1 page.title=Configurator 2 parent.title=uiautomator 3 parent.link=index.html 4 5 @jd:body 6 <style> 7 h4.jd-details-title {background-color: #DEE8F1;} 8 </style> 9 10 <div id="api-info-block"> 11 <div class="api-level" style="margin:-95px 0 0;"> 12 Since <a href="/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#ApiLevels">API level 18</a> 13 </div> 14 </div> 15 16 <p>Allows you to set key parameters for running uiautomator tests. The new 17 settings take effect immediately and can be changed any time during a test run. 18 To modify parameters using <code><a href="#">Configurator</a></code>, first 19 obtain an instance by calling <code><a href="#getInstance()">getInstance()</a></code>. 20 As a best practice, make sure you always save the original value of any 21 parameter that you are modifying. After running your tests with the modified 22 parameters, make sure to also restore the original parameter values, otherwise 23 this will impact other tests cases.</p> 24 25 26 <h2>Summary</h2> 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== --> 55 <table id="pubmethods" class="jd-sumtable"><tr><th colspan="12">Public Methods</th></tr> 56 57 58 59 60 <tr class="api" > 61 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 62 63 64 65 66 67 long</nobr> 68 </td> 69 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 70 <span class="sympad"><a href="#getActionAcknowledgmentTimeout()">getActionAcknowledgmentTimeout</a></span>()</nobr> 71 72 <div class="jd-descrdiv">Gets the current timeout for waiting for an acknowledgment of generic 73 uiautomator actions, such as clicks, text setting, and menu presses.</div> 74 75 </td></tr> 76 77 78 79 <tr class="api" > 80 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 81 82 83 84 static 85 86 <a href="#">Configurator</a></nobr> 87 </td> 88 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 89 <span class="sympad"><a href="#getInstance()">getInstance</a></span>()</nobr> 90 91 <div class="jd-descrdiv">Retrieves a singleton instance of Configurator.</div> 92 93 </td></tr> 94 95 96 97 <tr class="api" > 98 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 99 100 101 102 103 104 long</nobr> 105 </td> 106 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 107 <span class="sympad"><a href="#getKeyInjectionDelay()">getKeyInjectionDelay</a></span>()</nobr> 108 109 <div class="jd-descrdiv">Gets the current delay between key presses when injecting text input.</div> 110 111 </td></tr> 112 113 114 115 <tr class="api" > 116 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 117 118 119 120 121 122 long</nobr> 123 </td> 124 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 125 <span class="sympad"><a href="#getScrollAcknowledgmentTimeout()">getScrollAcknowledgmentTimeout</a></span>()</nobr> 126 127 <div class="jd-descrdiv">Gets the timeout for waiting for an acknowledgement of an 128 uiautomtor scroll swipe action.</div> 129 130 </td></tr> 131 132 133 134 <tr class="api" > 135 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 136 137 138 139 140 141 long</nobr> 142 </td> 143 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 144 <span class="sympad"><a href="#getWaitForIdleTimeout()">getWaitForIdleTimeout</a></span>()</nobr> 145 146 <div class="jd-descrdiv">Gets the current timeout used for waiting for the user interface to go 147 into an idle state.</div> 148 149 </td></tr> 150 151 152 153 <tr class="api" > 154 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 155 156 157 158 159 160 long</nobr> 161 </td> 162 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 163 <span class="sympad"><a href="#getWaitForSelectorTimeout()">getWaitForSelectorTimeout</a></span>()</nobr> 164 165 <div class="jd-descrdiv">Gets the current timeout for waiting for a widget to become visible in 166 the user interface so that it can be matched by a selector.</div> 167 168 </td></tr> 169 170 171 172 <tr class="api" > 173 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 174 175 176 177 178 179 <a href="#">Configurator</a></nobr> 180 </td> 181 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 182 <span class="sympad"><a href="#setActionAcknowledgmentTimeout(long)">setActionAcknowledgmentTimeout</a></span>(long timeout)</nobr> 183 184 <div class="jd-descrdiv">Sets the timeout for waiting for an acknowledgment of generic uiautomator 185 actions, such as clicks, text setting, and menu presses.