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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 #
      3 # Copyright (c) 2002, Google Inc.
      4 # All rights reserved.
      5 #
      6 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
      7 # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
      8 # met:
      9 #
     10 #     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
     11 # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
     12 #     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
     13 # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
     14 # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
     15 # distribution.
     16 #     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
     17 # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
     18 # this software without specific prior written permission.
     19 #
     31 #
     32 # ---
     33 # Author: Chad Lester
     34 # Design and style contributions by:
     35 #   Amit Patel, Bogdan Cocosel, Daniel Dulitz, Eric Tiedemann,
     36 #   Eric Veach, Laurence Gonsalves, Matthew Springer
     37 # Code reorganized a bit by Craig Silverstein
     39 """This module is used to define and parse command line flags.
     41 This module defines a *distributed* flag-definition policy: rather than
     42 an application having to define all flags in or near main(), each python
     43 module defines flags that are useful to it.  When one python module
     44 imports another, it gains access to the other's flags.  (This is
     45 implemented by having all modules share a common, global registry object
     46 containing all the flag information.)
     48 Flags are defined through the use of one of the DEFINE_xxx functions.
     49 The specific function used determines how the flag is parsed, checked,
     50 and optionally type-converted, when it's seen on the command line.
     53 IMPLEMENTATION: DEFINE_* creates a 'Flag' object and registers it with a
     54 'FlagValues' object (typically the global FlagValues FLAGS, defined
     55 here).  The 'FlagValues' object can scan the command line arguments and
     56 pass flag arguments to the corresponding 'Flag' objects for
     57 value-checking and type conversion.  The converted flag values are
     58 available as attributes of the 'FlagValues' object.
     60 Code can access the flag through a FlagValues object, for instance
     61 gflags.FLAGS.myflag.  Typically, the __main__ module passes the command
     62 line arguments to gflags.FLAGS for parsing.
     64 At bottom, this module calls getopt(), so getopt functionality is
     65 supported, including short- and long-style flags, and the use of -- to
     66 terminate flags.
     68 Methods defined by the flag module will throw 'FlagsError' exceptions.
     69 The exception argument will be a human-readable string.
     72 FLAG TYPES: This is a list of the DEFINE_*'s that you can do.  All flags
     73 take a name, default value, help-string, and optional 'short' name
     74 (one-letter name).  Some flags have other arguments, which are described
     75 with the flag.
     77 DEFINE_string: takes any input, and interprets it as a string.
     79 DEFINE_bool or
     80 DEFINE_boolean: typically does not take an argument: say --myflag to
     81                 set FLAGS.myflag to true, or --nomyflag to set
     82                 FLAGS.myflag to false.  Alternately, you can say
     83                    --myflag=true  or --myflag=t or --myflag=1  or
     84                    --myflag=false or --myflag=f or --myflag=0
     86 DEFINE_float: takes an input and interprets it as a floating point
     87               number.  Takes optional args lower_bound and upper_bound;
     88               if the number specified on the command line is out of
     89               range, it will raise a FlagError.
     91 DEFINE_integer: takes an input and interprets it as an integer.  Takes
     92                 optional args lower_bound and upper_bound as for floats.
     94 DEFINE_enum: takes a list of strings which represents legal values.  If
     95              the command-line value is not in this list, raise a flag
     96              error.  Otherwise, assign to FLAGS.flag as a string.
     98 DEFINE_list: Takes a comma-separated list of strings on the commandline.
     99              Stores them in a python list object.
    101 DEFINE_spaceseplist: Takes a space-separated list of strings on the
    102                      commandline.  Stores them in a python list object.
    103                      Example: --myspacesepflag "foo bar baz"
    105 DEFINE_multistring: The same as DEFINE_string, except the flag can be
    106                     specified more than once on the commandline.  The
    107                     result is a python list object (list of strings),
    108                     even if the flag is only on the command line once.
    110 DEFINE_multi_int: The same as DEFINE_integer, except the flag can be
    111                   specified more than once on the commandline.  The
    112                   result is a python list object (list of ints), even if
    113                   the flag is only on the command line once.
    116 SPECIAL FLAGS: There are a few flags that have special meaning:
    117    --help          prints a list of all the flags in a human-readable fashion
    118    --helpshort     prints a list of all key flags (see below).
    119    --helpxml       prints a list of all flags, in XML format.  DO NOT parse
    120                    the output of --help and --helpshort.  Instead, parse
    121                    the output of --helpxml.  For more info, see
    122                    "OUTPUT FOR --helpxml" below.
    123    --flagfile=foo  read flags from file foo.
    124    --undefok=f1,f2 ignore unrecognized option errors for f1,f2.
    125                    For boolean flags, you should use --undefok=boolflag, and
    126                    --boolflag and --noboolflag will be accepted.  Do not use
    127                    --undefok=noboolflag.
    128    --              as in getopt(), terminates flag-processing
    131 FLAGS VALIDATORS: If your program:
    132   - requires flag X to be specified
    133   - needs flag Y to match a regular expression
    134   - or requires any more general constraint to be satisfied
    135 then validators are for you!
    137 Each validator represents a constraint over one flag, which is enforced
    138 starting from the initial parsing of the flags and until the program
    139 terminates.
    141 Also, lower_bound and upper_bound for numerical flags are enforced using flag
    142 validators.
    144 Howto:
    145 If you want to enforce a constraint over one flag, use
    147 gflags.RegisterValidator(flag_name,
    148                         checker,
    149                         message='Flag validation failed',
    150                         flag_values=FLAGS)
    152 After flag values are initially parsed, and after any change to the specified
    153 flag, method checker(flag_value) will be executed. If constraint is not
    154 satisfied, an IllegalFlagValue exception will be raised. See
    155 RegisterValidator's docstring for a detailed explanation on how to construct
    156 your own checker.
    161 FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS
    163 gflags.DEFINE_integer('my_version', 0, 'Version number.')
    164 gflags.DEFINE_string('filename', None, 'Input file name', short_name='f')
    166 gflags.RegisterValidator('my_version',
    167                         lambda value: value % 2 == 0,
    168                         message='--my_version must be divisible by 2')
    169 gflags.MarkFlagAsRequired('filename')
    172 NOTE ON --flagfile:
    174 Flags may be loaded from text files in addition to being specified on
    175 the commandline.
    177 Any flags you don't feel like typing, throw them in a file, one flag per
    178 line, for instance:
    179    --myflag=myvalue
    180    --nomyboolean_flag
    181 You then specify your file with the special flag '--flagfile=somefile'.
    182 You CAN recursively nest flagfile= tokens OR use multiple files on the
    183 command line.  Lines beginning with a single hash '#' or a double slash
    184 '//' are comments in your flagfile.
    186 Any flagfile=<file> will be interpreted as having a relative path from
    187 the current working directory rather than from the place the file was
    188 included from:
    189    myPythonScript.py --flagfile=config/somefile.cfg
    191 If somefile.cfg includes further --flagfile= directives, these will be
    192 referenced relative to the original CWD, not from the directory the
    193 including flagfile was found in!
    195 The caveat applies to people who are including a series of nested files
    196 in a different dir than they are executing out of.  Relative path names
    197 are always from CWD, not from the directory of the parent include
    198 flagfile. We do now support '~' expanded directory names.
    200 Absolute path names ALWAYS work!
    206   FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS
    208   # Flag names are globally defined!  So in general, we need to be
    209   # careful to pick names that are unlikely to be used by other libraries.
    210   # If there is a conflict, we'll get an error at import time.
    211   gflags.DEFINE_string('name', 'Mr. President', 'your name')
    212   gflags.DEFINE_integer('age', None, 'your age in years', lower_bound=0)
    213   gflags.DEFINE_boolean('debug', False, 'produces debugging output')
    214   gflags.DEFINE_enum('gender', 'male', ['male', 'female'], 'your gender')
    216   def main(argv):
    217     try:
    218       argv = FLAGS(argv)  # parse flags
    219     except gflags.FlagsError, e:
    220       print '%s\\nUsage: %s ARGS\\n%s' % (e, sys.argv[0], FLAGS)
    221       sys.exit(1)
    222     if FLAGS.debug: print 'non-flag arguments:', argv
    223     print 'Happy Birthday', FLAGS.name
    224     if FLAGS.age is not None:
    225       print 'You are a %d year old %s' % (FLAGS.age, FLAGS.gender)
    227   if __name__ == '__main__':
    228     main(sys.argv)
    231 KEY FLAGS:
    233 As we already explained, each module gains access to all flags defined
    234 by all the other modules it transitively imports.  In the case of
    235 non-trivial scripts, this means a lot of flags ...  For documentation
    236 purposes, it is good to identify the flags that are key (i.e., really
    237 important) to a module.  Clearly, the concept of "key flag" is a
    238 subjective one.  When trying to determine whether a flag is key to a
    239 module or not, assume that you are trying to explain your module to a
    240 potential user: which flags would you really like to mention first?
    242 We'll describe shortly how to declare which flags are key to a module.
    243 For the moment, assume we know the set of key flags for each module.
    244 Then, if you use the app.py module, you can use the --helpshort flag to
    245 print only the help for the flags that are key to the main module, in a
    246 human-readable format.
    248 NOTE: If you need to parse the flag help, do NOT use the output of
    249 --help / --helpshort.  That output is meant for human consumption, and
    250 may be changed in the future.  Instead, use --helpxml; flags that are
    251 key for the main module are marked there with a <key>yes</key> element.
    253 The set of key flags for a module M is composed of:
    255 1. Flags defined by module M by calling a DEFINE_* function.
    257 2. Flags that module M explictly declares as key by using the function
    259      DECLARE_key_flag(<flag_name>)
    261 3. Key flags of other modules that M specifies by using the function
    263      ADOPT_module_key_flags(<other_module>)
    265    This is a "bulk" declaration of key flags: each flag that is key for
    266    <other_module> becomes key for the current module too.
    268 Notice that if you do not use the functions described at points 2 and 3
    269 above, then --helpshort prints information only about the flags defined
    270 by the main module of our script.  In many cases, this behavior is good
    271 enough.  But if you move part of the main module code (together with the
    272 related flags) into a different module, then it is nice to use
    273 DECLARE_key_flag / ADOPT_module_key_flags and make sure --helpshort
    274 lists all relevant flags (otherwise, your code refactoring may confuse
    275 your users).
    277 Note: each of DECLARE_key_flag / ADOPT_module_key_flags has its own
    278 pluses and minuses: DECLARE_key_flag is more targeted and may lead a
    279 more focused --helpshort documentation.  ADOPT_module_key_flags is good
    280 for cases when an entire module is considered key to the current script.
    281 Also, it does not require updates to client scripts when a new flag is
    282 added to the module.
    287 Consider an application that contains the following three files (two
    288 auxiliary modules and a main module)
    290 File libfoo.py:
    292   import gflags
    294   gflags.DEFINE_integer('num_replicas', 3, 'Number of replicas to start')
    295   gflags.DEFINE_boolean('rpc2', True, 'Turn on the usage of RPC2.')
    297   ... some code ...
    299 File libbar.py:
    301   import gflags
    303   gflags.DEFINE_string('bar_gfs_path', '/gfs/path',
    304                       'Path to the GFS files for libbar.')
    305   gflags.DEFINE_string('email_for_bar_errors', 'bar-team (at] google.com',
    306                       'Email address for bug reports about module libbar.')
    307   gflags.DEFINE_boolean('bar_risky_hack', False,
    308                        'Turn on an experimental and buggy optimization.')
    310   ... some code ...
    312 File myscript.py:
    314   import gflags
    315   import libfoo
    316   import libbar
    318   gflags.DEFINE_integer('num_iterations', 0, 'Number of iterations.')
    320   # Declare that all flags that are key for libfoo are
    321   # key for this module too.
    322   gflags.ADOPT_module_key_flags(libfoo)
    324   # Declare that the flag --bar_gfs_path (defined in libbar) is key
    325   # for this module.
    326   gflags.DECLARE_key_flag('bar_gfs_path')
    328   ... some code ...
    330 When myscript is invoked with the flag --helpshort, the resulted help
    331 message lists information about all the key flags for myscript:
    332 --num_iterations, --num_replicas, --rpc2, and --bar_gfs_path.
