1 This sample demonstrates how to use OpenGL ES 3.0 from JNI/native code. 2 3 The sample can be built two different ways: 4 * Compatible with API level 11 and later [*1] 5 * Require API level 18 or later. 6 Both versions include an OpenGL ES 2.0 fallback path for devices that don't 7 support OpenGL ES 3.0. 8 9 To build and install the sample: 10 $ ln -s AndroidManifest-$N.xml AndroidManifest.xml 11 $ ln -s Android-$N.mk jni/Android.mk 12 $ $ANDROID_SDK/tools/android update project --path . --target android-$N 13 $ ../../ndk-build 14 $ ant debug 15 $ adb install bin/GLES3JNIActivity-debug.apk 16 where $N is '11' or '18' and 17 ANDROID_SDK is the root of your SDK installation. 18 19 The OpenGL ES 3.0 rendering path uses a few new features compared to the 20 OpenGL ES 2.0 path: 21 22 * Instanced rendering and vertex attribute divisor to reduce the number of 23 draw calls and uniform changes. 24 * Vertex array objects to reduce the number of calls required to set up 25 vertex attribute state on each frame. 26 * Explicit assignment of attribute locations, eliminating the need to query 27 assignments. 28 29 30 [*1] The only dependency on API level 11 is the call to 31 setEGLContextClientVersion in GLES3JNIView. With a custom 32 EGLConfigChooser and EGLContextFactory the sample would be compatible 33 with older API levels. 34