</div> 186 187 </td></tr> 188 189 190 191 <tr class="api" > 192 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 193 194 195 196 197 198 <a href="#">Configurator</a></nobr> 199 </td> 200 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 201 <span class="sympad"><a href="#setKeyInjectionDelay(long)">setKeyInjectionDelay</a></span>(long delay)</nobr> 202 203 <div class="jd-descrdiv">Sets a delay between key presses when injecting text input.</div> 204 205 </td></tr> 206 207 208 209 <tr class="api" > 210 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 211 212 213 214 215 216 <a href="#">Configurator</a></nobr> 217 </td> 218 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 219 <span class="sympad"><a href="#setScrollAcknowledgmentTimeout(long)">setScrollAcknowledgmentTimeout</a></span>(long timeout)</nobr> 220 221 <div class="jd-descrdiv">Sets the timeout for waiting for an acknowledgement of an 222 uiautomtor scroll swipe action.</div> 223 224 </td></tr> 225 226 227 228 <tr class="api" > 229 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 230 231 232 233 234 235 <a href="#">Configurator</a></nobr> 236 </td> 237 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 238 <span class="sympad"><a href="#setWaitForIdleTimeout(long)">setWaitForIdleTimeout</a></span>(long timeout)</nobr> 239 240 <div class="jd-descrdiv">Sets the timeout for waiting for the user interface to go into an idle 241 state before starting a uiautomator action.</div> 242 243 </td></tr> 244 245 246 247 <tr class="api" > 248 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 249 250 251 252 253 254 <a href="#">Configurator</a></nobr> 255 </td> 256 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 257 <span class="sympad"><a href="#setWaitForSelectorTimeout(long)">setWaitForSelectorTimeout</a></span>(long timeout)</nobr> 258 259 <div class="jd-descrdiv">Sets the timeout for waiting for a widget to become visible in the user 260 interface so that it can be matched by a selector.</div> 261 262 </td></tr> 263 264 265 266 </table> 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 <!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== --> 275 <table id="inhmethods" class="jd-sumtable"><tr><th> 276 <a href="#" class="toggle-all" onclick="return toggleAllInherited(this, null)">[Expand]</a> 277 <div style="clear:left;">Inherited Methods</div></th></tr> 278 279 280 <tr class="api" > 281 <td colspan="12"> 282 <a href="#" onclick="return toggleInherited(this, null)" id="inherited-methods-java.lang.Object" class="jd-expando-trigger closed" 283 ><img id="inherited-methods-java.lang.Object-trigger" 284 src="../../../../../assets/images/triangle-closed.png" 285 class="jd-expando-trigger-img" /></a> 286 From class 287 288 java.lang.Object 289 290 <div id="inherited-methods-java.lang.Object"> 291 <div id="inherited-methods-java.lang.Object-list" 292 class="jd-inheritedlinks"> 293 </div> 294 <div id="inherited-methods-java.lang.Object-summary" style="display: none;"> 295 <table class="jd-sumtable-expando"> 296 297 298 299 300 <tr class="api" > 301 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 302 303 304 305 306 307 Object</nobr> 308 </td> 309 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 310 <span class="sympad">clone</span>()</nobr> 311 312 </td></tr> 313 314 315 316 <tr class="api" > 317 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 318 319 320 321 322 323 boolean</nobr> 324 </td> 325 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 326 <span class="sympad">equals</span>(Object arg0)</nobr> 327 328 </td></tr> 329 330 331 332 <tr class="api" > 333 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 334 335 336 337 338 339 void</nobr> 340 </td> 341 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 342 <span class="sympad">finalize</span>()</nobr> 343 344 </td></tr> 345 346 347 348 <tr class="api" > 349 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 350 351 352 final 353 354 355 Class<?