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      1 /*
      2     SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
      3     Copyright (C) 1997-2012 Sam Lantinga
      5     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      6     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
      7     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
      8     version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
     10     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     11     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     13     Lesser General Public License for more details.
     15     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
     16     License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
     17     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
     19     Sam Lantinga
     20     slouken (at) libsdl.org
     21 */
     22 #include "SDL_config.h"
     24 #include <support/UTF8.h>
     25 #include <stdio.h>
     26 #include <string.h>
     27 #include "SDL_error.h"
     28 #include "SDL_events.h"
     29 #include "SDL_BWin.h"
     30 #include "SDL_lowvideo.h"
     32 static SDLKey keymap[128];
     33 int mouse_relative = 0;
     34 extern "C" {
     36 #include "../../events/SDL_sysevents.h"
     37 #include "../../events/SDL_events_c.h"
     38 #include "SDL_sysevents_c.h"
     39 #include "../SDL_cursor_c.h"
     41 void BE_PumpEvents(_THIS)
     42 {
     43 }
     45 void BE_InitOSKeymap(_THIS)
     46 {
     47 		for ( uint i=0; i<SDL_TABLESIZE(keymap); ++i )
     48 			keymap[i] = SDLK_UNKNOWN;
     50 		keymap[0x01]		= SDLK_ESCAPE;
     51 		keymap[B_F1_KEY]	= SDLK_F1;
     52 		keymap[B_F2_KEY]	= SDLK_F2;
     53 		keymap[B_F3_KEY]	= SDLK_F3;
     54 		keymap[B_F4_KEY]	= SDLK_F4;
     55 		keymap[B_F5_KEY]	= SDLK_F5;
     56 		keymap[B_F6_KEY]	= SDLK_F6;
     57 		keymap[B_F7_KEY]	= SDLK_F7;
     58 		keymap[B_F8_KEY]	= SDLK_F8;
     59 		keymap[B_F9_KEY]	= SDLK_F9;
     60 		keymap[B_F10_KEY]	= SDLK_F10;
     61 		keymap[B_F11_KEY]	= SDLK_F11;
     62 		keymap[B_F12_KEY]	= SDLK_F12;
     63 		keymap[B_PRINT_KEY]	= SDLK_PRINT;
     64 		keymap[B_SCROLL_KEY]	= SDLK_SCROLLOCK;
     65 		keymap[B_PAUSE_KEY]	= SDLK_PAUSE;
     66 		keymap[0x11]		= SDLK_BACKQUOTE;
     67 		keymap[0x12]		= SDLK_1;
     68 		keymap[0x13]		= SDLK_2;
     69 		keymap[0x14]		= SDLK_3;
     70 		keymap[0x15]		= SDLK_4;
     71 		keymap[0x16]		= SDLK_5;
     72 		keymap[0x17]		= SDLK_6;
     73 		keymap[0x18]		= SDLK_7;
     74 		keymap[0x19]		= SDLK_8;
     75 		keymap[0x1a]		= SDLK_9;
     76 		keymap[0x1b]		= SDLK_0;
     77 		keymap[0x1c]		= SDLK_MINUS;
     78 		keymap[0x1d]		= SDLK_EQUALS;
     79 		keymap[0x1e]		= SDLK_BACKSPACE;
     80 		keymap[0x1f]		= SDLK_INSERT;
     81 		keymap[0x20]		= SDLK_HOME;
     82 		keymap[0x21]		= SDLK_PAGEUP;
     83 		keymap[0x22]		= SDLK_NUMLOCK;
     84 		keymap[0x23]		= SDLK_KP_DIVIDE;
     85 		keymap[0x24]		= SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY;
     86 		keymap[0x25]		= SDLK_KP_MINUS;
     87 		keymap[0x26]		= SDLK_TAB;
     88 		keymap[0x27]		= SDLK_q;
