Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in updater
      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include <list>
      6 #include <map>
      7 #include <set>
      8 #include <vector>
     10 #include "base/bind.h"
     11 #include "base/bind_helpers.h"
     12 #include "base/command_line.h"
     13 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
     14 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     15 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
     16 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
     17 #include "base/run_loop.h"
     18 #include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
     19 #include "base/stl_util.h"
     20 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
     21 #include "base/strings/string_split.h"
     22 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
     23 #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
     24 #include "base/threading/thread.h"
     25 #include "base/version.h"
     26 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h"
     27 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/blacklist.h"
     28 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/crx_installer.h"
     29 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_error_reporter.h"
     30 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_sync_data.h"
     31 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_system.h"
     32 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/test_blacklist.h"
     33 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/test_extension_prefs.h"
     34 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/test_extension_service.h"
     35 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/test_extension_system.h"
     36 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/updater/extension_downloader.h"
     37 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/updater/extension_downloader_delegate.h"
     38 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/updater/extension_updater.h"
     39 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/updater/manifest_fetch_data.h"
     40 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/updater/request_queue_impl.h"
     41 #include "chrome/browser/google/google_util.h"
     42 #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service_syncable.h"
     43 #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension.h"
     44 #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_manifest_constants.h"
     45 #include "chrome/common/omaha_query_params/omaha_query_params.h"
     46 #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
     47 #include "chrome/test/base/testing_profile.h"
     48 #include "content/public/browser/notification_details.h"
     49 #include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
     50 #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
     51 #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h"
     52 #include "content/public/browser/notification_source.h"
     53 #include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h"
     54 #include "content/public/test/test_browser_thread_bundle.h"
     55 #include "content/public/test/test_utils.h"
     56 #include "extensions/common/id_util.h"
     57 #include "libxml/globals.h"
     58 #include "net/base/backoff_entry.h"
     59 #include "net/base/escape.h"
     60 #include "net/base/load_flags.h"
     61 #include "net/url_request/test_url_fetcher_factory.h"
     62 #include "net/url_request/url_request_status.h"
     63 #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
     64 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
     66 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
     67 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/user_manager.h"
     68 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/settings/cros_settings.h"
     69 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/settings/device_settings_service.h"
     70 #endif
     72 using base::Time;
     73 using base::TimeDelta;
     74 using content::BrowserThread;
     75 using testing::DoAll;
     76 using testing::InvokeWithoutArgs;
     77 using testing::Mock;
     78 using testing::Return;
     79 using testing::SetArgPointee;
     80 using testing::_;
     82 namespace extensions {
     84 typedef ExtensionDownloaderDelegate::Error Error;
     85 typedef ExtensionDownloaderDelegate::PingResult PingResult;
     87 namespace {
     89 const net::BackoffEntry::Policy kNoBackoffPolicy = {
     90   // Number of initial errors (in sequence) to ignore before applying
     91   // exponential back-off rules.
     92   1000,
     94   // Initial delay for exponential back-off in ms.
     95   0,
     97   // Factor by which the waiting time will be multiplied.
     98   0,
    100   // Fuzzing percentage. ex: 10% will spread requests randomly
    101   // between 90%-100% of the calculated time.
    102   0,
    104   // Maximum amount of time we are willing to delay our request in ms.
    105   0,
    107   // Time to keep an entry from being discarded even when it
    108   // has no significant state, -1 to never discard.
    109   -1,
    111   // Don't use initial delay unless the last request was an error.
    112   false,
    113 };
    115 const char kEmptyUpdateUrlData[] = "";
    117 int kExpectedLoadFlags =
    118     net::LOAD_DO_NOT_SEND_COOKIES |
    119     net::LOAD_DO_NOT_SAVE_COOKIES |
    120     net::LOAD_DISABLE_CACHE;
    122 const ManifestFetchData::PingData kNeverPingedData(
    123     ManifestFetchData::kNeverPinged, ManifestFetchData::kNeverPinged, true);
    125 class MockExtensionDownloaderDelegate : public ExtensionDownloaderDelegate {
    126  public:
    127   MOCK_METHOD4(OnExtensionDownloadFailed, void(const std::string&,
    128                                                Error,
    129                                                const PingResult&,
    130                                                const std::set<int>&));
    131   MOCK_METHOD6(OnExtensionDownloadFinished, void(const std::string&,
    132                                                  const base::FilePath&,
    133                                                  const GURL&,
    134                                                  const std::string&,
    135                                                  const PingResult&,
    136                                                  const std::set<int>&));
    137   MOCK_METHOD5(OnBlacklistDownloadFinished, void(const std::string&,
    138                                                  const std::string&,
    139                                                  const std::string&,
    140                                                  const PingResult&,
    141                                                  const std::set<int>&));
    142   MOCK_METHOD2(GetPingDataForExtension,
    143                bool(const std::string&, ManifestFetchData::PingData*));
    144   MOCK_METHOD1(GetUpdateUrlData, std::string(const std::string&));
    145   MOCK_METHOD1(IsExtensionPending, bool(const std::string&));
    146   MOCK_METHOD2(GetExtensionExistingVersion,
    147                bool(const std::string&, std::string*));
    149   void Wait() {
    150     scoped_refptr<content::MessageLoopRunner> runner =
    151         new content::MessageLoopRunner;
    152     quit_closure_ = runner->QuitClosure();
    153     runner->Run();
    154     quit_closure_.Reset();
    155   }
    157   void Quit() {
    158     quit_closure_.Run();
    159   }
    161  private:
    162   base::Closure quit_closure_;
    163 };
    165 const int kNotificationsObserved[] = {
    168 };
    170 // A class that observes the notifications sent by the ExtensionUpdater and
    171 // the ExtensionDownloader.
    172 class NotificationsObserver : public content::NotificationObserver {
    173  public:
    174   NotificationsObserver() {
    175     for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kNotificationsObserved); ++i) {
    176       count_[i] = 0;
    177       registrar_.Add(this,
    178                      kNotificationsObserved[i],
    179                      content::NotificationService::AllSources());
    180     }
    181   }
    183   virtual ~NotificationsObserver() {
    184     for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kNotificationsObserved); ++i) {
    185       registrar_.Remove(this,
    186                         kNotificationsObserved[i],
    187                         content::NotificationService::AllSources());
    188     }
    189   }
    191   size_t StartedCount() { return count_[0]; }
    192   size_t UpdatedCount() { return count_[1]; }
    194   bool Updated(const std::string& id) {
    195     return updated_.find(id) != updated_.end();
    196   }
    198   void Wait() {
    199     scoped_refptr<content::MessageLoopRunner> runner =
    200         new content::MessageLoopRunner;
    201     quit_closure_ = runner->QuitClosure();
    202     runner->Run();
    203     quit_closure_.Reset();
    204   }
    206  private:
    207   virtual void Observe(int type,
    208                        const content::NotificationSource& source,
    209                        const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE {
    210     if (!quit_closure_.is_null())
    211       quit_closure_.Run();
    212     for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kNotificationsObserved); ++i) {
    213       if (kNotificationsObserved[i] == type) {
    214         count_[i]++;
    215         if (type == chrome::NOTIFICATION_EXTENSION_UPDATE_FOUND) {
    216           updated_.insert(
    217               content::Details<UpdateDetails>(details)->id);
    218         }
    219         return;
    220       }
    221     }
    222     NOTREACHED();
    223   }
    225   content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
    226   size_t count_[arraysize(kNotificationsObserved)];
    227   std::set<std::string> updated_;
    228   base::Closure quit_closure_;
    230   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NotificationsObserver);
    231 };
    233 }  // namespace
    235 // Base class for further specialized test classes.
    236 class MockService : public TestExtensionService {
    237  public:
    238   explicit MockService(TestExtensionPrefs* prefs)
    239       : prefs_(prefs),
    240         pending_extension_manager_(*this),
    241         blacklist_(prefs_->prefs()) {
    242   }
    244   virtual ~MockService() {}
    246   virtual PendingExtensionManager* pending_extension_manager() OVERRIDE {
    247     ADD_FAILURE() << "Subclass should override this if it will "
    248                   << "be accessed by a test.";
    249     return &pending_extension_manager_;
    250   }
    252   Profile* profile() { return &profile_; }
    254   net::URLRequestContextGetter* request_context() {
    255     return profile_.GetRequestContext();
    256   }
    258   ExtensionPrefs* extension_prefs() { return prefs_->prefs(); }
    260   PrefService* pref_service() { return prefs_->pref_service(); }
    262   Blacklist* blacklist() { return &blacklist_; }
    264   // Creates test extensions and inserts them into list. The name and
    265   // version are all based on their index. If |update_url| is non-null, it
    266   // will be used as the update_url for each extension.
    267   // The |id| is used to distinguish extension names and make sure that
    268   // no two extensions share the same name.
