mousedev_handler mousedev_disconnect mousedev_exit mousedev_event tap_time mousedev_read mousedev_connect mousedev_write mousedev_imex_seq mousedev_imps_seq __initcall_mousedev_init6 __param_tap_time __param_str_tap_time __param_yres __param_str_yres __param_xres __param_str_xres mousedev_fops mousedev_ids evdev.c evdev_poll evdev_init evdev_handler evdev_fasync evdev_free evdev_ungrab evdev_detach_client evdev_release evdev_flush bits_to_user str_to_user evdev_ioctl keymax_warn_time.18577 evdev_cleanup evdev_table_mutex evdev_table evdev_disconnect evdev_connect __key.18857 evdev_pass_event evdev_exit evdev_event evdev_write evdev_read evdev_open __initcall_evdev_init6 evdev_fops evdev_ids atkbd.c atkbd_compat_scancode atkbd_samsung_keymap_fixup forced_release_keys.19513 atkbd_setup_fixup atkbd_platform_fixup atkbd_select_set atkbd_set_leds atkbd_set_repeat_rate period.19259 delay.19260 atkbd_set_keycode_table atkbd_unxlate_table atkbd_set2_keycode atkbd_scroll_keys atkbd_set3_keycode atkbd_attr_set_helper atkbd_drv atkbd_do_set_softraw atkbd_set_softraw atkbd_do_set_softrepeat atkbd_set_softrepeat atkbd_do_set_set atkbd_set_set atkbd_do_set_scroll atkbd_set_scroll atkbd_do_set_extra atkbd_set_extra atkbd_attr_show_helper atkbd_do_show_err_count atkbd_show_err_count atkbd_do_show_softraw atkbd_show_softraw atkbd_do_show_softrepeat atkbd_show_softrepeat atkbd_do_show_set atkbd_show_set atkbd_do_show_scroll atkbd_show_scroll atkbd_do_show_extra atkbd_show_extra atkbd_set_device_attrs atkbd_event atkbd_schedule_event_work atkbd_activate atkbd_probe atkbd_reset atkbd_reconnect atkbd_init atkbd_dmi_quirk_table atkbd_exit atkbd_dell_laptop_keymap_fixup forced_release_keys.19458 atkbd_hp_keymap_fixup atkbd_inventec_keymap_fixup atkbd_hp_zv6100_keymap_fixup atkbd_event_work atkbd_cleanup atkbd_disconnect atkbd_attribute_group atkbd_connect __key.19611 atkbd_softraw atkbd_softrepeat atkbd_scroll atkbd_extra atkbd_set atkbd_interrupt xl_table __initcall_atkbd_init6 __param_extra __param_str_extra __param_scroll __param_str_scroll __param_softraw __param_str_softraw __param_softrepeat __param_str_softrepeat __param_set __param_str_set atkbd_serio_ids atkbd_attributes atkbd_attr_extra atkbd_attr_scroll atkbd_attr_set atkbd_attr_softrepeat atkbd_attr_softraw atkbd_attr_err_count goldfish_events.c events_exit events_init events_driver events_import_bits events_interrupt events_probe __initcall_events_init6 rtc-lib.c rtc_days_in_month rtc_ydays __ksymtab_rtc_tm_to_time __kstrtab_rtc_tm_to_time __ksymtab_rtc_valid_tm __kstrtab_rtc_valid_tm __ksymtab_rtc_time_to_tm __kstrtab_rtc_time_to_tm __ksymtab_rtc_year_days __kstrtab_rtc_year_days __ksymtab_rtc_month_days __kstrtab_rtc_month_days rtc_init __key.18986 rtc_exit rtc_device_release idr_lock rtc_idr __key.18949 __initcall_rtc_init4 __ksymtab_rtc_device_unregister __kstrtab_rtc_device_unregister __ksymtab_rtc_device_register __kstrtab_rtc_device_register __rtc_match __ksymtab_rtc_irq_set_freq __kstrtab_rtc_irq_set_freq __ksymtab_rtc_irq_set_state __kstrtab_rtc_irq_set_state __ksymtab_rtc_irq_unregister __kstrtab_rtc_irq_unregister __ksymtab_rtc_irq_register __kstrtab_rtc_irq_register __ksymtab_rtc_class_close __kstrtab_rtc_class_close __ksymtab_rtc_class_open __kstrtab_rtc_class_open __ksymtab_rtc_update_irq __kstrtab_rtc_update_irq __ksymtab_rtc_update_irq_enable __kstrtab_rtc_update_irq_enable __ksymtab_rtc_alarm_irq_enable __kstrtab_rtc_alarm_irq_enable __ksymtab_rtc_set_alarm __kstrtab_rtc_set_alarm __ksymtab_rtc_read_alarm __kstrtab_rtc_read_alarm __ksymtab_rtc_set_mmss __kstrtab_rtc_set_mmss __ksymtab_rtc_set_time __kstrtab_rtc_set_time __ksymtab_rtc_read_time __kstrtab_rtc_read_time rtc-dev.c rtc_dev_poll rtc_devt rtc_dev_fops rtc_dev_fasync rtc_dev_ioctl rtc_dev_release rtc_dev_read rtc_dev_open rtc-proc.c rtc_proc_fops rtc_proc_release rtc_proc_open rtc_proc_show rtc-sysfs.c rtc_attrs rtc_sysfs_set_max_user_freq rtc_sysfs_show_max_user_freq rtc_sysfs_show_name rtc_sysfs_show_time rtc_sysfs_show_date rtc_sysfs_show_since_epoch dev_attr_wakealarm rtc_sysfs_show_wakealarm rtc_sysfs_set_wakealarm rtc-cmos.c cmos_init cmos_pnp_driver cmos_rtc cmos_platform_probe cmos_platform_driver cmos_checkintr cmos_irq_enable cmos_irq_disable cmos_resume cmos_pnp_resume cmos_suspend cmos_pnp_suspend cmos_do_shutdown cmos_platform_shutdown cmos_wake_setup rtc_handler rtc_wake_on acpi_rtc_info rtc_wake_off cmos_do_probe driver_name cmos_rtc_ops cmos_interrupt nvram cmos_pnp_probe cmos_set_time cmos_read_time cmos_do_remove cmos_platform_remove cmos_pnp_remove cmos_exit cmos_pnp_shutdown cmos_read_alarm cmos_set_alarm cmos_irq_set_freq cmos_irq_set_state cmos_rtc_ioctl cmos_procfs cmos_nvram_read cmos_nvram_write __initcall_cmos_init6 rtc_ids i2c-boardinfo.c __ksymtab___i2c_first_dynamic_bus_num __kstrtab___i2c_first_dynamic_bus_num __ksymtab___i2c_board_list __kstrtab___i2c_board_list __ksymtab___i2c_board_lock __kstrtab___i2c_board_lock i2c-core.c i2c_device_remove i2c_device_shutdown i2c_device_suspend i2c_device_resume dummy_probe dummy_remove i2c_smbus_pec i2c_smbus_msg_pec show_adapter_name show_client_name i2c_match_id i2c_device_probe i2c_device_match i2c_device_uevent core_lock i2c_adapter_idr i2c_cmd i2c_check_addr __i2c_check_addr i2c_probe_address i2c_client_release i2c_client_dev_release i2c_adapter_dev_release i2c_adapter_class __detach_adapter i2c_exit dummy_driver __attach_adapter i2c_init __key.16334 i2c_detect_address i2c_detect i2c_do_add_adapter i2c_register_adapter __key.15931 __key.15932 i2c_do_del_adapter i2c_dev_attrs __ksymtab_i2c_smbus_xfer __kstrtab_i2c_smbus_xfer __ksymtab_i2c_smbus_write_i2c_block_data __kstrtab_i2c_smbus_write_i2c_block_data __ksymtab_i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data __kstrtab_i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data __ksymtab_i2c_smbus_write_block_data __kstrtab_i2c_smbus_write_block_data __ksymtab_i2c_smbus_read_block_data __kstrtab_i2c_smbus_read_block_data __ksymtab_i2c_smbus_process_call __kstrtab_i2c_smbus_process_call __ksymtab_i2c_smbus_write_word_data __kstrtab_i2c_smbus_write_word_data __ksymtab_i2c_smbus_read_word_data __kstrtab_i2c_smbus_read_word_data __ksymtab_i2c_smbus_write_byte_data __kstrtab_i2c_smbus_write_byte_data __ksymtab_i2c_smbus_read_byte_data __kstrtab_i2c_smbus_read_byte_data __ksymtab_i2c_smbus_write_byte __kstrtab_i2c_smbus_write_byte __ksymtab_i2c_smbus_read_byte __kstrtab_i2c_smbus_read_byte __ksymtab_i2c_put_adapter __kstrtab_i2c_put_adapter __ksymtab_i2c_get_adapter __kstrtab_i2c_get_adapter __ksymtab_i2c_new_probed_device __kstrtab_i2c_new_probed_device __ksymtab_i2c_probe __kstrtab_i2c_probe __ksymtab_i2c_master_recv __kstrtab_i2c_master_recv __ksymtab_i2c_master_send __kstrtab_i2c_master_send __ksymtab_i2c_transfer __kstrtab_i2c_transfer __initcall_i2c_init2 __ksymtab_i2c_clients_command __kstrtab_i2c_clients_command __ksymtab_i2c_release_client __kstrtab_i2c_release_client __ksymtab_i2c_use_client __kstrtab_i2c_use_client __ksymtab_i2c_detach_client __kstrtab_i2c_detach_client __ksymtab_i2c_attach_client __kstrtab_i2c_attach_client __ksymtab_i2c_del_driver __kstrtab_i2c_del_driver __ksymtab_i2c_register_driver __kstrtab_i2c_register_driver __ksymtab_i2c_del_adapter __kstrtab_i2c_del_adapter __ksymtab_i2c_add_numbered_adapter __kstrtab_i2c_add_numbered_adapter __ksymtab_i2c_add_adapter __kstrtab_i2c_add_adapter __ksymtab_i2c_new_dummy __kstrtab_i2c_new_dummy __ksymtab_i2c_unregister_device __kstrtab_i2c_unregister_device __ksymtab_i2c_new_device __kstrtab_i2c_new_device __ksymtab_i2c_verify_client __kstrtab_i2c_verify_client __ksymtab_i2c_bus_type __kstrtab_i2c_bus_type i2c_adapter_attrs dummy_id i2c-i801.c i801_func i801_features i2c_i801_init i801_driver i801_resume i801_suspend i801_original_hstcfg i801_check_post I801_dev i801_smba i801_check_pre i801_transaction i2c_i801_exit i801_probe i801_adapter i801_remove i801_access __initcall_i2c_i801_init6 i801_ids smbus_algorithm i2c-algo-bit.c bit_func i2c_start sclhi i2c_outb i2c_stop i2c_repstart acknak i2c_bit_prepare_bus bit_test i2c_bit_algo try_address bit_xfer __ksymtab_i2c_bit_add_numbered_bus __kstrtab_i2c_bit_add_numbered_bus __ksymtab_i2c_bit_add_bus __kstrtab_i2c_bit_add_bus __param_bit_test __param_str_bit_test power_supply_core.c __power_supply_is_system_supplied power_supply_class_init __key.10291 power_supply_class_exit __power_supply_am_i_supplied power_supply_changed_work __power_supply_changed_work __initcall_power_supply_class_init4 __ksymtab_power_supply_class __kstrtab_power_supply_class __ksymtab_power_supply_unregister __kstrtab_power_supply_unregister __ksymtab_power_supply_register __kstrtab_power_supply_register __ksymtab_power_supply_is_system_supplied __kstrtab_power_supply_is_system_supplied __ksymtab_power_supply_am_i_supplied __kstrtab_power_supply_am_i_supplied __ksymtab_power_supply_changed __kstrtab_power_supply_changed power_supply_sysfs.c power_supply_show_static_attrs type_text.10220 power_supply_show_property power_supply_attrs status_text.10186 health_text.10187 technology_text.10188 kstruprdup power_supply_static_attrs power_supply_leds.c goldfish_battery.c goldfish_battery_init goldfish_battery_device goldfish_battery_remove battery_data goldfish_battery_probe goldfish_battery_props goldfish_battery_get_property goldfish_ac_props goldfish_ac_get_property goldfish_battery_interrupt goldfish_battery_exit __initcall_goldfish_battery_init6 thermal_sys.c temp_show mode_show mode_store thermal_cooling_device_max_state_show thermal_cooling_device_cur_state_show thermal_init __key.10787 thermal_class thermal_tz_idr thermal_cdev_idr thermal_release thermal_exit thermal_cooling_device_cur_state_store trip_point_temp_show trip_point_type_show thermal_cooling_device_trip_point_show thermal_cooling_device_type_show type_show release_idr get_idr __key.10667 thermal_idr_lock dev_attr_temp dev_attr_mode trip_point_attrs thermal_list_lock thermal_tz_list thermal_cdev_list dev_attr_cdev_type dev_attr_max_state dev_attr_cur_state __initcall_thermal_init4 __ksymtab_thermal_zone_device_unregister __kstrtab_thermal_zone_device_unregister __ksymtab_thermal_zone_device_register __kstrtab_thermal_zone_device_register __ksymtab_thermal_cooling_device_unregister __kstrtab_thermal_cooling_device_unregister __ksymtab_thermal_cooling_device_register __kstrtab_thermal_cooling_device_register __ksymtab_thermal_zone_unbind_cooling_device __kstrtab_thermal_zone_unbind_cooling_device __ksymtab_thermal_zone_bind_cooling_device __kstrtab_thermal_zone_bind_cooling_device md.c find_rdev_nr find_rdev calc_num_sectors md_csum_fold calc_sb_csum calc_sb_1_csum cmd_match null_show update_raid_disks md_getgeo md_media_changed md_revalidate mdstat_poll md_event_waiters md_event_count print_desc get_ro start_readonly suspend_hi_show suspend_lo_show max_sync_show min_sync_show sync_speed_show sync_force_parallel_show degraded_show mismatch_cnt_show metadata_show size_show resync_start_show chunk_size_show raid_disks_show layout_show level_show safe_delay_show rdev_size_show offset_show slot_show errors_show set_ro chunk_size_store raid_disks_store layout_store errors_store bitmap_store reshape_position_store suspend_hi_store suspend_lo_store resync_start_store offset_store sync_max_store sync_min_store sync_force_parallel_store resync_wait is_mddev_idle md_safemode_timeout restore_bitmap_write_access restart_array rdev_free all_detected_devices md_delayed_delete free_disk_sb md_fail_request mddev_put all_mddevs_lock mddev_delayed_delete md_seq_stop md_release md_print_devices all_mddevs unlock_rdev export_rdev unbind_rdev_from_array kick_rdev_from_array export_array md_redundancy_group md_seq_open md_seq_ops md_init md_probe md_notifier raid_root_table md_seq_fops raid_table_header reshape_position_show remove_and_add_spares safe_delay_store lock_rdev md_import_device rdev_ktype super_types bind_rdev_to_array level_store update_size md_free mddev_find next_minor.26596 __key.26610 md_alloc disks_mutex.29514 md_fops md_ktype add_named_array md_thread bi_complete read_disk_sb super_90_load super_written super_written_barrier md_update_sb add_new_disk do_md_stop do_md_run pers_list start_dirty_degraded autostart_arrays pending_raid_disks size_store super_1_rdev_size_change super_90_rdev_size_change action_show sync_completed_show min_sync_store max_sync_store md_exit array_state_show array_states metadata_store super_90_sync super_1_load super_1_sync sync_min_show sysctl_speed_limit_min sync_max_show sysctl_speed_limit_max new_dev_store md_seq_start md_seq_next md_notify_reboot super_90_validate super_1_validate slot_store array_state_store action_store md_open md_seq_show rdev_size_store rdev_attr_show rdev_attr_store md_attr_show md_attr_store md_ioctl __ksymtab_md_check_recovery __kstrtab_md_check_recovery __ksymtab_md_wakeup_thread __kstrtab_md_wakeup_thread __ksymtab_md_unregister_thread __kstrtab_md_unregister_thread __ksymtab_md_register_thread __kstrtab_md_register_thread __ksymtab_md_write_end __kstrtab_md_write_end __ksymtab_md_write_start __kstrtab_md_write_start __ksymtab_md_done_sync __kstrtab_md_done_sync __ksymtab_md_error __kstrtab_md_error __ksymtab_unregister_md_personality __kstrtab_unregister_md_personality __ksymtab_register_md_personality __kstrtab_register_md_personality __param_new_array __param_str_new_array __param_start_dirty_degraded __param_str_start_dirty_degraded __param_start_ro __param_str_start_ro __initcall_md_init4 __ksymtab_md_wait_for_blocked_rdev __kstrtab_md_wait_for_blocked_rdev __ksymtab_md_do_sync __kstrtab_md_do_sync __ksymtab_md_allow_write __kstrtab_md_allow_write __ksymtab_sync_page_io __kstrtab_sync_page_io __ksymtab_md_new_event __kstrtab_md_new_event raid_dir_table md_redundancy_attrs md_sysfs_ops md_default_attrs rdev_sysfs_ops rdev_default_attrs raid_table md_scan_mode md_mismatches md_sync_min md_sync_max md_sync_speed md_sync_force_parallel md_sync_completed md_min_sync md_max_sync md_suspend_lo md_suspend_hi md_bitmap md_degraded md_level md_layout md_raid_disks md_chunk_size md_size md_resync_start md_metadata md_new_device md_safe_delay md_array_state md_reshape_position rdev_state rdev_errors rdev_slot rdev_offset rdev_size bitmap_file_set_bit bitmap_mask_state free_buffers read_page end_bitmap_write read_sb_page bitmap_free_page bitmap_count_page bitmap_get_counter bitmap_set_memory_bits bitmap_file_put bitmap_free bitmap_file_kick write_page __ksymtab_bitmap_cond_end_sync __kstrtab_bitmap_cond_end_sync __ksymtab_bitmap_close_sync __kstrtab_bitmap_close_sync __ksymtab_bitmap_unplug __kstrtab_bitmap_unplug __ksymtab_bitmap_end_sync __kstrtab_bitmap_end_sync __ksymtab_bitmap_start_sync __kstrtab_bitmap_start_sync __ksymtab_bitmap_endwrite __kstrtab_bitmap_endwrite __ksymtab_bitmap_startwrite __kstrtab_bitmap_startwrite dm.c dm_init _inits _exits dm_exit __noflush_suspending max_io_len local_exit _rq_bio_info_cache _rq_tio_cache _tio_cache _io_cache _name _major dm_queue_flush dm_wq_work alloc_tio clone_bio dm_bio_destructor free_tio dec_pending __map_bio clone_endio unlock_fs __unbind event_callback free_minor _minor_idr __key.27739 __key.27740 dm_request dm_any_congested dm_merge_bvec dm_unplug_all dm_blk_dops _minor_lock dm_blk_close __split_bio dm_blk_ioctl local_init dm_blk_open dm_blk_getgeo __tpstrtab_block_bio_complete __param_major __param_str_major __initcall_dm_init6 __ksymtab_dm_get_mapinfo __kstrtab_dm_get_mapinfo __ksymtab_dm_noflush_suspending __kstrtab_dm_noflush_suspending __ksymtab_dm_put __kstrtab_dm_put __ksymtab_dm_device_name __kstrtab_dm_device_name dm-table.c suspend_targets _event_lock realloc_argv close_dev open_dev _claim_ptr.25634 alloc_targets __ksymtab_dm_table_unplug_all __kstrtab_dm_table_unplug_all __ksymtab_dm_table_get __kstrtab_dm_table_get __ksymtab_dm_table_put __kstrtab_dm_table_put __ksymtab_dm_table_get_md __kstrtab_dm_table_get_md __ksymtab_dm_table_get_mode __kstrtab_dm_table_get_mode __ksymtab_dm_table_get_size __kstrtab_dm_table_get_size __ksymtab_dm_table_event __kstrtab_dm_table_event __ksymtab_dm_put_device __kstrtab_dm_put_device __ksymtab_dm_get_device __kstrtab_dm_get_device __ksymtab_dm_vcalloc __kstrtab_dm_vcalloc __ksymtab_dm_table_barrier_ok __kstrtab_dm_table_barrier_ok __ksymtab_dm_set_device_limits __kstrtab_dm_set_device_limits dm-target.c io_err_ctr io_err_dtr io_err_map _lock _targets error_target get_target_type __ksymtab_dm_unregister_target __kstrtab_dm_unregister_target __ksymtab_dm_register_target __kstrtab_dm_register_target dm-linear.c linear_map linear_merge linear_target linear_ioctl linear_status linear_dtr linear_ctr dm-stripe.c stripe_map stripe_target kstriped stripe_status stripe_dtr stripe_ctr trigger_event stripe_end_io dm-ioctl.c init_buckets hash_str get_result_buffer invalid_str _hash_lock __get_uuid_cell _uuid_buckets __get_name_cell _name_buckets __find_device_hash_cell find_device __dev_status dev_status dev_set_geometry target_message free_cell list_versions list_version_get_needed list_version_get_info retrieve_status table_status table_deps table_clear table_load dev_wait dev_suspend check_name dev_rename __hash_remove dev_remove dm_hash_remove_all remove_all dm_hash_exit _dm_misc dev_create dm_ctl_ioctl _ioctls.25882 list_devices _ctl_fops dm-io.c list_get_page list_next_page bvec_get_page bvec_next_page vm_next_page km_get_page km_next_page vm_get_page dec_count dispatch_io endio __ksymtab_dm_io __kstrtab_dm_io __ksymtab_dm_io_client_destroy __kstrtab_dm_io_client_destroy __ksymtab_dm_io_client_resize __kstrtab_dm_io_client_resize __ksymtab_dm_io_client_create __kstrtab_dm_io_client_create dm-kcopyd.c drop_pages client_free_pages push process_jobs do_work run_complete_job run_pages_job run_io_job kcopyd_put_pages complete_io wake dispatch_job segment_complete __key.25466 _job_cache __ksymtab_dm_kcopyd_client_destroy __kstrtab_dm_kcopyd_client_destroy __ksymtab_dm_kcopyd_client_create __kstrtab_dm_kcopyd_client_create __ksymtab_dm_kcopyd_copy __kstrtab_dm_kcopyd_copy dm-sysfs.c dm_ktype dm_attr_uuid_show dm_attr_name_show dm_attr_show dm_sysfs_ops dm_attrs dm_attr_name dm_attr_uuid dm-raid1.c map_region dm_mirror_init mirror_target mirror_postsuspend mirror_status mirror_resume mirror_presuspend _kmirrord_recovery_stopped choose_mirror fail_mirror mirror_available wakeup_mirrord queue_bio dispatch_bios delayed_wake_fn mirror_map free_context mirror_dtr wakeup_all_recovery_waiters dm_mirror_exit mirror_ctr do_mirror read_callback do_write write_callback recovery_complete mirror_end_io __initcall_dm_mirror_init6 dm-log.c core_get_region_size core_resume core_flush core_get_sync_count disk_status core_status rw_header fail_log_device disk_flush destroy_log_context disk_dtr core_dtr __find_dirty_log_type _log_types create_log_context disk_ctr core_ctr dm_dirty_log_exit _disk_type _core_type dm_dirty_log_init put_type _get_dirty_log_type core_clear_region disk_resume core_mark_region core_set_region_sync core_is_clean core_in_sync core_get_resync_work __initcall_dm_dirty_log_init6 __ksymtab_dm_dirty_log_destroy __kstrtab_dm_dirty_log_destroy __ksymtab_dm_dirty_log_create __kstrtab_dm_dirty_log_create __ksymtab_dm_dirty_log_type_unregister __kstrtab_dm_dirty_log_type_unregister __ksymtab_dm_dirty_log_type_register __kstrtab_dm_dirty_log_type_register dm-region-hash.c __rh_lookup complete_resync_work __rh_find __ksymtab_dm_rh_start_recovery __kstrtab_dm_rh_start_recovery __ksymtab_dm_rh_stop_recovery __kstrtab_dm_rh_stop_recovery __ksymtab_dm_rh_delay __kstrtab_dm_rh_delay __ksymtab_dm_rh_flush 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__ksymtab_dm_rh_region_to_sector __kstrtab_dm_rh_region_to_sector dm-zero.c zero_ctr dm_zero_init zero_target zero_map dm_zero_exit __initcall_dm_zero_init6 edac_stub.c __ksymtab_edac_atomic_assert_error __kstrtab_edac_atomic_assert_error __ksymtab_edac_handler_set __kstrtab_edac_handler_set __ksymtab_edac_err_assert __kstrtab_edac_err_assert __ksymtab_edac_handlers __kstrtab_edac_handlers __ksymtab_edac_op_state __kstrtab_edac_op_state cpufreq.c init_cpufreq_transition_notifier_list cpufreq_transition_notifier_list init_cpufreq_transition_notifier_list_called cpufreq_core_init per_cpu__cpu_policy_rwsem __key.16642 per_cpu__policy_cpu cpufreq_driver store_scaling_setspeed show_scaling_setspeed show_scaling_cur_freq show_scaling_max_freq show_scaling_min_freq show_cpuinfo_max_freq show_cpuinfo_min_freq show_cpus show_affected_cpus show_scaling_available_governors cpufreq_governor_list show_scaling_driver show_scaling_governor __find_governor cpufreq_governor_mutex 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show_sampling_rate show_sampling_rate_min show_sampling_rate_max powersave_bias_target do_dbs_timer kondemand_wq cpufreq_governor_dbs dbs_attr_group dbs_enable cpufreq_gov_dbs_exit cpufreq_gov_ondemand cpufreq_gov_dbs_init store_ignore_nice_load __initcall_cpufreq_gov_dbs_init6 dbs_attributes sampling_rate_max sampling_rate_min sampling_rate up_threshold ignore_nice_load powersave_bias freq_table.c per_cpu__show_table show_available_freqs __ksymtab_cpufreq_frequency_get_table __kstrtab_cpufreq_frequency_get_table __ksymtab_cpufreq_frequency_table_put_attr __kstrtab_cpufreq_frequency_table_put_attr __ksymtab_cpufreq_frequency_table_get_attr __kstrtab_cpufreq_frequency_table_get_attr __ksymtab_cpufreq_freq_attr_scaling_available_freqs __kstrtab_cpufreq_freq_attr_scaling_available_freqs __ksymtab_cpufreq_frequency_table_target __kstrtab_cpufreq_frequency_table_target __ksymtab_cpufreq_frequency_table_verify __kstrtab_cpufreq_frequency_table_verify __ksymtab_cpufreq_frequency_table_cpuinfo 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cpuclass_attr_group cpuclass_switch_attrs store_current_governor show_available_governors show_current_driver ktype_state_cpuidle __setup_cpuidle_sysfs_setup __setup_str_cpuidle_sysfs_setup cpuidle_sysfs_ops cpuidle_state_sysfs_ops cpuidle_state_default_attrs cpuclass_default_attrs attr_available_governors attr_current_driver attr_current_governor attr_name attr_desc attr_latency attr_power attr_usage attr_time attr_current_governor_ro ladder.c ladder_enable_device per_cpu__ladder_devices init_ladder ladder_governor exit_ladder ladder_select_state __initcall_init_ladder6 menu.c menu_enable_device per_cpu__menu_devices init_menu menu_governor menu_reflect menu_select exit_menu __initcall_init_menu6 mmc_vdd_to_ocrbitnum mmc_power_off mmc_init mmc_delayed_work_wake_lock workqueue mmc_exit __mmc_release_bus mmc_power_up mmc_flush_scheduled_work mmc_schedule_delayed_work mmc_wait_done __initcall_mmc_init4 __ksymtab_mmc_resume_host __kstrtab_mmc_resume_host __ksymtab_mmc_suspend_host 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__ksymtab_mmc_free_host __kstrtab_mmc_free_host __ksymtab_mmc_remove_host __kstrtab_mmc_remove_host __ksymtab_mmc_add_host __kstrtab_mmc_add_host __ksymtab_mmc_alloc_host __kstrtab_mmc_alloc_host mmc.c mmc_remove mmc_serial_show mmc_oemid_show mmc_name_show mmc_manfid_show mmc_hwrev_show mmc_fwrev_show mmc_date_show mmc_csd_show mmc_cid_show mmc_ops mmc_type tacc_mant tacc_exp tran_mant tran_exp mmc_detect mmc_attr_groups mmc_std_attr_group mmc_std_attrs dev_attr_cid dev_attr_csd dev_attr_date dev_attr_fwrev dev_attr_hwrev dev_attr_manfid dev_attr_oemid mmc_ops.c mmc_send_cxd_native _mmc_select_card mmc_send_cxd_data mmc_sd_remove mmc_scr_show mmc_sd_ops sd_type mmc_sd_detect sd_attr_groups sd_std_attr_group sd_std_attrs dev_attr_scr sd_ops.c mmc_app_cmd __ksymtab_mmc_wait_for_app_cmd __kstrtab_mmc_wait_for_app_cmd sdio.c sdio_enable_wide __func__.15909 mmc_sdio_remove mmc_sdio_detect mmc_sdio_ops __ksymtab_sdio_reset_comm __kstrtab_sdio_reset_comm sdio_ops.c sdio_bus.c 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triggers_list_lock trigger_list __ksymtab_led_trigger_unregister_simple __kstrtab_led_trigger_unregister_simple __ksymtab_led_trigger_register_simple __kstrtab_led_trigger_register_simple __ksymtab_led_trigger_event __kstrtab_led_trigger_event __ksymtab_led_trigger_unregister __kstrtab_led_trigger_unregister __ksymtab_led_trigger_register __kstrtab_led_trigger_register __ksymtab_led_trigger_set_default __kstrtab_led_trigger_set_default __ksymtab_led_trigger_remove __kstrtab_led_trigger_remove __ksymtab_led_trigger_set __kstrtab_led_trigger_set __ksymtab_led_trigger_show __kstrtab_led_trigger_show __ksymtab_led_trigger_store __kstrtab_led_trigger_store dmi_scan.c dmi_table dmi_ident dmi_devices dmi_len dmi_base dmi_num fields.20728 dmi_matches dmi_initialized dmi_decode dmi_string_nosave dmi_empty_string dmi_save_one_device dmi_string dmi_save_ident __ksymtab_dmi_match __kstrtab_dmi_match __ksymtab_dmi_walk __kstrtab_dmi_walk __ksymtab_dmi_find_device __kstrtab_dmi_find_device 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__pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801DB_0acpi_pm_check_graylist __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82371AB_3acpi_pm_check_blacklist __setup_acpi_pm_good_setup __setup_str_acpi_pm_good_setup hid-core.c hid_lookup_collection snto32 s32ton hid_match_one_id hid_match_id hid_device_remove hid_get_report hid_parser_reserved hid_add_usage hid_init hid_bus_type hid_compat_wq hid_compat_work hid_compat_load hid_match_device hid_uevent hid_bus_match hid_blacklist hid_exit hid_add_field hid_device_release hid_mouse_ignore_list hid_ignore_list id.22245 hid_hiddev_list types.21961 hid_device_probe hid_process_event dispatch_type.21493 hid_parser_main hid_parser_local hid_parser_global __initcall_hid_init6 __ksymtab_hid_unregister_driver __kstrtab_hid_unregister_driver __ksymtab___hid_register_driver __kstrtab___hid_register_driver __ksymtab_hid_destroy_device __kstrtab_hid_destroy_device __ksymtab_hid_allocate_device __kstrtab_hid_allocate_device 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__initcall_apple_init6 __param_fnmode __param_str_fnmode apple_devices hid-belkin.c belkin_init belkin_driver belkin_exit belkin_probe belkin_input_mapping __ksymtab_hid_compat_belkin __kstrtab_hid_compat_belkin __initcall_belkin_init6 belkin_devices hid-cherry.c ch_report_fixup ch_init ch_driver ch_exit ch_input_mapping __ksymtab_hid_compat_cherry __kstrtab_hid_compat_cherry __initcall_ch_init6 ch_devices hid-chicony.c __ksymtab_hid_compat_chicony __kstrtab_hid_compat_chicony hid-cypress.c cp_init cp_driver cp_exit cp_probe cp_report_fixup cp_input_mapped cp_event __ksymtab_hid_compat_cypress __kstrtab_hid_compat_cypress __initcall_cp_init6 cp_devices hid-ezkey.c ez_event ez_init ez_driver ez_exit ez_input_mapping __ksymtab_hid_compat_ezkey __kstrtab_hid_compat_ezkey __initcall_ez_init6 ez_devices hid-gyration.c gyration_init gyration_driver gyration_exit gyration_input_mapping gyration_event __ksymtab_hid_compat_gyration __kstrtab_hid_compat_gyration __initcall_gyration_init6 gyration_devices hid-lg.c lg_event lg_init lg_driver lg_exit lg_probe lg_report_fixup lg_input_mapping e_keymap.14464 lg_input_mapped __ksymtab_hid_compat_logitech __kstrtab_hid_compat_logitech __initcall_lg_init6 lg_devices hid-lgff.c devices ff_joystick hid_lgff_play hid_lgff_set_autocenter ff_rumble ff_wheel hid-microsoft.c ms_event last_key.14425 ms_init ms_driver ms_exit ms_probe ms_report_fixup ms_input_mapping __ksymtab_hid_compat_microsoft __kstrtab_hid_compat_microsoft __initcall_ms_init6 ms_devices hid-monterey.c mr_report_fixup mr_init mr_driver mr_exit mr_input_mapping __ksymtab_hid_compat_monterey __kstrtab_hid_compat_monterey __initcall_mr_init6 mr_devices hid-ntrig.c ntrig_input_mapping ntrig_input_mapped ntrig_init ntrig_driver ntrig_exit __ksymtab_hid_compat_ntrig __kstrtab_hid_compat_ntrig __initcall_ntrig_init6 ntrig_devices hid-pl.c hid_plff_play pl_init pl_driver pl_exit pl_probe __ksymtab_hid_compat_pantherlord __kstrtab_hid_compat_pantherlord __initcall_pl_init6 pl_devices hid-petalynx.c pl_report_fixup pl_input_mapping __ksymtab_hid_compat_petalynx __kstrtab_hid_compat_petalynx hid-samsung.c samsung_init samsung_driver samsung_exit samsung_report_fixup samsung_probe __ksymtab_hid_compat_samsung __kstrtab_hid_compat_samsung __initcall_samsung_init6 samsung_devices hid-sony.c sony_remove sony_init sony_driver sony_exit sony_report_fixup sony_probe __ksymtab_hid_compat_sony __kstrtab_hid_compat_sony __initcall_sony_init6 sony_devices hid-sunplus.c sp_report_fixup sp_init sp_driver sp_exit sp_input_mapping __ksymtab_hid_compat_sunplus __kstrtab_hid_compat_sunplus __initcall_sp_init6 sp_devices hid-tmff.c tm_init tm_driver tm_exit tm_probe tmff_play __ksymtab_hid_compat_thrustmaster __kstrtab_hid_compat_thrustmaster __initcall_tm_init6 tm_devices hid-topseed.c ts_init ts_driver ts_exit ts_input_mapping __ksymtab_hid_compat_topseed __kstrtab_hid_compat_topseed __initcall_ts_init6 ts_devices hid-zpff.c zpff_play zp_init zp_driver zp_exit zp_probe __ksymtab_hid_compat_zeroplus __kstrtab_hid_compat_zeroplus __initcall_zp_init6 zp_devices hid_find_max_report hid_set_idle hid_start_in hid_resume hid_post_reset hid_suspend hid_pre_reset hid_disconnect hid_submit_ctrl hid_submit_out usbhid_parse hid_free_buffers hid_io_error hid_retry_timeout hid_usb_driver quirks_param hid_driver usbhid_stop usb_hidinput_input_event hid_probe usb_hid_driver usbhid_output_raw_report hid_reset hid_irq_out hid_ctrl hid_irq_in usbhid_start hid_mousepoll_interval __ksymtab_usbhid_set_leds __kstrtab_usbhid_set_leds __ksymtab_usbhid_submit_report __kstrtab_usbhid_submit_report __param_arr_quirks __param_mousepoll __param_str_mousepoll hid_usb_table hid_usb_ids hid-quirks.c dquirks_rwsem dquirks_list __ksymtab_usbhid_lookup_quirk __kstrtab_usbhid_lookup_quirk hiddev.c hiddev_lookup_report hiddev_write hiddev_poll hiddev_usbd_probe hiddev_driver hiddev_class hiddev_table hiddev_fasync __key.21012 hiddev_send_event hiddev_read hiddev_ioctl_string hiddev_release hiddev_open __key.20600 hiddev_ioctl_usage hiddev_ioctl __ksymtab_hiddev_hid_event __kstrtab_hiddev_hid_event hiddev_fops hid-pidff.c pidff_rescale pidff_set pidff_set_signed pidff_needs_set_envelope pidff_needs_set_effect pidff_needs_set_condition pidff_find_fields pidff_check_usage pidff_reports pidff_find_reports pidff_find_special_keys pidff_set_gain pidff_erase_pid pidff_playback_pid pidff_autocenter pidff_set_autocenter pidff_playback pidff_set_condition_report pidff_set_effect_report pidff_set_envelope_report pidff_find_special_field pidff_erase_effect pidff_request_effect_upload pidff_block_load pidff_effect_operation pidff_block_free pidff_set_envelope pidff_device_control pidff_effect_types pidff_block_load_status pidff_effect_operation_status pidff_set_constant pidff_set_ramp pidff_set_condition pidff_set_periodic pidff_pool pidff_device_gain pidff_upload_effect pidff_set_effect staging.c staging_init staging_exit __initcall_staging_init6 binder.c binder_transaction_log_add binder_buffer_size binder_get_node binder_get_ref binder_stats binder_has_proc_work binder_has_thread_work binder_set_stop_on_user_error binder_stop_on_user_error binder_user_error_wait print_binder_transaction_log_entry binder_read_proc_transaction_log print_binder_stats binder_command_strings binder_return_strings binder_objstat_strings print_binder_transaction print_binder_work print_binder_node binder_defer_work binder_deferred_lock binder_deferred_list binder_deferred_work binder_release binder_proc_dir_entry_proc binder_flush print_binder_proc binder_read_proc_proc binder_debug_no_lock binder_lock binder_read_proc_transactions binder_procs binder_vma_close binder_debug_mask binder_inc_node binder_context_mgr_node binder_inc_ref binder_pop_transaction binder_send_failed_reply binder_release_work binder_free_thread binder_dec_node binder_delete_ref binder_dec_ref binder_update_page_range binder_delete_free_buffer binder_insert_free_buffer binder_free_buf binder_get_thread binder_get_ref_for_node binder_last_id binder_new_node binder_vma_open binder_set_nice binder_transaction_buffer_release binder_transaction binder_read_proc_state binder_dead_nodes binder_read_proc_stats binder_deferred_func binder_poll binder_ioctl binder_context_mgr_uid binder_mmap binder_vm_ops binder_open binder_init binder_proc_dir_entry_root binder_miscdev __initcall_binder_init6 __param_stop_on_user_error __param_str_stop_on_user_error __param_proc_no_lock __param_str_proc_no_lock binder_fops logger.c get_entry_len get_next_entry logger_release logger_ioctl logger_poll logger_open log_main log_events log_radio init_log logger_init logger_read __initcall_logger_init6 _buf_log_main logger_fops _buf_log_events _buf_log_radio timed_output.c create_timed_output_class timed_output_class __key.13530 device_count timed_output_init timed_output_exit dev_attr_enable enable_store enable_show __initcall_timed_output_init6 __ksymtab_timed_output_dev_unregister __kstrtab_timed_output_dev_unregister __ksymtab_timed_output_dev_register __kstrtab_timed_output_dev_register firmware/e100/d101m_ucode.bin.gen.S _fw_e100_d101m_ucode_bin_bin _fw_end _fw_e100_d101m_ucode_bin_name firmware/e100/d101s_ucode.bin.gen.S _fw_e100_d101s_ucode_bin_bin _fw_e100_d101s_ucode_bin_name firmware/e100/d102e_ucode.bin.gen.S _fw_e100_d102e_ucode_bin_bin _fw_e100_d102e_ucode_bin_name firmware/tigon/tg3.bin.gen.S _fw_tigon_tg3_bin_bin _fw_tigon_tg3_bin_name firmware/tigon/tg3_tso.bin.gen.S _fw_tigon_tg3_tso_bin_bin _fw_tigon_tg3_tso_bin_name firmware/tigon/tg3_tso5.bin.gen.S _fw_tigon_tg3_tso5_bin_bin _fw_tigon_tg3_tso5_bin_name i386.c pcibios_assign_resources pci_track_mmap_page_range pci_unmap_page_range pci_mmap_ops pcibios_allocate_bus_resources pcibios_allocate_resources __initcall_pcibios_assign_resources5 __ksymtab_pcibios_align_resource __kstrtab_pcibios_align_resource pci_arch_init __initcall_pci_arch_init3 pcbios.c pci_indirect bios32_indirect pci_bios_access pci_bios_present pci_bios_write pci_bios_read __ksymtab_pcibios_set_irq_routing __kstrtab_pcibios_set_irq_routing __ksymtab_pcibios_get_irq_routing_table __kstrtab_pcibios_get_irq_routing_table mmconfig_32.c get_base_addr pci_mmcfg pci_exp_set_dev_base mmcfg_last_accessed_device mmcfg_last_accessed_cpu pci_mmcfg_write pci_mmcfg_read direct.c pci_sanity_check pci_conf2_write pci_conf1_read pci_conf1_write pci_conf2_read mmconfig-shared.c is_mmconf_reserved pci_mmcfg_late_insert_resources pci_mmcfg_resources_inserted pci_mmcfg_amd_fam10h __pci_mmcfg_init known_bridge pci_mmcfg_probes is_acpi_reserved find_mboard_resource check_mcfg_resource pci_mmcfg_e7520 pci_mmcfg_intel_945 __initcall_pci_mmcfg_late_insert_resources7 fixup.c pci_fixup_latency pci_fixup_piix4_acpi pci_fixup_transparent_bridge pci_siemens_interrupt_controller pcie_rootport_aspm_quirk quirk_aspm_offset quirk_pcie_aspm_ops quirk_pcie_aspm_write pci_pre_fixup_toshiba_ohci1394 toshiba_ohci1394_dmi_table toshiba_line_size amd_cpu_pci_cfg_space_size pci_fixup_umc_ide pci_fixup_ncr53c810 sb600_disable_hpet_bar quirk_pcie_aspm_read pci_fixup_i450nx pci_fixup_i450gx pci_early_fixup_cyrix_5530 pci_fixup_via_northbridge_bug pci_fixup_msi_k8t_onboard_sound msi_k8t_dmi_table pci_fixup_nforce2 pci_post_fixup_toshiba_ohci1394 pci_fixup_video __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_ATI0x4385sb600_disable_hpet_bar __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD0x1304amd_cpu_pci_cfg_space_size __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD0x1303amd_cpu_pci_cfg_space_size __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD0x1302amd_cpu_pci_cfg_space_size __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD0x1301amd_cpu_pci_cfg_space_size __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD0x1300amd_cpu_pci_cfg_space_size __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD0x1204amd_cpu_pci_cfg_space_size __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD0x1203amd_cpu_pci_cfg_space_size __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD0x1202amd_cpu_pci_cfg_space_size __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD0x1201amd_cpu_pci_cfg_space_size __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD0x1200amd_cpu_pci_cfg_space_size __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_SIEMENS0x0015pci_siemens_interrupt_controller __pci_fixup_resumePCI_VENDOR_ID_CYRIXPCI_DEVICE_ID_CYRIX_5530_LEGACYpci_early_fixup_cyrix_5530 __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_CYRIXPCI_DEVICE_ID_CYRIX_5530_LEGACYpci_early_fixup_cyrix_5530 __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_TI0x8032pci_post_fixup_toshiba_ohci1394 __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_TI0x8032pci_pre_fixup_toshiba_ohci1394 __pci_fixup_resumePCI_VENDOR_ID_VIAPCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_8237pci_fixup_msi_k8t_onboard_sound __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_VIAPCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_8237pci_fixup_msi_k8t_onboard_sound __pci_fixup_PCI_ANY_IDPCI_ANY_IDpci_fixup_video __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_MCH_PC1pcie_rootport_aspm_quirk __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_MCH_PCpcie_rootport_aspm_quirk __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_MCH_PB1pcie_rootport_aspm_quirk __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_MCH_PBpcie_rootport_aspm_quirk __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_MCH_PA1pcie_rootport_aspm_quirk __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_MCH_PApcie_rootport_aspm_quirk __pci_fixup_resumePCI_VENDOR_ID_NVIDIAPCI_DEVICE_ID_NVIDIA_NFORCE2pci_fixup_nforce2 __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_NVIDIAPCI_DEVICE_ID_NVIDIA_NFORCE2pci_fixup_nforce2 __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_ANY_IDpci_fixup_transparent_bridge __pci_fixup_resumePCI_VENDOR_ID_VIAPCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_8367_0pci_fixup_via_northbridge_bug __pci_fixup_resumePCI_VENDOR_ID_VIAPCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_8361pci_fixup_via_northbridge_bug __pci_fixup_resumePCI_VENDOR_ID_VIAPCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_8622pci_fixup_via_northbridge_bug __pci_fixup_resumePCI_VENDOR_ID_VIAPCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_8363_0pci_fixup_via_northbridge_bug __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_VIAPCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_8367_0pci_fixup_via_northbridge_bug __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_VIAPCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_8361pci_fixup_via_northbridge_bug __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_VIAPCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_8622pci_fixup_via_northbridge_bug __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_VIAPCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_8363_0pci_fixup_via_northbridge_bug __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82371AB_3pci_fixup_piix4_acpi __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_SIPCI_DEVICE_ID_SI_5598pci_fixup_latency __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_SIPCI_DEVICE_ID_SI_5597pci_fixup_latency __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_NCRPCI_DEVICE_ID_NCR_53C810pci_fixup_ncr53c810 __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_UMCPCI_DEVICE_ID_UMC_UM8886BFpci_fixup_umc_ide __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82454GXpci_fixup_i450gx __pci_fixup_PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTELPCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82451NXpci_fixup_i450nx acpi.c count_resource setup_resource resource_to_addr legacy.c __initcall_pci_subsys_init4 via_router_probe pirq_via586_get pirq_via586_set pirq_via_get pirq_via_set vlsi_router_probe pirq_vlsi_get pirq_vlsi_set serverworks_router_probe pirq_serverworks_get pirq_serverworks_set sis_router_probe pirq_sis_get pirq_sis_set cyrix_router_probe pirq_cyrix_get pirq_cyrix_set opti_router_probe pirq_opti_get pirq_opti_set ite_router_probe pirq_ite_get pirq_ite_set ali_router_probe pirq_ali_get pirq_ali_set amd_router_probe pirq_amd756_get pirq_amd756_set pico_router_probe pirq_pico_get pirq_pico_set pirq_get_info pirq_table pirq_penalty fix_acer_tm360_irqrouting acer_tm360_irqrouting fix_broken_hp_bios_irq9 broken_hp_bios_irq9 eisa_irq_mask.25761 read_config_nybble write_config_nybble __warned.25968 pirqmap.25967 __warned.25946 pirqmap.25945 __warned.25926 pirqmap.25925 __warned.25905 pirqmap.25904 irqmap.25847 __warned.25849 __warned.25826 irqmap.25825 intel_router_probe pirq_440gx.26218 pirq_piix_get pirq_piix_set pirq_bios_set pcibios_lookup_irq pirq_router_dev pirq_router pirq_enable_irq pciirq_dmi_table pirq_routers __warned.26060 __warned.26083 pci_write assign_all_busses set_bf_sort pci_bf_sort can_skip_ioresource_align pciprobe_dmi_table can_skip_pciprobe_dmi_table pci_read early.c amd_bus.c enable_pci_io_ecs amd_cpu_notify amd_postcore_init amd_cpu_notifier __initcall_amd_postcore_init2 cpu_32.c saved_context __ksymtab_restore_processor_state __kstrtab_restore_processor_state __ksymtab_save_processor_state __kstrtab_save_processor_state fbdev.c __ksymtab_fb_is_primary_device __kstrtab_fb_is_primary_device socket.c sockfs_delete_dentry sock_no_open sock_poll sock_mmap sockfs_get_sb sockfs_ops sock_destroy_inode sock_inode_cachep sock_alloc_inode sock_init sock_fs_type sock_mnt sock_sendpage sock_splice_read per_cpu__sockets_in_use sock_aio_dtor alloc_sock_iocb dlci_ioctl_mutex dlci_ioctl_hook vlan_ioctl_mutex vlan_ioctl_hook br_ioctl_mutex br_ioctl_hook sock_aio_write sock_aio_read sockfd_lookup_light socket_file_ops sock_alloc sock_alloc_fd sock_attach_fd sockfs_dentry_operations sockfs_dname __sock_create warned.35539 net_families sock_close nargs sock_ioctl sock_fasync __ksymtab_kernel_sock_shutdown __kstrtab_kernel_sock_shutdown __ksymtab_kernel_sock_ioctl __kstrtab_kernel_sock_ioctl __ksymtab_kernel_sendpage __kstrtab_kernel_sendpage 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snap_sap snap_err_msg find_snap_client snap_list snap_exit snap_request snap_packet_type.27608 __initcall_snap_init6 __ksymtab_unregister_snap_client __kstrtab_unregister_snap_client __ksymtab_register_snap_client __kstrtab_register_snap_client tr.c rif_seq_next rif_table tr_setup tr_header_ops rif_seq_open rif_seq_ops rif_init sysctl_tr_rif_timeout rif_timer rif_check_expire tr_table tr_path rif_seq_fops mcast_func_addr.29390 tr_rebuild_header rif_seq_show tr_header rif_seq_start rif_seq_stop __ksymtab_alloc_trdev __kstrtab_alloc_trdev __ksymtab_tr_type_trans __kstrtab_tr_type_trans __initcall_rif_init6 fddi.c fddi_setup fddi_header_ops fddi_rebuild_header fddi_header __ksymtab_alloc_fddidev __kstrtab_alloc_fddidev __ksymtab_fddi_change_mtu __kstrtab_fddi_change_mtu __ksymtab_fddi_type_trans __kstrtab_fddi_type_trans sch_generic.c noop_dequeue pfifo_fast_init dev_init_scheduler_queue noop_enqueue pfifo_fast_enqueue prio2band transition_one_qdisc noqueue_qdisc dev_deactivate_queue pfifo_fast_dump shutdown_scheduler_queue attach_one_default_qdisc pfifo_fast_ops dev_watchdog __warned.30015 pfifo_fast_dequeue pfifo_fast_peek pfifo_fast_reset noop_netdev_queue __ksymtab_qdisc_destroy __kstrtab_qdisc_destroy __ksymtab_qdisc_reset __kstrtab_qdisc_reset __ksymtab_qdisc_create_dflt __kstrtab_qdisc_create_dflt __ksymtab_noop_qdisc __kstrtab_noop_qdisc __ksymtab_netif_carrier_off __kstrtab_netif_carrier_off __ksymtab_netif_carrier_on __kstrtab_netif_carrier_on noqueue_qdisc_ops noqueue_netdev_queue af_netlink.c nl_pid_hashfn netlink_update_listeners nl_table netlink_update_subscriptions netlink_overrun netlink_data_ready netlink_seq_socket_idx netlink_net_exit netlink_net_init netlink_seq_fops netlink_seq_open netlink_seq_ops netlink_seq_show netlink_update_socket_mc netlink_table_ungrab nl_table_wait __netlink_create netlink_ops netlink_proto __key.32926 netlink_sock_destruct netlink_destroy_callback netlink_dump netlink_table_grab nl_table_users netlink_realloc_groups 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nf_conntrack_netlink.c ctnetlink_change_status ctnetlink_exit ctnl_exp_subsys ctnl_subsys ctnetlink_init ctnetlink_exp_done ctnetlink_change_nat_seq_adj ctnetlink_parse_tuple proto_nla_policy dump_nat_seq_adj ctnetlink_dump_counters ctnetlink_dump_tuples ctnetlink_exp_fill_info ctnetlink_fill_info ctnetlink_parse_nat_setup ctnetlink_del_expect ctnetlink_new_expect ctnetlink_get_expect ctnetlink_exp_dump_table ctnetlink_done ctnetlink_dump_table ctnetlink_del_conntrack ctnetlink_get_conntrack ctnetlink_new_conntrack __initcall_ctnetlink_init6 ctnl_cb ctnl_exp_cb ct_nla_policy exp_nla_policy nf_conntrack_ftp.c get_port try_epsv_response try_number nf_conntrack_ftp_fini ftp ports_c ftp_buffer nf_conntrack_ftp_init ports ftp_names ftp_exp_policy help try_rfc959 try_eprt search loose __initcall_nf_conntrack_ftp_init6 __ksymtab_nf_nat_ftp_hook __kstrtab_nf_nat_ftp_hook __param_loose __param_str_loose __param_ports __param_str_ports __param_arr_ports nf_conntrack_irc.c nf_conntrack_irc_fini 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xt_match_seq_next xt_mttg_seq_start xt_target_seq_start xt_match_seq_start xt_table_seq_stop xt_table_seq_show xt_table_seq_next target_revfn match_revfn xt_net_init xt_init __key.28590 xt_table_open xt_table_seq_ops xt_table_seq_start xt_match_open xt_match_seq_ops xt_target_open xt_target_seq_ops __initcall_xt_init6 __ksymtab_xt_proto_fini __kstrtab_xt_proto_fini __ksymtab_xt_proto_init __kstrtab_xt_proto_init __ksymtab_xt_unregister_table __kstrtab_xt_unregister_table __ksymtab_xt_register_table __kstrtab_xt_register_table __ksymtab_xt_replace_table __kstrtab_xt_replace_table __ksymtab_xt_table_unlock __kstrtab_xt_table_unlock __ksymtab_xt_find_table_lock __kstrtab_xt_find_table_lock __ksymtab_xt_free_table_info __kstrtab_xt_free_table_info __ksymtab_xt_alloc_table_info __kstrtab_xt_alloc_table_info __ksymtab_xt_check_target __kstrtab_xt_check_target __ksymtab_xt_check_match __kstrtab_xt_check_match __ksymtab_xt_find_revision __kstrtab_xt_find_revision 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ip_rt_do_proc_exit rt_cpu_seq_open rt_cpu_seq_ops rt_cpu_seq_show rt_cache_seq_open rt_cache_seq_ops ip_rt_do_proc_init rt_cache_seq_fops rt_cpu_seq_fops rt_fill_info rt_intern_hash ip_rt_bug ip_error ip_fallback_id.42222 ip_rt_error_burst ip_rt_error_cost ipv4_dst_ifdown rt_cache_seq_show ip_rt_update_pmtu ip_rt_min_pmtu ip_rt_mtu_expires rt_cache_seq_start ipv4_negative_advice mtu_plateau ip_rt_redirect_silence ip_rt_redirect_number ip_rt_redirect_load ipv4_dst_destroy __ksymtab_ip_route_output_key __kstrtab_ip_route_output_key __ksymtab_ip_route_input __kstrtab_ip_route_input __ksymtab___ip_select_ident __kstrtab___ip_select_ident __setup_set_rhash_entries __setup_str_set_rhash_entries __ksymtab_ip_route_output_flow __kstrtab_ip_route_output_flow __ksymtab___ip_route_output_key __kstrtab___ip_route_output_key ipv4_route_table empty inetpeer.c peer_avl_rebalance unused_peers unlink_from_unused cleanup_once peer_root peer_fake_node peer_total peer_cachep peer_check_expire 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__ksymtab_tcp_initialize_rcv_mss __kstrtab_tcp_initialize_rcv_mss __ksymtab_tcp_rcv_state_process __kstrtab_tcp_rcv_state_process __ksymtab_tcp_rcv_established __kstrtab_tcp_rcv_established __ksymtab_tcp_parse_options __kstrtab_tcp_parse_options __ksymtab_sysctl_tcp_adv_win_scale __kstrtab_sysctl_tcp_adv_win_scale __ksymtab_sysctl_tcp_reordering __kstrtab_sysctl_tcp_reordering __ksymtab_sysctl_tcp_ecn __kstrtab_sysctl_tcp_ecn tcp_output.c tcp_init_nondata_skb tcp_set_skb_tso_segs tcp_adjust_fackets_out tcp_bound_to_half_wnd tcp_init_tso_segs tcp_established_options tcp_event_new_data_sent tcp_options_write tcp_transmit_skb tcp_xmit_probe_skb __pskb_trim_head tcp_write_xmit __ksymtab_tcp_mtup_init __kstrtab_tcp_mtup_init __ksymtab_tcp_sync_mss __kstrtab_tcp_sync_mss __ksymtab_tcp_simple_retransmit __kstrtab_tcp_simple_retransmit __ksymtab_tcp_make_synack __kstrtab_tcp_make_synack __ksymtab_tcp_connect __kstrtab_tcp_connect __ksymtab_tcp_select_initial_window __kstrtab_tcp_select_initial_window tcp_timer.c tcp_orphan_retries tcp_delack_timer tcp_write_timer tcp_keepalive_timer tcp_write_err tcp_out_of_resources __ksymtab_tcp_init_xmit_timers __kstrtab_tcp_init_xmit_timers tcp_ipv4.c established_get_next established_get_first tcp_v4_send_ack tcp_v4_send_reset __tcp_v4_send_synack tcp_v4_send_synack tcp4_net_ops tcp_sk_ops tcp_sk_exit tcp_sk_init tcp4_seq_show listening_get_next tcp_get_idx tcp_seq_next tcp_seq_start tcp4_proc_exit_net tcp4_seq_afinfo tcp_seq_open tcp_seq_stop tcp4_proc_init_net tcp_v4_reqsk_destructor tcp_v4_reqsk_send_ack tcp_v4_init_sock warntime.40649 tcp_timewait_sock_ops __ksymtab_sysctl_tcp_low_latency __kstrtab_sysctl_tcp_low_latency __ksymtab_tcp_proc_unregister __kstrtab_tcp_proc_unregister __ksymtab_tcp_proc_register __kstrtab_tcp_proc_register __ksymtab_tcp_v4_syn_recv_sock __kstrtab_tcp_v4_syn_recv_sock __ksymtab_tcp_v4_send_check __kstrtab_tcp_v4_send_check __ksymtab_tcp_v4_remember_stamp 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__kstrtab_raw_seq_open __ksymtab_raw_seq_stop __kstrtab_raw_seq_stop __ksymtab_raw_seq_next __kstrtab_raw_seq_next __ksymtab_raw_seq_start __kstrtab_raw_seq_start __ksymtab_raw_unhash_sk __kstrtab_raw_unhash_sk __ksymtab_raw_hash_sk __kstrtab_raw_hash_sk udp.c udp_lib_hash udp_lib_lport_inuse __udp_queue_rcv_skb udp_lib_close udp4_net_ops udp4_proc_exit_net udp4_seq_afinfo udp_seq_open udp_seq_start udp_seq_next udp_seq_stop udp4_proc_init_net udp_get_first udp_get_next udp_get_idx udp_push_pending_frames __udp4_lib_lookup udplite_getfrag ipv4_rcv_saddr_equal __ksymtab_udp_proc_unregister __kstrtab_udp_proc_unregister __ksymtab_udp_proc_register __kstrtab_udp_proc_register __ksymtab_udp_lib_get_port __kstrtab_udp_lib_get_port __ksymtab_udp_poll __kstrtab_udp_poll __ksymtab_udp_lib_setsockopt __kstrtab_udp_lib_setsockopt __ksymtab_udp_lib_getsockopt __kstrtab_udp_lib_getsockopt __ksymtab_udp_sendmsg __kstrtab_udp_sendmsg __ksymtab_udp_prot __kstrtab_udp_prot __ksymtab_udp_ioctl __kstrtab_udp_ioctl __ksymtab_udp_disconnect __kstrtab_udp_disconnect __ksymtab_udp_lib_unhash __kstrtab_udp_lib_unhash __ksymtab_udp_flush_pending_frames __kstrtab_udp_flush_pending_frames __ksymtab_udp4_lib_lookup __kstrtab_udp4_lib_lookup __ksymtab_udp_memory_allocated __kstrtab_udp_memory_allocated __ksymtab_sysctl_udp_wmem_min __kstrtab_sysctl_udp_wmem_min __ksymtab_sysctl_udp_rmem_min __kstrtab_sysctl_udp_rmem_min __ksymtab_sysctl_udp_mem __kstrtab_sysctl_udp_mem __ksymtab_udp_table __kstrtab_udp_table udplite.c udplite_sk_init udplite_err udplite_rcv udplite_protocol udplite4_protosw udplite4_net_ops __func__.34598 udplite4_proc_exit_net udplite4_seq_afinfo udplite4_proc_init_net __ksymtab_udplite_prot __kstrtab_udplite_prot __ksymtab_udplite_table __kstrtab_udplite_table arp.c arp_hash arp_state_to_flags arp_req_set_proxy arp_error_report arp_ignore arp_netdev_event arp_packet_type arp_net_ops arp_netdev_notifier arp_net_exit arp_net_init arp_seq_fops arp_seq_open arp_seq_ops 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__devinet_sysctl_unregister devinet_sysctl_unregister __devinet_sysctl_register devinet_sysctl ipv4_devconf devinet_init_net ctl_forward_entry ipv4_devconf_dflt net_ipv4_path devinet_sysctl_register inetdev_init devinet_copy_dflt_conf devinet_conf_proc devinet_conf_sysctl devinet_sysctl_forward devinet_exit_net ifa_ipv4_policy inetdev_event __ksymtab_unregister_inetaddr_notifier __kstrtab_unregister_inetaddr_notifier __ksymtab_register_inetaddr_notifier __kstrtab_register_inetaddr_notifier __ksymtab_inetdev_by_index __kstrtab_inetdev_by_index __ksymtab_inet_select_addr __kstrtab_inet_select_addr __ksymtab_in_dev_finish_destroy __kstrtab_in_dev_finish_destroy af_inet.c inet_autobind ipv4_mib_exit_net ipv4_mib_init_net inetsw inet_init inet_family_ops icmp_protocol udp_protocol tcp_protocol igmp_protocol inetsw_array ipv4_mib_ops ip_packet_type inet_gro_complete inet_sendpage __func__.41884 inet_create inet_gro_receive inet_gso_send_check inet_gso_segment __ksymtab_sysctl_ip_nonlocal_bind __kstrtab_sysctl_ip_nonlocal_bind __ksymtab_inet_unregister_protosw __kstrtab_inet_unregister_protosw __ksymtab_inet_stream_ops __kstrtab_inet_stream_ops __ksymtab_inet_stream_connect __kstrtab_inet_stream_connect __ksymtab_inet_sock_destruct __kstrtab_inet_sock_destruct __ksymtab_inet_shutdown __kstrtab_inet_shutdown __ksymtab_inet_sendmsg __kstrtab_inet_sendmsg __ksymtab_inet_release __kstrtab_inet_release __ksymtab_inet_register_protosw __kstrtab_inet_register_protosw __ksymtab_inet_listen __kstrtab_inet_listen __ksymtab_inet_ioctl __kstrtab_inet_ioctl __ksymtab_inet_getname __kstrtab_inet_getname __ksymtab_inet_dgram_ops __kstrtab_inet_dgram_ops __ksymtab_inet_dgram_connect __kstrtab_inet_dgram_connect __ksymtab_inet_bind __kstrtab_inet_bind __ksymtab_inet_accept __kstrtab_inet_accept __initcall_inet_init5 __ksymtab_snmp_mib_free __kstrtab_snmp_mib_free __ksymtab_snmp_mib_init __kstrtab_snmp_mib_init __ksymtab_snmp_fold_field __kstrtab_snmp_fold_field __ksymtab_inet_ctl_sock_create __kstrtab_inet_ctl_sock_create __ksymtab_inet_sk_rebuild_header __kstrtab_inet_sk_rebuild_header __ksymtab_build_ehash_secret __kstrtab_build_ehash_secret __ksymtab_inet_ehash_secret __kstrtab_inet_ehash_secret __ksymtab_ipv4_config __kstrtab_ipv4_config inet_sockraw_ops igmp.c is_in sf_markstate igmp_net_ops igmp_net_exit igmp_net_init igmp_mc_seq_fops igmp_mcf_seq_fops igmp_mcf_seq_open igmp_mcf_seq_ops igmp_mc_seq_open igmp_mc_seq_ops igmp_mcf_get_next igmp_mcf_seq_next igmp_mc_get_next igmp_mc_seq_next ip_mc_clear_src ip_mc_del1_src igmpv3_clear_delrec igmpv3_clear_zeros ip_ma_put sf_setstate igmp_ifc_start_timer igmp_ifc_event ip_mc_add_src ip_mc_del_src ip_mc_leave_src igmp_start_timer ip_mc_find_dev igmpv3_newpack add_grhead igmpv3_sendpack add_grec igmp_ifc_timer_expire igmpv3_send_report igmp_send_report igmp_group_dropped igmp_group_added igmp_timer_expire igmp_mod_timer igmp_mcf_seq_show igmp_gq_timer_expire igmp_mc_seq_start igmp_mcf_seq_start igmp_mc_seq_show igmp_mcf_seq_stop igmp_mc_seq_stop __ksymtab_ip_mc_rejoin_group __kstrtab_ip_mc_rejoin_group __ksymtab_ip_mc_join_group __kstrtab_ip_mc_join_group __ksymtab_ip_mc_inc_group __kstrtab_ip_mc_inc_group __ksymtab_ip_mc_dec_group __kstrtab_ip_mc_dec_group fib_frontend.c put_rtax inet_rtm_newroute inet_rtm_delroute inet_dump_fib fib_net_ops fib_netdev_notifier fib_inetaddr_notifier fib_flush fib_disable_ip nl_fib_lookup_exit ip_fib_net_exit fib_net_exit fib_net_init nl_fib_input rtm_to_fib_config fib_magic fib_inetaddr_event fib_netdev_event __ksymtab_ip_dev_find __kstrtab_ip_dev_find __ksymtab_inet_dev_addr_type __kstrtab_inet_dev_addr_type __ksymtab_inet_addr_type __kstrtab_inet_addr_type fib_semantics.c fib_info_cnt fib_hash_free fib_hash_alloc fib_props fib_hash_size fib_info_laddrhash fib_info_devhash fib_info_hash inet_fragment.c inet_frag_secret_rebuild __ksymtab_inet_frag_find __kstrtab_inet_frag_find __ksymtab_inet_frag_evictor __kstrtab_inet_frag_evictor __ksymtab_inet_frag_destroy __kstrtab_inet_frag_destroy __ksymtab_inet_frag_kill __kstrtab_inet_frag_kill __ksymtab_inet_frags_exit_net __kstrtab_inet_frags_exit_net __ksymtab_inet_frags_fini __kstrtab_inet_frags_fini __ksymtab_inet_frags_init_net __kstrtab_inet_frags_init_net __ksymtab_inet_frags_init __kstrtab_inet_frags_init sysctl_net_ipv4.c sysctl_ipv4_init ipv4_table ipv4_sysctl_ops ipv4_sysctl_exit_net ipv4_sysctl_init_net ipv4_net_table strategy_allowed_congestion_control sysctl_tcp_congestion_control proc_tcp_congestion_control set_local_port_range ipv4_sysctl_local_port_range ip_local_port_range_min ip_local_port_range_max ipv4_local_port_range proc_tcp_available_congestion_control proc_allowed_congestion_control __initcall_sysctl_ipv4_init6 __ksymtab_net_ipv4_ctl_path __kstrtab_net_ipv4_ctl_path tcp_retr1_max sysfs_net_ipv4.c sysfs_ipv4_init ipv4_attr_group tcp_rmem_max_store tcp_rmem_def_store tcp_rmem_min_store tcp_wmem_max_store tcp_wmem_def_store tcp_wmem_min_store tcp_rmem_max_show tcp_rmem_def_show tcp_rmem_min_show tcp_wmem_max_show tcp_wmem_def_show tcp_wmem_min_show __initcall_sysfs_ipv4_init4 ipv4_attrs tcp_wmem_min_attr tcp_wmem_def_attr tcp_wmem_max_attr tcp_rmem_min_attr tcp_rmem_def_attr tcp_rmem_max_attr fib_hash.c fib_seq_fops fib_seq_open fib_seq_ops fib_seq_show type2flags.38901 fib_get_first fib_hash_genid fib_get_next fib_seq_next fib_find_node fz_hash_alloc fn_hash_lookup fn_hash_insert fn_hash_delete fn_hash_flush fn_hash_select_default fn_hash_dump fn_alias_kmem fn_hash_kmem fib_seq_start fib_seq_stop ip_proc_ops ip_proc_exit_net ip_proc_init_net sockstat_seq_fops netstat_seq_fops snmp_seq_fops netstat_seq_open netstat_seq_show snmp_seq_open snmp_seq_show sockstat_seq_open sockstat_seq_show icmpmsg_put_line snmp4_net_list snmp4_ipextstats_list snmp4_ipstats_list icmpmibmap snmp4_tcp_list snmp4_udp_list fib4_rule_match fib4_rule_default_pref fib4_rule_flush_cache fib4_rule_fill fib4_rule_action fib4_rules_ops_template fib4_rule_nlmsg_payload fib4_rule_compare fib4_rule_configure fib4_rule_policy ipmr.c reg_vif_setup reg_vif_netdev_ops ipmr_update_thresholds maxvif vif_table ipmr_cache_find mfc_cache_array ipmr_find_vif ipmr_vif_seq_idx ipmr_vif_seq_next ipmr_mfc_open ipmr_mfc_seq_ops ipmr_vif_open ipmr_vif_seq_ops ipmr_vif_seq_show ipmr_mfc_seq_show mfc_unres_queue ipmr_mfc_seq_idx ipmr_mfc_seq_start vif_delete reg_vif_num ipmr_device_event mrt_cachep ipmr_expire_timer ipmr_expire_process ip_mr_notifier ipmr_vif_fops ipmr_mfc_fops ipmr_destroy_unres cache_resolve_queue_len ipmr_cache_report mroute_socket ipmr_cache_unresolved ipmr_fill_mroute __pim_rcv ipmr_queue_xmit ipmr_forward_finish ip_mr_forward mroute_do_assert mroute_do_pim pim_rcv mrtsock_destruct pim_protocol ipmr_vif_seq_start ipmr_mfc_seq_stop reg_vif_xmit ipmr_vif_seq_stop ipmr_mfc_seq_next syncookies.c init_syncookies cookie_hash per_cpu__cookie_scratch msstab __ksymtab_cookie_check_timestamp __kstrtab_cookie_check_timestamp __initcall_init_syncookies6 __ksymtab_syncookie_secret __kstrtab_syncookie_secret esp4.c esp4_init esp_type esp4_protocol esp_alloc_tmp esp_output_done esp_input_done2 esp_input_done esp_destroy esp_init_state esp4_fini esp_input esp4_get_mtu esp4_err esp_output __initcall_esp4_init6 inet_lro.c lro_get_desc lro_tcp_ip_check lro_tcp_data_csum lro_add_common lro_init_desc lro_flush lro_gen_skb __lro_proc_segment __lro_proc_skb __ksymtab_lro_flush_pkt __kstrtab_lro_flush_pkt __ksymtab_lro_flush_all __kstrtab_lro_flush_all __ksymtab_lro_vlan_hwaccel_receive_frags __kstrtab_lro_vlan_hwaccel_receive_frags __ksymtab_lro_receive_frags __kstrtab_lro_receive_frags __ksymtab_lro_vlan_hwaccel_receive_skb __kstrtab_lro_vlan_hwaccel_receive_skb __ksymtab_lro_receive_skb __kstrtab_lro_receive_skb tunnel4.c tunnel4_err tunnel4_handlers tunnel64_err tunnel64_handlers tunnel4_fini tunnel64_protocol tunnel4_protocol tunnel4_init tunnel64_rcv tunnel4_mutex tunnel4_rcv 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__setup_str_vendor_class_identifier_setup __setup_nfsaddrs_config_setup __setup_str_nfsaddrs_config_setup __setup_ip_auto_config_setup __setup_str_ip_auto_config_setup __initcall_ip_auto_config7 netfilter.c ipv4_netfilter_init nf_ip_afinfo nf_ip_route ipv4_netfilter_fini nf_ip_checksum_partial nf_ip_saveroute nf_ip_reroute __ksymtab_nf_net_ipv4_netfilter_sysctl_path __kstrtab_nf_net_ipv4_netfilter_sysctl_path __initcall_ipv4_netfilter_init6 __ksymtab_nf_ip_checksum __kstrtab_nf_ip_checksum __ksymtab_ip_nat_decode_session __kstrtab_ip_nat_decode_session __ksymtab_ip_xfrm_me_harder __kstrtab_ip_xfrm_me_harder __ksymtab_ip_route_me_harder __kstrtab_ip_route_me_harder nf_conntrack_l3proto_ipv4.c ipv4_invert_tuple nf_conntrack_l3proto_ipv4_init so_getorigdst ipv4_conntrack_ops ipv4_conntrack_local ipv4_tuple_to_nlattr ipv4_get_l4proto ipv4_print_tuple nf_conntrack_l3proto_ipv4_fini getorigdst ipv4_conntrack_in ipv4_nlattr_to_tuple ipv4_confirm ipv4_pkt_to_tuple ipv4_nla_policy ip_ct_sysctl_table __ksymtab_need_ipv4_conntrack __kstrtab_need_ipv4_conntrack __initcall_nf_conntrack_l3proto_ipv4_init6 __ksymtab_nf_nat_seq_adjust_hook __kstrtab_nf_nat_seq_adjust_hook nf_conntrack_proto_icmp.c icmp_invert_tuple invmap icmp_new valid_new.36708 icmp_tuple_to_nlattr icmp_print_tuple icmp_error icmp_packet nf_ct_icmp_timeout icmp_nlattr_to_tuple icmp_pkt_to_tuple icmp_nla_policy icmp_sysctl_header icmp_sysctl_table icmp_compat_sysctl_table nf_conntrack_l3proto_ipv4_compat.c ip_conntrack_net_ops ip_conntrack_net_exit ip_conntrack_net_init ip_exp_file_ops nf_nat_core.c clean_nat nf_nat_net_exit nf_nat_htable_size nf_nat_net_init nf_nat_cleanup nf_nat_net_ops l3proto nat_extend manip_pkt nf_nat_protos nfnetlink_parse_nat_setup nat_nla_policy protonat_nla_policy nf_nat_cleanup_conntrack nf_nat_move_storage nf_nat_init __initcall_nf_nat_init6 __ksymtab_nf_nat_protocol_unregister __kstrtab_nf_nat_protocol_unregister __ksymtab_nf_nat_protocol_register __kstrtab_nf_nat_protocol_register __ksymtab_nf_nat_icmp_reply_translation __kstrtab_nf_nat_icmp_reply_translation __ksymtab_nf_nat_packet __kstrtab_nf_nat_packet __ksymtab_nf_nat_setup_info __kstrtab_nf_nat_setup_info __ksymtab_nf_nat_used_tuple __kstrtab_nf_nat_used_tuple __ksymtab_nf_nat_proto_put __kstrtab_nf_nat_proto_put __ksymtab_nf_nat_proto_find_get __kstrtab_nf_nat_proto_find_get nf_nat_helper.c enlarge_skb mangle_contents __ksymtab_nf_nat_follow_master __kstrtab_nf_nat_follow_master __ksymtab_nf_nat_mangle_udp_packet __kstrtab_nf_nat_mangle_udp_packet __ksymtab_nf_nat_mangle_tcp_packet __kstrtab_nf_nat_mangle_tcp_packet nf_nat_proto_unknown.c unknown_in_range unknown_unique_tuple unknown_manip_pkt nf_nat_proto_common.c __ksymtab_nf_nat_proto_range_to_nlattr __kstrtab_nf_nat_proto_range_to_nlattr __ksymtab_nf_nat_proto_nlattr_to_range __kstrtab_nf_nat_proto_nlattr_to_range __ksymtab_nf_nat_proto_unique_tuple __kstrtab_nf_nat_proto_unique_tuple __ksymtab_nf_nat_proto_in_range __kstrtab_nf_nat_proto_in_range nf_nat_proto_tcp.c tcp_unique_tuple tcp_port_rover tcp_manip_pkt nf_nat_proto_udp.c udp_unique_tuple udp_port_rover udp_manip_pkt nf_nat_proto_icmp.c icmp_manip_pkt icmp_in_range icmp_unique_tuple id.30841 nf_defrag_ipv4.c nf_defrag_init ipv4_defrag_ops ipv4_conntrack_defrag nf_defrag_fini __initcall_nf_defrag_init6 __ksymtab_nf_defrag_ipv4_enable __kstrtab_nf_defrag_ipv4_enable nf_nat_ftp.c warn_set nf_nat_ftp_init nf_nat_ftp mangle_epsv_packet mangle_eprt_packet mangle_rfc959_packet nf_nat_ftp_fini mangle __initcall_nf_nat_ftp_init6 nf_nat_irc.c nf_nat_irc_init nf_nat_irc_fini __initcall_nf_nat_irc_init6 nf_nat_sip.c nf_nat_sip_init ip_nat_sip ip_nat_sip_expect ip_nat_sdp_addr ip_nat_sdp_port ip_nat_sdp_session ip_nat_sdp_media ip_nat_sip_expected mangle_packet mangle_sdp_packet map_addr mangle_content_len map_sip_addr nf_nat_sip_fini __initcall_nf_nat_sip_init6 ip_tables.c get_counters icmp_checkentry ip_tables_init ip_tables_net_ops xt_standard_target ipt_error_target icmp_matchstruct ipt_sockopts cleanup_match cleanup_entry translate_table C.547.35128 icmp_match ipt_error ip_tables_net_exit ip_tables_net_init ip_tables_fini do_ipt_set_ctl do_ipt_get_ctl nulldevname.34746 __initcall_ip_tables_init6 __ksymtab_ipt_do_table __kstrtab_ipt_do_table __ksymtab_ipt_unregister_table __kstrtab_ipt_unregister_table __ksymtab_ipt_register_table __kstrtab_ipt_register_table iptable_filter.c iptable_filter_init forward initial_table iptable_filter_net_ops ipt_ops ipt_local_out_hook iptable_filter_net_exit iptable_filter_net_init packet_filter iptable_filter_fini ipt_local_in_hook ipt_hook __initcall_iptable_filter_init6 __param_forward __param_str_forward iptable_mangle.c iptable_mangle_init iptable_mangle_net_ops iptable_mangle_net_exit iptable_mangle_net_init packet_mangler iptable_mangle_fini ipt_local_hook ipt_pre_routing_hook ipt_post_routing_hook ipt_forward_hook __initcall_iptable_mangle_init6 nf_nat_rule.c ipt_dnat_reg ipt_snat_reg nf_nat_rule_net_ops nf_nat_rule_net_exit nf_nat_rule_net_init nat_table nat_initial_table ipt_dnat_checkentry ipt_snat_checkentry ipt_dnat_target ipt_snat_target nf_nat_standalone.c nf_nat_standalone_init nat_decode_session nf_nat_ops nf_nat_fn nf_nat_local_fn nf_nat_standalone_fini nf_nat_in nf_nat_out __initcall_nf_nat_standalone_init6 ipt_LOG.c log_tg_check log_tg_init log_tg_reg ipt_log_logger dump_packet required_len.37851 ipt_log_packet log_tg log_tg_exit __initcall_log_tg_init6 ipt_MASQUERADE.c masquerade_tg_check masquerade_tg_init masquerade_tg_reg masq_dev_notifier masq_inet_notifier masq_device_event device_cmp masq_inet_event masquerade_tg_exit masquerade_tg __initcall_masquerade_tg_init6 ipt_REJECT.c reject_tg_init reject_tg_reg reject_tg_check reject_tg_exit reject_tg __initcall_reject_tg_init6 ipt_ULOG.c ulog_tg_check ulog_alloc_skb nlbufsiz ulog_send ulog_buffers nflognl ipt_ulog_packet flushtimeout ipt_logfn ulog_tg ulog_tg_init ulog_timer ulog_tg_reg nflog ipt_ulog_logger ulog_tg_exit __initcall_ulog_tg_init6 __param_nflog __param_str_nflog __param_flushtimeout __param_str_flushtimeout __param_nlbufsiz __param_str_nlbufsiz tcp_cubic.c cubictcp_register beta cube_factor bic_scale cube_rtt_scale beta_scale cubictcp bictcp_acked hystart hystart_low_window hystart_detect cubictcp_unregister bictcp_state bictcp_recalc_ssthresh fast_convergence bictcp_undo_cwnd bictcp_init initial_ssthresh bictcp_cong_avoid v.37445 tcp_friendliness __initcall_cubictcp_register6 __param_hystart_low_window __param_str_hystart_low_window __param_hystart_detect __param_str_hystart_detect __param_hystart __param_str_hystart __param_tcp_friendliness __param_str_tcp_friendliness __param_bic_scale __param_str_bic_scale __param_initial_ssthresh __param_str_initial_ssthresh __param_beta __param_str_beta __param_fast_convergence __param_str_fast_convergence cipso_ipv4.c cipso_v4_bitmap_walk cipso_v4_map_cache_hash cipso_v4_doi_search cipso_v4_doi_list cipso_v4_map_lvl_valid cipso_v4_map_lvl_hton cipso_v4_map_lvl_ntoh cipso_v4_init cipso_v4_cache cipso_v4_doi_free_rcu cipso_v4_cache_entry_free cipso_v4_getattr cipso_v4_genopt __initcall_cipso_v4_init4 xfrm4_policy.c xfrm4_get_tos xfrm4_init_path xfrm4_garbage_collect xfrm4_policy_afinfo xfrm4_dst_ops xfrm4_update_pmtu xfrm4_policy_fini xfrm4_dst_ifdown xfrm4_dst_lookup xfrm4_get_saddr __xfrm4_find_bundle xfrm4_fill_dst xfrm4_dst_destroy _decode_session4 xfrm4_state.c xfrm4_init_flags xfrm4_state_afinfo __xfrm4_init_tempsel xfrm4_input.c xfrm4_rcv_encap_finish __ksymtab_xfrm4_rcv __kstrtab_xfrm4_rcv __ksymtab_xfrm4_rcv_encap __kstrtab_xfrm4_rcv_encap xfrm4_output.c xfrm4_output_finish __ksymtab_xfrm4_prepare_output __kstrtab_xfrm4_prepare_output xfrm_policy.c xfrm_gen_index idx_generator.37683 __xfrm_policy_unlink xfrm_link_failure unused_bundle xfrm_net_ops xfrm_policy_put_afinfo xfrm_policy_get_afinfo xfrm_policy_afinfo prune_one_bundle xfrm_prune_bundles xfrm_dev_event stale_bundle __xfrm_garbage_collect policy_hash_bysel xfrm_negative_advice xfrm_dst_check xfrm_sk_policy_lookup xfrm_policy_match xfrm_tmpl_resolve xfrm_policy_lookup __xfrm_policy_link xfrm_policy_hashmax xfrm_policy_kill xfrm_policy_gc_list xfrm_policy_gc_work xfrm_policy_fini xfrm_net_exit xfrm_policy_timer clone_policy xfrm_policy_gc_task xfrm_dst_cache xfrm_hash_resize hash_resize_mutex dummy.38933 xfrm_net_init xfrm_dev_notifier __ksymtab_xfrm_policy_unregister_afinfo __kstrtab_xfrm_policy_unregister_afinfo __ksymtab_xfrm_policy_register_afinfo __kstrtab_xfrm_policy_register_afinfo __ksymtab_xfrm_bundle_ok __kstrtab_xfrm_bundle_ok __ksymtab_xfrm_dst_ifdown __kstrtab_xfrm_dst_ifdown __ksymtab___xfrm_route_forward __kstrtab___xfrm_route_forward __ksymtab___xfrm_policy_check __kstrtab___xfrm_policy_check __ksymtab___xfrm_decode_session __kstrtab___xfrm_decode_session __ksymtab_xfrm_lookup __kstrtab_xfrm_lookup __ksymtab___xfrm_lookup __kstrtab___xfrm_lookup __ksymtab_xfrm_policy_delete __kstrtab_xfrm_policy_delete __ksymtab_xfrm_policy_walk_done __kstrtab_xfrm_policy_walk_done __ksymtab_xfrm_policy_walk_init __kstrtab_xfrm_policy_walk_init __ksymtab_xfrm_policy_walk __kstrtab_xfrm_policy_walk __ksymtab_xfrm_policy_flush __kstrtab_xfrm_policy_flush __ksymtab_xfrm_policy_byid __kstrtab_xfrm_policy_byid __ksymtab_xfrm_policy_bysel_ctx __kstrtab_xfrm_policy_bysel_ctx __ksymtab_xfrm_policy_insert __kstrtab_xfrm_policy_insert __ksymtab_xfrm_spd_getinfo __kstrtab_xfrm_spd_getinfo __ksymtab_xfrm_policy_destroy __kstrtab_xfrm_policy_destroy __ksymtab_xfrm_policy_alloc __kstrtab_xfrm_policy_alloc __ksymtab_xfrm_cfg_mutex __kstrtab_xfrm_cfg_mutex xfrm_state.c __xfrm_find_acq_byseq xfrm_state_unlock_afinfo xfrm_state_lock_afinfo xfrm_state_afinfo xfrm_put_mode __xfrm_state_lookup_byaddr __xfrm_state_lookup xfrm_state_put_afinfo xfrm_state_get_afinfo xfrm_km_list xfrm_get_mode xfrm_hash_grow_check xfrm_state_hashmax __xfrm_state_insert xfrm_state_genid __xfrm_state_bump_genids xfrm_state_look_at xfrm_timer_handler xfrm_replay_timer_handler __find_acq_core xfrm_state_gc_task acqseq.38479 saddr_wildcard.37913 __ksymtab_xfrm_init_state __kstrtab_xfrm_init_state __ksymtab_xfrm_state_delete_tunnel __kstrtab_xfrm_state_delete_tunnel __ksymtab_xfrm_state_unregister_afinfo __kstrtab_xfrm_state_unregister_afinfo __ksymtab_xfrm_state_register_afinfo __kstrtab_xfrm_state_register_afinfo __ksymtab_xfrm_unregister_km __kstrtab_xfrm_unregister_km __ksymtab_xfrm_register_km __kstrtab_xfrm_register_km __ksymtab_xfrm_user_policy __kstrtab_xfrm_user_policy __ksymtab_km_report __kstrtab_km_report __ksymtab_km_policy_expired __kstrtab_km_policy_expired __ksymtab_km_new_mapping __kstrtab_km_new_mapping __ksymtab_km_query __kstrtab_km_query __ksymtab_km_state_expired __kstrtab_km_state_expired __ksymtab_km_state_notify __kstrtab_km_state_notify __ksymtab_km_policy_notify __kstrtab_km_policy_notify __ksymtab_xfrm_state_walk_done __kstrtab_xfrm_state_walk_done __ksymtab_xfrm_state_walk_init __kstrtab_xfrm_state_walk_init __ksymtab_xfrm_state_walk __kstrtab_xfrm_state_walk __ksymtab_xfrm_alloc_spi __kstrtab_xfrm_alloc_spi __ksymtab_xfrm_get_acqseq __kstrtab_xfrm_get_acqseq __ksymtab_xfrm_find_acq_byseq __kstrtab_xfrm_find_acq_byseq __ksymtab_xfrm_find_acq __kstrtab_xfrm_find_acq __ksymtab_xfrm_state_lookup_byaddr __kstrtab_xfrm_state_lookup_byaddr __ksymtab_xfrm_state_lookup __kstrtab_xfrm_state_lookup __ksymtab_xfrm_state_check_expire __kstrtab_xfrm_state_check_expire __ksymtab_xfrm_state_update __kstrtab_xfrm_state_update __ksymtab_xfrm_state_add __kstrtab_xfrm_state_add __ksymtab_xfrm_state_insert __kstrtab_xfrm_state_insert __ksymtab_xfrm_stateonly_find __kstrtab_xfrm_stateonly_find __ksymtab_xfrm_sad_getinfo __kstrtab_xfrm_sad_getinfo __ksymtab_xfrm_state_flush __kstrtab_xfrm_state_flush __ksymtab_xfrm_state_delete __kstrtab_xfrm_state_delete __ksymtab___xfrm_state_delete __kstrtab___xfrm_state_delete __ksymtab___xfrm_state_destroy __kstrtab___xfrm_state_destroy __ksymtab_xfrm_state_alloc __kstrtab_xfrm_state_alloc __ksymtab_xfrm_unregister_mode __kstrtab_xfrm_unregister_mode __ksymtab_xfrm_register_mode __kstrtab_xfrm_register_mode __ksymtab_xfrm_unregister_type __kstrtab_xfrm_unregister_type __ksymtab_xfrm_register_type __kstrtab_xfrm_register_type xfrm_hash.c xfrm_input.c secpath_cachep __ksymtab_xfrm_input_resume __kstrtab_xfrm_input_resume __ksymtab_xfrm_input __kstrtab_xfrm_input __ksymtab_xfrm_prepare_input __kstrtab_xfrm_prepare_input __ksymtab_secpath_dup __kstrtab_secpath_dup __ksymtab___secpath_destroy __kstrtab___secpath_destroy xfrm_output.c xfrm_output2 __ksymtab_xfrm_inner_extract_output __kstrtab_xfrm_inner_extract_output __ksymtab_xfrm_output __kstrtab_xfrm_output __ksymtab_xfrm_output_resume __kstrtab_xfrm_output_resume xfrm_algo.c xfrm_alg_id_match aalg_list ealg_list xfrm_find_algo xfrm_aead_name_match xfrm_aead_list xfrm_calg_list xfrm_alg_name_match xfrm_ealg_list xfrm_aalg_list calg_list __ksymtab_pskb_put __kstrtab_pskb_put __ksymtab_skb_icv_walk __kstrtab_skb_icv_walk __ksymtab_xfrm_count_enc_supported __kstrtab_xfrm_count_enc_supported __ksymtab_xfrm_count_auth_supported __kstrtab_xfrm_count_auth_supported __ksymtab_xfrm_probe_algs __kstrtab_xfrm_probe_algs __ksymtab_xfrm_ealg_get_byidx __kstrtab_xfrm_ealg_get_byidx __ksymtab_xfrm_aalg_get_byidx __kstrtab_xfrm_aalg_get_byidx __ksymtab_xfrm_aead_get_byname __kstrtab_xfrm_aead_get_byname __ksymtab_xfrm_calg_get_byname __kstrtab_xfrm_calg_get_byname __ksymtab_xfrm_ealg_get_byname __kstrtab_xfrm_ealg_get_byname __ksymtab_xfrm_aalg_get_byname __kstrtab_xfrm_aalg_get_byname __ksymtab_xfrm_calg_get_byid __kstrtab_xfrm_calg_get_byid __ksymtab_xfrm_ealg_get_byid __kstrtab_xfrm_ealg_get_byid __ksymtab_xfrm_aalg_get_byid __kstrtab_xfrm_aalg_get_byid aead_list xfrm_sysctl.c xfrm_table af_unix.c first_unix_socket unix_socket_table next_unix_socket unix_seq_next af_unix_init unix_proto __func__.34566 unix_family_ops unix_net_ops