1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -Wno-objc-root-class %s 2 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -x objective-c++ -fsyntax-only -verify -Wno-objc-root-class %s 3 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -fobjc-arc -verify -Wno-objc-root-class %s 4 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -x objective-c++ -fobjc-arc -fsyntax-only -verify -Wno-objc-root-class %s 5 // rdar://6386358 6 7 #if __has_attribute(objc_requires_super) 8 #define NS_REQUIRES_SUPER __attribute((objc_requires_super)) 9 #endif 10 11 @protocol NSObject // expected-note {{protocol is declared here}} 12 - MyDealloc NS_REQUIRES_SUPER; // expected-warning {{'objc_requires_super' attribute cannot be applied to methods in protocols}} 13 @end 14 15 @interface Root 16 - MyDealloc __attribute((objc_requires_super)); 17 - (void)XXX __attribute((objc_requires_super)); 18 - (void) dealloc __attribute((objc_requires_super)); // expected-warning {{'objc_requires_super' attribute cannot be applied to dealloc}} 19 - (void) MyDeallocMeth; // Method in root is not annotated. 20 - (void) AnnotMyDeallocMeth __attribute((objc_requires_super)); 21 - (void) AnnotMyDeallocMethCAT NS_REQUIRES_SUPER; 22 23 + (void)registerClass:(id)name __attribute((objc_requires_super)); 24 @end 25 26 @interface Baz : Root<NSObject> 27 - MyDealloc; 28 - (void) MyDeallocMeth __attribute((objc_requires_super)); // 'Baz' author has annotated method 29 - (void) AnnotMyDeallocMeth; // Annotated in root but not here. Annotation is inherited though 30 - (void) AnnotMeth __attribute((objc_requires_super)); // 'Baz' author has annotated method 31 @end 32 33 @implementation Baz 34 - MyDealloc { 35 [super MyDealloc]; 36 return 0; 37 } 38 39 - (void)XXX { 40 [super MyDealloc]; 41 } // expected-warning {{method possibly missing a [super XXX] call}} 42 43 - (void) MyDeallocMeth {} // No warning here. 44 - (void) AnnotMyDeallocMeth{} // expected-warning {{method possibly missing a [super AnnotMyDeallocMeth] call}} 45 - (void) AnnotMeth{}; // No warning here. Annotation is in its class. 46 47 + (void)registerClass:(id)name {} // expected-warning {{method possibly missing a [super registerClass:] call}} 48 @end 49 50 @interface Bar : Baz 51 @end 52 53 @implementation Bar 54 - (void) MyDeallocMeth {} // expected-warning {{method possibly missing a [super MyDeallocMeth] call}} 55 - (void) AnnotMyDeallocMeth{} // expected-warning {{method possibly missing a [super AnnotMyDeallocMeth] call}} 56 - (void) AnnotMeth{}; // expected-warning {{method possibly missing a [super AnnotMeth] call}} 57 @end 58 59 @interface Bar(CAT) 60 - (void) AnnotMyDeallocMethCAT; // Annotated in root but not here. Annotation is inherited though 61 - (void) AnnotMethCAT __attribute((objc_requires_super)); 62 @end 63 64 @implementation Bar(CAT) 65 - (void) MyDeallocMeth {} // expected-warning {{method possibly missing a [super MyDeallocMeth] call}} 66 - (void) AnnotMyDeallocMeth{} // expected-warning {{method possibly missing a [super AnnotMyDeallocMeth] call}} 67 - (void) AnnotMeth{}; // expected-warning {{method possibly missing a [super AnnotMeth] call}} 68 - (void) AnnotMyDeallocMethCAT{}; // expected-warning {{method possibly missing a [super AnnotMyDeallocMethCAT] call}} 69 - (void) AnnotMethCAT {}; 70 @end 71 72 73 @interface Valid : Baz 74 @end 75 76 @implementation Valid 77 78 - (void)MyDeallocMeth { 79 [super MyDeallocMeth]; // no-warning 80 } 81 82 83 + (void)registerClass:(id)name { 84 [super registerClass:name]; // no-warning 85 } 86 87 @end 88