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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      7 #pragma once
      9 #include <string>
     10 #include <vector>
     12 #include "base/basictypes.h"
     13 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
     14 #include "base/task.h"
     15 #include "chrome/common/extensions/update_manifest.h"
     16 #include "content/browser/browser_child_process_host.h"
     17 #include "content/browser/browser_thread.h"
     19 class DictionaryValue;
     20 class IndexedDBKey;
     21 class ListValue;
     22 class SerializedScriptValue;
     23 class SkBitmap;
     25 // This class acts as the browser-side host to a utility child process.  A
     26 // utility process is a short-lived sandboxed process that is created to run
     27 // a specific task.  This class lives solely on the IO thread.
     28 // If you need a single method call in the sandbox, use StartFooBar(p).
     29 // If you need multiple batches of work to be done in the sandboxed process,
     30 // use StartBatchMode(), then multiple calls to StartFooBar(p),
     31 // then finish with EndBatchMode().
     32 class UtilityProcessHost : public BrowserChildProcessHost {
     33  public:
     34   // An interface to be implemented by consumers of the utility process to
     35   // get results back.  All functions are called on the thread passed along
     36   // to UtilityProcessHost.
     37   class Client : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Client> {
     38    public:
     39     Client() {}
     41     // Called when the process has crashed.
     42     virtual void OnProcessCrashed(int exit_code) {}
     44     // Called when the extension has unpacked successfully.  |manifest| is the
     45     // parsed manifest.json file.  |catalogs| contains list of all parsed
     46     // message catalogs.  |images| contains a list of decoded images and the
     47     // associated paths where those images live on disk.
     48     virtual void OnUnpackExtensionSucceeded(const DictionaryValue& manifest) {}
     50     // Called when an error occurred while unpacking the extension.
     51     // |error_message| contains a description of the problem.
     52     virtual void OnUnpackExtensionFailed(const std::string& error_message) {}
     54     // Called when the web resource has been successfully parsed.  |json_data|
     55     // contains the parsed list of web resource items downloaded from the
     56     // web resource server.
     57     virtual void OnUnpackWebResourceSucceeded(
     58         const DictionaryValue& json_data) {}
     60     // Called when an error occurred while parsing the resource data.
     61     // |error_message| contains a description of the problem.
     62     virtual void OnUnpackWebResourceFailed(const std::string& error_message) {}
     64     // Called when an update manifest xml file was successfully parsed.
     65     virtual void OnParseUpdateManifestSucceeded(
     66         const UpdateManifest::Results& results) {}
     68     // Called when an update manifest xml file failed parsing. |error_message|
     69     // contains details suitable for logging.
     70     virtual void OnParseUpdateManifestFailed(
     71         const std::string& error_message) {}
     73     // Called when image data was successfully decoded. |decoded_image|
     74     // stores the result.
     75     virtual void OnDecodeImageSucceeded(
     76         const SkBitmap& decoded_image) {}
     78     // Called when image data decoding failed.
     79     virtual void OnDecodeImageFailed() {}
     81     // Called when we have successfully obtained the IndexedDBKey after
     82     // a call to StartIDBKeysFromValuesAndKeyPath.
     83     // |id| is the corresponding identifier.
     84     // |keys| the corresponding IndexedDBKey.
     85     virtual void OnIDBKeysFromValuesAndKeyPathSucceeded(
     86         int id, const std::vector<IndexedDBKey>& keys) {}
     88     // Called when IDBKeyPath has failed.
     89     // |id| is the corresponding identifier passed on
     90     // StartIDBKeysFromValuesAndKeyPath.
     91     virtual void OnIDBKeysFromValuesAndKeyPathFailed(int id) {}
     93     // Called when an IDBKey was injected into a
     94     // SerializedScriptValue. If injection failed, SerializedScriptValue is
     95     // empty.