    269   void CreateTestExtensions(int id, int count, ExtensionList *list,
    270                             const std::string* update_url,
    271                             Manifest::Location location) {
    272     for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
    273       DictionaryValue manifest;
    274       manifest.SetString(extension_manifest_keys::kVersion,
    275                          base::StringPrintf("%d.0.0.0", i));
    276       manifest.SetString(extension_manifest_keys::kName,
    277                          base::StringPrintf("Extension %d.%d", id, i));
    278       if (update_url)
    279         manifest.SetString(extension_manifest_keys::kUpdateURL, *update_url);
    280       scoped_refptr<Extension> e =
    281           prefs_->AddExtensionWithManifest(manifest, location);
    282       ASSERT_TRUE(e.get() != NULL);
    283       list->push_back(e);
    284     }
    285   }
    287  protected:
    288   TestExtensionPrefs* const prefs_;
    289   PendingExtensionManager pending_extension_manager_;
    290   TestingProfile profile_;
    291   Blacklist blacklist_;
    293  private:
    294   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MockService);
    295 };
    298 bool ShouldInstallExtensionsOnly(const Extension* extension) {
    299   return extension->GetType() == Manifest::TYPE_EXTENSION;
    300 }
    302 bool ShouldInstallThemesOnly(const Extension* extension) {
    303   return extension->is_theme();
    304 }
    306 bool ShouldAlwaysInstall(const Extension* extension) {
    307   return true;
    308 }
    310 // Loads some pending extension records into a pending extension manager.
    311 void SetupPendingExtensionManagerForTest(
    312     int count,
    313     const GURL& update_url,
    314     PendingExtensionManager* pending_extension_manager) {
    315   for (int i = 1; i <= count; ++i) {
    316     PendingExtensionInfo::ShouldAllowInstallPredicate should_allow_install =
    317         (i % 2 == 0) ? &ShouldInstallThemesOnly : &ShouldInstallExtensionsOnly;
    318     const bool kIsFromSync = true;
    319     const bool kInstallSilently = true;
    320     std::string id = id_util::GenerateId(base::StringPrintf("extension%i", i));
    322     pending_extension_manager->AddForTesting(
    323         PendingExtensionInfo(id,
    324                              update_url,
    325                              Version(),
    326                              should_allow_install,
    327                              kIsFromSync,
    328                              kInstallSilently,
    329                              Manifest::INTERNAL));
    330   }
    331 }
    333 class ServiceForManifestTests : public MockService {
    334  public:
    335   explicit ServiceForManifestTests(TestExtensionPrefs* prefs)
    336       : MockService(prefs) {
    337   }
    339   virtual ~ServiceForManifestTests() {}
    341   virtual const Extension* GetExtensionById(
    342       const std::string& id, bool include_disabled) const OVERRIDE {
    343     const Extension* result = extensions_.GetByID(id);
    344     if (result || !include_disabled)
    345       return result;
    346     return disabled_extensions_.GetByID(id);
    347   }
    349   virtual const ExtensionSet* extensions() const OVERRIDE {
    350     return &extensions_;
    351   }
    353   virtual const ExtensionSet* disabled_extensions() const OVERRIDE {
    354     return &disabled_extensions_;
    355   }
    357   virtual PendingExtensionManager* pending_extension_manager() OVERRIDE {
    358     return &pending_extension_manager_;
    359   }
    361   virtual const Extension* GetPendingExtensionUpdate(
    362       const std::string& id) const OVERRIDE {
    363     return NULL;
    364   }
    366   virtual bool IsExtensionEnabled(const std::string& id) const OVERRIDE {
    367     return !disabled_extensions_.Contains(id);
    368   }
    370   void set_extensions(ExtensionList extensions) {
    371     for (ExtensionList::const_iterator it = extensions.begin();
    372          it != extensions.end(); ++it) {
    373       extensions_.Insert(*it);
    374     }
    375   }
    377   void set_disabled_extensions(ExtensionList disabled_extensions) {
    378     for (ExtensionList::const_iterator it = disabled_extensions.begin();
    379          it != disabled_extensions.end(); ++it) {
    380       disabled_extensions_.Insert(*it);
    381     }
    382   }
    384  private:
    385   ExtensionSet extensions_;
    386   ExtensionSet disabled_extensions_;
    387 };
    389 class ServiceForDownloadTests : public MockService {
    390  public:
    391   explicit ServiceForDownloadTests(TestExtensionPrefs* prefs)
    392       : MockService(prefs) {
    393   }
    395   // Add a fake crx installer to be returned by a call to UpdateExtension()
    396   // with a specific ID.  Caller keeps ownership of |crx_installer|.
    397   void AddFakeCrxInstaller(const std::string& id, CrxInstaller* crx_installer) {
    398     fake_crx_installers_[id] = crx_installer;
    399   }
    401   virtual bool UpdateExtension(
    402       const std::string& id,
    403       const base::FilePath& extension_path,
    404       const GURL& download_url,
    405       CrxInstaller** out_crx_installer) OVERRIDE {
    406     extension_id_ = id;
    407     install_path_ = extension_path;
    408     download_url_ = download_url;
    410     if (ContainsKey(fake_crx_installers_, id)) {
    411       *out_crx_installer = fake_crx_installers_[id];
    412       return true;
    413     }
    415     return false;
    416   }
    418   virtual PendingExtensionManager* pending_extension_manager() OVERRIDE {
    419     return &pending_extension_manager_;
    420   }
    422   virtual const Extension* GetExtensionById(
    423       const std::string& id, bool) const OVERRIDE {
    424     last_inquired_extension_id_ = id;
    425     return NULL;
    426   }
    428   const std::string& extension_id() const { return extension_id_; }
    429   const base::FilePath& install_path() const { return install_path_; }
    430   const GURL& download_url() const { return download_url_; }
    432  private:
    433   // Hold the set of ids that UpdateExtension() should fake success on.
    434   // UpdateExtension(id, ...) will return true iff fake_crx_installers_
    435   // contains key |id|.  |out_install_notification_source| will be set
    436   // to Source<CrxInstaller(fake_crx_installers_[i]).
    437   std::map<std::string, CrxInstaller*> fake_crx_installers_;
    439   std::string extension_id_;
    440   base::FilePath install_path_;
    441   GURL download_url_;
    443   // The last extension ID that GetExtensionById was called with.
    444   // Mutable because the method that sets it (GetExtensionById) is const
    445   // in the actual extension service, but must record the last extension
    446   // ID in this test class.
    447   mutable std::string last_inquired_extension_id_;
    448 };
    450 static const int kUpdateFrequencySecs = 15;
    452 // Takes a string with KEY=VALUE parameters separated by '&' in |params| and
    453 // puts the key/value pairs into |result|. For keys with no value, the empty
    454 // string is used. So for "a=1&b=foo&c", result would map "a" to "1", "b" to
    455 // "foo", and "c" to "".
    456 static void ExtractParameters(const std::string& params,
    457                               std::map<std::string, std::string>* result) {
    458   std::vector<std::string> pairs;
    459   base::SplitString(params, '&', &pairs);
    460   for (size_t i = 0; i < pairs.size(); i++) {
    461     std::vector<std::string> key_val;
    462     base::SplitString(pairs[i], '=', &key_val);
    463     if (!key_val.empty()) {
    464       std::string key = key_val[0];
    465       EXPECT_TRUE(result->find(key) == result->end());
    466       (*result)[key] = (key_val.size() == 2) ? key_val[1] : std::string();
    467     } else {
    468       NOTREACHED();
    469     }
    470   }
    471 }
    473 static void VerifyQueryAndExtractParameters(
    474     const std::string& query,
    475     std::map<std::string, std::string>* result) {
    476   std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
    477   ExtractParameters(query, &params);
    479   std::string omaha_params =
    480       chrome::OmahaQueryParams::Get(chrome::OmahaQueryParams::CRX);
    481   std::map<std::string, std::string> expected;
    482   ExtractParameters(omaha_params, &expected);
    484   for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it = expected.begin();
    485        it != expected.end(); ++it) {
    486     EXPECT_EQ(it->second, params[it->first]);
    487   }
    489   EXPECT_EQ(1U, params.count("x"));
    490   std::string decoded = net::UnescapeURLComponent(
    491       params["x"], net::UnescapeRule::URL_SPECIAL_CHARS);
    492   ExtractParameters(decoded, result);
    493 }
    495 // All of our tests that need to use private APIs of ExtensionUpdater live
    496 // inside this class (which is a friend to ExtensionUpdater).
    497 class ExtensionUpdaterTest : public testing::Test {
    498  public:
    499   ExtensionUpdaterTest()
    500       : thread_bundle_(
    501             content::TestBrowserThreadBundle::IO_MAINLOOP) {
    502   }
    504   virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
    505     prefs_.reset(new TestExtensionPrefs(base::MessageLoopProxy::current()));
    506     content::RenderProcessHost::SetRunRendererInProcess(true);
    507   }
    509   virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
    510     // Some tests create URLRequestContextGetters, whose destruction must run
    511     // on the IO thread. Make sure the IO loop spins before shutdown so that
    512     // those objects are released.
    513     RunUntilIdle();
    514     prefs_.reset();
    515     content::RenderProcessHost::SetRunRendererInProcess(false);
    516   }
    518   void RunUntilIdle() {
    519     prefs_->pref_service()->CommitPendingWrite();
    520     base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
    521   }
    523   void SimulateTimerFired(ExtensionUpdater* updater) {
    524     EXPECT_TRUE(updater->timer_.IsRunning());
    525     updater->timer_.Stop();
    526     updater->TimerFired();
    527   }
    529   // Adds a Result with the given data to results.
