1 <h1>Using eval in Chrome Extensions. Safely.</h1> 2 3 4 <p> 5 Chrome's extension system enforces a fairly strict default 6 <a href='../extensions/contentSecurityPolicy.html'> 7 <strong>Content Security Policy (CSP)</strong> 8 </a>. The policy restrictions are straightforward: script must be moved 9 out-of-line into separate JavaScript files, inline event handlers must be 10 converted to use <code>addEventListener</code>, and <code>eval()</code> is 11 disabled. Chrome Apps have an 12 <a href='contentSecurityPolicy.html'>even more strict 13 policy</a>, and we're quite happy with the security properties these policies 14 provide. 15 </p> 16 17 <p> 18 We recognize, however, that a variety of libraries use <code>eval()</code> and 19 <code>eval</code>-like constructs such as <code>new Function()</code> for 20 performance optimization and ease of expression. Templating libraries are 21 especially prone to this style of implementation. While some (like 22 <a href='http://angularjs.org/'>Angular.js</a>) support CSP out of the box, 23 many popular frameworks haven't yet updated to a mechanism that is compatible 24 with extensions' <code>eval</code>-less world. Removing support for that 25 functionality has therefore proven <a href='http://crbug.com/107538'>more 26 problematic than expected</a> for developers. 27 </p> 28 29 <p> 30 This document introduces sandboxing as a safe mechanism to include these 31 libraries in your projects without compromising on security. For brevity, 32 we'll be using the term <em>extensions</em> throughout, but the concept 33 applies equally to applications. 34 </p> 35 36 <h2 id="why_sandbox">Why sandbox?</h2> 37 38 <p> 39 <code>eval</code> is dangerous inside an extension because the code it 40 executes has access to everything in the extension's high-permission 41 environment. A slew of powerful <code>chrome.*</code> APIs are available that 42 could severely impact a user's security and privacy; simple data exfiltration 43 is the least of our worries. The solution on offer is a sandbox in which 44 <code>eval</code> can execute code without access either to the extension's 45 data or the extension's high-value APIs. No data, no APIs, no problem. 46 </p> 47 48 <p> 49 We accomplish this by listing specific HTML files inside the extension package 50 as being sandboxed. Whenever a sandboxed page is loaded, it will be moved to a 51 <a href='http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/origin-0.html#sandboxed-origin-browsing-context-flag'>unique origin</a>, 52 and will be denied access to <code>chrome.*</code> APIs. If we load this 53 sandboxed page into our extension via an <code>iframe</code>, we can pass it 54 messages, let it act upon those messages in some way, and wait for it to pass 55 us back a result. This simple messaging mechanism gives us everything we need 56 to safely include <code>eval</code>-driven code in our extension's workflow. 57 </p> 58 59 <h2 id="creating_and_using">Creating and using a sandbox.</h2> 60 61 <p> 62 If you'd like to dive straight into code, please grab the 63 <a href='/extensions/samples.html#3c6dfba67f6a7480d931b5a4a646c151ad1a049b'>sandboxing 64 sample extension and take off</a>. It's a working example of a tiny messaging 65 API built on top of the <a href='http://handlebarsjs.com'>Handlebars</a> 66 templating library, and it should give you everything you need to get going. 67 For those of you who'd like a little more explanation, let's walk through that 68 sample together here. 69 </p> 70 71 <h3 id="list_files">List files in manifest</h3> 72 73 <p> 74 Each file that ought to be run inside a sandbox must be listed in the 75 extension manifest by adding a <code>sandbox</code> property. This is a 76 critical step, and it's easy to forget, so please double check that your 77 sandboxed file is listed in the manifest. In this sample, we're sandboxing the 78 file cleverly named "sandbox.html". The manifest entry looks like this: 79 </p> 80 81 <pre>{ 82 ..., 83 "sandbox": { 84 "pages": ["sandbox.html"] 85 }, 86 ... 