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      1 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
      2 // for linear algebra.
      3 //
      4 // Copyright (C) 2009 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud (at) inria.fr>
      5 //
      6 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
      7 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
      8 // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
     13 namespace Eigen {
     15 namespace internal {
     17 // pack a selfadjoint block diagonal for use with the gebp_kernel
     18 template<typename Scalar, typename Index, int Pack1, int Pack2, int StorageOrder>
     19 struct symm_pack_lhs
     20 {
     21   template<int BlockRows> inline
     22   void pack(Scalar* blockA, const const_blas_data_mapper<Scalar,Index,StorageOrder>& lhs, Index cols, Index i, Index& count)
     23   {
     24     // normal copy
     25     for(Index k=0; k<i; k++)
     26       for(Index w=0; w<BlockRows; w++)
     27         blockA[count++] = lhs(i+w,k);           // normal
     28     // symmetric copy
     29     Index h = 0;
     30     for(Index k=i; k<i+BlockRows; k++)
     31     {
     32       for(Index w=0; w<h; w++)
     33         blockA[count++] = conj(lhs(k, i+w)); // transposed
     35       blockA[count++] = real(lhs(k,k));   // real (diagonal)
     37       for(Index w=h+1; w<BlockRows; w++)
     38         blockA[count++] = lhs(i+w, k);          // normal
     39       ++h;
     40     }
     41     // transposed copy
     42     for(Index k=i+BlockRows; k<cols; k++)
     43       for(Index w=0; w<BlockRows; w++)
     44         blockA[count++] = conj(lhs(k, i+w)); // transposed
     45   }
     46   void operator()(Scalar* blockA, const Scalar* _lhs, Index lhsStride, Index cols, Index rows)
     47   {
     48     const_blas_data_mapper<Scalar,Index,StorageOrder> lhs(_lhs,lhsStride);
     49     Index count = 0;
     50     Index peeled_mc = (rows/Pack1)*Pack1;
     51     for(Index i=0; i<peeled_mc; i+=Pack1)
     52     {
     53       pack<Pack1>(blockA, lhs, cols, i, count);
     54     }
     56     if(rows-peeled_mc>=Pack2)
     57     {
     58       pack<Pack2>(blockA, lhs, cols, peeled_mc, count);
     59       peeled_mc += Pack2;
     60     }
     62     // do the same with mr==1
     63     for(Index i=peeled_mc; i<rows; i++)
     64     {
     65       for(Index k=0; k<i; k++)
     66         blockA[count++] = lhs(i, k);              // normal
     68       blockA[count++] = real(lhs(i, i));       // real (diagonal)
     70       for(Index k=i+1; k<cols; k++)
     71         blockA[count++] = conj(lhs(k, i));     // transposed
     72     }
     73   }
     74 };
     76 template<typename Scalar, typename Index, int nr, int StorageOrder>
     77 struct symm_pack_rhs
     78 {
     79   enum { PacketSize = packet_traits<Scalar>::size };
     80   void operator()(Scalar* blockB, const Scalar* _rhs, Index rhsStride, Index rows, Index cols, Index k2)
     81   {
     82     Index end_k = k2 + rows;
     83     Index count = 0;
     84     const_blas_data_mapper<Scalar,Index,StorageOrder> rhs(_rhs,rhsStride);
     85     Index packet_cols = (cols/nr)*nr;
     87     // first part: normal case
     88     for(Index j2=0; j2<k2; j2+=nr)
     89     {