    530   void AddParseResult(const std::string& id,
    531                       const std::string& version,
    532                       const std::string& url,
    533                       UpdateManifest::Results* results) {
    534     UpdateManifest::Result result;
    535     result.extension_id = id;
    536     result.version = version;
    537     result.crx_url = GURL(url);
    538     results->list.push_back(result);
    539   }
    541   void ResetDownloader(ExtensionUpdater* updater,
    542                        ExtensionDownloader* downloader) {
    543     EXPECT_FALSE(updater->downloader_.get());
    544     updater->downloader_.reset(downloader);
    545   }
    547   void StartUpdateCheck(ExtensionDownloader* downloader,
    548                         ManifestFetchData* fetch_data) {
    549     downloader->StartUpdateCheck(scoped_ptr<ManifestFetchData>(fetch_data));
    550   }
    552   size_t ManifestFetchersCount(ExtensionDownloader* downloader) {
    553     return downloader->manifests_queue_.size() +
    554            (downloader->manifest_fetcher_.get() ? 1 : 0);
    555   }
    557   void TestExtensionUpdateCheckRequests(bool pending) {
    558     // Create an extension with an update_url.
    559     ServiceForManifestTests service(prefs_.get());
    560     std::string update_url("http://foo.com/bar");
    561     ExtensionList extensions;
    562     NotificationsObserver observer;
    563     PendingExtensionManager* pending_extension_manager =
    564         service.pending_extension_manager();
    565     if (pending) {
    566       SetupPendingExtensionManagerForTest(1, GURL(update_url),
    567                                           pending_extension_manager);
    568     } else {
    569       service.CreateTestExtensions(1, 1, &extensions, &update_url,
    570                                    Manifest::INTERNAL);
    571       service.set_extensions(extensions);
    572     }
    574     // Set up and start the updater.
    575     net::TestURLFetcherFactory factory;
    576     ExtensionUpdater updater(
    577         &service, service.extension_prefs(), service.pref_service(),
    578         service.profile(), service.blacklist(), 60*60*24);
    579     updater.Start();
    580     // Disable blacklist checks (tested elsewhere) so that we only see the
    581     // update HTTP request.
    582     ExtensionUpdater::CheckParams check_params;
    583     check_params.check_blacklist = false;
    584     updater.set_default_check_params(check_params);
    586     // Tell the update that it's time to do update checks.
    587     EXPECT_EQ(0u, observer.StartedCount());
    588     SimulateTimerFired(&updater);
    589     EXPECT_EQ(1u, observer.StartedCount());
    591     // Get the url our mock fetcher was asked to fetch.
    592     net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher =
    593         factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionDownloader::kManifestFetcherId);
    594     const GURL& url = fetcher->GetOriginalURL();
    595     EXPECT_FALSE(url.is_empty());
    596     EXPECT_TRUE(url.is_valid());
    597     EXPECT_TRUE(url.SchemeIs("http"));
    598     EXPECT_EQ("foo.com", url.host());
    599     EXPECT_EQ("/bar", url.path());
    601     // Validate the extension request parameters in the query. It should
    602     // look something like "x=id%3D<id>%26v%3D<version>%26uc".
    603     EXPECT_TRUE(url.has_query());
    604     std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
    605     VerifyQueryAndExtractParameters(url.query(), &params);
    606     if (pending) {
    607       EXPECT_TRUE(pending_extension_manager->IsIdPending(params["id"]));
    608       EXPECT_EQ("", params["v"]);
    609     } else {
    610       EXPECT_EQ(extensions[0]->id(), params["id"]);
    611       EXPECT_EQ(extensions[0]->VersionString(), params["v"]);
    612     }
    613     EXPECT_EQ("", params["uc"]);
    614   }
    616   void TestBlacklistUpdateCheckRequests() {
    617     // Setup and start the updater.
    618     ServiceForManifestTests service(prefs_.get());
    619     NotificationsObserver observer;
    621     net::TestURLFetcherFactory factory;
    622     ExtensionUpdater updater(
    623         &service, service.extension_prefs(), service.pref_service(),
    624         service.profile(), service.blacklist(), 60*60*24);
    625     updater.Start();
    627     // Tell the updater that it's time to do update checks.
    628     EXPECT_EQ(0u, observer.StartedCount());
    629     SimulateTimerFired(&updater);
    630     EXPECT_EQ(1u, observer.StartedCount());
    632     // Get the url our mock fetcher was asked to fetch.
    633     net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher =
    634         factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionDownloader::kManifestFetcherId);
    635     ASSERT_FALSE(fetcher == NULL);
    636     const GURL& url = fetcher->GetOriginalURL();
    638     EXPECT_FALSE(url.is_empty());
    639     EXPECT_TRUE(url.is_valid());
    640     EXPECT_TRUE(url.SchemeIs("https"));
    641     EXPECT_EQ("clients2.google.com", url.host());
    642     EXPECT_EQ("/service/update2/crx", url.path());
    644     // Validate the extension request parameters in the query. It should
    645     // look something like "x=id%3D<id>%26v%3D<version>%26uc".
    646     EXPECT_TRUE(url.has_query());
    647     std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
    648     VerifyQueryAndExtractParameters(url.query(), &params);
    649     EXPECT_EQ("com.google.crx.blacklist", params["id"]);
    650     EXPECT_EQ("0", params["v"]);
    651     EXPECT_EQ("", params["uc"]);
    652     EXPECT_TRUE(ContainsKey(params, "ping"));
    653   }
    655   void TestUpdateUrlDataEmpty() {
    656     const std::string id = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
    657     const std::string version = "1.0";
    659     // Make sure that an empty update URL data string does not cause a ap=
    660     // option to appear in the x= parameter.
    661     ManifestFetchData fetch_data(GURL("http://localhost/foo"), 0);
    662     fetch_data.AddExtension(
    663         id, version, &kNeverPingedData, std::string(), std::string());
    665     std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
    666     VerifyQueryAndExtractParameters(fetch_data.full_url().query(), &params);
    667     EXPECT_EQ(id, params["id"]);
    668     EXPECT_EQ(version, params["v"]);
    669     EXPECT_EQ(0U, params.count("ap"));
    670   }
    672   void TestUpdateUrlDataSimple() {
    673     const std::string id = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
    674     const std::string version = "1.0";
    676     // Make sure that an update URL data string causes an appropriate ap=
    677     // option to appear in the x= parameter.
    678     ManifestFetchData fetch_data(GURL("http://localhost/foo"), 0);
    679     fetch_data.AddExtension(
    680         id, version, &kNeverPingedData, "bar", std::string());
    681     std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
    682     VerifyQueryAndExtractParameters(fetch_data.full_url().query(), &params);
    683     EXPECT_EQ(id, params["id"]);
    684     EXPECT_EQ(version, params["v"]);
    685     EXPECT_EQ("bar", params["ap"]);
    686   }
    688   void TestUpdateUrlDataCompound() {
    689     const std::string id = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
    690     const std::string version = "1.0";
    692     // Make sure that an update URL data string causes an appropriate ap=
    693     // option to appear in the x= parameter.
    694     ManifestFetchData fetch_data(GURL("http://localhost/foo"), 0);
    695     fetch_data.AddExtension(
    696         id, version, &kNeverPingedData, "a=1&b=2&c", std::string());
    697     std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
    698     VerifyQueryAndExtractParameters(fetch_data.full_url().query(), &params);
    699     EXPECT_EQ(id, params["id"]);
    700     EXPECT_EQ(version, params["v"]);
    701     EXPECT_EQ("a%3D1%26b%3D2%26c", params["ap"]);
    702   }
    704   void TestUpdateUrlDataFromGallery(const std::string& gallery_url) {
    705     net::TestURLFetcherFactory factory;
    707     MockService service(prefs_.get());
    708     MockExtensionDownloaderDelegate delegate;
    709     ExtensionDownloader downloader(&delegate, service.request_context());
    710     ExtensionList extensions;
    711     std::string url(gallery_url);
    713     service.CreateTestExtensions(1, 1, &extensions, &url, Manifest::INTERNAL);
    715     const std::string& id = extensions[0]->id();
    716     EXPECT_CALL(delegate, GetPingDataForExtension(id, _));
    718     downloader.AddExtension(*extensions[0].get(), 0);
    719     downloader.StartAllPending();
    720     net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher =
    721         factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionDownloader::kManifestFetcherId);
    722     ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher);
    723     // Make sure that extensions that update from the gallery ignore any
    724     // update URL data.
    725     const std::string& update_url = fetcher->GetOriginalURL().spec();
    726     std::string::size_type x = update_url.find("x=");
    727     EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, x);
    728     std::string::size_type ap = update_url.find("ap%3D", x);
    729     EXPECT_EQ(std::string::npos, ap);
    730   }
    732   void TestInstallSource() {
    733     const std::string id = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
    734     const std::string version = "1.0";
    735     const std::string install_source = "instally";
    737     // Make sure that an installsource= appears in the x= parameter.
    738     ManifestFetchData fetch_data(GURL("http://localhost/foo"), 0);
    739     fetch_data.AddExtension(id, version, &kNeverPingedData,
    740                             kEmptyUpdateUrlData, install_source);
    741     std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
    742     VerifyQueryAndExtractParameters(fetch_data.full_url().query(), &params);
    743     EXPECT_EQ(id, params["id"]);
    744     EXPECT_EQ(version, params["v"]);
    745     EXPECT_EQ(install_source, params["installsource"]);
    746   }
    748   void TestDetermineUpdates() {
    749     TestingProfile profile;
    750     MockExtensionDownloaderDelegate delegate;
    751     ExtensionDownloader downloader(&delegate, profile.GetRequestContext());
    753     // Check passing an empty list of parse results to DetermineUpdates
    754     ManifestFetchData fetch_data(GURL("http://localhost/foo"), 0);
    755     UpdateManifest::Results updates;
    756     std::vector<int> updateable;
    757     downloader.DetermineUpdates(fetch_data, updates, &updateable);
    758     EXPECT_TRUE(updateable.empty());
    760     // Create two updates - expect that DetermineUpdates will return the first
    761     // one (v1.0 installed, v1.1 available) but not the second one (both
    762     // installed and available at v2.0).
