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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      9 #ifndef GrGLCaps_DEFINED
     10 #define GrGLCaps_DEFINED
     12 #include "GrDrawTargetCaps.h"
     13 #include "GrGLStencilBuffer.h"
     14 #include "SkTArray.h"
     15 #include "SkTDArray.h"
     17 class GrGLContextInfo;
     19 /**
     20  * Stores some capabilities of a GL context. Most are determined by the GL
     21  * version and the extensions string. It also tracks formats that have passed
     22  * the FBO completeness test.
     23  */
     24 class GrGLCaps : public GrDrawTargetCaps {
     25 public:
     28     typedef GrGLStencilBuffer::Format StencilFormat;
     30     /**
     31      * Represents a supported multisampling/coverage-sampling mode.
     32      */
     33     struct MSAACoverageMode {
     34         // "Coverage samples" includes samples that actually have color, depth,
     35         // stencil, ... as well as those that don't (coverage only). All samples
     36         // are coverage samples. (We're using the word "coverage sample" to
     37         // match the NV extension language.)
     38         int fCoverageSampleCnt;
     40         // Color samples are samples that store data values (color, stencil,
     41         // depth) rather than just representing coverage. They are a subset
     42         // of coverage samples. (Again the wording was chosen to match the
     43         // extension.)
     44         int fColorSampleCnt;
     45     };
     47     /**
     48      * The type of MSAA for FBOs supported. Different extensions have different
     49      * semantics of how / when a resolve is performed.
     50      */
     51     enum MSFBOType {
     52         /**
     53          * no support for MSAA FBOs
     54          */
     55         kNone_MSFBOType = 0,
     56         /**
     57          * GL3.0-style MSAA FBO (GL_ARB_framebuffer_object)
     58          */
     59         kDesktop_ARB_MSFBOType,
     60         /**
     61          * earlier GL_EXT_framebuffer* extensions
     62          */
     63         kDesktop_EXT_MSFBOType,
     64         /**
     65          * GL_APPLE_framebuffer_multisample ES extension
     66          */
     67         kES_Apple_MSFBOType,
     68         /**
     69          * GL_IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture. This variation does not have MSAA renderbuffers.
     70          * Instead the texture is multisampled when bound to the FBO and then resolved automatically
     71          * when read. It also defines an alternate value for GL_MAX_SAMPLES (which we call
     72          * GR_GL_MAX_SAMPLES_IMG).
     73          */
     74         kES_IMG_MsToTexture_MSFBOType,
     75         /**
     76          * GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture. Same as the IMG one above but uses the standard
     77          * GL_MAX_SAMPLES value.
     78          */
     79         kES_EXT_MsToTexture_MSFBOType,
     81         kLast_MSFBOType = kES_EXT_MsToTexture_MSFBOType
     82     };
     84     enum FBFetchType {
     85         kNone_FBFetchType,
     86         /** GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch */
     87         kEXT_FBFetchType,
     88         /** GL_NV_shader_framebuffer_fetch */
     89         kNV_FBFetchType,
     91         kLast_FBFetchType = kNV_FBFetchType,
     92     };
     94     enum CoverageAAType {
     95         /**
     96          * No coverage sample support
     97          */
     98         kNone_CoverageAAType,
    100         /**
    101          * GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage
    102          */
    103         kNVDesktop_CoverageAAType,
    104     };
    106     /**
    107      * Creates a GrGLCaps that advertises no support for any extensions,
    108      * formats, etc. Call init to initialize from a GrGLContextInfo.
    109      */
    110     GrGLCaps();
    112     GrGLCaps(const GrGLCaps& caps);
    114     GrGLCaps& operator = (const GrGLCaps& caps);
    116     /**
    117      * Resets the caps such that nothing is supported.
    118      */
    119     virtual void reset() SK_OVERRIDE;
    121     /**
    122      * Initializes the GrGLCaps to the set of features supported in the current
    123      * OpenGL context accessible via ctxInfo.
    124      */
    125     void init(const GrGLContextInfo& ctxInfo, const GrGLInterface* interface);
    127     /**
    128      * Call to note that a color config has been verified as a valid color
    129      * attachment. This may save future calls to glCheckFramebufferStatus
    130      * using isConfigVerifiedColorAttachment().
    131      */
    132     void markConfigAsValidColorAttachment(GrPixelConfig config) {
    133         fVerifiedColorConfigs.markVerified(config);
    134     }
    136     /**
    137      * Call to check whether a config has been verified as a valid color
    138      * attachment.
