Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in history
      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/history/in_memory_url_index.h"
      7 #include <algorithm>
      8 #include <iterator>
      9 #include <limits>
     10 #include <numeric>
     12 #include "base/file_util.h"
     13 #include "base/i18n/break_iterator.h"
     14 #include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
     15 #include "base/string_util.h"
     16 #include "base/time.h"
     17 #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
     18 #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete.h"
     19 #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_provider_util.h"
     20 #include "chrome/browser/history/url_database.h"
     21 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
     22 #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
     23 #include "googleurl/src/url_util.h"
     24 #include "net/base/escape.h"
     25 #include "net/base/net_util.h"
     26 #include "third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/repeated_field.h"
     27 #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
     29 using google::protobuf::RepeatedField;
     30 using google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField;
     31 using in_memory_url_index::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem;
     33 namespace history {
     35 typedef imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem_WordListItem WordListItem;
     36 typedef imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem_WordMapItem_WordMapEntry WordMapEntry;
     37 typedef imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem_WordMapItem WordMapItem;
     38 typedef imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem_CharWordMapItem CharWordMapItem;
     39 typedef imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem_CharWordMapItem_CharWordMapEntry
     40     CharWordMapEntry;
     41 typedef imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem_WordIDHistoryMapItem
     42     WordIDHistoryMapItem;
     43 typedef imui::
     44     InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem_WordIDHistoryMapItem_WordIDHistoryMapEntry
     45     WordIDHistoryMapEntry;
     46 typedef imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem_HistoryInfoMapItem HistoryInfoMapItem;
     47 typedef imui::InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem_HistoryInfoMapItem_HistoryInfoMapEntry
     48     HistoryInfoMapEntry;
     50 const size_t InMemoryURLIndex::kNoCachedResultForTerm = -1;
     52 // Score ranges used to get a 'base' score for each of the scoring factors
     53 // (such as recency of last visit, times visited, times the URL was typed,
     54 // and the quality of the string match). There is a matching value range for
     55 // each of these scores for each factor.
     56 const int kScoreRank[] = { 1425, 1200, 900, 400 };
     58 ScoredHistoryMatch::ScoredHistoryMatch()
     59     : raw_score(0),
     60       prefix_adjust(0) {}
     62 ScoredHistoryMatch::ScoredHistoryMatch(const URLRow& url_info)
     63     : HistoryMatch(url_info, 0, false, false),
     64       raw_score(0),
     65       prefix_adjust(0) {}
     67 ScoredHistoryMatch::~ScoredHistoryMatch() {}
     69 // Comparison function for sorting ScoredMatches by their scores.
     70 bool ScoredHistoryMatch::MatchScoreGreater(const ScoredHistoryMatch& m1,
     71                                            const ScoredHistoryMatch& m2) {
     72   return m1.raw_score >= m2.raw_score;
     73 }
     75 struct InMemoryURLIndex::TermCharWordSet {
     76   TermCharWordSet()  // Required for STL resize().
     77       : char_(0),
     78         word_id_set_(),
     79         used_(false) {}
     80   TermCharWordSet(const char16& uni_char,
     81                   const WordIDSet& word_id_set,
     82                   bool used)
     83       : char_(uni_char),
     84         word_id_set_(word_id_set),
     85         used_(used) {}
     87   // Predicate for STL algorithm use.
     88   bool is_not_used() const { return !used_; }
     90   char16 char_;
     91   WordIDSet word_id_set_;
     92   bool used_;  // true if this set has been used for the current term search.
     93 };
     95 // Comparison function for sorting TermMatches by their offsets.
     96 bool MatchOffsetLess(const TermMatch& m1, const TermMatch& m2) {
     97   return m1.offset < m2.offset;
     98 }
    100 // std::accumulate helper function to add up TermMatches' lengths.
    101 int AccumulateMatchLength(int total, const TermMatch& match) {
    102   return total + match.length;
    103 }
    105 // Converts a raw value for some particular scoring factor into a score
    106 // component for that factor.  The conversion function is piecewise linear, with
    107 // input values provided in |value_ranks| and resulting output scores from
    108 // |kScoreRank| (mathematically, f(value_rank[i]) = kScoreRank[i]).  A score
    109 // cannot be higher than kScoreRank[0], and drops directly to 0 if lower than
    110 // kScoreRank[3].
    111 //
    112 // For example, take |value| == 70 and |value_ranks| == { 100, 50, 30, 10 }.
    113 // Because 70 falls between ranks 0 (100) and 1 (50), the score is given by the
    114 // linear function:
    115 //   score = m * value + b, where
    116 //   m = (kScoreRank[0] - kScoreRank[1]) / (value_ranks[0] - value_ranks[1])
    117 //   b = value_ranks[1]
    118 // Any value higher than 100 would be scored as if it were 100, and any value
    119 // lower than 10 scored 0.
    120 int ScoreForValue(int value, const int* value_ranks) {
    121   int i = 0;
    122   int rank_count = arraysize(kScoreRank);
    123   while ((i < rank_count) && ((value_ranks[0] < value_ranks[1]) ?
    124          (value > value_ranks[i]) : (value < value_ranks[i])))
    125     ++i;
    126   if (i >= rank_count)
    127     return 0;
    128   int score = kScoreRank[i];
    129   if (i > 0) {
    130     score += (value - value_ranks[i]) *
    131         (kScoreRank[i - 1] - kScoreRank[i]) /
    132         (value_ranks[i - 1] - value_ranks[i]);
    133   }
    134   return score;
    135 }
    137 InMemoryURLIndex::InMemoryURLIndex(const FilePath& history_dir)
    138     : history_dir_(history_dir),
    139       history_item_count_(0) {
    140 }
    142 // Called only by unit tests.
    143 InMemoryURLIndex::InMemoryURLIndex()
    144     : history_item_count_(0) {
    145 }
    147 InMemoryURLIndex::~InMemoryURLIndex() {}
    149 // Indexing
    151 bool InMemoryURLIndex::Init(history::URLDatabase* history_db,
    152                             const std::string& languages) {
    153   // TODO(mrossetti): Register for profile/language change notifications.
