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      2 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      3 Software License for The Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android
      5  Copyright  1995 - 2012 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Frderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
      6   All rights reserved.
      8  1.    INTRODUCTION
      9 The Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android ("FDK AAC Codec") is software that implements
     10 the MPEG Advanced Audio Coding ("AAC") encoding and decoding scheme for digital audio.
     11 This FDK AAC Codec software is intended to be used on a wide variety of Android devices.
     13 AAC's HE-AAC and HE-AAC v2 versions are regarded as today's most efficient general perceptual
     14 audio codecs. AAC-ELD is considered the best-performing full-bandwidth communications codec by
     15 independent studies and is widely deployed. AAC has been standardized by ISO and IEC as part
     16 of the MPEG specifications.
     18 Patent licenses for necessary patent claims for the FDK AAC Codec (including those of Fraunhofer)
     19 may be obtained through Via Licensing (www.vialicensing.com) or through the respective patent owners
     20 individually for the purpose of encoding or decoding bit streams in products that are compliant with
     21 the ISO/IEC MPEG audio standards. Please note that most manufacturers of Android devices already license
     22 these patent claims through Via Licensing or directly from the patent owners, and therefore FDK AAC Codec
     23 software may already be covered under those patent licenses when it is used for those licensed purposes only.
     25 Commercially-licensed AAC software libraries, including floating-point versions with enhanced sound quality,
     26 are also available from Fraunhofer. Users are encouraged to check the Fraunhofer website for additional
     27 applications information and documentation.
     31 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted without
     32 payment of copyright license fees provided that you satisfy the following conditions:
     34 You must retain the complete text of this software license in redistributions of the FDK AAC Codec or
     35 your modifications thereto in source code form.
     37 You must retain the complete text of this software license in the documentation and/or other materials
     38 provided with redistributions of the FDK AAC Codec or your modifications thereto in binary form.
     39 You must make available free of charge copies of the complete source code of the FDK AAC Codec and your
     40 modifications thereto to recipients of copies in binary form.
     42 The name of Fraunhofer may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this library without
     43 prior written permission.
     45 You may not charge copyright license fees for anyone to use, copy or distribute the FDK AAC Codec
     46 software or your modifications thereto.
     48 Your modified versions of the FDK AAC Codec must carry prominent notices stating that you changed the software
     49 and the date of any change. For modified versions of the FDK AAC Codec, the term
     50 "Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android" must be replaced by the term
     51 "Third-Party Modified Version of the Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library for Android."
     53 3.    NO PATENT LICENSE
     55 NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PATENT CLAIMS, including without limitation the patents of Fraunhofer,
     56 ARE GRANTED BY THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE. Fraunhofer provides no warranty of patent non-infringement with
     57 respect to this software.
     59 You may use this FDK AAC Codec software or modifications thereto only for purposes that are authorized
     60 by appropriate patent licenses.
     62 4.    DISCLAIMER
     64 This FDK AAC Codec software is provided by Fraunhofer on behalf of the copyright holders and contributors
     65 "AS IS" and WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, including but not limited to the implied warranties
     66 of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR
     67 CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages,
     68 including but not limited to procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits,
     69 or business interruption, however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict
     70 liability, or tort (including negligence), arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if
     71 advised of the possibility of such damage.
