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      1 /*
      2 *******************************************************************************
      3 *
      4 *   Copyright (C) 2005-2012, International Business Machines
      5 *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
      6 *
      7 *******************************************************************************
      8 *   file name:  utext.cpp
      9 *   encoding:   US-ASCII
     10 *   tab size:   8 (not used)
     11 *   indentation:4
     12 *
     13 *   created on: 2005apr12
     14 *   created by: Markus W. Scherer
     15 */
     17 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
     18 #include "unicode/ustring.h"
     19 #include "unicode/unistr.h"
     20 #include "unicode/chariter.h"
     21 #include "unicode/utext.h"
     22 #include "unicode/utf.h"
     23 #include "unicode/utf8.h"
     24 #include "unicode/utf16.h"
     25 #include "ustr_imp.h"
     26 #include "cmemory.h"
     27 #include "cstring.h"
     28 #include "uassert.h"
     29 #include "putilimp.h"
     33 #define I32_FLAG(bitIndex) ((int32_t)1<<(bitIndex))
     36 static UBool
     37 utext_access(UText *ut, int64_t index, UBool forward) {
     38     return ut->pFuncs->access(ut, index, forward);
     39 }
     43 U_CAPI UBool U_EXPORT2
     44 utext_moveIndex32(UText *ut, int32_t delta) {
     45     UChar32  c;
     46     if (delta > 0) {
     47         do {
     48             if(ut->chunkOffset>=ut->chunkLength && !utext_access(ut, ut->chunkNativeLimit, TRUE)) {
     49                 return FALSE;
     50             }
     51             c = ut->chunkContents[ut->chunkOffset];
     52             if (U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)) {
     53                 c = utext_next32(ut);
     54                 if (c == U_SENTINEL) {
     55                     return FALSE;
     56                 }
     57             } else {
     58                 ut->chunkOffset++;
     59             }
     60         } while(--delta>0);
     62     } else if (delta<0) {
     63         do {
     64             if(ut->chunkOffset<=0 && !utext_access(ut, ut->chunkNativeStart, FALSE)) {
     65                 return FALSE;
     66             }
     67             c = ut->chunkContents[ut->chunkOffset-1];
     68             if (U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)) {
     69                 c = utext_previous32(ut);
     70                 if (c == U_SENTINEL) {
     71                     return FALSE;
     72                 }
     73             } else {
     74                 ut->chunkOffset--;
     75             }
     76         } while(++delta<0);
     77     }
     79     return TRUE;
     80 }
     83 U_CAPI int64_t U_EXPORT2
     84 utext_nativeLength(UText *ut) {
     85     return ut->pFuncs->nativeLength(ut);
     86 }
     89 U_CAPI UBool U_EXPORT2
     90 utext_isLengthExpensive(const UText *ut) {
     91     UBool r = (ut->providerProperties & I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_LENGTH_IS_EXPENSIVE)) != 0;
     92     return r;
     93 }
     96 U_CAPI int64_t U_EXPORT2
     97 utext_getNativeIndex(const UText *ut) {
     98     if(ut->chunkOffset <= ut->nativeIndexingLimit) {
     99         return ut->chunkNativeStart+ut->chunkOffset;
    100     } else {
    101         return ut->pFuncs->mapOffsetToNative(ut);
    102     }
    103 }
    106 U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2
    107 utext_setNativeIndex(UText *ut, int64_t index) {
    108     if(index<ut->chunkNativeStart || index>=ut->chunkNativeLimit) {
    109         // The desired position is outside of the current chunk.
    110         // Access the new position.  Assume a forward iteration from here,
    111         // which will also be optimimum for a single random access.
    112         // Reverse iterations may suffer slightly.
    113         ut->pFuncs->access(ut, index, TRUE);
    114     } else if((int32_t)(index - ut->chunkNativeStart) <= ut->nativeIndexingLimit) {
    115         // utf-16 indexing.
    116         ut->chunkOffset=(int32_t)(index-ut->chunkNativeStart);
    117     } else {
    118          ut->chunkOffset=ut->pFuncs->mapNativeIndexToUTF16(ut, index);
    119     }
    120     // The convention is that the index must always be on a code point boundary.
    121     // Adjust the index position if it is in the middle of a surrogate pair.
    122     if (ut->chunkOffset<ut->chunkLength) {
    123         UChar c= ut->chunkContents[ut->chunkOffset];
    124         if (U16_IS_TRAIL(c)) {
    125             if (ut->chunkOffset==0) {
    126                 ut->pFuncs->access(ut, ut->chunkNativeStart, FALSE);
    127             }
    128             if (ut->chunkOffset>0) {
    129                 UChar lead = ut->chunkContents[ut->chunkOffset-1];
    130                 if (U16_IS_LEAD(lead)) {
    131                     ut->chunkOffset--;
    132                 }
    133             }
    134         }
    135     }
    136 }
    140 U_CAPI int64_t U_EXPORT2
    141 utext_getPreviousNativeIndex(UText *ut) {
    142     //
    143     //  Fast-path the common case.
    144     //     Common means current position is not at the beginning of a chunk
    145     //     and the preceding character is not supplementary.
    146     //
    147     int32_t i = ut->chunkOffset - 1;
    148     int64_t result;
    149     if (i >= 0) {
    150         UChar c = ut->chunkContents[i];
    151         if (U16_IS_TRAIL(c) == FALSE) {
    152             if (i <= ut->nativeIndexingLimit) {
    153                 result = ut->chunkNativeStart + i;
    154             } else {
    155                 ut->chunkOffset = i;
    156                 result = ut->pFuncs->mapOffsetToNative(ut);
    157                 ut->chunkOffset++;
    158             }
    159             return result;
    160         }
    161     }
    163     // If at the start of text, simply return 0.
    164     if (ut->chunkOffset==0 && ut->chunkNativeStart==0) {
    165         return 0;
    166     }
    168     // Harder, less common cases.  We are at a chunk boundary, or on a surrogate.
    169     //    Keep it simple, use other functions to handle the edges.
    170     //
    171     utext_previous32(ut);
    172     result = UTEXT_GETNATIVEINDEX(ut);
    173     utext_next32(ut);
    174     return result;
    175 }
    178 //
    179 //  utext_current32.  Get the UChar32 at the current position.
    180 //                    UText iteration position is always on a code point boundary,
    181 //                    never on the trail half of a surrogate pair.
    182 //
    183 U_CAPI UChar32 U_EXPORT2
    184 utext_current32(UText *ut) {
    185     UChar32  c;
    186     if (ut->chunkOffset==ut->chunkLength) {
    187         // Current position is just off the end of the chunk.
    188         if (ut->pFuncs->access(ut, ut->chunkNativeLimit, TRUE) == FALSE) {
    189             // Off the end of the text.
    190             return U_SENTINEL;
    191         }
    192     }
    194     c = ut->chunkContents[ut->chunkOffset];
    195     if (U16_IS_LEAD(c) == FALSE) {
    196         // Normal, non-supplementary case.
    197         return c;
    198     }
    200     //
    201     //  Possible supplementary char.
    202     //
    203     UChar32   trail = 0;
    204     UChar32   supplementaryC = c;
    205     if ((ut->chunkOffset+1) < ut->chunkLength) {
    206         // The trail surrogate is in the same chunk.
    207         trail = ut->chunkContents[ut->chunkOffset+1];
    208     } else {
    209         //  The trail surrogate is in a different chunk.
    210         //     Because we must maintain the iteration position, we need to switch forward
    211         //     into the new chunk, get the trail surrogate, then revert the chunk back to the
    212         //     original one.
    213         //     An edge case to be careful of:  the entire text may end with an unpaired
    214         //        leading surrogate.  The attempt to access the trail will fail, but
    215         //        the original position before the unpaired lead still needs to be restored.
    216         int64_t  nativePosition = ut->chunkNativeLimit;
    217         int32_t  originalOffset = ut->chunkOffset;
    218         if (ut->pFuncs->access(ut, nativePosition, TRUE)) {
    219             trail = ut->chunkContents[ut->chunkOffset];
    220         }
    221         UBool r = ut->pFuncs->access(ut, nativePosition, FALSE);  // reverse iteration flag loads preceding chunk
    222         U_ASSERT(r==TRUE);
    223         ut->chunkOffset = originalOffset;
    224         if(!r) {
    225             return U_SENTINEL;
    226         }
    227     }
    229     if (U16_IS_TRAIL(trail)) {
    230         supplementaryC = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(c, trail);
    231     }
    232     return supplementaryC;
    234 }
    237 U_CAPI UChar32 U_EXPORT2
    238 utext_char32At(UText *ut, int64_t nativeIndex) {
    239     UChar32 c = U_SENTINEL;
    241     // Fast path the common case.
    242     if (nativeIndex>=ut->chunkNativeStart && nativeIndex < ut->chunkNativeStart + ut->nativeIndexingLimit) {
    243         ut->chunkOffset = (int32_t)(nativeIndex - ut->chunkNativeStart);
    244         c = ut->chunkContents[ut->chunkOffset];
    245         if (U16_IS_SURROGATE(c) == FALSE) {
    246             return c;
    247         }
    248     }
    251     utext_setNativeIndex(ut, nativeIndex);
    252     if (nativeIndex>=ut->chunkNativeStart && ut->chunkOffset<ut->chunkLength) {
    253         c = ut->chunkContents[ut->chunkOffset];
    254         if (U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)) {
    255             // For surrogates, let current32() deal with the complications
    256             //    of supplementaries that may span chunk boundaries.
    257             c = utext_current32(ut);
    258         }
    259     }
    260     return c;
    261 }
    264 U_CAPI UChar32 U_EXPORT2
    265 utext_next32(UText *ut) {
    266     UChar32       c;
    268     if (ut->chunkOffset >= ut->chunkLength) {
    269         if (ut->pFuncs->access(ut, ut->chunkNativeLimit, TRUE) == FALSE) {
    270             return U_SENTINEL;
    271         }
    272     }
    274     c = ut->chunkContents[ut->chunkOffset++];
    275     if (U16_IS_LEAD(c) == FALSE) {
    276         // Normal case, not supplementary.
    277         //   (A trail surrogate seen here is just returned as is, as a surrogate value.
    278         //    It cannot be part of a pair.)
    279         return c;
    280     }
    282     if (ut->chunkOffset >= ut->chunkLength) {
    283         if (ut->pFuncs->access(ut, ut->chunkNativeLimit, TRUE) == FALSE) {
    284             // c is an unpaired lead surrogate at the end of the text.
    285             // return it as it is.
    286             return c;
    287         }
    288     }
    289     UChar32 trail = ut->chunkContents[ut->chunkOffset];
    290     if (U16_IS_TRAIL(trail) == FALSE) {
    291         // c was an unpaired lead surrogate, not at the end of the text.
    292         // return it as it is (unpaired).  Iteration position is on the
    293         // following character, possibly in the next chunk, where the
    294         //  trail surrogate would have been if it had existed.
    295         return c;
    296     }
    298     UChar32 supplementary = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(c, trail);
    299     ut->chunkOffset++;   // move iteration position over the trail surrogate.
    300     return supplementary;
    301     }
    304 U_CAPI UChar32 U_EXPORT2
    305 utext_previous32(UText *ut) {
    306     UChar32       c;
    308     if (ut->chunkOffset <= 0) {
    309         if (ut->pFuncs->access(ut, ut->chunkNativeStart, FALSE) == FALSE) {
    310             return U_SENTINEL;
    311         }
    312     }
    313     ut->chunkOffset--;
    314     c = ut->chunkContents[ut->chunkOffset];
    315     if (U16_IS_TRAIL(c) == FALSE) {
    316         // Normal case, not supplementary.
    317         //   (A lead surrogate seen here is just returned as is, as a surrogate value.
    318         //    It cannot be part of a pair.)
    319         return c;
    320     }
    322     if (ut->chunkOffset <= 0) {
    323         if (ut->pFuncs->access(ut, ut->chunkNativeStart, FALSE) == FALSE) {
    324             // c is an unpaired trail surrogate at the start of the text.
    325             // return it as it is.
    326             return c;
    327         }
    328     }
    330     UChar32 lead = ut->chunkContents[ut->chunkOffset-1];
    331     if (U16_IS_LEAD(lead) == FALSE) {
    332         // c was an unpaired trail surrogate, not at the end of the text.
    333         // return it as it is (unpaired).  Iteration position is at c
    334         return c;
    335     }
    337     UChar32 supplementary = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(lead, c);
    338     ut->chunkOffset--;   // move iteration position over the lead surrogate.
    339     return supplementary;
    340 }
    344 U_CAPI UChar32 U_EXPORT2
    345 utext_next32From(UText *ut, int64_t index) {
    346     UChar32       c      = U_SENTINEL;
    348     if(index<ut->chunkNativeStart || index>=ut->chunkNativeLimit) {
    349         // Desired position is outside of the current chunk.
    350         if(!ut->pFuncs->access(ut, index, TRUE)) {
    351             // no chunk available here
    352             return U_SENTINEL;
    353         }
    354     } else if (index - ut->chunkNativeStart  <= (int64_t)ut->nativeIndexingLimit) {
    355         // Desired position is in chunk, with direct 1:1 native to UTF16 indexing
    356         ut->chunkOffset = (int32_t)(index - ut->chunkNativeStart);
    357     } else {
    358         // Desired position is in chunk, with non-UTF16 indexing.
    359         ut->chunkOffset = ut->pFuncs->mapNativeIndexToUTF16(ut, index);
    360     }
    362     c = ut->chunkContents[ut->chunkOffset++];
    363     if (U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)) {
    364         // Surrogates.  Many edge cases.  Use other functions that already
    365         //              deal with the problems.