    154   languages_ = languages;
    155   return ReloadFromHistory(history_db, false);
    156 }
    158 void InMemoryURLIndex::ShutDown() {
    159   // Write our cache.
    160   SaveToCacheFile();
    161 }
    163 bool InMemoryURLIndex::IndexRow(const URLRow& row) {
    164   const GURL& gurl(row.url());
    165   string16 url(net::FormatUrl(gurl, languages_,
    166       net::kFormatUrlOmitUsernamePassword,
    167       UnescapeRule::SPACES | UnescapeRule::URL_SPECIAL_CHARS,
    168       NULL, NULL, NULL));
    170   HistoryID history_id = static_cast<HistoryID>(row.id());
    171   DCHECK_LT(row.id(), std::numeric_limits<HistoryID>::max());
    173   // Add the row for quick lookup in the history info store.
    174   URLRow new_row(GURL(url), row.id());
    175   new_row.set_visit_count(row.visit_count());
    176   new_row.set_typed_count(row.typed_count());
    177   new_row.set_last_visit(row.last_visit());
    178   new_row.set_title(row.title());
    179   history_info_map_[history_id] = new_row;
    181   // Split URL into individual, unique words then add in the title words.
    182   url = l10n_util::ToLower(url);
    183   String16Set url_words = WordSetFromString16(url);
    184   String16Set title_words = WordSetFromString16(row.title());
    185   String16Set words;
    186   std::set_union(url_words.begin(), url_words.end(),
    187                  title_words.begin(), title_words.end(),
    188                  std::insert_iterator<String16Set>(words, words.begin()));
    189   for (String16Set::iterator word_iter = words.begin();
    190        word_iter != words.end(); ++word_iter)
    191     AddWordToIndex(*word_iter, history_id);
    193   ++history_item_count_;
    194   return true;
    195 }
    197 bool InMemoryURLIndex::ReloadFromHistory(history::URLDatabase* history_db,
    198                                          bool clear_cache) {
    199   ClearPrivateData();
    201   if (!history_db)
    202     return false;
    204   if (clear_cache || !RestoreFromCacheFile()) {
    205     base::TimeTicks beginning_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
    206     // The index has to be built from scratch.
    207     URLDatabase::URLEnumerator history_enum;
    208     if (!history_db->InitURLEnumeratorForSignificant(&history_enum))
    209       return false;
    210     URLRow row;
    211     while (history_enum.GetNextURL(&row)) {
    212       if (!IndexRow(row))
    213         return false;
    214     }
    215     UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("History.InMemoryURLIndexingTime",
    216                         base::TimeTicks::Now() - beginning_time);
    217     SaveToCacheFile();
    218   }
    219   return true;
    220 }
    222 void InMemoryURLIndex::ClearPrivateData() {
    223   history_item_count_ = 0;
    224   word_list_.clear();
    225   word_map_.clear();
    226   char_word_map_.clear();
    227   word_id_history_map_.clear();
    228   term_char_word_set_cache_.clear();
    229   history_info_map_.clear();
    230 }
    232 bool InMemoryURLIndex::RestoreFromCacheFile() {
    233   // TODO(mrossetti): Figure out how to determine if the cache is up-to-date.
    234   // That is: ensure that the database has not been modified since the cache
    235   // was last saved. DB file modification date is inadequate. There are no
    236   // SQLite table checksums automatically stored.
    237   base::TimeTicks beginning_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
    238   FilePath file_path;
    239   if (!GetCacheFilePath(&file_path) || !file_util::PathExists(file_path))
    240     return false;
    241   std::string data;
    242   if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(file_path, &data)) {
    243     LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to read InMemoryURLIndex cache from "
    244                  << file_path.value();
    245     return false;
    246   }
    248   InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem index_cache;
    249   if (!index_cache.ParseFromArray(data.c_str(), data.size())) {
    250     LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to parse InMemoryURLIndex cache data read from "
    251                  << file_path.value();
    252     return false;
    253   }
    255   if (!RestorePrivateData(index_cache)) {
    256     ClearPrivateData();  // Back to square one -- must build from scratch.
    257     return false;
    258   }
    260   UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("History.InMemoryURLIndexRestoreCacheTime",
    261                       base::TimeTicks::Now() - beginning_time);
    262   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("History.InMemoryURLHistoryItems", history_item_count_);
    263   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("History.InMemoryURLCacheSize", data.size());
    264   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("History.InMemoryURLWords", word_map_.size());
    265   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("History.InMemoryURLChars", char_word_map_.size());
    266   return true;
    267 }
    269 bool InMemoryURLIndex::SaveToCacheFile() {
    270   base::TimeTicks beginning_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
    271   InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem index_cache;
    272   SavePrivateData(&index_cache);
    273   std::string data;
    274   if (!index_cache.SerializeToString(&data)) {
    275     LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to serialize the InMemoryURLIndex cache.";
    276     return false;
    277   }
    279   // Write the cache to a file then swap it for the old cache, if any, and
    280   // delete the old cache.
    281   FilePath file_path;
    282   if (!GetCacheFilePath(&file_path))
    283     return false;
    284   file_util::ScopedFILE file(file_util::OpenFile(file_path, "w"));
    285   if (!file.get())
    286     return false;
    288   int size = data.size();
    289   if (file_util::WriteFile(file_path, data.c_str(), size) != size) {
    290     LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to write " << file_path.value();
    291     return false;
    292   }
    293   UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("History.InMemoryURLIndexSaveCacheTime",
    294                       base::TimeTicks::Now() - beginning_time);
    295   return true;
    296 }
    298 void InMemoryURLIndex::UpdateURL(URLID row_id, const URLRow& row) {
    299   // The row may or may not already be in our index. If it is not already
    300   // indexed and it qualifies then it gets indexed. If it is already
    301   // indexed and still qualifies then it gets updated, otherwise it
    302   // is deleted from the index.
    303   HistoryInfoMap::iterator row_pos = history_info_map_.find(row_id);
    304   if (row_pos == history_info_map_.end()) {
    305     // This new row should be indexed if it qualifies.
