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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #ifndef NET_BASE_IO_BUFFER_H_
      6 #define NET_BASE_IO_BUFFER_H_
      8 #include <string>
     10 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
     11 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     12 #include "base/pickle.h"
     13 #include "net/base/net_export.h"
     15 namespace net {
     17 // IOBuffers are reference counted data buffers used for easier asynchronous
     18 // IO handling.
     19 //
     20 // They are often used as the destination buffers for Read() operations, or as
     21 // the source buffers for Write() operations.
     22 //
     23 // IMPORTANT: Never re-use an IOBuffer after cancelling the IO operation that
     24 //            was using it, since this may lead to memory corruption!
     25 //
     26 // -----------------------
     27 // Ownership of IOBuffers:
     28 // -----------------------
     29 //
     30 // Although IOBuffers are RefCountedThreadSafe, they are not intended to be
     31 // used as a shared buffer, nor should they be used simultaneously across
     32 // threads. The fact that they are reference counted is an implementation
     33 // detail for allowing them to outlive cancellation of asynchronous
     34 // operations.
     35 //
     36 // Instead, think of the underlying |char*| buffer contained by the IOBuffer
     37 // as having exactly one owner at a time.
     38 //
     39 // Whenever you call an asynchronous operation that takes an IOBuffer,
     40 // ownership is implicitly transferred to the called function, until the
     41 // operation has completed (at which point it transfers back to the caller).
     42 //
     43 //     ==> The IOBuffer's data should NOT be manipulated, destroyed, or read
     44 //         until the operation has completed.
     45 //
     46 //     ==> Cancellation does NOT count as completion. If an operation using
     47 //         an IOBuffer is cancelled, the caller should release their
     48 //         reference to this IOBuffer at the time of cancellation since
     49 //         they can no longer use it.
     50 //
     51 // For instance, if you were to call a Read() operation on some class which
     52 // takes an IOBuffer, and then delete that class (which generally will
     53 // trigger cancellation), the IOBuffer which had been passed to Read() should
     54 // never be re-used.
     55 //
     56 // This usage contract is assumed by any API which takes an IOBuffer, even
     57 // though it may not be explicitly mentioned in the function's comments.
     58 //
     59 // -----------------------
     60 // Motivation
     61 // -----------------------
     62 //
     63 // The motivation for transferring ownership during cancellation is
     64 // to make it easier to work with un-cancellable operations.
     65 //
     66 // For instance, let's say under the hood your API called out to the
     67 // operating system's synchronous ReadFile() function on a worker thread.
     68 // When cancelling through our asynchronous interface, we have no way of
     69 // actually aborting the in progress ReadFile(). We must let it keep running,
     70 // and hence the buffer it was reading into must remain alive. Using
     71 // reference counting we can add a reference to the IOBuffer and make sure
     72 // it is not destroyed until after the synchronous operation has completed.
     73 class NET_EXPORT IOBuffer : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<IOBuffer> {
     74  public:
     75   IOBuffer();
     76   explicit IOBuffer(int buffer_size);
     78   char* data() { return data_; }
     80  protected:
     81   friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<IOBuffer>;
     83   // Only allow derived classes to specify data_.
     84   // In all other cases, we own data_, and must delete it at destruction time.
     85   explicit IOBuffer(char* data);
     87   virtual ~IOBuffer();
     89   char* data_;
     90 };
     92 // This version stores the size of the buffer so that the creator of the object
     93 // doesn't have to keep track of that value.
     94 // NOTE: This doesn't mean that we want to stop sending the size as an explicit
     95 // argument to IO functions. Please keep using IOBuffer* for API declarations.
     96 class NET_EXPORT IOBufferWithSize : public IOBuffer {
     97  public:
     98   explicit IOBufferWithSize(int size);
    100   int size() const { return size_; }
    102  protected:
    103   // Purpose of this constructor is to give a subclass access to the base class
    104   // constructor IOBuffer(char*) thus allowing subclass to use underlying
    105   // memory it does not own.
    106   IOBufferWithSize(char* data, int size);
    107   virtual ~IOBufferWithSize();
    109   int size_;
    110 };
    112 // This is a read only IOBuffer.  The data is stored in a string and
    113 // the IOBuffer interface does not provide a proper way to modify it.