    366         utext_setNativeIndex(ut, index);
    367         c = utext_next32(ut);
    368     }
    369     return c;
    370 }
    373 U_CAPI UChar32 U_EXPORT2
    374 utext_previous32From(UText *ut, int64_t index) {
    375     //
    376     //  Return the character preceding the specified index.
    377     //  Leave the iteration position at the start of the character that was returned.
    378     //
    379     UChar32     cPrev;    // The character preceding cCurr, which is what we will return.
    381     // Address the chunk containg the position preceding the incoming index
    382     // A tricky edge case:
    383     //   We try to test the requested native index against the chunkNativeStart to determine
    384     //    whether the character preceding the one at the index is in the current chunk.
    385     //    BUT, this test can fail with UTF-8 (or any other multibyte encoding), when the
    386     //    requested index is on something other than the first position of the first char.
    387     //
    388     if(index<=ut->chunkNativeStart || index>ut->chunkNativeLimit) {
    389         // Requested native index is outside of the current chunk.
    390         if(!ut->pFuncs->access(ut, index, FALSE)) {
    391             // no chunk available here
    392             return U_SENTINEL;
    393         }
    394     } else if(index - ut->chunkNativeStart <= (int64_t)ut->nativeIndexingLimit) {
    395         // Direct UTF-16 indexing.
    396         ut->chunkOffset = (int32_t)(index - ut->chunkNativeStart);
    397     } else {
    398         ut->chunkOffset=ut->pFuncs->mapNativeIndexToUTF16(ut, index);
    399         if (ut->chunkOffset==0 && !ut->pFuncs->access(ut, index, FALSE)) {
    400             // no chunk available here
    401             return U_SENTINEL;
    402         }
    403     }
    405     //
    406     // Simple case with no surrogates.
    407     //
    408     ut->chunkOffset--;
    409     cPrev = ut->chunkContents[ut->chunkOffset];
    411     if (U16_IS_SURROGATE(cPrev)) {
    412         // Possible supplementary.  Many edge cases.
    413         // Let other functions do the heavy lifting.
    414         utext_setNativeIndex(ut, index);
    415         cPrev = utext_previous32(ut);
    416     }
    417     return cPrev;
    418 }
    421 U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
    422 utext_extract(UText *ut,
    423              int64_t start, int64_t limit,
    424              UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
    425              UErrorCode *status) {
    426                  return ut->pFuncs->extract(ut, start, limit, dest, destCapacity, status);
    427              }
    431 U_CAPI UBool U_EXPORT2
    432 utext_equals(const UText *a, const UText *b) {
    433     if (a==NULL || b==NULL ||
    434         a->magic != UTEXT_MAGIC ||
    435         b->magic != UTEXT_MAGIC) {
    436             // Null or invalid arguments don't compare equal to anything.
    437             return FALSE;
    438     }
    440     if (a->pFuncs != b->pFuncs) {
    441         // Different types of text providers.
    442         return FALSE;
    443     }
    445     if (a->context != b->context) {
    446         // Different sources (different strings)
    447         return FALSE;
    448     }
    449     if (utext_getNativeIndex(a) != utext_getNativeIndex(b)) {
    450         // Different current position in the string.
    451         return FALSE;
    452     }
    454     return TRUE;
    455 }
    457 U_CAPI UBool U_EXPORT2
    458 utext_isWritable(const UText *ut)
    459 {
    460     UBool b = (ut->providerProperties & I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_WRITABLE)) != 0;
    461     return b;
    462 }
    465 U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2
    466 utext_freeze(UText *ut) {
    467     // Zero out the WRITABLE flag.
    468     ut->providerProperties &= ~(I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_WRITABLE));
    469 }
    472 U_CAPI UBool U_EXPORT2
    473 utext_hasMetaData(const UText *ut)
    474 {
    475     UBool b = (ut->providerProperties & I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_HAS_META_DATA)) != 0;
    476     return b;
    477 }
    481 U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
    482 utext_replace(UText *ut,
    483              int64_t nativeStart, int64_t nativeLimit,
    484              const UChar *replacementText, int32_t replacementLength,
    485              UErrorCode *status)
    486 {
    487     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    488         return 0;
    489     }
    490     if ((ut->providerProperties & I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_WRITABLE)) == 0) {
    491         *status = U_NO_WRITE_PERMISSION;
    492         return 0;
    493     }
    494     int32_t i = ut->pFuncs->replace(ut, nativeStart, nativeLimit, replacementText, replacementLength, status);
    495     return i;
    496 }
    498 U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2
    499 utext_copy(UText *ut,
    500           int64_t nativeStart, int64_t nativeLimit,
    501           int64_t destIndex,
    502           UBool move,
    503           UErrorCode *status)
    504 {
    505     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    506         return;
    507     }
    508     if ((ut->providerProperties & I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_WRITABLE)) == 0) {
    509         *status = U_NO_WRITE_PERMISSION;
    510         return;
    511     }
    512     ut->pFuncs->copy(ut, nativeStart, nativeLimit, destIndex, move, status);
    513 }
    517 U_CAPI UText * U_EXPORT2
    518 utext_clone(UText *dest, const UText *src, UBool deep, UBool readOnly, UErrorCode *status) {
    519     UText *result;
    520     result = src->pFuncs->clone(dest, src, deep, status);
    521     if (readOnly) {
    522         utext_freeze(result);
    523     }
    524     return result;
    525 }
    529 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    530 //
    531 //   UText common functions implementation
    532 //
    533 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    535 //
    536 //  UText.flags bit definitions
    537 //
    538 enum {
    539     UTEXT_HEAP_ALLOCATED  = 1,      //  1 if ICU has allocated this UText struct on the heap.
    540                                     //  0 if caller provided storage for the UText.
    542     UTEXT_EXTRA_HEAP_ALLOCATED = 2, //  1 if ICU has allocated extra storage as a separate
    543                                     //     heap block.
    544                                     //  0 if there is no separate allocation.  Either no extra
    545                                     //     storage was requested, or it is appended to the end
    546                                     //     of the main UText storage.
    548     UTEXT_OPEN = 4                  //  1 if this UText is currently open
    549                                     //  0 if this UText is not open.
    550 };
    553 //
    554 //  Extended form of a UText.  The purpose is to aid in computing the total size required
    555 //    when a provider asks for a UText to be allocated with extra storage.
    557 struct ExtendedUText {
    558     UText          ut;
    559     UAlignedMemory extension;
    560 };
    562 static const UText emptyText = UTEXT_INITIALIZER;
    564 U_CAPI UText * U_EXPORT2
    565 utext_setup(UText *ut, int32_t extraSpace, UErrorCode *status) {
    566     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    567         return ut;
    568     }
    570     if (ut == NULL) {
    571         // We need to heap-allocate storage for the new UText
    572         int32_t spaceRequired = sizeof(UText);
    573         if (extraSpace > 0) {
    574             spaceRequired = sizeof(ExtendedUText) + extraSpace - sizeof(UAlignedMemory);
    575         }
    576         ut = (UText *)uprv_malloc(spaceRequired);
    577         if (ut == NULL) {
    578             *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    579             return NULL;
    580         } else {
    581             *ut = emptyText;
    582             ut->flags |= UTEXT_HEAP_ALLOCATED;
    583             if (spaceRequired>0) {
    584                 ut->extraSize = extraSpace;
    585                 ut->pExtra    = &((ExtendedUText *)ut)->extension;
    586             }
    587         }
    588     } else {
    589         // We have been supplied with an already existing UText.
    590         // Verify that it really appears to be a UText.
    591         if (ut->magic != UTEXT_MAGIC) {
    592             *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
    593             return ut;
    594         }
    595         // If the ut is already open and there's a provider supplied close
    596         //   function, call it.
    597         if ((ut->flags & UTEXT_OPEN) && ut->pFuncs->close != NULL)  {
    598             ut->pFuncs->close(ut);
    599         }
    600         ut->flags &= ~UTEXT_OPEN;
    602         // If extra space was requested by our caller, check whether
    603         //   sufficient already exists, and allocate new if needed.
    604         if (extraSpace > ut->extraSize) {
    605             // Need more space.  If there is existing separately allocated space,
    606             //   delete it first, then allocate new space.
    607             if (ut->flags & UTEXT_EXTRA_HEAP_ALLOCATED) {
    608                 uprv_free(ut->pExtra);
    609                 ut->extraSize = 0;
    610             }
    611             ut->pExtra = uprv_malloc(extraSpace);
    612             if (ut->pExtra == NULL) {
    613                 *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    614             } else {
    615                 ut->extraSize = extraSpace;
    616                 ut->flags |= UTEXT_EXTRA_HEAP_ALLOCATED;
    617             }
    618         }
    619     }
    620     if (U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
    621         ut->flags |= UTEXT_OPEN;
    623         // Initialize all remaining fields of the UText.
    624         //
    625         ut->context             = NULL;
    626         ut->chunkContents       = NULL;
    627         ut->p                   = NULL;
    628         ut->q                   = NULL;
    629         ut->r                   = NULL;
    630         ut->a                   = 0;
    631         ut->b                   = 0;
    632         ut->c                   = 0;
    633         ut->chunkOffset         = 0;
    634         ut->chunkLength         = 0;
    635         ut->chunkNativeStart    = 0;
    636         ut->chunkNativeLimit    = 0;
    637         ut->nativeIndexingLimit = 0;
    638         ut->providerProperties  = 0;
    639         ut->privA               = 0;
    640         ut->privB               = 0;
    641         ut->privC               = 0;
    642         ut->privP               = NULL;
    643         if (ut->pExtra!=NULL && ut->extraSize>0)
    644             uprv_memset(ut->pExtra, 0, ut->extraSize);
    646     }
    647     return ut;
    648 }
    651 U_CAPI UText * U_EXPORT2
    652 utext_close(UText *ut) {
    653     if (ut==NULL ||
    654         ut->magic != UTEXT_MAGIC ||
    655         (ut->flags & UTEXT_OPEN) == 0)
    656     {
    657         // The supplied ut is not an open UText.
    658         // Do nothing.
    659         return ut;
    660     }
    662     // If the provider gave us a close function, call it now.
    663     // This will clean up anything allocated specifically by the provider.
    664     if (ut->pFuncs->close != NULL) {
    665         ut->pFuncs->close(ut);
    666     }
    667     ut->flags &= ~UTEXT_OPEN;
    669     // If we (the framework) allocated the UText or subsidiary storage,
    670     //   delete it.
    671     if (ut->flags & UTEXT_EXTRA_HEAP_ALLOCATED) {
    672         uprv_free(ut->pExtra);
    673         ut->pExtra = NULL;
    674         ut->flags &= ~UTEXT_EXTRA_HEAP_ALLOCATED;
    675         ut->extraSize = 0;
    676     }
    678     // Zero out function table of the closed UText.  This is a defensive move,
    679     //   inteded to cause applications that inadvertantly use a closed
    680     //   utext to crash with null pointer errors.
    681     ut->pFuncs        = NULL;
    683     if (ut->flags & UTEXT_HEAP_ALLOCATED) {
    684         // This UText was allocated by UText setup.  We need to free it.
    685         // Clear magic, so we can detect if the user messes up and immediately
    686         //  tries to reopen another UText using the deleted storage.
    687         ut->magic = 0;
    688         uprv_free(ut);
    689         ut = NULL;
    690     }
    691     return ut;
    692 }
    697 //
    698 // invalidateChunk   Reset a chunk to have no contents, so that the next call
    699 //                   to access will cause new data to load.
    700 //                   This is needed when copy/move/replace operate directly on the
    701 //                   backing text, potentially putting it out of sync with the
    702 //                   contents in the chunk.
    703 //
    704 static void
    705 invalidateChunk(UText *ut) {
    706     ut->chunkLength = 0;
    707     ut->chunkNativeLimit = 0;
    708     ut->chunkNativeStart = 0;
    709     ut->chunkOffset = 0;
    710     ut->nativeIndexingLimit = 0;
    711 }
    713 //
    714 // pinIndex        Do range pinning on a native index parameter.
    715 //                 64 bit pinning is done in place.
    716 //                 32 bit truncated result is returned as a convenience for
    717 //                        use in providers that don't need 64 bits.
    718 static int32_t
    719 pinIndex(int64_t &index, int64_t limit) {
    720     if (index<0) {
    721         index = 0;
    722     } else if (index > limit) {
    723         index = limit;
    724     }
    725     return (int32_t)index;
    726 }
    731 //
    732 // Pointer relocation function,
    733 //   a utility used by shallow clone.
    734 //   Adjust a pointer that refers to something within one UText (the source)
    735 //   to refer to the same relative offset within a another UText (the target)
    736 //
    737 static void adjustPointer(UText *dest, const void **destPtr, const UText *src) {
    738     // convert all pointers to (char *) so that byte address arithmetic will work.
    739     char  *dptr = (char *)*destPtr;
    740     char  *dUText = (char *)dest;
    741     char  *sUText = (char *)src;
    743     if (dptr >= (char *)src->pExtra && dptr < ((char*)src->pExtra)+src->extraSize) {
    744         // target ptr was to something within the src UText's pExtra storage.
    745         //   relocate it into the target UText's pExtra region.
    746         *destPtr = ((char *)dest->pExtra) + (dptr - (char *)src->pExtra);
    747     } else if (dptr>=sUText && dptr < sUText+src->sizeOfStruct) {
    748         // target ptr was pointing to somewhere within the source UText itself.
    749         //   Move it to the same offset within the target UText.
    750         *destPtr = dUText + (dptr-sUText);
    751     }
    752 }
    755 //
    756 //  Clone.  This is a generic copy-the-utext-by-value clone function that can be
    757 //          used as-is with some utext types, and as a helper by other clones.
