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      1 #include <cstdlib>
      2 #include <ctime>
      3 #include <fstream>
      4 #include <iostream>
      5 #include <limits>
      6 #include <string>
      7 #include <utility>
      8 #include <vector>
     10 #include <marisa.h>
     12 #include "./cmdopt.h"
     14 namespace {
     16 typedef std::pair<std::string, double> Key;
     18 int param_min_num_tries = 1;
     19 int param_max_num_tries = 10;
     20 int param_trie = MARISA_DEFAULT_TRIE;
     21 int param_tail = MARISA_DEFAULT_TAIL;
     22 int param_order = MARISA_DEFAULT_ORDER;
     23 bool predict_strs_flag = false;
     24 bool speed_flag = true;
     26 class Clock {
     27  public:
     28   Clock() : cl_(std::clock()) {}
     30   void reset() {
     31     cl_ = std::clock();
     32   }
     34   double elasped() const {
     35     std::clock_t cur = std::clock();
     36     return (cur == cl_) ? 0.01 : (1.0 * (cur - cl_) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
     37   }
     39  private:
     40   std::clock_t cl_;
     41 };
     43 void print_help(const char *cmd) {
     44   std::cerr << "Usage: " << cmd << " [OPTION]... [FILE]...\n\n"
     45       "Options:\n"
     46       "  -N, --min-num-tries=[N]  limits the number of tries to N"
     47       " (default: 1)\n"
     48       "  -n, --max-num-tries=[N]  limits the number of tries to N"
     49       " (default: 10)\n"
     50       "  -P, --patricia-trie  build patricia tries (default)\n"
     51       "  -p, --prefix-trie    build prefix tries\n"
     52       "  -T, --text-tail      build a dictionary with text TAIL (default)\n"
     53       "  -b, --binary-tail    build a dictionary with binary TAIL\n"
     54       "  -t, --without-tail   build a dictionary without TAIL\n"
     55       "  -w, --weight-order   arrange siblings in weight order (default)\n"
     56       "  -l, --label-order    arrange siblings in label order\n"
     57       "  -I, --predict-ids    get key IDs in predictive searches (default)\n"
     58       "  -i, --predict-strs   restore key strings in predictive searches\n"
     59       "  -S, --print-speed    print speed [1000 keys/s] (default)\n"
     60       "  -s, --print-time     print time [us/key]\n"
     61       "  -h, --help           print this help\n"
     62       << std::endl;
     63 }
     65 void print_config() {
     66   std::cout << "#tries: " << param_min_num_tries
     67       << " - " << param_max_num_tries << std::endl;
     69   switch (param_trie) {
     70     case MARISA_PATRICIA_TRIE: {
     71       std::cout << "trie: patricia" << std::endl;
     72       break;
     73     }
     74     case MARISA_PREFIX_TRIE: {
     75       std::cout << "trie: prefix" << std::endl;
     76       break;
     77     }
     78   }
     80   switch (param_tail) {
     81     case MARISA_WITHOUT_TAIL: {
     82       std::cout << "tail: no" << std::endl;
     83       break;
     84     }
     85     case MARISA_BINARY_TAIL: {
     86       std::cout << "tail: binary" << std::endl;
     87       break;
     88     }
     89     case MARISA_TEXT_TAIL: {
     90       std::cout << "tail: text" << std::endl;
     91       break;
     92     }
     93   }
     95   switch (param_order) {
     96     case MARISA_LABEL_ORDER: {
     97       std::cout << "order: label" << std::endl;
     98       break;
     99     }
    100     case MARISA_WEIGHT_ORDER: {
    101       std::cout << "order: weight" << std::endl;
    102       break;
    103     }
    104   }
    106   if (predict_strs_flag) {
    107     std::cout << "predict: both IDs and strings" << std::endl;
    108   } else {
    109     std::cout << "predict: only IDs" << std::endl;
    110   }
    111 }
    113 void print_time_info(std::size_t num_keys, double elasped) {
    114   if (speed_flag) {
    115     if (elasped == 0.0) {
    116       std::printf(" %7s", "-");
    117     } else {
