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      1 // Test is line- and column-sensitive. See run lines below.
      3 template<typename T, T Value, template<typename U, U ValU> class X>
      4 void f(X<T, Value> x);
      6 template<typename T> class allocator;
      8 template<typename T, typename Alloc = allocator<T> >
      9 class vector {
     10   void clear();
     11 };
     13 template<typename T>
     14 class vector<T*> { };
     16 struct Z1 { };
     18 template class vector<Z1>;
     20 struct Z2 { };
     22 template<>
     23 class vector<Z2> {
     24   void clear();
     25 };
     27 template<typename T, typename U>
     28 struct Y {
     29   using typename T::type;
     30   using U::operator Z2;
     31 };
     33 struct Z3 { };
     35 const unsigned OneDimension = 1;
     36 template<typename T, unsigned Dimensions = OneDimension>
     37 struct array { };
     39 template<template<typename, unsigned> class DataStructure = array>
     40 struct storage { };
     42 typedef unsigned Unsigned;
     44 template<typename T, Unsigned Value>
     45 struct value_c;
     47 template class vector<int*>;
     49 struct Z4 {
     50   template<typename T> T getAs();
     51 };
     53 void template_exprs() {
     54   f<Unsigned, OneDimension, array>(array<Unsigned, OneDimension>());
     55   Z4().getAs<Unsigned>();
     56 }
     58 template<typename T> void swap(T&, T&);
     59 template<typename T, typename U> void swap(Y<T, U>&, Y<T, U>&);
     60 void swap(Z4&, Z4&);
     62 struct Z5 {
     63   int f(int);
     64   float f(float);
     65 };
     67 template<typename T>
     68 void unresolved_exprs(T &x) {
     69   swap(x, x);
     70   Z5 z5;
     71   z5.f(x);
     72   swap<T>(x, x);
     73 }
     75 template<typename T, typename U>
     76 struct Pair {
     77   T first;
     78   U second;
     79 };
     81 template<typename T, typename U>
     82 void init_list(T t, U u) {
     83   typedef U second_type;
     85   Pair<T, U> p = { t, second_type(u) };
     86 }
     88 template<typename T>
     89 struct compare { };
     91 template<typename Key, typename Value,
     92          typename Comparison = compare<Pair<Key, Value> >,
     93          typename Allocator = allocator<Pair<Key, Value> > >
     94 struct map;
     96 void f(map<Z4, Pair<int, Z4> >);
     98 template class Pair<int, int>;
    100 template<typename T, typename U>
    101 struct SuperPair : Pair<int, int>, Pair<T, U> { };
    103 // RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source all -fno-delayed-template-parsing %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-LOAD %s
    104 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:4:6: FunctionTemplate=f:4:6 Extent=[3:1 - 4:22]
    105 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:3:19: TemplateTypeParameter=T:3:19 (Definition) Extent=[3:10 - 3:20]
    106 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:3:24: NonTypeTemplateParameter=Value:3:24 (Definition) Extent=[3:22 - 3:29]
    107 // FIXME: Need the template type parameter here
    108 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:3:66: TemplateTemplateParameter=X:3:66 (Definition) Extent=[3:31 - 3:67]
    109 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:4:20: ParmDecl=x:4:20 (Definition) Extent=[4:8 - 4:21]
    110 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:4:8: TemplateRef=X:3:66 Extent=[4:8 - 4:9]
    111 // FIXME: Need the template type parameter here
    112 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:4:13: DeclRefExpr=Value:3:24 Extent=[4:13 - 4:18]
    113 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:6:28: ClassTemplate=allocator:6:28 Extent=[6:1 - 6:37]
    114 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:6:19: TemplateTypeParameter=T:6:19 (Definition) Extent=[6:10 - 6:20]
    115 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:9:7: ClassTemplate=vector:9:7 (Definition) Extent=[8:1 - 11:2]
    116 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:8:19: TemplateTypeParameter=T:8:19 (Definition) Extent=[8:10 - 8:20]
    117 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:8:31: TemplateTypeParameter=Alloc:8:31 (Definition) Extent=[8:22 - 8:51]
    118 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:8:39: TemplateRef=allocator:6:28 Extent=[8:39 - 8:48]
    119 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:10:8: CXXMethod=clear:10:8 Extent=[10:3 - 10:15]
    120 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:14:7: ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization=vector:14:7 (Definition) [Specialization of vector:9:7] Extent=[13:1 - 14:21]
    121 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:13:19: TemplateTypeParameter=T:13:19 (Definition) Extent=[13:10 - 13:20]
    122 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:16:8: StructDecl=Z1:16:8 (Definition) Extent=[16:1 - 16:14]
