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      1 /*
      2  * Benchmarks surface-to-surface blits in various formats.
      3  *
      4  *  Written by Ryan C. Gordon.
      5  */
      7 #include <stdio.h>
      8 #include <stdlib.h>
      9 #include <string.h>
     11 #include "SDL.h"
     13 static SDL_Surface *dest = NULL;
     14 static SDL_Surface *src = NULL;
     15 static int testSeconds = 10;
     18 static int percent(int val, int total)
     19 {
     20     return((int) ((((float) val) / ((float) total)) * 100.0f));
     21 }
     23 static int randRange(int lo, int hi)
     24 {
     25     return(lo + (int) (((double) hi)*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)));
     26 }
     28 static void copy_trunc_str(char *str, size_t strsize, const char *flagstr)
     29 {
     30     if ( (strlen(str) + strlen(flagstr)) >= (strsize - 1) )
     31         strcpy(str + (strsize - 5), " ...");
     32     else
     33         strcat(str, flagstr);
     34 }
     36 static void __append_sdl_surface_flag(SDL_Surface *_surface, char *str,
     37                                       size_t strsize, Uint32 flag,
     38                                       const char *flagstr)
     39 {
     40     if (_surface->flags & flag)
     41         copy_trunc_str(str, strsize, flagstr);
     42 }
     45 #define append_sdl_surface_flag(a, b, c, fl) __append_sdl_surface_flag(a, b, c, fl, " " #fl)
     46 #define print_tf_state(str, val) printf("%s: {%s}\n", str, (val) ? "true" : "false" )
     48 static void output_videoinfo_details(void)
     49 {
     50     const SDL_VideoInfo *info = SDL_GetVideoInfo();
     51     printf("SDL_GetVideoInfo():\n");
     52     if (info == NULL)
     53         printf("  (null.)\n");
     54     else
     55     {
     56         print_tf_state("  hardware surface available", info->hw_available);
     57         print_tf_state("  window manager available", info->wm_available);
     58         print_tf_state("  accelerated hardware->hardware blits", info->blit_hw);
     59         print_tf_state("  accelerated hardware->hardware colorkey blits", info->blit_hw_CC);
     60         print_tf_state("  accelerated hardware->hardware alpha blits", info->blit_hw_A);
     61         print_tf_state("  accelerated software->hardware blits", info->blit_sw);
     62         print_tf_state("  accelerated software->hardware colorkey blits", info->blit_sw_CC);
     63         print_tf_state("  accelerated software->hardware alpha blits", info->blit_sw_A);
     64         print_tf_state("  accelerated color fills", info->blit_fill);
     65         printf("  video memory: (%d)\n", info->video_mem);
     66     }
     68     printf("\n");
     69 }
     71 static void output_surface_details(const char *name, SDL_Surface *surface)
     72 {
     73     printf("Details for %s:\n", name);
     75     if (surface == NULL)
     76     {
     77         printf("-WARNING- You've got a NULL surface!");
     78     }
     79     else
     80     {
     81         char f[256];
     82         printf("  width      : %d\n", surface->w);
     83         printf("  height     : %d\n", surface->h);
     84         printf("  depth      : %d bits per pixel\n", surface->format->BitsPerPixel);
     85         printf("  pitch      : %d\n", (int) surface->pitch);
     86         printf("  alpha      : %d\n", (int) surface->format->alpha);
     87         printf("  colorkey   : 0x%X\n", (unsigned int) surface->format->colorkey);
     89         printf("  red bits   : 0x%08X mask, %d shift, %d loss\n",
     90                     (int) surface->format->Rmask,
     91                     (int) surface->format->Rshift,
     92                     (int) surface->format->Rloss);
     93         printf("  green bits : 0x%08X mask, %d shift, %d loss\n",
     94                     (int) surface->format->Gmask,
     95                     (int) surface->format->Gshift,
     96                     (int) surface->format->Gloss);
     97         printf("  blue bits  : 0x%08X mask, %d shift, %d loss\n",
     98                     (int) surface->format->Bmask,
     99                     (int) surface->format->Bshift,
    100                     (int) surface->format->Bloss);
    101         printf("  alpha bits : 0x%08X mask, %d shift, %d loss\n",
    102                     (int) surface->format->Amask,
    103                     (int) surface->format->Ashift,
    104                     (int) surface->format->Aloss);
    106         f[0] = '\0';
