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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     12 /*!\file
     13  * \brief Describes the decoder algorithm interface for algorithm
     14  *        implementations.
     15  *
     16  * This file defines the private structures and data types that are only
     17  * relevant to implementing an algorithm, as opposed to using it.
     18  *
     19  * To create a decoder algorithm class, an interface structure is put
     20  * into the global namespace:
     21  *     <pre>
     22  *     my_codec.c:
     23  *       vpx_codec_iface_t my_codec = {
     24  *           "My Codec v1.0",
     25  *           VPX_CODEC_ALG_ABI_VERSION,
     26  *           ...
     27  *       };
     28  *     </pre>
     29  *
     30  * An application instantiates a specific decoder instance by using
     31  * vpx_codec_init() and a pointer to the algorithm's interface structure:
     32  *     <pre>
     33  *     my_app.c:
     34  *       extern vpx_codec_iface_t my_codec;
     35  *       {
     36  *           vpx_codec_ctx_t algo;
     37  *           res = vpx_codec_init(&algo, &my_codec);
     38  *       }
     39  *     </pre>
     40  *
     41  * Once initialized, the instance is manged using other functions from
     42  * the vpx_codec_* family.
     43  */
     44 #ifndef VPX_CODEC_INTERNAL_H
     45 #define VPX_CODEC_INTERNAL_H
     46 #include "../vpx_decoder.h"
     47 #include "../vpx_encoder.h"
     48 #include <stdarg.h>
     51 /*!\brief Current ABI version number
     52  *
     53  * \internal
     54  * If this file is altered in any way that changes the ABI, this value
     55  * must be bumped.  Examples include, but are not limited to, changing
     56  * types, removing or reassigning enums, adding/removing/rearranging
     57  * fields to structures
     58  */
     59 #define VPX_CODEC_INTERNAL_ABI_VERSION (4) /**<\hideinitializer*/
     61 typedef struct vpx_codec_alg_priv  vpx_codec_alg_priv_t;
     62 typedef struct vpx_codec_priv_enc_mr_cfg vpx_codec_priv_enc_mr_cfg_t;
     64 /*!\brief init function pointer prototype
     65  *
     66  * Performs algorithm-specific initialization of the decoder context. This
     67  * function is called by the generic vpx_codec_init() wrapper function, so
     68  * plugins implementing this interface may trust the input parameters to be
     69  * properly initialized.
     70  *
     71  * \param[in] ctx   Pointer to this instance's context
     72  * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
     73  *     The input stream was recognized and decoder initialized.
     74  * \retval #VPX_CODEC_MEM_ERROR
     75  *     Memory operation failed.
     76  */
     77 typedef vpx_codec_err_t (*vpx_codec_init_fn_t)(vpx_codec_ctx_t *ctx,
     78                                                vpx_codec_priv_enc_mr_cfg_t *data);
     80 /*!\brief destroy function pointer prototype
     81  *
     82  * Performs algorithm-specific destruction of the decoder context. This
     83  * function is called by the generic vpx_codec_destroy() wrapper function,
     84  * so plugins implementing this interface may trust the input parameters
     85  * to be properly initialized.
     86  *
     87  * \param[in] ctx   Pointer to this instance's context
     88  * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
     89  *     The input stream was recognized and decoder initialized.
     90  * \retval #VPX_CODEC_MEM_ERROR
     91  *     Memory operation failed.
     92  */
     93 typedef vpx_codec_err_t (*vpx_codec_destroy_fn_t)(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx);
     95 /*!\brief parse stream info function pointer prototype
     96  *
     97  * Performs high level parsing of the bitstream. This function is called by the
     98  * generic vpx_codec_peek_stream_info() wrapper function, so plugins
     99  * implementing this interface may trust the input parameters to be properly
    100  * initialized.
    101  *
    102  * \param[in]      data    Pointer to a block of data to parse
    103  * \param[in]      data_sz Size of the data buffer
    104  * \param[in,out]  si      Pointer to stream info to update. The size member
    105  *                         \ref MUST be properly initialized, but \ref MAY be
    106  *                         clobbered by the algorithm. This parameter \ref MAY
    107  *                         be NULL.
    108  *
    109  * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
    110  *     Bitstream is parsable and stream information updated
    111  */
    112 typedef vpx_codec_err_t (*vpx_codec_peek_si_fn_t)(const uint8_t         *data,
    113                                                   unsigned int           data_sz,
    114                                                   vpx_codec_stream_info_t *si);
    116 /*!\brief Return information about the current stream.