unix_net_exit unix_net_init unix_seq_fops unix_seq_open unix_seq_ops unix_state_double_lock unix_copy_addr unix_state_double_unlock unix_peer_get unix_detach_fds unix_mkname __unix_find_socket_byname __unix_insert_socket __unix_remove_socket unix_autobind ordernum.33168 unix_attach_fds unix_destruct_fds unix_dgram_disconnected unix_wait_for_peer unix_find_other unix_dgram_sendmsg unix_release_sock unix_release unix_create1 unix_nr_socks __key.33124 unix_write_space unix_sock_destructor unix_create unix_stream_ops unix_dgram_ops unix_seqpacket_ops af_unix_exit unix_seq_start unix_seq_show unix_socketpair unix_dgram_poll unix_poll unix_seqpacket_sendmsg unix_accept unix_stream_recvmsg unix_ioctl unix_seq_stop unix_stream_sendmsg unix_dgram_recvmsg unix_listen unix_dgram_connect unix_stream_connect unix_getname unix_shutdown unix_bind __initcall_af_unix_init5 garbage.c unix_get_socket dec_inflight scan_inflight scan_children gc_in_progress unix_gc_wait inc_inflight_move_tail gc_candidates inc_inflight gc_inflight_list sysctl_net_unix.c unix_table unix_path af_inet6.c ipv6_cleanup_mibs inet6_net_exit inet6_net_init ipv6_gso_pull_exthdrs ipv6_packet_cleanup ipv6_packet_type inet6_exit disable_ipv6 inet6_net_ops inetsw6 ipv6_gro_complete inet6_init inet6_family_ops inet6_create ipv6_gro_receive ipv6_gso_send_check ipv6_gso_segment __initcall_inet6_init6 __ksymtab_ipv6_opt_accepted __kstrtab_ipv6_opt_accepted __ksymtab_inet6_sk_rebuild_header __kstrtab_inet6_sk_rebuild_header __ksymtab_inet6_unregister_protosw __kstrtab_inet6_unregister_protosw __ksymtab_inet6_register_protosw __kstrtab_inet6_register_protosw __ksymtab_inet6_ioctl __kstrtab_inet6_ioctl __ksymtab_inet6_getname __kstrtab_inet6_getname __ksymtab_inet6_destroy_sock __kstrtab_inet6_destroy_sock __ksymtab_inet6_release __kstrtab_inet6_release __ksymtab_inet6_bind __kstrtab_inet6_bind __param_disable __param_str_disable anycast.c ac6_seq_fops ac6_seq_open ac6_seq_ops ac6_seq_show ac6_get_next ac6_seq_next ipv6_chk_acast_dev aca_put ipv6_dev_ac_dec ac6_seq_start ac6_seq_stop ip6_output.c ip6_forward_finish ip6_cork_release ip6_output_finish ip6_dst_lookup_tail ip6_copy_metadata ip6_dev_loopback_xmit ip6_output2 ipv6_fragmentation_id.37636 __ksymtab_ip6_sk_dst_lookup __kstrtab_ip6_sk_dst_lookup __ksymtab_ip6_dst_lookup __kstrtab_ip6_dst_lookup __ksymtab_ip6_xmit __kstrtab_ip6_xmit __ksymtab_ip6_local_out __kstrtab_ip6_local_out ip6_input.c ip6_input_finish addrconf.c ipv6_addr_hash ipv6_generate_eui64 if6_get_next inet6_addr_lst if6_seq_next put_ifaddrmsg if6_proc_net_ops addrconf_del_timer put_cacheinfo inet6_fill_ifaddr addrconf_join_anycast addrconf_leave_anycast addrconf_mod_timer addrconf_dad_timer addrconf_rs_timer in6_dev_finish_destroy_rcu __addrconf_sysctl_unregister addrconf_exit_net __addrconf_sysctl_register addrconf_sysctl ipv6_devconf addrconf_init_net ipv6_devconf_dflt dev_forward_change addrconf_fixup_forwarding addrconf_sysctl_forward addrconf_add_mroute addrconf_prefix_route addrconf_add_lroute ipv6_add_addr inet6addr_chain addrconf_dad_kick addrconf_sysctl_unregister addrconf_sysctl_register extract_addr snmp6_fill_stats inet6_fill_ifinfo if6_proc_net_exit if6_proc_net_init if6_fops if6_seq_open if6_seq_ops if6_seq_show __ipv6_ifa_notify ipv6_ifa_notify addrconf_dad_completed ipv6_get_saddr_eval inet6_dump_addr inet6_dump_ifacaddr inet6_dump_ifmcaddr inet6_dump_ifaddr addrconf_ifdown ipv6_del_addr addrconf_verify addr_chk_timer inet6_addr_del addrconf_dad_stop addrconf_dad_start addrconf_add_linklocal ipv6_add_dev addrconf_ops ipv6_dev_notf inet6_dump_ifinfo inet6_rtm_newaddr inet6_rtm_deladdr inet6_rtm_getaddr ipv6_find_idev addrconf_add_dev inet6_addr_add addrconf_sysctl_forward_strategy if6_seq_start if6_seq_stop ifa_ipv6_policy addrconf_notify __ksymtab_unregister_inet6addr_notifier __kstrtab_unregister_inet6addr_notifier __ksymtab_register_inet6addr_notifier __kstrtab_register_inet6addr_notifier __ksymtab___ipv6_isatap_ifid __kstrtab___ipv6_isatap_ifid __ksymtab_ipv6_chk_prefix __kstrtab_ipv6_chk_prefix __ksymtab_ipv6_chk_addr __kstrtab_ipv6_chk_addr __ksymtab_ipv6_dev_get_saddr __kstrtab_ipv6_dev_get_saddr __ksymtab_in6_dev_finish_destroy __kstrtab_in6_dev_finish_destroy addrlabel.c ip6addrlbl_newdel ip6addrlbl_get ip6addrlbl_dump ip6addrlbl_fill __ipv6_addr_label ip6addrlbl_table ip6addrlbl_free_rcu ip6addrlbl_add ip6addrlbl_net_init ip6addrlbl_init_table ipv6_addr_label_ops ifal_policy ip6addrlbl_net_exit ip6_rt_blackhole_update_pmtu ip6_dst_check fib6_ifdown ipv6_get_mtu ipv6_sysctl_rtcache_flush ip6_dst_gc ip6_route_dev_notifier ip6_route_net_ops ip6_dst_ops_template ip6_route_net_exit rt6_stats_seq_open rt6_stats_seq_show ipv6_route_open ipv6_route_show rt6_info_route ip6_pkt_drop ip6_pkt_discard_out ip6_pkt_discard rt6_fill_node rtm_to_fib6_config rtm_ipv6_policy find_match __ip6_del_rt ip6_route_del inet6_rtm_delroute ip6_negative_advice icmp6_dst_gc_list ip6_rt_copy rt6_alloc_cow ip6_pol_route_output ip6_pol_route_lookup __ip6_ins_rt inet6_rtm_newroute ip6_pol_route ip6_pol_route_input ip6_route_net_init ip6_null_entry_template ipv6_route_proc_fops rt6_stats_seq_fops rt6_mtu_change_route ip6_rt_update_pmtu __ip6_route_redirect ip6_link_failure inet6_rtm_getroute ip6_dst_blackhole_ops ip6_route_dev_notify ip6_dst_destroy ip6_dst_ifdown __ksymtab_ip6_dst_blackhole __kstrtab_ip6_dst_blackhole __ksymtab_ip6_route_output __kstrtab_ip6_route_output __ksymtab_rt6_lookup __kstrtab_rt6_lookup ip6_fib.c fib6_find_prefix fib6_prune_clone fib6_age gc_args fib6_net_ops fib6_node_kmem fib6_net_exit inet6_dump_fib fib6_dump_end fib6_dump_done fib6_walk_continue fib6_walk fib6_walker_list fib6_clean_tree fib6_clean_node fib6_prune_clones fib6_dump_node fib6_gc_timer_cb rt_sernum fib6_net_init ipv6_sockglue.c ipv6_update_options __ksymtab_ipv6_getsockopt __kstrtab_ipv6_getsockopt __ksymtab_ipv6_setsockopt __kstrtab_ipv6_setsockopt ndisc.c ndisc_parse_options ndisc_hash ndisc_error_report ndisc_fill_addr_option ndisc_netdev_notifier ndisc_net_ops ndisc_net_exit ndisc_net_init ndisc_netdev_event ndisc_warn_deprecated_sysctl warncomm.37171 warned.37172 __func__.36032 __ndisc_send ndisc_send_na ndisc_recv_ns pndisc_redo __func__.36649 ndisc_solicit __func__.36315 pndisc_constructor pndisc_destructor ndisc_constructor ndisc_direct_ops ndisc_hh_ops ndisc_generic_ops __func__.36890 __ksymtab_ndisc_send_skb __kstrtab_ndisc_send_skb __ksymtab_ndisc_build_skb __kstrtab_ndisc_build_skb __ksymtab_ndisc_mc_map __kstrtab_ndisc_mc_map udpv6_protosw udpv6_protocol udp6_seq_afinfo udp_v6_push_pending_frames udp_v6_flush_pending_frames udp_v6_mcast_next __udp6_lib_lookup udpv6_rcv udpv6_err udplite6_net_ops udplite6_proc_exit_net udplite6_seq_afinfo udplite6_proc_init_net udplite6_protosw udplitev6_protocol udplitev6_err udplitev6_rcv rawv6_init_sk rawv6_rcv_skb raw6_destroy rawv6_protosw raw6_net_ops raw6_exit_net raw6_init_net raw6_seq_fops raw6_seq_open raw_v6_hashinfo raw6_seq_ops raw6_seq_show __raw_v6_lookup rawv6_ioctl rawv6_setsockopt rawv6_getsockopt rawv6_close rawv6_recvmsg rawv6_bind rawv6_sendmsg inet6_sockraw_ops __ksymtab_inet6_del_protocol __kstrtab_inet6_del_protocol __ksymtab_inet6_add_protocol __kstrtab_inet6_add_protocol tab_unreach icmpv6_sk_ops icmpv6_protocol icmpv6_push_pending_frames icmpv6_getfrag icmpv6_notify icmpv6_sk_exit icmpv6_rcv icmpv6_sk_init __ksymtab_icmpv6_err_convert __kstrtab_icmpv6_err_convert __ksymtab_icmpv6_send __kstrtab_icmpv6_send __ksymtab_icmpv6msg_statistics __kstrtab_icmpv6msg_statistics __ksymtab_icmpv6_statistics __kstrtab_icmpv6_statistics mcast.c igmp6_net_ops igmp6_net_exit igmp6_mcf_seq_open igmp6_mcf_seq_ops igmp6_mc_seq_open igmp6_mc_seq_ops igmp6_mcf_seq_show igmp6_mcf_get_next igmp6_mcf_seq_next igmp6_mc_get_next igmp6_mc_seq_next igmp6_mc_seq_show mld_newpack mld2_all_mcr igmp6_send mld_sendpack igmp6_group_queried mld_ifc_start_timer mld_ifc_event ip6_mc_clear_src igmp6_group_dropped ip6_mc_del1_src ip6_mc_add_src ip6_mc_del_src mld_clear_zeros mld_ifc_timer_expire mld_send_report mld_clear_delrec ma_put igmp6_group_added igmp6_timer_handler ip6_mc_find_dev ip6_mc_leave_src mld_gq_timer_expire igmp6_mc_seq_start igmp6_mcf_seq_start igmp6_mcf_seq_stop igmp6_net_init igmp6_mc_seq_fops igmp6_mcf_seq_fops igmp6_mc_seq_stop reassembly.c ip6_hashfn ip6_frags ip6_frags_sysctl_unregister ip6_ctl_header ip6_frags_ops frag_protocol ipv6_frags_exit_net ipv6_frags_init_net ip6_frags_ns_ctl_table ip6_frags_ctl_table ip6_frag_expire ipv6_frag_rcv __ksymtab_ip6_frag_init __kstrtab_ip6_frag_init __ksymtab_ip6_frag_match __kstrtab_ip6_frag_match __ksymtab_inet6_hash_frag __kstrtab_inet6_hash_frag tcp_ipv6.c tcp_v6_remember_stamp tcp_v6_destroy_sock tcp_v6_init_sock ipv6_specific tcp_v6_send_response tcp_v6_send_ack tcp_v6_send_reset tcp_v6_do_rcv tcp_v6_send_synack tcpv6_net_ops tcpv6_protosw tcpv6_protocol tcpv6_net_exit tcpv6_net_init tcp6_seq_afinfo tcp6_seq_show tcp_v6_hash ipv6_mapped tcp_v6_reqsk_send_ack tcp_v6_reqsk_destructor tcp_v6_conn_request tcp_v6_syn_recv_sock tcp_v6_connect tcp_v6_send_check tcp_v6_gso_send_check tcp_v6_err tcp_v6_rcv tcp6_timewait_sock_ops __ksymtab_tcp6_gro_complete __kstrtab_tcp6_gro_complete __ksymtab_tcp6_gro_receive __kstrtab_tcp6_gro_receive exthdrs.c ipv6_renew_option ipv6_push_exthdr ip6_parse_tlv nodata_protocol destopt_protocol rthdr_protocol ipv6_hop_ra ipv6_hop_jumbo ipv6_destopt_rcv tlvprocdestopt_lst ipv6_rthdr_rcv tlvprochopopt_lst __ksymtab_ipv6_dup_options __kstrtab_ipv6_dup_options __ksymtab_ipv6_push_nfrag_opts __kstrtab_ipv6_push_nfrag_opts __ksymtab_ipv6_find_tlv __kstrtab_ipv6_find_tlv ip6_flowlabel.c ip6fl_get_first fl_ht ip6fl_get_next ip6fl_seq_next ip6_fl_gc_timer ip6_flowlabel_net_ops fl_free ip6_flowlabel_net_exit fl_size ip6_flowlabel_proc_init ip6fl_seq_fops ip6fl_seq_open ip6fl_seq_ops ip6fl_seq_show ip6fl_seq_stop fl_lookup fl_release check_linger fl6_renew ipv6_hdr_cmp ip6_fl_gc ip6fl_seq_start __ksymtab_fl6_sock_lookup __kstrtab_fl6_sock_lookup inet6_connection_sock.c inet6_synq_hash __ksymtab_inet6_csk_xmit __kstrtab_inet6_csk_xmit __ksymtab_inet6_csk_addr2sockaddr __kstrtab_inet6_csk_addr2sockaddr __ksymtab_inet6_csk_reqsk_queue_hash_add __kstrtab_inet6_csk_reqsk_queue_hash_add __ksymtab_inet6_csk_search_req __kstrtab_inet6_csk_search_req __ksymtab_inet6_csk_bind_conflict __kstrtab_inet6_csk_bind_conflict sysctl_net_ipv6.c ip6_base empty.34775 ip6_header ipv6_sysctl_net_ops ipv6_sysctl_net_exit ipv6_sysctl_net_init ipv6_table_template ipv6_table __ksymtab_net_ipv6_ctl_path __kstrtab_net_ipv6_ctl_path xfrm6_policy.c xfrm6_get_tos xfrm6_init_path xfrm6_garbage_collect xfrm6_policy_afinfo xfrm6_dst_ops xfrm6_update_pmtu xfrm6_policy_fini xfrm6_dst_ifdown xfrm6_dst_lookup xfrm6_get_saddr xfrm6_fill_dst __xfrm6_find_bundle xfrm6_dst_destroy _decode_session6 xfrm6_state.c __xfrm6_state_sort_cmp __xfrm6_tmpl_sort_cmp xfrm6_state_afinfo __xfrm6_sort __xfrm6_tmpl_sort __xfrm6_state_sort __xfrm6_init_tempsel xfrm6_input.c __ksymtab_xfrm6_input_addr __kstrtab_xfrm6_input_addr __ksymtab_xfrm6_rcv __kstrtab_xfrm6_rcv __ksymtab_xfrm6_rcv_spi __kstrtab_xfrm6_rcv_spi xfrm6_output.c xfrm6_output_finish __ksymtab_xfrm6_prepare_output __kstrtab_xfrm6_prepare_output __ksymtab_xfrm6_find_1stfragopt __kstrtab_xfrm6_find_1stfragopt nf_ip6_afinfo nf_ip6_route nf_ip6_checksum_partial nf_ip6_saveroute nf_ip6_reroute __ksymtab_nf_ip6_checksum __kstrtab_nf_ip6_checksum __ksymtab_ip6_route_me_harder __kstrtab_ip6_route_me_harder ipv6_proc_ops ipv6_proc_exit_net ipv6_proc_init_net sockstat6_seq_fops snmp6_seq_fops snmp6_seq_open snmp6_seq_show sockstat6_seq_open sockstat6_seq_show snmp6_seq_show_icmpv6msg icmp6type2name snmp6_dev_seq_open snmp6_dev_seq_show snmp6_dev_seq_fops snmp6_ipstats_list snmp6_icmp6_list snmp6_udp6_list snmp6_udplite6_list xfrm6_mode_transport.c xfrm6_transport_init xfrm6_transport_mode xfrm6_transport_exit xfrm6_transport_input xfrm6_transport_output __initcall_xfrm6_transport_init6 xfrm6_mode_tunnel.c xfrm6_mode_tunnel_init xfrm6_tunnel_mode xfrm6_mode_tunnel_exit xfrm6_mode_tunnel_input xfrm6_mode_tunnel_output __initcall_xfrm6_mode_tunnel_init6 xfrm6_mode_beet.c xfrm6_beet_init xfrm6_beet_mode xfrm6_beet_make_header xfrm6_beet_exit xfrm6_beet_output xfrm6_beet_input __initcall_xfrm6_beet_init6 sit.c __ipip6_bucket ipip6_tunnel_change_mtu ipip6_tunnel_setup ipip6_netdev_ops sit_init sit_handler sit_net_ops sit_net_id ipip6_tunnel_del_prl ipip6_tunnel_lookup sit_exit_net sit_init_net ipip6_tunnel_link ipip6_tunnel_unlink ipip6_tunnel_bind_dev ipip6_tunnel_locate sit_cleanup ipip6_tunnel_uninit ipip6_tunnel_ioctl ipip6_err ipip6_tunnel_xmit ipip6_rcv __initcall_sit_init6 addrconf_core.c __ksymtab___ipv6_addr_type __kstrtab___ipv6_addr_type exthdrs_core.c __ksymtab_ipv6_skip_exthdr __kstrtab_ipv6_skip_exthdr __ksymtab_ipv6_ext_hdr __kstrtab_ipv6_ext_hdr inet6_hashtables.c __inet6_check_established __ksymtab_inet6_hash_connect __kstrtab_inet6_hash_connect __ksymtab_inet6_lookup __kstrtab_inet6_lookup __ksymtab_inet6_lookup_listener __kstrtab_inet6_lookup_listener __ksymtab___inet6_lookup_established __kstrtab___inet6_lookup_established __ksymtab___inet6_hash __kstrtab___inet6_hash af_packet.c packet_lookup_frame packet_init packet_proto packet_family_ops packet_net_ops packet_netdev_notifier packet_dev_mc packet_net_exit packet_net_init packet_seq_fops packet_seq_open packet_seq_ops packet_seq_show packet_do_bind free_pg_vec packet_set_ring packet_rcv tpacket_rcv packet_exit packet_ioctl packet_seq_stop packet_seq_start packet_seq_next packet_sendmsg_spkt packet_sendmsg packet_release packet_bind_spkt packet_bind packet_create packet_ops packet_ops_spkt __key.35205 packet_sock_destruct packet_rcv_spkt packet_recvmsg packet_getname_spkt packet_getname packet_setsockopt packet_getsockopt packet_poll packet_mm_open packet_mm_close packet_mmap packet_mmap_ops packet_notifier __initcall_packet_init6 af_key.c present_and_same_family pfkey_sockaddr_extract pfkey_sadb_addr2xfrm_addr pfkey_sockaddr_fill pfkey_reserved check_reqid pfkey_xfrm_policy2msg_size pfkey_migrate pfkey_send_migrate ipsec_pfkey_init key_proto pfkey_family_ops pfkeyv2_mgr pfkey_net_ops pfkey_net_id pfkey_net_exit pfkey_net_init pfkey_proc_ops pfkey_seq_open pfkey_seq_ops pfkey_seq_show pfkey_xfrm_policy2msg_prep pfkey_xfrm_policy2msg pfkey_terminate_dump pfkey_broadcast_one pfkey_broadcast pfkey_table_users pfkey_table_wait pfkey_send_policy_notify pfkey_do_dump get_acqseq acqseq.39154 pfkey_dump_sp_done parse_ipsecrequests reqid.38353 pfkey_compile_policy __pfkey_xfrm_state2msg pfkey_recvmsg pfkey_sendmsg sadb_ext_min_len pfkey_funcs pfkey_dump_sa_done pfkey_xfrm_state_lookup pfkey_table_grab pfkey_release ipsec_pfkey_exit pfkey_seq_stop pfkey_flush pfkey_dump_sa dump_sa pfkey_spdget pfkey_dump_sp dump_sp pfkey_spdflush pfkey_register pfkey_promisc pfkey_spddump pfkey_sock_destruct pfkey_create pfkey_ops pfkey_send_notify pfkey_seq_start pfkey_seq_next pfkey_get pfkey_acquire pfkey_add pfkey_delete pfkey_send_acquire pfkey_spddelete pfkey_spdadd pfkey_getspi pfkey_dump pfkey_send_new_mapping __initcall_ipsec_pfkey_init6 wext.c get_wireless_stats call_commit_handler wireless_nlevent_init wireless_nlevent_queue wireless_nlevent_process standard_ioctl standard_event event_type_size wireless_nlevent_tasklet iw_send_thrspy_event iw_handler_get_iwstats iw_handler_get_private ioctl_standard_call ioctl_private_call iw_priv_type_size wireless_seq_fops wireless_seq_open wireless_seq_ops wireless_seq_show __ksymtab_wireless_spy_update __kstrtab_wireless_spy_update __ksymtab_iw_handler_get_thrspy __kstrtab_iw_handler_get_thrspy __ksymtab_iw_handler_set_thrspy __kstrtab_iw_handler_set_thrspy __ksymtab_iw_handler_get_spy __kstrtab_iw_handler_get_spy __ksymtab_iw_handler_set_spy __kstrtab_iw_handler_set_spy __ksymtab_wireless_send_event __kstrtab_wireless_send_event __initcall_wireless_nlevent_init4 cfg80211_init cfg80211_netdev_notifier ieee80211_debugfs_dir cfg80211_netdev_notifier_call cfg80211_exit wiphy_counter.30130 __key.30137 __key.30138 __initcall_cfg80211_init4 __ksymtab_wiphy_free __kstrtab_wiphy_free __ksymtab_wiphy_unregister __kstrtab_wiphy_unregister __ksymtab_wiphy_register __kstrtab_wiphy_register __ksymtab_wiphy_new __kstrtab_wiphy_new wiphy_uevent wiphy_dev_release __key.30567 index_show macaddress_show ieee80211_dev_attrs radiotap.c rt_sizes.19954 __ksymtab_ieee80211_radiotap_iterator_next __kstrtab_ieee80211_radiotap_iterator_next __ksymtab_ieee80211_radiotap_iterator_init __kstrtab_ieee80211_radiotap_iterator_init __ksymtab___ieee80211_get_channel __kstrtab___ieee80211_get_channel __ksymtab_ieee80211_frequency_to_channel __kstrtab_ieee80211_frequency_to_channel __ksymtab_ieee80211_channel_to_frequency __kstrtab_ieee80211_channel_to_frequency __ksymtab_ieee80211_get_response_rate __kstrtab_ieee80211_get_response_rate reg.c is_old_static_regdom us_regdom jp_regdom eu_regdom is_unknown_alpha2 is_an_alpha2 alpha2_equal last_request is_valid_reg_rule reg_rules_intersect reset_regdomains cfg80211_world_regdom cfg80211_regdomain world_regdom country_ie_regdomain reg_pdev print_rd_rules print_regdomain_info country_ie_integrity_changes regdom_intersect ieee80211_regdom __ksymtab_regulatory_hint_11d __kstrtab_regulatory_hint_11d __ksymtab_regulatory_hint __kstrtab_regulatory_hint __param_ieee80211_regdom __param_str_ieee80211_regdom wext-compat.c __ksymtab_cfg80211_wext_giwmode __kstrtab_cfg80211_wext_giwmode __ksymtab_cfg80211_wext_siwmode __kstrtab_cfg80211_wext_siwmode __ksymtab_cfg80211_wext_giwname __kstrtab_cfg80211_wext_giwname nl80211.c nl80211_fam nl80211_ops nl80211_config_mcgrp parse_station_flags sta_flags_policy parse_monitor_flags mntr_flags_policy get_vlan get_drv_dev_by_info_ifindex get_key_callback nl80211_send_mpath nl80211_send_station nl80211_send_iface nl80211_send_wiphy nl80211_dump_wiphy nl80211_dump_interface nl80211_req_set_reg nl80211_set_reg reg_rule_policy nl80211_set_mesh_params nl80211_meshconf_params_policy nl80211_set_interface nl80211_del_interface nl80211_set_key nl80211_new_key nl80211_del_key nl80211_addset_beacon nl80211_del_beacon nl80211_set_station nl80211_new_station nl80211_del_station nl80211_dump_mpath nl80211_policy nl80211_set_mpath nl80211_new_mpath nl80211_del_mpath nl80211_set_bss nl80211_new_interface nl80211_dump_station nl80211_get_mesh_params nl80211_get_wiphy nl80211_get_interface nl80211_get_key nl80211_get_station nl80211_get_mpath nl80211_set_wiphy txq_params_policy ieee80211_init ieee80211_exit ieee80211_remove_tx_extra ieee80211_handle_filtered_frame header_parse_80211 ieee80211_master_set_multicast_list ieee80211_tasklet_handler ieee80211_master_open ieee80211_master_stop ieee80211_header_ops __initcall_ieee80211_init4 __ksymtab_ieee80211_free_hw __kstrtab_ieee80211_free_hw __ksymtab_ieee80211_unregister_hw __kstrtab_ieee80211_unregister_hw __ksymtab_ieee80211_register_hw __kstrtab_ieee80211_register_hw __ksymtab_ieee80211_alloc_hw __kstrtab_ieee80211_alloc_hw __ksymtab_ieee80211_tx_status __kstrtab_ieee80211_tx_status __ksymtab_ieee80211_tx_status_irqsafe __kstrtab_ieee80211_tx_status_irqsafe ieee80211_set_encryption ieee80211_ioctl_siwencodeext ieee80211_ioctl_siwgenie ieee80211_ioctl_siwfreq ieee80211_ioctl_siwessid ieee80211_ioctl_giwessid ieee80211_ioctl_siwap ieee80211_ioctl_giwap ieee80211_ioctl_siwscan ieee80211_ioctl_siwmlme ieee80211_ioctl_siwencode ieee80211_ioctl_giwencode ieee80211_ioctl_siwauth ieee80211_get_wireless_stats ieee80211_ioctl_giwauth ieee80211_ioctl_giwrange ieee80211_ioctl_giwfreq ieee80211_ioctl_giwscan ieee80211_ioctl_siwrate ieee80211_ioctl_siwtxpower ieee80211_ioctl_giwtxpower ieee80211_ioctl_siwrts ieee80211_ioctl_giwrts ieee80211_ioctl_siwfrag ieee80211_ioctl_giwfrag ieee80211_ioctl_siwretry ieee80211_ioctl_giwretry ieee80211_ioctl_siwpower ieee80211_ioctl_giwpower ieee80211_ioctl_giwrate ieee80211_handler sta_info.c __sta_info_clear_tim_bit __sta_info_unlink __sta_info_free __ieee80211_run_pending_flush ieee80211_sta_flush_work sta_info_cleanup __ksymtab_ieee80211_find_sta __kstrtab_ieee80211_find_sta wep.c ieee80211_wep_add_iv wep_encrypt_skb wpa.c ccmp_special_blocks ccmp_encrypt_skb tkip_encrypt_skb ieee80211_send_nullfunc __ksymtab_ieee80211_scan_completed __kstrtab_ieee80211_scan_completed ht.c ieee80211_send_delba sta_rx_agg_session_timer_expired sta_addba_resp_timer_expired __warned.33654 __ksymtab_ieee80211_stop_tx_ba_cb_irqsafe __kstrtab_ieee80211_stop_tx_ba_cb_irqsafe __ksymtab_ieee80211_start_tx_ba_cb_irqsafe __kstrtab_ieee80211_start_tx_ba_cb_irqsafe __ksymtab_ieee80211_stop_tx_ba_cb __kstrtab_ieee80211_stop_tx_ba_cb __ksymtab_ieee80211_start_tx_ba_cb __kstrtab_ieee80211_start_tx_ba_cb __ksymtab_ieee80211_stop_tx_ba_session __kstrtab_ieee80211_stop_tx_ba_session __ksymtab_ieee80211_start_tx_ba_session __kstrtab_ieee80211_start_tx_ba_session mlme.c ieee80211_handle_bss_capability ieee80211_sta_wep_configured ieee80211_sta_wmm_params ieee80211_privacy_mismatch ieee80211_sta_active_ibss ieee80211_sta_send_apinfo ieee80211_sta_def_wmm_params ieee80211_sta_join_ibss ieee80211_sta_find_ibss ieee80211_send_deauth_disassoc ieee80211_set_disassoc ieee80211_send_auth ieee80211_authenticate ieee80211_associated ieee80211_associate ieee80211_auth_completed ieee80211_sta_work ieee80211_sta_timer ieee80211_rx_bss_info ieee80211_rx_mgmt_assoc_resp iface.c ieee80211_setup_sdata ieee80211_if_setup ieee80211_teardown_sdata ieee80211_set_multicast_list ieee80211_change_mtu ieee80211_open ieee80211_stop rate.c rate_control_release ieee80211_rate_control_ops_put rate_ctrl_mutex rate_ctrl_algs ieee80211_try_rate_control_ops_get ieee80211_default_rc_algo __ksymtab_ieee80211_rate_control_unregister __kstrtab_ieee80211_rate_control_unregister __ksymtab_ieee80211_rate_control_register __kstrtab_ieee80211_rate_control_register __param_ieee80211_default_rc_algo __param_str_ieee80211_default_rc_algo michael.c michael_block tkip.c write_tkip_iv tkipS tkip_sbox tkip_mixing_phase2 tkip_mixing_phase1 __ksymtab_ieee80211_get_tkip_key __kstrtab_ieee80211_get_tkip_key aes_ccm.c aes_ccm_prepare cfg.c ieee80211_set_channel sta_set_sinfo ieee80211_send_layer2_update sta_apply_parameters ieee80211_config_beacon ieee80211_del_iface ieee80211_change_iface ieee80211_add_beacon ieee80211_set_beacon ieee80211_del_beacon ieee80211_change_bss ieee80211_set_txq_params ieee80211_add_key ieee80211_del_key ieee80211_get_key ieee80211_config_default_key ieee80211_dump_station ieee80211_get_station ieee80211_add_station ieee80211_del_station ieee80211_change_station ieee80211_add_iface rx.c remove_monitor_info ieee80211_frame_allowed pae_group_addr.34485 ieee80211_data_to_8023 ieee80211_deliver_skb ieee80211_rx_h_amsdu ieee80211_invoke_rx_handlers ieee80211_sta_manage_reorder_buf __ieee80211_rx_handle_packet __ksymtab_ieee80211_rx_irqsafe __kstrtab_ieee80211_rx_irqsafe __ksymtab___ieee80211_rx __kstrtab___ieee80211_rx spectmgmt.c tx.c __ieee80211_tx_prepare purge_old_ps_buffers ieee80211_duration __warned.33730 invoke_tx_handlers __warned.34058 ieee80211_beacon_add_tim __ieee80211_tx ieee80211_skb_resize __ksymtab_ieee80211_get_buffered_bc __kstrtab_ieee80211_get_buffered_bc __ksymtab_ieee80211_ctstoself_get __kstrtab_ieee80211_ctstoself_get __ksymtab_ieee80211_rts_get __kstrtab_ieee80211_rts_get __ksymtab_ieee80211_beacon_get __kstrtab_ieee80211_beacon_get get_mac_for_key bcast_addr zero_addr ieee80211_key_lock key_mutex assert_key_lock add_todo todo_list todo_work __ieee80211_set_default_key __ieee80211_key_replace __ieee80211_key_free ieee80211_key_disable_hw_accel __ieee80211_key_todo ieee80211_key_unlock ieee80211_todo_for_each_key key_todo __ieee80211_stop_queue __ieee80211_wake_queue __ksymtab_ieee80211_iterate_active_interfaces_atomic __kstrtab_ieee80211_iterate_active_interfaces_atomic __ksymtab_ieee80211_iterate_active_interfaces __kstrtab_ieee80211_iterate_active_interfaces __ksymtab_ieee80211_wake_queues __kstrtab_ieee80211_wake_queues __ksymtab_ieee80211_queue_stopped __kstrtab_ieee80211_queue_stopped __ksymtab_ieee80211_stop_queues __kstrtab_ieee80211_stop_queues __ksymtab_ieee80211_stop_queue __kstrtab_ieee80211_stop_queue __ksymtab_ieee80211_wake_queue __kstrtab_ieee80211_wake_queue __ksymtab_ieee80211_ctstoself_duration __kstrtab_ieee80211_ctstoself_duration __ksymtab_ieee80211_rts_duration __kstrtab_ieee80211_rts_duration __ksymtab_ieee80211_generic_frame_duration __kstrtab_ieee80211_generic_frame_duration __ksymtab_ieee80211_get_hdrlen_from_skb __kstrtab_ieee80211_get_hdrlen_from_skb __ksymtab_ieee80211_hdrlen __kstrtab_ieee80211_hdrlen wme.c led.c __ksymtab___ieee80211_get_rx_led_name __kstrtab___ieee80211_get_rx_led_name __ksymtab___ieee80211_get_tx_led_name __kstrtab___ieee80211_get_tx_led_name __ksymtab___ieee80211_get_assoc_led_name __kstrtab___ieee80211_get_assoc_led_name __ksymtab___ieee80211_get_radio_led_name __kstrtab___ieee80211_get_radio_led_name rc80211_minstrel.c mac80211_minstrel minstrel_free minstrel_free_sta minstrel_rate_init minstrel_alloc minstrel_tx_status minstrel_get_rate minstrel_alloc_sta netlabel_user.c netlabel_kapi.c netlbl_init __initcall_netlbl_init4 netlabel_domainhash.c netlbl_domhsh_hash netlbl_domhsh netlbl_domhsh_search netlbl_domhsh_search_def netlbl_domhsh_def netlbl_domhsh_audit_add netlbl_domhsh_free_entry netlabel_addrlist.c netlabel_mgmt.c netlbl_mgmt_gnl_family netlbl_mgmt_genl_ops netlbl_mgmt_version netlbl_mgmt_protocols_cb netlbl_mgmt_protocols netlbl_mgmt_listentry netlbl_mgmt_removedef netlbl_mgmt_add_common netlbl_mgmt_listall netlbl_mgmt_listall_cb netlbl_mgmt_add netlbl_mgmt_remove netlbl_mgmt_adddef netlbl_mgmt_listdef netlbl_mgmt_genl_policy netlabel_unlabeled.c netlbl_unlhsh_search_iface netlbl_unlhsh netlbl_unlabel_addrinfo_get netlbl_unlabel_acceptflg_set netlabel_unlabel_acceptflg netlbl_unlhsh_free_addr6 netlbl_unlhsh_free_addr4 netlbl_unlabel_gnl_family netlbl_unlabel_genl_ops netlbl_unlabel_list netlbl_unlabel_staticlist_gen netlbl_unlhsh_def netlbl_unlhsh_free_iface netlbl_unlabel_staticremovedef netlbl_unlabel_accept netlbl_unlabel_staticadd netlbl_unlabel_staticadddef netlbl_unlabel_staticremove netlbl_unlhsh_netdev_handler netlbl_unlabel_staticlist netlbl_unlabel_staticlistdef netlbl_unlhsh_netdev_notifier netlbl_unlabel_genl_policy netlabel_cipso_v4.c netlbl_cipsov4_gnl_family netlbl_cipsov4_ops netlbl_cipsov4_listall netlbl_cipsov4_listall_cb netlbl_cipsov4_remove netlbl_cipsov4_remove_cb netlbl_cipsov4_add_common netlbl_cipsov4_genl_policy netlbl_cipsov4_add netlbl_cipsov4_list sysctl_net.c net_ctl_header_lookup net_ctl_ro_header_perms sysctl_pernet_ops net_sysctl_root net_sysctl_ro_root sysctl_net_init is_seen net_ctl_permissions sysctl_net_exit __ksymtab_unregister_net_sysctl_table __kstrtab_unregister_net_sysctl_table __ksymtab_register_net_sysctl_rotable __kstrtab_register_net_sysctl_rotable __ksymtab_register_net_sysctl_table __kstrtab_register_net_sysctl_table __initcall_sysctl_init4 klist.c klist_dec_and_del klist_release knode_set_klist klist_put klist_node_init klist_remove_waiters __ksymtab_klist_next __kstrtab_klist_next __ksymtab_klist_iter_exit __kstrtab_klist_iter_exit __ksymtab_klist_iter_init __kstrtab_klist_iter_init __ksymtab_klist_iter_init_node __kstrtab_klist_iter_init_node __ksymtab_klist_node_attached __kstrtab_klist_node_attached __ksymtab_klist_remove __kstrtab_klist_remove __ksymtab_klist_del __kstrtab_klist_del __ksymtab_klist_add_before __kstrtab_klist_add_before __ksymtab_klist_add_after __kstrtab_klist_add_after __ksymtab_klist_add_tail __kstrtab_klist_add_tail __ksymtab_klist_add_head __kstrtab_klist_add_head __ksymtab_klist_init __kstrtab_klist_init .tmp_kallsyms3.S fcntl_getlease pci_allocate_cap_save_buffers sys_recv unregister_framebuffer generic_shutdown_super lookup_create dmi_get_system_info raw6_proc_exit genphy_restart_aneg sysctl_ms_jiffies init_xstate_buf hid_dump_field __nf_ct_l4proto_find nf_log_unregister_pf dm_rh_dec cpufreq_get devm_ioport_unmap param_set_ushort __inet_lookup_established input_allocate_device sysrq_timer_list_show console_start tty_port_block_til_ready mprotect_fixup ata_sff_dma_pause fs_overflowgid __stop___kcrctab_gpl_future tty_default_fops per_cpu__softnet_data crypto_ahash_type core_uses_pid e1000e_check_for_fiber_link ns_to_timeval firmware_init kfifo_free ieee80211_queue_stopped devm_ioport_map posix_test_lock unxlate_dev_mem_ptr sys_pause xfrm_spd_getinfo inet6_destroy_sock raw_notifier_chain_unregister drm_framebuffer_cleanup hid_dump_device pcie_port_bus_unregister init_bootmem sys_getgid call_rwsem_down_read_failed ath5k_hw_set_lladdr dm_dirty_log_create dquot_commit page_add_file_rmap sys_setsockopt recalibrate_cpu_khz cpufreq_debug_printk acpi_ps_has_completed_scope install_exec_creds add_uevent_var sys_ppoll ip_options_build do_blank_screen scsi_dma_map drop_collected_mounts truncate_inode_pages paste_selection ei_get_stats hpet_rtc_timer_init acpi_gbl_enable_interpreter_slack i915_gem_fault sr_vendor_init tcp_set_congestion_control in6addr_any acpi_pci_unregister_driver __irq_set_trigger notsc_setup rtnl_kill_links single_release_net tcp_mss_to_mtu dm_kcopyd_exit arch_suspend_disable_irqs pci_bus_size_bridges dm_create security_sock_graft clockevent_delta2ns drm_dma_setup agp_bridge bitmap_end_sync hiddev_disconnect patch_espfix_desc fib_proc_init pcibios_disable_irq register_security arch_trampoline_kprobe sysctl_tcp_tw_reuse pcibios_resource_survey scan_unevictable_register_node ipv6_statistics ata_qc_complete zap_page_range exit_io_context filp_open console_blanked locks_mandatory_area bh_uptodate_or_lock usb_hcd_synchronize_unlinks hid_output_report __elv_add_request free_msg weight_p skb_free_datagram set_disk_ro yaffs_QueryInitialBlockState ieee80211_key_alloc ata_scsi_ioctl ip6_frag_match platform_device_put thermal_zone_device_unregister blk_queue_rq_timed_out vfs_set_dqinfo reuse_swap_page __setup_start sys_close nf_ct_invert_tuplepr agp_generic_alloc_user scsi_print_sense_hdr ipv6_rcv ath5k_channel_ok devm_ioremap_release zlib_inflate_blob __put_super_and_need_restart simple_prepare_write acpi_ev_pci_bar_region_setup mmc_unregister_driver strcpy sys_pipe2 __skb_checksum_complete elv_set_request __tracepoint_block_rq_abort __put_mnt_ns sys_setsid dmam_alloc_coherent filemap_fdatawrite tick_setup_sched_timer vfsmount_lock set_memory_uc register_posix_clock cipso_v4_sock_getattr ieee80211_stop_tx_ba_session pci_save_state cpufreq_register_driver bust_spinlocks acpi_set_register alloc_vfsmnt fb_videomode_to_var drm_open bitmap_parselist kretprobe_hash_lock dm_table_get_target kobj_unmap mminit_verify_page_links set_bdi_congested seq_path register_sysctl_paths sys_msgget sched_clock_cpu ipv6_addr_label_rtnl_register e1000_es2_info sdio_release_host do_utimes usb_put_intf netdev_class_remove_file dev_set_mtu ipv6_route_sysctl_init e1000_set_mac_type ata_eh_freeze_port crypto_unregister_notifier sys_iopl wext_handle_ioctl generic_fillattr find_extend_vma free_irq nf_conntrack_find_get xfrm_inner_extract_output sr_get_last_session mnt_pin iscsi_alloc_session ata_pci_bmdma_init con_set_default_unimap fb_class __scsi_alloc_queue usb_alloc_urb crypto_exit_cipher_ops tick_handle_periodic drm_fasync dmam_pool_create acpi_ds_clear_operands acpi_tb_tables_loaded drm_mode_vrefresh usb_find_device posix_cpu_nsleep_restart bprm_mm_init krealloc cached_irq_mask scsi_report_device_reset sys_mq_getsetattr sock_map_fd acpi_ns_search_one_scope account_idle_ticks kretprobe_hash_unlock sdio_disable_func async_synchronize_cookie __pagevec_free fb_blank drm_infobufs register_md_personality memscan e1000e_write_phy_reg_igp del_mtd_partitions verify_cis_cache fib_proc_exit klist_next seq_print_acct nf_ct_l3proto_put netfilter_queue_init agp_alloc_page_array vscnprintf ieee80211_get_response_rate num_registered_fb ata_eh_detach_dev vfs_write iget_locked dev_get_stats leds_list_lock arch_irq_stat_cpu yield ata_scsi_media_change_notify pci_routeirq completion_done compat_sys_socketcall tracepoint_probe_unregister __nla_put put_files_struct relay_reset tcp_set_keepalive pci_uevent setledstate usbhid_open vm_insert_pfn boot_params inet6_stream_ops vfs_removexattr sk_send_sigurg usb_anchor_urb simple_rmdir acpi_pm_device_sleep_state fb_validate_mode simple_attr_write get_user_pages_fast ata_sas_scsi_ioctl ioread32 class_dev_iter_next acpi_ut_create_update_state intel_init_bios napi_gro_frags iscsi_session_chkready rwsem_down_read_failed vfs_quota_on_path security_task_to_inode daemonize force_sigsegv pci_remove_bus_device acpi_thermal_cpufreq_exit acpi_get_gpe_device drm_agp_free_memory intel_get_load_detect_pipe generic_listxattr init_ohci1394_dma_on_all_controllers movsl_mask pnp_release_card_device agp_free_key mmc_init_queue is_single_threaded prio_tree_replace agpioc_setup_wrap driver_probe_device generic_block_bmap pci_sort_breadthfirst acpi_ex_system_wait_semaphore untrack_pfn_vma mtrr_tom2 free_vfsmnt filemap_flush sys_pread64 __ip_select_ident ieee80211_sta_deauthenticate agp_generic_destroy_pages alloc_chrdev_region task_prio xfpregs_set smp_call_function_single netdev_increment_features xfrm4_prepare_output tcp_get_info register_vt_notifier pat_init sock_i_uid crypto_attr_alg get_write_access netlbl_cache_invalidate iscsi_host_for_each_session __bitmap_parse __kprobes_text_end pci_request_selected_regions_exclusive ata_acpi_gtm_xfermask usb_hcd_platform_shutdown __delayacct_tsk_init netlbl_sock_delattr alloc_page_buffers ath5k_hw_set_rx_filter dma_ops __stop___ksymtab_unused netlbl_domhsh_remove drm_helper_initial_config unlock_policy_rwsem_read marker_probe_register sta_info_stop acpi_ex_do_logical_numeric_op acpi_check_resource_conflict drm_rmdraw ethtool_op_set_tx_ipv6_csum netlink_set_nonroot acpi_ev_acquire_global_lock acpi_disable_gpe scatterwalk_start add_to_swap cpuidle_pause_and_lock i915_gem_execbuffer sata_async_notification dev_unicast_sync acpi_find_root_pointer init_intel_cacheinfo root_nfs_parse_addr scsi_sdb_cache __udelay reserve_early udp_queue_rcv_skb ieee80211_start_tx_ba_cb_irqsafe agp_create_segment vfs_listxattr drm_addbufs_agp usb_disable_device sysfs_inode_init acpi_ns_load_table request_resource acpi_ut_execute_UID power_supply_am_i_supplied rtnl_unlock clear_user smp_setup_processor_id do_filp_open nobh_truncate_page security_acct drm_poll pci_request_region revert_creds usbhid_init_reports register_die_notifier udp_table inet6_csk_addr2sockaddr per_cpu__hrtimer_bases early_dump_pci_devices sysctl_mld_max_msf security_socket_accept vmalloc_node do_IRQ acpi_os_remove_interrupt_handler eth_header drm_gem_destroy scsi_alloc_queue pcmcia_get_socket sys_clock_settime inet_get_local_port_range drm_sman_cleanup module_add_driver rtc_proc_del_device reset_devices drm_bind_agp intelfb_remove __ipv6_addr_type posix_cpu_timer_schedule genphy_setup_forced acpi_rs_create_aml_resources pci_slots_kset inet_csk_addr2sockaddr sysfs_remove_one __stop___markers expand_files queue_delayed_work pci_scan_child_bus sata_scr_write __init_rwsem vector_used_by_percpu_irq sk_stream_kill_queues release_firmware __tracepoint_block_rq_complete pagecache_write_begin acpi_bus_event_queue d_instantiate wext_proc_exit read_dev_sector avenrun bdput tcp_enter_quickack_mode pci_bus_add_device acpi_bus_event_list register_con_driver drm_mode_object_find acpi_ds_scope_stack_clear acpi_gbl_permanent_mmap ata_cable_80wire vm_events_fold_cpu pci_find_ext_capability drm_rmctx usb_hcd_pci_suspend abort_exclusive_wait idle_nomwait drm_vblank_put e1000e_config_collision_dist sdio_set_block_size ipcperms sys_mq_unlink dm_table_barrier_ok i915_driver_unload ath5k_hw_get_tsf64 crypto_exit_digest_ops dynamic_irq_cleanup __dev_addr_add xfrm_hash_free udplite6_proc_init setkeycode page_put_link nf_ip6_checksum ec_transaction tty_buffer_free_all misc_deregister sys_settimeofday rt_mutex_next_owner sys_rt_sigprocmask xfrm6_rcv drm_dropmaster_ioctl blk_delete_timer isofs_get_blocks e820_any_mapped elv_rb_add set_close_on_exec yaffs_GutsInitialise async_synchronize_cookie_domain f_setown __delayacct_add_tsk dev_init_scheduler agp_frontend_initialize e1000_read_mac_addr scsi_mode_sense dm_lock_for_deletion relay_subbufs_consumed oops_end pci_probe drm_mode_crtc_set_gamma_size driver_find usb_stor_bulk_srb it_real_fn pneigh_delete sys_utime detect_ht acpi_old_suspend_ordering down_timeout e1000_phy_setup_autoneg bd_claim module_ktype ip_rcv simple_attr_open blk_rq_cur_bytes acpi_ev_initialize_op_regions mii_ethtool_sset phy_register_fixup