    334 Of course, myscript uses all the flags declared by it (in this case,
    335 just --num_replicas) or by any of the modules it transitively imports
    336 (e.g., the modules libfoo, libbar).  E.g., it can access the value of
    337 FLAGS.bar_risky_hack, even if --bar_risky_hack is not declared as a key
    338 flag for myscript.
    341 OUTPUT FOR --helpxml:
    343 The --helpxml flag generates output with the following structure:
    345 <?xml version="1.0"?>
    346 <AllFlags>
    347   <program>PROGRAM_BASENAME</program>
    348   <usage>MAIN_MODULE_DOCSTRING</usage>
    349   (<flag>
    350     [<key>yes</key>]
    351     <file>DECLARING_MODULE</file>
    352     <name>FLAG_NAME</name>
    353     <meaning>FLAG_HELP_MESSAGE</meaning>
    354     <default>DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE</default>
    355     <current>CURRENT_FLAG_VALUE</current>
    356     <type>FLAG_TYPE</type>
    358   </flag>)*
    359 </AllFlags>
    361 Notes:
    363 1. The output is intentionally similar to the output generated by the
    364 C++ command-line flag library.  The few differences are due to the
    365 Python flags that do not have a C++ equivalent (at least not yet),
    366 e.g., DEFINE_list.
    368 2. New XML elements may be added in the future.
    370 3. DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE is in serialized form, i.e., the string you can
    371 pass for this flag on the command-line.  E.g., for a flag defined
    372 using DEFINE_list, this field may be foo,bar, not ['foo', 'bar'].
    374 4. CURRENT_FLAG_VALUE is produced using str().  This means that the
    375 string 'false' will be represented in the same way as the boolean
    376 False.  Using repr() would have removed this ambiguity and simplified
    377 parsing, but would have broken the compatibility with the C++
    378 command-line flags.
    380 5. OPTIONAL_ELEMENTS describe elements relevant for certain kinds of
    381 flags: lower_bound, upper_bound (for flags that specify bounds),
    382 enum_value (for enum flags), list_separator (for flags that consist of
    383 a list of values, separated by a special token).
    385 6. We do not provide any example here: please use --helpxml instead.
    387 This module requires at least python 2.2.1 to run.
    388 """
    390 import cgi
    391 import getopt
    392 import os
    393 import re
    394 import string
    395 import struct
    396 import sys
    397 # pylint: disable-msg=C6204
    398 try:
    399   import fcntl
    400 except ImportError:
    401   fcntl = None
    402 try:
    403   # Importing termios will fail on non-unix platforms.
    404   import termios
    405 except ImportError:
    406   termios = None
    408 import gflags_validators
    409 # pylint: enable-msg=C6204
    412 # Are we running under pychecker?
    413 _RUNNING_PYCHECKER = 'pychecker.python' in sys.modules
    416 def _GetCallingModuleObjectAndName():
    417   """Returns the module that's calling into this module.
    419   We generally use this function to get the name of the module calling a
    420   DEFINE_foo... function.
    421   """
    422   # Walk down the stack to find the first globals dict that's not ours.
    423   for depth in range(1, sys.getrecursionlimit()):
    424     if not sys._getframe(depth).f_globals is globals():
    425       globals_for_frame = sys._getframe(depth).f_globals
    426       module, module_name = _GetModuleObjectAndName(globals_for_frame)
    427       if module_name is not None:
    428         return module, module_name
    429   raise AssertionError("No module was found")
    432 def _GetCallingModule():
    433   """Returns the name of the module that's calling into this module."""
    434   return _GetCallingModuleObjectAndName()[1]
    437 def _GetThisModuleObjectAndName():
    438   """Returns: (module object, module name) for this module."""
    439   return _GetModuleObjectAndName(globals())
    442 # module exceptions:
    443 class FlagsError(Exception):
    444   """The base class for all flags errors."""
    445   pass
    448 class DuplicateFlag(FlagsError):
    449   """Raised if there is a flag naming conflict."""
    450   pass
    452 class CantOpenFlagFileError(FlagsError):
    453   """Raised if flagfile fails to open: doesn't exist, wrong permissions, etc."""
    454   pass
    457 class DuplicateFlagCannotPropagateNoneToSwig(DuplicateFlag):
    458   """Special case of DuplicateFlag -- SWIG flag value can't be set to None.
    460   This can be raised when a duplicate flag is created. Even if allow_override is
    461   True, we still abort if the new value is None, because it's currently
    462   impossible to pass None default value back to SWIG. See FlagValues.SetDefault
    463   for details.
    464   """
    465   pass
    468 class DuplicateFlagError(DuplicateFlag):
    469   """A DuplicateFlag whose message cites the conflicting definitions.
    471   A DuplicateFlagError conveys more information than a DuplicateFlag,
    472   namely the modules where the conflicting definitions occur. This
    473   class was created to avoid breaking external modules which depend on
    474   the existing DuplicateFlags interface.
    475   """
    477   def __init__(self, flagname, flag_values, other_flag_values=None):
    478     """Create a DuplicateFlagError.
    480     Args:
    481       flagname: Name of the flag being redefined.
    482       flag_values: FlagValues object containing the first definition of
    483           flagname.
    484       other_flag_values: If this argument is not None, it should be the
    485           FlagValues object where the second definition of flagname occurs.
    486           If it is None, we assume that we're being called when attempting
    487           to create the flag a second time, and we use the module calling
    488           this one as the source of the second definition.
    489     """
    490     self.flagname = flagname
    491     first_module = flag_values.FindModuleDefiningFlag(
    492         flagname, default='<unknown>')
    493     if other_flag_values is None:
    494       second_module = _GetCallingModule()
    495     else:
    496       second_module = other_flag_values.FindModuleDefiningFlag(
    497           flagname, default='<unknown>')
    498     msg = "The flag '%s' is defined twice. First from %s, Second from %s" % (
    499         self.flagname, first_module, second_module)
    500     DuplicateFlag.__init__(self, msg)
    503 class IllegalFlagValue(FlagsError):
    504   """The flag command line argument is illegal."""
    505   pass
    508 class UnrecognizedFlag(FlagsError):
    509   """Raised if a flag is unrecognized."""
    510   pass
    513 # An UnrecognizedFlagError conveys more information than an UnrecognizedFlag.
    514 # Since there are external modules that create DuplicateFlags, the interface to
    515 # DuplicateFlag shouldn't change.  The flagvalue will be assigned the full value
    516 # of the flag and its argument, if any, allowing handling of unrecognized flags
    517 # in an exception handler.
    518 # If flagvalue is the empty string, then this exception is an due to a
    519 # reference to a flag that was not already defined.
    520 class UnrecognizedFlagError(UnrecognizedFlag):
    521   def __init__(self, flagname, flagvalue=''):
    522     self.flagname = flagname
    523     self.flagvalue = flagvalue
    524     UnrecognizedFlag.__init__(
    525         self, "Unknown command line flag '%s'" % flagname)
    527 # Global variable used by expvar
    528 _exported_flags = {}
    529 _help_width = 80  # width of help output
    532 def GetHelpWidth():
    533   """Returns: an integer, the width of help lines that is used in TextWrap."""
    534   if (not sys.stdout.isatty()) or (termios is None) or (fcntl is None):
    535     return _help_width
    536   try:
    537     data = fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '1234')
    538     columns = struct.unpack('hh', data)[1]
    539     # Emacs mode returns 0.
    540     # Here we assume that any value below 40 is unreasonable
    541     if columns >= 40:
    542       return columns
    543     # Returning an int as default is fine, int(int) just return the int.
    544     return int(os.getenv('COLUMNS', _help_width))
    546   except (TypeError, IOError, struct.error):
    547     return _help_width
    550 def CutCommonSpacePrefix(text):
    551   """Removes a common space prefix from the lines of a multiline text.
    553   If the first line does not start with a space, it is left as it is and
    554   only in the remaining lines a common space prefix is being searched
    555   for. That means the first line will stay untouched. This is especially
    556   useful to turn doc strings into help texts. This is because some
    557   people prefer to have the doc comment start already after the
    558   apostrophe and then align the following lines while others have the
    559   apostrophes on a separate line.
    561   The function also drops trailing empty lines and ignores empty lines
    562   following the initial content line while calculating the initial
    563   common whitespace.
    565   Args:
    566     text: text to work on
    568   Returns:
    569     the resulting text
    570   """
    571   text_lines = text.splitlines()
    572   # Drop trailing empty lines
    573   while text_lines and not text_lines[-1]:
    574     text_lines = text_lines[:-1]
    575   if text_lines:
    576     # We got some content, is the first line starting with a space?
    577     if text_lines[0] and text_lines[0][0].isspace():
    578       text_first_line = []
    579     else:
    580       text_first_line = [text_lines.pop(0)]
    581     # Calculate length of common leading whitespace (only over content lines)
    582     common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix([line for line in text_lines if line])
    583     space_prefix_len = len(common_prefix) - len(common_prefix.lstrip())
    584     # If we have a common space prefix, drop it from all lines
    585     if space_prefix_len:
    586       for index in xrange(len(text_lines)):
    587         if text_lines[index]:
    588           text_lines[index] = text_lines[index][space_prefix_len:]
    589     return '\n'.join(text_first_line + text_lines)
    590   return ''
    593 def TextWrap(text, length=None, indent='', firstline_indent=None, tabs='    '):
    594   """Wraps a given text to a maximum line length and returns it.
    596   We turn lines that only contain whitespace into empty lines.  We keep
    597   new lines and tabs (e.g., we do not treat tabs as spaces).
    599   Args:
    600     text:             text to wrap
    601     length:           maximum length of a line, includes indentation
    602                       if this is None then use GetHelpWidth()
    603     indent:           indent for all but first line
    604     firstline_indent: indent for first line; if None, fall back to indent
    605     tabs:             replacement for tabs
    607   Returns:
    608     wrapped text
    610   Raises:
    611     FlagsError: if indent not shorter than length
    612     FlagsError: if firstline_indent not shorter than length
    613   """
    614   # Get defaults where callee used None
    615   if length is None:
    616     length = GetHelpWidth()
    617   if indent is None:
    618     indent = ''
    619   if len(indent) >= length:
    620     raise FlagsError('Indent must be shorter than length')
    621   # In line we will be holding the current line which is to be started
    622   # with indent (or firstline_indent if available) and then appended
    623   # with words.
    624   if firstline_indent is None:
    625     firstline_indent = ''
    626     line = indent
    627   else:
    628     line = firstline_indent
    629     if len(firstline_indent) >= length:
    630       raise FlagsError('First line indent must be shorter than length')
    632   # If the callee does not care about tabs we simply convert them to
    633   # spaces If callee wanted tabs to be single space then we do that
    634   # already here.
    635   if not tabs or tabs == ' ':
    636     text = text.replace('\t', ' ')
    637   else:
    638     tabs_are_whitespace = not tabs.strip()
    640   line_regex = re.compile('([ ]*)(\t*)([^ \t]+)', re.MULTILINE)
    642   # Split the text into lines and the lines with the regex above. The
    643   # resulting lines are collected in result[]. For each split we get the
    644   # spaces, the tabs and the next non white space (e.g. next word).
    645   result = []
    646   for text_line in text.splitlines():
    647     # Store result length so we can find out whether processing the next
    648     # line gave any new content
    649     old_result_len = len(result)
    650     # Process next line with line_regex. For optimization we do an rstrip().
    651     # - process tabs (changes either line or word, see below)
    652     # - process word (first try to squeeze on line, then wrap or force wrap)
    653     # Spaces found on the line are ignored, they get added while wrapping as
    654     # needed.
    655     for spaces, current_tabs, word in line_regex.findall(text_line.rstrip()):
    656       # If tabs weren't converted to spaces, handle them now
    657       if current_tabs:
    658         # If the last thing we added was a space anyway then drop
    659         # it. But let's not get rid of the indentation.
    660         if (((result and line != indent) or
    661              (not result and line != firstline_indent)) and line[-1] == ' '):
    662           line = line[:-1]
    663         # Add the tabs, if that means adding whitespace, just add it at
    664         # the line, the rstrip() code while shorten the line down if
    665         # necessary
    666         if tabs_are_whitespace:
    667           line += tabs * len(current_tabs)
    668         else:
    669           # if not all tab replacement is whitespace we prepend it to the word
    670           word = tabs * len(current_tabs) + word
    671       # Handle the case where word cannot be squeezed onto current last line
    672       if len(line) + len(word) > length and len(indent) + len(word) <= length:
    673         result.append(line.rstrip())
    674         line = indent + word
    675         word = ''
    676         # No space left on line or can we append a space?