    118       std::printf(" %7.2f", num_keys / elasped / 1000.0);
    119     }
    120   } else {
    121     if (num_keys == 0) {
    122       std::printf(" %7s", "-");
    123     } else {
    124       std::printf(" %7.3f", 1000000.0 * elasped / num_keys);
    125     }
    126   }
    127 }
    129 void read_keys(std::istream *input, std::vector<Key> *keys) {
    130   Key key;
    131   std::string line;
    132   while (std::getline(*input, line)) {
    133     const std::string::size_type delim_pos = line.find_last_of('\t');
    134     if (delim_pos != line.npos) {
    135       char *end_of_value;
    136       key.second = std::strtod(&line[delim_pos + 1], &end_of_value);
    137       if (*end_of_value == '\0') {
    138         line.resize(delim_pos);
    139       } else {
    140         key.second = 1.0;
    141       }
    142     } else {
    143       key.second = 1.0;
    144     }
    145     key.first = line;
    146     keys->push_back(key);
    147   }
    148 }
    150 int read_keys(const char * const *args, std::size_t num_args,
    151     std::vector<Key> *keys) {
    152   if (num_args == 0) {
    153     read_keys(&std::cin, keys);
    154   }
    155   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
    156     std::ifstream input_file(args[i], std::ios::binary);
    157     if (!input_file) {
    158       std::cerr << "error: failed to open a keyset file: "
    159           << args[i] << std::endl;
    160       return 10;
    161     }
    162     read_keys(&input_file, keys);
    163   }
    164   std::cout << "#keys: " << keys->size() << std::endl;
    165   std::size_t total_length = 0;
    166   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < keys->size(); ++i) {
    167     total_length += (*keys)[i].first.length();
    168   }
    169   std::cout << "total length: " << total_length << std::endl;
    170   return 0;
    171 }
    173 void benchmark_build(const std::vector<Key> &keys, int num_tries,
    174     marisa::Trie *trie, std::vector<marisa::UInt32> *key_ids) {
    175   Clock cl;
    176   trie->build(keys, key_ids, num_tries
    177       | param_trie | param_tail | param_order);
    178   std::printf(" %9lu", (unsigned long)trie->num_nodes());
    179   std::printf(" %9lu", (unsigned long)trie->total_size());
    180   print_time_info(keys.size(), cl.elasped());
    181 }
    183 void benchmark_restore(const marisa::Trie &trie,
    184     const std::vector<Key> &keys,
    185     const std::vector<marisa::UInt32> &key_ids) {
    186   Clock cl;
    187   std::string key;
    188   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < key_ids.size(); ++i) {
    189     key.clear();
    190     trie.restore(key_ids[i], &key);
    191     if (key != keys[i].first) {
    192       std::cerr << "error: restore() failed" << std::endl;
    193       return;
    194     }
    195   }
    196   print_time_info(key_ids.size(), cl.elasped());
    197 }
    199 void benchmark_lookup(const marisa::Trie &trie,
    200     const std::vector<Key> &keys,
    201     const std::vector<marisa::UInt32> &key_ids) {
    202   Clock cl;
    203   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) {
    204     const marisa::UInt32 key_id = trie.lookup(keys[i].first);
    205     if (key_id != key_ids[i]) {
    206       std::cerr << "error: lookup() failed" << std::endl;
    207       return;
    208     }
    209   }
    210   print_time_info(keys.size(), cl.elasped());
    211 }
    213 void benchmark_find(const marisa::Trie &trie,
    214     const std::vector<Key> &keys,
    215     const std::vector<marisa::UInt32> &key_ids) {
    216   Clock cl;
    217   std::vector<marisa::UInt32> found_key_ids;
    218   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) {
    219     found_key_ids.clear();
    220     const std::size_t num_keys = trie.find(keys[i].first, &found_key_ids);
    221     if ((num_keys == 0) || (found_key_ids.back() != key_ids[i])) {
