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      1 #!/usr/bin/php
      3 <?php
      4 /*
      5 RCS file: /cvsroot/tools/org.eclipse.emf/.cvsignore,v //store
      6 Working file: .cvsignore //don't need to store, basename(rcs file), minus ,v?
      7 head: 1.1 //maybe store, could be calculated based on tags table?
      8 branch: //probably store, what does this actually mean?, never used (always empty)?
      9 locks: strict //store, though not used (always strict)?
     10 access list: //store, though not used (always empty)?
     11 symbolic names: //do we actually need to store these? we'll see
     12         build_200608030000: 1.1
     13 	...
     14 keyword substitution: kv //store, 'b', 'k', 'kv', 'kvl', 'v' are (currently) used
     15 total revisions: 2;     selected revisions: 2 //don't store, is count of commits to the file
     16 description: //is this a title for the revisions? probably
     17 ----------------------------
     18 revision 1.1
     19 date: 2004/03/06 18:22:28;  author: marcelop;  state: Exp;
     20 branches:  1.1.2;
     21 Move the EMF, XSD and SDO source code to the Eclipse.org repository
     22 ----------------------------
     23 revision
     24 date: 2005/06/02 16:09:17;  author: nickb;  state: Exp;  lines: +0 -0
     25 *** empty log message ***
     26 =============================================================================
     27 */
     29 $db = "modeling"; /* database name. change this to match your project or can leave as is */
     31 $perfile_regex = "/^RCS\ file:\ (.+?$)\\n
     32 	^Working\ file:\ (.+?$)\\n
     33 	^head:\ (.+?$)\\n
     34 	^branch:\ ?(.*?$)\\n
     35 	^locks:\ (.+?$)\\n
     36 	^access\ list:\ ?(.*?$)\\n
     37 	(?:^symbolic\ names:\ ?(.*?$)\\n
     38 	((?:^\\t\S+:\ [0-9\.]+$\\n)+))?
     39 	^keyword\ substitution:\ (.+?$)\\n
     40 	^total\ revisions:\ (\d+);\\tselected\ revisions:\ (\d+)$\\n
     41 	^description:\ ?(.*?$)\\n
     42 	^((?:\-{28}.+$\\n)?
     43 	^={77})$/smx";
     45 $percommit_regex = "#^\-{28}$\\n
     46 	^revision\ ([0-9\.]+)$\\n
     47 	^date:\ (\d{4}/\d\d/\d\d\ \d\d:\d\d:\d\d);\ \ author:\ (\S+);\ \ state:\ (\S+);(?:\ \ lines:\ \+(\d+)\ \-(\d+))?$\\n
     48 	(?:^branches:(?:\ \ ([0-9\.]+);)+$\\n)?
     49 	^(.+?)$\\n
     50 	^(?:\-{28}|={77})#smx";
     52 $bugs_regex = "@(?:
     53         \[\#?(\d+)\]
     54         |
     55         (?:Bugzilla)?\#(\d+)
     56         |
     57         https?\Q://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=\E(\d+)
     58         )@x";
     60 include_once "includes/parsecvs-dbaccess.php";
     61 $connect = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die("Couldn't connect to database!\n");
     62 mysql_select_db($db, $connect) or die(mysql_error());
     63 $file = file_get_contents(($argv[1] ? $argv[1] : "php://stdin"));
     65 wmysql_query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `tmptags` (`tagname` VARBINARY(255), `revision` VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY (`tagname`)) ENGINE = memory");
     67 preg_match_all("/^(RCS file:.+?^={77}$)/sm", $file, $regs) or die("Couldn't find any cvs logs!\n");
     68 foreach ($regs[0] as $z)
     69 {
     70 	/* parse each file's info */
     71 	if (preg_match($perfile_regex, $z, $props))
     72 	{
     73 		$esc = array(1, 3, 9);
     74 		foreach ($esc as $y)
     75 		{
     76 			$props[$y] = mysql_real_escape_string($props[$y], $connect);
     77 		}
     78 		preg_match("/^\/cvsroot\/[^\/]+\/([^\/]+)\//", $props[1], $proj);
     79 		$q = "`project` = '$proj[1]', `head` = '$props[3]', `keyword_subs` = '$props[9]'";
     80 		wmysql_query("INSERT INTO `cvsfiles` SET `cvsname` = '$props[1]', $q ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE $q");
     81 		/* mysql_insert_id() won't work if we updated rather than inserted */