    758 //
    759 static UText * U_CALLCONV
    760 shallowTextClone(UText * dest, const UText * src, UErrorCode * status) {
    761     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    762         return NULL;
    763     }
    764     int32_t  srcExtraSize = src->extraSize;
    766     //
    767     // Use the generic text_setup to allocate storage if required.
    768     //
    769     dest = utext_setup(dest, srcExtraSize, status);
    770     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    771         return dest;
    772     }
    774     //
    775     //  flags (how the UText was allocated) and the pointer to the
    776     //   extra storage must retain the values in the cloned utext that
    777     //   were set up by utext_setup.  Save them separately before
    778     //   copying the whole struct.
    779     //
    780     void *destExtra = dest->pExtra;
    781     int32_t flags   = dest->flags;
    784     //
    785     //  Copy the whole UText struct by value.
    786     //  Any "Extra" storage is copied also.
    787     //
    788     int sizeToCopy = src->sizeOfStruct;
    789     if (sizeToCopy > dest->sizeOfStruct) {
    790         sizeToCopy = dest->sizeOfStruct;
    791     }
    792     uprv_memcpy(dest, src, sizeToCopy);
    793     dest->pExtra = destExtra;
    794     dest->flags  = flags;
    795     if (srcExtraSize > 0) {
    796         uprv_memcpy(dest->pExtra, src->pExtra, srcExtraSize);
    797     }
    799     //
    800     // Relocate any pointers in the target that refer to the UText itself
    801     //   to point to the cloned copy rather than the original source.
    802     //
    803     adjustPointer(dest, &dest->context, src);
    804     adjustPointer(dest, &dest->p, src);
    805     adjustPointer(dest, &dest->q, src);
    806     adjustPointer(dest, &dest->r, src);
    807     adjustPointer(dest, (const void **)&dest->chunkContents, src);
    809     return dest;
    810 }
    813 U_CDECL_END
    817 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    818 //
    819 //     UText implementation for UTF-8 char * strings (read-only)
    820 //     Limitation:  string length must be <= 0x7fffffff in length.
    821 //                  (length must for in an int32_t variable)
    822 //
    823 //         Use of UText data members:
    824 //              context    pointer to UTF-8 string
    825 //              utext.b    is the input string length (bytes).
    826 //              utext.c    Length scanned so far in string
    827 //                           (for optimizing finding length of zero terminated strings.)
    828 //              utext.p    pointer to the current buffer
    829 //              utext.q    pointer to the other buffer.
    830 //
    831 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    833 // Chunk size.
    834 //     Must be less than 85, because of byte mapping from UChar indexes to native indexes.
    835 //     Worst case is three native bytes to one UChar.  (Supplemenaries are 4 native bytes
    836 //     to two UChars.)
    837 //
    838 enum { UTF8_TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE=32 };
    840 //
    841 // UTF8Buf  Two of these structs will be set up in the UText's extra allocated space.
    842 //          Each contains the UChar chunk buffer, the to and from native maps, and
    843 //          header info.
    844 //
    845 //     because backwards iteration fills the buffers starting at the end and
    846 //     working towards the front, the filled part of the buffers may not begin
    847 //     at the start of the available storage for the buffers.
    848 //
    849 //     Buffer size is one bigger than the specified UTF8_TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE to allow for
    850 //     the last character added being a supplementary, and thus requiring a surrogate
    851 //     pair.  Doing this is simpler than checking for the edge case.
    852 //
    854 struct UTF8Buf {
    855     int32_t   bufNativeStart;                        // Native index of first char in UChar buf
    856     int32_t   bufNativeLimit;                        // Native index following last char in buf.
    857     int32_t   bufStartIdx;                           // First filled position in buf.
    858     int32_t   bufLimitIdx;                           // Limit of filled range in buf.
    859     int32_t   bufNILimit;                            // Limit of native indexing part of buf
    860     int32_t   toUCharsMapStart;                      // Native index corresponding to
    861                                                      //   mapToUChars[0].
    862                                                      //   Set to bufNativeStart when filling forwards.
    863                                                      //   Set to computed value when filling backwards.
    865     UChar     buf[UTF8_TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE+4];           // The UChar buffer.  Requires one extra position beyond the
    866                                                      //   the chunk size, to allow for surrogate at the end.
    867                                                      //   Length must be identical to mapToNative array, below,
    868                                                      //   because of the way indexing works when the array is
    869                                                      //   filled backwards during a reverse iteration.  Thus,
    870                                                      //   the additional extra size.
    871     uint8_t   mapToNative[UTF8_TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE+4];   // map UChar index in buf to
    872                                                      //  native offset from bufNativeStart.
    873                                                      //  Requires two extra slots,
    874                                                      //    one for a supplementary starting in the last normal position,
    875                                                      //    and one for an entry for the buffer limit position.
    876     uint8_t   mapToUChars[UTF8_TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE*3+6]; // Map native offset from bufNativeStart to
    877                                                      //   correspoding offset in filled part of buf.
    878     int32_t   align;
    879 };
    883 //
    884 //   utf8TextLength
    885 //
    886 //        Get the length of the string.  If we don't already know it,
    887 //              we'll need to scan for the trailing  nul.
    888 //
    889 static int64_t U_CALLCONV
    890 utf8TextLength(UText *ut) {
    891     if (ut->b < 0) {
    892         // Zero terminated string, and we haven't scanned to the end yet.
    893         // Scan it now.
    894         const char *r = (const char *)ut->context + ut->c;
    895         while (*r != 0) {
    896             r++;
    897         }
    898         if ((r - (const char *)ut->context) < 0x7fffffff) {
    899             ut->b = (int32_t)(r - (const char *)ut->context);
    900         } else {
    901             // Actual string was bigger (more than 2 gig) than we
    902             //   can handle.  Clip it to 2 GB.
    903             ut->b = 0x7fffffff;
    904         }
    905         ut->providerProperties &= ~I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_LENGTH_IS_EXPENSIVE);
    906     }
    907     return ut->b;
    908 }
    915 static UBool U_CALLCONV
    916 utf8TextAccess(UText *ut, int64_t index, UBool forward) {
    917     //
    918     //  Apologies to those who are allergic to goto statements.
    919     //    Consider each goto to a labelled block to be the equivalent of
    920     //         call the named block as if it were a function();
    921     //         return;
    922     //
    923     const uint8_t *s8=(const uint8_t *)ut->context;
    924     UTF8Buf *u8b = NULL;
    925     int32_t  length = ut->b;         // Length of original utf-8
    926     int32_t  ix= (int32_t)index;     // Requested index, trimmed to 32 bits.
    927     int32_t  mapIndex = 0;
    928     if (index<0) {
    929         ix=0;
    930     } else if (index > 0x7fffffff) {
    931         // Strings with 64 bit lengths not supported by this UTF-8 provider.
    932         ix = 0x7fffffff;
    933     }
    935     // Pin requested index to the string length.
    936     if (ix>length) {
    937         if (length>=0) {
    938             ix=length;
    939         } else if (ix>=ut->c) {
    940             // Zero terminated string, and requested index is beyond
    941             //   the region that has already been scanned.
    942             //   Scan up to either the end of the string or to the
    943             //   requested position, whichever comes first.
    944             while (ut->c<ix && s8[ut->c]!=0) {
    945                 ut->c++;
    946             }
    947             //  TODO:  support for null terminated string length > 32 bits.
    948             if (s8[ut->c] == 0) {
    949                 // We just found the actual length of the string.
    950                 //  Trim the requested index back to that.
    951                 ix     = ut->c;
    952                 ut->b  = ut->c;
    953                 length = ut->c;
    954                 ut->providerProperties &= ~I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_LENGTH_IS_EXPENSIVE);
    955             }
    956         }
    957     }
    959     //
    960     // Dispatch to the appropriate action for a forward iteration request.
    961     //
    962     if (forward) {
    963         if (ix==ut->chunkNativeLimit) {
    964             // Check for normal sequential iteration cases first.
    965             if (ix==length) {
    966                 // Just reached end of string
    967                 // Don't swap buffers, but do set the
    968                 //   current buffer position.
    969                 ut->chunkOffset = ut->chunkLength;
    970                 return FALSE;
    971             } else {
    972                 // End of current buffer.
    973                 //   check whether other buffer already has what we need.
    974                 UTF8Buf *altB = (UTF8Buf *)ut->q;
    975                 if (ix>=altB->bufNativeStart && ix<altB->bufNativeLimit) {
    976                     goto swapBuffers;
    977                 }
    978             }
    979         }
    981         // A random access.  Desired index could be in either or niether buf.
    982         // For optimizing the order of testing, first check for the index
    983         //    being in the other buffer.  This will be the case for uses that
    984         //    move back and forth over a fairly limited range
    985         {
    986             u8b = (UTF8Buf *)ut->q;   // the alternate buffer
    987             if (ix>=u8b->bufNativeStart && ix<u8b->bufNativeLimit) {
    988                 // Requested index is in the other buffer.
    989                 goto swapBuffers;
    990             }
    991             if (ix == length) {
    992                 // Requested index is end-of-string.
    993                 //   (this is the case of randomly seeking to the end.
    994                 //    The case of iterating off the end is handled earlier.)
    995                 if (ix == ut->chunkNativeLimit) {
    996                     // Current buffer extends up to the end of the string.
    997                     //   Leave it as the current buffer.
    998                     ut->chunkOffset = ut->chunkLength;
    999                     return FALSE;
   1000                 }
   1001                 if (ix == u8b->bufNativeLimit) {
   1002                     // Alternate buffer extends to the end of string.
   1003                     //   Swap it in as the current buffer.
   1004                     goto swapBuffersAndFail;
   1005                 }
   1007                 // Neither existing buffer extends to the end of the string.
   1008                 goto makeStubBuffer;
   1009             }
   1011             if (ix<ut->chunkNativeStart || ix>=ut->chunkNativeLimit) {
   1012                 // Requested index is in neither buffer.
   1013                 goto fillForward;
   1014             }
   1016             // Requested index is in this buffer.
   1017             u8b = (UTF8Buf *)ut->p;   // the current buffer
   1018             mapIndex = ix - u8b->toUCharsMapStart;
   1019             ut->chunkOffset = u8b->mapToUChars[mapIndex] - u8b->bufStartIdx;
   1020             return TRUE;
   1022         }
   1023     }
   1026     //
   1027     // Dispatch to the appropriate action for a
   1028     //   Backwards Diretion iteration request.
   1029     //
   1030     if (ix==ut->chunkNativeStart) {
   1031         // Check for normal sequential iteration cases first.
   1032         if (ix==0) {
   1033             // Just reached the start of string
   1034             // Don't swap buffers, but do set the
   1035             //   current buffer position.
   1036             ut->chunkOffset = 0;
   1037             return FALSE;
   1038         } else {
   1039             // Start of current buffer.
   1040             //   check whether other buffer already has what we need.
   1041             UTF8Buf *altB = (UTF8Buf *)ut->q;
   1042             if (ix>altB->bufNativeStart && ix<=altB->bufNativeLimit) {
   1043                 goto swapBuffers;
   1044             }
   1045         }
   1046     }
   1048     // A random access.  Desired index could be in either or niether buf.
   1049     // For optimizing the order of testing,
   1050     //    Most likely case:  in the other buffer.
   1051     //    Second most likely: in neither buffer.
   1052     //    Unlikely, but must work:  in the current buffer.
   1053     u8b = (UTF8Buf *)ut->q;   // the alternate buffer
   1054     if (ix>u8b->bufNativeStart && ix<=u8b->bufNativeLimit) {
   1055         // Requested index is in the other buffer.
   1056         goto swapBuffers;
   1057     }
   1058     // Requested index is start-of-string.
   1059     //   (this is the case of randomly seeking to the start.
   1060     //    The case of iterating off the start is handled earlier.)
   1061     if (ix==0) {
   1062         if (u8b->bufNativeStart==0) {
   1063             // Alternate buffer contains the data for the start string.
   1064             // Make it be the current buffer.
   1065             goto swapBuffersAndFail;
   1066         } else {
   1067             // Request for data before the start of string,
   1068             //   neither buffer is usable.
   1069             //   set up a zero-length buffer.
   1070             goto makeStubBuffer;
   1071         }
   1072     }
   1074     if (ix<=ut->chunkNativeStart || ix>ut->chunkNativeLimit) {
   1075         // Requested index is in neither buffer.
   1076         goto fillReverse;
   1077     }
   1079     // Requested index is in this buffer.
   1080     //   Set the utf16 buffer index.
   1081     u8b = (UTF8Buf *)ut->p;
   1082     mapIndex = ix - u8b->toUCharsMapStart;
   1083     ut->chunkOffset = u8b->mapToUChars[mapIndex] - u8b->bufStartIdx;
   1084     if (ut->chunkOffset==0) {
   1085         // This occurs when the first character in the text is
   1086         //   a multi-byte UTF-8 char, and the requested index is to
   1087         //   one of the trailing bytes.  Because there is no preceding ,
   1088         //   character, this access fails.  We can't pick up on the
   1089         //   situation sooner because the requested index is not zero.
   1090         return FALSE;
   1091     } else {
   1092         return TRUE;
   1093     }
   1097 swapBuffers:
   1098     //  The alternate buffer (ut->q) has the string data that was requested.
   1099     //  Swap the primary and alternate buffers, and set the
   1100     //   chunk index into the new primary buffer.
   1101     {
   1102         u8b   = (UTF8Buf *)ut->q;
   1103         ut->q = ut->p;
   1104         ut->p = u8b;
   1105         ut->chunkContents       = &u8b->buf[u8b->bufStartIdx];
   1106         ut->chunkLength         = u8b->bufLimitIdx - u8b->bufStartIdx;
   1107         ut->chunkNativeStart    = u8b->bufNativeStart;
   1108         ut->chunkNativeLimit    = u8b->bufNativeLimit;
   1109         ut->nativeIndexingLimit = u8b->bufNILimit;
   1111         // Index into the (now current) chunk
   1112         // Use the map to set the chunk index.  It's more trouble than it's worth
   1113         //    to check whether native indexing can be used.