    139      */
    140     bool isConfigVerifiedColorAttachment(GrPixelConfig config) const {
    141         return fVerifiedColorConfigs.isVerified(config);
    142     }
    144     /**
    145      * Call to note that a color config / stencil format pair passed
    146      * FBO status check. We may skip calling glCheckFramebufferStatus for
    147      * this combination in the future using
    148      * isColorConfigAndStencilFormatVerified().
    149      */
    150     void markColorConfigAndStencilFormatAsVerified(
    151                     GrPixelConfig config,
    152                     const GrGLStencilBuffer::Format& format);
    154     /**
    155      * Call to check whether color config / stencil format pair has already
    156      * passed FBO status check.
    157      */
    158     bool isColorConfigAndStencilFormatVerified(
    159                     GrPixelConfig config,
    160                     const GrGLStencilBuffer::Format& format) const;
    162     /**
    163      * Reports the type of MSAA FBO support.
    164      */
    165     MSFBOType msFBOType() const { return fMSFBOType; }
    167     /**
    168      * Does the supported MSAA FBO extension have MSAA renderbuffers?
    169      */
    170     bool usesMSAARenderBuffers() const {
    171         return kNone_MSFBOType != fMSFBOType &&
    172                kES_IMG_MsToTexture_MSFBOType != fMSFBOType &&
    173                kES_EXT_MsToTexture_MSFBOType != fMSFBOType;
    174     }
    176     /**
    177      * Is the MSAA FBO extension one where the texture is multisampled when bound to an FBO and
    178      * then implicitly resolved when read.
    179      */
    180     bool usesImplicitMSAAResolve() const {
    181         return kES_IMG_MsToTexture_MSFBOType == fMSFBOType ||
    182                kES_EXT_MsToTexture_MSFBOType == fMSFBOType;
    183     }
    185     /**
    186      * Reports the type of coverage sample AA support.
    187      */
    188     CoverageAAType coverageAAType() const { return fCoverageAAType; }
    190     /**
    191      * Chooses a supported coverage mode based on a desired sample count. The
    192      * desired sample count is rounded up the next supported coverage sample
    193      * count unless a it is larger than the max in which case it is rounded
    194      * down. Once a coverage sample count is decided, the supported mode with
    195      * the fewest color samples is chosen.
    196      */
    197     const MSAACoverageMode& getMSAACoverageMode(int desiredSampleCount) const;
    199     FBFetchType fbFetchType() const { return fFBFetchType; }
    201     /**
    202      * Prints the caps info using GrPrintf.
    203      */
    204     virtual void print() const SK_OVERRIDE;
    206     /**
    207      * Gets an array of legal stencil formats. These formats are not guaranteed
    208      * to be supported by the driver but are legal GLenum names given the GL
    209      * version and extensions supported.
    210      */
    211     const SkTArray<StencilFormat, true>& stencilFormats() const {
    212         return fStencilFormats;
    213     }
    215     /// The maximum number of fragment uniform vectors (GLES has min. 16).
    216     int maxFragmentUniformVectors() const { return fMaxFragmentUniformVectors; }
    218     /// maximum number of attribute values per vertex
    219     int maxVertexAttributes() const { return fMaxVertexAttributes; }
    221     /// maximum number of texture units accessible in the fragment shader.
    222     int maxFragmentTextureUnits() const { return fMaxFragmentTextureUnits; }
    224     /// ES requires an extension to support RGBA8 in RenderBufferStorage
    225     bool rgba8RenderbufferSupport() const { return fRGBA8RenderbufferSupport; }
    227     /// Is GL_BGRA supported
    228     bool bgraFormatSupport() const { return fBGRAFormatSupport; }
    230     /**
    231      * Depending on the ES extensions present the BGRA external format may
    232      * correspond either a BGRA or RGBA internalFormat. On desktop GL it is
    233      * RGBA.
    234      */
    235     bool bgraIsInternalFormat() const { return fBGRAIsInternalFormat; }
    237     /// GL_ARB_texture_swizzle support
    238     bool textureSwizzleSupport() const { return fTextureSwizzleSupport; }
    240     /// Is there support for GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH
    241     bool unpackRowLengthSupport() const { return fUnpackRowLengthSupport; }
    243     /// Is there support for GL_UNPACK_FLIP_Y
    244     bool unpackFlipYSupport() const { return fUnpackFlipYSupport; }
    246     /// Is there support for GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH
    247     bool packRowLengthSupport() const { return fPackRowLengthSupport; }
    249     /// Is there support for GL_PACK_REVERSE_ROW_ORDER
    250     bool packFlipYSupport() const { return fPackFlipYSupport; }
    252     /// Is there support for texture parameter GL_TEXTURE_USAGE
    253     bool textureUsageSupport() const { return fTextureUsageSupport; }
    255     /// Is there support for glTexStorage
    256     bool texStorageSupport() const { return fTexStorageSupport; }
    258     /// Is there support for GL_RED and GL_R8
    259     bool textureRedSupport() const { return fTextureRedSupport; }
    261     /// Is GL_ARB_IMAGING supported
    262     bool imagingSupport() const { return fImagingSupport; }
    264     /// Is GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions supported?
