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      1 // Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #ifndef TOOLS_GN_SCOPE_H_
      6 #define TOOLS_GN_SCOPE_H_
      8 #include <map>
      9 #include <set>
     11 #include "base/basictypes.h"
     12 #include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
     13 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     14 #include "tools/gn/err.h"
     15 #include "tools/gn/pattern.h"
     16 #include "tools/gn/value.h"
     18 class FunctionCallNode;
     19 class ImportManager;
     20 class ParseNode;
     21 class Settings;
     22 class TargetManager;
     24 // Scope for the script execution.
     25 //
     26 // Scopes are nested. Writing goes into the toplevel scope, reading checks
     27 // values resursively down the stack until a match is found or there are no
     28 // more containing scopes.
     29 //
     30 // A containing scope can be const or non-const. The const containing scope is
     31 // used primarily to refer to the master build config which is shared across
     32 // many invocations. A const containing scope, however, prevents us from
     33 // marking variables "used" which prevents us from issuing errors on unused
     34 // variables. So you should use a non-const containing scope whenever possible.
     35 class Scope {
     36  public:
     37   typedef std::vector<std::pair<base::StringPiece, Value> > KeyValueVector;
     39   // Allows code to provide values for built-in variables. This class will
     40   // automatically register itself on construction and deregister itself on
     41   // destruction.
     42   class ProgrammaticProvider {
     43    public:
     44     ProgrammaticProvider(Scope* scope) : scope_(scope) {
     45       scope_->AddProvider(this);
     46     }
     47     ~ProgrammaticProvider() {
     48       scope_->RemoveProvider(this);
     49     }
     51     // Returns a non-null value if the given value can be programmatically
     52     // generated, or NULL if there is none.
     53     virtual const Value* GetProgrammaticValue(
     54         const base::StringPiece& ident) = 0;
     56    protected:
     57     Scope* scope_;
     58   };
     60   // Creates an empty toplevel scope.
     61   Scope(const Settings* settings);
     63   // Creates a dependent scope.
     64   Scope(Scope* parent);
     65   Scope(const Scope* parent);
     67   ~Scope();
     69   const Settings* settings() const { return settings_; }
     71   // See the const_/mutable_containing_ var declaraions below. Yes, it's a
     72   // bit weird that we can have a const pointer to the "mutable" one.
     73   Scope* mutable_containing() { return mutable_containing_; }
     74   const Scope* mutable_containing() const { return mutable_containing_; }
     75   const Scope* const_containing() const { return const_containing_; }
     76   const Scope* containing() const {
     77     return mutable_containing_ ? mutable_containing_ : const_containing_;
     78   }
     80   // Returns NULL if there's no such value.
     81   //
     82   // counts_as_used should be set if the variable is being read in a way that
     83   // should count for unused variable checking.
     84   const Value* GetValue(const base::StringPiece& ident,
     85                         bool counts_as_used);
     86   const Value* GetValue(const base::StringPiece& ident) const;
     88   // Same as GetValue, but if the value exists in a parent scope, we'll copy
     89   // it to the current scope. If the return value is non-null, the value is
     90   // guaranteed to be set in the current scope. Generatlly this will be used
     91   // if the calling code is planning on modifying the value in-place.
     92   //
     93   // Since this is used when doing read-modifies, we never count this access
     94   // as reading the variable, since we assume it will be written to.
     95   Value* GetValueForcedToCurrentScope(const base::StringPiece& ident,
     96                                       const ParseNode* set_node);
     98   // The set_node indicates the statement that caused the set, for displaying
     99   // errors later. Returns a pointer to the value in the current scope (a copy
    100   // is made for storage).
    101   Value* SetValue(const base::StringPiece& ident,
    102                   const Value& v,
    103                   const ParseNode* set_node);
    105   // Templates associated with this scope. A template can only be set once, so
    106   // AddTemplate will fail and return NULL if a rule with that name already
    107   // exists. GetTemplate returns NULL if the rule doesn't exist, and it will
    108   // check all containing scoped rescursively.
    109   bool AddTemplate(const std::string& name, const FunctionCallNode* decl);
    110   const FunctionCallNode* GetTemplate(const std::string& name) const;
    112   // Marks the given identifier as (un)used in the current scope.
    113   void MarkUsed(const base::StringPiece& ident);
    114   void MarkUnused(const base::StringPiece& ident);
    116   // Checks to see if the scope has a var set that hasn't been used. This is
    117   // called before replacing the var with a different one. It does not check
    118   // containing scopes.
    119   //
    120   // If the identifier is present but hasnn't been used, return true.
    121   bool IsSetButUnused(const base::StringPiece& ident) const;
    123   // Checks the scope to see if any values were set but not used, and fills in
    124   // the error and returns false if they were.
    125   bool CheckForUnusedVars(Err* err) const;
    127   // Returns all values set in the current scope, without going to the parent
    128   // scopes.
    129   void GetCurrentScopeValues(KeyValueVector* output) const;
    131   // Copies this scope's values into the destination. Values from the
    132   // containing scope(s) (normally shadowed into the current one) will not be
    133   // copied, neither will the reference to the containing scope (this is why
    134   // it's "non-recursive").