     75 Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS
     76 Attention: Audio and Multimedia Departments - FDK AAC LL
     77 Am Wolfsmantel 33
     78 91058 Erlangen, Germany
     80 www.iis.fraunhofer.de/amm
     81 amm-info (at) iis.fraunhofer.de
     82 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     84 /******************************** MPEG Audio Encoder **************************
     86    Initial author:       M.Werner
     87    contents/description: Noiseless coder module
     89 ******************************************************************************/
     91 #include "dyn_bits.h"
     92 #include "bit_cnt.h"
     93 #include "psy_const.h"
     94 #include "aacenc_pns.h"
     95 #include "aacEnc_ram.h"
     96 #include "aacEnc_rom.h"
     98 typedef INT (*lookUpTable)[CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX + 1];
    100 static INT FDKaacEnc_getSideInfoBits(
    101         const SECTION_INFO* const huffsection,
    102         const SHORT* const        sideInfoTab,
    103         const INT                 useHCR
    104         )
    105 {
    106   INT sideInfoBits;
    108   if ( useHCR && ((huffsection->codeBook == 11) || (huffsection->codeBook >= 16)) ) {
    109     sideInfoBits = 5;
    110   }
    111   else {
    112     sideInfoBits = sideInfoTab[huffsection->sfbCnt];
    113   }
    115   return (sideInfoBits);
    116 }
    118 /* count bits using all possible tables */
    119 static void FDKaacEnc_buildBitLookUp(
    120         const SHORT* const        quantSpectrum,
    121         const INT                 maxSfb,
    122         const INT* const          sfbOffset,
    123         const UINT* const         sfbMax,
    124         INT                       bitLookUp[MAX_SFB_LONG][CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX + 1],
    125         SECTION_INFO* const       huffsection
    126         )
    127 {
    128   INT i, sfbWidth;
    130   for (i = 0; i < maxSfb; i++)
    131   {
    132     huffsection[i].sfbCnt = 1;
    133     huffsection[i].sfbStart = i;
    134     huffsection[i].sectionBits = INVALID_BITCOUNT;
    135     huffsection[i].codeBook = -1;
    136     sfbWidth = sfbOffset[i + 1] - sfbOffset[i];
    137     FDKaacEnc_bitCount(quantSpectrum + sfbOffset[i], sfbWidth, sfbMax[i], bitLookUp[i]);
    138   }
    139 }
    141 /* essential helper functions */
    142 static INT FDKaacEnc_findBestBook(
    143         const INT* const          bc,
    144         INT* const                book,
    145         const INT                 useVCB11
    146         )
    147 {
    148   INT minBits = INVALID_BITCOUNT, j;
    150   int end = CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX;
    153   for (j = 0; j <= end; j++)
    154   {
    155     if (bc[j] < minBits)
    156     {
    157       minBits = bc[j];
    158       *book = j;
    159     }
    160   }
    161   return (minBits);
    162 }
    164 static INT FDKaacEnc_findMinMergeBits(
    165         const INT* const          bc1,
    166         const INT* const          bc2,
    167         const INT                 useVCB11
    168         )
    169 {
    170   INT minBits = INVALID_BITCOUNT, j;
    172   int end = CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX;
    175   for (j = 0; j <= end; j++)
    176   {
    177     if (bc1[j] + bc2[j] < minBits)
    178     {
    179       minBits = bc1[j] + bc2[j];
    180     }
    181   }
    182   return (minBits);
    183 }
    185 static void FDKaacEnc_mergeBitLookUp(
    186         INT* const                bc1,
    187         const INT* const          bc2
    188         )
    189 {
    190   int j;
    192   for (j = 0; j <= CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX; j++)
    193   {
    194     bc1[j] = fixMin(bc1[j] + bc2[j], INVALID_BITCOUNT);
    195   }
    196 }
    198 static INT FDKaacEnc_findMaxMerge(
    199         const INT* const          mergeGainLookUp,
    200         const SECTION_INFO* const  huffsection,