    306     if (RowQualifiesAsSignificant(row, base::Time()))
    307       IndexRow(row);
    308   } else if (RowQualifiesAsSignificant(row, base::Time())) {
    309     // This indexed row still qualifies and will be re-indexed.
    310     // The url won't have changed but the title, visit count, etc.
    311     // might have changed.
    312     URLRow& old_row = row_pos->second;
    313     old_row.set_visit_count(row.visit_count());
    314     old_row.set_typed_count(row.typed_count());
    315     old_row.set_last_visit(row.last_visit());
    316     // TODO(mrossetti): When we start indexing the title the next line
    317     // will need attention.
    318     old_row.set_title(row.title());
    319   } else {
    320     // This indexed row no longer qualifies and will be de-indexed.
    321     history_info_map_.erase(row_id);
    322   }
    323   // This invalidates the cache.
    324   term_char_word_set_cache_.clear();
    325   // TODO(mrossetti): Record this transaction in the cache.
    326 }
    328 void InMemoryURLIndex::DeleteURL(URLID row_id) {
    329   // Note that this does not remove any reference to this row from the
    330   // word_id_history_map_. That map will continue to contain (and return)
    331   // hits against this row until that map is rebuilt, but since the
    332   // history_info_map_ no longer references the row no erroneous results
    333   // will propagate to the user.
    334   history_info_map_.erase(row_id);
    335   // This invalidates the word cache.
    336   term_char_word_set_cache_.clear();
    337   // TODO(mrossetti): Record this transaction in the cache.
    338 }
    340 // Searching
    342 ScoredHistoryMatches InMemoryURLIndex::HistoryItemsForTerms(
    343     const String16Vector& terms) {
    344   ScoredHistoryMatches scored_items;
    345   if (!terms.empty()) {
    346     // Reset used_ flags for term_char_word_set_cache_. We use a basic mark-
    347     // and-sweep approach.
    348     ResetTermCharWordSetCache();
    350     // Lowercase the terms.
    351     // TODO(mrossetti): Another opportunity for a transform algorithm.
    352     String16Vector lower_terms;
    353     for (String16Vector::const_iterator term_iter = terms.begin();
    354          term_iter != terms.end(); ++term_iter)
    355       lower_terms.push_back(l10n_util::ToLower(*term_iter));
    357     String16Vector::value_type all_terms(JoinString(lower_terms, ' '));
    358     HistoryIDSet history_id_set = HistoryIDSetFromWords(all_terms);
    360     // Don't perform any scoring (and don't return any matches) if the
    361     // candidate pool is large. (See comments in header.)
    362     const size_t kItemsToScoreLimit = 500;
    363     if (history_id_set.size() <= kItemsToScoreLimit) {
    364       // Pass over all of the candidates filtering out any without a proper
    365       // substring match, inserting those which pass in order by score.
    366       scored_items = std::for_each(history_id_set.begin(), history_id_set.end(),
    367           AddHistoryMatch(*this, lower_terms)).ScoredMatches();
    369       // Select and sort only the top kMaxMatches results.
    370       if (scored_items.size() > AutocompleteProvider::kMaxMatches) {
    371         std::partial_sort(scored_items.begin(),
    372                           scored_items.begin() +
    373                               AutocompleteProvider::kMaxMatches,
    374                           scored_items.end(),
    375                           ScoredHistoryMatch::MatchScoreGreater);
    376           scored_items.resize(AutocompleteProvider::kMaxMatches);
    377       } else {
    378         std::sort(scored_items.begin(), scored_items.end(),
    379                   ScoredHistoryMatch::MatchScoreGreater);
    380       }
    381     }
    382   }
    384   // Remove any stale TermCharWordSet's.
    385   term_char_word_set_cache_.erase(
    386       std::remove_if(term_char_word_set_cache_.begin(),
    387                      term_char_word_set_cache_.end(),
    388                      std::mem_fun_ref(&TermCharWordSet::is_not_used)),
    389       term_char_word_set_cache_.end());
    390   return scored_items;
    391 }
    393 void InMemoryURLIndex::ResetTermCharWordSetCache() {
    394   // TODO(mrossetti): Consider keeping more of the cache around for possible
    395   // repeat searches, except a 'shortcuts' approach might be better for that.
    396   // TODO(mrossetti): Change TermCharWordSet to a class and use for_each.
    397   for (TermCharWordSetVector::iterator iter =
    398        term_char_word_set_cache_.begin();
    399        iter != term_char_word_set_cache_.end(); ++iter)
    400     iter->used_ = false;
    401 }
    403 InMemoryURLIndex::HistoryIDSet InMemoryURLIndex::HistoryIDSetFromWords(
    404     const string16& uni_string) {
    405   // Break the terms down into individual terms (words), get the candidate
    406   // set for each term, and intersect each to get a final candidate list.
    407   // Note that a single 'term' from the user's perspective might be
    408   // a string like "http://www.somewebsite.com" which, from our perspective,
    409   // is four words: 'http', 'www', 'somewebsite', and 'com'.
    410   HistoryIDSet history_id_set;
    411   String16Set words = WordSetFromString16(uni_string);
    412   bool first_word = true;
    413   for (String16Set::iterator iter = words.begin();
    414        iter != words.end(); ++iter) {
    415     String16Set::value_type uni_word = *iter;
    416     HistoryIDSet term_history_id_set =
    417         InMemoryURLIndex::HistoryIDsForTerm(uni_word);
    418     if (first_word) {
    419       history_id_set.swap(term_history_id_set);
    420       first_word = false;
    421     } else {
    422       HistoryIDSet old_history_id_set(history_id_set);
    423       history_id_set.clear();
    424       std::set_intersection(old_history_id_set.begin(),
    425                             old_history_id_set.end(),
    426                             term_history_id_set.begin(),
    427                             term_history_id_set.end(),
    428                             std::inserter(history_id_set,
    429                                           history_id_set.begin()));
    430     }
    431   }
    432   return history_id_set;
    433 }
    435 InMemoryURLIndex::HistoryIDSet InMemoryURLIndex::HistoryIDsForTerm(
    436     const string16& uni_word) {
    437   InMemoryURLIndex::HistoryIDSet history_id_set;
    439   // For each unique character in the word, in order of first appearance, get
    440   // the char/word_id map entry and intersect with the set in an incremental
    441   // manner.
