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      1 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 {
      6   'targets': [
      7     {
      8       'target_name': 'api',
      9       'type': 'static_library',
     10       'sources': [
     11         '<@(schema_files)',
     12       ],
     13       # TODO(jschuh): http://crbug.com/167187 size_t -> int
     14       'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ 4267 ],
     15       'includes': [
     16         '../../../../build/json_schema_bundle_compile.gypi',
     17         '../../../../build/json_schema_compile.gypi',
     18       ],
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     21         'schema_files': [
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     27           'app_window.idl',
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     51           'experimental_dns.idl',
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     86           'rtc_private.idl',
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     89           'session_restore.json',
     90           'socket.idl',
     91           'storage.json',
     92           'sync_file_system.idl',
     93           'system_indicator.idl',
     94           'system_cpu.idl',
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     96           'system_storage.idl',
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    110         ],
    111         'cc_dir': 'chrome/common/extensions/api',
    112         'root_namespace': 'extensions::api',
    113       },
    114       'dependencies': [
    115         '<(DEPTH)/skia/skia.gyp:skia',
    116         '<(DEPTH)/sync/sync.gyp:sync',
    117       ],
    118       'conditions': [
    119         ['OS=="android"', {
    120           'schema_files!': [
    121             'usb.idl',
    122           ],
    123         }],
    124         ['OS!="chromeos"', {
    125           'schema_files!': [
    126             'file_browser_handler_internal.json',
    127             'log_private.idl',
    128             'rtc_private.idl',
    129           ],
    130         }],
    131       ],
    132     },
    133   ],
    134 }