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      1 // Copyright 2006 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     15 // sat.cc : a stress test for stressful testing
     17 // stressapptest (or SAT, from Stressful Application Test) is a test
     18 // designed to stress the system, as well as provide a comprehensive
     19 // memory interface test.
     21 // stressapptest can be run using memory only, or using many system components.
     23 #include <errno.h>
     24 #include <pthread.h>
     25 #include <signal.h>
     26 #include <stdarg.h>
     27 #include <stdio.h>
     28 #include <stdlib.h>
     29 #include <string.h>
     30 #include <unistd.h>
     32 #include <sys/stat.h>
     33 #include <sys/times.h>
     35 // #define __USE_GNU
     36 // #define __USE_LARGEFILE64
     37 #include <fcntl.h>
     39 #include <list>
     40 #include <string>
     42 // This file must work with autoconf on its public version,
     43 // so these includes are correct.
     44 #include "disk_blocks.h"
     45 #include "logger.h"
     46 #include "os.h"
     47 #include "sat.h"
     48 #include "sattypes.h"
     49 #include "worker.h"
     51 // stressapptest versioning here.
     52 #ifndef PACKAGE_VERSION
     53 static const char* kVersion = "1.0.0";
     54 #else
     55 static const char* kVersion = PACKAGE_VERSION;
     56 #endif
     58 // Global stressapptest reference, for use by signal handler.
     59 // This makes Sat objects not safe for multiple instances.
     60 namespace {
     61   Sat *g_sat = NULL;
     63   // Signal handler for catching break or kill.
     64   //
     65   // This must be installed after g_sat is assigned and while there is a single
     66   // thread.
     67   //
     68   // This must be uninstalled while there is only a single thread, and of course
     69   // before g_sat is cleared or deleted.
     70   void SatHandleBreak(int signal) {
     71     g_sat->Break();
     72   }
     73 }
     75 // Opens the logfile for writing if necessary
     76 bool Sat::InitializeLogfile() {
     77   // Open logfile.
     78   if (use_logfile_) {
     79     logfile_ = open(logfilename_,
     80 #if defined(O_DSYNC)
     81                     O_DSYNC |
     82 #elif defined(O_SYNC)
     83                     O_SYNC |
     84 #elif defined(O_FSYNC)
     85                     O_FSYNC |
     86 #endif
     87                     O_WRONLY | O_CREAT,
     88                     S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
     89     if (logfile_ < 0) {
     90       printf("Fatal Error: cannot open file %s for logging\n",
     91              logfilename_);
     92       bad_status();
     93       return false;
     94     }
     95     // We seek to the end once instead of opening in append mode because no
     96     // other processes should be writing to it while this one exists.
     97     if (lseek(logfile_, 0, SEEK_END) == -1) {
     98       printf("Fatal Error: cannot seek to end of logfile (%s)\n",
     99              logfilename_);
    100       bad_status();
    101       return false;
    102     }
    103     Logger::GlobalLogger()->SetLogFd(logfile_);
    104   }
    105   return true;
    106 }
    108 // Check that the environment is known and safe to run on.
    109 // Return 1 if good, 0 if unsuppported.
    110 bool Sat::CheckEnvironment() {
    111   // Check that this is not a debug build. Debug builds lack
    112   // enough performance to stress the system.
    113 #if !defined NDEBUG
    114   if (run_on_anything_) {
    115     logprintf(1, "Log: Running DEBUG version of SAT, "
    116                  "with significantly reduced coverage.\n");
    117   } else {
    118     logprintf(0, "Process Error: Running DEBUG version of SAT, "
    119                  "with significantly reduced coverage.\n");
    120     logprintf(0, "Log: Command line option '-A' bypasses this error.\n");
    121     bad_status();
    122     return false;
    123   }
    124 #elif !defined CHECKOPTS
    125   #error Build system regression - COPTS disregarded.
    126 #endif
    128   // Use all CPUs if nothing is specified.
    129   if (memory_threads_ == -1) {
    130     memory_threads_ = os_->num_cpus();
    131     logprintf(7, "Log: Defaulting to %d copy threads\n", memory_threads_);
    132   }
    134   // Use all memory if no size is specified.
    135   if (size_mb_ == 0)
    136     size_mb_ = os_->FindFreeMemSize() / kMegabyte;
    137   size_ = static_cast<int64>(size_mb_) * kMegabyte;
    139   // Autodetect file locations.
    140   if (findfiles_ && (file_threads_ == 0)) {
    141     // Get a space separated sting of disk locations.
    142     list<string> locations = os_->FindFileDevices();
    144     // Extract each one.
    145     while (!locations.empty()) {
    146       // Copy and remove the disk name.
    147       string disk = locations.back();
    148       locations.pop_back();
    150       logprintf(12, "Log: disk at %s\n", disk.c_str());
    151       file_threads_++;
    152       filename_.push_back(disk + "/sat_disk.a");
    153       file_threads_++;
    154       filename_.push_back(disk + "/sat_disk.b");
    155     }
    156   }
    158   // We'd better have some memory by this point.
    159   if (size_ < 1) {
    160     logprintf(0, "Process Error: No memory found to test.\n");
    161     bad_status();
    162     return false;
    163   }
    165   if (tag_mode_ && ((file_threads_ > 0) ||
    166                     (disk_threads_ > 0) ||
    167                     (net_threads_ > 0))) {
    168     logprintf(0, "Process Error: Memory tag mode incompatible "
    169                  "with disk/network DMA.\n");
    170     bad_status();
    171     return false;
    172   }
    174   // If platform is 32 bit Xeon, floor memory size to multiple of 4.
    175   if (address_mode_ == 32) {
    176     size_mb_ = (size_mb_ / 4) * 4;
    177     size_ = size_mb_ * kMegabyte;
    178     logprintf(1, "Log: Flooring memory allocation to multiple of 4: %lldMB\n",
    179               size_mb_);
    180   }
    182   // Check if this system is on the whitelist for supported systems.
    183   if (!os_->IsSupported()) {
    184     if (run_on_anything_) {
    185       logprintf(1, "Log: Unsupported system. Running with reduced coverage.\n");
    186       // This is ok, continue on.
    187     } else {
    188       logprintf(0, "Process Error: Unsupported system, "
    189                    "no error reporting available\n");
    190       logprintf(0, "Log: Command line option '-A' bypasses this error.\n");
    191       bad_status();
    192       return false;
    193     }
    194   }
    196   return true;
    197 }
    199 // Allocates memory to run the test on
    200 bool Sat::AllocateMemory() {
    201   // Allocate our test memory.
    202   bool result = os_->AllocateTestMem(size_, paddr_base_);
    203   if (!result) {
    204     logprintf(0, "Process Error: failed to allocate memory\n");
    205     bad_status();
    206     return false;
    207   }
    208   return true;
    209 }
    211 // Sets up access to data patterns
    212 bool Sat::InitializePatterns() {
    213   // Initialize pattern data.
    214   patternlist_ = new PatternList();
    215   if (!patternlist_) {
    216     logprintf(0, "Process Error: failed to allocate patterns\n");
    217     bad_status();
    218     return false;
    219   }
    220   if (!patternlist_->Initialize()) {
    221     logprintf(0, "Process Error: failed to initialize patternlist\n");
    222     bad_status();
    223     return false;
    224   }
    225   return true;
    226 }
    228 // Get any valid page, no tag specified.
    229 bool Sat::GetValid(struct page_entry *pe) {
    230   return GetValid(pe, kDontCareTag);
    231 }
    234 // Fetch and return empty and full pages into the empty and full pools.
    235 bool Sat::GetValid(struct page_entry *pe, int32 tag) {
    236   bool result = false;
    237   // Get valid page depending on implementation.
    238   if (pe_q_implementation_ == SAT_FINELOCK)
    239     result = finelock_q_->GetValid(pe, tag);
    240   else if (pe_q_implementation_ == SAT_ONELOCK)
    241     result = valid_->PopRandom(pe);
    243   if (result) {
    244     pe->addr = os_->PrepareTestMem(pe->offset, page_length_);  // Map it.
    246     // Tag this access and current pattern.
    247     pe->ts = os_->GetTimestamp();
    248     pe->lastpattern = pe->pattern;
    250     return (pe->addr != 0);     // Return success or failure.
    251   }
    252   return false;
    253 }
    255 bool Sat::PutValid(struct page_entry *pe) {
    256   if (pe->addr != 0)
    257     os_->ReleaseTestMem(pe->addr, pe->offset, page_length_);  // Unmap the page.
    258   pe->addr = 0;
    260   // Put valid page depending on implementation.
    261   if (pe_q_implementation_ == SAT_FINELOCK)
    262     return finelock_q_->PutValid(pe);
    263   else if (pe_q_implementation_ == SAT_ONELOCK)
    264     return valid_->Push(pe);
    265   else
    266     return false;
    267 }
    269 // Get an empty page with any tag.
    270 bool Sat::GetEmpty(struct page_entry *pe) {
    271   return GetEmpty(pe, kDontCareTag);
    272 }
    274 bool Sat::GetEmpty(struct page_entry *pe, int32 tag) {
    275   bool result = false;
    276   // Get empty page depending on implementation.
    277   if (pe_q_implementation_ == SAT_FINELOCK)
    278     result = finelock_q_->GetEmpty(pe, tag);
    279   else if (pe_q_implementation_ == SAT_ONELOCK)
    280     result = empty_->PopRandom(pe);
    282   if (result) {
    283     pe->addr = os_->PrepareTestMem(pe->offset, page_length_);  // Map it.
