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      1 /*
      2  ********************************************************************************
      3  * Copyright (C) 2003-2009, International Business Machines Corporation
      4  * and others. All Rights Reserved.
      5  ******************************************************************************
      6  *
      7  * File ISLAMCAL.H
      8  *
      9  * Modification History:
     10  *
     11  *   Date        Name        Description
     12  *   10/14/2003  srl         ported from java IslamicCalendar
     13  *****************************************************************************
     14  */
     16 #ifndef ISLAMCAL_H
     17 #define ISLAMCAL_H
     19 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
     23 #include "unicode/calendar.h"
     27 /**
     28  * <code>IslamicCalendar</code> is a subclass of <code>Calendar</code>
     29  * that implements the Islamic civil and religious calendars.  It
     30  * is used as the civil calendar in most of the Arab world and the
     31  * liturgical calendar of the Islamic faith worldwide.  This calendar
     32  * is also known as the "Hijri" calendar, since it starts at the time
     33  * of Mohammed's emigration (or "hijra") to Medinah on Thursday,
     34  * July 15, 622 AD (Julian).
     35  * <p>
     36  * The Islamic calendar is strictly lunar, and thus an Islamic year of twelve
     37  * lunar months does not correspond to the solar year used by most other
     38  * calendar systems, including the Gregorian.  An Islamic year is, on average,
     39  * about 354 days long, so each successive Islamic year starts about 11 days
     40  * earlier in the corresponding Gregorian year.
     41  * <p>
     42  * Each month of the calendar starts when the new moon's crescent is visible
     43  * at sunset.  However, in order to keep the time fields in this class
     44  * synchronized with those of the other calendars and with local clock time,
     45  * we treat days and months as beginning at midnight,
     46  * roughly 6 hours after the corresponding sunset.
     47  * <p>
     48  * There are two main variants of the Islamic calendar in existence.  The first
     49  * is the <em>civil</em> calendar, which uses a fixed cycle of alternating 29-
     50  * and 30-day months, with a leap day added to the last month of 11 out of
     51  * every 30 years.  This calendar is easily calculated and thus predictable in
     52  * advance, so it is used as the civil calendar in a number of Arab countries.
     53  * This is the default behavior of a newly-created <code>IslamicCalendar</code>
     54  * object.
     55  * <p>
     56  * The Islamic <em>religious</em> calendar, however, is based on the <em>observation</em>
     57  * of the crescent moon.  It is thus affected by the position at which the
     58  * observations are made, seasonal variations in the time of sunset, the
     59  * eccentricities of the moon's orbit, and even the weather at the observation
     60  * site.  This makes it impossible to calculate in advance, and it causes the
     61  * start of a month in the religious calendar to differ from the civil calendar
     62  * by up to three days.
     63  * <p>
     64  * Using astronomical calculations for the position of the sun and moon, the
     65  * moon's illumination, and other factors, it is possible to determine the start
     66  * of a lunar month with a fairly high degree of certainty.  However, these
     67  * calculations are extremely complicated and thus slow, so most algorithms,
     68  * including the one used here, are only approximations of the true astronical
     69  * calculations.  At present, the approximations used in this class are fairly
     70  * simplistic; they will be improved in later versions of the code.
     71  * <p>
     72  * The {@link #setCivil setCivil} method determines
     73  * which approach is used to determine the start of a month.  By default, the
     74  * fixed-cycle civil calendar is used.  However, if <code>setCivil(false)</code>
     75  * is called, an approximation of the true lunar calendar will be used.
     76  *
     77  * @see GregorianCalendar
     78  *
     79  * @author Laura Werner
     80  * @author Alan Liu
     81  * @author Steven R. Loomis
     82  * @internal
     83  */
     84 class IslamicCalendar : public Calendar {
     85  public:
     86   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
     87   // Constants...
     88   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
     89   /**
     90    * Calendar type - civil or religious
     91    * @internal
     92    */
     93   enum ECivil {
     94     ASTRONOMICAL,
     95     CIVIL
     96   };
     98   /**
     99    * Constants for the months
    100    * @internal
    101    */
    102   enum EMonths {
    103     /**
    104      * Constant for Muharram, the 1st month of the Islamic year.
    105      * @internal
    106      */
    107     MUHARRAM = 0,
    109     /**
    110      * Constant for Safar, the 2nd month of the Islamic year.
    111      * @internal
    112      */
    113     SAFAR = 1,
    115     /**
    116      * Constant for Rabi' al-awwal (or Rabi' I), the 3rd month of the Islamic year.
    117      * @internal
    118      */
    119     RABI_1 = 2,
    121     /**
    122      * Constant for Rabi' al-thani or (Rabi' II), the 4th month of the Islamic year.
    123      * @internal
    124      */
    125     RABI_2 = 3,
    127     /**
    128      * Constant for Jumada al-awwal or (Jumada I), the 5th month of the Islamic year.