87 }</pre> 88 89 <h3 id="load_file">Load the sandboxed file</h3> 90 91 <p> 92 In order to do something interesting with the sandboxed file, we need to load 93 it in a context where it can be addressed by the extension's code. Here, 94 <a href='/extensions/examples/howto/sandbox/sandbox.html'>sandbox.html</a> 95 has been loaded into the extension's <a href='event_pages.html'>Event 96 Page</a> (<a href='/extensions/examples/howto/sandbox/eventpage.html'>eventpage.html</a>) 97 via an <code>iframe</code>. <a href='/extensions/examples/howto/sandbox/eventpage.js'>eventpage.js</a> 98 contains code that sends a message into the sandbox whenever the browser 99 action is clicked by finding the <code>iframe</code> on the page, and 100 executing the <code>postMessage</code> method on its 101 <code>contentWindow</code>. The message is an object containing two 102 properties: <code>context</code> and <code>command</code>. We'll dive into 103 both in a moment. 104 </p> 105 106 <pre>chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function() { 107 var iframe = document.getElementById('theFrame'); 108 var message = { 109 command: 'render', 110 context: {thing: 'world'} 111 }; 112 iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(message, '*'); 113 });</pre> 114 115 <p class="note"> 116 For general information about the <code>postMessage</code> API, take a look at 117 the <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/window.postMessage"> 118 <code>postMessage</code> documentation on MDN 119 </a>. It's quite complete and worth reading. In particular, note that data can 120 only be passed back and forth if it's serializable. Functions, for instance, 121 are not. 122 </p> 123 124 <h3 id="do_something">Do something dangerous</h3> 125 126 <p> 127 When <code>sandbox.html</code> is loaded, it loads the Handlebars library, and 128 creates and compiles an inline template in the way Handlebars suggests: 129 </p> 130 131 <pre><script src="handlebars-1.0.0.beta.6.js"></script> 132 <script id="hello-world-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template"> 133 <div class="entry"> 134 <h1>Hello, {{thing}}!</h1> 135 </div> 136 </script> 137 <script> 138 var templates = []; 139 var source = document.getElementById('hello-world-template').innerHTML; 140 templates['hello'] = Handlebars.compile(source); 141 </script></pre> 142 143 <p> 144 This doesn't fail! Even though <code>Handlebars.compile</code> ends up using 145 <code>new Function</code>, things work exactly as expected, and we end up with 146 a compiled template in <code>templates[hello']</code>. 147 </p> 148 149 <h3 id="pass_result">Pass the result back</h3> 150 151 <p> 152 We'll make this template available for use by setting up a message listener 153 that accepts commands from the Event Page. We'll use the <code>command</code> 154 passed in to determine what ought to be done (you could imagine doing more 155 than simply rendering; perhaps creating templates? Perhaps managing them in 156 some way?), and the <code>context</code> will be passed into the template 157 directly for rendering. The rendered HTML will be passed back to the Event 158 Page so the extension can do something useful with it later on: 159 </p> 160 161 <pre>window.addEventListener('message', function(event) { 162 var command = event.data.command; 163 var name = event.data.name || 'hello'; 164 switch(command) { 165 case 'render': 166 event.source.postMessage({ 167 name: name, 168 html: templates[name](event.data.context) 169 }, event.origin); 170 break; 171 172 // case 'somethingElse': 173 // ... 174 } 175 });</pre> 176 177 <p> 178 Back in the Event Page, we'll receive this message, and do something 179 interesting with the <code>html</code> data we've been passed. In this case, 180 we'll just echo it out via a <a href='desktop_notifications.html'>Desktop 181 Notification</a>, but it's entirely possible to use this HTML safely as part 182 of the extension's UI. Inserting it via <code>innerHTML</code> doesn't pose a 183 significant security risk, as even a complete compromise of the sandboxed code 184 through some clever attack would be unable to inject dangerous script or 185 plugin content into the high-permission extension context. 186 </p> 187 188 <p> 189 This mechanism makes templating straightforward, but it of course isn't 190 limited to templating. Any code that doesn't work out of the box under a 191 strict Content Security Policy can be sandboxed; in fact, it's often useful 192 to sandbox components of your extensions that <em>would</em> run correctly in 193 order to restrict each piece of your program to the smallest set of privileges 194 necessary for it to properly execute. The 195 <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBxv8SaX0gg">Writing Secure Web Apps 196 and Chrome Extensions</a> presentation from Google I/O 2012 gives some good 197 examples of these technique in action, and is worth 56 minutes of your time. 198 </p> 199