1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 2 <!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN" "../dtd/reference.dtd"> 3 <reference id="u_options-menu-code-create" xml:lang="en-us"> 4 <title>Generate Options Menu Code Based on xml file</title> 5 <shortdesc>Generates options menu code from a selected xml-format menu definition file in your project's res/menu 6 folder. </shortdesc> 7 <prolog> 8 <metadata> 9 <keywords> 10 <!--<indexterm></indexterm>--> 11 </keywords> 12 </metadata> 13 </prolog> 14 <refbody> 15 <section> 16 <p>This dialog is presented when you select a project in the Package Explorer that has one or more menus in the 17 project's res/menu folder and then select <menucascade> 18 <uicontrol>Auto-Generated Code</uicontrol> 19 <uicontrol>Generate Java Code Based on Menu xml Files</uicontrol> 20 </menucascade> from the <uicontrol>MOTODEV</uicontrol> menu.</p> 21 <p>This command can be re-invoked as many times as necessary to accomodate changes to your xml file.</p> 22 <simpletable> 23 <strow> 24 <stentry><uicontrol>Project</uicontrol></stentry> 25 <stentry>The project into which the menu-handling code is to be added.</stentry> 26 </strow> 27 <strow> 28 <stentry><uicontrol>Target Class</uicontrol></stentry> 29 <stentry>The Java class (an Activity or Fragement) to which the menu-handling code is to be added. The Generate Options Menu... feature 30 adds an onCreateOptionsMenu() method that inflates the specified menu. It also adds an 31 onOptionsItemSelected() method containing an if/else block that provides you with a place to put your menu 32 item handler code for each item in the menu.</stentry> 33 </strow> 34 <strow> 35 <stentry><uicontrol>Menu xml File</uicontrol></stentry> 36 <stentry>The xml file in the selected project's res/menu folder that defines the menu for which code is to be 37 generated.</stentry> 38 </strow> 39 </simpletable> 40 </section> 41 </refbody> 42 </reference> 43