    284     return (pe->addr != 0);     // Return success or failure.
    285   }
    286   return false;
    287 }
    289 bool Sat::PutEmpty(struct page_entry *pe) {
    290   if (pe->addr != 0)
    291     os_->ReleaseTestMem(pe->addr, pe->offset, page_length_);  // Unmap the page.
    292   pe->addr = 0;
    294   // Put empty page depending on implementation.
    295   if (pe_q_implementation_ == SAT_FINELOCK)
    296     return finelock_q_->PutEmpty(pe);
    297   else if (pe_q_implementation_ == SAT_ONELOCK)
    298     return empty_->Push(pe);
    299   else
    300     return false;
    301 }
    303 // Set up the bitmap of physical pages in case we want to see which pages were
    304 // accessed under this run of SAT.
    305 void Sat::AddrMapInit() {
    306   if (!do_page_map_)
    307     return;
    308   // Find about how much physical mem is in the system.
    309   // TODO(nsanders): Find some way to get the max
    310   // and min phys addr in the system.
    311   uint64 maxsize = os_->FindFreeMemSize() * 4;
    312   sat_assert(maxsize != 0);
    314   // Make a bitmask of this many pages. Assume that the memory is relatively
    315   // zero based. This is true on x86, typically.
    316   // This is one bit per page.
    317   uint64 arraysize = maxsize / 4096 / 8;
    318   unsigned char *bitmap = new unsigned char[arraysize];
    319   sat_assert(bitmap);
    321   // Mark every page as 0, not seen.
    322   memset(bitmap, 0, arraysize);
    324   page_bitmap_size_ = maxsize;
    325   page_bitmap_ = bitmap;
    326 }
    328 // Add the 4k pages in this block to the array of pages SAT has seen.
    329 void Sat::AddrMapUpdate(struct page_entry *pe) {
    330   if (!do_page_map_)
    331     return;
    333   // Go through 4k page blocks.
    334   uint64 arraysize = page_bitmap_size_ / 4096 / 8;
    336   char *base = reinterpret_cast<char*>(pe->addr);
    337   for (int i = 0; i < page_length_; i += 4096) {
    338     uint64 paddr = os_->VirtualToPhysical(base + i);
    340     uint32 offset = paddr / 4096 / 8;
    341     unsigned char mask = 1 << ((paddr / 4096) % 8);
    343     if (offset >= arraysize) {
    344       logprintf(0, "Process Error: Physical address %#llx is "
    345                    "greater than expected %#llx.\n",
    346                 paddr, page_bitmap_size_);
    347       sat_assert(0);
    348     }
    349     page_bitmap_[offset] |= mask;
    350   }
    351 }
    353 // Print out the physical memory ranges that SAT has accessed.
    354 void Sat::AddrMapPrint() {
    355   if (!do_page_map_)
    356     return;
    358   uint64 pages = page_bitmap_size_ / 4096;
    360   uint64 last_page = 0;
    361   bool valid_range = false;
    363   logprintf(4, "Log: Printing tested physical ranges.\n");
    365   for (uint64 i = 0; i < pages; i ++) {
    366     int offset = i / 8;
    367     unsigned char mask = 1 << (i % 8);
    369     bool touched = page_bitmap_[offset] & mask;
    370     if (touched && !valid_range) {
    371       valid_range = true;
    372       last_page = i * 4096;
    373     } else if (!touched && valid_range) {
    374       valid_range = false;
    375       logprintf(4, "Log: %#016llx - %#016llx\n", last_page, (i * 4096) - 1);
    376     }
    377   }
    378   logprintf(4, "Log: Done printing physical ranges.\n");
    379 }
    381 // Initializes page lists and fills pages with data patterns.
    382 bool Sat::InitializePages() {
    383   int result = 1;
    384   // Calculate needed page totals.
    385   int64 neededpages = memory_threads_ +
    386     invert_threads_ +
    387     check_threads_ +
    388     net_threads_ +
    389     file_threads_;
    391   // Empty-valid page ratio is adjusted depending on queue implementation.
    392   // since fine-grain-locked queue keeps both valid and empty entries in the
    393   // same queue and randomly traverse to find pages, the empty-valid ratio
    394   // should be more even.
    395   if (pe_q_implementation_ == SAT_FINELOCK)
    396     freepages_ = pages_ / 5 * 2;  // Mark roughly 2/5 of all pages as Empty.
    397   else
    398     freepages_ = (pages_ / 100) + (2 * neededpages);
    400   if (freepages_ < neededpages) {
    401     logprintf(0, "Process Error: freepages < neededpages.\n");
    402     logprintf(1, "Stats: Total: %lld, Needed: %lld, Marked free: %lld\n",
    403               static_cast<int64>(pages_),
    404               static_cast<int64>(neededpages),
    405               static_cast<int64>(freepages_));
    406     bad_status();
    407     return false;
    408   }
    410   if (freepages_ >  pages_/2) {
    411     logprintf(0, "Process Error: not enough pages for IO\n");
    412     logprintf(1, "Stats: Total: %lld, Needed: %lld, Available: %lld\n",
    413               static_cast<int64>(pages_),
    414               static_cast<int64>(freepages_),
    415               static_cast<int64>(pages_/2));
    416     bad_status();
    417     return false;
    418   }
    419   logprintf(12, "Log: Allocating pages, Total: %lld Free: %lld\n",
    420             pages_,
    421             freepages_);
    423   // Initialize page locations.
    424   for (int64 i = 0; i < pages_; i++) {
    425     struct page_entry pe;
    426     init_pe(&pe);
    427     pe.offset = i * page_length_;
    428     result &= PutEmpty(&pe);
    429   }
    431   if (!result) {
    432     logprintf(0, "Process Error: while initializing empty_ list\n");
    433     bad_status();
    434     return false;
    435   }
    437   // Fill valid pages with test patterns.
    438   // Use fill threads to do this.
    439   WorkerStatus fill_status;
    440   WorkerVector fill_vector;
    442   logprintf(12, "Starting Fill threads: %d threads, %d pages\n",
    443             fill_threads_, pages_);
    444   // Initialize the fill threads.
    445   for (int i = 0; i < fill_threads_; i++) {
    446     FillThread *thread = new FillThread();
    447     thread->InitThread(i, this, os_, patternlist_, &fill_status);
    448     if (i != fill_threads_ - 1) {
    449         logprintf(12, "Starting Fill Threads %d: %d pages\n",
    450                   i, pages_ / fill_threads_);
    451         thread->SetFillPages(pages_ / fill_threads_);
    452       // The last thread finishes up all the leftover pages.
    453     } else {
    454       logprintf(12, "Starting Fill Threads %d: %d pages\n",
    455                 i, pages_ - pages_ / fill_threads_ * i);
    456         thread->SetFillPages(pages_ - pages_ / fill_threads_ * i);
    457     }
    458     fill_vector.push_back(thread);
    459   }
    461   // Spawn the fill threads.
    462   fill_status.Initialize();
    463   for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = fill_vector.begin();
    464        it != fill_vector.end(); ++it)
    465     (*it)->SpawnThread();
    467   // Reap the finished fill threads.
    468   for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = fill_vector.begin();
    469        it != fill_vector.end(); ++it) {
    470     (*it)->JoinThread();
    471     if ((*it)->GetStatus() != 1) {
    472       logprintf(0, "Thread %d failed with status %d at %.2f seconds\n",
    473                 (*it)->ThreadID(), (*it)->GetStatus(),
    474                 (*it)->GetRunDurationUSec() * 1.0/1000000);
    475       bad_status();
    476       return false;
    477     }
    478     delete (*it);
    479   }
    480   fill_vector.clear();
    481   fill_status.Destroy();
    482   logprintf(12, "Log: Done filling pages.\n");
    483   logprintf(12, "Log: Allocating pages.\n");
    485   AddrMapInit();
    487   // Initialize page locations.
    488   for (int64 i = 0; i < pages_; i++) {
    489     struct page_entry pe;
    490     // Only get valid pages with uninitialized tags here.
    491     char buf[256];
    492     if (GetValid(&pe, kInvalidTag)) {
    493       int64 paddr = os_->VirtualToPhysical(pe.addr);
    494       int32 region = os_->FindRegion(paddr);
    496       os_->FindDimm(paddr, buf, sizeof(buf));
    497       if (i < 256) {
    498         logprintf(12, "Log: address: %#llx, %s\n", paddr, buf);
    499       }
    500       region_[region]++;
    501       pe.paddr = paddr;
    502       pe.tag = 1 << region;
    503       region_mask_ |= pe.tag;
    505       // Generate a physical region map
    506       AddrMapUpdate(&pe);
    508       // Note: this does not allocate free pages among all regions
    509       // fairly. However, with large enough (thousands) random number
    510       // of pages being marked free in each region, the free pages
    511       // count in each region end up pretty balanced.
    512       if (i < freepages_) {
    513         result &= PutEmpty(&pe);
    514       } else {
    515         result &= PutValid(&pe);
    516       }
    517     } else {
    518       logprintf(0, "Log: didn't tag all pages. %d - %d = %d\n",
    519                 pages_, i, pages_ - i);
    520       return false;
    521     }
    522   }
    523   logprintf(12, "Log: Done allocating pages.\n");
    525   AddrMapPrint();
    527   for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
    528     if (region_mask_ & (1 << i)) {
    529       region_count_++;
    530       logprintf(12, "Log: Region %d: %d.\n", i, region_[i]);
    531     }
    532   }
    533   logprintf(5, "Log: Region mask: 0x%x\n", region_mask_);
    535   return true;
    536 }
    538 // Print SAT version info.