    677         if len(line) + 1 >= length:
    678           result.append(line.rstrip())
    679           line = indent
    680         else:
    681           line += ' '
    682       # Add word and shorten it up to allowed line length. Restart next
    683       # line with indent and repeat, or add a space if we're done (word
    684       # finished) This deals with words that cannot fit on one line
    685       # (e.g. indent + word longer than allowed line length).
    686       while len(line) + len(word) >= length:
    687         line += word
    688         result.append(line[:length])
    689         word = line[length:]
    690         line = indent
    691       # Default case, simply append the word and a space
    692       if word:
    693         line += word + ' '
    694     # End of input line. If we have content we finish the line. If the
    695     # current line is just the indent but we had content in during this
    696     # original line then we need to add an empty line.
    697     if (result and line != indent) or (not result and line != firstline_indent):
    698       result.append(line.rstrip())
    699     elif len(result) == old_result_len:
    700       result.append('')
    701     line = indent
    703   return '\n'.join(result)
    706 def DocToHelp(doc):
    707   """Takes a __doc__ string and reformats it as help."""
    709   # Get rid of starting and ending white space. Using lstrip() or even
    710   # strip() could drop more than maximum of first line and right space
    711   # of last line.
    712   doc = doc.strip()
    714   # Get rid of all empty lines
    715   whitespace_only_line = re.compile('^[ \t]+$', re.M)
    716   doc = whitespace_only_line.sub('', doc)
    718   # Cut out common space at line beginnings
    719   doc = CutCommonSpacePrefix(doc)
    721   # Just like this module's comment, comments tend to be aligned somehow.
    722   # In other words they all start with the same amount of white space
    723   # 1) keep double new lines
    724   # 2) keep ws after new lines if not empty line
    725   # 3) all other new lines shall be changed to a space
    726   # Solution: Match new lines between non white space and replace with space.
    727   doc = re.sub('(?<=\S)\n(?=\S)', ' ', doc, re.M)
    729   return doc
    732 def _GetModuleObjectAndName(globals_dict):
    733   """Returns the module that defines a global environment, and its name.
    735   Args:
    736     globals_dict: A dictionary that should correspond to an environment
    737       providing the values of the globals.
    739   Returns:
    740     A pair consisting of (1) module object and (2) module name (a
    741     string).  Returns (None, None) if the module could not be
    742     identified.
    743   """
    744   # The use of .items() (instead of .iteritems()) is NOT a mistake: if
    745   # a parallel thread imports a module while we iterate over
    746   # .iteritems() (not nice, but possible), we get a RuntimeError ...
    747   # Hence, we use the slightly slower but safer .items().
    748   for name, module in sys.modules.items():
    749     if getattr(module, '__dict__', None) is globals_dict:
    750       if name == '__main__':
    751         # Pick a more informative name for the main module.
    752         name = sys.argv[0]
    753       return (module, name)
    754   return (None, None)
    757 def _GetMainModule():
    758   """Returns: string, name of the module from which execution started."""
    759   # First, try to use the same logic used by _GetCallingModuleObjectAndName(),
    760   # i.e., call _GetModuleObjectAndName().  For that we first need to
    761   # find the dictionary that the main module uses to store the
    762   # globals.
    763   #
    764   # That's (normally) the same dictionary object that the deepest
    765   # (oldest) stack frame is using for globals.
    766   deepest_frame = sys._getframe(0)
    767   while deepest_frame.f_back is not None:
    768     deepest_frame = deepest_frame.f_back
    769   globals_for_main_module = deepest_frame.f_globals
    770   main_module_name = _GetModuleObjectAndName(globals_for_main_module)[1]
    771   # The above strategy fails in some cases (e.g., tools that compute
    772   # code coverage by redefining, among other things, the main module).
    773   # If so, just use sys.argv[0].  We can probably always do this, but
    774   # it's safest to try to use the same logic as _GetCallingModuleObjectAndName()
    775   if main_module_name is None:
    776     main_module_name = sys.argv[0]
    777   return main_module_name
    780 class FlagValues:
    781   """Registry of 'Flag' objects.
    783   A 'FlagValues' can then scan command line arguments, passing flag
    784   arguments through to the 'Flag' objects that it owns.  It also
    785   provides easy access to the flag values.  Typically only one
    786   'FlagValues' object is needed by an application: gflags.FLAGS
    788   This class is heavily overloaded:
    790   'Flag' objects are registered via __setitem__:
    791        FLAGS['longname'] = x   # register a new flag
    793   The .value attribute of the registered 'Flag' objects can be accessed
    794   as attributes of this 'FlagValues' object, through __getattr__.  Both
    795   the long and short name of the original 'Flag' objects can be used to
    796   access its value:
    797        FLAGS.longname          # parsed flag value
    798        FLAGS.x                 # parsed flag value (short name)
    800   Command line arguments are scanned and passed to the registered 'Flag'
    801   objects through the __call__ method.  Unparsed arguments, including
    802   argv[0] (e.g. the program name) are returned.
    803        argv = FLAGS(sys.argv)  # scan command line arguments
    805   The original registered Flag objects can be retrieved through the use
    806   of the dictionary-like operator, __getitem__:
    807        x = FLAGS['longname']   # access the registered Flag object
    809   The str() operator of a 'FlagValues' object provides help for all of
    810   the registered 'Flag' objects.
    811   """
    813   def __init__(self):
    814     # Since everything in this class is so heavily overloaded, the only
    815     # way of defining and using fields is to access __dict__ directly.
    817     # Dictionary: flag name (string) -> Flag object.
    818     self.__dict__['__flags'] = {}
    819     # Dictionary: module name (string) -> list of Flag objects that are defined
    820     # by that module.
    821     self.__dict__['__flags_by_module'] = {}
    822     # Dictionary: module id (int) -> list of Flag objects that are defined by
    823     # that module.
    824     self.__dict__['__flags_by_module_id'] = {}
    825     # Dictionary: module name (string) -> list of Flag objects that are
    826     # key for that module.
    827     self.__dict__['__key_flags_by_module'] = {}
    829     # Set if we should use new style gnu_getopt rather than getopt when parsing
    830     # the args.  Only possible with Python 2.3+
    831     self.UseGnuGetOpt(False)
    833   def UseGnuGetOpt(self, use_gnu_getopt=True):
    834     """Use GNU-style scanning. Allows mixing of flag and non-flag arguments.
    836     See http://docs.python.org/library/getopt.html#getopt.gnu_getopt
    838     Args:
    839       use_gnu_getopt: wether or not to use GNU style scanning.
    840     """
    841     self.__dict__['__use_gnu_getopt'] = use_gnu_getopt
    843   def IsGnuGetOpt(self):
    844     return self.__dict__['__use_gnu_getopt']
    846   def FlagDict(self):
    847     return self.__dict__['__flags']
    849   def FlagsByModuleDict(self):
    850     """Returns the dictionary of module_name -> list of defined flags.
    852     Returns:
    853       A dictionary.  Its keys are module names (strings).  Its values
    854       are lists of Flag objects.
    855     """
    856     return self.__dict__['__flags_by_module']
    858   def FlagsByModuleIdDict(self):
    859     """Returns the dictionary of module_id -> list of defined flags.
    861     Returns:
    862       A dictionary.  Its keys are module IDs (ints).  Its values
    863       are lists of Flag objects.
    864     """
    865     return self.__dict__['__flags_by_module_id']
    867   def KeyFlagsByModuleDict(self):
    868     """Returns the dictionary of module_name -> list of key flags.
    870     Returns:
    871       A dictionary.  Its keys are module names (strings).  Its values
    872       are lists of Flag objects.
    873     """
    874     return self.__dict__['__key_flags_by_module']
    876   def _RegisterFlagByModule(self, module_name, flag):
    877     """Records the module that defines a specific flag.
    879     We keep track of which flag is defined by which module so that we
    880     can later sort the flags by module.
    882     Args:
    883       module_name: A string, the name of a Python module.
    884       flag: A Flag object, a flag that is key to the module.
    885     """
    886     flags_by_module = self.FlagsByModuleDict()
    887     flags_by_module.setdefault(module_name, []).append(flag)
    889   def _RegisterFlagByModuleId(self, module_id, flag):
    890     """Records the module that defines a specific flag.
    892     Args:
    893       module_id: An int, the ID of the Python module.
    894       flag: A Flag object, a flag that is key to the module.
    895     """
    896     flags_by_module_id = self.FlagsByModuleIdDict()
    897     flags_by_module_id.setdefault(module_id, []).append(flag)
    899   def _RegisterKeyFlagForModule(self, module_name, flag):
    900     """Specifies that a flag is a key flag for a module.
    902     Args:
    903       module_name: A string, the name of a Python module.
    904       flag: A Flag object, a flag that is key to the module.
    905     """
    906     key_flags_by_module = self.KeyFlagsByModuleDict()
    907     # The list of key flags for the module named module_name.
    908     key_flags = key_flags_by_module.setdefault(module_name, [])
    909     # Add flag, but avoid duplicates.
    910     if flag not in key_flags:
    911       key_flags.append(flag)
    913   def _GetFlagsDefinedByModule(self, module):
    914     """Returns the list of flags defined by a module.
    916     Args:
    917       module: A module object or a module name (a string).
    919     Returns:
    920       A new list of Flag objects.  Caller may update this list as he
    921       wishes: none of those changes will affect the internals of this
    922       FlagValue object.
    923     """
    924     if not isinstance(module, str):
    925       module = module.__name__
    927     return list(self.FlagsByModuleDict().get(module, []))
    929   def _GetKeyFlagsForModule(self, module):
    930     """Returns the list of key flags for a module.
    932     Args:
    933       module: A module object or a module name (a string)
    935     Returns:
    936       A new list of Flag objects.  Caller may update this list as he
    937       wishes: none of those changes will affect the internals of this
    938       FlagValue object.
    939     """
    940     if not isinstance(module, str):
    941       module = module.__name__
    943     # Any flag is a key flag for the module that defined it.  NOTE:
    944     # key_flags is a fresh list: we can update it without affecting the
    945     # internals of this FlagValues object.
    946     key_flags = self._GetFlagsDefinedByModule(module)
    948     # Take into account flags explicitly declared as key for a module.
    949     for flag in self.KeyFlagsByModuleDict().get(module, []):
    950       if flag not in key_flags:
    951         key_flags.append(flag)
    952     return key_flags
    954   def FindModuleDefiningFlag(self, flagname, default=None):
    955     """Return the name of the module defining this flag, or default.
    957     Args:
    958       flagname: Name of the flag to lookup.
    959       default: Value to return if flagname is not defined. Defaults
    960           to None.
    962     Returns:
    963       The name of the module which registered the flag with this name.
    964       If no such module exists (i.e. no flag with this name exists),
    965       we return default.
    966     """
    967     for module, flags in self.FlagsByModuleDict().iteritems():
    968       for flag in flags:
    969         if flag.name == flagname or flag.short_name == flagname:
    970           return module
    971     return default
    973   def FindModuleIdDefiningFlag(self, flagname, default=None):
    974     """Return the ID of the module defining this flag, or default.
    976     Args:
    977       flagname: Name of the flag to lookup.
    978       default: Value to return if flagname is not defined. Defaults
    979           to None.
    981     Returns:
    982       The ID of the module which registered the flag with this name.
    983       If no such module exists (i.e. no flag with this name exists),
    984       we return default.
    985     """
    986     for module_id, flags in self.FlagsByModuleIdDict().iteritems():
    987       for flag in flags:
    988         if flag.name == flagname or flag.short_name == flagname:
    989           return module_id
    990     return default
    992   def AppendFlagValues(self, flag_values):
    993     """Appends flags registered in another FlagValues instance.
    995     Args:
    996       flag_values: registry to copy from
    997     """
    998     for flag_name, flag in flag_values.FlagDict().iteritems():
    999       # Each flags with shortname appears here twice (once under its
   1000       # normal name, and again with its short name).  To prevent
   1001       # problems (DuplicateFlagError) with double flag registration, we
   1002       # perform a check to make sure that the entry we're looking at is
   1003       # for its normal name.
