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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/util.h"
      7 #include <map>
      8 #include <set>
      9 #include <string>
     10 #include <vector>
     12 #include "base/logging.h"
     13 #include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
     14 #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
     15 #include "base/time/time.h"
     16 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
     17 #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url.h"
     18 #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_prepopulate_data.h"
     19 #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service.h"
     20 #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service_factory.h"
     21 #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
     23 using content::BrowserThread;
     25 string16 GetDefaultSearchEngineName(Profile* profile) {
     26   if (!profile) {
     27     NOTREACHED();
     28     return string16();
     29   }
     30   const TemplateURL* const default_provider =
     31       TemplateURLServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile)->
     32       GetDefaultSearchProvider();
     33   if (!default_provider) {
     34     // TODO(cpu): bug 1187517. It is possible to have no default provider.
     35     // returning an empty string is a stopgap measure for the crash
     36     // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=2573
     37     return string16();
     38   }
     39   return default_provider->short_name();
     40 }
     42 GURL GetDefaultSearchURLForSearchTerms(Profile* profile,
     43                                        const string16& terms) {
     44   DCHECK(profile);
     45   const TemplateURL* default_provider =
     46       TemplateURLServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile)->
     47       GetDefaultSearchProvider();
     48   if (!default_provider)
     49     return GURL();
     50   const TemplateURLRef& search_url = default_provider->url_ref();
     51   DCHECK(search_url.SupportsReplacement());
     52   TemplateURLRef::SearchTermsArgs search_terms_args(terms);
     53   search_terms_args.append_extra_query_params = true;
     54   return GURL(search_url.ReplaceSearchTerms(search_terms_args));
     55 }
     57 void RemoveDuplicatePrepopulateIDs(
     58     WebDataService* service,
     59     const ScopedVector<TemplateURL>& prepopulated_urls,
     60     TemplateURL* default_search_provider,
     61     TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector* template_urls,
     62     std::set<std::string>* removed_keyword_guids) {
     63   DCHECK(service == NULL || BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
     64   DCHECK(template_urls);
     66   // For convenience construct an ID->TemplateURL* map from |prepopulated_urls|.
     67   typedef std::map<int, TemplateURL*> PrepopulatedURLMap;
     68   PrepopulatedURLMap prepopulated_url_map;
     69   for (std::vector<TemplateURL*>::const_iterator i(prepopulated_urls.begin());
     70        i != prepopulated_urls.end(); ++i)
     71     prepopulated_url_map[(*i)->prepopulate_id()] = *i;
     73   // Separate |template_urls| into prepopulated and non-prepopulated groups.
     74   typedef std::multimap<int, TemplateURL*> UncheckedURLMap;
     75   UncheckedURLMap unchecked_urls;
     76   TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector checked_urls;
     77   for (TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector::iterator i(
     78        template_urls->begin()); i != template_urls->end(); ++i) {
     79     TemplateURL* turl = *i;
     80     int prepopulate_id = turl->prepopulate_id();
     81     if (prepopulate_id)
     82       unchecked_urls.insert(std::make_pair(prepopulate_id, turl));
     83     else
     84       checked_urls.push_back(turl);
     85   }
     87   // For each group of prepopulated URLs with one ID, find the best URL to use
     88   // and add it to the (initially all non-prepopulated) URLs we've already OKed.
     89   // Delete the others from the service and from memory.
     90   while (!unchecked_urls.empty()) {
     91     // Find the best URL.
     92     int prepopulate_id = unchecked_urls.begin()->first;
     93     PrepopulatedURLMap::const_iterator prepopulated_url =
     94         prepopulated_url_map.find(prepopulate_id);
     95     UncheckedURLMap::iterator end = unchecked_urls.upper_bound(prepopulate_id);
     96     UncheckedURLMap::iterator best = unchecked_urls.begin();
     97     bool matched_keyword = false;
     98     for (UncheckedURLMap::iterator i = unchecked_urls.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
     99       // A URL is automatically the best if it's the default search engine.