     89 		keymap[0x28]		= SDLK_w;
     90 		keymap[0x29]		= SDLK_e;
     91 		keymap[0x2a]		= SDLK_r;
     92 		keymap[0x2b]		= SDLK_t;
     93 		keymap[0x2c]		= SDLK_y;
     94 		keymap[0x2d]		= SDLK_u;
     95 		keymap[0x2e]		= SDLK_i;
     96 		keymap[0x2f]		= SDLK_o;
     97 		keymap[0x30]		= SDLK_p;
     98 		keymap[0x31]		= SDLK_LEFTBRACKET;
     99 		keymap[0x32]		= SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET;
    100 		keymap[0x33]		= SDLK_BACKSLASH;
    101 		keymap[0x34]		= SDLK_DELETE;
    102 		keymap[0x35]		= SDLK_END;
    103 		keymap[0x36]		= SDLK_PAGEDOWN;
    104 		keymap[0x37]		= SDLK_KP7;
    105 		keymap[0x38]		= SDLK_KP8;
    106 		keymap[0x39]		= SDLK_KP9;
    107 		keymap[0x3a]		= SDLK_KP_PLUS;
    108 		keymap[0x3b]		= SDLK_CAPSLOCK;
    109 		keymap[0x3c]		= SDLK_a;
    110 		keymap[0x3d]		= SDLK_s;
    111 		keymap[0x3e]		= SDLK_d;
    112 		keymap[0x3f]		= SDLK_f;
    113 		keymap[0x40]		= SDLK_g;
    114 		keymap[0x41]		= SDLK_h;
    115 		keymap[0x42]		= SDLK_j;
    116 		keymap[0x43]		= SDLK_k;
    117 		keymap[0x44]		= SDLK_l;
    118 		keymap[0x45]		= SDLK_SEMICOLON;
    119 		keymap[0x46]		= SDLK_QUOTE;
    120 		keymap[0x47]		= SDLK_RETURN;
    121 		keymap[0x48]		= SDLK_KP4;
    122 		keymap[0x49]		= SDLK_KP5;
    123 		keymap[0x4a]		= SDLK_KP6;
    124 		keymap[0x4b]		= SDLK_LSHIFT;
    125 		keymap[0x4c]		= SDLK_z;
    126 		keymap[0x4d]		= SDLK_x;
    127 		keymap[0x4e]		= SDLK_c;
    128 		keymap[0x4f]		= SDLK_v;
    129 		keymap[0x50]		= SDLK_b;
    130 		keymap[0x51]		= SDLK_n;
    131 		keymap[0x52]		= SDLK_m;
    132 		keymap[0x53]		= SDLK_COMMA;
    133 		keymap[0x54]		= SDLK_PERIOD;
    134 		keymap[0x55]		= SDLK_SLASH;
    135 		keymap[0x56]		= SDLK_RSHIFT;
    136 		keymap[0x57]		= SDLK_UP;
    137 		keymap[0x58]		= SDLK_KP1;
    138 		keymap[0x59]		= SDLK_KP2;
    139 		keymap[0x5a]		= SDLK_KP3;
    140 		keymap[0x5b]		= SDLK_KP_ENTER;
    141 		keymap[0x5c]		= SDLK_LCTRL;
    142 		keymap[0x5d]		= SDLK_LALT;
    143 		keymap[0x5e]		= SDLK_SPACE;
    144 		keymap[0x5f]		= SDLK_RALT;
    145 		keymap[0x60]		= SDLK_RCTRL;
    146 		keymap[0x61]		= SDLK_LEFT;
    147 		keymap[0x62]		= SDLK_DOWN;
    148 		keymap[0x63]		= SDLK_RIGHT;
    149 		keymap[0x64]		= SDLK_KP0;
    150 		keymap[0x65]		= SDLK_KP_PERIOD;
    151 		keymap[0x66]		= SDLK_LMETA;
    152 		keymap[0x67]		= SDLK_RMETA;
    153 		keymap[0x68]		= SDLK_MENU;
    154 		keymap[0x69]		= SDLK_EURO;
    155 		keymap[0x6a]		= SDLK_KP_EQUALS;
    156 		keymap[0x6b]		= SDLK_POWER;
    157 }
    159 }; /* Extern C */
    161 void SDL_BWin::DispatchMessage(BMessage *msg, BHandler *target)
    162 {
    163 	switch (msg->what) {
    164 		case B_MOUSE_MOVED:
    165 		{
    166 			SDL_VideoDevice *view = current_video;
    167 			BPoint where;
    168 			int32 transit;
    169 			if (msg->FindPoint("where", &where) == B_OK && msg->FindInt32("be:transit", &transit) == B_OK) {
    170 				int x, y;
    172 				GetXYOffset(x, y);
    173 				x = (int)where.x - x;
    174 				y = (int)where.y - y;
    176 				//BeSman: I need another method for cursor catching !!!