    539 bool Sat::PrintVersion() {
    540   logprintf(1, "Stats: SAT revision %s, %d bit binary\n",
    541             kVersion, address_mode_);
    542   logprintf(5, "Log: %s from %s\n", Timestamp(), BuildChangelist());
    544   return true;
    545 }
    548 // Initializes the resources that SAT needs to run.
    549 // This needs to be called before Run(), and after ParseArgs().
    550 // Returns true on success, false on error, and will exit() on help message.
    551 bool Sat::Initialize() {
    552   g_sat = this;
    554   // Initializes sync'd log file to ensure output is saved.
    555   if (!InitializeLogfile())
    556     return false;
    557   Logger::GlobalLogger()->StartThread();
    559   logprintf(5, "Log: Commandline - %s\n", cmdline_.c_str());
    560   PrintVersion();
    562   std::map<std::string, std::string> options;
    564   GoogleOsOptions(&options);
    566   // Initialize OS/Hardware interface.
    567   os_ = OsLayerFactory(options);
    568   if (!os_) {
    569     bad_status();
    570     return false;
    571   }
    573   if (min_hugepages_mbytes_ > 0)
    574     os_->SetMinimumHugepagesSize(min_hugepages_mbytes_ * kMegabyte);
    576   if (!os_->Initialize()) {
    577     logprintf(0, "Process Error: Failed to initialize OS layer\n");
    578     bad_status();
    579     delete os_;
    580     return false;
    581   }
    583   // Checks that OS/Build/Platform is supported.
    584   if (!CheckEnvironment())
    585     return false;
    587   if (error_injection_)
    588     os_->set_error_injection(true);
    590   // Run SAT in monitor only mode, do not continue to allocate resources.
    591   if (monitor_mode_) {
    592     logprintf(5, "Log: Running in monitor-only mode. "
    593                  "Will not allocate any memory nor run any stress test. "
    594                  "Only polling ECC errors.\n");
    595     return true;
    596   }
    598   // Allocate the memory to test.
    599   if (!AllocateMemory())
    600     return false;
    602   logprintf(5, "Stats: Starting SAT, %dM, %d seconds\n",
    603             static_cast<int>(size_/kMegabyte),
    604             runtime_seconds_);
    606   if (!InitializePatterns())
    607     return false;
    609   // Initialize memory allocation.
    610   pages_ = size_ / page_length_;
    612   // Allocate page queue depending on queue implementation switch.
    613   if (pe_q_implementation_ == SAT_FINELOCK) {
    614       finelock_q_ = new FineLockPEQueue(pages_, page_length_);
    615       if (finelock_q_ == NULL)
    616         return false;
    617       finelock_q_->set_os(os_);
    618       os_->set_err_log_callback(finelock_q_->get_err_log_callback());
    619   } else if (pe_q_implementation_ == SAT_ONELOCK) {
    620       empty_ = new PageEntryQueue(pages_);
    621       valid_ = new PageEntryQueue(pages_);
    622       if ((empty_ == NULL) || (valid_ == NULL))
    623         return false;
    624   }
    626   if (!InitializePages()) {
    627     logprintf(0, "Process Error: Initialize Pages failed\n");
    628     return false;
    629   }
    631   return true;
    632 }
    634 // Constructor and destructor.
    635 Sat::Sat() {
    636   // Set defaults, command line might override these.
    637   runtime_seconds_ = 20;
    638   page_length_ = kSatPageSize;
    639   disk_pages_ = kSatDiskPage;
    640   pages_ = 0;
    641   size_mb_ = 0;
    642   size_ = size_mb_ * kMegabyte;
    643   min_hugepages_mbytes_ = 0;
    644   freepages_ = 0;
    645   paddr_base_ = 0;
    647   user_break_ = false;
    648   verbosity_ = 8;
    649   Logger::GlobalLogger()->SetVerbosity(verbosity_);
    650   strict_ = 1;
    651   warm_ = 0;
    652   run_on_anything_ = 0;
    653   use_logfile_ = 0;
    654   logfile_ = 0;
    655   // Detect 32/64 bit binary.
    656   void *pvoid = 0;
    657   address_mode_ = sizeof(pvoid) * 8;
    658   error_injection_ = false;
    659   crazy_error_injection_ = false;
    660   max_errorcount_ = 0;  // Zero means no early exit.
    661   stop_on_error_ = false;
    662   error_poll_ = true;
    663   findfiles_ = false;
    665   do_page_map_ = false;
    666   page_bitmap_ = 0;
    667   page_bitmap_size_ = 0;
    669   // Cache coherency data initialization.
    670   cc_test_ = false;         // Flag to trigger cc threads.
    671   cc_cacheline_count_ = 2;  // Two datastructures of cache line size.
    672   cc_inc_count_ = 1000;     // Number of times to increment the shared variable.
    673   cc_cacheline_data_ = 0;   // Cache Line size datastructure.
    675   sat_assert(0 == pthread_mutex_init(&worker_lock_, NULL));
    676   file_threads_ = 0;
    677   net_threads_ = 0;
    678   listen_threads_ = 0;
    679   // Default to autodetect number of cpus, and run that many threads.
    680   memory_threads_ = -1;
    681   invert_threads_ = 0;
    682   fill_threads_ = 8;
    683   check_threads_ = 0;
    684   cpu_stress_threads_ = 0;
    685   disk_threads_ = 0;
    686   total_threads_ = 0;
    688   region_mask_ = 0;
    689   region_count_ = 0;
    690   for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
    691     region_[i] = 0;
    692   }
    693   region_mode_ = 0;
    695   errorcount_ = 0;
    696   statuscount_ = 0;
    698   valid_ = 0;
    699   empty_ = 0;
    700   finelock_q_ = 0;
    701   // Default to use fine-grain lock for better performance.
    702   pe_q_implementation_ = SAT_FINELOCK;
    704   os_ = 0;
    705   patternlist_ = 0;
    706   logfilename_[0] = 0;
    708   read_block_size_ = 512;
    709   write_block_size_ = -1;
    710   segment_size_ = -1;
    711   cache_size_ = -1;
    712   blocks_per_segment_ = -1;
    713   read_threshold_ = -1;
    714   write_threshold_ = -1;
    715   non_destructive_ = 1;
    716   monitor_mode_ = 0;
    717   tag_mode_ = 0;
    718   random_threads_ = 0;
    720   pause_delay_ = 600;
    721   pause_duration_ = 15;
    722 }
    724 // Destructor.
    725 Sat::~Sat() {
    726   // We need to have called Cleanup() at this point.
    727   // We should probably enforce this.
    728 }
    731 #define ARG_KVALUE(argument, variable, value)         \
    732   if (!strcmp(argv[i], argument)) {                   \
    733     variable = value;                                 \
    734     continue;                                         \
    735   }
    737 #define ARG_IVALUE(argument, variable)                \
    738   if (!strcmp(argv[i], argument)) {                   \
    739     i++;                                              \
    740     if (i < argc)                                     \
    741       variable = strtoull(argv[i], NULL, 0);          \
    742     continue;                                         \
    743   }
    745 #define ARG_SVALUE(argument, variable)                     \
    746   if (!strcmp(argv[i], argument)) {                        \
    747     i++;                                                   \
    748     if (i < argc)                                          \
    749       snprintf(variable, sizeof(variable), "%s", argv[i]); \
    750     continue;                                              \
    751   }
    753 // Configures SAT from command line arguments.
    754 // This will call exit() given a request for
    755 // self-documentation or unexpected args.
    756 bool Sat::ParseArgs(int argc, char **argv) {
    757   int i;
    758   uint64 filesize = page_length_ * disk_pages_;
    760   // Parse each argument.
    761   for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
    762     // Switch to fall back to corase-grain-lock queue. (for benchmarking)
    763     ARG_KVALUE("--coarse_grain_lock", pe_q_implementation_, SAT_ONELOCK);
    765     // Set number of megabyte to use.
    766     ARG_IVALUE("-M", size_mb_);
    768     // Set minimum megabytes of hugepages to require.
    769     ARG_IVALUE("-H", min_hugepages_mbytes_);
    771     // Set number of seconds to run.
    772     ARG_IVALUE("-s", runtime_seconds_);
    774     // Set number of memory copy threads.
    775     ARG_IVALUE("-m", memory_threads_);
    777     // Set number of memory invert threads.
    778     ARG_IVALUE("-i", invert_threads_);
    780     // Set number of check-only threads.
    781     ARG_IVALUE("-c", check_threads_);
    783     // Set number of cache line size datastructures.
    784     ARG_IVALUE("--cc_inc_count", cc_inc_count_);
    786     // Set number of cache line size datastructures
    787     ARG_IVALUE("--cc_line_count", cc_cacheline_count_);
    789     // Flag set when cache coherency tests need to be run
    790     ARG_KVALUE("--cc_test", cc_test_, 1);
    792     // Set number of CPU stress threads.
    793     ARG_IVALUE("-C", cpu_stress_threads_);
    795     // Set logfile name.
    796     ARG_SVALUE("-l", logfilename_);
    798     // Verbosity level.