    117  *
    118  * Returns information about the stream that has been parsed during decoding.
    119  *
    120  * \param[in]      ctx     Pointer to this instance's context
    121  * \param[in,out]  si      Pointer to stream info to update. The size member
    122  *                         \ref MUST be properly initialized, but \ref MAY be
    123  *                         clobbered by the algorithm. This parameter \ref MAY
    124  *                         be NULL.
    125  *
    126  * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
    127  *     Bitstream is parsable and stream information updated
    128  */
    129 typedef vpx_codec_err_t (*vpx_codec_get_si_fn_t)(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t    *ctx,
    130                                                  vpx_codec_stream_info_t *si);
    132 /*!\brief control function pointer prototype
    133  *
    134  * This function is used to exchange algorithm specific data with the decoder
    135  * instance. This can be used to implement features specific to a particular
    136  * algorithm.
    137  *
    138  * This function is called by the generic vpx_codec_control() wrapper
    139  * function, so plugins implementing this interface may trust the input
    140  * parameters to be properly initialized. However,  this interface does not
    141  * provide type safety for the exchanged data or assign meanings to the
    142  * control codes. Those details should be specified in the algorithm's
    143  * header file. In particular, the ctrl_id parameter is guaranteed to exist
    144  * in the algorithm's control mapping table, and the data parameter may be NULL.
    145  *
    146  *
    147  * \param[in]     ctx              Pointer to this instance's context
    148  * \param[in]     ctrl_id          Algorithm specific control identifier
    149  * \param[in,out] data             Data to exchange with algorithm instance.
    150  *
    151  * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
    152  *     The internal state data was deserialized.
    153  */
    154 typedef vpx_codec_err_t (*vpx_codec_control_fn_t)(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t  *ctx,
    155                                                   int                  ctrl_id,
    156                                                   va_list              ap);
    158 /*!\brief control function pointer mapping
    159  *
    160  * This structure stores the mapping between control identifiers and
    161  * implementing functions. Each algorithm provides a list of these
    162  * mappings. This list is searched by the vpx_codec_control() wrapper
    163  * function to determine which function to invoke. The special
    164  * value {0, NULL} is used to indicate end-of-list, and must be
    165  * present. The special value {0, <non-null>} can be used as a catch-all
    166  * mapping. This implies that ctrl_id values chosen by the algorithm
    167  * \ref MUST be non-zero.
    168  */
    169 typedef const struct vpx_codec_ctrl_fn_map {
    170   int                    ctrl_id;
    171   vpx_codec_control_fn_t   fn;
    172 } vpx_codec_ctrl_fn_map_t;
    174 /*!\brief decode data function pointer prototype
    175  *
    176  * Processes a buffer of coded data. If the processing results in a new
    177  * decoded frame becoming available, #VPX_CODEC_CB_PUT_SLICE and
    178  * #VPX_CODEC_CB_PUT_FRAME events are generated as appropriate. This
    179  * function is called by the generic vpx_codec_decode() wrapper function,
    180  * so plugins implementing this interface may trust the input parameters
    181  * to be properly initialized.
    182  *
    183  * \param[in] ctx          Pointer to this instance's context
    184  * \param[in] data         Pointer to this block of new coded data. If
    185  *                         NULL, a #VPX_CODEC_CB_PUT_FRAME event is posted
    186  *                         for the previously decoded frame.
    187  * \param[in] data_sz      Size of the coded data, in bytes.
    188  *
    189  * \return Returns #VPX_CODEC_OK if the coded data was processed completely
    190  *         and future pictures can be decoded without error. Otherwise,
    191  *         see the descriptions of the other error codes in ::vpx_codec_err_t
    192  *         for recoverability capabilities.
    193  */
    194 typedef vpx_codec_err_t (*vpx_codec_decode_fn_t)(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t  *ctx,
    195                                                  const uint8_t         *data,
    196                                                  unsigned int     data_sz,
    197                                                  void        *user_priv,
    198                                                  long         deadline);
    200 /*!\brief Decoded frames iterator
    201  *
    202  * Iterates over a list of the frames available for display. The iterator
    203  * storage should be initialized to NULL to start the iteration. Iteration is
    204  * complete when this function returns NULL.
