1 This is a test to make sure you can get and set values in SessionStorage by index. 2 Setting FOO using the index setter. 3 Reading FOO: 4 BAR 5 BAR 6 BAR 7 8 Setting FOO again, using setItem. 9 Reading FOO: 10 BAZ 11 BAZ 12 BAZ 13 14 Setting FOO again, using the index setter. 15 Reading FOO: 16 BAT 17 BAT 18 BAT 19 20 Setting FOO again, using property-slot syntax 21 Reading FOO: 22 BATMAN 23 BATMAN 24 BATMAN 25 26 Removing FOO, then trying to read it 27 Reading FOO: 28 undefined 29 undefined 30 null 31 32 33