    799     ARG_IVALUE("-v", verbosity_);
    801     // Set maximum number of errors to collect. Stop running after this many.
    802     ARG_IVALUE("--max_errors", max_errorcount_);
    804     // Set pattern block size.
    805     ARG_IVALUE("-p", page_length_);
    807     // Set pattern block size.
    808     ARG_IVALUE("--filesize", filesize);
    810     // NUMA options.
    811     ARG_KVALUE("--local_numa", region_mode_, kLocalNuma);
    812     ARG_KVALUE("--remote_numa", region_mode_, kRemoteNuma);
    814     // Autodetect tempfile locations.
    815     ARG_KVALUE("--findfiles", findfiles_, 1);
    817     // Inject errors to force miscompare code paths
    818     ARG_KVALUE("--force_errors", error_injection_, true);
    819     ARG_KVALUE("--force_errors_like_crazy", crazy_error_injection_, true);
    820     if (crazy_error_injection_)
    821       error_injection_ = true;
    823     // Stop immediately on any arror, for debugging HW problems.
    824     ARG_KVALUE("--stop_on_errors", stop_on_error_, 1);
    826     // Don't use internal error polling, allow external detection.
    827     ARG_KVALUE("--no_errors", error_poll_, 0);
    829     // Never check data as you go.
    830     ARG_KVALUE("-F", strict_, 0);
    832     // Warm the cpu as you go.
    833     ARG_KVALUE("-W", warm_, 1);
    835     // Allow runnign on unknown systems with base unimplemented OsLayer
    836     ARG_KVALUE("-A", run_on_anything_, 1);
    838     // Size of read blocks for disk test.
    839     ARG_IVALUE("--read-block-size", read_block_size_);
    841     // Size of write blocks for disk test.
    842     ARG_IVALUE("--write-block-size", write_block_size_);
    844     // Size of segment for disk test.
    845     ARG_IVALUE("--segment-size", segment_size_);
    847     // Size of disk cache size for disk test.
    848     ARG_IVALUE("--cache-size", cache_size_);
    850     // Number of blocks to test per segment.
    851     ARG_IVALUE("--blocks-per-segment", blocks_per_segment_);
    853     // Maximum time a block read should take before warning.
    854     ARG_IVALUE("--read-threshold", read_threshold_);
    856     // Maximum time a block write should take before warning.
    857     ARG_IVALUE("--write-threshold", write_threshold_);
    859     // Do not write anything to disk in the disk test.
    860     ARG_KVALUE("--destructive", non_destructive_, 0);
    862     // Run SAT in monitor mode. No test load at all.
    863     ARG_KVALUE("--monitor_mode", monitor_mode_, true);
    865     // Run SAT in address mode. Tag all cachelines by virt addr.
    866     ARG_KVALUE("--tag_mode", tag_mode_, true);
    868     // Dump range map of tested pages..
    869     ARG_KVALUE("--do_page_map", do_page_map_, true);
    871     // Specify the physical address base to test.
    872     ARG_IVALUE("--paddr_base", paddr_base_);
    874     // Specify the frequency for power spikes.
    875     ARG_IVALUE("--pause_delay", pause_delay_);
    877     // Specify the duration of each pause (for power spikes).
    878     ARG_IVALUE("--pause_duration", pause_duration_);
    880     // Disk device names
    881     if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-d")) {
    882       i++;
    883       if (i < argc) {
    884         disk_threads_++;
    885         diskfilename_.push_back(string(argv[i]));
    886         blocktables_.push_back(new DiskBlockTable());
    887       }
    888       continue;
    889     }
    891     // Set number of disk random threads for each disk write thread.
    892     ARG_IVALUE("--random-threads", random_threads_);
    894     // Set a tempfile to use in a file thread.
    895     if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-f")) {
    896       i++;
    897       if (i < argc) {
    898         file_threads_++;
    899         filename_.push_back(string(argv[i]));
    900       }
    901       continue;
    902     }
    904     // Set a hostname to use in a network thread.
    905     if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-n")) {
    906       i++;
    907       if (i < argc) {
    908         net_threads_++;
    909         ipaddrs_.push_back(string(argv[i]));
    910       }
    911       continue;
    912     }
    914     // Run threads that listen for incoming SAT net connections.
    915     ARG_KVALUE("--listen", listen_threads_, 1);
    917     if (CheckGoogleSpecificArgs(argc, argv, &i)) {
    918       continue;
    919     }
    921     // Default:
    922     PrintVersion();
    923     PrintHelp();
    924     if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") && strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) {
    925       printf("\n Unknown argument %s\n", argv[i]);
    926       bad_status();
    927       exit(1);
    928     }
    929     // Forget it, we printed the help, just bail.
    930     // We don't want to print test status, or any log parser stuff.
    931     exit(0);
    932   }
    934   Logger::GlobalLogger()->SetVerbosity(verbosity_);
    936   // Update relevant data members with parsed input.
    937   // Translate MB into bytes.
    938   size_ = static_cast<int64>(size_mb_) * kMegabyte;
    940   // Set logfile flag.
    941   if (strcmp(logfilename_, ""))
    942     use_logfile_ = 1;
    943   // Checks valid page length.
    944   if (page_length_ &&
    945       !(page_length_ & (page_length_ - 1)) &&
    946       (page_length_ > 1023)) {
    947     // Prints if we have changed from default.
    948     if (page_length_ != kSatPageSize)
    949       logprintf(12, "Log: Updating page size to %d\n", page_length_);
    950   } else {
    951     // Revert to default page length.
    952     logprintf(6, "Process Error: "
    953               "Invalid page size %d\n", page_length_);
    954     page_length_ = kSatPageSize;
    955     return false;
    956   }
    958   // Set disk_pages_ if filesize or page size changed.
    959   if (filesize != static_cast<uint64>(page_length_) *
    960                   static_cast<uint64>(disk_pages_)) {
    961     disk_pages_ = filesize / page_length_;
    962     if (disk_pages_ == 0)
    963       disk_pages_ = 1;
    964   }
    966   // Print each argument.
    967   for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
    968     if (i)
    969       cmdline_ += " ";
    970     cmdline_ += argv[i];
    971   }
    973   return true;
    974 }
    976 void Sat::PrintHelp() {
    977   printf("Usage: ./sat(32|64) [options]\n"
    978          " -M mbytes        megabytes of ram to test\n"
    979          " -H mbytes        minimum megabytes of hugepages to require\n"
    980          " -s seconds       number of seconds to run\n"
    981          " -m threads       number of memory copy threads to run\n"
    982          " -i threads       number of memory invert threads to run\n"
    983          " -C threads       number of memory CPU stress threads to run\n"
    984          " --findfiles      find locations to do disk IO automatically\n"
    985          " -d device        add a direct write disk thread with block "
    986          "device (or file) 'device'\n"
    987          " -f filename      add a disk thread with "
    988          "tempfile 'filename'\n"
    989          " -l logfile       log output to file 'logfile'\n"
    990          " --max_errors n   exit early after finding 'n' errors\n"
    991          " -v level         verbosity (0-20), default is 8\n"
    992          " -W               Use more CPU-stressful memory copy\n"
    993          " -A               run in degraded mode on incompatible systems\n"
    994          " -p pagesize      size in bytes of memory chunks\n"
    995          " --filesize size  size of disk IO tempfiles\n"
    996          " -n ipaddr        add a network thread connecting to "
    997          "system at 'ipaddr'\n"
    998          " --listen         run a thread to listen for and respond "
    999          "to network threads.\n"
   1000          " --no_errors      run without checking for ECC or other errors\n"
   1001          " --force_errors   inject false errors to test error handling\n"
   1002          " --force_errors_like_crazy   inject a lot of false errors "
   1003          "to test error handling\n"
   1004          " -F               don't result check each transaction\n"
   1005          " --stop_on_errors  Stop after finding the first error.\n"
   1006          " --read-block-size     size of block for reading (-d)\n"
   1007          " --write-block-size    size of block for writing (-d). If not "
   1008          "defined, the size of block for writing will be defined as the "
   1009          "size of block for reading\n"
   1010          " --segment-size   size of segments to split disk into (-d)\n"
   1011          " --cache-size     size of disk cache (-d)\n"
   1012          " --blocks-per-segment  number of blocks to read/write per "
   1013          "segment per iteration (-d)\n"
   1014          " --read-threshold      maximum time (in us) a block read should "
   1015          "take (-d)\n"
   1016          " --write-threshold     maximum time (in us) a block write "
   1017          "should take (-d)\n"
   1018          " --random-threads      number of random threads for each disk "
   1019          "write thread (-d)\n"
   1020          " --destructive    write/wipe disk partition (-d)\n"
   1021          " --monitor_mode   only do ECC error polling, no stress load.\n"
   1022          " --cc_test        do the cache coherency testing\n"
   1023          " --cc_inc_count   number of times to increment the "
   1024          "cacheline's member\n"
   1025          " --cc_line_count  number of cache line sized datastructures "
   1026          "to allocate for the cache coherency threads to operate\n"
   1027          " --paddr_base     allocate memory starting from this address\n"
   1028          " --pause_delay    delay (in seconds) between power spikes\n"
   1029          " --pause_duration duration (in seconds) of each pause\n"
   1030          " --local_numa : choose memory regions associated with "
   1031          "each CPU to be tested by that CPU\n"
   1032          " --remote_numa : choose memory regions not associated with "
   1033          "each CPU to be tested by that CPU\n");
   1034 }
   1036 bool Sat::CheckGoogleSpecificArgs(int argc, char **argv, int *i) {
   1037   // Do nothing, no google-specific argument on public stressapptest
   1038   return false;
   1039 }
   1041 void Sat::GoogleOsOptions(std::map<std::string, std::string> *options) {
   1042   // Do nothing, no OS-specific argument on public stressapptest
   1043 }
   1045 // Launch the SAT task threads. Returns 0 on error.