   1004       if flag_name == flag.name:
   1005         try:
   1006           self[flag_name] = flag
   1007         except DuplicateFlagError:
   1008           raise DuplicateFlagError(flag_name, self,
   1009                                    other_flag_values=flag_values)
   1011   def RemoveFlagValues(self, flag_values):
   1012     """Remove flags that were previously appended from another FlagValues.
   1014     Args:
   1015       flag_values: registry containing flags to remove.
   1016     """
   1017     for flag_name in flag_values.FlagDict():
   1018       self.__delattr__(flag_name)
   1020   def __setitem__(self, name, flag):
   1021     """Registers a new flag variable."""
   1022     fl = self.FlagDict()
   1023     if not isinstance(flag, Flag):
   1024       raise IllegalFlagValue(flag)
   1025     if not isinstance(name, type("")):
   1026       raise FlagsError("Flag name must be a string")
   1027     if len(name) == 0:
   1028       raise FlagsError("Flag name cannot be empty")
   1029     # If running under pychecker, duplicate keys are likely to be
   1030     # defined.  Disable check for duplicate keys when pycheck'ing.
   1031     if (name in fl and not flag.allow_override and
   1032         not fl[name].allow_override and not _RUNNING_PYCHECKER):
   1033       module, module_name = _GetCallingModuleObjectAndName()
   1034       if (self.FindModuleDefiningFlag(name) == module_name and
   1035           id(module) != self.FindModuleIdDefiningFlag(name)):
   1036         # If the flag has already been defined by a module with the same name,
   1037         # but a different ID, we can stop here because it indicates that the
   1038         # module is simply being imported a subsequent time.
   1039         return
   1040       raise DuplicateFlagError(name, self)
   1041     short_name = flag.short_name
   1042     if short_name is not None:
   1043       if (short_name in fl and not flag.allow_override and
   1044           not fl[short_name].allow_override and not _RUNNING_PYCHECKER):
   1045         raise DuplicateFlagError(short_name, self)
   1046       fl[short_name] = flag
   1047     fl[name] = flag
   1048     global _exported_flags
   1049     _exported_flags[name] = flag
   1051   def __getitem__(self, name):
   1052     """Retrieves the Flag object for the flag --name."""
   1053     return self.FlagDict()[name]
   1055   def __getattr__(self, name):
   1056     """Retrieves the 'value' attribute of the flag --name."""
   1057     fl = self.FlagDict()
   1058     if name not in fl:
   1059       raise AttributeError(name)
   1060     return fl[name].value
   1062   def __setattr__(self, name, value):
   1063     """Sets the 'value' attribute of the flag --name."""
   1064     fl = self.FlagDict()
   1065     fl[name].value = value
   1066     self._AssertValidators(fl[name].validators)
   1067     return value
   1069   def _AssertAllValidators(self):
   1070     all_validators = set()
   1071     for flag in self.FlagDict().itervalues():
   1072       for validator in flag.validators:
   1073         all_validators.add(validator)
   1074     self._AssertValidators(all_validators)
   1076   def _AssertValidators(self, validators):
   1077     """Assert if all validators in the list are satisfied.
   1079     Asserts validators in the order they were created.
   1080     Args:
   1081       validators: Iterable(gflags_validators.Validator), validators to be
   1082         verified
   1083     Raises:
   1084       AttributeError: if validators work with a non-existing flag.
   1085       IllegalFlagValue: if validation fails for at least one validator
   1086     """
   1087     for validator in sorted(
   1088         validators, key=lambda validator: validator.insertion_index):
   1089       try:
   1090         validator.Verify(self)
   1091       except gflags_validators.Error, e:
   1092         message = validator.PrintFlagsWithValues(self)
   1093         raise IllegalFlagValue('%s: %s' % (message, str(e)))
   1095   def _FlagIsRegistered(self, flag_obj):
   1096     """Checks whether a Flag object is registered under some name.
   1098     Note: this is non trivial: in addition to its normal name, a flag
   1099     may have a short name too.  In self.FlagDict(), both the normal and
   1100     the short name are mapped to the same flag object.  E.g., calling
   1101     only "del FLAGS.short_name" is not unregistering the corresponding
   1102     Flag object (it is still registered under the longer name).
   1104     Args:
   1105       flag_obj: A Flag object.
   1107     Returns:
   1108       A boolean: True iff flag_obj is registered under some name.
   1109     """
   1110     flag_dict = self.FlagDict()
   1111     # Check whether flag_obj is registered under its long name.
   1112     name = flag_obj.name
   1113     if flag_dict.get(name, None) == flag_obj:
   1114       return True
   1115     # Check whether flag_obj is registered under its short name.
   1116     short_name = flag_obj.short_name
   1117     if (short_name is not None and
   1118         flag_dict.get(short_name, None) == flag_obj):
   1119       return True
   1120     # The flag cannot be registered under any other name, so we do not
   1121     # need to do a full search through the values of self.FlagDict().
   1122     return False
   1124   def __delattr__(self, flag_name):
   1125     """Deletes a previously-defined flag from a flag object.
   1127     This method makes sure we can delete a flag by using
   1129       del flag_values_object.<flag_name>
   1131     E.g.,
   1133       gflags.DEFINE_integer('foo', 1, 'Integer flag.')
   1134       del gflags.FLAGS.foo
   1136     Args:
   1137       flag_name: A string, the name of the flag to be deleted.
   1139     Raises:
   1140       AttributeError: When there is no registered flag named flag_name.
   1141     """
   1142     fl = self.FlagDict()
   1143     if flag_name not in fl:
   1144       raise AttributeError(flag_name)
   1146     flag_obj = fl[flag_name]
   1147     del fl[flag_name]
   1149     if not self._FlagIsRegistered(flag_obj):
   1150       # If the Flag object indicated by flag_name is no longer
   1151       # registered (please see the docstring of _FlagIsRegistered), then
   1152       # we delete the occurrences of the flag object in all our internal
   1153       # dictionaries.
   1154       self.__RemoveFlagFromDictByModule(self.FlagsByModuleDict(), flag_obj)
   1155       self.__RemoveFlagFromDictByModule(self.FlagsByModuleIdDict(), flag_obj)
   1156       self.__RemoveFlagFromDictByModule(self.KeyFlagsByModuleDict(), flag_obj)
   1158   def __RemoveFlagFromDictByModule(self, flags_by_module_dict, flag_obj):
   1159     """Removes a flag object from a module -> list of flags dictionary.
   1161     Args:
   1162       flags_by_module_dict: A dictionary that maps module names to lists of
   1163         flags.
   1164       flag_obj: A flag object.
   1165     """
   1166     for unused_module, flags_in_module in flags_by_module_dict.iteritems():
   1167       # while (as opposed to if) takes care of multiple occurrences of a
   1168       # flag in the list for the same module.
   1169       while flag_obj in flags_in_module:
   1170         flags_in_module.remove(flag_obj)
   1172   def SetDefault(self, name, value):
   1173     """Changes the default value of the named flag object."""
   1174     fl = self.FlagDict()
   1175     if name not in fl:
   1176       raise AttributeError(name)
   1177     fl[name].SetDefault(value)
   1178     self._AssertValidators(fl[name].validators)
   1180   def __contains__(self, name):
   1181     """Returns True if name is a value (flag) in the dict."""
   1182     return name in self.FlagDict()
   1184   has_key = __contains__  # a synonym for __contains__()
   1186   def __iter__(self):
   1187     return iter(self.FlagDict())
   1189   def __call__(self, argv):
   1190     """Parses flags from argv; stores parsed flags into this FlagValues object.
   1192     All unparsed arguments are returned.  Flags are parsed using the GNU
   1193     Program Argument Syntax Conventions, using getopt:
   1195     http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_mono/libc.html#Getopt
   1197     Args:
   1198        argv: argument list. Can be of any type that may be converted to a list.
   1200     Returns:
   1201        The list of arguments not parsed as options, including argv[0]
   1203     Raises:
   1204        FlagsError: on any parsing error
   1205     """
   1206     # Support any sequence type that can be converted to a list
   1207     argv = list(argv)
   1209     shortopts = ""
   1210     longopts = []
   1212     fl = self.FlagDict()
   1214     # This pre parses the argv list for --flagfile=<> options.
   1215     argv = argv[:1] + self.ReadFlagsFromFiles(argv[1:], force_gnu=False)
   1217     # Correct the argv to support the google style of passing boolean
   1218     # parameters.  Boolean parameters may be passed by using --mybool,
   1219     # --nomybool, --mybool=(true|false|1|0).  getopt does not support
   1220     # having options that may or may not have a parameter.  We replace
   1221     # instances of the short form --mybool and --nomybool with their
   1222     # full forms: --mybool=(true|false).
   1223     original_argv = list(argv)  # list() makes a copy
   1224     shortest_matches = None
   1225     for name, flag in fl.items():
   1226       if not flag.boolean:
   1227         continue
   1228       if shortest_matches is None:
   1229         # Determine the smallest allowable prefix for all flag names
   1230         shortest_matches = self.ShortestUniquePrefixes(fl)
   1231       no_name = 'no' + name
   1232       prefix = shortest_matches[name]
   1233       no_prefix = shortest_matches[no_name]
   1235       # Replace all occurrences of this boolean with extended forms
   1236       for arg_idx in range(1, len(argv)):
   1237         arg = argv[arg_idx]
   1238         if arg.find('=') >= 0: continue
   1239         if arg.startswith('--'+prefix) and ('--'+name).startswith(arg):
   1240           argv[arg_idx] = ('--%s=true' % name)
   1241         elif arg.startswith('--'+no_prefix) and ('--'+no_name).startswith(arg):
   1242           argv[arg_idx] = ('--%s=false' % name)
   1244     # Loop over all of the flags, building up the lists of short options
   1245     # and long options that will be passed to getopt.  Short options are
   1246     # specified as a string of letters, each letter followed by a colon
   1247     # if it takes an argument.  Long options are stored in an array of
   1248     # strings.  Each string ends with an '=' if it takes an argument.
   1249     for name, flag in fl.items():
   1250       longopts.append(name + "=")
   1251       if len(name) == 1:  # one-letter option: allow short flag type also
   1252         shortopts += name
   1253         if not flag.boolean:
   1254           shortopts += ":"
   1256     longopts.append('undefok=')
   1257     undefok_flags = []
   1259     # In case --undefok is specified, loop to pick up unrecognized
   1260     # options one by one.
   1261     unrecognized_opts = []
   1262     args = argv[1:]
   1263     while True:
   1264       try:
   1265         if self.__dict__['__use_gnu_getopt']:
   1266           optlist, unparsed_args = getopt.gnu_getopt(args, shortopts, longopts)
   1267         else:
   1268           optlist, unparsed_args = getopt.getopt(args, shortopts, longopts)
   1269         break
   1270       except getopt.GetoptError, e:
   1271         if not e.opt or e.opt in fl:
   1272           # Not an unrecognized option, re-raise the exception as a FlagsError
   1273           raise FlagsError(e)
   1274         # Remove offender from args and try again
   1275         for arg_index in range(len(args)):
   1276           if ((args[arg_index] == '--' + e.opt) or
   1277               (args[arg_index] == '-' + e.opt) or
   1278               (args[arg_index].startswith('--' + e.opt + '='))):
   1279             unrecognized_opts.append((e.opt, args[arg_index]))
   1280             args = args[0:arg_index] + args[arg_index+1:]
   1281             break
   1282         else:
   1283           # We should have found the option, so we don't expect to get
   1284           # here.  We could assert, but raising the original exception
   1285           # might work better.
   1286           raise FlagsError(e)
   1288     for name, arg in optlist:
   1289       if name == '--undefok':
   1290         flag_names = arg.split(',')
   1291         undefok_flags.extend(flag_names)
   1292         # For boolean flags, if --undefok=boolflag is specified, then we should
   1293         # also accept --noboolflag, in addition to --boolflag.
   1294         # Since we don't know the type of the undefok'd flag, this will affect
   1295         # non-boolean flags as well.
   1296         # NOTE: You shouldn't use --undefok=noboolflag, because then we will
   1297         # accept --nonoboolflag here.  We are choosing not to do the conversion
   1298         # from noboolflag -> boolflag because of the ambiguity that flag names
   1299         # can start with 'no'.