></nobr> 356 </td> 357 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 358 <span class="sympad">getClass</span>()</nobr> 359 360 </td></tr> 361 362 363 364 <tr class="api" > 365 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 366 367 368 369 370 371 int</nobr> 372 </td> 373 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 374 <span class="sympad">hashCode</span>()</nobr> 375 376 </td></tr> 377 378 379 380 <tr class="api" > 381 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 382 383 384 final 385 386 387 void</nobr> 388 </td> 389 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 390 <span class="sympad">notify</span>()</nobr> 391 392 </td></tr> 393 394 395 396 <tr class="api" > 397 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 398 399 400 final 401 402 403 void</nobr> 404 </td> 405 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 406 <span class="sympad">notifyAll</span>()</nobr> 407 408 </td></tr> 409 410 411 412 <tr class="api" > 413 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 414 415 416 417 418 419 String</nobr> 420 </td> 421 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 422 <span class="sympad">toString</span>()</nobr> 423 424 </td></tr> 425 426 427 428 <tr class="api" > 429 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 430 431 432 final 433 434 435 void</nobr> 436 </td> 437 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 438 <span class="sympad">wait</span>()</nobr> 439 440 </td></tr> 441 442 443 444 <tr class="api" > 445 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 446 447 448 final 449 450 451 void</nobr> 452 </td> 453 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 454 <span class="sympad">wait</span>(long arg0, int arg1)</nobr> 455 456 </td></tr> 457 458 459 460 <tr class="api" > 461 <td class="jd-typecol"><nobr> 462 463 464 final 465 466 467 void</nobr> 468 </td> 469 <td class="jd-linkcol" width="100%"><nobr> 470 <span class="sympad">wait</span>(long arg0)</nobr> 471 472 </td></tr> 473 474 475 </table> 476 </div> 477 </div> 478 </td></tr> 479 480 481 </table> 482 483 484 </div><!-- jd-descr (summary) --> 485 486 <!-- Details --> 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 <!-- XML Attributes --> 496 497 498 <!-- Enum Values --> 499 500 501 <!-- Constants --> 502 503 504 <!-- Fields --> 505 506 507 <!-- Public ctors --> 508 509 510 511 <!-- ========= CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ======== --> 512 <!-- Protected ctors --> 513 514 515 516 <!-- ========= METHOD DETAIL ======== --> 517 <!-- Public methdos --> 518 519 <h2>Public Methods</h2> 520 521 522 523 <A NAME="getActionAcknowledgmentTimeout()"></A> 524 525 <div class="jd-details api apilevel-18"> 526 <h4 class="jd-details-title"> 527 <span class="normal"> 528 public 529 530 531 532 533 long 534 </span> 535 <span class="sympad">getActionAcknowledgmentTimeout</span> 536 <span class="normal">()</span> 537 </h4> 538 <div class="jd-details-descr"> 539 540 <div class="jd-tagdata jd-tagdescr"><p>Gets the current timeout for waiting for an acknowledgment of generic 541 uiautomator actions, such as clicks, text setting, and menu presses. 542 543 The acknowledgment is an <a href="http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent.html">AccessibilityEvent</a>, 544 corresponding to an action, that lets the framework determine if the 545 action was successful. Generally, this timeout should not be modified. 546 See <code><a href="UiObject.html">UiObject</a></code></p></div> 547 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 548 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Returns</h5> 549 <ul class="nolist"><li>current timeout in milliseconds</li></ul> 550 </div> 551 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 552 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Since</h5> 553 <ul class="nolist"><li>Android API Level 18</li></ul> 554 </div> 555 556 </div> 557 </div> 558 559 560 <A NAME="getInstance()"></A> 561 562 <div class="jd-details api apilevel-18"> 563 <h4 class="jd-details-title"> 564 <span class="normal"> 565 public 566 static 567 568 569 570 <a href="#">Configurator</a> 571 </span> 572 <span class="sympad">getInstance</span> 573 <span class="normal">()</span> 574 </h4> 575 <div class="jd-details-descr"> 576 577 <div class="jd-tagdata jd-tagdescr"><p>Retrieves a singleton instance of Configurator.