    442   Char16Vector uni_chars = Char16VectorFromString16(uni_word);
    443   WordIDSet word_id_set(WordIDSetForTermChars(uni_chars));
    445   // TODO(mrossetti): At this point, as a possible optimization, we could
    446   // scan through all candidate words and make sure the |uni_word| is a
    447   // substring within the candidate words, eliminating those which aren't.
    448   // I'm not sure it would be worth the effort. And remember, we've got to do
    449   // a final substring match in order to get the highlighting ranges later
    450   // in the process in any case.
    452   // If any words resulted then we can compose a set of history IDs by unioning
    453   // the sets from each word.
    454   if (!word_id_set.empty()) {
    455     for (WordIDSet::iterator word_id_iter = word_id_set.begin();
    456          word_id_iter != word_id_set.end(); ++word_id_iter) {
    457       WordID word_id = *word_id_iter;
    458       WordIDHistoryMap::iterator word_iter = word_id_history_map_.find(word_id);
    459       if (word_iter != word_id_history_map_.end()) {
    460         HistoryIDSet& word_history_id_set(word_iter->second);
    461         history_id_set.insert(word_history_id_set.begin(),
    462                               word_history_id_set.end());
    463       }
    464     }
    465   }
    467   return history_id_set;
    468 }
    470 // Utility Functions
    472 // static
    473 InMemoryURLIndex::String16Set InMemoryURLIndex::WordSetFromString16(
    474     const string16& uni_string) {
    475   String16Vector words = WordVectorFromString16(uni_string, false);
    476   String16Set word_set;
    477   for (String16Vector::const_iterator iter = words.begin(); iter != words.end();
    478        ++iter)
    479     word_set.insert(l10n_util::ToLower(*iter));
    480   return word_set;
    481 }
    483 // static
    484 InMemoryURLIndex::String16Vector InMemoryURLIndex::WordVectorFromString16(
    485     const string16& uni_string,
    486     bool break_on_space) {
    487   base::BreakIterator iter(&uni_string, break_on_space ?
    488       base::BreakIterator::BREAK_SPACE : base::BreakIterator::BREAK_WORD);
    489   String16Vector words;
    490   if (!iter.Init())
    491     return words;
    492   while (iter.Advance()) {
    493     if (break_on_space || iter.IsWord()) {
    494       string16 word = iter.GetString();
    495       if (break_on_space)
    496         TrimWhitespace(word, TRIM_ALL, &word);
    497       if (!word.empty())
    498         words.push_back(word);
    499     }
    500   }
    501   return words;
    502 }
    504 // static
    505 InMemoryURLIndex::Char16Vector InMemoryURLIndex::Char16VectorFromString16(
    506     const string16& uni_word) {
    507   InMemoryURLIndex::Char16Vector characters;
    508   InMemoryURLIndex::Char16Set unique_characters;
    509   for (string16::const_iterator iter = uni_word.begin();
    510        iter != uni_word.end(); ++iter) {
    511     if (!unique_characters.count(*iter)) {
    512       unique_characters.insert(*iter);
    513       characters.push_back(*iter);
    514     }
    515   }
    516   return characters;
    517 }
    519 // static
    520 InMemoryURLIndex::Char16Set InMemoryURLIndex::Char16SetFromString16(
    521     const string16& uni_word) {
    522   Char16Set characters;
    523   for (string16::const_iterator iter = uni_word.begin();
    524        iter != uni_word.end(); ++iter)
    525     characters.insert(*iter);
    526   return characters;
    527 }
    529 void InMemoryURLIndex::AddWordToIndex(const string16& uni_word,
    530                                       HistoryID history_id) {
    531   WordMap::iterator word_pos = word_map_.find(uni_word);
    532   if (word_pos != word_map_.end())
    533     UpdateWordHistory(word_pos->second, history_id);
    534   else
    535     AddWordHistory(uni_word, history_id);
    536 }
    538 void InMemoryURLIndex::UpdateWordHistory(WordID word_id, HistoryID history_id) {
    539     WordIDHistoryMap::iterator history_pos = word_id_history_map_.find(word_id);
    540     DCHECK(history_pos != word_id_history_map_.end());
    541     HistoryIDSet& history_id_set(history_pos->second);
    542     history_id_set.insert(history_id);
    543 }
    545 // Add a new word to the word list and the word map, and then create a
    546 // new entry in the word/history map.
    547 void InMemoryURLIndex::AddWordHistory(const string16& uni_word,
    548                                       HistoryID history_id) {
    549   word_list_.push_back(uni_word);
    550   WordID word_id = word_list_.size() - 1;
    551   word_map_[uni_word] = word_id;
    552   HistoryIDSet history_id_set;
    553   history_id_set.insert(history_id);
    554   word_id_history_map_[word_id] = history_id_set;
    555   // For each character in the newly added word (i.e. a word that is not
    556   // already in the word index), add the word to the character index.
    557   Char16Set characters = Char16SetFromString16(uni_word);
    558   for (Char16Set::iterator uni_char_iter = characters.begin();
    559        uni_char_iter != characters.end(); ++uni_char_iter) {
    560     Char16Set::value_type uni_char = *uni_char_iter;
    561     CharWordIDMap::iterator char_iter = char_word_map_.find(uni_char);
    562     if (char_iter != char_word_map_.end()) {
    563       // Update existing entry in the char/word index.
    564       WordIDSet& word_id_set(char_iter->second);
    565       word_id_set.insert(word_id);
    566     } else {
    567       // Create a new entry in the char/word index.
