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      1 # this test describes operation of voicetags and texttags
      2 #
      3 # to run this script please be sure to prepare the input grammars
      4 #
      5 # grxmlcompile -par baseline11k.par -grxml bothtags5.grxml 
      6 # make_g2g -base bothtags5,addWords=100 -out bothtags5.g2g 
      7 # grxmlcompile -par baseline11k.par -grxml enroll.grxml
      8 # make_g2g -base enroll -out enroll.g2g
      9 #
     10 # now from the srec/config/en.us directory run the script with the following command line:
     11 #
     12 # /system/bin/SRecTest -parfile baseline11k.par -tcp tcp/bothtags5.tcp -datapath audio/ >out_SHIP_bothtags5.txt 2>&1
     13 #
     15 # let's load up the voice-enrollment "grammar" and refer to it as "ve" later
     16 # ROOT is the name of the rule we activate in that grammar, no other rule should work anyways
     17 context_load  grammars/bothtags5.g2g  BothTags   trash  not_ve
     18 context_load  grammars/enroll.g2g VoiceEnroll ROOT ve
     19 ##context_load  grammars/bothtags5,addWords=100  BothTags   trash  not_ve
     20 ##context_load  grammars/enroll VoiceEnroll ROOT ve
     21 #
     22 # VOICETAGS
     23 # the pattern for voicetags is :
     24 # (1) the we loadup the voice-enrollment grammar
     25 # (2) the user utters the training token for the "voicetag" (sometimes loosely called nametag)
     26 # (3) the voicetag "recognition result" from that training token is then added to a list of tags (for saving to disk)n
     27 # (4) the voicetag is also added to the primary recognition grammar
     28 context_use  VoiceEnroll
     29 recognize_nist  v139/v139_024.nwv 0 0 VCE_Pete_Gonzalez
     30 context_free  VoiceEnroll
     31 context_use  BothTags
     32 addword_from_last_nametag  @Names VCE_Pete_Gonzalez 0
     33 context_free  BothTags
     34 context_use VoiceEnroll
     35 recognize_nist  v139/v139_254.nwv 0 0 VCE_Andrew_Evans
     36 context_free  VoiceEnroll
     37 context_use  BothTags
     38 addword_from_last_nametag  @Names VCE_Andrew_Evans 0
     39 context_free  BothTags
     40 context_use VoiceEnroll
     41 recognize_nist  v139/v139_127.nwv 0 0 VCE_Peter_Wilson
     42 context_free  VoiceEnroll
     43 context_use  BothTags
     44 addword_from_last_nametag  @Names VCE_Peter_Wilson 0
     45 context_free  BothTags
     46 context_use  VoiceEnroll
     47 recognize_nist  v139/v139_107.nwv 0 0 VCE_Edgar_Young
     48 context_free  VoiceEnroll
     49 context_use BothTags
     50 addword_from_last_nametag  @Names VCE_Edgar_Young 0
     51 context_free  BothTags
     52 context_use VoiceEnroll
     53 recognize_nist  v139/v139_248.nwv 0 0 VCE_John_Martinez
     54 context_free  VoiceEnroll
     55 context_use  BothTags
     56 addword_from_last_nametag  @Names VCE_John_Martinez 0
     57 #
     58 # TEXTTAGS
     59 # The pattern for texttags is that we just add the texttag
     60 # since pronunciation guessing is not always available we're specifying
     61 # the pronunciation to be used for this text tag.
     62 # If NULL appears in the transcription field (immediately after the name)
     63 # then the phonetic transcription will be requested from the G2P
     64 # (Grapheme-to-Phoneme) module at runtime.
     65 #
     66 addword  @Names Jen_Parker NULL 0 V='Jen_Parker'
     67 addword  @Names Jennifer_Hernandez NULL 0 V='Jennifer_Hernandez'
     68 addword  @Names Barb_Baker NULL 0 V='Barb_Baker'
     69 addword  @Names Elaine NULL 0 V='Elaine'
     70 addword  @Names David NULL 0 V='David'
     71 #
     73 # prepare the recognition context for recognition
     74 context_compile
     75 #
     77 #
     78 # These utterance test that we're able to recognize the voicetags
     79 recognize_nist  v139/v139_077.nwv 0 0 phone delete VCE_Pete_Gonzalez
     80 recognize_nist  v139/v139_040.nwv 0 0 phone delete VCE_Peter_Wilson
     81 recognize_nist  v139/v139_021.nwv 0 0 phone delete VCE_Edgar_Young
     82 recognize_nist  v139/v139_206.nwv 0 0 phone delete VCE_Andrew_Evans
     83 recognize_nist  v139/v139_103.nwv 0 0 phone delete VCE_John_Martinez
     84 #
     85 # CMD: context_reset
     86 # These utterances test that we're able to recognize the texttags
     87 recognize_nist  v139/v139_113.nwv 0 0 phone delete Jen_Parker
     88 recognize_nist  v139/v139_067.nwv 0 0 phone delete Jennifer_Hernandez
     89 recognize_nist  v139/v139_202.nwv 0 0 phone delete Barb_Baker
     90 recognize_nist  v139/v139_007.nwv 0 0 phone delete Elaine
     91 recognize_nist  v139/v139_189.nwv 0 0 phone delete David
     92 #
     93 #
     94 acousticstate_reset
     95 recognize_nist  m252/m252a12e.nwv 0 0 forward
     96 recognize_nist  m252/m252a22e.nwv 0 0 traffic
     97 recognize_nist  m252/m252a10e.nwv 0 0 changer
     98 recognize_nist  m252/m252a3fe.nwv 0 0 cd player
     99 recognize_nist  m252/m252a11e.nwv 0 0 traffic information
    100 recognize_nist  m252/m252a21e.nwv 0 0 traffic memory
    101 recognize_nist  m252/m252a24e.nwv 0 0 fahrenheit
    102 context_free  BothTags
    103 context_unload  VoiceEnroll
    104 context_unload  BothTags