    100       if (i->second == default_search_provider) {
    101         best = i;
    102         break;
    103       }
    105       // Otherwise, a URL is best if it matches the prepopulated data's keyword;
    106       // if none match, just fall back to using the one with the lowest ID.
    107       if (matched_keyword)
    108         continue;
    109       if ((prepopulated_url != prepopulated_url_map.end()) &&
    110            i->second->HasSameKeywordAs(*prepopulated_url->second)) {
    111         best = i;
    112         matched_keyword = true;
    113       } else if (i->second->id() < best->second->id()) {
    114         best = i;
    115       }
    116     }
    118     // Add the best URL to the checked group and delete the rest.
    119     checked_urls.push_back(best->second);
    120     for (UncheckedURLMap::iterator i = unchecked_urls.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
    121       if (i == best)
    122         continue;
    123       if (service) {
    124         service->RemoveKeyword(i->second->id());
    125         if (removed_keyword_guids)
    126           removed_keyword_guids->insert(i->second->sync_guid());
    127       }
    128       delete i->second;
    129     }
    131     // Done with this group.
    132     unchecked_urls.erase(unchecked_urls.begin(), end);
    133   }
    135   // Return the checked URLs.
    136   template_urls->swap(checked_urls);
    137 }
    139 // Returns the TemplateURL with id specified from the list of TemplateURLs.
    140 // If not found, returns NULL.
    141 TemplateURL* GetTemplateURLByID(
    142     const TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector& template_urls,
    143     int64 id) {
    144   for (TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector::const_iterator i(
    145        template_urls.begin()); i != template_urls.end(); ++i) {
    146     if ((*i)->id() == id) {
    147       return *i;
    148     }
    149   }
    150   return NULL;
    151 }
    153 void MergeIntoPrepopulatedEngineData(TemplateURLData* prepopulated_url,
    154                                      const TemplateURL* original_turl) {
    155   DCHECK_EQ(original_turl->prepopulate_id(), prepopulated_url->prepopulate_id);
    156   if (!original_turl->safe_for_autoreplace()) {
    157     prepopulated_url->safe_for_autoreplace = false;
    158     prepopulated_url->SetKeyword(original_turl->keyword());
    159     prepopulated_url->short_name = original_turl->short_name();
    160   }
    161   prepopulated_url->id = original_turl->id();
    162   prepopulated_url->sync_guid = original_turl->sync_guid();
    163   prepopulated_url->date_created = original_turl->date_created();
    164   prepopulated_url->last_modified = original_turl->last_modified();
    165 }
    167 // Merges the provided prepopulated engines with the provided existing engines.
    168 // This is invoked when the version of the prepopulate data changes.
    169 // If |removed_keyword_guids| is not NULL, the Sync GUID of each item removed
    170 // from the DB will be added to it.  Note that this function will take
    171 // ownership of |prepopulated_urls| and will clear the vector.
    172 void MergeEnginesFromPrepopulateData(
    173     Profile* profile,
    174     WebDataService* service,
    175     ScopedVector<TemplateURL>* prepopulated_urls,
    176     size_t default_search_index,
    177     TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector* template_urls,
    178     TemplateURL** default_search_provider,
    179     std::set<std::string>* removed_keyword_guids) {
    180   DCHECK(service == NULL || BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
    181   DCHECK(template_urls);
    182   DCHECK(default_search_provider);
    184   // Create a map to hold all provided |template_urls| that originally came from
    185   // prepopulate data (i.e. have a non-zero prepopulate_id()).
    186   typedef std::map<int, TemplateURL*> IDMap;
    187   IDMap id_to_turl;
    188   for (TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector::iterator i(
    189        template_urls->begin()); i != template_urls->end(); ++i) {
    190     int prepopulate_id = (*i)->prepopulate_id();
    191     if (prepopulate_id > 0)
    192       id_to_turl[prepopulate_id] = *i;
    193   }
    195   // For each current prepopulated URL, check whether |template_urls| contained
    196   // a matching prepopulated URL.  If so, update the passed-in URL to match the
    197   // current data.  (If the passed-in URL was user-edited, we persist the user's
    198   // name and keyword.)  If not, add the prepopulated URL to |template_urls|.
