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      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html i18n-values="
      3   dir:textdirection;
      4   bookmarkbarattached:bookmarkbarattached;
      5   hasattribution:hasattribution;
      6   anim:anim;
      7   syncispresent:syncispresent;
      8   customlogo:customlogo"
      9   install-animation-enabled="true">
     10 <head>
     11 <meta charset="utf-8">
     12 <title i18n-content="title"></title>
     13 <script src="shared/js/util.js"></script>
     14 <script>
     15 // Logging info for benchmarking purposes.
     16 var log = [];
     17 function logEvent(name, shouldLogTime) {
     18   if (shouldLogTime) {
     19     chrome.send('logEventTime', [name]);
     20   }
     21   log.push([name, Date.now()]);
     22 }
     23 logEvent('Tab.NewTabScriptStart', true);
     25 /**
     26  * Registers a callback function so that if the backend calls it too early it
     27  * will get delayed until DOMContentLoaded is fired.
     28  * @param {string} name The name of the global function that the backend calls.
     29  */
     30 function registerCallback(name) {
     31   var f = function(var_args) {
     32     var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
     33     // If we still have the temporary function we delay until the dom is ready.
     34     if (global[name] == f) {
     35       logEvent(name + ' is not yet ready. Waiting for DOMContentLoaded');
     36       document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
     37         logEvent('Calling the new ' + name);
     38         global[name].apply(null, args);
     39       });
     40     }
     41   };
     42   global[name] = f;
     43 }
     45 chrome.send('getMostVisited');
     46 chrome.send('getRecentlyClosedTabs');
     47 chrome.send('getForeignSessions');
     48 chrome.send('getApps');
     50 registerCallback('mostVisitedPages');
     51 registerCallback('recentlyClosedTabs');
     52 registerCallback('syncMessageChanged');
     53 registerCallback('getAppsCallback');
     54 registerCallback('setShownSections');
     55 registerCallback('foreignSessions');
     56 registerCallback('bookmarkBarDetached');
     57 registerCallback('bookmarkBarAttached');
     59 </script>
     60 <!-- template data placeholder -->
     61 <link rel="stylesheet" href="new_new_tab.css">
     62 <link rel="stylesheet" href="ntp/most_visited.css">
     63 <link rel="stylesheet" href="ntp/apps.css">
     64 <link rel="stylesheet" href="shared/css/menu.css">
     65 <script>
     67 /**
     68  * Bitmask for the different UI sections.
     69  * This matches the Section enum in ../webui/shown_sections_handler.h
     70  * @enum {number}
     71  */
     72 var Section = {
     73   THUMB: 1 << 0,
     74   APPS: 1 << 6
     75 };
     77 // These are used to put sections into menu mode and are part of the
     78 // |shownSections| bitmask, but are not sections themselves.
     79 var MENU_THUMB = 1 << (0 + 16);
     80 var MENU_RECENT = 1 << (2 + 16);
     81 var MENU_APPS = 1 << (6 + 16);
     83 // TODO(aa): This state is duplicated. We keep this variable up to date, but we
     84 // also have the same information in the DOM. We can probably just have the DOM
     85 // be the truth and translate to and from the bitmask when needed.
     86 var shownSections = templateData['shown_sections'];
     88 // Until themes can clear the cache, force-reload the theme stylesheet.
     89 document.write('<link id="themecss" rel="stylesheet" ' +
     90                'href="chrome://theme/css/newtab.css?' +
     91                Date.now() + '">');
     93 function useSmallGrid() {
     94   return window.innerWidth <= 940;
     95 }
     97 function isRtl() {
     98   return templateData['textdirection'] == 'rtl';
     99 }
    101 // Parse any name value pairs passed through the URL hash.
    102 var hashParams = (function() {
    103   var result = {};
    104   if (location.hash.length) {
    105     location.hash.substr(1).split('&').forEach(function(pair) {
    106       pair = pair.split('=');
    107       if (pair.length != 2) {
    108         throw new Error('Unexpected hash value: ' + location.hash);
    109       }
    111       result[pair[0]] = pair[1];
    112     });
    113   }
    114   return result;
    115 })();
    117 // Reflect the mode param as an attribute so we can use CSS attribute selectors
    118 // on it.