   1114         U_ASSERT(ix>=u8b->bufNativeStart);
   1115         U_ASSERT(ix<=u8b->bufNativeLimit);
   1116         mapIndex = ix - u8b->toUCharsMapStart;
   1117         U_ASSERT(mapIndex>=0);
   1118         U_ASSERT(mapIndex<(int32_t)sizeof(u8b->mapToUChars));
   1119         ut->chunkOffset = u8b->mapToUChars[mapIndex] - u8b->bufStartIdx;
   1121         return TRUE;
   1122     }
   1125  swapBuffersAndFail:
   1126     // We got a request for either the start or end of the string,
   1127     //  with iteration continuing in the out-of-bounds direction.
   1128     // The alternate buffer already contains the data up to the
   1129     //  start/end.
   1130     // Swap the buffers, then return failure, indicating that we couldn't
   1131     //  make things correct for continuing the iteration in the requested
   1132     //  direction.  The position & buffer are correct should the
   1133     //  user decide to iterate in the opposite direction.
   1134     u8b   = (UTF8Buf *)ut->q;
   1135     ut->q = ut->p;
   1136     ut->p = u8b;
   1137     ut->chunkContents       = &u8b->buf[u8b->bufStartIdx];
   1138     ut->chunkLength         = u8b->bufLimitIdx - u8b->bufStartIdx;
   1139     ut->chunkNativeStart    = u8b->bufNativeStart;
   1140     ut->chunkNativeLimit    = u8b->bufNativeLimit;
   1141     ut->nativeIndexingLimit = u8b->bufNILimit;
   1143     // Index into the (now current) chunk
   1144     //  For this function  (swapBuffersAndFail), the requested index
   1145     //    will always be at either the start or end of the chunk.
   1146     if (ix==u8b->bufNativeLimit) {
   1147         ut->chunkOffset = ut->chunkLength;
   1148     } else  {
   1149         ut->chunkOffset = 0;
   1150         U_ASSERT(ix == u8b->bufNativeStart);
   1151     }
   1152     return FALSE;
   1154 makeStubBuffer:
   1155     //   The user has done a seek/access past the start or end
   1156     //   of the string.  Rather than loading data that is likely
   1157     //   to never be used, just set up a zero-length buffer at
   1158     //   the position.
   1159     u8b = (UTF8Buf *)ut->q;
   1160     u8b->bufNativeStart   = ix;
   1161     u8b->bufNativeLimit   = ix;
   1162     u8b->bufStartIdx      = 0;
   1163     u8b->bufLimitIdx      = 0;
   1164     u8b->bufNILimit       = 0;
   1165     u8b->toUCharsMapStart = ix;
   1166     u8b->mapToNative[0]   = 0;
   1167     u8b->mapToUChars[0]   = 0;
   1168     goto swapBuffersAndFail;
   1172 fillForward:
   1173     {
   1174         // Move the incoming index to a code point boundary.
   1175         U8_SET_CP_START(s8, 0, ix);
   1177         // Swap the UText buffers.
   1178         //  We want to fill what was previously the alternate buffer,
   1179         //  and make what was the current buffer be the new alternate.
   1180         UTF8Buf *u8b = (UTF8Buf *)ut->q;
   1181         ut->q = ut->p;
   1182         ut->p = u8b;
   1184         int32_t strLen = ut->b;
   1185         UBool   nulTerminated = FALSE;
   1186         if (strLen < 0) {
   1187             strLen = 0x7fffffff;
   1188             nulTerminated = TRUE;
   1189         }
   1191         UChar   *buf = u8b->buf;
   1192         uint8_t *mapToNative  = u8b->mapToNative;
   1193         uint8_t *mapToUChars  = u8b->mapToUChars;
   1194         int32_t  destIx       = 0;
   1195         int32_t  srcIx        = ix;
   1196         UBool    seenNonAscii = FALSE;
   1197         UChar32  c = 0;
   1199         // Fill the chunk buffer and mapping arrays.
   1200         while (destIx<UTF8_TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE) {
   1201             c = s8[srcIx];
   1202             if (c>0 && c<0x80) {
   1203                 // Special case ASCII range for speed.
   1204                 //   zero is excluded to simplify bounds checking.
   1205                 buf[destIx] = (UChar)c;
   1206                 mapToNative[destIx]    = (uint8_t)(srcIx - ix);
   1207                 mapToUChars[srcIx-ix]  = (uint8_t)destIx;
   1208                 srcIx++;
   1209                 destIx++;
   1210             } else {
   1211                 // General case, handle everything.
   1212                 if (seenNonAscii == FALSE) {
   1213                     seenNonAscii = TRUE;
   1214                     u8b->bufNILimit = destIx;
   1215                 }
   1217                 int32_t  cIx      = srcIx;
   1218                 int32_t  dIx      = destIx;
   1219                 int32_t  dIxSaved = destIx;
   1220                 U8_NEXT(s8, srcIx, strLen, c);
   1221                 if (c==0 && nulTerminated) {
   1222                     srcIx--;
   1223                     break;
   1224                 }
   1225                 if (c<0) {
   1226                     // Illegal UTF-8.  Replace with sub character.
   1227                     c = 0x0fffd;
   1228                 }
   1230                 U16_APPEND_UNSAFE(buf, destIx, c);
   1231                 do {
   1232                     mapToNative[dIx++] = (uint8_t)(cIx - ix);
   1233                 } while (dIx < destIx);
   1235                 do {
   1236                     mapToUChars[cIx++ - ix] = (uint8_t)dIxSaved;
   1237                 } while (cIx < srcIx);
   1238             }
   1239             if (srcIx>=strLen) {
   1240                 break;
   1241             }
   1243         }
   1245         //  store Native <--> Chunk Map entries for the end of the buffer.
   1246         //    There is no actual character here, but the index position is valid.
   1247         mapToNative[destIx]     = (uint8_t)(srcIx - ix);
   1248         mapToUChars[srcIx - ix] = (uint8_t)destIx;
   1250         //  fill in Buffer descriptor
   1251         u8b->bufNativeStart     = ix;
   1252         u8b->bufNativeLimit     = srcIx;
   1253         u8b->bufStartIdx        = 0;
   1254         u8b->bufLimitIdx        = destIx;
   1255         if (seenNonAscii == FALSE) {
   1256             u8b->bufNILimit     = destIx;
   1257         }
   1258         u8b->toUCharsMapStart   = u8b->bufNativeStart;
   1260         // Set UText chunk to refer to this buffer.
   1261         ut->chunkContents       = buf;
   1262         ut->chunkOffset         = 0;
   1263         ut->chunkLength         = u8b->bufLimitIdx;
   1264         ut->chunkNativeStart    = u8b->bufNativeStart;
   1265         ut->chunkNativeLimit    = u8b->bufNativeLimit;
   1266         ut->nativeIndexingLimit = u8b->bufNILimit;
   1268         // For zero terminated strings, keep track of the maximum point
   1269         //   scanned so far.
   1270         if (nulTerminated && srcIx>ut->c) {
   1271             ut->c = srcIx;
   1272             if (c==0) {
   1273                 // We scanned to the end.
   1274                 //   Remember the actual length.
   1275                 ut->b = srcIx;
   1276                 ut->providerProperties &= ~I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_LENGTH_IS_EXPENSIVE);
   1277             }
   1278         }
   1279         return TRUE;
   1280     }
   1283 fillReverse:
   1284     {
   1285         // Move the incoming index to a code point boundary.
   1286         // Can only do this if the incoming index is somewhere in the interior of the string.
   1287         //   If index is at the end, there is no character there to look at.
   1288         if (ix != ut->b) {
   1289             U8_SET_CP_START(s8, 0, ix);
   1290         }
   1292         // Swap the UText buffers.
   1293         //  We want to fill what was previously the alternate buffer,
   1294         //  and make what was the current buffer be the new alternate.
   1295         UTF8Buf *u8b = (UTF8Buf *)ut->q;
   1296         ut->q = ut->p;
   1297         ut->p = u8b;
   1299         UChar   *buf = u8b->buf;
   1300         uint8_t *mapToNative = u8b->mapToNative;
   1301         uint8_t *mapToUChars = u8b->mapToUChars;
   1302         int32_t  toUCharsMapStart = ix - (UTF8_TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE*3 + 1);
   1303         int32_t  destIx = UTF8_TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE+2;   // Start in the overflow region
   1304                                                     //   at end of buffer to leave room
   1305                                                     //   for a surrogate pair at the
   1306                                                     //   buffer start.
   1307         int32_t  srcIx  = ix;
   1308         int32_t  bufNILimit = destIx;
   1309         UChar32   c;
   1311         // Map to/from Native Indexes, fill in for the position at the end of
   1312         //   the buffer.
   1313         //
   1314         mapToNative[destIx] = (uint8_t)(srcIx - toUCharsMapStart);
   1315         mapToUChars[srcIx - toUCharsMapStart] = (uint8_t)destIx;
   1317         // Fill the chunk buffer
   1318         // Work backwards, filling from the end of the buffer towards the front.
   1319         //
   1320         while (destIx>2 && (srcIx - toUCharsMapStart > 5) && (srcIx > 0)) {
   1321             srcIx--;
   1322             destIx--;
   1324             // Get last byte of the UTF-8 character
   1325             c = s8[srcIx];
   1326             if (c<0x80) {
   1327                 // Special case ASCII range for speed.
   1328                 buf[destIx] = (UChar)c;
   1329                 mapToUChars[srcIx - toUCharsMapStart] = (uint8_t)destIx;
   1330                 mapToNative[destIx] = (uint8_t)(srcIx - toUCharsMapStart);
   1331             } else {
   1332                 // General case, handle everything non-ASCII.
   1334                 int32_t  sIx      = srcIx;  // ix of last byte of multi-byte u8 char
   1336                 // Get the full character from the UTF8 string.
   1337                 //   use code derived from tbe macros in utf.8
   1338                 //   Leaves srcIx pointing at the first byte of the UTF-8 char.
   1339                 //
   1340                 if (c<=0xbf) {
   1341                     c=utf8_prevCharSafeBody(s8, 0, &srcIx, c, -1);
   1342                     // leaves srcIx at first byte of the multi-byte char.
   1343                 } else {
   1344                     c=0x0fffd;
   1345                 }
   1347                 // Store the character in UTF-16 buffer.
   1348                 if (c<0x10000) {
   1349                     buf[destIx] = (UChar)c;
   1350                     mapToNative[destIx] = (uint8_t)(srcIx - toUCharsMapStart);
   1351                 } else {
   1352                     buf[destIx]         = U16_TRAIL(c);
   1353                     mapToNative[destIx] = (uint8_t)(srcIx - toUCharsMapStart);
   1354                     buf[--destIx]       = U16_LEAD(c);
   1355                     mapToNative[destIx] = (uint8_t)(srcIx - toUCharsMapStart);
   1356                 }
   1358                 // Fill in the map from native indexes to UChars buf index.
   1359                 do {
   1360                     mapToUChars[sIx-- - toUCharsMapStart] = (uint8_t)destIx;
   1361                 } while (sIx >= srcIx);
   1363                 // Set native indexing limit to be the current position.
   1364                 //   We are processing a non-ascii, non-native-indexing char now;
   1365                 //     the limit will be here if the rest of the chars to be
   1366                 //     added to this buffer are ascii.
   1367                 bufNILimit = destIx;
   1368             }
   1369         }
   1370         u8b->bufNativeStart     = srcIx;
   1371         u8b->bufNativeLimit     = ix;
   1372         u8b->bufStartIdx        = destIx;
   1373         u8b->bufLimitIdx        = UTF8_TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE+2;
   1374         u8b->bufNILimit         = bufNILimit - u8b->bufStartIdx;
   1375         u8b->toUCharsMapStart   = toUCharsMapStart;
   1377         ut->chunkContents       = &buf[u8b->bufStartIdx];
   1378         ut->chunkLength         = u8b->bufLimitIdx - u8b->bufStartIdx;
   1379         ut->chunkOffset         = ut->chunkLength;
   1380         ut->chunkNativeStart    = u8b->bufNativeStart;
   1381         ut->chunkNativeLimit    = u8b->bufNativeLimit;
   1382         ut->nativeIndexingLimit = u8b->bufNILimit;
   1383         return TRUE;
   1384     }
   1386 }
   1390 //
   1391 //  This is a slightly modified copy of u_strFromUTF8,
   1392 //     Inserts a Replacement Char rather than failing on invalid UTF-8
   1393 //     Removes unnecessary features.
   1394 //
   1395 static UChar*
   1396 utext_strFromUTF8(UChar *dest,
   1397               int32_t destCapacity,
   1398               int32_t *pDestLength,
   1399               const char* src,
   1400               int32_t srcLength,        // required.  NUL terminated not supported.