   1046 void Sat::InitializeThreads() {
   1047   // Memory copy threads.
   1048   AcquireWorkerLock();
   1050   logprintf(12, "Log: Starting worker threads\n");
   1051   WorkerVector *memory_vector = new WorkerVector();
   1053   // Error polling thread.
   1054   // This may detect ECC corrected errors, disk problems, or
   1055   // any other errors normally hidden from userspace.
   1056   WorkerVector *error_vector = new WorkerVector();
   1057   if (error_poll_) {
   1058     ErrorPollThread *thread = new ErrorPollThread();
   1059     thread->InitThread(total_threads_++, this, os_, patternlist_,
   1060                        &continuous_status_);
   1062     error_vector->insert(error_vector->end(), thread);
   1063   } else {
   1064     logprintf(5, "Log: Skipping error poll thread due to --no_errors flag\n");
   1065   }
   1066   workers_map_.insert(make_pair(kErrorType, error_vector));
   1068   // Only start error poll threads for monitor-mode SAT,
   1069   // skip all other types of worker threads.
   1070   if (monitor_mode_) {
   1071     ReleaseWorkerLock();
   1072     return;
   1073   }
   1075   for (int i = 0; i < memory_threads_; i++) {
   1076     CopyThread *thread = new CopyThread();
   1077     thread->InitThread(total_threads_++, this, os_, patternlist_,
   1078                        &power_spike_status_);
   1080     if ((region_count_ > 1) && (region_mode_)) {
   1081       int32 region = region_find(i % region_count_);
   1082       cpu_set_t *cpuset = os_->FindCoreMask(region);
   1083       sat_assert(cpuset);
   1084       if (region_mode_ == kLocalNuma) {
   1085         // Choose regions associated with this CPU.
   1086         thread->set_cpu_mask(cpuset);
   1087         thread->set_tag(1 << region);
   1088       } else if (region_mode_ == kRemoteNuma) {
   1089         // Choose regions not associated with this CPU..
   1090         thread->set_cpu_mask(cpuset);
   1091         thread->set_tag(region_mask_ & ~(1 << region));
   1092       }
   1093     } else {
   1094       cpu_set_t available_cpus;
   1095       thread->AvailableCpus(&available_cpus);
   1096       int cores = cpuset_count(&available_cpus);
   1097       // Don't restrict thread location if we have more than one
   1098       // thread per core. Not so good for performance.
   1099       if (cpu_stress_threads_ + memory_threads_ <= cores) {
   1100         // Place a thread on alternating cores first.
   1101         // This assures interleaved core use with no overlap.
   1102         int nthcore = i;
   1103         int nthbit = (((2 * nthcore) % cores) +
   1104                       (((2 * nthcore) / cores) % 2)) % cores;
   1105         cpu_set_t all_cores;
   1106         cpuset_set_ab(&all_cores, 0, cores);
   1107         if (!cpuset_isequal(&available_cpus, &all_cores)) {
   1108           // We are assuming the bits are contiguous.
   1109           // Complain if this is not so.
   1110           logprintf(0, "Log: cores = %s, expected %s\n",
   1111                     cpuset_format(&available_cpus).c_str(),
   1112                     cpuset_format(&all_cores).c_str());
   1113         }
   1115         // Set thread affinity.
   1116         thread->set_cpu_mask_to_cpu(nthbit);
   1117       }
   1118     }
   1119     memory_vector->insert(memory_vector->end(), thread);
   1120   }
   1121   workers_map_.insert(make_pair(kMemoryType, memory_vector));
   1123   // File IO threads.
   1124   WorkerVector *fileio_vector = new WorkerVector();
   1125   for (int i = 0; i < file_threads_; i++) {
   1126     FileThread *thread = new FileThread();
   1127     thread->InitThread(total_threads_++, this, os_, patternlist_,
   1128                        &power_spike_status_);
   1129     thread->SetFile(filename_[i].c_str());
   1130     // Set disk threads high priority. They don't take much processor time,
   1131     // but blocking them will delay disk IO.
   1132     thread->SetPriority(WorkerThread::High);
   1134     fileio_vector->insert(fileio_vector->end(), thread);
   1135   }
   1136   workers_map_.insert(make_pair(kFileIOType, fileio_vector));
   1138   // Net IO threads.
   1139   WorkerVector *netio_vector = new WorkerVector();
   1140   WorkerVector *netslave_vector = new WorkerVector();
   1141   if (listen_threads_ > 0) {
   1142     // Create a network slave thread. This listens for connections.
   1143     NetworkListenThread *thread = new NetworkListenThread();
   1144     thread->InitThread(total_threads_++, this, os_, patternlist_,
   1145                        &continuous_status_);
   1147     netslave_vector->insert(netslave_vector->end(), thread);
   1148   }
   1149   for (int i = 0; i < net_threads_; i++) {
   1150     NetworkThread *thread = new NetworkThread();
   1151     thread->InitThread(total_threads_++, this, os_, patternlist_,
   1152                        &continuous_status_);
   1153     thread->SetIP(ipaddrs_[i].c_str());
   1155     netio_vector->insert(netio_vector->end(), thread);
   1156   }
   1157   workers_map_.insert(make_pair(kNetIOType, netio_vector));
   1158   workers_map_.insert(make_pair(kNetSlaveType, netslave_vector));
   1160   // Result check threads.
   1161   WorkerVector *check_vector = new WorkerVector();
   1162   for (int i = 0; i < check_threads_; i++) {
   1163     CheckThread *thread = new CheckThread();
   1164     thread->InitThread(total_threads_++, this, os_, patternlist_,
   1165                        &continuous_status_);
   1167     check_vector->insert(check_vector->end(), thread);
   1168   }
   1169   workers_map_.insert(make_pair(kCheckType, check_vector));
   1171   // Memory invert threads.
   1172   logprintf(12, "Log: Starting invert threads\n");
   1173   WorkerVector *invert_vector = new WorkerVector();
   1174   for (int i = 0; i < invert_threads_; i++) {
   1175     InvertThread *thread = new InvertThread();
   1176     thread->InitThread(total_threads_++, this, os_, patternlist_,
   1177                        &continuous_status_);
   1179     invert_vector->insert(invert_vector->end(), thread);
   1180   }
   1181   workers_map_.insert(make_pair(kInvertType, invert_vector));
   1183   // Disk stress threads.
   1184   WorkerVector *disk_vector = new WorkerVector();
   1185   WorkerVector *random_vector = new WorkerVector();
   1186   logprintf(12, "Log: Starting disk stress threads\n");
   1187   for (int i = 0; i < disk_threads_; i++) {
   1188     // Creating write threads
   1189     DiskThread *thread = new DiskThread(blocktables_[i]);
   1190     thread->InitThread(total_threads_++, this, os_, patternlist_,
   1191                        &power_spike_status_);
   1192     thread->SetDevice(diskfilename_[i].c_str());
   1193     if (thread->SetParameters(read_block_size_, write_block_size_,
   1194                               segment_size_, cache_size_,
   1195                               blocks_per_segment_,
   1196                               read_threshold_, write_threshold_,
   1197                               non_destructive_)) {
   1198       disk_vector->insert(disk_vector->end(), thread);
   1199     } else {
   1200       logprintf(12, "Log: DiskThread::SetParameters() failed\n");
   1201       delete thread;
   1202     }
   1204     for (int j = 0; j < random_threads_; j++) {
   1205       // Creating random threads
   1206       RandomDiskThread *rthread = new RandomDiskThread(blocktables_[i]);
   1207       rthread->InitThread(total_threads_++, this, os_, patternlist_,
   1208                           &power_spike_status_);
   1209       rthread->SetDevice(diskfilename_[i].c_str());
   1210       if (rthread->SetParameters(read_block_size_, write_block_size_,
   1211                                  segment_size_, cache_size_,
   1212                                  blocks_per_segment_,
   1213                                  read_threshold_, write_threshold_,
   1214                                  non_destructive_)) {
   1215         random_vector->insert(random_vector->end(), rthread);
   1216       } else {
   1217       logprintf(12, "Log: RandomDiskThread::SetParameters() failed\n");
   1218         delete rthread;
   1219       }
   1220     }
   1221   }
   1223   workers_map_.insert(make_pair(kDiskType, disk_vector));
   1224   workers_map_.insert(make_pair(kRandomDiskType, random_vector));
   1226   // CPU stress threads.
   1227   WorkerVector *cpu_vector = new WorkerVector();
   1228   logprintf(12, "Log: Starting cpu stress threads\n");
   1229   for (int i = 0; i < cpu_stress_threads_; i++) {
   1230     CpuStressThread *thread = new CpuStressThread();
   1231     thread->InitThread(total_threads_++, this, os_, patternlist_,
   1232                        &continuous_status_);
   1234     // Don't restrict thread location if we have more than one
   1235     // thread per core. Not so good for performance.
