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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute
      3  * of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en
      4  * Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. This program is
      5  * distributed under the W3C's Software Intellectual Property License. This
      6  * program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
      7  * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
      8  * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See W3C License
      9  * http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ for more details.
     10  */
     12 package org.w3c.domts;
     14 import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
     15 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
     16 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
     17 import java.util.ArrayList;
     18 import java.util.Collection;
     19 import java.util.List;
     20 import java.util.Iterator;
     22 import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
     23 import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
     25 /**
     26  * This is an abstract base class for generated DOM tests
     27  */
     28 public abstract class DOMTestCase
     29     extends DOMTest {
     30   private DOMTestFramework framework;
     32   /**
     33    * This constructor is for DOMTestCase's that make specific demands for
     34    * parser configuration. setFactory should be called before the end of the
     35    * tests constructor to set the factory.
     36    */
     37   public DOMTestCase() {
     38     framework = null;
     39   }
     41   /**
     42    * This constructor is for DOMTestCase's that do not add any requirements
     43    * for parser configuration.
     44    *
     45    * @param factory
     46    *            document factory to be used by test, may not be null.
     47    */
     48   public DOMTestCase(DOMTestDocumentBuilderFactory factory) {
     49     super(factory);
     50     framework = null;
     51   }
     53   /**
     54    * This method is called by the main() for each test and locates the
     55    * appropriate test framework and runs the specified test
     56    *
     57    * @param testClass
     58    *            test class
     59    * @param args
     60    *            arguments to test class
     61    */
     62   public static void doMain(Class testClass, String[] args) {
     63     //
     64     //   Attempt to load JUnitRunner
     65     //
     66     ClassLoader loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
     67     try {
     68       Class runnerClass = loader.loadClass("org.w3c.domts.JUnitRunner");
     69       Constructor runnerFactory =
     70           runnerClass.getConstructor(new Class[] {Class.class});
     71       //
     72       //   create the JUnitRunner
     73       //
     74       Object junitRun =
     75           runnerFactory.newInstance(new Object[] {testClass});
     76       //
     77       //   find and call its execute method method
     78       //
     79       Class argsClass = loader.loadClass("[Ljava.lang.String;");
     80       Method execMethod =
     81           runnerClass.getMethod("execute", new Class[] {argsClass});
     82       execMethod.invoke(junitRun, new Object[] {args});
     83     }
     84     catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
     85       ex.getTargetException().printStackTrace();
     86     }
     87     catch (Exception ex) {
     88       System.out.println(
     89           "junit-run.jar and junit.jar \n must be in same directory or on classpath.");
     90       ex.printStackTrace();
     91     }
     92   }
     94   /**
     95    * Body of test
     96    *
     97    * @throws Throwable
     98    */
     99   abstract public void runTest() throws Throwable;
    101   /**
    102    * Sets test framework to be used by test.