    129      * @internal
    130      */
    131     JUMADA_1 = 4,
    133     /**
    134      * Constant for Jumada al-thani or (Jumada II), the 6th month of the Islamic year.
    135      * @internal
    136      */
    137     JUMADA_2 = 5,
    139     /**
    140      * Constant for Rajab, the 7th month of the Islamic year.
    141      * @internal
    142      */
    143     RAJAB = 6,
    145     /**
    146      * Constant for Sha'ban, the 8th month of the Islamic year.
    147      * @internal
    148      */
    149     SHABAN = 7,
    151     /**
    152      * Constant for Ramadan, the 9th month of the Islamic year.
    153      * @internal
    154      */
    155     RAMADAN = 8,
    157     /**
    158      * Constant for Shawwal, the 10th month of the Islamic year.
    159      * @internal
    160      */
    161     SHAWWAL = 9,
    163     /**
    164      * Constant for Dhu al-Qi'dah, the 11th month of the Islamic year.
    165      * @internal
    166      */
    167     DHU_AL_QIDAH = 10,
    169     /**
    170      * Constant for Dhu al-Hijjah, the 12th month of the Islamic year.
    171      * @internal
    172      */
    173     DHU_AL_HIJJAH = 11,
    176   };
    180   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    181   // Constructors...
    182   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    184   /**
    185    * Constructs an IslamicCalendar based on the current time in the default time zone
    186    * with the given locale.
    187    *
    188    * @param aLocale  The given locale.
    189    * @param success  Indicates the status of IslamicCalendar object construction.
    190    *                 Returns U_ZERO_ERROR if constructed successfully.
    191    * @param beCivil  Whether the calendar should be civil (default-TRUE) or religious (FALSE)
    192    * @internal
    193    */
    194   IslamicCalendar(const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode &success, ECivil beCivil = CIVIL);
    196   /**
    197    * Copy Constructor
    198    * @internal
    199    */
    200   IslamicCalendar(const IslamicCalendar& other);
    202   /**
    203    * Destructor.
    204    * @internal
    205    */
    206   virtual ~IslamicCalendar();
    208   /**
    209    * Determines whether this object uses the fixed-cycle Islamic civil calendar
    210    * or an approximation of the religious, astronomical calendar.
    211    *
    212    * @param beCivil   <code>CIVIL</code> to use the civil calendar,
    213    *                  <code>ASTRONOMICAL</code> to use the astronomical calendar.
    214    * @internal
    215    */
    216   void setCivil(ECivil beCivil, UErrorCode &status);
    218   /**
    219    * Returns <code>true</code> if this object is using the fixed-cycle civil
    220    * calendar, or <code>false</code> if using the religious, astronomical
    221    * calendar.
    222    * @internal
    223    */
    224   UBool isCivil();
    227   // TODO: copy c'tor, etc
    229   // clone
    230   virtual Calendar* clone() const;
    232  private:
    233   /**
    234    * Determine whether a year is a leap year in the Islamic civil calendar
    235    */
    236   static UBool civilLeapYear(int32_t year);
    238   /**
    239    * Return the day # on which the given year starts.  Days are counted
    240    * from the Hijri epoch, origin 0.
    241    */
    242   int32_t yearStart(int32_t year);
    244   /**
    245    * Return the day # on which the given month starts.  Days are counted
    246    * from the Hijri epoch, origin 0.
    247    *
    248    * @param year  The hijri year
    249    * @param year  The hijri month, 0-based
    250    */
    251   int32_t monthStart(int32_t year, int32_t month) const;
    253   /**
    254    * Find the day number on which a particular month of the true/lunar
    255    * Islamic calendar starts.
    256    *
    257    * @param month The month in question, origin 0 from the Hijri epoch
    258    *
    259    * @return The day number on which the given month starts.
    260    */
    261   int32_t trueMonthStart(int32_t month) const;
    263   /**
    264    * Return the "age" of the moon at the given time; this is the difference
    265    * in ecliptic latitude between the moon and the sun.  This method simply
    266    * calls CalendarAstronomer.moonAge, converts to degrees,
    267    * and adjusts the resultto be in the range [-180, 180].
    268    *
    269    * @param time  The time at which the moon's age is desired,
    270    *              in millis since 1/1/1970.
    271    */
    272   static double moonAge(UDate time, UErrorCode &status);
    274   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    275   // Internal data....
    276   //
    278   /**
    279    * <code>CIVIL</code> if this object uses the fixed-cycle Islamic civil calendar,
    280    * and <code>ASTRONOMICAL</code> if it approximates the true religious calendar using
    281    * astronomical calculations for the time of the new moon.
    282    */
    283   ECivil civil;
    285   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    286   // Calendar framework
    287   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    288  protected:
    289   /**
    290    * @internal
    291    */
    292   virtual int32_t handleGetLimit(UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const;
    294   /**
    295    * Return the length (in days) of the given month.