    201         const INT maxSfb,
    202         INT* const                maxNdx
    203         )
    204 {
    205   INT i, maxMergeGain = 0;
    207   for (i = 0; i + huffsection[i].sfbCnt < maxSfb; i += huffsection[i].sfbCnt)
    208   {
    209     if (mergeGainLookUp[i] > maxMergeGain)
    210     {
    211       maxMergeGain = mergeGainLookUp[i];
    212       *maxNdx = i;
    213     }
    214   }
    215   return (maxMergeGain);
    216 }
    218 static INT FDKaacEnc_CalcMergeGain(
    219         const SECTION_INFO* const huffsection,
    220         const INT                 bitLookUp[MAX_SFB_LONG][CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX + 1],
    221         const SHORT* const        sideInfoTab,
    222         const INT                 ndx1,
    223         const INT                 ndx2,
    224         const INT                 useVCB11
    225         )
    226 {
    227   INT MergeGain, MergeBits, SplitBits;
    229   MergeBits = sideInfoTab[huffsection[ndx1].sfbCnt + huffsection[ndx2].sfbCnt] + FDKaacEnc_findMinMergeBits(bitLookUp[ndx1], bitLookUp[ndx2], useVCB11);
    230   SplitBits = huffsection[ndx1].sectionBits + huffsection[ndx2].sectionBits; /* Bit amount for splitted huffsections */
    231   MergeGain = SplitBits - MergeBits;
    233   if ( (huffsection[ndx1].codeBook==CODE_BOOK_PNS_NO)||(huffsection[ndx2].codeBook==CODE_BOOK_PNS_NO)
    234     || (huffsection[ndx1].codeBook==CODE_BOOK_IS_OUT_OF_PHASE_NO)||(huffsection[ndx2].codeBook==CODE_BOOK_IS_OUT_OF_PHASE_NO)
    235     || (huffsection[ndx1].codeBook==CODE_BOOK_IS_IN_PHASE_NO)||(huffsection[ndx2].codeBook==CODE_BOOK_IS_IN_PHASE_NO)
    236     )
    237   {
    238     MergeGain = -1;
    239   }
    241   return (MergeGain);
    242 }
    245 /* sectioning Stage 0:find minimum codbooks */
    246 static void FDKaacEnc_gmStage0(
    247         SECTION_INFO* const RESTRICT huffsection,
    248         const INT                    bitLookUp[MAX_SFB_LONG][CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX + 1],
    249         const INT                    maxSfb,
    250         const INT* const             noiseNrg,
    251         const INT* const             isBook
    252         )
    253 {
    254   INT i;
    256   for (i = 0; i < maxSfb; i++)
    257   {
    258     /* Side-Info bits will be calculated in Stage 1! */
    259     if (huffsection[i].sectionBits == INVALID_BITCOUNT)
    260     {
    261       /* intensity and pns codebooks are already allocated in bitcount.c */
    262       if(noiseNrg[i] != NO_NOISE_PNS){
    263         huffsection[i].codeBook=CODE_BOOK_PNS_NO;
    264         huffsection[i].sectionBits = 0;
    265       }
    266       else if( isBook[i] ) {
    267         huffsection[i].codeBook=isBook[i];
    268         huffsection[i].sectionBits = 0;
    269       }
    270       else {
    271         huffsection[i].sectionBits = FDKaacEnc_findBestBook(bitLookUp[i], &(huffsection[i].codeBook), 0); /* useVCB11 must be 0!!! */
    272       }
    273     }
    274   }
    275 }
    277 /*
    278    sectioning Stage 1:merge all connected regions with the same code book and
    279    calculate side info
    280  */
    281 static void FDKaacEnc_gmStage1(
    282         SECTION_INFO* const RESTRICT huffsection,
    283         INT                          bitLookUp[MAX_SFB_LONG][CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX + 1],
    284         const INT                    maxSfb,
    285         const SHORT* const           sideInfoTab,
    286         const INT                    useVCB11
    287         )
    288 {
    289   INT mergeStart = 0, mergeEnd;
    291   do
    292   {
    293     for (mergeEnd = mergeStart + 1; mergeEnd < maxSfb; mergeEnd++)
    294     {
    295       if (huffsection[mergeStart].codeBook != huffsection[mergeEnd].codeBook)
    296         break;
    299       /* we can merge. update tables, side info bits will be updated outside of this loop */