    103    *
    104    * @param framework
    105    */
    106   public void setFramework(DOMTestFramework framework) {
    107     this.framework = framework;
    108   }
    110   /**
    111    * Wait
    112    *
    113    * @param millisecond
    114    *            milliseconds to wait
    115    */
    116   public void wait(int millisecond) {
    117     framework.wait(millisecond);
    118   }
    120   /**
    121    * Fail test
    122    *
    123    * @param assertID
    124    *            identifier of assertion
    125    */
    126   public void fail(String assertID) {
    127     framework.fail(this, assertID);
    128   }
    130   /**
    131    * Asserts that actual==true
    132    *
    133    * @param assertID
    134    *            identifier of assertion
    135    * @param actual
    136    *            actual value
    137    */
    138   public void assertTrue(String assertID, boolean actual) {
    139     framework.assertTrue(this, assertID, actual);
    140   }
    142   /**
    143    * Asserts that actual==true
    144    *
    145    * @param assertID
    146    *            identifier of assertion
    147    * @param actual
    148    *            actual value
    149    */
    150   public void assertTrue(String assertID, Object actual) {
    151     framework.assertTrue(this, assertID, ( (Boolean) actual).booleanValue());
    152   }
    154   /**
    155    * Asserts that actual==false
    156    *
    157    * @param assertID
    158    *            identifier of assertion
    159    * @param actual
    160    *            actual value
    161    */
    162   public void assertFalse(String assertID, boolean actual) {
    163     framework.assertFalse(this, assertID, actual);
    164   }
    166   /**
    167    * Asserts that actual==false
    168    *
    169    * @param assertID
    170    *            identifier of assertion
    171    * @param actual
    172    *            actual value
    173    */
    174   public void assertFalse(String assertID, Object actual) {
    175     framework.assertFalse(
    176         this,
    177         assertID,
    178         ( (Boolean) actual).booleanValue());
    179   }
    181   /**
    182    * Asserts that actual == null
    183    *
    184    * @param assertID
    185    *            identifier of assertion
    186    * @param actual
    187    *            actual value
    188    */
    189   public void assertNull(String assertID, Object actual) {
    190     framework.assertNull(this, assertID, actual);
    191   }
    193   /**
    194    * Asserts that actual != null
    195    *
    196    * @param assertID
    197    *            identifier of assertion
    198    * @param actual
    199    *            actual value
    200    */
    201   public void assertNotNull(String assertID, Object actual) {
    202     framework.assertNotNull(this, assertID, actual);
    203   }
    205   /**
    206    * Asserts that actual and expected are the same object
    207    *
    208    * @param assertID
    209    *            identifier of assertion
    210    * @param actual
    211    *            actual value
    212    */
    213   public void assertSame(String assertID, Object expected, Object actual) {
    214     framework.assertSame(this, assertID, expected, actual);
    215   }
    217   /**
    218    * Asserts that obj is an instance of cls
    219    *
    220    * @param assertID
    221    *            identifier of assertion
    222    * @param obj
    223    *            object
    224    * @param cls
    225    *            class, may not be null.
    226    */
    227   public void assertInstanceOf(String assertID, Class cls, Object obj) {
    228     framework.assertInstanceOf(this, assertID, obj, cls);
    229   }
    231   /**
    232    * Asserts that the length of the collection is the expected size.
    233    *
    234    * @param assertID
    235    *            identifier of assertion
    236    * @param expectedSize
    237    *            expected size
    238    * @param collection
    239    *            collection
    240    */
    241   public void assertSize(
    242       String assertID,
    243       int expectedSize,
    244       NodeList collection) {
    245     framework.assertSize(this, assertID, expectedSize, collection);
    246   }
    248   /**
    249    * Asserts that the length of the collection is the expected size.
    250    *
    251    * @param assertID
    252    *            identifier of assertion
    253    * @param expectedSize
    254    *            expected size
    255    * @param collection
    256    *            collection
    257    */
    258   public void assertSize(
    259       String assertID,
    260       int expectedSize,
    261       NamedNodeMap collection) {
    262     framework.assertSize(this, assertID, expectedSize, collection);
    263   }
    265   /**
    266    * Asserts that the length of the collection is the expected size.
    267    *
    268    * @param assertID
    269    *            identifier of assertion
    270    * @param expectedSize
    271    *            expected size
    272    * @param collection
    273    *            collection
    274    */
    275   public void assertSize(
    276       String assertID,
    277       int expectedSize,
    278       Collection collection) {
    279     framework.assertSize(this, assertID, expectedSize, collection);
    280   }
    282   /**
    283    * Asserts that expected.equalsIgnoreCase(actual) is true
    284    *
    285    * @param assertID
    286    *            identifier of assertion
    287    * @param actual
    288    *            actual value
    289    * @param expected
    290    *            Expected value, may not be null.
    291    */
    292   public void assertEqualsIgnoreCase(
    293       String assertID,
    294       String expected,
    295       String actual) {
    296     framework.assertEqualsIgnoreCase(this, assertID, expected, actual);
    297   }
    299   /**
    300    * Asserts that each entry in actual is matched with an entry in expected
    301    * that only differs by case. Order is not significant.