   1401               UErrorCode *pErrorCode
   1402               )
   1403 {
   1405     UChar *pDest = dest;
   1406     UChar *pDestLimit = (dest!=NULL)?(dest+destCapacity):NULL;
   1407     UChar32 ch=0;
   1408     int32_t index = 0;
   1409     int32_t reqLength = 0;
   1410     uint8_t* pSrc = (uint8_t*) src;
   1413     while((index < srcLength)&&(pDest<pDestLimit)){
   1414         ch = pSrc[index++];
   1415         if(ch <=0x7f){
   1416             *pDest++=(UChar)ch;
   1417         }else{
   1418             ch=utf8_nextCharSafeBody(pSrc, &index, srcLength, ch, -1);
   1419             if(ch<0){
   1420                 ch = 0xfffd;
   1421             }
   1422             if(U_IS_BMP(ch)){
   1423                 *(pDest++)=(UChar)ch;
   1424             }else{
   1425                 *(pDest++)=U16_LEAD(ch);
   1426                 if(pDest<pDestLimit){
   1427                     *(pDest++)=U16_TRAIL(ch);
   1428                 }else{
   1429                     reqLength++;
   1430                     break;
   1431                 }
   1432             }
   1433         }
   1434     }
   1435     /* donot fill the dest buffer just count the UChars needed */
   1436     while(index < srcLength){
   1437         ch = pSrc[index++];
   1438         if(ch <= 0x7f){
   1439             reqLength++;
   1440         }else{
   1441             ch=utf8_nextCharSafeBody(pSrc, &index, srcLength, ch, -1);
   1442             if(ch<0){
   1443                 ch = 0xfffd;
   1444             }
   1445             reqLength+=U16_LENGTH(ch);
   1446         }
   1447     }
   1449     reqLength+=(int32_t)(pDest - dest);
   1451     if(pDestLength){
   1452         *pDestLength = reqLength;
   1453     }
   1455     /* Terminate the buffer */
   1456     u_terminateUChars(dest,destCapacity,reqLength,pErrorCode);
   1458     return dest;
   1459 }
   1463 static int32_t U_CALLCONV
   1464 utf8TextExtract(UText *ut,
   1465                 int64_t start, int64_t limit,
   1466                 UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
   1467                 UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
   1468     if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
   1469         return 0;
   1470     }
   1471     if(destCapacity<0 || (dest==NULL && destCapacity>0)) {
   1472         *pErrorCode=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
   1473         return 0;
   1474     }
   1475     int32_t  length  = ut->b;
   1476     int32_t  start32 = pinIndex(start, length);
   1477     int32_t  limit32 = pinIndex(limit, length);
   1479     if(start32>limit32) {
   1480         *pErrorCode=U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR;
   1481         return 0;
   1482     }
   1485     // adjust the incoming indexes to land on code point boundaries if needed.
   1486     //    adjust by no more than three, because that is the largest number of trail bytes
   1487     //    in a well formed UTF8 character.
   1488     const uint8_t *buf = (const uint8_t *)ut->context;
   1489     int i;
   1490     if (start32 < ut->chunkNativeLimit) {
   1491         for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
   1492             if (U8_IS_SINGLE(buf[start32]) || U8_IS_LEAD(buf[start32]) || start32==0) {
   1493                 break;
   1494             }
   1495             start32--;
   1496         }
   1497     }
   1499     if (limit32 < ut->chunkNativeLimit) {
   1500         for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
   1501             if (U8_IS_SINGLE(buf[limit32]) || U8_IS_LEAD(buf[limit32]) || limit32==0) {
   1502                 break;
   1503             }
   1504             limit32--;
   1505         }
   1506     }
   1508     // Do the actual extract.
   1509     int32_t destLength=0;
   1510     utext_strFromUTF8(dest, destCapacity, &destLength,
   1511                     (const char *)ut->context+start32, limit32-start32,
   1512                     pErrorCode);
   1513     utf8TextAccess(ut, limit32, TRUE);
   1514     return destLength;
   1515 }
   1517 //
   1518 // utf8TextMapOffsetToNative
   1519 //
   1520 // Map a chunk (UTF-16) offset to a native index.
   1521 static int64_t U_CALLCONV
   1522 utf8TextMapOffsetToNative(const UText *ut) {
   1523     //
   1524     UTF8Buf *u8b = (UTF8Buf *)ut->p;
   1525     U_ASSERT(ut->chunkOffset>ut->nativeIndexingLimit && ut->chunkOffset<=ut->chunkLength);
   1526     int32_t nativeOffset = u8b->mapToNative[ut->chunkOffset + u8b->bufStartIdx] + u8b->toUCharsMapStart;
   1527     U_ASSERT(nativeOffset >= ut->chunkNativeStart && nativeOffset <= ut->chunkNativeLimit);
   1528     return nativeOffset;
   1529 }
   1531 //
   1532 // Map a native index to the corrsponding chunk offset
   1533 //
   1534 static int32_t U_CALLCONV
   1535 utf8TextMapIndexToUTF16(const UText *ut, int64_t index64) {
   1536     U_ASSERT(index64 <= 0x7fffffff);
   1537     int32_t index = (int32_t)index64;
   1538     UTF8Buf *u8b = (UTF8Buf *)ut->p;
   1539     U_ASSERT(index>=ut->chunkNativeStart+ut->nativeIndexingLimit);
   1540     U_ASSERT(index<=ut->chunkNativeLimit);
   1541     int32_t mapIndex = index - u8b->toUCharsMapStart;
   1542     int32_t offset = u8b->mapToUChars[mapIndex] - u8b->bufStartIdx;
   1543     U_ASSERT(offset>=0 && offset<=ut->chunkLength);
   1544     return offset;
   1545 }
   1547 static UText * U_CALLCONV
   1548 utf8TextClone(UText *dest, const UText *src, UBool deep, UErrorCode *status)
   1549 {
   1550     // First do a generic shallow clone.  Does everything needed for the UText struct itself.
   1551     dest = shallowTextClone(dest, src, status);
   1553     // For deep clones, make a copy of the string.
   1554     //  The copied storage is owned by the newly created clone.
   1555     //
   1556     // TODO:  There is an isssue with using utext_nativeLength().
   1557     //        That function is non-const in cases where the input was NUL terminated
   1558     //          and the length has not yet been determined.
   1559     //        This function (clone()) is const.
   1560     //        There potentially a thread safety issue lurking here.
   1561     //
   1562     if (deep && U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
   1563         int32_t  len = (int32_t)utext_nativeLength((UText *)src);
   1564         char *copyStr = (char *)uprv_malloc(len+1);
   1565         if (copyStr == NULL) {
   1566             *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
   1567         } else {
   1568             uprv_memcpy(copyStr, src->context, len+1);
   1569             dest->context = copyStr;
   1570             dest->providerProperties |= I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_OWNS_TEXT);
   1571         }
   1572     }
   1573     return dest;
   1574 }
   1577 static void U_CALLCONV
   1578 utf8TextClose(UText *ut) {
   1579     // Most of the work of close is done by the generic UText framework close.
   1580     // All that needs to be done here is to delete the UTF8 string if the UText
   1581     //  owns it.  This occurs if the UText was created by cloning.
   1582     if (ut->providerProperties & I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_OWNS_TEXT)) {
   1583         char *s = (char *)ut->context;
   1584         uprv_free(s);
   1585         ut->context = NULL;
   1586     }
   1587 }
   1589 U_CDECL_END
   1592 static const struct UTextFuncs utf8Funcs =
   1593 {
   1594     sizeof(UTextFuncs),
   1595     0, 0, 0,             // Reserved alignment padding
   1596     utf8TextClone,
   1597     utf8TextLength,
   1598     utf8TextAccess,
   1599     utf8TextExtract,
   1600     NULL,                /* replace*/
   1601     NULL,                /* copy   */
   1602     utf8TextMapOffsetToNative,
   1603     utf8TextMapIndexToUTF16,
   1604     utf8TextClose,
   1605     NULL,                // spare 1
   1606     NULL,                // spare 2
   1607     NULL                 // spare 3
   1608 };
   1611 static const char gEmptyString[] = {0};
   1613 U_CAPI UText * U_EXPORT2
   1614 utext_openUTF8(UText *ut, const char *s, int64_t length, UErrorCode *status) {
   1615     if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
   1616         return NULL;
   1617     }
   1618     if(s==NULL && length==0) {
   1619         s = gEmptyString;
   1620     }
   1622     if(s==NULL || length<-1 || length>INT32_MAX) {
   1623         *status=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
   1624         return NULL;
   1625     }
   1627     ut = utext_setup(ut, sizeof(UTF8Buf) * 2, status);
   1628     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
   1629         return ut;
   1630     }
   1632     ut->pFuncs  = &utf8Funcs;
   1633     ut->context = s;
   1634     ut->b       = (int32_t)length;
   1635     ut->c       = (int32_t)length;
   1636     if (ut->c < 0) {
   1637         ut->c = 0;
   1638         ut->providerProperties |= I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_LENGTH_IS_EXPENSIVE);
   1639     }
   1640     ut->p = ut->pExtra;
   1641     ut->q = (char *)ut->pExtra + sizeof(UTF8Buf);
   1642     return ut;
   1644 }
   1653 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1654 //
   1655 //     UText implementation wrapper for Replaceable (read/write)
   1656 //
   1657 //         Use of UText data members:
   1658 //            context    pointer to Replaceable.
   1659 //            p          pointer to Replaceable if it is owned by the UText.
   1660 //
   1661 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1665 // minimum chunk size for this implementation: 3
   1666 // to allow for possible trimming for code point boundaries
   1667 enum { REP_TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE=10 };
   1669 struct ReplExtra {
   1670     /*
   1671      * Chunk UChars.
   1672      * +1 to simplify filling with surrogate pair at the end.
   1673      */
   1674     UChar s[REP_TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE+1];
   1675 };
   1680 static UText * U_CALLCONV
   1681 repTextClone(UText *dest, const UText *src, UBool deep, UErrorCode *status) {
   1682     // First do a generic shallow clone.  Does everything needed for the UText struct itself.
   1683     dest = shallowTextClone(dest, src, status);
   1685     // For deep clones, make a copy of the Replaceable.
   1686     //  The copied Replaceable storage is owned by the newly created UText clone.
   1687     //  A non-NULL pointer in UText.p is the signal to the close() function to delete
   1688     //    it.
   1689     //
   1690     if (deep && U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
   1691         const Replaceable *replSrc = (const Replaceable *)src->context;
   1692         dest->context = replSrc->clone();
   1693         dest->providerProperties |= I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_OWNS_TEXT);
   1695         // with deep clone, the copy is writable, even when the source is not.
   1696         dest->providerProperties |= I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_WRITABLE);
   1697     }
   1698     return dest;
   1699 }
   1702 static void U_CALLCONV
   1703 repTextClose(UText *ut) {
   1704     // Most of the work of close is done by the generic UText framework close.
   1705     // All that needs to be done here is delete the Replaceable if the UText
   1706     //  owns it.  This occurs if the UText was created by cloning.
   1707     if (ut->providerProperties & I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_OWNS_TEXT)) {
   1708         Replaceable *rep = (Replaceable *)ut->context;
   1709         delete rep;
   1710         ut->context = NULL;
   1711     }
   1712 }
   1715 static int64_t U_CALLCONV
   1716 repTextLength(UText *ut) {
   1717     const Replaceable *replSrc = (const Replaceable *)ut->context;
   1718     int32_t  len = replSrc->length();
   1719     return len;
   1720 }
   1723 static UBool U_CALLCONV
   1724 repTextAccess(UText *ut, int64_t index, UBool forward) {
   1725     const Replaceable *rep=(const Replaceable *)ut->context;
   1726     int32_t length=rep->length();   // Full length of the input text (bigger than a chunk)
   1728     // clip the requested index to the limits of the text.
   1729     int32_t index32 = pinIndex(index, length);
   1730     U_ASSERT(index<=INT32_MAX);
   1733     /*
   1734      * Compute start/limit boundaries around index, for a segment of text
   1735      * to be extracted.
   1736      * To allow for the possibility that our user gave an index to the trailing
   1737      * half of a surrogate pair, we must request one extra preceding UChar when
   1738      * going in the forward direction.  This will ensure that the buffer has the
   1739      * entire code point at the specified index.
   1740      */
   1741     if(forward) {
   1743         if (index32>=ut->chunkNativeStart && index32<ut->chunkNativeLimit) {
   1744             // Buffer already contains the requested position.
   1745             ut->chunkOffset = (int32_t)(index - ut->chunkNativeStart);
   1746             return TRUE;
   1747         }
   1748         if (index32>=length && ut->chunkNativeLimit==length) {
   1749             // Request for end of string, and buffer already extends up to it.
   1750             // Can't get the data, but don't change the buffer.
   1751             ut->chunkOffset = length - (int32_t)ut->chunkNativeStart;
   1752             return FALSE;
   1753         }
   1755         ut->chunkNativeLimit = index + REP_TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE - 1;
   1756         // Going forward, so we want to have the buffer with stuff at and beyond
   1757         //   the requested index.  The -1 gets us one code point before the
   1758         //   requested index also, to handle the case of the index being on
   1759         //   a trail surrogate of a surrogate pair.
   1760         if(ut->chunkNativeLimit > length) {
   1761             ut->chunkNativeLimit = length;
   1762         }
   1763         // unless buffer ran off end, start is index-1.
   1764         ut->chunkNativeStart = ut->chunkNativeLimit - REP_TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE;
   1765         if(ut->chunkNativeStart < 0) {
   1766             ut->chunkNativeStart = 0;
   1767         }
   1768     } else {
   1769         // Reverse iteration.  Fill buffer with data preceding the requested index.
   1770         if (index32>ut->chunkNativeStart && index32<=ut->chunkNativeLimit) {
   1771             // Requested position already in buffer.
   1772             ut->chunkOffset = index32 - (int32_t)ut->chunkNativeStart;
   1773             return TRUE;
   1774         }
   1775         if (index32==0 && ut->chunkNativeStart==0) {
   1776             // Request for start, buffer already begins at start.
   1777             //  No data, but keep the buffer as is.
   1778             ut->chunkOffset = 0;
   1779             return FALSE;
   1780         }
   1782         // Figure out the bounds of the chunk to extract for reverse iteration.
