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      1 %!TEX root = ceres-solver.tex
      2 \chapter{Modeling}
      3 \label{chapter:api}
      4 \section{\texttt{CostFunction}}
      5 Given parameter blocks $\left[x_{i_1}, \hdots , x_{i_k}\right]$, a
      6 \texttt{CostFunction} is responsible for computing
      7 a vector of residuals and if asked a vector of Jacobian matrices, i.e., given $\left[x_{i_1}, \hdots , x_{i_k}\right]$, compute the vector $f_i\left(x_{i_1},\hdots,x_{i_k}\right)$ and the matrices
      9 \begin{equation}
     10 J_{ij} = \frac{\partial}{\partial x_{j}}f_i\left(x_{i_1},\hdots,x_{i_k}\right),\quad \forall j \in \{i_1,\hdots, i_k\}
     11 \end{equation}
     12 \begin{minted}{c++}
     13 class CostFunction {
     14  public:
     15   virtual bool Evaluate(double const* const* parameters,
     16                         double* residuals,
     17                         double** jacobians) = 0;
     18   const vector<int16>& parameter_block_sizes();
     19   int num_residuals() const;
     21  protected:
     22   vector<int16>* mutable_parameter_block_sizes();
     23   void set_num_residuals(int num_residuals);
     24 };
     25 \end{minted}
     27 The signature of the function (number and sizes of input parameter blocks and number of outputs)
     28 is stored in \texttt{parameter\_block\_sizes\_} and \texttt{num\_residuals\_} respectively. User
     29 code inheriting from this class is expected to set these two members with the
     30 corresponding accessors. This information will be verified by the Problem
     31 when added with \texttt{Problem::AddResidualBlock}.
     33 The most important method here is \texttt{Evaluate}. It implements the residual and Jacobian computation.
     35 \texttt{parameters}  is an array of pointers to arrays containing the various parameter blocks. parameters has the same number of elements as parameter\_block\_sizes\_.  Parameter blocks are in the same order as parameter\_block\_sizes\_.
     38 \texttt{residuals} is an array of size \texttt{num\_residuals\_}.
     41 \texttt{jacobians} is an array of size \texttt{parameter\_block\_sizes\_} containing pointers to storage for Jacobian matrices corresponding to each parameter block. The Jacobian matrices are in the same order as \texttt{parameter\_block\_sizes\_}. \texttt{jacobians[i]} is an array that contains \texttt{num\_residuals\_} $\times$ \texttt{parameter\_block\_sizes\_[i]} elements. Each Jacobian matrix is stored in row-major order, i.e.,
     43 \begin{equation}
     44 \texttt{jacobians[i][r * parameter\_block\_size\_[i] + c]} =
     45 %\frac{\partial}{\partial x_{ic}}  f_{r}\left(x_{1},\hdots, x_{k}\right)
     46 \frac{\partial \texttt{residual[r]}}{\partial \texttt{parameters[i][c]}}
     47 \end{equation}
     49 If \texttt{jacobians} is \texttt{NULL}, then no derivatives are returned; this is the case when computing cost only. If \texttt{jacobians[i]} is \texttt{NULL}, then the Jacobian matrix corresponding to the $i^{\textrm{th}}$ parameter block must not be returned, this is the case when the a parameter block is marked constant.
     51 \section{\texttt{SizedCostFunction}}
     52 If the size of the parameter blocks and the size of the residual vector is known at compile time (this is the common case), Ceres provides \texttt{SizedCostFunction}, where these values can be specified as template parameters.
     53 \begin{minted}{c++}
     54 template<int kNumResiduals,
     55          int N0 = 0, int N1 = 0, int N2 = 0, int N3 = 0, int N4 = 0, int N5 = 0>
     56 class SizedCostFunction : public CostFunction {
     57  public:
     58   virtual bool Evaluate(double const* const* parameters,
     59                         double* residuals,
     60                         double** jacobians) = 0;
     61 };
     62 \end{minted}
     63 In this case the user only needs to implement the \texttt{Evaluate} method.
     65 \section{\texttt{AutoDiffCostFunction}}
     66 But even defining the \texttt{SizedCostFunction} can be a tedious affair if complicated derivative computations are involved. To this end Ceres provides automatic differentiation.