    119 if ('mode' in hashParams) {
    120   document.documentElement.setAttribute('mode', hashParams['mode']);
    121 }
    123 </script>
    124 </head>
    125 <body class="loading"
    126       i18n-values=".style.fontFamily:fontfamily;.style.fontSize:fontsize">
    128 <div id="attribution" class="attribution nolayout">
    129   <div i18n-content="attributionintro"></div>
    130   <img id="attribution-img">
    131 </div>
    133 <div id="main">
    135   <div id="notification-container">
    136     <div id="notification">
    137       <div>&nbsp;</div>
    138       <div class="link"><div class="link-color" id="action-link"></div></div>
    139       <button id="notification-close"></button>
    140     </div>
    141   </div>
    143   <div id="login-container">
    144     <span id="login-username"></span>
    145   </div>
    147   <div class="maxiview" id="apps-maxiview">
    148     <div id="apps-promo">
    149       <p id="apps-promo-heading"></p>
    150       <a class="g-button-basic" id="apps-promo-link" href=""></a><br>
    151       <button id="apps-promo-hide"></button>
    152     </div>
    153     <div id="apps-content"></div>
    154   </div>
    155   <div class="maxiview" id="most-visited-maxiview"></div>
    157   <div class="sections">
    158     <!-- Start disabled. We only enable once we have installed default apps. -->
    159     <div id="apps" class="section disabled" section="APPS">
    160       <h2>
    161         <img class="disclosure" img src="ntp/ntp_disclosure_triangle.png">
    162         <div class="back"></div>
    163         <span i18n-content="apps"></span>
    164         <button class="section-close-button"></button>
    165       </h2>
    166       <div class="miniview"></div>
    167     </div>
    169     <div id="most-visited" class="section" section="THUMB">
    170       <h2>
    171         <img class="disclosure" src="ntp/ntp_disclosure_triangle.png">
    172         <div class="back"></div>
    173         <span i18n-content="mostvisited"></span>
    174         <button id="most-visited-settings" i18n-content="restorethumbnails">
    175         </button>
    176         <button class="section-close-button"></button>
    177       </h2>
    178       <div class="miniview"></div>
    179     </div>
    181     <!-- Start this section disabled because it might not have data, and looks
    182          silly without any. -->
    183     <div id="recently-closed" class="section collapsed disabled"
    184         section="RECENT" noexpand="true">
    185       <h2>
    186         <div class="back"></div>
    187         <span i18n-content="recentlyclosed"></span>
    188         <button class="section-close-button"></button>
    189       </h2>
    190       <div class="miniview"></div>
    191     </div>
    193     <!-- Start disabled until sync is enabled and foreign sessions are
    194          available. -->
    195     <div id="foreign-sessions" class="section collapsed disabled"
    196         section="SYNC">
    197       <h2>
    198         <div class="back"></div>
    199         <span i18n-content="foreignsessions"></span>
    200       </h2>
    201       <div class="miniview"></div>
    202     </div>
    204     <div id="sync-status" class="section disabled">
    205       <div>
    206         <h3></h3>
    207         <span></span>
    208       </div>
    209     </div>
    210   </div>
    212   <div id="closed-sections-bar">
    213     <!-- The default visibility of these buttons needs to be the opposite of the
    214          default visibility of the corresponding sections. -->
    215     <button id="apps-button"
    216             menu="#apps-menu">
    217       <span i18n-content="apps"></span>
    218       <img src="ntp/ntp_disclosure_triangle.png">
    219     </button>
    220     <button id="most-visited-button"
    221             menu="#most-visited-menu">
    222       <span i18n-content="mostvisited"></span>
    223       <img src="ntp/ntp_disclosure_triangle.png">
    224     </button>
    225     <button id="recently-closed-button"
    226             menu="#recently-closed-menu">
    227       <span i18n-content="recentlyclosed"></span>
    228       <img src="ntp/ntp_disclosure_triangle.png">
    229     </button>