     90       for(Index k=k2; k<end_k; k++)
     91       {
     92         blockB[count+0] = rhs(k,j2+0);
     93         blockB[count+1] = rhs(k,j2+1);
     94         if (nr==4)
     95         {
     96           blockB[count+2] = rhs(k,j2+2);
     97           blockB[count+3] = rhs(k,j2+3);
     98         }
     99         count += nr;
    100       }
    101     }
    103     // second part: diagonal block
    104     for(Index j2=k2; j2<(std::min)(k2+rows,packet_cols); j2+=nr)
    105     {
    106       // again we can split vertically in three different parts (transpose, symmetric, normal)
    107       // transpose
    108       for(Index k=k2; k<j2; k++)
    109       {
    110         blockB[count+0] = conj(rhs(j2+0,k));
    111         blockB[count+1] = conj(rhs(j2+1,k));
    112         if (nr==4)
    113         {
    114           blockB[count+2] = conj(rhs(j2+2,k));
    115           blockB[count+3] = conj(rhs(j2+3,k));
    116         }
    117         count += nr;
    118       }
    119       // symmetric
    120       Index h = 0;
    121       for(Index k=j2; k<j2+nr; k++)
    122       {
    123         // normal
    124         for (Index w=0 ; w<h; ++w)
    125           blockB[count+w] = rhs(k,j2+w);
    127         blockB[count+h] = real(rhs(k,k));
    129         // transpose
    130         for (Index w=h+1 ; w<nr; ++w)
    131           blockB[count+w] = conj(rhs(j2+w,k));
    132         count += nr;
    133         ++h;
    134       }
    135       // normal
    136       for(Index k=j2+nr; k<end_k; k++)
    137       {
    138         blockB[count+0] = rhs(k,j2+0);
    139         blockB[count+1] = rhs(k,j2+1);
    140         if (nr==4)
    141         {
    142           blockB[count+2] = rhs(k,j2+2);
    143           blockB[count+3] = rhs(k,j2+3);
    144         }
    145         count += nr;
    146       }
    147     }
    149     // third part: transposed
    150     for(Index j2=k2+rows; j2<packet_cols; j2+=nr)
    151     {
    152       for(Index k=k2; k<end_k; k++)
    153       {
    154         blockB[count+0] = conj(rhs(j2+0,k));
    155         blockB[count+1] = conj(rhs(j2+1,k));
    156         if (nr==4)
    157         {
    158           blockB[count+2] = conj(rhs(j2+2,k));
    159           blockB[count+3] = conj(rhs(j2+3,k));
    160         }
    161         count += nr;
    162       }
    163     }
    165     // copy the remaining columns one at a time (=> the same with nr==1)
    166     for(Index j2=packet_cols; j2<cols; ++j2)
    167     {
    168       // transpose
    169       Index half = (std::min)(end_k,j2);
    170       for(Index k=k2; k<half; k++)
    171       {
    172         blockB[count] = conj(rhs(j2,k));
    173         count += 1;
    174       }
    176       if(half==j2 && half<k2+rows)
    177       {
    178         blockB[count] = real(rhs(j2,j2));
    179         count += 1;
    180       }
    181       else
    182         half--;
    184       // normal
    185       for(Index k=half+1; k<k2+rows; k++)
    186       {
    187         blockB[count] = rhs(k,j2);
    188         count += 1;
    189       }
    190     }
    191   }
    192 };
    194 /* Optimized selfadjoint matrix * matrix (_SYMM) product built on top of
    195  * the general matrix matrix product.