    205  *
    206  * The list of available frames becomes valid upon completion of the
    207  * vpx_codec_decode call, and remains valid until the next call to vpx_codec_decode.
    208  *
    209  * \param[in]     ctx      Pointer to this instance's context
    210  * \param[in out] iter     Iterator storage, initialized to NULL
    211  *
    212  * \return Returns a pointer to an image, if one is ready for display. Frames
    213  *         produced will always be in PTS (presentation time stamp) order.
    214  */
    215 typedef vpx_image_t *(*vpx_codec_get_frame_fn_t)(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
    216                                                  vpx_codec_iter_t     *iter);
    219 /*\brief eXternal Memory Allocation memory map get iterator
    220  *
    221  * Iterates over a list of the memory maps requested by the decoder. The
    222  * iterator storage should be initialized to NULL to start the iteration.
    223  * Iteration is complete when this function returns NULL.
    224  *
    225  * \param[in out] iter     Iterator storage, initialized to NULL
    226  *
    227  * \return Returns a pointer to an memory segment descriptor, or NULL to
    228  *         indicate end-of-list.
    229  */
    230 typedef vpx_codec_err_t (*vpx_codec_get_mmap_fn_t)(const vpx_codec_ctx_t      *ctx,
    231                                                    vpx_codec_mmap_t           *mmap,
    232                                                    vpx_codec_iter_t           *iter);
    235 /*\brief eXternal Memory Allocation memory map set iterator
    236  *
    237  * Sets a memory descriptor inside the decoder instance.
    238  *
    239  * \param[in] ctx      Pointer to this instance's context
    240  * \param[in] mmap     Memory map to store.
    241  *
    242  * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
    243  *     The memory map was accepted and stored.
    244  * \retval #VPX_CODEC_MEM_ERROR
    245  *     The memory map was rejected.
    246  */
    247 typedef vpx_codec_err_t (*vpx_codec_set_mmap_fn_t)(vpx_codec_ctx_t         *ctx,
    248                                                    const vpx_codec_mmap_t  *mmap);
    251 typedef vpx_codec_err_t (*vpx_codec_encode_fn_t)(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t  *ctx,
    252                                                  const vpx_image_t     *img,
    253                                                  vpx_codec_pts_t        pts,
    254                                                  unsigned long          duration,
    255                                                  vpx_enc_frame_flags_t  flags,
    256                                                  unsigned long          deadline);
    257 typedef const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *(*vpx_codec_get_cx_data_fn_t)(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
    258                                                                 vpx_codec_iter_t     *iter);
    260 typedef vpx_codec_err_t
    261 (*vpx_codec_enc_config_set_fn_t)(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t       *ctx,
    262                                  const vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t  *cfg);
    263 typedef vpx_fixed_buf_t *
    264 (*vpx_codec_get_global_headers_fn_t)(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t   *ctx);
    266 typedef vpx_image_t *
    267 (*vpx_codec_get_preview_frame_fn_t)(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t   *ctx);
    269 typedef vpx_codec_err_t
    270 (*vpx_codec_enc_mr_get_mem_loc_fn_t)(const vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t     *cfg,
    271                                      void **mem_loc);
    273 /*!\brief usage configuration mapping
    274  *
    275  * This structure stores the mapping between usage identifiers and
    276  * configuration structures. Each algorithm provides a list of these
    277  * mappings. This list is searched by the vpx_codec_enc_config_default()
    278  * wrapper function to determine which config to return. The special value
    279  * {-1, {0}} is used to indicate end-of-list, and must be present. At least
    280  * one mapping must be present, in addition to the end-of-list.
    281  *
    282  */
    283 typedef const struct vpx_codec_enc_cfg_map {
    284   int                 usage;
    285   vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t cfg;
    286 } vpx_codec_enc_cfg_map_t;
    288 #define NOT_IMPLEMENTED 0
    290 /*!\brief Decoder algorithm interface interface
    291  *
    292  * All decoders \ref MUST expose a variable of this type.