    108         /*append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof (f), SDL_SWSURFACE);*/
    109         if ((surface->flags & SDL_HWSURFACE) == 0)
    110             copy_trunc_str(f, sizeof (f), " SDL_SWSURFACE");
    112         append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof (f), SDL_HWSURFACE);
    113         append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof (f), SDL_ASYNCBLIT);
    114         append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof (f), SDL_ANYFORMAT);
    115         append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof (f), SDL_HWPALETTE);
    116         append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof (f), SDL_DOUBLEBUF);
    117         append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof (f), SDL_FULLSCREEN);
    118         append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof (f), SDL_OPENGL);
    119         append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof (f), SDL_OPENGLBLIT);
    120         append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof (f), SDL_RESIZABLE);
    121         append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof (f), SDL_NOFRAME);
    122         append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof (f), SDL_HWACCEL);
    123         append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof (f), SDL_SRCCOLORKEY);
    124         append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof (f), SDL_RLEACCELOK);
    125         append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof (f), SDL_RLEACCEL);
    126         append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof (f), SDL_SRCALPHA);
    127         append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof (f), SDL_PREALLOC);
    129         if (f[0] == '\0')
    130             strcpy(f, " (none)");
    132         printf("  flags      :%s\n", f);
    133     }
    135     printf("\n");
    136 }
    138 static void output_details(void)
    139 {
    140     output_videoinfo_details();
    141     output_surface_details("Source Surface", src);
    142     output_surface_details("Destination Surface", dest);
    143 }
    145 static Uint32 blit(SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Surface *src, int x, int y)
    146 {
    147     Uint32 start = 0;
    148     SDL_Rect srcRect;
    149     SDL_Rect dstRect;
    151     srcRect.x = 0;
    152     srcRect.y = 0;
    153     dstRect.x = x;
    154     dstRect.y = y;
    155     dstRect.w = srcRect.w = src->w;  /* SDL will clip as appropriate. */
    156     dstRect.h = srcRect.h = src->h;
    158     start = SDL_GetTicks();
    159     SDL_BlitSurface(src, &srcRect, dst, &dstRect);
    160     return(SDL_GetTicks() - start);
    161 }
    163 static void blitCentered(SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Surface *src)
    164 {
    165     int x = (dst->w - src->w) / 2;
    166     int y = (dst->h - src->h) / 2;
    167     blit(dst, src, x, y);
    168 }
    170 static int atoi_hex(const char *str)
    171 {
    172     if (str == NULL)
    173         return 0;
    175     if (strlen(str) > 2)
    176     {
    177         int retval = 0;
    178         if ((str[0] == '0') && (str[1] == 'x'))
    179             sscanf(str + 2, "%X", &retval);
    180         return(retval);
    181     }
    183     return(atoi(str));
    184 }
    187 static int setup_test(int argc, char **argv)
    188 {
    189     const char *dumpfile = NULL;
    190     SDL_Surface *bmp = NULL;
    191     Uint32 dstbpp = 32;
    192     Uint32 dstrmask = 0x00FF0000;
    193     Uint32 dstgmask = 0x0000FF00;
    194     Uint32 dstbmask = 0x000000FF;
    195     Uint32 dstamask = 0x00000000;
    196     Uint32 dstflags = 0;
    197     int dstw = 640;
    198     int dsth = 480;
    199     Uint32 srcbpp = 32;
    200     Uint32 srcrmask = 0x00FF0000;
    201     Uint32 srcgmask = 0x0000FF00;
    202     Uint32 srcbmask = 0x000000FF;
    203     Uint32 srcamask = 0x00000000;
    204     Uint32 srcflags = 0;
    205     int srcw = 640;
    206     int srch = 480;
    207     Uint32 origsrcalphaflags = 0;
    208     Uint32 origdstalphaflags = 0;
    209     Uint32 srcalphaflags = 0;
    210     Uint32 dstalphaflags = 0;
    211     int srcalpha = 255;
    212     int dstalpha = 255;
    213     int screenSurface = 0;
    214     int i = 0;
    216     for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
    217     {
    218         const char *arg = argv[i];