     68 To get an auto differentiated cost function, you must define a class with a
     69  templated \texttt{operator()} (a functor) that computes the cost function in terms of
     70  the template parameter \texttt{T}. The autodiff framework substitutes appropriate
     71  \texttt{Jet} objects for T in order to compute the derivative when necessary, but
     72  this is hidden, and you should write the function as if T were a scalar type
     73  (e.g. a double-precision floating point number).
     75  The function must write the computed value in the last argument (the only
     76  non-\texttt{const} one) and return true to indicate success.
     78  For example, consider a scalar error $e = k - x^\top y$, where both $x$ and $y$ are
     79  two-dimensional vector parameters  and $k$ is a constant. The form of this error, which is the
     80  difference between a constant and an expression, is a common pattern in least
     81  squares problems. For example, the value $x^\top y$ might be the model expectation
     82  for a series of measurements, where there is an instance of the cost function
     83  for each measurement $k$.
     85  The actual cost added to the total problem is $e^2$, or $(k - x^\top y)^2$; however,
     86  the squaring is implicitly done by the optimization framework.
     88  To write an auto-differentiable cost function for the above model, first
     89  define the object
     90 \begin{minted}{c++}
     91 class MyScalarCostFunction {
     92   MyScalarCostFunction(double k): k_(k) {}
     93   template <typename T>
     94   bool operator()(const T* const x , const T* const y, T* e) const {
     95     e[0] = T(k_) - x[0] * y[0] - x[1] * y[1];
     96     return true;
     97   }
     99  private:
    100   double k_;
    101 };
    102 \end{minted}
    104 Note that in the declaration of \texttt{operator()} the input parameters \texttt{x} and \texttt{y} come
    105  first, and are passed as const pointers to arrays of \texttt{T}. If there were three
    106  input parameters, then the third input parameter would come after \texttt{y}. The
    107  output is always the last parameter, and is also a pointer to an array. In
    108  the example above, \texttt{e} is a scalar, so only \texttt{e[0]} is set.
    110  Then given this class definition, the auto differentiated cost function for
    111  it can be constructed as follows.
    113 \begin{minted}{c++}
    114 CostFunction* cost_function
    115     = new AutoDiffCostFunction<MyScalarCostFunction, 1, 2, 2>(
    116         new MyScalarCostFunction(1.0));              ^  ^  ^
    117                                                      |  |  |
    118                          Dimension of residual ------+  |  |
    119                          Dimension of x ----------------+  |
    120                          Dimension of y -------------------+
    121 \end{minted}
    123 In this example, there is usually an instance for each measurement of k.
    125 In the instantiation above, the template parameters following
    126  \texttt{MyScalarCostFunction}, \texttt{<1, 2, 2>} describe the functor as computing a
    127  1-dimensional output from two arguments, both 2-dimensional.
    129  The framework can currently accommodate cost functions of up to 6 independent
    130  variables, and there is no limit on the dimensionality of each of them.
    132  \textbf{WARNING 1} Since the functor will get instantiated with different types for
    133  \texttt{T}, you must convert from other numeric types to \texttt{T} before mixing
    134  computations with other variables of type \texttt{T}. In the example above, this is
    135  seen where instead of using \texttt{k\_} directly, \texttt{k\_} is wrapped with \texttt{T(k\_)}.
    137  \textbf{WARNING 2} A common beginner's error when first using \texttt{AutoDiffCostFunction} is to get the sizing wrong. In particular, there is a tendency to
    138  set the template parameters to (dimension of residual, number of parameters)
    139  instead of passing a dimension parameter for {\em every parameter block}. In the
    140  example above, that would be \texttt{<MyScalarCostFunction, 1, 2>}, which is missing
    141  the 2 as the last template argument.
    143 \subsection{Theory \& Implementation}
    144 TBD
    146 \section{\texttt{NumericDiffCostFunction}}
    147 To get a numerically differentiated cost function, define a subclass of
    148 \texttt{CostFunction} such that the \texttt{Evaluate} function ignores the jacobian
    149 parameter. The numeric differentiation wrapper will fill in the jacobians array
    150  if necessary by repeatedly calling the \texttt{Evaluate} method with
    151 small changes to the appropriate parameters, and computing the slope. For
    152 performance, the numeric differentiation wrapper class is templated on the
    153 concrete cost function, even though it could be implemented only in terms of
    154 the virtual \texttt{CostFunction} interface.
