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      1 // Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/instant/promo_counter.h"
      7 #include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
      8 #include "base/values.h"
      9 #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service.h"
     10 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
     12 // Pref keys. These are relative to pref_key_.
     13 static const char* kShowKey = ".show";
     14 static const char* kNumSessionsKey = ".num_sessions";
     15 static const char* kInitialTimeKey = ".initial_time";
     17 // Values used for histograms. These are relative to histogram_key_.
     18 static const char* kHistogramHide = ".hide";
     19 static const char* kHistogramMaxSessions = ".max_sessions";
     20 static const char* kHistogramMaxTime = ".max_time";
     22 PromoCounter::PromoCounter(Profile* profile,
     23                            const std::string& pref_key,
     24                            const std::string& histogram_key,
     25                            int max_sessions,
     26                            int max_days)
     27     : profile_(profile),
     28       pref_key_(pref_key),
     29       histogram_key_(histogram_key),
     30       max_sessions_(max_sessions),
     31       max_days_(max_days),
     32       did_init_(false),
     33       show_(false) {
     34 }
     36 PromoCounter::~PromoCounter() {
     37 }
     39 // static
     40 void PromoCounter::RegisterUserPrefs(PrefService* prefs,
     41                                      const std::string& base_key) {
     42   prefs->RegisterBooleanPref((base_key + kShowKey).c_str(), true);
     43   prefs->RegisterIntegerPref((base_key + kNumSessionsKey).c_str(), 0);
     44   prefs->RegisterInt64Pref((base_key + kInitialTimeKey).c_str(), 0);
     45 }
     47 bool PromoCounter::ShouldShow(base::Time current_time) {
     48   if (!did_init_) {
     49     did_init_ = true;
     50     Init(current_time);
     51   }
     53   if (show_ && (current_time - initial_show_).InDays() >= max_days_)
     54     MaxTimeLapsed(current_time);
     56   return show_;
     57 }
     59 void PromoCounter::Hide() {
     60   show_ = false;
     61   did_init_ = true;
     62   UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS(histogram_key_ + kHistogramHide,
     63                               (base::Time::Now() - initial_show_).InHours(),
     64                               1, max_days_ * 24, 24);
     65   if (profile_->GetPrefs())
     66     profile_->GetPrefs()->SetBoolean((pref_key_ + kShowKey).c_str(), false);
     67 }
     69 void PromoCounter::Init(base::Time current_time) {
     70   PrefService* prefs = profile_->GetPrefs();
     71   if (!prefs)
     72     return;
     74   show_ = prefs->GetBoolean((pref_key_ + kShowKey).c_str());
     75   if (!show_)
     76     return;
     78   // The user hasn't chosen to opt in or out. Only show the opt-in if it's
     79   // less than max_days_ since we first showed the opt-in, or the user hasn't
     80   // launched the profile max_sessions_ times.
     81   int session_count = prefs->GetInteger((pref_key_ + kNumSessionsKey).c_str());
     82   int64 initial_show_int =
     83       prefs->GetInt64((pref_key_ + kInitialTimeKey).c_str());
     84   initial_show_ = base::Time(base::Time::FromInternalValue(initial_show_int));
     85   if (initial_show_int == 0 || initial_show_ > current_time) {
     86     initial_show_ = base::Time::Now();
     87     prefs->SetInt64((pref_key_ + kInitialTimeKey).c_str(),
     88                     initial_show_.ToInternalValue());
     89   }
     90   if (session_count >= max_sessions_) {
     91     // Time check is handled in ShouldShow.
     92     MaxSessionsEncountered(current_time);
     93   } else {
     94     // Up the session count.
     95     prefs->SetInteger((pref_key_ + kNumSessionsKey).c_str(), session_count + 1);
     96   }
     97 }
     99 void PromoCounter::MaxSessionsEncountered(base::Time current_time) {
    100   show_ = false;
    101   UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS(histogram_key_ + kHistogramMaxSessions,
    102                               (current_time - initial_show_).InHours(), 1,
    103                               max_days_ * 24, 24);
    104   if (profile_->GetPrefs())
    105     profile_->GetPrefs()->SetBoolean((pref_key_ + kShowKey).c_str(), false);
    106 }
    108 void PromoCounter::MaxTimeLapsed(base::Time current_time) {
    109   show_ = false;
    110   UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS(histogram_key_ + kHistogramMaxTime,
    111                               (current_time - initial_show_).InHours(),
    112                               1, max_days_ * 24, 24);
    113   if (profile_->GetPrefs())
    114     profile_->GetPrefs()->SetBoolean((pref_key_ + kShowKey).c_str(), false);
    115 }