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      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      2 <!DOCTYPE task
      3   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "../dtd/task.dtd">
      4 <task xml:lang="en-us" id="t_device-editing_android">
      5   <title>Editing or deleting an Android Virtual Device (AVD)</title>
      6   <prolog>
      7     <metadata>
      8       <keywords>
      9         <!--<indexterm></indexterm>-->
     10       </keywords>
     11     </metadata>
     12   </prolog>
     13   <taskbody>
     14     <context>
     15       <p>To delete an existing AVD, ensure that it is not running (select it in the Device Management view and click
     16           <uicontrol>Stop</uicontrol> if necessary), then right-click it in the Device Management view and select
     17           <uicontrol>Delete</uicontrol>.</p>
     18       <p>To edit an existing AVD:</p>
     19     </context>
     20     <steps>
     21       <step>
     22         <cmd>Click the <uicontrol>Device Management</uicontrol> tab, if necessary, to bring forward the Device
     23           Management view.</cmd>
     24       </step>
     25       <step>
     26         <cmd>Right-click the AVD and select <uicontrol>Properties</uicontrol>.</cmd>
     27         <stepresult>The Android Virtual Device properties dialog appears.</stepresult>
     28       </step>
     29       <step>
     30         <cmd>To alter the timeout, click Android Virtual Device in the left part of the dialog, and then change the
     31           timeout value in the field on the right.</cmd>
     32         <info>Note that you cannot change the name, target, skin, or path for an existing AVD.</info>
     33       </step>
     34       <step>
     35         <cmd>Click <uicontrol>Startup Options</uicontrol> on the left side of the dialog.</cmd>
     36       </step>
     37       <step>
     38         <cmd>Alter the AVD's startup options using the <uicontrol>User Interface</uicontrol>, <uicontrol>Disk
     39           Images</uicontrol>, <uicontrol>Network</uicontrol>, <uicontrol>System</uicontrol>, and <uicontrol
     40           >Others</uicontrol> tabs. Note that only the more commonly-used AVD options are presented on these tabs; if
     41           you need to specify additional options, enter them into the field on the <uicontrol>Others</uicontrol> tab,
     42           command-line style.</cmd>
     43         <info>
     44           <p>For a description of each of the startup options displayed on the various tabs, see <xref
     45               href="u_new-device-startup_android.dita"/>. For all of the possible command-line arguments, see <xref
     46               href="http://d.android.com/guide/developing/tools/emulator.html#startup-options" format="html"
     47               scope="external">http://d.android.com/guide/developing/tools/emulator.html#startup-options</xref>.</p>
     48           <p>Except on Mac OS X, to work with the emulator in a separate window simply close the Android Emulator view
     49             and click <uicontrol>No</uicontrol> when you are asked if running emulator instances should be stopped.
     50             Opening the Android Emulator view while the emulator is running externally causes the emulator to be shown
     51             in the view. On Mac OS X, things work somewhat differently: see <xref href="t_emulator-external.dita"/> for
     52             instructions.</p>
     53         </info>
     54       </step>
     55       <step>
     56         <cmd>Click <uicontrol>OK</uicontrol>. </cmd>
     57       </step>
     58     </steps>
     59     <result>Your changes are saved and the dialog is closed.</result>
     60   </taskbody>
     61 </task>