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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright 2001-2008 Texas Instruments - http://www.ti.com/
      3  *
      4  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  *  limitations under the License.
     15  */
     18 /*
     19  *  ======== cmmdefs.h ========
     20  *  DSP-BIOS Bridge driver support functions for TI OMAP processors.
     21  *  Purpose:
     22  *      Global MEM constants and types.
     23  *
     24  *! Revision History:
     25  *! ================
     26  *! 12-Nov-2001 ag  CMM_KERNMAPTYPE added for dsp<->device process addr map'n.
     27  *!                 This allows addr conversion from drvr process <-> DSP addr.
     28  *! 29-Aug-2001 ag  Added CMM_ALLSEGMENTS.
     29  *! 08-Dec-2000 ag  Added bus address conversion type CMM_POMAPEMIF2DSPBUS.
     30  *! 05-Dec-2000 ag  Added default CMM_DEFLTCONVFACTOR & CMM_DEFLTDSPADDROFFSET.
     31  *! 29-Oct-2000 ag  Added converstion factor for GPP DSP Pa translation.
     32  *! 15-Oct-2000 ag  Added address translator attributes and defaults.
     33  *! 12-Jul-2000 ag  Created.
     34  */
     36 #ifndef CMMDEFS_
     37 #define CMMDEFS_
     39 #ifdef __cplusplus
     40 extern "C" {
     41 #endif
     43 #include <list.h>
     45 /* Cmm attributes used in CMM_Create() */
     46 	struct CMM_MGRATTRS {
     47 		ULONG ulMinBlockSize;	/* Minimum SM allocation; default 32 bytes.  */
     48 	};
     50 /* Attributes for CMM_AllocBuf() & CMM_AllocDesc() */
     51 	struct CMM_ATTRS {
     52 		ULONG ulSegId;	/*  1,2... are SM segments. 0 is not. */
     53 		ULONG ulAlignment;	/*  0,1,2,4....ulMinBlockSize */
     54 	} ;
     56 /*
     57  *  DSPPa to GPPPa Conversion Factor.
     58  *
     59  *  For typical platforms:
     60  *      converted Address = PaDSP + ( cFactor * addressToConvert).
     61  */
     62 	typedef enum {
     63 		CMM_SUBFROMDSPPA = -1,
     64 		CMM_POMAPEMIF2DSPBUS = 0,	/* PreOMAP is special case: not simple offset */
     65 		CMM_ADDTODSPPA = 1
     66 	} CMM_CNVTTYPE;
     70 #define CMM_ALLSEGMENTS         0xFFFFFF	/* All SegIds */
     71 #define CMM_MAXGPPSEGS          1	/* Maximum # of SM segs */
     73 /*
     74  *  SMSEGs are SM segments the DSP allocates from.
     75  *
     76  *  This info is used by the GPP to xlate DSP allocated PAs.
     77  */
     78 	 struct CMM_SMSEG {
     79 		DWORD dwSMBasePA;	/* Physical SM Base address(GPP). */
     80 		ULONG ulTotalSizePA;	/* Size of SM segment in GPP bytes. */
     81 		DWORD dwPAPAConvert;	/* DSP PA to GPP PA Conversion.  */
     82 		CMM_CNVTTYPE cFactor;	/* CMM_ADDTOPA=1, CMM_SUBFROMPA=-1 */
     83 	} ;
     85 /* Fixed size memory descriptor */
     86 	 struct CMM_FDESC {
     87 		struct LST_ELEM link;	/* must be 1st element */
     88 		DWORD dwPA;
     89 		DWORD dwVA;
     90 		DWORD dwSize;
     91 		DWORD dwAttrs;	/*  [31-1 reserved ][0 - SM]  */
     92 	} ;
     94 	struct CMM_SEGINFO {
     95 		DWORD dwSegBasePa;	/* Start Phys address of SM segment */
     96 		ULONG ulTotalSegSize;	/* Total size in bytes of segment: DSP+GPP */
     97 		DWORD dwGPPBasePA;	/* Start Phys addr of Gpp SM seg */
     98 		ULONG ulGPPSize;	/* Size of Gpp SM seg in bytes */
     99 		DWORD dwDSPBaseVA;	/* DSP virt base byte address */
    100 		ULONG ulDSPSize;	/* DSP seg size in bytes */
    101 		ULONG ulInUseCnt;	/* # of current GPP allocations from this segment */
    102 		DWORD dwSegBaseVa;	/* Start Virt address of SM seg */
    104 	} ;
    106 /* CMM useful information */
    107 	struct CMM_INFO {
    108 		ULONG ulNumGPPSMSegs;	/* # of SM segments registered with this Cmm. */
    109 		ULONG ulTotalInUseCnt;	/* Total # of allocations outstanding for CMM */
    110 		/* Min SM block size allocation from CMM_Create() */
    111 		ULONG ulMinBlockSize;
    112 		/* Info per registered SM segment. */
    113 		struct CMM_SEGINFO segInfo[CMM_MAXGPPSEGS];
    114 	} ;
    116 /* XlatorCreate attributes */
    117 	struct CMM_XLATORATTRS {
    118 		ULONG ulSegId;	/* segment Id used for SM allocations */
    119 		DWORD dwDSPBufs;	/* # of DSP-side bufs */
    120 		DWORD dwDSPBufSize;	/* size of DSP-side bufs in GPP bytes */
    121 		PVOID pVmBase;	/* Vm base address alloc'd in client process context */
    122 		DWORD dwVmSize;	/* dwVmSize must be >= (dwMaxNumBufs * dwMaxSize) */
    123 	} ;
    125 /* Descriptor attributes */
    126 	typedef enum {
    127 		CMM_LOCAL = 0,	/* Bit 0 =0 is local memory from default heap */
    128 		CMM_SHARED = 1,	/* Bit 0 =1 descriptor is SM */
    129 		/* Bits 1- 31 RESERVED for future use */
    130 	} CMM_DESCTYPE;
    132 /*
    133  * Cmm translation types. Use to map SM addresses to process context.
    134  */
    135 	typedef enum {
    136 		CMM_VA2PA = 0,	/* Virtual to GPP physical address xlation */
    137 		CMM_PA2VA = 1,	/* GPP Physical to virtual  */
    138 		CMM_VA2DSPPA = 2,	/* Va to DSP Pa  */
    139 		CMM_PA2DSPPA = 3,	/* GPP Pa to DSP Pa */
    140 		CMM_DSPPA2PA = 4,	/* DSP Pa to GPP Pa */
    141 	} CMM_XLATETYPE;
    143 /*
    144  *  Used to "map" between device process virt addr and dsp addr.
    145  */
    146 	typedef enum {
    147 		CMM_KERNVA2DSP = 0,	/* Device process context to dsp address. */
    148 		CMM_DSP2KERNVA = 1,	/* Dsp address to device process context. */
    151 	struct CMM_OBJECT;
    152 	/*typedef struct CMM_OBJECT *CMM_HMGR;*/
    153 	struct CMM_XLATOROBJECT;
    154 	/*typedef struct CMM_XLATOROBJECT *CMM_HXLATOR;*/
    156 #ifdef __cplusplus
    157 }
    158 #endif
    159 #endif				/* CMMDEFS_ */