    302    *
    303    * @param assertID
    304    *            identifier of assertion
    305    * @param actual
    306    *            actual value
    307    * @param expected
    308    *            Expected value, may not be null.
    309    */
    310   public void assertEqualsIgnoreCase(
    311       String assertID,
    312       Collection expected,
    313       Collection actual) {
    314     framework.assertEqualsIgnoreCase(this, assertID, expected, actual);
    315   }
    317   /**
    318    * Asserts that each entry in actual is matched with an entry in expected
    319    * that only differs by case. Order is significant.
    320    *
    321    * @param assertID
    322    *            identifier of assertion
    323    * @param actual
    324    *            actual value
    325    * @param expected
    326    *            Expected value, may not be null.
    327    */
    328   public void assertEqualsIgnoreCase(
    329       String assertID,
    330       List expected,
    331       List actual) {
    332     framework.assertEqualsIgnoreCase(this, assertID, expected, actual);
    333   }
    335   /**
    336    * Asserts that expected.equalsIgnoreCase(actual) is true
    337    *
    338    * @param assertID
    339    *            identifier of assertion
    340    * @param actual
    341    *            actual value
    342    * @param expected
    343    *            Expected value, may not be null.
    344    */
    345   public void assertEqualsAutoCase(
    346       String context,
    347       String assertID,
    348       String expected,
    349       String actual) {
    350     String contentType = getContentType();
    351     //
    352     //   if the content type is HTML (not XHTML)
    353     //
    354     if ("text/html".equals(contentType)) {
    355       //
    356       //  if the context is attribute, then use case-insentive comparison
    357       //
    358       if ("attribute".equals(context)) {
    359         framework.assertEqualsIgnoreCase(this, assertID, expected, actual);
    360       }
    361       else {
    362         //
    363         //  otherwise should be compared against uppercased expectation
    364         framework.assertEquals(this, assertID, expected.toUpperCase(), actual);
    365       }
    366     }
    367     else {
    368       framework.assertEquals(this, assertID, expected, actual);
    369     }
    370   }
    372   /**
    373    * Creates an equivalent list where every member has
    374    *     been uppercased
    375    *
    376    */
    377   private List toUpperCase(Collection expected) {
    378     List upperd = new ArrayList(expected.size());
    379     Iterator iter = expected.iterator();
    380     while (iter.hasNext()) {
    381       upperd.add(iter.next().toString().toUpperCase());
    382     }
    383     return upperd;
    384   }
    386   /**
    387    * Asserts that each entry in actual is matched with an entry in expected
    388    * that only differs by case. Order is not significant.
    389    *
    390    * @param assertID
    391    *            identifier of assertion
    392    * @param actual
    393    *            actual value
    394    * @param expected
    395    *            Expected value, may not be null.
    396    */
    397   public void assertEqualAutoCase(
    398       String context,
    399       String assertID,
    400       Collection expected,
    401       Collection actual) {
    402     String contentType = getContentType();
    403     if ("text/html".equals(contentType)) {
    404       if ("attribute".equals(context)) {
    405         assertEqualsIgnoreCase(assertID, expected, actual);
    406       }
    407       else {
    408         framework.assertEquals(this, assertID, toUpperCase(expected), actual);
    409       }
    411     }
    412     else {
    413       framework.assertEquals(this, assertID, expected, actual);
    414     }
    415   }
    417   /**
    418    * Asserts that each entry in actual is matched with an entry in expected
    419    * that only differs by case. Order is significant.
    420    *
    421    * @param assertID
    422    *            identifier of assertion
    423    * @param actual
    424    *            actual value
    425    * @param expected
    426    *            Expected value, may not be null.