    196  */
    197 template <typename Scalar, typename Index,
    198           int LhsStorageOrder, bool LhsSelfAdjoint, bool ConjugateLhs,
    199           int RhsStorageOrder, bool RhsSelfAdjoint, bool ConjugateRhs,
    200           int ResStorageOrder>
    201 struct product_selfadjoint_matrix;
    203 template <typename Scalar, typename Index,
    204           int LhsStorageOrder, bool LhsSelfAdjoint, bool ConjugateLhs,
    205           int RhsStorageOrder, bool RhsSelfAdjoint, bool ConjugateRhs>
    206 struct product_selfadjoint_matrix<Scalar,Index,LhsStorageOrder,LhsSelfAdjoint,ConjugateLhs, RhsStorageOrder,RhsSelfAdjoint,ConjugateRhs,RowMajor>
    207 {
    209   static EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void run(
    210     Index rows, Index cols,
    211     const Scalar* lhs, Index lhsStride,
    212     const Scalar* rhs, Index rhsStride,
    213     Scalar* res,       Index resStride,
    214     Scalar alpha)
    215   {
    216     product_selfadjoint_matrix<Scalar, Index,
    217       EIGEN_LOGICAL_XOR(RhsSelfAdjoint,RhsStorageOrder==RowMajor) ? ColMajor : RowMajor,
    218       RhsSelfAdjoint, NumTraits<Scalar>::IsComplex && EIGEN_LOGICAL_XOR(RhsSelfAdjoint,ConjugateRhs),
    219       EIGEN_LOGICAL_XOR(LhsSelfAdjoint,LhsStorageOrder==RowMajor) ? ColMajor : RowMajor,
    220       LhsSelfAdjoint, NumTraits<Scalar>::IsComplex && EIGEN_LOGICAL_XOR(LhsSelfAdjoint,ConjugateLhs),
    221       ColMajor>
    222       ::run(cols, rows,  rhs, rhsStride,  lhs, lhsStride,  res, resStride,  alpha);
    223   }
    224 };
    226 template <typename Scalar, typename Index,
    227           int LhsStorageOrder, bool ConjugateLhs,
    228           int RhsStorageOrder, bool ConjugateRhs>
    229 struct product_selfadjoint_matrix<Scalar,Index,LhsStorageOrder,true,ConjugateLhs, RhsStorageOrder,false,ConjugateRhs,ColMajor>
    230 {
    232   static EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void run(
    233     Index rows, Index cols,
    234     const Scalar* _lhs, Index lhsStride,
    235     const Scalar* _rhs, Index rhsStride,
    236     Scalar* res,        Index resStride,
    237     Scalar alpha)
    238   {
    239     Index size = rows;
    241     const_blas_data_mapper<Scalar, Index, LhsStorageOrder> lhs(_lhs,lhsStride);
    242     const_blas_data_mapper<Scalar, Index, RhsStorageOrder> rhs(_rhs,rhsStride);
    244     typedef gebp_traits<Scalar,Scalar> Traits;
    246     Index kc = size;  // cache block size along the K direction
    247     Index mc = rows;  // cache block size along the M direction
    248     Index nc = cols;  // cache block size along the N direction
    249     computeProductBlockingSizes<Scalar,Scalar>(kc, mc, nc);
    250     // kc must smaller than mc
    251     kc = (std::min)(kc,mc);
    253     std::size_t sizeW = kc*Traits::WorkSpaceFactor;
    254     std::size_t sizeB = sizeW + kc*cols;
    255     ei_declare_aligned_stack_constructed_variable(Scalar, blockA, kc*mc, 0);
    256     ei_declare_aligned_stack_constructed_variable(Scalar, allocatedBlockB, sizeB, 0);
    257     Scalar* blockB = allocatedBlockB + sizeW;
    259     gebp_kernel<Scalar, Scalar, Index, Traits::mr, Traits::nr, ConjugateLhs, ConjugateRhs> gebp_kernel;
    260     symm_pack_lhs<Scalar, Index, Traits::mr, Traits::LhsProgress, LhsStorageOrder> pack_lhs;
    261     gemm_pack_rhs<Scalar, Index, Traits::nr,RhsStorageOrder> pack_rhs;
    262     gemm_pack_lhs<Scalar, Index, Traits::mr, Traits::LhsProgress, LhsStorageOrder==RowMajor?ColMajor:RowMajor, true> pack_lhs_transposed;