percpu_pagelist_fraction usbfs_driver bitmap_daemon_work __blk_end_request copy_ipcs __dev_getfirstbyhwtype fib_semantic_match tcp_clear_retrans clear_inode keyctl_keyring_search tcp_reno_cong_avoid usb_free_urb dev_mc_sync get_sb_mtd tcp_read_sock acpi_boot_ec_enable e1000e_valid_led_default bitmap_copy_le elv_dispatch_add_tail vfs_setxattr set_tg_uid scsi_free_host_dev acpi_ps_get_argument_count kernel_halt doublefault_tss sys_lchown ipv6_push_frag_opts key_alloc do_pipe_flags crypto_hash_walk_first_compat tcp_send_synack pci_add_new_bus acpi_pci_link_free_irq agp3_generic_sizes sta_info_destroy e1000e_power_up_phy notify_change find_pid_ns sta_info_flush tty_shutdown scsi_eh_wakeup open_exec genl_unregister_ops math_state_restore scsi_eh_scmd_add user_destroy tty_paranoia_check drm_get_resource_len i2c_new_device hugetlb_reserve_pages i915_mem_alloc ata_eh_about_to_do add_disk_randomness mmc_request_done sys_recvfrom copy_from_user sys_shmdt vsprintf isofs_lookup rcu_needs_cpu drm_agp_free_ioctl i915_gem_leavevt_ioctl usb_external_resume_device e1000e_clear_hw_cntrs_base ida_destroy skb_morph acpi_rs_set_address_common idr_get_new saved_video_mode acpi_ht xt_free_table_info init_idle acpi_pci_link_allocate_irq acpi_ns_get_next_valid_node ath5k_hw_write_initvals compat_sys_recvmsg handle_level_irq tty_ldisc_ref_wait get_empty_filp crypto_unregister_alg scsi_device_state_name nr_free_buffer_pages unregister_sysrq_key ipcget acpi_ioapic xfrm_user_policy intel_sdvo_set_hotplug proc_readdir_de cache_k8_northbridges skb_copy_bits acpi_ex_truncate_for32bit_table bdget_disk __class_create eth_rebuild_header nf_conntrack_acct_fini __div64_32 elv_iosched_store crypto_shash_import devres_release_group dquot_commit_info sysctl_data start_thread vsmp_init acpi_ns_check_predefined_names scsi_is_sdev_device find_mergeable_anon_vma inet_unregister_protosw ipc_init_proc_interface module_kallsyms_lookup_name anon_transport_class_unregister __tracepoint_sched_switch proc_clear_tty idr_find ip_mc_dec_group reset_files_struct unregister_8022_client is_dock_device blk_get_request pci_read_vpd sys_setpriority sys_writev nand_manuf_ids lock_may_read tcp_recvmsg bioset_free acpi_gbl_sleep_type_a try_to_free_pages dma_pool_create __setup_end raw_notifier_call_chain acpi_get_child bus_unregister_notifier max_lock_depth acpi_processor_get_throttling_info yaffs_TagsCompatabilityMarkNANDBlockBad search_extable fb_cleanup_device i915_gem_detect_bit_6_swizzle acpi_ex_do_math_op ata_eh_qc_complete user_revoke shmem_set_file netlink_clear_multicast_users xfrm_lookup tsc_init key_type_lookup sysfs_rename_mutex save_v86_state ipc_alloc yaffs_MarkBlockBad detach_pid addrconf_leave_solict acpi_ns_install_node bootmem_node_data ipv6_sock_ac_close radix_tree_insert backlight_device_unregister cpu_initialized acpi_os_acquire_lock ieee802_1d_to_ac ath5k_hw_num_tx_pending scsi_init_sysctl bdi_writeout_inc acpi_exception pnp_register_protocol grab_cache_page_write_begin csum_partial_copy_generic sock_wfree pci_request_selected_regions generic_fh_to_dentry ptrace_detach llc_build_and_send_ui_pkt devres_close_group propagate_mount_busy split_vma proc_dointvec_jiffies copy_mnt_ns __start_pci_fixups_suspend pci_release_selected_regions crypto_alloc_base device_pm_unlock pci_user_write_config_byte ata_phys_link_offline tcp6_proc_init pccard_sysfs_remove_socket wait_for_completion_timeout ip_queue_xmit eth_mac_addr ata_dev_select device_power_down dst_discard handle_percpu_irq cipso_v4_doi_putdef pci_set_consistent_dma_mask pci_wake_from_d3 pcmcia_get_window i2c_get_adapter dirty_expire_interval buses_init ida_get_new_above ethtool_op_set_ufo ata_eh_finish files_init intel_crtc_mode_get spi_print_msg usb_stor_bulk_transfer_sg simple_dir_inode_operations pre_time_init_hook pci_enable_device skcipher_geniv_alloc vfs_getattr md_run_setup ip_mc_msfget skb_put read_persistent_clock aer_enable_rootport ata_acpi_associate_sata_port usb_hub_tt_clear_buffer mm_kobj zero_fill_bio pnp_possible_config global_cache_flush bus_add_device usb_hcd_resume_root_hub marker_probe_cb acpi_irq_handled tty_wakeup nftl_read_oob acpi_processor_get_limit_info acpi_ut_copy_eobject_to_iobject usb_hcd_pci_probe do_set_thread_area hid_unregister_driver blk_queue_ordered tcp_request_sock_ops ieee80211_wep_is_weak_iv acpi_tb_install_table proc_get_inode sys_setpgid ata_port_abort mlock_vma_page mtrr_attrib_to_str acpi_ut_create_update_state_and_push mmc_queue_resume yaffs_mtdif2_c_version inode_init_always bio_map_user_iov hashdist sysctl_tcp_wmem drm_ht_verbose_list __end_builtin_fw machine_id ip_mc_source e1000_set_ethtool_ops power_supply_class pcmcia_disable_device vfs_quota_off mountinfo_op simple_rename lock_may_write sysctl_perm ath5k_hw_set_gpio_intr shm_init sys_setresuid __rtnl_link_unregister raw_pci_read agp_rebind_memory ignore_signals divide_error ipv6_recv_error ieee80211_if_config security_socket_shutdown rb_last security_capget ip_mc_drop_socket fb_find_logo key_init ieee80211_set_bitrate_flags usb_stor_CB_transport acpi_ut_execute_HID security_settime i915_gem_entervt_ioctl usb_hcd_unlink_urb_from_ep ath5k_hw_set_txdp iowrite32 device_schedule_callback_owner ata_pio_need_iordy acpi_ds_clear_implicit_return dev_queue_xmit pcie_port_bus_register acpi_rs_get_prt_method_data tty_register_ldisc scsi_scan_host_selected usbdev_file_operations usb_unpoison_anchored_urbs io_schedule_timeout idr_init pci_remove_behind_bridge dev_attr_link_power_management_policy udp6_seq_show nl80211_exit acpi_ut_create_package_object tty_port_raise_dtr_rts loop_unregister_transfer mmc_start_host simple_strtoll __early_initcall_end acpi_bus_get_ejd blkdev_get register_netevent_notifier acpi_walk_namespace pcibios_align_resource acpi_bus_get_power dquot_release conswitchp __udp4_lib_rcv acpi_ds_pop_walk_state acpi_ex_pci_config_space_handler wait_for_unix_gc mminit_verify_pageflags_layout sys_lseek fddi_type_trans force_hpet_address acpi_ds_get_buffer_arguments hiddev_connect crypto_inc ida_init next_signal vfs_rename buffer_init acpi_get_register_unlocked scsi_device_get mmc_set_bus_mode end_swap_bio_read crypto_it_tab acpi_ev_execute_reg_methods kbd_init __tracepoint_sched_process_wait fib6_add pcie_port_bus_type acpi_tb_release_owner_id pm_qos_remove_requirement dm_kcopyd_init bio_add_pc_page ata_std_bios_param e1000_enable_tx_pkt_filtering yaffs_CheckpointRead nf_nat_rule_find writeback_inodes sys_accept4 fb_match_mode nf_conntrack_init hwrng_unregister drm_do_probe_ddc_edid drm_framebuffer_init ec_write security_sb_umount_close show_state_filter acpi_ut_walk_package_tree mon_bin_del __register_sysctl_paths prepare_namespace rtnl_is_locked register_mtd_parser bdi_unregister agp_bind_memory __smp_locks_end size_and_mask addrconf_init pci_proc_attach_device acpi_tb_print_table_header mac_partition power_supply_register fcntl_getlk vm_dirty_ratio drm_core_get_reg_ofs __tracepoint_sched_wakeup_new is_current_pgrp_orphaned mmu_cr4_features acpi_os_fixed_event_count ath5k_hw_get_tsf32 dquot_free_inode usb_get_current_frame_number pnp_unregister_protocol e1000e_check_mng_mode_generic collect_mounts main_wake_lock xfrm_count_enc_supported drm_property_create mmc_add_host_debugfs acpi_ns_map_handle_to_node security_socket_create pci_find_parent_resource pci_bus_max_busnr ata_sas_port_destroy release_cis_mem __get_user_pages __nosave_end dev_set_name prop_local_destroy_percpu second_overflow inet_ehash_secret icmpv6_init pci_enable_device_mem __cap_full_set platform_driver_unregister ipv6_misc_proc_init con_protect_unimap drm_agp_info dm_get_mapinfo set_blocksize sysctl_sched_wakeup_granularity sys_fchmodat ip6_dst_hoplimit write_pci_config_16 acpi_gbl_table_handler e1000e_set_pcie_no_snoop prep_compound_gigantic_page xt_register_match __security_initcall_start acpi_ex_create_alias usb_hc_died sdio_claim_host xt_find_match ipv6_addr_label nla_strcmp inet_putpeer drm_idlelock_take __xfrm_lookup nf_conntrack_l4proto_register hiddev_exit kallsyms_lookup fat_dir_empty do_page_fault gnet_stats_copy_queue __cleanup_signal security_socket_post_create directly_mappable_cdev_bdi tty_port_tty_set lookup_one_len sdio_memcpy_fromio default_grn vmalloc_to_page scm_detach_fds acpi_ds_result_pop acpi_ps_append_arg __getblk seq_list_next ip6_local_out pci_iomap __start___kcrctab_gpl_future tty_mode_ioctl nf_conntrack_l4proto_udp6 laptop_io_completion oops_enter blk_trace_startstop ath5k_hw_init_desc_functions e1000e_put_hw_semaphore udp_proc_unregister acpi_rs_convert_resources_to_aml csum_partial __stop___ksymtab_gpl_future sock_wmalloc acpi_install_gpe_handler sys_umask printk_address pnp_add_dma_resource e1000e_read_phy_reg_igp native_calibrate_tsc ata_sas_queuecmd rtc_class_close sdio_register_driver generic_file_splice_read __stop___kcrctab_unused __break_lease acpi_enable_gpe skb_copy_datagram_from_iovec mdio_bus_type sdio_readw sysctl_sched_rt_period acpi_ev_system_memory_region_setup unmap_devmem memmove nf_ct_port_nla_policy yaffs_UnpackTags2TagsPart set_memory_np reboot_force llc_sap_close acpi_gbl_gpe_xrupt_list_head sys_pciconfig_iobase i915_enable_interrupt ip_output acpi_ex_data_table_space_handler drm_helper_disable_unused_functions pcie_port_device_suspend blk_max_low_pfn scsi_target_block set_memory_rw save_processor_state platform_get_irq agpioc_acquire_wrap __start_pci_fixups_resume_early proc_fill_super emergency_sync ata_link_online pcmcia_suspend_card new_inode sysctl_tcp_synack_retries ata_common_sdev_attrs force_sig_specific dev_ioctl acpi_ex_concat_template __netif_schedule blkcipher_walk_done release_locked_buffer param_get_string sys_fadvise64_64 nameidata_to_filp find_get_page hugetlb_get_quota copy_namespaces xfrm_state_alloc sdio_readb_ext dump_trace dm_rh_delay mmc_send_ext_csd pci_common_swizzle pci_remove_bus security_task_fix_setuid acpi_ds_load2_begin_op seq_release pmtmr_ioport pcmcia_find_io_region fiemap_check_flags __dev_addr_unsync pci_choose_state acpi_processor_power_init mii_link_ok utf8_wcstombs pci_fixup_device __tracepoint_sched_signal_send dev_add_pack ath5k_hw_update_mib_counters ata_build_rw_tf init_pg_tables_start __nla_reserve_nohdr ip6_flowlabel_cleanup cpufreq_frequency_table_target blk_queue_max_segment_size mtrr_centaur_report_mcr usb_interface_groups dm_rh_recovery_in_flight ath5k_hw_get_isr tick_setup_oneshot bdget yaffs_CheckpointInvalidateStream badness proc_nr_files tick_program_event late_time_init snprintf tcp_may_send_now ptrace_traceme flush_itimer_signals xt_alloc_table_info tty_schedule_flip blk_queue_lld_busy complete destroy_context pci_proc_detach_device __pnp_remove_device ethtool_op_get_tso usb_autoresume_work nf_register_sockopt pci_direct_conf1 drm_mem_info usb_anchor_empty mmc_send_cid ieee80211_subif_start_xmit tracepoint_update_probe_range gen_replace_estimator pci_bus_add_child rtc_sysfs_add_device arch_vma_name sys_dup3 uhci_check_and_reset_hc inet_frags_init devres_remove_group acpi_ns_build_internal_name ath5k_eeprom_init ieee80211_aes_key_free fb_show_logo find_e820_area_size early_res_to_bootmem nla_reserve usbfs_init follow_huge_pmd sys_fremovexattr queue_work_on page_alloc_init sta_info_alloc alloc_pci_dev acpi_ev_get_gpe_event_info agpioc_protect_wrap __start___ksymtab_gpl sys_sendfile64 acpi_gbl_debugger_configuration drm_mode_probed_add xfrm4_tunnel_register highest_memmap_pfn math_error cpu_init inet6_bind agp_find_client_by_pid pcmcia_replace_cis usb_ifnum_to_if unregister_console vmware_set_feature_bits page_mkclean acpi_ut_initialize_buffer acpi_strict pci_create_sysfs_dev_files sk_init tr_source_route acpi_os_delete_lock fat_time_unix2fat rt6_pmtu_discovery acpi_ex_create_power_resource kobject_rename tick_next_period ieee80211_key_free netlbl_af6list_search security_task_getsecid do_bounds i2c_smbus_write_i2c_block_data bdi_register jiffies_to_clock_t do_iret_error e1000e_get_hw_semaphore kallsyms_addresses initrd_below_start_ok __inet_lookup_listener mempool_kzalloc drm_ht_just_insert_please console_stop usb_stor_Bulk_reset disk_get_part sys_getuid acpi_ns_initialize_objects acpi_debug_trace devm_iounmap kern_mount_data pci_request_regions_exclusive acpi_enable_all_runtime_gpes phy_ethtool_sset hid_compat_pantherlord max_sane_readahead __start___ksymtab_unused phy_mii_ioctl tracepoint_get_iter_range track_pfn_vma_copy pci_msi_off yaffs_GetObjectFileLength xfrm4_udp_encap_rcv find_task_by_pid_type_ns nf_conntrack_tcp_update security_inode_removexattr task_utime init_bootmem_node sys_rt_sigreturn xfrm6_init bad_dma_address sysctl_drop_caches sys_time native_machine_shutdown drm_agp_enable crypto_init_cipher_ops do_writepages sys_signalfd4 ipc_rcu_alloc release_thread driver_remove_file acpi_ns_attach_data register_cdrom blk_add_timer inet_csk_accept acpi_get_pci_rootbridge_handle acpi_ex_read_data_from_field clear_zonelist_oom nfnetlink_parse_nat_setup_hook ata_sff_dumb_qc_prep __symbol_put machine_shutdown __tcp_select_window fb_invert_cmaps scsi_remove_host dm_interface_init crypto_hash_walk_first lock_super huge_pte_alloc vm_get_page_prot sys_fork sys_sched_getparam i915_gem_init_phys_object i2c_bit_add_bus ata_bmdma_start sysfs_streq simple_strtol netlbl_af4list_remove __iowrite64_copy pci_dev_put udp4_lib_lookup hrtimer_try_to_cancel fib_rules_unregister drm_connector_property_get_value e1000_reset generic_segment_checks security_sb_set_mnt_opts e1000_ich8_info relay_open logger_aio_write devm_request_irq rtnl_put_cacheinfo nf_nat_protocol_icmp blk_rq_append_bio __xfrm_decode_session i915_enable_pipestat bus_attach_device init_special_inode page_cluster arch_debugfs_dir cipso_v4_validate fb_pad_unaligned_buffer acpi_rs_get_crs_method_data phy_attach security_module_enable pcmcia_socket_list write_one_page sys_getgroups16 acpi_enable yaffs_CheckECCOnTags napi_fraginfo_skb e1000e_read_pba_num sg_free_table cfb_copyarea ath5k_hw_set_rfgain_opt crc_t10dif yaffs_fs_c_version machine_specific_memory_setup __netdev_alloc_page sys_vfork inet_getpeer ip6_push_pending_frames security_sb_umount e820_add_region crypto_alg_sem xsave_cntxt_init ip6_datagram_connect tty_init_termios nobh_write_end nr_kernel_pages transport_remove_device scsi_setup_blk_pc_cmnd unregister_filesystem __alloc_bootmem pci_create_bus ata_std_postreset fib6_init sync_page_range arp_broken_ops scatterwalk_done idr_init_cache ath5k_hw_set_gpio_input prctl_set_seccomp thread_info_cache_init sys_mkdir fib_create_info acpi_tb_find_table schedule_console_callback dm_noflush_suspending ioctl_by_bdev tick_get_device sock_prot_inuse_get nf_ct_extend_register pm_qos_remove_notifier setup_arch ipv6_chk_prefix unregister_netdev sysfs_add_file_to_group xfrm_state_walk_done ata_bmdma_port_ops acpi_gbl_global_lock_acquired rc80211_minstrel_init platform_pci_wakeup_init ata_scsi_add_hosts no_irq_chip param_get_bool neigh_compat_output ipv6_chk_mcast_addr sys_socket native_io_delay nf_nat_sdp_session_hook pci_resource_bar usb_notify_add_bus xfrm_state_fini pci_early_dump_regs __nf_ct_try_assign_helper eth_header_ops mapping_tagged __get_user_2 sta_info_unlink tty_flip_buffer_push blkcipher_walk_virt sys_sched_get_priority_min dev_shutdown dm_put_device sched_clock_tick groups_search agp_num_entries nand_flash_ids sock_rmalloc raw_seq_next driver_attach usb_kick_khubd __bitmap_shift_left task_active_pid_ns xfrm_find_acq usb_rebind_intf ip_fib_init cap_task_setioprio seq_list_start_head try_to_munlock __prop_inc_percpu acpi_get_event_status mark_buffer_dirty sys_capset max_pfn e1000_pci_clear_mwi ata_sff_qc_issue iov_iter_single_seg_count device_unregister __start___kcrctab_unused_gpl e1000e_validate_nvm_checksum_generic yaffs_GetSymlinkAlias sys_lstat64 aer_isr atapi_check_dma netlbl_domhsh_getentry_af6 skb_dequeue crypto_has_alg debugfs_create_symlink drm_sman_set_range dm_rh_update_states elv_latter_request load_msg rb_next tcp_v4_send_check netlbl_domhsh_add_default sys_fstat64 e1000_up security_inode_setattr unregister_early_suspend nf_log_register dm_table_any_congested nf_nat_follow_master agp_create_client zap_other_threads acpi_root_bridge do_unblank_screen get_suspend_state __bitmap_weight security_sk_alloc sys_msgrcv mmc_app_send_scr sys_mq_open sysctl_igmp_max_msf netlbl_cfg_cipsov4_map_add fb_unregister_client bdi_destroy ip6_sk_dst_lookup dm_table_get_size do_fork __xfrm_sk_clone_policy pnp_alloc inverse_translate sdio_reset_comm store_msg __find_get_block flush_sigqueue overflowuid nf_ct_get_tuple inet6_unregister_protosw __ptrace_unlink edac_handler_set ata_bmdma_mode_filter filemap_fdatawrite_range phys_startup_32 nf_conntrack_l4proto_udp4 scsi_is_target_device usb_disconnect prio_tree_insert acpi_ut_mutex_initialize mmc_send_app_op_cond init_irq_proc __netpoll_rx acpi_enable_subsystem bitmap_fold elv_rb_former_request genl_register_ops sys_io_setup __stop___verbose raw_rcv radix_tree_lookup compat_sys_mq_getsetattr close_bdev_exclusive drm_freebufs inode_needs_sync usermodehelper_enable randomize_range ivch_ops acpi_ds_initialize_region kernel_thread prop_local_init_percpu usb_enable_interface fat_get_dotdot_entry debugfs_create_u16 get_pid_task probe_kernel_write finish_wait scrollback ei_open dm_table_find_target __send_remote_softirq __start___kcrctab_unused udpv6_recvmsg laptop_sync_completion suspend_set_ops drm_mm_takedown d_alloc_name set_memory_wb pci_get_device mon_dmapeek iov_iter_copy_from_user_atomic block_sync_page no_action i915_master_create pci_back_from_sleep acpi_ex_opcode_1A_0T_1R find_first_bit ieee80211_free_hw dm_table_get_devices set_memory_x arch_acpi_processor_init_pdc scsi_schedule_eh acpi_ex_unsigned_integer_to_string drm_mm_put_block drm_gem_object_handle_free is_subdir ct_sip_parse_address_param iscsi_free_session security_fixup_ops thread_saved_pc free_init_pages e1000e_driver_name tty_kref_put sys_socketcall current_io_context send_remote_softirq marker_update_probe_range sys_rt_sigpending drm_sysfs_device_add bus_remove_file security_sb_post_remount log_wait nf_ct_helper_ext_add sun_partition __put_user_2 param_set_short acpi_ut_subsystem_shutdown dm_rh_start_recovery init_cpu_present do_invalid_TSS iov_iter_advance find_e820_area acpi_ev_address_space_dispatch __pte_alloc_kernel simple_statfs __blockdev_direct_IO per_cpu__current_kprobe wext_proc_init ioread16 keyctl_update_key kill_fasync bio_phys_segments sysfs_addrm_start kzfree skb_segment tcp_shutdown fl6_free_socklist __per_cpu_end ieee80211_led_radio acpi_reserve_bootmem ieee80211_crypto_ccmp_encrypt fcntl_getlk64 _etext security_sk_free argv_split clockevents_notify scsi_print_result wait_on_page_writeback_range ip_mc_rejoin_group request_firmware crypto_alg_mod_lookup regulatory_hint_11d drm_property_destroy e1000_disable_pciex_master inet_peer_gc_maxtime __end_pci_fixups_suspend class_destroy set_pages_uc ethtool_op_get_tx_csum sys_newlstat yaffs_ECCCorrectOther netif_nit_deliver ip_check_mc xfrm6_state_init led_trigger_register_simple usb_register_driver pci_renumber_slot ata_dev_pair devres_destroy yaffs_mtdif1_c_version scsi_report_bus_reset cpuidle_register_governor yaffs_CheckpointClose usb_stor_port_reset scnprintf acpi_get_parent agp_gatt_table __bforget arp_mc_map agp_enable drm_gem_init vfs_dq_transfer __remove_from_page_cache put_page acpi_ds_load2_end_op acpi_ps_is_leading_char xfrm_init acpi_ev_set_gpe_type scatterwalk_map hpet_rtc_dropped_irq netlbl_cipsov4_genl_init sys_add_key register_cpu ip_options_get ksuspend_usb_wq compat_sys_set_robust_list system_state __tracepoint_sched_process_free sysfs_remove_file rate_control_get_rate huge_pmd_unshare sys_munlockall core_kernel_text acpi_ds_call_control_method sysctl_head_finish lease_break_time do_coredump ctrl_map e1000e_write_phy_reg_mdic led_classdev_suspend generic_readlink sys_clone scsi_bus_type edac_handlers __hid_register_driver __bitmap_full ip6_ra_lock ath5k_hw_set_rxdp find_min_pfn_with_active_regions rcu_barrier_sched spi_populate_sync_msg usb_stor_Bulk_max_lun md_error total_forks tcp_cleanup_rbuf icmp6_dst_alloc pci_target_state idr_replace _sinittext sysctl_tcp_stdurg scsi_sysfs_device_initialize task_vsize ec_burst_disable acpi_error update_region aead_geniv_init acpi_ev_queue_notify_request last_console dead_socket hugetlb_fault cpu_sysdev_class i915_gem_create_ioctl in6_pton sysctl_tcp_timestamps cfg80211_drv_mutex agp_find_bridge usb_sg_init yaffs_CheckFF munlock_vma_pages_range sys_faccessat tcp_init_congestion_control fb_pad_aligned_buffer drm_master_create e1000_down random_table __delay __pci_register_driver acpi_get_current_resources debug_locks_silent nf_conntrack_l3proto_register netlbl_conn_setattr acpi_gbl_set_resource_dispatch pgd_list rtnl_link_register raw_seq_stop acpi_os_create_lock sb_set_blocksize reserve_region_with_split ndisc_ifinfo_sysctl_strategy rtnl_unregister_all get_phy_id block_truncate_page swap_unplug_io_fn fget nf_nat_protocol_udp genl_register_mc_group handle_vm86_trap intel_ddc_get_modes cdrom_ioctl ath5k_hw_set_associd md_super_wait __put_task_struct sta_info_set_tim_bit acpi_rs_get_vendor_large sg_scsi_ioctl abort_creds e1000e_phy_init_script_igp3 blk_complete_request __set_page_dirty_buffers __stop___param pci_assign_resource e1000_pci_set_mwi free_locked_buffer sched_fork setup_sysctl_set iomap_atomic_prot_pfn ieee80211_sta_expire register_nls pcmcia_unregister_driver isofs_bread dirty_background_bytes_handler skb_make_writable simple_fill_super fat_bmap task_dirty_inc acpi_os_delete_cache create_user_ns vmalloc_sync_all kernel_bind cpuidle_enable_device dm_dirty_log_destroy keyctl_get_security unregister_pm_notifier usb_match_one_id func_ptr_is_kernel_text ip_local_deliver drm_mode_equal sys_getdents max_pfn_mapped dm_kobject elv_rq_merge_ok xfrm_policy_byid intel_sdvo_init early_printk scsi_unregister tick_device_lock sock_common_getsockopt netlbl_skbuff_err pci_swizzle_interrupt_pin scsi_internal_device_unblock add_wait_queue_exclusive bitmap_onto regset_tls_set amd_special_default_mtrr altgr_map alloc_bootmem_huge_page inet_bind blk_requeue_request sleep_on sys_fstatat64 ath5k_hw_is_intr_pending set_user_nice ioremap_cache hpet_disable invalidate_mapping_pages up ieee80211_remove_interfaces mtrr_ap_init e1000e_set_kmrn_lock_loss_workaround_ich8lan e1000_82572_info vsscanf thaw_processes drm_agp_unbind_memory scsi_get_sense_info_fld ata_print_id pte_alloc_one wake_up_state highstart_pfn __fatal_signal_pending tty_ldisc_init i2c_probe sdio_free_func_cis drain_local_pages reqsk_queue_alloc devm_ioremap acpi_leave_sleep_state_prep inode_wait free_nsproxy __initcall_end sock_create fat_ent_read prop_descriptor_init exit_pi_state_list srcu_read_lock des_ekey acpi_lapic inet_csk_timer_bug_msg pcibios_last_bus fat_free_clusters __set_personality srcu_read_unlock scsi_cmd_ioctl phy_connect unregister_chrdev eventfd_fget sysfs_file_operations native_pagetable_setup_done udpv6_sendmsg __stop___tracepoints sys_setreuid e1000e_phy_sw_reset e1000_check_for_link hidinput_disconnect __inet_inherit_port ioread16be security_quota_on vmtruncate hpet_address rt6_redirect crypto_tfm_in_queue keyctl_negate_key sysfs_mutex sysfs_schedule_callback radix_tree_preload restore_processor_state dm_table_put proc_mkdir_mode sys_semget unregister_key_type get_sb_bdev _local_bh_enable tcp_close nl80211_init pci_prepare_to_sleep register_irq_proc throttle_vm_writeout acpi_get_sleep_type_data acpi_ut_update_object_reference agp_amd64_init ps2_cmd_aborted security_file_free kobject_init ath5k_hw_reset_key e1000e_write_nvm_spi sysfs_create_bin_file sys_swapoff mtrr_del acpi_gbl_get_resource_dispatch sys_flistxattr iounmap neigh_seq_next acpi_ex_extract_from_field led_trigger_remove device_initialize cb_free mount_root fat_setattr sys_utimensat acpi_ps_execute_method sleep_on_timeout sys_exit_group acpi_ex_enter_interpreter acpi_tb_checksum irq_err_count acpi_clear_event devres_remove kref_get sys_io_cancel hrtimer_init i8259A_irq_pending ipt_do_table init_task_group __show_regs do_invalid_op sys_get_robust_list memcpy_fromiovec vwrite sysenter_setup i915_driver_postclose e1000_tbi_adjust_stats ata_host_init pcmcia_register_socket free_user_ns sys_set_mempolicy tcp_child_process sys_uselib ieee80211_mandatory_rates key_serial_tree nla_strlcpy sgi_partition sys_access sr_get_mcn ida_pre_get __tracepoint_sched_process_exit early_iounmap ip_cmsg_send pcibios_assign_all_busses d_genocide nf_nat_seq_adjust_hook pcmcia_map_mem_page ipv6_is_mld serio_rescan xfrm6_state_fini drm_helper_hotplug_stage_two dump_fpu cpufreq_unregister_driver end_buffer_read_sync block_page_mkwrite klist_add_after nf_conntrack_max attribute_container_add_class_device pcmcia_modify_configuration prio_tree_next fg_console cpu_callin_map raw_prot sr_tray_move bitrev16 udplite4_register pci_bus_find_capability security_unix_stream_connect f_delown __alloc_pages_internal end_request general_protection skb_add_rx_frag netlbl_af4list_remove_entry exit_mmap __smp_locks fb_set_cmap add_disk arch_report_meminfo led_trigger_store acpi_ut_push_generic_state proc_pid_readdir xfrm_state_check_expire drm_addbufs sock_no_sendmsg blk_queue_dma_alignment sys_pciconfig_write security_msg_msg_free add_page_to_unevictable_list pid_max dma_supported nf_nat_ftp_hook root_server_path register_shrinker posix_cpu_timer_create unregister_snap_client skcipher_geniv_init interruptible_sleep_on_timeout fib_new_table acpi_ex_unlink_mutex scsi_queue_insert yaffs_CheckpointWrite eisa_set_level_irq nf_register_hooks mounts_op dummy_irq_chip e1000_read_pcie_cap_reg pnp_free_options param_set_uint d_splice_alias intel_opregion_free __tracepoint_block_plug preempt_schedule_irq sys_read nohz_cpu_mask wake_unlock_show sys_fstatfs64 root_server_addr ip_options_compile pcibios_get_irq_routing_table dm_target_exit kprobes_inc_nmissed_count pm_power_off ata_tf_to_lba device_create_vargs generic_acl_list kill_pgrp sched_rt_handler scsi_target_quiesce shmem_xattr_acl_access_handler neigh_ifdown nf_conntrack_untracked sysctl_tcp_keepalive_time security_inet_conn_request bdev_cache_init kernel_power_off kobj_lookup send_sig_info sys_request_key sock_unregister load_nls_default prepare_to_wait nf_ct_l3proto_find_get attempt_front_merge debugfs_create_blob eth_header_cache cpuidle_add_class_sysfs fd_install spi_display_xfer_agreement ata_timing_find_mode mmc_detach_bus isolate_lru_page ata_id_xfermask ata_bmdma_setup crc32_be i915_vblank_swap ieee80211_alloc_hw __inode_dir_notify pci_request_regions dev_alloc_name ata_tf_from_fis print_modules ata_acpi_associate proc_tgid_stat i915_gem_get_tiling ___pskb_trim do_segment_not_present tcp_setsockopt task_xstate_cachep ata_bmdma_stop crypto_exit_compress_ops sysfs_get sys_listen flush_scheduled_work sys_mount request_module free_area_init_nodes acpi_get_next_object __end_pci_fixups_resume_early tty_check_change crypto_attr_u32 blk_alloc_devt con_get_trans_new sr_reset netdev_class_create_file ip6_append_data sdev_evt_send_simple acpi_ex_access_region zlib_inflateReset wake_lock_init sys_signal mount_block_root acpi_ut_validate_buffer nf_defrag_ipv4_enable proc_dointvec_ms_jiffies _set_memory_wb nf_ct_extend_unregister i915_driver_open clockevents_shutdown ieee80211_start_tx_ba_session input_unregister_device acpi_os_create_semaphore cn_queue_del_callback platform_device_register_data lookup_one_noperm xt_check_match ata_slave_link_init usb_port_resume ieee80211_tx_set_protected seq_open_net pud_clear_bad memcpy dmam_alloc_noncoherent dm_rh_mark_nosync vc_deallocate driver_detach unmap_mapping_range icmp_out_count ieee80211_start_tx_ba_cb mark_info_dirty pci_user_read_config_dword acpi_tb_verify_checksum acpi_gbl_system_awake_and_running delete_from_swap_cache scsi_dma_unmap generic_file_splice_write sys_sched_setscheduler cfg80211_wext_giwname logo_linux_clut224 pty_limit pagevec_lookup acpi_processor_suspend do_sync_write parse_e820_ext tcp_update_metrics acpi_tb_allocate_owner_id acpi_irq_model ptrace_fork i915_user_irq_put probe_kernel_read __blk_queue_free_tags scsi_partsize remap_pfn_range drm_mem_init init_groups follow_up __sched_text_start netlbl_netlink_init ath5k_hw_set_opmode agp_allocate_memory_wrap generic_permission put_filesystem yaffs_WriteChunkWithTagsToNAND free_pid_ns e1000_update_stats aead_geniv_free isofs_name_translate sys_eventfd sysctl_wmem_default raw6_icmp_error acpi_gbl_integer_nybble_width vcs_scr_readw set_translate mangle_path ieee80211_sta_req_auth acpi_ut_validate_exception device_pm_remove d_instantiate_unique vunmap bitmap_startwrite __vmalloc_area xacct_add_tsk pci_enable_ari simple_transaction_get sysfs_get_inode setup_per_zone_pages_min drm_mode_getproperty_ioctl kthread_create regulatory_hint iunique ch7017_ops e1000e_disable_pcie_master async_synchronize_full_domain kfree udp_ioctl e1000e_acquire_nvm blk_remove_plug security_real_capable set_binfmt invalidate_inode_pages2_range compat_sys_timerfd_settime netlink_dump_start vfs_test_lock kill_pid_info cn_queue_alloc_dev rtc_valid_tm hiddev_report_event resume_kernel fib_rules_cleanup_ops drm_stub_open arp_ioctl vfs_quota_disable yaffs_TagsCompatabilityReadChunkWithTagsFromNAND round_jiffies_relative tcp_v4_gso_send_check acpi_ds_method_data_get_node acpi_ut_get_event_name set_cpu_active net_core_path register_acpi_bus_notifier inet_register_protosw inet_twsk_schedule pci_user_read_config_word acpi_bus_generate_netlink_event copy_vma ata_dev_disable posix_lock_file ndisc_build_skb mmc_attach_mmc read_cache_page tcp_set_allowed_congestion_control pcibios_enable_device scsi_eh_ready_devs skb_copy_and_csum_bits default_utf8 drm_mode_config_init compat_sys_epoll_pwait ieee80211_process_measurement_req dev_set_promiscuity acpi_gbl_integer_byte_width acpi_ex_store_object_to_object lgff_init schedule_timeout_interruptible get_mtrr_state i915_save_state rtc_irq_set_freq acpi_mps_check netdev_bonding_change acpi_reallocate_root_table randomize_va_space acpi_enter_sleep_state xfrm_state_lookup __bitmap_empty kobject_get_path alloc_file mem_lseek acpi_unlock_battery_dir blk_queue_congestion_threshold ida_remove __vmalloc kref_init dcache_dir_close iscsi_create_endpoint sata_deb_timing_long key_type_keyring security_req_classify_flow ethtool_op_set_tx_hw_csum add_to_swap_cache tick_period sk_run_filter pcmcia_setup_ioctl probe_irq_on acpi_gbl_leave_wake_gpes_disabled cont_write_begin udp_disconnect tcp_enter_memory_pressure xfrm6_extract_output ath5k_hw_setup_tx_queue __scsi_device_lookup_by_target enable_irq acpi_unregister_ioapic dev_getbyhwaddr tcp_reno xfrm_input_init acpi_ut_valid_acpi_char acpi_get_type delete_partition ip6_output drm_mode_gamma_set_ioctl acpi_early_init nfnetlink_subsys_register tty_write_message drm_mode_connector_detach_encoder wakeup_code_start drm_agp_acquire_ioctl is_console_locked rt6_lookup acpi_power_nocheck scsi_exit_hosts iput huge_pte_offset drm_mode_getcrtc usb_device_groups blk_queue_init_tags tty_drivers mmc_add_card_debugfs igmp6_event_report ieee80211_class xfrm_state_add security_task_setgroups inet_ifa_byprefix e1000e_free_tx_resources ieee80211_disable_keys pci_ext_cfg_avail sys_sigsuspend tcp_select_initial_window scsi_sense_desc_find usb_buffer_unmap_sg tick_resume_oneshot freeze_processes netdev_unregister_kobject sysctl_rmem_default acpi_ex_prep_field_value acpi_rs_convert_memory32 kset_unregister yaffs_PutLevel0Tnode in6_dev_finish_destroy i2c_bit_add_numbered_bus loops_per_jiffy poke_blanked_console get_inotify_watch bitmap_bitremap getrawmonotonic dynamic_irq_init tcp_slow_start ip6_route_me_harder blk_queue_ktype sysfs_get_active_two unix_sysctl_register acpi_ns_get_node saved_command_line dm_get_event_nr cpuidle_remove_sysfs sg_init_one printk_ratelimit_state fib_sync_down_addr default_backing_dev_info get_vm_area_caller netlbl_secattr_catmap_setbit tcp_cleanup_congestion_control fb_is_primary_device seq_lseek tcp_xmit_retransmit_queue ieee80211_enable_keys thermal_cooling_device_register acpi_gbl_global_lock_semaphore security_sb_clone_mnt_opts module_frob_arch_sections int_to_scsilun sys_truncate ip6_rcv_finish dmi_get_year iw_handler_set_spy ieee80211_master_start_xmit restore_i387_xstate dst_destroy posix_unblock_lock scsi_exit_queue ata_link_next drm_crtc_cleanup usbhid_quirks_exit freeze_bdev kernel_kobj dm_linear_exit md_unregister_thread add_wait_queue nf_ct_l3proto_module_put tty_termios_baud_rate __start___markers acpi_ps_init_op sys_sgetmask generic_file_readonly_mmap cipso_v4_rbm_optfmt iowrite16 security_inode_getxattr generic_sync_sb_inodes cond_resched_softirq arch_get_unmapped_area_topdown security_netlink_recv do_loop_readv_writev follow_down drm_sg_cleanup usb_bus_type kobject_action_type nf_afinfo dcache_dir_open e1000e_phy_force_speed_duplex_m88 sys_gettid pci_clear_mwi send_sigurg find_get_pid map_devmem enable_sep_cpu pci_disable_pcie_error_reporting ata_host_detach pcmcia_put_dev mmc_app_set_bus_width yaffs_ValidateTags schedule_hrtimeout_range cfg80211_put_dev __serio_register_port show_trace_log_lvl __inet_hash_connect drm_mode_getfb usb_disabled sync_page_io mempool_kmalloc time_init_hook check_for_xstate e1000e_reset max_threads compute_shiftstate e1000e_down e1000e_update_nvm_checksum_generic eth_validate_addr bad_sock_fops nf_net_ipv4_netfilter_sysctl_path intel_modeset_cleanup usbhid_set_leds tcp_gro_receive crypto_larval_kill prop_fraction_single power_supply_is_system_supplied blockdev_superblock call_usermodehelper_freeinfo serio_reconnect nf_nat_sdp_addr_hook get_unmapped_area nf_unregister_hook __xfrm_policy_check inet_protos ieee80211_send_probe_req e1000e_setup_tx_resources def_fifo_fops led_classdev_unregister ieee80211_register_hw acpi_os_read_memory scsicam_bios_param inotify_inode_queue_event security_file_ioctl no_broadcast hpet_enable unregister_mtd_chip_driver shmem_lock pci_bus_write_config_byte sys_epoll_create del_mtd_device vm_insert_mixed get_driver acpi_pci_irq_add_prt acpi_ex_resolve_multiple __bitmap_and skb_splice_bits tcpv6_init cpuidle_add_state_sysfs sdio_writew blk_rq_check_limits inflate_fast zap_vma_ptes do_gettimeofday proc_create_data nf_nat_packet scsi_sysfs_register fib_rules_lookup mmc_remove_host acpi_battery_units kblockd_schedule_work get_acorn_filename unix_sysctl_unregister pnpacpi_parse_resource_option_data crypto_alloc_aead device_for_each_child tty_chars_in_buffer neigh_update ath5k_hw_set_mcast_filter blk_init_tags fib_nh_match block_class neigh_sysctl_unregister e1000e_get_phy_id lookup_mnt groups_alloc lookup_address inet6_sk_rebuild_header acpi_ex_acquire_global_lock bus_for_each_drv ata_cable_ignore security_key_alloc show_swap_cache_info I_BDEV crypto_aes_set_key raw6_proc_init sched_group_shares insert_resource_expand_to_fit inet_addr_onlink boot_option_idle_override task_mem is_hpet_enabled __tcp_push_pending_frames dm_io_client_create bio_uncopy_user rt_cache_flush attribute_container_class_device_del request_key_async_with_auxdata drm_mm_search_free yaffs_HandleChunkError xfrm_policy_alloc usb_host_cleanup default_blu sysrq_on security_vm_enough_memory_kern __get_vm_area sock_no_connect pci_pci_problems i915_mem_free fat_cache_inval_inode fixup_exception move_addr_to_kernel __i2c_board_list rt_mutex_adjust_pi __round_jiffies scsi_exit_procfs sysdev_create_file sock_common_setsockopt seq_list_start arch_remove_kprobe inet_frags_init_net crypto_larval_error out_of_line_wait_on_bit calibrate_delay acpi_ex_eisa_id_to_string die_nmi framebuffer_alloc d_hash_and_lookup seq_bitmap_list add_to_page_cache_locked do_schedule_next_timer param_get_invbool sys_waitid acpi_ds_terminate_control_method ndisc_send_ns netlbl_cfg_unlbl_map_add acpi_disable crypto_aead_setauthsize sys_recvmsg xfrm_calg_get_byid security_dentry_open x86_quirks acpi_get_id e1000e_read_nvm_eerd dm_suspend blk_unregister_queue i915_mem_init_heap security_syslog tick_check_idle ath5k_hw_stop_rx_dma requested_suspend_state e1000_82571_info cap_inode_setxattr __pagevec_release max_low_pfn isofs_iget init_pid_ns sdio_memcpy_toio pcim_iounmap kthread_should_stop addrconf_cleanup crypto_probing_notify srcu_init_notifier_head syscall_trace_leave netlink_set_err intel_crt_init udplitev6_exit ieee80211_ctstoself_duration tty_termios_hw_change pud_huge lro_flush_pkt pci_set_power_state drm_control blk_stop_queue compat_sys_mq_timedsend handle_mm_fault call_usermodehelper_setup net_ratelimit ieee80211_rate_control_unregister netlabel_mgmt_protocount acpi_ds_eval_region_operands ll_back_merge_fn drm_encoder_cleanup ieee80211_get_hdrlen_from_skb dm_set_geometry usbhid_quirks_init sync_page_range_nolock