    763     const std::string id1 = id_util::GenerateId("1");
    764     const std::string id2 = id_util::GenerateId("2");
    765     fetch_data.AddExtension(
    766         id1, "", &kNeverPingedData, kEmptyUpdateUrlData, std::string());
    767     AddParseResult(id1, "1.1", "http://localhost/e1_1.1.crx", &updates);
    768     fetch_data.AddExtension(
    769         id2, "", &kNeverPingedData, kEmptyUpdateUrlData, std::string());
    770     AddParseResult(id2, "", "http://localhost/e2_2.0.crx", &updates);
    772     EXPECT_CALL(delegate, IsExtensionPending(_)).WillRepeatedly(Return(false));
    773     EXPECT_CALL(delegate, GetExtensionExistingVersion(id1, _))
    774         .WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgPointee<1>(""),
    775                         Return(true)));
    776     EXPECT_CALL(delegate, GetExtensionExistingVersion(id2, _))
    777         .WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgPointee<1>(""),
    778                         Return(true)));
    780     downloader.DetermineUpdates(fetch_data, updates, &updateable);
    781     EXPECT_EQ(1u, updateable.size());
    782     EXPECT_EQ(0, updateable[0]);
    783   }
    785   void TestDetermineUpdatesPending() {
    786     // Create a set of test extensions
    787     ServiceForManifestTests service(prefs_.get());
    788     PendingExtensionManager* pending_extension_manager =
    789         service.pending_extension_manager();
    790     SetupPendingExtensionManagerForTest(3, GURL(), pending_extension_manager);
    792     TestingProfile profile;
    793     MockExtensionDownloaderDelegate delegate;
    794     ExtensionDownloader downloader(&delegate, profile.GetRequestContext());
    796     ManifestFetchData fetch_data(GURL("http://localhost/foo"), 0);
    797     UpdateManifest::Results updates;
    799     std::list<std::string> ids_for_update_check;
    800     pending_extension_manager->GetPendingIdsForUpdateCheck(
    801         &ids_for_update_check);
    803     std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it;
    804     for (it = ids_for_update_check.begin();
    805          it != ids_for_update_check.end(); ++it) {
    806       fetch_data.AddExtension(*it,
    807                               "",
    808                               &kNeverPingedData,
    809                               kEmptyUpdateUrlData,
    810                               std::string());
    811       AddParseResult(*it, "1.1", "http://localhost/e1_1.1.crx", &updates);
    812     }
    814     // The delegate will tell the downloader that all the extensions are
    815     // pending.
    816     EXPECT_CALL(delegate, IsExtensionPending(_)).WillRepeatedly(Return(true));
    818     std::vector<int> updateable;
    819     downloader.DetermineUpdates(fetch_data, updates, &updateable);
    820     // All the apps should be updateable.
    821     EXPECT_EQ(3u, updateable.size());
    822     for (std::vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < updateable.size(); ++i) {
    823       EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(i), updateable[i]);
    824     }
    825   }
    827   void TestMultipleManifestDownloading() {
    828     net::TestURLFetcherFactory factory;
    829     net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher = NULL;
    830     NotificationsObserver observer;
    831     MockService service(prefs_.get());
    832     MockExtensionDownloaderDelegate delegate;
    833     ExtensionDownloader downloader(&delegate, service.request_context());
    834     downloader.manifests_queue_.set_backoff_policy(&kNoBackoffPolicy);
    836     GURL kUpdateUrl("http://localhost/manifest1");
    838     scoped_ptr<ManifestFetchData> fetch1(new ManifestFetchData(kUpdateUrl, 0));
    839     scoped_ptr<ManifestFetchData> fetch2(new ManifestFetchData(kUpdateUrl, 0));
    840     scoped_ptr<ManifestFetchData> fetch3(new ManifestFetchData(kUpdateUrl, 0));
    841     scoped_ptr<ManifestFetchData> fetch4(new ManifestFetchData(kUpdateUrl, 0));
    842     ManifestFetchData::PingData zeroDays(0, 0, true);
    843     fetch1->AddExtension(
    844         "1111", "1.0", &zeroDays, kEmptyUpdateUrlData, std::string());
    845     fetch2->AddExtension(
    846         "2222", "2.0", &zeroDays, kEmptyUpdateUrlData, std::string());
    847     fetch3->AddExtension(
    848         "3333", "3.0", &zeroDays, kEmptyUpdateUrlData, std::string());
    849     fetch4->AddExtension(
    850         "4444", "4.0", &zeroDays, kEmptyUpdateUrlData, std::string());
    852     // This will start the first fetcher and queue the others. The next in queue
    853     // is started as each fetcher receives its response.
    854     downloader.StartUpdateCheck(fetch1.Pass());
    855     downloader.StartUpdateCheck(fetch2.Pass());
    856     downloader.StartUpdateCheck(fetch3.Pass());
    857     downloader.StartUpdateCheck(fetch4.Pass());
    858     RunUntilIdle();
    860     // The first fetch will fail.
    861     fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionDownloader::kManifestFetcherId);
    862     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL && fetcher->delegate() != NULL);
    863     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->GetLoadFlags() == kExpectedLoadFlags);
    864     EXPECT_CALL(delegate, OnExtensionDownloadFailed(
    865         "1111", ExtensionDownloaderDelegate::MANIFEST_FETCH_FAILED, _, _));
    866     fetcher->set_url(kUpdateUrl);
    867     fetcher->set_status(net::URLRequestStatus());
    868     fetcher->set_response_code(400);
    869     fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher);
    870     RunUntilIdle();
    871     Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&delegate);
    873     // The second fetch gets invalid data.
    874     const std::string kInvalidXml = "invalid xml";
    875     fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionDownloader::kManifestFetcherId);
    876     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL && fetcher->delegate() != NULL);
    877     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->GetLoadFlags() == kExpectedLoadFlags);
    878     EXPECT_CALL(delegate, OnExtensionDownloadFailed(
    879         "2222", ExtensionDownloaderDelegate::MANIFEST_INVALID, _, _))
    880         .WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs(&delegate,
    881                                     &MockExtensionDownloaderDelegate::Quit));
    882     fetcher->set_url(kUpdateUrl);
    883     fetcher->set_status(net::URLRequestStatus());
    884     fetcher->set_response_code(200);
    885     fetcher->SetResponseString(kInvalidXml);
    886     fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher);
    887     delegate.Wait();
    888     Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&delegate);
    890     // The third fetcher doesn't have an update available.
    891     const std::string kNoUpdate =
    892         "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
    893         "<gupdate xmlns='http://www.google.com/update2/response'"
    894         "                protocol='2.0'>"
    895         " <app appid='3333'>"
    896         "  <updatecheck codebase='http://example.com/extension_3.0.0.0.crx'"
    897         "               version='' prodversionmin='' />"
    898         " </app>"
    899         "</gupdate>";
    900     fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionDownloader::kManifestFetcherId);
    901     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL && fetcher->delegate() != NULL);
    902     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->GetLoadFlags() == kExpectedLoadFlags);
    903     EXPECT_CALL(delegate, IsExtensionPending("3333")).WillOnce(Return(false));
    904     EXPECT_CALL(delegate, GetExtensionExistingVersion("3333", _))
    905         .WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgPointee<1>(""),
    906                         Return(true)));
    907     EXPECT_CALL(delegate, OnExtensionDownloadFailed(
    908         "3333", ExtensionDownloaderDelegate::NO_UPDATE_AVAILABLE, _, _))
    909         .WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs(&delegate,
    910                                     &MockExtensionDownloaderDelegate::Quit));
    911     fetcher->set_url(kUpdateUrl);
    912     fetcher->set_status(net::URLRequestStatus());
    913     fetcher->set_response_code(200);
    914     fetcher->SetResponseString(kNoUpdate);
    915     fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher);
    916     delegate.Wait();
    917     Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&delegate);
    919     // The last fetcher has an update.
    920     const std::string kUpdateAvailable =
    921         "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
    922         "<gupdate xmlns='http://www.google.com/update2/response'"
    923         "                protocol='2.0'>"
    924         " <app appid='4444'>"
    925         "  <updatecheck codebase='http://example.com/extension_1.2.3.4.crx'"
    926         "               version='' prodversionmin='' />"
    927         " </app>"
    928         "</gupdate>";
    929     fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionDownloader::kManifestFetcherId);
    930     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL && fetcher->delegate() != NULL);
    931     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->GetLoadFlags() == kExpectedLoadFlags);
    932     EXPECT_CALL(delegate, IsExtensionPending("4444")).WillOnce(Return(false));
    933     EXPECT_CALL(delegate, GetExtensionExistingVersion("4444", _))
    934         .WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgPointee<1>(""),
    935                         Return(true)));
    936     fetcher->set_url(kUpdateUrl);
    937     fetcher->set_status(net::URLRequestStatus());
    938     fetcher->set_response_code(200);
    939     fetcher->SetResponseString(kUpdateAvailable);
    940     fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher);
    941     observer.Wait();
    942     Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&delegate);
    944     // Verify that the downloader decided to update this extension.