    300       huffsection[mergeStart].sfbCnt++;
    301       huffsection[mergeStart].sectionBits += huffsection[mergeEnd].sectionBits;
    303       /* update bit look up for all code books */
    304       FDKaacEnc_mergeBitLookUp(bitLookUp[mergeStart], bitLookUp[mergeEnd]);
    305     }
    307     /* add side info info bits */
    308     huffsection[mergeStart].sectionBits += FDKaacEnc_getSideInfoBits(&huffsection[mergeStart], sideInfoTab, useVCB11);
    309     huffsection[mergeEnd - 1].sfbStart = huffsection[mergeStart].sfbStart;      /* speed up prev search */
    311     mergeStart = mergeEnd;
    313   } while (mergeStart < maxSfb);
    314 }
    316 /*
    317    sectioning Stage 2:greedy merge algorithm, merge connected sections with
    318    maximum bit gain until no more gain is possible
    319  */
    320 static void
    321 FDKaacEnc_gmStage2(
    322         SECTION_INFO* const RESTRICT huffsection,
    323         INT* const RESTRICT          mergeGainLookUp,
    324         INT                          bitLookUp[MAX_SFB_LONG][CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX + 1],
    325         const INT                    maxSfb,
    326         const SHORT* const           sideInfoTab,
    327         const INT                    useVCB11
    328         )
    329 {
    330   INT i;
    332   for (i = 0; i + huffsection[i].sfbCnt < maxSfb; i += huffsection[i].sfbCnt)
    333   {
    334     mergeGainLookUp[i] = FDKaacEnc_CalcMergeGain(huffsection,
    335                                        bitLookUp,
    336                                        sideInfoTab,
    337                                        i,
    338                                        i + huffsection[i].sfbCnt,
    339                                        useVCB11);
    340   }
    342   while (TRUE)
    343   {
    344     INT maxMergeGain, maxNdx = 0, maxNdxNext, maxNdxLast;
    346     maxMergeGain = FDKaacEnc_findMaxMerge(mergeGainLookUp, huffsection, maxSfb, &maxNdx);
    348     /* exit while loop if no more gain is possible */
    349     if (maxMergeGain <= 0)
    350       break;
    352     maxNdxNext = maxNdx + huffsection[maxNdx].sfbCnt;
    354     /* merge sections with maximum bit gain */
    355     huffsection[maxNdx].sfbCnt += huffsection[maxNdxNext].sfbCnt;
    356     huffsection[maxNdx].sectionBits += huffsection[maxNdxNext].sectionBits - maxMergeGain;
    358     /* update bit look up table for merged huffsection  */
    359     FDKaacEnc_mergeBitLookUp(bitLookUp[maxNdx], bitLookUp[maxNdxNext]);
    361     /* update mergeLookUpTable */
    362     if (maxNdx != 0)
    363     {
    364       maxNdxLast = huffsection[maxNdx - 1].sfbStart;
    365       mergeGainLookUp[maxNdxLast] = FDKaacEnc_CalcMergeGain(huffsection,
    366                                                   bitLookUp,
    367                                                   sideInfoTab,
    368                                                   maxNdxLast,
    369                                                   maxNdx,
    370                                                   useVCB11);
    372     }
    373     maxNdxNext = maxNdx + huffsection[maxNdx].sfbCnt;
    375     huffsection[maxNdxNext - 1].sfbStart = huffsection[maxNdx].sfbStart;
    377     if (maxNdxNext < maxSfb)
    378       mergeGainLookUp[maxNdx] = FDKaacEnc_CalcMergeGain(huffsection,
    379                                               bitLookUp,
    380                                               sideInfoTab,
    381                                               maxNdx,
    382                                               maxNdxNext,
    383                                               useVCB11);
    385   }
    386 }
    388 /* count bits used by the noiseless coder */
    389 static void FDKaacEnc_noiselessCounter(
    390         SECTION_DATA* const RESTRICT sectionData,
    391         INT                          mergeGainLookUp[MAX_SFB_LONG],