   1300         undefok_flags.extend('no' + name for name in flag_names)
   1301         continue
   1302       if name.startswith('--'):
   1303         # long option
   1304         name = name[2:]
   1305         short_option = 0
   1306       else:
   1307         # short option
   1308         name = name[1:]
   1309         short_option = 1
   1310       if name in fl:
   1311         flag = fl[name]
   1312         if flag.boolean and short_option: arg = 1
   1313         flag.Parse(arg)
   1315     # If there were unrecognized options, raise an exception unless
   1316     # the options were named via --undefok.
   1317     for opt, value in unrecognized_opts:
   1318       if opt not in undefok_flags:
   1319         raise UnrecognizedFlagError(opt, value)
   1321     if unparsed_args:
   1322       if self.__dict__['__use_gnu_getopt']:
   1323         # if using gnu_getopt just return the program name + remainder of argv.
   1324         ret_val = argv[:1] + unparsed_args
   1325       else:
   1326         # unparsed_args becomes the first non-flag detected by getopt to
   1327         # the end of argv.  Because argv may have been modified above,
   1328         # return original_argv for this region.
   1329         ret_val = argv[:1] + original_argv[-len(unparsed_args):]
   1330     else:
   1331       ret_val = argv[:1]
   1333     self._AssertAllValidators()
   1334     return ret_val
   1336   def Reset(self):
   1337     """Resets the values to the point before FLAGS(argv) was called."""
   1338     for f in self.FlagDict().values():
   1339       f.Unparse()
   1341   def RegisteredFlags(self):
   1342     """Returns: a list of the names and short names of all registered flags."""
   1343     return list(self.FlagDict())
   1345   def FlagValuesDict(self):
   1346     """Returns: a dictionary that maps flag names to flag values."""
   1347     flag_values = {}
   1349     for flag_name in self.RegisteredFlags():
   1350       flag = self.FlagDict()[flag_name]
   1351       flag_values[flag_name] = flag.value
   1353     return flag_values
   1355   def __str__(self):
   1356     """Generates a help string for all known flags."""
   1357     return self.GetHelp()
   1359   def GetHelp(self, prefix=''):
   1360     """Generates a help string for all known flags."""
   1361     helplist = []
   1363     flags_by_module = self.FlagsByModuleDict()
   1364     if flags_by_module:
   1366       modules = sorted(flags_by_module)
   1368       # Print the help for the main module first, if possible.
   1369       main_module = _GetMainModule()
   1370       if main_module in modules:
   1371         modules.remove(main_module)
   1372         modules = [main_module] + modules
   1374       for module in modules:
   1375         self.__RenderOurModuleFlags(module, helplist)
   1377       self.__RenderModuleFlags('gflags',
   1378                                _SPECIAL_FLAGS.FlagDict().values(),
   1379                                helplist)
   1381     else:
   1382       # Just print one long list of flags.
   1383       self.__RenderFlagList(
   1384           self.FlagDict().values() + _SPECIAL_FLAGS.FlagDict().values(),
   1385           helplist, prefix)
   1387     return '\n'.join(helplist)
   1389   def __RenderModuleFlags(self, module, flags, output_lines, prefix=""):
   1390     """Generates a help string for a given module."""
   1391     if not isinstance(module, str):
   1392       module = module.__name__
   1393     output_lines.append('\n%s%s:' % (prefix, module))
   1394     self.__RenderFlagList(flags, output_lines, prefix + "  ")
   1396   def __RenderOurModuleFlags(self, module, output_lines, prefix=""):
   1397     """Generates a help string for a given module."""
   1398     flags = self._GetFlagsDefinedByModule(module)
   1399     if flags:
   1400       self.__RenderModuleFlags(module, flags, output_lines, prefix)
   1402   def __RenderOurModuleKeyFlags(self, module, output_lines, prefix=""):
   1403     """Generates a help string for the key flags of a given module.
   1405     Args:
   1406       module: A module object or a module name (a string).
   1407       output_lines: A list of strings.  The generated help message
   1408         lines will be appended to this list.
   1409       prefix: A string that is prepended to each generated help line.
   1410     """
   1411     key_flags = self._GetKeyFlagsForModule(module)
   1412     if key_flags:
   1413       self.__RenderModuleFlags(module, key_flags, output_lines, prefix)
   1415   def ModuleHelp(self, module):
   1416     """Describe the key flags of a module.
   1418     Args:
   1419       module: A module object or a module name (a string).
   1421     Returns:
   1422       string describing the key flags of a module.
   1423     """
   1424     helplist = []
   1425     self.__RenderOurModuleKeyFlags(module, helplist)
   1426     return '\n'.join(helplist)
   1428   def MainModuleHelp(self):
   1429     """Describe the key flags of the main module.
   1431     Returns:
   1432       string describing the key flags of a module.
   1433     """
   1434     return self.ModuleHelp(_GetMainModule())
   1436   def __RenderFlagList(self, flaglist, output_lines, prefix="  "):
   1437     fl = self.FlagDict()
   1438     special_fl = _SPECIAL_FLAGS.FlagDict()
   1439     flaglist = [(flag.name, flag) for flag in flaglist]
   1440     flaglist.sort()
   1441     flagset = {}
   1442     for (name, flag) in flaglist:
   1443       # It's possible this flag got deleted or overridden since being
   1444       # registered in the per-module flaglist.  Check now against the
   1445       # canonical source of current flag information, the FlagDict.
   1446       if fl.get(name, None) != flag and special_fl.get(name, None) != flag:
   1447         # a different flag is using this name now
   1448         continue
   1449       # only print help once
   1450       if flag in flagset: continue
   1451       flagset[flag] = 1
   1452       flaghelp = ""
   1453       if flag.short_name: flaghelp += "-%s," % flag.short_name
   1454       if flag.boolean:
   1455         flaghelp += "--[no]%s" % flag.name + ":"
   1456       else:
   1457         flaghelp += "--%s" % flag.name + ":"
   1458       flaghelp += "  "
   1459       if flag.help:
   1460         flaghelp += flag.help
   1461       flaghelp = TextWrap(flaghelp, indent=prefix+"  ",
   1462                           firstline_indent=prefix)
   1463       if flag.default_as_str:
   1464         flaghelp += "\n"
   1465         flaghelp += TextWrap("(default: %s)" % flag.default_as_str,
   1466                              indent=prefix+"  ")
   1467       if flag.parser.syntactic_help:
   1468         flaghelp += "\n"
   1469         flaghelp += TextWrap("(%s)" % flag.parser.syntactic_help,
   1470                              indent=prefix+"  ")
   1471       output_lines.append(flaghelp)
   1473   def get(self, name, default):
   1474     """Returns the value of a flag (if not None) or a default value.
   1476     Args:
   1477       name: A string, the name of a flag.
   1478       default: Default value to use if the flag value is None.
   1479     """
   1481     value = self.__getattr__(name)
   1482     if value is not None:  # Can't do if not value, b/c value might be '0' or ""
   1483       return value
   1484     else:
   1485       return default
   1487   def ShortestUniquePrefixes(self, fl):
   1488     """Returns: dictionary; maps flag names to their shortest unique prefix."""
   1489     # Sort the list of flag names
   1490     sorted_flags = []
   1491     for name, flag in fl.items():
   1492       sorted_flags.append(name)
   1493       if flag.boolean:
   1494         sorted_flags.append('no%s' % name)
   1495     sorted_flags.sort()
   1497     # For each name in the sorted list, determine the shortest unique
   1498     # prefix by comparing itself to the next name and to the previous
   1499     # name (the latter check uses cached info from the previous loop).
   1500     shortest_matches = {}
   1501     prev_idx = 0
   1502     for flag_idx in range(len(sorted_flags)):
   1503       curr = sorted_flags[flag_idx]
   1504       if flag_idx == (len(sorted_flags) - 1):
   1505         next = None
   1506       else:
   1507         next = sorted_flags[flag_idx+1]
   1508         next_len = len(next)
   1509       for curr_idx in range(len(curr)):
   1510         if (next is None
   1511             or curr_idx >= next_len
   1512             or curr[curr_idx] != next[curr_idx]):
   1513           # curr longer than next or no more chars in common
   1514           shortest_matches[curr] = curr[:max(prev_idx, curr_idx) + 1]
   1515           prev_idx = curr_idx
   1516           break
   1517       else:
   1518         # curr shorter than (or equal to) next
   1519         shortest_matches[curr] = curr
   1520         prev_idx = curr_idx + 1  # next will need at least one more char
   1521     return shortest_matches
   1523   def __IsFlagFileDirective(self, flag_string):
   1524     """Checks whether flag_string contain a --flagfile=<foo> directive."""
   1525     if isinstance(flag_string, type("")):
   1526       if flag_string.startswith('--flagfile='):
   1527         return 1
   1528       elif flag_string == '--flagfile':
   1529         return 1
   1530       elif flag_string.startswith('-flagfile='):
   1531         return 1
   1532       elif flag_string == '-flagfile':
   1533         return 1
   1534       else:
   1535         return 0
   1536     return 0
   1538   def ExtractFilename(self, flagfile_str):
   1539     """Returns filename from a flagfile_str of form -[-]flagfile=filename.
   1541     The cases of --flagfile foo and -flagfile foo shouldn't be hitting
   1542     this function, as they are dealt with in the level above this
   1543     function.
   1544     """
   1545     if flagfile_str.startswith('--flagfile='):
   1546       return os.path.expanduser((flagfile_str[(len('--flagfile=')):]).strip())
   1547     elif flagfile_str.startswith('-flagfile='):
   1548       return os.path.expanduser((flagfile_str[(len('-flagfile=')):]).strip())
   1549     else:
   1550       raise FlagsError('Hit illegal --flagfile type: %s' % flagfile_str)
   1552   def __GetFlagFileLines(self, filename, parsed_file_list):
   1553     """Returns the useful (!=comments, etc) lines from a file with flags.
   1555     Args:
   1556       filename: A string, the name of the flag file.
   1557       parsed_file_list: A list of the names of the files we have
   1558         already read.  MUTATED BY THIS FUNCTION.
   1560     Returns:
   1561       List of strings. See the note below.
   1563     NOTE(springer): This function checks for a nested --flagfile=<foo>
   1564     tag and handles the lower file recursively. It returns a list of
   1565     all the lines that _could_ contain command flags. This is
   1566     EVERYTHING except whitespace lines and comments (lines starting
   1567     with '#' or '//').
   1568     """
   1569     line_list = []  # All line from flagfile.
   1570     flag_line_list = []  # Subset of lines w/o comments, blanks, flagfile= tags.
   1571     try:
   1572       file_obj = open(filename, 'r')
   1573     except IOError, e_msg:
   1574       raise CantOpenFlagFileError('ERROR:: Unable to open flagfile: %s' % e_msg)
   1576     line_list = file_obj.readlines()
   1577     file_obj.close()
   1578     parsed_file_list.append(filename)
   1580     # This is where we check each line in the file we just read.
   1581     for line in line_list:
   1582       if line.isspace():
   1583         pass
   1584       # Checks for comment (a line that starts with '#').
   1585       elif line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('//'):
   1586         pass
   1587       # Checks for a nested "--flagfile=<bar>" flag in the current file.
   1588       # If we find one, recursively parse down into that file.
   1589       elif self.__IsFlagFileDirective(line):
   1590         sub_filename = self.ExtractFilename(line)
   1591         # We do a little safety check for reparsing a file we've already done.
   1592         if not sub_filename in parsed_file_list:
   1593           included_flags = self.__GetFlagFileLines(sub_filename,
   1594                                                    parsed_file_list)
   1595           flag_line_list.extend(included_flags)
   1596         else:  # Case of hitting a circularly included file.
   1597           sys.stderr.write('Warning: Hit circular flagfile dependency: %s\n' %
   1598                            (sub_filename,))
   1599       else:
   1600         # Any line that's not a comment or a nested flagfile should get
   1601         # copied into 2nd position.  This leaves earlier arguments
   1602         # further back in the list, thus giving them higher priority.
   1603         flag_line_list.append(line.strip())
   1604     return flag_line_list
   1606   def ReadFlagsFromFiles(self, argv, force_gnu=True):
   1607     """Processes command line args, but also allow args to be read from file.
   1609     Args:
   1610       argv: A list of strings, usually sys.argv[1:], which may contain one or
   1611         more flagfile directives of the form --flagfile="./filename".
   1612         Note that the name of the program (sys.argv[0]) should be omitted.
   1613       force_gnu: If False, --flagfile parsing obeys normal flag semantics.
   1614         If True, --flagfile parsing instead follows gnu_getopt semantics.
   1615         *** WARNING *** force_gnu=False may become the future default!