    945     EXPECT_EQ(1u, observer.UpdatedCount());
    946     EXPECT_TRUE(observer.Updated("4444"));
    947   }
    949   void TestManifestRetryDownloading() {
    950     net::TestURLFetcherFactory factory;
    951     net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher = NULL;
    952     NotificationsObserver observer;
    953     MockService service(prefs_.get());
    954     MockExtensionDownloaderDelegate delegate;
    955     ExtensionDownloader downloader(&delegate, service.request_context());
    956     downloader.manifests_queue_.set_backoff_policy(&kNoBackoffPolicy);
    958     GURL kUpdateUrl("http://localhost/manifest1");
    960     scoped_ptr<ManifestFetchData> fetch(new ManifestFetchData(kUpdateUrl, 0));
    961     ManifestFetchData::PingData zeroDays(0, 0, true);
    962     fetch->AddExtension(
    963         "1111", "1.0", &zeroDays, kEmptyUpdateUrlData, std::string());
    965     // This will start the first fetcher.
    966     downloader.StartUpdateCheck(fetch.Pass());
    967     RunUntilIdle();
    969     // ExtensionDownloader should retry kMaxRetries times and then fail.
    970     EXPECT_CALL(delegate, OnExtensionDownloadFailed(
    971         "1111", ExtensionDownloaderDelegate::MANIFEST_FETCH_FAILED, _, _));
    972     for (int i = 0; i <= ExtensionDownloader::kMaxRetries; ++i) {
    973       // All fetches will fail.
    974       fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionDownloader::kManifestFetcherId);
    975       EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL && fetcher->delegate() != NULL);
    976       EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->GetLoadFlags() == kExpectedLoadFlags);
    977       fetcher->set_url(kUpdateUrl);
    978       fetcher->set_status(net::URLRequestStatus());
    979       // Code 5xx causes ExtensionDownloader to retry.
    980       fetcher->set_response_code(500);
    981       fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher);
    982       RunUntilIdle();
    983     }
    984     Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&delegate);
    987     // For response codes that are not in the 5xx range ExtensionDownloader
    988     // should not retry.
    989     fetch.reset(new ManifestFetchData(kUpdateUrl, 0));
    990     fetch->AddExtension(
    991         "1111", "1.0", &zeroDays, kEmptyUpdateUrlData, std::string());
    993     // This will start the first fetcher.
    994     downloader.StartUpdateCheck(fetch.Pass());
    995     RunUntilIdle();
    997     EXPECT_CALL(delegate, OnExtensionDownloadFailed(
    998         "1111", ExtensionDownloaderDelegate::MANIFEST_FETCH_FAILED, _, _));
    999     // The first fetch will fail, and require retrying.
   1000     fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionDownloader::kManifestFetcherId);
   1001     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL && fetcher->delegate() != NULL);
   1002     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->GetLoadFlags() == kExpectedLoadFlags);
   1003     fetcher->set_url(kUpdateUrl);
   1004     fetcher->set_status(net::URLRequestStatus());
   1005     fetcher->set_response_code(500);
   1006     fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher);
   1007     RunUntilIdle();
   1009     // The second fetch will fail with response 400 and should not cause
   1010     // ExtensionDownloader to retry.
   1011     fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionDownloader::kManifestFetcherId);
   1012     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL && fetcher->delegate() != NULL);
   1013     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->GetLoadFlags() == kExpectedLoadFlags);
   1014     fetcher->set_url(kUpdateUrl);
   1015     fetcher->set_status(net::URLRequestStatus());
   1016     fetcher->set_response_code(400);
   1017     fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher);
   1018     RunUntilIdle();
   1020     Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&delegate);
   1021   }
   1023   void TestSingleExtensionDownloading(bool pending, bool retry) {
   1024     net::TestURLFetcherFactory factory;
   1025     net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher = NULL;
   1026     scoped_ptr<ServiceForDownloadTests> service(
   1027         new ServiceForDownloadTests(prefs_.get()));
   1028     ExtensionUpdater updater(service.get(), service->extension_prefs(),
   1029                              service->pref_service(),
   1030                              service->profile(),
   1031                              service->blacklist(),
   1032                              kUpdateFrequencySecs);
   1033     updater.Start();
   1034     ResetDownloader(
   1035         &updater,
   1036         new ExtensionDownloader(&updater, service->request_context()));
   1037     updater.downloader_->extensions_queue_.set_backoff_policy(
   1038         &kNoBackoffPolicy);
   1040     GURL test_url("http://localhost/extension.crx");
   1042     std::string id = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
   1043     std::string hash;
   1044     Version version("0.0.1");
   1045     std::set<int> requests;
   1046     requests.insert(0);
   1047     scoped_ptr<ExtensionDownloader::ExtensionFetch> fetch(
   1048         new ExtensionDownloader::ExtensionFetch(
   1049             id, test_url, hash, version.GetString(), requests));
   1050     updater.downloader_->FetchUpdatedExtension(fetch.Pass());
   1052     if (pending) {
   1053       const bool kIsFromSync = true;
   1054       const bool kInstallSilently = true;
   1055       PendingExtensionManager* pending_extension_manager =
   1056           service->pending_extension_manager();
   1057       pending_extension_manager->AddForTesting(
   1058           PendingExtensionInfo(id, test_url, version,
   1059                                &ShouldAlwaysInstall, kIsFromSync,
   1060                                kInstallSilently,
   1061                                Manifest::INTERNAL));
   1062     }
   1064     // Call back the ExtensionUpdater with a 200 response and some test data
   1065     base::FilePath extension_file_path(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("/whatever"));
   1066     fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionDownloader::kExtensionFetcherId);
   1067     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL && fetcher->delegate() != NULL);
   1068     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->GetLoadFlags() == kExpectedLoadFlags);
   1070     if (retry) {
   1071       // Reply with response code 500 to cause ExtensionDownloader to retry
   1072       fetcher->set_url(test_url);
   1073       fetcher->set_status(net::URLRequestStatus());
   1074       fetcher->set_response_code(500);
   1075       fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher);
   1077       RunUntilIdle();
   1078       fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(
   1079           ExtensionDownloader::kExtensionFetcherId);
   1080       EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL && fetcher->delegate() != NULL);
   1081       EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->GetLoadFlags() == kExpectedLoadFlags);
   1082     }
   1084     fetcher->set_url(test_url);
   1085     fetcher->set_status(net::URLRequestStatus());
   1086     fetcher->set_response_code(200);
   1087     fetcher->SetResponseFilePath(extension_file_path);
   1088     fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher);
   1090     RunUntilIdle();
   1092     // Expect that ExtensionUpdater asked the mock extensions service to install
   1093     // a file with the test data for the right id.
   1094     EXPECT_EQ(id, service->extension_id());
   1095     base::FilePath tmpfile_path = service->install_path();
   1096     EXPECT_FALSE(tmpfile_path.empty());
   1097     EXPECT_EQ(test_url, service->download_url());
   1098     EXPECT_EQ(extension_file_path, tmpfile_path);
   1099   }
   1101   void TestBlacklistDownloading() {
   1102     net::TestURLFetcherFactory factory;
   1103     net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher = NULL;
   1104     MockService service(prefs_.get());
   1105     TestBlacklist blacklist(service.blacklist());
   1106     ExtensionUpdater updater(
   1107         &service, service.extension_prefs(), service.pref_service(),
   1108         service.profile(), blacklist.blacklist(), kUpdateFrequencySecs);
   1109     updater.Start();
   1110     ResetDownloader(
   1111         &updater,
   1112         new ExtensionDownloader(&updater, service.request_context()));
   1113     updater.downloader_->extensions_queue_.set_backoff_policy(
   1114         &kNoBackoffPolicy);
   1116     GURL test_url("http://localhost/extension.crx");
   1118     std::string id = "com.google.crx.blacklist";
   1120     std::string hash =
   1121         "CCEA231D3CD30A348DA1383ED311EAC11E82360773CB2BA4E2C3A5FF16E337CC";
   1123     std::string version = "0.0.1";
   1124     std::set<int> requests;
   1125     requests.insert(0);
   1126     scoped_ptr<ExtensionDownloader::ExtensionFetch> fetch(
   1127         new ExtensionDownloader::ExtensionFetch(
   1128             id, test_url, hash, version, requests));
   1129     updater.downloader_->FetchUpdatedExtension(fetch.Pass());
   1131     // Call back the ExtensionUpdater with a 200 response and some test data.
   1132     std::string extension_data("aaaabbbbcccceeeeaaaabbbbcccceeee");
   1133     EXPECT_FALSE(blacklist.IsBlacklisted(extension_data));
   1135     fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionDownloader::kExtensionFetcherId);
   1136     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL && fetcher->delegate() != NULL);
   1137     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->GetLoadFlags() == kExpectedLoadFlags);
   1139     fetcher->set_url(test_url);
   1140     fetcher->set_status(net::URLRequestStatus());
   1141     fetcher->set_response_code(200);
   1142     fetcher->SetResponseString(extension_data);
   1143     fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher);
   1145     RunUntilIdle();
   1147     EXPECT_TRUE(blacklist.IsBlacklisted(extension_data));
   1149     EXPECT_EQ(version, service.pref_service()->
   1150       GetString(prefs::kExtensionBlacklistUpdateVersion));
   1151   }
   1153   // Two extensions are updated.  If |updates_start_running| is true, the
   1154   // mock extensions service has UpdateExtension(...) return true, and
   1155   // the test is responsible for creating fake CrxInstallers.  Otherwise,
   1156   // UpdateExtension() returns false, signaling install failures.