   1236     cpu_set_t available_cpus;
   1237     thread->AvailableCpus(&available_cpus);
   1238     int cores = cpuset_count(&available_cpus);
   1239     if (cpu_stress_threads_ + memory_threads_ <= cores) {
   1240       // Place a thread on alternating cores first.
   1241       // Go in reverse order for CPU stress threads. This assures interleaved
   1242       // core use with no overlap.
   1243       int nthcore = (cores - 1) - i;
   1244       int nthbit = (((2 * nthcore) % cores) +
   1245                     (((2 * nthcore) / cores) % 2)) % cores;
   1246       cpu_set_t all_cores;
   1247       cpuset_set_ab(&all_cores, 0, cores);
   1248       if (!cpuset_isequal(&available_cpus, &all_cores)) {
   1249         logprintf(0, "Log: cores = %s, expected %s\n",
   1250                   cpuset_format(&available_cpus).c_str(),
   1251                   cpuset_format(&all_cores).c_str());
   1252       }
   1254       // Set thread affinity.
   1255       thread->set_cpu_mask_to_cpu(nthbit);
   1256     }
   1259     cpu_vector->insert(cpu_vector->end(), thread);
   1260   }
   1261   workers_map_.insert(make_pair(kCPUType, cpu_vector));
   1263   // CPU Cache Coherency Threads - one for each core available.
   1264   if (cc_test_) {
   1265     WorkerVector *cc_vector = new WorkerVector();
   1266     logprintf(12, "Log: Starting cpu cache coherency threads\n");
   1268     // Allocate the shared datastructure to be worked on by the threads.
   1269     cc_cacheline_data_ = reinterpret_cast<cc_cacheline_data*>(
   1270         malloc(sizeof(cc_cacheline_data) * cc_cacheline_count_));
   1271     sat_assert(cc_cacheline_data_ != NULL);
   1273     // Initialize the strucutre.
   1274     memset(cc_cacheline_data_, 0,
   1275            sizeof(cc_cacheline_data) * cc_cacheline_count_);
   1277     int num_cpus = CpuCount();
   1278     // Allocate all the nums once so that we get a single chunk
   1279     // of contiguous memory.
   1280     int *num;
   1281 #ifdef HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN
   1282     int err_result = posix_memalign(
   1283         reinterpret_cast<void**>(&num),
   1284         kCacheLineSize, sizeof(*num) * num_cpus * cc_cacheline_count_);
   1285 #else
   1286     num = reinterpret_cast<int*>(memalign(kCacheLineSize,
   1287 			sizeof(*num) * num_cpus * cc_cacheline_count_));
   1288     int err_result = (num == 0);
   1289 #endif
   1290     sat_assert(err_result == 0);
   1292     int cline;
   1293     for (cline = 0; cline < cc_cacheline_count_; cline++) {
   1294       memset(num, 0, sizeof(num_cpus) * num_cpus);
   1295       cc_cacheline_data_[cline].num = num;
   1296       num += num_cpus;
   1297     }
   1299     int tnum;
   1300     for (tnum = 0; tnum < num_cpus; tnum++) {
   1301       CpuCacheCoherencyThread *thread =
   1302           new CpuCacheCoherencyThread(cc_cacheline_data_, cc_cacheline_count_,
   1303                                       tnum, cc_inc_count_);
   1304       thread->InitThread(total_threads_++, this, os_, patternlist_,
   1305                          &continuous_status_);
   1306       // Pin the thread to a particular core.
   1307       thread->set_cpu_mask_to_cpu(tnum);
   1309       // Insert the thread into the vector.
   1310       cc_vector->insert(cc_vector->end(), thread);
   1311     }
   1312     workers_map_.insert(make_pair(kCCType, cc_vector));
   1313   }
   1314   ReleaseWorkerLock();
   1315 }
   1317 // Return the number of cpus actually present in the machine.
   1318 int Sat::CpuCount() {
   1319   return sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF);
   1320 }
   1322 // Notify and reap worker threads.
   1323 void Sat::JoinThreads() {
   1324   logprintf(12, "Log: Joining worker threads\n");
   1325   power_spike_status_.StopWorkers();
   1326   continuous_status_.StopWorkers();
   1328   AcquireWorkerLock();
   1329   for (WorkerMap::const_iterator map_it = workers_map_.begin();
   1330        map_it != workers_map_.end(); ++map_it) {
   1331     for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = map_it->second->begin();
   1332          it != map_it->second->end(); ++it) {
   1333       logprintf(12, "Log: Joining thread %d\n", (*it)->ThreadID());
   1334       (*it)->JoinThread();
   1335     }
   1336   }
   1337   ReleaseWorkerLock();
   1339   QueueStats();
   1341   // Finish up result checking.
   1342   // Spawn 4 check threads to minimize check time.
   1343   logprintf(12, "Log: Finished countdown, begin to result check\n");
   1344   WorkerStatus reap_check_status;
   1345   WorkerVector reap_check_vector;
   1347   // No need for check threads for monitor mode.
   1348   if (!monitor_mode_) {
   1349     // Initialize the check threads.
   1350     for (int i = 0; i < fill_threads_; i++) {
   1351       CheckThread *thread = new CheckThread();
   1352       thread->InitThread(total_threads_++, this, os_, patternlist_,
   1353                          &reap_check_status);
   1354       logprintf(12, "Log: Finished countdown, begin to result check\n");
   1355       reap_check_vector.push_back(thread);
   1356     }
   1357   }
   1359   reap_check_status.Initialize();
   1360   // Check threads should be marked to stop ASAP.
   1361   reap_check_status.StopWorkers();
   1363   // Spawn the check threads.
   1364   for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = reap_check_vector.begin();
   1365        it != reap_check_vector.end(); ++it) {
   1366     logprintf(12, "Log: Spawning thread %d\n", (*it)->ThreadID());
   1367     (*it)->SpawnThread();
   1368   }
   1370   // Join the check threads.
   1371   for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = reap_check_vector.begin();
   1372        it != reap_check_vector.end(); ++it) {
   1373     logprintf(12, "Log: Joining thread %d\n", (*it)->ThreadID());
   1374     (*it)->JoinThread();
   1375   }
   1377   // Reap all children. Stopped threads should have already ended.
   1378   // Result checking threads will end when they have finished
   1379   // result checking.
   1380   logprintf(12, "Log: Join all outstanding threads\n");
   1382   // Find all errors.
   1383   errorcount_ = GetTotalErrorCount();
   1385   AcquireWorkerLock();
   1386   for (WorkerMap::const_iterator map_it = workers_map_.begin();
   1387        map_it != workers_map_.end(); ++map_it) {
   1388     for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = map_it->second->begin();
   1389          it != map_it->second->end(); ++it) {
   1390       logprintf(12, "Log: Reaping thread status %d\n", (*it)->ThreadID());
   1391       if ((*it)->GetStatus() != 1) {
   1392         logprintf(0, "Process Error: Thread %d failed with status %d at "
   1393                   "%.2f seconds\n",
   1394                   (*it)->ThreadID(), (*it)->GetStatus(),
   1395                   (*it)->GetRunDurationUSec()*1.0/1000000);
   1396         bad_status();
   1397       }
   1398       int priority = 12;
   1399       if ((*it)->GetErrorCount())
   1400         priority = 5;
   1401       logprintf(priority, "Log: Thread %d found %lld hardware incidents\n",
   1402                 (*it)->ThreadID(), (*it)->GetErrorCount());
   1403     }
   1404   }
   1405   ReleaseWorkerLock();
   1408   // Add in any errors from check threads.
   1409   for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = reap_check_vector.begin();
   1410        it != reap_check_vector.end(); ++it) {
   1411     logprintf(12, "Log: Reaping thread status %d\n", (*it)->ThreadID());
   1412     if ((*it)->GetStatus() != 1) {
   1413       logprintf(0, "Process Error: Thread %d failed with status %d at "
   1414                 "%.2f seconds\n",
   1415                 (*it)->ThreadID(), (*it)->GetStatus(),
   1416                 (*it)->GetRunDurationUSec()*1.0/1000000);
   1417       bad_status();
   1418     }
   1419     errorcount_ += (*it)->GetErrorCount();
   1420     int priority = 12;
   1421     if ((*it)->GetErrorCount())
   1422       priority = 5;
   1423     logprintf(priority, "Log: Thread %d found %lld hardware incidents\n",
   1424               (*it)->ThreadID(), (*it)->GetErrorCount());
   1425     delete (*it);
   1426   }
   1427   reap_check_vector.clear();
   1428   reap_check_status.Destroy();
   1429 }
   1431 // Print queuing information.