    427    */
    428   public void assertEqualsAutoCase(
    429       String context,
    430       String assertID,
    431       List expected,
    432       List actual) {
    433     String contentType = getContentType();
    434     if ("text/html".equals(contentType)) {
    435       if ("attribute".equals(context)) {
    436         assertEqualsIgnoreCase(assertID, expected, actual);
    437       }
    438       else {
    439         framework.assertEquals(this, assertID, toUpperCase(expected), actual);
    440       }
    442     }
    443     else {
    444       framework.assertEquals(this, assertID, expected, actual);
    445     }
    446   }
    448   /**
    449    * Asserts that expected.equals(actual) is true
    450    *
    451    * @param assertID
    452    *            identifier of assertion
    453    * @param actual
    454    *            actual value
    455    * @param expected
    456    *            Expected value, may not be null.
    457    */
    458   public void assertEquals(String assertID, String expected, String actual) {
    459     framework.assertEquals(this, assertID, expected, actual);
    460   }
    462   /**
    463    * Asserts that values of expected and actual are equal.
    464    *
    465    * @param assertID
    466    *            identifier of assertion
    467    * @param actual
    468    *            actual value
    469    * @param expected
    470    *            Expected value, may not be null.
    471    */
    472   public void assertEquals(String assertID, int expected, int actual) {
    473     framework.assertEquals(this, assertID, expected, actual);
    474   }
    476   /**
    477    * Asserts that values of expected and actual are equal.
    478    *
    479    * @param assertID
    480    *            identifier of assertion
    481    * @param actual
    482    *            actual value
    483    * @param expected
    484    *            Expected value, may not be null.
    485    */
    486   public void assertEquals(String assertID, double expected, double actual) {
    487     framework.assertEquals(this, assertID, expected, actual);
    488   }
    490   /**
    491    * Asserts that values of expected and actual are equal.
    492    *
    493    * @param assertID
    494    *            identifier of assertion
    495    * @param actual
    496    *            actual value
    497    * @param expected
    498    *            Expected value, may not be null.
    499    */
    500   public void assertEquals(
    501       String assertID,
    502       boolean expected,
    503       boolean actual) {
    504     framework.assertEquals(this, assertID, expected, actual);
    505   }
    507   /**
    508    * Asserts that each entry in actual exactly matches with an entry in
    509    * expected. Order is not significant.
    510    *
    511    * @param assertID
    512    *            identifier of assertion
    513    * @param actual
    514    *            actual value
    515    * @param expected
    516    *            Expected value, may not be null.
    517    */
    518   public void assertEquals(
    519       String assertID,
    520       Collection expected,
    521       NodeList actual) {
    522     Collection actualList = new ArrayList();
    523     int actualLen = actual.getLength();
    524     for (int i = 0; i < actualLen; i++) {
    525       actualList.add(actual.item(i));
    526     }
    527     framework.assertEquals(this, assertID, expected, actualList);
    528   }
    530   /**
    531    * Asserts that each entry in actual exactly matches with an entry in
    532    * expected. Order is not significant.
    533    *
    534    * @param assertID
    535    *            identifier of assertion
    536    * @param actual
    537    *            actual value
    538    * @param expected
    539    *            Expected value, may not be null.
    540    */
    541   public void assertEquals(
    542       String assertID,
    543       Collection expected,
    544       Collection actual) {
    545     framework.assertEquals(this, assertID, expected, actual);
    546   }
    548   /**
    549    * Asserts that expected.equalsIgnoreCase(actual) is false
    550    *
    551    * @param assertID
    552    *            identifier of assertion
    553    * @param actual
    554    *            actual value
    555    * @param expected
    556    *            Expected value, may not be null.
    557    */
    558   public void assertNotEqualsIgnoreCase(
    559       String assertID,
    560       String expected,
    561       String actual) {
    562     framework.assertNotEqualsIgnoreCase(this, assertID, expected, actual);
    563   }
    565   /**
    566    * Asserts that expected.equalsIgnoreCase(actual) is false
    567    *
    568    * @param assertID
    569    *            identifier of assertion
    570    * @param actual
    571    *            actual value
    572    * @param expected
    573    *            Expected value, may not be null.