    155 \begin{minted}{c++}
    156 template <typename CostFunctionNoJacobian,
    157           NumericDiffMethod method = CENTRAL, int M = 0,
    158           int N0 = 0, int N1 = 0, int N2 = 0, int N3 = 0, int N4 = 0, int N5 = 0>
    159 class NumericDiffCostFunction
    160     : public SizedCostFunction<M, N0, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5> {
    161 };
    162 \end{minted}
    164 The numerically differentiated version of a cost function for a cost function
    165 can be constructed as follows:
    166 \begin{minted}{c++}
    167 CostFunction* cost_function
    168     = new NumericDiffCostFunction<MyCostFunction, CENTRAL, 1, 4, 8>(
    169         new MyCostFunction(...), TAKE_OWNERSHIP);
    170 \end{minted}
    171 where \texttt{MyCostFunction} has 1 residual and 2 parameter blocks with sizes 4 and 8
    172 respectively. Look at the tests for a more detailed example.
    174 The central difference method is considerably more accurate at the cost of
    175 twice as many function evaluations than forward difference. Consider using
    176 central differences begin with, and only after that works, trying forward
    177 difference to improve performance.
    179 \section{\texttt{LossFunction}}
    180  For least squares problems where the minimization may encounter
    181  input terms that contain outliers, that is, completely bogus
    182  measurements, it is important to use a loss function that reduces
    183  their influence.
    185  Consider a structure from motion problem. The unknowns are 3D
    186  points and camera parameters, and the measurements are image
    187  coordinates describing the expected reprojected position for a
    188  point in a camera. For example, we want to model the geometry of a
    189  street scene with fire hydrants and cars, observed by a moving
    190  camera with unknown parameters, and the only 3D points we care
    191  about are the pointy tippy-tops of the fire hydrants. Our magic
    192  image processing algorithm, which is responsible for producing the
    193  measurements that are input to Ceres, has found and matched all
    194  such tippy-tops in all image frames, except that in one of the
    195  frame it mistook a car's headlight for a hydrant. If we didn't do
    196  anything special  the
    197  residual for the erroneous measurement will result in the
    198  entire solution getting pulled away from the optimum to reduce
    199  the large error that would otherwise be attributed to the wrong
    200  measurement.
    202  Using a robust loss function, the cost for large residuals is
    203  reduced. In the example above, this leads to outlier terms getting
    204  down-weighted so they do not overly influence the final solution.
    206 \begin{minted}{c++}
    207 class LossFunction {
    208  public:
    209   virtual void Evaluate(double s, double out[3]) const = 0;
    210 };
    211 \end{minted}
    213 The key method is \texttt{Evaluate}, which given a non-negative scalar \texttt{s}, computes
    214 \begin{align}
    215 	\texttt{out} = \begin{bmatrix}\rho(s), & \rho'(s), & \rho''(s)\end{bmatrix}
    216 \end{align}
    218 Here the convention is that the contribution of a term to the cost function is given by $\frac{1}{2}\rho(s)$,  where $s = \|f_i\|^2$. Calling the method with a negative value of $s$ is an error and the implementations are not required to handle that case.
    220 Most sane choices of $\rho$ satisfy:
    221 \begin{align}
    222    \rho(0) &= 0\\
    223    \rho'(0) &= 1\\
    224    \rho'(s) &< 1 \text{ in the outlier region}\\
    225    \rho''(s) &< 0 \text{ in the outlier region}
    226 \end{align}
    227 so that they mimic the squared cost for small residuals.
    229 \subsection{Scaling}
    230 Given one robustifier $\rho(s)$
    231  one can change the length scale at which robustification takes
    232  place, by adding a scale factor $a > 0$ which gives us $\rho(s,a) = a^2 \rho(s / a^2)$ and the first and second derivatives as $\rho'(s / a^2)$ and   $(1 / a^2) \rho''(s / a^2)$ respectively.