   1157   void TestMultipleExtensionDownloading(bool updates_start_running) {
   1158     net::TestURLFetcherFactory factory;
   1159     net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher = NULL;
   1160     ServiceForDownloadTests service(prefs_.get());
   1161     ExtensionUpdater updater(
   1162         &service, service.extension_prefs(), service.pref_service(),
   1163         service.profile(), service.blacklist(), kUpdateFrequencySecs);
   1164     updater.Start();
   1165     ResetDownloader(
   1166         &updater,
   1167         new ExtensionDownloader(&updater, service.request_context()));
   1168     updater.downloader_->extensions_queue_.set_backoff_policy(
   1169         &kNoBackoffPolicy);
   1171     EXPECT_FALSE(updater.crx_install_is_running_);
   1173     GURL url1("http://localhost/extension1.crx");
   1174     GURL url2("http://localhost/extension2.crx");
   1176     std::string id1 = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
   1177     std::string id2 = "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb";
   1179     std::string hash1;
   1180     std::string hash2;
   1182     std::string version1 = "0.1";
   1183     std::string version2 = "0.1";
   1184     std::set<int> requests;
   1185     requests.insert(0);
   1186     // Start two fetches
   1187     scoped_ptr<ExtensionDownloader::ExtensionFetch> fetch1(
   1188         new ExtensionDownloader::ExtensionFetch(
   1189             id1, url1, hash1, version1, requests));
   1190     scoped_ptr<ExtensionDownloader::ExtensionFetch> fetch2(
   1191         new ExtensionDownloader::ExtensionFetch(
   1192             id2, url2, hash2, version2, requests));
   1193     updater.downloader_->FetchUpdatedExtension(fetch1.Pass());
   1194     updater.downloader_->FetchUpdatedExtension(fetch2.Pass());
   1196     // Make the first fetch complete.
   1197     base::FilePath extension_file_path(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("/whatever"));
   1199     fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionDownloader::kExtensionFetcherId);
   1200     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL && fetcher->delegate() != NULL);
   1201     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->GetLoadFlags() == kExpectedLoadFlags);
   1203     // We need some CrxInstallers, and CrxInstallers require a real
   1204     // ExtensionService.  Create one on the testing profile.  Any action
   1205     // the CrxInstallers take is on the testing profile's extension
   1206     // service, not on our mock |service|.  This allows us to fake
   1207     // the CrxInstaller actions we want.
   1208     TestingProfile profile;
   1209     static_cast<TestExtensionSystem*>(
   1210         ExtensionSystem::Get(&profile))->
   1211         CreateExtensionService(
   1212             CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(),
   1213             base::FilePath(),
   1214             false);
   1215     ExtensionService* extension_service =
   1216         ExtensionSystem::Get(&profile)->extension_service();
   1217     extension_service->set_extensions_enabled(true);
   1218     extension_service->set_show_extensions_prompts(false);
   1220     scoped_refptr<CrxInstaller> fake_crx1(
   1221         CrxInstaller::CreateSilent(extension_service));
   1222     scoped_refptr<CrxInstaller> fake_crx2(
   1223         CrxInstaller::CreateSilent(extension_service));
   1225     if (updates_start_running) {
   1226       // Add fake CrxInstaller to be returned by service.UpdateExtension().
   1227       service.AddFakeCrxInstaller(id1, fake_crx1.get());
   1228       service.AddFakeCrxInstaller(id2, fake_crx2.get());
   1229     } else {
   1230       // If we don't add fake CRX installers, the mock service fakes a failure
   1231       // starting the install.
   1232     }
   1234     fetcher->set_url(url1);
   1235     fetcher->set_status(net::URLRequestStatus());
   1236     fetcher->set_response_code(200);
   1237     fetcher->SetResponseFilePath(extension_file_path);
   1238     fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher);
   1240     RunUntilIdle();
   1242     // Expect that the service was asked to do an install with the right data.
   1243     base::FilePath tmpfile_path = service.install_path();
   1244     EXPECT_FALSE(tmpfile_path.empty());
   1245     EXPECT_EQ(id1, service.extension_id());
   1246     EXPECT_EQ(url1, service.download_url());
   1247     RunUntilIdle();
   1249     // Make sure the second fetch finished and asked the service to do an
   1250     // update.
   1251     base::FilePath extension_file_path2(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("/whatever2"));
   1252     fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionDownloader::kExtensionFetcherId);
   1253     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL && fetcher->delegate() != NULL);
   1254     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher->GetLoadFlags() == kExpectedLoadFlags);
   1256     fetcher->set_url(url2);
   1257     fetcher->set_status(net::URLRequestStatus());
   1258     fetcher->set_response_code(200);
   1259     fetcher->SetResponseFilePath(extension_file_path2);
   1260     fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher);
   1261     RunUntilIdle();
   1263     if (updates_start_running) {
   1264       EXPECT_TRUE(updater.crx_install_is_running_);
   1266       // The second install should not have run, because the first has not
   1267       // sent a notification that it finished.
   1268       EXPECT_EQ(id1, service.extension_id());
   1269       EXPECT_EQ(url1, service.download_url());
   1271       // Fake install notice.  This should start the second installation,
   1272       // which will be checked below.
   1273       fake_crx1->NotifyCrxInstallComplete(false);
   1275       EXPECT_TRUE(updater.crx_install_is_running_);
   1276     }
   1278     EXPECT_EQ(id2, service.extension_id());
   1279     EXPECT_EQ(url2, service.download_url());
   1280     EXPECT_FALSE(service.install_path().empty());
   1282     // Make sure the correct crx contents were passed for the update call.
   1283     EXPECT_EQ(extension_file_path2, service.install_path());
   1285     if (updates_start_running) {
   1286       EXPECT_TRUE(updater.crx_install_is_running_);
   1287       fake_crx2->NotifyCrxInstallComplete(false);
   1288     }
   1289     EXPECT_FALSE(updater.crx_install_is_running_);
   1290   }
   1292   void TestGalleryRequestsWithBrand(bool use_organic_brand_code) {
   1293     google_util::BrandForTesting brand_for_testing(
   1294         use_organic_brand_code ? "GGLS" : "TEST");
   1296     // We want to test a variety of combinations of expected ping conditions for
   1297     // rollcall and active pings.
   1298     int ping_cases[] = { ManifestFetchData::kNeverPinged, 0, 1, 5 };
   1300     for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(ping_cases); i++) {
   1301       for (size_t j = 0; j < arraysize(ping_cases); j++) {
   1302         for (size_t k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
   1303           int rollcall_ping_days = ping_cases[i];
   1304           int active_ping_days = ping_cases[j];
   1305           // Skip cases where rollcall_ping_days == -1, but
   1306           // active_ping_days > 0, because rollcall_ping_days == -1 means the
   1307           // app was just installed and this is the first update check after
   1308           // installation.
   1309           if (rollcall_ping_days == ManifestFetchData::kNeverPinged &&
   1310               active_ping_days > 0)
   1311             continue;
   1313           bool active_bit = k > 0;
   1314           TestGalleryRequests(rollcall_ping_days, active_ping_days, active_bit,
   1315                               !use_organic_brand_code);
   1316           ASSERT_FALSE(HasFailure()) <<
   1317             " rollcall_ping_days=" << ping_cases[i] <<
   1318             " active_ping_days=" << ping_cases[j] <<
   1319             " active_bit=" << active_bit;
   1320         }
   1321       }
   1322     }
   1323   }
   1325   // Test requests to both a Google server and a non-google server. This allows
   1326   // us to test various combinations of installed (ie roll call) and active
   1327   // (ie app launch) ping scenarios. The invariant is that each type of ping
   1328   // value should be present at most once per day, and can be calculated based
   1329   // on the delta between now and the last ping time (or in the case of active
   1330   // pings, that delta plus whether the app has been active).
   1331   void TestGalleryRequests(int rollcall_ping_days,
   1332                            int active_ping_days,
   1333                            bool active_bit,
   1334                            bool expect_brand_code) {
   1335     net::TestURLFetcherFactory factory;
   1337     // Set up 2 mock extensions, one with a google.com update url and one
   1338     // without.
   1339     prefs_.reset(new TestExtensionPrefs(base::MessageLoopProxy::current()));
   1340     ServiceForManifestTests service(prefs_.get());
   1341     ExtensionList tmp;
   1342     GURL url1("http://clients2.google.com/service/update2/crx");
   1343     GURL url2("http://www.somewebsite.com");
   1344     service.CreateTestExtensions(1, 1, &tmp, &url1.possibly_invalid_spec(),
   1345                                  Manifest::INTERNAL);
   1346     service.CreateTestExtensions(2, 1, &tmp, &url2.possibly_invalid_spec(),
   1347                                  Manifest::INTERNAL);
   1348     EXPECT_EQ(2u, tmp.size());
   1349     service.set_extensions(tmp);
   1351     ExtensionPrefs* prefs = service.extension_prefs();
   1352     const std::string& id = tmp[0]->id();
   1353     Time now = Time::Now();
   1354     if (rollcall_ping_days == 0) {
   1355       prefs->SetLastPingDay(id, now - TimeDelta::FromSeconds(15));
   1356     } else if (rollcall_ping_days > 0) {
   1357       Time last_ping_day = now -
   1358                            TimeDelta::FromDays(rollcall_ping_days) -
   1359                            TimeDelta::FromSeconds(15);
   1360       prefs->SetLastPingDay(id, last_ping_day);
   1361     }
   1363     // Store a value for the last day we sent an active ping.
