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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.internal.widget;
     19 import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
     21 import com.android.internal.widget.LockScreenWidgetCallback;
     22 import com.android.internal.widget.LockScreenWidgetInterface;
     24 import android.app.PendingIntent;
     25 import android.app.PendingIntent.CanceledException;
     26 import android.content.Context;
     27 import android.content.Intent;
     28 import android.graphics.Bitmap;
     29 import android.media.AudioManager;
     30 import android.media.MediaMetadataRetriever;
     31 import android.media.RemoteControlClient;
     32 import android.media.IRemoteControlDisplay;
     33 import android.os.Bundle;
     34 import android.os.Handler;
     35 import android.os.Message;
     36 import android.os.Parcel;
     37 import android.os.Parcelable;
     38 import android.os.RemoteException;
     39 import android.os.SystemClock;
     40 import android.text.Spannable;
     41 import android.text.TextUtils;
     42 import android.text.style.ForegroundColorSpan;
     43 import android.util.AttributeSet;
     44 import android.util.Log;
     45 import android.view.KeyEvent;
     46 import android.view.View;
     47 import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
     48 import android.widget.FrameLayout;
     49 import android.widget.ImageView;
     50 import android.widget.TextView;
     53 import com.android.internal.R;
     55 public class TransportControlView extends FrameLayout implements OnClickListener,
     56         LockScreenWidgetInterface {
     58     private static final int MSG_UPDATE_STATE = 100;
     59     private static final int MSG_SET_METADATA = 101;
     60     private static final int MSG_SET_TRANSPORT_CONTROLS = 102;
     61     private static final int MSG_SET_ARTWORK = 103;
     62     private static final int MSG_SET_GENERATION_ID = 104;
     63     private static final int MAXDIM = 512;
     64     private static final int DISPLAY_TIMEOUT_MS = 5000; // 5s
     65     protected static final boolean DEBUG = false;
     66     protected static final String TAG = "TransportControlView";
     68     private ImageView mAlbumArt;
     69     private TextView mTrackTitle;
     70     private ImageView mBtnPrev;
     71     private ImageView mBtnPlay;
     72     private ImageView mBtnNext;
     73     private int mClientGeneration;
     74     private Metadata mMetadata = new Metadata();
     75     private boolean mAttached;
     76     private PendingIntent mClientIntent;
     77     private int mTransportControlFlags;
     78     private int mCurrentPlayState;
     79     private AudioManager mAudioManager;
     80     private LockScreenWidgetCallback mWidgetCallbacks;
     81     private IRemoteControlDisplayWeak mIRCD;
     83     /**
     84      * The metadata which should be populated into the view once we've been attached
     85      */
     86     private Bundle mPopulateMetadataWhenAttached = null;
     88     // This handler is required to ensure messages from IRCD are handled in sequence and on
     89     // the UI thread.
     90     private Handler mHandler = new Handler() {
     91         @Override
     92         public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
     93             switch (msg.what) {
     94             case MSG_UPDATE_STATE:
     95                 if (mClientGeneration == msg.arg1) updatePlayPauseState(msg.arg2);
     96                 break;
     98             case MSG_SET_METADATA:
     99                 if (mClientGeneration == msg.arg1) updateMetadata((Bundle) msg.obj);
    100                 break;
    102             case MSG_SET_TRANSPORT_CONTROLS:
    103                 if (mClientGeneration == msg.arg1) updateTransportControls(msg.arg2);
    104                 break;
    106             case MSG_SET_ARTWORK:
    107                 if (mClientGeneration == msg.arg1) {
    108                     if (mMetadata.bitmap != null) {
    109                         mMetadata.bitmap.recycle();
    110                     }
    111                     mMetadata.bitmap = (Bitmap) msg.obj;
    112                     mAlbumArt.setImageBitmap(mMetadata.bitmap);
    113                 }
    114                 break;
    116             case MSG_SET_GENERATION_ID:
    117                 if (msg.arg2 != 0) {
    118                     // This means nobody is currently registered. Hide the view.
    119                     if (mWidgetCallbacks != null) {
    120                         mWidgetCallbacks.requestHide(TransportControlView.this);
    121                     }
    122                 }
    123                 if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "New genId = " + msg.arg1 + ", clearing = " + msg.arg2);
    124                 mClientGeneration = msg.arg1;
    125                 mClientIntent = (PendingIntent) msg.obj;
    126                 break;
    128             }
    129         }
    130     };
    132     /**
    133      * This class is required to have weak linkage to the current TransportControlView
    134      * because the remote process can hold a strong reference to this binder object and
    135      * we can't predict when it will be GC'd in the remote process. Without this code, it
    136      * would allow a heavyweight object to be held on this side of the binder when there's
    137      * no requirement to run a GC on the other side.