   1783         // Need to worry about chunk not splitting surrogate pairs, and while still
   1784         // containing the data we need.
   1785         // Fix by requesting a chunk that includes an extra UChar at the end.
   1786         // If this turns out to be a lead surrogate, we can lop it off and still have
   1787         //   the data we wanted.
   1788         ut->chunkNativeStart = index32 + 1 - REP_TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE;
   1789         if (ut->chunkNativeStart < 0) {
   1790             ut->chunkNativeStart = 0;
   1791         }
   1793         ut->chunkNativeLimit = index32 + 1;
   1794         if (ut->chunkNativeLimit > length) {
   1795             ut->chunkNativeLimit = length;
   1796         }
   1797     }
   1799     // Extract the new chunk of text from the Replaceable source.
   1800     ReplExtra *ex = (ReplExtra *)ut->pExtra;
   1801     // UnicodeString with its buffer a writable alias to the chunk buffer
   1802     UnicodeString buffer(ex->s, 0 /*buffer length*/, REP_TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE /*buffer capacity*/);
   1803     rep->extractBetween((int32_t)ut->chunkNativeStart, (int32_t)ut->chunkNativeLimit, buffer);
   1805     ut->chunkContents  = ex->s;
   1806     ut->chunkLength    = (int32_t)(ut->chunkNativeLimit - ut->chunkNativeStart);
   1807     ut->chunkOffset    = (int32_t)(index32 - ut->chunkNativeStart);
   1809     // Surrogate pairs from the input text must not span chunk boundaries.
   1810     // If end of chunk could be the start of a surrogate, trim it off.
   1811     if (ut->chunkNativeLimit < length &&
   1812         U16_IS_LEAD(ex->s[ut->chunkLength-1])) {
   1813             ut->chunkLength--;
   1814             ut->chunkNativeLimit--;
   1815             if (ut->chunkOffset > ut->chunkLength) {
   1816                 ut->chunkOffset = ut->chunkLength;
   1817             }
   1818         }
   1820     // if the first UChar in the chunk could be the trailing half of a surrogate pair,
   1821     // trim it off.
   1822     if(ut->chunkNativeStart>0 && U16_IS_TRAIL(ex->s[0])) {
   1823         ++(ut->chunkContents);
   1824         ++(ut->chunkNativeStart);
   1825         --(ut->chunkLength);
   1826         --(ut->chunkOffset);
   1827     }
   1829     // adjust the index/chunkOffset to a code point boundary
   1830     U16_SET_CP_START(ut->chunkContents, 0, ut->chunkOffset);
   1832     // Use fast indexing for get/setNativeIndex()
   1833     ut->nativeIndexingLimit = ut->chunkLength;
   1835     return TRUE;
   1836 }
   1840 static int32_t U_CALLCONV
   1841 repTextExtract(UText *ut,
   1842                int64_t start, int64_t limit,
   1843                UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
   1844                UErrorCode *status) {
   1845     const Replaceable *rep=(const Replaceable *)ut->context;
   1846     int32_t  length=rep->length();
   1848     if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
   1849         return 0;
   1850     }
   1851     if(destCapacity<0 || (dest==NULL && destCapacity>0)) {
   1852         *status=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
   1853     }
   1854     if(start>limit) {
   1855         *status=U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR;
   1856         return 0;
   1857     }
   1859     int32_t  start32 = pinIndex(start, length);
   1860     int32_t  limit32 = pinIndex(limit, length);
   1862     // adjust start, limit if they point to trail half of surrogates
   1863     if (start32<length && U16_IS_TRAIL(rep->charAt(start32)) &&
   1864         U_IS_SUPPLEMENTARY(rep->char32At(start32))){
   1865             start32--;
   1866     }
   1867     if (limit32<length && U16_IS_TRAIL(rep->charAt(limit32)) &&
   1868         U_IS_SUPPLEMENTARY(rep->char32At(limit32))){
   1869             limit32--;
   1870     }
   1872     length=limit32-start32;
   1873     if(length>destCapacity) {
   1874         limit32 = start32 + destCapacity;
   1875     }
   1876     UnicodeString buffer(dest, 0, destCapacity); // writable alias
   1877     rep->extractBetween(start32, limit32, buffer);
   1878     repTextAccess(ut, limit32, TRUE);
   1880     return u_terminateUChars(dest, destCapacity, length, status);
   1881 }
   1883 static int32_t U_CALLCONV
   1884 repTextReplace(UText *ut,
   1885                int64_t start, int64_t limit,
   1886                const UChar *src, int32_t length,
   1887                UErrorCode *status) {
   1888     Replaceable *rep=(Replaceable *)ut->context;
   1889     int32_t oldLength;
   1891     if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
   1892         return 0;
   1893     }
   1894     if(src==NULL && length!=0) {
   1895         *status=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
   1896         return 0;
   1897     }
   1898     oldLength=rep->length(); // will subtract from new length
   1899     if(start>limit ) {
   1900         *status=U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR;
   1901         return 0;
   1902     }
   1904     int32_t start32 = pinIndex(start, oldLength);
   1905     int32_t limit32 = pinIndex(limit, oldLength);
   1907     // Snap start & limit to code point boundaries.
   1908     if (start32<oldLength && U16_IS_TRAIL(rep->charAt(start32)) &&
   1909         start32>0 && U16_IS_LEAD(rep->charAt(start32-1)))
   1910     {
   1911             start32--;
   1912     }
   1913     if (limit32<oldLength && U16_IS_LEAD(rep->charAt(limit32-1)) &&
   1914         U16_IS_TRAIL(rep->charAt(limit32)))
   1915     {
   1916             limit32++;
   1917     }
   1919     // Do the actual replace operation using methods of the Replaceable class
   1920     UnicodeString replStr((UBool)(length<0), src, length); // read-only alias
   1921     rep->handleReplaceBetween(start32, limit32, replStr);
   1922     int32_t newLength = rep->length();
   1923     int32_t lengthDelta = newLength - oldLength;
   1925     // Is the UText chunk buffer OK?
   1926     if (ut->chunkNativeLimit > start32) {
   1927         // this replace operation may have impacted the current chunk.
   1928         // invalidate it, which will force a reload on the next access.
   1929         invalidateChunk(ut);
   1930     }
   1932     // set the iteration position to the end of the newly inserted replacement text.
   1933     int32_t newIndexPos = limit32 + lengthDelta;
   1934     repTextAccess(ut, newIndexPos, TRUE);
   1936     return lengthDelta;
   1937 }
   1940 static void U_CALLCONV
   1941 repTextCopy(UText *ut,
   1942                 int64_t start, int64_t limit,
   1943                 int64_t destIndex,
   1944                 UBool move,
   1945                 UErrorCode *status)
   1946 {
   1947     Replaceable *rep=(Replaceable *)ut->context;
   1948     int32_t length=rep->length();
   1950     if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
   1951         return;
   1952     }
   1953     if (start>limit || (start<destIndex && destIndex<limit))
   1954     {
   1955         *status=U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR;
   1956         return;
   1957     }
   1959     int32_t start32     = pinIndex(start, length);
   1960     int32_t limit32     = pinIndex(limit, length);
   1961     int32_t destIndex32 = pinIndex(destIndex, length);
   1963     // TODO:  snap input parameters to code point boundaries.
   1965     if(move) {
   1966         // move: copy to destIndex, then replace original with nothing
   1967         int32_t segLength=limit32-start32;
   1968         rep->copy(start32, limit32, destIndex32);
   1969         if(destIndex32<start32) {
   1970             start32+=segLength;
   1971             limit32+=segLength;
   1972         }
   1973         rep->handleReplaceBetween(start32, limit32, UnicodeString());
   1974     } else {
   1975         // copy
   1976         rep->copy(start32, limit32, destIndex32);
   1977     }
   1979     // If the change to the text touched the region in the chunk buffer,
   1980     //  invalidate the buffer.
   1981     int32_t firstAffectedIndex = destIndex32;
   1982     if (move && start32<firstAffectedIndex) {
   1983         firstAffectedIndex = start32;
   1984     }
   1985     if (firstAffectedIndex < ut->chunkNativeLimit) {
   1986         // changes may have affected range covered by the chunk
   1987         invalidateChunk(ut);
   1988     }
   1990     // Put iteration position at the newly inserted (moved) block,
   1991     int32_t  nativeIterIndex = destIndex32 + limit32 - start32;
   1992     if (move && destIndex32>start32) {
   1993         // moved a block of text towards the end of the string.
   1994         nativeIterIndex = destIndex32;
   1995     }
   1997     // Set position, reload chunk if needed.
   1998     repTextAccess(ut, nativeIterIndex, TRUE);
   1999 }
   2001 static const struct UTextFuncs repFuncs =
   2002 {
   2003     sizeof(UTextFuncs),
   2004     0, 0, 0,           // Reserved alignment padding
   2005     repTextClone,
   2006     repTextLength,
   2007     repTextAccess,
   2008     repTextExtract,
   2009     repTextReplace,
   2010     repTextCopy,
   2011     NULL,              // MapOffsetToNative,
   2012     NULL,              // MapIndexToUTF16,
   2013     repTextClose,
   2014     NULL,              // spare 1
   2015     NULL,              // spare 2
   2016     NULL               // spare 3
   2017 };
   2020 U_CAPI UText * U_EXPORT2
   2021 utext_openReplaceable(UText *ut, Replaceable *rep, UErrorCode *status)
   2022 {
   2023     if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
   2024         return NULL;
   2025     }
   2026     if(rep==NULL) {
   2027         *status=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
   2028         return NULL;
   2029     }
   2030     ut = utext_setup(ut, sizeof(ReplExtra), status);
   2032     ut->providerProperties = I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_WRITABLE);
   2033     if(rep->hasMetaData()) {
   2034         ut->providerProperties |=I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_HAS_META_DATA);
   2035     }
   2037     ut->pFuncs  = &repFuncs;
   2038     ut->context =  rep;
   2039     return ut;
   2040 }
   2042 U_CDECL_END
   2051 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2052 //
   2053 //     UText implementation for UnicodeString (read/write)  and
   2054 //                    for const UnicodeString (read only)
   2055 //             (same implementation, only the flags are different)
   2056 //
   2057 //         Use of UText data members:
   2058 //            context    pointer to UnicodeString
   2059 //            p          pointer to UnicodeString IF this UText owns the string
   2060 //                       and it must be deleted on close().  NULL otherwise.
   2061 //
   2062 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2067 static UText * U_CALLCONV
   2068 unistrTextClone(UText *dest, const UText *src, UBool deep, UErrorCode *status) {
   2069     // First do a generic shallow clone.  Does everything needed for the UText struct itself.
   2070     dest = shallowTextClone(dest, src, status);
   2072     // For deep clones, make a copy of the UnicodeSring.
   2073     //  The copied UnicodeString storage is owned by the newly created UText clone.
   2074     //  A non-NULL pointer in UText.p is the signal to the close() function to delete
   2075     //    the UText.
   2076     //
   2077     if (deep && U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
   2078         const UnicodeString *srcString = (const UnicodeString *)src->context;
   2079         dest->context = new UnicodeString(*srcString);
   2080         dest->providerProperties |= I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_OWNS_TEXT);
   2082         // with deep clone, the copy is writable, even when the source is not.
   2083         dest->providerProperties |= I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_WRITABLE);
   2084     }
   2085     return dest;
   2086 }
   2088 static void U_CALLCONV
   2089 unistrTextClose(UText *ut) {
   2090     // Most of the work of close is done by the generic UText framework close.
   2091     // All that needs to be done here is delete the UnicodeString if the UText
   2092     //  owns it.  This occurs if the UText was created by cloning.
   2093     if (ut->providerProperties & I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_OWNS_TEXT)) {
   2094         UnicodeString *str = (UnicodeString *)ut->context;
   2095         delete str;
   2096         ut->context = NULL;
   2097     }
   2098 }
   2101 static int64_t U_CALLCONV
   2102 unistrTextLength(UText *t) {
   2103     return ((const UnicodeString *)t->context)->length();
   2104 }
   2107 static UBool U_CALLCONV
   2108 unistrTextAccess(UText *ut, int64_t index, UBool  forward) {
   2109     int32_t length  = ut->chunkLength;
   2110     ut->chunkOffset = pinIndex(index, length);
   2112     // Check whether request is at the start or end
   2113     UBool retVal = (forward && index<length) || (!forward && index>0);
   2114     return retVal;
   2115 }
   2119 static int32_t U_CALLCONV
   2120 unistrTextExtract(UText *t,
   2121                   int64_t start, int64_t limit,
   2122                   UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
   2123                   UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
   2124     const UnicodeString *us=(const UnicodeString *)t->context;
   2125     int32_t length=us->length();
   2127     if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
   2128         return 0;
   2129     }
   2130     if(destCapacity<0 || (dest==NULL && destCapacity>0)) {
   2131         *pErrorCode=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
   2132     }
   2133     if(start<0 || start>limit) {
   2134         *pErrorCode=U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR;
   2135         return 0;
   2136     }
   2138     int32_t start32 = start<length ? us->getChar32Start((int32_t)start) : length;
   2139     int32_t limit32 = limit<length ? us->getChar32Start((int32_t)limit) : length;
   2141     length=limit32-start32;
   2142     if (destCapacity>0 && dest!=NULL) {
   2143         int32_t trimmedLength = length;
   2144         if(trimmedLength>destCapacity) {
   2145             trimmedLength=destCapacity;
   2146         }
   2147         us->extract(start32, trimmedLength, dest);
   2148         t->chunkOffset = start32+trimmedLength;
   2149     } else {
   2150         t->chunkOffset = start32;
   2151     }
   2152     u_terminateUChars(dest, destCapacity, length, pErrorCode);
   2153     return length;
   2154 }
   2156 static int32_t U_CALLCONV
   2157 unistrTextReplace(UText *ut,
   2158                   int64_t start, int64_t limit,
   2159                   const UChar *src, int32_t length,
   2160                   UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
   2161     UnicodeString *us=(UnicodeString *)ut->context;
   2162     int32_t oldLength;
   2164     if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
   2165         return 0;
   2166     }
   2167     if(src==NULL && length!=0) {
   2168         *pErrorCode=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
   2169     }
   2170     if(start>limit) {
   2171         *pErrorCode=U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR;
   2172         return 0;
   2173     }
   2174     oldLength=us->length();
   2175     int32_t start32 = pinIndex(start, oldLength);
   2176     int32_t limit32 = pinIndex(limit, oldLength);
   2177     if (start32 < oldLength) {
   2178         start32 = us->getChar32Start(start32);
   2179     }
   2180     if (limit32 < oldLength) {
   2181         limit32 = us->getChar32Start(limit32);
   2182     }
   2184     // replace
   2185     us->replace(start32, limit32-start32, src, length);
   2186     int32_t newLength = us->length();
   2188     // Update the chunk description.
