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__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0 __android_log_bwrite __android_log_btwrite pthread_mutex_lock open close pthread_mutex_unlock writev __errno __android_log_write strcmp strlen abort __android_log_assert vsnprintf __stack_chk_guard __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1 __android_log_print __stack_chk_fail __android_log_vprint __android_log_dev_available access android_log_setPrintFormat android_log_format_free __aeabi_idiv android_log_formatLogLine localtime strftime strcpy malloc strcat strncat memcpy fprintf __sF android_log_processBinaryLogBuffer android_lookupEventTag fputs android_log_processLogBuffer android_log_format_new calloc strdup android_log_addFilterRule strcspn strncmp _tolower_tab_ android_log_addFilterString strsep logprint_run_tests android_log_formatFromString android_log_shouldPrintLine android_log_filterAndPrintLogLine android_closeEventTagMap munmap strtoul qsort android_openEventTagMap strerror lseek mmap libc.so libstdc++.so libm.so __exidx_start __exidx_end __data_start _edata __bss_start __bss_start__ __bss_end__ __end__ _stack liblog.so 
/dev/log/main /dev/log/radio /dev/log/events HTC_RIL RILJ RILC RILD AT GSM STK %m-%d %H:%M:%S %c/%-8s: %c(%5d) (%s) %c(%5d:%p) %s.%03ld %c/%-8s(%5d): %s.%03ld %5d %5d %c %-8s: [ %s.%03ld %5d:%p %c/%-8s ] %c/%-8s(%5d): %d %lld Unknown binary event type %d [%d] Binary log entry conversion failed Warning: leftover binary log data (%d bytes) : * , running tests *:i *:v random random:v random:d random:w crap:* *:s random:d *:s random:z tests complete brief process tag thread raw time threadtime long +++ LOG: write failed (errno=%d) +++ LOG: write partial (%d of %d) j n r v z ~ b @ ARRRRGH %s: missing tag string on line %d EventTagMap %s: invalid tag chars on line %d %s: map file missing EOL on last line %s: more tags than expected (%d) %s: parsed %d tags, expected %d %s: unexpected chars (0x%02x) in tag number on line %d %s: duplicate tag entries (%d:%s and %d:%s) %s: file parse failed %s: unable to open map '%s': %s %s: unable to seek map '%s' %s: mmap(%s) failed: %s 
GCC: (GNU) 4.2.1 GCC: (GNU) 4.2.1 GCC: (GNU) 4.2.1 
LOG_ID_RADIO short int __write_to_log_kernel iov_len __android_log_btwrite log_id GNU C 4.2.1 kLogAvailable long long int pthread_mutex_t ssize_t value ANDROID_LOG_WARN write_to_log g_log_status cond LOG_ID_EVENTS __android_log_assert __android_log_vprint log_fd long long unsigned int ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG LOG_ID_MAIN __android_log_dev_available log_fds android_LogPriority unsigned char iovec type ANDROID_LOG_DEFAULT __android_log_write __android_log_print log_id_t __page_size /opt/digit/android/main/cupcake/android ANDROID_LOG_FATAL short unsigned int kLogNotAvailable __page_shift __write_to_log_null ANDROID_LOG_ERROR kLogUninitialized __builtin_va_list iov_base ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE LOG_ID_MAX system/core/liblog/logd_write.c __int32_t log_init_lock __write_to_log_init ANDROID_LOG_SILENT __gnuc_va_list ANDROID_LOG_INFO __kernel_size_t __android_log_bwrite ANDROID_LOG_UNKNOWN prio payload messageBuf android_log_addFilterString pthread_t bufferSize totalLen FORMAT_RAW tm_yday lineLen message no_room filterPriToChar _lbfsize _flags numLines tm_mday error _read lval android_log_processLogBuffer AndroidLogFormat pEventDataLen FORMAT_OFF _cookie __kernel_pid_t prefixLen tm_mon fpos_t android_log_shouldPrintLine