     82 		$result = wmysql_query("SELECT `fid` FROM `cvsfiles` WHERE `cvsname` = '$props[1]'");
     83 		$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
     85 		/* parse symbolic names */
     86 		$tags = array();
     87 		$filetags = array();
     88 		$count = preg_match_all("/^\t(\S+): ([0-9\.]+)$\n/m", $props[8], $syms);
     89 		for ($i=0;$i<$count;$i++)
     90 		{
     91 			array_push($filetags, "('{$syms[1][$i]}', '{$syms[2][$i]}')");
     92 		}
     93 		if ($count > 0)
     94 		{
     95 			$syms[1] = preg_replace("/^(.+)$/e", "fixup('$1')", $syms[1]);
     96 			wmysql_query("INSERT INTO `tags` (`tagname`, `tagdate`) VALUES " . join($syms[1], ",") . " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `tid` = `tid`");
     97 			wmysql_query("INSERT INTO `tmptags` (`tagname`, `revision`) VALUES " . join($filetags, ","));
     98 			wmysql_query("INSERT INTO `filetags` SELECT $row[0], `tid`, `revision` FROM `tmptags` NATURAL JOIN `tags` ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `filetags`.`revision` = `tmptags`.`revision`");
     99 			wmysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `tmptags`");
    100 		}
    102 		$commits = $props[13];
    103 		/* parse commits */
    104 		while (preg_match($percommit_regex, $commits, $revs))
    105 		{
    106 			$commits = substr($commits, strlen($revs[0]) - 28); //leave the \-{28} in tact
    107 			$revs[8] = mysql_real_escape_string($revs[8], $connect);
    108 			$q = "`date` = STR_TO_DATE('$revs[2]', '%Y/%m/%d %T'), `author` = '$revs[3]', `state` = '$revs[4]', `linesplus` = '$revs[5]', `linesminus` = '$revs[6]', `message` = '$revs[8]'";
    109 			wmysql_query("INSERT INTO `commits` SET `fid` = '$row[0]', `revision` = '$revs[1]', $q ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE $q");
    111 			/* parse bug numbers */
    112 			if (preg_match_all($bugs_regex, $revs[8], $ubugs))
    113 			{
    114 				unset($ubugs[0]);
    115 				$bugs = extract_bugs($ubugs);
    116 				$bugs = preg_replace("/^(.+)$/", "('$row[0]', '$revs[1]', '$1')", $bugs);
    117 				wmysql_query("INSERT INTO `bugs` (`fid`, `revision`, `bugid`) VALUES " . join($bugs, ",") . " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `bugid` = `bugid`");
    118 			}
    119 		}
    120 	}
    121 }
    122 wmysql_query("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `tmptags`");
    124 $tables = array();
    125 mysql_select_db("INFORMATION_SCHEMA") or die(mysql_error());
    126 $result = wmysql_query("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM TABLES WHERE `TABLE_SCHEMA` = '$db' AND `TABLE_TYPE` = 'BASE TABLE'");
    127 while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
    128 {
    129 	array_push($tables, $row[0]);
    130 }
    132 mysql_select_db($db) or die(mysql_error());
    133 wmysql_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . join($tables, ","));
    134 wmysql_query("ANALYZE TABLE " . join($tables, ","));
    135 mysql_close($connect);
    137 function fixup($str)
    138 {
    139 	return "('$str', " . (preg_match("/^build_(\d{12})$/", $str, $regs) ? "STR_TO_DATE('$regs[1]', '%Y%m%d%k%i')" : "NULL") . ")";
    140 }
    142 function wmysql_query($sql)
    143 {
    144 	$res = mysql_query($sql) or die("$sql\n" . mysql_error() . "\n");
    145 	return $res;
    146 }
    148 function extract_bugs($regs)
    149 {
    150         foreach ($regs as $z)
    151         {
    152                 foreach ($z as $y)
    153                 {
    154                         if (preg_match("/^\d+$/", $y))
    155                         {
    156                                 $bugs[] = $y;
    157                         }
    158                 }
    159         }
    161         return $bugs;
    162 }
    163 ?>