   1364     if (active_ping_days == 0) {
   1365       prefs->SetLastActivePingDay(id, now - TimeDelta::FromSeconds(15));
   1366     } else if (active_ping_days > 0) {
   1367       Time last_active_ping_day = now -
   1368                                   TimeDelta::FromDays(active_ping_days) -
   1369                                   TimeDelta::FromSeconds(15);
   1370       prefs->SetLastActivePingDay(id, last_active_ping_day);
   1371     }
   1372     if (active_bit)
   1373       prefs->SetActiveBit(id, true);
   1375     ExtensionUpdater updater(
   1376         &service, service.extension_prefs(), service.pref_service(),
   1377         service.profile(), service.blacklist(), kUpdateFrequencySecs);
   1378     ExtensionUpdater::CheckParams params;
   1379     params.check_blacklist = false;
   1380     updater.Start();
   1381     updater.CheckNow(params);
   1383     // Make the updater do manifest fetching, and note the urls it tries to
   1384     // fetch.
   1385     std::vector<GURL> fetched_urls;
   1386     net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher =
   1387       factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionDownloader::kManifestFetcherId);
   1388     EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL && fetcher->delegate() != NULL);
   1389     fetched_urls.push_back(fetcher->GetOriginalURL());
   1391     fetcher->set_url(fetched_urls[0]);
   1392     fetcher->set_status(net::URLRequestStatus());
   1393     fetcher->set_response_code(500);
   1394     fetcher->SetResponseString(std::string());
   1395     fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(fetcher);
   1397     fetcher = factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionDownloader::kManifestFetcherId);
   1398     fetched_urls.push_back(fetcher->GetOriginalURL());
   1400     // The urls could have been fetched in either order, so use the host to
   1401     // tell them apart and note the query each used.
   1402     std::string url1_query;
   1403     std::string url2_query;
   1404     if (fetched_urls[0].host() == url1.host()) {
   1405       url1_query = fetched_urls[0].query();
   1406       url2_query = fetched_urls[1].query();
   1407     } else if (fetched_urls[0].host() == url2.host()) {
   1408       url1_query = fetched_urls[1].query();
   1409       url2_query = fetched_urls[0].query();
   1410     } else {
   1411       NOTREACHED();
   1412     }
   1414     // First make sure the non-google query had no ping parameter.
   1415     std::string search_string = "ping%3D";
   1416     EXPECT_TRUE(url2_query.find(search_string) == std::string::npos);
   1418     // Now make sure the google query had the correct ping parameter.
   1419     bool ping_expected = false;
   1420     bool did_rollcall = false;
   1421     if (rollcall_ping_days != 0) {
   1422       search_string += "r%253D" + base::IntToString(rollcall_ping_days);
   1423       did_rollcall = true;
   1424       ping_expected = true;
   1425     }
   1426     if (active_bit && active_ping_days != 0) {
   1427       if (did_rollcall)
   1428         search_string += "%2526";
   1429       search_string += "a%253D" + base::IntToString(active_ping_days);
   1430       ping_expected = true;
   1431     }
   1432     bool ping_found = url1_query.find(search_string) != std::string::npos;
   1433     EXPECT_EQ(ping_expected, ping_found) << "query was: " << url1_query
   1434         << " was looking for " << search_string;
   1436     // Make sure the non-google query has no brand parameter.
   1437     const std::string brand_string = "brand%3D";
   1438     EXPECT_TRUE(url2_query.find(brand_string) == std::string::npos);
   1440 #if defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD)
   1441     // Make sure the google query has a brand parameter, but only if the
   1442     // brand is non-organic.
   1443     if (expect_brand_code) {
   1444       EXPECT_TRUE(url1_query.find(brand_string) != std::string::npos);
   1445     } else {
   1446       EXPECT_TRUE(url1_query.find(brand_string) == std::string::npos);
   1447     }
   1448 #else
   1449     // Chromium builds never add the brand to the parameter, even for google
   1450     // queries.
   1451     EXPECT_TRUE(url1_query.find(brand_string) == std::string::npos);
   1452 #endif
   1454     RunUntilIdle();
   1455   }
   1457   // This makes sure that the extension updater properly stores the results
   1458   // of a <daystart> tag from a manifest fetch in one of two cases: 1) This is
   1459   // the first time we fetched the extension, or 2) We sent a ping value of
   1460   // >= 1 day for the extension.
   1461   void TestHandleManifestResults() {
   1462     ServiceForManifestTests service(prefs_.get());
   1463     GURL update_url("http://www.google.com/manifest");
   1464     ExtensionList tmp;
   1465     service.CreateTestExtensions(1, 1, &tmp, &update_url.spec(),
   1466                                  Manifest::INTERNAL);
   1467     service.set_extensions(tmp);
   1469     ExtensionUpdater updater(
   1470         &service, service.extension_prefs(), service.pref_service(),
   1471         service.profile(), service.blacklist(), kUpdateFrequencySecs);
   1472     updater.Start();
   1473     ResetDownloader(
   1474         &updater,
   1475         new ExtensionDownloader(&updater, service.request_context()));
   1477     ManifestFetchData fetch_data(update_url, 0);
   1478     const Extension* extension = tmp[0].get();
   1479     fetch_data.AddExtension(extension->id(),
   1480                             extension->VersionString(),
   1481                             &kNeverPingedData,
   1482                             kEmptyUpdateUrlData,
   1483                             std::string());
   1484     UpdateManifest::Results results;
   1485     results.daystart_elapsed_seconds = 750;
   1487     updater.downloader_->HandleManifestResults(fetch_data, &results);
   1488     Time last_ping_day =
   1489         service.extension_prefs()->LastPingDay(extension->id());
   1490     EXPECT_FALSE(last_ping_day.is_null());
   1491     int64 seconds_diff = (Time::Now() - last_ping_day).InSeconds();
   1492     EXPECT_LT(seconds_diff - results.daystart_elapsed_seconds, 5);
   1493   }
   1495  protected:
   1496   scoped_ptr<TestExtensionPrefs> prefs_;
   1498  private:
   1499   content::TestBrowserThreadBundle thread_bundle_;
   1501 #if defined OS_CHROMEOS
   1502   chromeos::ScopedTestDeviceSettingsService test_device_settings_service_;
   1503   chromeos::ScopedTestCrosSettings test_cros_settings_;
   1504   chromeos::ScopedTestUserManager test_user_manager_;
   1505 #endif
   1506 };
   1508 // Because we test some private methods of ExtensionUpdater, it's easier for the
   1509 // actual test code to live in ExtenionUpdaterTest methods instead of TEST_F
   1510 // subclasses where friendship with ExtenionUpdater is not inherited.
   1512 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestExtensionUpdateCheckRequests) {
   1513   TestExtensionUpdateCheckRequests(false);
   1514 }
   1516 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestExtensionUpdateCheckRequestsPending) {
   1517   TestExtensionUpdateCheckRequests(true);
   1518 }
   1520 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestBlacklistUpdateCheckRequests) {
   1521   TestBlacklistUpdateCheckRequests();
   1522 }
   1524 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestUpdateUrlData) {
   1525   TestUpdateUrlDataEmpty();
   1526   TestUpdateUrlDataSimple();
   1527   TestUpdateUrlDataCompound();
   1528   TestUpdateUrlDataFromGallery(
   1529       extension_urls::GetWebstoreUpdateUrl().spec());
   1530 }
   1532 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestInstallSource) {
   1533   TestInstallSource();
   1534 }
   1536 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestDetermineUpdates) {
   1537   TestDetermineUpdates();
   1538 }
   1540 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestDetermineUpdatesPending) {
   1541   TestDetermineUpdatesPending();
   1542 }
   1544 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestMultipleManifestDownloading) {
   1545   TestMultipleManifestDownloading();
   1546 }
   1548 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestSingleExtensionDownloading) {
   1549   TestSingleExtensionDownloading(false, false);
   1550 }
   1552 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestSingleExtensionDownloadingPending) {
   1553   TestSingleExtensionDownloading(true, false);
   1554 }
   1556 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestSingleExtensionDownloadingWithRetry) {
   1557   TestSingleExtensionDownloading(false, true);
   1558 }
   1560 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestSingleExtensionDownloadingPendingWithRetry) {
   1561   TestSingleExtensionDownloading(true, true);
   1562 }
   1564 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestBlacklistDownloading) {
   1565   TestBlacklistDownloading();
   1566 }
   1568 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestMultipleExtensionDownloadingUpdatesFail) {
   1569   TestMultipleExtensionDownloading(false);
   1570 }
   1571 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestMultipleExtensionDownloadingUpdatesSucceed) {
   1572   TestMultipleExtensionDownloading(true);
   1573 }
   1575 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestManifestRetryDownloading) {
   1576   TestManifestRetryDownloading();
   1577 }
   1579 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestGalleryRequestsWithOrganicBrand) {
   1580   TestGalleryRequestsWithBrand(true);
   1581 }
   1583 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestGalleryRequestsWithNonOrganicBrand) {
   1584   TestGalleryRequestsWithBrand(false);
   1585 }
   1587 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestHandleManifestResults) {
   1588   TestHandleManifestResults();
   1589 }
   1591 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestNonAutoUpdateableLocations) {
   1592   net::TestURLFetcherFactory factory;
   1593   ServiceForManifestTests service(prefs_.get());
   1594   ExtensionUpdater updater(&service, service.extension_prefs(),
   1595                            service.pref_service(), service.profile(),
   1596                            service.blacklist(), kUpdateFrequencySecs);
   1597   MockExtensionDownloaderDelegate delegate;
   1598   // Set the downloader directly, so that all its events end up in the mock
   1599   // |delegate|.