    574    */
    575   public void assertNotEqualsAutoCase(
    576       String context,
    577       String assertID,
    578       String expected,
    579       String actual) {
    580     String contentType = getContentType();
    581     if ("text/html".equals(contentType)) {
    582       if ("attribute".equals(context)) {
    583         framework.assertNotEqualsIgnoreCase(this, assertID, expected, actual);
    584       }
    585       else {
    586         framework.assertNotEquals(this, assertID, expected.toUpperCase(),
    587                                   actual);
    588       }
    589     }
    590     framework.assertNotEquals(this, assertID, expected, actual);
    591   }
    593   /**
    594    * Asserts that values of expected and actual are not equal.
    595    *
    596    * @param assertID
    597    *            identifier of assertion
    598    * @param actual
    599    *            actual value
    600    * @param expected
    601    *            Expected value, may not be null.
    602    */
    603   public void assertNotEquals(
    604       String assertID,
    605       String expected,
    606       String actual) {
    607     framework.assertNotEquals(this, assertID, expected, actual);
    608   }
    610   /**
    611    * Asserts that values of expected and actual are not equal.
    612    *
    613    * @param assertID
    614    *            identifier of assertion
    615    * @param actual
    616    *            actual value
    617    * @param expected
    618    *            Expected value, may not be null.
    619    */
    620   public void assertNotEquals(String assertID, int expected, int actual) {
    621     framework.assertNotEquals(this, assertID, expected, actual);
    622   }
    624   /**
    625    * Asserts that values of expected and actual are not equal.
    626    *
    627    * @param assertID
    628    *            identifier of assertion
    629    * @param actual
    630    *            actual value
    631    * @param expected
    632    *            Expected value, may not be null.
    633    */
    634   public void assertNotEquals(
    635       String assertID,
    636       double expected,
    637       double actual) {
    638     framework.assertNotEquals(this, assertID, expected, actual);
    639   }
    641   /**
    642    * Asserts aspects of a URI
    643    *
    644    * @param assertID
    645    *            identifier of assertion
    646    * @param scheme
    647    *            Expected scheme, for example, "file". If null, scheme is
    648    *            ignored.
    649    * @param path
    650    *            Expected path, for example, "/DOM/Test". If null, path is
    651    *            ignored.
    652    * @param host
    653    *            Expected host, for example, "www.w3.org". If null, host is
    654    *            ignored.
    655    * @param file
    656    *            Expected file, for example, "staff.xml". If null, file is
    657    *            ignored.
    658    * @param name
    659    *            Expected name, for example, "staff". If null, name is
    660    *            ignored.
    661    * @param name
    662    *            Expected name, for example, "staff". If null, name is
    663    *            ignored.
    664    * @param isAbsolute
    665    *            if Boolean.TRUE, URI must be absolute. Null indicates no
    666    *            assertion.
    667    * @param actual
    668    *            URI to be tested.