   1617     Returns:
   1619       A new list which has the original list combined with what we read
   1620       from any flagfile(s).
   1622     References: Global gflags.FLAG class instance.
   1624     This function should be called before the normal FLAGS(argv) call.
   1625     This function scans the input list for a flag that looks like:
   1626     --flagfile=<somefile>. Then it opens <somefile>, reads all valid key
   1627     and value pairs and inserts them into the input list between the
   1628     first item of the list and any subsequent items in the list.
   1630     Note that your application's flags are still defined the usual way
   1631     using gflags DEFINE_flag() type functions.
   1633     Notes (assuming we're getting a commandline of some sort as our input):
   1634     --> Flags from the command line argv _should_ always take precedence!
   1635     --> A further "--flagfile=<otherfile.cfg>" CAN be nested in a flagfile.
   1636         It will be processed after the parent flag file is done.
   1637     --> For duplicate flags, first one we hit should "win".
   1638     --> In a flagfile, a line beginning with # or // is a comment.
   1639     --> Entirely blank lines _should_ be ignored.
   1640     """
   1641     parsed_file_list = []
   1642     rest_of_args = argv
   1643     new_argv = []
   1644     while rest_of_args:
   1645       current_arg = rest_of_args[0]
   1646       rest_of_args = rest_of_args[1:]
   1647       if self.__IsFlagFileDirective(current_arg):
   1648         # This handles the case of -(-)flagfile foo.  In this case the
   1649         # next arg really is part of this one.
   1650         if current_arg == '--flagfile' or current_arg == '-flagfile':
   1651           if not rest_of_args:
   1652             raise IllegalFlagValue('--flagfile with no argument')
   1653           flag_filename = os.path.expanduser(rest_of_args[0])
   1654           rest_of_args = rest_of_args[1:]
   1655         else:
   1656           # This handles the case of (-)-flagfile=foo.
   1657           flag_filename = self.ExtractFilename(current_arg)
   1658         new_argv.extend(
   1659             self.__GetFlagFileLines(flag_filename, parsed_file_list))
   1660       else:
   1661         new_argv.append(current_arg)
   1662         # Stop parsing after '--', like getopt and gnu_getopt.
   1663         if current_arg == '--':
   1664           break
   1665         # Stop parsing after a non-flag, like getopt.
   1666         if not current_arg.startswith('-'):
   1667           if not force_gnu and not self.__dict__['__use_gnu_getopt']:
   1668             break
   1670     if rest_of_args:
   1671       new_argv.extend(rest_of_args)
   1673     return new_argv
   1675   def FlagsIntoString(self):
   1676     """Returns a string with the flags assignments from this FlagValues object.
   1678     This function ignores flags whose value is None.  Each flag
   1679     assignment is separated by a newline.
   1681     NOTE: MUST mirror the behavior of the C++ CommandlineFlagsIntoString
   1682     from http://code.google.com/p/google-gflags
   1683     """
   1684     s = ''
   1685     for flag in self.FlagDict().values():
   1686       if flag.value is not None:
   1687         s += flag.Serialize() + '\n'
   1688     return s
   1690   def AppendFlagsIntoFile(self, filename):
   1691     """Appends all flags assignments from this FlagInfo object to a file.
   1693     Output will be in the format of a flagfile.
   1695     NOTE: MUST mirror the behavior of the C++ AppendFlagsIntoFile
   1696     from http://code.google.com/p/google-gflags
   1697     """
   1698     out_file = open(filename, 'a')
   1699     out_file.write(self.FlagsIntoString())
   1700     out_file.close()
   1702   def WriteHelpInXMLFormat(self, outfile=None):
   1703     """Outputs flag documentation in XML format.
   1705     NOTE: We use element names that are consistent with those used by
   1706     the C++ command-line flag library, from
   1707     http://code.google.com/p/google-gflags
   1708     We also use a few new elements (e.g., <key>), but we do not
   1709     interfere / overlap with existing XML elements used by the C++
   1710     library.  Please maintain this consistency.
   1712     Args:
   1713       outfile: File object we write to.  Default None means sys.stdout.
   1714     """
   1715     outfile = outfile or sys.stdout
   1717     outfile.write('<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n')
   1718     outfile.write('<AllFlags>\n')
   1719     indent = '  '
   1720     _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'program', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
   1721                            indent)
   1723     usage_doc = sys.modules['__main__'].__doc__
   1724     if not usage_doc:
   1725       usage_doc = '\nUSAGE: %s [flags]\n' % sys.argv[0]
   1726     else:
   1727       usage_doc = usage_doc.replace('%s', sys.argv[0])
   1728     _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'usage', usage_doc, indent)
   1730     # Get list of key flags for the main module.
   1731     key_flags = self._GetKeyFlagsForModule(_GetMainModule())
   1733     # Sort flags by declaring module name and next by flag name.
   1734     flags_by_module = self.FlagsByModuleDict()
   1735     all_module_names = list(flags_by_module.keys())
   1736     all_module_names.sort()
   1737     for module_name in all_module_names:
   1738       flag_list = [(f.name, f) for f in flags_by_module[module_name]]
   1739       flag_list.sort()
   1740       for unused_flag_name, flag in flag_list:
   1741         is_key = flag in key_flags
   1742         flag.WriteInfoInXMLFormat(outfile, module_name,
   1743                                   is_key=is_key, indent=indent)
   1745     outfile.write('</AllFlags>\n')
   1746     outfile.flush()
   1748   def AddValidator(self, validator):
   1749     """Register new flags validator to be checked.
   1751     Args:
   1752       validator: gflags_validators.Validator
   1753     Raises:
   1754       AttributeError: if validators work with a non-existing flag.
   1755     """
   1756     for flag_name in validator.GetFlagsNames():
   1757       flag = self.FlagDict()[flag_name]
   1758       flag.validators.append(validator)
   1760 # end of FlagValues definition
   1763 # The global FlagValues instance
   1764 FLAGS = FlagValues()
   1767 def _StrOrUnicode(value):
   1768   """Converts value to a python string or, if necessary, unicode-string."""
   1769   try:
   1770     return str(value)
   1771   except UnicodeEncodeError:
   1772     return unicode(value)
   1775 def _MakeXMLSafe(s):
   1776   """Escapes <, >, and & from s, and removes XML 1.0-illegal chars."""
   1777   s = cgi.escape(s)  # Escape <, >, and &
   1778   # Remove characters that cannot appear in an XML 1.0 document
   1779   # (http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#charsets).
   1780   #
   1781   # NOTE: if there are problems with current solution, one may move to
   1782   # XML 1.1, which allows such chars, if they're entity-escaped (&#xHH;).
   1783   s = re.sub(r'[\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f]', '', s)
   1784   # Convert non-ascii characters to entities.  Note: requires python >=2.3
   1785   s = s.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')   # u'\xce\x88' -> 'u&#904;'
   1786   return s
   1789 def _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, name, value, indent):
   1790   """Writes a simple XML element.
   1792   Args:
   1793     outfile: File object we write the XML element to.
   1794     name: A string, the name of XML element.
   1795     value: A Python object, whose string representation will be used
   1796       as the value of the XML element.
   1797     indent: A string, prepended to each line of generated output.
   1798   """
   1799   value_str = _StrOrUnicode(value)
   1800   if isinstance(value, bool):
   1801     # Display boolean values as the C++ flag library does: no caps.
   1802     value_str = value_str.lower()
   1803   safe_value_str = _MakeXMLSafe(value_str)
   1804   outfile.write('%s<%s>%s</%s>\n' % (indent, name, safe_value_str, name))
   1807 class Flag:
   1808   """Information about a command-line flag.
   1810   'Flag' objects define the following fields:
   1811     .name  - the name for this flag
   1812     .default - the default value for this flag
   1813     .default_as_str - default value as repr'd string, e.g., "'true'" (or None)
   1814     .value  - the most recent parsed value of this flag; set by Parse()
   1815     .help  - a help string or None if no help is available
   1816     .short_name  - the single letter alias for this flag (or None)
   1817     .boolean  - if 'true', this flag does not accept arguments
   1818     .present  - true if this flag was parsed from command line flags.
   1819     .parser  - an ArgumentParser object
   1820     .serializer - an ArgumentSerializer object
   1821     .allow_override - the flag may be redefined without raising an error
   1823   The only public method of a 'Flag' object is Parse(), but it is
   1824   typically only called by a 'FlagValues' object.  The Parse() method is
   1825   a thin wrapper around the 'ArgumentParser' Parse() method.  The parsed
   1826   value is saved in .value, and the .present attribute is updated.  If
   1827   this flag was already present, a FlagsError is raised.
   1829   Parse() is also called during __init__ to parse the default value and
   1830   initialize the .value attribute.  This enables other python modules to
   1831   safely use flags even if the __main__ module neglects to parse the
   1832   command line arguments.  The .present attribute is cleared after
   1833   __init__ parsing.  If the default value is set to None, then the
   1834   __init__ parsing step is skipped and the .value attribute is
   1835   initialized to None.
   1837   Note: The default value is also presented to the user in the help
   1838   string, so it is important that it be a legal value for this flag.
   1839   """
   1841   def __init__(self, parser, serializer, name, default, help_string,
   1842                short_name=None, boolean=0, allow_override=0):
   1843     self.name = name
   1845     if not help_string:
   1846       help_string = '(no help available)'
   1848     self.help = help_string
   1849     self.short_name = short_name
   1850     self.boolean = boolean
   1851     self.present = 0
   1852     self.parser = parser
   1853     self.serializer = serializer
   1854     self.allow_override = allow_override
   1855     self.value = None
   1856     self.validators = []
   1858     self.SetDefault(default)
   1860   def __hash__(self):
   1861     return hash(id(self))
   1863   def __eq__(self, other):
   1864     return self is other
   1866   def __lt__(self, other):
   1867     if isinstance(other, Flag):
   1868       return id(self) < id(other)
   1869     return NotImplemented
   1871   def __GetParsedValueAsString(self, value):
   1872     if value is None:
   1873       return None
   1874     if self.serializer:
   1875       return repr(self.serializer.Serialize(value))
   1876     if self.boolean:
   1877       if value:
   1878         return repr('true')
   1879       else:
   1880         return repr('false')
   1881     return repr(_StrOrUnicode(value))
   1883   def Parse(self, argument):
   1884     try:
   1885       self.value = self.parser.Parse(argument)
   1886     except ValueError, e:  # recast ValueError as IllegalFlagValue
   1887       raise IllegalFlagValue("flag --%s=%s: %s" % (self.name, argument, e))
   1888     self.present += 1
   1890   def Unparse(self):
   1891     if self.default is None:
   1892       self.value = None
   1893     else:
   1894       self.Parse(self.default)
   1895     self.present = 0
   1897   def Serialize(self):
   1898     if self.value is None:
   1899       return ''
   1900     if self.boolean:
   1901       if self.value:
   1902         return "--%s" % self.name
   1903       else:
   1904         return "--no%s" % self.name
   1905     else:
   1906       if not self.serializer:
   1907         raise FlagsError("Serializer not present for flag %s" % self.name)
   1908       return "--%s=%s" % (self.name, self.serializer.Serialize(self.value))
   1910   def SetDefault(self, value):
   1911     """Changes the default value (and current value too) for this Flag."""
   1912     # We can't allow a None override because it may end up not being
   1913     # passed to C++ code when we're overriding C++ flags.  So we
   1914     # cowardly bail out until someone fixes the semantics of trying to
   1915     # pass None to a C++ flag.  See swig_flags.Init() for details on
   1916     # this behavior.
   1917     # TODO(olexiy): Users can directly call this method, bypassing all flags
   1918     # validators (we don't have FlagValues here, so we can not check
   1919     # validators).
   1920     # The simplest solution I see is to make this method private.
   1921     # Another approach would be to store reference to the corresponding
   1922     # FlagValues with each flag, but this seems to be an overkill.
   1923     if value is None and self.allow_override:
   1924       raise DuplicateFlagCannotPropagateNoneToSwig(self.name)
   1926     self.default = value
   1927     self.Unparse()
   1928     self.default_as_str = self.__GetParsedValueAsString(self.value)
   1930   def Type(self):
   1931     """Returns: a string that describes the type of this Flag."""
   1932     # NOTE: we use strings, and not the types.*Type constants because
   1933     # our flags can have more exotic types, e.g., 'comma separated list
   1934     # of strings', 'whitespace separated list of strings', etc.