    230   </div>
    231 </div>  <!-- main -->
    233 <div class="window-menu" id="window-tooltip"></div>
    235 <command id="clear-all-blacklisted" i18n-values=".label:restorethumbnails">
    236 <command id="apps-launch-command">
    237 <command id="apps-options-command" i18n-values=".label:appoptions">
    238 <command id="apps-uninstall-command" i18n-values=".label:appuninstall">
    239 <command id="apps-create-shortcut-command"
    240     i18n-values=".label:appcreateshortcut">
    241 <command id="apps-launch-type-pinned" i18n-values=".label:applaunchtypepinned"
    242     launch-type="0">
    243 <command id="apps-launch-type-regular" i18n-values=".label:applaunchtyperegular"
    244     launch-type="1">
    245 <command id="apps-launch-type-window"
    246     i18n-values=".label:applaunchtypewindow" launch-type="3">
    247 <command id="apps-launch-type-fullscreen"
    248     i18n-values=".label:applaunchtypefullscreen" launch-type="2">
    250 <!-- These are populated dynamically -->
    251 <menu id="apps-menu"></menu>
    252 <menu id="most-visited-menu"></menu>
    253 <menu id="recently-closed-menu"></menu>
    255 <menu id="app-context-menu">
    256   <button class="default" command="#apps-launch-command"></button>
    257   <hr>
    258   <button command="#apps-launch-type-regular" launch-type="1"></button>
    259   <button command="#apps-launch-type-pinned" launch-type="0"></button>
    260   <button id="apps-launch-type-window-menu-item"
    261       command="#apps-launch-type-window" launch-type="3"></button>
    262   <button command="#apps-launch-type-fullscreen" launch-type="2"></button>
    263   <hr>
    264   <button command="#apps-options-command"></button>
    265   <button command="#apps-uninstall-command"></button>
    266   <hr id="apps-create-shortcut-command-separator">
    267   <button id="apps-create-shortcut-command-menu-item"
    268       command="#apps-create-shortcut-command"></button>
    269 </menu>
    271 </body>
    273 <script src="shared/js/i18n_template.js"></script>
    274 <script>
    275 i18nTemplate.process(document, templateData);
    276 </script>
    277 <script src="shared/js/local_strings.js"></script>
    278 <script src="shared/js/parse_html_subset.js"></script>
    280 <script src="shared/js/cr.js"></script>
    281 <script src="shared/js/event_tracker.js"></script>
    282 <script src="shared/js/cr/ui.js"></script>
    283 <script src="shared/js/cr/ui/command.js"></script>
    284 <script src="shared/js/cr/ui/menu_item.js"></script>
    285 <script src="shared/js/cr/ui/menu.js"></script>
    286 <script src="shared/js/cr/ui/position_util.js"></script>
    287 <script src="shared/js/cr/ui/menu_button.js"></script>
    288 <script src="shared/js/cr/ui/context_menu_button.js"></script>
    289 <script src="shared/js/cr/ui/context_menu_handler.js"></script>
    291 <script src="ntp/drag_drop_controller.js"></script>
    292 <script src="ntp/most_visited.js"></script>
    293 <script src="new_new_tab.js"></script>
    294 <script src="ntp/apps.js"></script>
    296 <script>
    297   cr.ui.decorate('menu', cr.ui.Menu);
    298   cr.ui.decorate('command', cr.ui.Command);
    299   cr.ui.decorate('button[menu]', cr.ui.MenuButton);
    301   if (cr.isChromeOS)
    302     $('closed-sections-bar').setAttribute('chromeos', true);
    304   initializeLogin();
    306   initializeSection('apps', MENU_APPS, Section.APPS);
    307   initializeSection('most-visited', MENU_THUMB, Section.THUMB);
    308   initializeSection('recently-closed', MENU_RECENT);
    310   updateSimpleSection('apps', Section.APPS);
    311   updateSimpleSection('most-visited', Section.THUMB);
    312   var appsInitiallyMenu = shownSections & MENU_APPS;
    313   var mostVisitedInitiallyMenu = shownSections & MENU_THUMB;
    314   var recentlyClosedInitiallyMenu = shownSections & MENU_RECENT;
    315   setSectionMenuMode('apps', Section.APPS, appsInitiallyMenu, MENU_APPS);
    316   setSectionMenuMode('most-visited', Section.THUMB, mostVisitedInitiallyMenu,
    317                      MENU_THUMB);
    318   setSectionMenuMode('recently-closed', undefined, recentlyClosedInitiallyMenu,
    319                      MENU_RECENT);
    321   layoutSections();
    322 </script>
    323 </html>