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      1 // Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Brian Wellington (bwelling (at) xbill.org)
      3 package org.xbill.DNS;
      5 import java.net.*;
      7 /**
      8  * A set functions designed to deal with DNS names used in reverse mappings.
      9  * For the IPv4 address a.b.c.d, the reverse map name is d.c.b.a.in-addr.arpa.
     10  * For an IPv6 address, the reverse map name is ...ip6.arpa.
     11  *
     12  * @author Brian Wellington
     13  */
     15 public final class ReverseMap {
     17 private static Name inaddr4 = Name.fromConstantString("in-addr.arpa.");
     18 private static Name inaddr6 = Name.fromConstantString("ip6.arpa.");
     20 /* Otherwise the class could be instantiated */
     21 private
     22 ReverseMap() {}
     24 /**
     25  * Creates a reverse map name corresponding to an address contained in
     26  * an array of 4 bytes (for an IPv4 address) or 16 bytes (for an IPv6 address).
     27  * @param addr The address from which to build a name.
     28  * @return The name corresponding to the address in the reverse map.
     29  */
     30 public static Name
     31 fromAddress(byte [] addr) {
     32 	if (addr.length != 4 && addr.length != 16)
     33 		throw new IllegalArgumentException("array must contain " +
     34 						   "4 or 16 elements");
     36 	StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
     37 	if (addr.length == 4) {
     38 		for (int i = addr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
     39 			sb.append(addr[i] & 0xFF);
     40 			if (i > 0)
     41 				sb.append(".");
     42 		}
     43 	} else {
     44 		int [] nibbles = new int[2];
     45 		for (int i = addr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
     46 			nibbles[0] = (addr[i] & 0xFF) >> 4;
     47 			nibbles[1] = (addr[i] & 0xFF) & 0xF;
     48 			for (int j = nibbles.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
     49 				sb.append(Integer.toHexString(nibbles[j]));
     50 				if (i > 0 || j > 0)
     51 					sb.append(".");
     52 			}
     53 		}
     54 	}
     56 	try {
     57 		if (addr.length == 4)
     58 			return Name.fromString(sb.toString(), inaddr4);
     59 		else
     60 			return Name.fromString(sb.toString(), inaddr6);
     61 	}
     62 	catch (TextParseException e) {
     63 		throw new IllegalStateException("name cannot be invalid");
     64 	}
     65 }
     67 /**
     68  * Creates a reverse map name corresponding to an address contained in
     69  * an array of 4 integers between 0 and 255 (for an IPv4 address) or 16
     70  * integers between 0 and 255 (for an IPv6 address).
     71  * @param addr The address from which to build a name.
     72  * @return The name corresponding to the address in the reverse map.
     73  */
     74 public static Name
     75 fromAddress(int [] addr) {
     76 	byte [] bytes = new byte[addr.length];
     77 	for (int i = 0; i < addr.length; i++) {
     78 		if (addr[i] < 0 || addr[i] > 0xFF)
     79 			throw new IllegalArgumentException("array must " +
     80 							   "contain values " +
     81 							   "between 0 and 255");
     82 		bytes[i] = (byte) addr[i];
     83 	}
     84 	return fromAddress(bytes);
     85 }
     87 /**
     88  * Creates a reverse map name corresponding to an address contained in
     89  * an InetAddress.
     90  * @param addr The address from which to build a name.
     91  * @return The name corresponding to the address in the reverse map.
     92  */
     93 public static Name
     94 fromAddress(InetAddress addr) {
     95 	return fromAddress(addr.getAddress());
     96 }
     98 /**
     99  * Creates a reverse map name corresponding to an address contained in
    100  * a String.
    101  * @param addr The address from which to build a name.
    102  * @return The name corresponding to the address in the reverse map.
    103  * @throws UnknownHostException The string does not contain a valid address.
    104  */
    105 public static Name
    106 fromAddress(String addr, int family) throws UnknownHostException {
    107 	byte [] array = Address.toByteArray(addr, family);
    108 	if (array == null)
    109 		throw new UnknownHostException("Invalid IP address");
    110 	return fromAddress(array);
    111 }
    113 /**
    114  * Creates a reverse map name corresponding to an address contained in
    115  * a String.
    116  * @param addr The address from which to build a name.
    117  * @return The name corresponding to the address in the reverse map.
    118  * @throws UnknownHostException The string does not contain a valid address.
    119  */
    120 public static Name
    121 fromAddress(String addr) throws UnknownHostException {
    122 	byte [] array = Address.toByteArray(addr, Address.IPv4);
    123 	if (array == null)
    124 		array = Address.toByteArray(addr, Address.IPv6);
    125 	if (array == null)
    126 		throw new UnknownHostException("Invalid IP address");
    127 	return fromAddress(array);
    128 }
    130 }