    392         INT                          bitLookUp[MAX_SFB_LONG][CODE_BOOK_ESC_NDX + 1],
    393         const SHORT* const           quantSpectrum,
    394         const UINT* const            maxValueInSfb,
    395         const INT* const             sfbOffset,
    396         const INT                    blockType,
    397         const INT* const             noiseNrg,
    398         const INT* const             isBook,
    399         const INT                    useVCB11
    400         )
    401 {
    402   INT grpNdx, i;
    403   const SHORT *sideInfoTab = NULL;
    404   SECTION_INFO *huffsection;
    406   /* use appropriate side info table */
    407   switch (blockType)
    408   {
    409   case LONG_WINDOW:
    410   case START_WINDOW:
    411   case STOP_WINDOW:
    412     sideInfoTab = FDKaacEnc_sideInfoTabLong;
    413     break;
    414   case SHORT_WINDOW:
    415     sideInfoTab = FDKaacEnc_sideInfoTabShort;
    416     break;
    417   }
    419   sectionData->noOfSections = 0;
    420   sectionData->huffmanBits = 0;
    421   sectionData->sideInfoBits = 0;
    424   if (sectionData->maxSfbPerGroup == 0)
    425     return;
    427   /* loop trough groups */
    428   for (grpNdx = 0; grpNdx < sectionData->sfbCnt; grpNdx += sectionData->sfbPerGroup)
    429   {
    430     huffsection = sectionData->huffsection + sectionData->noOfSections;
    432     /* count bits in this group */
    433     FDKaacEnc_buildBitLookUp(quantSpectrum,
    434                    sectionData->maxSfbPerGroup,
    435                    sfbOffset + grpNdx,
    436                    maxValueInSfb + grpNdx,
    437                    bitLookUp,
    438                    huffsection);
    440     /* 0.Stage :Find minimum Codebooks */
    441     FDKaacEnc_gmStage0(huffsection, bitLookUp, sectionData->maxSfbPerGroup, noiseNrg+grpNdx, isBook+grpNdx);
    443     /* 1.Stage :Merge all connected regions with the same code book */
    444     FDKaacEnc_gmStage1(huffsection, bitLookUp, sectionData->maxSfbPerGroup, sideInfoTab, useVCB11);
    447     /*
    448        2.Stage
    449        greedy merge algorithm, merge connected huffsections with maximum bit
    450        gain until no more gain is possible
    451      */
    453     FDKaacEnc_gmStage2(huffsection,
    454              mergeGainLookUp,
    455              bitLookUp,
    456              sectionData->maxSfbPerGroup,
    457              sideInfoTab,
    458              useVCB11);
    462     /*
    463        compress output, calculate total huff and side bits
    464        since we did not update the actual codebook in stage 2
    465        to save time, we must set it here for later use in bitenc
    466      */
    468     for (i = 0; i < sectionData->maxSfbPerGroup; i += huffsection[i].sfbCnt)
    469     {
    470       if ((huffsection[i].codeBook==CODE_BOOK_PNS_NO) ||
    471           (huffsection[i].codeBook==CODE_BOOK_IS_OUT_OF_PHASE_NO) ||
    472           (huffsection[i].codeBook==CODE_BOOK_IS_IN_PHASE_NO))
    473       {
    474         huffsection[i].sectionBits=0;
    475       } else {
    476         /* the sections in the sectionData are now marked with the optimal code book */
    478           FDKaacEnc_findBestBook(bitLookUp[i], &(huffsection[i].codeBook), useVCB11);
    480         sectionData->huffmanBits += huffsection[i].sectionBits - FDKaacEnc_getSideInfoBits(&huffsection[i], sideInfoTab, useVCB11);
    481       }
    483       huffsection[i].sfbStart += grpNdx;
    485       /* sum up side info bits (section data bits) */
    486       sectionData->sideInfoBits += FDKaacEnc_getSideInfoBits(&huffsection[i], sideInfoTab, useVCB11);
    487       sectionData->huffsection[sectionData->noOfSections++] = huffsection[i];
    488     }
    489   }
    490 }
    493 /*******************************************************************************
    495      functionname: FDKaacEnc_scfCount
    496      returns     : ---
    497      description : count bits used by scalefactors.