   1600   ExtensionDownloader* downloader =
   1601       new ExtensionDownloader(&delegate, service.request_context());
   1602   ResetDownloader(&updater, downloader);
   1604   // Non-internal non-external extensions should be rejected.
   1605   ExtensionList extensions;
   1606   service.CreateTestExtensions(1, 1, &extensions, NULL,
   1607                                Manifest::INVALID_LOCATION);
   1608   service.CreateTestExtensions(2, 1, &extensions, NULL, Manifest::INTERNAL);
   1609   ASSERT_EQ(2u, extensions.size());
   1610   const std::string& updateable_id = extensions[1]->id();
   1612   // These expectations fail if the delegate's methods are invoked for the
   1613   // first extension, which has a non-matching id.
   1614   EXPECT_CALL(delegate, GetUpdateUrlData(updateable_id)).WillOnce(Return(""));
   1615   EXPECT_CALL(delegate, GetPingDataForExtension(updateable_id, _));
   1617   service.set_extensions(extensions);
   1618   ExtensionUpdater::CheckParams params;
   1619   params.check_blacklist = false;
   1620   updater.Start();
   1621   updater.CheckNow(params);
   1622 }
   1624 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestUpdatingDisabledExtensions) {
   1625   net::TestURLFetcherFactory factory;
   1626   ServiceForManifestTests service(prefs_.get());
   1627   ExtensionUpdater updater(&service, service.extension_prefs(),
   1628                            service.pref_service(), service.profile(),
   1629                            service.blacklist(), kUpdateFrequencySecs);
   1630   MockExtensionDownloaderDelegate delegate;
   1631   // Set the downloader directly, so that all its events end up in the mock
   1632   // |delegate|.
   1633   ExtensionDownloader* downloader =
   1634       new ExtensionDownloader(&delegate, service.request_context());
   1635   ResetDownloader(&updater, downloader);
   1637   // Non-internal non-external extensions should be rejected.
   1638   ExtensionList enabled_extensions;
   1639   ExtensionList disabled_extensions;
   1640   service.CreateTestExtensions(1, 1, &enabled_extensions, NULL,
   1641       Manifest::INTERNAL);
   1642   service.CreateTestExtensions(2, 1, &disabled_extensions, NULL,
   1643       Manifest::INTERNAL);
   1644   ASSERT_EQ(1u, enabled_extensions.size());
   1645   ASSERT_EQ(1u, disabled_extensions.size());
   1646   const std::string& enabled_id = enabled_extensions[0]->id();
   1647   const std::string& disabled_id = disabled_extensions[0]->id();
   1649   // We expect that both enabled and disabled extensions are auto-updated.
   1650   EXPECT_CALL(delegate, GetUpdateUrlData(enabled_id)).WillOnce(Return(""));
   1651   EXPECT_CALL(delegate, GetPingDataForExtension(enabled_id, _));
   1652   EXPECT_CALL(delegate, GetUpdateUrlData(disabled_id)).WillOnce(Return(""));
   1653   EXPECT_CALL(delegate, GetPingDataForExtension(disabled_id, _));
   1655   service.set_extensions(enabled_extensions);
   1656   service.set_disabled_extensions(disabled_extensions);
   1657   ExtensionUpdater::CheckParams params;
   1658   params.check_blacklist = false;
   1659   updater.Start();
   1660   updater.CheckNow(params);
   1661 }
   1663 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestManifestFetchesBuilderAddExtension) {
   1664   net::TestURLFetcherFactory factory;
   1665   MockService service(prefs_.get());
   1666   MockExtensionDownloaderDelegate delegate;
   1667   scoped_ptr<ExtensionDownloader> downloader(
   1668       new ExtensionDownloader(&delegate, service.request_context()));
   1669   EXPECT_EQ(0u, ManifestFetchersCount(downloader.get()));
   1671   // First, verify that adding valid extensions does invoke the callbacks on
   1672   // the delegate.
   1673   std::string id = id_util::GenerateId("foo");
   1674   EXPECT_CALL(delegate, GetPingDataForExtension(id, _)).WillOnce(Return(false));
   1675   EXPECT_TRUE(
   1676       downloader->AddPendingExtension(id, GURL("http://example.com/update"),
   1677                                       0));
   1678   downloader->StartAllPending();
   1679   Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&delegate);
   1680   EXPECT_EQ(1u, ManifestFetchersCount(downloader.get()));
   1682   // Extensions with invalid update URLs should be rejected.
   1683   id = id_util::GenerateId("foo2");
   1684   EXPECT_FALSE(
   1685       downloader->AddPendingExtension(id, GURL("http:google.com:foo"), 0));
   1686   downloader->StartAllPending();
   1687   EXPECT_EQ(1u, ManifestFetchersCount(downloader.get()));
   1689   // Extensions with empty IDs should be rejected.
   1690   EXPECT_FALSE(downloader->AddPendingExtension(std::string(), GURL(), 0));
   1691   downloader->StartAllPending();
   1692   EXPECT_EQ(1u, ManifestFetchersCount(downloader.get()));
   1694   // TODO(akalin): Test that extensions with empty update URLs
   1695   // converted from user scripts are rejected.
   1697   // Reset the ExtensionDownloader so that it drops the current fetcher.
   1698   downloader.reset(
   1699       new ExtensionDownloader(&delegate, service.request_context()));
   1700   EXPECT_EQ(0u, ManifestFetchersCount(downloader.get()));
   1702   // Extensions with empty update URLs should have a default one
   1703   // filled in.
   1704   id = id_util::GenerateId("foo3");
   1705   EXPECT_CALL(delegate, GetPingDataForExtension(id, _)).WillOnce(Return(false));
   1706   EXPECT_TRUE(downloader->AddPendingExtension(id, GURL(), 0));
   1707   downloader->StartAllPending();
   1708   EXPECT_EQ(1u, ManifestFetchersCount(downloader.get()));
   1710   net::TestURLFetcher* fetcher =
   1711       factory.GetFetcherByID(ExtensionDownloader::kManifestFetcherId);
   1712   ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher);
   1713   EXPECT_FALSE(fetcher->GetOriginalURL().is_empty());
   1714 }
   1716 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestStartUpdateCheckMemory) {
   1717   net::TestURLFetcherFactory factory;
   1718   MockService service(prefs_.get());
   1719   MockExtensionDownloaderDelegate delegate;
   1720   ExtensionDownloader downloader(&delegate, service.request_context());
   1722   StartUpdateCheck(&downloader, new ManifestFetchData(GURL(), 0));
   1723   // This should delete the newly-created ManifestFetchData.
   1724   StartUpdateCheck(&downloader, new ManifestFetchData(GURL(), 0));
   1725   // This should add into |manifests_pending_|.
   1726   StartUpdateCheck(&downloader, new ManifestFetchData(GURL(
   1727       GURL("http://www.google.com")), 0));
   1728   // The dtor of |downloader| should delete the pending fetchers.
   1729 }
   1731 TEST_F(ExtensionUpdaterTest, TestCheckSoon) {
   1732   ServiceForManifestTests service(prefs_.get());
   1733   net::TestURLFetcherFactory factory;
   1734   ExtensionUpdater updater(
   1735       &service, service.extension_prefs(), service.pref_service(),
   1736       service.profile(), service.blacklist(), kUpdateFrequencySecs);
   1737   EXPECT_FALSE(updater.WillCheckSoon());
   1738   updater.Start();
   1739   EXPECT_FALSE(updater.WillCheckSoon());
   1740   updater.CheckSoon();
   1741   EXPECT_TRUE(updater.WillCheckSoon());
   1742   updater.CheckSoon();
   1743   EXPECT_TRUE(updater.WillCheckSoon());
   1744   RunUntilIdle();
   1745   EXPECT_FALSE(updater.WillCheckSoon());
   1746   updater.CheckSoon();
   1747   EXPECT_TRUE(updater.WillCheckSoon());
   1748   updater.Stop();
   1749   EXPECT_FALSE(updater.WillCheckSoon());
   1750 }
   1752 // TODO(asargent) - (http://crbug.com/12780) add tests for:
   1753 // -prodversionmin (shouldn't update if browser version too old)
   1754 // -manifests & updates arriving out of order / interleaved
   1755 // -malformed update url (empty, file://, has query, has a # fragment, etc.)
   1756 // -An extension gets uninstalled while updates are in progress (so it doesn't
   1757 //  "come back from the dead")
   1758 // -An extension gets manually updated to v3 while we're downloading v2 (ie
   1759 //  you don't get downgraded accidentally)
   1760 // -An update manifest mentions multiple updates
   1762 }  // namespace extensions