    568       WordIDSet word_id_set;
    569       word_id_set.insert(word_id);
    570       char_word_map_[uni_char] = word_id_set;
    571     }
    572   }
    573 }
    575 InMemoryURLIndex::WordIDSet InMemoryURLIndex::WordIDSetForTermChars(
    576     const InMemoryURLIndex::Char16Vector& uni_chars) {
    577   size_t index = CachedResultsIndexForTerm(uni_chars);
    579   // If there were no unprocessed characters in the search term |uni_chars|
    580   // then we can use the cached one as-is as the results with no further
    581   // filtering.
    582   if (index != kNoCachedResultForTerm && index == uni_chars.size() - 1)
    583     return term_char_word_set_cache_[index].word_id_set_;
    585   // Some or all of the characters remain to be indexed so trim the cache.
    586   if (index + 1 < term_char_word_set_cache_.size())
    587     term_char_word_set_cache_.resize(index + 1);
    588   WordIDSet word_id_set;
    589   // Take advantage of our cached starting point, if any.
    590   Char16Vector::const_iterator c_iter = uni_chars.begin();
    591   if (index != kNoCachedResultForTerm) {
    592     word_id_set = term_char_word_set_cache_[index].word_id_set_;
    593     c_iter += index + 1;
    594   }
    595   // Now process the remaining characters in the search term.
    596   for (; c_iter != uni_chars.end(); ++c_iter) {
    597     Char16Vector::value_type uni_char = *c_iter;
    598     CharWordIDMap::iterator char_iter = char_word_map_.find(uni_char);
    599     if (char_iter == char_word_map_.end()) {
    600       // A character was not found so there are no matching results: bail.
    601       word_id_set.clear();
    602       break;
    603     }
    604     WordIDSet& char_word_id_set(char_iter->second);
    605     // It is possible for there to no longer be any words associated with
    606     // a particular character. Give up in that case.
    607     if (char_word_id_set.empty()) {
    608       word_id_set.clear();
    609       break;
    610     }
    612     if (word_id_set.empty()) {
    613       word_id_set = char_word_id_set;
    614     } else {
    615       WordIDSet old_word_id_set(word_id_set);
    616       word_id_set.clear();
    617       std::set_intersection(old_word_id_set.begin(),
    618                             old_word_id_set.end(),
    619                             char_word_id_set.begin(),
    620                             char_word_id_set.end(),
    621                             std::inserter(word_id_set,
    622                             word_id_set.begin()));
    623     }
    624     // Add this new char/set instance to the cache.
    625     term_char_word_set_cache_.push_back(TermCharWordSet(
    626         uni_char, word_id_set, true));
    627   }
    628   return word_id_set;
    629 }
    631 size_t InMemoryURLIndex::CachedResultsIndexForTerm(
    632     const InMemoryURLIndex::Char16Vector& uni_chars) {
    633   TermCharWordSetVector::iterator t_iter = term_char_word_set_cache_.begin();
    634   for (Char16Vector::const_iterator c_iter = uni_chars.begin();
    635        (c_iter != uni_chars.end()) &&
    636        (t_iter != term_char_word_set_cache_.end()) &&
    637        (*c_iter == t_iter->char_);
    638        ++c_iter, ++t_iter)
    639     t_iter->used_ = true;  // Update the cache.
    640   return t_iter - term_char_word_set_cache_.begin() - 1;
    641 }
    643 // static
    644 TermMatches InMemoryURLIndex::MatchTermInString(const string16& term,
    645                                                 const string16& string,
    646                                                 int term_num) {
    647   TermMatches matches;
    648   for (size_t location = string.find(term); location != string16::npos;
    649        location = string.find(term, location + 1))
    650     matches.push_back(TermMatch(term_num, location, term.size()));
    651   return matches;
    652 }
    654 // static
    655 TermMatches InMemoryURLIndex::SortAndDeoverlap(const TermMatches& matches) {
    656   if (matches.empty())
    657     return matches;
    658   TermMatches sorted_matches = matches;
    659   std::sort(sorted_matches.begin(), sorted_matches.end(),
    660             MatchOffsetLess);
    661   TermMatches clean_matches;
    662   TermMatch last_match = sorted_matches[0];
    663   clean_matches.push_back(last_match);
    664   for (TermMatches::const_iterator iter = sorted_matches.begin() + 1;
    665        iter != sorted_matches.end(); ++iter) {
    666     if (iter->offset >= last_match.offset + last_match.length) {
    667       last_match = *iter;
    668       clean_matches.push_back(last_match);
    669     }
    670   }
    671   return clean_matches;
    672 }
    674 // static
    675 std::vector<size_t> InMemoryURLIndex::OffsetsFromTermMatches(
    676     const TermMatches& matches) {
    677   std::vector<size_t> offsets;
    678   for (TermMatches::const_iterator i = matches.begin(); i != matches.end(); ++i)
    679     offsets.push_back(i->offset);
    680   return offsets;
    681 }
    683 // static
    684 TermMatches InMemoryURLIndex::ReplaceOffsetsInTermMatches(
    685     const TermMatches& matches,
    686     const std::vector<size_t>& offsets) {
    687   DCHECK_EQ(matches.size(), offsets.size());
    688   TermMatches new_matches;
    689   std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator offset_iter = offsets.begin();
    690   for (TermMatches::const_iterator term_iter = matches.begin();
    691        term_iter != matches.end(); ++term_iter, ++offset_iter) {
    692     if (*offset_iter != string16::npos) {
    693       TermMatch new_match(*term_iter);
    694       new_match.offset = *offset_iter;
    695       new_matches.push_back(new_match);
    696     }
    697   }
    698   return new_matches;
    699 }
    701 // static
    702 ScoredHistoryMatch InMemoryURLIndex::ScoredMatchForURL(
    703     const URLRow& row,
    704     const String16Vector& terms) {
    705   ScoredHistoryMatch match(row);
    706   GURL gurl = row.url();
    707   if (!gurl.is_valid())
    708     return match;
    710   // Figure out where each search term appears in the URL and/or page title
    711   // so that we can score as well as provide autocomplete highlighting.
    712   string16 url = l10n_util::ToLower(UTF8ToUTF16(gurl.spec()));
    713   // Strip any 'http://' prefix before matching.
