--cum Sort by cumulative data
--base=<base> Subtract <base> from <profile> before display
--addresses Report at address level
--lines Report at source line level
--functions Report at function level [default]
--files Report at source file level
--text Generate text report [default]
--gv Generate Postscript and display
--list=<regexp> Generate source listing of matching routines
--disasm=<regexp> Generate disassembly of matching routines
--dot Generate DOT file to stdout
--ps Generate Postcript to stdout
--pdf Generate PDF to stdout
--gif Generate GIF to stdout
--inuse_space Display in-use (mega)bytes [default]
--inuse_objects Display in-use objects
--alloc_space Display allocated (mega)bytes
--alloc_objects Display allocated objects
--show_bytes Display space in bytes
--drop_negative Ignore negaive differences
--nodecount=<n> Show at most so many nodes [default=80]
--nodefraction=<f> Hide nodes below <f>*total [default=.005]
--edgefraction=<f> Hide edges below <f>*total [default=.001]
--focus=<regexp> Focus on nodes matching <regexp>
--ignore=<regexp> Ignore nodes matching <regexp>
--scale=<n> Set GV scaling [default=0]
pprof --gv --focus=Mutex /bin/ls ls.prof
Restricts to code paths including a .*Mutex.* entrypprof --gv --focus=Mutex --ignore=string /bin/ls ls.prof
Code paths including Mutex but not stringpprof --list=getdir /bin/ls ls.prof
Dissassembly (with per-line annotations) for getdir()pprof --disasm=getdir /bin/ls ls.prof
Dissassembly (with per-PC annotations) for getdir()