</p></div> 578 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 579 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Returns</h5> 580 <ul class="nolist"><li>Configurator instance</li></ul> 581 </div> 582 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 583 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Since</h5> 584 <ul class="nolist"><li>Android API Level 18</li></ul> 585 </div> 586 587 </div> 588 </div> 589 590 591 <A NAME="getKeyInjectionDelay()"></A> 592 593 <div class="jd-details api"> 594 <h4 class="jd-details-title"> 595 <span class="normal"> 596 public 597 598 599 600 601 long 602 </span> 603 <span class="sympad">getKeyInjectionDelay</span> 604 <span class="normal">()</span> 605 </h4> 606 <div class="jd-details-descr"> 607 608 <div class="jd-tagdata jd-tagdescr"><p>Gets the current delay between key presses when injecting text input. 609 See <code><a href="UiObject.html#setText(java.lang.String)">setText(String)</a></code></p></div> 610 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 611 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Returns</h5> 612 <ul class="nolist"><li>current delay in milliseconds</li></ul> 613 </div> 614 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 615 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Since</h5> 616 <ul class="nolist"><li>Android API Level 18</li></ul> 617 </div> 618 </div> 619 </div> 620 621 622 <A NAME="getScrollAcknowledgmentTimeout()"></A> 623 624 <div class="jd-details api"> 625 <h4 class="jd-details-title"> 626 <span class="normal"> 627 public 628 629 630 631 632 long 633 </span> 634 <span class="sympad">getScrollAcknowledgmentTimeout</span> 635 <span class="normal">()</span> 636 </h4> 637 <div class="jd-details-descr"> 638 639 <div class="jd-tagdata jd-tagdescr"><p>Gets the timeout for waiting for an acknowledgement of an 640 uiautomtor scroll swipe action. 641 642 The acknowledgment is an <a href="http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent.html">AccessibilityEvent</a>, 643 corresponding to the scroll action, that lets the framework determine if 644 the scroll action was successful. Generally, this timeout should not be modified. 645 See <code><a href="UiScrollable.html">UiScrollable</a></code></p></div> 646 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 647 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Returns</h5> 648 <ul class="nolist"><li>current timeout in milliseconds</li></ul> 649 </div> 650 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 651 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Since</h5> 652 <ul class="nolist"><li>Android API Level 18</li></ul> 653 </div> 654 </div> 655 </div> 656 657 658 <A NAME="getWaitForIdleTimeout()"></A> 659 660 <div class="jd-details api"> 661 <h4 class="jd-details-title"> 662 <span class="normal"> 663 public 664 665 666 667 668 long 669 </span> 670 <span class="sympad">getWaitForIdleTimeout</span> 671 <span class="normal">()</span> 672 </h4> 673 <div class="jd-details-descr"> 674 675 <div class="jd-tagdata jd-tagdescr"><p>Gets the current timeout used for waiting for the user interface to go 676 into an idle state. 677 678 By default, all core uiautomator objects except <code><a href="UiDevice.html">UiDevice</a></code> will perform 679 this wait before starting to search for the widget specified by the 680 object's <code><a href="UiSelector.html">UiSelector</a></code>. Once the idle state is detected or the 681 timeout elapses (whichever occurs first), the object will start to wait 682 for the selector to find a match. 683 See <code><a href="#setWaitForSelectorTimeout(long)">setWaitForSelectorTimeout(long)</a></code></p></div> 684 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 685 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Returns</h5> 686 <ul class="nolist"><li>Current timeout value in milliseconds</li></ul> 687 </div> 688 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 689 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Since</h5> 690 <ul class="nolist"><li>Android API Level 18</li></ul> 691 </div> 692 </div> 693 </div> 694 695 696 <A NAME="getWaitForSelectorTimeout()"></A> 697 698 <div class="jd-details api"> 699 <h4 class="jd-details-title"> 700 <span class="normal"> 701 public 702 703 704 705 706 long 707 </span> 708 <span class="sympad">getWaitForSelectorTimeout</span> 709 <span class="normal">()</span> 710 </h4> 711 <div class="jd-details-descr"> 712 713 <div class="jd-tagdata jd-tagdescr"><p>Gets the current timeout for waiting for a widget to become visible in 714 the user interface so that it can be matched by a selector. 