    135   //
    136   // It is an error to merge a variable into a scope that already has something
    137   // with that name in scope (meaning in that scope or in any of its containing
    138   // scopes). If this happens, the error will be set and the function will
    139   // return false.
    140   //
    141   // This is used in different contexts. When generating the error, the given
    142   // parse node will be blamed, and the given desc will be used to describe
    143   // the operation that doesn't support doing this. For example, desc_for_err
    144   // would be "import" when doing an import, and the error string would say
    145   // something like "The import contains...".
    146   bool NonRecursiveMergeTo(Scope* dest,
    147                            const ParseNode* node_for_err,
    148                            const char* desc_for_err,
    149                            Err* err) const;
    151   // Makes an empty scope with the given name. Returns NULL if the name is
    152   // already set.
    153   Scope* MakeTargetDefaults(const std::string& target_type);
    155   // Gets the scope associated with the given target name, or null if it hasn't
    156   // been set.
    157   const Scope* GetTargetDefaults(const std::string& target_type) const;
    159   // Filter to apply when the sources variable is assigned. May return NULL.
    160   const PatternList* GetSourcesAssignmentFilter() const;
    161   void set_sources_assignment_filter(
    162       scoped_ptr<PatternList> f) {
    163     sources_assignment_filter_ = f.Pass();
    164   }
    166   // Indicates if we're currently processing the build configuration file.
    167   // This is true when processing the config file for any toolchain. See also
    168   // *ProcessingDefaultBuildConfig() below.
    169   //
    170   // To set or clear the flag, it must currently be in the opposite state in
    171   // the current scope. Note that querying the state of the flag recursively
    172   // checks all containing scopes until it reaches the top or finds the flag
    173   // set.
    174   void SetProcessingBuildConfig();
    175   void ClearProcessingBuildConfig();
    176   bool IsProcessingBuildConfig() const;
    178   // Indicates we're currently processing the default toolchain's build
    179   // configuration file.
    180   void SetProcessingDefaultBuildConfig();
    181   void ClearProcessingDefaultBuildConfig();
    182   bool IsProcessingDefaultBuildConfig() const;
    184   // Indicates if we're currently processing an import file.
    185   //
    186   // See SetProcessingBaseConfig for how flags work.
    187   void SetProcessingImport();
    188   void ClearProcessingImport();
    189   bool IsProcessingImport() const;
    191   // Properties are opaque pointers that code can use to set state on a Scope
    192   // that it can retrieve later.
    193   //
    194   // The key should be a pointer to some use-case-specific object (to avoid
    195   // collisions, otherwise it doesn't matter). Memory management is up to the
    196   // setter. Setting the value to NULL will delete the property.
    197   //
    198   // Getting a property recursively searches all scopes, and the optional
    199   // |found_on_scope| variable will be filled with the actual scope containing
    200   // the key (if the pointer is non-NULL).
    201   void SetProperty(const void* key, void* value);
    202   void* GetProperty(const void* key, const Scope** found_on_scope) const;
    204  private:
    205   friend class ProgrammaticProvider;
    207   struct Record {
    208     Record() : used(false) {}
    209     Record(const Value& v) : used(false), value(v) {}
    211     bool used;  // Set to true when the variable is used.
    212     Value value;
    213   };
    215   void AddProvider(ProgrammaticProvider* p);
    216   void RemoveProvider(ProgrammaticProvider* p);
    218   // Scopes can have no containing scope (both null), a mutable containing
    219   // scope, or a const containing scope. The reason is that when we're doing
    220   // a new target, we want to refer to the base_config scope which will be read
    221   // by multiple threads at the same time, so we REALLY want it to be const.
    222   // When you jsut do a nested {}, however, we sometimes want to be able to
    223   // change things (especially marking unused vars).
    224   const Scope* const_containing_;
    225   Scope* mutable_containing_;
    227   const Settings* settings_;
    229   // Bits set for different modes. See the flag definitions in the .cc file
    230   // for more.
    231   unsigned mode_flags_;
    233   typedef base::hash_map<base::StringPiece, Record> RecordMap;
    234   RecordMap values_;
    236   // Owning pointers. Note that this can't use string pieces since the names
    237   // are constructed from Values which might be deallocated before this goes
    238   // out of scope.
    239   typedef base::hash_map<std::string, Scope*> NamedScopeMap;
    240   NamedScopeMap target_defaults_;
    242   // Null indicates not set and that we should fallback to the containing
    243   // scope's filter.
    244   scoped_ptr<PatternList> sources_assignment_filter_;
    246   // Non-owning pointers, the function calls are owned by the input file which
    247   // should be kept around by the input file manager.
    248   typedef std::map<std::string, const FunctionCallNode*> TemplateMap;
    249   TemplateMap templates_;
    251   typedef std::map<const void*, void*> PropertyMap;
    252   PropertyMap properties_;
    254   typedef std::set<ProgrammaticProvider*> ProviderSet;
    255   ProviderSet programmatic_providers_;
    258 };
    260 #endif  // TOOLS_GN_SCOPE_H_