p_info p_curFilter AndroidLogFormat_t count android_log_formatFromString mTag result android_log_printBinaryEvent __sFILE defaultBuffer prefixBuf android_log_processBinaryLogBuffer high android_log_format_free __uint16_t pEventData _offset get4LE outBuffer FORMAT_LONG tv_nsec mPri system/core/liblog/logprint.c tag_len android_log_format_new strLen __kernel_time_t __uint64_t outBuf logger_entry tagIndex ival _ext tm_year filterString _toupper_tab_ messageBufLen _close pOutBufLen FORMAT_TIME formatString android_log_filterAndPrintLogLine FORMAT_BRIEF android_log_addFilterRule global_pri _file __pad _tolower_tab_ bail __kernel_off_t android_log_setPrintFormat p_info_old filterinfo_new done logprint_run_tests p_format inCount suffixLen suffixBuf p_fi __sF tagName p_cur p_ret filterExpression headerBuf outCount priority tolower priChar AndroidLogEntry_t FORMAT_THREADTIME p_next FORMAT_THREAD android_log_formatLogLine EVENT_TYPE_STRING __uint8_t lineStart AndroidLogEntry AndroidLogPrintFormat filterPriForTag _blksize p_outLength tv_sec eventData FilterInfo_t prefixSuffixIsHeaderFooter tm_min tagLen tm_zone FORMAT_TAG filterCharToPri pOutBuf __uint32_t EVENT_TYPE_LIST eventDataLen FilterInfo get8LE __sbuf EVENT_TYPE_LONG defaultBufferSize tm_wday filters outRemaining tm_hour _ctype_ tm_sec tm_isdst messageLen tagNameLength FORMAT_PROCESS tm_gmtoff _nbuf timeBuf _seek outBufLen _ubuf filterStringCopy EVENT_TYPE_INT numTags android_closeEventTagMap isCharValidTag pData system/core/liblog/event_tag_map.c unknown mapAddr android_lookupEventTag mapLen endp isCharDigit fail isCharWhitespace tagNum tagArray parseMapLines tagStr startp android_openEventTagMap processFile tag1 tag2 countMapLines lineNum sortTags fileName newTagMap scanTagLine compareEventTags 
.symtab .strtab .shstrtab .hash .dynsym .dynstr .rel.dyn .rel.plt .text .rodata .ARM.extab .ARM.exidx .dynamic .got .data .bss .comment .debug_aranges .debug_pubnames .debug_info .debug_abbrev .debug_line .debug_frame .debug_str .debug_loc .ARM.attributes .debug_ranges 
logd_write.c $t __write_to_log_null $d write_to_log __write_to_log_init log_init_lock log_fds __write_to_log_kernel g_log_status logprint.c android_log_printBinaryEvent filterinfo_new format.3924 event_tag_map.c compareEventTags scanTagLine parseMapLines sortTags processFile _DYNAMIC _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ strcpy writev strerror logprint_run_tests snprintf __exidx_end munmap __stack_chk_guard __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0 android_log_setPrintFormat __errno _bss_end__ qsort android_log_processBinaryLogBuffer memcpy android_log_addFilterString malloc vsnprintf __bss_start__ strtoul __android_log_print __android_log_vprint __exidx_start __android_log_bwrite lseek mmap abort android_openEventTagMap __stack_chk_fail android_lookupEventTag calloc write fprintf strcat __aeabi_idiv __android_log_btwrite android_log_formatFromString __bss_end__ strncmp android_log_format_free __sF strncat strdup android_log_processLogBuffer __bss_start localtime __end__ strcmp pthread_mutex_unlock __android_log_write android_log_shouldPrintLine strcspn strsep android_log_addFilterRule android_log_format_new strftime __android_log_dev_available access _edata _end pthread_mutex_lock android_log_filterAndPrintLogLine _tolower_tab_ __android_log_assert android_log_formatLogLine strlen __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1 open android_closeEventTagMap _stack fputs __data_start close free