715 716 Because user interface content is dynamic, sometimes a widget may not 717 be visible immediately and won't be detected by a selector. This timeout 718 allows the uiautomator framework to wait for a match to be found, up until 719 the timeout elapses.</p></div> 720 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 721 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Returns</h5> 722 <ul class="nolist"><li>Current timeout value in milliseconds</li></ul> 723 </div> 724 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 725 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Since</h5> 726 <ul class="nolist"><li>Android API Level 18</li></ul> 727 </div> 728 </div> 729 </div> 730 731 732 <A NAME="setActionAcknowledgmentTimeout(long)"></A> 733 734 <div class="jd-details api"> 735 <h4 class="jd-details-title"> 736 <span class="normal"> 737 public 738 739 740 741 742 <a href="#">Configurator</a> 743 </span> 744 <span class="sympad">setActionAcknowledgmentTimeout</span> 745 <span class="normal">(long timeout)</span> 746 </h4> 747 <div class="jd-details-descr"> 748 749 <div class="jd-tagdata jd-tagdescr"><p>Sets the timeout for waiting for an acknowledgment of generic uiautomator 750 actions, such as clicks, text setting, and menu presses. 751 752 The acknowledgment is an <a href="http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent.html">AccessibilityEvent</a>, 753 corresponding to an action, that lets the framework determine if the 754 action was successful. Generally, this timeout should not be modified. 755 See <code><a href="UiObject.html">UiObject</a></code></p></div> 756 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 757 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Parameters</h5> 758 <table class="jd-tagtable"> 759 <tr> 760 <th>timeout</td> 761 <td>Timeout value in milliseconds</td> 762 </tr> 763 </table> 764 </div> 765 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 766 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Returns</h5> 767 <ul class="nolist"><li>self</li></ul> 768 </div> 769 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 770 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Since</h5> 771 <ul class="nolist"><li>Android API Level 18</li></ul> 772 </div> 773 </div> 774 </div> 775 776 777 <A NAME="setKeyInjectionDelay(long)"></A> 778 779 <div class="jd-details api"> 780 <h4 class="jd-details-title"> 781 <span class="normal"> 782 public 783 784 785 786 787 <a href="#">Configurator</a> 788 </span> 789 <span class="sympad">setKeyInjectionDelay</span> 790 <span class="normal">(long delay)</span> 791 </h4> 792 <div class="jd-details-descr"> 793 794 <div class="jd-tagdata jd-tagdescr"><p>Sets a delay between key presses when injecting text input. 795 See <code><a href="UiObject.html#setText(java.lang.String)">setText(String)</a></code></p></div> 796 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 797 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Parameters</h5> 798 <table class="jd-tagtable"> 799 <tr> 800 <th>delay</td> 801 <td>Delay value in milliseconds</td> 802 </tr> 803 </table> 804 </div> 805 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 806 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Returns</h5> 807 <ul class="nolist"><li>self</li></ul> 808 </div> 809 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 810 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Since</h5> 811 <ul class="nolist"><li>Android API Level 18</li></ul> 812 </div> 813 </div> 814 </div> 815 816 817 <A NAME="setScrollAcknowledgmentTimeout(long)"></A> 818 819 <div class="jd-details api"> 820 <h4 class="jd-details-title"> 821 <span class="normal"> 822 public 823 824 825 826 827 <a href="#">Configurator</a> 828 </span> 829 <span class="sympad">setScrollAcknowledgmentTimeout</span> 830 <span class="normal">(long timeout)</span> 831 </h4> 832 <div class="jd-details-descr"> 833 834 <div class="jd-tagdata jd-tagdescr"><p>Sets the timeout for waiting for an acknowledgement of an 835 uiautomtor scroll swipe action. 