1 #!/bin/sh 2 3 cp syntax.txt syntax.html 4 sam -d syntax.html <<'!' 5 ,s/\&/\&/g 6 ,s/</\</g 7 ,s/>/\>/g 8 ,s!== (([^()]|\([^()]*\))*)! <code>\1</code>!g 9 ,s!!<code>!g 10 ,s!!</code>!g 11 ,s! vim$! <font size=-2>VIM</font>!g 12 ,s! pcre$! <font size=-2>PCRE</font>!g 13 ,s! perl$! <font size=-2>PERL</font>!g 14 ,x g/NOT SUPPORTED/ s!^[^ ]+!<font color=#808080>&</font>! 15 ,s!NOT SUPPORTED!!g 16 ,s!(^[^ ]+) (.*)\n!<tr><td><code>\1</code></td><td>\2</td></tr>\n!g 17 ,s!.*:$!<b>&</b>!g 18 ,s!^$!<tr><td></td></tr>!g 19 ,x v/<tr>/ s!.*!<tr><td colspan=2>&</td></tr>! 20 1,2c 21 <html> 22 <!-- AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED by mksyntaxhtml --> 23 <head> 24 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> 25 <title>RE2 regular expression syntax reference</title> 26 </head> 27 <body> 28 <h1>RE2 regular expression syntax reference</h1> 29 30 <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2> 31 <tr><td colspan=2>This page lists the regular expression syntax accepted by RE2.</td></tr> 32 <tr><td colspan=2>It also lists syntax accepted by PCRE, PERL, and VIM.</td></tr> 33 <tr><td colspan=2>Grayed out expressions are not supported by RE2.</td></tr> 34 . 35 $a 36 </table> 37 </body> 38 </html> 39 . 40 w 41 q 42 ! 43