    177 				if (view->input_grab != SDL_GRAB_OFF)
    178 				{
    179 					bool clipped = false;
    180 					if ( x < 0 ) {
    181 						x = 0;
    182 						clipped = true;
    183 					} else if ( x >= SDL_VideoSurface->w ) {
    184 						x = (SDL_VideoSurface->w-1);
    185 						clipped = true;
    186 					}
    187 					if ( y < 0 ) {
    188 						y = 0;
    189 						clipped = true;
    190 					} else if ( y >= SDL_VideoSurface->h ) {
    191 						y = (SDL_VideoSurface->h-1);
    192 						clipped = true;
    193 					}
    194 					if ( clipped ) {
    195 						BPoint edge;
    196 						GetXYOffset(edge.x, edge.y);
    197 						edge.x += x;
    198 						edge.y += y;
    199 						ConvertToScreen(&edge);
    200 						set_mouse_position((int)edge.x, (int)edge.y);
    201 					}
    202 					transit = B_INSIDE_VIEW;
    203 				}
    204 				if (transit == B_EXITED_VIEW) {
    205 					if ( SDL_GetAppState() & SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS ) {
    206 						SDL_PrivateAppActive(0, SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS);
    207 #if SDL_VIDEO_OPENGL
    208 					// for some reason, SDL_EraseCursor fails for OpenGL
    209 					if (this->the_view != this->SDL_GLView)
    210 #endif
    211 							SDL_EraseCursor(SDL_VideoSurface);
    212 						be_app->SetCursor(B_HAND_CURSOR);
    213 					}
    214 				} else {
    215 					if ( !(SDL_GetAppState() & SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS) ) {
    216 						SDL_PrivateAppActive(1, SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS);
    217 #if SDL_VIDEO_OPENGL
    218 					// for some reason, SDL_EraseCursor fails for OpenGL
    219 					if (this->the_view != this->SDL_GLView)
    220 #endif
    221 							SDL_EraseCursor(SDL_VideoSurface);
    222 						SDL_SetCursor(NULL);
    223 					}
    225 					if ( mouse_relative ) {
    226 						int half_w = (SDL_VideoSurface->w/2);
    227 						int half_h = (SDL_VideoSurface->h/2);
    228 						x -= half_w;
    229 						y -= half_h;
    230 						if ( x || y ) {
    231 							BPoint center;
    232 							GetXYOffset(center.x, center.y);
    233 							center.x += half_w;
    234 							center.y += half_h;
    235 							ConvertToScreen(&center);
    236 							set_mouse_position((int)center.x, (int)center.y);
    237 							SDL_PrivateMouseMotion(0, 1, x, y);
    238 						}
    239 					} else {
    240 						SDL_PrivateMouseMotion(0, 0, x, y);
    241 					}
    242 				}
    243 			}
    244 			break;
    245 		}
    247 		case B_MOUSE_DOWN:
    248 		{
    249 			/*	it looks like mouse down is send only for first clicked
    250 				button, each next is not send while last one is holded */
    251 			int32 buttons;
    252 			int sdl_buttons = 0;
    253 			if (msg->FindInt32("buttons", &buttons) == B_OK) {
    254 				/* Add any mouse button events */
    255 				if (buttons & B_PRIMARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) {
    256 					sdl_buttons |= SDL_BUTTON_LEFT;
    257 				}
    258 				if (buttons & B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) {
    259 					sdl_buttons |= SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT;
    260 				}
    261 				if (buttons & B_TERTIARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) {
    262 					sdl_buttons |= SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE;
    263 				}
    264 				SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_PRESSED, sdl_buttons, 0, 0);
    266 				last_buttons = buttons;
    267 			}
    268 			break;
    269 		}
    271 		case B_MOUSE_UP:
    272 		{
    273 			/*	mouse up doesn't give which button was released,
    274 				only state of buttons (after release, so it's always = 0),
    275 				which is not what we need ;]
    276 				So we need to store button in mouse down, and restore
    277 				in mouse up :(
    278 				mouse up is (similarly to mouse down) send only for
    279 				first button down (ie. it's no send if we click another button
    280 				without releasing previous one first) - but that's probably
    281 				because of how drivers are written?, not BeOS itself. */
    282 			int32 buttons;
    283 			int sdl_buttons = 0;
    284 			if (msg->FindInt32("buttons", &buttons) == B_OK) {
    285 				/* Add any mouse button events */
    286 				if ((buttons ^ B_PRIMARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) & last_buttons) {
    287 					sdl_buttons |= SDL_BUTTON_LEFT;
    288 				}
    289 				if ((buttons ^ B_SECONDARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) & last_buttons) {
    290 					sdl_buttons |= SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT;
    291 				}