    293  */
    294 struct vpx_codec_iface {
    295   const char               *name;        /**< Identification String  */
    296   int                       abi_version; /**< Implemented ABI version */
    297   vpx_codec_caps_t          caps;    /**< Decoder capabilities */
    298   vpx_codec_init_fn_t       init;    /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_init_fn_t */
    299   vpx_codec_destroy_fn_t    destroy;     /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_destroy_fn_t */
    300   vpx_codec_ctrl_fn_map_t  *ctrl_maps;   /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_ctrl_fn_map_t */
    301   vpx_codec_get_mmap_fn_t   get_mmap;    /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_get_mmap_fn_t */
    302   vpx_codec_set_mmap_fn_t   set_mmap;    /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_set_mmap_fn_t */
    303   struct vpx_codec_dec_iface {
    304     vpx_codec_peek_si_fn_t    peek_si;     /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_peek_si_fn_t */
    305     vpx_codec_get_si_fn_t     get_si;      /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_get_si_fn_t */
    306     vpx_codec_decode_fn_t     decode;      /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_decode_fn_t */
    307     vpx_codec_get_frame_fn_t  get_frame;   /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_get_frame_fn_t */
    308   } dec;
    309   struct vpx_codec_enc_iface {
    310     vpx_codec_enc_cfg_map_t           *cfg_maps;      /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_enc_cfg_map_t */
    311     vpx_codec_encode_fn_t              encode;        /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_encode_fn_t */
    312     vpx_codec_get_cx_data_fn_t         get_cx_data;   /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_get_cx_data_fn_t */
    313     vpx_codec_enc_config_set_fn_t      cfg_set;       /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_enc_config_set_fn_t */
    314     vpx_codec_get_global_headers_fn_t  get_glob_hdrs; /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_get_global_headers_fn_t */
    315     vpx_codec_get_preview_frame_fn_t   get_preview;   /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_get_preview_frame_fn_t */
    316     vpx_codec_enc_mr_get_mem_loc_fn_t  mr_get_mem_loc;   /**< \copydoc ::vpx_codec_enc_mr_get_mem_loc_fn_t */
    317   } enc;
    318 };
    320 /*!\brief Callback function pointer / user data pair storage */
    321 typedef struct vpx_codec_priv_cb_pair {
    322   union {
    323     vpx_codec_put_frame_cb_fn_t    put_frame;
    324     vpx_codec_put_slice_cb_fn_t    put_slice;
    325   } u;
    326   void                            *user_priv;
    327 } vpx_codec_priv_cb_pair_t;
    330 /*!\brief Instance private storage
    331  *
    332  * This structure is allocated by the algorithm's init function. It can be
    333  * extended in one of two ways. First, a second, algorithm specific structure
    334  * can be allocated and the priv member pointed to it. Alternatively, this
    335  * structure can be made the first member of the algorithm specific structure,
    336  * and the pointer cast to the proper type.
    337  */
    338 struct vpx_codec_priv {
    339   unsigned int                    sz;
    340   vpx_codec_iface_t              *iface;
    341   struct vpx_codec_alg_priv      *alg_priv;
    342   const char                     *err_detail;
    343   vpx_codec_flags_t               init_flags;
    344   struct {
    345     vpx_codec_priv_cb_pair_t    put_frame_cb;
    346     vpx_codec_priv_cb_pair_t    put_slice_cb;
    347   } dec;
    348   struct {
    349     int                         tbd;
    350     struct vpx_fixed_buf        cx_data_dst_buf;
    351     unsigned int                cx_data_pad_before;
    352     unsigned int                cx_data_pad_after;
    353     vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t          cx_data_pkt;
    354     unsigned int                total_encoders;
    355   } enc;
    356 };
    358 /*
    359  * Multi-resolution encoding internal configuration
    360  */
    361 struct vpx_codec_priv_enc_mr_cfg
    362 {
    363     unsigned int           mr_total_resolutions;
    364     unsigned int           mr_encoder_id;
    365     struct vpx_rational    mr_down_sampling_factor;
    366     void*                  mr_low_res_mode_info;
    367 };
    369 #undef VPX_CTRL_USE_TYPE
    370 #define VPX_CTRL_USE_TYPE(id, typ) \
    371   static typ id##__value(va_list args) {return va_arg(args, typ);} \
    372   static typ id##__convert(void *x)\
    373   {\
    374     union\
    375     {\
    376       void *x;\
    377       typ   d;\
    378     } u;\
    379     u.x = x;\
    380     return u.d;\
    381   }
    385 #define VPX_CTRL_USE_TYPE_DEPRECATED(id, typ) \
    386   static typ id##__value(va_list args) {return va_arg(args, typ);} \
    387   static typ id##__convert(void *x)\
    388   {\
    389     union\
    390     {\
    391       void *x;\
    392       typ   d;\
    393     } u;\
    394     u.x = x;\
    395     return u.d;\
    396   }
    398 #define CAST(id, arg) id##__value(arg)
    399 #define RECAST(id, x) id##__convert(x)
    402 /* CODEC_INTERFACE convenience macro
    403  *
    404  * By convention, each codec interface is a struct with extern linkage, where
    405  * the symbol is suffixed with _algo. A getter function is also defined to
    406  * return a pointer to the struct, since in some cases it's easier to work
    407  * with text symbols than data symbols (see issue #169). This function has
    408  * the same name as the struct, less the _algo suffix. The CODEC_INTERFACE
    409  * macro is provided to define this getter function automatically.