   2189     ut->chunkContents    = us->getBuffer();
   2190     ut->chunkLength      = newLength;
   2191     ut->chunkNativeLimit = newLength;
   2192     ut->nativeIndexingLimit = newLength;
   2194     // Set iteration position to the point just following the newly inserted text.
   2195     int32_t lengthDelta = newLength - oldLength;
   2196     ut->chunkOffset = limit32 + lengthDelta;
   2198     return lengthDelta;
   2199 }
   2201 static void U_CALLCONV
   2202 unistrTextCopy(UText *ut,
   2203                int64_t start, int64_t limit,
   2204                int64_t destIndex,
   2205                UBool move,
   2206                UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
   2207     UnicodeString *us=(UnicodeString *)ut->context;
   2208     int32_t length=us->length();
   2210     if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
   2211         return;
   2212     }
   2213     int32_t start32 = pinIndex(start, length);
   2214     int32_t limit32 = pinIndex(limit, length);
   2215     int32_t destIndex32 = pinIndex(destIndex, length);
   2217     if( start32>limit32 || (start32<destIndex32 && destIndex32<limit32)) {
   2218         *pErrorCode=U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR;
   2219         return;
   2220     }
   2222     if(move) {
   2223         // move: copy to destIndex, then replace original with nothing
   2224         int32_t segLength=limit32-start32;
   2225         us->copy(start32, limit32, destIndex32);
   2226         if(destIndex32<start32) {
   2227             start32+=segLength;
   2228         }
   2229         us->replace(start32, segLength, NULL, 0);
   2230     } else {
   2231         // copy
   2232         us->copy(start32, limit32, destIndex32);
   2233     }
   2235     // update chunk description, set iteration position.
   2236     ut->chunkContents = us->getBuffer();
   2237     if (move==FALSE) {
   2238         // copy operation, string length grows
   2239         ut->chunkLength += limit32-start32;
   2240         ut->chunkNativeLimit = ut->chunkLength;
   2241         ut->nativeIndexingLimit = ut->chunkLength;
   2242     }
   2244     // Iteration position to end of the newly inserted text.
   2245     ut->chunkOffset = destIndex32+limit32-start32;
   2246     if (move && destIndex32>start32) {
   2247         ut->chunkOffset = destIndex32;
   2248     }
   2250 }
   2252 static const struct UTextFuncs unistrFuncs =
   2253 {
   2254     sizeof(UTextFuncs),
   2255     0, 0, 0,             // Reserved alignment padding
   2256     unistrTextClone,
   2257     unistrTextLength,
   2258     unistrTextAccess,
   2259     unistrTextExtract,
   2260     unistrTextReplace,
   2261     unistrTextCopy,
   2262     NULL,                // MapOffsetToNative,
   2263     NULL,                // MapIndexToUTF16,
   2264     unistrTextClose,
   2265     NULL,                // spare 1
   2266     NULL,                // spare 2
   2267     NULL                 // spare 3
   2268 };
   2272 U_CDECL_END
   2275 U_CAPI UText * U_EXPORT2
   2276 utext_openUnicodeString(UText *ut, UnicodeString *s, UErrorCode *status) {
   2277     ut = utext_openConstUnicodeString(ut, s, status);
   2278     if (U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
   2279         ut->providerProperties |= I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_WRITABLE);
   2280     }
   2281     return ut;
   2282 }
   2286 U_CAPI UText * U_EXPORT2
   2287 utext_openConstUnicodeString(UText *ut, const UnicodeString *s, UErrorCode *status) {
   2288     if (U_SUCCESS(*status) && s->isBogus()) {
   2289         // The UnicodeString is bogus, but we still need to detach the UText
   2290         //   from whatever it was hooked to before, if anything.
   2291         utext_openUChars(ut, NULL, 0, status);
   2292         *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
   2293         return ut;
   2294     }
   2295     ut = utext_setup(ut, 0, status);
   2296     //    note:  use the standard (writable) function table for UnicodeString.
   2297     //           The flag settings disable writing, so having the functions in
   2298     //           the table is harmless.
   2299     if (U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
   2300         ut->pFuncs              = &unistrFuncs;
   2301         ut->context             = s;
   2302         ut->providerProperties  = I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_STABLE_CHUNKS);
   2303         ut->chunkContents       = s->getBuffer();
   2304         ut->chunkLength         = s->length();
   2305         ut->chunkNativeStart    = 0;
   2306         ut->chunkNativeLimit    = ut->chunkLength;
   2307         ut->nativeIndexingLimit = ut->chunkLength;
   2308     }
   2309     return ut;
   2310 }
   2312 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2313 //
   2314 //     UText implementation for const UChar * strings
   2315 //
   2316 //         Use of UText data members:
   2317 //            context    pointer to UnicodeString
   2318 //            a          length.  -1 if not yet known.
   2319 //
   2320 //         TODO:  support 64 bit lengths.
   2321 //
   2322 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2327 static UText * U_CALLCONV
   2328 ucstrTextClone(UText *dest, const UText * src, UBool deep, UErrorCode * status) {
   2329     // First do a generic shallow clone.
   2330     dest = shallowTextClone(dest, src, status);
   2332     // For deep clones, make a copy of the string.
   2333     //  The copied storage is owned by the newly created clone.
   2334     //  A non-NULL pointer in UText.p is the signal to the close() function to delete
   2335     //    it.
   2336     //
   2337     if (deep && U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
   2338         U_ASSERT(utext_nativeLength(dest) < INT32_MAX);
   2339         int32_t  len = (int32_t)utext_nativeLength(dest);
   2341         // The cloned string IS going to be NUL terminated, whether or not the original was.
   2342         const UChar *srcStr = (const UChar *)src->context;
   2343         UChar *copyStr = (UChar *)uprv_malloc((len+1) * sizeof(UChar));
   2344         if (copyStr == NULL) {
   2345             *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
   2346         } else {
   2347             int64_t i;
   2348             for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
   2349                 copyStr[i] = srcStr[i];
   2350             }
   2351             copyStr[len] = 0;
   2352             dest->context = copyStr;
   2353             dest->providerProperties |= I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_OWNS_TEXT);
   2354         }
   2355     }
   2356     return dest;
   2357 }
   2360 static void U_CALLCONV
   2361 ucstrTextClose(UText *ut) {
   2362     // Most of the work of close is done by the generic UText framework close.
   2363     // All that needs to be done here is delete the string if the UText
   2364     //  owns it.  This occurs if the UText was created by cloning.
   2365     if (ut->providerProperties & I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_OWNS_TEXT)) {
   2366         UChar *s = (UChar *)ut->context;
   2367         uprv_free(s);
   2368         ut->context = NULL;
   2369     }
   2370 }
   2374 static int64_t U_CALLCONV
   2375 ucstrTextLength(UText *ut) {
   2376     if (ut->a < 0) {
   2377         // null terminated, we don't yet know the length.  Scan for it.
   2378         //    Access is not convenient for doing this
   2379         //    because the current interation postion can't be changed.
   2380         const UChar  *str = (const UChar *)ut->context;
   2381         for (;;) {
   2382             if (str[ut->chunkNativeLimit] == 0) {
   2383                 break;
   2384             }
   2385             ut->chunkNativeLimit++;
   2386         }
   2387         ut->a = ut->chunkNativeLimit;
   2388         ut->chunkLength = (int32_t)ut->chunkNativeLimit;
   2389         ut->nativeIndexingLimit = ut->chunkLength;
   2390         ut->providerProperties &= ~I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_LENGTH_IS_EXPENSIVE);
   2391     }
   2392     return ut->a;
   2393 }
   2396 static UBool U_CALLCONV
   2397 ucstrTextAccess(UText *ut, int64_t index, UBool  forward) {
   2398     const UChar *str   = (const UChar *)ut->context;
   2400     // pin the requested index to the bounds of the string,
   2401     //  and set current iteration position.
   2402     if (index<0) {
   2403         index = 0;
   2404     } else if (index < ut->chunkNativeLimit) {
   2405         // The request data is within the chunk as it is known so far.
   2406         // Put index on a code point boundary.
   2407         U16_SET_CP_START(str, 0, index);
   2408     } else if (ut->a >= 0) {
   2409         // We know the length of this string, and the user is requesting something
   2410         // at or beyond the length.  Pin the requested index to the length.
   2411         index = ut->a;
   2412     } else {
   2413         // Null terminated string, length not yet known, and the requested index
   2414         //  is beyond where we have scanned so far.
   2415         //  Scan to 32 UChars beyond the requested index.  The strategy here is
   2416         //  to avoid fully scanning a long string when the caller only wants to
   2417         //  see a few characters at its beginning.
   2418         int32_t scanLimit = (int32_t)index + 32;
   2419         if ((index + 32)>INT32_MAX || (index + 32)<0 ) {   // note: int64 expression
   2420             scanLimit = INT32_MAX;
   2421         }
   2423         int32_t chunkLimit = (int32_t)ut->chunkNativeLimit;
   2424         for (; chunkLimit<scanLimit; chunkLimit++) {
   2425             if (str[chunkLimit] == 0) {
   2426                 // We found the end of the string.  Remember it, pin the requested index to it,
   2427                 //  and bail out of here.
   2428                 ut->a = chunkLimit;
   2429                 ut->chunkLength = chunkLimit;
   2430                 ut->nativeIndexingLimit = chunkLimit;
   2431                 if (index >= chunkLimit) {
   2432                     index = chunkLimit;
   2433                 } else {
   2434                     U16_SET_CP_START(str, 0, index);
   2435                 }
   2437                 ut->chunkNativeLimit = chunkLimit;
   2438                 ut->providerProperties &= ~I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_LENGTH_IS_EXPENSIVE);
   2439                 goto breakout;
   2440             }
   2441         }
   2442         // We scanned through the next batch of UChars without finding the end.
   2443         U16_SET_CP_START(str, 0, index);
   2444         if (chunkLimit == INT32_MAX) {
   2445             // Scanned to the limit of a 32 bit length.
   2446             // Forceably trim the overlength string back so length fits in int32
   2447             //  TODO:  add support for 64 bit strings.
   2448             ut->a = chunkLimit;
   2449             ut->chunkLength = chunkLimit;
   2450             ut->nativeIndexingLimit = chunkLimit;
   2451             if (index > chunkLimit) {
   2452                 index = chunkLimit;
   2453             }
   2454             ut->chunkNativeLimit = chunkLimit;
   2455             ut->providerProperties &= ~I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_LENGTH_IS_EXPENSIVE);
   2456         } else {
   2457             // The endpoint of a chunk must not be left in the middle of a surrogate pair.
   2458             // If the current end is on a lead surrogate, back the end up by one.
   2459             // It doesn't matter if the end char happens to be an unpaired surrogate,
   2460             //    and it's simpler not to worry about it.
   2461             if (U16_IS_LEAD(str[chunkLimit-1])) {
   2462                 --chunkLimit;
   2463             }
   2464             // Null-terminated chunk with end still unknown.
   2465             // Update the chunk length to reflect what has been scanned thus far.
   2466             // That the full length is still unknown is (still) flagged by
   2467             //    ut->a being < 0.
   2468             ut->chunkNativeLimit = chunkLimit;
   2469             ut->nativeIndexingLimit = chunkLimit;
   2470             ut->chunkLength = chunkLimit;
   2471         }
   2473     }
   2474 breakout:
   2475     U_ASSERT(index<=INT32_MAX);
   2476     ut->chunkOffset = (int32_t)index;
   2478     // Check whether request is at the start or end
   2479     UBool retVal = (forward && index<ut->chunkNativeLimit) || (!forward && index>0);
   2480     return retVal;
   2481 }
   2485 static int32_t U_CALLCONV
   2486 ucstrTextExtract(UText *ut,
   2487                   int64_t start, int64_t limit,
   2488                   UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
   2489                   UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
   2490 {
   2491     if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
   2492         return 0;
   2493     }
   2494     if(destCapacity<0 || (dest==NULL && destCapacity>0) || start>limit) {
   2495         *pErrorCode=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
   2496         return 0;
   2497     }
   2499     //const UChar *s=(const UChar *)ut->context;
   2500     int32_t si, di;
   2502     int32_t start32;
   2503     int32_t limit32;
   2505     // Access the start.  Does two things we need:
   2506     //   Pins 'start' to the length of the string, if it came in out-of-bounds.
   2507     //   Snaps 'start' to the beginning of a code point.
