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      1 #!/bin/bash
      2 #
      3 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      4 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5 # found in the LICENSE file.
      6 #
      7 # A collection of functions useful for maintaining android devices
     10 # Run an adb command on all connected device in parallel.
     11 # Usage: adb_all command line to eval.  Quoting is optional.
     12 #
     13 # Examples:
     14 #  adb_all install Chrome.apk
     15 #  adb_all 'shell cat /path/to/file'
     16 #
     17 adb_all() {
     18   if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then
     19     echo "Usage: adb_all <adb command>.  Quoting is optional."
     20     echo "Example: adb_all install Chrome.apk"
     21     return 1
     22   fi
     23   local DEVICES=$(adb_get_devices -b)
     24   local NUM_DEVICES=$(echo $DEVICES | wc -w)
     25   if (( $NUM_DEVICES > 1 )); then
     26     echo "Looping over $NUM_DEVICES devices"
     27   fi
     28   _adb_multi "$DEVICES" "$*"
     29 }
     32 # Run a command on each connected device.  Quoting the command is suggested but
     33 # not required.  The script setups up variable DEVICE to correspond to the
     34 # current serial number.  Intended for complex one_liners that don't work in
     35 # adb_all
     36 # Usage: adb_device_loop 'command line to eval'
     37 adb_device_loop() {
     38   if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then
     39     echo "Intended for more complex one-liners that cannot be done with" \
     40         "adb_all."
     41     echo 'Usage: adb_device_loop "echo $DEVICE: $(adb root &&' \
     42         'adb shell cat /data/local.prop)"'
     43     return 1
     44   fi
     45   local DEVICES=$(adb_get_devices)
     46   if [[ -z $DEVICES ]]; then
     47     return
     48   fi
     49   # Do not change DEVICE variable name - part of api
     50   for DEVICE in $DEVICES; do
     51     DEV_TYPE=$(adb -s $DEVICE shell getprop ro.product.device | sed 's/\r//')
     52     echo "Running on $DEVICE ($DEV_TYPE)"
     53     ANDROID_SERIAL=$DEVICE eval "$*"
     54   done
     55 }
     57 # Erases data from any devices visible on adb.  To preserve a device,
     58 # disconnect it or:
     59 #  1) Reboot it into fastboot with 'adb reboot bootloader'
     60 #  2) Run wipe_all_devices to wipe remaining devices
     61 #  3) Restore device it with 'fastboot reboot'
     62 #
     63 #  Usage: wipe_all_devices [-f]
     64 #
     65 wipe_all_devices() {
     66   if [[ -z $(which adb) || -z $(which fastboot) ]]; then
     67     echo "aborting: adb and fastboot not in path"
     68     return 1
     69   elif ! $(groups | grep -q 'plugdev'); then
     70     echo "If fastboot fails, run: 'sudo adduser $(whoami) plugdev'"
     71   fi
     73   local DEVICES=$(adb_get_devices -b)
     75   if [[ $1 != '-f' ]]; then
     76     echo "This will ERASE ALL DATA from $(echo $DEVICES | wc -w) device."
     77     read -p "Hit enter to continue"
     78   fi
     80   _adb_multi "$DEVICES" "reboot bootloader"
     81   # Subshell to isolate job list
     82   (
     83   for DEVICE in $DEVICES; do
     84     fastboot_erase $DEVICE &
     85   done
     86   wait
     87   )
     89   # Reboot devices together
     90   for DEVICE in $DEVICES; do
     91     fastboot -s $DEVICE reboot
     92   done
     93 }
     95 # Wipe a device in fastboot.
     96 # Usage fastboot_erase [serial]
     97 fastboot_erase() {
     98   if [[ -n $1 ]]; then
     99     echo "Wiping $1"
    100     local SERIAL="-s $1"
    101   else
    102     if [ -z $(fastboot devices) ]; then
    103       echo "No devices in fastboot, aborting."
    104       echo "Check out wipe_all_devices to see if sufficient"
    105       echo "You can put a device in fastboot using adb reboot bootloader"
    106       return 1
    107     fi
    108     local SERIAL=""
    109   fi
    110   fastboot $SERIAL erase cache
    111   fastboot $SERIAL erase userdata
    112 }
    114 # Get list of devices connected via adb
    115 # Args: -b block until adb detects a device
    116 adb_get_devices() {
    117   local DEVICES="$(adb devices | grep 'device$')"
    118   if [[ -z $DEVICES && $1 == '-b' ]]; then
    119     echo '- waiting for device -' >&2
    120     local DEVICES="$(adb wait-for-device devices | grep 'device$')"
    121   fi
    122   echo "$DEVICES" | awk -vORS=' ' '{print $1}' | sed 's/ $/\n/'
    123 }
    125 ###################################################
    127 ###################################################
    129 # Run an adb command in parallel over a device list
    130 _adb_multi() {
    131   local DEVICES=$1
    132   local ADB_ARGS=$2
    133   (
    134     for DEVICE in $DEVICES; do
    135       adb -s $DEVICE $ADB_ARGS &
    136     done
    137     wait
    138   )
    139 }