    264     for(Index k2=0; k2<size; k2+=kc)
    265     {
    266       const Index actual_kc = (std::min)(k2+kc,size)-k2;
    268       // we have selected one row panel of rhs and one column panel of lhs
    269       // pack rhs's panel into a sequential chunk of memory
    270       // and expand each coeff to a constant packet for further reuse
    271       pack_rhs(blockB, &rhs(k2,0), rhsStride, actual_kc, cols);
    273       // the select lhs's panel has to be split in three different parts:
    274       //  1 - the transposed panel above the diagonal block => transposed packed copy
    275       //  2 - the diagonal block => special packed copy
    276       //  3 - the panel below the diagonal block => generic packed copy
    277       for(Index i2=0; i2<k2; i2+=mc)
    278       {
    279         const Index actual_mc = (std::min)(i2+mc,k2)-i2;
    280         // transposed packed copy
    281         pack_lhs_transposed(blockA, &lhs(k2, i2), lhsStride, actual_kc, actual_mc);
    283         gebp_kernel(res+i2, resStride, blockA, blockB, actual_mc, actual_kc, cols, alpha);
    284       }
    285       // the block diagonal
    286       {
    287         const Index actual_mc = (std::min)(k2+kc,size)-k2;
    288         // symmetric packed copy
    289         pack_lhs(blockA, &lhs(k2,k2), lhsStride, actual_kc, actual_mc);
    291         gebp_kernel(res+k2, resStride, blockA, blockB, actual_mc, actual_kc, cols, alpha);
    292       }
    294       for(Index i2=k2+kc; i2<size; i2+=mc)
    295       {
    296         const Index actual_mc = (std::min)(i2+mc,size)-i2;
    297         gemm_pack_lhs<Scalar, Index, Traits::mr, Traits::LhsProgress, LhsStorageOrder,false>()
    298           (blockA, &lhs(i2, k2), lhsStride, actual_kc, actual_mc);
    300         gebp_kernel(res+i2, resStride, blockA, blockB, actual_mc, actual_kc, cols, alpha);
    301       }
    302     }
    303   }
    304 };
    306 // matrix * selfadjoint product
    307 template <typename Scalar, typename Index,
    308           int LhsStorageOrder, bool ConjugateLhs,
    309           int RhsStorageOrder, bool ConjugateRhs>
    310 struct product_selfadjoint_matrix<Scalar,Index,LhsStorageOrder,false,ConjugateLhs, RhsStorageOrder,true,ConjugateRhs,ColMajor>
    311 {
    313   static EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void run(
    314     Index rows, Index cols,
    315     const Scalar* _lhs, Index lhsStride,
    316     const Scalar* _rhs, Index rhsStride,
    317     Scalar* res,        Index resStride,
    318     Scalar alpha)
    319   {
    320     Index size = cols;
    322     const_blas_data_mapper<Scalar, Index, LhsStorageOrder> lhs(_lhs,lhsStride);
    324     typedef gebp_traits<Scalar,Scalar> Traits;
    326     Index kc = size; // cache block size along the K direction
    327     Index mc = rows;  // cache block size along the M direction
    328     Index nc = cols;  // cache block size along the N direction
    329     computeProductBlockingSizes<Scalar,Scalar>(kc, mc, nc);
    330     std::size_t sizeW = kc*Traits::WorkSpaceFactor;
    331     std::size_t sizeB = sizeW + kc*cols;
    332     ei_declare_aligned_stack_constructed_variable(Scalar, blockA, kc*mc, 0);
    333     ei_declare_aligned_stack_constructed_variable(Scalar, allocatedBlockB, sizeB, 0);
    334     Scalar* blockB = allocatedBlockB + sizeW;
    336     gebp_kernel<Scalar, Scalar, Index, Traits::mr, Traits::nr, ConjugateLhs, ConjugateRhs> gebp_kernel;
    337     gemm_pack_lhs<Scalar, Index, Traits::mr, Traits::LhsProgress, LhsStorageOrder> pack_lhs;