    199   // Along the way, point |default_search_provider| at the default prepopulated
    200   // URL, if the user hasn't already set another URL as default.
    201   for (size_t i = 0; i < prepopulated_urls->size(); ++i) {
    202     // We take ownership of |prepopulated_urls[i]|.
    203     scoped_ptr<TemplateURL> prepopulated_url((*prepopulated_urls)[i]);
    204     const int prepopulated_id = prepopulated_url->prepopulate_id();
    205     DCHECK_NE(0, prepopulated_id);
    207     TemplateURL* url_in_vector = NULL;
    208     IDMap::iterator existing_url_iter(id_to_turl.find(prepopulated_id));
    209     if (existing_url_iter != id_to_turl.end()) {
    210       // Update the data store with the new prepopulated data.  Preserve user
    211       // edits to the name and keyword.
    212       TemplateURLData data(prepopulated_url->data());
    213       scoped_ptr<TemplateURL> existing_url(existing_url_iter->second);
    214       id_to_turl.erase(existing_url_iter);
    215       MergeIntoPrepopulatedEngineData(&data, existing_url.get());
    216       // Update last_modified to ensure that if this entry is later merged with
    217       // entries from Sync, the conflict resolution logic knows that this was
    218       // updated and propagates the new values to the server.
    219       data.last_modified = base::Time::Now();
    220       if (service)
    221         service->UpdateKeyword(data);
    223       // Replace the entry in |template_urls| with the updated one.
    224       TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector::iterator j = std::find(
    225           template_urls->begin(), template_urls->end(), existing_url.get());
    226       *j = new TemplateURL(profile, data);
    227       url_in_vector = *j;
    228       if (*default_search_provider == existing_url.get())
    229         *default_search_provider = url_in_vector;
    230     } else {
    231       template_urls->push_back(prepopulated_url.release());
    232       url_in_vector = template_urls->back();
    233     }
    234     DCHECK(url_in_vector);
    235     if (i == default_search_index && !*default_search_provider)
    236       *default_search_provider = url_in_vector;
    237   }
    238   // The above loop takes ownership of all the contents of prepopulated_urls.
    239   // Clear the pointers.
    240   prepopulated_urls->weak_erase(prepopulated_urls->begin(),
    241                                 prepopulated_urls->end());
    243   // The block above removed all the URLs from the |id_to_turl| map that were
    244   // found in the prepopulate data.  Any remaining URLs that haven't been
    245   // user-edited or made default can be removed from the data store.