    123 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:18:16: ClassDecl=vector:18:16 (Definition) [Specialization of vector:9:7] Extent=[18:1 - 18:26]
    124 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:18:23: TypeRef=struct Z1:16:8 Extent=[18:23 - 18:25]
    125 // CHECK-LOAD-NOT: CXXMethod=clear
    126 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:20:8: StructDecl=Z2:20:8 (Definition) Extent=[20:1 - 20:14]
    127 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:23:7: ClassDecl=vector:23:7 (Definition) [Specialization of vector:9:7] Extent=[22:1 - 25:2]
    128 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:23:14: TypeRef=struct Z2:20:8 Extent=[23:14 - 23:16]
    129 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:24:8: CXXMethod=clear:24:8 Extent=[24:3 - 24:15]
    130 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:28:8: ClassTemplate=Y:28:8 (Definition) Extent=[27:1 - 31:2]
    131 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:27:19: TemplateTypeParameter=T:27:19 (Definition) Extent=[27:10 - 27:20]
    132 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:27:31: TemplateTypeParameter=U:27:31 (Definition) Extent=[27:22 - 27:32]
    133 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:29:21: UsingDeclaration=type:29:21 Extent=[29:3 - 29:25]
    134 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:30:12: UsingDeclaration=operator Z2:30:12 Extent=[30:3 - 30:23]
    135 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:30:21: TypeRef=struct Z2:20:8 Extent=[30:21 - 30:23]
    136 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:35:16: VarDecl=OneDimension:35:16 (Definition) Extent=[35:1 - 35:32]
    137 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:35:31: UnexposedExpr= Extent=[35:31 - 35:32]
    138 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:35:31: IntegerLiteral= Extent=[35:31 - 35:32]
    139 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:37:8: ClassTemplate=array:37:8 (Definition) Extent=[36:1 - 37:17]
    140 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:36:19: TemplateTypeParameter=T:36:19 (Definition) Extent=[36:10 - 36:20]
    141 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:36:31: NonTypeTemplateParameter=Dimensions:36:31 (Definition) Extent=[36:22 - 36:56]
    142 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:36:44: DeclRefExpr=OneDimension:35:16 Extent=[36:44 - 36:56]
    143 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:40:8: ClassTemplate=storage:40:8 (Definition) Extent=[39:1 - 40:19]
    144 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:39:45: TemplateTemplateParameter=DataStructure:39:45 (Definition) Extent=[39:10 - 39:66]
    145 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:39:19: TemplateTypeParameter=:39:19 (Definition) Extent=[39:19 - 39:27]
    146 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:39:37: NonTypeTemplateParameter=:39:37 (Definition) Extent=[39:29 - 39:38]
    147 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:39:61: TemplateRef=array:37:8 Extent=[39:61 - 39:66]
    148 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:42:18: TypedefDecl=Unsigned:42:18 (Definition) Extent=[42:1 - 42:26]
    149 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:45:8: ClassTemplate=value_c:45:8 Extent=[44:1 - 45:15]
    150 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:44:19: TemplateTypeParameter=T:44:19 (Definition) Extent=[44:10 - 44:20]
    151 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:44:31: NonTypeTemplateParameter=Value:44:31 (Definition) Extent=[44:22 - 44:36]
    152 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:44:22: TypeRef=Unsigned:42:18 Extent=[44:22 - 44:30]
    153 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:47:16: ClassDecl=vector:47:16 (Definition) [Specialization of vector:14:7] Extent=[47:1 - 47:28]
    154 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:49:8: StructDecl=Z4:49:8 (Definition) Extent=[49:1 - 51:2]
    155 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:50:26: FunctionTemplate=getAs:50:26 Extent=[50:3 - 50:33]
    156 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:50:21: TemplateTypeParameter=T:50:21 (Definition) Extent=[50:12 - 50:22]
    157 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:53:6: FunctionDecl=template_exprs:53:6 (Definition)
    158 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:54:3: CallExpr=f:4:6 Extent=[54:3 - 54:68]
    159 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:54:3: UnexposedExpr=f:4:6 Extent=[54:3 - 54:35]
    160 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:54:3: DeclRefExpr=f:4:6 RefName=[54:3 - 54:4] RefName=[54:4 - 54:35] Extent=[54:3 - 54:35]
    161 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:54:5: TypeRef=Unsigned:42:18 Extent=[54:5 - 54:13]
    162 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:54:15: DeclRefExpr=OneDimension:35:16 Extent=[54:15 - 54:27]