    714   if (url_util::FindAndCompareScheme(url, chrome::kHttpScheme, NULL)) {
    715     match.prefix_adjust = strlen(chrome::kHttpScheme) + 3;  // Allow for '://'.
    716     url = url.substr(match.prefix_adjust);
    717   }
    719   string16 title = l10n_util::ToLower(row.title());
    720   int term_num = 0;
    721   for (String16Vector::const_iterator iter = terms.begin(); iter != terms.end();
    722        ++iter, ++term_num) {
    723     string16 term = *iter;
    724     TermMatches url_term_matches = MatchTermInString(term, url, term_num);
    725     TermMatches title_term_matches = MatchTermInString(term, title, term_num);
    726     if (url_term_matches.empty() && title_term_matches.empty())
    727       return match;  // A term was not found in either URL or title - reject.
    728     match.url_matches.insert(match.url_matches.end(), url_term_matches.begin(),
    729                              url_term_matches.end());
    730     match.title_matches.insert(match.title_matches.end(),
    731                                title_term_matches.begin(),
    732                                title_term_matches.end());
    733   }
    735   // Sort matches by offset and eliminate any which overlap.
    736   match.url_matches = SortAndDeoverlap(match.url_matches);
    737   match.title_matches = SortAndDeoverlap(match.title_matches);
    739   // Get partial scores based on term matching. Note that the score for
    740   // each of the URL and title are adjusted by the fraction of the
    741   // terms appearing in each.
    742   int url_score = ScoreComponentForMatches(match.url_matches, url.size()) *
    743       match.url_matches.size() / terms.size();
    744   int title_score =
    745       ScoreComponentForMatches(match.title_matches, title.size()) *
    746       static_cast<int>(match.title_matches.size()) /
    747       static_cast<int>(terms.size());
    748   // Arbitrarily pick the best.
    749   // TODO(mrossetti): It might make sense that a term which appears in both the
    750   // URL and the Title should boost the score a bit.
    751   int term_score = std::max(url_score, title_score);
    752   if (term_score == 0)
    753     return match;
    755   // Factor in recency of visit, visit count and typed count attributes of the
    756   // URLRow.
    757   const int kDaysAgoLevel[] = { 0, 10, 20, 30 };
    758   int score = ScoreForValue((base::Time::Now() -
    759       row.last_visit()).InDays(), kDaysAgoLevel);
    760   const int kVisitCountLevel[] = { 30, 10, 5, 3 };
    761   int visit_count_value = ScoreForValue(row.visit_count(), kVisitCountLevel);
    762   const int kTypedCountLevel[] = { 10, 5, 3, 1 };
    763   int typed_count_value = ScoreForValue(row.typed_count(), kTypedCountLevel);
    765   // Determine how many of the factors comprising the final score are
    766   // significant by summing the relative factors for each and subtracting how
    767   // many will be 'discarded' even if they are low.
    768   const int kVisitCountMultiplier = 2;
    769   const int kTypedCountMultiplier = 3;
    770   const int kSignificantFactors =
    771       kVisitCountMultiplier +  // Visit count factor plus
    772       kTypedCountMultiplier +  // typed count factor plus
    773       2 -                      // one each for string match and last visit
    774       2;                       // minus 2 insignificant factors.
    775   // The following, in effect, discards up to |kSignificantFactors| low scoring
    776   // elements which contribute little to the score but which can inordinately
    777   // drag down an otherwise good score.
    778   match.raw_score = std::min(kScoreRank[0], (term_score + score +
    779       (visit_count_value * kVisitCountMultiplier) + (typed_count_value *
    780       kTypedCountMultiplier)) / kSignificantFactors);
    782   return match;
    783 }
    785 int InMemoryURLIndex::ScoreComponentForMatches(const TermMatches& matches,
    786                                                size_t max_length) {
    787   // TODO(mrossetti): This is good enough for now but must be fine-tuned.
    788   if (matches.empty())
    789     return 0;
    791   // Score component for whether the input terms (if more than one) were found
    792   // in the same order in the match.  Start with kOrderMaxValue points divided
    793   // equally among (number of terms - 1); then discount each of those terms that
    794   // is out-of-order in the match.
    795   const int kOrderMaxValue = 250;
    796   int order_value = kOrderMaxValue;
    797   if (matches.size() > 1) {
    798     int max_possible_out_of_order = matches.size() - 1;
    799     int out_of_order = 0;
    800     for (size_t i = 1; i < matches.size(); ++i) {
    801       if (matches[i - 1].term_num > matches[i].term_num)
    802         ++out_of_order;
    803     }
    804     order_value = (max_possible_out_of_order - out_of_order) * kOrderMaxValue /
    805         max_possible_out_of_order;
    806   }
    808   // Score component for how early in the match string the first search term
    809   // appears.  Start with kStartMaxValue points and discount by
    810   // 1/kMaxSignificantStart points for each character later than the first at
    811   // which the term begins. No points are earned if the start of the match
    812   // occurs at or after kMaxSignificantStart.
    813   const size_t kMaxSignificantStart = 20;
    814   const int kStartMaxValue = 250;
    815   int start_value = (kMaxSignificantStart -
    816       std::min(kMaxSignificantStart, matches[0].offset)) * kStartMaxValue /
    817       kMaxSignificantStart;
    819   // Score component for how much of the matched string the input terms cover.
    820   // kCompleteMaxValue points times the fraction of the URL/page title string
    821   // that was matched.
    822   size_t term_length_total = std::accumulate(matches.begin(), matches.end(),
    823                                              0, AccumulateMatchLength);
    824   const int kCompleteMaxValue = 500;
    825   int complete_value = term_length_total * kCompleteMaxValue / max_length;
    827   int raw_score = order_value + start_value + complete_value;
    828   const int kTermScoreLevel[] = { 1000, 650, 500, 200 };
    830   // Scale the sum of the three components above into a single score component
    831   // on the same scale as that used in ScoredMatchForURL().