    246   for (IDMap::iterator i(id_to_turl.begin()); i != id_to_turl.end(); ++i) {
    247     const TemplateURL* template_url = i->second;
    248     if ((template_url->safe_for_autoreplace()) &&
    249         (template_url != *default_search_provider)) {
    250       TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector::iterator j =
    251           std::find(template_urls->begin(), template_urls->end(), template_url);
    252       DCHECK(j != template_urls->end());
    253       template_urls->erase(j);
    254        if (service) {
    255          service->RemoveKeyword(template_url->id());
    256          if (removed_keyword_guids)
    257            removed_keyword_guids->insert(template_url->sync_guid());
    258        }
    259       delete template_url;
    260     }
    261   }
    262 }
    264 void GetSearchProvidersUsingKeywordResult(
    265     const WDTypedResult& result,
    266     WebDataService* service,
    267     Profile* profile,
    268     TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector* template_urls,
    269     TemplateURL** default_search_provider,
    270     int* new_resource_keyword_version,
    271     std::set<std::string>* removed_keyword_guids) {
    272   DCHECK(service == NULL || BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
    273   DCHECK(template_urls);
    274   DCHECK(template_urls->empty());
    275   DCHECK(default_search_provider);
    276   DCHECK(*default_search_provider == NULL);
    277   DCHECK_EQ(KEYWORDS_RESULT, result.GetType());
    278   DCHECK(new_resource_keyword_version);
    280   WDKeywordsResult keyword_result = reinterpret_cast<
    281       const WDResult<WDKeywordsResult>*>(&result)->GetValue();
    283   for (KeywordTable::Keywords::iterator i(keyword_result.keywords.begin());
    284        i != keyword_result.keywords.end(); ++i) {
    285     // Fix any duplicate encodings in the local database.  Note that we don't
    286     // adjust the last_modified time of this keyword; this way, we won't later
    287     // overwrite any changes on the sync server that happened to this keyword
    288     // since the last time we synced.  Instead, we also run a de-duping pass on
    289     // the server-provided data in
    290     // TemplateURLService::CreateTemplateURLFromTemplateURLAndSyncData() and
    291     // update the server with the merged, de-duped results at that time.  We
    292     // still fix here, though, to correct problems in clients that have disabled
    293     // search engine sync, since in that case that code will never be reached.
    294     if (DeDupeEncodings(&i->input_encodings) && service)
    295       service->UpdateKeyword(*i);
    296     template_urls->push_back(new TemplateURL(profile, *i));
    297   }
    299   int64 default_search_provider_id = keyword_result.default_search_provider_id;
    300   if (default_search_provider_id) {
    301     *default_search_provider =
    302         GetTemplateURLByID(*template_urls, default_search_provider_id);
    303   }
    305   *new_resource_keyword_version = keyword_result.builtin_keyword_version;
    306   GetSearchProvidersUsingLoadedEngines(service, profile, template_urls,
    307                                        default_search_provider,
    308                                        new_resource_keyword_version,
    309                                        removed_keyword_guids);
    310 }
    312 void GetSearchProvidersUsingLoadedEngines(
    313     WebDataService* service,
    314     Profile* profile,
    315     TemplateURLService::TemplateURLVector* template_urls,
    316     TemplateURL** default_search_provider,
    317     int* resource_keyword_version,
    318     std::set<std::string>* removed_keyword_guids) {
    319   DCHECK(service == NULL || BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
    320   DCHECK(template_urls);
    321   DCHECK(default_search_provider);
    322   DCHECK(resource_keyword_version);
    324   ScopedVector<TemplateURL> prepopulated_urls;
    325   size_t default_search_index;
    326   TemplateURLPrepopulateData::GetPrepopulatedEngines(profile,
    327       &prepopulated_urls.get(), &default_search_index);
    328   RemoveDuplicatePrepopulateIDs(service, prepopulated_urls,
    329                                 *default_search_provider, template_urls,
    330                                 removed_keyword_guids);
    332   const int prepopulate_resource_keyword_version =
    333       TemplateURLPrepopulateData::GetDataVersion(
    334           profile ? profile->GetPrefs() : NULL);
    335   if (*resource_keyword_version < prepopulate_resource_keyword_version) {
    336     MergeEnginesFromPrepopulateData(profile, service, &prepopulated_urls,
    337         default_search_index, template_urls, default_search_provider,
    338         removed_keyword_guids);
    339     *resource_keyword_version = prepopulate_resource_keyword_version;
    340   } else {
    341     *resource_keyword_version = 0;
    342   }
    343 }
    345 bool DeDupeEncodings(std::vector<std::string>* encodings) {
    346   std::vector<std::string> deduped_encodings;
    347   std::set<std::string> encoding_set;
    348   for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i(encodings->begin());
    349        i != encodings->end(); ++i) {
    350     if (encoding_set.insert(*i).second)
    351       deduped_encodings.push_back(*i);
    352   }
    353   encodings->swap(deduped_encodings);
    354   return encodings->size() != deduped_encodings.size();
    355 }