1 %verify "executed" 2 %verify "Class already resolved" 3 %verify "Class not yet resolved" 4 %verify "Class cannot be resolved" 5 # const/class vAA, Class /* BBBB */ 6 FETCH(a1, 1) # a1 <- BBBB 7 LOAD_rSELF_methodClassDex(a2) # a2 <- self->methodClassDex 8 GET_OPA(rOBJ) # rOBJ <- AA 9 LOAD_base_offDvmDex_pResClasses(a2, a2) # a2 <- dvmDex->pResClasses 10 LOAD_eas2(v0, a2, a1) # v0 <- pResClasses[BBBB] 11 12 bnez v0, .L${opcode}_resolve # v0!=0 => resolved-ok 13 /* 14 * Continuation if the Class has not yet been resolved. 15 * a1: BBBB (Class ref) 16 * rOBJ: target register 17 */ 18 EXPORT_PC() 19 LOAD_rSELF_method(a0) # a0 <- self->method 20 li a2, 1 # a2 <- true 21 LOAD_base_offMethod_clazz(a0, a0) # a0 <- method->clazz 22 JAL(dvmResolveClass) # v0 <- Class reference 23 # failed==0? 24 beqz v0, common_exceptionThrown # yup, handle the exception 25 26 .L${opcode}_resolve: 27 FETCH_ADVANCE_INST(2) # advance rPC, load rINST 28 GET_INST_OPCODE(t0) # extract opcode from rINST 29 SET_VREG_GOTO(v0, rOBJ, t0) # vAA <- v0 30 31 32