    669    */
    670   public void assertURIEquals(
    671       String assertID,
    672       String scheme,
    673       String path,
    674       String host,
    675       String file,
    676       String name,
    677       String query,
    678       String fragment,
    679       Boolean isAbsolute,
    680       String actual) {
    681     //
    682     //  URI must be non-null
    683     assertNotNull(assertID, actual);
    685     String uri = actual;
    687     int lastPound = actual.lastIndexOf("#");
    688     String actualFragment = "";
    689     if (lastPound != -1) {
    690       //
    691       //   substring before pound
    692       //
    693       uri = actual.substring(0, lastPound);
    694       actualFragment = actual.substring(lastPound + 1);
    695     }
    696     if (fragment != null) {
    697       assertEquals(assertID, fragment, actualFragment);
    699     }
    700     int lastQuestion = uri.lastIndexOf("?");
    701     String actualQuery = "";
    702     if (lastQuestion != -1) {
    703       //
    704       //   substring before pound
    705       //
    706       uri = actual.substring(0, lastQuestion);
    707       actualQuery = actual.substring(lastQuestion + 1);
    708     }
    709     if (query != null) {
    710       assertEquals(assertID, query, actualQuery);
    712     }
    713     int firstColon = uri.indexOf(":");
    714     int firstSlash = uri.indexOf("/");
    715     String actualPath = uri;
    716     String actualScheme = "";
    717     if (firstColon != -1 && firstColon < firstSlash) {
    718       actualScheme = uri.substring(0, firstColon);
    719       actualPath = uri.substring(firstColon + 1);
    720     }
    722     if (scheme != null) {
    723       assertEquals(assertID, scheme, actualScheme);
    724     }
    726     if (path != null) {
    727       assertEquals(assertID, path, actualPath);
    728     }
    730     if (host != null) {
    731       String actualHost = "";
    732       if (actualPath.startsWith("//")) {
    733         int termSlash = actualPath.indexOf("/", 2);
    734         actualHost = actualPath.substring(0, termSlash);
    735       }
    736       assertEquals(assertID, host, actualHost);
    737     }
    739     String actualFile = actualPath;
    740     if (file != null || name != null) {
    741       int finalSlash = actualPath.lastIndexOf("/");
    742       if (finalSlash != -1) {
    743         actualFile = actualPath.substring(finalSlash + 1);
    744       }
    745       if (file != null) {
    746         assertEquals(assertID, file, actualFile);
    747       }
    748     }
    750     if (name != null) {
    751       String actualName = actualFile;
    752       int finalPeriod = actualFile.lastIndexOf(".");
    753       if (finalPeriod != -1) {
    754         actualName = actualFile.substring(0, finalPeriod);
    755       }
    756       assertEquals(assertID, name, actualName);
    757     }
    759     if (isAbsolute != null) {
    760       //
    761       //   Jar URL's will have any actual path like file:/c:/somedrive...
    762       assertEquals(
    763           assertID,
    764           isAbsolute.booleanValue(),
    765           actualPath.startsWith("/") || actualPath.startsWith("file:/"));
    766     }
    767   }
    769   /**
    770    * Compares the identity of actual and expected.
    771    *
    772    * @param expected
    773    *            expected
    774    * @param actual
    775    *            actual
    776    * @return true if actual and expected are the same object.
    777    */
    778   public boolean same(Object expected, Object actual) {
    779     return framework.same(expected, actual);
    780   }
    782   /**
    783    * Compares the value of actual and expected ignoring case.
    784    *
    785    * @param expected
    786    *            expected
    787    * @param actual
    788    *            actual
    789    * @return true if actual and expected are equal ignoring case.
    790    */
    791   public boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String expected, String actual) {
    792     return framework.equalsIgnoreCase(expected, actual);
    793   }
    795   /**
    796    * Compares the values in actual and expected ignoring case and order.
    797    *
    798    * @param expected
    799    *            expected
    800    * @param actual
    801    *            actual
    802    * @return true if actual and expected are equal ignoring case.
    803    */
    804   public boolean equalsIgnoreCase(Collection expected, Collection actual) {
    805     return framework.equalsIgnoreCase(expected, actual);
    806   }
    808   /**
    809    * Compares the values in actual and expected ignoring case.
    810    *
    811    * @param expected
    812    *            expected
    813    * @param actual
    814    *            actual
    815    * @return true if actual and expected are equal ignoring case.
    816    */
    817   public boolean equalsIgnoreCase(List expected, List actual) {
    818     return framework.equalsIgnoreCase(expected, actual);
    819   }
    821   /**
    822    * Compares the value of actual and expected ignoring case.
    823    *
    824    * @param expected
    825    *            expected
    826    * @param actual
    827    *            actual
    828    * @return true if actual and expected are equal ignoring case.
