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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
      7 #include "base/memory/scoped_nsobject.h"
      8 #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/cocoa_test_helper.h"
      9 #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/wrench_menu/menu_tracked_button.h"
     10 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
     11 #include "testing/platform_test.h"
     13 // This test does not test what you'd think it does. Testing around event
     14 // tracking run loops is probably not worh the effort when the size of the
     15 // helper MakeEvent() is larger than the class being tested. If we ever figure
     16 // out a good way to test event tracking, this should be revisited.
     18 @interface MenuTrackedButtonTestReceiver : NSObject {
     19  @public
     20   BOOL didThat_;
     21 }
     22 - (void)doThat:(id)sender;
     23 @end
     24 @implementation MenuTrackedButtonTestReceiver
     25 - (void)doThat:(id)sender {
     26   didThat_ = YES;
     27 }
     28 @end
     31 class MenuTrackedButtonTest : public CocoaTest {
     32  public:
     33   MenuTrackedButtonTest() : event_number_(0) {}
     35   void SetUp() {
     36     listener_.reset([[MenuTrackedButtonTestReceiver alloc] init]);
     37     button_.reset(
     38         [[MenuTrackedButton alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(10, 10, 50, 50)]);
     39     [[test_window() contentView] addSubview:button()];
     40     [button_ setTarget:listener()];
     41     [button_ setAction:@selector(doThat:)];
     42   }
     44   // Creates an event of |type|, with |location| in test_window()'s coordinates.
     45   NSEvent* MakeEvent(NSEventType type, NSPoint location) {
     46     NSTimeInterval now = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
     47     location = [test_window() convertBaseToScreen:location];
     48     if (type == NSMouseEntered || type == NSMouseExited) {
     49       return [NSEvent enterExitEventWithType:type
     50                                     location:location
     51                                modifierFlags:0
     52                                    timestamp:now
     53                                 windowNumber:[test_window() windowNumber]
     54                                      context:nil
     55                                  eventNumber:event_number_++
     56                               trackingNumber:0
     57                                     userData:nil];
     58     } else {
     59       return [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:type
     60                                 location:location
     61                            modifierFlags:0
     62                                timestamp:now
     63                             windowNumber:[test_window() windowNumber]
     64                                  context:nil
     65                              eventNumber:event_number_++
     66                               clickCount:1
     67                                 pressure:1.0];
     68     }
     69   }
     71   MenuTrackedButtonTestReceiver* listener() { return listener_.get(); }
     72   NSButton* button() { return button_.get(); }
     74   scoped_nsobject<MenuTrackedButtonTestReceiver> listener_;
     75   scoped_nsobject<MenuTrackedButton> button_;
     76   NSInteger event_number_;
     77 };
     79 // User mouses over and then off.
     80 TEST_F(MenuTrackedButtonTest, DISABLED_EnterExit) {
     81   [NSApp postEvent:MakeEvent(NSMouseEntered, NSMakePoint(11, 11)) atStart:YES];
     82   [NSApp postEvent:MakeEvent(NSMouseExited, NSMakePoint(9, 9)) atStart:YES];
     83   EXPECT_FALSE(listener()->didThat_);
     84 }
     86 // User mouses over, clicks, drags, and exits.
     87 TEST_F(MenuTrackedButtonTest, DISABLED_EnterDragExit) {
     88   [NSApp postEvent:MakeEvent(NSMouseEntered, NSMakePoint(11, 11)) atStart:YES];
     89   [NSApp postEvent:MakeEvent(NSLeftMouseDown, NSMakePoint(12, 12)) atStart:YES];
     90   [NSApp postEvent:MakeEvent(NSLeftMouseDragged, NSMakePoint(13, 11))
     91            atStart:YES];
     92   [NSApp postEvent:MakeEvent(NSLeftMouseDragged, NSMakePoint(13, 10))
     93            atStart:YES];
     94   [NSApp postEvent:MakeEvent(NSMouseExited, NSMakePoint(13, 9)) atStart:YES];
     95   EXPECT_FALSE(listener()->didThat_);
     96 }
     98 // User mouses over, clicks, drags, and releases.
     99 TEST_F(MenuTrackedButtonTest, DISABLED_EnterDragUp) {
    100   [NSApp postEvent:MakeEvent(NSMouseEntered, NSMakePoint(11, 11)) atStart:YES];
    101   [NSApp postEvent:MakeEvent(NSLeftMouseDown, NSMakePoint(12, 12)) atStart:YES];
    102   [NSApp postEvent:MakeEvent(NSLeftMouseDragged, NSMakePoint(13, 13))
    103            atStart:YES];
    104   [NSApp postEvent:MakeEvent(NSLeftMouseUp, NSMakePoint(14, 14)) atStart:YES];
    105   EXPECT_TRUE(listener()->didThat_);
    106 }
    108 // User drags in and releases.
    109 TEST_F(MenuTrackedButtonTest, DISABLED_DragUp) {
    110   [NSApp postEvent:MakeEvent(NSLeftMouseDragged, NSMakePoint(11, 11))
    111            atStart:YES];
    112   [NSApp postEvent:MakeEvent(NSLeftMouseDragged, NSMakePoint(12, 12))
    113            atStart:YES];
    114   [NSApp postEvent:MakeEvent(NSLeftMouseUp, NSMakePoint(13, 13))
    115            atStart:YES];
    116   EXPECT_TRUE(listener()->didThat_);
    117 }