add_interrupt_randomness xfrm_policy_bysel_ctx zone_watermark_ok fpregs_set led_trigger_unregister_simple ieee80211_wake_queues_by_reason __ieee80211_get_radio_led_name crypto_chain crypto_givcipher_type do_splice_direct inet_initpeers d_lookup acpi_ds_init_object_from_op acpi_ev_execute_reg_method key_negate_and_link sysfs_new_dirent cpu_clock mtrr_save_fixed_ranges real_root_dev tty_perform_flush get_swap_info_struct sys_renameat sysctl_tcp_frto __wake_up pcibios_set_master acpi_gbl_root_node_struct sched_setscheduler synchronize_srcu pm_mutex __rtnl_link_register vfs_quota_enable yaffs_CalcECC sched_move_task ioremap_page_range kernel_accept sysctl_udp_rmem_min tty_throttle hcd_buffer_alloc free_pages cfg80211_wext_giwmode vmlist e820_find_active_region acpi_processor_set_throttling sr_select_speed acpi_ds_load1_begin_op clocksource_change_rating bus_get_device_klist ktime_get_ts show_interrupts xfrm_count_auth_supported rand_initialize_disk e820_register_active_regions xfrm_sysctl_init __scsi_iterate_devices hugetlb_total_pages sys_geteuid tcp_reno_min_cwnd hid_compat_cypress jiffies_64_to_clock_t free_write_pipe sysfs_get_dirent time_maxerror input_register_handle tty_hangup cpuidle_uninstall_idle_handler param_set_charp ata_pci_sff_init_host mmc_spi_read_ocr sys_munmap inet_csk_clear_xmit_timers compat_sys_keyctl fsstack_copy_attr_all vsnprintf rtnl_create_link __sg_free_table pci_try_set_mwi drm_get_tv_subconnector_name timekeeping_suspended ipc64_perm_to_ipc_perm seq_dentry __kill_pgrp_info pidhash_init netlbl_domhsh_remove_entry ieee80211_generic_frame_duration init_timer ip_route_output_flow dpm_sysfs_remove scsi_eh_get_sense elv_requeue_request zlib_inflateInit2 sys_ioprio_set inet_twdr_twkill_work fib6_get_table arch_task_cache_init xfrm6_rcv_spi acpi_penalize_isa_irq security_msg_queue_msgrcv addrconf_dad_failure acpi_osi_invalidate i915_fbpercrtc platform_get_resource_byname idr_get_new_above hugetlb_report_meminfo pci_cleanup_rom init_waitqueue_head pci_scan_bus_on_node usb_bus_list_lock dquot_transfer register_filesystem reboot_type sysctl_tcp_abort_on_overflow dq_data_lock fat_scan thermal_zone_unbind_cooling_device pnp_unregister_card_driver nsec_to_clock_t sys_lchown16 tty_unregister_driver kernel_recvmsg ip6_frag_init sigqueue_free do_device_not_available init_IRQ opregion_enable_asle scan_unevictable_handler call_rcu_bh kmem_cache_create acpi_table_parse_madt e1000e_set_interrupt_capability ata_eh_report usb_create_sysfs_intf_files undo_isolate_page_range longjmp_break_handler dirty_writeback_interval ata_qc_complete_multiple security_inode_post_setxattr dev_deactivate drm_ht_remove_key get_device yaffs_FindObjectByName k8_flush_garts xfrm4_rcv __VMALLOC_RESERVE km_new_mapping acpi_ex_system_do_stall pnp_is_active pnp_register_irq_resource register_jprobes native_set_fixmap sk_stream_error cn_queue_wrapper __round_jiffies_up fb_set_var kthreadd_task xt_request_find_target __sk_mem_schedule vfs_unlink e820_saved drm_getstats dm_put_target_type inet6_rt_notify arch_mod_section_prepend ipv6_setsockopt ieee80211_process_addba_request llc_sap_open __xfrm_state_destroy acpi_ut_get_object_size ata_eh_done key_quota_root_maxbytes dcache_readdir fib_get_table drm_dma_takedown sysfs_init inet_twsk_alloc acpi_ps_get_opcode_info acpi_ex_create_region tty_termios_copy_hw hpet_mask_rtc_irq_bit skb_pull_rcsum ipv4_config e1000e_phy_force_speed_duplex_setup bitrev32 ieee80211_wake_queue yaffs_GetTempBuffer next_zones_zonelist rb_insert_color ieee80211_sta_rx_mgmt acpi_ds_eval_buffer_field_operands pcmcia_release_window radix_tree_tag_clear nf_nat_protocol_unregister acpi_rs_set_resource_source acpi_warning vfs_writev acpi_remove_fixed_event_handler nf_conntrack_destroy usb_authorize_device __reacquire_kernel_lock netdev_set_master pci_do_scan_bus fb_find_best_mode dm_region_hash_destroy testmgr_exit scsi_run_host_queues sdio_read_common_cis neigh_parms_alloc xfrm_aead_get_byname scsi_command_normalize_sense get_mtd_device_nm xfrm_get_acqseq elv_iosched_show yaffs_Link acpi_gbl_sleep_type_b pnp_disable_dev sys_mq_timedsend key_instantiate_and_link inet_csk_reqsk_queue_hash_add nand_wait_ready netdev_fix_features netlbl_unlabel_genl_init security_inode_rmdir hid_allocate_device simple_empty acpi_gbl_table_handler_context hid_compat_zeroplus crypto_alloc_tfm sysctl_oom_dump_tasks do_one_initcall read_cache_pages nf_nat_proto_nlattr_to_range xfrm_ealg_get_byname ata_link_init mod_sysfs_init ata_sff_postreset usb_get_intf posix_cpu_clock_getres linux_proc_banner acpi_processor_limit_fops cpufreq_cpu_put udp_lib_unhash drm_crtc_init pnp_option_priority_name tty_write_lock ath5k_hw_set_ledstate dquot_drop deregister_mtd_blktrans do_posix_clock_nonanosleep mac80211_config_ops generic_show_options sk_receive_skb i915_driver_device_is_agp idle_cpu acpi_ex_system_io_space_handler ata_xfer_mode2mask i2c_master_recv rc80211_minstrel_exit acpi_rs_convert_generic_reg match_strlcpy sys_sigaltstack ieee80211_get_tkip_key pci_ioremap_bar sys_chown16 early_is_k8_nb pnpacpi_build_resource_template con_set_cmap intel_i2c_destroy pcmcia_dev_list_lock pci_mmcfg_arch_init sata_link_debounce posix_acl_from_mode compat_sys_sysctl param_set_invbool pnp_debug mempool_free node_states anon_vma_unlink expand_stack_downwards xt_unregister_matches register_key_type inotify_rm_wd nf_conntrack_expect_fini drm_ht_find_item ata_wait_after_reset karma_partition pcie_port_service_register anon_vma_prepare regset_tls_get ata_timing_cycle2mode mmc_resume_bus proc_root rd_doload __pneigh_lookup file_move do_no_restart_syscall netlink_ack mmc_add_card elv_dequeue_request umount_tree hstates param_get_ulong clockevents_register_device usb_poison_anchored_urbs msg_init_ns hpet_force_user inet_hashinfo_init e1000e_check_reset_block_generic devres_add netdev_state_change nr_iowait sys_setresgid drm_agp_alloc scsi_exit_sysctl sys_statfs64 driver_init alloc_tty_struct skb_copy_datagram_iovec machine_restart __dev_get_by_name path_put fget_light pci_cfg_space_size hid_destroy_device sha_transform msleep_interruptible down_read_trylock mmc_queue_suspend submit_bh sys_kill neigh_seq_start acpi_dbg_level sg_last hrtimer_nanosleep ether_setup sys_getegid taskstats_cache add_active_range pci_unregister_driver sys_getcpu __nf_ct_ext_add ipv6_misc_proc_exit inode_change_ok netlbl_audit_start agp_backend_acquire do_add_mount clear_page_dirty_for_io timeval_to_jiffies raw_notifier_chain_register show_regs do_suspend_lowlevel ieee80211_tx_pending mmc_send_csd keyring_alloc tcp_get_default_congestion_control sysctl_tcp_fack inet6_lookup unshare_files __release_region ata_internal_cmd_timeout write_pipefifo_fops tcp_initialize_rcv_mss cn_queue_free_dev blocking_notifier_chain_register __inet_hash_nolisten netdev_features_change nf_ct_destroy ieee80211_stop_queues_by_reason acpi_os_purge_cache mach_get_cmos_time tcp_send_probe0 scsi_eh_prep_cmnd alt_map free_area_init signal_wake_up ata_acpi_on_suspend acpi_ev_update_gpe_enable_masks e1000e_read_mac_addr ps2_init acpi_ev_walk_gpe_list usb_deregister_device_driver __clear_page_mlock unregister_binfmt acpi_os_table_override klist_del set_pte_vaddr udp6_proc_exit agp_memory_reserved complete_request_key tick_nsec tracepoint_module_nb sys_fstat inet6_mc_check acpi_ut_delete_caches device_rename scsi_init_io fat_sync_bhs hrtimer_peek_ahead_timers ptep_set_access_flags security_sem_semop acpi_ds_eval_table_region_operands get_mtd_device hugetlb_overcommit_handler param_set_copystring compat_sys_timerfd_gettime agp_device_command con_copy_unimap wakeup_code_end platform_device_add_data __scsi_print_sense usb_notify_add_device sys_getpriority ieee80211_crypto_tkip_encrypt ata_dev_init yaffs_CheckpointSave block_all_signals acpi_ex_write_data_to_field kernel_to_ipc64_perm shrink_dcache_parent pskb_expand_head user_path_at platform_bus seq_bitmap __wake_up_common skb_init put_unused_fd cfg80211_get_dev_from_ifindex compat_sys_signalfd fb_destroy_modedb attribute_container_remove_device pcmcia_socket_dev_resume sys_rt_sigaction tty_write_room device_create_bin_file security_socket_bind inet_csk_bind_conflict acpi_ds_load1_end_op scsi_shost_attr_group input_ff_upload d_prune_aliases __put_cred exit_aio early_pci_allowed ip_fib_check_default acpi_load_tables funcbufleft alloc_buffer_head register_pernet_subsys qdisc_destroy crypto_larval_lookup e1000_driver_name default_machine_specific_memory_setup set_cpu_possible stop_tty cap_ptrace_traceme ipcns_notify brioctl_set nf_conntrack_l4proto_generic __suspend_report_result acpi_ut_mutex_terminate leds_list ipc_rmid acpi_gbl_root_table_list __sysrq_enabled put_cmsg wake_up_process acpi_ns_print_node_pathname current_is_keventd netpoll_set_trap netlink_change_ngroups rt6_ifdown pci_find_next_bus isofs_symlink_aops acpi_ec_remove_query_handler dma_pool_alloc identify_boot_cpu hpet_rtc_interrupt sysfs_create_file ieee80211_tx_h_michael_mic_add drm_agp_bind_memory vfs_mkdir blk_rq_map_sg ata_sff_wait_after_reset ata_acpi_cbl_80wire mmc_alloc_host task_user_regset_view agp_remove_client tty_insert_flip_string scsi_device_set_state kmap_prot acpi_ut_get_type_name acpi_allocate_root_table hwrng_register __ieee80211_get_tx_led_name cdrom_mode_select mmc_add_host set_mtrr_prepare_save sk_stream_write_space storage_usb_ids restart_nmi pcibios_add_platform_entries acpi_ev_cmos_region_setup tcp_reno_ssthresh acpi_info ata_wait_ready unmap_underlying_metadata account_process_tick acpi_ds_get_bank_field_arguments cpuidle_lock jiffies_to_usecs dup_fd default_red __set_special_pids invalid_op e1000e_id_led_init kmem_cache_init tcp_disconnect intel_best_encoder __tracepoint_block_bio_frontmerge dev_driver_string acpi_skip_timer_override module_update_tracepoints con_set_unimap prepare_usermodehelper_creds __parainstructions ip_misc_proc_init xfrm_replay_check yaffs_ReadChunkWithTagsFromNAND cipso_v4_error page_group_by_mobility_disabled nr_uninterruptible klist_init __module_put_and_exit crypto_register_alg profile_pc get_cpu_sysdev tcp6_gro_receive __bitmap_equal per_cpu__vm_event_states nr_active inotify_init acpi_processor_throttling_fops nr_threads yaffs_WriteDataToFile pci_find_next_ht_capability drm_proc_root blk_rq_init vmalloc_32 kallsyms_token_index fib_sync_down_dev schedule_work_on wakeme_after_rcu proc_net_operations usb_interrupt_msg dmam_pool_destroy pirq_table_addr intel_crtc_load_lut xfrm_policy_destroy acpi_pci_register_driver sdio_f0_readb vma_prio_tree_remove nf_conntrack_tuple_taken ieee80211_get_buffered_bc e1000e_read_phy_reg_m88 fb_edid_to_monspecs drm_pci_alloc screen_glyph fat_search_long taskstats_exit min_free_kbytes_sysctl_handler create_proc_entry drm_mode_gamma_get_ioctl drm_mode_cursor_ioctl bsg_unregister_queue inet_sock_destruct arp_xmit drm_helper_plugged_event input_allocate_polled_device is_module_address drm_gem_object_lookup drm_ctxbitmap_cleanup dm_io_client_resize round_jiffies_up sel_loadlut keyctl_setperm_key proc_clear_refs_operations generic_file_buffered_write int_sqrt vfs_statfs fat_alloc_clusters xfrm_output_resume md_wakeup_thread vdso32_syscall_end iommu_merge acpi_processor_ffh_cstate_enter sock_alloc_send_skb drm_vblank_get key_link do_sync_readv_writev sysctl_tcp_nometrics_save vfs_fstat acpi_rs_convert_resource_to_aml ipc_rcu_getref security_file_send_sigiotask security_inode_permission iov_shorten crypto_destroy_tfm acpi_ns_get_attached_object usb_find_interface rtmsg_fib blk_end_request cpufreq_frequency_get_table mempool_kfree usb_stor_clear_halt security_msg_queue_msgsnd register_chrdev inet_put_port acpi_gbl_bit_register_info sched_clock xfrm_policy_unregister_afinfo acpi_rs_decode_bitmask set_pages_nx may_umount_tree registered_fb eth_type_trans scsi_register scsi_test_unit_ready security_key_free ip_mc_inc_group acpi_gbl_ns_lookup_count tcp_proc_register agp_generic_enable kobject_create keyctl_revoke_key unix_gc mii_check_media dev_attr_em_message_type pci_domains_supported acquire_console_sem sysctl_lowmem_reserve_ratio lro_flush_all transport_setup_device inode_get_bytes file_read_actor set_irq_msi set_pages_wb i915_get_gem_seqno cmos_lock wait_for_completion_interruptible_timeout cn_cb_equal security_task_create timekeeping_init firmware_map_add sysfs_notify sock_kmalloc getledstate e1000_rar_set dm_table_destroy force_sig drm_lock i915_vblank_pipe_set sr_is_xa sata_set_spd usb_stor_CB_reset sigqueue_alloc sys_getegid16 per_cpu__kprobe_ctlblk inode_set_bytes lookup_module_symbol_attrs overflow mmc_remove_host_debugfs sysfs_sb orderly_poweroff dquot_scan_active yaffs_HandleDeferedFree do_shmat acpi_battery_present processor_cooling_ops marker_get_private_data ieee80211_find_sta pci_get_rom_size e1000e_get_cfg_done cap_syslog usb_sg_cancel skb_under_panic input_free_device drm_mode_debug_printmodeline ath5k_hw_set_key_lladdr __scsi_remove_device e820_remove_range mmc_deselect_cards init_cpu_online acpi_get_name panic_notifier_list __atomic_notifier_call_chain nf_conntrack_l4proto_tcp6 nf_nat_proto_unique_tuple drm_master_put ata_host_register sys_setregid __nla_put_nohdr rt6_purge_dflt_routers inet6_del_protocol blk_init_queue_node page_cache_sync_readahead sys_getuid16 sysctl_tcp_tso_win_divisor xfrm_hash_alloc scsi_proc_host_rm release_console_sem drm_sysfs_connector_add tfp410_ops usb_major_cleanup spi_release_transport ata_qc_free device_resume sys_ftruncate ath5k_hw_update_tx_triglevel e1000_write_vfta scsi_setup_command_freelist drop_super __tracepoint_block_unplug_timer drm_crtc_helper_set_mode blk_add_driver_data get_hypervisor_tsc_freq hugetlb_sysctl_handler conv_8bit_to_uni ath5k_hw_start_rx_pcu dm_device_name cap_settime yaffs_TagsCompatabilityQueryNANDBlock get_vm_area __tracepoint_sched_kthread_stop pci_claim_resource acpi_ds_create_index_field pccard_sysfs_add_socket local_bh_enable usermodehelper_init sdio_align_size bitmap_parse_user yaffs_GetObjectName vm_stat_account xfrm6_transport_finish scsi_block_when_processing_errors pci_hp_change_slot_info agp_bridges drm_sysfs_hotplug_event acpi_ds_create_operands acpi_gbl_ns_properties ata_sff_pause acpi_kobj drm_agp_bind_pages ata_tf_read_block usb_driver_release_interface tcp_tso_segment ata_acpi_stm security_inode_free __devm_request_region proc_caches_init nf_net_netfilter_sysctl_path drm_get_dvi_i_select_name sata_down_spd_limit register_oom_notifier cmpxchg_486_u64 usb_stor_stop_transport per_cpu__irq_regs input_ff_erase hrtimer_start copy_thread class_dev_iter_exit sys_semctl empty_zero_page dump_stack i915_mem_takedown hid_compat_gyration crypto_alloc_instance xfrm_sk_policy_insert __start___ksymtab_unused_gpl acpi_ps_parse_loop vt_spawn_con usbfs_devices_fops kill_block_super deactivate_super in_group_p sys_chmod acpi_ev_delete_gpe_handlers __switch_to acpi_hw_clear_gpe nand_scan_ident edac_err_assert unlock_new_inode scsi_put_command bd_release_from_disk rt_mutex_setprio kernel_text_address acct_auto_close_mnt select_idle_routine nla_put_nohdr acpi_ds_method_error acpi_os_derive_pci_id vfs_set_dqblk yaffs_DeleteObject acpi_processor_ffh_cstate_probe set_fs_root nla_memcmp sys_nice blk_ordered_req_seq bitmap_release_region scsi_cmd_print_sense_hdr mon_text_exit splice_to_pipe do_sync_read ip_mc_init_dev tcp_v4_syn_recv_sock fb_get_mode drm_irq_uninstall scsi_device_lookup ip_append_page ip_tos2prio drm_rmmap_locked usbhid_close bioset_create register_pernet_gen_subsys ip_rt_redirect fib6_gc_cleanup gnet_stats_start_copy_compat device_power_up yaffs_DeleteChunk inet_getname drm_gem_object_alloc scsi_register_driver fiemap_fill_next_extent do_select debugfs_link_operations mempool_create irq_to_desc_alloc_cpu high_memory syncookie_secret cfg80211_dev_free ch7xxx_ops do_vfs_ioctl proc_id_connector bounds per_cpu__x86_cpu_to_apicid raw_pci_ops sys_gethostname num_k8_northbridges inet_csk_init_xmit_timers inet_frag_destroy pci_mmcfg_arch_free __end_pci_fixups_resume drm_mode_group_init elevator_init __breadahead ieee80211_send_bar rd_load_disk cond_register_ipcns_notifier genphy_resume bitmap_flush put_disk get_mm_exe_file ktime_divns nf_conntrack_ipv4_compat_init reset_vma_resv_huge_pages local_bh_enable_ip tcp_init_congestion_ops scsi_ioctl inet_stream_connect fb_videomode_to_modelist remove_all_active_ranges acpi_ds_build_internal_buffer_obj scsi_get_device_flags __cpufreq_driver_getavg neigh_for_each usb_stor_ctrl_transfer usb_clear_halt udpv6_init generic_write_end in4_pton acpi_get_register __delayacct_blkio_start param_set_byte iscsi_register_transport aes_dec_blk tcp_proc_unregister pnp_device_detach __sysrq_get_key_op handle_bad_irq xt_unregister_match dm_kcopyd_client_create strncasecmp drm_sman_takedown acpi_enable_wakeup_device_prep posix_acl_from_xattr __start___ksymtab_gpl_future pneigh_lookup e1000e_enable_mng_pass_thru proto_unregister cpuidle_register_driver mpage_writepage device_reprobe register_mtd_chip_driver recalc_sigpending elv_put_request i915_gem_set_domain_ioctl __ata_ehi_push_desc set_irq_chip nf_nat_sdp_port_hook nf_ct_l3protos drm_class rawv6_exit acpi_gbl_current_walk_list kfree_skb nr_blockdev_pages sched_show_task __dev_set_rx_mode intel_wait_for_vblank iowrite8 yaffs_DeleteFile bdi_set_min_ratio acpi_ex_create_event blk_do_ordered dev_getfirstbyhwtype acpi_ds_restart_control_method option_ms_init blk_unplug_timeout yaffs_MknodFile ioport_map ic_gateway register_acpi_bus_type do_kern_mount security_inode_listxattr refrigerator early_init_irq_lock_class pccard_get_configuration_info getboottime iw_handler_get_thrspy max_vals starget_for_each_device schedule_timeout schedule sysdev_driver_register pci_reenable_device kill_mtd_super do_sys_poll swapin_readahead request_irq ieee80211_tx_status_irqsafe __rcu_init nf_conntrack_l3proto_ipv4 intel_crtc_fb_gamma_set bus_create_file e1000_mta_set __unmap_hugepage_range acpi_os_vprintf security_task_setscheduler anon_inode_getfd proc_lookup_de module_text_address xfrm4_extract_header acpi_tb_get_owner_id ath5k_hw_get_cts_timeout iscsi_conn_error_event ata_tf_to_fis security_socket_setsockopt ipv6_icmp_error blocking_notifier_call_chain acpi_boot_table_init nf_unregister_sockopt platform_get_irq_byname sysctl_tcp_keepalive_probes usb_put_dev sys_setgroups16 anon_vma_init pnp_add_card_device usb_bulk_msg mminit_loglevel __mmc_claim_host cond_resched_lock ieee80211_hw_config nand_scan sock_register acpi_ut_strupr reset_palette cpuidle_add_sysfs tcp_enter_loss i915_gem_init_ringbuffer netfilter_log_init acpi_ps_get_next_namestring invalid_TSS sys_fsetxattr acpi_get_pci_id timed_output_dev_unregister ptrace_get_task_struct input_register_device usb_enable_endpoint wake_lock_timeout __ip6_local_out alloc_netdev_mq __bitmap_andnot module_kset param_get_uint __fsync_super fcntl_setlk64 acpi_ex_cmos_space_handler acpi_gbl_create_osi_method msecs_to_jiffies bitmap_write_all sys_capget ata_acpi_gtm rcu_batches_completed_bh nf_ct_l4proto_put init_buffer acpi_ex_system_signal_event scsi_nonblockable_ioctl md_allow_write power_supply_remove_attrs __rtnl_unlock ata_sff_error_handler do_general_protection skb_checksum_help acpi_ds_exec_end_control_op e1000e_write_vfta task_rq_unlock_wait default_idle netdev_kobject_init need_conntrack acpi_ps_peek_opcode datagram_poll eth_header_parse pci_intx schedule_delayed_work net_enable_timestamp next_pidmap swapper_pg_dir platform_notify_remove delayacct_init usb_reset_device get_user_pages dmi_name_in_vendors elv_merge cpu_possible_mask pci_scan_bridge vma_prio_tree_next nla_parse arp_find ndisc_send_rs shmem_xattr_acl_default_handler call_rwsem_wake pci_cleanup_aer_uncorrect_error_status elv_next_request sdio_release_irq atomic_notifier_chain_register mask_8259A free_all_bootmem_node arch_prepare_kprobe pcie_port_service_unregister __alloc_bootmem_low_node acpi_rs_convert_io ath5k_hw_stop_tx_dma scsi_evt_thread vmalloc_user acpi_ex_convert_to_integer ata_pci_device_do_resume cap_capget netdev_drivername sock_get_timestampns acpi_root_dir e1000e_mng_write_dhcp_info queue_delayed_work_on secure_tcpv6_sequence_number acpi_read acpi_rs_convert_fixed_memory32 pcmcia_parse_events do_mount swap_token_mm sys_readv intel_opregion_init blk_execute_rq mnt_set_mountpoint load_nls __get_vm_area_caller flow_cache_flush netlbl_cfg_cipsov4_add pci_set_pcie_reset_state acpi_ps_pop_scope unregister_sysctl_table __get_free_pages follow_hugetlb_page i8259A_lock follow_huge_addr exit_thread eth_header_cache_update per_cpu__processors acpi_ev_gpe_initialize acpi_ex_do_concatenate blk_queue_softirq_done key_create_or_update put_device isofs_export_ops nf_ct_l4proto_find_get pci_stop_bus_device drm_sg_alloc_ioctl cpu_sibling_setup_map init_timers nf_nat_protocol_tcp vcs_make_sysfs power_supply_uevent __mpage_writepage fat_count_free_clusters ip6_dst_blackhole netlbl_cfg_unlbl_static_del call_usermodehelper_setcleanup fib_lookup xfrm_policy_walk_init pdev_sort_resources sta_info_clear_tim_bit input_set_keycode __module_text_address do_munmap rb_prev emergency_restart blk_lookup_devt agp_generic_insert_memory i915_get_vblank_counter devm_free_irq tty_driver_flush_buffer mm_for_maps pagevec_lookup_tag security_task_setnice inet_frag_evictor radix_tree_lookup_slot shrink_slab ata_scsi_timed_out generic_cont_expand_simple vmware_get_tsc_khz register_acpi_notifier acpi_ns_one_complete_parse i915_master_destroy e1000e_determine_phy_address skcipher_geniv_free sta_info_flush_delayed intel_ddc_probe init_workqueues acpi_ps_get_next_arg rtc_set_mmss hid_compat_sony posix_acl_valid sys_bind cpu_dev_init bio_map_kern find_get_pages_tag ps2_command proc_pid_status cipso_v4_doi_remove no_tty rtc_class security_msg_queue_free pci_bus_read_config_dword drm_connector_property_set_value __trace_note_message __blk_put_request copy_fs_struct try_to_free_buffers acpi_ev_install_fadt_gpes spi_populate_width_msg param_get_long compat_sys_move_pages tcp_getsockopt create_empty_buffers ei_start_xmit __napi_schedule blk_start_queueing disk_map_sector_rcu get_gate_vma force_hpet_resume ath5k_hw_set_gpio_output netlink_broadcast screen_info drm_unbind_agp block_write_end rt_mutex_destroy tcpv6_prot pnp_free_resources iscsi_session_event blk_queue_make_request copy_tree generic_setlease pci_enable_rom inode_sub_bytes sysfs_notify_dirent sys_link acpi_hw_clear_acpi_status netpoll_parse_options ethtool_op_set_sg d_alloc register_reboot_notifier console_printk wiphy_register drm_agp_unbind drm_lastclose inotify_d_instantiate con_set_trans_old spi_schedule_dv_device per_cpu__cyc2ns sync_blockdev pci_user_write_config_word tick_nohz_restart_sched_tick rtc_irq_register bdevname block_write_full_page sysfs_addrm_finish xfrm_unregister_km usb_stor_transparent_scsi_command input_class unhandled_signal page_writeback_init free_buffer_head VDSO32_rt_sigreturn genphy_config_aneg pci_test_config_bits mntput_no_expire ipv6_skip_exthdr fs_kobj __bio_clone sk_release_kernel acpi_ps_set_name drm_mode_create_scaling_mode_property kmem_cache_shrink udp_lib_get_port hex_dump_to_buffer zlib_inflateIncomp panic_on_unrecovered_nmi root_device_unregister mdiobus_register pci_bus_read_config_word hidinput_report_event tracepoint_iter_reset acpi_load_table bdi_register_dev disk_expand_part_tbl compat_sys_signalfd4 param_get_ushort pagecache_write_end clocksource_resume neigh_create acpi_ex_system_wait_event vcs_remove_sysfs pty_resize drm_get_dev e1000e_check_for_copper_link switch_task_namespaces ipc_rcu_putref posix_acl_permission tcp_sync_mss aead_geniv_exit sys_mq_notify drm_mode_height fat_ent_write keyctl_keyring_unlink acpi_ds_init_aml_walk acpi_ut_validate_resource i2c_add_numbered_adapter __tracepoint_block_split sys32_quotactl acpi_rs_set_resource_header e1000_has_link clocksource_touch_watchdog __ip_route_output_key addrconf_dst_alloc drm_clflush_pages console_init mnt_want_write usb_kill_anchored_urbs check_unsafe_exec generic_file_mmap simple_dir_operations tracepoint_module_notify acpi_gbl_exception_names_aml path_lookup inet_twsk_purge pci_enable_bridges fb_find_mode sysdev_show_int md_write_start usb_hcd_irq driver_create_file fb_find_nearest_mode scsi_host_get usb_get_configuration generic_block_fiemap radix_tree_tag_set strnlen cpu_khz unregister_inetaddr_notifier rtc_irq_unregister sync_mapping_buffers acpi_ut_acquire_mutex e1000_setup_all_tx_resources e1000e_phy_has_link_generic mempool_create_node core_pattern sys_creat ieee80211_rx_bss_list_init e1000_led_on hid_connect security_sem_semctl __initramfs_end vfs_get_dqblk blk_trace_shutdown tick_is_oneshot_available ioremap_nocache usb_external_suspend_device pm_notifier_call_chain sys_olduname ieee80211_stop_tx_ba_cb fb_set_user_cmap ata_cable_unknown usb_get_dev __dev_addr_delete qdisc_alloc wiphy_new acpi_processor_tstate_has_changed e1000e_cleanup_led_generic i2c_smbus_read_block_data dquot_initialize softirq_init flow_cache_genid dquot_operations __alloc_skb early_cpu_init tcp_send_ack bio_clone platform_device_register cipso_v4_doi_add lro_vlan_hwaccel_receive_skb dpm_list i8042_command is_container_init udp_lib_getsockopt bus_register_notifier acpi_ns_report_method_error __ieee80211_get_rx_led_name mmc_set_clock dir_notify_enable cipso_v4_cache_add netif_device_detach dm_split_args root_user do_int3 cpufreq_frequency_table_get_attr i915_gem_cleanup_ringbuffer locks_init_lock init_memory_mapping per_cpu__gdt_page nf_register_queue_handler bd_set_size __round_jiffies_up_relative __tracepoint_block_bio_queue __lru_cache_add prio_tree_remove kernel_sendpage netlbl_af6list_add drm_gem_open acpi_ex_store_object_to_node tty_wait_until_sent input_free_polled_device pin_inotify_watch mempool_alloc remove_mapping __put_user_4 nf_nat_setup_info scsi_add_device mpage_bio_submit bcd2bin radix_tree_init __nf_ct_expect_find udplite6_proc_exit cfg80211_dev_rename dm_table_event_callback iowrite32be register_exec_domain __nla_reserve __tracepoint_sched_migrate_task udplitev6_init unregister_shrinker nommu_dma_ops scsi_noretry_cmd ipc_update_perm km_report acpi_gbl_ps_node_cache idr_remove_all fcntl_dirnotify sys_remap_file_pages unregister_pernet_gen_subsys compat_sys_mbind inet_release acpi_gbl_fixed_event_handlers pnp_alloc_dev yaffs_wr_attempts access_process_vm udp_poll page_is_ram proc_root_init drm_vm_open_locked i2c_smbus_xfer simple_unlink blkdev_put pnp_resource_type_name drm_wait_vblank ath5k_hw_get_def_antenna ata_eh_reset sys_pciconfig_read acpi_get_table_header scsi_target_unblock time_status rtc_tm_to_time security_file_mmap ioread8_rep sys_rt_sigsuspend sys_setgid sys_mbind ip_append_data conv_uni_to_pc dm_table_add_target i915_gem_throttle_ioctl e1000_pcix_set_mmrbc pccard_get_first_tuple ath5k_hw_reset_tsf memcpy_toiovec bitmap_cond_end_sync rcu_scheduler_starting acpi_ev_install_xrupt_handlers determine_dirtyable_memory acpi_leave_sleep_state drm_sman_alloc iscsi_destroy_conn hid_compat_ntrig drm_mode_prune_invalid i2c_smbus_write_block_data sys_semtimedop e820_end_of_low_ram_pfn acpi_tb_initialize_facs ata_host_activate sysctl_tcp_frto_response xfrm4_init acpi_ex_prep_common_field_object add_preferred_console acpi_ps_get_next_package_end ata_port_flush_task tty_std_termios ata_dev_classify key_fsgid_changed xfrm_replay_notify security_secid_to_secctx security_task_kill strict_strtol init_new_context thread_group_cputime __free_pages ndisc_send_redirect ath5k_hw_set_power prop_local_destroy_single reserve_ibft_region dev_change_name __con_initcall_start scsi_complete_async_scans rtc_sysfs_del_device drm_gem_mmap key_user_lock set_mtrr_cache_disable acpi_hw_clear_gpe_block kprobe_fault_handler startup_32 unregister_jprobe acpi_ex_store_string_to_string acpi_ut_create_pkg_state hid_dump_input ilookup handle_simple_irq acpi_ds_method_data_init xfrm6_find_1stfragopt acpi_ut_evaluate_numeric_object drm_mode_create transfer_pid mdp_major acpi_pci_detect_ejectable tty_ldisc_N_TTY drm_free_buffer probe_irq_off __sk_dst_check sk_reset_timer security_key_permission acpi_ut_get_resource_type sys_sigprocmask dmi_scan_machine tcp_unregister_congestion_control xfrm_state_mtu phy_stop_interrupts ntp_init sys_shmctl kmem_cache_alloc dlci_ioctl_set sierra_ms_init dm_rh_region_to_sector blk_rq_timed_out_timer drm_agp_bind_ioctl ieee80211_aes_ccm_decrypt acpi_os_validate_interface xfrm_register_type i915_gem_init_object pci_dev_attrs acpi_ns_terminate mii_check_gmii_support rtc_lock recompute_msgmni tty_release_dev drm_ht_remove bus_for_each_dev get_io_context netlbl_secattr_catmap_walk radix_tree_gang_lookup usb_submit_urb strrchr security_task_getsid free_pgd_range security_bprm_check __check_region tcp_sockets_allocated nla_validate thermal_zone_bind_cooling_device ath5k_hw_set_def_antenna elv_queue_empty locks_remove_posix swap_free unmap_kernel_range overflowgid zlib_inflate_table arch_irq_stat add_taint skb_recycle_check rd_image_start inet_dgram_ops e1000_ich9_info xfrm_state_flush get_swap_page sys_fchownat dev_set_rx_mode acpi_ns_lookup sata_link_hardreset vfs_caches_init_early normalize_rt_tasks VDSO32_sigreturn __udp6_lib_err secure_ip_id driver_find_device rtnl_set_sk_err tty_unregister_device pgd_lock proto_register file_permission c1e_remove_cpu acpi_acquire_global_lock e1000_force_mac_fc fcntl_setlk mm_alloc ieee80211_dynamic_ps_disable_work acpi_ut_remove_reference napi_gro_receive sata_link_init_spd console_suspend_enabled init_fs sys_ftruncate64 ipv6_sock_mc_join pci_proc_detach_bus srcu_notifier_chain_register getkeycode blk_dev_init sys_fchown drm_ioctl drm_modeset_ctl dm_dirty_log_type_register invalidate_inode_buffers open_by_devnum acpi_ns_get_attached_data __generic_block_fiemap block_commit_write oops_in_progress verify_iovec acpi_gbl_ps_find_count netif_device_attach e1000e_get_phy_info_igp blk_rq_map_kern tracepoint_probe_register_noupdate drm_mode_set_crtcinfo f_getown yaffs_guts_c_version per_cpu__rcu_data klist_remove cap_inode_need_killpriv security_release_secctx saved_context_eflags acpi_rsdt_forced pci_hp_register skb_copy_expand scsi_eh_finish_cmd __secpath_destroy pci_lost_interrupt do_timer marker_module_notify agp_generic_destroy_page vdso32_sysenter_end init_task i2c_del_adapter rtc_proc_add_device posix_lock_file_wait check_irq_resend mtrr_add_page sata_pmp_scr_write pccard_register_pcmcia centaur_init_mtrr mem_init pidmap_init drm_vblank_post_modeset stext neigh_table_clear nf_nat_mangle_udp_packet local_bh_disable sys_fadvise64 cred_init ptrace_readdata sys_readlinkat capable ip6_del_rt ieee80211_dynamic_ps_enable_work __sched_text_end skb_queue_tail usbfs_cleanup call_usermodehelper_setkeys nf_unregister_afinfo sysctl_tcp_abc drm_markbufs blk_end_request_callback update_page_count sysdev_register __bss_stop acpi_detach_data scsi_proc_host_add submit_bio segment_not_present acpi_ds_do_implicit_return attribute_container_trigger find_ge_pid kernel_getsockopt i915_gem_free_phys_object ata_pci_sff_init_one elv_register compat_sys_kexec_load find_vma free_initmem pci_select_bars print_cpu_info tick_cancel_sched_timer blk_queue_bounce_limit dst_init cap_capset sk_stream_wait_close inet_hash acpi_gbl_startup_flags initialize_tty_struct klist_node_attached netdev_boot_base scsi_target_reap ata_sg_clean rtc_dev_prepare show_stack_log_lvl drm_getclient i915_irq_wait module_put skb_over_panic call_rwsem_down_write_failed per_cpu__init_tss pcibios_enable_irq e1000e_write_phy_reg_bm print_hex_dump __d_lookup scsi_decide_disposition usb_queue_reset_device splice_from_pipe pid_ns_prepare_proc fx_sw_reserved tcp_send_fin ipv6_netfilter_init ieee80211_sta_set_bssid pnpacpi_parse_allocated_resource devices_kset page_follow_link_light __put_swap_token ptrace_may_access netdev_initialize_kobject acpi_rs_get_address_common drm_helper_crtc_in_use tcp_v4_err acpi_ev_gpe_detect sys_fsync dm_table_set_restrictions srcu_notifier_chain_unregister pat_disable ipv6_push_nfrag_opts ieee80211_ht_agg_queue_remove key_get_instantiation_authkey ata_noop_qc_prep fb_dealloc_cmap acpi_ns_walk_namespace irq_chip_set_defaults acpi_ex_relinquish_interpreter probe_irq_mask sys_epoll_pwait crypto_enqueue_request arch_deref_entry_point generic_pipe_buf_unmap clocksource_register dm_rh_dirty_log nandmtd1_QueryNANDBlock test_taint machine_real_restart ieee80211_stop_tx_ba_cb_irqsafe ata_sas_port_alloc usb_stor_pad12_command i915_gem_busy_ioctl simple_getattr rt_mutex_timed_lock snmp6_register_dev __ptrace_may_access blk_get_queue free_pgtables pm_qos_update_requirement rtnl_unicast pnp_get_resource root_task_group pm_prepare_console fat_truncate sysfs_create_link bio_sector_offset ptrace_writedata crypto_get_attr_type sys_init_module tcp_memory_pressure scsi_show_sense_hdr async_schedule_domain nf_conntrack_expect_init __start___verbose_strings acpi_ec_add_query_handler d_validate module_remove_driver parse_args usb_stor_huawei_e220_init VDSO32_PRELINK deregister_mtd_parser pci_cfg_space_size_ext acpi_get_vendor_resource sys32_sysctl neigh_rand_reach_time simple_transaction_release crypto_fl_tab expand_stack sb_has_dirty_inodes acpi_ds_resolve_operands acpi_ns_local acpi_ut_get_region_name security_sem_free unlock_kernel drm_mode_connector_list_update cdrom_media_changed bh_submit_read sysctl_sched_shares_ratelimit put_io_context reqsk_queue_destroy lookup_instantiate_filp wait_for_device_probe sysctl_wmem_max fib6_lookup sdio_f0_writeb hid_compat_samsung idr_pre_get tr_type_trans xfrm_selector_match acpi_ex_convert_to_buffer ata_sff_softreset split_page tcp_v4_remember_stamp pci_set_mwi pccard_read_tuple security_socket_getpeersec_stream percpu_pagelist_fraction_sysctl_handler sys_open task_statm hrtimer_interrupt gnet_stats_copy_rate_est hpet_register_irq_handler __dev_remove_pack drm_exit scsi_device_put sysctl_sched_shares_thresh start_isolate_page_range cdrom_get_last_written sg_alloc_table inode_init_once ata_port_schedule_eh alloc_fd ct_sip_get_sdp_header rt6_add_dflt_router acpi_bus_trim sys_ssetmask initrd_load xfrm_state_walk_init acpi_ds_method_data_delete_all platform_device_add_resources lro_receive_skb stop_nmi stack_start ieee80211_request_scan pnpacpi_encode_resources usb_hcd_check_unlink_urb lowmem_reserve_ratio_sysctl_handler ath5k_hw_get_rf_gain dfont_unitable ata_sff_host_intr acpi_ex_load_op sdio_unregister_driver initrd_start ip_mc_sf_allow acpi_ex_write_with_update_rule drm_gem_object_free i915_restore_state find_bug do_simd_coprocessor_error usb_unregister_notify free_fib_info acpi_ex_system_do_suspend dev_kfree_skb_irq keyring_clear sys_lgetxattr fat_ent_access_init balance_dirty_pages_ratelimited_nr tcp4_proc_init hid_compat_microsoft ata_cable_40wire blk_queue_hardsect_size sysctl_rmem_max acpi_gbl_pre_defined_names drm_get_tv_select_name mmc_attach_sd sys_mq_timedreceive acpi_power_transition km_policy_expired usb_resume i915_driver_load reboot_notifier_list ieee80211_wake_queue_by_reason acpi_get_handle inet_stream_ops mark_buffer_async_write yaffs_GetCheckpointSum vread cpuidle_governors create_write_pipe rtnetlink_init yaffs_ResizeFile drm_resctx attribute_container_find_class_device cdev_add acpi_processor_ppc_has_changed acpi_ps_init_scope drm_getsarea i915_driver_irq_postinstall ata_do_set_mode ata_scsi_change_queue_depth unregister_blkdev console_map_init zlib_inflate sys_alarm netlbl_domhsh_getentry netpoll_setup wakeup_kswapd build_all_zonelists xt_unregister_targets acpi_gbl_original_dbg_level device_create_file si_swapinfo x86_ptrace_fork xt_register_target protection_map __free_pipe_info unregister_reboot_notifier xfpregs_active acpi_ns_get_internal_name_length sdio_readsb bit_waitqueue cipso_v4_sock_setattr acpi_format_exception drm_mode_validate_size md_done_sync flush_signals do_mmap_pgoff nf_nat_sip_expect_hook drm_mode_getblob_ioctl drm_debug sys_send pnp_add_device sysctl_tcp_syncookies ipv6_dev_get_saddr read_pipefifo_fops i2c_register_driver usb_hcds_loaded symbol_put_addr ieee80211_sta_get_ssid ieee802_11_parse_elems ieee80211_led_rx edid_info i915_gem_object_unbind boot_tvec_bases detect_extended_topology udp4_proc_init pci_find_capability acpi_ex_convert_to_string kobject_move tasklet_kill agp_try_unsupported_boot e1000e_init_rx_addrs sata_std_hardreset ip_recv_error ip6_find_1stfragopt e1000e_gig_downshift_workaround_ich8lan yaffs_FlushEntireDeviceCache vm_stat crypto_register_shash security_sb_umount_busy simd_coprocessor_error inet_peer_threshold request_key_auth_new nf_nat_rule_init kmem_cache_size crypto_nivaead_type idr_remove sys_old_readdir ieee80211_start_scan acpi_extract_package sata_port_ops install_process_keyring_to_cred ethtool_op_get_ufo do_posix_clock_nosettime