    338     symm_pack_rhs<Scalar, Index, Traits::nr,RhsStorageOrder> pack_rhs;
    340     for(Index k2=0; k2<size; k2+=kc)
    341     {
    342       const Index actual_kc = (std::min)(k2+kc,size)-k2;
    344       pack_rhs(blockB, _rhs, rhsStride, actual_kc, cols, k2);
    346       // => GEPP
    347       for(Index i2=0; i2<rows; i2+=mc)
    348       {
    349         const Index actual_mc = (std::min)(i2+mc,rows)-i2;
    350         pack_lhs(blockA, &lhs(i2, k2), lhsStride, actual_kc, actual_mc);
    352         gebp_kernel(res+i2, resStride, blockA, blockB, actual_mc, actual_kc, cols, alpha);
    353       }
    354     }
    355   }
    356 };
    358 } // end namespace internal
    360 /***************************************************************************
    361 * Wrapper to product_selfadjoint_matrix
    362 ***************************************************************************/
    364 namespace internal {
    365 template<typename Lhs, int LhsMode, typename Rhs, int RhsMode>
    366 struct traits<SelfadjointProductMatrix<Lhs,LhsMode,false,Rhs,RhsMode,false> >
    367   : traits<ProductBase<SelfadjointProductMatrix<Lhs,LhsMode,false,Rhs,RhsMode,false>, Lhs, Rhs> >
    368 {};
    369 }
    371 template<typename Lhs, int LhsMode, typename Rhs, int RhsMode>
    372 struct SelfadjointProductMatrix<Lhs,LhsMode,false,Rhs,RhsMode,false>
    373   : public ProductBase<SelfadjointProductMatrix<Lhs,LhsMode,false,Rhs,RhsMode,false>, Lhs, Rhs >
    374 {
    375   EIGEN_PRODUCT_PUBLIC_INTERFACE(SelfadjointProductMatrix)
    377   SelfadjointProductMatrix(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) : Base(lhs,rhs) {}
    379   enum {
    380     LhsIsUpper = (LhsMode&(Upper|Lower))==Upper,
    381     LhsIsSelfAdjoint = (LhsMode&SelfAdjoint)==SelfAdjoint,
    382     RhsIsUpper = (RhsMode&(Upper|Lower))==Upper,
    383     RhsIsSelfAdjoint = (RhsMode&SelfAdjoint)==SelfAdjoint
    384   };
    386   template<typename Dest> void scaleAndAddTo(Dest& dst, Scalar alpha) const
    387   {
    388     eigen_assert(dst.rows()==m_lhs.rows() && dst.cols()==m_rhs.cols());
    390     typename internal::add_const_on_value_type<ActualLhsType>::type lhs = LhsBlasTraits::extract(m_lhs);
    391     typename internal::add_const_on_value_type<ActualRhsType>::type rhs = RhsBlasTraits::extract(m_rhs);
    393     Scalar actualAlpha = alpha * LhsBlasTraits::extractScalarFactor(m_lhs)
    394                                * RhsBlasTraits::extractScalarFactor(m_rhs);
    396     internal::product_selfadjoint_matrix<Scalar, Index,
    397       EIGEN_LOGICAL_XOR(LhsIsUpper,
    398                         internal::traits<Lhs>::Flags &RowMajorBit) ? RowMajor : ColMajor, LhsIsSelfAdjoint,
    399       NumTraits<Scalar>::IsComplex && EIGEN_LOGICAL_XOR(LhsIsUpper,bool(LhsBlasTraits::NeedToConjugate)),
    400       EIGEN_LOGICAL_XOR(RhsIsUpper,
    401                         internal::traits<Rhs>::Flags &RowMajorBit) ? RowMajor : ColMajor, RhsIsSelfAdjoint,
    402       NumTraits<Scalar>::IsComplex && EIGEN_LOGICAL_XOR(RhsIsUpper,bool(RhsBlasTraits::NeedToConjugate)),
    403       internal::traits<Dest>::Flags&RowMajorBit  ? RowMajor : ColMajor>
    404       ::run(
    405         lhs.rows(), rhs.cols(),                 // sizes
    406         &lhs.coeffRef(0,0),    lhs.outerStride(),  // lhs info
    407         &rhs.coeffRef(0,0),    rhs.outerStride(),  // rhs info
    408         &dst.coeffRef(0,0), dst.outerStride(),  // result info
    409         actualAlpha                             // alpha
    410       );
    411   }
    412 };
    414 } // end namespace Eigen