    499                    not in all cases if maxValueInSfb[] == 0 we set deltaScf
    500                    to zero. only if the difference of the last and future
    501                    scalefacGain is not greater then CODE_BOOK_SCF_LAV (60).
    503      example:
    504                   ^
    505      scalefacGain |
    506                   |
    507                   |       last 75
    508                   |          |
    509                   |          |
    510                   |          |
    511                   |          |      current 50
    512                   |          |          |
    513                   |          |          |
    514                   |          |          |
    515                   |          |          |
    516                   |          |          |      future 5
    517                   |          |          |          |
    518                   --- ... ---------------------------- ... --------->
    519                                                                 sfb
    522                   if maxValueInSfb[] of current is zero because of a
    523                   notfallstrategie, we do not save bits and transmit a
    524                   deltaScf of 25. otherwise the deltaScf between the last
    525                   scalfacGain (75) and the future scalefacGain (5) is 70.
    527 ********************************************************************************/
    528 static void FDKaacEnc_scfCount(
    529         const INT* const             scalefacGain,
    530         const UINT* const            maxValueInSfb,
    531         SECTION_DATA* const RESTRICT sectionData,
    532         const INT* const             isScale
    533         )
    534 {
    535   INT i, j, k, m, n;
    537   INT lastValScf     = 0;
    538   INT deltaScf       = 0;
    539   INT found          = 0;
    540   INT scfSkipCounter = 0;
    541   INT lastValIs      = 0;
    543   sectionData->scalefacBits = 0;
    545   if (scalefacGain == NULL)
    546     return;
    548   sectionData->firstScf = 0;
    550   for (i=0; i<sectionData->noOfSections; i++)
    551   {
    552     if (sectionData->huffsection[i].codeBook != CODE_BOOK_ZERO_NO)
    553     {
    554       sectionData->firstScf = sectionData->huffsection[i].sfbStart;
    555       lastValScf = scalefacGain[sectionData->firstScf];
    556       break;
    557     }
    558   }
    560   for (i=0; i<sectionData->noOfSections; i++)
    561   {
    562     if ((sectionData->huffsection[i].codeBook == CODE_BOOK_IS_OUT_OF_PHASE_NO) ||
    563         (sectionData->huffsection[i].codeBook == CODE_BOOK_IS_IN_PHASE_NO))
    564     {
    565       for (j = sectionData->huffsection[i].sfbStart;
    566            j < sectionData->huffsection[i].sfbStart + sectionData->huffsection[i].sfbCnt;
    567            j++)
    568       {
    569         INT deltaIs = isScale[j]-lastValIs;
    570         lastValIs   = isScale[j];
    571         sectionData->scalefacBits+=FDKaacEnc_bitCountScalefactorDelta(deltaIs);
    572       }
    573     } /* Intensity */
    574     else if ((sectionData->huffsection[i].codeBook != CODE_BOOK_ZERO_NO) &&
    575              (sectionData->huffsection[i].codeBook != CODE_BOOK_PNS_NO))
    576     {
    577       INT tmp = sectionData->huffsection[i].sfbStart + sectionData->huffsection[i].sfbCnt;
    578       for (j = sectionData->huffsection[i].sfbStart; j<tmp; j++)
    579       {
    580         /* check if we can repeat the last value to save bits */
    581         if (maxValueInSfb[j] == 0)
    582         {
    583           found = 0;
    584           /* are scalefactors skipped? */
    585           if (scfSkipCounter == 0)
    586           {
    587             /* end of section */
    588             if (j == (tmp - 1) )
    589               found = 0;  /* search in other sections for maxValueInSfb != 0 */
    590             else
    591             {