    296    *
    297    * @param year  The hijri year
    298    * @param year  The hijri month, 0-based
    299    * @internal
    300    */
    301   virtual int32_t handleGetMonthLength(int32_t extendedYear, int32_t month) const;
    303   /**
    304    * Return the number of days in the given Islamic year
    305    * @internal
    306    */
    307   virtual int32_t handleGetYearLength(int32_t extendedYear) const;
    309   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    310   // Functions for converting from field values to milliseconds....
    311   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    313   // Return JD of start of given month/year
    314   /**
    315    * @internal
    316    */
    317   virtual int32_t handleComputeMonthStart(int32_t eyear, int32_t month, UBool useMonth) const;
    319   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    320   // Functions for converting from milliseconds to field values
    321   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    323   /**
    324    * @internal
    325    */
    326   virtual int32_t handleGetExtendedYear();
    328   /**
    329    * Override Calendar to compute several fields specific to the Islamic
    330    * calendar system.  These are:
    331    *
    332    * <ul><li>ERA
    333    * <li>YEAR
    334    * <li>MONTH
    335    * <li>DAY_OF_MONTH
    336    * <li>DAY_OF_YEAR
    337    * <li>EXTENDED_YEAR</ul>
    338    *
    339    * The DAY_OF_WEEK and DOW_LOCAL fields are already set when this
    340    * method is called. The getGregorianXxx() methods return Gregorian
    341    * calendar equivalents for the given Julian day.
    342    * @internal
    343    */
    344   virtual void handleComputeFields(int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode &status);
    346   // UObject stuff
    347  public:
    348   /**
    349    * @return   The class ID for this object. All objects of a given class have the
    350    *           same class ID. Objects of other classes have different class IDs.
    351    * @internal
    352    */
    353   virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
    355   /**
    356    * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to a return
    357    * value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
    358    *
    359    *      Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
    360    *      if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
    361    *          Derived::getStaticClassID()) ...
    362    *
    363    * @return   The class ID for all objects of this class.
    364    * @internal
    365    */
    366   U_I18N_API static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
    368   /**
    369    * return the calendar type, "buddhist".
    370    *
    371    * @return calendar type
    372    * @internal
    373    */
    374   virtual const char * getType() const;
    376  private:
    377   IslamicCalendar(); // default constructor not implemented
    379   // Default century.
    380  protected:
    382   /**
    383    * (Overrides Calendar) Return true if the current date for this Calendar is in
    384    * Daylight Savings Time. Recognizes DST_OFFSET, if it is set.
    385    *
    386    * @param status Fill-in parameter which receives the status of this operation.
    387    * @return   True if the current date for this Calendar is in Daylight Savings Time,
    388    *           false, otherwise.
    389    * @internal
    390    */
    391   virtual UBool inDaylightTime(UErrorCode& status) const;
    394   /**
    395    * Returns TRUE because the Islamic Calendar does have a default century
    396    * @internal
    397    */
    398   virtual UBool haveDefaultCentury() const;
    400   /**
    401    * Returns the date of the start of the default century
    402    * @return start of century - in milliseconds since epoch, 1970
    403    * @internal
    404    */
    405   virtual UDate defaultCenturyStart() const;
    407   /**
    408    * Returns the year in which the default century begins
    409    * @internal
    410    */
    411   virtual int32_t defaultCenturyStartYear() const;
    413  private: // default century stuff.
    414   /**
    415    * The system maintains a static default century start date.  This is initialized
    416    * the first time it is used.  Before then, it is set to SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CENTURY to
    417    * indicate an uninitialized state.  Once the system default century date and year
    418    * are set, they do not change.
    419    */
    420   static UDate         fgSystemDefaultCenturyStart;
    422   /**
    423    * See documentation for systemDefaultCenturyStart.
    424    */
    425   static int32_t          fgSystemDefaultCenturyStartYear;
    427   /**
    428    * Default value that indicates the defaultCenturyStartYear is unitialized
    429    */
    430   static const int32_t    fgSystemDefaultCenturyYear;
    432   /**
    433    * start of default century, as a date
    434    */
    435   static const UDate        fgSystemDefaultCentury;
    437   /**
    438    * Returns the beginning date of the 100-year window that dates
    439    * with 2-digit years are considered to fall within.
    440    */
    441   UDate         internalGetDefaultCenturyStart(void) const;
    443   /**
    444    * Returns the first year of the 100-year window that dates with
    445    * 2-digit years are considered to fall within.
    446    */
    447   int32_t          internalGetDefaultCenturyStartYear(void) const;
    449   /**
    450    * Initializes the 100-year window that dates with 2-digit years
    451    * are considered to fall within so that its start date is 80 years
    452    * before the current time.
    453    */
    454   static void  initializeSystemDefaultCentury(void);
    455 };
    459 #endif
    460 #endif