   1935     return self.parser.Type()
   1937   def WriteInfoInXMLFormat(self, outfile, module_name, is_key=False, indent=''):
   1938     """Writes common info about this flag, in XML format.
   1940     This is information that is relevant to all flags (e.g., name,
   1941     meaning, etc.).  If you defined a flag that has some other pieces of
   1942     info, then please override _WriteCustomInfoInXMLFormat.
   1944     Please do NOT override this method.
   1946     Args:
   1947       outfile: File object we write to.
   1948       module_name: A string, the name of the module that defines this flag.
   1949       is_key: A boolean, True iff this flag is key for main module.
   1950       indent: A string that is prepended to each generated line.
   1951     """
   1952     outfile.write(indent + '<flag>\n')
   1953     inner_indent = indent + '  '
   1954     if is_key:
   1955       _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'key', 'yes', inner_indent)
   1956     _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'file', module_name, inner_indent)
   1957     # Print flag features that are relevant for all flags.
   1958     _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'name', self.name, inner_indent)
   1959     if self.short_name:
   1960       _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'short_name', self.short_name,
   1961                              inner_indent)
   1962     if self.help:
   1963       _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'meaning', self.help, inner_indent)
   1964     # The default flag value can either be represented as a string like on the
   1965     # command line, or as a Python object.  We serialize this value in the
   1966     # latter case in order to remain consistent.
   1967     if self.serializer and not isinstance(self.default, str):
   1968       default_serialized = self.serializer.Serialize(self.default)
   1969     else:
   1970       default_serialized = self.default
   1971     _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'default', default_serialized, inner_indent)
   1972     _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'current', self.value, inner_indent)
   1973     _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'type', self.Type(), inner_indent)
   1974     # Print extra flag features this flag may have.
   1975     self._WriteCustomInfoInXMLFormat(outfile, inner_indent)
   1976     outfile.write(indent + '</flag>\n')
   1978   def _WriteCustomInfoInXMLFormat(self, outfile, indent):
   1979     """Writes extra info about this flag, in XML format.
   1981     "Extra" means "not already printed by WriteInfoInXMLFormat above."
   1983     Args:
   1984       outfile: File object we write to.
   1985       indent: A string that is prepended to each generated line.
   1986     """
   1987     # Usually, the parser knows the extra details about the flag, so
   1988     # we just forward the call to it.
   1989     self.parser.WriteCustomInfoInXMLFormat(outfile, indent)
   1990 # End of Flag definition
   1993 class _ArgumentParserCache(type):
   1994   """Metaclass used to cache and share argument parsers among flags."""
   1996   _instances = {}
   1998   def __call__(mcs, *args, **kwargs):
   1999     """Returns an instance of the argument parser cls.
   2001     This method overrides behavior of the __new__ methods in
   2002     all subclasses of ArgumentParser (inclusive). If an instance
   2003     for mcs with the same set of arguments exists, this instance is
   2004     returned, otherwise a new instance is created.
   2006     If any keyword arguments are defined, or the values in args
   2007     are not hashable, this method always returns a new instance of
   2008     cls.
   2010     Args:
   2011       args: Positional initializer arguments.
   2012       kwargs: Initializer keyword arguments.
   2014     Returns:
   2015       An instance of cls, shared or new.
   2016     """
   2017     if kwargs:
   2018       return type.__call__(mcs, *args, **kwargs)
   2019     else:
   2020       instances = mcs._instances
   2021       key = (mcs,) + tuple(args)
   2022       try:
   2023         return instances[key]
   2024       except KeyError:
   2025         # No cache entry for key exists, create a new one.
   2026         return instances.setdefault(key, type.__call__(mcs, *args))
   2027       except TypeError:
   2028         # An object in args cannot be hashed, always return
   2029         # a new instance.
   2030         return type.__call__(mcs, *args)
   2033 class ArgumentParser(object):
   2034   """Base class used to parse and convert arguments.
   2036   The Parse() method checks to make sure that the string argument is a
   2037   legal value and convert it to a native type.  If the value cannot be
   2038   converted, it should throw a 'ValueError' exception with a human
   2039   readable explanation of why the value is illegal.
   2041   Subclasses should also define a syntactic_help string which may be
   2042   presented to the user to describe the form of the legal values.
   2044   Argument parser classes must be stateless, since instances are cached
   2045   and shared between flags. Initializer arguments are allowed, but all
   2046   member variables must be derived from initializer arguments only.
   2047   """
   2048   __metaclass__ = _ArgumentParserCache
   2050   syntactic_help = ""
   2052   def Parse(self, argument):
   2053     """Default implementation: always returns its argument unmodified."""
   2054     return argument
   2056   def Type(self):
   2057     return 'string'
   2059   def WriteCustomInfoInXMLFormat(self, outfile, indent):
   2060     pass
   2063 class ArgumentSerializer:
   2064   """Base class for generating string representations of a flag value."""
   2066   def Serialize(self, value):
   2067     return _StrOrUnicode(value)
   2070 class ListSerializer(ArgumentSerializer):
   2072   def __init__(self, list_sep):
   2073     self.list_sep = list_sep
   2075   def Serialize(self, value):
   2076     return self.list_sep.join([_StrOrUnicode(x) for x in value])
   2079 # Flags validators
   2082 def RegisterValidator(flag_name,
   2083                       checker,
   2084                       message='Flag validation failed',
   2085                       flag_values=FLAGS):
   2086   """Adds a constraint, which will be enforced during program execution.
   2088   The constraint is validated when flags are initially parsed, and after each
   2089   change of the corresponding flag's value.
   2090   Args:
   2091     flag_name: string, name of the flag to be checked.
   2092     checker: method to validate the flag.
   2093       input  - value of the corresponding flag (string, boolean, etc.
   2094         This value will be passed to checker by the library). See file's
   2095         docstring for examples.
   2096       output - Boolean.
   2097         Must return True if validator constraint is satisfied.
   2098         If constraint is not satisfied, it should either return False or
   2099           raise gflags_validators.Error(desired_error_message).
   2100     message: error text to be shown to the user if checker returns False.
   2101       If checker raises gflags_validators.Error, message from the raised
   2102         Error will be shown.
   2103     flag_values: FlagValues
   2104   Raises:
   2105     AttributeError: if flag_name is not registered as a valid flag name.
   2106   """
   2107   flag_values.AddValidator(gflags_validators.SimpleValidator(flag_name,
   2108                                                             checker,
   2109                                                             message))
   2112 def MarkFlagAsRequired(flag_name, flag_values=FLAGS):
   2113   """Ensure that flag is not None during program execution.
   2115   Registers a flag validator, which will follow usual validator
   2116   rules.
   2117   Args:
   2118     flag_name: string, name of the flag
   2119     flag_values: FlagValues
   2120   Raises:
   2121     AttributeError: if flag_name is not registered as a valid flag name.
   2122   """
   2123   RegisterValidator(flag_name,
   2124                     lambda value: value is not None,
   2125                     message='Flag --%s must be specified.' % flag_name,
   2126                     flag_values=flag_values)
   2129 def _RegisterBoundsValidatorIfNeeded(parser, name, flag_values):
   2130   """Enforce lower and upper bounds for numeric flags.
   2132   Args:
   2133     parser: NumericParser (either FloatParser or IntegerParser). Provides lower
   2134       and upper bounds, and help text to display.
   2135     name: string, name of the flag
   2136     flag_values: FlagValues
   2137   """
   2138   if parser.lower_bound is not None or parser.upper_bound is not None:
   2140     def Checker(value):
   2141       if value is not None and parser.IsOutsideBounds(value):
   2142         message = '%s is not %s' % (value, parser.syntactic_help)
   2143         raise gflags_validators.Error(message)
   2144       return True
   2146     RegisterValidator(name,
   2147                       Checker,
   2148                       flag_values=flag_values)
   2151 # The DEFINE functions are explained in mode details in the module doc string.
   2154 def DEFINE(parser, name, default, help, flag_values=FLAGS, serializer=None,
   2155            **args):
   2156   """Registers a generic Flag object.
   2158   NOTE: in the docstrings of all DEFINE* functions, "registers" is short
   2159   for "creates a new flag and registers it".
   2161   Auxiliary function: clients should use the specialized DEFINE_<type>
   2162   function instead.
   2164   Args:
   2165     parser: ArgumentParser that is used to parse the flag arguments.
   2166     name: A string, the flag name.
   2167     default: The default value of the flag.
   2168     help: A help string.
   2169     flag_values: FlagValues object the flag will be registered with.
   2170     serializer: ArgumentSerializer that serializes the flag value.
   2171     args: Dictionary with extra keyword args that are passes to the
   2172       Flag __init__.
   2173   """
   2174   DEFINE_flag(Flag(parser, serializer, name, default, help, **args),
   2175               flag_values)
   2178 def DEFINE_flag(flag, flag_values=FLAGS):
   2179   """Registers a 'Flag' object with a 'FlagValues' object.
   2181   By default, the global FLAGS 'FlagValue' object is used.
   2183   Typical users will use one of the more specialized DEFINE_xxx
   2184   functions, such as DEFINE_string or DEFINE_integer.  But developers
   2185   who need to create Flag objects themselves should use this function
   2186   to register their flags.
   2187   """
   2188   # copying the reference to flag_values prevents pychecker warnings
   2189   fv = flag_values
   2190   fv[flag.name] = flag
   2191   # Tell flag_values who's defining the flag.
   2192   if isinstance(flag_values, FlagValues):
   2193     # Regarding the above isinstance test: some users pass funny
   2194     # values of flag_values (e.g., {}) in order to avoid the flag
   2195     # registration (in the past, there used to be a flag_values ==
   2196     # FLAGS test here) and redefine flags with the same name (e.g.,
   2197     # debug).  To avoid breaking their code, we perform the
   2198     # registration only if flag_values is a real FlagValues object.
   2199     module, module_name = _GetCallingModuleObjectAndName()
   2200     flag_values._RegisterFlagByModule(module_name, flag)
   2201     flag_values._RegisterFlagByModuleId(id(module), flag)
   2204 def _InternalDeclareKeyFlags(flag_names,
   2205                              flag_values=FLAGS, key_flag_values=None):
   2206   """Declares a flag as key for the calling module.
   2208   Internal function.  User code should call DECLARE_key_flag or
   2209   ADOPT_module_key_flags instead.
   2211   Args:
   2212     flag_names: A list of strings that are names of already-registered
   2213       Flag objects.
   2214     flag_values: A FlagValues object that the flags listed in
   2215       flag_names have registered with (the value of the flag_values
   2216       argument from the DEFINE_* calls that defined those flags).
   2217       This should almost never need to be overridden.
   2218     key_flag_values: A FlagValues object that (among possibly many
   2219       other things) keeps track of the key flags for each module.
   2220       Default None means "same as flag_values".  This should almost
   2221       never need to be overridden.
   2223   Raises:
   2224     UnrecognizedFlagError: when we refer to a flag that was not
   2225       defined yet.
   2226   """
   2227   key_flag_values = key_flag_values or flag_values
   2229   module = _GetCallingModule()
   2231   for flag_name in flag_names:
   2232     if flag_name not in flag_values:
   2233       raise UnrecognizedFlagError(flag_name)
   2234     flag = flag_values.FlagDict()[flag_name]
   2235     key_flag_values._RegisterKeyFlagForModule(module, flag)
   2238 def DECLARE_key_flag(flag_name, flag_values=FLAGS):
   2239   """Declares one flag as key to the current module.
   2241   Key flags are flags that are deemed really important for a module.
   2242   They are important when listing help messages; e.g., if the
   2243   --helpshort command-line flag is used, then only the key flags of the
   2244   main module are listed (instead of all flags, as in the case of
   2245   --help).
   2247   Sample usage:
   2249     gflags.DECLARED_key_flag('flag_1')
   2251   Args:
   2252     flag_name: A string, the name of an already declared flag.
   2253       (Redeclaring flags as key, including flags implicitly key
   2254       because they were declared in this module, is a no-op.)
   2255     flag_values: A FlagValues object.  This should almost never
   2256       need to be overridden.
   2257   """
   2258   if flag_name in _SPECIAL_FLAGS:
   2259     # Take care of the special flags, e.g., --flagfile, --undefok.