strcat tty_register_device usbhid_submit_report nf_nat_proto_range_to_nlattr nobh_writepage scsi_eh_flush_done_q ip6_route_output inet_ctl_sock_create platform_add_devices sched_clock_idle_wakeup_event mtrr_save_state mmc_queue_bounce_post udp_getsockopt mac80211_wiphy_privid fat_file_inode_operations dev_open find_first_zero_bit mark_page_accessed key_fsuid_changed acpi_ps_create_scope_op printk_needs_cpu phy_detach acpi_table_print_madt_entry drm_gem_vm_close drm_ctxbitmap_init e1000e_read_kmrn_reg arp_bind_neighbour acpi_ut_delete_internal_object_list convert_ip_to_linear xfrm6_extract_header iommu_detected ipc_addid sys_msgsnd nf_conntrack_helper_init drm_sg_alloc dma_alloc_from_coherent class_for_each_device crypto_ahash_import request_key_and_link icmpv6msg_statistics i915_driver_lastclose dmam_free_noncoherent ilookup5 io_delay_init udp_proc_register drm_agp_bind sched_clock_idle_sleep_event genl_unregister_mc_group drm_core_ioremapfree pcim_iomap_regions kstrndup __release_kernel_lock usb_match_id size_or_mask tty_insert_flip_string_flags kstack_depth_to_print fork_init pci_pme_active cn_netlink_send crypto_init_proc security_bprm_committed_creds sysctl_udp_mem dm_stripe_exit blk_ordered_complete_seq blkdev_dequeue_request inet_csk_get_port cn_queue_add_callback pccard_validate_cis crypto_larval_alloc osf_partition marker_module_nb inet_ioctl igmp6_init e1000_config_collision_dist allow_signal sys_tz __sock_recv_timestamp pci_subsys_init __usb_queue_reset_device fat_file_operations sysctl_sched_min_granularity key_put disable_hlt __symbol_get con_font_op phy_clear_interrupt kobject_uevent_env generic_removexattr poweroff_cmd ata_acpi_dissociate new_cpu_data ieee80211_led_exit iscsi_create_conn led_trigger_set global_lru_pages ksize prepare_creds xfrm_alloc_spi intel_encoder_commit clocksource_get_next e1000e_setup_fiber_serdes_link unmap_vmas vm_insert_page bio_put sock_no_shutdown drm_mode_connector_update_edid_property drm_gem_vm_open dev_mc_delete __kmalloc_node_track_caller generic_mtrr_ops pnp_request_card_device drm_getmagic security_socket_getpeersec_dgram proc_init_inodecache addrconf_join_solict e1000e_commit_phy alloc_pipe_info __iowrite32_copy generic_file_llseek_unlocked usb_store_new_id proc_dostring set_irq_probe acpi_hw_enable_all_runtime_gpes agp_off async_schedule xfrm_aalg_get_byname crypto_alg_lookup agp_frontend_cleanup sb_lock skb_insert radix_tree_delete NFTL_formatblock bio_endio dirty_ratio_handler sock_kfree_s pci_clear_master binder_thread_write contig_page_data elv_unregister_queue vga_con acpi_get_table_by_index drm_setmaster_ioctl unregister_oom_notifier sys_move_pages gnet_stats_finish_copy dm_rh_stop_recovery netlbl_unlabel_getattr drm_core_get_map_ofs keyctl_join_session_keyring __tracepoint_block_bio_backmerge crypto_drop_spawn pci_pm_init pnp_add_irq_resource usb_port_suspend dev_kfree_skb_any usb_remove_ep_devs key_unlink shmem_file_setup rate_control_deinitialize mac80211_ev_michael_mic_failure __brelse generic_pipe_buf_get validate_pat_support crypto_register_notifier udp_sendpage xfrm_parse_spi acpi_hw_write_gpe_enable_reg lease_modify hrtimer_init_sleeper ieee80211_ibss_add_sta flush_workqueue drm_addctx devpts_pty_new zap_low_mappings acpi_ex_system_wait_mutex bitmap_create nf_unregister_hooks acpi_pci_bind acpi_rs_set_start_dpf ac6_proc_init drm_connector_init sg_miter_next sysfs_add_one posix_cpu_timer_set ip_frag_nqueues aer_print_error i915_gem_get_aperture_ioctl __lock_page_killable net_ipv4_ctl_path scsi_init_queue sem_init_ns proc_tid_stat sys_mknodat crypto_il_tab netlbl_af6list_remove_entry copy_pid_ns raw_proc_init acpi_get_physical_device bitmap_print_sb security_inode_rename compat_sys_migrate_pages tick_oneshot_notify i915_gem_set_tiling keyctl_set_reqkey_keyring inotify_dentry_parent_queue_event kill_pid_info_as_uid unregister_die_notifier do_exit acpi_ut_allocate_object_desc_dbg acpi_ps_push_scope blk_unplug acpi_ex_create_processor panic_timeout sys_accept mon_bin_add show_mem __dev_get_by_index ieee80211_wep_decrypt poll_initwait scan_mapping_unevictable_pages con_is_bound release_pages raw_hash_sk mdio_bus_init cap_bprm_secureexec kill_proc_info dqstats acpi_ps_free_op ata_pci_sff_activate_host blk_rq_map_user init_ohci1394_dma_early drm_mode_group_init_legacy_group scsi_prep_fn byte_rev_table arch_align_stack sys_modify_ldt acpi_pic_sci_set_trigger vesa_modes cipso_v4_skbuff_getattr md_wait_for_blocked_rdev acpi_ev_fixed_event_detect acpi_os_unmap_memory shift_state init_srcu_struct udp4_seq_show i915_driver_irq_uninstall __delete_from_swap_cache raise_softirq is_io_mapping_possible compare_pnp_id rtnl_link_unregister drm_gem_release sys_getdents64 ata_pci_device_resume ethtool_op_get_flags pci_scan_slot _acpi_gbl_hardware_lock do_divide_error sysfs_format_mac pci_dev_present acpi_power_get_inferred_state acpi_ev_detach_region compat_sys_futex ct_sip_parse_numerical_param acpi_ds_create_walk_state acpi_ns_root_initialize pnp_register_driver security_getprocattr dev_get_by_flags ip_mr_init mnt_init follow_phys udp_rcv con_set_trans_new sys_sendfile get_disk simple_set_mnt sysfs_update_group get_random_int e1000e_up nand_erase_nand lru_add_drain_all VDSO32_SYSENTER_RETURN security_d_instantiate ata_ehi_clear_desc generic_file_direct_write llc_add_pack register_snap_client ipv6_flowlabel_opt drm_mode_getconnector keyctl_read_key bus_unregister acpi_initialize_subsystem pcmcia_insert_card msdos_partition fput init_hypervisor down_write devm_kfree inet_bind_bucket_create ip_options_fragment hcd_bus_suspend acpi_rs_convert_end_dpf inet_accept ipv6_chk_acast_addr usb_host_init initrd_end vcs_scr_writew ata_xfer_mask2mode sys_unshare ipv6_mc_up elv_former_request blk_queue_update_dma_alignment __class_register relay_buf_full kthreadd register_hotplug_dock_device rtc_update_irq_enable acpi_ds_exec_end_op e1000e_check_downshift e1000_phy_reset init_net drm_ht_insert_item kobject_add ata_pci_device_suspend strndup_user identify_secondary_cpu shrink_dcache_sb sysfs_printk_last_file scsi_host_put blk_unplug_work blk_insert_request nf_nat_proto_put cdrom_mode_sense transport_class_unregister copy_creds sysctl_oom_kill_allocating_task ipv6_rcv_saddr_equal acpi_purge_cached_objects pci_iommu_shutdown ata_sff_prereset crypto_init_queue security_inode_delete up_write no_iommu noop_qdisc i915_driver_preclose utf8_mbstowcs bus_remove_device serio_open sort ip_send_reply netlbl_af4list_search_exact acpi_rs_convert_address64 putconsxy i915_wait_ring request_firmware_nowait i2c_unregister_device sk_dst_check ip6_mc_input cfg80211_get_dev_from_info task_current_syscall debugfs_create_bool def_to_bigsmp e1000e_update_adaptive ata_scsi_dev_rescan ata_link_offline locks_remove_flock event_is_open blk_queue_find_tag e1000_ich10_info code_bytes pci_mmap_fits class_create_file unlock_page tcp_v4_do_rcv ipmr_get_route ieee80211_select_queue sys_chown ata_qc_schedule_eh request_key_with_auxdata proc_mnt acpi_ut_allocate_owner_id ata_xfer_mode2shift in_gate_area_no_task crypto_shash_setkey free_bprm sys_munlock blk_requestq_cachep blk_update_request part_size_show user_wake_locks machine_submodel_id ac6_proc_exit ieee80211_if_remove get_filesystem_list ieee80211_crypto_ccmp_decrypt mmc_send_io_op_cond ieee80211_ctstoself_get pcmcia_loop_config elv_merge_requests set_memory_4k inet6_hash_connect probe_roms inet_confirm_addr sdev_evt_send destroy_cis_cache keyctl_set_timeout def_blk_fops skb_pull hidinput_hid_event __copy_from_user_ll_nocache security_vm_enough_memory_mm crypto_hash_type read_cache_page_async radix_tree_gang_lookup_tag_slot acpi_table_parse pcmcia_error_func __create_workqueue_key preempt_schedule do_nmi acpi_gbl_operand_cache sys_lstat ic_set_manually ip_local_error synchronize_rcu km_query initial_code serio_close kallsyms_lookup_name tcp_timewait_state_process acpi_ns_get_next_node hidraw_init mempool_resize mod_sysfs_setup __delayacct_blkio_ticks ip6_route_input acpi_ns_detach_data ata_pio_task hid_set_field generic_acl_chmod pci_update_resource bus_find_device scsi_exit_devinfo ata_sff_tf_load binder_stat_br cpu_bit_bitmap mmc_remove_card ramfs_get_inode security_real_capable_noaudit acpi_attach_data bitmap_dirty_bits rt_mutex_getprio device_add console_conditional_schedule llc_sap_find prepare_binprm wait_on_page_bit console_set_on_cmdline llc_remove_pack string_get_size keyctl_instantiate_key match_int sys_times __root_device_register inotify_unmount_inodes posix_cpu_timer_del sys_openat xfrm_unregister_mode security_socket_listen fib_add_ifaddr sr_audio_ioctl pcmcia_socket_dev_suspend generic_ro_fops vc_allocate drm_sysfs_connector_remove usb_choose_configuration vt_waitactive kretprobe_table_unlock platform_driver_register ieee80211_sta_stop_rx_ba_session proc_doulongvec_ms_jiffies_minmax __wake_up_bit i915_gem_object_pin sata_deb_timing_hotplug acpi_noirq mempool_free_slab sysfs_remove_link net_msg_warn pagefault_out_of_memory sys_sched_yield acpi_ds_init_field_objects e1000e_update_mc_addr_list_generic security_sb_kern_mount bd_forget install_thread_keyring_to_cred xfrm_prepare_input dev_attr_cpulistaffinity e1000_phy_hw_reset blk_execute_rq_nowait pcim_iomap_regions_request_all account_steal_time acpi_ns_convert_entry_to_handle usb_mon_deregister oops_begin print_mac security_inode_getsecurity do_softirq acpi_wakeup_device_list tty_ldisc_ref usb_stor_report_bus_reset memchr acpi_install_gpe_block init_file sysdev_class_create_file fill_inquiry_response acpi_rs_create_pci_routing_table simple_attr_release clear_bdi_congested acpi_gbl_global_lock_handle agp_free_memory bitmap_allocate_region sys_write e1000e_blink_led simple_readpage disable_8259A_irq ata_sff_thaw try_to_free_swap sys_epoll_ctl acpi_ds_init_callbacks acpi_ut_get_reference_name i915_gem_free_object cpu_active_mask sys_syslog hpet_set_alarm_time nla_reserve_nohdr tty_vhangup dma_release_from_coherent generic_make_request sys_dup2 pcie_port_device_resume pid_task ip_static_sysctl_init __udp6_lib_rcv __stop___bug_table scsi_release_buffers generic_osync_inode sys_readlink acpi_processor_notify_smm blk_recount_segments __wake_up_locked security_task_wait sysctl_jiffies posix_cpu_nsleep read_pci_config_byte module_arch_cleanup fat_getattr ieee80211_rx_bss_get phy_register_fixup_for_id kvasprintf tcp_enter_cwr acpi_gbl_trace_dbg_layer unregister_acpi_bus_notifier acpi_gbl_abort_method unregister_mtd_user crypto_register_instance udp4_proc_exit acpi_gbl_trace_dbg_level xfrm_register_km i915_disable_vblank mon_reader_del ieee80211_sta_setup_sdata dentry_path kill_pid mmc_unregister_bus acpi_ut_pop_generic_state acpi_write mtd_table user_describe unregister_nls dma_pool_free ndisc_ifinfo_sysctl_change scsi_finish_command sync_dirty_buffer nf_conntrack_htable_size mouse_report sys_sendto security_inode_need_killpriv __krealloc init_uts_ns netpoll_print_options netif_napi_add insert_inode_locked ieee80211_aes_key_setup_encrypt acpi_ex_acquire_mutex_object drm_drawable_free_all netpoll_trap acpi_parse_mcfg pci_find_bus dm_table_get drm_property_add_enum xattr_getsecurity kernel_getpeername blk_recalc_rq_sectors platform_device_unregister nd_tbl agp_free_page_array acpi_ns_delete_node param_get_byte ptrace_request agp_remove_bridge inode_lock compat_sys_get_robust_list acpi_ut_hex_to_ascii_char prep_compound_page sys_getresuid16 agp_generic_mask_memory __alloc_ei_netdev __splice_from_pipe __ipv6_dev_mc_dec drm_add_edid_modes __stop_notes __lock_text_end __regulatory_hint drm_modctx security_shm_shmctl amiga_partition phy_driver_register qdisc_create_dflt generic_ptrace_pokedata km_state_notify sleep_states posix_cpu_timer_get handle_vm86_fault dmi_available get_super func_buf dm_suspended netlink_unicast nf_conntrack_flush sysctl_igmp_max_memberships thaw_bdev kobj_sysfs_ops pm_power_off_prepare mtrr_if nf_conntrack_alloc acpi_gbl_system_notify ath5k_hw_get_gpio ath5k_hw_start_rx_dma sem_init udp_prot acpi_os_install_interrupt_handler rtc_dev_add_device pcibios_penalize_isa_irq spi_populate_ppr_msg iter_div_u64_rem sys_epoll_wait free_tty_struct generate_random_uuid poll_freewait page_add_new_anon_rmap mod_timer nf_ct_iterate_cleanup ieee80211_stop_queue_by_reason security_inode_follow_link nf_ct_expect_related_report ip_mroute_setsockopt cap_task_fix_setuid idt_descr tcp_memory_allocated strnlen_user tasklet_init device_create rtnl_trylock dev_hard_start_xmit sdio_read_func_cis __cap_empty_set dev_remove_pack sysctl_tcp_fin_timeout __bitmap_complement tcp_death_row blk_end_bidi_request ipt_unregister_table fb_mode_is_equal libata_fua acpi_gbl_rsdp_original_location tty_ioctl nf_conntrack_alter_reply acpi_os_get_root_pointer drm_mmap_locked register_blkdev vfs_lstat_fd invalidate_bh_lrus sysfs_hash_and_remove srcu_notifier_call_chain setup_irq acpi_lock_ac_dir proc_pid_lookup seq_release_net pci_mmcfg_config_num sk_attach_filter ata_internal_cmd_timed_out acpi_ev_install_space_handler console_drivers ata_sff_data_xfer mktime mnt_unpin kmap_pte pcmcia_adjust_io_region platform_get_resource pnp_add_card sys_setregid16 xfrm_aalg_get_byid put_driver iscsi_destroy_endpoint elv_register_queue flush_signal_handlers class_remove_file e1000e_igp3_phy_powerdown_workaround_ich8lan page_symlink driver_probe_done inet_add_protocol pci_acpi_init posix_acl_equiv_mode generic_validate_add_page acpi_disabled security_bprm_secureexec sys_getsockname kernel_getsockname first_online_pgdat down sys_vm86 raw_seq_open bus_get_kset __start_rodata inet_shutdown acpi_gbl_fadt_gpe_device skcipher_geniv_exit arp_send i2c_smbus_write_byte rescan_partitions dev_get_by_index sata_scr_write_flush radix_tree_gang_lookup_tag ipv4_specific tcp_ioctl __tracepoint_block_rq_insert register_net_sysctl_table write_pci_config_byte acpi_root input_open_device sort_main_extable sk_free ip_route_me_harder fb_var_to_videomode usb_calc_bus_time lock_policy_rwsem_write cpu_present_mask exit_signals strstr datagram_recv_ctl ath5k_hw_txpower irq_desc_lock_class gnet_stats_start_copy skb_store_bits crypto_rng_type sysdev_class_unregister acpi_device_lock i915_gem_proc_cleanup device_attach sock_wake_async sr_drive_status oops_exit ata_sff_exec_command mmc_rescan inet_peer_idlock device_move dentry_unhash account_system_time rt_mutex_unlock generic_pipe_buf_steal inet_twdr_twcal_tick is_valid_bugaddr bitmap_scnprintf rd_size scsi_device_unbusy ata_bmdma32_port_ops vfs_lstat drm_get_drawable_info files_defer_init pci_cache_line_size i915_gem_free_all_phys_object cpuidle_switch_governor tcp4_proc_exit strict_strtoll alloc_vm_area sysdev_driver_unregister usb_stor_host_template update_rlimit_cpu kernel_sock_shutdown acpi_processor_unregister_performance yaffs_ECCCalculate rtnl_register sock_no_accept pci_bus_add_devices drm_init dev_attr_unload_heads arch_disarm_kprobe is_file_shm_hugepages copy_semundo set_task_comm pci_write_vpd tty_ldisc_enable acpi_ex_opcode_1A_0T_0R kmem_ptr_validate __xfrm_route_forward ata_lpm_schedule pnp_eisa_id_to_string acpi_hw_get_gpe_status crypto_unregister_shash security_socket_sendmsg key_sysctls cpuidle_disable_device drm_mode_width acpi_rs_get_vendor_small usb_disable_endpoint acpi_ut_delete_object_desc dev_close dm_sysfs_exit snmp_mib_free drm_mode_detachmode_ioctl destroy_workqueue wake_lock_active scsi_allocate_command blk_verify_command acpi_ex_reacquire_interpreter dcache_lock secure_tcp_sequence_number cap_capable shrink_all_memory cdrom_get_media_event __scsi_device_lookup crc32_le rt_mutex_trylock pim_rcv_v1 tcp6_request_sock_ops cpuidle_register_device cpuidle_unregister_device sys_wait4 agp3_generic_cleanup fat_iget attach_pid __kfifo_get tick_dev_program_event acpi_ev_remove_sci_handler ath5k_hw_rfgain clock_nanosleep_restart ip6_mc_source pci_direct_init devres_alloc sysctl_tcp_low_latency yaffs_PackTags2 write_cache_pages pci_mmap_page_range bio_get_nr_vecs ct_sip_parse_header_uri sta_info_get_by_idx klist_iter_init_node file_update_time num_physpages force_iommu __wait_on_buffer file_remove_suid mutex_lock ip6_route_cleanup ieee80211_set_wmm_default envp_init drm_fb_release drm_mapbufs attribute_container_register inotify_rm_watch sysctl_sched_rt_runtime free_thread_info inet_hash_connect __copy_from_user_ll_nocache_nozero user_shm_unlock skb_push scsi_reset_provider acpi_ns_get_secondary_object e1000e_update_stats hid_resolv_usage __put_user_1 nfnetlink_unicast acpi_ut_get_descriptor_length blk_sync_queue vfs_cancel_lock set_irq_noprobe yaffs_GetAttributes pci_bus_write_config_dword arch_ptrace pcix_get_max_mmrbc lock_rename __do_IRQ __tracepoint_block_unplug_io do_msgsnd fat_time_fat2unix sysctl_tcp_dsack tcp_set_state blk_queue_start_tag add_timer_on acpi_bus_generate_proc_event acpi_ps_get_next_simple_arg pnp_register_dma_resource ioremap_change_attr acpi_pm_read_verified do_map_probe input_set_capability i915_kernel_lost_context wait_on_sync_kiocb hugetlb_add_hstate __init_begin idle_regs acpi_rs_get_method_data hid_compat_topseed io_schedule futex_cmpxchg_enabled cpufreq_notify_transition color_table name_to_dev_t acpi_pm_device_sleep_wake pci_set_dma_max_seg_size do_msgrcv firmware_map_add_early kmem_cache_free __sk_mem_reclaim sysctl_tcp_max_orphans release_mounts e820_all_mapped dpm_sysfs_add vm_map_ram drm_addmap ata_link_abort pcmcia_request_window set_irq_chip_and_handler_name e1000_validate_mdi_setting prop_change_shift netlbl_af4list_search scsi_scan_host __ptrace_link vprintk tty_port_init ata_host_start usb_unlink_anchored_urbs strstrip module_alloc e1000_validate_eeprom_checksum dm_sysfs_init default_unplug_io_fn sta_info_start pci_acpi_scan_root acpi_enter_sleep_state_prep inode_double_lock get_locked_pte in6addr_loopback usb_driver_claim_interface usb_register_device_driver memory_read_from_buffer in6addr_linklocal_allrouters cpuidle_remove_state_sysfs unregister_netevent_notifier register_gifconf ata_sff_freeze sched_group_set_shares strlcpy root_mountflags ath5k_hw_set_ack_timeout security_sock_rcv_skb get_pageblock_flags_group tick_nohz_get_sleep_length sock_no_listen inet_frags_exit_net sysctl_intvec debugfs_remove regulatory_init mii_check_link ata_std_qc_defer security_inode_unlink mempool_free_pages sched_setscheduler_nocheck pdflush_operation bitmap_update_sb suspend_work_queue napi_reuse_skb posix_acl_alloc strncmp ll_front_merge_fn register_pm_notifier icmpv6_statistics fb_mode_option resource_alignment per_cpu__x86_bios_cpu_apicid __nvram_check_checksum mon_bus0 __anon_vma_link cookie_v4_check inet_bind_bucket_destroy usb_control_msg blk_register_region drm_update_drawable_info xfrm_input __cap_init_eff_set i915_gem_object_unpin scsi_proc_hostdir_rm intel_modeset_init mon_reader_add usb_register_dev zlib_inflate_workspacesize get_insn_slot acpi_gbl_use_default_register_widths nf_unregister_queue_handler ieee80211_scan_work mmc_set_relative_addr acpi_gbl_exception_names_pgm e1000e_write_kmrn_reg driver_add_kobj init_ISA_irqs ip6_mc_msfget ctrl_alt_map nand_isbad_bbt pccard_static_ops check_disk_size_change rt_mutex_proxy_unlock noioapicreroute acpi_ds_scope_stack_push acct_update_integrals saved_context_ebp proc_net_netfilter wireless_send_event vma_adjust module_param_sysfs_setup sk_stream_wait_memory sdio_readl security_inode_init_security inet_frags_fini bdi_init recalc_sigpending_and_wake neigh_connected_output ip_nat_decode_session d_move sysctl_vfs_cache_pressure seq_putc pcibios_init blk_queue_max_hw_segments rtc_cmos_write bitmap_scnlistprintf netif_receive_skb mmc_set_data_timeout nf_ct_free_hashtable acpi_ut_get_resource_length acpi_os_signal e1000_reset_hw usb_release_interface_cache ilookup5_nowait sysfs_create_subdir nf_conntrack_l4proto_unregister added_exe_file_vma positive_have_wrcomb scsi_proc_hostdir_add ata_sff_qc_fill_rtf ieee80211_sta_set_extra_ie bio_kmalloc xtime_lock dma_spin_lock nla_put sysctl_tcp_moderate_rcvbuf i915_ioctls ata_tf_to_lba48 compat_sys_ipc sys32_ipc platform_device_add netpoll_send_udp ata_pci_bmdma_clear_simplex ehci_cf_port_reset_rwsem sg_miter_stop acpi_gbl_owner_id_mask usb_kill_urb_queue sysctl_head_get agp3_generic_fetch_size inotify_find_watch fl6_sock_lookup size_to_hstate unregister_kretprobe acpi_evaluate_reference usb_poison_urb fasync_helper arch_early_irq_init funcbufsize yaffs_FlushFile hres_timers_resume acpi_ut_get_resource_end_tag register_netdev proc_doulongvec_minmax update_persistent_clock drm_setunique ath5k_hw_reset mdiobus_read sys_inotify_add_watch elevator_exit key_type_put may_open nandmtd_InitialiseNAND printk_tick nf_ct_expect_hsize tty_port_alloc_xmit_buf sr_test_unit_ready cpufreq_update_policy sdev_evt_alloc skb_kill_datagram acpi_ex_opcode_2A_1T_1R sys_fallocate copy_strings_kernel raw_proc_exit elv_dispatch_sort mwait_idle_with_hints regset_tls_active copy_to_user strncpy __clear_user sysctl_panic_on_oom cipso_v4_cache_enabled system_bus_init ramfs_file_operations rb_erase reg_device_remove drm_ht_create usb_unpoison_urb getrusage no_pci_devices drm_mode_list_concat scsi_sense_key_string klist_add_head netlbl_cache_add drm_gem_flink_ioctl crypto_shash_digest _cond_resched acpi_gbl_db_terminate_threads test_pages_isolated nf_nat_seq_adjust llc_mac_hdr_init sta_info_insert vfs_getxattr dev_ethtool nf_ct_expect_alloc register_framebuffer exit_itimers kallsyms_lookup_size_offset mark_mounts_for_expiry early_pfn_to_nid __tasklet_schedule inet6_protos acpi_enable_wakeup_device_power task_gtime sys_timer_gettime strcasecmp rcu_pending panic_on_overflow pci_config_lock laptop_mode wake_lock_show acpi_ut_set_integer_width nvram_write_byte sys_sigaction hugetlb_zero corgibl_limit_intensity inode_unused __kmalloc_track_caller pgd_alloc fib_release_info pci_mmcfg_late_init pagevec_swap_free sys_tee uts_sem page_readlink ps2_is_keyboard_id blk_queue_end_tag param_set_bool netlink_rcv_skb acpi_irq_stats_init ata_bus_reset yaffs_UnpackTags2 tcp4_gro_receive drm_realloc aio_put_req yaffs_ecc_c_version wiphy_unregister thermal_zone_device_register inotify_destroy generic_ptrace_peekdata sys_semop pci_assign_unassigned_resources n_tty_ioctl_helper e1000_led_off scsi_sysfs_add_sdev rw_verify_area ata_force_cbl ata_phys_link_online drm_free_agp ata_sff_hsm_move security_sb_pivotroot __start_notes do_debug debugfs_create_u64 i8259A_chip scm_fp_dup skb_shift datagram_send_ctl phy_enable_interrupts bitmap_close_sync blk_queue_resize_tags nandmtd1_MarkNANDBlockBad console_device sys_getsockopt i2c_smbus_read_byte mmc_send_op_cond pnp_start_dev key_quota_maxkeys vm_normal_page ata_sas_port_start ieee80211_wake_queues do_sys_open proc_tty_unregister_driver sys_vhangup driver_unregister free_netdev dm_unregister_target default_hstate_idx blk_queue_segment_boundary disk_part_iter_init find_next_zero_bit netlbl_skbuff_getattr zisofs_cleanup drop_caches_sysctl_handler ieee80211_set_default_key usb_stor_invoke_transport wait_for_completion_interruptible nvram_read_byte pm_qos_add_notifier sock_prot_inuse_add __xfrm_state_delete i915_gem_attach_phys_object wakeup_pdflush cad_pid yaffs_ReadDataFromFile unset_migratetype_isolate arch_init_chip_data saved_context_ebx unregister_con_driver sil164_ops platform_device_alloc __virt_addr_valid inet_twdr_hangman dm_set_device_limits mountstats_op apply_to_page_range transport_configure_device xfrm4_extract_input blk_queue_update_dma_pad nf_nat_rule_cleanup netlbl_af6list_remove class_interface_unregister fib_detect_death inet_csk_delete_keepalive_timer ata_sff_post_internal_cmd netlbl_sock_getattr __die dev_valid_name ip_mc_output join_session_keyring vm_total_pages alloc_large_system_hash netlbl_domhsh_init pci_map_rom unregister_dock_notifier ath5k_hw_channel __bitmap_subset bsg_register_queue mpage_writepages exit_fs proc_readdir files_cachep mtrr_state_warn netlbl_sock_setattr acpi_ns_externalize_name accent_table_size pid_ns_release_proc pnp_remove_card_device elv_unregister hugetlb_unreserve_pages ath5k_hw_set_slot_time inodes_stat nla_find ieee80211_led_init drm_sysfs_device_remove sys_dup debugfs_create_size_t __stop___verbose_strings devres_open_group bvec_slabs sys_readahead usb_set_interface ethtool_op_set_flags pci_enable_device_io ndisc_send_skb drm_mm_get_block disk_part_iter_next security_sem_associate sysdev_remove_file ntp_clear kallsyms_token_table panic unlock_policy_rwsem_write acpi_ds_exec_begin_op acpi_unload_table_id acpi_rs_get_list_length netlink_kernel_release pmd_huge ipv6_mc_destroy_dev ata_dev_configure __i2c_first_dynamic_bus_num llc_sap_list vmap acpi_os_create_cache lock_kernel acpi_ut_is_aml_table drm_gem_handle_create d_alloc_root iw_handler_get_spy devinet_ioctl udpv6_getsockopt kmem_cache_name ieee80211_scan_results hid_compat_thrustmaster dmi_alloc_data acpi_realmode_flags ata_port_probe rtc_cmos_read tcp_init scsi_host_set_state sys_clock_nanosleep tcp_connect ip_mc_join_group crypto_exit_proc e1000e_set_laa_state_82571 dynamic_dname key_type_request_key_auth idle_task e820_reserve_resources drm_mm_clean sys_fgetxattr sysdev_store_ulong security_sb_free inet_csk_search_req ata_wait_register md_do_sync rwsem_wake sys_truncate64 kobject_init_and_add drm_agp_release_ioctl sget acpi_check_mem_region ata_cmd_ioctl generic_writepages addrconf_add_ifaddr proc_flush_task can_request_irq in_gate_area nf_ct_expect_put inet_csk_route_req platform_bus_init blk_queue_set_discard security_ipc_getsecid sock_sendmsg find_or_create_page crypto_register_template set_current_groups ata_eh_thaw_port udpv6_exit intel_sdvo_find __skb_warn_lro_forwarding alloc_fddidev set_regdom ieee80211_iterate_active_interfaces key_construction_mutex do_alignment_check early_memremap fib_dump_info put_mtd_device read_swap_cache_async sys_call_table module_address_lookup async_synchronize_full tty_ldisc_flush register_mtd_user bio_add_page acpi_ut_osi_implementation scsi_logging_level scsi_error_handler crypto_shash_update sys_migrate_pages ieee80211_rate_control_register class_unregister __tracepoint_block_remap get_task_mm ath5k_hw_get_rx_filter set_cpu_online flow_cache_lookup kset_init ip6_nd_hdr e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_fiber_serdes map_destroy inet6_dgram_ops take_over_console blk_register_queue tcp_mtup_init led_trigger_unregister get_vmalloc_info yaffs_UnpackTags1 i915_gem_mmap_gtt_ioctl e1000e_reset_interrupt_capability e1000_set_spd_dplx reserve_bootmem_node strict_strtoul cookie_v6_check usb_hcd_pci_shutdown ath5k_hw_set_ack_bitrate_high ata_std_error_handler hid_compat_monterey scan_unevictable_pages rd_load_image early_reserve_e820 kobj_map_init cipso_v4_doi_getdef platform_device_del write_inode_now simple_transaction_read sys_setfsuid unregister_acpi_notifier acpi_os_gpe_count e1000_driver_version security_setprocattr xt_register_targets __scsi_put_command ipv6_ext_hdr ieee80211_radiotap_iterator_init ath5k_hw_attach ata_sff_dev_select mmc_select_card del_gendisk drm_put_dev loopback_net_ops inet_dev_addr_type i2c_verify_client alloc_trdev proc_net_remove sysctl_tcp_base_mss sysctl_tcp_workaround_signed_windows sysfs_put wake_up_new_task inet_select_addr scsi_command_size_tbl fat_fs_error uevent_seqnum unregister_pernet_device skb_copy_and_csum_datagram_iovec pci_root_buses wait_for_key_construction ipc_parse_version memcmp acpi_os_write_pci_configuration e1000e_setup_link dmi_find_device goldfish_pdev_bus_device skb_prepare_seq_read mdiobus_free cap_task_setnice __fib_res_prefsrc xfrm_policy_walk_done conv_uni_to_8bit __d_path __acpi_acquire_global_lock lro_receive_frags fb_alloc_cmap agpioc_release_wrap usb_autosuspend_work srandom32 sysfs_add_file sysfs_remove_file_from_group cleanup_srcu_struct __skb_recv_datagram inet_peer_maxttl sysctl_tcp_slow_start_after_idle d_obtain_alias security_task_setgid fat_attach cpu_idle_wait find_lock_page ath5k_hw_is_key_valid e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_copper cdrom_release fib4_rules_init drm_mode_std drm_mode_create_tv_properties k8_nb_ids class_interface_register lock_sock_nested fib6_clean_all pcie_port_device_probe con_free_unimap acpi_gbl_resource_aml_sizes usb_usual_clear_present pm_suspend module_bug_finalize acpi_tb_is_table_loaded acpi_ut_create_string_object drm_mode_duplicate sysfs_create_group tcp_register_congestion_control sysfs_move_dir fat_dir_operations slab_is_available native_read_tsc yaffs_GetEquivalentObject sysctl_string sys_reboot sys_umount fib_select_default keyring_search_aux inet_addr_type scsi_free_queue nand_default_bbt pcim_pin_device tty_ldisc_deref sysfs_root nfnl_unlock e1000_get_speed_and_duplex dquot_alloc_space hrtimer_get_next_event scsi_device_type ata_sff_busy_sleep hidraw_disconnect acpi_tb_add_table usb_forced_unbind_intf __do_softirq sys_sched_rr_get_interval pskb_copy tcp_enter_frto hid_compat_ezkey d_rehash dup_mm_exe_file security_task_setpgid ct_sip_get_header kthread_stop native_sched_clock cpufreq_unregister_governor page_add_anon_rmap ipc_lock_check account_user_time blk_lld_busy sys_setfsgid ip_rt_dump add_mtd_device xfrm_sysctl_fini netlbl_unlabel_defconf machine_power_off scsi_add_host sscanf sock_no_bind xfrm_state_delete_tunnel icmpv6_flow_init __tracepoint_sched_wait_task ethtool_op_get_link __init_end printk intel_i2c_create saved_context_esi device_find_child sys_setuid tcp_rcv_established ieee80211_wep_decrypt_data sys_sysfs find_nop_table nf_nat_icmp_reply_translation inet_csk_clone ip_flush_pending_frames clock_t_to_jiffies posix_cpu_timers_exit_group find_vma_prev acpi_ds_create_buffer_field drm_helper_mode_fill_fb_struct klist_iter_init __mutex_init arp_create sta_info_get transport_add_device ata_sff_dev_classify compat_sys_getsockopt acpi_tb_store_table rtc_class_open __neigh_for_each_release acpi_tb_delete_namespace_by_owner sysfs_find_dirent dbg_pnp_show_option sysdev_class_remove_file hugetlb_treat_movable_handler inet6_ioctl acpi_gbl_method_executing sys_signalfd gen_new_estimator current_fs_time run_local_timers fb_default_cmap print_hex_dump_bytes security_sk_classify_flow linkwatch_run_queue ip_ra_lock usb_suspend __tracepoint_sched_wakeup leases_enable e1000e_get_phy_info_m88 check_disk_change keyctl_keyring_link vt_dont_switch do_blk_trace_setup task_session_nr_ns acpi_boot_init tty_get_baud_rate drm_mm_remove_space_from_tail bio_check_pages_dirty ip_mc_up crypto_default_geniv tick_init_highres cpu_idle sync_inode mutex_lock_interruptible __seq_open_private notify_die dm_resume hpet_set_periodic_freq usb_deregister i2c_bus_type udp_flush_pending_frames ipv6_frag_exit down_trylock get_option __nf_conntrack_confirm netdev_resync_ops sg_miter_start e1000_82573_info bvec_nr_vecs strncat jiffies_to_msecs ptep_test_and_clear_young sys_getrlimit num_cache_leaves e1000e_write_phy_reg_m88 set_irq_chip_and_handler acpi_bus_start pnp_build_option fib_rules_register do_SAK usb_get_status hugetlbfs_file_operations recycle_rp_inst skb_append_datato_frags mmc_attach_sdio netpoll_poll wait_for_completion_killable class_dev_iter_init dnotify_parent pci_destroy_slot inode_in_use remove_active_range sysctl_head_grab files_stat inet6_csk_reqsk_queue_hash_add do_poke_blanked_console drm_mode_set_name simple_write_begin in_sched_functions sys_nfsservctl tcp_simple_retransmit __nvram_read_byte dirty_background_bytes single_open_net movable_zone setup_pit_timer nf_ct_expect_find_get acpi_gbl_xpm1b_enable drm_mode_create_dvi_i_properties drm_gem_open_ioctl sysctl_tcp_retrans_collapse classes_init neigh_resolve_output flush_old_exec get_unused_fd __prop_inc_single set_pages_rw pre_intr_init_hook fb_get_options agp_create_memory ata_dummy_port_info pcmcia_socket_list_rwsem dm_get_target_type ic_proto_enabled drm_authmagic e1000_get_bus_info path_lookup_open arch_setup_additional_pages reserve_memtype dm_get_md proc_exec_connector arch_suspend_enable_irqs vmalloc_exec pci_cardbus_io_size rt_mutex_init_proxy_locked do_execve acpi_ns_delete_namespace_subtree mtrr_bp_init input_close_device i915_gem_load pci_vpd_truncate acpi_ds_eval_bank_field_operands register_dock_notifier release_open_intent rawv6_prot pcibios_set_irq_routing acpi_hw_set_mode tasklist_lock __set_irq_handler rtc_dev_exit lookup_swap_cache kfifo_alloc tcp_make_synack e1000e_read_phy_reg_bm2 input_grab_device acpi_ds_get_region_arguments __alloc_bootmem_node_nopanic edac_op_state dquot_alloc_inode acpi_use_timer_override dm_table_presuspend_targets init_currently_empty_zone tcpv6_exit usb_lock_device_for_reset security_quotactl page_referenced kfifo_init cfb_imageblit dm_table_complete pm_flags acpi_ut_delete_generic_state drm_adddraw mon_dmapeek_vec hweight8 file_fsync sys_uname pci_iounmap do_invalidatepage user_shm_lock __nf_ct_ext_destroy bio_pair_release sys_eventfd2 udp_sendmsg acpi_ex_release_all_mutexes ath5k_hw_set_tx_queueprops acpi_ex_release_mutex_object ath5k_hw_noise_floor_calibration scsi_sysfs_unregister unbind_con_driver reserve_top_address i915_mem_release regulatory_exit acpi_rs_create_resource_list phy_register_fixup_for_uid _ctype ieee80211_wep_init ieee80211_crypto_wep_encrypt drm_lock_free i915_gem_do_init blk_put_queue log_buf_copy _text skb_abort_seq_read inode_add_bytes task_get_unused_fd_flags sk_alloc free_pages_and_swap_cache __print_symbol scsi_queue_work nf_conntrack_ipv4_compat_fini device_register klist_add_tail dirty_bytes_handler marker_probe_unregister_private_data pci_restore_state dm_get_table getname arch_arm_kprobe bio_set_pages_dirty dquot_free_space sys_epoll_create1 cd_forget __inet6_lookup_established acpi_bus_add mii_nway_restart do_syslog sysctl_tcp_app_win ip_init cap_ptrace_may_access dev_set_alias __bitmap_intersects device_del tcp_create_openreq_child random32 sysctl_legacy_va_layout funcbufptr time_esterror __qdisc_run pcibios_max_latency i915_gem_clflush_object free_vm_area sys_nanosleep inotify_inode_is_dead vma_prio_tree_add __group_send_sig_info acpi_rs_convert_fixed_io idr_destroy sys_setuid16 cpuinfo_op __stop___ex_table ipv4_doint_and_flush_strategy rt_bind_peer emergency_remount dup_mm sysctl_ip_default_ttl bus_sort_breadthfirst blkdev_show poll_select_set_timeout fat_build_inode used_vectors acpi_os_read_port scsi_show_result i2c_smbus_process_call set_task_ioprio ip_forward_options netlbl_unlhsh_remove acpi_gbl_global_lock_present dev_alloc_skb ata_sas_port_stop dirty_writeback_centisecs_handler ata_sff_irq_clear power_supply_create_triggers blk_alloc_queue blk_plug_device_unlocked mpage_readpage tcp_use_frto posix_cpu_clock_set is_world_regdom set_fs_pwd fat_fill_super acpi_gbl_step_to_next_call ioread8 console_unblank default_llseek usb_bus_list acpi_os_write_port acpi_table_parse_entries kill_litter_super dentry_stat nf_ct_invert_tuple __serio_register_driver __ieee80211_get_channel acpi_ut_execute_sxds agp_generic_alloc_pages netlbl_domhsh_add acpi_ds_scope_stack_pop drm_noop i915_driver_irq_preinstall xfrm_stateonly_find d_add_ci register_kprobes neigh_event_ns tcp_get_allowed_congestion_control phy_start generic_acl_set arch_prepare_kretprobe sys_fchdir acpi_unlock_ac_dir acpi_hw_disable_all_gpes phy_sanitize_settings vmalloc_to_pfn clocksource_unregister pci_set_dma_mask neigh_table_init_no_netlink dbg_pnp_show_resources scsi_kunmap_atomic_sg usb_hcd_link_urb_to_ep key_maps nf_nat_proto_find_get dm_table_get_num_targets sysfs_chmod_file alloc_pages_exact ath5k_hw_reset_tx_queue scsi_init_hosts pci_unblock_user_cfg_access nand_scan_tail copy_utsname sysctl_tcp_rmem scsi_calculate_bounce_limit user_get_super all_vm_events amd_init_mtrr acpi_gbl_resource_struct_sizes nr_free_pagecache_pages proc_mkdir xfrm_register_mode libata_allow_tpm sync_inodes_sb cookie_v6_init_sequence mouse_reporting pcibios_irq_mask acpi_ex_opcode_1A_1T_0R pcim_iounmap_regions sys_mincore sys_timerfd_settime acpi_ut_repair_name nandmtd_WriteChunkToNAND buffer_heads_over_limit xtime acpi_wakeup_address acpi_bus_power_manageable bio_map_user hugepages_treat_as_movable sys_waitpid unregister_pernet_subsys usb_string llc_set_station_handler per_cpu__irq_stat cap_inode_killpriv note_interrupt cleared_cpu_caps gnet_stats_copy_app unregister_keyboard_notifier scsi_init_procfs pcmcia_resume_card arch_init_kprobes firmware_kobj rtc_read_time ppro_with_ram_bug task_curr hweight64 acpi_rs_get_irq bio_init e1000_update_adaptive md_register_thread generic_acl_get drm_helper_probe_connector_modes ieee80211_ht_cap_ie_to_sta_ht_cap vm_highmem_is_dirtyable native_pagetable_setup_start sys_ioctl dev_set_mac_address ifla_policy tick_get_tick_sched __start___kcrctab __start___verbose pci_get_subsys e1000e_reinit_locked bio_free udplite_table e1000_reinit_locked pnpacpi_disabled