    829    */
    830   public boolean equalsAutoCase(String context, String expected, String actual) {
    831     if ("text/html".equals(getContentType())) {
    832       if ("attribute".equals(context)) {
    833         return framework.equalsIgnoreCase(expected, actual);
    834       }
    835       else {
    836         return framework.equals(expected.toUpperCase(), actual);
    837       }
    838     }
    839     return framework.equals(expected, actual);
    840   }
    842   /**
    843    * Compares the values in actual and expected ignoring case and order.
    844    *
    845    * @param expected
    846    *            expected
    847    * @param actual
    848    *            actual
    849    * @return true if actual and expected are equal ignoring case.
    850    */
    851   public boolean equalsAutoCase(String context, Collection expected,
    852                                 Collection actual) {
    853     if ("text/html".equals(getContentType())) {
    854       if ("attribute".equals(context)) {
    855         return framework.equalsIgnoreCase(expected, actual);
    856       }
    857       else {
    858         return framework.equals(toUpperCase(expected), actual);
    859       }
    860     }
    861     return framework.equals(expected, actual);
    862   }
    864   /**
    865    * Compares the values in actual and expected ignoring case.
    866    *
    867    * @param expected
    868    *            expected
    869    * @param actual
    870    *            actual
    871    * @return true if actual and expected are equal ignoring case.
    872    */
    873   public boolean equalsAutoCase(String context, List expected, List actual) {
    874     if ("text/html".equals(getContentType())) {
    875       if ("attribute".equals(context)) {
    876         return framework.equalsIgnoreCase(expected, actual);
    877       }
    878       else {
    879         return framework.equals(toUpperCase(expected), actual);
    880       }
    881     }
    882     return framework.equals(expected, actual);
    883   }
    885   /**
    886    * Compares the values of actual and expected.
    887    *
    888    * @param expected
    889    *            expected
    890    * @param actual
    891    *            actual
    892    * @return true if actual and expected are equal.
    893    */
    894   public boolean equals(String expected, String actual) {
    895     return framework.equals(expected, actual);
    896   }
    898   /**
    899    * Compares the values of actual and expected.
    900    *
    901    * @param expected
    902    *            expected
    903    * @param actual
    904    *            actual
    905    * @return true if actual and expected are equal.
    906    */
    907   public boolean equals(int expected, int actual) {
    908     return framework.equals(expected, actual);
    909   }
    911   /**
    912    * Compares the values of actual and expected.
    913    *
    914    * @param expected
    915    *            expected
    916    * @param actual
    917    *            actual
    918    * @return true if actual and expected are equal.
    919    */
    920   public boolean equals(double expected, double actual) {
    921     return framework.equals(expected, actual);
    922   }
    924   /**
    925    * Compares the values in actual and expected ignoring order.
    926    *
    927    * @param expected
    928    *            expected
    929    * @param actual
    930    *            actual
    931    * @return true if actual and expected are equal.
    932    */
    933   public boolean equals(Collection expected, Collection actual) {
    934     return framework.equals(expected, actual);
    935   }
    937   /**
    938    * Compares the values in actual and expected.
    939    *
    940    * @param expected
    941    *            expected
    942    * @param actual
    943    *            actual
    944    * @return true if actual and expected are equal.
    945    */
    946   public boolean equals(List expected, List actual) {
    947     return framework.equals(expected, actual);
    948   }
    950   /**
    951    * Gets the size of the collection
    952    *
    953    * @param collection
    954    *            collection, may not be null.
    955    * @return size of collection
    956    */
    957   public int size(Collection collection) {
    958     return framework.size(collection);
    959   }
    961   /**
    962    * Gets the size of the collection
    963    *
    964    * @param collection
    965    *            collection, may not be null.
    966    * @return size of collection
    967    */
    968   public int size(NamedNodeMap collection) {
    969     return framework.size(collection);
    970   }
    972   /**
    973    * Gets the size of the collection
    974    *
    975    * @param collection
    976    *            collection, may not be null.
    977    * @return size of collection
    978    */
    979   public int size(NodeList collection) {
    980     return framework.size(collection);
    981   }
    983 }