    292 				if ((buttons ^ B_TERTIARY_MOUSE_BUTTON) & last_buttons) {
    293 					sdl_buttons |= SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE;
    294 				}
    295 				SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_RELEASED, sdl_buttons, 0, 0);
    297 				last_buttons = buttons;
    298 			}
    299 			break;
    300 		}
    302 		case B_MOUSE_WHEEL_CHANGED:
    303 		{
    304 			float x, y;
    305 			x = y = 0;
    306 			if (msg->FindFloat("be:wheel_delta_x", &x) == B_OK && msg->FindFloat("be:wheel_delta_y", &y) == B_OK) {
    307 				if (x < 0 || y < 0) {
    308 					SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_PRESSED, SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN, 0, 0);
    309 					SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_RELEASED, SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN, 0, 0);
    310 				} else if (x > 0 || y > 0) {
    311 					SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_PRESSED, SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP, 0, 0);
    312 					SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_RELEASED, SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP, 0, 0);
    313 				}
    314 			}
    315 			break;
    316 		}
    318 		case B_KEY_DOWN:
    319 		case B_UNMAPPED_KEY_DOWN: /* modifier keys are unmapped */
    320 		{
    321 			int32 key;
    322 			int32 modifiers;
    323 			int32 key_repeat;
    324 			/* Workaround for SDL message queue being filled too fast because of BeOS own key-repeat mechanism */
    325 			if (msg->FindInt32("be:key_repeat", &key_repeat) == B_OK && key_repeat > 0)
    326 				break;
    328 			if (msg->FindInt32("key", &key) == B_OK && msg->FindInt32("modifiers", &modifiers) == B_OK) {
    329 				SDL_keysym keysym;
    330 				keysym.scancode = key;
    331 				if (key < 128) {
    332 					keysym.sym = keymap[key];
    333 				} else {
    334 					keysym.sym = SDLK_UNKNOWN;
    335 				}
    336 				/*	FIX THIS?
    337 					it seems SDL_PrivateKeyboard() changes mod value
    338 					anyway, and doesn't care about what we setup here */
    339 				keysym.mod = KMOD_NONE;
    340 				keysym.unicode = 0;
    341 				if (SDL_TranslateUNICODE) {
    342 					const char *bytes;
    343 					if (msg->FindString("bytes", &bytes) == B_OK) {
    344 						/*	FIX THIS?
    345 							this cares only about first "letter",
    346 							so if someone maps some key to print
    347 							"BeOS rulez!" only "B" will be used. */
    348 						keysym.unicode = Translate2Unicode(bytes);
    349 					}
    350 				}
    351 				SDL_PrivateKeyboard(SDL_PRESSED, &keysym);
    352 			}
    353 			break;
    354 		}
    356 		case B_KEY_UP:
    357 		case B_UNMAPPED_KEY_UP: /* modifier keys are unmapped */
    358 		{
    359 			int32 key;
    360 			int32 modifiers;
    361 			if (msg->FindInt32("key", &key) == B_OK && msg->FindInt32("modifiers", &modifiers) == B_OK) {
    362 				SDL_keysym keysym;
    363 				keysym.scancode = key;
    364 				if (key < 128) {
    365 					keysym.sym = keymap[key];
    366 				} else {
    367 					keysym.sym = SDLK_UNKNOWN;
    368 				}
    369 				keysym.mod = KMOD_NONE; /* FIX THIS? */
    370 				keysym.unicode = 0;
    371 				if (SDL_TranslateUNICODE) {
    372 					const char *bytes;
    373 					if (msg->FindString("bytes", &bytes) == B_OK) {
    374 						keysym.unicode = Translate2Unicode(bytes);
    375 					}
    376 				}
    377 				SDL_PrivateKeyboard(SDL_RELEASED, &keysym);
    378 			}
    379 			break;
    380 		}
    382 		default:
    383 			/* move it after switch{} so it's always handled
    384 				that way we keep BeOS feautures like:
    385 				- CTRL+Q to close window (and other shortcuts)
    386 				- PrintScreen to make screenshot into /boot/home
    387 				- etc.. */
    388 			//BDirectWindow::DispatchMessage(msg, target);
    389 			break;
    390 	}
    391 	BDirectWindow::DispatchMessage(msg, target);
    392 }
    394 void SDL_BWin::DirectConnected(direct_buffer_info *info) {
    395 	switch (info->buffer_state & B_DIRECT_MODE_MASK) {
    396 		case B_DIRECT_START:
    397 		case B_DIRECT_MODIFY:
    398 			{
    399 				int32 width = info->window_bounds.right -
    400 					info->window_bounds.left;
    401 				int32 height = info->window_bounds.bottom -
    402 					info->window_bounds.top;
    403 				SDL_PrivateResize(width, height);
    404 				break;
    405 			}
    406 		default:
    407 			break;
    408 	}
    409 #if SDL_VIDEO_OPENGL
    410 	// If it is a BGLView, it is apparently required to
    411 	// call DirectConnected() on it as well
    412 	if (this->the_view == this->SDL_GLView)
    413 		this->SDL_GLView->DirectConnected(info);
    414 #endif
    415 }