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      1 package ${packageName};
      3 <#if minApiLevel < 14>import android.annotation.TargetApi;</#if>
      4 import android.app.ActionBar;
      5 import android.os.Bundle;
      6 <#if minApiLevel < 14>import android.content.Context;
      7 import android.os.Build;</#if>
      8 import android.support.v4.app.Fragment;
      9 import android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity;
     10 import android.support.v4.app.NavUtils;
     11 import android.view.Gravity;
     12 import android.view.LayoutInflater;
     13 import android.view.Menu;
     14 import android.view.MenuItem;
     15 import android.view.View;
     16 import android.view.ViewGroup;
     17 import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
     18 import android.widget.TextView;
     20 public class ${activityClass} extends FragmentActivity implements ActionBar.OnNavigationListener {
     22     /**
     23      * The serialization (saved instance state) Bundle key representing the
     24      * current dropdown position.
     25      */
     26     private static final String STATE_SELECTED_NAVIGATION_ITEM = "selected_navigation_item";
     28     @Override
     29     protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
     30         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
     31         setContentView(R.layout.${layoutName});
     33         // Set up the action bar to show a dropdown list.
     34         final ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar();
     35         actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false);
     36         actionBar.setNavigationMode(ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_LIST);
     37         <#if parentActivityClass != "">
     38         // Show the Up button in the action bar.
     39         actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true);
     40         </#if>
     42         // Set up the dropdown list navigation in the action bar.
     43         actionBar.setListNavigationCallbacks(
     44                 // Specify a SpinnerAdapter to populate the dropdown list.
     45                 new ArrayAdapter<String>(
     46                         <#if minApiLevel gte 14>actionBar.getThemedContext()<#else>getActionBarThemedContextCompat()</#if>,
     47                         android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,
     48                         android.R.id.text1,
     49                         new String[] {
     50                                 getString(R.string.title_section1),
     51                                 getString(R.string.title_section2),
     52                                 getString(R.string.title_section3),
     53                         }),
     54                 this);
     55     }
     57     <#if minApiLevel < 14>
     58     /**
     59      * Backward-compatible version of {@link ActionBar#getThemedContext()} that
     60      * simply returns the {@link android.app.Activity} if
     61      * <code>getThemedContext</code> is unavailable.
     62      */
     63     @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH)
     64     private Context getActionBarThemedContextCompat() {
     65         if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) {
     66             return getActionBar().getThemedContext();
     67         } else {
     68             return this;
     69         }
     70     }
     71     </#if>
     73     @Override
     74     public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
     75         // Restore the previously serialized current dropdown position.
     76         if (savedInstanceState.containsKey(STATE_SELECTED_NAVIGATION_ITEM)) {
     77             getActionBar().setSelectedNavigationItem(
     78                     savedInstanceState.getInt(STATE_SELECTED_NAVIGATION_ITEM));
     79         }
     80     }
     82     @Override
     83     public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
     84         // Serialize the current dropdown position.
     85         outState.putInt(STATE_SELECTED_NAVIGATION_ITEM,
     86                 getActionBar().getSelectedNavigationIndex());
     87     }
     89     <#include "include_onCreateOptionsMenu.java.ftl">
     90     <#include "include_onOptionsItemSelected.java.ftl">
     92     @Override
     93     public boolean onNavigationItemSelected(int position, long id) {
     94         // When the given dropdown item is selected, show its contents in the
     95         // container view.
     96         Fragment fragment = new DummySectionFragment();
     97         Bundle args = new Bundle();
     98         args.putInt(DummySectionFragment.ARG_SECTION_NUMBER, position + 1);
     99         fragment.setArguments(args);
    100         getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction()
    101                 .replace(R.id.container, fragment)
    102                 .commit();
    103         return true;
    104     }
    106     <#include "include_DummySectionFragment.java.ftl">
    108 }