sysctl_tcp_rfc1337 acpi_ex_create_mutex drm_getctx kernel_connect acpi_dbg_layer acpi_gbl_pm1_enable_register_save alignment_check acpi_ex_get_name_string mmc_all_send_cid acpi_os_predefined_override __ieee80211_rx dm_table_unplug_all scsi_rescan_device input_unregister_handler crypto_grab_aead ioprio_best attribute_container_remove_attrs ath5k_hw_start_tx_dma default_mtd_writev sysctl_sched_compat_yield tcp_mtu_to_mss crypto_alloc_ablkcipher time_adjust raw_icmp_error xfrm_ealg_get_byid pci_enable_pcie_error_reporting acpi_ps_parse_aml e1000_blink_led_start clockevents_register_notifier kref_set tcp_push_one sta_info_init skb_checksum icmp_rcv device_bind_driver sig_xstate_size acpi_os_execute sys_setfsuid16 inet_csk_reset_keepalive_timer drm_irq_install security_msg_queue_alloc unmap_hugepage_range drm_sman_init dmam_free_coherent blk_recalc_rq_segments nandmtd_EraseBlockInNAND do_brk srcu_batches_completed net_namespace_list clocksource_jiffies switch_to_new_gdt sock_no_socketpair dm_wait_event netif_rx_ni ioport_resource acpi_gbl_xpm1a_enable ata_bus_probe vma_prio_tree_insert drm_mode_connector_attach_encoder ata_port_pbar_desc per_cpu__softirq_work_list __bss_start alloc_etherdev_mq arch_unmap_area_topdown agp_generic_alloc_by_type iscsi_recv_pdu ethtool_op_set_tso sysctl_tcp_max_ssthresh __end_pci_fixups_final mmc_wait_for_app_cmd i386_start_kernel tcp_init_xmit_timers crypto_init_digest_ops sys_msync acpi_pci_check_ejectable compat_sys_setsockopt ic_myaddr inet6_hash_frag acpi_gbl_nesting_level e1000e_check_options set_irq_type bus_add_driver skb_dma_map reset_vc msg_exit_ns aer_osc_setup ptrace_disable memset yaffs_qsort unregister_hotplug_dock_device acpi_ex_release_mutex pgd_clear_bad exit_robust_list pci_pm_d3_delay ath5k_hw_stop_rx_pcu vfs_readv kern_path resume_console ip_mc_down ata_aux_wq ata_sff_port_start ip_defrag drm_sysfs_create devpts_pty_kill igmp6_cleanup rw_copy_check_uvector relay_close dmi_check_system __blkdev_driver_ioctl free_ipcs netlink_kernel_create math_emulate unregister_acpi_bus_type device_pm_add blk_queue_max_phys_segments sys_setgroups ipv6_addr_label_init pci_set_platform_pm e1000_hash_mc_addr ata_sff_check_status hrtimer_start_range_ns nlmsg_notify scsi_extd_sense_format scsi_register_interface dm_uevent_add update_xtime_cache ip4_datagram_connect scsi_execute_async usb_create_ep_devs blk_trace_remove init_request_from_bio free_uts_ns locks_mandatory_locked ata_cable_sata dm_table_event sched_init_smp acpi_processor_preregister_performance acpi_bus_get_status vfs_lock_file tracepoint_iter_start ipfrag_init agpioc_deallocate_wrap rtc_update_irq free_early prio_tree_init __stop___kcrctab_unused_gpl ioread32be scsi_internal_device_block ieee80211_process_addba_resp netlbl_domhsh_remove_default drm_mm_init yaffs_Unlink sys_swapon ieee80211_crypto_wep_decrypt phy_scan_fixups get_sb_single ip_options_get_from_user vc_cons_allocated rawv6_rcv pnp_register_mem_resource ath5k_hw_phy_calibrate machine_emergency_restart nf_conntrack_l4proto_icmp security_task_setioprio set_process_cpu_timer attribute_container_add_attrs acpi_ns_delete_namespace_by_owner acpi_os_release_object __blocking_notifier_call_chain acpi_ds_begin_method_execution redirected_tty_write set_device_ro fat_alloc_new_dir __copy_from_user_ll nf_conntrack_proto_init skb_queue_purge init_ipc_ns acpi_tb_verify_table register_early_suspend ip_push_pending_frames acpi_gbl_acpi_hardware_present nandmtd2_MarkNANDBlockBad sysctl_sched_latency hugetlb_infinity e1000_set_media_type aead_geniv_alloc __nf_ct_kill_acct give_up_console mon_fops_stat hidinput_connect module_remove_modinfo_attrs rfc1042_header usbcore_name map_vm_area cpuidle_install_idle_handler acpi_ex_load_table_op security_commit_creds __put_user_8 __invalidate_device device_suspend pci_get_bus_and_slot sk_wait_data i915_gem_pread_ioctl fcntl_setlease xfrm_state_insert sys_ptrace netlbl_mgmt_genl_init acpi_processor_ppc_exit aes_enc_blk sys_vm86old e1000e_write_protect_nvm_ich8lan generic_get_free_region inet_csk_reqsk_queue_prune acpi_ev_install_region_handlers acpi_rs_get_resource_source i2c_new_dummy nandmtd1_WriteChunkWithTagsToNAND pte_alloc_one_kernel start_kernel pcmcia_device_add cpufreq_gov_performance sdio_alloc_func total_swap_pages vmlist_lock print_fatal_signals init_scattered_cpuid_features kernel_setsockopt boot_gdt_descr tcp_get_available_congestion_control wiphy_sysfs_exit acpi_ex_pci_bar_space_handler phy_device_free cpuidle_detected_devices ioport_unmap __f_setown misc_register yaffs_checkptrw_c_version generic_pipe_buf_confirm aer_delete_rootport elv_insert pgprot_writecombine ip6_flowlabel_init fb_prepare_logo insert_resource acpi_blacklisted sdio_writel acpi_pci_irq_del_prt bitmap_start_sync scsi_is_host_device key_user_lookup fib6_locate ibft_addr generic_access_phys round_jiffies_up_relative scsi_eh_restore_cmnd sys_shmat acpi_clear_gpe e1000_reset_adaptive mpage_readpages xfrm_sad_getinfo redraw_screen nfnetlink_send agp_allocate_memory usb_stor_euscsi_init security_inet_csk_clone change_console sys_sethostname sys_unlink sysctl_optmem_max acpi_rs_convert_aml_to_resource sysctl_tcp_orphan_retries ipv6_sock_ac_join intel_release_load_detect_pipe delayacct_cache sys_llistxattr do_get_thread_area acpi_disable_wakeup_device_power __bitmap_or key_revoke ipv6_fixup_options vfs_read sd_read_app_tag_own ata_pack_xfermask hweight16 elv_rb_find sem_exit_ns strlcat dcache_dir_lseek tick_nohz_stop_sched_tick pci_set_master sched_clock_init tcp_parse_options dev_attr_cpuaffinity cpuidle_resume_and_unlock tty_buffer_flush kernel_read acpi_ns_parse_table ipcctl_pre_down __insert_inode_hash wait_for_completion acpi_ds_is_result_used power_supply_update_leds crypto_mod_get skb_find_text print_tuple fib6_force_start_gc acpi_gbl_all_methods_serialized drm_get_resource_start acpi_bus_generate_proc_event4 dm_rh_bio_to_region mmc_queue_bounce_pre __stop___ksymtab_gpl power_kobj dma_declare_coherent_memory __locks_copy_lock tracepoint_probe_unregister_noupdate fib_find_alias __nvram_write_byte acpi_ut_release_owner_id sysctl_head_put do_sigpending sort_extable skb_dequeue_tail tty_termios_input_baud_rate ieee80211_iw_handler_def agpioc_chipset_flush_wrap drm_handle_vblank e1000_phy_powerdown_workaround i2c_smbus_read_word_data mempool_alloc_slab sysctl_overcommit_memory io_apic_irqs sock_no_recvmsg usb_hub_init keyctl_chown_key posix_acl_chmod_masq serio_unregister_port ath5k_hw_get_capability acpi_os_wait_events_complete agp_unbind_memory inotify_table kmsg_redirect param_get_charp unregister_inet6addr_notifier i915_emit_box dev_attr_hstate dm_table_resume_targets key_quota_maxbytes task_stime nla_memcpy fill_mtrr_var_range netlbl_domhsh_remove_af4 acpi_os_stall debugfs_create_u32 saved_context_edi runqueue_is_locked sync_inodes acpi_ev_pci_config_region_setup scsi_host_state_name ata_acpi_on_disable mmc_wait_for_req mmc_release_host dmi_walk jiffies_64 serio_unregister_child_port net_ratelimit_state acpi_os_write_memory sys_clock_gettime unix_notinflight ath5k_hw_set_txpower_limit crypto_get_default_rng crypto_aes_expand_key ieee80211_aes_ccm_encrypt do_futex sys_inotify_init isa_dma_bridge_buggy min_low_pfn unregister_handler_proc generic_pipe_buf_map default_wake_function hpet_readl xt_register_table nf_conntrack_lock xfrm_input_resume acpi_idle_driver iounmap_atomic ieee80211_sta_disassociate ieee80211_rx_bss_add acpi_rs_convert_aml_to_resources phy_print_status usb_hcd_pci_resume atomic_notifier_call_chain lro_vlan_hwaccel_receive_frags acpi_ns_handle_to_pathname blk_insert_cloned_request agp_generic_free_by_type shmem_unuse printk_timed_ratelimit kretprobe_blacklist hid_compat_apple per_cpu__cpu_number __inet_twsk_hashdance sys_symlinkat sock_no_mmap tcp_twsk_unique keymap_count drm_getmap dma_get_required_mask dm_rh_recovery_prepare i915_gem_idle usb_get_descriptor security_inode_getattr printk_ratelimit tcp_hashinfo ipv6_sock_ac_drop security_sk_clone yaffs_TagsCompatabilityWriteChunkWithTagsToNAND tick_length sys_timer_settime BIOS_revision __lock_text_start tcp_sendmsg sysctl_is_seen sys_kexec_load sys_mkdirat sys_inotify_init1 sock_get_timestamp xt_proto_init wireless_spy_update kernel_execve input_event acpi_ev_initialize_gpe_block drm_agp_enable_ioctl rtc_year_days elv_rb_del sysctl_max_map_count tick_switch_to_oneshot iowrite32_rep pci_iommu_alloc acpi_enter_sleep_state_s4bios acpi_ns_delete_children con_clear_unimap drm_mm_tail_space __pskb_pull_tail _atomic_dec_and_lock sys_llseek release_task fat_clusters_flush yaffs_MknodDirectory ip6_frag_nqueues acpi_processor_register_performance key_validate clflush_cache_range ata_ehi_push_desc e1000e_get_bus_info_pcie pid_max_max inet6_ifinfo_notify phy_start_aneg fib4_rules_exit cpufreq_unregister_notifier usb_usual_check_type security_inode_killpriv next_online_pgdat agp_collect_device_status hugetlb_file_setup nf_setsockopt ieee80211_tx_status rwsem_downgrade_wake per_cpu__process_counts bin2bcd send_sigqueue security_inode_getsecid ip_forward agp_alloc_bridge register_quota_format __tracepoint_sched_kthread_stop_ret dm_get_mdptr drm_agp_allocate_memory sys_fstatfs mark_tsc_unstable nf_log_packet tcp_time_wait acpi_hw_register_read phy_device_create mmc_align_data_size e1000e_get_auto_rd_done alarm_setitimer fb_find_mode_cvt e1000e_get_phy_type_from_id ata_dev_read_id force_page_cache_readahead dev_unicast_add sysctl_tcp_retries2 tty_free_termios sysfs_dir_operations security_sysctl genphy_config_advert should_remove_suid sys_newfstat vc_SAK invalidate_bdev ata_sff_std_ports dm_rh_recovery_start do_adjtimex hpet_time_init ieee80211_stop_queue e1000e_led_off_generic ata_do_dev_read_id sock_no_sendpage xrlim_allow xfrm_policy_flush free_initrd_mem ieee80211_init_rate_ctrl_alg drm_connector_attach_property drm_sg_free netif_rx file_kill pci_create_slot splice_direct_to_actor sys_rt_sigqueueinfo agp_add_bridge pre_setup_arch_hook sata_pmp_port_ops per_cpu__cpuidle_devices proc_dointvec_userhz_jiffies rb_first nf_ip_checksum drm_put_minor security_key_getsecurity mmap_region sysctl_tcp_sack acpi_os_read_pci_configuration fb_set_suspend acpi_os_initialize1 drm_mode_setcrtc __strncpy_from_user __netdev_alloc_skb crypto_xor nf_unregister_queue_handlers i2c_clients_command wiphy_update_regulatory nandmtd2_WriteChunkWithTagsToNAND security_task_setuid sys_getgroups e1000e_phy_hw_reset_generic yaffs_GetObjectType kthread_bind sys_linkat acpi_ds_result_push security_socket_recvmsg complete_all acpi_ev_is_notify_object crypto_put_default_rng acpi_match_device_ids acpi_gbl_gpe_fadt_blocks suspend_valid_only_mem vlan_ioctl_set llc_sap_list_lock acpi_lock_battery_dir d_delete debugfs_create_x16 security_cred_free nf_ct_port_tuple_to_nlattr tcp_set_default_congestion_control power_supply_changed sysctl_overcommit_ratio tick_init rt6_mtu_change yaffs_GetObjectInode ip_rt_init acpi_ev_install_sci_handler dirty_background_ratio acpi_ut_create_buffer_object phy_disable_interrupts ata_scsi_slave_config ata_qc_new_init security_sb_mount initmem_init ath5k_hw_set_capabilities suspend_devices_and_enter ip_cmsg_recv acpi_release_global_lock secure_ipv4_port_ephemeral scsi_sysfs_shost_attr_groups bio_copy_kern __copy_to_user_ll coprocessor_error dev_mc_add set_bh_page debugfs_create_x8 i915_gem_mmap_ioctl bus_rescan_devices usb_unanchor_urb unblank_screen default_exec_domain nfnetlink_subsys_unregister ieee80211_bss_info_update inet_frag_find ipc_init_ids sys_io_submit sock_common_recvmsg nf_register_afinfo generic_unplug_device hugetlb_report_node_meminfo ip_generic_getfrag scsi_setup_fs_cmnd nx_enabled register_pernet_gen_device security_netlink_send flock_lock_file_wait sprint_symbol sys_shutdown pci_dev_pm_ops acpi_get_gpe_status acpi_gbl_exception_names_env con_get_trans_old no_sync_cmos_clock wake_lock_store set_pmd_pfn dm_put sys_brk __security_initcall_end __neigh_event_send intel_pipe_has_type dev_mcast_init __scm_destroy totalreserve_pages __drm_pci_free mmc_switch sys_setxattr vfs_quota_on_mount early_irq_init pcibios_irq_init libata_noacpi oops_may_print sys_lsetxattr tcp_twsk_destructor pci_acpi_osc_support ata_sff_tf_read block_prepare_write timekeeping_valid_for_hres rand_initialize_irq drm_mode_getencoder ata_mode_string debug_locks ip_options_rcv_srr iscsi_add_session totalram_pages per_cpu__netdev_rx_stat __nf_conntrack_find e1000e_driver_version zap_pid_ns_processes e1000e_phy_reset_dsp blk_rq_unmap_user fsync_bdev rtc_alarm_irq_enable fb_new_modelist inet_bind_hash acpi_ut_short_divide get_dumpable add_nops do_remount_sb unlock_rename follow_page kasprintf set_irq_data per_cpu__vector_irq get_agp_version drm_idlelock_release scsi_print_status ata_down_xfermask_limit security_file_lock inet_dgram_connect pci_reset_function acpi_gbl_db_output_flags vfs_rmdir mm_release pgd_free kernel_sock_ioctl rt6_get_dflt_router ata_dev_next blk_abort_queue addrconf_prefix_rcv drm_mm_add_space_to_tail complement_pos simple_attr_read get_taint acpi_ev_valid_gpe_event acpi_gbl_aml_resource_sizes drm_vblank_count dm_io_client_destroy hid_report_raw_event end_page_writeback sys_bdflush ei_tx_timeout key_user_put disable_TSC sys_getpgid acpi_ps_next_parse_state acpi_os_delete_semaphore sysfs_dir_cachep do_group_exit min_free_order_shift down_write_trylock console_blank_hook ip_rt_frag_needed xfrm_replay_advance __end_pci_fixups_early sysfs_create_dir e820_hole_size __srcu_notifier_call_chain e820 acpi_ns_initialize_devices e1000e_read_phy_reg_bm proc_sys_init isofs_dir_operations show_unhandled_signals rcu_check_callbacks kd_mksound security_sb_statfs die ip6_frag_mem vc_cons acpi_processor_power_exit ath5k_hw_nic_wakeup scsi_device_quiesce sata_deb_timing_normal follow_huge_pud __inet6_hash nr_all_pages out_of_line_wait_on_bit_lock netlbl_audit_start_common mon_ops acpi_rs_convert_ext_irq __bitmap_xor security_ptrace_traceme e820_end_of_ram_pfn xfrm4_output nf_nat_sdp_media_hook elv_abort_queue shm_exit_ns netlbl_domhsh_getentry_af4 netlbl_cfg_map_del usb_put_hcd sys_sendmsg mutex_lock_killable pci_hp_deregister drm_agp_free ieee80211_stop_queues ei_interrupt kobject_create_and_add set_cpu_present sysfs_dir_inode_operations down_read strcmp i915_gem_unpin_ioctl prop_fraction_percpu sys_quotactl ieee80211_process_delba sysfs_dev_char_kobj skb_trim usb_devio_init nf_hook_slow sys_pselect6 sysdev_shutdown alloc_null_binding __blk_run_queue __mmdrop mutex_trylock acct_auto_close pci_mem_start acpi_gbl_FADT __starget_for_each_device acpi_rs_convert_end_tag try_to_release_page unregister_quota_format clockevents_handle_noop pcix_get_mmrbc iov_iter_fault_in_readable unpin_inotify_watch __copy_from_user_ll_nozero sock_enable_timestamp fib_hash_init e1000e_free_rx_resources tick_check_oneshot_change cn_del_callback schedule_tail pnp_unregister_driver yaffs_CalcTagsECC inode_setattr posix_timer_event vdso_enabled sk_chk_filter netlbl_cfg_cipsov4_del input_inject_event dm_get usbhid_lookup_quirk per_cpu__rcu_bh_data acpi_ns_get_parent_node i2c_add_adapter hid_input_report blk_get_backing_dev_info nf_nat_sip_hook tty_set_operations nftl_write_oob hcd_buffer_free acct_collect sata_pmp_attach usb_get_hcd tick_usec saved_magic pcmcia_error_ret nr_running __kprobes_text_start key_serial_lock do_pipe plist_del __delayacct_freepages_end skb_cow_data drm_connector_cleanup hid_debug rb_replace_node ata_set_mode cancel_dirty_page inotify_remove_watch_locked skb_unlink dm_rh_flush __filemap_fdatawrite_range user_disable_single_step nf_ct_unlink_expect sysctl_tcp_window_scaling lookup_bdev fat_remove_entries ata_pio_queue_task tcp_send_delayed_ack acpi_bus_type register_mtd_blktrans insert_inode_locked4 unregister_netdevice_notifier strnchr inetdev_by_index schedule_on_each_cpu __secure_computing acpi_ut_get_descriptor_name elv_may_queue nf_conntrack_free fb_notifier_call_chain cpufreq_driver_target cpufreq_quick_get xt_replace_table tty_unregister_ldisc jiffies sock_no_poll ipv4_doint_and_flush acpi_ut_release_mutex iscsi_lookup_endpoint nonseekable_open read_current_timer ata_sg_init security_socket_connect nandmtd1_ReadChunkWithTagsFromNAND security_sb_parse_opts_str user_enable_block_step do_getitimer unregister_jprobes fb_copy_cmap sys_getcwd netif_napi_del add_partition ip_mr_input acpi_ex_do_logical_op inet6_csk_xmit acpi_bus_set_power acpi_ns_detach_object acpi_rs_set_srs_method_data yaffs_IsManagedTempBuffer __sysctl_head_next sys_poll ata_host_alloc_pinfo pcmcia_read_cis_mem free_pipe_info drm_ati_pcigart_init sync_dquots init_struct_pid nf_conntrack_l3proto_unregister mmc_register_driver proc_tty_register_driver adjust_resource set_page_dirty pm_idle console_driver dev_attr_em_message nf_conntrack_l4proto_tcp4 ieee80211_mlme_notify_scan_completed vcs_init i915_driver_irq_handler mnt_drop_write disallow_signal ip_dev_find fb_firmware_edid acpi_ds_create_bank_field __dst_free xfrm_policy_delete tcp_current_mss relay_switch_subbuf scsi_print_command sk_common_release e1000_free_all_tx_resources proc_net_fops_create icmpv6_param_prob acpi_notifier_call_chain msg_init task_sched_runtime iret_exc ei_netdev_ops blk_ordered_cur_seq nf_iterate pci_dev_driver ata_scsi_hotplug nf_nat_proto_in_range cfg80211_wext_siwmode cpu_detect VDSO32_vsyscall sys_futimesat xfrm_ealg_get_byidx xfrm6_fini vgacon_text_mode_force blk_alloc_queue_node page_evictable acpi_gbl_highest_dstate_names neigh_parms_release arp_init ata_eh_autopsy part_stat_show e1000e_copper_link_setup_m88 dnotify_flush kstrdup neigh_lookup_nodev rawv6_init ath5k_hw_release_tx_queue blk_trace_setup try_set_zone_oom sys_setgid16 acpi_ev_create_gpe_block tty_vhangup_self dst_alloc tcp_check_req ipv6_find_tlv i915_gem_pwrite_ioctl i8253_lock usb_destroy_configuration sata_scr_valid usb_stor_Bulk_transport acpi_ns_valid_root_prefix sysctl_nr_open_max acpi_ex_release_global_lock loop_register_transfer mmc_register_host_class security_inode_create sys_fdatasync dm_rh_region_context early_ioremap inet_csk_listen_start acpi_ut_init_globals poll_schedule_timeout vma_merge phys_mem_access_prot sys_madvise udp_destroy_sock k8_northbridges usb_hcd_submit_urb devpts_kill_index account_steal_ticks hrtimer_run_pending ipv6_exthdrs_init scsi_adjust_queue_depth allocate_resource copy_net_ns __rta_fill acpi_ns_report_error swap_writepage per_cpu__tick_cpu_device tcp_init_cwnd ipv6_dev_ac_inc dm_get_geometry sysfs_remove_group __end_rodata efi_partition si_meminfo init_nsproxy __cpufreq_driver_target chrdev_init register_jprobe scsi_execute sys_tgkill unregister_vt_notifier memory_setup rtnetlink_send ieee80211_sta_get_rates usb_unlink_urb cancel_freezing in_dev_finish_destroy pnp_stop_dev pccard_nonstatic_ops override_creds kclist_add sys_lremovexattr seq_read pcmcia_request_io i2c_release_client old_select pci_remove_sysfs_dev_files pcmcia_request_configuration inotify_clone_watch generic_file_aio_write ramfs_get_sb get_jiffies_64 get_cpu_idle_time_us acpi_gbl_exception_names_tbl drm_agp_chipset_flush dm_disk usbhid_wait_io ns_to_timespec cookie_init_timestamp tcp_orphan_count ata_port_desc usb_major_init mmc_register_bus scatterwalk_map_and_copy free_area_init_node strncpy_from_user param_array_set ipv6_renew_options tty_class debugfs_remove_recursive acpi_ex_unload_table revalidate_disk sysctl_max_syn_backlog tty_ldisc_release disk_part_iter_exit sched_destroy_group mdiobus_unregister sata_scr_read mmc_send_relative_addr sys_timerfd_create skb_realloc_headroom pnp_add_io_resource ata_sas_port_init acpi_ex_opcode_1A_1T_1R acpi_get_devices i915_vblank_pipe_get max_mapnr unsynchronized_tsc sprintf fddi_change_mtu ps2_drain udplitev6_prot __FIXADDR_TOP skcipher_null_givdecrypt sys_tkill reserve_early_overlap_ok warn_no_part xfrm_cfg_mutex acpi_ds_create_node get_expired_time sysfs_remove_subdir blk_start_queue init_fpu tty_port_close_start idr_for_each drm_mode_attachmode_ioctl pcmcia_access_configuration_register mmc_vddrange_to_ocrmask raw_unhash_sk ieee80211_clear_tx_pending ieee80211_frame_duration phy_start_interrupts redirty_page_for_writepage acpi_ex_resolve_object tty_write_unlock wake_unlock acpi_ns_build_external_path skb_partial_csum_set may_umount work_with_active_regions wakeup_pmode_return acpi_set_current_resources input_register_handler sys_newuname security_socket_getsockopt sock_rfree ata_scsi_simulate map_swap_page debug_locks_off intelfb_restore mon_bin_init __crypto_alloc_tfm lru_cache_add_lru exit_task_namespaces jprobe_return crypto_aead_type tty_devnum acpi_ex_create_method xt_find_table_lock pci_find_next_capability scsi_scan_target path_get __netdev_watchdog_up devres_release_all mon_bin_exit security_shm_free xfrm_state_unregister_afinfo udpv6_setsockopt ieee80211_led_assoc nand_correct_data acpi_ut_divide dm_swap_table iowrite16_rep get_filesystem global_clock_event cookie_v4_init_sequence __ieee80211_get_assoc_led_name shift_ctrl_map e1000_mng_write_dhcp_info files_lock debugfs_rename next_zone register_keyboard_notifier remove_inode_buffers plain_map flush_thread exit_files ata_sff_data_xfer32 strcspn acpi_processor_cst_has_changed acpi_get_table generic_setxattr kretprobe_trampoline inet6_getname ath5k_hw_radio_revision e1000e_led_on_generic nf_conntrack_helper_fini pnp_add_id add_mtd_blktrans_dev __blk_complete_request display_cacheinfo sock_i_ino __do_SAK handle_edge_irq fib_validate_source acpi_ex_insert_into_field keyctl_assume_authority sys_restart_syscall sys_setresgid16 sk_detach_filter usb_stor_sense_invalidCDB dma_pool_destroy kprobe_exceptions_notify yaffs_InitialiseNAND netdev_run_todo sr_disk_status usb_hcd_disable_endpoint unlock_buffer dm_kcopyd_copy call_rcu rate_control_alloc usb_get_urb scatterwalk_copychunks pci_enable_resources acpi_bus_receive_event ath5k_hw_phy_disable dm_open_count machine_ops ata_sff_port_ops ist_info gnet_stats_copy_basic unregister_md_personality ipc_free group_send_sig_info acpi_enable_event security_inode_alloc bvec_alloc_bs get_pfn_range_for_nid security_task_getpgid tsc_khz inet_sk_rebuild_header put_pages_list dmi_match vfs_symlink sys_fcntl64 memcpy_fromiovecend acpi_os_get_timer drm_ht_remove_item pci_bus_alloc_resource acpi_rs_move_data tty_get_pgrp setup_bootmem_allocator acpi_hw_register_write pcmcia_release_configuration pg0 udp_v4_get_port acpi_ps_cleanup_scope posix_cpu_clock_get handle_fasteoi_irq debugfs_create_file acpi_ps_alloc_op scsi_execute_req sys_rt_sigtimedwait drm_pci_free rtc_dev_del_device edac_atomic_assert_error find_low_pfn_range dev_unicast_delete ip6_xmit ath5k_hw_get_rxdp nf_ct_port_nlattr_to_tuple pcibios_disable_device acpi_osi_setup __scm_send e1000_init_eeprom_params sys_old_getrlimit tty_prepare_flip_string drm_agp_info_ioctl reserve_bootmem_generic send_sigio init_idle_bootup_task kernel_listen acpi_ps_get_opcode_size drm_encoder_init ata_host_resume crypto_spawn_tfm blocking_notifier_chain_unregister set_memory_nx klist_add_before nf_ct_expect_max ip_rt_ioctl pci_bus_assign_resources fsync_super num_var_ranges phy_start_machine igrab request_dma tcp_is_cwnd_limited i915_max_ioctl lru_add_drain security_task_movememory agp3_generic_tlbflush drm_proc_cleanup inet_del_protocol acpi_rs_set_resource_length e1000_init_hw ata_id_c_string __stop___ksymtab yaffs_ECCCalculateOther tick_clock_notify nf_nat_irc_hook param_set_int pci_pme_capable cpuidle_unregister_driver acpi_ex_opcode_6A_0T_1R put_tty_driver rcu_barrier_bh tcp_v4_nuke_addr acpi_gbl_region_types writeback_in_progress drm_addbufs_pci i2c_new_probed_device unblock_all_signals ktime_get_real pci_bus_write_config_word acpi_ex_opcode_2A_0T_0R pnp_res_mutex inotify_evict_watch swap_readpage neigh_destroy sysctl_local_ports acpi_dmi_osi_linux ip6_ra_chain pcie_get_readrq getconsxy drm_vblank_init ath5k_hw_rfregs free_all_bootmem timer_ack spi_attach_transport dm_register_target hugetlb_get_unmapped_area __get_user_1 agp_generic_remove_memory nfulnl_log_packet dm_stripe_init skcipher_null_givencrypt radix_tree_gang_lookup_slot atomic_notifier_chain_unregister vfree setup_memory_map nand_release fat_add_entries neigh_changeaddr ieee80211_crypto_tkip_decrypt add_mtd_partitions generic_read_dir devpts_new_index __start_rio_route_ops netdev_budget blk_run_queue de_get __generic_unplug_device monotonic_to_bootbased kobject_del udp_err pci_enable_wake cdrom_open unregister_chrdev_region page_symlink_inode_operations sysfs_put_active_two nf_conntrack_set_hashsize acpi_ev_delete_gpe_block acpi_ds_build_internal_package_obj ath5k_hw_set_imr inotify_d_move have_submounts install_special_mapping ieee80211_scan_rx acpi_set_firmware_waking_vector64 panic_blink acpi_ns_attach_object e1000_write_phy_reg bvec_free_bs sys_get_thread_area timer_interrupt ata_pci_sff_prepare_host ieee80211_wep_free serio_interrupt raise_softirq_irqoff __kernel_text_address acpi_table_init ieee80211_bss_info_change_notify fb_get_color_depth mmput scsilun_to_int i2c_put_adapter search_process_keyrings yaffs_mtdif_c_version yaffs_CheckpointRestore nf_register_hook tty_port_carrier_raised show_trace fat_sync_inode get_swap_page_of_type sched_getaffinity cipso_v4_skbuff_delattr ieee80211_scan_completed acpi_ds_evaluate_name_path agp_find_private acpi_ex_opcode_3A_0T_0R ath5k_hw_set_mcast_filter_idx crypto_hash_walk_done keyring_search ioread16_rep i915_user_irq_get usb_hcd_giveback_urb sys_setreuid16 dmi_check_skip_isa_align pnp_device_attach aio_complete nr_pdflush_threads testmgr_init init_emergency_isa_pool nfnl_lock pnp_cards __scsi_get_command ieee80211_iterate_active_interfaces_atomic iscsi_destroy_session ata_scsi_error attempt_back_merge crypto_shash_final rename_lock hweight32 vfs_fsync relay_flush sys_msgctl acpi_gbl_device_notify debugfs_create_x32 do_spurious_interrupt_bug ieee80211_radiotap_iterator_next super_blocks __supported_pte_mask inet6_register_protosw acpi_ex_opcode_2A_2T_1R tty_buffer_request_room drm_core_ioremap acpi_tb_terminate drm_rmmap find_user hrtimer_get_res tcp_v4_init blank_transport_template strsep hpet_set_rtc_irq_bit __parainstructions_end ieee80211_wep_encrypt_data set_memory_array_wb devinet_init fib6_rule_lookup ieee80211_requeue mmc_set_timing block_dump sys_ioperm icmpv6_err_convert fl6_merge_options sys_futex unmask_8259A acpi_ex_opcode_0A_0T_1R free_proc_entry acpi_gbl_global_lock_mutex set_dumpable ret_from_fork mutex_unlock drm_mode_validate_clocks open_softirq attribute_container_unregister sd_read_protection_type ata_port_disable crypto_shash_finup intel_get_crtc_from_pipe strict_strtoull unlock_super __lock_page_nosync valid_swaphandles nr_processes generic_drop_inode alloc_uid cancel_delayed_work_sync acpi_sci_flags acpi_ds_get_buffer_field_arguments crypto_blkcipher_type plist_add inet6_release __start_pci_fixups_early blk_free_tags security_file_alloc sr_set_blocklength get_joliet_filename csum_partial_copy_fromiovecend intel_lvds_init set_mm_exe_file prepare_to_wait_exclusive acpi_ut_strtoul64 fib_default_rule_add cipso_v4_cache_bucketsize ata_sff_data_xfer_noirq usb_hub_cleanup sock_create_kern text_poke i915_gem_pin_ioctl bus_remove_driver ei_set_multicast_list add_to_page_cache_lru resume_userspace fb_delete_videomode nr_ipc_ns inet_sendmsg xfrm_dst_ifdown ata_bmdma_status hugetlb_vm_ops tracepoint_iter_next netdev_boot_setup udp_lib_setsockopt binder_transaction_log_failed sys_get_mempolicy x86_ptrace_untrace proc_tty_init cipso_v4_skbuff_setattr netlbl_unlabel_init user_update do_coprocessor_error signals_init names_cachep udpv6_prot security_msg_queue_associate vfs_readlink cipso_v4_cache_invalidate anon_transport_class_register led_classdev_resume bitmap_find_free_region ata_base_port_ops mmc_io_rw_direct out_of_memory linkwatch_fire_event cfb_fillrect ieee80211_if_add acpi_ds_method_data_get_value wake_bit_function phy_config_interrupt blocking_notifier_chain_cond_register rd_prompt acpi_bus_unregister_driver destroy_inode try_acquire_console_sem fib6_run_gc pcmcia_validate_mem md_new_event crypto_alg_list dirty_background_ratio_handler update_wall_time inet_proto_csum_replace4 security_socket_getsockname groups_free tty_register_driver dm_vcalloc blk_queue_stack_limits dm_table_create vfs_mknod nf_nat_mangle_tcp_packet pci_user_read_config_byte security_ipc_permission acpi_ds_get_package_arguments get_fs_type do_sigaltstack sys_sync_file_range2 thread_group_cputimer lookup_symbol_name ipv6_dup_options __start_pci_fixups_header arp_ifdown acpi_install_table_handler do_sigaction sys_mlockall keyboard_tasklet kretprobe_blacklist_size acpi_ds_store_object_to_local e1000e_force_mac_fc unlink_file_vma pci_direct_conf2 pci_release_regions acpi_gbl_breakpoint_walk kswapd_run yaffs_InitialiseTags sys_pwrite64 netlink_unregister_notifier phy_driver_unregister sys_splice do_truncate sys_spu_create __const_udelay iowrite16be init_user_ns pm_qos_add_requirement find_keyring_by_name yaffs_FindObjectByNumber __devm_release_region pid_max_min nl80211_notify_dev_rename scsi_times_out dma_generic_alloc_coherent drm_mode_detachmode_crtc page_address_in_vma nf_reinject acpi_processor_resume ata_timing_compute no_iommu_init acpi_bus_data_handler acpi_ut_create_pkg_state_and_push driver_for_each_device e1000e_clear_vfta update_process_times unix_inflight scsi_mode_select user_read sysctl_tcp_ecn iscsi_unregister_transport acpi_remove_gpe_handler early_dump_pci_device scan_unevictable_unregister_node acpi_get_object_info drm_vblank_cleanup div_s64_rem pcmcia_parse_tuple usb_hcd_flush_endpoint register_binfmt inotify_add_watch parse_early_param e1000e_get_cable_length_igp_2 call_netdevice_notifiers agp_generic_create_gatt_table drm_get_dvi_i_subconnector_name scsi_print_sense iscsi_create_session neigh_seq_stop pskb_put usb_create_sysfs_dev_files generic_acl_init devres_free intelfb_resize strnicmp syscall_trace_enter vfs_path_lookup __stop___kcrctab_gpl __nf_conntrack_helper_find_byname ieee80211_tkip_add_iv iscsi_unblock_session dentry_open ppc_rtas shmem_permission do_sys_times ip6_input pnp_register_port_resource usb_detect_quirks rwsem_down_write_failed compat_irq_chip_set_default_handler ieee80211_if_change_type blk_free_devt rtc_irq_set_state __kill_fasync zisofs_init dm_get_from_kobject drm_sysfs_destroy d_find_alias alloc_pid kset_find_obj dev_set_allmulti xfrm6_output crypto_init_spawn nf_ct_expect_init agp_free_memory_wrap root_key_user saved_eip vfs_follow_link invalidate_inode_pages2 copy_hugetlb_page_range x86_dma_fallback_dev ieee80211_tkip_decrypt_data preset_lpj nf_hooks acpi_thermal_cpufreq_init pcibios_scanned acpi_ut_valid_internal_object interrupt seq_path_root fpregs_get shmem_acl_init delayacct_on acpi_ds_method_data_init_args list_sort usb_new_device mmc_sd_switch sys_getitimer nf_ct_attach init_cpu_possible __ipv6_dev_ac_dec xfrm6_input_addr acpi_evaluate_object param_get_short skb_recv_datagram acpi_ut_create_internal_object_dbg input_ff_create crypto_shoot_alg sys_sync_file_range yaffs_PackTags1 sg_next cipso_v4_rbm_strictvalid ieee80211_key_todo rtc_dev_init dm_region_hash_create swsusp_pg_dir ieee80211_channel_to_frequency acpi_rs_convert_dma filp_close dfont_unicount ata_exec_internal_sg usb_buffer_map_sg block_read_full_page tcp_v4_destroy_sock ndisc_mc_map ieee80211_unregister_hw __tracepoint_block_sleeprq drain_all_pages xfrm_bundle_ok pm_set_vt_switch ipv6_get_ifaddr usb_deauthorize_device sys_getresgid16 pcmcia_socket_class pcmcia_reset_card sys_oldumount ip_options_undo tcp6_proc_exit mdiobus_write dget_locked __alloc_bootmem_nopanic pci_dev_get pccard_get_tuple_data xsave_init pcmcia_write_cis_mem cpu_all_bits pneigh_enqueue i915_gem_sw_finish_ioctl __ndelay module_get_kallsym nmi_shootdown_cpus yaffs_MknodSpecial generic_file_aio_write_nolock kmemdup __initramfs_start d_materialise_unique rcu_init sata_pmp_qc_defer_cmd_switch bitmap_unplug sysctl_tcp_keepalive_intvl hidraw_exit sched_setaffinity ata_acpi_on_devcfg wake_lock pmd_clear_bad queue_work drm_agp_alloc_ioctl e1000_pcix_get_mmrbc match_token task_nice snmp_mib_init security_task_getioprio ieee80211_tx_skb acpi_ds_exec_begin_control_op mempool_destroy usb_scuttle_anchored_urbs get_options __ip_local_out drm_mode_rmfb led_trigger_show udp_memory_allocated task_tgid_nr_ns paging_init register_8022_client input_ff_destroy removed_exe_file_vma pci_get_class security_sem_alloc ktime_add_safe sys_mprotect hidraw_connect __get_user_4 acpi_ps_get_opcode_name platform_bus_type dm_kcopyd_client_destroy elv_rb_latter_request hrtimer_nanosleep_restart stack_segment __nosave_begin sock_queue_rcv_skb inet6_csk_search_req noirqdebug kobject_set_name unlink_gendisk get_rock_ridge_filename machine_halt dev_base_lock usb_reset_configuration bitmap_endwrite transport_destroy_device e1000_check_mng_mode sdio_remove_func sys_fcntl acpi_ns_opens_scope urandom_fops shrink_dcache_for_umount prepare_to_copy device_destroy register_inet6addr_notifier sys_sigpending sys_setrlimit yaffs_GetNumberOfFreeChunks remove_proc_entry cpufreq_register_notifier radix_tree_tagged neigh_table_init ata_scsi_queuecmd usb_deregister_dev timespec_add_safe ptrace_check_attach usb_kill_urb sysdev_class_register acpi_ns_check_parameter_count ktime_get do_sync_mapping_range x86_power_flags get_kprobe pcie_port_device_remove aer_init fork_idle VDSO32_vsyscall_eh_frame_size scheduler_tick rtnl_notify ip6_forward ipv6_dev_mc_inc pci_user_write_config_dword tty_port_free_xmit_buf acpi_disable_event setup_arg_pages ipv6_parse_hopopts sys_setdomainname tty_name drm_proc_init cpuidle_curr_governor netdev_register_kobject e1000_write_eeprom key_payload_reserve phy_ethtool_gset sysdev_suspend nobh_write_begin sock_no_getname km_state_expired cancel_work_sync ioread32_rep acpi_current_gpe_count e1000_82574_info usb_buffer_free huge_boot_pages vm_area_cachep tty_termios_encode_baud_rate ath5k_hw_enable_pspoll mmc_suspend_host sys_mmap2 tty_port_hangup unshare_nsproxy_namespaces e1000e_get_cable_length_m88 netlbl_secattr_catmap_walk_rng pci_setup_cardbus rtc_set_alarm module_param_sysfs_remove compat_sys_sendmsg netif_carrier_off do_sysinfo register_netdevice_notifier acpi_remove_address_space_handler usb_stor_ufi_command scsi_kmap_atomic_sg __initcall_start acpi_terminate usbfs_mutex seq_printf e820_update_range pnp_alloc_card drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes __tracepoint_block_bio_complete fat_generic_ioctl nf_nat_used_tuple ____pagevec_lru_add coprocessor_segment_overrun sysctl_tcp_reordering pci_root_bus drm_sman_owner_clean sock_recvmsg free_memtype skb_icv_walk security_sb_post_addmount drm_core_ioremap_wc intel_sdvo_supports_hotplug __alloc_bootmem_low security_bprm_set_creds ip_ra_chain acpi_tb_parse_fadt blk_queue_max_sectors usb_stor_control_msg cap_bprm_set_creds sys_listxattr ip_xfrm_me_harder __start_builtin_fw dput down_interruptible e820_print_map e820_reserve_resources_late atapi_passthru16 ata_qc_issue sdio_add_func nf_conntrack_cleanup ipv6_sysctl_register mmc_spi_set_crc sys_spu_run sysctl_ip_dynaddr ip_send_check pcmcia_put_socket schedule_timeout_killable sys_connect kallsyms_num_syms md_write_end param_array_get drm_get_connector_name check_bugs usb_notify_remove_bus sysctl_check_table input_flush_device generic_file_aio_read input_register_polled_device get_task_comm open_bdev_exclusive sysctl_hugetlb_shm_group find_task_by_pid_ns hrtimer_get_remaining pcie_port_device_register devices_init xt_table_unlock acpi_ex_exit_interpreter ata_id_string __wait_on_bit sys_socketpair __rtnl_register pnp_register_card_driver drm_addmap_ioctl hcd_buffer_create do_mremap free_ipc_ns pat_enabled xt_proto_fini early_gdt_descr acpi_ev_disable_gpe cpufreq_freq_attr_scaling_available_freqs keyctl_get_keyring_ID move_page_tables __ratelimit generic_mii_ioctl cap_vm_enough_memory __pte_free_tlb sys_sysinfo xfrm_policy_walk acpi_bus_get_device get_wchan ipv6_frag_init mmc_alloc_card set_console ida_get_new generic_delete_inode find_next_bit clear_selection eventpoll_release_file __set_page_dirty_no_writeback schedule_work ata_dev_enable_pm sysdev_resume acpi_os_validate_address fb_parse_edid sys_timer_delete drm_mmap half_md4_transform agp_copy_info phy_stop_machine blk_dump_rq_flags touch_atime show_free_areas xfrm_state_find ethtool_op_get_sg __rt_mutex_init register_net_sysctl_rotable acpi_ev_get_gpe_device led_trigger_register register_ipcns_notifier write_boundary_block __delayacct_blkio_end input_unregister_handle __start___ex_table drm_sman_owner_cleanup tty_buffer_init skb_copy usb_get_from_anchor acpi_remove_gpe_block drm_get_encoder_name sr_cd_check usb_hcd_poll_rh_status key_user_tree _set_memory_wc