    222       std::cerr << "error: find() failed" << std::endl;
    223       return;
    224     }
    225   }
    226   print_time_info(keys.size(), cl.elasped());
    227 }
    229 void benchmark_predict_breadth_first(const marisa::Trie &trie,
    230     const std::vector<Key> &keys,
    231     const std::vector<marisa::UInt32> &key_ids) {
    232   Clock cl;
    233   std::vector<marisa::UInt32> found_key_ids;
    234   std::vector<std::string> found_keys;
    235   std::vector<std::string> *found_keys_ref =
    236       predict_strs_flag ? &found_keys : NULL;
    237   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) {
    238     found_key_ids.clear();
    239     found_keys.clear();
    240     const std::size_t num_keys = trie.predict_breadth_first(
    241         keys[i].first, &found_key_ids, found_keys_ref);
    242     if ((num_keys == 0) || (found_key_ids.front() != key_ids[i])) {
    243       std::cerr << "error: predict() failed" << std::endl;
    244       return;
    245     }
    246   }
    247   print_time_info(keys.size(), cl.elasped());
    248 }
    250 void benchmark_predict_depth_first(const marisa::Trie &trie,
    251     const std::vector<Key> &keys,
    252     const std::vector<marisa::UInt32> &key_ids) {
    253   Clock cl;
    254   std::vector<marisa::UInt32> found_key_ids;
    255   std::vector<std::string> found_keys;
    256   std::vector<std::string> *found_keys_ref =
    257       predict_strs_flag ? &found_keys : NULL;
    258   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) {
    259     found_key_ids.clear();
    260     found_keys.clear();
    261     const std::size_t num_keys = trie.predict_depth_first(
    262         keys[i].first, &found_key_ids, found_keys_ref);
    263     if ((num_keys == 0) || (found_key_ids.front() != key_ids[i])) {
    264       std::cerr << "error: predict() failed" << std::endl;
    265       return;
    266     }
    267   }
    268   print_time_info(keys.size(), cl.elasped());
    269 }
    271 void benchmark(const std::vector<Key> &keys, int num_tries) {
    272   std::printf("%6d", num_tries);
    273   marisa::Trie trie;
    274   std::vector<marisa::UInt32> key_ids;
    275   benchmark_build(keys, num_tries, &trie, &key_ids);
    276   if (!trie.empty()) {
    277     benchmark_restore(trie, keys, key_ids);
    278     benchmark_lookup(trie, keys, key_ids);
    279     benchmark_find(trie, keys, key_ids);
    280     benchmark_predict_breadth_first(trie, keys, key_ids);
    281     benchmark_predict_depth_first(trie, keys, key_ids);
    282   }
    283   std::printf("\n");
    284 }
    286 int benchmark(const char * const *args, std::size_t num_args) try {
    287   std::vector<Key> keys;
    288   const int ret = read_keys(args, num_args, &keys);
    289   if (ret != 0) {
    290     return ret;
    291   }
    292   std::printf("------+---------+---------+-------+"
    293       "-------+-------+-------+-------+-------\n");
    294   std::printf("%6s %9s %9s %7s %7s %7s %7s %7s %7s\n",
    295       "#tries", "#nodes", "size",
    296       "build", "restore", "lookup", "find", "predict", "predict");
    297   std::printf("%6s %9s %9s %7s %7s %7s %7s %7s %7s\n",
    298       "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "breadth", "depth");
    299   if (speed_flag) {
    300     std::printf("%6s %9s %9s %7s %7s %7s %7s %7s %7s\n",
    301         "", "", "[bytes]",
    302         "[K/s]", "[K/s]", "[K/s]", "[K/s]", "[K/s]", "[K/s]");
    303   } else {
    304     std::printf("%6s %9s %9s %7s %7s %7s %7s %7s %7s\n",
    305         "", "", "[bytes]", "[us]", "[us]", "[us]", "[us]", "[us]", "[us]");
    306   }
    307   std::printf("------+---------+---------+-------+"
    308       "-------+-------+-------+-------+-------\n");
    309   for (int i = param_min_num_tries; i <= param_max_num_tries; ++i) {
    310     benchmark(keys, i);
    311   }
    312   std::printf("------+---------+---------+-------+"