   2508     ucstrTextAccess(ut, start, TRUE);
   2509     const UChar *s=ut->chunkContents;
   2510     start32 = ut->chunkOffset;
   2512     int32_t strLength=(int32_t)ut->a;
   2513     if (strLength >= 0) {
   2514         limit32 = pinIndex(limit, strLength);
   2515     } else {
   2516         limit32 = pinIndex(limit, INT32_MAX);
   2517     }
   2518     di = 0;
   2519     for (si=start32; si<limit32; si++) {
   2520         if (strLength<0 && s[si]==0) {
   2521             // Just hit the end of a null-terminated string.
   2522             ut->a = si;               // set string length for this UText
   2523             ut->chunkNativeLimit    = si;
   2524             ut->chunkLength         = si;
   2525             ut->nativeIndexingLimit = si;
   2526             strLength               = si;
   2527             break;
   2528         }
   2529         U_ASSERT(di>=0); /* to ensure di never exceeds INT32_MAX, which must not happen logically */
   2530         if (di<destCapacity) {
   2531             // only store if there is space.
   2532             dest[di] = s[si];
   2533         } else {
   2534             if (strLength>=0) {
   2535                 // We have filled the destination buffer, and the string length is known.
   2536                 //  Cut the loop short.  There is no need to scan string termination.
   2537                 di = limit32 - start32;
   2538                 si = limit32;
   2539                 break;
   2540             }
   2541         }
   2542         di++;
   2543     }
   2545     // If the limit index points to a lead surrogate of a pair,
   2546     //   add the corresponding trail surrogate to the destination.
   2547     if (si>0 && U16_IS_LEAD(s[si-1]) &&
   2548         ((si<strLength || strLength<0)  && U16_IS_TRAIL(s[si])))
   2549     {
   2550         if (di<destCapacity) {
   2551             // store only if there is space in the output buffer.
   2552             dest[di++] = s[si++];
   2553         }
   2554     }
   2556     // Put iteration position at the point just following the extracted text
   2557     ut->chunkOffset = uprv_min(strLength, start32 + destCapacity);
   2559     // Add a terminating NUL if space in the buffer permits,
   2560     // and set the error status as required.
   2561     u_terminateUChars(dest, destCapacity, di, pErrorCode);
   2562     return di;
   2563 }
   2565 static const struct UTextFuncs ucstrFuncs =
   2566 {
   2567     sizeof(UTextFuncs),
   2568     0, 0, 0,           // Reserved alignment padding
   2569     ucstrTextClone,
   2570     ucstrTextLength,
   2571     ucstrTextAccess,
   2572     ucstrTextExtract,
   2573     NULL,              // Replace
   2574     NULL,              // Copy
   2575     NULL,              // MapOffsetToNative,
   2576     NULL,              // MapIndexToUTF16,
   2577     ucstrTextClose,
   2578     NULL,              // spare 1
   2579     NULL,              // spare 2
   2580     NULL,              // spare 3
   2581 };
   2583 U_CDECL_END
   2585 static const UChar gEmptyUString[] = {0};
   2587 U_CAPI UText * U_EXPORT2
   2588 utext_openUChars(UText *ut, const UChar *s, int64_t length, UErrorCode *status) {
   2589     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
   2590         return NULL;
   2591     }
   2592     if(s==NULL && length==0) {
   2593         s = gEmptyUString;
   2594     }
   2595     if (s==NULL || length < -1 || length>INT32_MAX) {
   2596         *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
   2597         return NULL;
   2598     }
   2599     ut = utext_setup(ut, 0, status);
   2600     if (U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
   2601         ut->pFuncs               = &ucstrFuncs;
   2602         ut->context              = s;
   2603         ut->providerProperties   = I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_STABLE_CHUNKS);
   2604         if (length==-1) {
   2605             ut->providerProperties |= I32_FLAG(UTEXT_PROVIDER_LENGTH_IS_EXPENSIVE);
   2606         }
   2607         ut->a                    = length;
   2608         ut->chunkContents        = s;
   2609         ut->chunkNativeStart     = 0;
   2610         ut->chunkNativeLimit     = length>=0? length : 0;
   2611         ut->chunkLength          = (int32_t)ut->chunkNativeLimit;
   2612         ut->chunkOffset          = 0;
   2613         ut->nativeIndexingLimit  = ut->chunkLength;
   2614     }
   2615     return ut;
   2616 }
   2619 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2620 //
   2621 //     UText implementation for text from ICU CharacterIterators
   2622 //
   2623 //         Use of UText data members:
   2624 //            context    pointer to the CharacterIterator
   2625 //            a          length of the full text.
   2626 //            p          pointer to  buffer 1
   2627 //            b          start index of local buffer 1 contents
   2628 //            q          pointer to buffer 2
   2629 //            c          start index of local buffer 2 contents
   2630 //            r          pointer to the character iterator if the UText owns it.
   2631 //                       Null otherwise.
   2632 //
   2633 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2634 #define CIBufSize 16
   2637 static void U_CALLCONV
   2638 charIterTextClose(UText *ut) {
   2639     // Most of the work of close is done by the generic UText framework close.
   2640     // All that needs to be done here is delete the CharacterIterator if the UText
   2641     //  owns it.  This occurs if the UText was created by cloning.
   2642     CharacterIterator *ci = (CharacterIterator *)ut->r;
   2643     delete ci;
   2644     ut->r = NULL;
   2645 }
   2647 static int64_t U_CALLCONV
   2648 charIterTextLength(UText *ut) {
   2649     return (int32_t)ut->a;
   2650 }
   2652 static UBool U_CALLCONV
   2653 charIterTextAccess(UText *ut, int64_t index, UBool  forward) {
   2654     CharacterIterator *ci   = (CharacterIterator *)ut->context;
   2656     int32_t clippedIndex = (int32_t)index;
   2657     if (clippedIndex<0) {
   2658         clippedIndex=0;
   2659     } else if (clippedIndex>=ut->a) {
   2660         clippedIndex=(int32_t)ut->a;
   2661     }
   2662     int32_t neededIndex = clippedIndex;
   2663     if (!forward && neededIndex>0) {
   2664         // reverse iteration, want the position just before what was asked for.
   2665         neededIndex--;
   2666     } else if (forward && neededIndex==ut->a && neededIndex>0) {
   2667         // Forward iteration, don't ask for something past the end of the text.
   2668         neededIndex--;
   2669     }
   2671     // Find the native index of the start of the buffer containing what we want.
   2672     neededIndex -= neededIndex % CIBufSize;
   2674     UChar *buf = NULL;
   2675     UBool  needChunkSetup = TRUE;
   2676     int    i;
   2677     if (ut->chunkNativeStart == neededIndex) {
   2678         // The buffer we want is already the current chunk.
   2679         needChunkSetup = FALSE;
   2680     } else if (ut->b == neededIndex) {
   2681         // The first buffer (buffer p) has what we need.
   2682         buf = (UChar *)ut->p;
   2683     } else if (ut->c == neededIndex) {
   2684         // The second buffer (buffer q) has what we need.
   2685         buf = (UChar *)ut->q;
   2686     } else {
   2687         // Neither buffer already has what we need.
   2688         // Load new data from the character iterator.
   2689         // Use the buf that is not the current buffer.
   2690         buf = (UChar *)ut->p;
   2691         if (ut->p == ut->chunkContents) {
   2692             buf = (UChar *)ut->q;
   2693         }
   2694         ci->setIndex(neededIndex);
   2695         for (i=0; i<CIBufSize; i++) {
   2696             buf[i] = ci->nextPostInc();
   2697             if (i+neededIndex > ut->a) {
   2698                 break;
   2699             }
   2700         }
   2701     }
   2703     // We have a buffer with the data we need.
   2704     // Set it up as the current chunk, if it wasn't already.
   2705     if (needChunkSetup) {
   2706         ut->chunkContents = buf;
   2707         ut->chunkLength   = CIBufSize;
   2708         ut->chunkNativeStart = neededIndex;
   2709         ut->chunkNativeLimit = neededIndex + CIBufSize;
   2710         if (ut->chunkNativeLimit > ut->a) {
   2711             ut->chunkNativeLimit = ut->a;
   2712             ut->chunkLength  = (int32_t)(ut->chunkNativeLimit)-(int32_t)(ut->chunkNativeStart);
   2713         }
   2714         ut->nativeIndexingLimit = ut->chunkLength;
   2715         U_ASSERT(ut->chunkOffset>=0 && ut->chunkOffset<=CIBufSize);
   2716     }
   2717     ut->chunkOffset = clippedIndex - (int32_t)ut->chunkNativeStart;
   2718     UBool success = (forward? ut->chunkOffset<ut->chunkLength : ut->chunkOffset>0);
   2719     return success;
   2720 }
   2722 static UText * U_CALLCONV
   2723 charIterTextClone(UText *dest, const UText *src, UBool deep, UErrorCode * status) {
   2724     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
   2725         return NULL;
   2726     }
   2728     if (deep) {
   2729         // There is no CharacterIterator API for cloning the underlying text storage.
   2730         *status = U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR;
   2731         return NULL;
   2732     } else {
   2733         CharacterIterator *srcCI =(CharacterIterator *)src->context;
   2734         srcCI = srcCI->clone();
   2735         dest = utext_openCharacterIterator(dest, srcCI, status);
   2736         // cast off const on getNativeIndex.
   2737         //   For CharacterIterator based UTexts, this is safe, the operation is const.
   2738         int64_t  ix = utext_getNativeIndex((UText *)src);
   2739         utext_setNativeIndex(dest, ix);
   2740         dest->r = srcCI;    // flags that this UText owns the CharacterIterator
   2741     }
   2742     return dest;
   2743 }
   2745 static int32_t U_CALLCONV
   2746 charIterTextExtract(UText *ut,
   2747                   int64_t start, int64_t limit,
   2748                   UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
   2749                   UErrorCode *status)
   2750 {
   2751     if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
   2752         return 0;
   2753     }
   2754     if(destCapacity<0 || (dest==NULL && destCapacity>0) || start>limit) {
   2755         *status=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
   2756         return 0;
   2757     }
   2758     int32_t  length  = (int32_t)ut->a;
   2759     int32_t  start32 = pinIndex(start, length);
   2760     int32_t  limit32 = pinIndex(limit, length);
   2761     int32_t  desti   = 0;
   2762     int32_t  srci;
   2763     int32_t  copyLimit;
   2765     CharacterIterator *ci = (CharacterIterator *)ut->context;
   2766     ci->setIndex32(start32);   // Moves ix to lead of surrogate pair, if needed.
   2767     srci = ci->getIndex();
   2768     copyLimit = srci;
   2769     while (srci<limit32) {
   2770         UChar32 c = ci->next32PostInc();
   2771         int32_t  len = U16_LENGTH(c);
   2772         U_ASSERT(desti+len>0); /* to ensure desti+len never exceeds MAX_INT32, which must not happen logically */
   2773         if (desti+len <= destCapacity) {
   2774             U16_APPEND_UNSAFE(dest, desti, c);
   2775             copyLimit = srci+len;
   2776         } else {
   2777             desti += len;
   2778             *status = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR;
   2779         }
   2780         srci += len;
   2781     }
   2783     charIterTextAccess(ut, copyLimit, TRUE);
   2785     u_terminateUChars(dest, destCapacity, desti, status);
   2786     return desti;
   2787 }
   2789 static const struct UTextFuncs charIterFuncs =
   2790 {
   2791     sizeof(UTextFuncs),
   2792     0, 0, 0,             // Reserved alignment padding
   2793     charIterTextClone,
   2794     charIterTextLength,
   2795     charIterTextAccess,
   2796     charIterTextExtract,
   2797     NULL,                // Replace
   2798     NULL,                // Copy
   2799     NULL,                // MapOffsetToNative,
   2800     NULL,                // MapIndexToUTF16,
   2801     charIterTextClose,
   2802     NULL,                // spare 1
   2803     NULL,                // spare 2
   2804     NULL                 // spare 3
   2805 };
   2806 U_CDECL_END
   2809 U_CAPI UText * U_EXPORT2
   2810 utext_openCharacterIterator(UText *ut, CharacterIterator *ci, UErrorCode *status) {
   2811     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
   2812         return NULL;
   2813     }
   2815     if (ci->startIndex() > 0) {
   2816         // No support for CharacterIterators that do not start indexing from zero.
   2817         *status = U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR;
   2818         return NULL;
   2819     }
   2821     // Extra space in UText for 2 buffers of CIBufSize UChars each.
   2822     int32_t  extraSpace = 2 * CIBufSize * sizeof(UChar);
   2823     ut = utext_setup(ut, extraSpace, status);
   2824     if (U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
   2825         ut->pFuncs                = &charIterFuncs;
   2826         ut->context              = ci;
   2827         ut->providerProperties   = 0;
   2828         ut->a                    = ci->endIndex();        // Length of text
   2829         ut->p                    = ut->pExtra;            // First buffer
   2830         ut->b                    = -1;                    // Native index of first buffer contents
   2831         ut->q                    = (UChar*)ut->pExtra+CIBufSize;  // Second buffer
   2832         ut->c                    = -1;                    // Native index of second buffer contents
   2834         // Initialize current chunk contents to be empty.
   2835         //   First access will fault something in.
   2836         //   Note:  The initial nativeStart and chunkOffset must sum to zero
   2837         //          so that getNativeIndex() will correctly compute to zero
   2838         //          if no call to Access() has ever been made.  They can't be both
   2839         //          zero without Access() thinking that the chunk is valid.
   2840         ut->chunkContents        = (UChar *)ut->p;
   2841         ut->chunkNativeStart     = -1;
   2842         ut->chunkOffset          = 1;
   2843         ut->chunkNativeLimit     = 0;
   2844         ut->chunkLength          = 0;
   2845         ut->nativeIndexingLimit  = ut->chunkOffset;  // enables native indexing
   2846     }
   2847     return ut;
   2848 }