ieee80211_get_bssid pci_scan_bus_with_sysdata ieee80211_hdrlen simple_strtoul dev_get_by_name utf8_wctomb interruptible_sleep_on skb_clone ip_ra_control __ipv6_isatap_ifid mtrr_usage_table kallsyms_markers acpi_ut_get_node_name acpi_ev_init_global_lock_handler init_thread_union agp_generic_type_to_mask_type tioclinux acpi_gbl_trace_method_name __tracepoint_block_getrq e1000_read_eeprom drm_agp_init security_inode_setsecurity module_add_modinfo_attrs func_table iomem_map_sanity_check __kfifo_put mtrr_del_page acpi_os_wait_semaphore e1000e_set_fc_watermarks __i2c_board_lock keyctl_keyring_clear e1000e_read_phy_reg_mdic read_pci_config_16 i915_gem_detach_phys_object mdio_bus_exit __lock_buffer backlight_device_register acpi_ns_get_type acpi_ut_valid_acpi_name sys_flock tcp_gro_complete drm_mode_sort free_task arch_pick_mmap_layout raw_seq_start match_hex nf_getsockopt ipv6_netfilter_fini usb_get_device_descriptor filemap_write_and_wait scsi_build_sense_buffer acpi_restore_state_mem nf_ct_find_expectation sys_adjtimex sys_geteuid16 cpu_callout_map vmalloc_init icmp_send parse_mtd_partitions schedule_delayed_work_on irq_entries_start __reqsk_queue_destroy drm_lock_take sysfs_rename_dir ieee80211_rts_get e1000_power_up_phy md_check_recovery acpi_tb_parse_root_table dm_rh_get_region_key dst_release drm_order shm_init_ns ignore_fpu_irq i915_irq_emit usb_driver_set_configuration set_page_dirty_lock __start_pci_fixups_final _acpi_gbl_gpe_lock sdio_free_common_cis remove_vm_area fb_init_device ll_rw_block mmap_init nf_conntrack_hash_insert taskstats_init_early netif_carrier_on _set_memory_uc acpi_hw_disable_gpe_block mtrr_add ath5k_hw_clear_mcast_filter_idx crypto_ft_tab _edata __start___param acpi_tb_delete_table do_notify_resume ata_sas_slave_configure attribute_container_add_class_device_adapter make_pages_present sk_stream_wait_connect ip_fragment page_fault sys_statfs tty_unthrottle security_unix_may_send yaffs_EraseBlockInNAND sock_getsockopt ath5k_hw_get_slot_time power_supply_remove_triggers usecs_to_jiffies mmc_wait_for_cmd kobject_uevent drm_getsareactx setjmp_pre_handler fb_add_videomode __lock_page alg_test copy_page_range sysctl_head_next udpv6_destroy_sock acpi_rs_convert_address16 sysdev_show_ulong iscsi_remove_session fat_cache_init register_kretprobes skb_copy_and_csum_dev mon_text_init request_key_async vfs_kern_mount get_signal_to_deliver proc_net_inode_operations sys_timerfd_gettime dm_table_get_mode handle_futex_death sock_release sdio_register_bus register_kprobe eth_change_mtu _end kbd_table drm_get_dpms_name pcibios_fixup_bus inotify_init_watch inode_add_to_lists kbd_rate test_set_page_writeback radix_tree_next_hole pid_nr_ns mmc_queue_map_sg vfs_llseek find_inode_number __iget part_type check_tsc_unstable addrconf_set_dstaddr acpi_suspend input_event_from_user acpi_pci_irq_disable yaffs_MknodSymLink tcp_sendpage net_ipv6_ctl_path bio_unmap_user nr_swap_pages sys_mlock acpi_ev_release_global_lock pagevec_strip usb_set_configuration __cleanup_sighand argv_free init_rootfs sys_personality sys_sched_setaffinity acpi_rs_convert_address32 no_llseek max_low_pfn_mapped xfrm_state_lookup_byaddr vmtruncate_range sys_sync xfrm4_transport_finish acpi_bus_can_wakeup sdio_claim_irq tracepoint_probe_update_all phys_mem_access_prot_allowed use_tsc_delay need_ipv4_conntrack set_dma_reserve console_print pnp_platform_devices unregister_cdrom sys_subpage_prot ipv6_route_table_template ata_scsi_slave_destroy hidinput_find_field invalidate_partition __isolate_lru_page linux_banner udpv6_queue_rcv_skb scsi_io_completion ps2_handle_response do_setitimer security_sb_alloc simple_lookup cpufreq_frequency_table_cpuinfo hugetlb_put_quota __tasklet_hi_schedule aio_nr dev_change_net_namespace i2c_transfer get_vm_area_node param_set_long acpi_ps_get_next_namepath led_trigger_set_default cookie_check_timestamp scsi_next_command md_autodetect_dev match_strdup register_kretprobe usb_devio_cleanup inode_init_early _einittext unix_tot_inflight ata_scsi_offline_dev crypto_unregister_template key_task_permission sys_stat64 e1000_setup_link fat_chain_add anon_vma_link unregister_kprobes set_pages_ro acpi_install_address_space_handler rotate_reclaimable_page power_supply_create_attrs pm_restore_console iso_date phy_prepare_link usb_remove_sysfs_dev_files set_irq_chip_data acpi_rs_set_irq ath5k_hw_set_gpio pcmcia_bus_type page_cache_async_readahead arp_tbl tcp_v4_conn_request generic_file_open utf8_mbtowc sys_getsid ipv6_icmp_sysctl_init blk_put_request zisofs_aops nf_ct_l3proto_try_module_get pci_set_dma_seg_boundary intel_dvo_init ata_host_suspend truncate_inode_pages_range trap_init_hook apply_relocate_add e1000_io_write ps2_sendbyte ipv6_route_ioctl acpi_hw_get_bit_register_info acpi_check_region module_free ipv6_dev_mc_dec writeback_set_ratelimit commit_creds acpi_set_firmware_waking_vector free_pages_exact fs_overflowuid downgrade_write acpi_gbl_fixed_event_info tty_hung_up_p scsi_target_resume sata_pmp_error_handler security_ptrace_may_access rcu_batches_completed fb_destroy_modelist rtnl_lock acpi_hw_get_mode tcp_v4_rcv sync_filesystems print_vma_addr sys_ni_syscall sys_rename acpi_pci_bind_root drm_ati_pcigart_cleanup drm_mode_connector_property_set_ioctl pcim_iomap param_set_ulong acpi_os_hotplug_execute e1000e_get_laa_state_82571 scsi_destroy_command_freelist i2c_smbus_write_byte_data mm_take_all_locks security_prepare_creds sys_sigreturn pnp_check_mem hrtimer_cancel sys_shmget __invalidate_mapping_pages pci_disable_device acpi_os_printf ata_pci_device_do_suspend sys_setresuid16 ath5k_hw_set_key ata_dev_revalidate __native_set_fixmap ata_eh_recover usb_set_device_state agp_fe pci_vpd_pci22_init vfs_dq_drop text_poke_early sysctl_tcp_retries1 e1000e_set_ethtool_ops nf_ct_get_tuplepr ps2_handle_ack fs_may_remount_ro scsi_free_command acpi_irq_penalty_init acpi_gbl_exception_names_ctrl drm_switchctx __sg_alloc_table blk_max_pfn acpi_gbl_original_dbg_layer ipv6_mc_init_dev i915_gem_proc_init usb_create_hcd blkdev_issue_flush ieee80211_configure_filter acpi_gbl_sleep_state_names clock_was_set getnstimeofday shift_map drm_irq_by_busid intel_hdmi_init crypto_grab_skcipher lock_task_sighand pci_match_id alloc_tty_driver sdio_enable_func inet_twsk_deschedule acpi_ns_internalize_name usb_disable_interface exit_sem acpi_rs_get_start_dpf acpi_initialize_objects pnp_free_resource ROOT_DEV i915_mem_destroy_heap uevent_helper klist_iter_exit bitmap_remap register_disk security_sb_copy_data register_sysrq_key get_sb_pseudo scsi_dispatch_cmd rtc_read_alarm ath5k_eeprom_read_mac acpi_gbl_integer_bit_width total_cpus is_bad_inode do_sys_settimeofday boot_cpu_data inet_csk_destroy_sock __keyring_search_one remove_inode_hash ieee80211_rx_bss_list_deinit usb_match_device sdio_writesb put_filp tcp_retransmit_skb agp_generic_free_gatt_table tcp_fragment input_ff_event e820_search_gap fat_flush_inodes acpi_ds_delete_result_if_not_used acpi_remove_table_handler ieee80211_get_mesh_hdrlen key_quota_root_maxkeys proc_dointvec ipv6_static_sysctl_unregister inet6_ifa_finish_destroy acpi_sleep_init blk_rq_bio_prep __lookup_mnt seq_puts remove_wait_queue sys_unlinkat ip6_flush_pending_frames blk_queue_bounce sys_sched_get_priority_max sys_set_robust_list fpregs_active ip_frag_mem ata_timing_merge put_inotify_watch init_8259A file_caps_enabled keventd_up sys_execve tcp_rcv_space_adjust acpi_get_physical_pci_device uhci_reset_hc sys_sched_getaffinity pci_root_ops yaffs_Root power_supply_unregister napi_complete dm_table_get_md nf_ct_alloc_hashtable udp6_proc_init ipv6_get_lladdr pcibios_set_pcie_reset_state ndisc_cleanup find_vpid mtrr_trim_uncached_memory netdev_rx_csum_fault __end_pci_fixups_enable pci_no_aer __pnp_add_device blkcipher_walk_virt_block get_dominating_id ip_ct_attach pcibios_setup intel_framebuffer_create acpi_register_gsi pci_request_region_exclusive fb_find_best_display device_shutdown log_buf_clear drm_unlock usb_remove_sysfs_intf_files platform_device_register_simple mmc_cleanup_queue __start___kcrctab_gpl sock_no_ioctl write_pci_config acpi_reset __acpi_release_global_lock unregister_exec_domain unregister_kretprobes __stop___kcrctab drm_mode_destroy nf_conntrack_helper_unregister acpi_ec_ecdt_probe acpi_ps_complete_this_op free_insn_slot acpi_ut_execute_CID invert_screen ip_mc_leave_group rtm_ipv4_policy pci_get_slot acpi_rs_convert_memory24 crypto_lookup_template __per_cpu_start tcp_write_wakeup acpi_ex_system_memory_space_handler mmc_resume_host sys_utimes send_sigtrap module_finalize free_uid lookup_symbol_attrs __dev_addr_sync pnp_auto_config_dev serio_unregister_driver dquot_mark_dquot_dirty dev_unicast_unsync single_release i915_disable_pipestat km_policy_notify fb_pan_display dm_next_uevent_seq mnt_release_group_id e1000_update_eeprom_checksum security_msg_queue_msgctl vm_unmap_aliases pci_bus_sem random_fops drm_sman_set_manager sys_exit irq_enter init_files build_ehash_secret chrdev_show yaffs_nand_c_version noirqdebug_setup block_write_begin in_aton rtnetlink_put_metrics tcp_rcv_state_process pnp_bus_type scsi_unblock_requests pcie_set_readrq acpi_ut_execute_STA cpufreq_register_governor vfs_quota_on __free_pages_bootmem ipv6_icmp_table_template errata pcmcia_eject_card mmc_set_chip_select hugetlb_change_protection tcp_done acpi_os_sleep e1000_check_options acpi_ds_initialize_objects relay_late_setup_files sys_clock_getres acpi_ns_evaluate acpi_ut_create_caches mmc_set_bus_width vma_mmu_pagesize genphy_update_link ip_rt_multicast_event acpi_get_data sanitize_e820_map sata_pmp_scr_read cpuidle_unregister_governor div64_u64 block_is_partially_uptodate sk_setup_caps crypto_alg_tested crypto_attr_alg_name sys_prctl mtrr_wrmsr compat_sys_get_mempolicy tty_set_ldisc swapper_space pnp_resource_type input_ff_create_memless absent_pages_in_range pci_disable_enabled_device acpi_os_terminate sg_copy_from_buffer inotify_get_cookie reserve_bootmem early_acpi_boot_init sysctl_tcp_mtu_probing dma_set_mask ieee80211_reset_erp_info acpi_gbl_namespace_cache screen_pos crypto_default_rng netlink_attachskb generic_splice_sendpage kick_iocb current_kernel_time grab_cache_page_nowait get_files_struct sys_inotify_rm_watch scsi_forget_host netlbl_cfg_unlbl_static_add swap_duplicate print_context_stack __pci_request_selected_regions acpi_ev_gpe_xrupt_handler shmem_zero_setup get_random_bytes i915_gem_retire_requests usb_stor_report_device_reset sk_stop_timer attribute_container_add_device seq_escape old_mmap idle_halt ipv6_opt_accepted security_capable rdwr_pipefifo_fops pid_vnr register_console ip_call_ra_chain crypto_dequeue_request acpi_disable_wakeup_device acpi_gbl_last_owner_id_index mon_text_del __wake_up_sync cpu_online_mask hrtimers_init sock_no_getsockopt ieee80211_beacon_get cpufreq_cpu_get __pte_alloc register_sysctl_root device_not_available saved_context_esp devres_find usbfs_update_special dm_target_init timed_output_dev_register generic_fh_to_parent cipso_v4_doi_walk drm_master_get acpi_save_state_mem crypto_ablkcipher_type nf_nat_unknown_protocol ethtool_op_set_tx_csum netdev_boot_setup_check session_of_pgrp napi_gro_flush drm_newctx sdvo_tv_modes acpi_os_initialize pcmcia_unregister_socket pci_direct_probe ath5k_hw_get_tx_queueprops i2c_smbus_write_word_data icmp_init drm_mode_getresources ip_build_and_send_pkt init_cred pci_walk_bus vm_swappiness unregister_kprobe netfilter_init e1000e_config_fc_after_link_up mach_reboot_fixups acpi_get_hp_hw_control_from_firmware pnp_init_resources ata_unpack_xfermask dm_kobject_uevent yaffs_RenameObject yaffs_GetFileSize xt_register_matches snmp_fold_field ipv6_sock_mc_drop reg_is_valid_request hid_resolv_event send_sig compat_sys_mq_notify sys_removexattr file_ra_state_init udp_table_init dm_rh_inc_pending __skb_checksum_complete_head nf_conntrack_acct_init e1000e_reset_adaptive e1000e_release_nvm yaffs_auto_checkpoint acpi_gsi_to_irq rt6_dump_route thermal_cooling_device_unregister tty_do_resize security_sb_check_sb save_i387_xstate ieee80211_sta_set_ssid proc_net_init jiffies_to_timeval sys_gettimeofday acpi_ps_delete_parse_tree hcd_bus_resume hid_parse_report blk_rq_map_user_iov security_file_mprotect xfpregs_get acpi_ut_copy_iobject_to_iobject usb_stor_access_xfer_buf sysfs_create_link_nowarn iscsi_block_session security_socket_post_accept unregister_net_sysctl_table set_security_override sys_getresuid early_quirks ip_local_out security_task_setrlimit __acpi_map_table acpi_gbl_events_initialized tty_put_char set_migratetype_isolate insert_vm_struct vdso32_syscall_start ndisc_init ip6_mc_msfilter use_spi_crc sys_sched_setparam sys_fchmod irq_to_desc udp_setsockopt raw_local_deliver blk_queue_dma_pad free_thread_xstate pci_disable_rom dev_gro_receive block_invalidatepage mlock_vma_pages_range pcmcia_find_mem_region simple_release_fs __alt_instructions_end is_vsmp_box nand_update_bbt posix_cpu_timers_exit vfs_link module_bug_cleanup cfg80211_drv_list acpi_tb_resize_root_table_list tcp4_gro_complete sys_select ath5k_hw_get_ack_timeout pcmcia_cleanup_ioctl posix_acl_to_xattr acpi_gbl_state_cache autoremove_wake_function sys_delete_module sys_ioprio_get tcp_trim_head acpi_ut_copy_iobject_to_eobject elv_completed_request hrtimer_run_queues vmware_platform crypto_mod_put aio_max_nr enable_8259A_irq if6_proc_exit skb_dma_unmap debugfs_file_operations acpi_ut_add_reference atapi_cmd_type vfs_stat sys_stime sys_mremap acpi_ns_check_for_predefined_name scsi_get_command __con_initcall_end cpufreq_frequency_table_put_attr simple_sync_file pnp_activate_dev binder_transaction_log proc_smaps_operations tty_ldiscs_proc_fops tracepoint_iter_stop vc_resize usb_stor_bulk_transfer_buf vfs_dq_quota_on_remount sys_setitimer ath5k_hw_get_txdp usb_device_type security_bprm_committing_creds proc_subdir_lock netlink_register_notifier sched_create_group inet6_lookup_listener copy_io_context netpoll_cleanup __start___bug_table sock_no_setsockopt e1000e_write_phy_reg_bm2 tty_port_close_end usb_stor_set_xfer_buf signal_fault intel_encoder_prepare mtd_table_mutex change_mnt_propagation kallsyms_names seq_release_private fb_cmap_to_user acpi_bus_private_data_handler con_buf dm_interface_exit cap_netlink_send def_chr_fops bdev_read_only __tracepoint_block_bio_bounce acpi_hw_low_disable_gpe security_inode_mknod end_buffer_write_sync __ata_qc_complete congestion_wait arch_get_unmapped_area seq_open set_mtrr_done yaffs_traceMask tick_do_timer_cpu netlink_detachskb propagate_umount genl_unregister_family register_inetaddr_notifier acpi_ex_get_object_reference get_current_tty usb_init_urb get_vfs_caps_from_disk arch_dup_task_struct inet6_add_protocol acpi_processor_set_thermal_limit core_sys_select match_octal usb_notify_remove_device simple_write_end reserve_ebda_region nvram_check_checksum cap_task_setscheduler security_init key_type_user sdio_unregister_bus unregister_module_notifier add_input_randomness kill_anon_super alloc_io_context tcp_cwnd_application_limited grab_swap_token devm_kzalloc ath5k_hw_disable_pspoll print_tainted change_floppy acpi_install_notify_handler find_get_pages_contig mmc_free_host dma_release_declared_memory panic_on_oops xt_check_target rtc_set_time stop_this_cpu ieee80211_frequency_to_channel fat_subdirs pcmcia_register_driver usb_ep0_reinit prepare_kernel_cred sys_newstat bd_release ip_mc_gsfget ip_rt_get_source netlbl_unlhsh_add ata_eh_qc_retry hrtimer_forward init_mm dev_disable_lro drm_getunique pcim_iomap_table relay_file_operations __nf_ct_refresh_acct i2c_register_board_info dma_mark_declared_memory_occupied e1000_setup_all_rx_resources mmc_send_status ieee80211_monitor_start_xmit acpi_ds_push_walk_state update_e820 led_classdev_register usb_register_notify yaffs_ReleaseTempBuffer security_inet_conn_established security_sb_post_pivotroot make_8259A_irq sysctl_tcp_syn_retries free_bootmem i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data security_file_permission posix_acl_create_masq fb_get_buffer_offset iget5_locked user_enable_single_step pnp_check_port blk_plug_device posix_acl_clone free_bootmem_node genphy_read_status input_release_device sys_fchown16 __handle_sysrq nandmtd_ReadChunkFromNAND dmi_alloc_index e1000_read_phy_reg dmi_check_pciprobe search_binary_handler arch_randomize_brk ip_setsockopt snmp6_unregister_dev mmap_min_addr sys_getpeername k_handler acpi_ev_io_space_region_setup i2c_del_driver do_settimeofday xfrm_state_init security_shm_associate suspend_console fib_select_multipath security_secctx_to_secid prepare_exec_creds igmp_mc_proc_init idt_table e1000e_enable_tx_pkt_filtering sys_getrusage invalidate_inodes inode_init boot_gdt acpi_set_gpe_type drm_mode_config_cleanup rtc_device_unregister ec_burst_enable acpi_ds_get_predicate_value disable_irq_nosync sata_sff_hardreset usb_hcd_pci_remove security_kernel_act_as set_memory_ro ata_port_alloc ata_acpi_on_resume register_chrdev_region bootloader_type ieee80211_led_tx filemap_write_and_wait_range pci_device_add acpi_unregister_gsi skb_gro_receive pnp_lock thread_group_sched_runtime neigh_sysctl_register inet_twsk_put sys_timer_create nf_ct_expect_related __raw_notifier_call_chain rate_control_put pcibios_scan_root scsi_bios_ptable scsi_remove_device usb_hcd_get_frame_number ipv6_local_error pci_unmap_rom __scsi_print_command xfrm_state_update scsi_block_requests i2c_detach_client fat_get_cluster wake_lock_destroy cyrix_init_mtrr acpi_ev_terminate blk_abort_request proc_lookup parse_rock_ridge_inode sys_sched_getscheduler acpi_gbl_root_node bio_copy_user_iov vdso32_int80_end do_coprocessor_segment_overrun skb_pad acpi_gbl_aml_op_info usb_stor_ucr61s2b_init usermodehelper_disable ipv6_chk_addr task_delta_exec get_next_timer_interrupt __wait_on_bit_lock net_assign_generic vfs_quota_sync xfrm4_state_init udp_v6_get_port kset_register dquot_acquire llc_rcv xfrm_unregister_type agp3_generic_configure gm45_get_vblank_counter dm_io hid_compat_a4tech blkcipher_walk_phys security_task_getscheduler security_task_prctl compat_sys_mq_timedreceive inet_unhash acpi_install_fixed_event_handler cdrom_number_of_slots dm_dirty_log_type_unregister page_remove_rmap sched_init acpi_ut_create_generic_state acpi_gbl_mutex_info nf_nat_protocol_register usb_if_device_type remap_vmalloc_range apm_info handle_sysrq strspn apply_relocate acpi_ds_delete_walk_state yaffs_get_inode kprobe_flush_task do_overflow pnp_global framebuffer_release deny_write_access has_wake_lock noop_qdisc_ops ip6_route_add acpi_ns_create_node set_selection dm_get_device __start___tracepoints show_registers in6addr_linklocal_allnodes blk_trace_ioctl blk_unregister_region filemap_fdatawait __tracepoint_sched_process_fork rcu_barrier finish_e820_parsing dev_get_flags genl_sock cdev_put qdisc_reset ip6_ins_rt scsi_show_extd_sense module_get_iter_tracepoints led_trigger_event free_cold_page bmap in_egroup_p proc_exit_connector acpi_reboot ip_route_output_key icmpv6_cleanup acpi_gbl_trace_flags dm_rh_get_state hiddev_hid_event sha_init yaffs_SetAttributes activate_page sighand_cachep device_release_driver e1000_setup_led __key_link free_swap_and_cache sysctl_tcp_mem ipv6_getsockopt acpi_evaluate_integer con_get_unimap release_resource __round_jiffies_relative tty_init_dev module_update_markers _stext fb_register_client ata_eh_fastdrain_timerfn mon_lock schedule_timeout_uninterruptible kbd_sysrq_xlate dmam_declare_coherent_memory sysfs_dev_block_kobj ipc_get_maxid system_call acct_process compat_sys_mq_open tcp_poll set_memory_wc lock_policy_rwsem_read user_match vfs_get_dqinfo sys_getgid16 michael_mic cap_task_prctl free_dma ct_sip_parse_request mdiobus_scan can_nice set_pci_bus_resources_arch_default bd_claim_by_disk free_fdtable_rcu strlen acpi_ut_dump_buffer eventfd_signal proc_symlink ip_mroute_getsockopt usb_remove_hcd sys_io_getevents iomem_resource sysctl_ip_nonlocal_bind con_get_cmap put_fs_struct __alt_instructions bridge_tunnel_header usb_sg_wait wake_up_bit accent_table del_timer blk_set_cmd_filter_defaults block_depr ieee80211_rx_bss_put dummy_con init_cdrom_command security_vm_enough_memory raw_pci_ext_ops acpi_ds_obj_stack_pop tty_encode_baud_rate devres_get sys_pipe ipv6_sysctl_unregister want_console timespec_trunc __start_pci_fixups_enable devpts_get_tty udp_init i915_enable_irq i915_gem_object_set_to_gtt_domain copy_siginfo_to_user i915_gem_retire_work_handler init_timer_deferrable sys_rmdir call_netevent_notifiers ip_icmp_error security_msg_msg_alloc security_inode_symlink ip_getsockopt ipv6_static_sysctl_register __prop_inc_percpu_max get_task_pid printk_all_partitions inet_peer_minttl con_buf_mtx dev_attr_sw_activity rt_mutex_lock_interruptible udp_recvmsg netlbl_skbuff_setattr __page_symlink platform_notify acpi_os_release_lock phy_stop security_inode_setxattr nandmtd2_QueryNANDBlock do_page_cache_readahead round_jiffies nf_conntrack_helper_register __napi_complete suid_dumpable sysfs_assoc_lock sys_ipc __alloc_bootmem_node prctl_get_seccomp schedule_hrtimeout rtnl_unregister e1000e_copper_link_setup_igp ath5k_hw_set_cts_timeout ata_dev_phys_link kernel_restart_prepare gen_estimator_active drm_rmmap_ioctl prop_local_init_single sys_ustat inet6_csk_bind_conflict pci_block_user_cfg_access __bitmap_shift_right lookup_user_key vm_unmap_ram walk_page_range acpi_ns_get_pathname_length ipc_lock report_bug ata_pci_remove_one dm_set_mdptr putback_lru_page set_mtrr_ops xfrm_policy_insert security_file_fcntl proc_fork_connector acpi_ut_evaluate_object acpi_ex_store generic_write_checks acpi_ev_default_region_setup pnp_interface_attrs ath5k_hw_set_bssid_mask blk_rq_bytes xstate_size drm_ctxbitmap_free cpufreq_frequency_table_verify vma_wants_writenotify vmalloc_32_user min_free_kbytes sys_stat mxcsr_feature_mask_init sock_create_lite ndisc_rcv get_gendisk dqget skb_append nf_queue clock acpi_ns_search_and_enter agp_generic_find_bridge inotify_find_update_watch nr_context_switches param_get_int register_module_notifier sys_symlink inode_permission C_A_D ack_bad_irq initcall_debug agp_3_5_enable input_unregister_polled_device xfrm_init_state tty_ldisc_begin vfs_readdir sparse_memory_present_with_active_regions skb_split drm_setversion pnp_fixup_device marker_probe_unregister e820_setup_gap acpi_ex_resolve_to_value scsi_normalize_sense blk_queue_invalidate_tags i915_gem_init_ioctl scsi_track_queue_full ata_acpi_set_state key_lookup dev_activate lookup_module_symbol_name xt_find_revision acpi_ds_eval_data_object_operands acpi_device_sleep_wake sysfs_add_file_mode release_vm86_irqs xfrm_policy_register_afinfo tcp_prot tcp_send_active_reset per_cpu__kstat i2c_smbus_read_byte_data blk_queue_free_tags vm_dirty_bytes trap_init ipv6_mc_down agp_generic_alloc_page dqput debugfs_create_u8 cipso_v4_doi_free __anon_vma_merge sbf_port single_open pci_pcbios_init acpi_ut_get_object_type_name pcim_enable_device key_update security_socket_getpeername bio_alloc change_pid ipv6_exthdrs_exit hid_compat_logitech ath5k_hw_init_beacon call_rwsem_downgrade_wake i915_enable_vblank e1000e_check_for_serdes_link may_expand_vm acpi_ex_acquire_mutex e1000e_phy_force_speed_duplex_igp scsi_host_alloc mmc_detect_change modprobe_path __delayacct_freepages_start xlate_dev_mem_ptr yaffs_PackTags2TagsPart lease_get_mtime update_console_cmdline register_sysctl_table pcmcia_get_socket_by_nr hid_compat_cherry crypto_check_attr_type memmap_init_zone vm_committed_space kernel_restart strchr acpi_os_signal_semaphore scsi_prep_state_check __mnt_is_readonly unregister_netdevice filemap_fault hpet_unregister_irq_handler cipso_v4_sock_delattr pci_cardbus_mem_size ioremap_wc ipv6_sock_mc_close ramfs_file_inode_operations do_stack_segment netlink_getsockbyfilp rtc_time_to_tm drm_setsareactx usb_altnum_to_altsetting memparse netlbl_secattr_catmap_setrng xfrm_calg_get_byname acpi_remove_notify_handler start_tty crypto_alloc_shash proc_pagemap_operations vmalloc wiphy_sysfs_init drm_sman_free_key mmc_go_idle sys_chroot scsi_init_devinfo scsi_sysfs_add_host __set_page_dirty_nobuffers ptrace_notify kernel_thread_helper __scsi_add_device mmc_send_if_cond task_can_switch_user call_usermodehelper_stdinpipe nf_conntrack_proto_fini xfrm_output raw6_local_deliver acpi_gbl_shutdown ata_scsi_scan_host simple_link acct_parm udplite_prot highend_pfn mem_map tty_ldisc_setup d_invalidate pipe_wait clockevents_exchange_device debugfs_create_dir acpi_bus_get_private_data try_wait_for_completion jiffies_to_timespec handle_IRQ_event ieee80211_enable_ht usb_add_hcd ath5k_hw_detach usb_hcd_unlink_urb rt_mutex_lock ip6_ra_control ata_dev_reread_id ata_sff_interrupt set_pageblock_flags_group dequeue_signal task_pgrp_nr_ns set_irq_wake ieee80211_tkip_encrypt_data __start___ksymtab sys_io_destroy dev_mc_unsync __mark_inode_dirty x86_cap_flags ieee80211_sta_tear_down_BA_sessions attribute_container_device_trigger spi_dv_device tty_mutex acpi_ds_get_current_walk_state __vm_enough_memory acpi_processor_throttling_init mtd_erase_callback __early_pfn_to_nid sys_acct native_init_IRQ security_shm_shmat genl_register_family ioremap_prot usbfs_conn_disc_event __end_pci_fixups_header iscsi_scan_finished pm_qos_requirement usb_cache_string gen_kill_estimator ieee80211_free_keys nandmtd2_ReadChunkWithTagsFromNAND acpi_ns_get_external_pathname generic_file_llseek sockfd_lookup intel_tv_init netlink_has_listeners wake_up_klogd module_sysfs_initialized task_pid_nr_ns mmc_remove_card_debugfs pci_release_region set_pages_x __pci_read_base copy_mount_options acpi_ex_opcode_3A_1T_1R icmp6_dst_gc acpi_gbl_FACS drm_mode_addfb security_file_set_fowner nf_log_unregister scrollfront make_bad_inode call_usermodehelper_exec call_usermodehelper_pipe acpi_ev_gpe_dispatch acpi_ut_dword_byte_swap devm_ioremap_nocache set_memory_array_uc xt_unregister_table ieee80211_key_link netlbl_af6list_search_exact drm_i_have_hw_lock fat_cache_destroy inet_csk_listen_stop acpi_hw_enable_all_wakeup_gpes drm_vblank_pre_modeset ipmr_ioctl kernel_sendmsg acpi_enable_wakeup_device blk_queue_prep_rq fib_hash_table opregion_asle_intr bus_find_device_by_name vfs_setlease try_to_unmap sk_filter save_mount_options mmc_select_voltage port_cf9_safe __mark_empty_function alloc_locked_buffer ipt_register_table inet_listen acpi_ut_print_string crypto_create_tfm sysfs_remove_bin_file bio_copy_user seq_open_private do_notify_parent sys_getpid drm_get_edid nla_append pci_find_upstream_pcie_bridge mmc_stop_host bio_alloc_bioset yaffs_ECCCorrect simple_read_from_buffer register_handler_proc fib6_new_table unregister_pernet_gen_device get_max_files set_normalized_timespec nr_irqs security_kernel_create_files_as input_get_keycode sys_lookup_dcookie dev_change_flags down_killable __udp4_lib_err ata_do_simple_cmd boot_command_line noioapicquirk ata_ratelimit mminit_verify_zonelist epoll_table sr_do_ioctl unload_nls fs_cachep nmi agp_find_mem_by_key ei_close __sysfs_add_one get_dirty_limits e1000e_set_d3_lplu_state mmc_attach_bus acct_init_pacct do_sysctl drm_crtc_from_fb e1000_enable_mng_pass_thru elv_add_request ptep_clear_flush_young skb_to_sgvec acpi_ev_initialize_region pnp_check_irq free_hot_page sys_setfsgid16 acpi_ex_convert_to_target_type blk_queue_dma_drain usb_wait_anchor_empty_timeout sysfs_setattr nf_conntrack_l3proto_generic ata_task_ioctl ieee80211_dynamic_ps_timer mmc_unregister_host_class irq_exit inet_frag_kill drm_helper_resume_force_mode hcd_buffer_destroy de_put sys_getppid sys_timer_getoverrun mdiobus_alloc e1000e_setup_copper_link dm_table_postsuspend_targets d_ancestor cb_alloc rtc_month_days vfs_caches_init __bread early_ioremap_init test_clear_page_writeback sg_copy_to_buffer keyctl_describe_key devmem_is_allowed socket_seq_show acpi_ds_create_field pcmcia_get_dev alloc_disk_node sysctl_nr_open_min NR_TYPES attribute_container_classdev_to_container dm_rh_get_region_size sys_pivot_root dm_target_iterate blk_cleanup_queue rcu_scheduler_active up_read acpi_ut_dump_buffer2 pcie_mch_quirk irq_desc rtc_sysfs_init acpi_pci_irq_enable e1000_cleanup_led __usb_get_extra_descriptor nf_ct_unexpect_related elv_merged_request security_capset yaffs_CheckpointOpen force_sig_info rtmsg_ifinfo if6_proc_init cap_netlink_recv yaffs_Deinitialise netdev_max_backlog agp_backend_release mark_buffer_dirty_inode ata_eh_analyze_ncq_error wake_unlock_store wiphy_free NS8390_init ip_mc_destroy_dev cpufreq_get_policy acpi_tb_set_table_loaded_flag register_pernet_device ip_options_echo acpi_ps_get_parent_scope e1000e_disable_gig_wol_ich8lan can_do_mlock pci_mmcfg_config addrconf_del_ifaddr driver_register agp_flush_chipset spurious_interrupt_bug alternative_instructions sys_chdir cap_inode_removexattr lpj_fine zlib_inflateEnd skb_seq_read drm_get_connector_status_name sysdev_unregister ramfs_aops mmlist_lock warn_slowpath xt_find_target fib_sync_up __vma_link_rb drop_file_write_access input_ff_effect_from_user get_sb_nodev put_pid read_pci_config pci_osc_control_set generic_getxattr acpi_ev_enable_gpe vfs_stat_fd ip_route_input acpi_ex_store_buffer_to_buffer ata_sff_wait_ready security_inode_mkdir e1000_free_all_rx_resources __tracepoint_block_rq_issue release_sysfs_dirent ic_servaddr scsi_flush_work remove_arg_zero nand_calculate_ecc pcntxt_mask vty_init show_stack __kfree_skb pci_scan_single_device skb_gso_segment complete_and_exit scsi_host_lookup init_dummy_netdev tcp_splice_read fib6_del vdso32_int80_start free_bootmem_with_active_regions acpi_register_ioapic drm_crtc_helper_set_config sys_set_thread_area mtrr_type_lookup acpi_ds_create_operand security_inode_readlink early_ioremap_reset ip_rt_send_redirect hid_compat_sunplus sb_min_blocksize pnp_remove_card alloc_disk raw_pci_write handle_event dm_linear_init account_idle_time acct_exit_ns e1000_phy_get_info create_read_pipe nf_conntrack_in igmp_rcv intr_init_hook ieee80211_wep_encrypt set_anon_super igmp6_event_query uids_sysfs_init free_page_and_swap_cache __start_pci_fixups_resume drm_mode_remove intelfb_probe ieee80211_ht_agg_queue_add acpi_gbl_exception_handler push_node_boundaries __bdevname get_zeroed_page xfrm_find_acq_byseq phy_disconnect kref_put sk_stream_alloc_skb ath5k_hw_get_lladdr jprobe_return_end scsi_device_resume usb_buffer_alloc set_security_override_from_ctx pccard_get_next_tuple sk_clone acpi_ps_get_arg ia32_sysenter_target sysctl_udp_wmem_min acpi_ut_create_control_state rtc_device_register sysfs_get_dentry icmp_err_convert acpi_rs_set_vendor nand_scan_bbt hex_asc sg_init_table unregister_ipcns_notifier shmem_acl_ops sock_setsockopt netlbl_enabled msleep acpi_gbl_original_mode scsi_device_lookup_by_target ata_sff_irq_on acpi_ex_opcode_2A_0T_1R bitmap_destroy hid_compat_petalynx ctrl_alt_del acpi_ex_resolve_node_to_value dmi_first_match free_pid xfrm4_tunnel_deregister tcp_v4_tw_remember_stamp pci_restore_standard_config drm_minors_idr NFTL_mount install_user_keyrings cdev_init fsstack_copy_inode_size icmpv6_send acpi_resource_to_address64 i915_gem_lastclose dm_copy_name_and_uuid move_addr_to_user e1000e_rar_set bacct_add_tsk scsi_prep_return disassociate_ctty ptrace_attach sock_init_data blkdev_ioctl sysctl_nr_open nf_ct_remove_expectations acpi_os_map_memory xfrm6_extract_input inode_double_unlock get_seconds pcix_set_mmrbc blk_queue_rq_timeout run_posix_cpu_timers compat_sys_set_mempolicy set_tsc_mode generic_file_vm_ops acpi_pci_disabled dev_load acpi_gbl_init_handler scsi_remove_target cpuidle_driver_lock ata_exec_internal __mod_timer ip_mc_msfilter pnp_add_mem_resource mon_text_add tcp_v4_connect tty_driver_kref_put vfs_quotactl_ops drm_agp_unbind_ioctl security_ops sys_vmsplice ata_do_eh __kmalloc freeze_task sys_sysctl apply_alternatives acpi_gbl_cm_single_step sys_keyctl ata_port_freeze mmc_io_rw_extended acpi_tb_create_local_fadt set_groups acpi_ev_attach_region e1000e_setup_rx_resources __fput get_tsc_mode sysctl_tcp_adv_win_scale drm_mode_attachmode_crtc pci_bus_type acpi_rs_convert_ext_address64 mii_ethtool_gset ata_host_alloc mm_drop_all_locks acpi_rs_encode_bitmask user_instantiate proc_maps_operations drm_mode_create_dithering_property rate_control_get ei_poll ata_port_wait_eh sg_big_buff iomem_is_exclusive sel_cons cn_add_callback kobj_map generic_file_splice_write_nolock execute_in_process_context ata_std_prereset __tracepoint_block_rq_requeue kobject_get pci_bus_read_config_byte inet_peer_gc_mintime drm_core_reclaim_buffers dm_rh_recovery_end isofs_dir_inode_operations kmalloc_caches agp_put_bridge page_check_address xfrm4_rcv_encap security_shm_alloc bootmem_bootmap_pages sys_getxattr vt_ioctl __stop___ksymtab_unused_gpl swap_buf_le16 i2c_attach_client usb_generic_driver hid_add_device part_round_stats acct_clear_integrals per_cpu__current_task pci_update_current_state device_remove_bin_file cdev_del clockevents_program_event dmam_release_declared_memory release_resource_db disk_name __request_region ip6_route_init acpi_disable_all_gpes hid_compat_belkin dquot_destroy security_inode_listsecurity xfrm_probe_algs acpi_rs_get_aml_length timespec_to_jiffies io_delay_type device_pm_lock tracepoint_probe_register acpi_processor_power_init_bm_check security_file_receive iget_failed propagate_mnt usb_alloc_dev iowrite8_rep fat_detach device_remove_file sys_getresgid xfrm4_extract_output xfrm_state_delete acpi_rs_get_pci_routing_table_length usb_root_hub_lost_power acpi_ev_initialize_events dquot_alloc sysfs_symlink_inode_operations clockevents_set_mode input_event_to_user page_zero_new_buffers yaffs_LostNFound module_refcount pci_read_bridge_bases mon_copy_to_buff simple_pin_fs tcp6_gro_complete pcmcia_get_mem_page ieee80211_rx_h_michael_mic_verify fs_bio_set bdi_set_max_ratio security_sb_show_options acpi_sci_override_gsi acpi_processor_ppc_init i2c_master_send netlink_sendskb find_get_pages search_module_extables ec_read acpi_ex_system_reset_event drm_release drm_gem_close_ioctl locks_copy_lock bin_fops arch_unmap_area init_thread_xstate neigh_lookup pci_mmcfg_early_init drm_alloc_agp e1000e_reload_nvm bus_register i2c_use_client crypto_init_digest_ops_async kmem_cache_destroy xfrm_state_register_afinfo set_create_files_as init_pg_tables_end ieee80211_rx_irqsafe usb_usual_set_present inode_has_buffers acpi_ut_walk_aml_resources cpuidle_remove_class_sysfs strpbrk pnp_check_dma del_mtd_blktrans_dev remove_from_page_cache swap_setup int3 release_sock sysdev_store_int track_pfn_vma_new acpi_get_irq_routing_table e1000e_poll_eerd_eewr_done acpi_ut_get_resource_header_length cpufreq_gov_userspace iw_handler_set_thrspy pci_find_ht_capability get_phy_device iov_iter_copy_from_user secpath_dup drm_agp_acquire bio_split per_cpu__mmu_gathers set_page_dirty_balance fixmaps_set sys_set_tid_address ata_sff_qc_prep netlbl_domhsh_walk sysfs_remove_dir sync_supers sys_mknod xfrm_state_walk acpi_gbl_ps_node_ext_cache md_super_write hiddev_init skb_queue_head is_ignored class_find_device mempool_alloc_pages d_path pci_scan_bus_parented acpi_bus_register_driver hid_pidff_init enable_hlt drm_agp_release cdev_alloc wall_to_monotonic disable_irq acpi_ps_is_prefix_char secure_ipv6_port_ephemeral request_suspend_state __x86_cpu_dev_end acpi_get_hp_params_from_firmware tty_prepare_flip_string_flags ata_dummy_port_ops pci_get_interrupt_pin acpi_hw_enable_runtime_gpe_block scsi_get_host_dev vma_kernel_pagesize __end_rio_route_ops nfnetlink_has_listeners drm_crtc_convert_umode sr_lock_door scsi_set_medium_removal ata_port_start mon_bus_lookup acpi_ut_valid_object_type hid_compat_chicony proc_pid_statm vdso32_sysenter_start acpi_gbl_next_owner_id_offset acpi_initialize_tables kset_create_and_add transport_class_register pcmcia_request_irq flush_work acpi_ds_obj_stack_pop_and_delete drm_crtc_convert_to_umode platform_driver_probe sdio_readb blkdev_issue_discard acpi_ut_create_thread_state acpi_walk_resources read_cb_mem sdio_writeb blk_init_queue kobject_put hidraw_report_event request_key default_security_ops find_task_by_vpid sys_getpgrp simple_strtoull xfrm_aalg_get_byidx netlbl_af4list_add yaffs_GetObjectLinkCount usb_mon_register blk_queue_merge_bvec sigprocmask net_disable_timestamp shmem_acl_destroy_inode time_init acpi_ex_resolve_operands acpi_ds_obj_stack_push pcmcia_dev_present proc_net_mkdir vgacon_text_force vfs_create __x86_cpu_dev_start ip6_dst_lookup security_inode_link ieee80211_rts_duration genphy_suspend search_exception_tables xt_unregister_target dmi_name_in_serial mach_set_rtc_mmss synchronize_net cpuidle_curr_driver __this_fixmap_does_not_exist xfrm6_prepare_output ieee80211_set_freq tty_port_tty_get e1000_check_phy_reset_block thaw_process crypto_init_compress_ops register_netdevice proc_dointvec_minmax pci_execute_reset_function sata_link_resume tick_setup_periodic