    313       "-------+-------+-------+-------+-------\n");
    314   return 0;
    315 } catch (const marisa::Exception &ex) {
    316   std::cerr << ex.filename() << ':' << ex.line()
    317       << ": " << ex.what() << std::endl;
    318   return -1;
    319 }
    321 }  // namespace
    323 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    324   std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
    326   ::cmdopt_option long_options[] = {
    327     { "min-num-tries", 1, NULL, 'N' },
    328     { "max-num-tries", 1, NULL, 'n' },
    329     { "patricia-trie", 0, NULL, 'P' },
    330     { "prefix-trie", 0, NULL, 'p' },
    331     { "text-tail", 0, NULL, 'T' },
    332     { "binary-tail", 0, NULL, 'b' },
    333     { "without-tail", 0, NULL, 't' },
    334     { "weight-order", 0, NULL, 'w' },
    335     { "label-order", 0, NULL, 'l' },
    336     { "predict-ids", 0, NULL, 'I' },
    337     { "predict-strs", 0, NULL, 'i' },
    338     { "print-speed", 0, NULL, 'S' },
    339     { "print-time", 0, NULL, 's' },
    340     { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' },
    341     { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }
    342   };
    343   ::cmdopt_t cmdopt;
    344   ::cmdopt_init(&cmdopt, argc, argv, "N:n:PpTbtwlIiSsh", long_options);
    345   int label;
    346   while ((label = ::cmdopt_get(&cmdopt)) != -1) {
    347     switch (label) {
    348       case 'N': {
    349         char *end_of_value;
    350         const long value = std::strtol(cmdopt.optarg, &end_of_value, 10);
    351         if ((*end_of_value != '\0') || (value <= 0) ||
    352             (value > MARISA_MAX_NUM_TRIES)) {
    353           std::cerr << "error: option `-n' with an invalid argument: "
    354               << cmdopt.optarg << std::endl;
    355         }
    356         param_min_num_tries = (int)value;
    357         break;
    358       }
    359       case 'n': {
    360         char *end_of_value;
    361         const long value = std::strtol(cmdopt.optarg, &end_of_value, 10);
    362         if ((*end_of_value != '\0') || (value <= 0) ||
    363             (value > MARISA_MAX_NUM_TRIES)) {
    364           std::cerr << "error: option `-n' with an invalid argument: "
    365               << cmdopt.optarg << std::endl;
    366         }
    367         param_max_num_tries = (int)value;
    368         break;
    369       }
    370       case 'P': {
    371         param_trie = MARISA_PATRICIA_TRIE;
    372         break;
    373       }
    374       case 'p': {
    375         param_trie = MARISA_PREFIX_TRIE;
    376         break;
    377       }
    378       case 'T': {
    379         param_tail = MARISA_TEXT_TAIL;
    380         break;
    381       }
    382       case 'b': {
    383         param_tail = MARISA_BINARY_TAIL;
    384         break;
    385       }
    386       case 't': {
    387         param_tail = MARISA_WITHOUT_TAIL;
    388         break;
    389       }
    390       case 'w': {
    391         param_order = MARISA_WEIGHT_ORDER;
    392         break;
    393       }
    394       case 'l': {
    395         param_order = MARISA_LABEL_ORDER;
    396         break;
    397       }
    398       case 'I': {
    399         predict_strs_flag = false;
    400         break;
    401       }
    402       case 'i': {
    403         predict_strs_flag = true;
    404         break;
    405       }
    406       case 'S': {
    407         speed_flag = true;
    408         break;
    409       }
    410       case 's': {
    411         speed_flag = false;
    412         break;
    413       }
    414       case 'h': {
    415         print_help(argv[0]);
    416         return 0;
    417       }
    418       default: {
    419         return 1;
    420       }
    421     }
    422   }
    423   print_config();
    424   return benchmark(cmdopt.argv + cmdopt.optind, cmdopt.argc - cmdopt.optind);
    425 }