    592               /* search in this section for the next maxValueInSfb[] != 0 */
    593               for (k = (j+1); k < tmp; k++)
    594               {
    595                 if (maxValueInSfb[k] != 0)
    596                 {
    597                   found = 1;
    598                   if ( (fixp_abs(scalefacGain[k] - lastValScf)) <= CODE_BOOK_SCF_LAV)
    599                      deltaScf = 0; /* save bits */
    600                   else
    601                   {
    602                     /* do not save bits */
    603                     deltaScf = lastValScf - scalefacGain[j];
    604                     lastValScf = scalefacGain[j];
    605                     scfSkipCounter = 0;
    606                   }
    607                   break;
    608                 }
    609                 /* count scalefactor skip */
    610                 scfSkipCounter++;
    611               }
    612             }
    614             /* search for the next maxValueInSfb[] != 0 in all other sections */
    615             for (m=(i+1); (m < sectionData->noOfSections) && (found == 0); m++)
    616             {
    617               if ((sectionData->huffsection[m].codeBook != CODE_BOOK_ZERO_NO) && (sectionData->huffsection[m].codeBook != CODE_BOOK_PNS_NO))
    618               {
    619                 INT end = sectionData->huffsection[m].sfbStart + sectionData->huffsection[m].sfbCnt;
    620                 for (n = sectionData->huffsection[m].sfbStart; n<end; n++)
    621                 {
    622                   if (maxValueInSfb[n] != 0)
    623                   {
    624                     found = 1;
    625                     if (fixp_abs(scalefacGain[n] - lastValScf) <= CODE_BOOK_SCF_LAV)
    626                       deltaScf = 0;  /* save bits */
    627                     else
    628                     {
    629                       /* do not save bits */
    630                       deltaScf = lastValScf - scalefacGain[j];
    631                       lastValScf = scalefacGain[j];
    632                       scfSkipCounter = 0;
    633                     }
    634                     break;
    635                   }
    636                   /* count scalefactor skip */
    637                   scfSkipCounter++;
    638                 }
    639               }
    640             }
    641             /* no maxValueInSfb[] != 0 found */
    642             if (found == 0)
    643             {
    644               deltaScf = 0;
    645               scfSkipCounter = 0;
    646             }
    647           }
    648           else {
    649             /* consider skipped scalefactors */
    650             deltaScf = 0;
    651             scfSkipCounter--;
    652           }
    653         }
    654         else {
    655           deltaScf = lastValScf - scalefacGain[j];
    656           lastValScf = scalefacGain[j];
    657         }
    658         sectionData->scalefacBits += FDKaacEnc_bitCountScalefactorDelta(deltaScf);
    659       }
    660     }
    661   } /* for (i=0; i<sectionData->noOfSections; i++) */
    662 }
    664 #ifdef PNS_PRECOUNT_ENABLE
    665 /*
    666   preCount bits used pns
    667 */
    668 /* estimate bits used by pns for correction of static bits */
    669 /* no codebook switch estimation, see AAC LD FASTENC */
    670 INT noisePreCount(const INT *noiseNrg, INT maxSfb)
    671 {
    672   INT   noisePCMFlag = TRUE;
    673   INT   lastValPns = 0, deltaPns;
    674   int   i, bits=0;
    676  for (i = 0; i < maxSfb; i++) {
    677    if (noiseNrg[i] != NO_NOISE_PNS) {
    679      if (noisePCMFlag) {
    680        bits+=PNS_PCM_BITS;
    681        lastValPns   = noiseNrg[i];
    682        noisePCMFlag = FALSE;
    683      }else {
    684        deltaPns     = noiseNrg[i]-lastValPns;
    685        lastValPns   = noiseNrg[i];
    686        bits+=FDKaacEnc_bitCountScalefactorDelta(deltaPns);
    687      }
    688    }
    689  }