    832   return ScoreForValue(raw_score, kTermScoreLevel);
    833 }
    835 InMemoryURLIndex::AddHistoryMatch::AddHistoryMatch(
    836     const InMemoryURLIndex& index,
    837     const String16Vector& lower_terms)
    838   : index_(index),
    839     lower_terms_(lower_terms) {
    840 }
    842 InMemoryURLIndex::AddHistoryMatch::~AddHistoryMatch() {}
    844 void InMemoryURLIndex::AddHistoryMatch::operator()(
    845     const InMemoryURLIndex::HistoryID history_id) {
    846   HistoryInfoMap::const_iterator hist_pos =
    847       index_.history_info_map_.find(history_id);
    848   // Note that a history_id may be present in the word_id_history_map_ yet not
    849   // be found in the history_info_map_. This occurs when an item has been
    850   // deleted by the user or the item no longer qualifies as a quick result.
    851   if (hist_pos != index_.history_info_map_.end()) {
    852     const URLRow& hist_item = hist_pos->second;
    853     ScoredHistoryMatch match(ScoredMatchForURL(hist_item, lower_terms_));
    854     if (match.raw_score > 0)
    855       scored_matches_.push_back(match);
    856   }
    857 }
    859 bool InMemoryURLIndex::GetCacheFilePath(FilePath* file_path) {
    860   if (history_dir_.empty())
    861     return false;
    862   *file_path = history_dir_.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("History Provider Cache"));
    863   return true;
    864 }
    866 void InMemoryURLIndex::SavePrivateData(InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem* cache) const {
    867   DCHECK(cache);
    868   cache->set_timestamp(base::Time::Now().ToInternalValue());
    869   cache->set_history_item_count(history_item_count_);
    870   SaveWordList(cache);
    871   SaveWordMap(cache);
    872   SaveCharWordMap(cache);
    873   SaveWordIDHistoryMap(cache);
    874   SaveHistoryInfoMap(cache);
    875 }
    877 bool InMemoryURLIndex::RestorePrivateData(
    878     const InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem& cache) {
    879   last_saved_ = base::Time::FromInternalValue(cache.timestamp());
    880   history_item_count_ = cache.history_item_count();
    881   return (history_item_count_ == 0) || (RestoreWordList(cache) &&
    882       RestoreWordMap(cache) && RestoreCharWordMap(cache) &&
    883       RestoreWordIDHistoryMap(cache) && RestoreHistoryInfoMap(cache));
    884 }
    887 void InMemoryURLIndex::SaveWordList(InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem* cache) const {
    888   if (word_list_.empty())
    889     return;
    890   WordListItem* list_item = cache->mutable_word_list();
    891   list_item->set_word_count(word_list_.size());
    892   for (String16Vector::const_iterator iter = word_list_.begin();
    893        iter != word_list_.end(); ++iter)
    894     list_item->add_word(UTF16ToUTF8(*iter));
    895 }
    897 bool InMemoryURLIndex::RestoreWordList(const InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem& cache) {
    898   if (!cache.has_word_list())
    899     return false;
    900   const WordListItem& list_item(cache.word_list());
    901   uint32 expected_item_count = list_item.word_count();
    902   uint32 actual_item_count = list_item.word_size();
    903   if (actual_item_count == 0 || actual_item_count != expected_item_count)
    904     return false;
    905   const RepeatedPtrField<std::string>& words(list_item.word());
    906   for (RepeatedPtrField<std::string>::const_iterator iter = words.begin();
    907        iter != words.end(); ++iter)
    908     word_list_.push_back(UTF8ToUTF16(*iter));
    909   return true;
    910 }
    912 void InMemoryURLIndex::SaveWordMap(InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem* cache) const {
    913   if (word_map_.empty())
    914     return;
    915   WordMapItem* map_item = cache->mutable_word_map();
    916   map_item->set_item_count(word_map_.size());
    917   for (WordMap::const_iterator iter = word_map_.begin();
    918        iter != word_map_.end(); ++iter) {
    919     WordMapEntry* map_entry = map_item->add_word_map_entry();
    920     map_entry->set_word(UTF16ToUTF8(iter->first));
    921     map_entry->set_word_id(iter->second);
    922   }
    923 }
    925 bool InMemoryURLIndex::RestoreWordMap(const InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem& cache) {
    926   if (!cache.has_word_map())
    927     return false;
    928   const WordMapItem& list_item(cache.word_map());
    929   uint32 expected_item_count = list_item.item_count();
    930   uint32 actual_item_count = list_item.word_map_entry_size();
    931   if (actual_item_count == 0 || actual_item_count != expected_item_count)
    932     return false;
    933   const RepeatedPtrField<WordMapEntry>& entries(list_item.word_map_entry());
    934   for (RepeatedPtrField<WordMapEntry>::const_iterator iter = entries.begin();
    935        iter != entries.end(); ++iter)
    936     word_map_[UTF8ToUTF16(iter->word())] = iter->word_id();
    937   return true;
    938 }
    940 void InMemoryURLIndex::SaveCharWordMap(InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem* cache) const {
    941   if (char_word_map_.empty())
    942     return;
    943   CharWordMapItem* map_item = cache->mutable_char_word_map();
    944   map_item->set_item_count(char_word_map_.size());
    945   for (CharWordIDMap::const_iterator iter = char_word_map_.begin();
    946        iter != char_word_map_.end(); ++iter) {
    947     CharWordMapEntry* map_entry = map_item->add_char_word_map_entry();
    948     map_entry->set_char_16(iter->first);
    949     const WordIDSet& word_id_set(iter->second);
    950     map_entry->set_item_count(word_id_set.size());
    951     for (WordIDSet::const_iterator set_iter = word_id_set.begin();
    952          set_iter != word_id_set.end(); ++set_iter)
    953       map_entry->add_word_id(*set_iter);
    954   }
    955 }
    957 bool InMemoryURLIndex::RestoreCharWordMap(
    958     const InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem& cache) {
    959   if (!cache.has_char_word_map())
    960     return false;
    961   const CharWordMapItem& list_item(cache.char_word_map());