    410  */
    411 #define CODEC_INTERFACE(id)\
    412   vpx_codec_iface_t* id(void) { return &id##_algo; }\
    413   vpx_codec_iface_t  id##_algo
    416 /* Internal Utility Functions
    417  *
    418  * The following functions are intended to be used inside algorithms as
    419  * utilities for manipulating vpx_codec_* data structures.
    420  */
    421 struct vpx_codec_pkt_list {
    422   unsigned int            cnt;
    423   unsigned int            max;
    424   struct vpx_codec_cx_pkt pkts[1];
    425 };
    427 #define vpx_codec_pkt_list_decl(n)\
    428   union {struct vpx_codec_pkt_list head;\
    429     struct {struct vpx_codec_pkt_list head;\
    430       struct vpx_codec_cx_pkt    pkts[n];} alloc;}
    432 #define vpx_codec_pkt_list_init(m)\
    433   (m)->alloc.head.cnt = 0,\
    434                         (m)->alloc.head.max = sizeof((m)->alloc.pkts) / sizeof((m)->alloc.pkts[0])
    436 int
    437 vpx_codec_pkt_list_add(struct vpx_codec_pkt_list *,
    438                        const struct vpx_codec_cx_pkt *);
    440 const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *
    441 vpx_codec_pkt_list_get(struct vpx_codec_pkt_list *list,
    442                        vpx_codec_iter_t           *iter);
    445 #include <stdio.h>
    446 #include <setjmp.h>
    447 struct vpx_internal_error_info {
    448   vpx_codec_err_t  error_code;
    449   int              has_detail;
    450   char             detail[80];
    451   int              setjmp;
    452   jmp_buf          jmp;
    453 };
    455 static void vpx_internal_error(struct vpx_internal_error_info *info,
    456                                vpx_codec_err_t                 error,
    457                                const char                     *fmt,
    458                                ...) {
    459   va_list ap;
    461   info->error_code = error;
    462   info->has_detail = 0;
    464   if (fmt) {
    465     size_t  sz = sizeof(info->detail);
    467     info->has_detail = 1;
    468     va_start(ap, fmt);
    469     vsnprintf(info->detail, sz - 1, fmt, ap);
    470     va_end(ap);
    471     info->detail[sz - 1] = '\0';
    472   }
    474   if (info->setjmp)
    475     longjmp(info->jmp, info->error_code);
    476 }
    478 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    479 // mmap interface
    481 typedef struct {
    482   unsigned int   id;
    483   unsigned long  sz;
    484   unsigned int   align;
    485   unsigned int   flags;
    486   unsigned long (*calc_sz)(const vpx_codec_dec_cfg_t *, vpx_codec_flags_t);
    487 } mem_req_t;
    489 // Allocates mmap.priv and sets mmap.base based on mmap.sz/align/flags
    490 // requirements.
    491 // Returns #VPX_CODEC_OK on success, #VPX_CODEC_MEM_ERROR otherwise.
    492 vpx_codec_err_t vpx_mmap_alloc(vpx_codec_mmap_t *mmap);
    494 // Frees mmap.base allocated by a call to vpx_mmap_alloc().
    495 void vpx_mmap_dtor(vpx_codec_mmap_t *mmap);
    497 // Checks each mmap has the size requirement specificied by mem_reqs.
    498 // Returns #VPX_CODEC_OK on success, #VPX_CODEC_MEM_ERROR otherwise.
    499 vpx_codec_err_t vpx_validate_mmaps(const vpx_codec_stream_info_t *si,
    500                                    const vpx_codec_mmap_t *mmaps,
    501                                    const mem_req_t *mem_reqs, int nreqs,
    502                                    vpx_codec_flags_t init_flags);
    503 #endif