836 837 The acknowledgment is an <a href="http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent.html">AccessibilityEvent</a>, 838 corresponding to the scroll action, that lets the framework determine if 839 the scroll action was successful. Generally, this timeout should not be modified. 840 See <code><a href="UiScrollable.html">UiScrollable</a></code></p></div> 841 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 842 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Parameters</h5> 843 <table class="jd-tagtable"> 844 <tr> 845 <th>timeout</td> 846 <td>Timeout value in milliseconds</td> 847 </tr> 848 </table> 849 </div> 850 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 851 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Returns</h5> 852 <ul class="nolist"><li>self</li></ul> 853 </div> 854 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 855 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Since</h5> 856 <ul class="nolist"><li>Android API Level 18</li></ul> 857 </div> 858 </div> 859 </div> 860 861 862 <A NAME="setWaitForIdleTimeout(long)"></A> 863 864 <div class="jd-details api"> 865 <h4 class="jd-details-title"> 866 <span class="normal"> 867 public 868 869 870 871 872 <a href="#">Configurator</a> 873 </span> 874 <span class="sympad">setWaitForIdleTimeout</span> 875 <span class="normal">(long timeout)</span> 876 </h4> 877 <div class="jd-details-descr"> 878 879 <div class="jd-tagdata jd-tagdescr"><p>Sets the timeout for waiting for the user interface to go into an idle 880 state before starting a uiautomator action. 881 882 By default, all core uiautomator objects except <code><a href="UiDevice.html">UiDevice</a></code> will perform 883 this wait before starting to search for the widget specified by the 884 object's <code><a href="UiSelector.html">UiSelector</a></code>. Once the idle state is detected or the 885 timeout elapses (whichever occurs first), the object will start to wait 886 for the selector to find a match. 887 See <code><a href="#setWaitForSelectorTimeout(long)">setWaitForSelectorTimeout(long)</a></code></p></div> 888 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 889 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Parameters</h5> 890 <table class="jd-tagtable"> 891 <tr> 892 <th>timeout</td> 893 <td>Timeout value in milliseconds</td> 894 </tr> 895 </table> 896 </div> 897 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 898 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Returns</h5> 899 <ul class="nolist"><li>self</li></ul> 900 </div> 901 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 902 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Since</h5> 903 <ul class="nolist"><li>Android API Level 18</li></ul> 904 </div> 905 </div> 906 </div> 907 908 909 <A NAME="setWaitForSelectorTimeout(long)"></A> 910 911 <div class="jd-details api"> 912 <h4 class="jd-details-title"> 913 <span class="normal"> 914 public 915 916 917 918 919 <a href="#">Configurator</a> 920 </span> 921 <span class="sympad">setWaitForSelectorTimeout</span> 922 <span class="normal">(long timeout)</span> 923 </h4> 924 <div class="jd-details-descr"> 925 926 <div class="jd-tagdata jd-tagdescr"><p>Sets the timeout for waiting for a widget to become visible in the user 927 interface so that it can be matched by a selector. 928 929 Because user interface content is dynamic, sometimes a widget may not 930 be visible immediately and won't be detected by a selector. This timeout 931 allows the uiautomator framework to wait for a match to be found, up until 932 the timeout elapses.</p></div> 933 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 934 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Parameters</h5> 935 <table class="jd-tagtable"> 936 <tr> 937 <th>timeout</td> 938 <td>Timeout value in milliseconds.</td> 939 </tr> 940 </table> 941 </div> 942 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 943 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Returns</h5> 944 <ul class="nolist"><li>self</li></ul> 945 </div> 946 <div class="jd-tagdata"> 947 <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Since</h5> 948 <ul class="nolist"><li>Android API Level 18</li></ul> 949 </div> 950 </div> 951 952 953 954 955 956 <!-- ========= METHOD DETAIL ======== --> 957 958 959 960 961