    235 \begin{figure}[hbt]
    236 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{loss.pdf}
    237 \caption{Shape of the various common loss functions.}
    238 \label{fig:loss}
    239 \end{figure}
    242 The reason for the appearance of squaring is that $a$ is in the units of the residual vector norm whereas $s$ is a squared norm. For applications it is more convenient to specify $a$ than
    243 its square.
    245 Here are some common loss functions implemented in Ceres. For simplicity we described their unscaled versions. Figure~\ref{fig:loss} illustrates their shape graphically.
    247 \begin{align}
    248 		\rho(s)&=s \tag{\texttt{NullLoss}}\\
    249 		\rho(s) &= \begin{cases}
    250 		       s & s \le 1\\
    251 		       2 \sqrt{s} - 1 & s > 1
    252 	           \end{cases} \tag{\texttt{HuberLoss}}\\
    253 		\rho(s) &= 2 (\sqrt{1+s} - 1) \tag{\texttt{SoftLOneLoss}}\\
    254 		\rho(s) &= \log(1 + s) \tag{\texttt{CauchyLoss}}
    255 \end{align}
    257 Ceres includes a number of other loss functions, the descriptions and
    258 documentation for which can be found in \texttt{loss\_function.h}.
    260 \subsection{Theory \& Implementation}
    261 Let us consider a problem with a single problem and a single parameter
    262 block.
    263 \begin{align}
    264 \min_x \frac{1}{2}\rho(f^2(x))
    265 \end{align}
    267 Then, the robustified gradient and the Gauss-Newton Hessian are
    268 \begin{align}
    269 	g(x) &= \rho'J^\top(x)f(x)\\
    270 	H(x) &= J^\top(x)\left(\rho' + 2 \rho''f(x)f^\top(x)\right)J(x)
    271 \end{align}
    272 where the terms involving the second derivatives of $f(x)$ have been ignored. Note that $H(x)$ is indefinite if $\rho''f(x)^\top f(x) + \frac{1}{2}\rho' < 0$. If this is not the case, then its possible to re-weight the residual and the Jacobian matrix such that the corresponding linear least squares problem for the robustified Gauss-Newton step.
    275 Let $\alpha$ be a root of
    276 \begin{equation}
    277 	\frac{1}{2}\alpha^2 - \alpha - \frac{\rho''}{\rho'}\|f(x)\|^2 = 0.
    278 \end{equation}
    279 Then, define the rescaled residual and Jacobian as
    280 \begin{align}
    281 	\tilde{f}(x) &= \frac{\sqrt{\rho'}}{1 - \alpha} f(x)\\
    282 	\tilde{J}(x) &= \sqrt{\rho'}\left(1 - \alpha \frac{f(x)f^\top(x)}{\left\|f(x)\right\|^2} \right)J(x)
    283 \end{align}
    284 In the case $2 \rho''\left\|f(x)\right\|^2 + \rho' \lesssim 0$, we limit $\alpha \le 1- \epsilon$ for some small $\epsilon$. For more details see Triggs et al~\cite{triggs-etal-1999}.
    286 With this simple rescaling, one can use any Jacobian based non-linear least squares algorithm to robustifed non-linear least squares problems.
    288 \section{\texttt{LocalParameterization}}
    289 Sometimes the parameters $x$ can overparameterize a problem. In
    290 that case it is desirable to choose a parameterization to remove
    291 the null directions of the cost. More generally, if $x$ lies on a
    292 manifold of a smaller dimension than the ambient space that it is
    293 embedded in, then it is numerically and computationally more
    294 effective to optimize it using a parameterization that lives in
    295 the tangent space of that manifold at each point.
    297 For example, a sphere in three dimensions is a two dimensional
    298 manifold, embedded in a three dimensional space. At each point on
    299 the sphere, the plane tangent to it defines a two dimensional
    300 tangent space. For a cost function defined on this sphere, given a
    301 point $x$, moving in the direction normal to the sphere at that
    302 point is not useful. Thus a better way to parameterize a point on
    303 a sphere is to optimize over two dimensional vector $\Delta x$ in the
    304 tangent space at the point on the sphere point and then "move" to
    305 the point $x + \Delta x$, where the move operation involves projecting
    306 back onto the sphere. Doing so removes a redundant dimension from
    307 the optimization, making it numerically more robust and efficient.