    962   uint32 expected_item_count = list_item.item_count();
    963   uint32 actual_item_count = list_item.char_word_map_entry_size();
    964   if (actual_item_count == 0 || actual_item_count != expected_item_count)
    965     return false;
    966   const RepeatedPtrField<CharWordMapEntry>&
    967       entries(list_item.char_word_map_entry());
    968   for (RepeatedPtrField<CharWordMapEntry>::const_iterator iter =
    969        entries.begin(); iter != entries.end(); ++iter) {
    970     expected_item_count = iter->item_count();
    971     actual_item_count = iter->word_id_size();
    972     if (actual_item_count == 0 || actual_item_count != expected_item_count)
    973       return false;
    974     char16 uni_char = static_cast<char16>(iter->char_16());
    975     WordIDSet word_id_set;
    976     const RepeatedField<int32>& word_ids(iter->word_id());
    977     for (RepeatedField<int32>::const_iterator jiter = word_ids.begin();
    978          jiter != word_ids.end(); ++jiter)
    979       word_id_set.insert(*jiter);
    980     char_word_map_[uni_char] = word_id_set;
    981   }
    982   return true;
    983 }
    985 void InMemoryURLIndex::SaveWordIDHistoryMap(InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem* cache)
    986     const {
    987   if (word_id_history_map_.empty())
    988     return;
    989   WordIDHistoryMapItem* map_item = cache->mutable_word_id_history_map();
    990   map_item->set_item_count(word_id_history_map_.size());
    991   for (WordIDHistoryMap::const_iterator iter = word_id_history_map_.begin();
    992        iter != word_id_history_map_.end(); ++iter) {
    993     WordIDHistoryMapEntry* map_entry =
    994         map_item->add_word_id_history_map_entry();
    995     map_entry->set_word_id(iter->first);
    996     const HistoryIDSet& history_id_set(iter->second);
    997     map_entry->set_item_count(history_id_set.size());
    998     for (HistoryIDSet::const_iterator set_iter = history_id_set.begin();
    999          set_iter != history_id_set.end(); ++set_iter)
   1000       map_entry->add_history_id(*set_iter);
   1001   }
   1002 }
   1004 bool InMemoryURLIndex::RestoreWordIDHistoryMap(
   1005     const InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem& cache) {
   1006   if (!cache.has_word_id_history_map())
   1007     return false;
   1008   const WordIDHistoryMapItem& list_item(cache.word_id_history_map());
   1009   uint32 expected_item_count = list_item.item_count();
   1010   uint32 actual_item_count = list_item.word_id_history_map_entry_size();
   1011   if (actual_item_count == 0 || actual_item_count != expected_item_count)
   1012     return false;
   1013   const RepeatedPtrField<WordIDHistoryMapEntry>&
   1014       entries(list_item.word_id_history_map_entry());
   1015   for (RepeatedPtrField<WordIDHistoryMapEntry>::const_iterator iter =
   1016        entries.begin(); iter != entries.end(); ++iter) {
   1017     expected_item_count = iter->item_count();
   1018     actual_item_count = iter->history_id_size();
   1019     if (actual_item_count == 0 || actual_item_count != expected_item_count)
   1020       return false;
   1021     WordID word_id = iter->word_id();
   1022     HistoryIDSet history_id_set;
   1023     const RepeatedField<int64>& history_ids(iter->history_id());
   1024     for (RepeatedField<int64>::const_iterator jiter = history_ids.begin();
   1025          jiter != history_ids.end(); ++jiter)
   1026       history_id_set.insert(*jiter);
   1027     word_id_history_map_[word_id] = history_id_set;
   1028   }
   1029   return true;
   1030 }
   1032 void InMemoryURLIndex::SaveHistoryInfoMap(
   1033     InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem* cache) const {
   1034   if (history_info_map_.empty())
   1035     return;
   1036   HistoryInfoMapItem* map_item = cache->mutable_history_info_map();
   1037   map_item->set_item_count(history_info_map_.size());
   1038   for (HistoryInfoMap::const_iterator iter = history_info_map_.begin();
   1039        iter != history_info_map_.end(); ++iter) {
   1040     HistoryInfoMapEntry* map_entry = map_item->add_history_info_map_entry();
   1041     map_entry->set_history_id(iter->first);
   1042     const URLRow& url_row(iter->second);
   1043     // Note: We only save information that contributes to the index so there
   1044     // is no need to save term_char_word_set_cache_ (not persistent),
   1045     // languages_, etc.
   1046     map_entry->set_visit_count(url_row.visit_count());
   1047     map_entry->set_typed_count(url_row.typed_count());
   1048     map_entry->set_last_visit(url_row.last_visit().ToInternalValue());
   1049     map_entry->set_url(url_row.url().spec());
   1050     map_entry->set_title(UTF16ToUTF8(url_row.title()));
   1051   }
   1052 }
   1054 bool InMemoryURLIndex::RestoreHistoryInfoMap(
   1055     const InMemoryURLIndexCacheItem& cache) {
   1056   if (!cache.has_history_info_map())
   1057     return false;
   1058   const HistoryInfoMapItem& list_item(cache.history_info_map());
   1059   uint32 expected_item_count = list_item.item_count();
   1060   uint32 actual_item_count = list_item.history_info_map_entry_size();
   1061   if (actual_item_count == 0 || actual_item_count != expected_item_count)
   1062     return false;
   1063   const RepeatedPtrField<HistoryInfoMapEntry>&
   1064       entries(list_item.history_info_map_entry());
   1065   for (RepeatedPtrField<HistoryInfoMapEntry>::const_iterator iter =
   1066        entries.begin(); iter != entries.end(); ++iter) {
   1067     HistoryID history_id = iter->history_id();
   1068     GURL url(iter->url());
   1069     URLRow url_row(url, history_id);
   1070     url_row.set_visit_count(iter->visit_count());
   1071     url_row.set_typed_count(iter->typed_count());
   1072     url_row.set_last_visit(base::Time::FromInternalValue(iter->last_visit()));
   1073     if (iter->has_title()) {
   1074       string16 title(UTF8ToUTF16(iter->title()));
   1075       url_row.set_title(title);
   1076     }
   1077     history_info_map_[history_id] = url_row;
   1078   }
   1079   return true;
   1080 }
   1082 }  // namespace history