    690  return ( bits );
    691 }
    692 #endif /* PNS_PRECOUNT_ENABLE */
    694 /* count bits used by pns */
    695 static void FDKaacEnc_noiseCount(
    696         SECTION_DATA* const RESTRICT sectionData,
    697         const INT* const             noiseNrg
    698         )
    699 {
    700   INT noisePCMFlag = TRUE;
    701   INT lastValPns = 0, deltaPns;
    702   int i, j;
    704   sectionData->noiseNrgBits = 0;
    706   for (i = 0; i < sectionData->noOfSections; i++) {
    707     if (sectionData->huffsection[i].codeBook == CODE_BOOK_PNS_NO) {
    708       int sfbStart = sectionData->huffsection[i].sfbStart;
    709       int sfbEnd = sfbStart + sectionData->huffsection[i].sfbCnt;
    710       for (j=sfbStart; j<sfbEnd; j++) {
    712         if (noisePCMFlag) {
    713           sectionData->noiseNrgBits+=PNS_PCM_BITS;
    714           lastValPns   = noiseNrg[j];
    715           noisePCMFlag = FALSE;
    716         } else {
    717           deltaPns     = noiseNrg[j]-lastValPns;
    718           lastValPns   = noiseNrg[j];
    719           sectionData->noiseNrgBits+=FDKaacEnc_bitCountScalefactorDelta(deltaPns);
    720         }
    721       }
    722     }
    723   }
    724 }
    726 INT FDKaacEnc_dynBitCount(
    727         BITCNTR_STATE* const         hBC,
    728         const SHORT* const           quantSpectrum,
    729         const UINT* const            maxValueInSfb,
    730         const INT* const             scalefac,
    731         const INT                    blockType,
    732         const INT                    sfbCnt,
    733         const INT                    maxSfbPerGroup,
    734         const INT                    sfbPerGroup,
    735         const INT* const             sfbOffset,
    736         SECTION_DATA* const RESTRICT sectionData,
    737         const INT* const             noiseNrg,
    738         const INT* const             isBook,
    739         const INT* const             isScale,
    740         const UINT                   syntaxFlags
    741         )
    742 {
    743   sectionData->blockType      = blockType;
    744   sectionData->sfbCnt         = sfbCnt;
    745   sectionData->sfbPerGroup    = sfbPerGroup;
    746   sectionData->noOfGroups     = sfbCnt / sfbPerGroup;
    747   sectionData->maxSfbPerGroup = maxSfbPerGroup;
    749   FDKaacEnc_noiselessCounter(
    750                    sectionData,
    751                    hBC->mergeGainLookUp,
    752                    (lookUpTable)hBC->bitLookUp,
    753                    quantSpectrum,
    754                    maxValueInSfb,
    755                    sfbOffset,
    756                    blockType,
    757                    noiseNrg,
    758                    isBook,
    759                    (syntaxFlags & AC_ER_VCB11)?1:0);
    761   FDKaacEnc_scfCount(
    762            scalefac,
    763            maxValueInSfb,
    764            sectionData,
    765            isScale);
    767   FDKaacEnc_noiseCount(sectionData,
    768              noiseNrg);
    770   return (sectionData->huffmanBits +
    771           sectionData->sideInfoBits +
    772           sectionData->scalefacBits +
    773           sectionData->noiseNrgBits);
    774 }
    776 INT FDKaacEnc_BCNew(BITCNTR_STATE **phBC
    777          ,UCHAR* dynamic_RAM
    778          )
    779 {
    780   BITCNTR_STATE *hBC =  GetRam_aacEnc_BitCntrState();
    782   if (hBC)
    783   {
    784     *phBC = hBC;
    785     hBC->bitLookUp       = GetRam_aacEnc_BitLookUp(0,dynamic_RAM);
    786     hBC->mergeGainLookUp = GetRam_aacEnc_MergeGainLookUp(0,dynamic_RAM);
    787     if (hBC->bitLookUp       == 0 ||
    788         hBC->mergeGainLookUp == 0)
    789     {
    790       return 1;
    791     }
    792   }
    793   return (hBC == 0) ? 1 : 0;
    794 }
    796 void FDKaacEnc_BCClose(BITCNTR_STATE **phBC)
    797 {
    798   if (*phBC!=NULL) {
    800     FreeRam_aacEnc_BitCntrState(phBC);
    801   }
    802 }