    309 More generally we can define a function
    310 \begin{equation}
    311   x' = \boxplus(x, \Delta x),
    312 \end{equation}
    313 where $x'$ has the same size as $x$, and $\Delta x$ is of size less
    314 than or equal to $x$. The function $\boxplus$, generalizes the
    315 definition of vector addition. Thus it satisfies the identity
    316 \begin{equation}
    317   \boxplus(x, 0) = x,\quad \forall x.
    318 \end{equation}
    320 Instances of \texttt{LocalParameterization} implement the $\boxplus$ operation and its derivative with respect to $\Delta x$ at $\Delta x = 0$.
    322 \begin{minted}{c++}
    323 class LocalParameterization {
    324  public:
    325   virtual ~LocalParameterization() {}
    326   virtual bool Plus(const double* x,
    327                     const double* delta,
    328                     double* x_plus_delta) const = 0;
    329   virtual bool ComputeJacobian(const double* x, double* jacobian) const = 0;
    330   virtual int GlobalSize() const = 0;
    331   virtual int LocalSize() const = 0;
    332 };
    333 \end{minted}
    335 \texttt{GlobalSize} is the dimension of the ambient space in which the parameter block $x$ lives. \texttt{LocalSize} is the size of the tangent space that $\Delta x$ lives in. \texttt{Plus} implements $\boxplus(x,\Delta x)$ and $\texttt{ComputeJacobian}$ computes the Jacobian matrix
    336 \begin{equation}
    337 	J = \left . \frac{\partial }{\partial \Delta x} \boxplus(x,\Delta x)\right|_{\Delta x = 0}
    338 \end{equation}
    339 in row major form.
    341 A trivial version of $\boxplus$ is when delta is of the same size as $x$
    342 and
    344 \begin{equation}
    345   \boxplus(x, \Delta x) = x + \Delta x
    346 \end{equation}
    348 A more interesting case if $x$ is a two dimensional vector, and the
    349 user wishes to hold the first coordinate constant. Then, $\Delta x$ is a
    350 scalar and $\boxplus$ is defined as
    352 \begin{equation}
    353   \boxplus(x, \Delta x) = x + \left[ \begin{array}{c} 0 \\ 1
    354                                   \end{array} \right]        \Delta x
    355 \end{equation}
    357 \texttt{SubsetParameterization} generalizes this construction to hold any part of a parameter block constant.
    360 Another example that occurs commonly in Structure from Motion problems
    361 is when camera rotations are parameterized using a quaternion. There,
    362 it is useful only to make updates orthogonal to that 4-vector defining
    363 the quaternion. One way to do this is to let $\Delta x$ be a 3
    364 dimensional vector and define $\boxplus$ to be
    366 \begin{equation}
    367   \boxplus(x, \Delta x) =
    368 \left[
    369 \cos(|\Delta x|), \frac{\sin\left(|\Delta x|\right)}{|\Delta x|} \Delta x
    370 \right] * x
    371 \label{eq:quaternion}
    372 \end{equation}
    373 The multiplication between the two 4-vectors on the right hand
    374 side is the standard quaternion product. \texttt{QuaternionParameterization} is an implementation of~\eqref{eq:quaternion}.
    376 \clearpage
    378 \section{\texttt{Problem}}
    379 \begin{minted}{c++}
    380 class Problem {
    381  public:
    382   struct Options {
    383     Options();
    384     Ownership cost_function_ownership;
    385     Ownership loss_function_ownership;
    386     Ownership local_parameterization_ownership;
    387   };
    389   Problem();
    390   explicit Problem(const Options& options);
    391   ~Problem();
    393   ResidualBlockId AddResidualBlock(CostFunction* cost_function,
    394                                    LossFunction* loss_function,
    395                                    const vector<double*>& parameter_blocks);
    397   void AddParameterBlock(double* values, int size);
    398   void AddParameterBlock(double* values,
    399                          int size,
    400                          LocalParameterization* local_parameterization);
    402   void SetParameterBlockConstant(double* values);
    403   void SetParameterBlockVariable(double* values);
    404   void SetParameterization(double* values,
    405                            LocalParameterization* local_parameterization);
    407   int NumParameterBlocks() const;
    408   int NumParameters() const;
    409   int NumResidualBlocks() const;
    410   int NumResiduals() const;
    411 };
    412 \end{minted}
    414 The \texttt{Problem} objects holds the robustified non-linear least squares problem~\eqref{eq:ceresproblem}. To create a least squares problem, use the \texttt{Problem::AddResidualBlock} and \texttt{Problem::AddParameterBlock} methods.
