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      1 page.title=Installing the Eclipse Plugin
      2 adt.zip.version=22.0.4
      3 adt.zip.download=ADT-22.0.4.zip
      4 adt.zip.bytes=16838756
      5 adt.zip.checksum=f0291f4bb9d78ec34a7751cd2402cc2a
      7 @jd:body
     11 <p>Android offers a custom plugin for the Eclipse IDE, called Android
     12 Development Tools (ADT). This plugin provides a powerful, integrated
     13 environment in which to develop Android apps. It extends the capabilities
     14 of Eclipse to let you quickly set up new Android projects, build an app
     15 UI, debug your app, and export signed (or unsigned) app packages (APKs) for distribution.
     16 </p>
     18 <p>If you need to install Eclipse, you can download it from <a href=
     19 "http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/">eclipse.org/downloads/</a>.</p>
     22 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> If you prefer to work in a different IDE, you do not need to
     23 install Eclipse or ADT. Instead, you can directly use the SDK tools to build and
     24 debug your application.</p>
     28 <h2 id="Download">Download the ADT Plugin</h2>
     31 <ol>
     32     <li>Start Eclipse, then select <strong>Help</strong> &gt; <strong>Install New
     33 Software</strong>.</li>
     34     <li>Click <strong>Add</strong>, in the top-right corner.</li>
     35     <li>In the Add Repository dialog that appears, enter "ADT Plugin" for the <em>Name</em> and the
     36 following URL for the <em>Location</em>:
     37       <pre>https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/</pre>
     38     </li>
     39     <li>Click <strong>OK</strong>.
     40       <p>If you have trouble acquiring the plugin, try using "http" in the Location URL,
     41 instead of "https" (https is preferred for security reasons).</p></li>
     42     <li>In the Available Software dialog, select the checkbox next to Developer Tools and click
     43 <strong>Next</strong>.</li>
     44     <li>In the next window, you'll see a list of the tools to be downloaded. Click
     45 <strong>Next</strong>. </li>
     46     <li>Read and accept the license agreements, then click <strong>Finish</strong>.
     47       <p>If you get a security warning saying that the authenticity or validity of
     48 the software can't be established, click <strong>OK</strong>.</p></li>
     49     <li>When the installation completes, restart Eclipse. </li>
     50 </ol>
     54 <h2 id="Configure">Configure the ADT Plugin</h2>
     56 <p>Once Eclipse restarts, you
     57   must specify the location of your Android SDK directory:</p>
     59 <ol>
     60     <li>In the "Welcome to Android Development" window that appears, select <strong>Use
     61 existing SDKs</strong>.</li>
     62     <li>Browse and select the location of the Android SDK directory you recently
     63 downloaded and unpacked.</li>
     64     <li>Click <strong>Next</strong>.</li>
     65 </ol>
     67 <p>Your Eclipse IDE is now set up to develop Android apps, but you need to add
     68 the latest SDK platform tools and an Android platform to your environment.
     69 To get these packages for your SDK, continue to
     70 <a href="{@docRoot}sdk/installing/adding-packages.html">Adding Platforms and Packages</a>.</p>
     73 <h2 id="tmgr">Download the ADT Translation Manager Plugin</h2>
     75 <div class="sidebox-wrapper">
     76 <div class="sidebox">
     77 <h2>Join the translation pilot</h2>
     78 <p>Google Play is offering <a
     79 href="{@docRoot}distribute/googleplay/publish/localizing.html#gp-trans">
     80 translation services</a> as part of a pilot program. If you are interested,
     81 sign up for the pilot program on the APK page in your Developer Console.</p>
     82 </div></div>
     84 <p>ADT Translation Manager Plugin is an Android SDK Tools plugin that helps
     85 you work with strings that you are localizing. It's designed to work
     86 with the translation services built into the Google Play Developer
     87 Console that let you quickly find and purchase translations of
     88 your app from a list of pre-qualified vendors. </p>
     90 <p>The plugin simplifies the management of strings
     91 during translation. It lets you easily export your default strings
     92 and upload them directly to the Developer Console, from which you
     93 can get estimates or purchase translations. When your translations
     94 are ready, the plugin lets you quickly download and import them
     95 back into your project. During import, it moves all of the translated resources into
     96 the correct locations under <code>res/values</code>, so that
     97 localization works instantly.</p>
     99 <p>For more information about translation services in Google Play, see <a
    100 href="{@docRoot}distribute/googleplay/publish/localizing.html#gp-trans">Purchase professional translations through the Developer Console</a>.</p>
    102 <p>To install the ADT Translation Manager Plugin follow these steps:</p>
    104 <ol>
    105     <li>Install the ADT Plugin, as described above. </li>
    106     <li>In Eclipse, select <strong>Help</strong> &gt; <strong>Install New
    107 Software</strong>.</li>
    108     <li>Click <strong>Add</strong>, in the top-right corner.</li>
    109     <li>In the Add Repository dialog that appears, enter a repository name for the <em>Name</em>
    110       and the following URL for the <em>Location</em>:
    111       <pre>https://dl.google.com/alt/</pre>
    112     </li>
    113     <li>Click <strong>OK</strong>.