   2260     # These flags are defined in _SPECIAL_FLAGS, and are treated
   2261     # specially during flag parsing, taking precedence over the
   2262     # user-defined flags.
   2263     _InternalDeclareKeyFlags([flag_name],
   2264                              flag_values=_SPECIAL_FLAGS,
   2265                              key_flag_values=flag_values)
   2266     return
   2267   _InternalDeclareKeyFlags([flag_name], flag_values=flag_values)
   2270 def ADOPT_module_key_flags(module, flag_values=FLAGS):
   2271   """Declares that all flags key to a module are key to the current module.
   2273   Args:
   2274     module: A module object.
   2275     flag_values: A FlagValues object.  This should almost never need
   2276       to be overridden.
   2278   Raises:
   2279     FlagsError: When given an argument that is a module name (a
   2280     string), instead of a module object.
   2281   """
   2282   # NOTE(salcianu): an even better test would be if not
   2283   # isinstance(module, types.ModuleType) but I didn't want to import
   2284   # types for such a tiny use.
   2285   if isinstance(module, str):
   2286     raise FlagsError('Received module name %s; expected a module object.'
   2287                      % module)
   2288   _InternalDeclareKeyFlags(
   2289       [f.name for f in flag_values._GetKeyFlagsForModule(module.__name__)],
   2290       flag_values=flag_values)
   2291   # If module is this flag module, take _SPECIAL_FLAGS into account.
   2292   if module == _GetThisModuleObjectAndName()[0]:
   2293     _InternalDeclareKeyFlags(
   2294         # As we associate flags with _GetCallingModuleObjectAndName(), the
   2295         # special flags defined in this module are incorrectly registered with
   2296         # a different module.  So, we can't use _GetKeyFlagsForModule.
   2297         # Instead, we take all flags from _SPECIAL_FLAGS (a private
   2298         # FlagValues, where no other module should register flags).
   2299         [f.name for f in _SPECIAL_FLAGS.FlagDict().values()],
   2300         flag_values=_SPECIAL_FLAGS,
   2301         key_flag_values=flag_values)
   2304 #
   2305 # STRING FLAGS
   2306 #
   2309 def DEFINE_string(name, default, help, flag_values=FLAGS, **args):
   2310   """Registers a flag whose value can be any string."""
   2311   parser = ArgumentParser()
   2312   serializer = ArgumentSerializer()
   2313   DEFINE(parser, name, default, help, flag_values, serializer, **args)
   2316 #
   2318 #
   2321 class BooleanParser(ArgumentParser):
   2322   """Parser of boolean values."""
   2324   def Convert(self, argument):
   2325     """Converts the argument to a boolean; raise ValueError on errors."""
   2326     if type(argument) == str:
   2327       if argument.lower() in ['true', 't', '1']:
   2328         return True
   2329       elif argument.lower() in ['false', 'f', '0']:
   2330         return False
   2332     bool_argument = bool(argument)
   2333     if argument == bool_argument:
   2334       # The argument is a valid boolean (True, False, 0, or 1), and not just
   2335       # something that always converts to bool (list, string, int, etc.).
   2336       return bool_argument
   2338     raise ValueError('Non-boolean argument to boolean flag', argument)
   2340   def Parse(self, argument):
   2341     val = self.Convert(argument)
   2342     return val
   2344   def Type(self):
   2345     return 'bool'
   2348 class BooleanFlag(Flag):
   2349   """Basic boolean flag.
   2351   Boolean flags do not take any arguments, and their value is either
   2352   True (1) or False (0).  The false value is specified on the command
   2353   line by prepending the word 'no' to either the long or the short flag
   2354   name.
   2356   For example, if a Boolean flag was created whose long name was
   2357   'update' and whose short name was 'x', then this flag could be
   2358   explicitly unset through either --noupdate or --nox.
   2359   """
   2361   def __init__(self, name, default, help, short_name=None, **args):
   2362     p = BooleanParser()
   2363     Flag.__init__(self, p, None, name, default, help, short_name, 1, **args)
   2364     if not self.help: self.help = "a boolean value"
   2367 def DEFINE_boolean(name, default, help, flag_values=FLAGS, **args):
   2368   """Registers a boolean flag.
   2370   Such a boolean flag does not take an argument.  If a user wants to
   2371   specify a false value explicitly, the long option beginning with 'no'
   2372   must be used: i.e. --noflag
   2374   This flag will have a value of None, True or False.  None is possible
   2375   if default=None and the user does not specify the flag on the command
   2376   line.
   2377   """
   2378   DEFINE_flag(BooleanFlag(name, default, help, **args), flag_values)
   2381 # Match C++ API to unconfuse C++ people.
   2382 DEFINE_bool = DEFINE_boolean
   2385 class HelpFlag(BooleanFlag):
   2386   """
   2387   HelpFlag is a special boolean flag that prints usage information and
   2388   raises a SystemExit exception if it is ever found in the command
   2389   line arguments.  Note this is called with allow_override=1, so other
   2390   apps can define their own --help flag, replacing this one, if they want.
   2391   """
   2392   def __init__(self):
   2393     BooleanFlag.__init__(self, "help", 0, "show this help",
   2394                          short_name="?", allow_override=1)
   2395   def Parse(self, arg):
   2396     if arg:
   2397       doc = sys.modules["__main__"].__doc__
   2398       flags = str(FLAGS)
   2399       print doc or ("\nUSAGE: %s [flags]\n" % sys.argv[0])
   2400       if flags:
   2401         print "flags:"
   2402         print flags
   2403       sys.exit(1)
   2404 class HelpXMLFlag(BooleanFlag):
   2405   """Similar to HelpFlag, but generates output in XML format."""
   2406   def __init__(self):
   2407     BooleanFlag.__init__(self, 'helpxml', False,
   2408                          'like --help, but generates XML output',
   2409                          allow_override=1)
   2410   def Parse(self, arg):
   2411     if arg:
   2412       FLAGS.WriteHelpInXMLFormat(sys.stdout)
   2413       sys.exit(1)
   2414 class HelpshortFlag(BooleanFlag):
   2415   """
   2416   HelpshortFlag is a special boolean flag that prints usage
   2417   information for the "main" module, and rasies a SystemExit exception
   2418   if it is ever found in the command line arguments.  Note this is
   2419   called with allow_override=1, so other apps can define their own
   2420   --helpshort flag, replacing this one, if they want.
   2421   """
   2422   def __init__(self):
   2423     BooleanFlag.__init__(self, "helpshort", 0,
   2424                          "show usage only for this module", allow_override=1)
   2425   def Parse(self, arg):
   2426     if arg:
   2427       doc = sys.modules["__main__"].__doc__
   2428       flags = FLAGS.MainModuleHelp()
   2429       print doc or ("\nUSAGE: %s [flags]\n" % sys.argv[0])
   2430       if flags:
   2431         print "flags:"
   2432         print flags
   2433       sys.exit(1)
   2435 #
   2436 # Numeric parser - base class for Integer and Float parsers
   2437 #
   2440 class NumericParser(ArgumentParser):
   2441   """Parser of numeric values.
   2443   Parsed value may be bounded to a given upper and lower bound.
   2444   """
   2446   def IsOutsideBounds(self, val):
   2447     return ((self.lower_bound is not None and val < self.lower_bound) or
   2448             (self.upper_bound is not None and val > self.upper_bound))
   2450   def Parse(self, argument):
   2451     val = self.Convert(argument)
   2452     if self.IsOutsideBounds(val):
   2453       raise ValueError("%s is not %s" % (val, self.syntactic_help))
   2454     return val
   2456   def WriteCustomInfoInXMLFormat(self, outfile, indent):
   2457     if self.lower_bound is not None:
   2458       _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'lower_bound', self.lower_bound, indent)
   2459     if self.upper_bound is not None:
   2460       _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'upper_bound', self.upper_bound, indent)
   2462   def Convert(self, argument):
   2463     """Default implementation: always returns its argument unmodified."""
   2464     return argument
   2466 # End of Numeric Parser
   2468 #
   2469 # FLOAT FLAGS
   2470 #
   2473 class FloatParser(NumericParser):
   2474   """Parser of floating point values.
   2476   Parsed value may be bounded to a given upper and lower bound.
   2477   """
   2478   number_article = "a"
   2479   number_name = "number"
   2480   syntactic_help = " ".join((number_article, number_name))
   2482   def __init__(self, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None):
   2483     super(FloatParser, self).__init__()
   2484     self.lower_bound = lower_bound
   2485     self.upper_bound = upper_bound
   2486     sh = self.syntactic_help
   2487     if lower_bound is not None and upper_bound is not None:
   2488       sh = ("%s in the range [%s, %s]" % (sh, lower_bound, upper_bound))
   2489     elif lower_bound == 0:
   2490       sh = "a non-negative %s" % self.number_name
   2491     elif upper_bound == 0:
   2492       sh = "a non-positive %s" % self.number_name
   2493     elif upper_bound is not None:
   2494       sh = "%s <= %s" % (self.number_name, upper_bound)
   2495     elif lower_bound is not None:
   2496       sh = "%s >= %s" % (self.number_name, lower_bound)
   2497     self.syntactic_help = sh
   2499   def Convert(self, argument):
   2500     """Converts argument to a float; raises ValueError on errors."""
   2501     return float(argument)
   2503   def Type(self):
   2504     return 'float'
   2505 # End of FloatParser
   2508 def DEFINE_float(name, default, help, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None,
   2509                  flag_values=FLAGS, **args):
   2510   """Registers a flag whose value must be a float.
   2512   If lower_bound or upper_bound are set, then this flag must be
   2513   within the given range.
   2514   """
   2515   parser = FloatParser(lower_bound, upper_bound)
   2516   serializer = ArgumentSerializer()
   2517   DEFINE(parser, name, default, help, flag_values, serializer, **args)
   2518   _RegisterBoundsValidatorIfNeeded(parser, name, flag_values=flag_values)
   2520 #
   2522 #
   2525 class IntegerParser(NumericParser):
   2526   """Parser of an integer value.
   2528   Parsed value may be bounded to a given upper and lower bound.
   2529   """
   2530   number_article = "an"
   2531   number_name = "integer"
   2532   syntactic_help = " ".join((number_article, number_name))
   2534   def __init__(self, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None):
   2535     super(IntegerParser, self).__init__()
   2536     self.lower_bound = lower_bound
   2537     self.upper_bound = upper_bound
   2538     sh = self.syntactic_help
   2539     if lower_bound is not None and upper_bound is not None:
   2540       sh = ("%s in the range [%s, %s]" % (sh, lower_bound, upper_bound))
   2541     elif lower_bound == 1:
   2542       sh = "a positive %s" % self.number_name
   2543     elif upper_bound == -1:
   2544       sh = "a negative %s" % self.number_name
   2545     elif lower_bound == 0:
   2546       sh = "a non-negative %s" % self.number_name
   2547     elif upper_bound == 0:
   2548       sh = "a non-positive %s" % self.number_name
   2549     elif upper_bound is not None:
   2550       sh = "%s <= %s" % (self.number_name, upper_bound)
   2551     elif lower_bound is not None:
   2552       sh = "%s >= %s" % (self.number_name, lower_bound)
   2553     self.syntactic_help = sh
   2555   def Convert(self, argument):
   2556     __pychecker__ = 'no-returnvalues'
   2557     if type(argument) == str:
   2558       base = 10
   2559       if len(argument) > 2 and argument[0] == "0" and argument[1] == "x":
   2560         base = 16
   2561       return int(argument, base)
   2562     else:
   2563       return int(argument)
   2565   def Type(self):
   2566     return 'int'
   2569 def DEFINE_integer(name, default, help, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None,
   2570                    flag_values=FLAGS, **args):
   2571   """Registers a flag whose value must be an integer.
   2573   If lower_bound, or upper_bound are set, then this flag must be
   2574   within the given range.
   2575   """
   2576   parser = IntegerParser(lower_bound, upper_bound)
   2577   serializer = ArgumentSerializer()
   2578   DEFINE(parser, name, default, help, flag_values, serializer, **args)
   2579   _RegisterBoundsValidatorIfNeeded(parser, name, flag_values=flag_values)
   2582 #
   2583 # ENUM FLAGS
   2584 #
   2587 class EnumParser(ArgumentParser):
   2588   """Parser of a string enum value (a string value from a given set).
   2590   If enum_values (see below) is not specified, any string is allowed.
   2591   """
   2593   def