1 <?xml version="1.0"?> 2 <template 3 format="3" 4 revision="1" 5 name="New Notification" 6 description="Creates a new helper class that can show or cancel a status bar notification." 7 minApi="4"> 8 9 <dependency name="android-support-v4" revision="10" /> 10 11 <category value="Other" /> 12 13 <parameter 14 id="className" 15 name="Class Name" 16 type="string" 17 constraints="class|unique|nonempty" 18 default="NewMessageNotification" 19 help="The name of the notification helper class to create, e.g. 'NewMessageNotification'." /> 20 21 <parameter 22 id="expandedStyle" 23 name="Style when Expanded" 24 type="enum" 25 default="text" 26 help="The expanded notification style to use for devices running Android 4.1 or later." > 27 <option id="none">None</option> 28 <option id="text" default="true">More text</option> 29 <option id="picture">Picture</option> 30 <option id="list">List</option> 31 </parameter> 32 33 <parameter 34 id="moreActions" 35 name="Show Additional Actions" 36 type="boolean" 37 default="true" 38 help="If true, this notification will contain additional actions when expanded on devices running Android 4.1 or later." /> 39 40 <globals file="globals.xml.ftl" /> 41 <execute file="recipe.xml.ftl" /> 42 43 <thumbs> 44 <thumb>template_notification_text_actions.png</thumb> 45 <thumb expandedStyle="none">template_notification_none.png</thumb> 46 <thumb expandedStyle="none" moreActions="true">template_notification_none_actions.png</thumb> 47 <thumb expandedStyle="text">template_notification_text.png</thumb> 48 <thumb expandedStyle="text" moreActions="true">template_notification_text_actions.png</thumb> 49 <thumb expandedStyle="list">template_notification_list.png</thumb> 50 <thumb expandedStyle="list" moreActions="true">template_notification_list_actions.png</thumb> 51 <thumb expandedStyle="picture">template_notification_picture.png</thumb> 52 <thumb expandedStyle="picture" moreActions="true">template_notification_picture_actions.png</thumb> 53 </thumbs> 54 55 <icons 56 type="notification" 57 name="ic_stat_${camelCaseToUnderscore(className?replace('notification','','i'))}" /> 58 </template> 59