    114     <li>In the Available Software dialog, select the checkbox next to <strong>Android Developer Tools
    115        - Translation Manager</strong> and click <strong>Next</strong>.</li>
    116     <li>In the next window, you'll see a list of the tools to be downloaded. Click
    117 <strong>Next</strong>. </li>
    118     <li>Read and accept the license agreements, then click <strong>Finish</strong>.
    119       <p>If you get a security warning saying that the authenticity or validity of
    120 the software can't be established, click <strong>OK</strong>.</p></li>
    121     <li>When the installation completes, restart Eclipse. </li>
    122 </ol>
    124 <h4 id="translation-manager-notes">Installation notes</h4>
    126 <ul>
    127 <li>The full ADT Plugin must be installed in your Eclipse environment before you install the ADT Translation Manager Plugin.</li>
    128 <li>ADT Translation Manager Plugin is designed for use with the translation services offered through the Google Play Developer Console. It is not designed for general purpose import/export of strings. </li>
    129 <li>To use the plugin, you must <a href="{@docRoot}distribute/googleplay/publish/register.html">set up a Developer Console account</a>. </li>
    130 <li>Currently, translation services are available through the Developer Console only as part of a pilot program. To use the plugin, you must first sign up for the pilot program by visiting the Developer Console.</li>
    131 <li>If you downloaded ADT as part of the SDK ADT bundle, you may encounter an error when attempting to download the ADT Translation Manager Plugin from the remote repository. In that case, open the <strong>Install New
    132 Software</strong>, uncheck "Contact all update sites during install to find required software" at the bottom and try again. </li>
    133 </ul>
    137 <h2 id="Troubleshooting">Troubleshooting ADT Installation</h2>
    139 <p> If you are having trouble downloading the ADT plugin after following the
    140 steps above, here are some suggestions: </p>
    142 <ul>
    143   <li>If Eclipse can not find the remote update site containing the ADT plugin,
    144 try changing the remote site URL to use http, rather than https. That is, set
    145 the Location for the remote site to:
    146 <pre>http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/</pre></li>
    147 <li>If you are behind a firewall (such as a corporate firewall), make sure that
    148 you have properly configured your proxy settings in Eclipse. In Eclipse,
    149 you can configure proxy information from the main Eclipse menu in
    150 <strong>Window</strong> (on Mac OS X, <strong>Eclipse</strong>) &gt;
    151 <strong>Preferences</strong> &gt; <strong>General</strong> &gt; <strong>Network
    152 Connections</strong>.</li>
    153 </ul>
    155 <p> If you are still unable to use Eclipse to download the ADT plugin as a
    156 remote update site, you can download the ADT zip file to your local machine and
    157 manually install it:</p>
    159 <ol>
    160   <li>Download the ADT Plugin zip file (do not unpack it):
    162   <table class="download">
    163     <tr>
    164       <th>Package</th>
    165       <th>Size</th>
    166       <th>MD5 Checksum</th>
    167   </tr>
    168   <tr>
    169     <td>
    170       <a href="http://dl.google.com/android/{@adtZipDownload}">{@adtZipDownload}</a>
    171     </td>
    172     <td>{@adtZipBytes} bytes</td>
    173     <td>{@adtZipChecksum}</td>
    174   </tr>
    175 </table>
    176 </li>
    178 </li>
    179   <li>Start Eclipse, then select <strong>Help</strong> &gt; <strong>Install New
    180 Software</strong>.</li>
    181   <li>Click <strong>Add</strong>, in the top-right corner.</li>
    182   <li>In the Add Repository dialog, click <strong>Archive</strong>.</li>
    183   <li>Select the downloaded {@adtZipDownload} file and click <strong>OK</strong>.</li>
    184   <li>Enter "ADT Plugin" for the name and click <strong>OK</strong>.
    185   <li>In the Available Software dialog, select the checkbox next to Developer Tools and click
    186 <strong>Next</strong>.</li>
    187   <li>In the next window, you'll see a list of the tools to be downloaded. Click
    188 <strong>Next</strong>. </li>
    189   <li>Read and accept the license agreements, then click <strong>Finish</strong>.
    190     <p>If you get a security warning saying that the authenticity or validity of
    191 the software can't be established, click <strong>OK</strong>.</p></li>
    192   <li>When the installation completes, restart Eclipse. </li>
    193 </ol>
    195 <p>To update your plugin once you've installed using the zip file, you will have
    196 to follow these steps again instead of the default update instructions.</p>
    198 <h4>Other install errors</h4>
    200 <p>Note that there are features of ADT that require some optional
    201 Eclipse packages (for example, WST). If you encounter an error when
    202 installing ADT, your Eclipse installion might not include these packages.
    203 For information about how to quickly add the necessary packages to your
    204 Eclipse installation, see the troubleshooting topic
    205 <a href="{@docRoot}resources/faq/troubleshooting.html#installeclipsecomponents">ADT
    206 Installation Error: "requires plug-in org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui"</a>.</p>
    208 <h4>For Linux users</h4>
    209 <p>If you encounter this error when installing the ADT Plugin for Eclipse:
    210 <pre>
    211 An error occurred during provisioning.
    212 Cannot connect to keystore.
    213 JKS</pre>
    214 <p>
    215 ...then your development machine lacks a suitable Java VM. Installing Sun
    216 Java 6 will resolve this issue and you can then reinstall the ADT
    217 Plugin.</p>