     96     virtual void OnInjectIDBKeyFinished(
     97         const SerializedScriptValue& new_value) {}
     99     // Called when we're finished parsing a JSON string. Note that if parsing
    100     // was successful, the result Value is contained in the first element of
    101     // |wrapper| (we do this to get around a trickiness with passing a Value
    102     // by const reference via our IPC system).
    103     virtual void OnJSONParseSucceeded(const ListValue& wrapper) {}
    104     virtual void OnJSONParseFailed(const std::string& error_message) {}
    106    protected:
    107     friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Client>;
    109     virtual ~Client() {}
    111    private:
    112     friend class UtilityProcessHost;
    114     bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message);
    116     DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Client);
    117   };
    119   UtilityProcessHost(Client* client, BrowserThread::ID client_thread_id);
    120   virtual ~UtilityProcessHost();
    122   // Start a process to unpack the extension at the given path.  The process
    123   // will be given access to the directory subtree that the extension file is
    124   // in, so the caller is expected to have moved that file into a quarantined
    125   // location first.
    126   bool StartExtensionUnpacker(const FilePath& extension);
    128   // Start a process to unpack and parse a web resource from the given JSON
    129   // data.  Any links that need to be downloaded from the parsed data
    130   // (thumbnails, etc.) will be unpacked in resource_dir.
    131   // TODO(mrc): Right now, the unpacker just parses the JSON data, and
    132   // doesn't do any unpacking.  This should change once we finalize the
    133   // web resource server format(s).
    134   bool StartWebResourceUnpacker(const std::string& data);
    136   // Start parsing an extensions auto-update manifest xml file.
    137   bool StartUpdateManifestParse(const std::string& xml);
    139   // Start image decoding. The image can be any format WebCore understands.
    140   // Results are reported to either OnDecodeImageSuceeded() or
    141   // OnDecodeImageFailed().
    142   bool StartImageDecoding(const std::vector<unsigned char>& encoded_data);
    143   bool StartImageDecodingBase64(const std::string& base64_encoded_data);
    145   // Starts extracting |key_path| from |serialized_values|, and replies with the
    146   // corresponding IndexedDBKeys via OnIDBKeysFromValuesAndKeyPathSucceeded.
    147   bool StartIDBKeysFromValuesAndKeyPath(
    148       int id, const std::vector<SerializedScriptValue>& serialized_values,
    149       const string16& key_path);
    151   // Starts injecting |key| into |value| via |key_path|, and replies with the
    152   // updated value via OnInjectIDBKeyFinished.
    153   bool StartInjectIDBKey(const IndexedDBKey& key,
    154                          const SerializedScriptValue& value,
    155                          const string16& key_path);
    157   // Starts parsing a JSON string into a Value object. The result is reported
    158   // to the client via OnJSONParseSucceeded or OnJSONParseFailed.
    159   bool StartJSONParsing(const std::string& json);
    161   // Starts utility process in batch mode. Caller must call EndBatchMode()
    162   // to finish the utility process.
    163   bool StartBatchMode();
    165   // Ends the utility process. Must be called after StartBatchMode().
    166   void EndBatchMode();
    168  protected:
    169   // Allow these methods to be overridden for tests.
    170   virtual FilePath GetUtilityProcessCmd();
    172  private:
    173   // Starts a process if necessary.  Returns true if it succeeded or a process
    174   // has already been started via StartBatchMode().
    175   bool StartProcess(const FilePath& exposed_dir);
    177   // IPC messages:
    178   virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message);
    180   // BrowserChildProcessHost:
    181   virtual void OnProcessCrashed(int exit_code);
    182   virtual bool CanShutdown();
    184   // A pointer to our client interface, who will be informed of progress.
    185   scoped_refptr<Client> client_;
    186   BrowserThread::ID client_thread_id_;
    187   // True when running in batch mode, i.e., StartBatchMode() has been called
    188   // and the utility process will run until EndBatchMode().
    189   bool is_batch_mode_;
    191   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(UtilityProcessHost);
    192 };