    220         if (strcmp(arg, "--dstbpp") == 0)
    221             dstbpp = atoi(argv[++i]);
    222         else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstrmask") == 0)
    223             dstrmask = atoi_hex(argv[++i]);
    224         else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstgmask") == 0)
    225             dstgmask = atoi_hex(argv[++i]);
    226         else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstbmask") == 0)
    227             dstbmask = atoi_hex(argv[++i]);
    228         else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstamask") == 0)
    229             dstamask = atoi_hex(argv[++i]);
    230         else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstwidth") == 0)
    231             dstw = atoi(argv[++i]);
    232         else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstheight") == 0)
    233             dsth = atoi(argv[++i]);
    234         else if (strcmp(arg, "--dsthwsurface") == 0)
    235             dstflags |= SDL_HWSURFACE;
    236         else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcbpp") == 0)
    237             srcbpp = atoi(argv[++i]);
    238         else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcrmask") == 0)
    239             srcrmask = atoi_hex(argv[++i]);
    240         else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcgmask") == 0)
    241             srcgmask = atoi_hex(argv[++i]);
    242         else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcbmask") == 0)
    243             srcbmask = atoi_hex(argv[++i]);
    244         else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcamask") == 0)
    245             srcamask = atoi_hex(argv[++i]);
    246         else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcwidth") == 0)
    247             srcw = atoi(argv[++i]);
    248         else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcheight") == 0)
    249             srch = atoi(argv[++i]);
    250         else if (strcmp(arg, "--srchwsurface") == 0)
    251             srcflags |= SDL_HWSURFACE;
    252         else if (strcmp(arg, "--seconds") == 0)
    253             testSeconds = atoi(argv[++i]);
    254         else if (strcmp(arg, "--screen") == 0)
    255             screenSurface = 1;
    256         else if (strcmp(arg, "--dumpfile") == 0)
    257             dumpfile = argv[++i];
    258         /* !!! FIXME: set colorkey. */
    259         else if (0)  /* !!! FIXME: we handle some commandlines elsewhere now */
    260         {
    261             fprintf(stderr, "Unknown commandline option: %s\n", arg);
    262             return(0);
    263         }
    264     }
    266     if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) == -1)
    267     {
    268         fprintf(stderr, "SDL_Init failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
    269         return(0);
    270     }
    272     bmp = SDL_LoadBMP("sample.bmp");
    273     if (bmp == NULL)
    274     {
    275         fprintf(stderr, "SDL_LoadBMP failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
    276         SDL_Quit();
    277         return(0);
    278     }
    280     if ((dstflags & SDL_HWSURFACE) == 0) dstflags |= SDL_SWSURFACE;
    281     if ((srcflags & SDL_HWSURFACE) == 0) srcflags |= SDL_SWSURFACE;
    283     if (screenSurface)
    284         dest = SDL_SetVideoMode(dstw, dsth, dstbpp, dstflags);
    285     else
    286     {
    287         dest = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(dstflags, dstw, dsth, dstbpp,
    288                                     dstrmask, dstgmask, dstbmask, dstamask);
    289     }
    291     if (dest == NULL)
    292     {
    293         fprintf(stderr, "dest surface creation failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
    294         SDL_Quit();
    295         return(0);
    296     }
    298     src = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(srcflags, srcw, srch, srcbpp,
    299                                srcrmask, srcgmask, srcbmask, srcamask);
    300     if (src == NULL)
    301     {
    302         fprintf(stderr, "src surface creation failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
    303         SDL_Quit();
    304         return(0);
    305     }
    307     /* handle alpha settings... */
    308     srcalphaflags = (src->flags&SDL_SRCALPHA) | (src->flags&SDL_RLEACCEL);
    309     dstalphaflags = (dest->flags&SDL_SRCALPHA) | (dest->flags&SDL_RLEACCEL);