    138      */
    139     private static class IRemoteControlDisplayWeak extends IRemoteControlDisplay.Stub {
    140         private WeakReference<Handler> mLocalHandler;
    142         IRemoteControlDisplayWeak(Handler handler) {
    143             mLocalHandler = new WeakReference<Handler>(handler);
    144         }
    146         public void setPlaybackState(int generationId, int state, long stateChangeTimeMs,
    147                 long currentPosMs, float speed) {
    148             Handler handler = mLocalHandler.get();
    149             if (handler != null) {
    150                 handler.obtainMessage(MSG_UPDATE_STATE, generationId, state).sendToTarget();
    151             }
    152         }
    154         public void setMetadata(int generationId, Bundle metadata) {
    155             Handler handler = mLocalHandler.get();
    156             if (handler != null) {
    157                 handler.obtainMessage(MSG_SET_METADATA, generationId, 0, metadata).sendToTarget();
    158             }
    159         }
    161         public void setTransportControlInfo(int generationId, int flags, int posCapabilities) {
    162             Handler handler = mLocalHandler.get();
    163             if (handler != null) {
    164                 handler.obtainMessage(MSG_SET_TRANSPORT_CONTROLS, generationId, flags)
    165                         .sendToTarget();
    166             }
    167         }
    169         public void setArtwork(int generationId, Bitmap bitmap) {
    170             Handler handler = mLocalHandler.get();
    171             if (handler != null) {
    172                 handler.obtainMessage(MSG_SET_ARTWORK, generationId, 0, bitmap).sendToTarget();
    173             }
    174         }
    176         public void setAllMetadata(int generationId, Bundle metadata, Bitmap bitmap) {
    177             Handler handler = mLocalHandler.get();
    178             if (handler != null) {
    179                 handler.obtainMessage(MSG_SET_METADATA, generationId, 0, metadata).sendToTarget();
    180                 handler.obtainMessage(MSG_SET_ARTWORK, generationId, 0, bitmap).sendToTarget();
    181             }
    182         }
    184         public void setCurrentClientId(int clientGeneration, PendingIntent mediaIntent,
    185                 boolean clearing) throws RemoteException {
    186             Handler handler = mLocalHandler.get();
    187             if (handler != null) {
    188                 handler.obtainMessage(MSG_SET_GENERATION_ID,
    189                     clientGeneration, (clearing ? 1 : 0), mediaIntent).sendToTarget();
    190             }
    191         }
    192     };
    194     public TransportControlView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    195         super(context, attrs);
    196         if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Create TCV " + this);
    197         mAudioManager = new AudioManager(mContext);
    198         mCurrentPlayState = RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_NONE; // until we get a callback
    199         mIRCD = new IRemoteControlDisplayWeak(mHandler);
    200     }
    202     private void updateTransportControls(int transportControlFlags) {
    203         mTransportControlFlags = transportControlFlags;
    204     }
    206     @Override
    207     public void onFinishInflate() {
    208         super.onFinishInflate();
    209         mTrackTitle = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.title);
    210         mTrackTitle.setSelected(true); // enable marquee
    211         mAlbumArt = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.albumart);
    212         mBtnPrev = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.btn_prev);
    213         mBtnPlay = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.btn_play);
    214         mBtnNext = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.btn_next);
    215         final View buttons[] = { mBtnPrev, mBtnPlay, mBtnNext };
    216         for (View view : buttons) {
    217             view.setOnClickListener(this);
    218         }
    219     }
    221     @Override
    222     public void onAttachedToWindow() {
    223         super.onAttachedToWindow();
    224         if (mPopulateMetadataWhenAttached != null) {
    225             updateMetadata(mPopulateMetadataWhenAttached);
    226             mPopulateMetadataWhenAttached = null;
    227         }
    228         if (!mAttached) {
    229             if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Registering TCV " + this);
    230             mAudioManager.registerRemoteControlDisplay(mIRCD);
    231         }
    232         mAttached = true;
    233     }
    235     @Override
    236     public void onDetachedFromWindow() {
    237         super.onDetachedFromWindow();
    238         if (mAttached) {
    239             if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Unregistering TCV " + this);
    240             mAudioManager.unregisterRemoteControlDisplay(mIRCD);
    241         }
    242         mAttached = false;
    243     }
    245     @Override