   1432 void Sat::QueueStats() {
   1433   finelock_q_->QueueAnalysis();
   1434 }
   1436 void Sat::AnalysisAllStats() {
   1437   float max_runtime_sec = 0.;
   1438   float total_data = 0.;
   1439   float total_bandwidth = 0.;
   1440   float thread_runtime_sec = 0.;
   1442   for (WorkerMap::const_iterator map_it = workers_map_.begin();
   1443        map_it != workers_map_.end(); ++map_it) {
   1444     for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = map_it->second->begin();
   1445          it != map_it->second->end(); ++it) {
   1446       thread_runtime_sec = (*it)->GetRunDurationUSec()*1.0/1000000;
   1447       total_data += (*it)->GetMemoryCopiedData();
   1448       total_data += (*it)->GetDeviceCopiedData();
   1449       if (thread_runtime_sec > max_runtime_sec) {
   1450         max_runtime_sec = thread_runtime_sec;
   1451       }
   1452     }
   1453   }
   1455   total_bandwidth = total_data / max_runtime_sec;
   1457   logprintf(0, "Stats: Completed: %.2fM in %.2fs %.2fMB/s, "
   1458             "with %d hardware incidents, %d errors\n",
   1459             total_data,
   1460             max_runtime_sec,
   1461             total_bandwidth,
   1462             errorcount_,
   1463             statuscount_);
   1464 }
   1466 void Sat::MemoryStats() {
   1467   float memcopy_data = 0.;
   1468   float memcopy_bandwidth = 0.;
   1469   WorkerMap::const_iterator mem_it = workers_map_.find(
   1470       static_cast<int>(kMemoryType));
   1471   WorkerMap::const_iterator file_it = workers_map_.find(
   1472       static_cast<int>(kFileIOType));
   1473   sat_assert(mem_it != workers_map_.end());
   1474   sat_assert(file_it != workers_map_.end());
   1475   for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = mem_it->second->begin();
   1476        it != mem_it->second->end(); ++it) {
   1477     memcopy_data += (*it)->GetMemoryCopiedData();
   1478     memcopy_bandwidth += (*it)->GetMemoryBandwidth();
   1479   }
   1480   for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = file_it->second->begin();
   1481        it != file_it->second->end(); ++it) {
   1482     memcopy_data += (*it)->GetMemoryCopiedData();
   1483     memcopy_bandwidth += (*it)->GetMemoryBandwidth();
   1484   }
   1485   GoogleMemoryStats(&memcopy_data, &memcopy_bandwidth);
   1486   logprintf(4, "Stats: Memory Copy: %.2fM at %.2fMB/s\n",
   1487             memcopy_data,
   1488             memcopy_bandwidth);
   1489 }
   1491 void Sat::GoogleMemoryStats(float *memcopy_data,
   1492                             float *memcopy_bandwidth) {
   1493   // Do nothing, should be implemented by subclasses.
   1494 }
   1496 void Sat::FileStats() {
   1497   float file_data = 0.;
   1498   float file_bandwidth = 0.;
   1499   WorkerMap::const_iterator file_it = workers_map_.find(
   1500       static_cast<int>(kFileIOType));
   1501   sat_assert(file_it != workers_map_.end());
   1502   for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = file_it->second->begin();
   1503        it != file_it->second->end(); ++it) {
   1504     file_data += (*it)->GetDeviceCopiedData();
   1505     file_bandwidth += (*it)->GetDeviceBandwidth();
   1506   }
   1507   logprintf(4, "Stats: File Copy: %.2fM at %.2fMB/s\n",
   1508             file_data,
   1509             file_bandwidth);
   1510 }
   1512 void Sat::CheckStats() {
   1513   float check_data = 0.;
   1514   float check_bandwidth = 0.;
   1515   WorkerMap::const_iterator check_it = workers_map_.find(
   1516       static_cast<int>(kCheckType));
   1517   sat_assert(check_it != workers_map_.end());
   1518   for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = check_it->second->begin();
   1519        it != check_it->second->end(); ++it) {
   1520     check_data += (*it)->GetMemoryCopiedData();
   1521     check_bandwidth += (*it)->GetMemoryBandwidth();
   1522   }
   1523   logprintf(4, "Stats: Data Check: %.2fM at %.2fMB/s\n",
   1524             check_data,
   1525             check_bandwidth);
   1526 }
   1528 void Sat::NetStats() {
   1529   float net_data = 0.;
   1530   float net_bandwidth = 0.;
   1531   WorkerMap::const_iterator netio_it = workers_map_.find(
   1532       static_cast<int>(kNetIOType));
   1533   WorkerMap::const_iterator netslave_it = workers_map_.find(
   1534       static_cast<int>(kNetSlaveType));
   1535   sat_assert(netio_it != workers_map_.end());
   1536   sat_assert(netslave_it != workers_map_.end());
   1537   for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = netio_it->second->begin();
   1538        it != netio_it->second->end(); ++it) {
   1539     net_data += (*it)->GetDeviceCopiedData();
   1540     net_bandwidth += (*it)->GetDeviceBandwidth();
   1541   }
   1542   for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = netslave_it->second->begin();
   1543        it != netslave_it->second->end(); ++it) {
   1544     net_data += (*it)->GetDeviceCopiedData();
   1545     net_bandwidth += (*it)->GetDeviceBandwidth();
   1546   }
   1547   logprintf(4, "Stats: Net Copy: %.2fM at %.2fMB/s\n",
   1548             net_data,
   1549             net_bandwidth);
   1550 }
   1552 void Sat::InvertStats() {
   1553   float invert_data = 0.;
   1554   float invert_bandwidth = 0.;
   1555   WorkerMap::const_iterator invert_it = workers_map_.find(
   1556       static_cast<int>(kInvertType));
   1557   sat_assert(invert_it != workers_map_.end());
   1558   for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = invert_it->second->begin();
   1559        it != invert_it->second->end(); ++it) {
   1560     invert_data += (*it)->GetMemoryCopiedData();
   1561     invert_bandwidth += (*it)->GetMemoryBandwidth();
   1562   }
   1563   logprintf(4, "Stats: Invert Data: %.2fM at %.2fMB/s\n",
   1564             invert_data,
   1565             invert_bandwidth);
   1566 }
   1568 void Sat::DiskStats() {
   1569   float disk_data = 0.;
   1570   float disk_bandwidth = 0.;
   1571   WorkerMap::const_iterator disk_it = workers_map_.find(
   1572       static_cast<int>(kDiskType));
   1573   WorkerMap::const_iterator random_it = workers_map_.find(
   1574       static_cast<int>(kRandomDiskType));
   1575   sat_assert(disk_it != workers_map_.end());
   1576   sat_assert(random_it != workers_map_.end());
   1577   for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = disk_it->second->begin();
   1578        it != disk_it->second->end(); ++it) {
   1579     disk_data += (*it)->GetDeviceCopiedData();
   1580     disk_bandwidth += (*it)->GetDeviceBandwidth();
   1581   }
   1582   for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = random_it->second->begin();
   1583        it != random_it->second->end(); ++it) {
   1584     disk_data += (*it)->GetDeviceCopiedData();
   1585     disk_bandwidth += (*it)->GetDeviceBandwidth();
   1586   }
   1588   logprintf(4, "Stats: Disk: %.2fM at %.2fMB/s\n",
   1589             disk_data,
   1590             disk_bandwidth);
   1591 }
   1593 // Process worker thread data for bandwidth information, and error results.
   1594 // You can add more methods here just subclassing SAT.
   1595 void Sat::RunAnalysis() {
   1596   AnalysisAllStats();
   1597   MemoryStats();
   1598   FileStats();
   1599   NetStats();
   1600   CheckStats();
   1601   InvertStats();
   1602   DiskStats();
   1603 }
   1605 // Get total error count, summing across all threads..
   1606 int64 Sat::GetTotalErrorCount() {
   1607   int64 errors = 0;
   1609   AcquireWorkerLock();
   1610   for (WorkerMap::const_iterator map_it = workers_map_.begin();
   1611        map_it != workers_map_.end(); ++map_it) {
   1612     for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = map_it->second->begin();
   1613          it != map_it->second->end(); ++it) {
   1614       errors += (*it)->GetErrorCount();
   1615     }
   1616   }
   1617   ReleaseWorkerLock();
   1618   return errors;
   1619 }
   1622 void Sat::SpawnThreads() {
   1623   logprintf(12, "Log: Initializing WorkerStatus objects\n");
   1624   power_spike_status_.Initialize();
   1625   continuous_status_.Initialize();
   1626   logprintf(12, "Log: Spawning worker threads\n");
   1627   for (WorkerMap::const_iterator map_it = workers_map_.begin();
   1628        map_it != workers_map_.end(); ++map_it) {
   1629     for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = map_it->second->begin();
   1630          it != map_it->second->end(); ++it) {
   1631       logprintf(12, "Log: Spawning thread %d\n", (*it)->ThreadID());
   1632       (*it)->SpawnThread();
   1633     }
   1634   }
   1635 }
   1637 // Delete used worker thread objects.
   1638 void Sat::DeleteThreads() {
   1639   logprintf(12, "Log: Deleting worker threads\n");
   1640   for (WorkerMap::const_iterator map_it = workers_map_.begin();
   1641        map_it != workers_map_.end(); ++map_it) {
   1642     for (WorkerVector::const_iterator it = map_it->second->begin();
   1643          it != map_it->second->end(); ++it) {
   1644       logprintf(12, "Log: Deleting thread %d\n", (*it)->ThreadID());
   1645       delete (*it);
   1646     }
   1647     delete map_it->second;
   1648   }
   1649   workers_map_.clear();
   1650   logprintf(12, "Log: Destroying WorkerStatus objects\n");
   1651   power_spike_status_.Destroy();
   1652   continuous_status_.Destroy();
   1653 }
   1655 namespace {
   1656 // Calculates the next time an action in Sat::Run() should occur, based on a
   1657 // schedule derived from a start point and a regular frequency.
   1658 //
   1659 // Using frequencies instead of intervals with their accompanying drift allows
   1660 // users to better predict when the actions will occur throughout a run.