    310     origsrcalphaflags = srcalphaflags;
    311     origdstalphaflags = dstalphaflags;
    312     srcalpha = src->format->alpha;
    313     dstalpha = dest->format->alpha;
    314     for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
    315     {
    316         const char *arg = argv[i];
    318         if (strcmp(arg, "--srcalpha") == 0)
    319             srcalpha = atoi(argv[++i]);
    320         else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstalpha") == 0)
    321             dstalpha = atoi(argv[++i]);
    322         else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcsrcalpha") == 0)
    323             srcalphaflags |= SDL_SRCALPHA;
    324         else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcnosrcalpha") == 0)
    325             srcalphaflags &= ~SDL_SRCALPHA;
    326         else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcrleaccel") == 0)
    327             srcalphaflags |= SDL_RLEACCEL;
    328         else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcnorleaccel") == 0)
    329             srcalphaflags &= ~SDL_RLEACCEL;
    330         else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstsrcalpha") == 0)
    331             dstalphaflags |= SDL_SRCALPHA;
    332         else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstnosrcalpha") == 0)
    333             dstalphaflags &= ~SDL_SRCALPHA;
    334         else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstrleaccel") == 0)
    335             dstalphaflags |= SDL_RLEACCEL;
    336         else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstnorleaccel") == 0)
    337             dstalphaflags &= ~SDL_RLEACCEL;
    338     }
    339     if ((dstalphaflags != origdstalphaflags) || (dstalpha != dest->format->alpha))
    340         SDL_SetAlpha(dest, dstalphaflags, (Uint8) dstalpha);
    341     if ((srcalphaflags != origsrcalphaflags) || (srcalpha != src->format->alpha))
    342         SDL_SetAlpha(src, srcalphaflags, (Uint8) srcalpha);
    344     /* set some sane defaults so we can see if the blit code is broken... */
    345     SDL_FillRect(dest, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(dest->format, 0, 0, 0));
    346     SDL_FillRect(src, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(src->format, 0, 0, 0));
    348     blitCentered(src, bmp);
    349     SDL_FreeSurface(bmp);
    351     if (dumpfile)
    352         SDL_SaveBMP(src, dumpfile);  /* make sure initial convert is sane. */
    354     output_details();
    356     return(1);
    357 }
    360 static void test_blit_speed(void)
    361 {
    362     Uint32 clearColor = SDL_MapRGB(dest->format, 0, 0, 0);
    363     Uint32 iterations = 0;
    364     Uint32 elasped = 0;
    365     Uint32 end = 0;
    366     Uint32 now = 0;
    367     Uint32 last = 0;
    368     int testms = testSeconds * 1000;
    369     int wmax = (dest->w - src->w);
    370     int hmax = (dest->h - src->h);
    371     int isScreen = (SDL_GetVideoSurface() == dest);
    372     SDL_Event event;
    374     printf("Testing blit speed for %d seconds...\n", testSeconds);
    376     now = SDL_GetTicks();
    377     end = now + testms;
    379     do
    380     {
    381         /* pump the event queue occasionally to keep OS happy... */
    382         if (now - last > 1000)
    383         {
    384             last = now;
    385             while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { /* no-op. */ }
    386         }
    388         iterations++;
    389         elasped += blit(dest, src, randRange(0, wmax), randRange(0, hmax));
    390         if (isScreen)
    391         {
    392             SDL_Flip(dest);  /* show it! */
    393             SDL_FillRect(dest, NULL, clearColor); /* blank it for next time! */
    394         }
    396         now = SDL_GetTicks();
    397     } while (now < end);
    399     printf("Non-blitting crap accounted for %d percent of this run.\n",
    400             percent(testms - elasped, testms));
    402     printf("%d blits took %d ms (%d fps).\n",
    403             (int) iterations,
    404             (int) elasped,
    405             (int) (((float)iterations) / (((float)elasped) / 1000.0f)));
    406 }
    408 int main(int argc, char **argv)
    409 {
    410     int initialized = setup_test(argc, argv);
    411     if (initialized)
    412     {
    413         test_blit_speed();
    414         SDL_Quit();
    415     }
    416     return(!initialized);
    417 }
    419 /* end of testblitspeed.c ... */