    163 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:54:29: TemplateRef=array:37:8 Extent=[54:29 - 54:34]
    164 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:55:8: MemberRefExpr=getAs:50:26 SingleRefName=[55:8 - 55:13] RefName=[55:8 - 55:13] Extent=[55:3 - 55:23]
    165 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:55:3: CallExpr=Z4:49:8 Extent=[55:3 - 55:7]
    166 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:55:14: TypeRef=Unsigned:42:18 Extent=[55:14 - 55:22]
    167 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:68:6: FunctionTemplate=unresolved_exprs:68:6 (Definition)
    168 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:69:3: OverloadedDeclRef=swap[60:6, 59:39, 58:27]
    169 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:71:6: OverloadedDeclRef=f[63:7, 64:9]
    170 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:72:3: OverloadedDeclRef=swap[58:27, 59:39]
    171 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:82:6: FunctionTemplate=init_list:82:6 (Definition)
    172 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:85:14: VarDecl=p:85:14 (Definition)
    173 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:85:20: DeclRefExpr=t:82:18 Extent=[85:20 - 85:21]
    174 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:85:23: TypeRef=second_type:83:13 Extent=[85:23 - 85:34]
    175 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:85:35: DeclRefExpr=u:82:23 Extent=[85:35 - 85:36]
    176 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:101:8: ClassTemplate=SuperPair:101:8 (Definition) Extent=[100:1 - 101:50]
    177 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:100:19: TemplateTypeParameter=T:100:19 (Definition) Extent=[100:10 - 100:20]
    178 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:100:31: TemplateTypeParameter=U:100:31 (Definition) Extent=[100:22 - 100:32]
    179 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:101:20: C++ base class specifier=Pair<int, int>:98:16 [access=public isVirtual=false] Extent=[101:20 - 101:34]
    180 // CHECK-LOAD: index-templates.cpp:101:36: C++ base class specifier=Pair<T, U>:76:8 [access=public isVirtual=false] Extent=[101:36 - 101:46]
    183 // RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source-usrs all -fno-delayed-template-parsing %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-USRS %s
    184 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:@FT@>3#T#Nt0.0#t>2#T#Nt1.0f#>t0.22S0_# Extent=[3:1 - 4:22]
    185 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:index-templates.cpp@70 Extent=[3:10 - 3:20]
    186 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:index-templates.cpp@82 Extent=[3:22 - 3:29]
    187 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:index-templates.cpp@91 Extent=[3:31 - 3:67]
    188 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:index-templates.cpp@136@FT@>3#T#Nt0.0#t>2#T#Nt1.0f#>t0.22S0_#@x Extent=[4:8 - 4:21]
    189 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:@CT>1#T@allocator Extent=[6:1 - 6:37]
    190 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:index-templates.cpp@162 Extent=[6:10 - 6:20]
    191 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:@CT>2#T#T@vector Extent=[8:1 - 11:2]
    192 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:index-templates.cpp@201 Extent=[8:10 - 8:20]
    193 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:index-templates.cpp@213 Extent=[8:22 - 8:51]
    194 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:@CT>2#T#T@vector@F@clear# Extent=[10:3 - 10:15]
    195 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:@CP>1#T@vector>#*t0.0#>@CT>1#T@allocator1S0_ Extent=[13:1 - 14:21]
    196 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:index-templates.cpp@289 Extent=[13:10 - 13:20]
    197 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:@S@Z1 Extent=[16:1 - 16:14]
    198 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:@C@vector>#$@S@Z1#$@C@allocator>#S0_ Extent=[18:1 - 18:26]
    199 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:@S@Z2 Extent=[20:1 - 20:14]
    200 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:@C@vector>#$@S@Z2#$@C@allocator>#S0_ Extent=[22:1 - 25:2]
    201 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:@C@vector>#$@S@Z2#$@C@allocator>#S0_@F@clear# Extent=[24:3 - 24:15]
    202 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:@ST>2#T#T@Y Extent=[27:1 - 31:2]
    203 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:index-templates.cpp@443 Extent=[27:10 - 27:20]
    204 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:index-templates.cpp@455 Extent=[27:22 - 27:32]
    205 // CHECK-USRS-NOT: type
    206 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:@S@Z3 Extent=[33:1 - 33:14]
    207 // CHECK-USRS: index-templates.cpp c:@F@f#$@S@map>#$@S@Z4#$@S@Pair>#I#S1_#$@S@compare>#$@S@Pair>#S1_#S2_#$@C@allocator>#S4_#