    265     bool fragCoordConventionsSupport() const { return fFragCoordsConventionSupport; }
    267     /// Is there support for Vertex Array Objects?
    268     bool vertexArrayObjectSupport() const { return fVertexArrayObjectSupport; }
    270     /// Use indices or vertices in CPU arrays rather than VBOs for dynamic content.
    271     bool useNonVBOVertexAndIndexDynamicData() const {
    272         return fUseNonVBOVertexAndIndexDynamicData;
    273     }
    275     /// Does ReadPixels support the provided format/type combo?
    276     bool readPixelsSupported(const GrGLInterface* intf,
    277                              GrGLenum format,
    278                              GrGLenum type) const;
    280     bool isCoreProfile() const { return fIsCoreProfile; }
    282     /// Is there support for discarding the frame buffer
    283     bool discardFBSupport() const { return fDiscardFBSupport; }
    285 private:
    286     /**
    287      * Maintains a bit per GrPixelConfig. It is used to avoid redundantly
    288      * performing glCheckFrameBufferStatus for the same config.
    289      */
    290     struct VerifiedColorConfigs {
    291         VerifiedColorConfigs() {
    292             this->reset();
    293         }
    295         void reset() {
    296             for (int i = 0; i < kNumUints; ++i) {
    297                 fVerifiedColorConfigs[i] = 0;
    298             }
    299         }
    301         static const int kNumUints = (kGrPixelConfigCnt  + 31) / 32;
    302         uint32_t fVerifiedColorConfigs[kNumUints];
    304         void markVerified(GrPixelConfig config) {
    306                 return;
    307 #endif
    308             int u32Idx = config / 32;
    309             int bitIdx = config % 32;
    310             fVerifiedColorConfigs[u32Idx] |= 1 << bitIdx;
    311         }
    313         bool isVerified(GrPixelConfig config) const {
    315             return false;
    316 #endif
    317             int u32Idx = config / 32;
    318             int bitIdx = config % 32;
    319             return SkToBool(fVerifiedColorConfigs[u32Idx] & (1 << bitIdx));
    320         }
    321     };
    323     void initFSAASupport(const GrGLContextInfo& ctxInfo, const GrGLInterface* gli);
    324     void initStencilFormats(const GrGLContextInfo& ctxInfo);
    326     // tracks configs that have been verified to pass the FBO completeness when
    327     // used as a color attachment
    328     VerifiedColorConfigs fVerifiedColorConfigs;
    330     SkTArray<StencilFormat, true> fStencilFormats;
    331     // tracks configs that have been verified to pass the FBO completeness when
    332     // used as a color attachment when a particular stencil format is used
    333     // as a stencil attachment.
    334     SkTArray<VerifiedColorConfigs, true> fStencilVerifiedColorConfigs;
    336     int fMaxFragmentUniformVectors;
    337     int fMaxVertexAttributes;
    338     int fMaxFragmentTextureUnits;
    340     MSFBOType fMSFBOType;
    341     CoverageAAType fCoverageAAType;
    342     SkTDArray<MSAACoverageMode> fMSAACoverageModes;
    344     FBFetchType fFBFetchType;
    346     bool fRGBA8RenderbufferSupport : 1;
    347     bool fBGRAFormatSupport : 1;
    348     bool fBGRAIsInternalFormat : 1;
    349     bool fTextureSwizzleSupport : 1;
    350     bool fUnpackRowLengthSupport : 1;
    351     bool fUnpackFlipYSupport : 1;
    352     bool fPackRowLengthSupport : 1;
    353     bool fPackFlipYSupport : 1;
    354     bool fTextureUsageSupport : 1;
    355     bool fTexStorageSupport : 1;
    356     bool fTextureRedSupport : 1;
    357     bool fImagingSupport  : 1;
    358     bool fTwoFormatLimit : 1;
    359     bool fFragCoordsConventionSupport : 1;
    360     bool fVertexArrayObjectSupport : 1;
    361     bool fUseNonVBOVertexAndIndexDynamicData : 1;
    362     bool fIsCoreProfile : 1;
    363     bool fDiscardFBSupport : 1;
    365     typedef GrDrawTargetCaps INHERITED;
    366 };
    368 #endif