    416 For example a problem containing 3 parameter blocks of sizes 3, 4 and 5
    417 respectively and two residual blocks  of size 2 and 6:
    419 \begin{minted}{c++}
    420 double x1[] = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
    421 double x2[] = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0 };
    422 double x3[] = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 6.0, 7.0 };
    424 Problem problem;
    425 problem.AddResidualBlock(new MyUnaryCostFunction(...), x1);
    426 problem.AddResidualBlock(new MyBinaryCostFunction(...), x2, x3);
    427 \end{minted}
    430 \texttt{AddResidualBlock} as the name implies, adds a residual block to the problem. It adds a cost function, an optional loss function, and connects the cost function to a set of parameter blocks.
    432 The cost
    433    function carries with it information about the sizes of the
    434    parameter blocks it expects. The function checks that these match
    435    the sizes of the parameter blocks listed in \texttt{parameter\_blocks}. The
    436    program aborts if a mismatch is detected. \texttt{loss\_function} can be
    437    \texttt{NULL}, in which case the cost of the term is just the squared norm
    438    of the residuals.
    440   The user has the option of explicitly adding the parameter blocks
    441   using \texttt{AddParameterBlock}. This causes additional correctness
    442   checking; however, \texttt{AddResidualBlock} implicitly adds the parameter
    443    blocks if they are not present, so calling \texttt{AddParameterBlock}
    444    explicitly is not required.
    447    \texttt{Problem} by default takes ownership of the
    448   \texttt{cost\_function} and \texttt{loss\_function pointers}. These objects remain
    449    live for the life of the \texttt{Problem} object. If the user wishes to
    450   keep control over the destruction of these objects, then they can
    451   do this by setting the corresponding enums in the \texttt{Options} struct.
    454   Note that even though the Problem takes ownership of \texttt{cost\_function}
    455   and \texttt{loss\_function}, it does not preclude the user from re-using
    456   them in another residual block. The destructor takes care to call
    457   delete on each \texttt{cost\_function} or \texttt{loss\_function} pointer only once,
    458   regardless of how many residual blocks refer to them.
    460 \texttt{AddParameterBlock} explicitly adds a parameter block to the \texttt{Problem}. Optionally it allows the user to associate a LocalParameterization object with the parameter block too. Repeated calls with the same arguments are ignored. Repeated
    461 calls with the same double pointer but a different size results in undefined behaviour.
    463 You can set any parameter block to be constant using
    465 \texttt{Problem::SetParameterBlockConstant}
    467 and undo this using
    469 \texttt{Problem::SetParameterBlockVariable}.
    471 In fact you can set any number of parameter blocks to be constant, and Ceres is smart enough to figure out what part of the problem you have constructed depends on the parameter blocks that are free to change and only spends time solving it. So for example if you constructed a problem with a million parameter blocks and 2 million residual blocks, but then set all but one parameter blocks to be constant and say only 10 residual blocks depend on this one non-constant parameter block. Then the computational effort Ceres spends in solving this problem will be the same if you had defined a problem with one parameter block and 10 residual blocks.
    473   \texttt{Problem} by default takes ownership of the
    474   \texttt{cost\_function}, \texttt{loss\_function} and \\ \texttt{local\_parameterization} pointers. These objects remain
    475    live for the life of the \texttt{Problem} object. If the user wishes to
    476   keep control over the destruction of these objects, then they can
    477   do this by setting the corresponding enums in the \texttt{Options} struct. Even though \texttt{Problem} takes ownership of these pointers,  it does not preclude the user from re-using them in another residual or parameter block. The destructor takes care to call
    478   delete on each  pointer only once.