   1661 //
   1662 // Arguments:
   1663 //   frequency: seconds
   1664 //   start: unixtime
   1665 //   now: unixtime
   1666 //
   1667 // Returns: unixtime
   1668 inline time_t NextOccurance(time_t frequency, time_t start, time_t now) {
   1669   return start + frequency + (((now - start) / frequency) * frequency);
   1670 }
   1671 }
   1673 // Run the actual test.
   1674 bool Sat::Run() {
   1675   // Install signal handlers to gracefully exit in the middle of a run.
   1676   //
   1677   // Why go through this whole rigmarole?  It's the only standards-compliant
   1678   // (C++ and POSIX) way to handle signals in a multithreaded program.
   1679   // Specifically:
   1680   //
   1681   // 1) (C++) The value of a variable not of type "volatile sig_atomic_t" is
   1682   //    unspecified upon entering a signal handler and, if modified by the
   1683   //    handler, is unspecified after leaving the handler.
   1684   //
   1685   // 2) (POSIX) After the value of a variable is changed in one thread, another
   1686   //    thread is only guaranteed to see the new value after both threads have
   1687   //    acquired or released the same mutex or rwlock, synchronized to the
   1688   //    same barrier, or similar.
   1689   //
   1690   // #1 prevents the use of #2 in a signal handler, so the signal handler must
   1691   // be called in the same thread that reads the "volatile sig_atomic_t"
   1692   // variable it sets.  We enforce that by blocking the signals in question in
   1693   // the worker threads, forcing them to be handled by this thread.
   1694   logprintf(12, "Log: Installing signal handlers\n");
   1695   sigset_t new_blocked_signals;
   1696   sigemptyset(&new_blocked_signals);
   1697   sigaddset(&new_blocked_signals, SIGINT);
   1698   sigaddset(&new_blocked_signals, SIGTERM);
   1699   sigset_t prev_blocked_signals;
   1700   pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &new_blocked_signals, &prev_blocked_signals);
   1701   sighandler_t prev_sigint_handler = signal(SIGINT, SatHandleBreak);
   1702   sighandler_t prev_sigterm_handler = signal(SIGTERM, SatHandleBreak);
   1704   // Kick off all the worker threads.
   1705   logprintf(12, "Log: Launching worker threads\n");
   1706   InitializeThreads();
   1707   SpawnThreads();
   1708   pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &prev_blocked_signals, NULL);
   1710   logprintf(12, "Log: Starting countdown with %d seconds\n", runtime_seconds_);
   1712   // In seconds.
   1713   static const time_t kSleepFrequency = 5;
   1714   // All of these are in seconds.  You probably want them to be >=
   1715   // kSleepFrequency and multiples of kSleepFrequency, but neither is necessary.
   1716   static const time_t kInjectionFrequency = 10;
   1717   static const time_t kPrintFrequency = 10;
   1719   const time_t start = time(NULL);
   1720   const time_t end = start + runtime_seconds_;
   1721   time_t now = start;
   1722   time_t next_print = start + kPrintFrequency;
   1723   time_t next_pause = start + pause_delay_;
   1724   time_t next_resume = 0;
   1725   time_t next_injection;
   1726   if (crazy_error_injection_) {
   1727     next_injection = start + kInjectionFrequency;
   1728   } else {
   1729     next_injection = 0;
   1730   }
   1732   while (now < end) {
   1733     // This is an int because it's for logprintf().
   1734     const int seconds_remaining = end - now;
   1736     if (user_break_) {
   1737       // Handle early exit.
   1738       logprintf(0, "Log: User exiting early (%d seconds remaining)\n",
   1739                 seconds_remaining);
   1740       break;
   1741     }
   1743     // If we have an error limit, check it here and see if we should exit.
   1744     if (max_errorcount_ != 0) {
   1745       uint64 errors = GetTotalErrorCount();
   1746       if (errors > max_errorcount_) {
   1747         logprintf(0, "Log: Exiting early (%d seconds remaining) "
   1748                      "due to excessive failures (%lld)\n",
   1749                   seconds_remaining,
   1750                   errors);
   1751         break;
   1752       }
   1753     }
   1755     if (now >= next_print) {
   1756       // Print a count down message.
   1757       logprintf(5, "Log: Seconds remaining: %d\n", seconds_remaining);
   1758       next_print = NextOccurance(kPrintFrequency, start, now);
   1759     }
   1761     if (next_injection && now >= next_injection) {
   1762       // Inject an error.
   1763       logprintf(4, "Log: Injecting error (%d seconds remaining)\n",
   1764                 seconds_remaining);
   1765       struct page_entry src;
   1766       GetValid(&src);
   1767       src.pattern = patternlist_->GetPattern(0);
   1768       PutValid(&src);
   1769       next_injection = NextOccurance(kInjectionFrequency, start, now);
   1770     }
   1772     if (next_pause && now >= next_pause) {
   1773       // Tell worker threads to pause in preparation for a power spike.
   1774       logprintf(4, "Log: Pausing worker threads in preparation for power spike "
   1775                 "(%d seconds remaining)\n", seconds_remaining);
   1776       power_spike_status_.PauseWorkers();
   1777       logprintf(12, "Log: Worker threads paused\n");
   1778       next_pause = 0;
   1779       next_resume = now + pause_duration_;
   1780     }
   1782     if (next_resume && now >= next_resume) {
   1783       // Tell worker threads to resume in order to cause a power spike.
   1784       logprintf(4, "Log: Resuming worker threads to cause a power spike (%d "
   1785                 "seconds remaining)\n", seconds_remaining);
   1786       power_spike_status_.ResumeWorkers();
   1787       logprintf(12, "Log: Worker threads resumed\n");
   1788       next_pause = NextOccurance(pause_delay_, start, now);
   1789       next_resume = 0;
   1790     }
   1792     sat_sleep(NextOccurance(kSleepFrequency, start, now) - now);
   1793     now = time(NULL);
   1794   }
   1796   JoinThreads();
   1798   logprintf(0, "Stats: Found %lld hardware incidents\n", errorcount_);
   1800   if (!monitor_mode_)
   1801     RunAnalysis();
   1803   DeleteThreads();
   1805   logprintf(12, "Log: Uninstalling signal handlers\n");
   1806   signal(SIGINT, prev_sigint_handler);
   1807   signal(SIGTERM, prev_sigterm_handler);
   1809   return true;
   1810 }
   1812 // Clean up all resources.
   1813 bool Sat::Cleanup() {
   1814   g_sat = NULL;
   1815   Logger::GlobalLogger()->StopThread();
   1816   Logger::GlobalLogger()->SetStdoutOnly();
   1817   if (logfile_) {
   1818     close(logfile_);
   1819     logfile_ = 0;
   1820   }
   1821   if (patternlist_) {
   1822     patternlist_->Destroy();
   1823     delete patternlist_;
   1824     patternlist_ = 0;
   1825   }
   1826   if (os_) {
   1827     os_->FreeTestMem();
   1828     delete os_;
   1829     os_ = 0;
   1830   }
   1831   if (empty_) {
   1832     delete empty_;
   1833     empty_ = 0;
   1834   }
   1835   if (valid_) {
   1836     delete valid_;
   1837     valid_ = 0;
   1838   }
   1839   if (finelock_q_) {
   1840     delete finelock_q_;
   1841     finelock_q_ = 0;
   1842   }
   1843   if (page_bitmap_) {
   1844     delete[] page_bitmap_;
   1845   }
   1847   for (size_t i = 0; i < blocktables_.size(); i++) {
   1848     delete blocktables_[i];
   1849   }
   1851   if (cc_cacheline_data_) {
   1852     // The num integer arrays for all the cacheline structures are
   1853     // allocated as a single chunk. The pointers in the cacheline struct
   1854     // are populated accordingly. Hence calling free on the first
   1855     // cacheline's num's address is going to free the entire array.
   1856     // TODO(aganti): Refactor this to have a class for the cacheline
   1857     // structure (currently defined in worker.h) and clean this up
   1858     // in the destructor of that class.
   1859     if (cc_cacheline_data_[0].num) {
   1860       free(cc_cacheline_data_[0].num);
   1861     }
   1862     free(cc_cacheline_data_);
   1863   }
   1865   sat_assert(0 == pthread_mutex_destroy(&worker_lock_));
   1867   return true;
   1868 }
   1871 // Pretty print really obvious results.
   1872 bool Sat::PrintResults() {
   1873   bool result = true;
   1875   logprintf(4, "\n");
   1876   if (statuscount_) {
   1877     logprintf(4, "Status: FAIL - test encountered procedural errors\n");
   1878     result = false;
   1879   } else if (errorcount_) {
   1880     logprintf(4, "Status: FAIL - test discovered HW problems\n");
   1881     result = false;
   1882   } else {
   1883     logprintf(4, "Status: PASS - please verify no corrected errors\n");
   1884   }
   1885   logprintf(4, "\n");
   1887   return result;
   1888 }
   1890 // Helper functions.
   1891 void Sat::AcquireWorkerLock() {
   1892   sat_assert(0 == pthread_mutex_lock(&worker_lock_));
   1893 }
   1894 void Sat::ReleaseWorkerLock() {
   1895   sat_assert(0 == pthread_mutex_unlock(&worker_lock_));
   1896 }
   1898 void logprintf(int priority, const char *format, ...) {
   1899   va_list args;
   1900   va_start(args, format);
   1901   Logger::GlobalLogger()->VLogF(priority, format, args);
   1902   va_end(args);
   1903 }