    246     protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
    247         super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
    248         int dim = Math.min(MAXDIM, Math.max(getWidth(), getHeight()));
    249 //        Log.v(TAG, "setting max bitmap size: " + dim + "x" + dim);
    250 //        mAudioManager.remoteControlDisplayUsesBitmapSize(mIRCD, dim, dim);
    251     }
    253     class Metadata {
    254         private String artist;
    255         private String trackTitle;
    256         private String albumTitle;
    257         private Bitmap bitmap;
    259         public String toString() {
    260             return "Metadata[artist=" + artist + " trackTitle=" + trackTitle + " albumTitle=" + albumTitle + "]";
    261         }
    262     }
    264     private String getMdString(Bundle data, int id) {
    265         return data.getString(Integer.toString(id));
    266     }
    268     private void updateMetadata(Bundle data) {
    269         if (mAttached) {
    270             mMetadata.artist = getMdString(data, MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUMARTIST);
    271             mMetadata.trackTitle = getMdString(data, MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
    272             mMetadata.albumTitle = getMdString(data, MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM);
    273             populateMetadata();
    274         } else {
    275             mPopulateMetadataWhenAttached = data;
    276         }
    277     }
    279     /**
    280      * Populates the given metadata into the view
    281      */
    282     private void populateMetadata() {
    283         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    284         int trackTitleLength = 0;
    285         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mMetadata.trackTitle)) {
    286             sb.append(mMetadata.trackTitle);
    287             trackTitleLength = mMetadata.trackTitle.length();
    288         }
    289         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mMetadata.artist)) {
    290             if (sb.length() != 0) {
    291                 sb.append(" - ");
    292             }
    293             sb.append(mMetadata.artist);
    294         }
    295         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mMetadata.albumTitle)) {
    296             if (sb.length() != 0) {
    297                 sb.append(" - ");
    298             }
    299             sb.append(mMetadata.albumTitle);
    300         }
    301         mTrackTitle.setText(sb.toString(), TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE);
    302         Spannable str = (Spannable) mTrackTitle.getText();
    303         if (trackTitleLength != 0) {
    304             str.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(0xffffffff), 0, trackTitleLength,
    305                     Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
    306             trackTitleLength++;
    307         }
    308         if (sb.length() > trackTitleLength) {
    309             str.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(0x7fffffff), trackTitleLength, sb.length(),
    310                     Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
    311         }
    313         mAlbumArt.setImageBitmap(mMetadata.bitmap);
    314         final int flags = mTransportControlFlags;
    315         setVisibilityBasedOnFlag(mBtnPrev, flags, RemoteControlClient.FLAG_KEY_MEDIA_PREVIOUS);
    316         setVisibilityBasedOnFlag(mBtnNext, flags, RemoteControlClient.FLAG_KEY_MEDIA_NEXT);
    317         setVisibilityBasedOnFlag(mBtnPlay, flags,
    318                 RemoteControlClient.FLAG_KEY_MEDIA_PLAY
    319                 | RemoteControlClient.FLAG_KEY_MEDIA_PAUSE
    320                 | RemoteControlClient.FLAG_KEY_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE
    321                 | RemoteControlClient.FLAG_KEY_MEDIA_STOP);
    323         updatePlayPauseState(mCurrentPlayState);
    324     }
    326     private static void setVisibilityBasedOnFlag(View view, int flags, int flag) {
    327         if ((flags & flag) != 0) {
    328             view.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
    329         } else {
    330             view.setVisibility(View.GONE);
    331         }
    332     }
    334     private void updatePlayPauseState(int state) {
    335         if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG,
    336                 "updatePlayPauseState(), old=" + mCurrentPlayState + ", state=" + state);
    337         if (state == mCurrentPlayState) {
    338             return;
    339         }
    340         final int imageResId;
    341         final int imageDescId;
    342         boolean showIfHidden = false;
    343         switch (state) {
    344             case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_ERROR:
    345                 imageResId = com.android.internal.R.drawable.stat_sys_warning;
    346                 // TODO use more specific image description string for warning, but here the "play"
    347                 //      message is still valid because this button triggers a play command.