    114 class NET_EXPORT StringIOBuffer : public IOBuffer {
    115  public:
    116   explicit StringIOBuffer(const std::string& s);
    118   int size() const { return static_cast<int>(string_data_.size()); }
    120  private:
    121   virtual ~StringIOBuffer();
    123   std::string string_data_;
    124 };
    126 // This version wraps an existing IOBuffer and provides convenient functions
    127 // to progressively read all the data.
    128 //
    129 // DrainableIOBuffer is useful when you have an IOBuffer that contains data
    130 // to be written progressively, and Write() function takes an IOBuffer rather
    131 // than char*. DrainableIOBuffer can be used as follows:
    132 //
    133 // // payload is the IOBuffer containing the data to be written.
    134 // buf = new DrainableIOBuffer(payload, payload_size);
    135 //
    136 // while (buf->BytesRemaining() > 0) {
    137 //   // Write() takes an IOBuffer. If it takes char*, we could
    138 //   // simply use the regular IOBuffer like payload->data() + offset.
    139 //   int bytes_written = Write(buf, buf->BytesRemaining());
    140 //   buf->DidConsume(bytes_written);
    141 // }
    142 //
    143 class NET_EXPORT DrainableIOBuffer : public IOBuffer {
    144  public:
    145   DrainableIOBuffer(IOBuffer* base, int size);
    147   // DidConsume() changes the |data_| pointer so that |data_| always points
    148   // to the first unconsumed byte.
    149   void DidConsume(int bytes);
    151   // Returns the number of unconsumed bytes.
    152   int BytesRemaining() const;
    154   // Returns the number of consumed bytes.
    155   int BytesConsumed() const;
    157   // Seeks to an arbitrary point in the buffer. The notion of bytes consumed
    158   // and remaining are updated appropriately.
    159   void SetOffset(int bytes);
    161   int size() const { return size_; }
    163  private:
    164   virtual ~DrainableIOBuffer();
    166   scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> base_;
    167   int size_;
    168   int used_;
    169 };
    171 // This version provides a resizable buffer and a changeable offset.
    172 //
    173 // GrowableIOBuffer is useful when you read data progressively without
    174 // knowing the total size in advance. GrowableIOBuffer can be used as
    175 // follows:
    176 //
    177 // buf = new GrowableIOBuffer;
    178 // buf->SetCapacity(1024);  // Initial capacity.
    179 //
    180 // while (!some_stream->IsEOF()) {
    181 //   // Double the capacity if the remaining capacity is empty.
    182 //   if (buf->RemainingCapacity() == 0)
    183 //     buf->SetCapacity(buf->capacity() * 2);
    184 //   int bytes_read = some_stream->Read(buf, buf->RemainingCapacity());
    185 //   buf->set_offset(buf->offset() + bytes_read);
    186 // }
    187 //
    188 class NET_EXPORT GrowableIOBuffer : public IOBuffer {
    189  public:
    190   GrowableIOBuffer();
    192   // realloc memory to the specified capacity.
    193   void SetCapacity(int capacity);
    194   int capacity() { return capacity_; }
    196   // |offset| moves the |data_| pointer, allowing "seeking" in the data.
    197   void set_offset(int offset);
    198   int offset() { return offset_; }
    200   int RemainingCapacity();
    201   char* StartOfBuffer();
    203  private:
    204   virtual ~GrowableIOBuffer();
    206   scoped_ptr_malloc<char> real_data_;
    207   int capacity_;
    208   int offset_;
    209 };
    211 // This versions allows a pickle to be used as the storage for a write-style
    212 // operation, avoiding an extra data copy.
    213 class NET_EXPORT PickledIOBuffer : public IOBuffer {
    214  public:
    215   PickledIOBuffer();
    217   Pickle* pickle() { return &pickle_; }
    219   // Signals that we are done writing to the pickle and we can use it for a
    220   // write-style IO operation.
    221   void Done();
    223  private:
    224   virtual ~PickledIOBuffer();
    226   Pickle pickle_;
    227 };
    229 // This class allows the creation of a temporary IOBuffer that doesn't really
    230 // own the underlying buffer. Please use this class only as a last resort.
    231 // A good example is the buffer for a synchronous operation, where we can be
    232 // sure that nobody is keeping an extra reference to this object so the lifetime
    233 // of the buffer can be completely managed by its intended owner.
    234 class NET_EXPORT WrappedIOBuffer : public IOBuffer {
    235  public:
    236   explicit WrappedIOBuffer(const char* data);
    238  protected:
    239   virtual ~WrappedIOBuffer();
    240 };
    242 }  // namespace net
    244 #endif  // NET_BASE_IO_BUFFER_H_