    348                 imageDescId = com.android.internal.R.string.lockscreen_transport_play_description;
    349                 break;
    351             case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_PLAYING:
    352                 imageResId = com.android.internal.R.drawable.ic_media_pause;
    353                 imageDescId = com.android.internal.R.string.lockscreen_transport_pause_description;
    354                 showIfHidden = true;
    355                 break;
    357             case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_BUFFERING:
    358                 imageResId = com.android.internal.R.drawable.ic_media_stop;
    359                 imageDescId = com.android.internal.R.string.lockscreen_transport_stop_description;
    360                 showIfHidden = true;
    361                 break;
    363             case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_PAUSED:
    364             default:
    365                 imageResId = com.android.internal.R.drawable.ic_media_play;
    366                 imageDescId = com.android.internal.R.string.lockscreen_transport_play_description;
    367                 showIfHidden = false;
    368                 break;
    369         }
    370         mBtnPlay.setImageResource(imageResId);
    371         mBtnPlay.setContentDescription(getResources().getString(imageDescId));
    372         if (showIfHidden && mWidgetCallbacks != null && !mWidgetCallbacks.isVisible(this)) {
    373             mWidgetCallbacks.requestShow(this);
    374         }
    375         mCurrentPlayState = state;
    376     }
    378     static class SavedState extends BaseSavedState {
    379         boolean wasShowing;
    381         SavedState(Parcelable superState) {
    382             super(superState);
    383         }
    385         private SavedState(Parcel in) {
    386             super(in);
    387             this.wasShowing = in.readInt() != 0;
    388         }
    390         @Override
    391         public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) {
    392             super.writeToParcel(out, flags);
    393             out.writeInt(this.wasShowing ? 1 : 0);
    394         }
    396         public static final Parcelable.Creator<SavedState> CREATOR
    397                 = new Parcelable.Creator<SavedState>() {
    398             public SavedState createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
    399                 return new SavedState(in);
    400             }
    402             public SavedState[] newArray(int size) {
    403                 return new SavedState[size];
    404             }
    405         };
    406     }
    408     @Override
    409     public Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() {
    410         if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "onSaveInstanceState()");
    411         Parcelable superState = super.onSaveInstanceState();
    412         SavedState ss = new SavedState(superState);
    413         ss.wasShowing = mWidgetCallbacks != null && mWidgetCallbacks.isVisible(this);
    414         return ss;
    415     }
    417     @Override
    418     public void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) {
    419         if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "onRestoreInstanceState()");
    420         if (!(state instanceof SavedState)) {
    421             super.onRestoreInstanceState(state);
    422             return;
    423         }
    424         SavedState ss = (SavedState) state;
    425         super.onRestoreInstanceState(ss.getSuperState());
    426         if (ss.wasShowing && mWidgetCallbacks != null) {
    427             mWidgetCallbacks.requestShow(this);
    428         }
    429     }
    431     public void onClick(View v) {
    432         int keyCode = -1;
    433         if (v == mBtnPrev) {
    434             keyCode = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS;
    435         } else if (v == mBtnNext) {
    436             keyCode = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_NEXT;
    437         } else if (v == mBtnPlay) {
    438             keyCode = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE;
    440         }
    441         if (keyCode != -1) {
    442             sendMediaButtonClick(keyCode);
    443             if (mWidgetCallbacks != null) {
    444                 mWidgetCallbacks.userActivity(this);
    445             }
    446         }
    447     }
    449     private void sendMediaButtonClick(int keyCode) {
    450         if (mClientIntent == null) {
    451             // Shouldn't be possible because this view should be hidden in this case.
    452             Log.e(TAG, "sendMediaButtonClick(): No client is currently registered");
    453             return;
    454         }
    455         // use the registered PendingIntent that will be processed by the registered
    456         //    media button event receiver, which is the component of mClientIntent
    457         KeyEvent keyEvent = new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, keyCode);
    458         Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON);
    459         intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT, keyEvent);
    460         try {
    461             mClientIntent.send(getContext(), 0, intent);
    462         } catch (CanceledException e) {
    463             Log.e(TAG, "Error sending intent for media button down: "+e);
    464             e.printStackTrace();
    465         }
    467         keyEvent = new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, keyCode);
    468         intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON);
    469         intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT, keyEvent);
    470         try {
    471             mClientIntent.send(getContext(), 0, intent);
    472         } catch (CanceledException e) {
    473             Log.e(TAG, "Error sending intent for media button up: "+e);
    474             e.printStackTrace();
    475         }
    476     }
    478     public void setCallback(LockScreenWidgetCallback callback) {
    479         mWidgetCallbacks = callback;
    480     }
    482     public boolean providesClock() {
    483         return false;
    484     }
    486     private boolean wasPlayingRecently(int state, long stateChangeTimeMs) {
    487         switch (state) {
    488             case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_PLAYING:
    489             case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_FAST_FORWARDING:
    490             case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_REWINDING:
    491             case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_SKIPPING_FORWARDS:
    492             case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_SKIPPING_BACKWARDS:
    493             case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_BUFFERING:
    494                 // actively playing or about to play
    495                 return true;
    496             case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_NONE:
    497                 return false;
    498             case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_STOPPED:
    499             case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_PAUSED:
    500             case RemoteControlClient.PLAYSTATE_ERROR:
    501                 // we have stopped playing, check how long ago
    502                 if (DEBUG) {
    503                     if ((SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - stateChangeTimeMs) < DISPLAY_TIMEOUT_MS) {
    504                         Log.v(TAG, "wasPlayingRecently: time < TIMEOUT was playing recently");
    505                     } else {
    506                         Log.v(TAG, "wasPlayingRecently: time > TIMEOUT");
    507                     }
    508                 }
    509                 return ((SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - stateChangeTimeMs) < DISPLAY_TIMEOUT_MS);
    510             default:
    511                 Log.e(TAG, "Unknown playback state " + state + " in wasPlayingRecently()");
    512                 return false;
    513         }
    514     }
    515 }